Hypocrisy Taints UK’s Media Freedom Conference
Russian Media Ban and Assange’s Arrest Demonstrate Doublethink
Kit Knightly

The UK is currently hosting the inaugural Global Media Freedom Conference, a joint project between the British and Canadian governments. You can read the aims and itinerary on the government’s website, here.
Here’s the introduction:
Chrystia Freeland, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Jeremy Hunt, the UK Foreign Secretary, will co-host the conference. It is part of an international campaign to shine a global spotlight on media freedom and increase the cost to those that are attempting to restrict it.
The conference will be structured around 4 themes:
- protection and prosecution, including impunity
- national frameworks and legislation
- building trust in media and countering disinformation
- media sustainability
Global leaders, representatives from the media industry, journalists, civil society and academia will gather to attend interactive panel discussions. The first day will focus on defining the challenges, the second on framing solutions. Commonwealth Foreign Ministers will also meet to discuss media freedom.
…which all sounds great, doesn’t it?
I mean, “countering disinformation” sounds like state-backed attempts to control what the media can (or can’t) say. Not really in the spirit “media freedom”. And I have no idea what “media sustainability” even means.
But pushing all that aside, the entire event is simply riddled with hypocrisy.
Julian Assange
Freeland and Hunt stand at the podium and pontificates about media freedom. How important it is to democracy, and how journalists need to be protected. The pliable audience of mainstream journalists nods along in mute agreement. Happy to be told how important they are, their compromised souls ignored and their over-size egos well fed.
Nobody is talking about the elephant in the room.
In this case a rather poorly looking elephant, in a room with bars on the window.
Journalist Bryan MacDonald perfectly summed up the situation:
The British government holding a “Media Freedom” conference around 12km from the prison where it holds Julian Assange is peak brazenness. https://t.co/DBMIiUW7hW
— Bryan MacDonald (@27khv) July 10, 2019
Julian Assange is in prison for holding power to account.
He faces extradition for revealing the crimes
He may be executed for telling the truth.
The UN Special Rapporteur called what the UK government has done to Assange, “tantamount to torture”. To have a “media freedom” event in this country, without mentioning that, is beyond absurd.
Russian Media Ban
The second controversy surrounding this public-relations fuelled farce is the fact that Russian media agencies RT and Sputnik were denied accreditation by the foreign office.
We have not accredited RT or Sputnik because of their active role in spreading disinformation,”
…the UKFO said in a statement.
Two media organizations, banned from a “Defend Media Freedom” conference, because of what they have published.
RT’s statement was short, to the point and pretty much irrefutable:
It takes a particular brand of hypocrisy to advocate for freedom of press while banning inconvenient voices and slandering alternative media.”
In fact, this is just the latest attempt by the British government to undermine alternate media in general, and specifically RT.
Ofcom, the UK government’s media regulator, has called RT to task over it’s coverage of several times, and the channel had their UK-based bank accounts frozen in 2016.
It’s no better across the pond, where RT was forced to register as a “foreign agent” in 2017, under an arcane law dating back to WWII. (Why Trump allowed this to happen remains a mystery. Worst. Puppet. Ever.).
The BBC (formerly known as the British Broadcasting Corporation), in the spirit of defending media freedom, had a nice long write up about how terrible RT is, and why they don’t deserve to cover Western events.
The little video explainer they did, “What’s so different about Russia Today” was delightful enough to warrant its own write-up.
A piece of state propaganda, warning us about other state propaganda, whilst congratulating itself for not being propaganda. A creation of meta-satire of pure genius. It’s genuinely hilarious.
- It’s a state-funded broadcaster, the BBC, attacking another for being state funded.
- The presenter works for BBC Russia, which operates unblocked in “authoritarian” Russia while Russian channels are facing constant attacks here in the “free world”
- The presenter congratulates the BBC for “telling both sides of the story”, whilst having not a word in RT’s defence. Not. One. Word.
- It’s supporting bias and censorship in the media, and was published on the opening day of the Press Freedom Conference.
You could not fit more hypocrisy into less than two minutes of video if you tried.
Turns out all newsmedia should be free, but some should be freer than others.
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Certain Anglo American snowflakes here are getting oh-so triggered because of one of their most beloved sacred cows (aka “Media Freedom”) is being politically slaughtered like the BREXIT debacle.
The only recourse that these Anglo snowflakes have is to point fingers at other countries like Russia or China (who just so happen to be Official Enemy Nations of the Anglo Americans) as a way to distract attention away from their increasingly discredited pretensions as the self-appointed Crusaders of Media Freedom for the entire planet.
Perhaps they are too scared to face the reality that Anglo Liberal Democracy itself just might be a kind of fundamentalist secular religion–and indeed a “God” that has failed them.
Britain Ramps up Media War on Russia
Now this may be considered off topic. It is about something that has been written in the Groaniad as usual. I wish there was a pinned article, where such observations can be posted.
I don’t necessarily hate all Groan journalists. There are a handfull who i not only agree with, but are actually great reporters and writers. They exist there perhaps as ‘fig leafs’ in an effort to keep old guards, like myself, happy.
Barnay Ronay in my opinion is one of the greatest writers they have. As a sports reporter he is as good as has ever been. His sensibilities of reportage of sport in a the wider context of the ‘world’ are high philosophy and analysis. (Check out his football world cup reports from Russia for example)
So, i spent most of the afternoon glued to a terrestial tv screen (granted to the populace, out of the blue! by the owners of the rights. There is a story in there. Probably about money) and i witnessed a cricket final as good as any sporting finale as has ever happened. Something akin to the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’.
Adrenalised, overwrought, ecstatic … sport! Effing ‘ell!!
But Barnay writes it perfectly and instantly. Give him a Pulitzer for it!
Read it yourself ( i don’t normally link to the Groan, but this is spectacularly great writing, in my opinion)
D notices. Did any (UK) journalist complain bout them?
Because MSM hope to keep monopoly on UK government newsflow.
Sundays daily Hypocrisy.
The Obsessive Groan in full lock down mode so far this morning as they go full on with the anti-semitic trope. Lol.
They can’t take any pushback. Double lol.
Why does Stuart Lee persist with them – is he that poor? Is he a secret reactionary? Is it worse than that? Seeing how the Godfather, Iannucci has ‘come out’ for the establishment and revealed his true colours as a high servant of the msm/BBC corporatist apparatchik and supporter of the AS propaganda.
Well – the gatekepers are having to show their allegiances, did they all go to the Virgin Islands for their hols?
Triple LOL.
The present UK is in “good” company: in the communist led Indian “Hindu” newspaper today: “China’s independent journalists struggle to be heard ” https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-international/chinas-independent-journalists-struggle-to-be-heard/article28425031.ece
Totalitarianism is popping up left, right and center.
Why is the Guardian forgetting Tommy Robinson? you are as hypocritical as those you accuse
There is no such person as TR
Tommy Robinson is an actor, which is why he has a stage name. The real Tommy Robinson is a celebrated Luton football hooligan, whose name was pinched by Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, the man you call Tommy Robinson. Why does a supposed grassroots activist like “Tommy Robinson” need a stage name?
The man you call Tommy Robinson works on behalf of the Israeli State. He is Zionist property. There are no depths the Zionists will not sink to in their quest to brainwash people. He sells himself as the UK’s number one patriot, standing up for his country, but the reality is that every word that comes out of his mouth is carefully orchestrated by the Israeli state. They pay him to do a job of divide and rule in the UK, by stirring up hatred toward Muslims, fostering good sentiment towards Israel. He has now become his own, unique phenom. He’s very good at his job.
