Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side
Celia Schmidt

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has finally released his conclusions of the investigation into Russia’s role in the US Presidential Election 2016. The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russians, the press reported.
But there is a curious detail: most people charged have no connection to Russia, as in Manafort’s case. The former Trump campaign manager has been accused of money laundry and illegal foreign lobbying for Ukraine.
Thus, the Mueller investigation findings are leading to Kiev, not Russia. Moreover, Ukraine did admit to interfering in the 2016 US election helping the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.
In this regard, there are fair questions to raise: why American citizens are indicted and sentenced with less charges while the evidence of a foreign conspiracy is omitted? Where are fair debates over the issue? Why there were no special committee hearings to determine the truth?
It is clear: a new investigation is coming. The US prosecutors need to interrogate Ukrainian politicians and members of the Clinton campaign as well as to probe the activity of Ukrainian lobbyists in Washington.
Thus, the audio recording made public in the Ukrainian media was one piece of evidence of Ukraine’s interference. According to it, a person with a voice similar to the voice of the head of Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, admitted that he had supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US election.
His office was responsible for publicly disclosing the contents of the Ukrainian «black ledger», which implicated Paul Manafort, to the media. The document contained a list of secret payments made by Ukraine’s Party of Regions to Manafort.
Earlier, the county administrative court of Kyiv had pledged the director of the NABU Artem Sytnyk, and a member of the Ukrainian Parliament Sergey Leshchenko guilty of publicizing the pre-trial investigation materials concerning Paul Manafort and election interference. The information was spread illegally and inflicted damage on the foreign policy of Ukraine.

Admit unlawful acts of the director of the NABU A. Sytnyk and the Ukrainian MP S. Leshchenko concerning the disclosure and distribution of the information about D. Trump’s campaign chairman P. Manafort and the presence of P.Manafort’s name and signatures in the lists of “The Party of Regions’ black ledgers” in the materials of the pre-trial investigation, which was the result of interference in the electoral processes of the United States of America in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine.
Eventually, a slew of incriminating information forced Paul Manafort to resign as Donald Trump’s campaign chairman in August 2016, just in the middle of election campaign. Serhiy Leshchenko, the Ukrainian MP, intended to share his gloat with his Facebook followers by posting a message stressing that “after such a blow Trump would not recover”.

“The Party of Regions’ black ledgers” saved the world. Manafort, who was fed from Yanukovich’s hands, leaves with dishonor. Guess, after such a blow Trump will not recover.
P.S. We can clearly see the reaction of the Ukrainian politicians involved in “Yanukovich’s black ledgers”. Political culture – you’ve either got it or you haven’t”.
Another confirmation of the Ukrainian officials’ overt support of Hillary Clinton was the anti-Trump publications on social media. However, as soon as the Republican had won, the Ukrainian politicians, in particular, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov and Ukrainian MP Oleg Lyashko began to remove massively their anti-Trump narratives from their social media pages.
Certainly, the US President did not forgive the Ukrainian leadership actions. On his Twitter page, Donald Trump criticized the Ukrainian efforts to “sabotage” his campaign.

Moreover, in August 2017, it became clear that on the election day Petro Poroshenko sent Hillary Clinton a telegram, in which he congratulated her on the victory in the elections even before the announcement of the voting results. The then Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin personally delivered it. The president himself did not comment on this at all. His assistants strongly rejected all the suspicions of illegal actions during the election campaign. However, all these facts speak for themselves.
Despite this, Washington does not refuse financial assistance and cooperation with Ukraine. The intervention in the US Presidential Campaign 2016 and the leverages issues undoubtedly overshadow the current position of Petro Poroshenko. Moreover, the growing scandal related to accusations against our diplomat gives us reason to doubt the trustworthiness of the head of state and his future plans as a presidential candidate for the second term.
