Guardian Deletes Open Letter Defending Chris Williamson
Document signed by noteworthy Jewish artists and intellectuals removed “pending investigation”

Yesterday the Guardian published an Open Letter from over 100 prominent Jewish academics, artists and members of the Labour party. As of now, the letter is gone. It was removed “pending investigation”:
There has been (as yet) no explanation of what that means, or what could be being “investigated”. We read The Guardian all the time (Not for fun, it would be hard to run the website without doing so), and have never seen this happen before.

One could assume this is a response to some external force. If not a direct request, then certainly perhaps some gentle pressure. Whether that might come from senior members of the Labour party (such as Tom Watson, named in the letter), a civil servant (or other Deep State voice), or some other unknown person is impossible to know.
UPDATE: The Board of Deputies of British Jews apparently formally complained to the Guardian regarding their “mishandling” of the letter. It was covered in the Jewish Chronicle and the Huffington Post.
Either way, the letter is gone.
Of course, it’s peculiar that this particular open letter had to sent in to them anyway, since The Graun usually like to advertise the views of Noam Chomsky. At least, as long as he’s criticising the government of Venezuela, or critiqueing the BDS movement.
When he’s deploring the US-backed coup in Venezuela, or dismissing the Russiagate accusations as “a bad joke”, he tends to get less publicity.
Funny that.
Perhaps more important than the presence of Chomsky’s name, or that of Norman Finkelstein, is the sheer number of CLP’s represented by the other signatories.
Well over a hundred Jewish Labour members, representing dozens of CLPs, all completely at odds with the Parliamentary Labour Party on this issue. For years this rift – between the MPs and their members – has been obvious. It seems to get wider all the time.
You see Tom Watson et al. accusing Labour members of “bullying” MPs by calling for de-selection. None of the MPs who defected to the absurd Change UK (or whatever their current name is) faced a by-election – which means several CLPs, and thousands of loyal Labour voters, have had their votes and MPs stolen from them. The Blairite wing of the PLP, spearheaded by Watson and his cabal of climbers, have not said a word about this.
When a general election comes, this will be an issue to watch.
It is an encouraging sign for those of us who try hard to spread the truth, at least. Because it means the totally created “antisemitism crisis” is being seen for what it is by a good portion of Labour members. Just another example of ordinary people, in the real world, clashing with the media bubble.
Returning to the letter, it’s actually hard to see why they would bother censoring it, yes it is counter to the establishment narrative, but it is hardly extreme. You could almost call deleting it a desperate thing to do. A move which shows the insecurity of their position.
Whatever the eventually announced excuse reason is for removing the letter, it is certainly the wrong thing to do, and not just ethically. The Streisand effect exists. Removing the letter simply calls attention to it, far smarter to just let it rot on the back pages of the internet.
For posterity, here is a link to the archived version of the letter, and screengrab for thoroughness’ sake (an in case they manage to wipe the archive):

We have also reproduced the entire article here.
Because publishing things The Guardian wants censored is what we do.
Questions raised:
- What could be being “investigated” with regards to this letter? Its authenticity? It’s spelling and grammar?
- Who has the power/influence to have this letter removed?
- Are we about to see Chomsky and Finkelstein dismissed as “the wrong kind of jew”?
- How long can the Labour continue with the CLP and PLP at war?
- What poor Guardian intern is going to get fired for publishing this letter in the first place?
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Just when I thought The Guardian couldn’t sink any lower, the go and publish a letter by “Jewish figures” railing against Labour’s handling of antisemitism charges. No mention of the letter signed by Chomsky that was deleted. This seems to be the Guardian propagandising on behalf of those accusing Labour of anti-semitism and seems to be trying to distract from the letter that was deleted..
The irony is the Panorama program illustrated how non-existant Labour’s ‘antisemitism problem’ is, assuming this is the best evidence that could be mustered after such a long and tortuous campaign.
First of all it is abundantly clear there are dark forces out to hurt Corbyn – the hour devoted to prime-time telly (on the Beeb no less) was thus a golden opportunity for his accusers to finally prove, once and for all, that the likes of Williamson, Walker, Wadsworth, Winstanley, Livingstone, and of course Corbyn himself really are the bigoted monsters regularly portrayed by Jonathan Freedland and Nick Cohen (amongst others in the MSM) and by Jess Phillips, Tom Watson, Margaret Hodge, and other MPs with divided loyalties to two states in Labour.
So what was the best Ware could muster?
Doctered e-mails, dubious accusations from pro-Israeli activists (one who boasted about assaulting Jackie Walker) and unbalanced reporting about contested disputes at constituency level – in other words almost zero proof at all.
Its what we suspected all along: a poker game in which a player with a terrible hand continues to bluff in the hope that the opponent will back down because the stakes are so increrdibly high.
In the meantime Watson has gone on the attack against a colleague undergoing gruelling chemotherapy because she is not working hard enough and for doubting that the kind of evidence unearthed by Ware is sufficient to ruin reputations or have them kicked out of the Labour party (as the current antisemitism orthodoxy now demands).
Is there anyone in Labour more loathsome and contemptible than Friend of Mossad Tom “I Am A Proud Zionist” Watson?
Admittedly, with critters like Hodge and Phillips around he has some strong competition, but he gets the trophy.
Vote Labour in a few weeks time when Bojo screws up Brexit, and that’s what you get – not Jezza.
Mark, agreed. I though Steve Bell’s cartoon banned by the Guardian portrayed Watson beautifully. He is a witch-hunter dedicated to doing what his paymasters the Israeli Embassy tell him to do which is to bring down Corbyn. I laughed out loud when I saw the cartoons. Interesting that the Guardian banned it isn’t it?
What hypocrites these Blairite politicians are……
New Labour used anti-semitic Posters as propaganda now complain the party has a Anti Semitic problem.
Jeremy Corbyn fight against Anti semitism is a battle royal especially when the people claiming he is not doing enough are the same people that used Anti-semitic propaganda in their campaigns normalising this aberrant behaviour the BLAIRITES…
2005 not one eyelid batted by Hodge..
After all it’s her old pall Campbell behind it.
In order to test the Labour right-wingers’ sincerity about anti-Semitism, it’s worth looking into how many of them made vociferous public complaints in 2005 when Tony Blair’s spin doctor Alistair Campbell masterminded grotesque political attack posters depicting the Jewish Tory leader Michael Howard as a Fagin character and as a pig.
None of them!
Not a single one of them took umbrage at Campbell’s foul-mouthed and dismissive “f@%k off and cover something important you twats” rant at the BBC journalists who exposed his anti-Semitism.
Right-wing Labour MP Louise Ellman for example dismissed the Fagin/pig poster scandal by saying “I do not think it is deliberately anti-Semitic”.
Does anyone seriously think Ellman would calmly dismiss the incident as some kind of “not deliberately anti-Semitic” accidental cock-up had a member of Jeremy Corbyn’s inner circle actually masterminded posters depicting a Jewish person as a pig and a Fagin character? Of course she wouldn’t have, she’d be howling outrage to the press about it if such a thing had happened (and legitimately so).
Expect more endless kvetching and oy veying from the Chosen Folk.
It is incredibly alarming the level ‘liberals’ will go to corrupt democracy. regardless of your political affiliations, you have to be seriously concerned about the future, just look at how blatantly totalitarian they are becoming.
Brexit, russia gate, skripals, antisemitism etc etc.
I say liberals, but they are anything but, you get the far left & alt right, but nothing seems worse than the extreme center that has hijacked society! But how do you stop them when the system is so utterly corrupt by them?
Yes its bizarre the way the media and nominally left-of-centre parties have been colonised by these pretenders – the sort who in their actions are pro-war, pro-austerity, and pro-establishment while all the time hiding behind the rhetoric of identity politics to pretend that they aren’t.
Torturing whistleblowers – no problem.
Turning a blind eye to Palestine – consider it done.
Backing US imperialism to the hilt – natch.
Using fake-news as a massive smokescreen – its what we do best.
That pretty much sums up your modern day liberal, a ‘hypocrite’, where right is wrong, up is down & all their values are back to front. Liberals it seems are dishonest to the core & the masses are just waking up to the fact, hopefully not to late.
“What poor Guardian intern is going to get fired for publishing this letter in the first place?”
Just what I was thinking. Same goes for whoever approved for publication the Dawn Foster take-down of Tom Watson which miraculously appeared in that same print edition of The Graun (8 April), copies of which might be worth holding on to, though I can’t be bothered to find out if they’re changing hands for small fortunes in politico-geek circles.
I guess it’s July and therefore holiday season and when the cat’s away, the interns will wreak merry havoc!
Don’t go gently…
Dyl Thomas original sounds better poetry: “Do not go gentle…”
You are of course quite correct, Rhisiart. I’m happy to defer to a Welshman on the subject of Dylan Thomas! Misremembered quote. My bad…
Firstly, a vote of thanks and compassionate concern for this: “We read The Guardian all the time (Not for fun, it would be hard to run the website without doing so)”
Secondly, I’d be amazed if this: “Whatever the eventually announced excuse reason is for removing the letter,” ever appears
“I’d be amazed if this: “Whatever the eventually announced excuse reason is for removing the letter,” ever appears”
What it says now:
One wonders if the Guardian will republish if the organisers of the letter redo the list of signatories with the original objectors and any other such or separate ‘inaccuracies’ corrected; as it was apparently an organisation which objected, if there was internal confusion (read ‘sabotage’) within that organisation for the purposes of (and why the Guardian did not just publish a correction with an apology); to what extent is the phrase ‘we were contacted’ an absolutely accurate, sequential rendering of the circumstances; etc.
Because, left as is, it potentially impugns by omission or by association any specific individual or everyone generally involved with the letter, according to the reader’s predisposition, from the organisers to the signatories (“oh, he/she was mixed up in that dodgy letter affair”) and I assume that nobody can conceive of a situation wherein the Guardian would tolerate that…
Thanks for this Robbobbobin..I haven’t yet stomached today’s issue. Not even eatedn yet. Too early for GraunWorld
There’s a distinct lack of coverage of the Epstein Mossad child-abuse sting farm being uncovered..I can’t help feeling Darroch had something to do with that, and the knowledge of what was coming (Epstein sold the Lolita Express barely a month ago) and the knowledge of an impending election over here.
The stakes couldn’t be higher right now, and, as always, the graun will be there with a handy “what does it all mean” (what do we want you to think) …
I have extra boxes of popcorn in-house for the show
Very OT, but what about these studies? Someone will be along to tell us the two sets of scientists are part of a big oil conspiracy..ho hum :
Another point, which I forgot to mention while first replying, is that all of the signatories are, of course, individuals and, as far as I’m aware, none are subject to collective government ministerial responsibility, nor have any described themselves in the “PROFESSION/CLP” column as official spokespersons for any of the organisations that some of them have appended to their names (e.g. Queen’s University, Princeton University, the University of Bristol, etc). Nor would any reasonable reader or editor at the Guardian’s level of social insight, assume that any of them were signing as such spokespersons. Yet the Guardian’s attempted self-exoneration clearly states that they
So are we to assume that at least one of mentioned organisations or CLPs effectively assumes a collective ministerial responsibility enforcement or no-platforming position over the individual conscience of its members, associates or employees, assuming their signature is it’s? If so, infraction of that unstated rule is surely something to be taken up internally between the said member and the said organisation, and thence possibly open to the publication of a short, personal retraction, or disassociation and apology from, the culprit, but can the underlying validity of such a gagging imposition reasonably be one for a serious news and opinion organisation to accept, apparently instantly, at face value, or determine without a far more transparent investigation than so far reported or–more insidiously–take as the basis for proceeding to a general takedown of an already-published item representing the freedom of expression of scores of other individuals and organisations connected only by shared opinion, accompanied by vague insinuations of impropiety directed at an unspecified one, all or some of them, be anything but the methodology of the gutter press?