It’s hilarious how stupid people who follow Tommy Robinson are. They believe they are backing a real Englishman, but he reps for another country and even wears Mossad sweatshirts! Oops, all those stupid English people getting behind Tommy.
Meanwhile, Israeli influence over the UK via flase flag terrorist events like 7/7 and 9/11, and the culture they have inflicted upon the world via the mantra of “TERROR IS EVERYWHERE” and “oh look, terror is everywhere. And our Tel-Aviv tech based security companies sell all the solutions to your now ubiquitous terrorism problem”. KERCHING!
Those Tommy followers, every single one of them, has been fooled. Stupid cunts.
Tommy Robinson is a Judas Goat Sell Out!
So only Israel is against industrial rape of UK girls by Muslims there? Lock this Israel T-shirt wearer up for daring to speak outside a holy UK court with Lords inside.
I would rather lock up Hunt & co for staying num/mum on this and Freeland for messing up Ukraine.
Yes, this media freedom conference is a total farce; the fact that they have to hold one is an ominous sign.
If we’re going to talk about Britain’s rape and sexual abuse problem, especially with underage boys and girls, let’s start at the top. We have institutional paedophilia in this country. It is a national disgrace, we have child raping leaders who are protected by the media and the genocidal establishment they serve. If Muslims are getting away with this, it is by design. They do not have the power to orchestrate this.
Why does Tommy never talk about institutional paedophilia, which we know is rife in establishment circles?
Nice try
Jon Wedger (ITNJ Seating)
Tommy ten names Paedophiles
Michael McQueenie, EDL Blackburn, has just been charged with two counts of rape against a 14-year-old girl and sexual assault.
Richard Price, former EDL leader: on the sex offenders register. Price admitted four counts of making indecent images of children and two charges of possessing cocaine
Michael Coates AKA Micky Blue Eyes NW Infidels: charged with 2 attempted rapes and other sex offences.
Brett Moses EDL Hull: 12-month prison sentence for sexual grooming.
Matthew Woodward, Deeside EDL: charged with child pornography and soliciting a 13 year old for photographs.
Alan Thomas Ellis, Deeside EDL: convicted of sending texts of a sexual nature to a 14 year old girl.
Archie Sliman, EDL : kidnapping and sexually abusing 10-year-old girl.
Stephen Payne SDL supporter: convicted of grooming a 13 year old.
Nigel Hesmondalgh, BNP: jailed for possessing a series of degrading photos and videos of children.
Liam Pinkham NWI who condemned himself by admitting togrooming a 15 year old.
“Tommy” gets £10,000 a month in Zionist money.
When he was jailed recently, his support campaign was run from Israel.
He is just a Hasbara asset.
For the past week, Ch4 News has been headlining a daily report from Idlib. I can’t tell you what it’s about because I turn the TV off as soon as it starts (my only way to register my futile disgust). Even the BBC is wary of giving too much air-time to the discredited White Helmets and the terrorist propaganda machine, preferring to report on areas “liberated” from ISIS while glossing over civilian casualties, as if the Kurds liberated towns without the prior destruction by airpower.
I despise Ch4 with their self proclaimed “edgy output”. Lindsey Hilsum, International Editor, is a through and through neoCon who’s been reporting on Syria from Turkey and Jordan, she might as well have been on the moon. Channel 4 hasn’t, as far as I’m aware, even informed its audience that the White Helmets were the brainchild of a military intelligence officer and mercenary to handle the public relations of ISIS and al Qaeda terrorists. Instead, they act as propagandists for the whole false narrative that has built upon the death of Jo Cox. I know I’m singing to the choir here but I once counted Ch4 News as fairly unbiased in a world of ‘dumbing down’…..now it is the enemy, propagating lies while wearing brightly coloured ties and socks.
One longs for the old days of Ch4 – Jon Snow’s take-down of the current Israeli Ambassador to the UK:
Channel 4 is worse even than Murdoch’s Sky News and the loathsome BBC. It is pure unadulterated horseshit.
It sells itself on its ability to grill UK politicians, and expose their lack of principle, which it does reasonably well. But to be honest, anybody can do that nowadays.
The latest “Inside Idlib” stuff is laughable. (or it would be until you realise that people believe this stuff).
am unsure….is Amanpour a Pimp – a Whore, or both ?
Maybe she’s a female gigolo. 🙂
“MEDIA FREEDOM” according to these psychopathic and narcissistic goons, is nothing other than liberty for those who collude with Deep State actors in the pursuit of twisting and perverting the code of law until the innocent are harassed, persecuted, and executed in the name of “freedom and democracy” whilst those who have the blood of millions on their hands, along with the ruination of ancient cultures, the rape of this planet, and the appropriation of all for themselves and nothing for others, continue their gross mischief with impunity. “MEDIA FREEDOM” also finds expression in the recent Panorama programme broadcast by the British Bullshit Commission, whereby these same Neo-Con, Deep State engineers, employing a dramatis personae composed of disgruntled Blairite PLP malcontents, attempted a total character assassination of Jeremy Corbyn. They are all working within the same cabal which exists only to promote a state of permanent warfare, for the continued enrichment of the perverts and creeps of the Military Industrial and Prison Industrial Complex. The atmosphere right now, is currently imbued with the fetid stench of that rotting carcass which is the UK Conservative party, vassal of the Triumvirate of the USA State Department, The House of Saud, and the Likud Party. Pompeo, Bolton and Netanyahu will be rubbing their filthy hands in glee at observing all this, as it is nothing other than a green light for the perpetuation of further misery for countless individuals who are constantly being denied recourse to justice. And of course, for Trump it will be business as usual – that is, of course, until he is successfully impeached and prosecuted for his violation of the constitution committed in the form of having accepted special gifts and favours. And for Netanyahu it will be a continuation of his programme to terminate the existence of the Palestinian State. What a world we are creating for future generations – that is if these insane warmongers do not destroy it through their final tantrum. The Doomsday Clock is now at two minutes to midnight – there is much work to do to save our species, the greater percentage of whom are both ignorant and oblivious of the realities they face, a prime example being a certain person who has been trolling this discussion with his facile and febrile Russophobic remarks.
Frau Freeland is making quite the effort to elevate her international profile, isn’t she?
Somebody wants to run for Party Anführer.
Just one thing missing Kit – that there was another reason Sputnik was banned from this conference – the revelations published there by Kit Klarenberg all about the reborn II – the Open Information Partnership. It’s impossible to see this FCO organised stunt as not being connected closely with that disinformation initiative, whose scope and coverage was almost universal, and of course included those key mouthpieces for the Atlantic Council underworld.
I’m a little surprised the OIP hasn’t received more attention..in discussions and posts..
Someone here appears to get a fix out of being downvoted -17 , -23 , etc. etc.
I wonder if it has occurred to him that he is a fish out of water.
A bit like Christopher Hitchins if he were to write comments for the Vatican Communion Weekly, or like the Pope writing comments for Atheists Anonymous . . .
Today’s journalism stinks enough already without adding to the stench with utterly twisted comments about it.
Some propagandists are active everywhere and the other side just wants to show they are still here. They have the same ‘arguments’ all the time, too, so it shows who’s hired help and who not.