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Just so we are clear, the concern is that people provided information regarding the ties Manafort had with Russian and Ukranian corrupt oligarchs and the russian government. And you expect people to view Manafort as a victim. Wrong question…. question is really why Trumph would have sought out and selected an individual like Manafort, who had never run US Presidential campaign or for that matter a congressional campaign for either party? When you start with a desired answer and are selective with your questions and facts to support that answer, you are guilty of propaganda. You know exactly what Rush Limbaugh does every day. For god’s sake, he is a guy who actually stages his call ins – providing questions so that he can spew out his nonsense. No doubt the greatest example of self interest or selfishness is exhibited by those who choose and listen to news programs or the crap opinion show on the radio or TV because they tell them the stories they want to hear and tell it in a way they want to hear it. I can think of no better test for the right to vote. If you are a person who places you own beliefs above reality and the facts…. you should not be allowed to vote. Why, because you care more about yourself and you own self interest than you do you country. And that folks is what is the major difference between how your grandparents and parents viewed their citizenship.
Why is ok to expose Manafort’s corruption to take down Trump, but not ok to expose Hunter Biden’s?
That is inconsistent and hypocritical.
Why is ok to expose Manafort’s corruption to take down Trump. Are you really that gullible to believe, Trump and who ever recommended Manafort didn’t know who he was? If Trump pardons Manafort for crimes against the US, then we have confirmation of both knowledge and acceptance. Seriously, did you even read the Mueller report, cause if you did and consider yourself a citizen of the US, you would be screaming at both the President and Congress to declare war on Russia. Their interference was that blatant. And yes I would like to know why members of the Trump campaign needed to have over 100 contacts with Russians during the campaign.
Only one candidate got dirt on their opponent from Russia, and hr name was Hillary Clinton.
Seriously, does being lazy come naturally, or do you practice. Spare me the repeat of the Rush or Fox news nonsense that has been proven wrong by every US intelligence agency. And let’s be clear claiming that magically everyone in the US intelligence agency is part of the “deep state” is like right up there with the 3 moon landings were faked. The only thing that remotely qualifies as the deep state in the US is the influence large corporations and the wealthy has on our Administrative and Congressional branches. Perhaps it is hard to distinguish but there is a difference between opposition research, which wasn’t actually used in the campaign and coordinating with Russian hackers and wiki leaks to actively interfere with our election. Did you even read the Mueller report? Because if you were a real american, and not a russian operative or paid commentor, you would after the first 50 pages wonder why the US didn’t declare war on the Russia for its active interference in our election. And perhaps you have forgotten the 9 Bengazi investigations that the republican congress held during the election for the sole purpose of smearing clinton. The only thing they were able to identify was that she used a private email server like Colin Powell. And champ, if Trump or Barr actually thought Hunter Biden had broken US law, they would have initiated an investigation on him. So the question is why didn’t the. But alas, you are an individual who starts with the desired answer and backs into the facts and reality. The Biden’s are probably an example of nepotism that is unfortunately rampant in US politics…. have you forgotten about Trump’s daughter, son and son in law getting cushy jobs in the White House. Show me another President who put his family on the payroll. And when hillary was doing healthcare in the 90’s, she was doing it as the first lady and thus not paid.
Trump’s family members do not get paid for their service. Neither does Trump.
You believe fake news. I can’t help you.
Ah yes fake news and the deep state, kinda like the faith answer from the evangelicals when confronted with the 10 commandments being lifted from the Egyptian book of the Dead, or the rather striking similarities between the characteristics of 10 religious figures who predate JC and of course the plagiarism from the Egyptian god Horus. Compensation comes in many forms champ… after Trump’s tax cut (which of course didn’t pay for itself) removed the Alternate Minimum Tax his family benefited to the tune of $20 million a year. And of course I’m sure you can explain why the Air Force staff would be driving 90 miles to stay at Trump’s failing scottish golf resort for $250 a night (not doubt discounted to $180, for a cheap sound bite for his supporters) Of course they were staying near the airport previously for $75 a night. Champ you don’t even know what you don’t know. But here’s something you can research… In an interview with Leslie Stale, Trump admitted he promoted the concept of fake news, so that when the press did print negative stories about him that are factual, his lemming supporters wouldn’t believe them. Geez, your probably one of those individuals who thinks that Trump stiffing small contractors and the banks in Atlantic City makes him a good business man. No it makes him exactly what he is… There was a time in this country where integrity, ethics, being honest and taking responsibility for you failures as much as your successes meant something. But now we have individuals who don’t care if he uses russia or the ukraine to get elected, so long as he gets elected. So guess what that makes his supporters by extension?
