From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate and Doctrines of Consent
Colin Todhunter in conversation with Denis Rancourt
Colin Todhunter

There has been an on-going tectonic shift in the West since the abandonment of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971. This accelerated when the USSR ended and has resulted in the ‘neoliberal globalization’ we see today.
At the same time, there has been an unprecedented campaign to re-engineer social consensus in the West. Part of this strategy, involves getting populations in Western countries to fixate on ‘global warming’, ‘gender equity’ and ‘anti-racism’: by focusing on identity politics and climate change, the devastating effects and injustices brought about by globalized capitalism and associated militarism largely remain unchallenged by the masses and stay firmly in the background.
This is the argument presented by Denis Rancourt, a researcher at Ontario Civil Liberties Association, in a new report.
Rancourt is a former full professor of physics at the University of Ottawa in Canada and author of ‘Geo-economics andgeo-politics drive successive eras of predatory globalization and socialengineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as state doctrines’ (April 2019).
In the report, Rancourt references Michael Hudson’s 1972 book Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire to help explain the key role of maintaining dollar hegemony and the importance of the petrodollar to US global dominance.
Aside from the significance of oil, Rancourt argues that the US has an existential interest to ensure that opioid drugs are traded in US dollars, another major global commodity. This explains the US occupation of Afghanistan. He also pinpoints the importance of US agribusiness and the arms industry in helping to secure US geostrategic goals.
Since the fall of the USSR in 1991, Rancourt says, US war campaigns have, among other things, protected the US dollar from abandonment, destroyed nations seeking sovereignty from US dominance, secured the opium trade, increased control over oil and have frustrated Eurasian integration.
In addition, we have seen certain countries face a bombardment of sanctions and hostility in an attempt to destroy energy-producing centres that the US does not control, not least Russia.
He also outlines the impacts within Western countries too, including: the systematic relative loss of middle-class economic status, the rise of urban homelessness, the decimation of the industrial working class, corporate megamergers, rising inequality, the dismantling of welfare, financial speculation, stagnant wages, debt, deregulation and privatisation.
In addition, the increased leniency in food and drug regulation has led to the dramatic increase in the use of the herbicide glyphosate, which has been concurrent with upsurges of many diseases and chronic ailments.
In the face of this devastation, Western nations have had to secure ongoing consent among their own populations. To help explain how this has been achieved, Rancourt focuses on gender equity, anti-racism and global warming as state doctrines that have been used to divert attention from the machinations of US empire (and also to prevent class consciousness taking hold).
I recently asked Denis Rancourt about this aspect of his report.
Colin Todhunter: Can you say a bit about yourself and how you came to produce this report? What is it meant to achieve?
Denis Rancourt: I’m a former physics professor, environmental scientist and a civil rights advocate. I currently work as a researcher for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association ( During a conversation about civil rights issues I had with the executive director of OCLA, we identified several important societal and economic phenomena that seemed to be related to the early 1990s. So, I eventually settled in to do some ‘heavy lifting’, research wise.
While there is no lack of hired intellectuals and experts to wrongly guide our perception, my research demonstrates a link between surges in large-scale suppression and exploitation of national populations with the acceleration of an aggressive, exploitative globalization.
CT: In your report, you’ve described the consequences of the abandonment of Bretton Woods and the dissolution of the USSR in terms of dollar hegemony, US militarism and the devastating impacts of ‘neoliberal globalisation’ both for nation states and for ordinary people.
DR: There is little doubt that Russian and Chinese analysts have a solid understanding of what I have outlined in my report. For instance, foreshadowing Trump’s trade war, the People’s Liberation Army Major-General Qiao Liang’s April 2015 speech to the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee and government office, included the following:
Since that day [dissolution of Bretton Woods], a true financial empire has emerged, the US dollar’s hegemony has been established, and we have entered a true paper currency era. There is no precious metal behind the US dollar. The government’s credit is the sole support for the US dollar. The US makes a profit from the whole world.
This means that the Americans can obtain material wealth from the world by printing a piece of green paper. […] If we [now] acknowledge that there is a US dollar index cycle [punctuated by engineered crises, including war] and the Americans use this cycle to harvest from other countries, then we can conclude that it was time for the Americans to harvest China…
CT: You discuss the need for states to ensure consent: the need to pacify, hypnotize and align populations for continued globalization; more precisely, the need to divert attention from the structural violence of economic policies and the actual violence of militarism. Can you say something about how the issue of global warming relates to this?
DR: Irrespective of whether the so-called ‘climate crisis’ is real, exaggerated or fabricated, it is clear, from the data in my report, that the ethos of global warming was engineered on a global scale and benefits the exploiters of the carbon-economy and, more indirectly, the state.
For example, one of the studies that I review shows that a many-fold increase in mainstream media reporting about global warming suddenly occurred in the mid-2000s, in all the leading news media, at the same time that the financiers and their acolytes such as Al Gore decided to make and manage a global carbon economy. This media campaign has been sustained ever since and the global warming ethos has been institutionalized.
Carbon sequestration schemes have devastated local communities on every occupied continent. If anything, carbon schemes − from wind farms to biofuel harvesting to industrial battery production to solar-cell array installations to mining uranium to mega hydro-dam construction and so on – have accelerated habitat destruction.
Meanwhile, economic and military warfare rages, glyphosate is dumped into the ecosphere at unprecedented rates (poured on GM herbicide-resistant cash crops), active genocides are in progress (Yemen), the US is unilaterally withdrawing from nuclear treaties and forcing an arms race with next-generation death machines and US-held extortionary loans are serviced by land-use transformation on the scale of nations; while our educated children have nervous breakdowns trying to get governments to “act” on “climate”.
In the early-1990s, a world conference on climate environmentalism was an express response to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This was part of a global propaganda project intended to mask the new wave of accelerated predatory globalism that was unleashed now that the USSR was definitively out of the way.
CT: What are your thoughts on Greta Thunberg and the movement surrounding her?
DR: It is sad and pathetic. The movement is a testament to the success of the global propaganda project that I describe in my report. The movement is also an indicator of the degree to which totalitarianism has taken hold in Western societies; wherein individuals, associations and institutions lose their ability for independent thought to steer society away from the designs of an occupying elite. Individuals (and their parents) become morality police in the service of this ‘environmentalism’.
CT: You also talk about the emergence of gender-equity (third wave feminism) and anti-racism as state doctrines. Can you say something about this?
DR: In my report, I use historical institutional records and societal data to demonstrate that a triad of ‘state religions’ was globally engendered and emerged on cue following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This triad consists of climate alarmism, exaggerated tunnel-vision focus on gender equity and a campaign of anti-racism focussed on engineering thoughts, language and attitudes.
These state ideologies were conceived and propelled by UN efforts and the resulting signed protocols. Western academia enthusiastically took up and institutionalized the program. Mainstream media religiously promoted the newly minted ethos. Political parties largely applied increased quotas of gender and race elected representatives.
These processes and ideas served to soothe, massage and occupy the Western mind, especially among the upper-middle, professional and managerial classes and the elite classes of economically occupied territories but did nothing to alleviate the most violent and globally widespread forms of actual racism and misogyny as a result of predatory globalization and militarism.
Ironically, the global attacks on human dignity, human health and the environment were in proportion to the systematic and sometimes shrill calls for gender equity, anti-racism and climate ‘action’. The entire edifice of these ‘state religions’ leaves no room for required conflicts of class and expressly undermines any questioning of the mechanisms and consequences of globalization.
CT: Can you say something about the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests), Brexit and the Trump electoral phenomenon.
DR: Combine aggressive globalization, constant financial predation, gutting of the Western working and middle classes and a glib discourse of climate change, anti-racism and gender equity and something has to give. French geographer Christophe Guilluy predicted the reactions in some detail, and it is not difficult to understand.
It is no accident that the revolting working- and middle-classes are critical of the narratives of climate crisis, anti-racism and gender equity; and that their voices are cast by the mainstream media as racist, misogynist and ignorant of science.
It seems that any class which opposes its own destruction is accused of being populated by racist and ignorant folks that can’t see that salvation lies in a carbon-managed and globalized world. It becomes imperative, therefore, to shut down all the venues where such an ‘ignorant lot’ could communicate their views, attempt to organize and thereby threaten the prevailing social order.
Edited at the authors request 28/6/19
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I read the report yesterday: it is a fantastic piece of work with lots of relevant information. However, I feel it suffers from the structure that the information is presented within.
The overall framework suffers from being too state-structuralist and US-centric. The overarching nature of neoliberalism is that it was trans-national and supra-sovereign in character from inception. That inception usually being considered as the Lipmann Coloquium in 1937 – which von Mises and Hayek both attended. A crucial omission from the Report is the Mount Pelerin Society meeting in 1947 – which Friedman attended. This led to the think-tank gestation period of neoliberalism – funded by Swiss and UK money, as well as US.
By focusing on the US: the critical US/UK – NY/City of London/Bank of England trans-national axis of neoliberalism is omitted. Which fails to account for neoliberalism being an ‘offshore’ supra-national phenomena – funded by the unregulated expansion of financialisation and credit that the euromarkets – centred in London – afforded. Follow the money and it disperses down a warren of offshore rabbit holes entered by one of the numerous secrecy jurisdictions.
Also omitted are the close ties of the Mount Pelerin Society and the City/BoE half of the axis. Neoliberalism is, and was, an ‘offshore’ trans-national supra-sovereign initiative of international capitalist elites to install a libertarian fascist doctrine over onshore populations – destroying the Keynesian welfare state and any organisational unionised labour protections.
One critical omission is Pinochet’s Chile – where neoliberalism was trialled on an unwilling population. Any dissent was dropped from a helicopter or raped by a rat. It failed horribly as a social and economic experiment …but that did not deter Friedman’s ‘Chicago Boys’.
Apart from the libertarian fascism being on full view from the very outset of the experimental implementation in Chile …another crucial element of the dark shadow nature of neoliberalism was trialed – surveillance capitalism. It was not digitised then – Operation Condor (an extension of the Pheonix Program) relied on HUMINT and SIGINT …that is, people informing on their neighbours. But the relevance for the modern world, and display of the true natures of the elite ‘shadow sovereign’ Trans-National Suprastate (TNS) that the unregulated finance of the offshore ‘hot money’ euromarkets has literally afforded was clear. They are technocrats as well as plutocrats. Neoliberalism is also technocracy rising.
No less so in the virtually coordinated implementation of neoliberalism ‘onshore’ in the developed markets by Thatcher and Reagan (still fresh in the living memory, if you are my age). Thatcher’s ‘Big Bang’ was as much a technocratic milestone for the speed and ease of financialisation: which was part of a deliberate policy to decouple capital accumulation from its reliance on labour. No need to recap: but the trans-Atlantic axis of implementation is in itself indicative of the power of the shadow sovereign TNS plutocrats – and the technocratic nature of the TNS ‘Inner Party’. I do not think there can be any doubt that neoliberalism was a coordinated trans-Atlantic curse on humanity, really.
As such, it favours an internationalised neo-Gramscian structural-functionalist critique – of the intentional hegemony of trans-national capital not just over labour, but over whole populations of humanity. The structuralist approach favours a trans-national World System Theory hierarchy of capital domination and post-Marxist International Relations framework. The functionalist approach favours a critique of the WTO global governance architecture: and the unregulated financialisation the offshore euromarket funding affords …and the hierarchical tributary system that has been created to character mask the London/NY City of London/Wall St axis of the imperialist core.
The secrecy and masking is intentional, and the focus on nation state inter-relations and geo-political motives is also a deliberate camouflaging of the now global nature of trans-national finance (see below). Neoliberal globalisation was never a US-centric geo-political domination theory, neither was it a trans-Atlantic Anglo-American axis of imperialism …it was always trans-national and supra-sovereign libertarian fascist elitism from the Lipmann Coloquium. Much of the phenomena of imperialist imposition can be attributed to the libertarian exclusionary and technocratic nature of the shadow sovereign elites themselves. Much more could be made of Ayn Rand’s cabal – including the Kochs; etc toward this characterisation. Which ties in the climate agenda. Also to the rise of the TNCs; which is a parallel development of neoliberalism.
Suffice to say: neoliberalism is not a US-centric or nation state structuralist political phenomena. It was always centreless and de-territorialised supra-sovereign and trans-national superstate from inception – one that is an ‘imagined geography’ (to appropriate Edward Said’s term). It may be an abstract and imaginative space that opens national territories into a global ‘laissez-faire’ trans-national ‘free’-market for capital – one that is inter-linked by the reliance on the unregulated offshore euromarkets …which equates to eurodollar hegemony of interbank finance …Unfortunately for humanity, the effects of this imagined geography are very, very, real – in terms of the near ubiquity of suffering in global populations it has created. Not to mention the extractivist dominion over the environment. This equates to the near totalising domination of humanity by trans-national capital – which is the real neo-Gramscian hegemony over humanity and nature.
BigB, you are on the roll … excellent.
What can i add? Maybe these that built the house of cards always had the next stage. USA (the country and population) is just another rung in their make believe ladder to heaven.
They are ‘System’ changers and they aim to have a ‘Global Reset’ as they rinse and repeat and stay at the top of the pile of what they feel is their god given or natural right to power and slavery of the rest of the human race and this planet.
The immigrants that made America great are about to be given a serious wake up. As they join the rest of us 99.9%.
i’ll second every word of that, DunGroanin, brilliant BigB, classic eloquence . . .
What can I add ? 😉 Logically >>> Well, thurs’ weather modification & derivative speculation on same at the Chicago, (repeat Chic-agogo) Stock Exchange, conceived long before 2001 & then the WTC7 SEC Criminal Investigation into Enron’s speculation with pensions funds, harmonised with Monsanto & GMO crops with especially resistant seeds to the particulates sprayed, on offer, to test the abilities of HAARP & US Farmers financial resilience to drought, finally forced to sell out their livelihoods & land to Monsanto, and then the rain returned and if the second largest US corporation had not been all high on cocaine, they might have performed better & fallen in line with strategic long term calculations. Of course, the 2000 Dotcom bubble had compromised their commitments & obligations in a haze of bacchanalian buggery and hey presto, Caligula and Gore Vidal’s History of the National Security State, springs to mind …
short enough DG 🙂 coz’ clearly, what’s good for the goose & Guccifer2:0, goes global & “neoliberalism is not a US-centric or nation state structuralist political phenomena.”
nor Weather Modification 🙂 With GCHQ on board, all you need is a few Italian S.S. & Ukrainian Secret Services, oh and some Germans with 65 x AS-340 Airsolbus, then remarkably, one can wonder & marvel at Moscow’s recent Winter Record of a mere 6 minutes sunshine for the whole of month of December 2017. Don’t get me wrong, the Russians & Chinese are also active in Weather modification methods and we must presume many others have been testing or compliant with these experiments on us guinea pigs, with tools that can easily warp the shape of our magnetosphere and alter the Jet Stream Turbulence & Flow rates & direction, in both Northern & Southern Hemispheres,
which is why antipodean people have seen the purple streaker **S.T.E.V.E.**
Which kinda’ makes sense if you have 5Eyes
** Strong Thermal Emissions Velocity Enhancement is NASA & Guardian speak and no, none of this is made up or imaginary, unfortunately. You’d be excused for thinking think that some body of scientists would actually take an interest, Officially, but not even @OffG, despite this release, exactly on the day Trump was in Paris for the non-binding climate accord …
‘These processes and ideas served to soothe, massage and occupy the Western mind, especially among the upper-middle, professional and managerial classes and the elite classes of economically occupied territories but did nothing to alleviate the most violent and globally widespread forms of actual racism and misogyny as a result of predatory globalization and militarism.’ – yes, the paradox at the heart of political correctness: the greater the hysteria around controlling cultural discourse the more detached from reality that discourse seems to be.