From the US I had read re Obama’s first or more probably second campaign that Murdoch media workers/journalists/interns were given several devices to insert comments from a menu, looking like many different individuals.
I know, Wilmers.
I just have to let off steam now and then . . .
I fully expect what you describe to happen very regularly, and it does.
And whilst this conference on media freedom was in progress, the British state sent Tommy Robinson to prison for having stood outside a court, talking about a trial. Corporate media pretend journalists stood outside the court and talked about Tommy’s trial, without any apparent sense of hypocrisy. As far as the elite are concerned, freedom of expression applies only to them and those who agree with them. The “Online Harms” White Paper makes it perfectly clear that the state intends to control the Internet.
There is no such person as T R
I’m waiting for the clamour against the universal banning of the docu ” The Magnitsky Act — Behind the Scenes”
Any association with Bill Browder and the Magnitsky ‘globalist imperialist’ Act has already been memory-holed in the ranks of pseudosocialism. The mere mention of it is now ”beneath” anyone to recall.
But who could forget how eloquently Austin, Cooper, Thornberry, (“it was a Russian hit”) Griffith, Abbott, and Corbyn combined to push the arch-imperialistic agenda? “From Russia with Blood” to the “killing fields of London” …not me.
I have read Bill Browder’s book and would be interested. If they think that they can defeat Russia (and China) they are somewhat mistaken. The defeat aims to take over Russia so they can sell them things….. That’s not realistic after having destroyed them first. This is not 1945.
You have to marvel at the stupidity of the Obama administration. Washington has, for decades, tried to drive Russia and China apart. The last thing they wanted was a Chinese Russian Axis but by keeping up NATO in a big way and creating that Magnitsky Act they did exactly that. Why are they not capable of seeing what they are doing???? They repeated it with Libya and Syria – hoops!
Here is some hypocrisy
‘Earlier this week, Labour’s ruling national executive committee said pregnant MPs would only be subject to a trigger ballot process one year after their return from maternity leave and would be automatically reselected if a snap election occurred within a year.’
Now why does being pregnant mean that someone is judged to be incapable of handling their responsibility?
I mean didn’t the newly elected leader of NZ campaign, win and provide leadership in a time of national crisis without claiming any special treatment?
Isn’t that what the equal rights campaigns of decades was about?
It is akin to a sick-note to avoid pt!
I see plenty of capable women, heavily pregnant or with newborns and with multiple other children, managing superbly through their careers and lives without needing an excuse.
I mean what is the specific excuse or frailty that is to be afforded to such a group?
I mean, i know of cases where criminals have attempted/got pregnant to avoid Jailing. Do they want to be equated with that?
I mean, what about the male MP’s? Won’t they want equal rights?
I mean, there may be gay male couples, who may be having a baby,
Or indeed gay female couples, or indeed some who may be adopting…or just some new dad, i mean Bojo may be expecting again..
I mean… do you know what I mean?
Or am i just being mean?
Watch as how we are denied the right to challenge greasey MP’s for their voting records and associations and political beliefs as they cling on to their parachuted perches…
If they had any self respect they would ALL stand for re selection and put their trust in their local membership EVERY time.
Jacinda did – will Stella (for example) ?
You are of course right but it strikes me that very few of us would wish to practice what we preach, for every one of us takes exception to certain views aired online or wherever and many would use similar arguments as the powers that be to ban viewpoints that might endanger our own group or personal sacred cows.
Amal Clooney was interviewed on Radio4 today. She did get to mention Julian, but wasn’t questioned further…..no puzzle as to why.
Re the delegates at the conference, anybody got a list, can’t find one for love nor money. Be interesting to see if anyone came from Saudi Arabia……did Al Jazeera get a ticket?…_
Id be interested if any Australian journalists were attending, namely one Philip Williams of ABC, or anyone from News Ltd. I couldn’t find a list of attendees either Digger.
Gezzah. Thanks. At least you tried to answer my question.
Does seem strange that a list of delegates can’t be found…_
Indeed Digger, very odd. The whole thing is like some warped parody… Global Media Freedom.
You mean Mrs George ‘White Helmets Cheerleader’ Clooney???
Yeah … damaged goods in my book.
So it is OK to call out Amal for her support of the White Helmets: but it’s taboo to mention Jeremy ‘Jo Cox (regime change) Foundation’ Corbyn as fundraising for the White Helmets?
What’s that word beginning with H …?
You’re in the wrong place if you think we don’t know about her links to jihadists big B. The wrong place. Plus many Herr criticise the hell out of for deserved reasons not hysterical screechings about communism and terrorism etc
BB, it is ok.
Let me walk you through it. As you seem to be lost in the woods because of concentrating on the trees and seem to spend your comments attempting to lead people here into your ever so clever duplicity.
The Clooneys are the pretty faced multi millionaire global servants for the warmongering billionair robber barons of the world. They are an extension of the Laurel Canyon setup. Propangada presstitutes in short.
Corbyn is a mere figure head of the resurgent great British social democratic class war that was won by the people in the second world war.
That great advance has been relentlessly reversed over the last 40 years by the aristo global robbers gaining back their ‘birthrights’.
The likes of the msm and their ‘Downton Abbey’ romanticising of the good old days of toffs and serfs as some idyll that we are supposed to worship.
Within that context the only way the neolib con artists, having lost control of their ‘controlled opposition’, the Blairites can hang onto their illgotten gains, is to not argue against the ressurgent post war policies but to set traps for the representatives of that ressurgence to fall into.
In short THEY have no choice except to play the man, not the ball.
Any number of provocations have been laid for Corbyn to react to.
From daily murders of children in Gaza, to attacks on Maduro, to war crimes in Yemen, to Skripal bullshittery, to adventurism in the ME…to the shady world of Cox and her hubby (conveniently memory holed) and the AS crap, etc – AIMED to get a provocation that can be laid before the British voters.
You, BB, are a witting player of these Identity Political divisions.
Clever, but not clever enough to fool all of us all, of the time.
A general election anytime since the last one would have delivered a reaffirmation of the post war social democratic covenant. As would any GE in the near future – because the voters would be given a clear MANIFESTO for a real Labour government. With or without Corbyn having to personally deliver it. That is what THEY don’t understand. We don’t choose presidents, we choose Parliamentarians.
So, that’s the Burnham Wood closing in – yet you wish to focus on the lead tree! How’s the view from your castle wall?
DG; John:
That’s unfair about my sole focus on Corbyn: especially when I had previously said I’ll be glad when Tom Watson (or Jess Phillips) is leader …then we can correctly characterise the Labour party as it is – a state capitalist imperialist party of oppression.
I have even coined the phrase ‘Corbyn singularity effect’ to describe the delusional misrepresentation of the Labour party as ‘progressive’. My main criticism is that any positive, progressive polity Labour stands for – such as social welfare, the NHS and healthcare in general, the end of austerity, education, tackling income polarisation and enforced poverty; etc – is not in question, but can be had without support for charity regime change; without support for NATO war criminals; without support for their occupation of Eastern Europe and the neo-Nazi rape culture they have installed there; without support for the global poverty that the City of London is a tributary blood money collection centre for; without support for the supranational sovereignty of the openly fascising EU and its “Military Frankenstein” Defence Union; etc
The domestic progressive anti-austerity policies are worthy and necessary: but not if they are the sugar-coating on a bitter pill …a bitter pill that ensures misery, poverty, dehumanisation, and green imperialism worldwide. Then the policies become the lie.