ZOG and its BBC propaganda mouthpiece are going into overdrive in the Anti Jezza Smear Campaign.
This will be ratcheted up further in coming days.
The Jew Fifth Column in Labour will almost certainly stage their third assassination attempt shortly.
They have been gearing up for this with assorted Jew peers like Lord Cash For Peerages Levy spewing out their poison.
One of their stooges like Watson or Benn will front another move to get rid of him.
It will probably be some Talmudic manipulation of party rules rather than the No Confidence vote they’ve tried twice before.
This has to be their priority over the next few weeks before the 31 October deadline.
Bojo will screw up Brexit and there’s a strong likelihood of a General Election shortly afterwards.
If Farage capitalises on Bojo’s screw ups, the Tories could be hammered with Labour emerging as the largest party, though anything could happen.
They want to destroy Jezza and Labour before then.
The best outcome would be if all the Fifth Column like Levy, Watson, Ellman and all the rest joined Berger, Austin, Chuka and Co. cleared out and formed their own party. They could call it the Israel Party or the Talmud Party or the Mossad Party if they want. They could call it the Fried Chicken Party if they want. Just so long as they don’t call it Labour.
don’t you think they’ve kind of shot their wad with Jezza now? I mean even reasonable people have seen through the AmDram Panorama weirdness..people at work were saying how fake and bizarre it all was, even for the BBC….It would suit them better to undermine his support now..
Perhaps an allegation of historical child abuse against someone close to him..That’s an oft-used MO by the ZioNazis, and very topical right now
It doesn’t matter if it’s obviously untrue.
It will be endlessly repeated and pushed relentlessly through the MSM.
Like Skripal, Iraqi WMD, Russiagate, Iran’s “nuclear weapons programme”, Syria Gas Hoaxes, Gaddafi’s Viagra rape gangs, Serbian genocide, and an endless catalogue of similar false flags, hoaxes, lies and fairy stories that have now been written into the official narrative and the history books.
Facts, evidence and objective reality don’t matter any more.
As far as the MSM, Deep State, political establishment, and the Labour Party are concerned, Labour is “institutionally anti semitic.” Corbyn is anti semitic. The Party is riddled with anti Semitism, and this is one of the most pressing political issues in the UK today. Like Putin ordered the murder of Skripal. Like he rigged the US Elections, Brexit, and every other election on the planet over the past 5 years at least. Like Iran is producing nuclear weapons. Like Assad gasses his own people for the fun of it. Like a hundred other things. It’s not a case of believing 6 impossible things before breakfast, but 106.
Jezza is a communist spy, Jezza is a terrorist, Jezza is anti semitic, Jezza cheats at cards, kicks is dog and uses non organic fertiliser down his allotment. This isn’t going to stop. It has been going on for decades.
That’s why you can’t take anything at face value any more. It is clear we have been lied to about everything for decades and longer. Most of what we have been told is simply untrue.
Around 1800, the British government put out stories that Napoleon Bonaparte only had one testicle. The same story was put out about Hitler in 1939.
During WW1, the British government circulated stories that the Germans were making soap out of human bodies. The same stories were circulated during WW2, with the addition of bodies being turned into lamp shades. Just like the Iraq Incubator Babies.
We have been lied to about everything. We have been lied to for ever. That’s why I now have serious doubts about everything else that forms part of the historical narrative. Everything. Like the holocaust. Did that actually happen? Can those accounts be believed any longer? Why wouldn’t they lie about that too? Is that the one occasion they ever told us the truth?
Mark, wholeheartedly agree with your blog. However, like Yarkob, I see a glimmer of hope actually, despite all the lies, the mass propaganda, the corruption of democracy, of the MSM and of the BBC, I don’t know whether they have much more they can throw at Corbyn. On the plus side, the more they throw at him the more it seems, people are looking at the Labour Party Manifesto. In the circumstances, the Labour vote is holding up incredibly well. All they have is same old same old same old anti-Semitism BS, regurgitated by the MPs who are Friends of Israel in Parliament. What I am witnessing is that there is now a level of outright desperation amongst the Israeli perpetrators of anti-Corbyn propaganda and the likes of Tom Watson and Margaret Hodge. Their campaign isn’t working and they haven’t got much else to throw now.
Tom Watson and Margaret Hodge are not Labour MPs who have the good of the nation at heart they represent Israel and Israel’s interests only, they don’t give a damn about the UK. They all stood under the Labour Manifesto at the last General Election and significantly increased their share of the vote as a result. They don’t seem to understand that we, the nation, want a Corbyn led Government with a truly transformative manifesto that will redistribute wealth, see significant investment in the economy, in jobs, in a proper Brexit Deal that will benefit this country, of a properly functioning health service, of cheap, affordable transport and housing and so on and so forth. This anti-Semitism BS is an insane, delusional campaign. Watson and Hodge and others have no right standing for re-election under the Labour Manifesto.
Move over, Mrs Brown’s Boys, there’s a new BBC comedy on the block – Panorama.
Last night’s episode had me smiling all the way through at its absurdist humour. I thought the actors playing the fresh-faced youngsters with wobbly lower lips were particularly funny.
the eyebrows of one and the pupils of another on there had me doing a double-take..totally surreal episode..and it has stiff competition from the Skripal and a couple of Syria episodes..
Jesus fucking christ – currently closed for comments but even if opened what would be the point in countering the endless flaws in the BBC hit-piece since even the mildest rebuke would instantly find its way into the memory hole.
If I had to say what is the irreducible explanation for the McCarthyism gripping Labour, it’s simply this.
NuLabour, as an unconstituted neoliberal entity, always had leaders that felt no qualms about aligning themselves with right wing governments; so Blair was strongly pro-Israel, Broon was strongly pro-Israel,
and Milibore was strongly pro-Israel.
Corbyn, wasn’t, Corbyn committed the heinous crime of expressing solidarity with Palestine.
One can almost imagine Ed sitting Jeremy down after the leadership succession then saying to him – look old horse, supporting Palestine might be the right thing to do morally, do but it can only end in tears, you do know that, don’t you?
This would be the MSM which had ED Milliband – a Jewish person ( I don’t know whether he is a practicing Jew?) being forced into eating a bacon sandwich for the benefit of the right on media and the electorate.
You know – the electorate who supposedly care about this matter – they don’t but that’s not the point.
Add to this outright offence against Milliband that his Commie dad ( definitely the ‘ wrong type of Jew’ ) was described by the right wing press as a traitor to his country.
The very same journalists who didn’t say a word at the time about that anti- semitism are now howling with fake rage.
The Labour Party under McNichol never had any antisemitism from 2011 until 2016 so they say but strangely as soon a Corbyn becomes leader it becomes rife.
All racism is bad in my book but I fail to see why anti- semitic racism is raised to the top of the anti racist pile over and above every other form of racism or religious persecution.
The answer must be something else post 2016.
That answer is fear of a Corbyn government and the different politics it would bring with it.
It animates the MSM – the BBC – the Israeli government and of course the US State.
Within the latter State are individuals who believe that Armageddon will occur in Israel and that all Jews will repent and become Christians and thereby everyone will go to heaven in blazing Chariots.
Now – you don’t get any more anti semetic than that.
Ask Bannon – Trump and Pompeo.
Some people have pointed out that if there is a weight limit on The Rapture, all three will be left behind.
There seems to be quite a lot of The Chosen Few these days.
And Friedland in this article says:
“But a statutory investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission is under way, which has much, much more information. No doubt, when the time comes, there’ll be an effort to cast the EHRC as biased and Blairite, but it won’t wash. ”
Biassed? Am I not correct in thinking that the leaders of the EHRC are both Jewish? Seem to have read that in the Jewish Chronicle.
Haltonbrat, you are correct that the Head of the EHRC is Jewish and one of his Deputies is. The Deputy has allegedly recused herself from the Investigation because something like this anyway, prior to her appointment to it she had e-mailed or tweeted “It is good to see someone who is Jewish at the Head of the EHRC”. David Isaacs Jewish also. Allegedly, he has also stepped aside from the Investigation because of the conflict of interests. If you want to know more, the story broke in The Morning Star and is covered quite in-depth on The Canary Uk online newspaper.
What I find curious and interesting is the absolute certainty with which Friedland makes his statement and appears to know that the conclusion will not be in Labour’s favour. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? I for one am sick and tired of the Israeli Government, the Israeli Embassy and the MPs who are Friends of Israel interfering in our democratic parliamentary process, attempting to dictate our Foreign Policy, attempt to bring down Labour MPs who they do not like or who are critical of Israel’s massacre of Palestinians. The UN are vocally critical of Israel and have passed various Statutes or whatever they do, they are not deemed to be anti-Semitic (except by Nuttyahoo of course). That allegations seems only to be levelled at Corbyn and the Labour Party.
There you have it folks, printed in black & white, (lol),
the Guardian admits its’ own nature, (above the line)
Oh look – another snake from the Panorama ‘documentary’ that has been found out (from 8:08).
The poor young lad who suffered terrible antisemitism at the hands of Corbyn’s Labour just happened to be present when Joan ‘lets call it a million’ Ryan was tying up a deal with Shai Masot.
Ella Rose pops up at 0:25 dissing Jackie Walker.
Ducking stool crimes, all, according to Tom Watson.
Stomach churning, jaw dropping…. just complete slimebags. Why don’t they all just buy a one way ticket and go live in their beloved Israel. Thugs for apartheid. Thanks for the video link.
Just how cruel and bigoted the Labour party are to their Jewish members was perfectly illustrated at the start of the Panorama programme last night. Opening the programme was an almost tearful young lady complaining about Anti-semitism in the Labour party.
Little did anyone know, and the shows producers never told us, was that Ella Rose [the tearful girl] was a former Director of the Jewish Labour Movement [JLM], now its equalities officer and that she knew Shai Masot [the spy in the Israeli Embassy really well] and she worked with him when she was public relations officer at the Israeli Embassy, she said that the JLM brought an Israeli Embassy delegation to the Labour party conference. Well well well.
Ware had a full hour to set out his stall so I assumed the program would finally present introvertible evidence such as Corbyn dressed up in a Nazi uniform (like half of the tory party) or Chris Williamson meeting with right wing extremists in the EU (like half of the tory party) but such a moment never came.
Instead we had comprised accusers making vague allegations without the former Sun journalist offering Labour spokespersons any right to counter the nature or veracity of what was being claimed such as ‘I suffered a lot of antisemitism’, and ‘someone screamed at me’ (perhaps because the duplicitous Rose had been rumbled by a Labour activist?)
