Censorship and Arrests in Wake of Christchurch Attack
Kit Knightly

Image source here.
No matter the source of the violence, no matter the politics or casualties or the location, it seems the reaction of governments in the face of “terrorism” is virtually always the same – clamp down, hard, on individual rights.
This grand tradition goes back hundreds of years, from James I’s crackdown on Catholics after the Gunpowder Plot, through to the despot’s charter that is the Patriot Act, passed within six weeks of 9/11. Just last year, famously, gab.com was heavily targeted in the wake of the “Magabomber” (fake) bombings. (Our article predicted that further purges were on the horizon).
The pattern is established: The state will always – ALWAYS – use a crisis, real or invented, to enhance their power. Most of the time this is done at the cost of individual liberty.
The Christchurch mosque shootings are proving no exception to this rule. NZ police are currently threatening people with 10 years in prison for sharing the live-streamed footage, and other punishments just for owning a copy of the recording. RT reports [our emphasis]:
Video footage of killer Brenton Tarrant’s shooting spree at a Christchurch mosque on Friday – which left 50 worshippers dead – was pulled from Facebook immediately after the massacre. With the footage proliferating on several hosting platforms afterwards, the Kiwi authorities have already charged an 18-year-old man for sharing the video, as well as for posting other “objectionable” comments days before the shooting.
The teenager faces up to ten years in prison, under New Zealand’s ‘objectionable and restricted material’ laws. Police have meanwhile issued an overt threat to anyone else looking for the video.
This crackdown is, simply put, crazy. You can’t charge people for owning a copy of a video that was live-streamed over the internet to millions of people, and you certainly can’t make it illegal to even watch the video. (Further, we as a people, must strongly resist the idea that being “objectionable” could ever be considered a crime. That is insane.)
In 2014 the Metropolitan police suggested the same thing of the ISIS video where James Foley is apparently beheaded. (That was dismissed as ridiculous by a lawyer in this article).
(NOTE: Why some violent videos are deemed “criminal” to even watch, and others aren’t, is an interesting question. Is it just control for control’s sake? Or something more sinister?)
Of course not a shooting goes by in the US that doesn’t result in an outraged chorus of people railing against the 2nd amendment, demanding their government take the dramatic step of removing civilian ownership of guns. (This is somewhat quieter under Trump, because not even the liberal establishment can seriously insist Trump is a fascist on the one-hand, and then insist he take away civilian guns with the other. They do their best though.)
New Zealand are already “tightening” their gun ownership laws.
But New Zealand are going further even than that – blocking sites and services that have literally no connection to the video – they are just alternative.
8chan is where the alleged gunman made his “announcement”, but 4chan was not involved. Both are banned in both Australia and New Zealand. Alternative video hosting sites Liveleak and BitChute have both been blocked, despite neither hosting the video. LiveLeak even released a statement saying they refused to host it. Dissenters, gab’s discussion platform, was also blocked. They have no connection to the arrested man, or the crime itself.
Even ZeroHedge are apparently blocked – their crime? Posting excerpts from the shooter’s “manifesto”.
Of course many publications posted some small sections of that document. None of the mainstream outlets have been blocked. Facebook live-streamed the video – Facebook isn’t blocked. These “crackdowns” on the internet never hurt the internet giants, they are directed solely at the fringe.
This mirrors last year’s “Magabomber”/synagogue shooting cases exactly – where the alleged bomber had a twitter account and a the shooter a gab account – but only gab was shutdown and blocked.
We don’t know all the facts of the terrorist attack – whether it really was a lone lunatic, or another example of state-backed terror – there’s no knowing exactly what happened yet. But whatever proves to be the case, there is absolutely no denying that the NZ government is already using it as excuse to overreach and shut down dissent and free speech on the internet.
This will spread. Parliament and congress and all the others will come together to demand “action” from internet giants, and google will further fix their algorithm to push mainstream outlets to the front, and sideline the alternative. Facebook and twitter will increasingly shadowban or quarantine pages – putting up bulkheads to prevent information flowing to the wrong places.
“Hate speech” will become a “crime” punishable by being denied access to the internet, or fined huge amounts of money…the exact legal definition of this “hate speech” will be fuzzy and vague. Shifting to meet government needs.
There will come a time when even columns like this one, commenting on the increasingly authoritarian attitude of Western governments, will be deemed unacceptable and removed for “stoking dissent” or “promoting conspiracy theories”.
Increasing awareness and encouraging protest are the only ways we can stop that from happening.
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It should be fairly clear to anyone with half a brain that the reason the NZ government did not want locals to view the footage was because anyone living in Christchurch could have followed the footage (on the ground) and realised that the ‘official’ narrative of a lone shooter was contrived. There was obviously a cell involved in this incident as has been proven by multiple accounts of ‘multiple shooters’. The timelines don’t match – it was impossible for a lone shooter to have been in more than 1 location at the same time. Make of it what you will but the ‘official narrative’ stinks to high heaven. There’s a cover-up going on here. What is so difficult to understand?
OK, I’ll try again. In an earlier comment I made the categorical statement that this leaked footage proves incontrovertibly that Christchurch was a staged event. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=5NH44NNWADB8
Some demurred.
This time I ask that if you do not accept the footage as incontrovertible proof, you respond with two things:
1. A possible scenario for this footage to fit “real” event. I’m not asking you to prove the scenario, simply offer a possible scenario. It may be that you think there is a scenario where this footage is completely unconnected to the event. Fair enough. Whatever possible scenario you can come up with.
2. A single piece of evidence from the event that favours “real” over “staged”.
If you cannot provide the above two things and yet still do not accept that the leaked footage is incontrovertible proof, please explain why, in the absence of the above two items, you think there is justification in saying it is not incontrovertible proof.
1) It seems clear to me this was a false flag operation. The amount of red flags surrounding this event is simply overwhelming.
2) Did people get killed? That is obviously a sensitive question. All I can say is that in the livestream video you can see a pile of dummies stacked up in the corner before the suspect even entered the room. Later on you can see that some of the dummies don’t have human heads. (The few that are not face-down.) (The list of anomalies from that video is a mile long but those mentioned stand out.)
The MO is always the same, Frank. Always the same. They have no reason to kill people and every reason not to: the loved ones as well as their many collaborators. They only kill people when they really want to (assassinations and clandestine operations killing certain targets) and obviously they have no care about the soldiers they send to war or the thousands of civilians their soldiers kill.
I just watched a video on flower arranging through the eyes of someone on on LSD – was an interesting fun fest of abnormal fantasticality. Then I watched some clips of this Christchurch offensive…and found that it was also, an interesting fun fest of abnormal fantasticality…..conclusion being, that to believe it – one would need to be travelling high on a purple haze bus heading for the California Sunshine – which is eminently possible – even if lawfully prescribed.
Earlier today, I saw a polite request from the New Zealand Police, to a website, who’s name I can’t quite remember, who the NZ Police naturally assumed was based in New Zealand because of their name. The request asked, for all information, including users IP addresses, of anyone who had viewed the video of this Terrorist Attack, or even discussed it.
The request was not so politely declined, in fact I found it rather funny….
The content of the reply ran along the lines…We have absolutely no connection whatsoever to do with New Zealand, and no, we will not comply with your request. It then got a little bit more abusive..like you are just a tiny little island in the South Pacific, where nothing ever happens, and you will be famous for this for the next 10 years ..Sorry about that, but no we will not give you our user’s details, and you cannot shut down the Internet across the World from New Zealand.
I personally, have not seen the full video of this terrorist attack, and do not know if it was real or faked, or both real and faked. The terrorists who do such things, have absolutely no problems with killing innocent people. Whether they did or not on this occasion, I simply do not know. I haven’t seen the evidence.
Well Tony, I guess whether people were killed or not and by who is up to the courts to decide, or rather the jury, made up of 12 NZers
The murderer (like Jacinda I can’t bear to say his name)posted regularly airing his far right views on the website Kiwi Farms….a website based in the US nothing to do with NZ
read the link ….nice people
The NZ police would not be doing their job if they didnt seek out all evidence
I also declined to watch the live streamed Facebook filming of the murders. I’ve never been a fan of snuff movies.
I’ve always been grateful for sites like Offguardian, for their alternate points of view, but I’m afraid credibility has been tarnished by the mass neurosis and hysteria I’m seeing in the comments. These people are my fellow travellers?
I think not .
Hows this for a conspiracy?
Important alternate news blogs are infiltrated by commenters clearly lacking critical thought , who believe all atrocities are staged , all videos are faked, debates quickly descend to ad hominem attacks and vile insults.Inquiring minds leave the site disappointed at the lack of intelligent engagement.Job done.
For the record, the majority of NZ ers applaud the new gun laws, the efforts of the US NRA to lobby against them are viewed with contempt
commenters clearly lacking critical thought
I guess I didn’t get the latest Newspeak memo. Swallowing wholesale the mainstream narrative… is that what you mean with critical thinking?
Refusing to believe what your eyes tell you… what do you call that?
Never mind, you refuse to even look at the evidence.
For the record, the majority of NZ ers applaud the new gun laws
For the record, the majority of NZ ers are brainwashed.
@ barovsky (from below)
This is what I was referring to, the pile of dummies in the corner.
From the 5-minute mark:
(I don’t agree with all his points, the disappearing bullets could be due to video compression. And there is a ton more wrong with the livestream video than addressed here. Suspect used multiple weapons, went in, did some shooting, then went back to his car to get another gun and went back in to do some more shooting. (Linked video does not show the whole livestream video btw.) I believe the first gun was blanks, only the last gun was real (or rubber bullets or something). Combination of dummies and crisis actors. I would have to do my own video breakdown to explain it all in one go and don’t feel like linking to a truckload of videos to explain the whole thing. The quality of what’s out there is very low unfortunately and plain wrong on lots of stuff, very mixed bag.)
Okay, I watched the clip and it does look artificial, at least the section he selected but how do we know that its a record of the actual shooting? There are 50 dead people to accounted for. For you to be correct, an awful lot of people have to be involved. and frankly, how do we know that the video was actually shot in the mosque/s? It could have been virtual, it looks virtual.
The real question is who is behind this event, whether real or not? Is this why (the govt) tried to ban video? But if so, why didn’t Facebook stop it immediately? There must be 1000s of copies, all over the place and it will keep popping til the end of the Internet.
And if a fake, what’s the purpose of it? Sure, greater repression but this has been going on ever since 9/11. Okay, some weapons get banned. Big deal. Lots of questions.