This discord plays out in many forms: today for example the Guardian laments the judicial cruelty inflicted on Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe (in Iran) while at the same time publishing article after article mocking a political prisoner arbitrarily detained and tortured by the British authorities.
Or take their pearl clutching over the Khashoggi case: journalists getting their knickers over a single murder while rooting for every necon invasion that they must know will lead to human misery and economic ruin on a much vaster scale.
Interesting exchange between Tucker Carlson and Glen Greenwald on the latent violence that is now part and parcel of liberal ideology in its organised forms (media and political groups).
Hi Harry, good link: nice to see Greenwald getting up to speed again, legally, almost calling it like it is, and having the courage to speak the absolutely bleeding obvious regarding Trump’s administrative reality: i still found it disturbing that he shied away from using the word ‘Treason’, because that was what the “insurance policy” and Russia-Hoax was, in fact: and the evidentiary conspiracy is what Bill Barr is studying, presently, thus the huge distractions in the daily news for sheeple.
I haven’t read his article, yet, but will do: therefore, I must venture to comment on one glaring omission in the link provided, namely, Greenwald neglects to mention who owns the various mainstream media sources that have continuously conspired with this attempted Treason by the CIA, FBI & elements of the NSA, with foreign actors, all running parallel platforms with which to maximise damage & distraction from this bureaucratic civil war, which masks the full nature of Treason U$A & their wholly illegal bulk surveillance.
Likely because it would mean also discussing who funds & backs the ‘Intercept’. Either way,
somebody like Glenn should easily understand that, although it is very difficult in these times to bite the hand that feeds, some sort of reference to the international scale of this political interference in the 2016 elections, (that had little to nothing to do with Russia, but very much everything to do with the UK’s GCHQ , also the Italian & Ukrainian secret services), is sorely missing & a brief mention of the Guardian’s U-turn under S.S. command, on Snowden & Assange seemed more than a little depressing for me, given his involvement & clear understanding of ‘Censorship’ most rife.
Here’s a very good Brendon O Connell mini doc. Great content
Daesh created by the UK and friends. Quite a few Tory’s could end up in jail.
Wow. Rancourt makes it more than explicit
that, at least in the interview itself, he was NOT ADDRESSING the issue of the validity or otherwise of destructive, atmospheric CO2 induced climate change theory or the data presented to support or refute it, either as a theory or as, so far, tests of that theory.
IRRESPECTIVE OF THE POSSIBLE CONTENT OF SOME POSSIBLE PRE- OR POST-INTERVIEW OFF-MIC CHAT, what on earth could have led the interviewer and reporter of it to end-note otherwise if not the sort of obsessive irrationality that will see us all off the face of the planet by this time next week, or sooner (assuming we aren’t off it already, living still in the Titanic moment between the time–now a few decades ago–when disaster could no longer be averted and the time–now clear on the horizon–when denial of it will simultaneously be both rationally untenable and at its most raucous, which we are).
Our collective iceberg? Not the destruction of the habitat from the top of the exosphere to the bottom of ths Mariana Trench, or the disintegration of social, economic and political restraints on our collective hubris, both expressed in scores of failures from acidification, to toxicication to globalization, but the apotheosis of too many such failures in too short a period of time for any of us to be able to apprehend, analyze, comprehend or afford to counter enough of them to avoid most of them.
To express it in terms of the Enlightenment-proof paradigm that begat most of this nice mess, live by the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, kill everything and die by the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
Good to see you back to your old self:
Robbo, you might like to cast your eye over the Crop Losses, engineered most recently
I’ve noticed a distinct unwillingness of people in these columns to address climate engineering & Legal Liability: and I know your analytical mind of old, you ole’ Tout 😉
So, always presuming you are not a trout, lol
(mind you assumption is the mother of all fuckin’ fuckups,
*note the apostrophe*, that i spelt differently, humour intended) 😉
I have a question for you:-
In your opinion, can we & do we actively modify & modulate the weather to order, especially within NATO nations ?
P.s. BigB and many others seem afraid to take a position on this ‘Matter’ of Physics, despite my asking, quite directly. Not that your answer will change what I know to be true, from direct personal experience & Knowledge, but as a measure of you, for me, please …
Apart from the high probability that unintended, uncontrolled microclimate modification is a concomitant effect of commercial aviation’s grease trails, I don’t know. I followed up all the obviously not insane stuff I could find about HAARP &c back when it was big conspiracy news, which wasn’t a lot, and followed a few footnotes into a superficial, layman’s knowledge of the atmos/ionospherics involved, but wouldn’t chance venturing my resultant, personal-use-only opinion (that it might be used as a remote weather modification tool in some ways and in certain conditions, maybe) at a Royal Society bunfight. I also checked out some of the meticulously documented conspiratorial theorizing about commercial aviation greasetrails and realized, yet again, just how closely the inside of the averagely rational human mind can resemble the Terminal OCD ward at your local looney bin. So that leaves belief (localized/directed spraying, particularly cloud seeding, being an everyday business and occasional military fact). Do I believe that some classified aspects of broader-scale climate engineering, usually aimed at hegomonic maintenance or rebalance chew though largeish amounts of some national “defence” budgets: yes. Do I believe they’ve got somewhere yet? Possibly. Will they get any further? Likely. Do I believe that all sorts of civil entrepreneurs are out there seeking their fortune? No, that bit I know: yes. Are there any number of crackpots, a.k.a. inventors and scientists, seeking to get funding from them to develop their latest brainwave? Of course. Do I care a lot any more? No. These days even moderate heat waves have me hunting around for my favourite pair of nice warm socks.
As long as we all waste energy debating the whys and wherefores of peripheral issues around climate change, racism and gender equity, the bastards have got us.
I am old enough like most others here I suspect, to know that pre their sequestration by the neoliberals, all of those issues have a solid basis in science and economy.
However as Rancourt states the problems western societies face are rarely about honest brokers attempting to resolve climate, racial and gender issues, but are instead about political charlatans using the issues to divide us, and distract us from real solutions.
A quick example, yesterday the government controlled graun who despite endlessly whining about alleged ‘foreign interventions in national elections keep sticking their our into the farcical US prez beauty contest even though the fishwrap is an english and therefore foreign to the US meddler.
Now I for one couldn’t give a flying fuck which bludging no-hoper wins that nonsense distraction because it really doesn’t matter because whichever low-life grabs that brass ring bugger-all will change in either domestic of foreign US policy. The wars will continue outside the US and the oppression of poor people will ramp up inside it.
Anyway the graun was big on some storm in a teacup between whatisname the irish american crook Biden and the African American self-hating careerist Harris.
Apparently Harris called Biden out for his alleged racist activities and support for the dixiecrats who had used race more specifically whitefellas’ insecurity about civil rights legislation to carve out a knee jerk niche by running emotive scare campaigns against further citizenship rights for African Americans.
I suppose that could have been a valid point if there was any chance that any real change in the plight of all citizens living in poverty had a chance of being realised should a dem win ‘Prez 2020’. When poverty is addressed the major issues will have been resolved time for the details, but since there was no chance of that, the dems were just playing around with side issues which if remedied won’t make much of a difference to any citizen – black or white. All that will happen is the usual will he/she won’t he/she type media distraction, prefacing no major change despite emotive scares and promises from all sides of democrat ‘debate’.
Anyway Harris worked as a prosecutor eagerly destroying the lives of thousands of african americans by avidly backing laws designed to oppress unwhite americans, so who the hell is she to lecture anyone about race?
Of course the graun shit rag ignored any of that, most probably because they have rightly judged Harris to be a viable neolib operator who won’t make the fundamental changes Jo/Joe Blow requires, which could upset the elite applecart.
Backing Harris allows writers and readers to feel good about caring for these ‘unfortunates’ secure in the knowledge that no one’s parasitical existence will be discomfited.
That is what we are fighting and I believe that is what Rancourt alluded to, fighting over the meaningless nuances in these issues is exactly what the arseholes want us to do – so why do it?
Unequivocal apologies UreK: clearly, after patiently studying your comments in more depth, over a longer period, I must fully concede that I was way too rash in my judgement of you, a shot from the hip that missed, which happened to coincide with an influx of trolls @OffG, who were consistently trying to transfer & project serious argumentation in any other direction, in order to to disrupt any active constructive discourse. Maybe I was just sick of discussing grassy knolls, JFK and / or grudgingly suffering from the male menopause, insistent on sticking to the point of the article & discussion or just plain, hey, having a bad day … whatever, i was clearly mistaken,
for which i feel obligated to apologise.
“… fighting over the meaningless nuances in these issues is exactly what the arseholes want us to do – so why do it?” if someone is clearly not trolling & acting, but speaking with conscience & conscious awareness, “as long as we all waste energy debating the whys and wherefores of peripheral issues around climate change, racism and gender equity, the bastards have got us.”
And I have to agree, wholeheartedly.
Back to climate: imho, we need a Global Moratorium on climate, first, with all nations openly invited, especially Israel must attend or be sanctioned immediately, thereafter. So, would you agree that it would be wiser to establish multiple, (wholly independent of all military intelligence & the U.N.), Databanks for ANY Weather Modifications programme, internationally, in real time, with an obligation to report all intentions,
before any actions, in future ? Having announced any intentions in advance, on Databases where ‘Parallel Platforms’ are considered malicious attempts to deceive, disrupt, corrupt & destroy any specific individual culture, globally, as a demonstrable Act of Terror, we can begin to make headway & some scientific sense of what we’ve done already, in terms of Weather Modification & our climate, openly: to begin with, a serious open sourced discussion of plasma physics’ & its’ AIMs, including …
Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors: this all seems entirely logical & equitable to me: to avoid any further corporate smoke & mirrors on all matters climate, a climate which has changed radically before our very eyes, as have our clear blue skies, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. On the other hand, we could all end up shaking in our NATO boots, like Ms. Merkel, fully accepting CFCs (Computerised Fascist Collusion), with parallel platforms for elitist corporate dictatorship, as we have at present … not much of a choice, the way i see it, coz’ I just got back from observing something amiss in Denmark and with similar conclusions and far worse evidence in Austria, last Autumn, the following article should be a wake up call for all Europeans: Europeans desperately in need of some union on priority matters of secret NATO governMental expenditures for Fascists perverted …
strategies & goals !
Whadya’ reckon, UreKismet. ?
Man Made Global Warming=Climate Change=Climate Emergency. What’s next on the drawing board?
Not content with scaring adults, who increasingly are asking the relevant questions and seeing through the propaganda of corrupted climate science, the Marxist educationalists are now after our children who cannot so easily work out for themselves that government scientists lie to the people. From climate change to cancer they lie to order. Cancer Tutor a must visit website.
Al Gore and his Hockey Stick have been totally discredited as have the Climate Unit, located at East Anglia University and Professor Jones should repay the millions in grants that his shady ethics has garnered. The hacked emails show these “scientists” for what they really are, a bunch of sycophants hoovering up grant money.
More than 30,000 Scientists and PHDs have signed a letter claiming that man made global warming is a hoax. Half an hour on the net will expose this hoax for what it is. In all probability we are in an ice age that has periodic warm periods and we are in one such period now which is coming to an end as the Milankovitch Cycles demonstrate. No where do the alarmists discuss the Sun or Axial Tilt of the Earth as contributing factors. Earths axil tilt has changed by 5 degrees, according to Michu Kaku, due to the Chilean Earthquake.
The Meteorological Centre at Bracknell shield the climate scientists from enquiries, why?
The real reason behind this man made hoax is to establish a new Carbon Exchange on Wall Street so Al Gore and his minions can get richer off the backs of the people in higher carbon taxes. Always ask who benefits and start there.
“…Marxist educationalist…Al Gore…”
Al Gore, Marxist. Right. What’s next in your box of straight thinking? Albert Einstein, Alchemist?
Yup. Some enough, they’ll have the little tykes ratting on their parents to the authorities for engaging in illegal ‘climate denialism’. It’ll be very much like China was in the 60s.
And perhaps those adults “who increasingly are asking the relevant questions” will see through “the Marxist educationalists” and arrive at genuine Marxism.
“The Meteorological Centre at Bracknell shield the climate scientists from enquiries, why?”
Because NATO has long been engineering the climate, testing first on their own people and these people @Bracknell are shielded from people like myself & many others. Once you begin to investigate which programmes they are using and read the contracts and follow the deferred chain of legal accountability, which obviates any transparency, you will begin to get the picture: a false picture, which includes not just the Met.Office & Météo-France, but all NATO nations, effectively, & there is a very deliberate disconnect in play, using parallel platforms & climate models of ‘Matter’ & Particulates that are not up for public discussion or consideration.
Intel inside: Ireland’s Harmony Project & HarmoniEPS, HAC-Hirlam & Aladin Consortium, Atmospheric & Environmental Research inc. (Massachusetts) … it’s all a very compartmentalised chain of programmers & programming for the above mentioned weather forecasters, who are only now focussed on Hectrometrics, for predicting severe weather and they are clearly avoiding any further discussions on the variable JET STREAM trajectory and how we can engineer this and its’ role in climate & climate change with weather modification & the upper atmosphere. I’ve read each of the contracts that the above formulated between themselves and when you get to the last in the chain, there it is in capital letters >>>
if memory serves: which made & makes the whole chain of responsibility null & void.
QED, cui bono, apart from the Ashkenazi Jew & NATO command strategy ? those with insider knowledge can truly profit on the commodities markets, like in Chicago, which began ages ago with the first ever Weather Derivatives and shortly after the Dotcom bubble, leading to the demise of the second largest US corporation’s pension fund @Enron, BOOM and the SEC criminal investigation into same, which was situated in WTC7, amongst many other security agencies records, just vanished, up in smoke. WTC7 was the Target on the 11th Sept. 2001, the rest was just for ‘show’ & to create the New Pearl Harbour to ramp the surveillance state, start a war and as many distractions as possible from what the US Government was party to … coz’ back then, they had the legal liability for HAARP & what HAARP had been used for, in tandem with Monsanto’s best interests, buying up bankrupted farmers in the mid-West, after engineering electronically so many successive droughts.
Once Monsanto had bought the lands on the cheap & planted their resistant to weather modification particulates GMO seed experimentation …
‘magically’, Rain Returned 😉
Frankly I’m amazed people haven’t noticed that in this computer age, the one thing that has not improved in the slightest, is the quality & accuracy of weather forecasting. Although Die Zeit ran a 6 part article not so long ago on this very matter > it was crap, but ‘they’ needed to pacify a better educated enquiring German Joe Public, somehow … a while longer.
The British also used to take a serious interest in the Weather 😉
But not the engineering bit, except for GCHQ (Logic) 🙂
I don’t understand the author’s end-note about my Report. The author, Colin Todhunter, states “I do not endorse his data on climate warming itself and therefore his conclusions based on that data”. My Report does not have any “data on climate warming itself” and I draw no conclusion whatsoever in my Report “based on that data”. In my Report, I take no position on the scientific debate about climate itself, or about the nature of climate. Maybe the author can clarify, in response to this comment?