Needless to say the Guardian are today furiously deleting any poster BTL who does not buy into the pro-Israeli with-hunt, hook, line and sinker.
A basic tenet of justice is that all parties are permited to explain their version of events but the new McCarthyism dispenses with such niceties – after all what counts for more, age old legal concepts, like balance or fair play or the crocodile tears of hardened propagandists, especially if those tears are shed by a distressed young woman?
There’s a sequel being planned now on the gas chamber Jezza has been nuilding on his allotment.
This reeks of that business with the 38 Degree petition which upset poor little Laura Kuenssberg with all the nasty misogynist abuse she was receiving – and which was never verified. And don’t forget dear little Dame Margaret Hodge who only swore at Corbyn’s face before being (briefly) suspended only to be let off and who then said that while waiting for the verdict she felt “like a Jew in Nazi Germany”. Isn’t there something ludicrously bourgeois about these gentle middle class folk suffering from all this (alleged) uncouth behaviour?
A comparison of the BBC’s Panorama “Is Labour anti-semitic?” and Al Jazeera’s “The Lobby” would clearly reveal the fact that the BBC is a propaganda organisation, promoting disinformation.
If I were Lord Justice Leveson, (after being maliciously & disrespectfully censored & closed down by disMAY and her not so civil service), a sense of civil duty, to inform all of the magnitude & scale of outrage in public disinformation and media ‘trends’, would prevail …
I didn’t watch the Panorama shite last night but I see they are going for the mental health issue in a big way:
And the Beeb’s attitude (as if you didn’t know) is to back up their “findings” to the hilt:
The key sentence from the Kuenssberg creature is this:
“Panorama discovered there was backlog of 1,000 anti-Semitism allegations this spring, with only 15 people having been expelled.”
The word “allegations” is completely overlooked here. The implication is that these thousand complaints were supposed to be taken at face value and the Labour party was automatically supposed to carry out a pogrom on its members.
And this is why I never watch the BBC – or indeed any TV station. I go straight to the net.
Looks like arch Zionist and Israel apologist Ware has been raking in the shekels again for his Panorama hit job.
That’s what your licence fee is paying for, folks.
And that’s why I don’t watch the Australian equivalent here (Four Corners on ABC) or in fact any TV period. Brain-dead banal bumfluff for the indoctrinated masses. Okay, I occasionally flick thru a Murdoch rag while waiting for a coffee or read the World headlines on ABC when I get up in the morning, but apart from those, don’t look at or read mainstream media. Actual stories, I go to various independent sites online.
WOW! Take a look at this man Ken o’Keefe. Who really calls a spade a spade.
I cannot believe that one man can speak such truth.
Ken was on the Gaza Aid Flotilla when Zionist thugs seized the ships and murdered several of the people on board. He has put his life on the line before now.
The Zionist got their 30 shekel whores to ban Press TV in the UK.
The UK government has just held a big jamboree in support of “international press freedom,” a few miles away from Julian Assange’s jail cell.
To quote Finkelstein’s book ‘Gaza’.
”On 31st May 2010 a humanitrian flotilla en route to Gaza carrying 700 passengers/crew came under attack in international waters by Israeli commandos. The flotilla’s 6 vessels were delivering ten thousand tons of badly needed supplies to Gaza’s beleaguered population. By the end of the Israeli assault in the middle of the night nine passengers aboard the flagship Mavi Marmara had been shot to death…
If Operation Cast Lead was a turning point in the attitude of the world against us ‘ the redoubtable Gideon Levy of Haaretz rued, ” is this operation is the second horror film of the apparently ongoing series.’ Still, ever the PR maestro Israel managed to spin the comomandos as the victims of the attack…
”’Our soldiers were beaten’ Nobel Peace Prize laureate Israel PM Shimon Peres solemnly intones … ”Just because you didn’t want to ill anyone … You fought morally and showed valour in your acts” he told the commandos. ”I salute you and admire your courage and restraint even in the face of danger to your own lives.”
Yes it takes real guts when some ‘terrorist’ is coming at you with a kitchen fork and all you have to defend yourself is an assault rifle.
To continue.
”Some 90% of Israeli Jews supported the decision to stop the flotilla and believed that Israel had used the right amount of force or not enough whilst only 16% supported and end to the siege of Gaza. One of the commandos responsible for killing multiple passangers was reportedly in line for a medal of valor while deputy PM exhorted Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak to award medals to all the commandos: ‘The warriors (sic) courage is exemplary and they deserve a citation.”
Quoted in ‘Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom. Norman G. Finkelstein.
Another day another massacre in the IDF.
I keep making these rather wan pleas for the Rectification of Names (qv). In this instance I’m calling for what is deceitfully called the IDF to be called by its right name(s). I prefer the zOF: the zionistan Offence Force. You might prefer another variant. But at least devise a label that calls it honestly what it is: a cowardly – and actually not very effective against serious military opponents – bunch of racist thugs tormenting and killing unarmed and virtually helpless people, in propagation of the vile, racist, nazi (sic!), apartheid doctrine of zionism.
There you are, gotcha-creeps some years ahead! Prime anti-semitic poison from an obviously fascist loony (not and not) for you to quote dishonestly, out of context, and shorn of key parts of the text. Be my effin’ guest!
Probably worth reminding ourselves at this juncture, that Joe MEADORS has also been highly active in said Flottilas to Gaza, including being arrested & detained by the IDF for no legitimate reason, other than the pro-active intimidation of a US citizen, again recently:-
of course, the mainstream media immoral censorship of Brave ole’ Joe and his plight for people to see the light of day on this sickening systemic murder & Apartheid, is ten times more revealing, given Ole’ Navy Joe’s presence onboard the …
precisely at the moment the IDF attacked Syria & seized the Golan Heights, whilst the IAF attacked the USA & their unarmed USS LIBERTY Navy personnel, killing 34 innocents, with 100% Malice Aforethought: the first IAF Pilot on the scene saw the US Flag on the USS Liberty in international waters, then he informed HQ & other pilots of the reality and disobeyed orders by flying home, only to get arrested for not murdering Americans …
Joe was there on the Bridge as signalman during the attack, witnessing …
“He and Francis Brown hauled up a second American Flag after the steaming colors were shot down early in the air attack. That flag can be seen at Mr. Meadors was on the bridge throughout the attack and was one of several eyewitnesses to the machinegunning of the liferafts. ” ! ! !
Back in the day, under the meaningless Geneva Convention …
No further comment, other than the Censorship of Israeli Military culpability & the illegal protection of Israeli Murderers on that day, must finally cease and an accurate picture of the appalling & galling Israeli methods recorded in History, for all to study, especially obligatory in Israeli schools for ALL JEWS ! Make it Mandatory to understand that shooting unarmed US citizens in life rafts in international waters is in fact outrageous, shameful & a serious indictment of the state of the nation of Israel, ever since …
Well, we’ve certainly reached peak antisemtism tonight – it seems initial allegations about neo-nazism in the Labour party were made by an Israeli asset, Ella Rose.
Why didn’t former Sun reporter John Ware mention this in his hatchet-job, sorry, I meant documentary.
Why am I completely unsurprised by this Harry? Ella Rose sounds like another Mata Hari. The devious, completely underhanded activities of these people. Just slime. I watched The Lobby late last year, was most enlightening indeed.
Ware’s hit-piece began with Ella Rose telling the camera she had been ‘the victim of a lot of antisemtisim in the Labour party’ and that while leafleting (at a party conference) someone ‘screamed abuse in my face’ – this, apparently, constitutes ‘evidence’ in the current climate.
So from the outset it was clear Ware had set the evidence bar at ground level while needless to say there was no requirement for participants, such as the duplicitous Rose, to provide any DOI (declaration of interest)
According to the link (above) the transcript shows that Ella Rose discussed with Robin (an undercover reporter) how he could get a job at the Israeli embassy.
She tells him that two possible positions, one to promote Israeli culture and another to monitor the BDS movement for Palestinian rights, had both been recently filled.
She reveals her intimate knowledge of the embassy’s hiring procedures. One of the candidates, she states, was “going through security at the moment.”
“I could’ve got you an interview as well,” Rose adds.
Rose also states she is close friends with two key figures in the embassy responsible for hiring, and that she had herself “put together half of the list” of candidates for the anti-BDS position.
She offers to help Robin, who was posing as an activist with Labour Friends of Israel, forge links with the Israeli embassy: “I’m more than happy, I can give you the email address if you want to send your CV.”
How on earth is anybody meant to take this sort of suberfuge in good faith and why did the BBC fail to fulfil its supposed role as an impartial broadcaster.
Of course pointing any of this out virtually guarantees a fresh wave of antisemitism slurs not to mention a torrid session on the Tom Watson’s ducking stool.
Ironically the Blairite witch-hunt proves the polar opposite of what it has set out to achieve (tarring Corbyn supporters as antisemitic).
What it actually proves is how many Labour MPs still blindly support an apartheid state irrespective of the human rights abuses regularly committed by Netanyahu’s government in Palestine – not that Ware, or anyone else at the BBC lose much sleep over the fact Paelstinian children are being executed by IDF snipers.
Thanks for the background info. What truly vile creatures. And of course they don’t lose any sleep on how many kiddies are killed by the world’s ‘most moral army’….
With British sniper rifles and dum dum bullets.
Good for business, like Yemen.
Oh JHChrist no, Gezza! Mata Hari was actually quite attractive and seductive. Have you seen Ella Rose? As physically undesirable as she’s morally repugnant. Comprehensively horrible, in fact.
PS: And before anyone starts snowflaking about ‘appearanceism’ let me just say: Let’s be realistic: Some people are indeed physically unattractive; ugly, in the older, franker, non-PC lexicon. It’s a fact of life, round which there is no way. Deal with it! ER is a prize example. She might earn more sympathy, affection even, if she weren’t also such a nasty, offensive, belligerent zionist. She makes the basic obligation to try to be mildly kind and respectful to all sentient creatures quite a task. I falter at it in her case, as you see; but she does seem to go out of her way to earn the aversion.
🙂 You mean ER, like Golda Meir or Henry Kissinger ? 😉
“One cannot and must not try to erase the past,
merely because it does not fit the present.”
Golda Meir said that, after the USS Liberty coverup . . .
“As physically undesirable as she’s morally repugnant.”
Apt, under the circumstances & fair . . .
Didn’t know anything about Ella Rose until I saw a clip Harry Stole put up on the UK The Lobby and she was at the start of it. The whole bloody lot of them are morally repugnant to the point of yelling at my phone: ‘you bastard scum’. And the most hilarious thing of all (not) is presstitutes in the West have screamed blue murder about Russia interfering in elections, and undermining Western ‘democracy’ while these worm douchebags like Ella Rose, John Mann, Joan Ryan, Tom Watson, and their handlers at the Israeli Embassy….. Jayzus Rhi.
This Labour anti-Semitism mirage started when that rottweiler John Mann verbally assaulted Ken Livingston over allegedly calling Hitler a Zionist – all of which was filmed by a camera team who just happened to be passing. I was curious about this Mann creature and found this:
I didn’t have the stomach to watch all this, but I did notice the oddly strained manner of Mann, the feeling that even he didn’t believe the crap he was spouting. And note how “Comments are disabled for this video”.
Jesus George, that’s ten minutes of my life I am not going to get back.
