Pompeo’s promise to intervene against Corbyn should surprise no one
Catte Black

The alt media-verse is currently on fire with the news that the US State Dept’s answer to Al Capone, Mike Pompeo, has been caught promising “Jewish leaders” to send the boys round to Jeremy Corbyn if he should get elected and subsequently prove to be uppity and out of line. According to the WaPo, who broke the story:
The remarks, which are contained in audio of a private meeting leaked to The Washington Post, make Pompeo the second senior U.S. official to comment on Britain’s turbulent leadership succession in the past week.
During his meeting with Jewish leaders in New York, Pompeo was asked if Corbyn “is elected, would you be willing to work with us to take on actions if life becomes very difficult for Jews in the U.K.?”
In response, Pompeo said, “It could be that Mr. Corbyn manages to run the gantlet and get elected. It’s possible. You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back. We will do our level best,” he said to fervent applause from attendees.
“It’s too risky and too important and too hard once it’s already happened,” he said.
Of course the idea the “Jewish leaders” harbor any real fear that Jeremy Corbyn (Jeremy Corbyn!) is going to make life “difficult” for British Jews if elected is simply risible. They know, just as every moderately informed person knows, that that’s absurd. They know Corbyn has no wish to make life difficult for anybody – except possibly the uber wealthy and the profiteer class.
They know the “antisemitism” fear is just a cover for the very very real fear that a Corbyn government will break the unwritten rules of modern western governance and reject the agenda of austerity, exploitation and perpetual war that has been creating huge profits and ideological thrills for the blessed few over the last twenty years.
They know that what Pompeo is promising is action to prevent this possibility coming about.
People are up in arms about this, and some seem quite shocked. Apparently the idea the neoliberal elites would try regime change or regime-control on a relatively prosperous western country was something they didn’t previously think possible.
Unfortunately it’s more than possible. The state apparatus of the different western nations are a tight bond of mutual regard and interest, just as likely to foment regime change on their own or their allies’ elected representatives as on those of impoverished or “developing” countries, if they believe those representatives threaten the perceived interests of the state. Of course it isn’t too often necessary, since the same western state apparatus also works to ensure that only governments that don’t threaten perceived state interests manage to get elected. But, when the unthinkable happens, MI5 and the CIA are quite happy to step up to the plate and throw their own or their allies’ democratic governments out the window.It’s happened – or nearly happened – at least twice in the last fifty years.
In the 1960s the UK security agencies, senior military and members of the royal family were apparently contemplating a fullblown coup against Labour prime minister Harold Wilson.
In 1975 it was Australia’s turn, when democratically elected reforming prime minister Gough Whitlam was overthrown in a bloodless constitutional coup organised jointly by the US and UK.
The old empire and the new have form in this regard, and this means no one should take Pompeo’s words (spoken in private let’s not forget) lightly.
It’s also interesting to look at how the WaPo frames the revelation. There’s no sense of outrage or surprise there. In fact it’s an almost matter-of-fact piece, written with no awareness of its potential impact. Even those in the comments who object in some form are mostly doing it within the permissible current language of dissent – blaming Trump, because in these identity politics-saturated times, your morality resides in who or what you are NOT in what you do.
To the WaPo – and many of its readers – there’s nothing intrinsically either wrong or surprising in the idea a US secretary of state should be overtly promising to interfere in the democratic governance of another country.
It’s just what they do when they need to.
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I was discussing this with a colleague today because it contains a number of quite jaw dropping takeaways. One that might have been missed by “Jewish Leaders” is that they seem to be doing a very good job of validating “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. This document, a blueprint for Jewish world domination, was supposed to be a forgery, a crude work of fiction. Let’s keep it that way.
Wannabe radical politicians and their staff and supporters take note. After many years the Guardian has rejected my login. It seems to be because I browse the net from outside the UK but say I’m in the UK. I AM in the UK but the computer I use to browse the net IS outside the UK. I use it to browse the net, yes, but because I administer that network and am logged into it over a corporate VPN most of the working day and because it is nobody’s business but my own where I enter the Internet. I do not think it is to do with O-G but my apparent location glitch. I may be mistaken but it looks like kettling based on profiling. The attempt to identify and control speech on the Internet proceeds apace.
Never had a problem logging into the Graun from outside the UK, directly or via VPN. I only read their sports and some environmental articles these days.
It’s nothing to do with OffG though, but if you have problem you should try to browse these various news sites using private mode so that the cookies are not kept, or alternatively use Firefox and enable all the anti-tracking options. You could also regularly clear your DNS cache too on the PC. Better still, use your own device and network.
IP address allocation was never intended to identify where a system was located but unfortunately you can’t stop people from misusing stuff they don’t understand.
For those who thought that Brexit was all about independence and freedom: bollox.