On comparing the two videos I’ve watched, it’s obvious that the one you referred to (https://www.bitchute.com/video/VRRZI8Pre7oa/), is a fake. It looks nothing like the first one. It’s phony.
One more thing I hads no problem getting into 8chan without a vpn just now as I did on Friday & Tuesday when I wanted to read the little creep’s rantings. I use xtra nz prolly the biggest isp in Aotearoa, so I dunna wot this chap is on about. I cannot access any the links on the creep’s thread but 1) I don’t get off on violence pr0n and 2) that seems fair enough, not like face book who are slicing and dicing discussions on this topic and that is beyond the pale cos censoring nazis doesn’t stop em, it makes em even more crazed.
I don’t disagree that watching the Ardern neolib milk this for political points is sickening. As was the police decision to close down all mosques indefinitely ‘to protect the people’ and it was only because of pressure from citizens the government over-ruled that as I reckon the security services were concerned their top little earner ‘the muslim threat’ could go down the drain so they told the ninny minister of police that opening the mosques would allow a revenge conspiracy to be drawn up by the hajis or what ever derogation they use.
That said tho, this attack definitely happened.
One of the best & worst things about Aotearoa is that there are only a couple of degrees of separation between the people. The french spooks learned that the hard way 30 years ago in the Rainbow warrior murder. The next morning before the frog men and women could get out kiwis were dobbing them in from sightings up and down the country.
A big conspiracy is simply impossible, I know this horror happened because I just spent the weekend supporting a young family member who had moved down to the south island to ChCh a few weeks ago. The slaughter took place in a mosque opposite my young cousin’s place of work. The entire office saw everything from their 3rd floor window and were a distraught mess, particularly my cuzz who is unwhite and was already a tad nervous about ChCh’s reputatiion for violent racism.
So don’t be telling me it didn’t happen I have known loved and trusted my cuzz since his/her birth. No lies there, just shock & horror.
Anyone who says any different is a sad sicko incapable of telling shit from clay, or worse a desperate astroturfer copping a pittance from the arms industry.
This horror happened and the creep who did it was the son of a psychopathic screw at Grafton gaol, it had the reputation of having the most vicious screws of any prison in Oz. The NSW crims who run the government outta the bearpit grew so tired of the constant criticism of the joint by assorted royal commissions that they closed it down.
Here was what the Nagle Royal Commission said:
“It is the view of the Commission that every prison officer who served at Grafton during the time it was used as a gaol for intractables must have known of its brutal regime. The majority of them, if not all, would have taken part in the illegal assaults on prisoners. In some instances, the beatings began even before the security belt and handcuffs were removed. The beatings were usually administered by three or four officers wielding rubber batons. The prisoner was taken into a yard, ordered to strip, searched, and then the biff began. The word biff by no means describes the brutal beating which ensued. A former prison officer, Mr J.J. Pettit, described it: sometimes three, four or five of them would assault the prisoner with their batons to a condition of semi-consciousness. On occasions the prisoner urinates, and his nervous system ceases to function normally’. If most of the prisoners are to be believed, the officers had no compunction about beating them around their backs and heads; nor were they averse to kicking them when they were on the ground. They invariably abused them while they were hitting them, calling them ‘bastards’, ‘cunts’ and other abusive names. Sometimes they threatened to kill them.”
The report on the inquiry into aboriginal deaths in custody released during the years of the hawke neolib govt singled out Grafton for its racism and disproportionate number of indigenous deaths in custody..
The people of Grafton came across ropeable about the closure cos prison screw is the only job in that redneck ville so the libs built a privatised prison there. Get the nazis off their backs and be able to say “You’ll hafta talk to the corporation about that, here’s our contract with them.”
This is where that wannabe fascist came from.
I don’t think anyone can deny that people are killed in a false flag psyop. That’s the idea.. to terrorise people into accepting anything the Government wants to strangle them with. But the FACT is that at the same as the FF, DRILLS are being held, just to confuse the narrative, on the pretext that is to train first responders how to cope in a genuine attack? Like there ever has been one by the Muslim nations???
Imagine how the poor Muslim ‘actors’ are now feeling?
Exactly the same as those who were set up as the 7/7 bombers.
If you feel like a good bit of research, look up ”77 The Ripple Effect.”
I most certainly would deny that people are killed in false-flag operations. Of all the events I’ve studied so far the evidence points to no death or injury including 9/11, 1980 Bologna station bombing and even Pearl Harbour. OK, so I’ve only had a little look at Pearl Harbour but in every image I can find there is no evidence of real death or injury and I’ve found an unbelievable story similar to the 9/11 Miracle Survivor stories, eg, a seaman inches his way across a rope, suffers 70% burns to his body, witnesses the flesh falling off his bones, loses part of an ear (of which no evidence in imagery), stays in hospital for a year, is discharged and yet re-enlists to fight in 5 crucial invasions. They always TELL you they’re hoaxing you but I was amazed they did it even for PH.
Read Donald’s story above a couple of times and see if you don’t start laughing.
Funny how every time one of these events is discussed somebody comes out of the woodwork claiming “it really happened because I knew somebody who died”. No evidence of anything of course. And calling everybody not on board with the official story “sickos”, very typical, playing on emotions.
The livestream video proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the event was staged. Period.
(Or did you miss the pile of dummies lying in the corner before the suspect entered the room? And there are a million more abnormalities from that video.)
Watch it. You think I made it up? It’s on video.
I did and it’s still bollocks.
Ok then you are either blind or lying.
To expand, a little. The video is framed in such a way that key events are simply not recorded. We see the beginning of, for example, a close-up of an injury, but instead of lingering, there’s a cut or a swing away. The end product, is that as I said before, you make whatever you want of it and I think that was the intent. Why for example, are there on speech, no talking to anyone? I think the vid has been carefully edited to be vague enough for ANY interpretation to be made, so those who think it’s a false flag and those who think its real, using exactly the same ‘evidence’, come to diametrically opposed conclusions.
The Boston Bombing that I referred to here, somewhere here, is by contrast, very specific in showing ‘real’ injuries, with technicolour blood, a guy looking rather disinterested, with only the stick of his thigh bone showing. As the author says, ‘clearly staged carnage’.
My brother made doccies for the BBC for years and I sat in on one edit that he did on the NHS (this is back in the 1970s) that he was doing, where he interviewed a patient in his bed. Then he showed some different edits of exactly the same interview. Each told a completely different story. I rest my case.
PS: I’d like to add that we need to have more information, more real evidence before arriving at yor conclusion, that it was staged. By itself this video proves nothing, one way or the other.
And if staged, by whom if not a neo-fascist?
Frank, you fucking idjit. I mean it how dare you try to say I am a liar. You know nothing. This stupid inability to sort the wheat from the chaff and make sensible determinations about reality is exactly why the left has been stuck in a narrowing cul de sac since 1990. Have you ever lived in Aotearoa and interacted with the people? There is simply no way such a huge conspiracy could be mounted in a society where people are so closely involved with each other. I live 100 clics north of ChCh and when I went into my local town to buy shit on Tuesday I spoke to other people who had also been rooted by the proximity of this slaughter to them. This is no sitting on yer arse in Mum’s basement tossage, there is a world where things actually happen this happened and the nonsense about blanks is exactly that, nonsense. Dropkick.
Use yer head and stop falling for the lies of the gun makers, that is the real conspiracy. I have absolutely no motive for bullshitting anyone about this, you on the other hand could be some lame astroturfer on two quid a post trying to destroy rational dialectic for the forces of oppression.
I grew up in ChCh , I have family there .These dimwits must live in some sort of godawful bubble if they believe some monstrous fakery can take place in ChCh. Double so after the earthquakes.People are close
You litany of insults must mean you are right.
For anyone else reading this: watch that documentary “The Lobby – USA”, it shows how they monitor social media and blogs to send their trolls for damage control. Point is that this kind of sockpuppetry is documented fact.
So far there is no “official” story, it takes time to understand whats happened and how.
The media stories are largely from eye witnesses, as in the guy who filmed the takedown of the murderer on Brougham street,people who saw the dead body outside the mosque and first responders who described the river of blood, and social media chatter from people who viewed the live streaming from the shooters go pro camera.
Put up some proof yourself dimwits, that this is a fake
A NZ friend of mine knows someone whose child died in Christchurch, I know a child who was in the same class as the little Australian boy who died in Barcelona and a friend near Manchester knows the parents of a child who goes to school with a child whose mother died in Manchester. So yes we can know someone who “died” or know someone who knows someone who “died” – it’s just that they didn’t actually die. They packed up and moved elsewhere.
In the case of the youngest child to die in Manchester, Saffie Roussos, for example, we are told that the family was selling off their chippie because Saffie’s mother was made wheelchair-bound by the bombing. Now I wonder where they were selling up for? A nice little Greek island perhaps?
The people who rule over us don’t care that much about a few sacrificial victims.
People like Litvinenko, Nemtsov and others who have outlived their usefulness may still have some residual value as pawns and martyrs in a propaganda stunt.
In some cases it is “highly likely” to coin a phrase, that nobody was actually killed, like the “murdered Jews” killed in “terrorist incidents” in France, supposedly flown out to Israel for immediate burial without post mortems.
Hi Urekismet,
I read your post and I found it convincing. But anyway I went to check on Maps to confirm that there is some 3-story office building across the road from the Mosque.
“The slaughter took place in a mosque opposite my young cousin’s place of work. The entire office saw everything from their 3rd floor window ”
I was disturbed to find that the mosque is on a main road across from a park, and there appear to be only 1- and 2-story buildings nearby. (Have a look for yourself, everyone: Masjid Al Noor mosque Christchurch)
Please don’t be offended, but could you please give some more precise details as to the location of this 3-story office building “across the road”.
If you can clarify, I’m sure that will help to put the issue to bed with many people.
If you are unable to, then unfortunately your claim will be used by others as evidence of narrative control, and I know that’s not what you want.
I dont know what you call 1 or 2 story buildings over there but in ChCh they strongly resemble those in the linked photo
OK after I saw the somewhat imo obscene other reaction to my post, I saw your post, I tried to ring my cuzz as this is not my story, the story is my cousin’s and I probably shouldn’t have posted it as I had come into the thread to talk about the grafton prison side of this creepy midget’s upbringing, then saw the posts claiming this slaughter was all a put up by crisis actors and I saw red as I had been talking shit through with my cousin over the weekend and was incensed that anyone could dismiss this horror despite possessing no watchamacallit – facts.
So this morning I rang my cuzz got no answer then rang my cousin’s father.