Note how Mann says that they have to get young people involved in the fight against misinformation… Like the Hasbara???
”The Israeli government encourages all citizens to actively engage in Hasbara. Recently, it even distributed brochures with talking points to all Israelis traveling abroad (a Hebrew web version of the campaign can be viewed here). Israelis are asked to engage in politically-oriented conversations with their hosts and contacts abroad. Rather than discuss the Palestinian conflict, they are advised to cite Israeli technological achievements, mention environmental policies and take pride in notable cultural works. The West Bank is to be discussed – under its ancient Hebrew name, Judea and Samaria – as a potential tourist marvel.
Until a few years ago, the main government agency carrying out Hasbara work was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Media and Hasbara department. Under Ehud Olmert’s government, and more so under Netanyahu’s, there was a considerable increase in Hasbara efforts. Prime Minister Netanyahu has launched for the first time a Hasbara Ministry, headed by a government minister (the current hasbara minister is Yuli Edelstein). The Hasbara Ministry includes a situation room, which operates in five languages; it has a new-media team that can reach, according to the office’s web page, 100,000 volunteers on social media networks, as well as many bloggers.
UPDATE: The Ministry of Hasbara is hiring! “Advantage to minorities and representatives of the gay community.” More details here.
On top of the Hasbara Ministry, there is a Hasbara branch in the Prime Minister’s Office (in charge of both local and international PR). The IDF Spokesperson has an international arm with a new media branch, which makes Hasbara efforts and does not limit itself to providing information on army activities. Other government agencies, such as the Ministry of Tourism or the Ministry of Culture, also take part in ad-hoc Hasbara activities. There are other agencies that have gradually moved into greater involvement in Hasbara – perhaps the most notable is The Jewish Agency, which used to serve as a liaison to Jewish communities abroad, and now trains its envoys to American campuses (and UK as was shown in the ‘Lobby.’) to engage in propaganda.
Under Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, the Foreign Ministry was instructed to take a bigger role in the Hasbara effort (a popular rant against the foreign ministry for many years was that it deals with peace-making instead of advocacy, and Lieberman has promised to solve that). I was contacted awhile ago by a private agency that won a contract with the foreign ministry; they were looking for professionals to play hostile journalists in simulations with Israeli diplomats.
Much of the Hasbara work carried out outside official channels – but with heavy official influence – is carried out through non-governmental organizations such as Stand With Us, The Israel Project and more. These organizations produce resources – booklets, slideshows, flyers, maps, polls and more – and spin news events in ways which are favourable to the Israeli government. A lot of thought is put into influencing opinion-makers: journalists and bloggers are flown on a regular basis to tours in Israel, accompanied by government officials, while Israeli representatives – former diplomats, journalists, soldiers and officers – are brought to give lectures at campuses, think-tanks, conferences and other public events around the world. Organizations also try to influence the grassroots level by granting Hasbara fellowships to international students in Israel.”
I’ll say one thing for them, they are bloody organised….
I first came across the insidious plotters on the beaches of Thailand some years ago. Handsome youngsters recruted in Israel, getting bronzed and buffed before heading to Oz to honeytrap ‘white’ jewish related citizens back ‘home’. True story that.
Rectification of Names again: hasbara is basically deceitful, lying, cheating propaganda; aka ‘bollocks’. So may I recommend the appropriate portmanteau Rectification: ‘hasbarollocks’. (No copyright claimed.Please use and spread as widely as possible. No need to let the zionists make all a the propaganda running.)
“So may I recommend the appropriate portmanteau Rectification: ‘hasbarollocks’. (No copyright claimed.Please use and spread as widely as possible…”
Too close to “hasbararocks”. Dave McGowan once asked me what “bollocks” meant. Don’t know why – we hadn’t been discussing it. Probably just too English. But if he didn’t know, it’s a safe bet many Americans don’t. And maybe “hasbara” is equallt opaque to many others less up to speed with a new and different idea of Israel and zionism? My occasional tagline is as below, but a generic portmanteu word that spelled it out wouldn’t hurt. Try again?
Proud to be anti-FAsCemitic
(Never quite sure about the hyphen, without it too much like the single word “Antifa” beloved of general-purpose anti-fascists, with it less specific than the usually single word “antisemitism” beloved of the IHRA. {If our tv had ears it could suspect that, for all the supposedly radical anti-fascism I mostly shout at it, I had some underlying traces of fascism myself. I mean, Hitler did inspire a new sort of road system and a classic motor car design grace it and, even better, Mussolini did get the railways running to schedule.})
I really wonder why people who appear to be decent, law-abiding, courteous, yet outspoken where appropriate, would even dream of going into politics.
Does it really not occur to them that if they ever make it to, say, Foreign Secretary, Minister of State for Defence, or even Prime Minister, the CIA will contact them and set out a few “provisions” for their future well-being?
I mean, what educated politician has not considered this scenario?
Tell me, somebody.
I’m all ears.
And if they seriously have not considered it, then, as my “representatives”, their mental deficiencies are frankly unworthy of any voter’s support.
Like Bolton, who threatened the family of the OPCW director if he didn’t resign.
You just have to repay these people in their own coin.
It’s the only thing they understand.
You have to fight fire with fire.
Nothing is off limits.
Anything goes.
Anything and everything is justified.
Perhaps that’s a bit too much like “back to the jungle”, Mark?
At any rate I honestly can’t see myself threatening Bolton’s family . . .
Assuming he has a family . . . Why any human being would have anything to do with him would certainly be beyond my comprehension on the best of days.
No, there are no limits with these people.
I expect the ice dart is primed and ready, and Jezza will go the same way as Robin Cook who dared to expose AlQaida as the CIA data base of mercenaries being used in Afghanistan… and John Smith who Bliar predicted would die of a heart attack?? Or perhaps they are rusting an old pen knife in readiness?
There is too much invested, too many palms have been greased to let Jezza spoil things – The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said it will cost £17.5bn to £23.4bn to procure the replacement system for Trident alone. That is the estimate at 2013-14 prices.
And the NHS has already been promised to the highest bidders.
‘The rumours are true. Jeremy Hunt co-authored a book in which he openly professed a desire to privatise the NHS.
In the next volume Mr Hunt could quite easily outline a ‘Dummie’s guide for Privatising a Public Service……’
Slowly run the service into the ground.
Facilitate a media onslaught so that that public believe that the system and the workers within are failing them.
Gradually usher in private enterprise in the name of ‘efficiency and safety’.
Perusing the national press this past week has been like watching such a story unfold in real time. In addition to the government’s farcical behaviour over Junior Doctors’ contracts, the events at Addenbrooke’s Hospital can be seen as a microcosm of the upheavals occurring throughout the NHS.
And I believe that BOJO has already shaken hands on a new Military Industrial Complex contract. (Makes a change from Prince Andrew?) Bojo just can’t wait to bend over for Trumpety. If he thinks Kim’s comments were bad..I can’t wait to see Trumps reaction when he realises what Bojo has been saying about him.
This is a man, after all
who has been fired from two newspapers for making up stories;
who was fired from the shadow cabinet for lying to the leader of the opposition;
who arranged to try and beat someone up (he couldn’t even manage that);
who managed to get the sentence of a British woman held on an (at best) highly questionable conviction in a country not known for the impartiality of its judicial system, doubled;
who bought water cannons with which to attack potential London rioters, despite the then-Home Secretary vowing they could never be used;
who compared the French President to a WWII POW camp guard;
who joked that dead bodied in Libya presented a business risk;
who recited a colonial-era poem in a Burmese temple
The list, frankly, is pretty long, and recited even in Conservative-leaning newspapers, which perhaps shows just how divisive a figure he is.
I regret to say that you are right.
I don’t think it necessarily works like that wardropper. I believe they are honey trapped and compromised, to ensure they toe the line. Except for Jezza.. they couldn’t get anything on him.. so they have had to invent things around him.
Clinton fell foul of with Monika Lewinsky, The imbecile Bush and his coke and rent boys, Cameron and the pig’s head, Trump and the golden showers, Blair and his wife’s fitness guru, and the latest Varun Gandhi. These of course are just the tip of the iceberg exposes, and were warning shots.. God only knows what is really under the surface. It is rumoured that most of them are set up by Ml6 with very young girls and boys, and videoed for insurance purposes?.. I believe that Jimmy Savile used to be the procurer.. how else did he manage to dine with ‘kings’ and queen Maggie, and receive a knighthood? Now it appears that Epstein has stepped into his shoes.
Yes indeed, but my question tacitly asks: What does Jezza think he has that no one else has, which would enable him, say, as Prime Minister, to thwart the clear objective of Washington to promote perpetual war on this planet for profit?
Washington doesn’t play by any rules except its own, and doesn’t think Britain is worth bothering about in any case. So what happens when Corbyn says he intends to scrap all nuclear-connected militarism in the UK, and to make it his priority to look after the British people’s best interests, instead of those of the USA and Israel?
The press go all-out to destroy him. That’s what happens.
So my question still stands: Why, knowing this, would Corbyn even want a political career?
The day he becomes Prime Minister is the day he is called to account by the thugs in Washington, and they will have their way, as they have always done.
The only thing that cheers me somewhat is the growing tide of outrage at US political arrogance, but I can’t see Corbyn reaping the benefits of that any time soon.
I know what you are saying War D, but I have followed Corbyn for over thirty years, and never once has he veered from his path… I like everyone else have been frustrated by his apparent ‘lack of commitment to Brexit, and his silence over Ken, Jackie, Chris and Mark.. but I think he is playing the long game. They obviously know he is still backing them, as was shown by his very warm welcome of Chris when he returned.. If that actually WAS the return. It could have been videoed anywhere?
I posted videos last night of a guy called Kenneth O’keefe, and I think he is well worth investigating. He talks exactly like Jezza but with bigger balls. The difference being that he isn’t standing for PM??? So he takes no prisoners, is more vociferous, and brutally honest. I slept better after watching him than I have done for months, for he puts EVERYTHING into perspective.
”A weak and fractured country is all part of the NWO plan.” The head of the state is the Finance Industry. All World Governments are puppets carrying out the orders of the Bankers.
The revolution is already started, and it’s called ”’awareness.”
Whistle-blower..The Greater Israel Project. 2014
Stupid wars:
Thanks Maggie.
Like many of us here, I am also looking for the inspiration for a good night’s sleep! I hope you’re right about Corbyn, but the Brexit thing is rather worrying.
Like Mark here, I am pretty certain that the Bolton/Pompeo loons would stoop to anything to halt him in his tracks, should real authority look like being his.
I mean, who can resist a threat to their family, for example?
I see there a good reason for some of the world’s greatest teachers and moral leaders NOT going into politics . . .
Oh, and Kenneth O’Keefe puts by far the most sane perspective on the whole Ultra-Super-Zionist thing. I don’t think I have seen him before. Thanks again.