I’ve said it right from the start that Brexit is a Neocon project, intended to tear the UK away from the EU right into the arms of the US. Other EU countries to follow. Divide and conquer is their gameplan.
Once the UK is “free”, it will be forced (in despecration of a deal if nothing else) into a totally one-sided trade agreement favouring US businesses.
Piece by piece, EU country by EU country, the US will consume them every time. That will include political coups by Godfather Pompeo and his thugs against Corbyn and other socialists.
Corbyn, and other socialists, who saw Brexit as a chance to escape the EU and set up their own little independent republic were naive to say the least, in fact utterly stupid, given what we know about how the US operates.
If you’re right and Brexit is all a big Neocon scam, why isn’t Blair in favour of it?
Why isn’t Soros agitating for it?
Why has the Deep State been busting a gut to sabotage Brexit for the past 3 years?
Why has all the Soros money been going into court cases by Gina Wotsername to prevent it and prosecute Boris?
Why did Obongo come to Britain shilling for Remain?
Is this all just an elaborate double bluff?
The EU countries already are satellites of Uncle Sam. They jump when he says jump. There’s no need for any elaborate conspiracy to subordinate the EU to the US. It already is subordinate. Macron, Merkel, May are just satraps of Uncle Sam. And the UK is even more grovelling and obsequious than the others. They’d probably prefer Britain inside the EU as an obedient proxy to look more closely after Washington’s interests.
It’s right to be wary of false flags and scams, but if the powers that be wanted Brexit, it would have happened by now. They are fighting tooth and nail to prevent it.
Good points, and perhaps it is a double bluff for the masses. Perhaps it’s an internal battle between deep state factions, who knows.
Anyway, Queenie looked mightily impressed with Donnie. He happily proclaimed his plans for a US trade deal and decimation of the NHS as full-price US drugs hit it. Prisons and police will be privatised, in fact everything will be up for sale. Outside the EU Britain will become a corporate tax haven. Neoliberalism full speed ahead.
At least in the EU there’s the counterbalance and common sense of other States which prevents unfettered neoliberal destruction.
Tell that to the Greeks……tell it to the Italians…….tell it to the Irish……tell it to the Spaniards……..tell it to the Romanians…….
Greeks: belong to the EUR curreny zone, with it’s special and stict rules.
Italians: belong to the EUR curreny zone, with it’s special and stict rules.
Irish: belong to the EUR curreny zone, with it’s special and stict rules.
Spaniards: belong to the EUR curreny zone, with it’s special and stict rules.
Surely you realise that there is Gulf of difference between those countries who have given up their sovereignty to join the Eurozone, versus those countries in the EU who retain their full sovereign rights to set their own exchange rates, interests rates, corporation tax rates???
No, thought not.
Trotskyists are as binary-thinking as UKippers on the opposite side of the political spectrum: they simply can’t manage much joined-up thinking.
The timing of Blair, Obama etc pleading to the British public to heed them and not vote brexit did seem to me to be guarantied to send every one off in opposition. Cameron was pleading a case for remain having spent the couple of years or so before misleading the population of Britain on the purpose of his visits to the EU. Telling us it was about begging the EU to stop sending more people here because the UK was full. {We already had every right to send people home who did not start to pay into the system after Three months}. In reality he spent most of his time trying to extract the UK out of the tax and money laundering rules the EU were going to implement. Double bluffing does spring to my mind. The fact that the likes of Soros make money either way should also be a consideration. The pound has been fluctuating ever since depending on a hard or soft brexit narrative.
The Euro – including the UK – always was, and still is a US Vichy/Petainist occupied zone. NATO is the instrument through which the US imposes in foreign policy and economic directives through the subaltern Euro areas. It’s the EU which is the neo-con project and the civilian wing of NATO. The Euro/NATO area is already in the arms of the US right up to the Russian border. It was Obama who told the UK in no uncertain terms the if Britain were to leave the Euro area it would have to wait to the ‘back of the queue’ before it would be able to do deals with the US. The elites in every Euro states are slavishly pro-American, pro-NATO, neo-liberal and in the embarrassing habit of prostrating themselves to the master on the other side of the pond.
”Piece by piece, EU country by EU country, the US will consume them every time.”
Ermm, I think that every EU country has already been consumed piece by piece for some time past. The EU area is an American occupied dead-end, cul-de-sac, going nowhere except into a gradual disintegration.
This fixation with the EU by the centre-left is very reminiscent of the gradual falling apart of the Soviet Union. Like the EU there we many apologists for the Soviet System – including me – who thought that the USSR should be defended since it represented a progressive force in world affairs. But as time went on it became impossible to hold on to this view. The same is true of the EU – it flattered to deceive turning into a dysfunctional, undemocratic and increasingly an economic basket case which no longer had any raison d’etre, apart from the cushy jobs enjoyed by the various institutions within a burgeon bureaucracy.