[ADMIN EDIT: The end-note has since been removed at the author’s request]
That still begs the question: why was it there I the first place? One might well conclude that it shows the position the author has on climate change. Personally, as an unqualified observer, but one cynically dismissive of positions which support the agenda of the polluters I’ll go with the literally thousands of scientists who say it is and we are responsible. Look act Greenland and the polar ice cap melts, the increased frequency of maximum (category 5) cyclones and hurricanes, devastating bush fires etc.
“That still begs the question: why was it there I the first place? One might well conclude that it shows the position the author has on climate change.”
“Author” Who are you talking about? Who is Rancourt talking about? Who is ADMIN talking about? Who are you, Antipropo, talking about?
Only Rancourt makes it clear in context: “author”=author of the article=Todhunter (which is congruent with the presentation of the article).
But ADMIN says “author” without qualification: so is that the author of the article or author of the Report mentioned therein?
God knows which you, Antipropo, are talking about?
If that is the level of specificity of information in to discussions about anything of relevance to the subject of a discussion about anything, here or in any other old agressive-drunken bar/rackoom or BTL littering the planet (and it usually is) what’s the chance of a huge dogpile of life-destroying garbage out?
Did you major in pedantry? If so you probably failed. If you read the response from the author of the report quoted, then the response from the article writer ah I give up, read in sequence it’s fuckin obvious what I’m talking about.
“Did you major in pedantry?”
Sort of. Various systems of logic (Aristotelian, symbolic, algebraic, etc) formed part of what I used to tout around as a reason for giving me their money in exchange for my time.
“If so you probably failed.”
No, but later, during the touting sessions, I sometimes had to talk them up a bit.
“If you read the response from the author of the report quoted, then the response from the article writer ah I give up, read in sequence it’s fuckin obvious…”
What “response from the article writer”? He apparently appended an end note to the article before submitting it, which an admin has since removed at his request, but nothing further from him resembling a “response” to that or Rancourt’s enquiry has shown up here yet.
Giving up is probably your best course. Quit before you fall further behind.
P.S. Unless you intend to appear to be uncouth, the word “fuckin”, when used as an expletive, is more correctly spelled “fucking”.
You are a milquetoast intellectual masquerading as someone with “superior” intellect. You are still talking pedantics, I’ll bet any one else -those tiny few- who might read the comment sequence can easily understand who I’m talking about. Amusingly and not without some minor significance in terms of our pretty pointless exchange I note no further comment on your other criticism about the steel and green economy thing where I post verbatim(you know word for word) the piece from the article. Still struggling with English comprehension?
“You are a milquetoast intellectual…”
Quite possibly. I am still awaiting the examiners’ report, which is either outrageously delayed or they haven’t been able to find a definitive spelling for “milquetoast” since the department’s OED CD went missing.
As an unqualified observer it is also imperative to take into account that those in control are manipulating the weather intentionally, via geoengineering. If you want to refute that they are spraying, watch the documentary I posted and refute the claims made in that. Parroting the “that sounds like a conspiracy theory” line is getting very tiresome, especially when those who like to parrot it the most are indeed those who are the most ignorant about the subject matter.
It is very easy to identify chemtrails as they differ greatly from normal contrails. They are not spraying today in the UK, but they were spraying heavily just before the wet and windy weather front.
Some of the tell tale signs:
– Planes leaving the trails fly flat and below altitude
– They leave enormous, easy to identify trails behind them which do not dissipate for hours but will slowly disperse to leave a hazy, misty effect in the sky
– They often create a criss cross pattern with the trails – easy to see, totally unnatural
– You can often see standard flights alongside the spraying planes, leaving normal CONtrails, as opposed to the abnormal CHEMtrails. Become an expert at spotting the difference
How can we have a rational debate about climate change when the world government is deliberately changing the weather using man made techniques? Just more fucked up, deranged behaviour in Satanworld
Unfortunately, Mucho, it is still an uphill grind of mind over matter, for OffG readers to comprehend even the rudiments of Plasma Physics and applied energy, presently & I don’t have the time to improve my journalistic competence, (at this moment), to formulate an article to reflect my personal direct experience and knowledge of this ‘Matter’, (meaning the Gas [people] call air), and how scientists have formulated & modulated micro radio waves to move all kinds of matter, not just gasses, in all kinds of different ways … (Cymatics, link below)
Likely, the best way to get OffG & its’ readers’ minds to consider the movement of Matter & matters invisible to our sensory perceptions, is to provide an attractive working model, which the readers can replicate for themselves: simple example, place your quality Hi-fi loudspeaker almost touching a thin & fine quality net curtain (to avoid damage to your speaker) and watch the hanging net drapes bellow / swell and sway, moving majestically in harmony with the bass responses especially, i.e. as the amplification is raised the drapes will move, as if blown by wind …
I appreciate your firm stand on this matter, very much, Mucho, because I KNOW we are right with 100% certitude scientifically, having a Very long history of family, friends and work colleagues, in both military & corporate intelligence, dating back to times long before the BBC ever existed and usurped control of the Airwaves & Propaganda for the M.I.C. … I know i must evidence these scientific matters & their history, in these columns at some point, but it’s a big job long read technically, scientifically & legally speaking to formulate & recount everything from Radar designs to Bernard Eastlund & HAARP & B.P. &&&, that is a little more complicated & **dangerous** than most seem to comprehend … so, for this moment, i’ll leave you with a couple of links that will prove that we are NOT talking ‘theory’, coz’ the one is a practical attractive demonstration with music and the other appears to be the coming discussion of Merkel and her Secretary for the Environment, on the 31st September, after an Admission by Christian Elsius of the existence of 65 x AS-340 Airsolbus aircraft, specifically designed & employed for the purpose of NATO’s Weather Modification programme, at an annual cost of 17 Billion Euros to diminished German Economic Growth & scientific returns ! ? … ‘N’joy 😉
Right.. so what is the purpose of chem trails?
What chems? What planes? What flight paths? There are many observers and live trackers available, their evidence would be handy.
I mean are they supposed to make rain? Stop rain? Change kids identities? Fill up the comment boards?
Do remember ‘they’ and their families also live on the ground below.
I did think that the icelandic volcano that stopped the airtraffic for weeks was a glorious opportunity to study the effects of flights – maybe something was learned.
hmmm, DunGroanin’ yet ?
Did you not read my comment below or check either of the links, in an effort to expand your mind just a little, before making a fool of yourself,
like a typical Guardian reader or moderator or Mi7 operative ?
The science is unequivocally very real, believe it or not and well tested & proven now: indeed, both military & certain corporations have moved way beyond just plain weather modification & searching for Oil & Gas, using Phasers, Lasers & Sasers, the last of which you & most others here are highly likely entirely in the dark. Damn it man, don’t be so disparaging about things you clearly don’t understand and have zero practical working experience of, let alone the scientific comprehension … i’ll get back to you later, when you’ve considered all 4 links and explain why, how & what i know to be true: in the meantime, here are another couple of links for absolute beginners…
In the second link, you can read how Lockheed Martin assisted the Chinese in Weather Modification techniques, before the Beijing Olympics to improve air quality and I would respectfully suggest that you study what Nigel Stanford demonstrates on different forms of Matter, with music first, (in the links i sent to Mucho below), because you really do need to somehow enjoy the steep learning curve, yer’ faced with ! When you begin to comprehend, you will view cloud formations in a whole new light and better relate to how we move matter (gas), with micro-radio-waves and how the effects of sonic wave resonance & modulation, can open your mind or drive you crazy or kill us.
My aim is to inform you & others @OffG as to the precise nature of Corporate & Military AIMs >>> Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors and how these interact with High Auroral Acoustic Research Programmes (some say Active as opposed to Acoustic, but back in the day, i found that the word active is meaningless within most people’s comprehension of Physics). Call it what you want, HAARP was real & productive back in 1987, when the patent was applied for and the patent was confirmed in 1991: after which B.P. bought the Atlantic Richfield Corporation in it’s entirety, (due to much synergy in Alaskan reserves & the Alyeska pipeline), but largely just to own HAARP, under the condition that the Tech. & all developments & experiments were shared with the US D.o.D. for Reagan’s Star Wars programme. Eastlund actually first got the idea, even further back in the early 70’s and in case you didn’t know, the first Hydrogen bomb that was exploded in the upper atmosphere created also an artificial ionospheric mirror. So called chemtrails are just one form of an artificial ionospheric mirror, that reflect & help to stop micro-radio-wave transmissions disappearing into outer space, amongst MANY other scientific consequences, of which Eastlund has warned us all !
If yer’ really interested in climate, i’ll send more links with diagrams & the patents, of what has been largely secretly going on, since it appears likely, this all happened way before you were born. There’s a second part to the “Why in the world are they spraying?” documentary, also worth searching, given your apparent lack of knowledge. Let me know after considering all the links, thus far, & on opening the Cymatics link, you’ll find Automatica Robots vs Music from Nigel, where there also no tricks involved in his very expensive destructive demonstrations.
Good job Nigel understands what he’s doing or he’d be dead by now 🙂
See for yourself 😉
“like a typical Guardian reader or moderator or Mi7 operative ?”
1. We are on Off-G. Doh!
That’s clue no1.
2. My moniker is clue no2.
3. I admit I am not cogniscient of the matters you speak of and the links you have offered. I’ll look them up, sceptically you understand ( what with all the ‘fake news’ sloshing about nowadays).
4. It would have been handy if you had given some quick answer, for general understanding) to my specific questions.
Finally, keep up the good work.
Fair do 🙂 DunGroanin,
(’twas just teasing, given their record censoring this subject)
check the links and i’ll figure some simple explanations in the meantime, coz’ the subject ‘Matter’ & climate problems are clearly not gonna’ disappear overnight. Like i said, try the musical link to Cymatics, first, as it incorporates some attractive stimulating elements of the beauty & harmony in natural physics that surrounds & influences us constantly…
and any science would not last a minute without beauty & wonder.
Denis it is a very interesting analysis confirming many of our instinctive scepticism of the MSM messages.
if you can indulge further?
The neolib/con narrative construction and management is indeed deep rooted does your research trace the trajectory and participants?
Is it coincidental that Putins interview with the FT (available verbatim at the Kremlin site btw for these interested in more than the selective screeching from the msm) appears to say exactly the same about the (neo) liberal con game?
Yes, DunGroanin, the Putin FT interview is amazing. Putin always only says what he thinks folks are ready to receive. Also, it’s like he’s reading from my Report, at times. He describes the “elephant curve”, the Trump electoral phenomenon, etc., perfectly. The Chinese and Russians have figured out exactly what is going on and their patient course in trying the correct it. Putin also applies domestic policy that counters the pathological aspects of Neo-Liberal “values”. His domestic engineering for the long-term is remarkable, and would merit sociological study. He wants a distinct Russia to counter excessive globalist expansionism, and he knows how to apply diplomacy in this transition era of empire decline. He also has clear red lines militarily and never bluffs.
Appreciate your reply.
I was particularly impressed by Putins recall of numbers on specific questions by Barber (FT) – who either burnt all his bridges or must be immensly pissed off with how the interview was represented in the wider msm.
I am not in any way a long term Putin fan. But I read his SCO presidency ascendencey speech from earlier this month as well and it seems to create some hope in my mind of a different and kinder vision for humanity than just the neolib con game that we in the west have endured.
I hope.
And specifically, thinking ahead for future markets & longterm employment, including generating revenues from potential exports, Putin has maintained his vision for GMO Free agricultural production.
Not really, I’m afraid.
*Russia is embracing gene-editing.*
Phew, thanks for the link, not good news on a Rainy & violently Windy day: I can only assume that due to the weather engineering by NATZO, it has become essential to formulate a contingency plan & strategy against starvation, in future. I live directly under the weather that drifts in Russia’s direction in Eastern Europe and have witnessed the NATO Geo-engineering efforts and my garden has directly suffered, badly … since 2004, ‘progressively’ a radical change.
This climate change propaganda is a complete distraction from what is truly causing our annually more extreme severe weather events and the loss of morning dew and these ‘events’ were wholly predicted by many scientists who understand the affects of AIMs, Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors with solar reflection methodology and China & Russia have both been acquiring direct experience in this direction, including assistance from Lockheed Martin for the Beijing Olympics in 2008, to improve air quality
In December 2017, for the whole month of December, Moscow received a new world record of just 6 minutes sunshine … for the whole month.
Need I say more than, usually after it has snowed here, we get sunshine and it was always so … and last year we got a huge dose of Orange Snow, that they blamed on sand Africa, (which I have real experience, but this was NOT sand), though my wind direction here was from Turkey ! IMHO, we need a global moratorium on engineering the weather ASAP, that we may give nature a chance to recover, coz’ if we carry on tainting and painting a false scientific picture of the Thermodynamics involved in the extremely narrow parameters of our Biosphere, we will accelerate warming far faster than will ever be manageable in future … for human existence.
Denis: a big compliment on your report and i’m really pleased that you’ve provoked so much discussion of the constructive type.
From the Science of Humanities onto your early speciality, Physics: whilst I appreciate it is clearly stated ‘former’ full professor of Physics, (chuckle, were you demobbed or robbed of your interest ? ), I think you can already guess what i’m going to ask you.
Can we & do we engineer the Earth’s weather for strategic & financial gain ? and is this not something that commands a Global Moratorium as soon as humanly possible, in order to at least come to terms with what we’ve done scientifically in this dept. , already ?
“Can we & do we engineer the Earth’s weather for strategic & financial gain ?” —- Answering “yes or no” to this question would not be a valid or truthful answer.
The question is, in many ways, a loaded question, IMO. The mechanisms whereby human activity affects weather and regional climate are many and diverse, from land-use changes, to land and water management practices, to high-tech methods. It comes up often, so I have added this to my list of next articles to write, or at least an op-ed.
Check this out for background in one area of this question: “Anatomy of the false link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2” by me, May 2016, Research Gate, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2059.6087
The contradictions of Climate Change alarmism make it look more like a religion than science. For instance, the alarmists demand the end of the use of fossil fuels, whilst asserting that endless economic growth can continue. They push for a “green economy”, which is based on steel, but no one knows how to make steel without burning coal, which is their most despised of all fossil fuels. They fly around the world in jets, which emit CO2 into the atmosphere where there no plants to use it. They participate in global conferences that have carbon footprints the size of cities. And all that is required to be a “good” person is to believe that Climate Change is a catastrophe, say “mea culpa” and carry on “sinning”; and all that is required to be a “bad” person is to be unpersuaded or sceptical: nothing to do with the actual size of one’s carbon footprint.
Instead of (or in addition to) thumb’s downing this comment, it would have been nice if the person had provided an explanation of their disagreement.
The social media conditioning of competing for likes from humans or robots is very much part of the problem that ultimately leads to social credit systems as we find in China.
How about you explain how a so called green economy is “based on steel”. Aside from that though, I think you are seriously confused. You sneer at jet travel and coal burning for steel, which you acknowledge pollutes.
‘How about you explain how a so called green economy is “based on steel”.’
Why should he? He didn’t say it was.
Fuck me mate now in addition to advanced pedantry you can’t read simple English. Verbatim from the comment (verbatim means word for word): They push for a green economy WHICH IS BASED ON STEEL Got it?
Would that be the Steele Dossier ? 🙂
“…in addition to advanced pedantry you can’t read simple English.”
Doubling up on pedantry is one of the most effective counters to slack-minded halfwittery.