Corbyn is different. He was happy being a back bencher, staying true to his OWN beliefs. Consistently voting against the Blairites. Political leaders have a ego that drives them to the top. They go to Eton and are educated to rule us. They crave power & attention. Corbyn is an accidental leader, he didn’t seek it. He was encouraged to put himself forward for election to have a leftist on the ballot, to show that leftists could still be part of Labour. That they were given a fair chance. Enough MP’s supported him, for the same reason – to show political balance. The political establishment has NOTHING on him. They’ve been through his entire life in microscopic detail, through his bins, and hacked his phone. They found NOTHING real – hence the invented attacks. Even with these hysterical smears Labour have a 6 point lead in latest poll. If GE was called now, Labour would be largest party by far, in a hung Parliament. Onwards & upwards
Well I certainly appreciate the optimism in that comment, and I seriously hope you are right.
My only doubt about Corbyn concerns what seems to be an undecided and somewhat moveable stance regarding Brexit.
Don’t worry about Brexit – he will arrive at a deal with the EU that will be the best for Britain including jobs, an improved economy and protection of workers rights. Doesn’t matter about any political manouverings, he will stand by what he believes.
A heartening comment. Thank you.
Let’s just hope the media allow him to have a chance, since I also worry that the population have already been dumbed down to the point that they wouldn’t know a good leader from a lethal one.
Not sure about that. He rejected May’s Deal because it wasn’t “Brexit In Name Only” enough. Do you mean that he will just go for “Remain and Reform”? In which case…
Corbyn is a man of honour, decency and principle. He will stand up to the USA and yes, it might well cost him, but he will do it and I hope with it, change the British political landscape forever. From where I am sitting, the USA to me appears to be a loose cannon who is losing international power at a rate of knots. Hence all these sanctions against everyone in the world. Corbyn has already withstood and weathered a sustained, malicious, vicious, twisted, hysterial campaign against him both by the MSM, the Israeli Government, The CIA, Trump, Pompeo, the Integrity Initiative, you name it. Hasn’t dragged much up though has it?
Currently, the USA is isolated in the world in relation to Iran, nobody is supporting them except our own stupid, warmongering, utterly corrupt Jeremy Hunt and Bojo. The UK will pay a heavy price on this. A Government does not go illegally taking maritime fleet ships thus committing acts of piracy. It should think, consider and reach a diplomatic solution.
Corbyn won’t kow tow to the pressure of the Deep State, he’ll fight it, make it public, challenge it and probably the CIA/Mossad/MI6 will have to assassinate him to shut him up (and oh yes, must blame it on the Russians).
That is why Israel, the USA and the British Government are mounting this sustained campaign against him, they know he cannot be bought. Interestingly enough, that is the problem the USA and others have with Putin, he cannot be bought as he has nothing in his past to blackmail him with. We, the West, owe a great deal to Putin and Xi Ping in terms of a counter balance to US international aggression.
I admit I sometimes play devil’s advocate, since everything you say is exactly as I would like to believe, but I am under no illusions as to the price which has often been paid by men and women of principle when it comes to common decency in politics, and I like to “know mine enemy”.
Apart from the malignant agenda behind most of what is going on in the Middle East today, I am also concerned that the steady placement of the “correct people” in the most responsible oversight jobs during recent decades has led to a situation where the Establishment is unaware of anything but itself, while the general population has no contact with it at all.
I see that as a big problem – a foreseeable one, but one which is not being dealt with, since the media have covered it up for so long.
So we have our current “Washminster”, which is entirely self-centred and entirely unaware of the intelligent, educated and experienced people among the general public who no longer have access to normal means of democratic criticism of their government.
This has been seen to, and is not a coincidence.
The most vile and degenerate perverts are deliberately promoted and placed in high office because they are easier to control. Paedos who like torturing children. This kind of thing is rife in the Establishment. Savile, Rolf Harris and similar people are expendable because they are just on the fringes, and even they are protected for years. People like Cyril Smith and Janner are given a licence to rape children for their lifetime, so long as they serve the interests that protect them. Anything that has come to light so far is not even the tip of the iceberg. Clinton’s buddy Epstein faces more child prostitution charges, but these have gone to the corrupt and politicised Southern District of New York, so there will probably be another cover up. If Epstein goes Full Deep Throat and spills the beans on all the VIP paedos, he will probably be found dead in jail. But something could ciome of this. Epstein bugged all the paedo trips to his mansion on Lolita Island, and tapes and photos of Prince Andrew and all the others could turn up. They’re probably writing out the D Notices in advance.
Mark Regev should be stripped of his diplomatic status, and sent back to his native Australia. And I’d be saying that even if I thought he was Jewish. See Al Jazeera’s The Lobby, January 2017 (
In that Guardian article by Falconer he mentions the Alastair Cambell case….
“Subsequently, shadow attorney general Shami Chakrabarti and a Labour spokesperson both made clear that voting for another party did not constitute grounds for expulsion”. What are these people talking about, Alastair Cambell auto excluded himself as the rules are clear, he admitted he supported a candidate [by voting for him] who stood against an official Labour candidate.
Clause 2 Membership rules
Clause 1 Conditions of membership.
A member of the Party who joins and/ or supports a political organisation other than an official Labour group or other unit of the Party, or supports any candidate who stands against an official Labour candidate, or publicly declares their intent to stand against a Labour candidate, shall automatically be ineligible to be or remain a Party member, subject to the provisions of Chapter 6.I.2 below of the disciplinary rules.
And what about Alister Campbells Anti semetic posters featuring Michael Howard in 2001.
Strange that Bliar wasn’t dragged over the coals for this, and there was no anti semetic witch hunt from Hodge??
BBC propaganda machine going to be spreading more lies tonight:
You have to expect a lot more of this over the next few months.
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Over the next 3 or 4 months, the Zionist smear and vilification campaigns will be off the scale.
Captain Chaos, aka Bojo, will take over as next Tory PM in less than a fortnight once the 100,000 Tory OAPs have cast their ballots.
This will be followed by Donald Trump style diplomacy with the EU, abortive attempts to cobble together a new Brexit deal, with a No Deal Brexit by Halloween.
Open warfare will break out in the Tory Party, with Grieve leading a mutiny.
A minority of Labour MPs from Leave areas will break away from the official line of ignoring the referendum result.
The SNP, Liberals, Labour and a few others will force a No Confidence vote and a General Election.
In those circumstances, you roll the dice and see what happens. It’s anybody’s guess. All the bookies will be scratching their heads. You could even see Farage picking up the pieces and forming a government. Anything’s possible, the country becoming ungovernable.
The MSM, the Deep State, the Spooks, the Board of Deputies, will prioritise stopping Corbyn at all costs, maybe something like a possible Labour-SNP coalition. They are terrified of this. All the Labour Blairite Backstabbers are even more terrified of seeing Jezza in Number 10.
It’s the Guantlet that Pompusass ‘pilate’ promised for JC to the aipac-ers.
Jonathan Cook wrote comprehensively about it
The Labour Party has said:
“We have serious concerns about how they have used taxpayers’ money to produce this programme. Rather than investigating antisemitism in the Labour Party in a balanced and impartial way, Panorama appears to have predetermined its outcome and created a programme to fit a one-sided narrative.”
Even the bit about “investigating antisemitism in the Labour Party” is a con. This is a totally manufactured “crisis” – which, to be sure, means that it is prefectly logical that Panorama has “predetermined its outcome and created a programme to fit a one-sided narrative”. Considering that the very question, “Is Labour anti-Semitic?” is phoney and automatically generates its own condemnatory answer, this is a rigged game.
Probably the same people who produced the BBC “investigations” into 9/11 and 7/7 under the guise of the “conspiracy files”. Propaganda, nothing else, spewed out by a bunch of liars.
Watched it, what a load of shite… The majority of interviewees had no names but were trotted out to make false unsubstantiated claims, then the Jewish representatives who just happened to be on the Disputes board??? and couldnlt cope with the overwhelming anti semetism in the Labour Party, that has only just risen it’s head because Corbyn encourages it???
Strange how Hodge didn’t open her foul mouth when Blair and Campbell did their campaign against Michael Howard???
Anti Semetism is against the law so I would like to see all the Police Reports filed by Izzie Langer/Louise Elman/Luciana Berger etc..
And then there was the ‘Mural’? Which obviously depicted Jews.. because they were bankers and had big noses…. according to the Jewish guy???
All the Historians who didn’t even know that the Jews declared war on Germany, and Hitler worked with the Zionists to get them patriated into Palestine(which is what Livingstone said… not that Hitler was a Zionist.. May 10th 1933
”Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933 and on the 7th August 1933 he entered into a Pact with representatives of the World Jewish Agency, the future Leaders of Israel. The Pact was called the ‘Haavara’ Agreement. ‘Haavara in Hebrew means much like, ‘Moving house’.
Hitler considered the Haavara Agreement to be a top priority for his administration and by November of 1933 it was in full swing and it kept functioning until at least 1942.
The German Interior Ministry was made responsible for the logistics of the scheme and the Reichsbank and the German Treasury were responsible for financing the mass emmigration.
According to the Jewish Author Tom Segev, the Haavara Agreement saved the World Jewish Agency from bankruptcy.
While Jewish students were being evicted from German schools, the Jewish Agency set up schools in Germany for Jewish students. Jewish Teachers were bought to Germany from Palestine and everything was paid for by the Nazis. Not only were these Schools and teachers paid for by the Nazis but there was absolutely no interference from the Nazis as to the teaching curriculum.
As well as Jewish Schools the Nazis set up Adult training programmes to prepare the Jewish youth for life in Palestine . The first Kibbutz farm was set up in Germany. ”
But I thought Hitler wanted to annihilate all of them?
Please open the links I have posted and inform yourself of the truth.
I gave up on Labour months ago because the leadership is spineless and their refusal to tackle these lies forcefully may cost them the next election. As Normal Finkelstein said in a recent interview, when some people realise this agenda will cost them their better future they may turn against these liars. And while I’m not a religious fellow many of these accusers are and the Old Testament knows of their kind.
Psalm 27:12. Deliver me not over to the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
Psalm 35 :11. False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. [12] They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.
What would you do if Mossad threatened to kill your children?
What would you expect from these Empire and Imperialism cheer squad stenographers? Pending investigation? What bollocks. Who are the very people screaming about anti semitism in the first place apart from those fifth columnists inside UK Labour Party? I feel sympathy for you that you actually read the stuff The Guardian prints. As I’ve said several times here, this whole anti semitic hyperventilating witch hunt has gone on far to long and we need to stand up to these thugs and tell them to shove it where the sun don’t shine.
I think this entire ‘anti-semitism’ story in relation to the Labour Party, is, arguably, the greatest piece of ‘fake news’ in modern British political history, similar, but different, to ‘Russiagate’ in the United States.
That Labour’s leadership and Corbyn, don’t have the will or ability to address the true nature of the narrative and debate about ‘anti-semitism’ within the Labour Party, show, I believe, the incredible power of those forces who do control the way ‘news’ is created and defined in our society.
Here, a transparently fake and politicised story has been manufactured in order to undermine Corbyn and the Labour leadership consents to accepting the story’s validity and truth, with barely a murmur of dissent or opposition. They are useless at even defending themselves properly when obvious lies and smears are thrown at them, over and over again. One would imagine by now they’ed figured out how to combat them, but no, they seem powerless and lost; intellectually without any ideas at all about how to defend themselves, except rolling with the punches and hoping it just goes away.
” … Labour’s leadership and Corbyn, don’t have the will or ability to address the true nature of the narrative and debate about ‘anti-semitism’ within the Labour Party, show, I believe, the incredible power of those forces who do control the way ‘news’ is created and defined in our society.”