Glad to see our nose dive into fascist failed vassal state continues apace. I fear that in the event Corbyn was to somehow win an election in spite of years worth of smears by the media, a suitable right wing loon would be found and primed to remove him by violent, public means long before he was able to set about dismantling the system successive corrupt governments and business leaders have constructed for themselves. Almost every aspect of our lives has been sold and financed to the point most people (especially in my under 30 age bracket) can’t even contemplate that their could be an alternative way to organise a state.
How do we advance changing this system, when the only person in the field who we think, might, possibly have it in him to change it, comes tied to the unashamed psychopaths, class traitors and warmongers of the PLP?
Pompeo is a hardcore Christian Zionist who has been filmed calling for The Rapture while giving a sermon at a church in Kansas in 2015. Reportedly, Pompeo even “spooked the spooks” at CIA by making similar comments during his short term as CIA director.
Corbyn, of course, was seen being targeted by the Jewish lobby in Al Jazeera’s documentary film “THE LOBBY”
So, of course, Pompeo–a fervent Christian Zionist–would be willing to obey his true masters in Israel and go after Corbyn is not surprising in any way.
The Orange Baboon and him were put on the earth by God, apparently, to save precious Israel from them Sand Ni**ers in Eye-ran.
And don’t forget The Chosen Few are all going to Heaven in a Flaming Chariot.
The Question for Fat Mike is who’s doing the Choosing?
Looks like we need a bigger Chariot Mike?
Could Pompeo have something worse in mind for Corbyn…………….. Known as the ‘Deal of the Century’ but labelled the joke of the century Mike Pompeo, Trump’s Secretary of State, said recently it was a deal “only the Israelis could love” and possible was “unexecutable.” Still, for what it reveals of the minds that could come up with such a scheme, the ‘deal of the century’ is still worth examining.
The ‘deal’ would be the joke of the century were it not so seriously intended. Whether deal or joke, however, the bottom line is blackmail and even murder. If Hamas and Islamic Jihad don’t accept this deal, the US will allow Israel to “personally harm” their leaders, in other words, kill them. https://ahtribune.com/world/north-africa-south-west-asia/palestine/3203-the-joke-of-the-century.html
Nothing new for the CIA here is another example……
“I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated we stole… like, we had entire training courses. It reminds you of
the glory of the American experiment,” Pompeo told an audience in College Station, Texas earlier this month amid self-amused chuckles. https://www.rt.com/news/457452-pompeo-cia-moment-honest-
This is just the latest manifestation of the essentially criminal and terrorist character of the Zionist Infested US Regime.
Like this repulsive toad’s recent pronouncement that “If they (Iran) want their people to eat, they have to do as they are told.”
Or Tillerson gleefully announcing that sanctions against the DPRK had caused deaths in that country.
Or that vile piece of subhuman Zionist filth Albright gloating over the deaths of half a million Iraqi children under 5 from sanctions.
Or the procession of leading luminaries and Two Bit Hoods of this Mafia State openly threatening to murder Assange and Snowden. “We’re gonna whack the son of a bitch in the street.”
Not, of course, that this is going to stop the Exceptional And Indispensable People in the Yew Ess Ayy from climbing on their high horse and delivering lofty sermons and pious lectures to the lesser breeds about their human rights failings, and how they need to pull their socks up to reach the exalted standards of the Exceptional People and their “Rules Based Order.”
Thanks for the link Harry. Absolutely chilling to read it all laid out like that. How much longer, I wonder, before the laughably rigged form of democracy in place in UK is “suspended” on some pretext, if we elect the wrong person(s). If all the relentless propaganda doesn’t work then naked force could easily follow. Despicable slime, the lot of them.
Nice to see a Catte article for the first time in a while too.
Could Pompeo have something worse in mind for Corbyn…………….. Known as the ‘Deal of the Century’ but labelled the joke of the century Mike Pompeo, Trump’s Secretary of State, said recently it was a deal “only the Israelis could love” and possible was “unexecutable.” Still, for what it reveals of the minds that could come up with such a scheme, the ‘deal of the century’ is still worth examining.
The ‘deal’ would be the joke of the century were it not so seriously intended. Whether deal or joke, however, the bottom line is blackmail and even murder. If Hamas and Islamic Jihad don’t accept this deal, the US will allow Israel to “personally harm” their leaders, in other words, kill them. https://ahtribune.com/world/north-africa-south-west-asia/palestine/3203-the-joke-of-the-century.html
Nothing new for the CIA here is another example……
“I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated we stole… like, we had entire training courses. It reminds you of
the glory of the American experiment,” Pompeo told an audience in College Station, Texas earlier this month amid self-amused chuckles. https://www.rt.com/news/457452-pompeo-cia-moment-honest-interviews/
Leak ?? oh puleeze .. are you seriously suggesting that a closed door meeting of Jewish leaders had an audio recording traitor in it’s midst ?