Two things are apposite – one; we only discussed the grim scene my cousin witnessed in general terms as I’m not a big believer in people unloading every last detail of a traumatic event. The other is that I am very well aware of the reality we live in so when I posted what my cousin had seen I was a little creative with precise positions as any nutter can look up anywhere on google earth and harass someone. I am not accusing you of that Deltaeus, far from it, but I have no faith that people twisted enough as the other poster won’t think twice about tracking down a human dealing with PTSD and make matters worse by haranguing them, ringing their boss, anything, so I did not describe my cousin’s position accurately.
FACT: My cousin was located within 200 meters of the mosque and got to see far too much.
Believe that or not as you choose. I repeat I am not lying and when I discussed this with my cousin’s father, he was open to being more specific than I am ‘as long as we don’t mention names’ but sometimes parents take their role as ‘family head’ too far I reckon. The reason I was spending time on the phone with my cousin of the weekend was because of isolation.
My cousin and partner are new to the South Island and they shifted here because my cousin’s partner is only a couple or so of years out of med school and needs to do one more 12 month hospital residency before applying for training in a specialty. A position came up in ChCh so the shift
The partner didn’t make it home all weekend as everyone was snowed under trying to put these poor bloody kiwis back together again.
The young woman the couple have employed to look after the kids while their parents are at work was very new to Aotearoa let alone ChCh, and understandably spun out all day saturday and sunday as she has to pick the children up from their kōhanga reo ( te reo[Maori language] immersion pre-school) the kids attend a few times a week and found herself driving the mokopuna in the middle of ambulances & police cars and she spun out, so pulled over until someone could be found to drive all three kids home.
Imagine a whanau where everyone, bar the kids, who remained thankfully oblivious thru it all, is totally spun out. My cousin’s partner had never treated any gunshot wound before but now there was a queue of gunshot victims to be triaged then treated. Bolod and tears everywhere. Yep there were many staff on duty after all the others were called in, but it was still a horror show, this was no pretense.
I could go on but I’ve decided this is pointless as even if some of these ning-nongs were physically thrown into the butchery, they would still deny because of pride, ego-investment combined with a refusal to engage with the world unless that world was in 100% alignment with their neurosis.
In other words it doesn’t matter what I say & I am already feeling as though I am cheapening part of my whanau’s ( see https://teara.govt.nz/en/whanau-maori-and-family/page-1 ) real reaction to a horror show just to prove a point to people who flatly refuse to hear anything they don’t want to.
I appreciate your position and desire to prove the truth of what I say but the cost of definitive 100% ironclad truth even if it were possible, is simply too high. I should have restrained myself and allowed the dingbats to spread their poison uninterrupted.
I have already departed one humanist blog recently because of the blanket refusal of some participants to allow facts to get in the way of their arcane assertions, especially if it calls into question their personal conception of who/where it is that always wears a white hat (hat not helmet, so unrelated to takfiri) .
No politician can ever be deemed non-complicit, so I understand why people question stuff, but doing that without taking any interest in what normal humans have witnessed lest it destroy a delusion, is insanity.
Totally appreciate what you’re saying.
And I do understand why so many refuse to believe anything any more, but like you , I know what NZ is like, and particularly ChCh after all the suffering they’ve had.
You just could not get away with the level of fakery commenters are asserting .
And I think Facebook has a lot to answer, allowing mass murder porn to be live streamed, nobody should become voyeurs on fellow citizens being murdered.
The internet hasn’t brought us all together, if anything we’ve become more tribal and insane in some weird post modern way
Thanks for taking the time to reply. It really helps to put things to bed.
Thanks also to Reenmac.
And I know you know I wasn’t asking for private info. I hope your cousin gets over this tragedy soon.
Take care
What would you call a house or business, with a basement, ground, first & second floor,
& a Flat Roof Terrace with Decking & Pagoda ?
A property developer could spin that into FIVE floors, legitimately no problem 😉
(Just a thought)
I’m with you mate, I’m a kiwi although long time Australian resident. I attended Hagley High for three years, one of my brothers lives in Christchurch. Unfortunately this thread has descended into a festival for absolute fucking nutcase conspiracy fantasists without addressing in any meaningful way the article which is about the rights and wrongs of censorship. I’ve already posted on here my thoughts on that. While I generally oppose censorship in this case what we are discussing is a “right” to show and watch over and over again the murder of other people’s loved ones and my fellow citizens. The question I put earlier is this: if it was your loved ones being murdered would you be ok with endless graphic replays? Anyone answering yes I simply call a liar. By the way, for the prick who calls NZ insignificant here are just a couple of significant events; first country to grant true universal suffrage, first person to split the atom(Ernest Rutherford) telling the yanks to take their nuclear toys and fuck off, sending a Navy frigate to Mururoa Atoll with a Maori cabinet minister aboard (Mathieu Rata) to prevent a French nuclear test.
The dire consequences of immigrationist globalisation, imposed on the population of the world by terror, censorship, brain washing and the suppression of any kind of opposition, forces the oligarchies that organised immigrationism to seek more extreme censorship and repression. The protection of mass uncontrolled migration, that is, of institutionalised ‘scabery’ and extreme unfair competition between the workers of the world, by its own nature, prevents the application of measures that address the real causes of terror, ethnic and religious confrontations, real mechanisms of competition, and only leaves more oppression and tyranny for the consolidation of the exploiter’s globalist gains. New Zealand has been globalised and Jacinda is the teddy bear image of a competition imposed by terror.
I make a categorical statement. This video of people in a mosque (not sure which one), some of whom have blood on them, moving around and lying on the floor proves without any shadow of doubt that Christchurch is, as part of a very long continuum, a staged event. If anyone thinks that what’s going on this video can fit real event please say why in the comments.
I looked at the video and it’s possible to draw almost any conclusion from it, if you try hard enough, so by itself it’s not proof of anything, one way or the other.
Some guy is walking around. Then he decides to lie down next to another “victim”. Explain.
No bullet holes in the walls. “Victims” lying down busy on their cellphone. A bunch of people just randomly walking around making no effort in helping anyone. The whole scene looks extremely unrealistic, especially if you watch it without sound, the loud crying is what engages your emotions and prevents you from thinking clearly.
That’s your interpretation, but not mine. And who recorded it? Where’s the attribution? What of eye witness reports attesting to the shootings? Yes, I know staged events do take place eg the Boston bombing: https://wp.me/paao7Q-gBU false flags but is this one of them?
My question was how could it fit real event? I’m wondering what possible explanation there could be to fit real event. I think we can say that it fits perfectly with staged, however, my mind becomes a blank when I try to think of even a possibility of how it could fit real. What would be even a possible explanation?
As others have said earlier on this thread, we cannot confirm the origins of this video or what it purports to be at source. But I have to say that there seem to be a few individuals walking around smiling and inordinately focused on their phones; a bit odd if we are to believe it shows the aftermath of the Christchurch shootings. And I noted the scene towards the end where two young blokes are lying prone on the floor clutching each other (presumably ‘injured’) but they are smiling and taking a selfie! There is one point as well where one of the victims sitting on the floor is clearly intently watching a specific individual as he walks by. Ok he could be dazed and in shock from the events, but equally it could be interpreted as someone looking at the ‘director’ as if wondering what he should do next. I can see little ‘rhyme or reason’ for staging an event on this scale in New Zealand but the footage does look unnatural if it is indeed supposedly genuinely from Christchurch.
And when you ADD it to all the other information that supports “staged” it is virtually impossible not to call this out as staged, is it? If, for example, there were evidence supporting “real” perhaps we could find a way to explain this exceedingly anomalous footage for a real event. Alas! No evidence tending to support “real” is presented to us – it all points the other way. I think, on the basis of all the evidence available, – and there is a great deal – not to call this out as a staged event means that you’re not being entirely reasonable.
Western leaders are quick to talk of terrorists but nobody radicalised more people than Bush and Blair, and nobody alive has killed more people, either. If the Christchurch attack really happened like they say it did, it was committed by a white man poisoned by the hate-speech of our politicians and encouraged by the hate-sheets that call themselves newspapers. All so western corporations can steal Arab oil.
The Global War on Terror is armed robbery and murder on an international in scale. Nothing less.
Right On!
Yes Its as if the last 16 odd years of blaming and normalizing violence against Muslims have paled from the collective memory of the media. All the mass murder forgotten. All the years of trickle feeding lies and fomenting racial mistrust. They’ve all washed there hands, so all is clean now. Nothing to do with them.
I am open to criticism and so down voting me is of course fine. I just ask, in case my comment is being misunderstood. My comment was in agreement to the above post by Micheal McNulty. Bush and Blair did deliberately lie and mislead, on a pretext for war and the slaughter of innocent people in Iraq Afghanistan leading to a mind set that enabled wars in Libya and Syria. The media certainly have been complicit in this and this same media has invested a lot of time and effort polluting the air waves stirring up racial tensions over the last 16+ years. Sowing seeds of hate and doubt. All as part of the agenda to justify wars and mass murder. All the media focus on radicalized Muslims, faith schools and terrorism . All this paranoia was deliberately stirred up against Muslims by the media and this has very sadly opened the door to a rise in ignorance, racism and violence against innocence and against what is a religion of peace. All of this was done to serve a purpose and to justify war for profit and oil. Now suddenly this same media act as if they are innocent. For gods sake we are all sisters and all brothers. We all need to find peace.
Not that I have read a lot of analysis recently, but I haven’t noticed anyone mention the fact that New Zealand is one the favoured spots for billionaires to buy their bunkered hide aways.
It is possible that the problem-reaction-solution of tightened gun law restrictions could be tied to the fact that when the shit really hits the fan in about five years time, the global elite don’t want to hunker down on an island with a load of assault rifles lying around.
Bush is so well known, he’s opted for Pategonia, with massive water reserves reserved on his bolthole stretch of ranch land.
ole’ ‘poppy’ Bush, learnt him good !
Probably has a nuke or two stashed away, too: for tactical limited strike, like WTC 7 😉
Bunker down, crank 🙂 start stocking up . . .
That’s not a half-bad theory you have there. I must admit I used to think these elite types driving the world towards global conflict were acting out of gross stupidity who can’t look beyond the end of their nose. But maybe this is an example of forward planning for a quiet life. Perhaps in the near future we might see a new T.V series with Nicki Chapman – ‘Wanted Bunker’ (Down Under) cheaper bunkers for aspiring UK professionals and their families.
@ crank – Get real. It’s not about that.
Gun grab, censorship, repression, divide and conquer. Those are the useful surface level motivations. The real reason beyond that will probably be too much for you to believe.