True enough, that’s because at all costs the Labour party must present itself to the American/British elite as being, ”harmless”, ”respectable” approval craving, and above all ‘non-extremist’. Please British ruling elites, I really am really quite cuddly, I love the Queen, NATO, Trident, the ~Anglo-Zionist Empire, the EU, and will not tolerate anti-semitism in the party – per contra I will tolerate Labour Friends of Mossad (whoops) I meant Israel, to organise and subvert the party from within. What more can the LP do to ingratiate itself?
How about I bring back Tony Blair. He’s about as pro-establishment as you can get.
That’s the way things work now.
Facts don’t matter.
You just create your own reality, like Karl Rove explained.
Reality is whatever you want it to be.
Just peddle some ludicrous self serving narrative and repeat it a million times in the presstitute MSM till it becomes “the truth.”
The Great Anti Semitism Epidemic.
Russiagate, the evil Putin and his dreaded bots.
The Syria Gas Attack hoaxes.
Skripal and Litvinenko.
Iraq WMD and Iraq Incubator Babies.
Gaddafi’s Hordes of Viagra Fuelled Rapists in Libya.
David Kelly.
The list is endless.
Just choose your own reality.
Facts and evidence don’t matter any more.
It’s up to us to make them matter.
We do have some responsibility to future generations, if future generations are to exist, that is . . .
OffG is a start, but what we learn has to become action of some sort, otherwise this site will just be one more archive for professors to rummage in.
It is absolutely the correct response – turn the other cheek / take the blows / non-violent resistance – from Jesus to Gandhi, that’s how revolutions endure and win. Not by fighting on the oppressors terms.
Ken, Jackie, Chris and Mark et al have done nothing wrong. So why should they defend themselves? It would suggest –
Me thinks they do protest too much?
The JBD are counting on the fact that many people don’t know how to use the internet??
Or can’t be bothered to research, so what we need to do is research and spread everything we learn, far and wide on every platform we can.
Collective consciousness is exceedingly powerful.
They have over egged their pudding and now they will reap their rewards. Their lies are exposed.
I’ll tell you what pisses me off is the fact that the originators of the letter, not only screwed it up but I object to the fact that only ‘Jews’ were permitted to sign it!
Yup. As Gilad Atzmon might say, once again we’re outsourcing our right to determine what is and what is not ‘anti-semitic’ to the Jews–the absolute most interested party in the matter. Absurd!
Dealing with this issue is like walking on soft-boiled eggs! The Zionist attack dogs remind me of the Spanish Inquisition, where every word, every sound, every gesture is tortuously examined for sins of ‘AS’. Thus the onus is on us to tread carefully as truth flies out of the window.
It’s surely not so strange that only ‘Jews’ were permitted to sign it.
Goyim taking part would only encourage the rabid dogs to claim that the letter was just a typical AS, Holocaust-2-encouraging abomination.
Sensible to avoid that possibility in my view.
I think it’s pure discrimination! I happen to be Jewish, well at least my mother was, tho she was an atheist and a Communist (as am I, so does that rule me out?). and the Zionists attacked it anyway because the creators didn’t dot the Is’ and cross the Ts.
I wouldn’t say it’s a question of ruling anything out.
More like avoiding possible distraction from the main issue, which is that Jews are as capable as anyone else of criticizing their own, as well as being equally capable of supporting non-Jews who are wrongly accused when the occasion demands.
The Guardian, for example, censors; it does not “avoid”.
That’s what annoys me so much about what used to be at least a readable paper.
All this does is reinforce the illusion that Jews are somehow ‘special’, which like Zionism itself is essentially an anti-semitic position.
I don’t know, but I’m not sure I agree with that.. in fact, I’d suggest it’s offering an alternative to that very assertion? Aren’t they saying that Jews aren’t “special” enough to have this kind of bullshit carried out “in their names”
The more people say stuff like you’ve said, surely the more it gives non-jews reason to think that jews should be “special”, as everyone always gives them short shrift no matter what they do..It’s the classic Alinsky tactic, as is being used with every single intersectional tiny minority of people today..the smaller your identity grouping the more rights you seems to be assuming..
what would you have preferred? Serious question
Hmmm…. the problem is that unlike Africans or Asians or other ‘racial’ groups, Jews are NOT a race! They’ve been transformed into one by Zionist imperialism!
I didn’t even mention race..I know jews aren’t a race..that fact hasn’t seemed to have made much difference to the general discussion around the issues, though, has it?
The Palestinians aren’t a “race” either. Nor are the English. It’s a pretty nonsensical position to use as a debating point. True it is, relevant it doesn’t seem to be. It’s like saying LGBT people aren’t a race. So what? They still want their slice of the rights pie, as does everyone else these days.
I tend to start from a position of what I think is right, and what I think is wrong. You don’t need to be religious or jewish to know what you think you know.
And here we go again: “Jews” aren’t one people, can’t possibly say “They’ve been transformed into one by Zionist imperialism!” – Who is they? You? You’re “jewish”; me? I’m “jewish”
I know what you’re trying to say, but it’s just lazy debating and provides more grist to the mill of false accusations of antisemitism..People are people. Deal with them at face value. Judge them by their actions and words, not some other arbitrary measurement; in this case whether or not they’re “jewish” or have signed a letter decrying the shoddy treatment of someone who was speaking the truth..
The more we ignore the accusations and the fact that any of these people are “jewish” or not, the less effective their smears become; they’re desperate. Watch them fail and laugh..don’t give them more ammo
“Fighting anti-Semitism seems to be for some Jews more
important than any other expression of Jewishness … The
danger appears when one becomes dependent upon them for
one’s identity, so that one begins to need anti-Semitism.”
Stanislaw Krajewski,
(Polish Jew)
“For some Jews and perhaps some of the Jewish leadership, the
fear is that if anti-Semitism completely disappears then the
Jewish community might erode or dissolve.” Stanley Rothman,
(in STALLSWORTH, p. 67)
See the Canary’s piece:
Lord Falconer said “I had not previously been in favour of a disciplinary process independent of the Labour party, because the party should set its own standards and enforce them. Now it is inevitable and necessary”. May I make a recommendation to the noble Lord, hand over the disciplinary process to the Board of Deputies since as leaders of the Jewish community they are in the best position to decide who is, and who is not an Anti-semite, for balance and objectivity and strictly for advice, input from some MP’s may be advisable, I would like to recommend, Ruth Smeeth, Dame Louise Ellman or Jess Phillips. /s
Charlie makes some strong points but if Labour really want to tackle the scourge of antisemitism, I mean if they really want the ducking stool dipping in and out of the river then any disciplinary process must include Ben Netanyahu, Middle East Peace Envoy, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, and for balance Margaret ‘you fucking antisemite’ Hodge.
Then, and only then can the public be satisfied Labour have belatedly abandoned a form of justice that requires evidence for one driven by smear, or the whiff of impropriety.
The horrors of being bribed with a million to fuck your own colleagues demands such a radical departure.
even funnier than Harry Law’post!
Of course the Blairites were never, in any rational sense, “colleagues” of Labour people.
Pure, text-book infiltration.
Sooooo funnnny!!
So funny..but I honestly think that that is actually what these people are getting at when they say they want an ‘ INDEPENDENT process’ Lol!
Excellent news! They’ve just shot themselves in the foot.
Ah, but there’s always the other foot . . .
This amusing vid sums up the accusations thrown at Corbyn.
That video’s an excellent antidote to the preposterousness of this situation.
The Jewish organisations are generally achieving the opposite of what they intend with their lobbying and public relations bordering on propaganda. They have a lot of manpower (and womanpower) to do themselves disservice but that is their right.
In Australia it will come to a head when article 44 is discussed again = you must give Australia your undivided loyalty and that entails not having the right to live elsewhere which Mr. Frydenberg and Dreyfus will find difficult.
I was turned when the Kohl-Regime returned land in the temporary East Berlin to Jews but our German DNA did not warrant compensation or return of land.
“The Jewish organisations are generally achieving the opposite of what they intend”?
I wouldn’t be so sure. As many have said, anti-Semitism doesn’t need Zionism but Zionism DOES need anti-Semitism and indeed cannot exist without it. That’s why these organisations are so ferociously and emotionally provocative when they complain about e.g. “Jew-hate”. They are deliberately trying to stir up this hate so they can then pose as victims.
Bang on George 😉
While the UK and Western Europe are getting more Islamised the focus here is as always only on the “Juice”. A fresh teenager might get the impression it is the Jews who possess most of the oil on this planet, are over one and a half billion strong, have dozens of nations and have to follow quite a discriminating Manual.
The oil Sheikhs and Mullahs are pleased with Off-Guardian, and continue their nefarious indoctrination around the Globe, strengthened by waves of young male “poor” refugees, skipping nations till the ignorant targets are reached.
It ain’t the ‘possessors of oil’ that are the problem.
It’s those possessed by psychopathic traits.
If the UK and western Europe are “getting Islamised” it’s because people like Soros, Spectre, Gysi, Sarkozy, Levy, Israid, have been bringing them all in.
But, yep. those Ayrabs and Eyeranians sure have all the power. That’s why every Ayrab household gets $23,000 a year US aid. That’s why US schoolteachers have to take oaths of loyalty to the Ayrabs or lose their jobs. That’s why the Ayrabs are currently being given another $38 billion from US taxpayers. That’s why hurricane victims in the US have to swear loyalty to the Ayrabs before they get any assistance. That’s why every US political candidate has to grovel and kiss the ring of Ayrab billionaires. That’s why the President of the Ayrabs gets 50 standing ovations from all the Congressmen in his pocket every time he breaks wind.
All the 30 shekel goy whores jumping up and down and applauding their paymaster like trained seals.
Reminds me of when I was a kid and worked at a circus.
They had trained seals there who used to clap with their flippers.
They could balance a ball on their nose at the same time though.
Far more accomplished than Nuttyyahoo’s goy whores.
Maybe he could train them to balance balls on their noses as well.
Wait till your friends create another oil crisis, just like 1973 after they lost a war and got a fit.
Two points.
These “friends” didn’t lose the war, they won it.
Your Zionist buddies got their butts kicked. They ran butt hurt screaming to all their 30 shekel goy whores in Washington, who bailed them out with 567 giant C5 transport flights and 16 ships full of weapons at taxpayer expense.
Only then did these “friends” lose the war.
2, Oil crisis.
The hike in oil prices was engineered by your buddy Kissinger, who arranged at this time for all future oil sales to be priced in dollars. The “oil crisis” was created by him to prop up the dollar. Nixon went off the gold standard in 1971. The dollar was no longer backed by gold. But it was backed by oil – somebody else’s oil. That’s the only reason the “oil crisis” happened. Thank your Zionist buddies for that one too.
Nixon & co went off the gold standard on August 13 1971; the Yom Kippur war started over 2 years later on October 6th 1973; the Gulf Muslim rulers announced their first oil embargo = no delivery at any price on October 16th 1973. Nothing to do with dollar, only with anger at war loss.
The dollar was backed by gold till 1971.
There was a gap of 2 years when it wasn’t backed by anything.