This was a press release to the WP and was printed under the ‘National Security’ header.
Welkom to the new Soviet …
Its not Russian and it is definately not an Insider but…
The US has interfered in the domestic politics of dozens of countries, sometimes openly, sometimes covertly. It is an outlaw state, whose elite think that words like the rule of law, democracy, human rights, sovereignty, self-determination and the rest are simply rhetorical tools to justify their criminal pursuit of their own narrow self interests.
‘The US has…’
So have we, the UK, and are doing so across the world.
The Integrity Initiative /Institute of Statecraft memos prove it.
The works of SCL with its Aristo/MIC control and its minions in CA/AIQ, Atlantic Council Bellends prove it.
They are all in it upto their 5-eyes and world dominating PR and tech.
Imagine the furore if the same starement was made by Putin and co about a would be UK PM!
“democracy, human rights, sovereignty, self-determination and the rest are simply rhetorical tools to justify their criminal pursuit of their own narrow self interests”
All evidently true. We might as well add ‘Religiosity’ to the list since those pious individuals in the Establishment who proclaim themselves to be Jesus followers are evidently the last people to give a damn about God or Christianity.
Where is the condemnation by the the Church of war crimes and war criminals?
Herewith some real anti-semites. Kiev January 2018
When a car sales manger offers you a deal and promises you peace of mind for the future do you believe them? If they flannel you with some corn syrup slogan like “Make America Grate Again” and buy the deal? Do you buy, if you’ve been off your meds for a few days?
If some religious nut job accosts you in the street and tries to brow beat you into believing that God is great and and so is Amerika; then threatens you when you just look rictus faced and scratch your head, do you agree with them?
When some flunked clown of a Mr Pastry looky-likey screams War, War, War in your face when you know he’s been a veteran draft dodger do you beat the drum with him?
Of course you don’t!
Unless it’s the so called leadership of your country and then what do you do?
The irony of this entire zionist offensive against their opponents is that it is actually creating anti-semitism. People don’t like being called anti-semitic if they do not share the zionist views on Palestine and the State of Israel. You can only cry wolf so many times.
A second irony is that the real anti-semites are comfortably ensconced in Riga, Lviv, and Kiev. Oh you didn’t know about these chaps? You must have apparently missed the annual Waffen SS Reunions in Lativa, Lithuania, and torchlight processions of up to 20,000 Banderists every January in Kiev to honour their hero – Stepan Bandera and OUN-B (Organization Of Ukrainian Nationalists) as well as the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army). As an example of what was to come, in June 1941 anti-semitic pogroms took place in Ukraine (Lviv) were up to 2000 Jews were massacred. Later in the western Ukraine the UPA was responsible for the mass murder of Russians, Jews and Poles in 1943-45. Then there was the 14th Waffen SS Division (Galizia) composed of the scum of the earth drawn from the Western Ukraine, Croatia, and various other Eastern European states. This particular formation was the brainchild of one Heinrich Himmler – ring a bell? Happily it was decimated at the battle of Brody by the Red Army in 1945. The remnants of this formation dragged themselves to Rimini and surrendered to Anglo-American forces. Many of their members sought and got asylum in Britain the US, and especially Canada, where their political presence has had a strong presence in Canadian foreign policy ever since.
And the really disgusting thing is that all of this political pondlife is the way that the zionists and their vassals in the western media has put up a wall of silence over such events past and present. Never a bad word against ‘our’ allies.
Could political opportunism sink any lower than this?
Correction the real anti-semites are based in Tel Aviv (not Jerusalem as they would like us to think)
Always worth remembering Gandhi when peaceloving revolutionary leaders are monstered.
Also the religiously knowledgeable ought to keep in mind the story of Moses (and Christ) – it seems Up Pompeo and zionist supremacists don’t.
The whole Corbyn-is-Hitler meme manufacture is the most pathetically desperate propaganda manoeuvre I’ve ever seen. With books having titles like “Dangerous Hero: Corbyn’s Ruthless Plot for Power” and “The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti‑Semitism”, it’s all “Corbyn is Comin’ Ta Get Ya!” Astonishingly it does seem to work in some quarters. I have heard a close friend call Corbyn “racist”. I put him right. But the real problem is that too many people have this completely unthinking trust in the mainstream media. It’s as if they all walk around in a trance while this slimy airborne virus casually but consantly drops turds in their brains.
So that was the commitment that the Bilderbergers had to sign up to in Montreux:
Meddle in British elections.
I hope the CIA-type organisations pay the Murdoch media for running the campaign against Corbyn.