“Verbatim from the comment (verbatim means word for word): They push for a green economy WHICH IS BASED ON STEEL…”
You have omitted Steve’s quotes around “green economy”, which can be (in your case, could have been) important in construing the poster’s intent (as well as omitting at least the first of the two commas enclosing the following clause, which you have rendered in upper case–not essential, but more generally helpful in parsing any such qualified text). No surprises there, then.
As an aside, I did not wish to put words into Steve’s argument that he had not placed there himself, but he has now clarified his post (which didn’t need clarification – see his use of the phrases “self evident” and–twice–“so called“). QED. Steve’s original post needed no clarification (so your question of him was both superfluous and misdirected), only your shoddily slap-dash reading of it did.
P.S. You spelled “verbatim” incorrectly: it’s spelled “v-e-r-b-a-t-i-m”.
I’m over you numbnuts, but it’s fuckin-deliberately spelled that way for you- hilarious that you take me to task on spelling VERBATIM verbatim, which you seek to correct me on. I mean really are you fuckin-there you are- visually impaired or just as thick as two short planks?
Get a room, you two
“Get a room, you two.”
Come in. There’s plenty of room in this one for an entire quorum of assorted young bombasts, geriatric milquetoast intellectuals and insidiously indirect mass calumnators, etc., etc.
“…you take me to task on spelling VERBATIM verbatim…”
Actually, as far as I’m aware, you have previously spelled it only “V-e-r-b-a-t-i-m” and “v-e-r-b-a-t-i-m”. I took the latter to be your final decision on the matter. I would have had no quibble with “V-E-R-B-A-T-I-M”.
Nice downvote.
Steve Hayes said
in a post in which he consistently distances himself from said “alarmists”. So he’s saying many of them, excluding himself, have that double standard. That is, they’re saying it, not him. You may quibble whether the double standard he maintains–and describes–actually exists but if you allow him to maintain it, as he does, what is there to quibble about? Don’t you know how most new steel is processed, from iron ore on up?
Antipropo. The claim that the so called green economy is based on steel is self evident. However, here are some examples. Wind turbines are made from steel. Indeed, steel is the main material in all renewable energy. Electric cars are made from steel. Trains are made from steel. Bicycles are made from steel. In fact steel is essential to the so called green economy.
“Explanation of their disagreement”. Your post, Steve, was crappy, full of stupid over-generalizations and misconceptions. I paused briefly, considering writing a detailed reply, but quickly abandoned that thought. Waste of time. That’s my explanation of my disagreement.
“The contradictions of Climate Change alarmism make it look more like a religion than science. For instance, the alarmists demand the end of the use of fossil fuels, whilst asserting that endless economic growth can continue.”
And you think that the denialists, or whatever you call them, are any better? Most people of any persuasion can’t get to the end of a sentence without contradicting themselves.
She certainly talks the talk.
If only she were not cfr.
A independent candidature of Gabbard/Paul could be the last chance for the common folks of the USA to survive the change of world order that is taking place.
I’ve been watching Tulsi for a couple of years now. She may have faults, but given the pitiful choice of candidates on offer she’s the best of a bad bunch by a long way. At least she’s aware of how moronic Trump was to surround himself with Neocon staff picks.
In related news we finally see that everything has turned upside down when we find the right wing Tucker Carlson and Fox News being the only MSM outlet pointing out the bias against anti-war and anti-interventionist democratic Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.
Now we are cooking with gas: which is moving someway to almost treat neoliberal globalisation as a fully globalised institutionalised global economic global phenomena.
I say ‘almost’: because the author still focuses on ‘dollar hegemony’ …but dollar hegemony is contingent on ‘eurodollar (euro$) hegemony’ …which is not well understood as it interlinks every country through the offshore unregulated euro$ markets. (Even sanctioned nation states are self-organisationally linked with other nation states – no one is isolated).
I’m sure everyone has read at least one of Shaxson’s works by now. Neoliberal globalisation IS the euro$ and the unregulated space the offshore markets created to circumvent onshore regulation, taxation, and transparent accountability to (potential) democratic oversight. The TNCs and the ‘shadow sovereign’ Inner Party of the Trans-National Suprastate (TNS) were having none of that. So they created their own self-funded ‘euro$ superstate’ power domain ‘elsewhere’ and ‘offshore’. Which came to dominate global trade: which (by volume 25%) is still centred on the City (re: “The Spiders Web”).
Shaxson details the start of this rise – from the 1950s creation myth of FSU petro-dollars being parked in ‘Londongrad’ – which caused Wall St to relocate to the City. It was this relocation that afforded Wall St the financial clout to buy Congress, the Senate, and the Pentagon; etc …a phenomenon he calls “country capture”. But he is less forthcoming about how this offshore power space (a ‘smooth space for an economy of unaccountable trans-national flows’ …in DeleuzeGuattarian terminology) became a ‘global capture’ phenomenon. Which, in the last thirty years, is exactly what it did.
Let me skip the political character masking and reveal the mechanism. The ‘petrodollar’ is actually the ‘petro-euro$’. All licit and illicit oil revenues go through the offshore space of the trans-national interbanking service. There they mix with every kind of dirty money and laundered black money flows from human trafficking, drugs and arms trading, conflict and blood minerals (diamond laundering for instance) …no questions asked (the ‘global laundromat’ centred on the City). The grey and black dollars become the monetary base for chains of interbank lending – with no reserve requirement. Euro$ are not actual money – they are a ‘neo-money’ form of virtual currency (interbank ledger money). In other words: they do not even have a piece of paper to back them. They are a virtual multiplier based on fiat. That is your global economy. A virtual debt mountain multiplication built on worthless fiat.
Things are further complicated by the post-2007 rise of the ‘shadow banks’ – which is a specific offshore phenomena. A shadow bank is an institution that engages in gambling, essentially …hedge funds (another specific offshore phenomena); etc. Confusingly, most of the major banks also shadow banks – depending on the risk of lending and returns. This has given rise to the bloated derivatives market – which as an ancillary debt mountain built on gambling on gambling on commodities priced in worthless fiat – only 2% of which results in an actual trade or commodity delivery [Source: TNI].
Focusing on guns alone as a definition of imperialism is in itself character masking the fact that an obscenely polarised possessing plutocracy has risen in lockstep with neoliberal globalisation to completely dominate global trade and global politics. And they are not all American. Less so are they all Jewish …the TNS ‘Inner Party’ of billionaire shadow sovereigns are stateless, non-dom for tax and global in residency. These are the ‘ultra-imperialists’.
Do they all work together? Do they fuck. There are competing interests that play out geo-economically and geo-politically …but just like in the big ‘Rothschild’ meta-conspiracy theory …there really are those who benefit from both sides of the conflict. And they are controlling policy, polity, and to an extent, even psychology – by financial terrorism and imperialism …from the offshore shadows.
So the global geo-political economy may not be totally integrated; but it is nevertheless totally interlinked. This interlinking is the global economic systems great weakness and fragility – everything is linked to everything else. As Jack Rasmus explains: the global price mechanism is also the global transmission mechanism. All asset classes – including derivatives – are proxy stand-ins for each other. If one fails: they all fail. Similarly, the trans-national interbanking system consists of chains of virtual loans that extend globally (interbank ledger money). Most (60%) are priced in euro$/dollars (there are ‘euro-yen’ and ‘euro-euro’ markets too, just to confuse things, that account for almost all the rest. The ‘euro-yuan’ (RMB) failed.)
No boo-hoo America: but the ‘exorbitant privilege’ is also an ‘exorbitant liability’ and source of global systemic fragility …there are simply not enough dollars to support the multiplication of the euro$ to facilitate global trade. This is in part due to the Triffin Paradox. Mediating interest rates to facilitate domestic policy (feeding the local vultures with tax bonanzas) negatively impacts the global economy. It takes dollars out of the trans-national markets and parks them in US domestic assets: which destroys the monetary base for multiplied euro$ mediated global trade. A ‘liquidity crisis’ develops offshore which leads to delinquencies and defaults …contagion and moral hazard spreads through the proxy price mechanism – and the whole global economy begins to implode.
There is no need to take me at face value: the BIS produced a paper (Shin 2012) detailing this as the real reason for the Global Financial Crisis – GFC 1.0. There was a $2-6.5tn liquidity deficiency offshore on the eve of Bear Stearns (who were unusually heavily exposed). A bit like, say Deutsche Bank, which has a $43tn derivative exposure – bigger than the ECB or anyone else’s ability to bail out or in. And that exposure is not neatly isolated or containable – if DB goes …the whole house of cards collapses.
Which with two fucking great Black Swans – one trans-Pacific, and one trans-Atlantic – swimming in full view …shouldn’t be too long now. Trust me, it is not something anyone would wish for.
So, if you can be bothered to get thusfar: here are the points I have been trying to make. I get it that everyone hates the dollar hegemony …but the successor is likely to be much worse for humanity – especially the already poor …a class which is rapidly expanding to include 85% of humanity, if not more.
As a global reserve: the dollar is limited as a part-domestic onshore currency. There are simply not enough dollars to meet demand (search “China dollar shortage”). Dollar delimitation is one phenomena that is stalling the exponential expansion of global trade. An offshore euro$ liquidity crisis will bring ALL countries into the implosion – including China (in fact, China is a potential source and epicentre: Steve Keen). More likely, no one will know where it starts (the Black Swan: expect the unexpected) …in fact, we are already in a 2007 redux and the implosion and slow motion collapse could well be underway.
The dollar is not big enough to refloat the boat on its own. This is what China and Russia recognise: and they have a plan – the SDR. China’s de-dollarisation strategy is not what you think. The yuan/RMB is not big enough to be a global reserve – that was never the intention (see PBoC Chairman Xhou’s 2009 paper for the BIS). The yuan/RMB will be internationalised by proxy – by being part of the SDR basket. No one can predict the future; but if they – the TNS Inner Party – activate the SDR in response to future crises (we are in permanent crisis that will never resolve: the solutions – more monetarism, more ‘easing’, more credit/debt deflation cycles – are the source of the problem …an irresolvable contradiction) …you read it here first.
Eventually, by increments, the SDR will be the new reserve. Which is terrible for humanity. A centralised reserve unaccountable to everyone but the TNS Inner Party. If your policy is anywhere left of far-centre-right: you better be able to fund it with seashells …because you won’t get fuck all from the global central reserve bank dominated central bank. Future socialism will be globalised neoliberalism …which some might argue, it already is.
Oh yeah: as a post-script …SDG Agenda 2030 neoliberal globalisation is exactly what Russia/China are in the forefront of pushing for. They are the rebranded neoliberal globalists now. The boss man Xi even said it out loud at SPIEF …”China wants globalisation” or “China supports economic globalisation” …depending on translation. If and when we understand ‘dollar hegemony’ is actually “euro$ hegemony” – and “yuan hegemony” is not even a potentiality – except within the SDR basket …it might stimulate left-liberal ‘progressives’ to become anti-neoliberal, anti-globalisation, anti-capitalists …for their own economic good.
The evolution starts in the imperial heartlands, if and when we see that there will never be any good coming from actually-extant socialism …which is actually a neoliberal ‘pro-business’ City of London facilitating transmission vehicle. If, and when, it becomes accepted that opening of the trans-national space for capital flows exists – a new and expanded definition of imperialism is required …of neoliberal globalised imperialism of financial capital over humanity and environment. The limited view of big guns = imperialism is included – not negated – by this metacritical overview and sublation (Aufhebung: non-negating sublation). The end of dollar hegemony – as is of course, dollar hegemony – to be fiercely resisted. An alternative deglobalisation and return to community based socialisation – without the overfinancialisation ‘Shadow Sovereignty’ has to be found. Otherwise, we are just like large fowl voting for Christmas.
BigB, I sometimes disagree with some of your salient points, and I initially thought, I cannot be bothered to read all that, but then I did. It is quite excellent. Thank You.
Thank you Tony, and I really appreciate the feedback …either way.
Wall St. relocated to the City in the 1950s? That would have been around the same time Eisenhower was threatening Eden with crashing the pound sterling if Britain didn’t pull out of the Suez venture. Doesn’t make much sense.
The yuan has been part of the SDR basket for years now. They’ve been aggressively lobbying for a move away from the dollar as a world currency and to the SDR instead for at least a decade, too, but Uncle Scam always vetoes it.
Doesn’t sound much different from what we have now, just bigger. To whom are the Fed and the ECB accountable? Personally, I’d prefer to give Chartalism or MMT a try.
According to Shaxson: the communist Nomenklatura started sending their petro-dollars overseas – to evade any sanctions or confiscations in NY. London banks offered the best haven. This gave London a glut of dollars they could lend out – at better rates and returns than the highly regulated US banks could offer. Which attracted the main US banks to open London branches – to get a piece of the action.
If you’ve got a copy of ‘Treasure Islands’: it’s on page 88-89. It started in 1957 with a small deposit by Moscow Narodny bank – then grew from there. I should have made clearer that the actual development was over a 40 year period. The offshore unregulated lending made Thatcher’s ‘Big Bang’ and the repeal of Glass-Steagal inevitable – creating ‘too-big-to-fail’ and enabling the 2007 GFC.
Re-reading: I should have mentioned Eurobonds – that started in 1963 …offshore bearer bonds – just like in the movies.
The RMB/yuan joined the SDR basket effective October 1st, 2016 …not quite 3 years. What I am supposing is that there will be a point when they do not have a choice. The G7 central banks acted in collu$ion to bail out the GFC with QE. Powell followed by Carnage started to unwind with QT – tightening with rate rises and selling assets …and the emerging markets (EMEs)- particularly Argentina and Turkey nearly went bust. So they stopped.
The EMEs are the ‘canary in the coalmine’. A strong dollar causes capital flight. The only way to keep the whole Ponzi scheme going is with excess liquidity – ‘easing’. They know it is fucked up – Powell testified as much before he was the Chairman. There is no way to unwind QE …except more QE.
They do not give a shit if the markets collapse. They get to buy all our assets for cents on the dollar …or any other currency. Mnuchin made his fortune that way – the ‘Foreclosure King’. Jack Rasmus calls it ‘carrion capital’.
To give them their due: China and Russia really do not want a collapse. That’s why China sells its Treasury holdings – not to prop up the dollar, which is the unavoidable consequence – they are propping up the euro$ …keeping global trade going.
What they do not want to do is use their huge currency reserves for day to day trading …and they are running short of dollars. Which is potentially bad for all of us.
Officially, global debt is $244tn or 318% of global GDP. I think those figures are primitive and vastly underestimated. The whole point of ‘offshore’ is to conceal the amount of money being borrowed and created. Suffice to say, they are not going to ‘print’ all that. All that ‘the Treasury can just write a cheque to itself’ stuff is a bit naive. For $300tn say: it would render capital meaningless.
But what do I know. My only motivation is to document how meaningless the whole system already is. When enough people find the true value in themselves – and not in proxy fiat or virtual figures on a digitised screen …that have lost any connection to anything real or truly valuable …the system can be transformed. Quite how many crises cycles and debt deflationary collapses we have to go through to get there I cannot predict. What happens when a bank with $43tn derivatives exposure implodes? I do not know: but I am expecting anti-capitalism to boon soon.
Alright. Thanks for your reply.