@ Gmason, Ok first and foremost don’t be lazy and try to label me or put me in some pre-determined ideological box. Because you would be wrong. I voted for great Republican Presidents like Reagan and Bush Sr. Voted for Obama, would have voted for McCain, but Palin was, at best embarrassing. Hunter Biden being appointed to a Board is no more corrupt than an ambassador Sondland being appointed because he contributed $1 million to Trump inauguration. But let me make this as simple as possible to understand. If there was real evidence of Hunter Biden doing something other than being appointed because of his family name, then Trump could have and would have exercises the treaty with Ukraine and sent his appointed AG Barr to open an investigation. But he didn’t do that, and based on people who really were there an know what was being done, didn’t even care if they investigated anything… he simply wanted the Ukrainian President to announce the investigations. So please provide some real evidence of Hunter Biden’s corruption, beyond the crap you hear on Fox, so real evidence. And lastly, even if Hunter Biden should be investigated, how does that change the fact Trump used his position and US $$$ to bribe a foreign leader. And by the way, do some research and you will find that Burisma is not even in the top 20 corrupt companies in the Ukraine. So again, please tell me why the bribe was something other than for political benefit. If you have children you would never accept an excuse or defense for a bad act as “well tommy did something bad too”
Every single Democrat witness testified that Burisma was corrupt and was known for bribing officials.
The only reason they would have for hiring Hunter Biden is for protection.
They got it in the form of Joe Biden getting the prosecutor fired.
Trump did nothing wrong, Presidents are duty bound to expose corruption.
And I thought you were concerned about foreign interference in our elections?
I do not watch tv news of any kind. I first read about Ukrainian interference in 2017 in the left leaning outlet Politico.
It has been confirmed by other left-leaning outlets as well as the Ukrainian Parliament and a Ukrainian court. My advice to you would be to avoid tv news altogether. They give a very distorted view of the world.
That fact that you traffic in right leaning and left leaning info is very telling to say the least. And of course similar to trump, his legal team and party hacks you seem to purposely avoid the fact that Trump did not seek to investigate corruption as indicated by his never mentioning it on the call. And again if he was concerned about corruption he would have dealt with the Ukrainian government through State Dept. and Justice Dept. channels, not by way of his corrupt personal attorney. I guess like trump you will now say trump never knew parnis, and of course didn’t have a diner with him where he asked them to remove our ambassador? Seriously, you don’t even know what you don’t know. And the fact that Burisma was one of many corrupt Ukrainian (corrupt in Ukraine means associated with Russia by the way) doesn’t change the FACT that trump used the power of his office to, as clearly stated by the GAO, commit a crime by withholding approved military aid when even the DOD indicated Ukraine had met all conditions. Biden has stated many times he indeed pressured Ukraine to remove their Russian tied corrupt prosecutor, the difference being it was consistent with US policy, not something he did for personal gain. And of course I’m sure you will dismiss the Bolten revelation with some lame claim that he is “looking to sell books”. Funny for your position here to be even remotely possible, everyone in the room must be a liar except for trump, despite the evidence that routinely shows him to lie about just about everything.
There’s a little video out now, you might like to watch, Joe Biden bragging about witholding a billion us dollars aid to Ukraine, demandung removal of the Prosecuter investigation Burisma corruption, you know, the company his son was sitting on the board at…SCANDALOUS!
Perhaps loads of nation states, as well as busy international bodies like the UN, more or less continually interfere in the affairs of other states and some of the time those ongoing programs of continual interference are congruent with elections being held in the interfered-with states and on some of those occasions those elections provide an exceptional opportunity that’s just too good to pass up?