But the first step is to be able to accept that something is not right. How many false flag events or terror events do you need? This is not the first.
Tune out the mainstream media blablabla and look at the evidence, think logically and critically. If something does not add up, if something does not make any sense, don’t start doing mental gymnastics to explain it away so that you feel “comfortable”. If something does not make sense it means… that it does not make sense, and another explanation is needed.
This is a “must see” presentation by Christpher Bollyn, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuOsiMVlMBw, examining the histroy of terrorism, mainly in relation to 9/11. There has been a lot of talk about 9/11 on the thread and terrorism in general so I think this is something many will find interesting and compelling as it covers both
My 2d post in the comments section, funnily enough on censorship, because i’m not sure my first comment was published ;-/ it certainly never appeared the day or day after I posted it.
Anyhow, I’ve been reading all over the web about how fake the NZ terrorist massacre was. Firstly I have to say I haven’t seen the video, because i don’t want to see the video! Secondly Amateurish video analysis by paranoid obsessives about the deep state, is deeply disrespectful to those that may have suffered loss of loved ones in terror attacks.
My heartfelt sympathy is with anyone who has lost someone they love in NZ mosque shootings. I think its important out of respect for those grieving, that we self-discipline our right to free speech. Lets assume for the sake of those affected that the mosque massacres are real events (whether or not they are false flag or not). The video will most certainly be evidence in any future judicial proceedings! Its hardly conducive to justice if everyone & his aunty has offered their opinion on its validity..
So yes regulation to prevent dissemination of the evidence is quite reasonable in the short term. However I have always maintained their is nothing more terrifying than state violence & threatening people with kidnap & being held in incarceration for ten years has to be one of the most horrific acts of terror imaginable & its not OK because its claimed to be “for our own good”.
I’m absolutely against any form of censorship against free speech where the authorities use violence to combat sometimes much lesser crimes. Human & civil rights of individuals should always come before state control.
The solution isnt which government is in power, because the problem is government, the system is absolutely corrupt! There is no fix without complete destruction of the current system. The people ultimately responsible for the rise in terrorism (fake or real) is the politicians, they’ve caused the mess society is in today! So its naive to think they can fix it.
Liberals are the greatest threat to all life on earth (my perspective is the disappearing natural world).
Congrats Kit you’ve provided an outlet for the “fake news” nutters and their idiotic ramblings. Some of the people on here a clearly not mentally well, you shouldn’t feed their psychoses.
I assume you’re included in this description? Perhaps at the top of the list.
Kit Knightly has not expressed an opinion with regards to whether or not, he thinks this Terrorist Attack was a real event, or a staged event for propaganda purposes. He has merely written about the effects of this Terrorist Attack with regards to “Censorship and Arrests”.
He probably doesn’t know, or even care that much, whether or not another 50 innocent people were killed in yet another Terrorist Attack. He almost certainly doesn’t know any of the people involved, and neither do I. If either of us did know, we would both care a great deal.
The main problem we face, is that no one really cares that much, to stop our Western Governments invading other countries, that pose no threat to us whatsoever, and killing Millions of innocent people in Terrorist Attacks, that we don’t personally know.
The RAF pilot dropping bombs on innocent people in countries such as Iraq and Libya and Syria, probably doesn’t care either about his involvement in his Terrorist Attacks, dropping an extremely large number of bombs. Neither do the people, some of who’m I do know, who develop the bombs and war machines, that enable such atrocities (some of them developed a conscience and resigned)
So what exactly is your point?
I don’t know if this latest terrorist attack was real or faked. I assumed it was real, and it may well be. There are however some videos purported to be of this Terrorist attack, that are most definitely faked. It is entirely possible that there is no connection whatsoever to the actual event, and that the videos were faked, for other propaganda purposes.
To deny the existence of such videos, may make you feel very much more comfortable. I assumed they did not exist, but they do. I don’t like watching such stuff, not just because of the fake blood supplied in spray cans, but because, I would like to think our governments, are not quite so completely powerful, and evil on a nearly worldwide basis, as much of the evidence suggests. I feel much more comfortable just believing, what The Guardian and the Government tells me, except that I know for a fact, that a lot of it is simply not true.
It may be too early to express an opinion.
We can only speculate and this is my speculation: Tarrant travelled the word for 8 years without working. Which network is so flush that they can pay for that and why? I believe that the so called security apparatus has the right extremists under surveillance, too, and Tarrant was a solo agent to sus them out. Then something happened that turned him rogue. All explanations of his past have been as unsatisfactory as those of the Las Vegas shooter Paddock.
The chain of information is incomplete and does not hold – at the moment.
Very plausible.
It is entirely possible that there is no connection whatsoever to the actual event, and that the videos were faked, for other propaganda purposes.
Sorry but that does not make any sense.
I would like to think our governments, are not quite so completely powerful
Stop thinking entire governments are involved. In fact, the government might not even be involved at all. (Police might be involved, but the police is not the government.)
It’s a cabal that is orchestrating these events, not “the government”.
This cabal might have government connections, but it’s not the same as “the government”.
(Governments might be corrupt down to the core, that’s another story, but that does not mean they are the orchestrators.)
I feel much more comfortable just believing, what The Guardian and the Government tells me
This is why so many people are unable to face up to the facts. It shatters their worldview. It makes them afraid. If you can’t trust the government, who can you trust?
The reality is that you would be just fine. The sky is not going to fall on your head if you admit to yourself that your government is corrupt. Even if you accept that there is a cabal doing atrocious things all over the world: nothing bad is going to happen to you personally, the world will just continue turning as it always has. Nobody is out to get you personally.
There is a reason they use fear and emotion: it shuts down critical thinking.
There is a reason why they use divide and conquer tactics (like in this case: white against muslim): it makes people fight among themselves instead of their oppressors.
People need to realize there is nothing to fear, that you don’t have to be obedient. They have a lot of power, but not that much.
I wondered how long it would take for the trolls to arrive?
Doesn’t work on this site Anti-propo..
Funny name for somebody who -presumably- supports the mainstream media, in other words, for somebody who supports propaganda.
Frank, I first experienced ‘flaming’ around 1983 when I first got into online journalism when I ran a BBS called New York Online. There are two ways to deal with it; one, you ban them but that requires a lot of time and effort, unless you do it Twitter or Facebook style. The other and best way in my opinion, is to ignore them. After all, why do they do it? To get attention. It’s not perfect of course, some people will feel they’ve singled out unjustly but hey, that’s the breaks, people here and elsewhere are not out for Pulitzer Prize, are they.
The other, related problem (and I’ve commented on this elsewhere), is the nature of the medium; it encourages scanning texts as opposed to actually reading the stuff. People scan because there’s so much of it and the ephemeral nature of the medium itself; easy come, easy go. People pounding away at the keyboard as opposed to sitting down and composing a letter, is so much easier and quicker and I think it’s ease and speed of it that does it. I read something, it evokes a response, I pound away and hey presto, instant ‘opinion’. Perhaps too, the anonymity of the medium is part of it.
I think James Petras essay on this horrific event is well worth reading, reposting:
One fact, that it took 36 minutes for the police to respond (police HQ is 5 minutes away from the Mosque) says it all.
The more important measurement is the distance to the nearest Masonic Lodge or doughnut shop.
I really don’t think this warrants a reply. I’m not even sure what it means. Maybe you need to get a life?
Relax Barovsky! I am replying because your photo is so cute. Coppers in the UK and in N/A are notorious for spending time in doughnut shops when they should be working, also it is well known in the UK that Mason’s very largely staff and control the constabulary.
Cop out! But yes, I was a cute baby and I think the days of the Masons are pretty much over. Donut shops? Maybe in NYC, they’re more likely to be seen in McDonalds these days.
Wishful thinking. You have no idea. And we were talking about Christchurch, not NYC.
@ George Cornell – Amazing how the cops always turn up for a photo op (toting their guns), exactly the same as the Novichuckle farce?
That’s just what the masons want you to think! [I hope I’m just kidding but who knows?]
“An employee of California Attorney General Kamala Harris was arrested for allegedly serving in a leadership role in the extrajudicial Masonic Fraternal Police Department, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.
Brandon Kiel, the deputy director of community affairs for California’s Justice Department, which Kamala Harris heads, is currently on administrative leave as he faces charges of impersonating a police officer.”
You’re wrong
It took 36 minutes for police to stop and arrest the guy.
Not bad going in my book
36 minutes to get there when they’re round the corner? I don’t think so.
For Gods sake The guy, and like our PM I cant bring myself to say his name ,was on the move. He’d done 2 mosques, the Deans Ave and Linwood mosques are about 5 minutes apart by road, and he was on the way to another along Brougham street when the cops rammed him and dragged him out. Ignoramus . 36 minutes to get on board with what was happening from a 111 call and catch the guy is pretty damned good. And for what its worth, most of us here in NZ dont want to watch a gruesome real life snuff movie that involves our own citizens.Zero Hedge is up and running, just not the killing spree video
Bloody arm chair know nothings are a waste of time.
Beheading videos by ISIS are fine? And nobody is forcing you to watch it.
Ever watch a Hollywood movie, or played a computer game? The extremely realistic psychopathic violence is wall to wall.
No no and fucking no
You violent creeps and armchair geniuses who know nothing about ChCh can watch that stuff all you like
Not me thanks
1) Stop calling me names.
2) You are missing the point.
This quote applies so perfectly to the everywhere-you-look fakery we are subject to.
“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat.
When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.”
Dresden James
People were slaughtered. Go away Flaxgirl and crawl back into your hole, you disinfo agent.
FS, I’m afraid, like many, you seem to be a person whose emotions get in the way of your ability to reason. I’m an evidenced-based person 100% and I’ve put up challenges that no one has been able to respond to. If you sincerely believe that death and injury were real on 9/11 then shouldn’t you show how wrong I am by responding to my challenge? If you’re not sufficiently passionate about your belief then please desist from your nonsense disparagements.
Whilst I disagree with you, on a few salient points, I agree with over 85% of the stuff that you write. Because I am somewhat intrigued with you, and also love the film that inspired you, I have been reading more of what you have written, including articles here. Please be careful. I have enormous respect for you. You are very brave. This film had over 3.5 Million views, the last time I saw it. I agree its Brilliant. He reminds me of my teacher at school in Lancashire – though he comes from just over the Pennines in Yorkshire. I hope Francis Richard Conolly is alive and well. He may be working on a follow-up.
Do you know Caitlin Johnstone? I suspect you might get on very well.
“JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick”
Keep an open mind Frank, not just an open mouth and take Dresden to heart. Otherwise you are precisely what he was talking about. If needed, look up Operation Northwoods and that was more than a half century ago.