So if I suspend my conscientious objection to the lie: explain to me how you are going to democratise NATO, the EU, and the City of London? For the over two years I have been charting Labour’s pull to the vicious centre of the political spectrum: I have been told that come the Conference; we will get mandatory deselection and purge the Blairites. This has proved delusional, and in that wasted time …NATO and the EU have become even more fascist imperialist – enacting the Lisbon Treaty to develop an EU “Military Frankenstein” and “European Empire” (as JC lucidly described it) – now you want us to Remain?
Even without invoking the post-democratic disenfranchisement this represents: what is the future policy to democratise the depoliticisation and de-sovereigntisation agenda of the EU? If you think there can even be one: I refer you to Constantin Lapavitsas who had personal experience of negotiating with the ‘Troika’ with Syriza. How are you going to democratise Lagarde’s ECB when there is deliberately no political mechanism to even address the ECB, EC, IMF unholy trinity?
There are so many issues: so few points of contact with reality. McDonnell is one of the ones pushing the science fiction fantasy “green industrial revolution”. What does this even mean? The UK is gaily going to partially re-industrialise and create 400,000+ unionised, well paid jobs …in total disregard of the world economic implosion. Check out a few economic headlines about the globally collapsing markets (except the stock market). I have a single word refutation of capitalism’s only hope: entropy.
I could go on: but this is much bigger than one man, one party …it is global and a paradigmatic worldview. The synopsis of which is what we think we can do, and what we can actually do to harmonise with nature and confront real world exigencies – like accounting for entropy, mineral and energy depletion, global dehumanisation and poverty, species extinctions: etc …are two very different and violently clashing things.
The policies that the real world demands negate – not just Labour’s – but the whole socio-political paradigm based on negentropic perpetual expansionism and ‘sustainable’ growth and ‘net zero’ deep decarbonisation. These things do not exist outside the socio-political imagination. Their utility and agency are nihilated by entropy. This is non-negotiable because entropy exists, has causal efficacy – which can be scientifically calculated and represented as an EROI ratio.
Do you know what an EROI of 6.2:1 indicates? A society on the verge of collapse. That’s us. All the while people are dreaming of the “Birnham Wood” grassroots populist march and assault on the “Dulsinane Castle” Zionist controlled PLP and NEC of the Labour party …they are not focusing on the real world increase in entropy; the increasing rupture of the planetary metabolic life support systems; the global immiseration of capitalist accumulation – centred on London; the funding of globalisation from London’s dark money unregulated ‘offshore’ globalist slush fund (the ‘eurodollar’ and ‘eurobond’ markets): etc.
And if we come to believe that the ”green industrial revolution” is an authentic grassroots policy to ameliorate our continuing violent dominion over the environment …a genuine , heartfelt response to a concerned young girl with Aspergers – who got on the train to Davos, camped in the freezing snow, made her presence known by chastising all those obscenely rich globalists, told them to act as though their “house was on fire” …and they did. And she came to see Jeremy …and he did – duly declaring a ”climate emergency” and ‘green industrial revolution” …whose policies will save us all whilst putting us all back to work…
That is why my comments seem to be from a different planet: they are. Even if democratised and made socially accountable – the set of ‘green industrial revolutionary’ policies that will not only end austerity but “enrich us all” …are in themselves a threat to all life on earth. The set of real world policies focused on the real world exigencies and convergent crises we face would necessarily be completely different. And that is what I am trying to get across.
Labour’s policies are life-blind. We cannot ignore the real world forever. Once we are in a catastrophic crisis situation – which is inevitable with limitless cancerous growthism – the neoliberal institutions Labour is ceding power to will shut down any dreams of grassroots revivals. Tomorrow is too late. The window of opportunity is closing. Dreams of Birnham Wood are diversionary. All those who think that their day will come when they are democratically in control of the Labour party need to act now …against the Labour party.
Of course, this will not happen. Because of Birnham Wood dreaming. Forgive my demented screaming “wake up” …but we really do all need to wake up. Unfortunately, planet BigB is the real planet where entropy exists and is accounted for …and science fiction dreaming of “green industrial revolutions” are weapons grade pixie dust. Unfortunately, they have the causal efficacy to challenge all life on earth …think about that.
Have a down tick for living up to your self claimed other wordly persona. A piece of AI couldn’t do better, nor a cut and paste William Burroughs or the Space Oddity creator.
So – you ignore all my critical points about the triangulation of attack on Corbyn, the man instead of Corbynism, the current Labour Party. Feel free to address them one by one, if you are capable.
You proceed at pace instead with your MO of obscurantism.
You throw in everything from ‘charities’ to the ‘Bankers’ to ‘Entropy’as part of avoiding the issues and still play the man – ‘Corbyn Singularity’!
One doesn’t need to have studied Physics at degree level (urm… as I did) to see that your mention of a Law of Thermodynamics (and ‘sungularity’) as a simile to the Planetery ecosystem is just a piece of newage, neurolinguistic, psycho babble designed to impress and win over these who recognise such buzz words. In short you are deploying a modern MadMen theory.
Here is a simple question.
How do you expect anything to change in the UK if you don’t support the only mainstream party that will promise a reversal of the last 40 years trajectory?
Answer on a postcard, not acres of screen, please.
EROI is rock solid scientific research: as any physics graduate should know. It is a derived second law statement: as sound as the second law.
Understanding of it simply negates anything McDonnell has to say about a fantasy ‘green industrial revolution’. The physics of which should be an obvious impossibility: particularly if you covered biophysics.
The fact that you dismiss science for science-fiction: and refer to the reality of the former as “psychobabble” just shows that you do not even want to know. You do not even want to talk about it. Reversing the UK’s declining EROI and raising it to a level of 11:1 – necessary for continuous growth would be …let’s say challenging. Increasing it with renewables to sustain a modest 3% sustainable growth rate – doubling input/output ratios every 23 years is Grade A unicorn poop. That’s science fact: not fantasy.
I’m afraid you are living in a dreamworld …a dreamworld a modicum of science can instantaneously dispel. The Green Industrial Revolution is an imaginary thing: voting for it won’t make it real. Voting for it will expose the real agenda behind the sleepwalker’s dream.
Unfortunately, the future will suffer for the pursuit of illusion. TBC…
Sliding out of answering is not surprising and as expected.
Yes we know that the next industrial revolution is a grab for the remaining resources of the world and monetization of ‘green’. We know the XR is a weaponisaation of children in that cause and for their own future enslavement.
We know that identity politics are made to divide and confuse.
We know these instruments are used to attack the only real poltical cause the 99% should have.
That is the cause of raising the poorest – always at the expense of the richest.
Its the same old revolutionary cry for freedom from slavery and equality through the ages.
You choose to fight that prime purpose. That puts you in the camp of followers of the richest against the rest of humanity.
No amount of obfuscation with pseudoscience – you introduced it- can hide your allegiance.
Why shouldn’t Saudi Arabia be there?
They are chairing the UN Human Rights and Women’s Rights Commissions, or certainly were until very recently. With the support of the UK government, of course.
We have choice as to whether to persist in a ‘thinking’ identification, or instead to watch or notice such ‘thoughts’.
In the first, the thinking generates a corresponding ‘reality’ experience of filters and rules of a narrative identity, that operate a persistence of a sense of possession and control. As if inside our own thinking or model.
In the second, the attention shifts from ‘within the definitions’ of currently running thought to the coherence and congruency of its experience relative to who we now accept ourselves to be in relation to others and world.