I should send this information to Chrystia Freeland , our illustrious foreign affairs minister for casual reading .Would love to see her reaction upon reading it .
5billion is moŕe like it,fl.
There was one man – backed by a very powerful organisation who worked tirelessly to prevent Trump becoming President. That was Christopher Steele ex-senior MI6 Agent and his bosses who signed off his urination Dossier
So how do you explain the FACT, that more and more of the material in the dossier, which was initially funded by anti-trump republicans, has been shown to be true? Did you even read the Mueller report? Very little of it has anything to do with the steele dossier. Which similar to the whistleblower had very little to do with the actual facts regarding Russian interference and 100+ meetings between russians and members of trump campaign. But no doubt you have an explanation for that.
Not sure I can make sense of this piece, sorry, Manafort was working for Clinton not Trump?
Paul Manafort was working as Donald Trump’s campaign manager until he had to resign halfway through the campaign when Ukrainians and Ukrainian Americans linked to the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s election campaign released information that Manafort had done work for former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his party The Party of Regions, whose main support base was in the Russian-speaking eastern part of Ukraine.
The MSM has played up the notion that Yanukovych was supported by or was drawing close to Vladimir Putin and Russia, and that he rejected the EU / Ukraine Association Agreement in late 2013. So by bringing up Manafort’s past connection with Yanukovych, the Democrats were trying to tie the Trump campaign to Moscow.
It’s no mystery;the Russians made a better offer!One that included continuing to supply Ukraine gas( even they were woefully behind in their payments)!As far as I can tell,this was almost totally ignored in corporate medIa.( I learned it from David Pear in a BTL comment.)
Yes that is what I heard and read also at the time .That was before the coup .
Russia had also arranged a $16 billion loan to Yanukovych govt.
The issue I was alluding to is not whether the Yanukovych government really was drawing closer to the Russian government and its offer to Ukraine of joining a competing Eurasian Customs Union – the issue was that the Yanukovych government was made out by Western media to be subservient to Russia by supposedly rejecting the EU / Ukraine association agreement.
The Yanukovych government had actually asked for more time to study the EU / Ukraine AA and its fine print. Moscow had apparently tipped off Yanukovych’s government that complying with the AA would have meant (among other things) a complete overhaul of Ukraine’s entire railway-line network to conform with EU railway gauge standards. This in spite of the fact that some EU member nations like Finland and Spain don’t have EU-compliant railway track gauges themselves (Finland uses Russian gauge as Ukraine does) – but then, they joined the EU over 20 years ago. Imagine the billions of euros required to replace the entire railway-line network and railway carriage stock to conform to EU standards!
There was also no guarantee in the EU / Ukraine AA that full EU membership and its attendant benefits would accrue to Ukraine if the country complied with the agreement.
It was probably never Yanukovych’s intention not to join the EU but instead to be a member of both the EU and the Eurasian Customs Union. How that would have worked out, I don’t wish to guess – I can only imagine a lot of juggling would be involved if that had transpired the way I think Yanukovych might have wished.
Thanx,for above….btw,it was Ukraine that refused that two-direction trade action.It’s presumed( by me ) that the War Party in Washington D.C. would not have this.Oddly,the R.F. was okay with it,and,as mentioned above,Ukraine owed the R.F. a lot of money for what had been keeping them warm all winter!
Nice try, but you kinda fast forward over the rationale for choosing Paul Manafort to begin with as a campaign manager for a US Presidential election, having never held anything close to such a position. And of course you kinda leave out the part about him being indicted and found guilty of a host of crimes. And of course you have an answer to why Paul Manafort would actively work at the RNC convention to soften or lift sanctions on Russia? The notion that Ukraine is notable or important to the US either before or now is laughable. If Trump cared about corruption in the Ukraine and not specific investigations he wanted announced, not even performed, why did the military aid hold magically get lifted? Of course we know why… he got caught shaking down/bribing the Ukrainian President.