Leaked? If anyone reads this and thinks I must vote Labour – betraying our sovereignty to EU/NATO vassalship; supporting Russophobia and Browder’s arch-imperial Magnitsky agenda; legitimating NATOs war crimes and Drang nacht Osten neo-Nazi occupations; legitimating the White Helmets and NATO jihadis; legitimating ‘pro-business’ credit imperialism oppressing most of the disadvantaged world – so we can have bourgeois green imperialist climate chauvinism and business as usual exponentially increasing levels of world poverty …framed euphemistically as ‘anti-austerity’ – maybe they better have a critical consciousness rethink and consider possibly that they are being manipulated to do exactly what the elites want?
Vote Labour and you’re voting for Benn, Bradshaw, Bryant, Watson, Ellman, and a menagerie full of Blairite reptiles. Why not just vote Tory?
So, there are unwritten rules?! I never voted for these.
I hope, the Brits will do as they did with Brexit. American recommendation from Obama was to vote against Brexit – so many realised
– when the US wants you to do one thing it is best to do the exact opposite.
The Obama moment was the turning point for me, as I weighed up how I was going to vote in the referendum.
I think Jeremy Corbyn is basically a good man, but that does not mean he would be a good or effective leader.
Both the Conservatives and Labour are like puppets, being controlled/influenced by their “Friends of Israel” groups, and this is an incredibly dangerous situation, where our Middle East policy is being dictated by a tiny self interested group.
You would think the Pompeo story would make headlines, but on the front page of the Guardian today, there is absolutely nothing – tumbleweed.
The Americans sometimes get things right, after they have tried everything else first.
So perhaps we can expect a visit from those lovely chaps in Mossad landing at Heathrow sometime soon. Zionist terrorism is nothing new. In 1946 there was an attempt to assassinate Ernest Bevin, then
Foreign Secretary of the Labour administration by the terrorist group the LEHI – also known as the Stern Gang – letter bombs were also addressed to other members of the Cabinet but were intercepted. The terrorists did actually manage to knock-off leading British diplomat, Lord Moyne, in Cairo 1944.
The Jew Terror Gangs also plotted to kill the British PM.
And they murdered Count Bernadotte, who risked his life to save thousands of Jews during WW2.
Wonderful people, these Chosen Folk.
See how ‘natural’ interference in other states comes to these arrogant bullying exceptionalists.
The US is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism –worldwide, and now they are bragging about it!
Totally agree, and I had a comment removed from another forum yesterday for saying exactly the same thing.
Ah, but you can do that, S, when you’re Exceptional and Indispensable.
”the very very real fear that a Corbyn government will break the unwritten rules of modern western governance and reject the agenda of austerity, exploitation and perpetual war that has been creating huge profits and ideological thrills for the blessed few over the last twenty years.”
If only! With all due respect whoever wrote this doesn’t know much about the Labour Party, Tom Watson and the Labour Friends of Israel
Watson and Labour Friends of Israel are not the Labour party,they were but not any more.The task now is to make sure it stays that way.Unfortunately,the backpedaling of Corbyn’s team does not inspire confidence.For a man who believes in grass roots democracy,Corbyn allows the PLP a lot of influence!
85% of the PLP and Shadow Cabinet are 30 Shekel Whore Friends of Israel with the Board of Deputies and Shai Masot at the Mossad Office on speed dial. Vote Labour and that’s what you get, not Jezza.
I am surprised, myself, at Pompeo’s threats. I thought the Board of Deputies was quite happy with the progress of its smear campaign. If Jezza ever was elected, he would be immediately sidelined or removed in some kind of constitutional coup or bogus judicial process like Lula in Brazil.
Sad, but true. Jezza is a decent bloke but the chances of him actually being able to do anything are about the same as being struck by lightning. I wish him well, but it saddens me that a lot of decent people invest their hopes in him.
Like a lot of people across the Pond put their faith in Obomber and his Hopey Changey thing. The only change they got out of him was Chump Change. Bombing 7 countries and spending $2 trillion on more WMD asAS
he picked up his Nobel Peace Prize. Or all the people who put their faith in Trump. They were both probably genuine in their own way when they criticised the trillions spent on crazy wars for Israel. But once in power, it was, “Who does Netanyahu want me to bomb next?”
Quite honestly I find your tired defeatism intensely irritating.We know the PLP doesn’t yet reflect the party in the country,and it is a very slow job changing that.85% of the PLP and shadow cabinet are not as you describe.The right wing could only command the level of support they did when most MPs thought Corbyn was doomed,that is not the position now.Granted,a lot of them are not people I would choose to go in the trenches with,but we are where we are,and it is a far better place than 3 years ago.So,I repeat,enough of the defeatist crap.
Look! Over there!! A flying pig!!!
Don’t you think you’re being a little bit over optimistic?4
Putting your faith in figures like Jezza, unfortunately, or even ones like Obomber or Trump, is a dead end. It goes nowhere. It is just a distraction from what needs to be done. Expect to see the same thing in the Yew Ess Ayy again shortly. A lot of Americans will be convincing themselves that with President Pocahontas, or President Beto, or President Buttplug, this time it really, really, really, really will be different. Honest.