Until 1973 when your buddy Kissinger arranged for it to be backed by other people’s oil. The price hike was part of his plan.
“more Islamised”? What does that even mean? And I assume, by your catty reference to “poor” refugees, that all these desperate people are secretly wealthy and just kidding on?
What a con this all is! It has nothing to do with Muslims OR Jews. It’s just a matter of constantly pushing these terms again and again to divide people up and have them all screaming at each other.
“While the UK and Western Europe are getting more Islamised”
I have in the back of a drawer at home, some paper straws.
Would you like me to send them to you, so you can clutch at them?
Who do you think is arranging the systematic destruction of all those MENA states, sending more and more refugees at the West? Let me get you started here with some helpful search-strings: Oded Yinon, Greater Israel (Eretz Yisrael), neoconservatism. (Hint: stay away from Google; use Yandex or DuckDuckGo instead.)
Snap Seamus, I didn’t read down far enough. We are on the same page?
As you say AVOID GOOGLE, and use Duck Duck Go. I don’t know anything about Yandex.
Yandex is the Russian search engine. It’s also available in English:
That’s the thing about psychopathic leaders/groups.
They’re incurable.
Siberia, or better still, Mars, for those Turds.
John McDonnell doing his usual grovelling to the Board of Deputies, how could any self respecting person vote for that arse licking, spineless lickspital?
“He also said it may be necessary for the party to issue a fresh apology to the Jewish community for its handling of antisemitism complaints.
Asked whether he agreed with Gordon Brown, the former Labour prime minister, who in a speech on Sunday was to say the party owed Jews “an unqualified apology”, McDonnell said: “[Corbyn] made that apology. If Gordon thinks it hasn’t landed, let’s do it again, and let’s make sure that we repeat it, empathetically as well.”
He could get down on his knees, grovel on his belly, lick their boots and issue 1,000 obsequious “unqualified apologies.”
It wouldn’t make any difference.
Jesus Christ himself couldn’t please these people when he walked the earth, so what chance has McDonnell got?
Of course it would have helped if they had learned something from the teachings of Jesus Christ, but it’s like anything which concerns genuine morality and concern for the spirit – people just hate it.
The truth makes them fume with rage.
It’s as mad a situation as in “The Life of Brian”, frankly.
This campaign is not really about Jews and only tangentially related to Israel.
This is part of an ideological offensive of an intensity unprecedented in British history aimed at the threat that Labour and the enormous surge of support from the people for Jeremy Corbyn, represent to the various interests vested in the current system.
These are, first of all, the capitalists themselves who for half a century have had almost unimpeded opportunity to plunder the country, from its nationalised industries and social housing, to its carefully constructed social security and healthcare systems to the very recreation grounds of the schools (The playing fields of Eton etc excepted) and the prisons. Even the probation service and the customs and immigration services have been handed over to spivs with an eye to profiting by cutting corners beyond the purview of democratic controls.
Then there are the military and intelligence establishments who see themselves as, in the final analysis, officers of the US President, the Pentagon , Langley Va, and Wall Street.
Then there is the Academy and the media, hierarchically organised to ensure the disciplined conformity needed to prevent the obvious from being seen and humanity’s natural inclination towards justice curbed and dampened.
But for our purposes the most crucial interest of all is the mysterious, inexplicable almost, cacophony of those who faced with the clear division of these forces into good and evil, pretend not to see, or perhaps are actually incapable of seeing, the difference between Corbyn and the Labour Party on the one hand and The Guardian, MI6, Secretary Pompeo, Jeremy Hunt, the BBC and imperialism on the other.
This last interest, self harming often to the point of being suicidal, is of the most importance because it is the one which is not based in the ruling few but among the many.
New Labour is dissolving in the cold light of reality: it doesn’t work. There is no Third Way. Neoliberalism is, equally, revealed to be nothing more elegant than any other form of cannibalism. And after half a century almost everyone has had personal experience of its bitter fruits’ taste. And nobody has not noticed what it has done in the way of smashing up communities and pulverising the lives and livelihoods of the masses. There is poverty, premature deaths, callousness, homelessness and sub standard, unhealthy accommodation, malnutrition, social immobility, educational failure, fear of the future, cynicism and an inclination to violence and crime. People shiver in the winter for want of the warmth, whose provision has become a source of profit for the rich. None of these appalling areas of suffering is not quickly amenable to the remedies of common sense reform- a few months of good government and a fair sharing of the burden of social costs could make an immense and immediate difference to the lives of millions.
Together with a clear and honourable set of foreign policies, which would assist those resisting unprovoked and unjustifiable attacks on people such as the populations of Palestine and Arabia, and put an end to the support, including arms and mercenary forces, that the UK currently lends to tyrants inclined to genocide, a Labour government, backed by MPs reflecting the ideas and principles of their constituents, could make an enormous change to the lives of billions around the world rescuing the banner of democracy from the mud with which cowards and traitors have fouled it.
At home and abroad championing the poor and oppressed and lending power to those resisting barbaric land pirates and plunderers.
Surely this is the time for all honourable and honest people, after listening intently and sincerely to all points of view, to put differences of detail and temperament aside and subscribe to a clear common programme and support the election of a Labour government with socialist policies. And for those who cannot bring themselves to join in support to stop campaigning against Labour by arguing that change, under the current political circumstances is impossible, let them stand aside and retire to the study to refine their theories of quietism.
For their views-that nothing can be done and that we are irredeemably corrupted- are the last philosophical refuge of the capitalist class as they watch their victims rise up and demand what is theirs, the common wealth of all, now concentrated in fewer hands than ever before.
I’d rather hang myself than support what passes for socialism under the Labour banner. They contravene every fibre of my being and stand to jeopardise the continuance of all life on earth. But you and others will dismiss my deep concerns as extremism; based on the imagined personality of one man.
One man that has been chosen by globalists – along with AOC – to front their Green New Deal life-blind agenda. If this becomes the policy of a Labour government, or the choose to ratify the Tory ‘natural capital’ agenda …we will be seriously challenging, if nor curtailing, humanities chances of long term survival. Not a radical statement I could make if I could not back it up.
But you don’t want me to back it up. No one does. Because rejecting Labour’s globalist corporate agenda for the sake of the future of humanity, would mean that any such existing humanity now would have to undertake the serious challenge of making a viable future extant today. The future needs all hands on deck today, to reject any and all negentropic imagined political hopium, based on anti-science and anti-life policies of growth and perpetual consumption …that are already challenging the viability of a million of our co-evolutionary inter-species communities …for those who have the eyes to see.
Those who do not need to come to realise that the future depends on our collective short term decision making …choosing life-coherent policies over pseudo-socialist life-blind hopium.
Otherwise, the future will not look upon us kindly. That is if the future can survive Labour’s GND policies, which is extremely doubtful.
AOC is a nobody, whatever her intentions. She can’t even articulate her agenda, let alone has the power to enact any of it. The right wing’s obsession with her is amusing though.
That may be, but she is being groomed by the same people that are behind the Green New Deal. Their agenda is to manufacture consent, not necessarily install a POTUS to enact it. This agenda has been gestated for decades by ‘philanthrocapitalists’ such as the Fords, the Mellons, Rockefellers, Soros, the Kochs, Gates, Branson, and Gore.
Even if you are not an ecologist: you cannot have failed to notice the near simultaneous roll out of the ‘climate economy’, pretty much since the start of the year. Even Treason May suddenly became an eco-feminist in her last few weeks in office. And the Tories unveiled their 25 year ‘natural capital’ plan. WTF?
The Green New Deal has been around since 2008. ‘Natural capital’ has been mooted as an idea for 30 years – now they are concrete policy initiatives. The sustainable growth Agenda 2030 ‘net zero’ agenda is suddenly at the forefront of policy East and West …more East, actually. After failed initiative after failed intitiative and COP out after COP out. Coincidence, not on your nelly.
The spearhead is the XR climate rebellion, hand in hand with Greta Thunberg’s ‘Climate Strikers’. It’s all gearing up for the 20-27th September international Global(ist) Climate Strike. Greta has taken a year off school to figurehead the global(ist) agenda.
So AOC may be a political irrelevance: but the GND agenda is not. She rolled it out in February; a week later Zack Exley visited Corbyn, Long Bailey, and Lewis; then Corbyn sat down with Greta; and all of a sudden he is an eco-warrior fronting the ‘Climate Emergency’. If you do not know who Exley is, he is a Sorostitute who has just set up a non profit organisation – the New Consensus – to promote the GND. Coincidence? No.
I’ve posted all this before, with substantiation from Whitney Webb, Vanessa Beeley, and Cory Morningstar. These Corbyn cargo cult followers are becoming a liability. The fact that they are so politically naive to the point of insouciance will get us all killed. Not now, but in 30-40 years – following the failure of the green neoliberal policies that are coming straight from the globalist shadow sovereigns. This will severely challenge our ability to survive. Not that they give a fuck.
Well, if they are regular commenters here: they can’t say they did not know. Corbyn has pushed the globalist regime change agenda (fronted by the Jo Cox Foundation) and collected money for terrorists (the White Helmets: closed linked to Purpose which is closely linked to Avaaz which is closely linked to the New Consensus); pushed the globalist regime change agenda and arch imperialist Magnitsky sanctions for Bill Browder; and now is fronting the GND (closely linked to the New Consensus, Avaaz, Purpose; Greta, XR).
BTW: Bevin lives in Canada, has had links and references to everything I have said over the last two years posted frequently; and he is still urging us to vote Labour. Over my dead body. Over the planets dead body if the 48 upvoters get their way. Whatever happened to critical thinking?
”Surely this is the time for all honourable and honest people, after listening intently and sincerely to all points of view, to put differences of detail and temperament aside and subscribe to a clear common programme and support the election of a Labour government with socialist policies.”
This is someone trying to sound like a political realist but who is indulging what amounts to extreme wishful thinking. Consider the proposition ‘Election of a Labour government with socialist policies’ Sounds reasonable in words, but looking at the track record I distinctly recall the record of Wilson, Callaghan and Blair, and going back further of Attlee and MacDonald, and I am afraid there was no sign of a ”Labour government with Socialist policies.” (Perhaps the diamond in the dungheap was the NHS.) Quite the contrary in fact. Shape of things to come was imposition of the US loan to the Labour government of 1946 which was accompanied by humiliating conditions that both the left of the party voted against and Churchill actually recommended that Conservative MPs abstain. The Anglo-American loan Agreement spelt the end of Britain as a great power and the ongoing subservience of British to American interests. Nice going Attlee, nice going Labour.
Why should anyone believe that it is going to be any different this time around? You want to go through this farce again? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 5 times shame on me. People in the country might want a progressive Labour party in power, insofar as they understand it. But that is not what the PLP want, never has been and never will be. The UK has its own deep state and security apparatus MI5/6which Labour has never challenged and never is going to challenge.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee. Social-democracy is in decline all over Europe. There was a brief flowering during the Trente Glorieuses 1945-75, but it’s over. The notion that social-democracy was a progressive force was a tactical error which Syriza made in their dealings with the Troika
”Neither the electorate nor Syriza-Tsipras fully comprehended at the time that they stood virtually alone against the neoliberal tide throughout the region. They would call for a social-democratic counter-offensive but no-one would rise yet to join them. What was left of social-democratic parties in Europe had already capitulated to neoliberal forces or, in such cases such as in Germany, had allied themselves directly with bankers and investors running the Eurozone-wide pan-European version of the US 1930s New Deal. But this was 70 years too late and history was not about to repeat itself. Euro social-democracy was a mere shadow of itself.” (Looting Greece – Jack Rasmus p.117)
So please, no more political TINA. We’ve been there, tried that, and found it wanting.