” the Democrats were trying to tie the Trump campaign to Moscow” Did you even read the Mueller report…. over 100 meetings between members or close associates of the trump campaign with russians…including the meeting at Trump tower which of course everyone lied about. Geez, there are even some real dopes who still believe it was about russian adoptions. And similar to the Mueller investigation, if trump and mulvaney and the other clowns, guiliani and other clowns in the middle of this second rate bribery, did nothing and have nothing to hide why are they refusing to testify? And why did they block ambassador Sondland from access to his correspondences? Don’t just start with an unsupported convenient answer and back into an alternate set of facts…. listen and think.
I think the gist is that Ukrainian support for Hillary was behind the disclosure of Manafort’s financial misdealing in Ukraine, to embarrass the Trump campaign as Manafort was the Trump campaign manager at that time. In addition, Hillary was far more pugnacious to Russia than Trump, and her assistant, Victoria Nuland seems to have more or less orchestrated the coup against the sitting president, who wanted to accept Russian help, rather getting funds from the IMF (or something like that). So, it makes sense the the Ukraine powers that be wanted Hillary to win.
If you look at Manafort’s history, he seems to work for sleazy dictators.who were either put into power by the CIA or taken out of power by the CIA. I would suggest that his ultimate employer was the CIA. After Yanukovich was ousted in a US-backed coup in Ukraine Manafort stuck around there and helped the people who ousted. Just to refresh anyone’s memory William Barr worked for the CIA in the seventies until he got his JD. He was named Attorney General by President Bush (the first) during congressional and court investigations of Iran-contra, which was a CIA operation to illegally support the contras attempt to overthrow the Nicaraguan government while illegally arming both Iraq and Iran, allegedly in exchange for releasing hostages in Beruit . The interagency team investigating the kidnappings in Beruit was on Pan Am 103 and perished returning to the US.
Robert Swan Mueller III has never himself been specifically identified as being a CIA employee. However, his uncle, Richard Bissell, was an officer high in the CIA. His wife, Ann Cabell Standish, was the granddaughter of Charles Cabell, Deputy Director of the CIA at the time of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, who was fired by JFK along with the above-mentioned Bissell and Allen Dulles. Ann Mueller’s granduncle, Earle Cabell, the mayor of Dallas at the time of President Kennedy’s assassination there, was revealed to have been a CIA asset.
Curiously, Mueller’s career has been marked with prosecuting cases that touch on CIA covert activities. He prosecuted John Gotti, who was on trial for distribution of cocaine which has been identified as having arrived in Mena, Arkansas. He prosecuted Noriega, who was the CIA’s point man in Panama, where the CIA laundered money, moved cocaine and moved weapons for the contras. Mueller prosecuted BCCI (the international bank which laundered mob and intelligence money). Mueller became the Director of the FBI a week before 9/11.
Oh so this is the deep state argument. Let me tell you something pal… the only deep state in the US, which is similar to most of the world, is the top 1/4 of 1% of the wealthy. And if you are gullible enough to think that they give a damn about political ideology, religion, nationalism, etc. then you are exactly the uniformed voter they manipulate on a regular basis. If trump is so legit and not using the office for self interest then explain something to me. Why did he put through a tax cut that eliminate the AMT (something that only effects the very wealthy) which benefited his family to the tune of $20million per year in taxes. So now they will pay less than $10 million on $300 million. Or as Warren Buffet pointed out, a lower tax rate than the average secretary. And if he was doing so well on the economy, then why would the annual federal deficit for the year ending 9/30/2019 be 2.5 times larger than the last deficit under President O’bama? I remember when republicans used to care about the federal deficit.
Australia gave something like $50 million to the Clinton racket prior to the election. There was no choice. The next president of the most exceptionally useless nation was scooping up money from everywhere…Hillary and Bill are rotten to the core…but heck slipping them $50M under the table was seen as a nice way to stay on their good side.
Petro ‘the pig’ Poroshenko and his mate Manafort lavished cash and black ops media favours on Hillary to buy her support.
The crimes are (1) Hillary selling her prospective presidency, and (2) Petro ‘the pig’ Poroshenko conspiring with the Clinton’s to assault the democratic process.