Every village has its idiot!
“Soldier, I find your defeatism intensely irritating.”
“Sorry, sir. But there are an awful lot of Indians out there today, General Custer.”
Oops…there goes wardroppings again.!
Poo bum wee…twat
Poor old wardroppings can’t help pumping it out both ends every time he sneezes. Little brain fart specialist is he.
The ptb gang’s venality is well recognised, but too few acknowledge their accompanying asinine stupidity.
Take the case of Jeremy Corbyn, a bloke I respect in spite of the fact that he imagines meaningful change can occur within ‘the system’.
Now the thing is that around the traps of humanist thinkers that faith in a long term elected politician is about as rare as rockinghorse pooh.
I cannot think of one other pol anywhere who commands that level of support than the harder to herd than a box of cats, persons of a genuine leftish persuasion.
Sure we know one or two who claim Mr Corbyn to be ” soft on blah, blah” but that attitude rarely prevails for long, even among those expounding it.
In fact I venture to suggest that Mr Corbyn inspires more loyalty than actual martyrs who have achieved great things such as the estimable Julian Assange.
The end result has been Mr Corbyn has a solid base of experienced, articulate and respected supporters everywhere he goes. Types who do mobs of the groundwork for him without needing recognition or affiliation.
There is only one reason for this, and it is the same reason that given a chance to get to know the bloke Joe/Jo Q Voter also likes the chap.
The reason is that every human in politics and media most distrusted for their duplicity, and self obsession, puts the boot into Mr Corbyn at every opportunity.
Eg the usual sledge which a leftish sort of a pol cops is for allegedly being soft on zionism, that struggles to be sustained against someone who is castigated daily for his ‘antisemitic tendencies’ especially true when the target is so obviously opposed to any racial or cultural prejudice.
The graun is a classic case, when after the 2017 general election they decided to ignore Corbyn as much as possible I put such a short-sighted policy down to some sort of silly gain control scam by the wealthy zionists who fund the loss-making shit rag. The treatment of Corbyn hadn’t just destroyed the readership base it also smashed the donor base. The new readers (chiefly south east england domiciled remainers – former tories and lib dems) will never give the graun a brass razoo because it is too left, for them.
Continuing the appalling treatment of Mr Corbyn made the graun even more dependent on the billionaire backers, so it was natural to suppose that making the graun more dependent was one of the mystery backers’ primary objectives.
But it has continued for so long and the fishwrap itself has been so shrill trying to grab readership ‘donations’ that the initial suspicion appears wrong.
Leading one to conclude that all of them – the news media, self described opinion leaders and centrist readers, are all stupid. Blind Freddie can see that maximum saturation in the Corbyn hate syndrome has peaked, anyone who can be made to believe their fibs has already been persuaded and that all the neocon tories, and neolib nulabrats are doing now is strengthening the resolve of Corbyn’s base.
Yet still ultimate coat-tail hanger-on Tom Watsoncreep and his own dour band of hangers-on, tries to put the boot into Corbyn daily despite the fact that they are assiduously kicking own goals every day. Moronic dipshits.
We are entering a new era. I.e. we have realised that the excessive privatisations have not performed. Interserve, Carillion, British Steel – all kaputt and dragging chain stores with them. If you list what all has gone kaputt due to mismanagement though privatisations it is frightening.
We have also learned that the conservatives, Tories, or Merkel’s Christian Democrats are all simpletons and one trick ponies: Cut taxes.
Everything you say is true, but Jezza will go the same way as Lula in Brazil or any number of similar leftist leaders if he ever gets anywhere. The Deep State couldn’t stomach even mainstream centrist figures like Harold Wilson. The Spooks were bugging No. 10 to get some dirt, and actually plotting a military coup against him with serving and retired military officers. This was a real possibility in the 60s/ 70s. It isn’t fanciful. We could have ended up with another Chile and another Pinochet.
This looks like a man who has been flattening people with his bloated frame and his bloated ego ever since he was born.
The archetypal bully.
Schoolboys fight it out and maybe get a black eye each, but this specimen is a menace to us all.
Pompeo draws a striking resemblance to Tony Soprano. Sorry about the thumbs down I hit it by mistake.
He really does.
I liken Pompeo, Bolton, Pence etc to 21st century gangsters.
They are incredibly dangerous.
When I first saw this article, I instantly thought, who says they haven’t been interfering since Corbyn was elected? See the below doc.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CNspeQYplk&w=560&h=315%5D
As all rational reasoned people know the weaponization of antisemitism has infiltrated UK politics by foreign (Israeli) actors in the labour party. Once again the neo-liberal ideology strikes.
There’s only one reason why neo-liberals/neo-cons have & will do anything to stop Corbyn, that’s his foreign policy rightly defending Palestinians!