Much appreciate both your insightful and indepth comments here BigB. I admit that the financial terminology tends to go over my head, however I do recognise the approaching dark clouds; “with two fucking great Black Swans – one trans Pacific the other trans Atlantic swimming in full view” and as you point out the situation of Deutsche Bank which I knew about, as I knew about the massive levels of debt worldwide, but I struggle to understand the other stuff. We are facing a nightmare scenario, espec for the poor and vulnerable. That much I get. I survive by selling The Big Issue mag, a NZ citizen living in Australia, with no assets, no savings, not entitled to welfare here, so yeah mate, I know what’s coming. As you say, its all a massive ponzi scheme. Globalised Neoliberalism has screwed humanity and screwed the Planet.
“Trust me, it is not something anyone would wish for.”
Actually, I do wish for it B, since the whole insane system has to be dissolved in the face of the Synergising Global Crises – of which actually-real climate shift is one, despite all the denialist-propaganda uses to which it’s been put.
Add to the SGC list: the Sixth Extinction (already in train); human population overshoot (yes, also *already* real, despite all the murky propagandising); peak energy (utterly crucial issue! Study the EROEI concept, with particular reference to Charlie Hall’s work); peak every-essential-commodity (also partly here already, depending on which essential – to hitech industrial ‘civilisation’, that is – you’re considering); catastrophic de-forestation and grassland desertification; peak water; peak chernozem/terra-preta (worldwide); and on…
In the face of these steadily-tightening screws, there’s no chance at all for the current criminally-insane globalist-deep-state financial system to survive (thank god!), especially not the utterly lunatic, wholly-hallucinatory derivatives stupidity. Let it all come down! Global jubilee, for the sake of improving monetary health worldwide – probably to be based on heavily re-priced-upwards gold, considering what the Russia-China duopoly are doing in that department.
Oh, and btw B: you don’t sound like a writer who favours Illiterate-USAmerican English over Properly-Educated British English. So – one phenomenon; several phenomena: Greek formats; v. old-fashioned for modern Ignorant-International-English speakers, but at least properly educated… 🙂
Channel popular discontent and activism down harmless blind alleys and rabbit holes.
Toilets for trannies, global warming hoaxes, the Labour party.
Deregulation and privatisation are causing both mental and physical health deterioration within the communities affected.
Side effect or by design?
One thing for sure, deregulation is creating situations where things do go wrong but nobody is responsible for. You look for a solution, all what you get is phone numbers to call. You call, but no help offered, they only extract voice samples from you and then they direct you to some other departments, with new phone numbers where they extract more voice samples from you. Dare you sound angry when giving voice samples, for that will be recorded agaisnt you for the rest of your life.
Excellent article, though there is very little chance of reversal, barring an unexpected cataclysmic event. The reason for this, is that it is almost impossible to change the mass brainwashed mind, particularly when it is re-inforced with daily propaganda. People are not interested in evidence, facts or truth, if it conflicts with their deeply held belief. The trust in authority is overwhelming. This is true of any religion, or any belief. Ask any 9/11 truther. No one wants to know. The same is true of any global warmer, or any priest, monk, rabbi, preacher, politician or MSM “journalist”
Western Civilisation is almost certainly doomed, until the unexpected cataclysmic event, which will most likely end up with the death of billions through starvation and cold, when all the power systems fail. A completely unnecessary event, but seemingly well planned by the psychopaths in control.
After the public acceptance of controlled demolitions and clear collusion, cover ups & conspiracy to deceive & Defraud Billions of people & of TRILLIONS of $$$$$$ and most importantly thereafter, listening to Bill Binney & Kurt Weibe’s analysis of the Surveillance State & Parallel Platforms, from within the NSA … after the 11th Sept. 2001, having watched all evidence disappear in WTC7 live in real time, the collapse of which was announced well in advance by the Psychic BBC, what more did anyone need to know ?
I upped sticks & stereo and moved to the frontline of this conflict today, back in 2004, after serious analysis & well ahead of NATO’s arrival, specifically to observe their dirty ways, in advance of their insidious methods of societal & cultural imposition of Corporate Computerised Fascist Collusion to usurp cultural, national & political sovereignties: successively, using Parallel Platforms, for the record, including weather modification methodology here now, on a mountain in what was a ‘No Fly Zone’ en route to Asia. As a neighbour of the Balkan wars in the 90’s, working with many family casualties of all ‘sides’ & persuasions, it was harder at first to see the pattern of NATO’s strategy, but from 2001 onwards it was easy to see & inexcusable what the media had done, even @theguardian WMD’s ? & Blair still today, FFS … not worth discussing !
Living above an extinct Volcano, that suffered a tectonic slide, not a cloud in my sky today, yet again I have NOT a clear Blue Sky, indeed a massive white haze exists in the upper atmosphere ! & it never disappears, with or without cloud cover. This was not the case in 2004 & never the case until NATO arrived, after buying their way in. It is called an Artificial Ionospheric Mirror, that assists in reflecting micro-radio-waves back to Earth, (amongst other particulates & experiments), and is designed & created to protect me from the sun, NATO says.
But seriously now, wtf does NATO know, RESPECT or SERIOUSLY consider in terms of real time Science on Climate, Habitat & Culture, let alone Humanities, other than Corporate dictated Computerised Fascist Collusion, to conquer the world, step by step, with Tech. & double bookkeeping (parallel platforms) for another New Pearl Harbour . . . ?
Same ole’ same ole’ illegal immoral impositions, impressing idiots
doomed to the hubris of
I fear, your words may echo the reality of my conclusions, Tonyopmoc,
Myopic MSM’s malicious mindless machinations materialise 😉
“When the lights go out in the West, the light shall shine on the East”
Ren Zhengfei
wholly predictable chaos 😉
so how do you explain this?://
This is the best explanation I have found:
Watch from the 2:50 min. mark if you don´t have time to watch the whole thing. You can see the big oil executives having an epiphany and spelling out their mea culpa.
The problem is to see these conglomerates exlusively as big oil and not as part of the all encompassing monopoly of the ultra rich. In short, they would benefit from the subsidies for “green energies” which would be paid with our tax money, our pensions, from financial schemes like carbon trading, from developing green (polluting) technologies like carbon capture…It is all explained in depth and sourced in that amazing documentary.
Also, the best way to guide the discourse is to fund both sides and to create the notion that there are the goodies and the baddies. On one side Big oil (the baddies) on the other side organisations like WWF (created by the owners of the baddies group, the Royal Dutch Shell, the Dutch royalty…) the UN climate panel (created by an oil and mining magnate close to the Rockefellers ( and so on.
Give it a go, I used to use that as an argument just a few months ago.
And see this as well:
“But these traditional energy companies have a vested financial interest in the Paris deal. That’s because COP21’s crack down on carbon emissions favors natural gas, which emits much less pollution than coal.
While Exxon, BP and Shell are primarily identified as oil companies, they are actually diversified energy firms that rely heavily on natural gas to make money.
For instance, 42% of Exxon’s total daily production last quarter was actually in natural gas, according to FactSet. BP and Shell also lean on natural gas for a large chunk of their output.
“These companies view natural gas as a key growth area going forward for them. It just makes sense for them to be at the table,” said Brian Youngberg, senior energy analyst at Edward Jones.
Natural gas production has soared over the past decade, thanks to the abundance of shale gas in North America.”
All well and goid but if you know some Koin and take a look at the good book you will find the following:-
“No man shal either buy or sell except he who has the signifier of the non specific lifeform”
Now whether that term ‘non specific lifeform should be termed ‘beast’ is quite the question.
What is the mark or signifier of all lifeforms.? Is it not carbon.? So should the passage be more properly translated into English:- ” no man shall buy or sell except he whose money is carbon the signifier of all life.?
The lie not only brings destructive outcomes in order to justify and reinforce its own sustainability – but does so at your expense – because the lie is the ongoing sacrifice of true life now to an usurping mind.
The mind-capture or mind-control runs a post truth society – in which what is true is whatever deceit given power determines to be true for its own ‘sustainability’.
“… the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.” (~ Alan Bullock)
‘Don’t let truth get in the way of a good story’ has a humourous aspect in terms of exaggerated dramatic effect in the telling – but the defence against the dissonant in those who are identity-invested in their story as true operates as an extension of survival reflex – as the denial and defence against perceived chaos under the belief in an imposed order.
Attacking the symptoms or killing the messenger may serve the industrial marketing complex in its pharming of humans for marketshare or indeed mindshare, but only to suppress the immediate need or call for healing/alignment into a narrative displacement in which a ‘saving’ spin is assigned to a conflict management system by means of focusing in fear and insinuating guilt from positions of power or trust.
Shock, fear and manipulated sympathies operate the undermining of consciousness to then frame it in ‘MUST DO SOMETHING NOW!’ as a persistent fight-flight mind-capture. This is where the true choice is hidden BY reaction.
Surely it is now possible to see that lies always hide in the form, image and symbol of the accepted true – as a masking or hidden agenda. If you can see this in any one situation then you are equipped to uncover it in all – EXCEPTING your investment and attachment to lies that you WANT to be true. Exceptionalism, double standards and self-specialness rise from WANTING truth to be different than it is. While this WANTING is given hospitality and priority in your thought, the mind is effectively cuckolded by its OWN thinking – dissonant or blocking to the transparency of life to it true Movement.
To such a set of mind – the movement or living communication of life as our being, intimately felt and known – is framed as threat and dissonant to a false sense of self-possession and control.
“Everything is BACKWARDS” (Michael Ellner) because our thinking is predicated upon a misidentifiction that in a sense has developed an operating system in which to run itself – the ‘world’ as WE judge and make it to be. A self-conditioned ‘reality’ by which to sustain the experience of a private sense of control as an exclusive sense of self reality.
Such a mind HAS to do whatever exclusion-thinking determines in order to ‘survive’ – but must do so as YOUR allegiance and identification. It needs you to run. Because it has no power or existence apart from what you give it. There is an inner counterpart to a world seen without and suffered as real OVER us.
What you WANT to be true (with all the force of psychic emotional investment) conflicts with All That Is. And while you use division to get a sense of self you have the results or rewards of your thinking. Discernment moves WITHIN wholeness.
As for our physics and cosmology – it is no less distorted and framed in its corporate and institutional investment. The ‘model’ is deemed ‘too big to fail’. Such a model is must extend itself into insane contortions to accommodate ‘incoming’ challenges to its veracity.
Love of truth is Everything. Marketisation and weaponisation as an illusion of possession and control COSTS awareness of everything true. The willingness of the many to suckle on and serve insane agenda is maintained by deceit associated with fear and coercion. But if you notice this ‘voice’, you can choose not to react as if it is your truth and open a space of willingness in which to see what a mind-reaction kept hidden. Fear and coercion operates a negative identity and agenda – as determined by what is feared or hated and NOT wanted. No room then for what you truly want and are.
I got as far as”the US has an existential interest to ensure that opoid drugs are traded in US dollars” and bailed out.Any article containing such preposterous nonsense does not deserve my further attention.
The trade in drugs is estimated to be worth $400 billion a year (that´s the mainstream figure, it has to be much bigger), it accounts for 8% of all international trade, according to the United Nations.
HSBC and other groups have been caught laundering to the order of 380 billion of drug money. UN advisors have stated that drug money saved the banks during the 2008 crisis.
You should pay attention.
I do pay attention you impertinent prat.I would like to know the source of the figures you offer.Also assuming them to be correct for a moment, and 8% of all international trade is indeed drug trade,even if the US was responsible for all of it it would hardly add up to an existential matter for the US and its economy. That is the source.
And perhaps you should read again, you missed the part where I mentioned that drug money saved the banks from collapse. I quote from a Guardian article I don´t want to link:
“Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organised crime were “the only liquid investment capital” available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year.”
You should know also that drug money is perfect for financing secret operations (see the Iran contra work of Gary Webb). And that explains why opium production land in Afghanistan rose from 8000 hectares to 200,000 from 2001 to 2016. That´s why my country, Mexico, became also one of the main producers of opiates since the Plan Merida was signed with the US in 2006.
Do pay attention
Just wondering: Might ‘John Appropriately-Named Thatcher’ be the new name of the re-purposed Tel-Aviv troll-farm team who seemed to be behind ‘William H Bonney’ here just recently? Same insulting, evidence-free, tosh-asserting, shit-stirring ad-hom style that came with that persona…
Let’s watch and see whether s/he/they drop off from this site soon – again. Best way to achieve that, remember, is: first, allow them enough rope to be sure (nearly there with John); then apply Dr. Dade’s medicinal compound: Don’t Read. Don’t Answer, Don’t Engage. Dading chokes the malevolent trolls off pronto! Especially zionist hasbarollockser trolls.
Here you go JOhn, from your favourite establishment web resource, wikipedia. Notice the massive drop in opium production in 2001. That was the dastardly Taliban who sought to eliminate it. Then we invaded, and since then opium production has never been higher, there is now a global heroin epidemic etc. Do the math.

The folk who you usually get your info from, the mainstream media, the ones who feed your brain with horse manure every day and night, they work on behalf of some very, very evil people. They have the veneer of respectability and they are extremely well financed. They use all sorts of sophisticated systems of mind control to keep you stupid and brainwashed and confused and fearful. They have manipulated your whole belief system for the entire duration of your life, through their bogus yet well funded media outlets and things like the education system, so now you have a belief system based on lies. They are your number one enemy, but they are so clever and devious that they have manipulated you to believe that they are your friend and protector. I’m sorry to hear you have reached this stage in your life without working any of this out for yourself, but it’s never too late to give your eyes a rub and see things differently
Not sure what happened to the link, here is another one, graph on opium production further down the page
The Cocaine Import Agency has been running the coke trade out of Latin America and the heroin trade out of Asia for decades.
I come here to escape from the Guardian etc for sensible articles and sensible comment below the line.Instead I find I am assailed by conspiracy theory wankers who join lots of dots but fail to make a coherent picture .We even have at least one idiot,and I have assume more judging by the thumbs up he has received when posting antisemitic crap, who doesn’t know there is a difference between being Jewish and being a Zionist.Sigh!
You in on the scam, then?
WTF do you think the – long-in-preparation, pre-11/9/01 – US invasion of Afghanistan was about then, Mr. (most appropriately-named) Thatcher? “Getting the well-patsied (official) authors of the 11/9 atr0cities”, perhaps? Really? They should have invaded Tel Aviv if they’d been serious about that.
Work carefully, in depth through Chris Bollyn’s sustained, sterling, genuine-investigative-journalist work, if in doubt about that assertion:
One of the US invasion’s (real) war aims has been substantially achieved: obliterating the Taliban’s near-extirpation of the opium-poppy agriculture, and getting it well back up to where it was pre-Taliban. Job done, thanks to expendable US grunts protecting the trade! Western bank profits on drug-sales and earnings-laundry well back in operation – as was always intended.
Exactly my thoughts. The global warming scare and the exploitation of gender/ethnic grievances/divisions has become so ubiquitous that there is no doubt in my mind that they are the outpost of a psychological war against the working class (and pretty much everyone else who is not a billionaire).
This needs to be addressed. Many of those who are skeptical of every other type of propaganda campaign, of every other government or corporate institution, jump into the bandwagon with enthusiasm if the discussion is about “the future of planet earth©” , “the lives of our children©”; or if is it about celebrating gay pride© (perhaps by waving the rainbow flag with the logo of a financial entity, while throwing coins to kids dressed as drag queens, the SIS building dressed for the occasion on the background), or bombing Afghan women to save them from patriarchal oppression, or to celebrate that the CIA director is a woman… Or to demonise each and every white working class man in Britain, those privileged miners, construction workers and homeless men who should be ashamed for their colonial past, specially now that there is a mixed race lady in the royal family .