They will end up dragging ‘the pig’ around the streets of Kiev behind a truck with his guts hanging out. Filthy stinking creature he is.
John Key the Then PM of NZ Gave them a Big Donation to the Clinton Foundation Pre Elections an Investment in Future Favours of Meetings ,Trade,5 Eyes,Military Sharing and Service to Protect Each Other.
The Italian government, defeated in the last elections, also made an enormous ‘donation’ to the Clinton Foundation.
Clone – and of course these crimes are ones that need to be listed against the Donbass bloodshed and the downing of MH17, which the all the governments with victims including Australia have now gone silent on, knowing that it was a Ukrainian operation.
Australia gave something like $50 million to the Clinton racket prior to the election…. Prove this statement and by Australia you mean the country, because to be something else would be a congressman Nunes type lie. And by proof I mean from legit sources, not Fox and certainly not Rush, who’s defense when he is sued for liable is that “no one in his audience believes what he says, cause it is intended as satire”. Go read some of his settlements.
All that is noted in the reference provided is that the Australian government had passed through its legislature a donation the the Clinton Foundation global healthcare initiative and decided to cease such funding. So without the right wing, rush inspired inferences as to it having some relationship to the election, what is your point. Are you forgetting the $millions of taxpayer money that was wasted in 9 (that’s 9) bengazi investigation that yielded nothing more than; 1) our embassy was funneling arms to insurgents and 2) Clinton utilized a personal email account, similar to Colin Powell. And let’s for a minute pretend we are adults. Your bashing of Clinton as a response to what Trump has done means what? You see unlike you, I actually hold the following two positions because I actually care about our country, our constitution and democratic process more than my own ideology and beliefs, which by the way are clearly more rationally based than you. And those two positions are that both Bill Clinton and Trump were and are guilty of disrespecting the office of the Presidency and operating in a manner that is inconsistent with the responsibilities the President holds towards the people, not political ideology, not the military industrial complex, not Wall
Street and certainly not the wealthy who own are politicians on both sides of the isle. As a father I never accepted one of my children defending an inappropriate action by identifying actions of others that might be equal or worse. So as and adult, I really don’t except such a childish assertion here.
Hillary Clinton has actually been ‘Bad Mouthing’ Assange this week – Beggars belief.
Let us not forget Tony Blair – Teflon Tony aka T B. Liar – How is he able to walk free amongst law abiding citizens?
He is free but he can’t walk amongst law-abiding citizens. The last time I heard of somebody saying he was making a citizens arrest of Blair it was a young waiter, serving Blair’s family in the closed-off upstairs of a restaurant with his bodyguards around. That was maybe seven years ago but I forget where. So he won’t even sit amongst diners on a family night out. I suspect others do tell him he should be in prison.
Actions connected with Kiev may well have influenced US voters, as a key part of the anti-Russian disinfo networks was “Stop Fake” based in Kiev. That was only the latest in a whole campaign of propaganda to distort the views of Americans about Russia, and about anyone who wanted to improve relations with Russia. You can only say it didn’t influence voters because Trump won – but if Russia’s knowledge about Clinton had gained more attention he’d probably have won even more convincingly!
As the photo for the article nicely indicates war criminals help each other out.
By hook or by crook as they say.
By the way did Poroshenko ever sell Roshen chocolate as he promised in his last election campaign?
OK. How did Ukraine interfere with the election? We see another string of allegations that show… what? How did anything done by Ukraine have an impact on the 2016 election outcome? (I would have expected some focus on the role of the Clintons’ business interests in Ukraine on the anti-Russian allegations, in view of conflicts between Russia and Ukraine.) As for whatever happened in Ukrainian social media, it had no influence on US voting choices. There was no surge of voters switching parties. We weren’t inundated with foreign propaganda. Americans just can’t concede that when their candidate of choice loses, it might not be due to some “outside factor.”
Go back to the election results. Both candidates were opposed by much of their own voting bases, for some of the same reasons. Roughly half of all registered voters rejected both Clinton and Trump. They either voted third party or withheld their votes.In the end, Clinton did get more votes, but Trump got the most electoral votes. All we can say for certain is that a good chunk of the population forgot what they learned in school about the electoral college process.