Personally i think Corbyn has shown great weakness in allowing the fake antisemitism accusations to take hold in the labour party. And his defenders have not shown an intelligent approach to dealing with it. Anytime some one fires the fake antisemitism weapon, don’t get defensive, go on the offense & use the Palestinian cause (as the true Semites) to defend against Israeli antisemitism, racism & apartheid concentration camps.
Said it before, but I’ll say it again: as soon as the anti semitic hysterics began, Corbyn should have come out kicking and screaming and called them out straight off on this rubbish. Including the scum media who have relentlessly pushed this canard. Fully agree with every line of your comment.
That’s his weakness, he was to offended by the accusations fired at him, exactly because he’s the very opposite of racist, antisemitic & his accusers, who have thicker skins & no ethics.
They do what ever they have to get what they want, look at their forefather, the mass murderer Tony Bliar. Liberals have infiltrated all major political parties in the UK & are well on the way to destroying them.
What will we be left with Farage or Chuka (the new libdem leader)?
It’s really quite funny to see the single – or maybe twin – aberration below, who could not possibly actually wish to be here, down-voting what everybody else is up-voting, presumably because he once wandered onto this site by accident, got lost, and has no idea how to orient himself amongst educated, experienced people who insist upon a frank examination of even uncomfortable facts.
It’s like blundering ten minutes late into a classical concert, while the orchestra plays exquisitely quietly and the audience listens, utterly captivated by the wonderful music, then you fart and ask, at the top of your voice, where the toilet is, because you just have to relieve yourself…
Its all so mind numbingly predictable. Anything to protect the vampires raping and plundering the planet. Anyone deemed a threat to the Anglo Zionist Empire, like Corbyn is; relentlessly smeared, relentlessly ground into the dirt. On and on it goes.
The supreme arrogance and contempt for democracy of political zionists on both sides of the Atlantic would be breathtaking, were it not so familiar.
The purpose of the current witch-hunt in Britain (apart from getting rid of Corbyn) is to completely shut down political debate on the Palestine question in order to give Israel carte-blanche to do what it likes with the Palestinians.
It’s hard to believe that millions of Britons aren’t becoming angry at the attempts of a small minority to stifle their freedom of political speech.
However, it’s likely many others have been bamboozled by openly zionist, so-called ‘liberal’ media, including the BBC (a State – not a public – broadcaster) and the Guardian.
You said it.
It’s exactly that: The media.
And it’s not just about the Palestinians, but about all the countries around Israel.
When Thompson was Director of the BBC, he had private meetings with Netanyahu where he promised that no criticism of Israel would ever appear on the BBC.
What sort of shit eating tapeworm would down vote a link to the plight of Soral in France.?
Soral is a harbinger of what is actually coming up next in the UK.
By the way if you or anyone you know has stage 4 cancer take a look at fenbendazole and vitamin E complex.
I marked you down because I assumed that you were accusing Macron of being the Anti-Christ.
I also marked you down for referring to people in this community as tapeworms.
Never heard of Soral, so just read up a bit about him. A great polemic and very confused man, one day a communist the next far right. Generally seems to enjoy insulting a plethora of groups of people he despises. I have no info on his current insulting one group or another and reasons for any incarceration, but not particularly interested in him to be honest.
I stand to be corrected: not just a tapeworm, but a “shit eating tapeworm”.
The antichrist reigns in Paris
” You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back”.
This, from the American Government Official, who complained about(fake) “Russian Interference in the American Election”? From the land of “Freedom and Democracy”(don’t laugh)
How’s the Coup in Venezuela going Mike? Everything under control?
The USA Government don’t even bother to cover up their nefarious actions any more.
The USA Government is nothing more than a Criminal Gang. Just ask the American people, who can see with their own eyes what has happened to the USA over the last 30+ years, when Ronny(Brain dead) Reagan handed the government over to the Corporates.
The 527 person usa that governs in secret 350,000,000 Americans has been renamed CPI.. Congress, president and Israel..
The US government was already in corporate hands before WW2, if not earlier, and in the financiers’/bankers’ hands almost from the beginning of the USA.
I love avocados. If I refuse to buy avocados from Spain because I disagree with their Government’s policy on Catalonian independence, no one will call me a dirty name or seek to ruin my reputation.
If I decide not to buy South African avocados because of the way the Government there treats some of the minorities in that country, no one will call me a dirty name or seek to ruin my reputation.
Likewise if I decide not to buy Ecuadorian avocados because of the way the current Government of that nation has treated Jullian Assange, again no one will call me a dirty name etc.
But should I refuse to buy Israeli avocados because I object to their unremitting slaughter of Palestinians, then I will be called a dirty name and my reputation will be hung out to dry for public mockery and condemnation.
When I was 13 I was held down by two classmates, one by the legs and the other sat on my chest while rhythmically punching my face and calling me a f*cking Jewish c*nt until a passing teacher pulled him off me.