The second is of course simply a moment of introspection or self honesty that may be delayed, evaded or defended against by frameworks and processes of thinking that operate ways to re-assert, persist in or sustain such thinking OVER the dissonance that rises AS the symptom of conflicted premise and misalignments in ways that persist the original error of taking or being taken in by the self-image in place of a relational extension, reflection and sharing in the qualities of being.
Such that for self-illusion to ‘live’ prevail or survive, truth – of a resonance within wholeness of being – must ‘die’ or be denied.
There are tipping points as to our capacity to maintain an upside down thought system relative to a true inherence, and yet the ingenuity of mind-in-thinking is the ability to accuse or flag and attack its own conflicts in ‘others’ as a distribution of fear, guilt and negative consequence away from self under illusion of power by which to sustain and validate a false identity in ‘righteous’ attack in the name of security or defence.
I write to you the reader as an expression of the true power of choice – because while we project the cause of our dissonance out and away from our self, we make ourselves powerless to change it and compelled to hate, deny and defend against the ‘other’ who is charged with all the ‘meanings’ we cast out or indeed cast them in.
…continued on
Talking of hypocrisy: surely there is another elephant in the room?
At least we have one morally functional party that has never ceased in its indefatigable campaign in defence of press freedom, universal human rights, and against the persecution of Julian Assange…
…As part of their blanket media coverage to raise awareness; they got the NUJ to rename ‘Press Freedom Day’ as ‘Julian Assange Freedom Day’…
…Oh no, they washed their hands of him and abandoned him to his fate – to due judicial process and to face spurious rape allegations in Sweden. By Press Freedom Day Julian had been completely depersoned and not worthy of even a single word in his defence [see embedded video]:
Still, Julian will at least get a fair trial from our free and independent judiciary. From a judge whose husband is a Tory peer, associated with the arms trade, RUSI, and the MI5/MI6 ‘Old Boys’ club – and who personally appears in Wikileaks 50 times (and the arms company Thales is mentioned 2,000 times).
With friends like the British Labour party: who needs enemies?
As usual,you ruin your case by going over the top.The Labour party and Corbyn in particular,are indeed to be condemned for the failure to defend Assange more vigorously,but it really really isn’t as black and white as you suggest.The biggest divide in the Labour party is between the PLP and the party in the country.Corbyn’s mistake ,in my opinion ,is in seeking to balance forces within the PLP,when they no longer reflect opinion in the party as a whole.Support for Assange is very thin in the still largely
Blairite PLP,that is not the case in the wider party.
On the contrary John; perhaps I did not make my case strongly enough. They (Corbyn and Abbott …Thornberry kept stum) initially opposed Julian’s extradition to the US – which is laudable – but quickly caved in to peer pressure (from the Creasy Letter) for him to be extradited to Sweden to face *rape* charges. Effectively making the signatory count 73. At the time, the Swedish Authorities were not seeking his extradition …so am I wrong to categorise this as a collective Pontius Pilate hand-wringing and delivering to ‘due process’?
Between his arrest in April and Press Freedom Day in May …nothing. JC sent a video to the NUJ that contained not a single reference …gone from the conscience.
Mention of murdered Lyra McKee: but none of Julian languishing in the torture of solitary confinement in Belmarsh …detained in breech of international law for the crime of telling the truth.
Now he really does face formal extradition proceedings from the US (as well as Sweden – which is still on hold as I understand it) and a life sentence …where is the Labour led campaign?
His fate is all but sealed under Judge Arbuthnot. And Labour have washed their hands of him. It seems pretty black and black to me …particularly for Julian.
This balancing of power, where the mythical ”wider party” will end up taking control seems at odds with reality. The Blairite controlling faction of the PLP and the NEC have no intention of loosing their grip on power. In fact, they are gaining totalising control …with the inevitable ‘Final Say, Final Stay’ Remain position now confirmed. Which leads me to question: “who on earth do you think you are supporting”?
If you are going to take control: you have till February …for Julian’s sake.
If we had a functioning opposition and resistance: he should be free now. The truth is not a crime.
Like right now I’m going to have to stick up for corbyn and I don’t support him but if he didn’t tow the labour line on assange the media would have labelled him an anti Semite, pro rape, anti crime, lactose intolerant you name it
There are no rape allegations. There never were any.
That’s what the word ‘spurious’ means.
Is how Corbyn framed the matter to Sky News. The rhetoric of rape came from Abbott and the Creasy letter of betrayal – that Abbot, Corbyn, and Thornberry effectively signed after the fact.
Is how Creasy framed it. So you are right: there are no rape allegations …but that did not stop the Labour party fabricating them (whilst not presuming guilt of course). They him and labelled him a ‘rapist’ whilst doing so …a dog whistle the media was only to eager to amplify.
Like I said: with Labour championing your cause for press freedom …you are home and dry in solitary confinement in an American maximum security facility for the rest of your life. Especially when the ”due process” has Arbuthnot presiding.
You seem a bit delusional and under the impression we are labour supporters! We can see the fake anti Semitic smears for what they are and defend him against it but that’s not defending labour or even him necessarily it’s stopping a pointless smear that waters down the term anti Semitism in the same way the word racism has lost its punch
Britains media will never tolerate pluralism, let alone truth, so long as it continues to be controlled by a few tax avoiding oligarchs and staffed by greasy pole climbers from Oxbridge or the public school system.
Off-G has already spanked the arse of the media for being little more than propaganda multipliers (thanks to Terje Maloy) – in other words recycling stories from 3 news agencies, supplied to them by government sources.
Its an unholy mess – any journalist worth their salt should have turned round and walked out the door rather than listen to Jeremy Cunt babble on about how important it is to have a free press, while, as Kit rightly points out, banning unfavoured outlets like RT, or ignoring the fact whistleblowers are being tortured on his watch simply for revealing war crimes committed by the US.
Cunt is the man that lied, lied and lied again about running down the NHS (via neoliberal policies backed by him) – junior doctors went on strike, the nursing workforce was decimated, and more and more hospitals found themselves in debt.
This led to the the BMJ (and others) asking questions about the attack on public services being linked to an additional 120,000 deaths.
Did the conference on ‘press freedom’ focus on the brutal class war (or austerity if you prefer the MSM euphemism) – I doubt it somehow, I assume they must have been too busy patting themselves on the back to do the basic stuff they are meant to be doing.
As an advocate of free speech myself, I’d question how much of it is actually practised by RT, and CCTV? Both are remarkably uncritical of their own national governments.
a comment that proves you don’t watch RT. RT actually critices everything their editorial teams sees as needi9ng criticism. Somethihng whcih absolutely cannnt be said aboiut the BBC/CH4/MSNBC/CNN/WaPo/NYT etc etc the list is endless. All you can do is try to conflate RT with CCTV with not a shred of supporting evidence to support your boring NeoCon assertions..
No idea about CCTV, but then Russia isn’t a communist country anymore, is it, Bill? You know that, yet you persist with your CIA/Atlantic Council/Integrity Initiative (or whoever you’re prostituted to – I don’t know; perhaps you’re just easy to fool..who knows?)
Off you pop to the Intercept. You can get into a cicle-jerk with Antonym et al.
Name the last time they were at all critical of the Kremlin… Never is the answer you are grasping for.
Hostility toward Russia has been a media ever-present since 1945, including the infamous McCarthy era and taking the world to the brink of nuclear war.