You are saying that Ukraine’s so-called government – which was the outcome of a US-orchestrated putsch – did not succeed in influencing the voting in the USA. I am quite happy with that. However, they did try to influence the US election and that is another matter entirely.
It’s probably money, US and IMF money for which Manafort got a kickback.
He must have operated like that in the Philippines and the Congo to be so sure that he did not have to register. Even though Manafort was always helping the Republicans only in election campaigns, the Ukrainians would have been anxious to keep at the $$$teet; so for them Clinton – no change – was more attractive.
Dhfabian is also a shill
and clearly can’t read it’s all there and plenty more elsewhere. there’s none so blind as them that will not see. or get paid to talk shite on alternative news sites
For the purpose of analysis it might be useful to start with US interference in Ukraine rather than the other way around. The role of US NGOs was one of the key factors in this process. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which was operating quite openly in Ukraine prior to the coup, is funded by the US government, so strictly speaking it is a GO not an NGO. Also involved was Human Rights Watch another American NGO. On the ground in Kiev during the run up and during the Maidan events, Geoffrey Pyatt, US Ambassador to Ukraine and his neo-con sidekick Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for East European and Eurasian Affairs, strolled around Independence Square in Kiev offering solace, cookies and support to the insurrectionists. Subsequent to this Victoria ‘f*** the EU’ Nuland gave a talk at the press club in Washington openly stating that the US had funded the whole Ukrainian imbroglio – $5 million was apparently the going rate for this particular ‘colour revolution’. There is also talk that Soros was involved.
The fact that Poroshenko, owed the US and the EU, in the overturning of a democratically elected government Ukraine is not in dispute. And the fact that Porky made this perfectly clear with his support for Hilary confirms this.
The degree to which the Ukrainian government meddled in the US election is difficult to gauge, but what seems clear is that such meddling had no immediate or long term effect on the outcome as Trump was duly elected.
Sorry that was $5 billion, not $5 million.
Aren’t Pyatt and Nuland married, or am I thinking of of another pair with differing surnames?
Victoria Nuland is married to Robert Kagan.
I’ll let Wikipedia tell folks all they need to know about Kagan; I’m too busy holding my nose to stop breathing in the toxic fumes the couple emits.
The Ukrainians released information about Donald Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort having done work for past Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych (perceived by the West to have been close to Moscow while he was leader) with the implication that Trump was being supported by the Russian government. The information was released in mid-2016. Had it been released closer to the November elections, it could have had a greater impact on Trump’s chances of becoming President and the Electoral College could have decided differently.
Wouldn’t have made any difference. So much so-called ‘news’ is anything but, most people probably don’t know what to believe. I think Trump’s election was more a protest vote as much as anything, People were just sick of the status quo, seeing the world deteriorating around them. And then, there were voters like me, who detested what Hillary had done in Libya, most particularly. Destroyed a functioning country with all of the socialist benefits Bernie Sanders could only dream about, turning the country into a raging hell-hole with constant civil wars 8 years later. Unforgivable, her role in that disaster. I was so relieved that she got defeated, actually, and Trump did campaign on not militarily interfering with other countries and so far, touch wood, he hasn’t started any new wars.
Your kidding right. If as americans we start accepting individuals like Manafort in roles like managers of Presidential campaigns we are done. It’s not what info was released or why it was released but the substance. You know the reasons he was found guilty of a host of crimes. And again, if Manafort wasn’t a go between for the campaign and russian oligarchs, why wouldn’t he talk to Mueller? Are you forgetting about the level of obstruction during the Mueller investigation and now during the Ukraine shakedown. The notion that individuals here are in a position to challenge or disparage the character or integrity of multiple individuals who have worked in the US State department for 20+ years, most of who actually served in the military is laughable at best. Just a constant reminder the the real social pathology the is infecting the US is the notion people have that their beliefs are as important and relevant as the FACTS and REALITY.