The table is being set for a social clash and the most draconian laws we can imagine.
¿What wouldn´t be justified to end “privilege©” racism or inequality (as understood by the kleptocracy)?
¿And to prevent the end of life in our planet?
I will read the report with utmost interest. Thank you for this.
My own position is that certainty is not warranted. There is simply too much disinformation, vested interest, mendacity and ‘sociopathy’ – here I mean nihilistic, cynical exploitation of the ruled by the rulers – to be able to trust anything except that which we experience for ourselves. However, there do appear to me to be a few obvious, uncontroversial truths:
A number of sound conclusions can be drawn from these points, including:
I appreciate your comment in many ways. So that I pick only some threads that catch my attention is not a disregard of others in your willingness for sanity on Earth.
The positing of a finite system is rooted in self-asserted reality. While experience can teach, it can also reflect and reinforce what we already believe or hold certain. Self-honesty is willingness to observe and own (or not deny) our conceptual and perceptual responses.
Scarcity is at the root of our ‘psychic’ adaptation as separation trauma – that can apply to love as it can to sustenance or protections. Artificially enforced scarcity is the modus operandi of capturing or cornering a market. The intent to capture and control ‘mindshare’ is what I see operating through psyops or deceits that induce predictable and harvestable reaction.
To vested interests, any ‘rival’ technology or information that cannot be subverted, captured and controlled is denied (The Herod syndrome). Personal power is thus given worth over the Good in which all share. This is the power that corrupts by taking unto a private agenda what is given us to share in.
The Universe of tangibility and visibility (physical reality) to our self-sense is energy as it is also informational resonance. A self-set apart sees ‘things’ in themselves because such is the lens of self-definition.
Energy of informational flow can be blocked by conflicted dissociation and fragmentation – which has its cause in the attempt to possess and control rather than receive to share in. Our prodigal wasteland is a logical outcome to its predicate. The intent to persist in what does not work and can not work seeks sustainability of the lie – packaged and presented as your salvation.
Detecting the signature of the lie is innate to our being – but we learn to live in a mask and in a sense become the investment in the mask that becomes blind to its own exposure as self-protection. The global warming or climate change story has all the hallmarks of a propaganda campaign by which to induce the population to war – only in this sense as a complex war by which to limit our consciousness and freedom to systemic energy and thought control. If you can see that we can limit and deny ourselves and our awareness by such means – why not be open to that this is an ongoing signature pattern of self-limiting denial? And bringing curiosity to our relational experience rather than being framed in acquired or conditioned ‘certainties’?
There is certainty of being – but not within the attempt to possess and control it. We get in our own way.
Yes indeed.
One point I would like to add to your important addition is that finitude does not equal scarcity. In my view, there is plenty to go around were we to have a sensible economics rooted in e.g., husbandry rather than exploitation and domination. At the moment, consumption patterns centre around an endless battle over apparently ‘scarce’ resources, which is driven by an ever growing number of massaged and perpetuated addictions, aka manufactured narcissism. For example, I recall economics’ definition of scarcity being something like “infinite wants meeting finite resources”. The idea of “infinite wants” strikes me as nonsensical, except as it pertains to the insatiable hunger of the narcissist; but even that exhausts itself in the end.
Taking that to a far broader perspective and also by extension, finitude for all systems makes sense to me because an actual infinity of something, even of information or complexity, seems impossible.
Unfortunately, at this late epoch for capitalism: finitude really does mean scarcity for certain key primary resources …oil being one. The problem of the current paradigmatic conditional framing is that it is a quarter by quarter analysis. For husbandry, that needs to be inter-generational conception and framing.
We have made so many great advances, mostly entailed in our penchant for militaristic and destructive tendencies. We unconsciously intentionally (yes, that is a deliberate paradox) risk leaving nothing for the unborn Rest. For instance: the projected switch to electric cars (EVs) by 2035 would actually consume:
200% of the worlds annual production of cobalt;
100% of the worlds annual production of neodynium;
75% of the worlds annual production of lithium;
50% of the worlds annual production of copper;
…for one small country. Extrapolated worldwide for 200bn EVs …that’s a lot. And that is just the vehicles, not the electrification infrastructure. Plus the hydrogen infrastructure. Plus the nuclear infrastructure…
Things really are running out – like sand even. And we still need oil to get the materials to decarbonise. And huge petroleum-guzzling, primary resource hungry military machines to stop other people getting the petroleum and primary resources – ie green imperialism. I don’t suppose anyone will propose getting rid of the wasted energy of militaristic confrontation – entailing potential wars – and suggest sharing? That way there would be more to go round.
Contradiction #3,478,893 of why we cannot carry on capitalism: we have entered an epoch of actual depletion and scarcity …which we cannot recognise because of the existential false scarcity we have become conditioned to be accustomed to.
As a species: we have algorithmically programmed ourselves to compete: even when cooperation would provide a better and more survivable outcome. We are in the game theory ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ as a macro-economic reality. Our best interests are served by cooperation and unity – but we have conditioned ourselves to venerate personalised nacissistic and hedonistic reward schema. I do not suppose enough people will realise that our ‘fixed’ natures are actually just reified conditioning which could be cooperatively reframed?
Let’s hope so.
Indeed, old boy! And in that extremely sobering data lie (hopefully) the seeds of our course change away from the insanity that engendered that data. I, for one, hope so.
If I see a basis for a true change of heart it is in a recognition of the liar – and the lyric to the song Lady Eleanor comes to mind.
Maybe that’s too obscure but it holds a resonance for me.
The withdrawal of allegiance to a false flagging mind will not occur while that mind serves the function given it.
Trouble abroad (outside) as a diversionary displacement for trouble at home. Change of Purpose changes everything without waiting first for anything or anyone else to change.
My sense is that imprisonment – or being held in check – is a legitimate and loving limit upon self-harm acted out upon others and world. If we are experiencing paralysis or powerlessness – then is it truly flagged to the evil overlords? Is giving power to stories a way of hiding from ourself.
“Now look what you made me do!”
To he degree we accept and awaken a true responsibility, is the degree to which full and free function is restored.
The attempt to contrive or mimic this is always an attack on freedom in the form of a change in prison conditions.
When Nickola Tesla’s promise of wireless energy transfer failed to come through – or was realised to not being allowed to be funded to completion by insider knowledge, the future market for rubber as insulator set King Leopold et al to the Congo.
Energy cartels extended into all spheres of influence and seek a global Internment of Things – which depends on another set of specific resource grabs under a pervasive and systemic deceits.
Curious that your play on words with “Internment of Things” inserts (imprisons?) “men” into “internet” … Well, kind of, anyway.
I read the lyrics you link to and do see what you mean. They track that hedonistic, pleasure-narcissism, boom-bust dynamic you reference above. It is certainly self-exhausting but of uncertain ‘collateral damage’ and duration. And can always creep back in after the lie is seen/felt. I see it as an ever-present potential. There’s a poor film starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves that tracks this weakness of the ego quite well, but I forget the name.
And yes, the way this dynamic or psycho-vector permeates out through everything is also both instructive and, to me, fascinating.
Tolkien offered a picture of the extension of ‘power over’ and masking or shielding to hide FROM or mask one’s own intent as technos. And the path of ‘choosing NOT to use it as the undoing of the (false) foundation of such power. However mythic creations always involve ‘good v evi’l that operates or induces the PERSONAL investment in lure of power set in powerlessness by deceit.
The lyric: ‘I’m alright where I am’ is the expression of persisting in invested identity. The uncovering of one’ own active lie is the undoing of the desire or capacity to WANT it – and so the false posture is released to a prior Embrace. There is no ‘return to God’ excepting to the belief you have the power to leave. I could use innumerable other terms to point to our true Source and Nature. I am not selling any belief so much as noticing the power of what is already invested belief in our own experience and world.
Hedonism and self-denial both turn on a sense of self gratification/ reinforcement. The ‘ego’ is fed by attempt to react in the frame of reference it sets – and so the ego is maintained by “War on Ego” – no less than redefinitions of its rehabilitation in a post truth society.
Substitution for Life (living inherence) is always a form of death or unconsciousness of Life in narcissistic engagement within imaged form. Some forms seem more ‘real’ than others by ticking the current boxes.
The false sense of ‘I’ and corrective reactions to the false sense of ‘I’ are both sides of one coin. Work both sides of conflict to ‘hollow or blank the living for a mind-substitution. That is why I extend the maxim ‘divide and rule’ to divide and rule out truth – not least by setting ‘truth’ as the first victim of war.
Giving truth to hate sets a hate that MUST have a target. In such a world the mask of evasion becomes the means of survival, and the means to deflect or divert hate through mind-framing and false flagging become the means to ‘power’. But it is always a redistribution of psychic energy in the persistence of hate as personal power in judgement that mask in complex multilayered packaging. Healing is the function of truth. To let truth in calls for the pause of invested identity in war. In this way we are ‘self-trapped’ in hates or fears that we are unready or unwilling to own, feel and move through.
That we are all being lied to, needs some completion because it is a partial ‘truth’ invoked by a sense of treachery and betrayal.
Who is without sin, let them cast the first stone.
What goes around comes around.
Entanglement in a world of lies is an ongoing investment and demands the sacrifice of the Living in ongoing investment.
Everyone who learns the ego/world can in an instant ‘see’ what is wrong with everyone… else and act as if what they judge is true – albeit through coded social norms.
A hijacked ‘liberal’ identity gets its validation by hating the haters. But hating hate in this way is becoming the thing that you hate – or enacting the very accusation projected on the other.
Resist ye not evil is the pause through which a discernment of the true, releases investment in the false. This is a gift we can share in, but attempting to join in hate holds shifting forms of seeming unity set over and against the target of projected fears that are hateful to be subject to.
It is easy for hurt-red to WANT others to hurt likewise and with ‘interest’ so as to hammer or drive the message (hate) home. This is how we make homeless.
Conflict management has its place – but is only helpful as a pause within a larger process of re-Visioning. Without any true vision, conflict management becomes power struggle for the ‘better’ position in self-made prison of interned conflict patterns – set ‘outside’ the possibility of healing.
We can act out the script of thinking.
Watch the thought and observe the script instead of automatically reacting.
Abide in the thought-less as an intimacy of direct appreciation.
The second allows a shift to a healing or awakening recognition and alignment and in this the mind becomes a willing service rather than running off ahead – to lose our head in emotional reactivity in place of the heart’s knowing.
Thank you for this. I have to say that some of it is too tangled in odd grammar for me, but in essence this is a very timely exposition of where I am at, on many levels, and arrived shortly after an intense set of dreams that spoke in their particular quality precisely to the content of your eerily poetic missive.
I am always learning to let go. And in learning and relearning this important process, noticing new places where I am holding on. The energy it takes to cling to things we think we need is the ‘pain’ that accompanies letting them go.
You are very welcome Toby,
Regardless any differences in our phrasing I appreciate your willingness to speak to what ‘lies beneath’ appearances that personify a mistaken defence of pain.
Poesy is meta communication – in its capacity to carry or hold qualities or meanings that cannot be communicated by linear concept.
That resonances are ‘within’ may seem eerie to the mind of trying to incorporate the new wine in its old bottle.
Word play – such as hurtred for hatred can offer a moment of recognition – or it can irritate with ‘made up words’ that deviate from scanning for a gist of the meaning. otherwise I rest in a manner of phrasing that may seem archaic or almost Shakespearian. Not a sound byte or attempt to run the newspeak so as to have ‘impact’.
In the sense of thinking I am habituated to accept as if my own, ‘I am lying to myself’ by accepting a lie of myself, and part of doing so is to then weight everything in terms of evasion of direct inner conflict so as to mask and outsource the pain – just as corporate ego seeks to outsource consequence to the body politic. Seeking private profit without accepting responsibility for consequence is the nature of a fantasy or deceit is it not? (And this does resonate with your original points about peddling fantasies of infinite growth to entrap others and self into debt, scarcity and dependence).
For those who find willingness, the Call that I share is of going into the ‘territory’ that are minds are predicated upon ‘protecting us FROM’ by means of denial and deceit. But the Call is shared by nature. The willingness and desire to integrate or heal is never alone – and that is a key to the undoing of the mind-belief of an armoured dissociation set against fear of loss of self seeking ‘survival’ at any cost – including death.
A negative ‘invisible hand’ works through our world as the purpose of a fearfully framed or defined self interest – that runs AS or FOR our self or mind until we pause of such action and reaction to enquire more deeply and with greater self-honesty as to the beliefs or acquired self-definitions we are acting from.
All that is required is the recognition that we do not WANT the outcome for the freedom to release it – and let Life undo our error. If we SAY we don’t want it but persist in trying to manipulate it, we persist the same error in a new set of clothes – at best. (Or worst – because then we are deluded to believe we have freed ourself from an error that we are merely now unconscious of persisting in with the same distressing result but assigned to failure of others etc).
The idea is of generating and maintaining scarcity as power or leverage over a captive need.
I see this not just in our collective world – but as the ‘reified conditioning’ of a seemingly separate and private mind.
I don’t join in reinforcing fear-control scripts so much as seek illumination of what is in terms of an integrative recognition, as the undoing of a false framing.
As I see it, Time – and therefore consciousness as we think to have it, is running out. I could mythologise that of all the resources being sucked off Planet, consciousness is the primary. There is hatred for this life world – that can and does assume the posture of saving it, in order to destroy it. Hatred is very deeply denied and concealed in the doublethink of a personal vindication or salvation under a god of vengeance or hate set in righteous victory.
But loss of control has a different opportunity that some find from the breakdown of their ‘reality’ worldview or personal and social identikit. You never really had it.
Not as you identified or took yourself to be.
Whatever we accept by acting from becomes self reinforcing – ie we teach by demonstration and are our own learner thereby. In this we are self-conditioning in terms of learned habits or routines assigned to the body of learned reaction.
Dissonance with relational reality invites a review of our ‘template’ rules and reactions, but can be redefined in the terms of a learned sense of self-image to rejection, betrayal, abandonment. Undoing our conditioning has to be by making a conscious choice to NOT run the reactive response – and to look and listen for relational awareness in which to recognise what is actually happening in place of reenacting judgements or counter judgements.
Why wait for anyone else to make up ‘enough’? There’s that scarcity thinking again. As I see it, as long as you are seeking to save the world, you are using that as delay and diversion from a true acceptance lived and shared.
If enough people give energy and attention to fear-thinking at any given time, they will ‘share’ in its framing as a common reality and to a common result.
I do not see ‘love-thinking’ as something we can DO from the fear-thinking presumption and the attempt to do so makes a mockery of love such as to feed cynicism and despair.
Put down the thinking and the issues that generate or inflame it, and be open for a movement of life or being that is whole – and this may be surprising and yet simple – because it always meets you where you are – but reframed in connected purpose that the old habit mind will seek to interject and subvert at any and every opportunity.
The ingenuity of fear-driven necessity to invested power is way ahead of the thinking of its plodding captives. Old definitions do not serve purpose. The labels no longer match as once seemed so apt.
Loveless manipulation may be perceived pathetic, blind, arrogant or evil, but those who have lost their Right Minded alignment in the heart are the Lost – seeking OUTSIDE themselves for what they will never find – be that the shadow enemy to vanquish, or the beloved to possess, or any other filler to a sense of self-lack or self-wrongness. If you would be Found in true alignment in your self and relation as ‘Self’ – then you can soon see that you need give in the measure you would receive, or own that you WANT to dump your stuff on others and hate it there – which may then open an honesty of a capacity to change what you have owned.