Maybe RT is not sufficiently critical of Putin’s Russia, I don’t know, but surely there is already more tenough material available for those who require a daily dose of Russophobia – its more or less a constant feature of the 24 hour news cycle on virtually every US ‘news’ platforms?
Not within a Russia, there isn’t. That’s the difference. A Russian would be very ill advised to advocate for another country, within Russia’s borders, as you do in reverse.
There is ample criticism of Putin within Russia. A significant opposition comes from so-called “liberal” pro-Western journalists and politicians. This article is not exactly unbiased about Russian media but it points to a very different situation than the one you suggest:
“while the outlets have editorial freedom, they simply don’t make a difference politically, said Lipman. “They can run a vituperative critical commentary; they can even run reports exposing wrongdoings and abuses by government authorities, not to mention bitter political satire.”
I suspect that after the Yeltsin years a pro-Western stance is not that popular in Russia and with good reason.
The Russian “Opposition” of the Gessen/ Kasparov variety are seen regularly trooping in and out of the US Embassy to collect their money and get their instructions. They are recognised for what they are and have zero popular support.
“Not within a Russia, there isn’t.”
Perhaps not always so well informed about that of which you like to bloviate all day, are you?
Novaya Gazeta
Komsomolskaya Pravda
The New Times
Komsomolskaya Pravda
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
..to name a few
You seem a little short of knowledge of the inside workings of Russian society and politics. Smart Alec, one liner cliches don’t impress anyone with any grasp of contemporary politics. So let’s start with a few facts. Firstly the party in power and duly elected is United Russia. United Russia contains such Russian luminaries as Putin (elected as President) and Medvedev (Prime Minister). There are several opposition parties, both left and right who are critical of the policies of the Russian government. Nationalists like Zhirinovsky as well as the Communists, and an assorted group of other minor parties. There are also the oligarchs and their spokespersons such as CIA asset Navalny who have plenty of money to throw around patronizing media outlets such as the Moscow Times and St.Petersburg Times which are both foreign owned anti Putin publications and freely distributed at oligarch and foreigner watering holes. but the problem for them is that nobody votes for them or reads these publications.
Actually you can look up all this stuff on CIA World Fact Book.
There are also a number of Russian emigres living in the west who are professional Russophobes and apparently in love with American civilization, Ayn Rand comes to mind. There is another faction of White Guard emigres who seem to miss the Tsarist regime and long for its reinstatement.
Western TV current affairs programmes which are invariably anti-Russian are given free-air space on news and current affairs programmes but are so crude and unsophisticated as to become hoist by the own petard.
RT has regularly criticised corruption, lack of democracy, and failure to diversify the economy adequately. It also criticised the arrest of a journalist who was said to have been framed.
Just vote his comments down and otherwise ignore him Yarkob,it’s what most people do.
As a professed “advocate of free speech”, perhaps you are already aware that the US ranks 48th in the world in press freedoms, slightly behind Botswana though, to it’s credit more free than Senegal by a single point, while the UK ranks a lofty 33rd slightly behind Lithuania and Ghana.
h/t Reporters Without Borders 2019 Press Freedom Index
Strange that you didn’t give that statistic any context by including Russia and China’s positions (149 and 177, respectively).
John McMurtry on the Western boast of “free speech”:
“If I say to you,‘We are both free to disagree, and that is our shared principle of freedom’,you may understandably concur. As long as both of our lives are such as to enable us both to speak, this rhetorical principle may suffice. But ifI own all that can broadcast and reproduce speech, and you work a 12-hour day with a family you can barely feed, then this principle of our mutual freedom which has no qualification of definition or circumstantial substance to keep its bearings can mislead us into thinking we are in fact both free when, in truth, you are silenced and I am mega-volumed by our actual conditions of life.”
Thank you. McMurtry has one of the brightest minds of his generation and should be more widely read and disseminated. Particularly his principle of ‘onto-axiology’ …big words for a return to common sense.
Put simply: we should only value – collectively and individually – that which extends and sustains our continuing comfort and nurtures our sustainable existence – the principle of life coherence.
Consequently: we should cease to value that which is in excess of the life coherence principle – which could be termed the life blindness principle …ie the actual principles we follow.
A brilliant mind: he formulated that for the UN …too bad no one was listening.
There was a time when the BBC produced, first-class pieces of political reporting in an objective and well-researched manner. I remember one which was shown on the television current affairs programme Panorama. It was an expose on the US neo-con clique, and included probing interviews with Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen and Mayrev Wurmser. The programme was called ‘The War Party’ . The interviewees were so far out that they came across as being certifiably insane. Mrs Wurmser in particular had a distinct likeness to Letitia of ‘The Adams Family.’
Unfortunately journalism of this sort is no longer available in the UK, courtesy of the PTB.
This programme was first broadcast in 2013 and is I think available on you tube.
actually, it seems to have been broadcast in 2003.
note to admins: due to an apparent bug in your system, the wrong video is being embedded. please look into it.
https :// http://www.youtube.com / watch?v=G_ISayqQ5mw
Yes. Do you remember the doc about Operation Gladio? Imagine that being made now…
That was timewatch.
BBC2, right? I think it’s still up on YT
I take it that ‘media sustainability’ is concerned with their ability to fully control the narrative. Another hypocritical theme that catches the ear recently is how the globalist elite have taken to deploying a rhetoric of their ‘speaking truth to power’ through their own carefully selected outlets. Power speaking ‘truth’ to itself in order to re-enforce its own narratives.
My single to determine media prejudice is to put the journalist under oath, ask them to testify that their story was unbiased, then ask: ‘if you knew that eating/mutilating your own genitals and putting your children head first through an industrial food mincer were the punishment for telling anything other than the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, would you wish to change your answer?’
A bit more brutal than ‘Milud, please advise the witness as to the consequences of perjury’.
But in a world where daily lying is how you earn a living, probably the necessary level of humiliation, threats and contempt.
Try the BBC editorial team on Brexit, Climate Change, Jeremy Corbyn (I am neither Momentum nor any other form of Labour), Syria, Russia, Israel, even pro-Liverpool bias in football and they would beg for US justice so they could plead the Fifth.
Try getting some truth out of the US military about weather engineering.
I guarantee they will plead the Fifth there too…
Have to agree with this article and comment here. I recall Hunt announced in the Evening Standard a war against ‘fake news’ some months back so these events will no doubt be a regular occurrence.
I actually think many of the journalists attending this event believe the UK press is free and independent. People like Vanessa Beeley go into journalism with the intent of reporting the truth. They are not exposed to the corrupting influences and agendas of big media corporations. Mainstream journalists probably start off with good intentions. But because the whole system is based on a premise the UK is a big international player and other states and people don’t matter, most journalists will simply get sucked into this mindset so their entire reporting is based around this. A good example is the BBC debate at the weekend ( I think called Dateline) Four ‘experts’ discussing the issues of the day – many people watching thinking this is the more intelligent analysis. But the panel while coming across as intelligent to the untrained eye are nothing of the sort. The reason is they have all accepted the premise that the UK is superior and entitled to impose their will over weaker nations. Their thinking is totally back to front and from a different age although presented as progressive. It is utterly surreal and bizarre to me to see people far better educated than me come out with this stuff. The challenge for all of us I guess to find newer effective ways of challenging narratives far removed from reality but still accepted by the distracted masses.