I think he was an anti-semite don’t you?
The idea that JC is an anti-semite is simply a campaign to save the aristocracy from having to pay a few more pounds in tax and it’s bollocks.
Shocking, and I fully understand where you are coming from.
My grandfather, Jewish, was killed by Ukrainian fascists in WW2, the same ‘gentle’ kind who have burned and bombed Russians in modern times.
“We” support them, yet accuse Corbyn of crimes against the long-suffering Jewish community, when in actual fact, he’s done nothing wrong.
Politics stinks, including corrupt political zionism and their “Christian” zionist / fundamentalist collaborators.
Looks like the Tory Challenge Cup has just kicked off.
10 Bags of Bugger All to choose from.
The winner/ next PM to be chosen by a couple of hundred MPs and a few thousand Tory OAPs.
Who needs any of that democracy shit?
They could just cut the cards or toss a coin.
What you have to realise is that all leaders of the Exceptional And Indispensable People have a direct hot line to God.
Like Clinton, who bombed Yugoslavia, when God told him to.
Or Bush and Blair, who invaded Iraq when God told them to.
Or Trump and Pompeo, who were put on earth by the Almighty to save Israel from Iran.
Any Jew who wishes to undermine UK democracy should be deported without right to legal due process.
If and only if Jeremy Corbyn is democratically elected to be UK Prime Minister, then any Jew incapable of accepting democracy can f**k off to Israel, the US or wherever.
It is now entirely acceptable to tell Mike Pompeo that a contact will taken out to bump him off if he initiates actions which into with Uk electoral democracy.
Mike Pompeo dying is extremely insignificant. He is a torturer, a state-sponsored murderer and a fascist to boot.
Why on earth would anyone care whether he lived or died?
I will not be voting for the Labour Party, but I will not accept foreign terrorists interfering with legitimate democratic Uk elections…..
Appaling, racist comment.
What on earth is racist about it?
To my mind, anybody of any faith, creed or upbringing who wishes to undermine democracy in the UK should be deported to any country which will have them.
Of course undermining corrupt democracy is an entirely different thing.
I even allow myself to indulge in that…
Because it specifies “Jews” in particular to be deported, after all, not all Zionists, or all those opposed to democracy, or Corbyn, are Jews so why single out only the Jewish ones and “without legal process” thus giving them no chance to defend themselves? It doesn’t specify Americans in the UK does it, although Pompeo represent the US govt. Nor all the wholly Anglo-Saxon establishment within the British state who were plotting against Harold Wilson back in the day, or against Corbyn now.
Maybe accusations against someone are false or misleading, maybe they are the result of a personal grudge, we can’t know when there is no legal process. The post is thus calling for people being deported for being Jewish and holding the wrong opinion, not for just holding the wrong opinion, it advances a special ethnically defined punishment that is inflicted only on Jews but not anyone else doing the same thing.
Besides, as an anti-Zionist myself, I don’t want to drive more Jews to Israel where they must abuse Palestinians, Zionism supports the idea all Jews should eventually go to Israel, antisemitism is it’s ally.
Fair comment. Sad fact is that zionist propaganda is actually creating anti-semitism.
I understand where your criticism of my comment comes from, and I don’t disagree with most of your points.
But what if the original comment had said “women should be deported”…?
My own point is simply that “undermining UK democracy” by ANY group is a very serious charge.
Treason, in fact.
We are not talking about differences of opinion here.
The UK is, nominally, still a democracy (we won’t talk about its utter failure to live up to true democratic ideals here).
Thank you Carnyx.
They should be put on Kosher Air with a free one way ticket to Ben Gurion and a couple of bagels for the journey.
Sounds good, man.
I thought the message was ‘don’t worry we’ll push back before he ever gets elected’.
Pompeo says they would intervene before Corbyn does anything, but not specifically before he’s elected. Though it’s ambiguous enough to contain that possibility.
It’s the last sentence about it being difficult and hard “once it’s happened” – which must be true!
Leaked me arse.
Pompeo or Pompeii both the end of an empirehttps://youtu.be/adai-pkt4dg
Pompeo or Pompeii both the end of an empire https://youtu.be/adai-pkt4dg
Pompeo promise to intervene into the injustice in the World
fuck it let’s attack people with beards
The whole anti-semitic onslaught against Corbyn is a disgraceful psychop, aided and abetted by the Israeli embassy as reveled earlier this year by the Al-Jazeera sting (no wonder these journalists are threatened by Israeli right wingers).
Most of the UK population are sadly scooping it all up, hook, line and sinker. They despise Corbyn. Sadly, Pompeo and Netanyahu would wipe the floor clean with the gentle pensioner Corbyn if he was to become PM.
See Caitlin Johnson’s piece: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2019/06/10/uh-what-did-pompeo-mean-when-he-vowed-to-push-back-against-corbyn/