How you actually relate can then arise from the Field of relationship as a current expression of willingness. Growing willingness for Communication is undoing the blocks we have in some sense spent millennia setting up. But my sense is not of destruction so much as repurposing. All that serves a true desire/purpose is redeemed or salvaged from false association.
If you look deeper we are cooperative at a level that isn’t perhaps obvious.
Much that presents itself as good intentions is toxic debt packaged in complex instruments that the trader may believe in or be intent on inducing you to need to believe in it.
Move as you feel truly moved – and not when you don’t ! The ‘truly’ is the discipline of listening within AS you relate to others and world.
Yes – I see a qualitative error in the seeking of fantasy gratification in stead of relational fulfilment – when what is sought for is used as a symbol, set to assuage a sense of self-lack. No amount of money or power will be ever be enough to assuage an addictive personality. ‘Bottomming out’ is the only point from which an awakened responsibility can grow. In this a true recognition replaces a false sense of private personal agenda. We need to learn to discern one from the other and choose accordingly.
Aligning in new choices from a true alignment is an expression of self worth that naturally or automatically shares. Anything else is a fantasy running over a sense of worth-lack (or self hate). We cant exactly ‘share’ hate but we can and do join in hate in the guise of self-righteous grievance.
Keeping such a fantasy ‘alive’ costs the Earth – because it costs a true recognition of and appreciation for relational awareness (of existence). Illusions given power are not ‘just illusion’ but power expressed through the lens of a false thinking and false witness.
The ‘hungry ghost’ is addicted to seek ‘without’ for what its own self-definition denies ‘within’. A false sense of self-definition is compelled to seek ‘outside itself’ because it has defined itself outside and apart from Life under fear of death (or loss of self/ power -possession and control). Getting or taking rather than giving and receiving.
This false sense of self invokes all the protections due to the true because it passes off as true. Relational balance depends on relational awareness – and yet that is lost to the fear and distrust of ‘others’ as rival or threat.
In alienating our self we become our own ‘alien agenda’ or rather a proxy/asset to denied facets of our mind that operate denial BECAUSE they are formed by denial.
Our personality development expresses strategies of coping with different configurations of acceptance or denial relative to who we are. But this is not hard wired so much as protected from change as the ‘devil we know’ or the seeming lesser of evils.
I hold infinity to be edgeless and dimensionless and not BIG or small – but a fragmenting mind will seek to inflate or expand a sense of littleness set apart and against the Infinite. Self-inflation comes before a Fall – but unless the false sense of disconnection is questioned or exposed – the same pattern repeats and recycles. Boom and bust.
Infinity is thus formless and wordless – but in alignment with the ‘field of a true awareness’ we can recognise any and every situation as an individuated expression OF the Infinite. In human terms we can recognise Self in another – rather than project and defend against a self-projection cast out onto the ‘other’.
If I only see you in terms of what I can ‘get from you’ or ‘get rid of’ by dumping on you then I make you a fantasy object and forego a real relationship. When we are all doing this we generate a fantasy overlay of narrative reality over the feared, hated and denied.
That many are exclusively identifying in the ‘mask’ is a result of giving power or worth-ship to the mask.
To uncover a true currency of thought and expression of worth-ship and with-ness is to choose not to give energy and attention to the purpose of the mask – which is to hide or not know.
Even a moment’s willingness invites another purpose to communicate through us.
Which is to let into an ‘already knowing’ – but in terms of our misuse of the term knowing this might be better stated as letting into the being that we are – knowingly or not.
If what we hold true for us goes forth and multiplies – then we have together created an abundance of war, debt and lack. This is valid feedback for assessing the thinking that is given power to generate such an outcome. Garbage in; garbage out. But in order to change our thinking (mind) we have to observe and own it – as the moment of power to release or replace it with a more truly aligned expression of who we now accept ourselves to be.
Without such an inner awareness and accepted responsibility the same patterns of thinking generate ‘new’ forms of the same thinking. You cant put the new wine into the old bottle paradigm but that you subvert the forms of the new to the corrupting intent to personally possess and control – and believe it!
Letting a new consciousness grow from abiding in the true is very different from our mind-training to date – but is more of a transparency to a true recognition and appreciation than an opacity of a private self-imaged projection. Fantasy is not in competition with truth, but when we ‘compete’ with truth we engage in fantasy by believing we CAN.
Sketching out in words is always open to misunderstandings. There is no language for reality – because it is already an ‘intimacy’ or perfect communication that imaged forms,symbols and conceptual frameworks have ‘covered over’ or filtered out. It is my witness that the mind can serve the heart’s knowing rather than usurp and deny it.
That idea ‘conceptualises’ reality within a spatial framework, in that it uses non-dimension as the conceptual antithesis of space and dimension and asserts it as a kind of infinity. It thus couches reality as fundamentally Newtonian but in an inverse framing. For me, it leaves out the real foundation: information, which is that aspect of itself that consciousness experiences. If nothing is being experienced, then there is nothing. Experience necessarily entails complexity of some kind, or patterning, and that is a kind of ‘scale’ or ‘potential’ if you will … at least as I currently understand it. I therefore see information patterning as necessarily finite, as I hinted at in an earlier response. Further, because experience requires change, aka ‘time’ as in before and after, we have another ‘boundary’ of sorts, again implying finitude. Note that none of this requires space or dimension, only ‘time’ as change, as patterning/experience logically requires change.
What may or may not lie beyond that is far beyond my abilities to understand.
As for the rest of your response, yes, that all makes very good sense to me!
“I hold infinity to be edgeless and dimensionless and not BIG or small”
Georg Cantor was not a singer in a synagogue.
You set me an infinite task – that of course took no time at all – but for the experiencing of its already accomplishment. I don’t get the singing synagogue ref. Math and music have correspondences.
“The fear of infinity is a form of myopia that destroys the possibility of seeing the actual infinite, even though it in its highest form has created and sustains us, and in its secondary transfinite forms occurs all around us and even inhabits our minds.”
– Georg Cantor, as quoted in Infinity and the Mind (1995) by Rudy Rucker.
PS: “Be Not Afraid, It Is I”. The Infinite Way is not a message, it is an experience. – (Joel S. Goldsmith).
A split mind of division is ‘two powers’ and if this is accepted as our mind, we rule out Infinity’s Gift of itself as This Very Instant’ to instead suffer a lost wholeness in the past that sets our future in seeking to regain it. It isn’t there and never was. Its just a shadow that he’s seeing that you’re chasing (Dylan).
Truth is not engaged in power struggle. Illusions battle but with themselves. But ‘don’t let truth get in the way of a good story’ – and so it doesn’t. In lack of support for our story we may feel attacked, rejected abandoned betrayed as the reinforcement of self-in-story and we live and suffer this experience – but that doesn’t make it true.
It may seem like struggle to abide free of temptation or identifiction in story – and we may mythologise this as a war of Principalities battling for ‘our’ Soul – but the nub of it is knowing/accepting what we truly WANT. While we want different and conflicting meanings for our self, we split our mind or ‘divide the indivisible’ under narrative control.
This is not only limiting, exclusive and finite – but mortal or framed in death instead of Life.
My understanding is that within our temporary framework are shared moments that are in truth, timeless and beyond measure or loss – excepting to the insistence on seeking to regain them in the terms of our own measure and from a sense or fear of loss. Instead of releasing the grasp of the old measure to give and receive anew – to open a new moment instead of a reworking of an old theme.
Behold I make all things new (said the Lord) may have originally referred to terraforming the Land and human consciousness – but stands for the literal recognition of Creator in this instant of Creation.
It takes One to know One – and so getting out of the way is letting the movement of being – move us and move through us.
Toby, the whole point of a population overshoot incident – in any species – is that there ISN’T enough to go round.
If – big, big if! – we, hom sap, instituted worldwide scarcity-socialism right now, there might indeed be enough to go round for all, for a short while. But even if that’s still physically possible, it won’t be for much longer if we go on rushing blindly towards the inevitable outcome of all population-overshoot incidents – in ANY species: rapid, savage population crash, to well below the original carrying capacity for the species, and then a slow climb back towards that balanced level. That seems to be how the graph oscillates, for all such over-shooting species. (Oh, I forgot the favourite Silly-Valley retort: “We got technology, dude!” Yeah, put your trust in that…)
Do you see any convincing signs that we’re about to introduce scarcity-socialism world-wide, Toby? Still less an actually-effective, actually-humane population-rebalancing programme? No, me neither. Pop-crash, here we come! 🙁
There is already enough to go around without any enforced scarcity socialism. Of course it won’t happen that all humans willingly choose a plants-only diet and choose to lose their love of consumerist junk etc., but in fact the opportunity/potential is there. Scarcity is real, but so is plenitude. Population overshoot and crash happens, yes, but with humans – who can see it coming unlike deer or rats – there is the opportunity to behave differently. But no, I have no expectation that a vast majority will choose the required set of behaviours. However, that does not mean the choice is not there.
For the record, my family and I have been on a plants-only diet for about seven years, live minimally, watch no television etc., and are as happy and healthy as can be. We chose this, so I know it’s more than just fantasy, biologically/psychologically speaking. Culturally, it is of course another ball game entirely.
I think you may be right, T, that there’s enough to go round for all, even without scarcity-socialism – just for now, that is . But that’s a situation that can’t last. We only have this – highly temporary – surplus of the essentials of life, such as food, because we’ve been using our ingenuity, and its obsessive outgrowth techno-gadgetry, to burn through the Earth’s accumulation of natural capital, such as fossilised hydrocarbons, at an entirely unsustainable rate. And now we’re in the slo-mo endgame of ramming the buffers at the end of this several-centuries old crazy-splurge line.
There’s no predicting the outcome in detail, of course. But the overall track doesn’t look reassuring. And as for the answer to the famous question: ‘Are humans cleverer than yeast?’ – I think I’d have to hedge by saying: ‘Jury’s still out on that; maybe so, maybe not. We just have to proceed in hope…’
Like you, T, I’ve taken care to do what Chris Martenson recommends: embrace ‘extreme frugality’ voluntarily, to be both MUCH happier with life, and to be better prepared for the switchbacks ahead. Officially, I live ‘below the poverty line (British, rather than Mumbai definition of ‘poverty’, that is 🙂 ). In reality I have literally everything that I need (need, as opposed to want), plus enough to spare to subsidise my struggling grand-daughter as well. Life becomes much more serene when you get off the ‘more, more, more’ treadmill. Sure, we should all do that, but will we? Let’s ask the yeast for their assessment… 🙂
One sobering statistic I came across is that planet earth has but 50-60 harvests (more like 50 I suspect) left in her.
However, permaculture has figured out how to regenerate soil very quickly, and it’s multitudinous other techniques improve soil fertility while farming and producing highly nutritious food. Of course it’s labour intensive, but that what we need more of: meaningful work!
Happy to learn of your growing happiness!
Forest permaculture (for lands which, if left wild would turn back naturally to forest), together with Mark Shepard-style (qv) savannah permaculture for the in-between lands, and Allan Savory-style (qv), wild-herd-mimicking pastoralism for the true grasslands, would all be not just excellent ways to get plenty of food, whilst still treating the land, and ALL it’s creatures, with strict Gaia-worshipping reverence; they would also help materially to alleviate the worst effects of the anthropogenic climate shift that we’ve now kicked of decisively.
Don’t know about labour intensive, though, T. Martin Crawford, at the Agroforestry Research Trust reckons he puts in about fifty days-worth of work a year on his whole acreage in Devon (Britain). He also reckons he can get comparable – or better – yields of useful products than can the land around his woodland, which is still being farmed with the grossly-unnatural, constant-battle-with-nature, chemical-and-fuel-drenched industagri monocultural annual grain growing methods – which of course have no future in any realistic Limits To Growth forecast. Quick promo-vid from Martin here:
People like Martin, Mark, and Geoff – ‘Greening The Desert’ (qv) – Lawton seem to me to have already in hand a major set of keys to facing our deeply-changed, climate-shifting future realistically; especially if we organise it along scarcity-socialism lines, politically.
But will we, widely enough, and in time? Let’s ask the yeast…
All those things are what excite me most about how our future might look; partnership with, not domination over nature. Whatever works and is most respectful to the rest of nature is fine by me.
What I meant by “labour intensive” is the amount of hours put into to food growth per person compared to now. E.g., I put in zero hours. If I had an acre, I’d be happy to invest 50 days per year, but it’s still 50 more days per year than I currently work on food production. And that’s true of the overwhelming majority of the planet’s city folk.
True, T. The only people whom I know who are currently putting in their fifty days a year hereabouts (Britain) are friends who do ‘work-share’ deals with our local Community-Supported Agri scheme. I used to do the same myself, before I got so ancient and worn-out that I just couldn’t handle the cycling over, doing my stint of fieldwork, then cycling back again, week in, week out.
I still do a little bit of such mucky-hands-on work, gathering stuff in the local woods with my dog (and also including the persistent, life-long habit of guerrilla tree-planting everywhere I can). But all that is little more than a slight, romantic stab in the right direction. Have to just rely on my state pension – and the NHS – for most things, these geriatric days; an obvious candidate for swift mercy-euthanasia of the useless-eater ancientry, WTSHTF! 🙂 🙂
Sounds like excellent research. Given how fundamental the dollar monopoly is in the trade of the GOD commodities (Guns, Oil, Drugs) for US hegemony, it’s frustrating how unknown this still is among the public at large. Somebody ought to create a hard-hitting documentary explaining this topic in layman’s terms and make it go viral.
The biggest flaw in recent de-dollarisation attempts by countries like Iraq, Libya and Iran is that they tried it on a state-by-state basis rather than a single integrated move. Imagine if all states on the planet seeking independence from US financial imperialism ditched the dollar together, there would simply be too many of them for the US to invade or inflict regime change in retaliation.
I also agree on the role of identity politics as a globalist tool emerging after the fall of the Soviet bloc, Every time attention need to be diverted away from war, constitutional erosion and financial scams, the corporate media ramped up identity politics a notch or two. One could see this clearly after the 2008 crisis, with the corporate bail-out resulting in the Occupy movement and its anti-plutocracy memes. Financial news subsequently retreated from the front pages of mainstream media in favour of incessant reporting on transgender toilets and whatnot. Liberals in all their confusion have now become plutocracy’s foot soldiers.
Due to bushfires, we have evacuated our property three times in the last ten years.
We have been threatened by fires six times in the last twenty years.
Drought has been a serious problem across Australia for the last forty years.
We don’t have to ‘believe’ in climate change. We live it.
As long as the smug middle class and the corporate parasites continue to consume, travel and pontificate, we are doomed.
All of us.
Here are some replies to your concerns from the champions of deregulation.
“It’s your fault. You’re making choices and taking decisions to live in hazardous locations”
“Nobody complained about this before”
“Everyone takes steps to minimise risks, and continue to live their normal life without too much fuss”
We often watch bemused, as the city dwellers escape in their thousands for their holidays, from the concrete, bitumen, gridlock, pollution, incessant noise, psychic sludge and advertising that hangs like a dark cloud over their ‘safe’ cities.
“…we have evacuated our property three times in the last ten years.”
Is it really your property, or is that just a way of speaking?
Ahh. The Anarchists conundrum.
A piece of paper says it’s ‘ours’
Until it isn’t.
Everyone meets an always changing world, who and why the idea of normal levels of anything? Those who seek profit and power thereby? have you checked your BP, cholesterol
Balance is so much part of the Planet, the Body and Cosmos – and yet always as an ongoing disequilibrium.