You’ve just pulled that out of your arse. There is no such premise, but the UK is one of the five members of the UN security Council.
Yes – you are right – the UK is one of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council and, as such, has veto powers, But its position there is mainly for historical reasons in the aftermath of WWII. If the UN were being set up today, a strong case for it could not be made. In recent years there has been much questioning of that role – both in the UK and in other countries. See here, for instance:
and the links provided. In particular, note its conclusion:
“The danger is that the quest to become “Global Britain” is largely centred around economic interests and comes at the expense of the UK’s wider responsibilities as a member of the UN Security Council. If that is the case, then the legitimacy of its claim to a permanent seat will come under increased pressure.”
The real Elephant in the Room is Tommy Robinson !
There is no such person.
There is the performance (piss) artist
Yuckey-Lenin, or something like that, or Yack Yack Yacky Lemon but I don’t really know anything about modern grimey music. It all seems like a lot of words spoke very quick using slang and drang.
Maybe if he sang something proper, like White Christmas or These boots were made for walking … or changed his name to Smokey and put on some Al ‘Boris’ Johnson make up and sang ‘Mummy, mummy…betty boo hoohoo boop’ ?
I’m no fan of moslem paedo gangs, but “Robinson” is a fraud.
The EDL is a Zionist front created by Zionist activists in London and named after the JDL Jewish Defence League.
Until recently, he was receiving £10,000 a month in Zionist money. I don’t know if he still is.
He is Talmudistan’s biggest fan and a fully paid up member of the Friends of Mossad.
He’s a useful stooge stirring up trouble with moslems for Israel’s benefit.
Well, you do a good job of diverting attention from any Muslim misdeeds by your endless monotonous vilifying of Israel . Seventy two virgins are surely awaiting you in Jannah.
A few thousand British girls industrially raped? Just practicing; focus on the one guy talking in front of a “court”….
Perhaps you could get a bumper sticker made. You absolute cretin.
Katie fucking Hopkins, Ruscino!!
Are you seriously expecting to change mine or anybody elses mind by posting the Apprentice wannabee and media personality failure and has been z-list celeb renta gob’s inane vlogging????
Lol – Yaxley-Lenin a journalist? Hopkins a journalist?
Steven is a tool, Hopkins is a stool. You are being a fool.
Are you even a Catalonian? Or what? Are you claiming some other heritage? Just what??
Go on give us another laugh – i got a hangover that needs clearing!
You are so full of biased incoherent shite it’s not true !
Prove it.
The excon thug and penny Mossleyite broke the law again and again – he ain’t Robin Hood he is robbing hoods. He ain’t no Spartacus either. He is exactly where he likes being – hopefully the media will never refer to him by his stupid made up name ever again.
Tommy ten names’s mates.
I try and console myself with a certain truism, that is, every time the forces of darkness pull a stunt like disappearing the Skirpals or banning certain ‘un-cooperative’ news providers from attending a conference about media freedom, a few more former noddies wise up.
Which is what happens, it is weird the way it does, but it does. Every-time the supercilious glove puppets of the greedies push their luck that bit too far, the penny drops for a few more of us, the scales fall from eyes and another human is born again as a disbelieving cynic, a contrarian who no longer takes anyone’s word unsupported.
Unfortunately it can work the other way, especially for types who get employed by major media outlets.
I’ve seen this happen with all sorts of people, something to do with the continuous reinforcement they give each other in their little bubble.
When there is a break in the back-biting and arsehole crawling, for some perverse reason the talking heads seem to trust each other in matters they consider irrelevant to their own coddled existence. eg politics, especially politics about the ‘other’ out there in a foreign land where they don’t talk like ‘us’.
I saw an example a few days ago. The graun, which I still dip into as I also do with the NYT (when I can be bothered deleting all nyt cookies) as a vital source of all the news that isn’t true, ran an article on some bloke who had come up through the reality TV ranks and has now been dubbed a ‘proper’ media personality.
Apparently he had been on a show called “Celebrity Gogglebox” where he was the only human who a) was a celeb & b) talked sense. According to the graun, that is.
I was interested the graun always sledges people who appear in reality TV, chiefly I imagine because to many ordinary humans slip thru the net and are allowed to sound off about stuff they shouldn’t (be allowed to, or sound off about).
What made the graun ‘like’ this chap? He must be truly awful if the graun pronounces him great.
I was interested, mainly because the graun always sledges people who appear in reality TV, chiefly I imagine, because too many ordinary humans slip thru the net and are allowed to sound off about stuff they shouldn’t (be allowed to, or sound off about).
What made the graun ‘like’ this chap? He must be truly dreadful if the graun pronounced him great. I had to see for myself.
So I watched an episode of this “Celebrity Gogglebox” show – the type of stuff we would usually steer well clear of since reality TV ain’t real – it is heavily scripted, and anything with “celebrity” in the title must by definition be awful.
The program was about the once known (usually because they had a role in some other, now defunct TV program) watching assorted TV shows and talking pretentious nonsense.
I suppose the piffle was a way to tell us that yes, they may not invade our living room regularly anymore, but they still hadn’t fallen to the level of us plebs.
Anyway this bloke who is apparently an english radio announcer came on. He was watching TV with is mother and they both seemed to be harmless enough, she didn’t say much and he came across as a sort of Liberace but without the keyboard skills, or the voice, or come to think of it, the lamé onesie.
He seemed innocuous enough, he was playing that role of gay but saucy young-looking bloke who middle-aged english women enjoy.
A particularly english character who I don’t think has a role anywhere else.
In fact I thought that character had died out when the ancient queens who played ’em did, never to resurface again, because pouncing it up is allegedly considered uncool in the contemporary gay continuum, but apparently not always.
This bloke was fulfilling a need and good on him for doing it in such an amiable fashion. I was still a bit puzzled about the graun rave tho, why would they laud this bloke given that they are known proponents of “gay and limp-wristed just isn’t the look nowadays”.
These ‘slebs’, I believe we are meant to refer to them as, all watched the same shows a cross a range of different genres and channels. Then the producers whacked on the evening news. That night’s big yarn was Donny Trump stepping a cross a painted white line and shaking Kim Jong-un’s hand.
Totally predictable – just about every sleb made some parochially english denigration of Trump, then the show moved on to the next sleb.
Last to feature was aforesaid radio announcer and his mum, who made a couple of 100% unoriginal slanders about Trump before her son leapt outta his seat shouting “On my life, you know that Kim Jong-un has a fishpond in his palace courtyard, dontcha? Yep, on my life he keeps hundreds of Piranha in it and when someone does something he doesn’t like, Kim has ’em tossed in the fishpond so he can watch ’em die. On my life.”
Aha! So that is why the graun rants the chap up. He is silly enough to believe blatantly foolish propaganda, which means that when he repeats it, it sounds sincere. So others get sucked in to the tosh as well.
This poor fool isn’t Robinson Crusoe, I’ve witnessed the same phenomena with types I know who have become initiated into the lower rungs of one of the lie machines.
UreKismet’s law: The further down the media totem pole someone sits, the more facile and nonsensical are their ‘true stories’ about contemporaneous societal scapegoats.
As appallingly hypocritical as it is, allowing low life scum such as Jeremy C++t and Victoria Freedland to host a seminar called ‘Global Media Freedom Conference’ our takeaway should be that these ‘folks’ are becoming increasingly desperate and unhinged.
So much so that the propaganda being churned out is less and less believable.