Oh dear Frankly,
You have been had! Before decrying what others have written, please do yourself a favour and investigate for yourself.. instead of doing what you are told to keep you in ignorance and compliant like a good little sheep.
I have supplied ALL the links you need to understand the actual truth.
Compare this to Hard Core Henry
This next video is revealing. And will cause a dreadful backlash. At present we are all grieving for those genuinely killed and injured, and our feelings are running very high against the psychopathic monsters who are so hell bent on annihilating the brown people.
America is DESPERATE to invade Iran and get hold of their wealth and resources, and stop them joining forces with Syria. Russia and China, and are struggling to find enough gullible patsies to join them..
After seeing the next video there will be many sheep who become incensed with the trickery and deviousness, and will be wholeheartedly ON AMERICA’S TEAM.. in the fast approaching WW3… That is how stupid they think we are. And sad to say, people like you confirm their opinion?
Clearly, the ‘Crisis actors’ in these videos thought they were taking part in a DRILL.. exactly the same as The Woolwich attack on Lee Rigby, Sandy Hook, 7/7, and the Boston Bombing et all.
Who wouldn’t take part if they were told it would help their country and ensure safety for their communities by doing a ‘pantomime.’
You will need to turn the sound off because it is extremely irritating
Once this hits home. all the Islamaphobics are going to be UP IN ARMS, and begging the Americans and their allies to wipe out the ‘’b*st*rd lying Muslims’’
This was a CIA PSYOP – NEXT STOP IRAN. The US is having difficulty recruiting troops because their young people have had enough of perpetual wars against innocent brown people… So here is a new pool of naive, peace loving, gullible patsies. The New Zealanders. As I said, once it sinks in that ‘’Muslims’’ were in on this… the sh*t is going to hit the fan?
Special effects Boston Marathon
Strategic Services
Award winning role play actors and film makers specially #trained in disaster and crisis management.
We dramatize events for emerging security needs in the UK, Middle East and worldwide. Our specialist role play actors – many with SECURITY CLEARANCE – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed in criminal and victim behaviour to help police, the army and the emergency services, hospitals, schools, local authorities, government, private security firms, shopping centres, airports, big business, criminal justice departments, media and the military to simulate incident environments for life saving procedures.
We use state of the art British film industry techniques, props and special effects to help trainers deliver essential, hands-on, high octane crisis response and disaster management training. We also work with trainee doctors, psychologists and care professionals.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.—Voltaire”
“Patsies”? The New Zealanders are less likely as a people to reflexively join in the Amerikastani Empire’s ears of aggression than the Australians or Canadians, who merely ditched colonial status under the British Empire for colonial status under the Amerikastani one. They also have far fewer people and far lesser military capabilities. Also the government is not beholden, as in Australia, to a media baron whose publications have a de facto monopoly and are intrinsically racist. Therefore New Zealand is the *last* nation it would be profitable to use as “patsies”.
Yes, but people are expendable to this crew. 3,000 on 9/11.
I no longer analyse photographic evidence of terrorist events, as it takes too much time to do it properly, and it is also highly depressing. I was away and out of internet contact during this latest one, and until last night I assumed it was probably a real event, with real people killed. That may still be the case. I can’t prove that no one died. I did however, last night, accidentally come across some videos which were purported to be of the event, that were most definitely faked. That however does not prove that no one died, it merely makes it less probable. Photographic fakery even of videos is now endemic. Even 10 year old kids can do it. Real events can be made to look fake. We are being drowned with disinformation of all kinds. It is extremely hard to prove anything, unless you actually witnessed the event, and even if you did you would probably be terrified and assumed it was real and felt lucky to survive as you escaped.
Whilst I may be inclined to agree with you re this event, I completely disagree with you re 9/11, as I have personal knowledge of someone who was in one of the Twin Towers. She had not been told to leave the building before the event, and phoned the mother of her grandchildren, who my wife happenned to be childminding in London, whilst still in the building, almost certain, that she was going to die. She did in fact survive, but we didn’t know till 2 days later, because all forms of communication between London and New York were completely oversaturated. Irrespective of that, destroying 3 such enormous buildings, in such a highly densely populated area, is certain to cause significant death, unless the entire area had been completely cleared of everyone for a significant distance. This quite clearly didn’t happen, and the psyop couldn’t have worked if it had been.
Hi Tony, I have posted ALL the links for you in my last post.. so you don’t need to trawl the net. Just open them read and then repost and spread the truth..
I would be interested to know what you think happened on 911?
For a start the date… 911 = emergency. No one in America will EVER forget that.
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.”
– Thomas Pynchon, Jr.
“The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche,
Did you know that the 9/11 events were perpetrated on the world’s people to cover up high crimes and treason by American Cabals against their fellow citizens as well as to all people on the planet?
They murdered over 3.000 innocent people and left thousands more fighting for their lives with radiation induced diseases.
The 9/11 Commission Investigation was a complete farce run by Robert Mueller, the same person who ran the investigation on the BCCI scandal, the Iran-Contra criminal investigation, and the Noriega-CIA drug investigation. They followed no leads, investigated no banks or brokers, and the case was closed without looking at any evidence, with 28 pages of sealed testimony by Bush and Cheney remaining secret.
The evidence is overwhelming, and it is the patriotic duty of all citizens of the United States to know the horrific DEEP backstory of 9/11 and to demand that these criminals, no matter what illustrious their titles and positions, be put on trial—for the whole world to see.
If you are not a citizen of the U.S., you have also been violated by these criminals and need to demand that crimes against humanity be prosecuted in a world court.
The buildings were brought down by mini nukes. https://www.intellihub.com/use-micro-nukes-takedown-wtc-complex-911-different-eyes/
A remote control missile was used for effect to concentrate the eye on the top of the building.
The motive was many headed.The Insurance was real but was also a distraction…
There were Two Brinks trucks were at ground zero on Wednesday to start hauling away the $200 million in gold and silver that the Bank of Nova Scotia had stored in a vault under the trade centre… A team of 30 firefighters and police officers were helping to move the metals, a task that could be measured practically down to the flake but that was rounded off at 379,036 ounces of gold and 29,942,619 ounces of silver.
Rumsfeld disclosed that the Pentagon couldn’t account for how it spent the missing $6.5 trillion.” The day before 9/11…
The Pentagon was hit my a missile in the exact spot where the accountants and investigators were working?
I believe the missile was delivered by the C130 piloted by Lt Col Steve O’Brian who was ‘supposedly’ asked by air traffic control to observe Flight 77 as it crashed into the Pentagon earlier on (see 9.36 a.m. September 11, 2001). O’Brien tells Taylor that he saw smoke from the crash shortly after the hijacked plane went down.
In a rather strange twist, a Lt. Col. Steve O’Brien belatedly came forward to claim that the C-130 that purportedly flew over the Shanksville site after the alleged crash of Flight 93, was amazingly enough, the very same C-130 that half an hour earlier, had been seen flying over the Pentagon at the time of the alleged crash of Flight 77!
Building 7 was ”pulled” because it contained incriminating evidence about Clinton, the Mafia and The Bush family of criminals
Thanks. I had already seen some of the videos you posted last night from a link on Zerohedge.
9/11 hit me like a ton of bricks in early 2003. I told everyone I knew. They all thought I was mad, but some have since apologised, and now know, I was telling the truth. It caused me enormous grief, but I am not going to lie if asked. People believe what they want to, to stay in their comfort zone. I can’t change that.
Me too Tony. I could not believe that others couldn’t see it and took a lot of flack on the Amazon Discussion Forum, from one particular government troll calling himself Suetonius amongst other things. ..I would love to see the egg on his face now.
As with this New Zealand atrocity it was clearly a FALSE FLAG.
There is no doubt that the Christchurch Mosque Terror Attack was real. 50 people were killed and as many injured. One would be a real nutter and disconnected from reality to think otherwise.
What is not known is how the perpetrator escaped detection in the period to 1:40pm Friday 15 March and whom else or what other entity might be involved, complicit etc…
What appears to be a fact is the intelligence failure by the NZ authorities.
I’ve just posted this OffGaurdian article to my facebook timeline with the associated comment – my farcebook page is open:
More plausible than “the Zionists” did it…
So how do people think the ‘information war’ is going?
The general population doesn’t know what’s happening – Chomsky.
For most people, narrative takes precedence over fact. – Caitlin Johnstone
Are we on the ‘verge of a breakthrough’ ? Are people actually becoming more siloed and attached to their preferred narratives ? Is online becoming an Owrwellian mental prison?
Is the fact checking machine called the internet actually, overall, helping matters or making things worse, or neither?
I would be interested to read views.
I spend too much time re-reading what amounts to the same articles again and again, saying “they are lying to us”. People I speak to out in the world seem to reluctantly still believe the establishment media on the whole, or have tuned out completely.
People today are certainly more informed thanks to the internet. But people were protesting in the sixties as well. Percentage-wise I’m not so sure that more people are “woken up” today compared to then.
At the same time mainstream media has devolved into a propaganda machine and democracy has been undermined to such a degree that it does not matter. Add censorship, military repression, surveillance…
We have a better understanding of how we are being screwed, without being able to do anything about it.
If you look at the censorship crackdown thanks to this latest event it’s hard to be hopeful. I’m surprised it took them this long to be honest.
Is online becoming an Owrwellian mental prison? Yes.
The Difficulty of Writing for Americans – By Paul Craig Roberts
The Entire Western World Lives In Cognitive Dissonance – By Paul Craig Roberts
Agreed: we can analyse and analyse – while the Empire acts and acts again (a la Carl Rove) – leaving us in its wake …analysing, navel gazing. looking for someone to blame. Maybe we ought to change how we analyse: the meta-analysis of analysis? Or maybe not, as I have been advocating such for months?
The Empire of mind wants us to be in its image: to think as it does. Then if it controls the information flows: it controls our minds via media mind control. But it cannot control our lived experience …not just yet.
Switching from conceptual mindsets to experiential seems like an act of defiant resistance, at the very least. It is also an auto-didactic act of rebellion: because direct experience of reality is well, real …and conceptual propagandic realm is transparently fake. Telling people that concepts and language bear no direct correlation to reality is futile. “But people really die”: they do …but the reasons people have to die and suffer are totally simulated. That is the paradox: both arise from language. We are already whole, except when we tell ourselves otherwise – seeking elsewhere …Othering. And the reasons are in the received conventions and paradigms of language. A language of concretised axiomatic ‘scientific’ separateness.