Human attempts to intervene and correct have generally brought about the thing they purpose to defend against – and made us captive to having to a protection racket as if saving ourselves. So much so that some generate or milk conflicts and destruction so as to position themselves or their agenda as the saviour. Perhaps they simply see low hanging fruit because people are so easily manipulated into polarised reaction.
You are assuming fires are caused by “the smug middle class and the corporate parasites continuing to consume, travel and pontificate”.
In the instances I have read of dangerous and deadly heatwaves before the mass consumption of carbon dioxide fuels what can you offer by way of cause?
I have read that aboriginal people carried and used fire in their hunting in ways that didn’t have the liability of the huge forest fires that modern ways invite.
The Sahara hasn’t always been a desert.
Tourism is destructive in ways that are not addressed because doing so doesn’t serve the dominant narrative of control by all and any means. Air miles are now used for guilt and shaming. But its more the unaccountable systemic globalism that undermines the ability to live and share a human life, than the fuel.
Perhaps this desperate and blind urge comes up because of the shift of energies in larger Galactic cycles? Apocalyptic guilt and sacrifice is not new.
Apocalypse is the unveiling or revealing – and associated with destruction by past human experience. Undoing of illusions can be excruciatingly humiliating until no longer using them as a frame of reference. Resistance to exposure in lack of substance or lack of foundation draws on all the tricks of the mind to deny that which it feels threatened and denied by – but truth simply Is – and our mythological narratives are stories that can become like fine Emperor’s robes or fig leaves and other cover stories.
Every invested identity in the realm of the changing is ‘doomed’. But as I see it this is also an addictive or compulsive attraction, that few care or dare to step out of.
Most narrative appeals ‘WORK’ the emotional energy. I invite you to make more space to truly feel all that you feel. And in this I am not dissing THAT you feel fearful, pissed off and victim to forces outside your immediate control. But to some – that means you are available to be exploited in return for a cover story.
I ‘assume’ nothing Binra.
I know what I see.
Fires consuming forests.
Greed consuming the middle class.
Hubris consuming the One Per Cent.
Denial consuming the ignorant.
Perhaps you may be mistaken?
Do you know what you see or do you see only as your current set of mind dictates or allows?
Fires are necessary and natural in the larger cycle of a biodiversity – and nothing new. Our relationship with nature is often a callous disregard or presumption to enslave and exploit. Nor does romanticizing or ‘spiritualising’ nature in symbol change that – because it is still ‘all about me’.
Greed consumes the greedy. Those who live FROM unconscious presumption of self-lack can never have enough of whatever they seek. No peace for the wicked seems archaic – but if you have not made peace with yourself and your world you must be driven by debts of lacks to be escaped or fulfilled.
The ‘middle’ class has particular meanings for you such that you give them exclusive rights or at least prominence. The socially engineered consumer is significantly captive to the greed of predation upon them – that has no less captured the institutions that once protected or held greed or loveless appetites in check.
Self inflation or pride and arrogance shows up in the forms of its current visibility but can be invisible in other forms of social acceptance. It easily jumps to the accuser.
Is being deceived or lied to the basis for an enlightenment?
Or used as the basis for projecting blame for a belittled or popped self-inflation?
Do we judge or curse our self for for being suckered?
And project the curse away as if to get rid of it?
Hate must find a target.
When we feel empowered or protected by a lie – we inflate a sense of self-denial by turning a blind eye to exposure and see what we want to see. In this we set up an illusion that can only pop or dissolve because it is not true. When it does we may associate the ‘Fall’ or humiliation or grievance with the conditions and actions of the loss of illusion and thus persist in it embittered and ’empowered or protected’ by grievance nurtured. But the fall is inherent to the pride as the bust is to the boom.
Another way of looking at this is as a curriculum that we have albeit in some partial ignorance set up, collectively and personally. The wish to be special can find isolation and hollowness that no amount of stuffing with fantasy can assuage.
Denial is the crown jewel in the mind of illusion.
To use 100% of the mind to generate an experience of only using 1%.
Giving power to denial is taking it from acceptance.
What the mind rejects is still active but unseen.
The unseen power of denial is a way of creating outcomes that can plausibly deny its own hand in them. An entanglement in deceit and denial is a fragmentation of conflict and its management.
What you didn’t openly address is the insinuation that the fires that have caused you to evacuate your home on a few occasions are caused by any of your list of grievances.
I don’t have an issue with THAT you have strong feelings around threats to your home and family.
Binra ?Brian ?
It’s time you got fair dinkum.
The new system here logs me in sometimes as binra and sometimes as Brian.
I represent no organisation or institutional affiliation – but from my heart to yours.
You can present yourself however you choose. I stand with your freedom to choose even if I may not always join in your choice.
I take your point Brian.
As a reader (and I like to think practitioner) of teachings from folks like J Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharishi, Meher Baba, Jean Klein, Douglas Harding and Barry Long I understand your position.
I agree with Denis Rancourt’s view here. I would add the US and KSA usage of Islamic fanaticism for their own purposes = oil- dollar bond continuity after gold had to be dropped.
I don’t make the naive mistake of most of the Left that before the US Afghanistan war Islam was the “religion of peace” though: it has totalitarianism, misogyny, discrimination, violence and imperialism build in through the example of its founder and the texts of its Manual.
The only worthwhile response to your attack on Islam is: those Muslims have an awful lot of work to do to catch up on western Christian “civilisation”. In terms of misogyny discrimination violence and imperialism. I mean seriously mate, Christianity has worked tirelessly for centuries to keep women in their place. Why do you think all the mainstream religions have exclusively male hierarchy. The British, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Belgian etc empire building involving rape and pillage, subjugation and extermination of whole populations has no parallel in history with Islam. Just tell me how many Muslims-leaving aside colonial troops-were involved in either world war; thee two conflicts killing over 100 million people.
Agree – whatever the merits or otherwise of Islam as a religion it is not responsible for the chaos today. The Christian and atheist West has imposed itself on the Muslim world – and succeeded in dividing the Gulf states through ideology, money and greed against the states which reject all this. It is a mistake to blame Islam as a religion- that’s what they want us to do.
“It is a mistake to blame Islam as a religion…”
Have you actually read the Quran or hadith? They’re right up there with the worst expressions and commendation of the vicious bigotry and violent aggression common to most organised religions.
Christianity was in essence quite pacifistic -remember Jesus?, only after it was adopted by a Roman emperor it became aggressive and imperialistic; Islam had those last two traits from the get go. Forget about the West for a minute and think about Asia and Africa: Islamic extremism from Nigeria to Indonesia to Chechnya, legitimized by their Manual and Mo. For India alone the number of locals slaughtered runs into dozens of millions since Islamic arrival in present Pakistan/Afghanistan.
The only leftover Christian aggression today is in their conver$ion and pro creation dogmas. Whatever Pentagon / Langley /WH are bullying around has nothing to do with Jesus or what he preached but with keeping the dollar floating and their own accounts filled.
Mainstream religion male dominated? Abrahamic ones yes, not others like Hinduism.
“Christianity was in essence quite pacifistic -remember Jesus?”
Question is, do you remember Jesus or what Saul of Nicea-to-Be chose to remember about Jesus?
“Christianity has worked tirelessly for centuries to keep women in their place.”
Nuns wear habits to stop God sticking His tongue in their ears for a bit of unAuthorized parthenogenesizing.
Anti-Islam propaganda is funded by the same budget(s) that give support to spreading religious radicalism and extremism.
Anyone who can connect the dots, can easily see the Evidence.
Playing both extremes against the middle, also known as divide and conquer.
It compares very favourably with the genocidal hate of the Talmud.
No it doesn’t. Yes it does. No it doesn’t. Yes it does. No it doesn’t. Yes it does. No it doesn’t. Yes it does. No it doesn’t. Yes it does. No it doesn’t. Yes it does. No it doesn’t. Yes it does.
Mr Rancourt makes the point that there is a triad of new “state religions” that have appeared – which he lists as:
“climate alarmism, exaggerated tunnel-vision focus on gender equity and a campaign of anti-racism focussed on engineering thoughts, language and attitudes”
These three may be “more religious” than the systems normally described as “religions” in that the latter i.e. Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc. are nowadays mostly just labels which are given a token gesture nod but not actually believed in. Actual beliefs now centre on Mr Rancourt’s triad. And the fact that he calls these new religions, “state religions” only goes to emphasise the point. Each of the old religions – in its heyday – was a “state religion”.
My point is that arguments over the details of Judaism etc. are irrelevant. The true beliefs – and therefore the true focus for propaganda – centre on Rancourt’s triad.
Identity politics, perversion and 57 varieties of degeneracy are being pushed at primary school children as young as 4 or 5. We live in a very sick degraded society which can only be expected to deteriorate further and plumb new depths of Piss Earth. Rabid gay and trannie activists are put in charge of young impressionable children and parents who object are told to go away and mind their own business, vilified, and threatened with legal persecution. Paedophilia is now being actively promoted, incest and bestiality are in the pipeline as things to be praised and celebrated. Our society is permeated with a death wish and cannot survive long term short of a complete reversal. All this is no accident. Coupled with global warming hoaxes, open borders and unlimited third world immigration, this is a blueprint for the complete destruction of western societies, which must be expected to disappear within a generation.
Yes, here is a good example of this just recently. People are so stupid and brainwashed, they don’t get it and don’t want to tackle it, even when enormous assaults on their health and freedom are foisted upon them (5G). They just don’t care
Teen, 17, who sparked row for saying there are only two genders ‘suspended from school for three weeks’
A teenager who said he was thrown out of class for insisting there are only two genders has reportedly been suspended from school.
The unidentified schoolboy secretly filmed the moment he was reprimanded by a teacher at a school in Aberdeenshire, who said the view was not in line with school policy.
The three minute clip was on Friday uploaded to Reddit and YouTube.
The Mail on Sunday said the boy has been suspended from school for three weeks following the clash.
A friend of the boy told the paper he filmed the teacher “because he wanted to show what was going on in schools today for simply stating there are only two genders”………
You can have as many ‘genders’ as you like, but there are only two sexes.
“Rabid gay and trannie activists…”
I’ve just been bitten by one. Please advise.
Well, I do agree with the Professor about the manufactured climate crisis.
Here is a huge list of things which are NOT settled science:
1. How you ‘measure’ ‘global temperature’. Do we include the earth’s core, all the oceans, the entire atmosphere, the ice sheets, or just some arbitrary set of land-based measurement sites? The debate has not even been had….
2. The role of solar cycles in mediating transient warming and cooling and how effective solar cycle predictions can become.
3. The mechanisms by which oceans modulate global temperature oscillations.
4. The role major volcanic eruptions can have on climate and what threshold of volcanic emissions can trigger significant cooling events.
5. The role large planet configurations have on earths climate (a study of climatic anomalies during the great uranus-saturn-neptune triple conjunction around 1990 shows they have infkuence).
6. The difference between deforestation and ‘global warming’.
7. The difference between extreme weather events and actual climate change.
8. The bounds of ‘normal variability’ of climate in the short-, medium-, and long-term.
9. The relative importance of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and other trace gases as greenhouse mediators.
10. The relative importance of hydrology, rainfall and vegetation in determining what rainfall levels are adequate for human life around the globe.
The list could go on.
Something is not true because the IPCC says so. That is an appeal to authority. The NIPCC reaches very different conclusions. Anyone incapable of interrogating both sets of claims and distilling the key issues over which they differ should not presume to campaign on climate. They should spend time educating themselves until they are ready to campaign based on knowledge, not soundbites.
NOT settled science:…….GRAVITY, or hocus pocus, as I like to call it.
Indeed, distilling the issues to focus on a militant climate campaign framing is an intentional strategic doubt and practico-inert solution. One that is being manufactured and behaviour change manipulated toward the ‘climate economy’. Instead of a redundant reductive isolationist individuated focus: every aspect of capitalism – even in its ‘green neoliberal Zeitgeist’ iteration – should be be ruthlessly exposed for the institutionally and systemically uber-racist, white privilege Ubermensch, sexist, hyper-violent, ultra-coercive, omni-eploitative, ecocidal, alienation and dehumanisation ethic that is dominating all life on earth.
There is more than enough evidence to convince even trogladyte pseudo-progressive liberal-cave-dwellers that capitalist modernity is mass murdering by worthless debt-money. There is no escaping the conclusion. Climate campaigning is a character masking of the omnicidal reality which needs to be ruthlessly exposed. As one that is fronting the very capitalisation and commodification of humanity and nature (as ‘human capital’ and ‘natural capital’.)
The climate is a con: the cultural imperialistic ethics of mass murder is not. Capitalism needs to be mitigated before it destroys the very fabric of continued life on earth. Mitigating capitalism mitigates the climate and resolves all the other issues of the Human Dominion convergence of crises. Life begins after capitalism …if there is anyone left to live.
“Capitalism needs to be mitigated before it destroys the very fabric of continued life on earth. ”
Call me a pessimist, but I believe people came to this realization a little to late. We might well be on our Doomsday path.
The myth of Atlantis had but one teaching: civilization doom by hubris.
‘”Capitalism needs to be mitigated before it destroys the very fabric of continued life on earth. ”
Call me a pessimist, but I believe people came to this realization a little to late.’
At least 50 years too late (or a 100+ if the generation of first awareness and then “political will” at feasible logistical cost is factored in). “A little too late” rates you as an optimist.
I’d say 40 years: but what is a decade between friends? Or a 100+ if the world took Marx seriously …but things were very different back then. The fact that capitalism would grow to totalise and monopolise everything – as entailed in Capital – did not even occur to Marx. He thought the bankers would fund a transition to socialism …which is naivety extremism.
40 years ago: we had something like 3.3bn less people, 88% less GHGs, virtually no debt (>$10tn), and as we have quadrupled our resource consumption in that time – a lot more resources.
Without the personal narcissism and cultural hedonism spawned in the neoliberal ‘me generation’: I dare say we would be living in something like a Jacques Fresco eco-paradise …without the euthanasia!
Now: there is not much cause for optimism. The mass consciousness is a capitalist endocolonisation. The set of those who can perceive that the climate agenda is weaponised is probably quite small across populations. Which seems to be almost equal to the set of those who create a set of beliefs that negate the problem. No climate change: no problem …a strategic doubt carte blanche for capitalist green imperialism.
The subset of those who can identify that climate framing is an intentional character masking of a Human Dominion crisis – which is a permanent everything convergence of crises encompassing human to human, and human to environment ecology, economy, and dominion psychology …is thus quite small and isolated.
Profane modernity is so at odds with nature that it cannot survive. Nature and ecology are key to understanding this. Isolated people in isolated belief systems are not going to perceive this. Not until the organic natural processes slap us in the face …which has been happening for half a century. The question is: how hard a blow will the collision of nature and our own profanity of systemic narcissism have to deal before we burst our collective bubble mentality and take self-responsibility for the world we are co-creating?
The gentle persuasion phase has passed, the impacts are getting harder, and still we are in collective denial. How hard and how bad does it have to get before we collectively admit that cherished belief systems are no compensation for the loss of life? History will not thank us for our self-indulgent complacency.
“The NIPCC reaches very different conclusions.”
AND they’re doing their bit, teaming up with their buddies at the Heartland Institute handing out ciggies at school gates to he[p a new generation of plant lovers to up the emissions of atmospheric CO2 fertilizer.