When all they have left to sell their nonsense are nice but no-talent half-wits, they really are in trouble.
It won’t be long before the yarns go too far and finish up convincing no one.
The only force of darkness here is the Russian state. It does not forgive betrayal, and seeks to prevent it by never letting those who cross it rest.
Lol, William, you sound like a children’s story book. Ask your supervisor if they can swap you over to BBC HYS or something, this is where the adult’s talk.
Yes, it was the Russian state that butchered 4 million Vietnamese. And 2 million Iraqis. And 200,000 Guatemalans. Complete bounders, those Russians.
return to your Mossad/CIA masters. tell them that you have failed.
The British-Canadian “Global Media Freedom Conference” is not about promoting media freedom.
It is about manipulating and weaponizing the idea of media freedom in the service of the Anglo American imperial powers–particularly the United Kingdom and Canada, as well as their silent master, the United States of America.
Of course, manipulation and weaponization are what the USA, UK, and allies do in general with respect to all of their vaunted “values” like stopping the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, fighting terrorism, or defending Human Rights, Democracy, Freedom, blah, blah, blah.
In particular, the Anglo American media is responsible for peddling outright propaganda and disinformation to justify wars of aggression against multiple nations–the most notable being non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and the Anglo-American aggression against that nation, which has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and destroyed the lives of untold many more.
This is to mention other Big Lies from the self-styled Anglo Free Press like the moral legitimacy of the West supporting “pro-democracy” jihadists against Libya and the 2011 “humanitarian” bombing of that nation; the ongoing Western support of similar pro-democracy headchoppers and jihadists against Syria; the pro-democracy coup attempts against Venezuela; or the fake War on Terrorism and Reichstag Fire event of Sept. 11th that catalyzed this war.
These self-appointed British-Canadian crusaders for “media freedom” are nothing of the sort.
They are in fact (media) war criminals of the first order.
If we lived in a sane world, this conference on “global media freedom” would have been met with massive protests–or at unending waves of derisive laughter.
Amanpour is deeply compromised y her long marriage to James Rubin, assistant sec of state and CIA asset- its possible,likely even that she too is CIA.
at her level it doesn’t matter; it’s a revolving door. She’s certainly part of the mockingbird team, which is the same thing at the end of the day
While this is obvious to most here, 80-90% of the population doesn’t seem to notice in the UK. No Gilets Jaunes, only state condoned XRs. Same in the Netherlands or Germany.
This is also a tango which takes two: how come these totalitarians keep being voted in?
Because propaganda works, and they’re really good at it these days.
Hypocrisy is a British art form.
If there were gold medals for hypocrisy, Britain would have a chestful of them.
The only thing I don’t understand is why all US media is not required to register as foreign agents in Russia.
Or why France 24, Deutsche Welle, BBC and all other state controlled media outlets are not treated in a similar fashion.
Their bank accounts closed without explanation.
Refused accreditation to official functions and briefings.
Any local Russian staff treated as spies, traitors and enemy assets.
Anyone from BBC Media Action who turns up there should be treated as the subversives they are, like the MI6 asset Zardari Ratcliffe in Iran.
The Saker explains that, on the contrary, Russian authorities are determined to expose the population to as much Western russophobic propaganda as possible, so as to disabuse them of any lingering illusions in Western “democracy”, “free speech”, and “liberalism”.
Of course, this doesn’t work on Western audiences, because they’re mostly too stupid to perceive how farcically absurd it all is.
They give virtually unlimited air time to Washington Neocohens calling for nuclear war against Russia, Ukie Nazis threatening war against Russia, and rabid clowns from the UK threatening to destroy Russia. There is a shortage of good domestically produced comedy programmes there.
Something you cannot possibly have any evidence for.
You have little to complain about the UK. It gives you the freedom to libel someone online.
Brave of you, given that Mrs Ratcliffe is in no position to defend herself.
Anyone who works on the Iran Regime Change Project promoting subversion and terror deserves all they get. I hope she serves every day of her richly deserved sentence. This country forfeited the right to criticise any other country when it sent in its secret police goon squad to drag Assange out of the Ecuador embassy. After that, whenever some clown like May or Johnson utters the words “human rights” the rest of the planet will just roll around on the floor, helpless with laughter.
There you go again, fetishising repression… Is it the uniforms? Do you dream of being whipped by the religious police?
After seeing the name of Chrystia Freeland in the introduction, I could tell straight away this so-called conference on global media freedom was going to be steeped in something far worse than whatever emanates from the lowest levels of Hell where psychopathic killers are held.
Freeland had to have lied about her grandfather’s past, of collaborating with the Nazis and printing a newspaper (using the printing equipment and assets seized from a Jewish family that ended up in a concentration camp) supporting Nazi and Nazi-related policies,in order to have been able to campaign to represent her Toronto constituency in Ottawa in the first place and then later to join Justin Bieber Trudeau’s cabinet as Foreign Minister.
She is in no position at all to be even 100 kilometres within range of the conference, much less co-host it.
The sound of faint laughter we might be hearing must be coming from Joseph Goebbels’ little corner in the underworld.
Yes, fascism is coming home, it’s coming home! [Sung to the tune of football’s coming home]
Would anyone wish to share a platform with a Neo-Nazi collaborator in the name of [ahem] press freedom. Only sock-puppet liberals and their Tory handlers.
On the contrary, Jen. ‘Free’-land is eminently qualified to co-host the event. She was an outstanding journalist in her own right – in grand-daddy Chomiak’s family tradition – writing for Radio ‘Free’ Europe/Radio Liberty. Surely she knows everything their is to know about ‘free’ media …from an inverted totalitarian Orwellian perspective? 😀
Yes, Freedland is the absolute worst, a despicable woman. She did her best to cheer on the U.S. instigated Guaido coup in Venezuela, not to mention her very vocal backing of the Bandera Svoboda Ukrainian fascists in the Ukraine coup. Did you read about those leaked U.S. State Dept cables about her becoming CA foreign minister was a ‘coup’ takeover of Canadian foreign policy? Sure looks like it.
I thoroughly resent the distortions in this article. We in the West are blessed with the finest propupgander in the West. We take a gander at what’s happening somewhere and if it doesn’t meet our criteria (‘All the news that fits we print’) we prop it up a bit here and there until it does. I’m not surprised opinions like this got banned from the Telegraph’s BTL.
I think RT UK is REALLY good for covering the OTHER side of the story of UK / US stories. I have seen Tory Blair called an ‘alleged war criminal’ on it, I have seen on it interviews with people expelled/ suspended from the Labour party against a background of antisemitism allegations ( Mark Wadsworth and Chris Williamson). I watch RT UK quite often …it’s not really my ideal choice ( far too much about Russia and China which do not interest me that much. Too much about the US for me too) However it’s the one of the few places where I have found reports where they try to present information / arguments which you used to find in the UK broadsheets/ on the BBC …and which have just vanished! Sky TV showed a good interview with George Galloway on anti semitism………at least once!
RT provides good professional reports. Their interviewers are superb. The Chanel has more intellect in a night than bbc in a month. I also like Al Jazeera who at the moment seems to oppose (almost) the entire world which gives some sharp insights. Of course we don’t expect RT to turn against the Russian government or Al Jaz to stop representing the Sunni Arab position but who expects the BBC to even report fairly on internal political affairs?
Galloway is an imbecile, to be filed alongside David Icke.
how’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
Excellent article. Spot on!