Time has been repressed by capitalistic propaganda. Science continues to move on, the cultural implications are being withheld and suppressed. We are not separable and individually isolated. Cognitive neuroscience gives us a completely new model of mind: one that puts us in control. In short, we are doing politics with Stone Age ‘othering’ mindsets and redundant 19th century individuated scientific materialist doctrinaire mechanistic minds …just as ‘they’ want us to do. Or is it because we are as much in the thrall of a Self that we do not possess – but possesses us instead? The result is much the same. 2,000 year old Greco-Christian politics, permanently allied to a reductive mechanistic scientific materialist individualism – as the Enlightenment Protocols – is killing us
All the information that has been garnered through our scientific inquiry – in the last hundred years or so – is dying for a re-interpretation of who we are. A re-interpretation of our relationship with the Life we have written out of our inquiry. Because to fully encounter Life, enter into its reciprocal dialogue, its symbiogenesis and poiesis – requires giving up the fictional narrative of Self completely. That requires taking full responsibility for the world we co-create: as we create it – now.
There is a Life politique to be created – by updating A N Whitehead’s process philosophy; with cognitive neuroscience; cognitive linguistics; Maturana and Varela’s biology; etc. If and when we can do 21st century politics with 21st century science – allied with he Perennial ecosophic spirituality – we might get 21st century results? Doing political analysis with 19th century contemporary Stone Age minds is working out jut fine …for the Empire.
Once more Brian I am perplexed by what you post. I am beginning to think must be dyslexic, I know the words but they just don’t make any sense to me?? Can you just once post in simple prose.
But I do agree ” if it controls the information flows: it controls our minds via media mind control.”
Story of my life, Maggie …story of my life!
However, I am not trying to be deliberately arcane. If you go back to the last time you asked, I posted a long comment laying out the basic Yogacaran/Zen position. This position is known as ‘Vijnapti-matrata vada’ – the Doctrine of Consciousness Only. All conscious experience occurs only within consciousness. Life is cognisant of life. This is not nearly as mystifying as it sounds. However, the ramifications of this seemingly obvious fact are not obvious. It would require a re-structuring of our entire culture to make the obvious obvious.
The reason that it comes across as metaphysical mystification is that we have been indoctrinated by culture and language to believe that life goes on without us – that reality is exterior to us; that we are atomistic, separate, unconnected, isolated, individual silos of consciousness …cut off from the rest of life: which can be perceived as alien, unreal and ‘dead’. All I am asking is: which really is the metaphysical mystification?
This position is not arcane philosophical: but rational and empirical. Cognitive neuroscience has indeed confirmed ‘consciousness only’. Only it is blinkered by its own Cartesian principles into defining it as ‘hallucinated’, ‘controlled hallucination’, ‘projection’; etc – which is not at all helpful. Our reality is our reality. To describe it as ‘unreal’, or define that we cannot actually experience ‘reality’ is profoundly dangerous. Modern science cannot be explained by Cartesian modern science. Modern science needs to encounter and account for its own humanity. Which, slowly, it is. Culture, particularly political-culture, so far, shows no signs of following suit.
The basic tenets of the consensus cultural ‘scientific loneliness’ are enshrined as the Cartesian ‘Enlightenment Protocols’, basis of the scientific Method, culture, politics, socio-economics, and our private lives. Capitalist time repression refers to the defence mechanism of defending these reductive, mechanistic, separatist, ‘scientific individuation’ principles as the zenith of civilisation – the fantasy “end of history” of democratic liberalism. Time stopped for capitalism in the 19th century – with Darwin’s particular interpretation of the Cartesian/Newtonian Protocols (some might add Freud as the natural expression of Cartesian psycho-sexual repression.) The thing is: capitalism has made the Protocols into pseudo-concrete tablets of stone – This Is It: There Is No Alternative (TINA) – this is how the universe is …objectively defined as scientific materialism and ‘scientific individuation’.
Only time did not stop, nor did science. Quantum mechanics opened a huge explanatory gap. Newtonian mechanism does not apply at the fundamental levels of life. Science is moving beyond the purely reductive, mechanistic, scientific materialist POV. Culture and politics are not. They are firmly rooted in mechanism. Politics is literally devoid of life: based entirely on Cartesian/Newtonian/Darwinian determinism. Politics without life equals life without life. We can talk about it all we like. Until we develop a life politique: there is no alternative. Voting is now voting for death.
Modern science does not even enter into the cultural debate. If it did, we would have to have a new debate. Capitalism will recuperate science to its own ends: silencing the debate. We are not as we are acculturated to believe. Analysing capitalism on capitalism’s own 19th century terms is futile, as far as I can see. Analysing consensus reality with terms defined by consensus reality equates to a possible new, but pre-defined, consensus reality. What if, as I am suggesting, that consensus view is fundamentally falsified from counterfeit Protocols? For the paradigm of scientific loneliness to end: we need new life-inclusive parameters and a living paradigm. For that we need better biology, physics, and cognitive neuroscience – an emergent life politique – to inform the debate. Otherwise we are just having the same old debate, with the same old results.
Hi Crank,
If you use Google you will find duplicated information, that is their aim IMO to deliberately deter truth seekers and frustrate them.
Research IS time consuming, BUT what price our freedom and that of our children and grandchildren.
You have to actually seek information on sites like Veterans Today, Global Research, UK Column, Zero Hedge, TheTap, UK column, Craig Murray, Jimmy Dore, Moon of Alabama and any You Tube RT articles for starters. Most sites link to other sites.. to enable you to cross check. Avoid ALL MSM sites. Especially those on You tube which are nothing but lying propaganda.
Also, beware of and avoid them like the plague, they track and bubble you..
I use Duck Duck Go as my search engine.
There will come a time when even columns like this one, commenting on the increasingly authoritarian attitude of Western governments, will be deemed unacceptable and removed for “stoking dissent” or “promoting conspiracy theories”.
I suspect that time is close than we would like to think.
I’ve read colums like this one for well over a fifteen years now.
I read that the fact checking machine that is the internet has radicalised politics. I also read (from Caitlin Johnstone, for example) that it is still the case today that ‘For most people, narrative takes precedence over fact’ – or even that the design of social media has encouraged a siloed attachment to prefered narratives and ‘enclaves of identity’.
I wonder how readers and commenters here think the information war is going? Are the forces of truth and justice winning out against the peddlers of false narrative ? Is is a close call ? Is the internet turning into a prison of the mind ?
I talk to people in the offline world and so many still hold some reluctant trust for the established media, perhaps through sheer fear of the unknown: ‘The general population doesn’t know what is happening; and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know’ – to recycle the Chomsky quote.This though, in effect, drives me online in search of a sense of solidarity and sanity:
I wonder at times, does that not, eventually, make me more ‘siloed’ myself ?
Have the personalised screens of information, on aggregate, actually helped the world ?
Alleged gunman, Kit? That’s how far you’ll stick your neck out?
A little disappointed no one here’s calling “Fake!”. In the film that woke me up, 9/11 to JFK Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, Richard Francis Conolly says, “All terror is fake.” When I first saw the film I thought, “Gee, that’s a big call,” but it’s not. All the terror I’ve examined since I watched that film – from Bologna train station 1980 to Christchurch 2019 is fake – although I certainly haven’t looked at all of it including the Irish terror. No doubt there’s terror that isn’t fake but it’s not of the 24/7 variety as far as I’m aware.
It’s so easy to pick, so very, very easy and it’s easy because they deliberately make it easy – that’s how they justify it. The power elite rationalise, “We’re telling you through all the anomalies and it’s up to you to pick them up. If you don’t the fault’s on you not us and we’re spared karmic repercussions.” Of course, it makes it a great way to sell it to all the collaborating crisis actors too – “You’re not really doing wrong because it’s just so obvious it’s not real.”
You’re on candid camera!
For more on NZ fakery (don’t necessarily agree with everyone’s conclusions)
Oh, right, when in 2001 HNLC terrorists machine gunned five people to death a hundred metres from me, that must have been “fake” as well. The blood flowing on the ground, the shattered glass, the corpses, ambulances, shocked passers by, weeping relatives, my own eyes – all faked. Well done!
Please read more carefully. Of course, I’m not going to deny terror that someone has experienced first-hand. I’m very sorry that happened.
Duh, who said that was fake Raggie? That was truly horrendous..
I’m furious about this
ChCh is my home town
This has not been faked and its totally bizarre to believe it has been .the 100 people 50 dead and 50 injured all have names, connections with school mates(Cashmere High is grieving the loss of 2 pupils and at least 2 ex pupils)workmates , neighbours
Families are beginning to bury their dead. If you honestly believe the police, doctors, nurses, families, neighbours, workmates etc are all actors, you have a serious mental problem
ChCh is too much of a close knit community after the earthquakes and fires to be fooled by what you are calling a false flag
“A little disappointed no one here’s calling “Fake!”.”
I called it fake. 😉
People are afraid of being called a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Cognitive dissonance.
Have never seen a Hollywood movie.
Hi Flaxgirl, how much are they paying you these days to ridicule genuine conspiracies by posting your nonsense?
Did you watch the candid footage of the mosque being set up, Frankly Speaking? Why do feel justified in expressing an opinion without first looking at the evidence?
Hi Flax, Please stop feeding the troll. It is wasting column inches. And does put some people off… but that is his intention?
Of course he’s seen the footage he was probably one of the directors of the psyop?
Have you watched the footage that I can only describe as a dress rehearsal? Have you watched the disappearing empty cases?
Beware the ides of March!
Until quite recently I would have agreed a hundred percent with this article. But in the past few months I have been looking at the “white nationalist” commenters who infest such sites as Unz and Russia Insider and Gab. What do we get from them?
1. White “homelands” are being inundated by “invaders” (which is their word for immigrants).
2. These “homelands” include America and Australia and South Africa and New Zealand, where whites displaced the natives by conquest and genocide. At least a couple of those genocidal conquests, the ones in America and South Africa, are now dismissed as fictional.
3. These “invaders” have far lower IQ than whites, and are uncivilised, dirty and crawling with disease.
4. The “invasion” is meant to drive the white race to extinction, and the only cure is to evict/eliminate said “invaders”.
5. It is all the fault of the Jews.
Sounds familiar? It should, because every one of those points is exactly what is packed into Brenton Tarrant’s “manifesto”, which, yes, I have read. And not one of those sites – Unz, Gab, or Russia Insider (the last in violation of its own publicly stated comment policies) has done anything to stop themselves being used as online hate fora. If ISIS had websites where they could openly discuss their ideology, spread their information around, and try to indoctrinate potential members, would you prefer that those sites be permitted to exist in the name of free speech, or be taken down?
