AUDIO: 9/11 Grand Jury Update

U.S. Attorney’s Lips Sealed, Lawyers’ Committee to File Mandamus

From AE911Truth.org

On this week’s episode of 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele is joined by Mick Harrison and David Meiswinkle of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to discuss the latest on the federal grand jury proceeding in Manhattan.

The group announced earlier this week that they plan to file a Mandamus petition in federal court prior to the upcoming 9/11 anniversary since the U.S. Attorney’s Office declined last month to disclose the status of the grand jury proceeding. The goal of this legal action is to confirm whether the U.S. Attorney presented the group’s 2018 petition reporting unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center to a special grand jury, as mandated by federal statute.

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Oneida Chrissy
Oneida Chrissy
Oct 28, 2019 5:17 PM

The group announced earlier this week that they plan to file a Mandamus petition in federal court prior to the upcoming 9/11 anniversary since the U.S. Attorney’s Office declined last month to disclose the status of the grand jury proceeding. The goal of this legal action is to confirm whether the U.S. Attorney presented the group’s 2018 petition reporting unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center to a special grand jury, as mandated by federal statute (run 3).

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Jul 11, 2019 9:01 PM

Thank you for posting this extremely informative discussion with Harrison and Meiswinkle of The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry.

Given the absolute immensity of the case, it is understandable why the Southern District of New York has slowed the 9/11 Special Grand Jury process down to glacial speed. Perhaps now that the U.S. Attorney has cleaned some room off his plate with the disposal of Jeffrey Epstein, he can turn his full attention to finding the immeasurably important, brutal truth about what really occurred on 9/11 – September 11, 2001.

Perhaps …