You’ve got more chance of appealing to Mark not to be a racist than you have with Bevin. He has ignored everything I have said over two years. To the point of accusing me of fabrication: even when I posted 10 parts of investigative journalism to validate my POV. All Labour supporters have and will reject anything against the New Messiah (an allusion that has been made more than once – that JC is JC). The blind devotion to the new GND neo-Volkisch leader is quite disturbing. We are sleepwalking into corporate fascism – not from Corbyn – but from those behind him. The cargo cult mentality is blinded to what is already upon us. I fear for the future.
By Christ this is turning ugly. I just found out about one odious individual by the name of David Collier who seems to be behind a web entity called “Gnasher Jew” who are “are a group of Jewish volunteers exposing antisemitism in the Labour Party”. Collier’s own site has an article called “Mental health and antisemitism – the shameful ridicule of Labour activists” which begins:
“Over the last few weeks Rosa Doherty from the Jewish Chronicle has spoken to several campaigners fighting antisemitism about the impact that struggling against anti-Jewish hate was having on their mental health. Yesterday, the Jewish Chronicle published three articles.”
At which point, there are links to pages on the Jewish Chronicle with titles like: “We campaign against Labour antisemitism – and our mental health is suffering” and “Depression, anxiety, tears: the hidden cost of Labour hate revealed”.
Clearly this is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg in an ocean of Zionist hack attack dogs. Collier himself has dubious connections. According to Tony Greenstein:
“… Collier, far from being a disinterested academic researcher, is a member of Herut UK. Herut was founded by Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Russian Zionist who founded Revisionist Zionism. As Ha’aretz noted, David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister ‘repeatedly compared Jabotinsky to Hitler in print and in speeches, including one where he called him “Vladimir Hitler.’”
There is an enormous cynicism at work here. In the end these hacks really don’t care about anti-Semitism, Nazism, fascism etc. They will use anything to stir up animosity to sink any unified opposition to their own power interests.
You think that’s bad! Take a look at this (whichI understand originated from the source you mention):
Lol, **?good?** ole’ google analytics your friendly fascist fertile seed bed of divisions & brainwash …
Thanks Dave, another arrow in the quiver of Knowledge … 😉
“Geographical locations of Labour anti-Semitism”? So now it’s anti-Semitic “areas”? What next? Anti-Semitic food items? Anti-Semitic underwear? Anti-Semitic temperatures?
I’ve said before that what we really need is a small, portable, “anti Semitism” detector, something like a Geiger counter, that can be mass produced and issued by the million. Instead of giving readings in Rontgens, it would be calibrated in “Corbyns.”
A reading of 0-10 Corbyns would denote relatively harmless, residual trace anti Semitism and naturally occurring anti Semitism.
Anything over that level would activate anti Semitism klaxons on every street corner, till readings returned to safe levels and the “All Clear” was sounded.
Margaret Hodge, Joan Ryan, Louise Ellman, Tom Watson, and Shai Masot from the Mossad Office, working in relays, would issue public warnings over the media for as long as required.
Anti Semitism Wardens would be employed by the Local Authority, carrying out random checks on passers by using the detectors.
Persons with high readings would be referred to the Labour Friends of Mossad for further investigation.
The Board of Deputies should be able to get all this organised in short order under the capable leadership of Margaret Hodge. Technology can generally provide a solution to these problems.
Great words George: please allow me to gently expand on what you’ve said well & truly.
“.. the proverbial tip of the iceberg in an ocean of Zionist hack attack Dogs,” of War, with a massive capability to orchestrate CyberFlakAttacks, with Faked Text, Faked News, Faked Video & Faked Accountability & Faked Transparency, in your name, with the military intelligence that you pay for, but have zero cognisance of same, let alone any control mechanism, using Automated & Artificial Intelligence, beyond any single persons capabilities to comprehend . . .
So, ‘they’ employ very limited numbers of corrupted minds to operate the ‘Parallel Platforms’, secretly, from which we are all subjected to terror & fear of rage against the machine …
Every time I type BINNEY , it Auto-corrects to BONNEY: Do it NOW , test my claims with a tiny experiment, before they change something to make me look like a liar again , coz’ they can !!! Fake my text Fake fuckin’ everything !!! >>> how weird & new is that wee lil’ tweak ?
Well, actually it started happening to me last weekend: so, you’ll forgive me if I tell @Admin that you need to start working harder on your cybersecurity and following & tracking these fuckers and nailing them in a court of LAW: coz’ after the cyberflakattack here @OffG on the Saturday 26th May 2018, it was clear to me that your reliance on Google & WordPress had compromised not just your website, but my computer and my families and even a VPN in China did not receive the contents of my communications FOR WARNING OFFG !
Remember Catte & Admin and a certain reinertorheit’s actions ???
just type BINNEY, (coz’ i must type capitals to override the auto-correct) and then anybody & everybody will see for themselves, this is an EXISTENTIAL MATTER & the MAGNITUDE of the problems you’ll have tracing & prosecuting any such troll, be it William HBonney, or Reinertorheit or the next c-nut coward & cuckold of any principle or moral equitable foundation
Oy vey, goy!
Ignore all those Jews!!
They’re the wrong kind of Jews!!!
Close them down!!!
You can’t cross ZOG and the Board of Deputies!!!
Gotta earn your shekels, goy!!!
Not aligned to the Labour party or any other but it seems to me a large number of the Blairite or right wing are content to see their electoral chances destroyed for years. It almost seems by continuing with this total farce that a great many MPs must have been paid off. That’s the only logical explanation. The Labour Party (like other parties, media) have been bribed to become traitors to their party and traitors to this country. After all, their behaviour in supporting hostility towards Syria, Iran, Palestinians, China and Russia but supporting a racist, war state as Israel can only make the world even more unsafe. The media and the Guardian, now edited by the intelligence services is in a pitiful state. Any journalist working for them is complicit in all this and should resign. If these people have children they should ask themselves whether they should have brought them into a dangerous world of their own creation.
The Blairites are happy to see their electoral chances destroyed for one simple reason, i.e. like America, the UK is intended to be a country run by two parties, both backed by the same corporate donors, both working to the benefit of the billionaire donor class.
Without New Labour, the current government couldn’t have hoped to have destroyed the NHS in the time frame they did, couldn’t have introduced crippling austerity off the back of the banking crisis, couldn’t have wrecked what was left of the welfare state, killing 120,000+ people in the process and couldn’t have turned the BBC into the UK’s answer to Pravda.
Blue Labout will happily cripple their own parties chances for as long as their corporate masters tell them to, safe in the knowledge that there’ll be a job for them if they’re voted out, and a safe seat for them when they return.
Our government gave up representing the electorate in 1979. They’re willing to do their damnest to ensure that that continues.
When Labour has been destroyed shortly (and the Tories too, in about 4 months time), all that will be left are two hollowed out shells. The Board of Deputies can pick over the carcases like a pack of vultures if they wish, but these won’t be very rich pickings.
Watson will try to seize Jeremy’s crown, but even if he succeeds, the prize won’t be worth having. Maybe he should join Chuka in the Liberals instead.
Labour has just turned its back on democracy and its heartlands by coming full out for a second referendum.
As George Galloway and others have pointed out, in around two-thirds of Labour held seats a majority voted for Brexit. Thus, for Labour to position itself as the remain party would be electorally suicidal, with the anti-democratic attempt to set aside the referendum decision of 2016 exacerbating the harm. Once again, we see the Blairite right’s contempt for popular democracy combined with its utter subservience to neo-liberalism, which is the inherent nature of the EU.
As for the Board of Deputies, as the letter deleted from the Guardian (and much else) shows, it does not represent the entire Jewish community. Even if it did, that would still be only one-half of one per cent of the UK population. By what right, then, does such a body presume to dictate to a mass political party?
One possibility is that Farage divides the Tory vote and Labour slips through as the largest party forming some kind of coalition with the SNP.
But it’s so fractious, turbulent and unstable now that literally anything is possible.
Labour could face a meltdown among its core supporters for stabbing them in the back over Brexit.
If Jezza ever did get into No.10, he’d be leading an openly mutinous party that was stabbing him in the back every 5 minutes. The Deep State and the Board of Deputies would organise some type of Bolsonaro Brazil type constitutional coup to get rid of him, with Shai Masot dishing out all the shekels to the Blairite backstabbers.
But the Tories would be in meltdown as well. Both parties could disappear for ever, like the Liberals did post war.
Some kind of musical chairs with one dodgy coalition lasting a few months succeeded by another.
Bojo as PM will just bring things to a head by October.
Just donated – if it wasn’t for this site… thank you.
Zionism rules the UK and Left-Wing Jews have been told to shut up by their Right-Wing enemies – as Jewdas informed everyone in their 2018 article “Enough is Enough” –
Don’t really trust Jewdas after their campaign to stop Gilad Atzmon from playing Jazz at the vortex and when he attempted engagement and countered some of the misquotes of his writing his comments were just deleted and anyone asking for actual evidence was just insulted. Mind you, Owen Jones did the same thing on his twitter thread when promoting the attempt to shut him down. Even this article, while discussing some agreeable points celebrates the framing of ken livingstone as an anti semite which shows…..
My sympathy for Williamson diminished when I read the following.
“I am told that in various blogs and in speeches he (Gilad Atzmon) has adopted
anti-Semitic language. I wasn’t aware of this until after I tweeted the petition. As soon as
I was informed, I deleted the tweet. I’ve always condemned all forms
of racism, including anti-Semitism, and strongly disassociate myself
from Atzmon’s anti-Semitic views.”
Isn’t Williamson using the same tactics as those directed at him.? He
says “I am told”. He did not read any of Atzmon’s views. I have read
Atzmon’s views and see no evidence of anti-semitism but this is not my
point. Why did Williamson accuse Atzmon of anti-semitism on the basis
of hearsay?
I agree with your point Barry, it is rather ironic that many falsely accused of anti semitism have pointed their finger at others without engaging their brain to the evidence inherent in their own malaise.
That’s what the defendants did at the old witch trials. Accuse as many other people you could think of and claim they were far worse than you.
Well, that’s what Corbyn would do, isn’t it? 🙁
A letter from Jewish liberals on the left supporting Chris Williamson censored because of complaints by Jewish conservatives on the right.
It seems like the new form of McCarthyism has entered an even more explosive phase – expect whispering Tom Watson to be along soon to explain what it all means.
Looks like Lord Falconer has beaten Watson to it.
The man complicit with war crimes and the shoddy treatment of David Kelly thinks its high time Labour brought out the ducking stool – what an utter hypocrite he is.
He’s very good at reading the handouts supplied by the Board of Deputies and the LFI.
Those are the only qualifications required of a good little Shabbos goy.
No doubt he’ll soon be fronting the campaign to get rid of Seumas Milne for the Deputies.