I dislike censorship, but there comes a point where keyboard hatemongers pay a price for their activities. And if to do that certain steps have to be taken, I have (as one of those “dirty, disease ridden, low IQ invaders”) no real problem with that.
How would you like it if your comments got censored? Censorship is the last resort when you can’t win the argument.
My comments have been censored many times, though not on this site. On this site the *first* resort of those not having a response is to downvote a comment.
If the choice comes to censoring comments or allowing hatemongers free rein, I would censor comments. If mine got censored too, that would be a price worth paying.
As I said this is not something I used to believe, but the vile rhetoric of Modi supporters in India and white racists elsewhere have convinced me different.
If mine got censored too, that would be a price worth paying.
Be careful what you wish for. Seriously though: do you want to live in a world where your rulers decide what you are allowed to think?
Why do you call yourself a friendly terrorist btw? Do you perchance feel the need for terrorist tactics? If so why would that be?
Reread the name: fiendly, not friendly. It’s the name of a cartoon character I invented in 2012, Raghead E. Villdoer. He has now been replaced by Jihadi Colin.
I am already permanently banned from Twitter, so I know what it is to be censored. I still would prefer censorship to hosting racists and supporters of mass murderers.
Racists – Zionists? Trump?
Mass murderers – Blair? Bush? Obongo? Nitwityahoo? Cameron?
Raghead, I agree with a lot of what you write.
The problem is, that there are genuine concerns about unmanageable levels of immigration into many countries and little or no attempt by the authorities to integrate effectively. With a slow and steady flow, as in the past, it was manageable.
That said, what many of us whites fail to recognise is that WE are the root cause of much of this migration due to invading countries, even deliberately creating terrorists as part of our weaponry and which causes people to run away for their lives. We also pillaged those countries to create huge divides between rich and poor.
The destructive Neoliberal model is ours, and we must own the consequences of it, and that includes all the terror it creates as a backlash, and then the subsequent backlash by white extremists against completely innocent people praying. We can’t keep blaming the victims, we have to stop the aggression and expansionism and live in peace with everyone.
That said, what many of us whites fail to recognise is that WE are the root cause of much of this migration due to invading countries.
No, WE are not responsible, a bunch of psychopaths who are making the decisions are responsible.
“Rebuilding America’s Defenses” – A Summary
Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony
Some people have compared it to Hitler’s publication of Mein Kampf, which was ignored until after the war was over.
Frank, shows how much you know about Muslims. The Mosque is a clean place, and prayer mats are used when praying. There are NONE in any of the videos on line. And it was clearly a FALSE FLAG PSYOP.
The manifesto is a fabrication within a fabricated event and designed to get everyone up in arms. Don’t fall for it. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if the guy who pelted Fraser Anning with an egg was paid to do it. Not in the least surprised. I just can’t believe how everyone goes nuts over this nonsense. Even when I believed that terror events were real, my instinct was always to react as little as possible because I felt such a strong sense of being manipulated.
It’s obviously a fabrication. But also contains hints of the ideology of the powers that be that are behind this. In any case it should certainly be ignored. Do people understand the meaning of “false flag”?
Frank, I think that there needs to be a very important distinction made between false flag and false-flag hoax. I wonder if, in fact, most events considered false flags are really false-flag hoaxes – 9/11 was and I wonder if Pearl Harbour was too. If they knew an attack was coming as is suggested, would they have sacrificed their soldiers if they didn’t have to? This strikes me as a rather unconvincing story about one of the survivors. Donald Stratton supposedly suffered burns to 70% of his body, spent nine months in a burns unit, undergoing skin grafts and learning how to walk again, his weight plummeting from 170 to 92 lbs., his left arm and leg barely functioning. He also suffered loss of part of an ear. After a year recovering, given a medical discharge from the Navy, Stratton re-enlisted and went on to fight in five crucial invasions in the Pacific theatre, including battles in New Guinea, the Philippines and Okinawa.
In this video you cannot see any part missing from an ear, nor can you see any part missing in any photos.
In the photos of Pearl Harbour you see a soldier lying face down in the water as if dead but that could easily be staged, of course. My research is virtually non-existent so perhaps I shouldn’t be suggesting it was a false-flag hoax rather than a false flag but if it were a false flag surely they could have managed to make it a false-flag hoax by simply evacuating all the ships beforehand.
My father was in an Italian boat in WWII that was torpedoed by the British and managed to barely escape the boat with the help of a fellow marine. He never saw the fellow marine who helped him escape again and seemingly thought he probably perished because he was slowed down helping my father. I’d say my father suffered survivor guilt. He never spoke of this and we only found out about it recently, well after his death, because someone from his village wrote a book about soldiers’ experiences. No false flag hoax there.
Let’s for the sake of argument assume it’s a fabrication. Is it then dreamt up out of nothing? Of course not – it is chosen from all the standard poison regurgitated by white racists online, every single day.
And who does the censoring? You? The NSA? The Amerucan military?
The owner/editor of the individual website. That obviates any opportunity for the Empire to meddle and/or close the site down. Also, any site that attracts racist commentary should ask itself why it does so. Unless it’s like Unz or Russia Insider, and goes out of its way to woo the racist “market”, it would probably be better off with a bit of self correction.
It is a dilemma, I agree but the problems of who becomes the censor seem insurmountable. The rigid uneven handed censorship of the Fraudian and NYT , has contributed mightily to the skepticism of what they print. Most, not some, of the people mistrust and disbelieve the MSM. Credibility is critical otherwise why bother.
Raggie, I can’t say I have ever read any racist comments on off Guardian.
Most of us are here because we CARE about the world and want peace for everyone, and a future for our kids and grandchildren, hence we are here to learn and share the truth to counter the LIES of the Masters of Government, their Puppets the Politicians and the MSM Presstitutes.
“I dislike censorship, but there comes a point where keyboard hatemongers pay a price for their activities.”
Agreed. This is why I approve shutting down The New York Times, the Washington Post, the BBC, and the Guardian.
I think the Guardian, at least, is well on the way. The Warshington Post will last a while longer, courtesy the CIA.
1000% with you on the effluent and cultural mind viruses flowing openly through the Unz sewer. The idea of a White Holocaust or White Genocide would be laughable were it not so sick. I noticed in the past few months, even PCR is not immune to being infected.
I spent last week reviewing the pseudo-arguments. They do not even fact check out (not that I am giving the rest of my life to counter them). I would add that they are fully endorsed by Unz’s editorial choices. The last time I looked, the HTML book advertised was on Holocaust denial. Whilst I am not totally anti-revisionism as new data becomes available, and ‘6 million’ is symbolic, the prevailing attitude that I found was that the Jews did not provide reliable testimony. Somehow, they misremembered the Holocaust. Sick.
Also with you, not on censorship, but on at least some minimum standard. Comment referencing ‘sh#tskins’ and ‘ghetto n#ggers’ need to be deleted. Anyone who disagrees is naturally a Mossad shill, 30 shekel whore, sabbat goy, etc closing down any debate. The tolerance of intolerance breeds intolerance; something Unz seems willing to do. Freedom of speech is not freedom of speech when it is intentionally divisive, proto-racist and crypto-fascist.
The argument against a minimum standard for comments is censorship plays to the censors. Regurgitating the age old prejudices is not progressive. Just the opposite.
I will read the authors I follow on other sites. I will not be going back.
Who in their right mind would want to view crazy hate monger sites like Unz and Russia Insider and Gab? I wouldn’t even look out of curiosity.
ISIS did have their own website… Mossad agent Rita Katz managed to access them directly and was their publicity agent on her SITE.
You did know that ISIS is/was an American/Israeli funded outfit?
Whether it is an Amerikastani and zionist funded outfit (it is of course) isn’t the point, the point is that it’s been using online recruitment and dissemination of propaganda. It uses Telegram (a *Russian owned message service* these days because that has secure data and no censorship).
A rare moment of sanity Thank you .. Russia insider used to be ok , now its been taken over by lunatic scumbag haters.I almost wonder if its been deliberately sabotaged so as to discredit those with dissident views
And for OffGuardian to be attracting this rabble is very disappointing
Moving right along……….
Neither Stalin nor hitler took the guns or Castro! How else did vasily zaitsev become a crack sniper in the Ural Mountains if the guns were gone
The population of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia were disarmed as one of the first actions of both regimes on gaining power. People hunting for food in Russia used bows and arrows and catapults.
This article is quite interesting. I don’t by the Spanish North Korean embassy break-in connection (although who knows) but it shows we have video evidence of at least tree suspects: Tarrant & the 2 suspects with baseball caps. Also video of a dead suspect who could be one of the above or a 4th suspect.
Correct me if I’m wrong but we’ve only seen one suspect appear in court. Are 2 suspects still on the loose? Or were they not supposed to be arrested? (And no fake histories and social media created for them.)
I believe that in the livestream video there is evidence of a second suspect helping Tarrant (outside after he leaves the mosque) but I’m not sure. In any case this scenario seems plausible: 2 suspects (including Tarrant) at the Al Noor Mosque, 2 at the Linwood Islamic Centre.
Entirely staged event. The livestream video is laughable once you analyze it and so is the video from the second location with all the “victims” lying around. (People on the phone, people walking around then lying down as if half dead etc.) Believe it or don’t believe it. After all a false flag event does not mean nobody got killed. Remember 9/11.
Tarrant is supposed to be a paid assassin.
He was supposed to kill Kim jon Ung, and Bashar al Assad and bungled the lot.
He is a legend in his own mind and has played too many computer games.
Turkish PM is using the terror footage in his rally. Turkish regional elections are taking place in two weeks… eventually having aroused the Utrecht attack. Depends if we’ll ever get the content of the note left in a Utrecht car…
This Jacinda Adern is quite a case: publicly dressing up in an Islamic headscarf. Unless she converted secretly before. Ever seen an Egyptian, Nigerian, Iraki, Pakistani or Indonesian head of government putting a cross around his neck after a church attack?
Please read and share this far and wide. When are the likes of the apologists for Islam like Sharia Mayhem and Jacinda Ardern going to face up to the real facts? The NZ wailing has gone on for too long. What about the 40 plus Indian Soldiers killed recently in Kashmir by a muslime suicide bomber? Didn’t see much grief on display from these numpties about that. Double standards!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks
Don’t try to pretend that you care about us Indians. You’re like the white racists who pretend to support the Palestinians against the zionist entity. They care nothing about the Palestinians, they just hate the Jews. Are you even aware that there were Muslims among the 40 plus policemen killed in the attack, which was in any case in an active war zone?
I care about the Palestinians and I hate what the “nation state if the Jewish people” -that’s THEIR definition- has done and is doing to the natives of Palestine. So kiss my hairy Kiwi arse you tosser.
As a matter of principle, I would argue that, like any other group, Indians have their superb individuals and their time wasters. When it comes to morality and compassion, however, I would say that I care about Indians who have been personally wronged, and I do my best to help if I can. I reckon it’s too late to make amends for the way in which the entire nation was wronged generations ago.
My support for Palestinians would be along the same lines, except that the wronging of those people who are every bit as semitic as those who are known as “Jews”, is actually escalating as we speak, and appears to have the clear political aim of exterminating them as soon as possible.
In addition, lunatic individuals, capable of anything your imagination can concoct, have always been with us.
Killing indiscriminately, in case there is still anybody out there who doesn’t know it, is always a lunatic act, and has nothing to do with the politicians, nations and other organizations that might find it convenient cynically to exploit such individuals for profit.
And your problem is with her wearing a headscarf, not with the massacre itself? Am I reading you right?
An unusually stupid remark even for you. It is a matter of common courtesy and practise for visitors to places of worship to conform to the customs, like feminine head covering , of the congregation.
It ought to be understood that, despite the best efforts of the dark forces promoting islamophobia the fact is that Islam, with the exception of fringe groups like Wahhabis, which have been fostered by Imperialism to the point that they have become a good deal more important than they ever were in the past, is and always has been extraordinarily tolerant of other religions, particularly Christianity and Judaism. Far more tolerant of them than they have been of it.
There is no doubt who benefits from whipping up popular hatred of muslims, the capitalist class-always to be discovered behind fascist agitation- and fascistic Zionists who seek public approval, in the west, for their appalling treatment of Palestinians, by insisting that only brutality will suppress “muslim” “terrorism.”
This is not to say that all of those who promote islamophobia are conscious agents of fascism and zionists, they may just be idiots, who really believe the racist nonsense that they repeat, because they trust the sources from which they learned it.
Islam always has been extraordinarily tolerant of other religions
One example is their dhimmy tax levied on all non believers in the countries they concurred.
Today In the EU they receive free money as “refugees”: basically a dummy tax on native & naive Europeans.
Jews impose a dummy tax on the rest of humanity. All the gentiles in the world are just donkeys put on the earth to serve the Chosen People. Another $38 billion from Trump to add to all the hundreds of billions extorted already. Why work when you can leech off the rest of the planet?
The pattern is established: The state will always – ALWAYS – use a crisis, real or invented, to enhance their power. Most of the time this is done at the cost of individual liberty.
True for extreme right (like the US Democrats), left (like NZ’s Labour) or extreme left (CN’s Xi Jinping).
Rare exceptions possible with Libertarians who manage to curtail the resident upper bureaucracy.
ISIS murder videos were online for years; how many people were persecuted for those? Slaps on wrists?
Selective indignation by a member of the Five eyes. Oil money pays off.
ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. With holiday camps on the Golan Heights.
ISIS is ISI Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence, a club neck deep in terror guiding, training and shielding, domestic and abroad.
A subsidiary of the CIA you will find.
Those light brown people don’t get any self responsibility here, whether Arab or Pakistani. The blame always goes to Western white guys, Jews or Americans.
Give Easterners their due, as they are raking in the $$$$$s and EUs. It takes two in prostitution.
They are rank amateurs in raking in the $$$$$$. Gold, silver and bronze go to the Chosen People.
https://images.app.goo.gl/Sy1iYSQZTv6fuTAj8 Here’s nice picture to warm the heart of Islamic extremists who’s natural enemy is apparently the Jew if you listen to you’re Jew tv and media having a lovely chat with Jewish extremists! Remember that time isis APOLOGISED for accidentally firing a rocket that landed in Israel?
These “dangerous Islamic terrorists” also sent congratulations to Israel on its independence day.
So to summaries your view: the Jews control all on this planet except the Gazans which they have physically surrounded?
A true nut shell.
No, just America, Canada, Britain, France, Australia, the EU, IMF, World Bank, and a few other bits and pieces. Not much really.
So whats up with this site?
Where do those isis videos come from though shillboy? Site! A Jewish rum organisation run by jew Rita Katz! I wonder why the Israeli armed funded and trained and healed in the golan heights isis keep ending up on their first
People have become more accepting of violence since we have experienced that wave of new wars. War is the ultimate violence.
No oxygen is given to the idea how it can be avoided in the future that people like the NZ perpetrator go unnoticed for eight years. He did not work but travelled the world for eight years, splendid. His cryptocurrency profits could have been for two of those 8 years only. We had a similar deficiency with the Las Vegas shooter and now we have censorship to prevent commenting everywhere.
If we had had commenting facilities in July/August 1939 would one of the team who prepared the false flag in Gleiwitz to start WWII – would just one of them have had the courage and WWII could have been prevented??
He travelled to Pakistan and posted footage saying how great the country and people were. They had the attacks on gun rights and the internet all primed and ready to go. This smells a little bit, to put it charitably.
The EU now has a programme and new legislation requiring that “questionable political content” be removed from the internet. This just begs to be abused to close down anything even mildly critical of the powers that be. Anything like footage of Gaza or the West Bank.
I have been a journalist in Germany and the ‘scissors in head’ have always been there in the times that I can remember. Don’t rock the boat, don’t be a nest soiler is a principle.
It came out only last year after Helmut Kohl’s death that industry ‘purchased’ his position in the Bundestag (from Rainer Barzel) which enabled Kohl to move up to be Chancellor candidate. The large scale corruption complex around Leuna-Minol (including the loss of my family’s land through reunification trickery) was never tackled by the press.
The German press today is very much like what spilled over into West Berlin from the East. Improvements are not on the horizon. Market reforms have created such big and powerful corporations that they have seized all power everywhere. They have implemented ideology purissima and have created an unbalanced monster which cannot survive without wall to wall surveillance and censorship.
Of course the Left, which claimed that W was a fascist because he brought in The Patriot Act and the Dept of Homeland Security, is now saying that Trump is a fascist for not doing anything to silence “hate speech” – because hate speech is not free speech. Or something. If you call ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner ‘Bruce’ you deserve to be in a Federal prison.
Left, or right, if you don’t think Trump is a ____ing fascist, you are blind. Of course he is a fascist. Screaming “hypocrisy” is never a good argument. The deep underpinning of the rise of fascism in the US is oligarchy. Corporate Democrats and Republicans dedicated to serving a tiny population of super wealthy individuals over the interests of the masses. That tiny fraction of the population directs the corporate governance that is absolutely the fascism rising in the US. That tiny fraction amasses money and power through the governance of monopoly power and profit of the MIC, surveillance state, energy companies, Big Pharma, Big Insurers, Big Banks, and the rest of the sorry mess. Obama, Bill and Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi, Bush Crime Family, Rumsfeld, Cheney, ad nauseam all lead to the pinnacle of ugliness and derangement, Trump. This epic jerk is a true danger but too many on “the left” actually support the jerk. Not you of course, but it is absolutely true that such a bizarre phenomenon exists. He’s authoritarian to the nth degree, supports torture (as ultimately did Obama and fake investigator Feinstein), pumps more money and power into the MIC, is a billionaire globalist who has made sport of f___ing over workers, etc……..yet, this jerk is held up as being some sort of rival to the Deep State, which is an absolute absurd conclusion. There is no doubt that any Deep State is divided on Trump, with the faction being in support wanting the crushing of the masses under the thumb of authoritarianism to happen sooner than later.
What you say about Trump is true, so far as it goes, but so what? How does he differ from the rest of the power elite, really, apart from a bit of crude language? Does Clinton really care about the Deplorables? Do any of them?
He may be an “epic jerk” but is he more of a “true danger” than Clinton? She took corruption, dishonesty and mendacity to new heights and was so deranged she may have actually started a nuclear war by now. Trump hasn’t done that (yet.) Calling out hypocrisy is a useful antidote to being recruited by one faction of the power elite against another. Let them fight like rats in a sack if they want to. They are all equally repulsive. Obongo deported more illegals than the Orange Baboon. The footage of kids in cages was taken on Obongo’s watch 5 years ago. Trump jacked up military spending to new records and the Democrats jacked it up even further on their own account. He supports torture – like Bush, like Drone Queen and Nobel Peace Prize Obongo, who decided to spend a further $1.7 trillion on new WMD. There is a continuity of policy, nothing has changed. Don’t delude yourself. Obongo just got a free pass with all his Hopey-Changey thing because he was half black. Like Clinton would have got a free pass because she’s got a vagina.
Hmm, as I’m a bit of a ‘traditionalist’, I’d say that Fascism is the endpoint of capitalism, that is to say that capital resorts to Fascism when ‘democracy’ no longer maintains the illusion of freedom. In the 1920s, Mussolini’s Fascism was a direct response to the crisis of capital and the rise of the left; the Corporate/Security state. So too with Hitler’s Germany, the Krupps and the Thyssens, who bankrolled the Nazis.
Is not the US, along with the other imperialist states, also in crisis? The Nazis had the Jews, homosexuals, Roma, the ‘feeble-minded’, to blame we have Islam and of course, brown people., who flee OUR terror!
Of course the Left, which claimed that W was a fascist because he brought in The Patriot Act and the Dept of Homeland Security, is now saying that Trump is a fascist for not doing anything to silence “hate speech” – because hate speech is not free speech. Or something. If you call ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner ‘Bruce’ you deserve to be in a Federal prison.
Of course there are those who see the institutions and circles of power which lay behind G W Bush’s, Trump’s (and Obama’s) presidencies as a continuity – one that has moved relentlessly in a fascistic direction since (at least) 2001..
Arderne is such a neoliberal con artist. Little wonder the press goes giddy for her.
I thought she was great but I cannot believe she doesn’t know this event is a fake and, if so, she’s a total fraud – apart from anything else.
I like skepticism and skeptics in general, and it is an essential mindset or these times. But your confidence is not supported by the available facts, in my opinion.
She’s a neoliberal fake progressive in the Justin Trudeau/Macron mould.
The NZ government has to be seen to be taking strong action.
Where was their ‘strong action’ prior to the slaughter?
Why are right wing groups and individuals pretty much ignored while the Left is pilloried 24/7?
Why are right wing politicians allowed to use the rhetoric of hate, fear and divisiveness?
Why is the right wing media favoured by most politicians?
Gutless sycophants. All of them.