Soros-backed NGO to release new stories – Here’s why they are bogus
The group behind the The Panama Papers reportedly gearing up for more politically convenient “news”
Celia Schmidt

Three years after Panama Papers scandal, the media continue to discuss the leak’s impact. While some of these revelations have led to further investigations, the most noisy allegations made by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), involved in reporting on Panama Papers, didn’t hold water.
The OCCRP calls itself “an investigative reporting platform formed by 24 nonprofit investigative centers spread across Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.”
It is, however, almost fully funded by Soros, a financier with a penchant for subsidizing radical causes around the world with assistance from the U.S. State Department.
So what is the real motivation behind this large-scale and costly information campaign?
Who orchestrated the leak and its media coverage
According to Wikileaks, the United States government was behind the Panama Papers, in order to target Russia and President Vladimir Putin.

Indeed, the majority of the international media has been pointing at the Russian leader following the data leak, but he wasn’t even mentioned in the published documents.
What is even more curious is that a few months before the leak, on June, 2015, there was a closed meeting on Russie-issue between U.S. state department officials, George Soros and Bill Browder, a London-based billionaire. It appears that the two businessmen with the support of the U.S. government have launched an information campaign to attack their enemies. And they are not going to stop.
New allegations to come
Two years after the Panama Papers, on January 2018, the U.S. Treasury Department released a list of 210 officials and billionaires from Russia’s ruling elite, the so-called Kremlin report, to provide the basis for a possible new set of sanctions. But there was no big effect.
“It [the list] was apparently compiled using the presidential administration’s telephone directory,” joked one of the Kremlin officials. A Treasury official admitted to BuzzFeed’s John Hudson that the department had simply copied the Forbes list of Russian billionaires for the oligarch portion of the list.
The list was so broad as to be meaningless, rendered even more so by the fact that no one on it would be targeted for punishment.
But Washington continues its offensive.
In March this year, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill that requires the U.S. intelligence community to provide Congress detailed information on Putin’s personal assets or assets believed to be under his control.
In other words, it requires to dig up something that could be used to justify new sanctions against Russia. Here comes the Treasury Department, which has close ties to Soros and Browder.
This new information campaign against Putin and his circle will be pretty much the same as the one related to the Panama Papers. Soros and Browder backed organizations, like OCCRP and ICIJ, are in charge of releasing data prepared by the intelligence agencies.
The U.S. government-affiliated international media outlets are to blow up the story to attract more public attention. And then, the Treasury will be ready to impose a new round of sanctions allegedly to deter Russia, but in fact, to defend the interests of a few American billionaires.
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It looks like the Jews are chimping out again and going into overdrive with the smear campaign against Jezza. This comes hard on the heels of the latest BBC smear piece and will be coordinated with the rest of the Jew media. They are going all out to drive him out of public life as soon as possible with a third no confidence vote.
This was only to be expected. Bojo The Clown will be anointed as prime minister on Tuesday. All hell will break loose as he tries to force Brexit through. A General Election could come any time, with a Tory meltdown over the failure to carry out Brexit. The Board of Deputies are soiling their britches at the thought of Jezza getting the keys to No. 10, so they want to destroy him before then as a matter of urgency. Though with all the smears and the weakening of Labour it looks like Farage could be the beneficiary.
Expect wall to wall smearing from the MSM over the next couple of weeks. The Jews are determined to bring things to a head.
“” This new information campaign against Putin and his circle will be pretty much the same as the one related to the Panama Papers. Soros and Browder backed organizations, like OCCRP and ICIJ, are in charge of releasing data prepared by the intelligence agencies.””
No surprise here. Soros and Browder belong to the investor class who was about to take over Russia’s industries including mines during the anarchy under Yeltsin.
Then came Putin; he and his men put a stop to that. Everywhere in the world where government/the public engages in an economic activity, therefore keeping Soros, Browder, and BlackRock outside, there are campaigns against that country. They are mostly focussing on ousting the leader and when that does not work they destroy the country with bombs.
Iraq is open for US oil now, wasn’t under Saddam. Even Australia’s one time Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was in on it, wanting to take over the important Sukhoi log gold mine north of Baikal.
It can be observed everywhere:
Open for the US investor class = good country.
Not so open for the US investor class = bad leader (can’t say bad country because they want to take it over one day).
The US government needs to see a psychiatrist because they are so paranoid that they devote more time and resources to Vladimir Putin than is warranted.
NGOs are not accountable to anyone, except their sources of money.
They are hobby organisations by people who think of themselves as important. Agency for International development was once mentioned as one of the 17 CIA like organisations but that may have changed?
All billionaires are equal, but Russian billionaires are more equal than others. Putin of course is just middle class
It is all not that simple; some billionaires turned out benign, like Warren Buffett
Benign billionaire you say?
Benign Billionaire Buffett.
Parasitic Rent Seeker.
Contributor of nothing of value to the economy or society.
Making unbelievable sums of money with the free cash handed out to the rentier class.
Pushing GMO and debt slavery and intellectual property monopolies and Big Pharma on to the poorest countries in the world.
About as Benign as a tapeworm.
I’m imagining a conversation between myself and the writer of this vapid assembly of text –
Me: What happened, what allegations? Writer: Nothing, none.
Me: What’s going to happen? Writer: Maybe something.
Me: When is it going to happen? Writer: Don’t know.
Me: What’s it about? Writer: Not sure.
Me: How can it therefore be “bogus”? Writer: Erm, don’t know, but I felt the need to write something about nothing, added the name Soros and Putin, and it got clicks.
Brendon O Connell with another great broadcast here, some great info, sans bullshit. US, China, Israel, Russia and the technology transfer that has been taking place for decades out of the US to China and Russia via Israel. This guy is on it!
It’s a BIG board game for bored billionaires and their ennui is gonna deliver extinction.
Game over.
George Soros: the man behind many an agenda …some more cogent than others …
“We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed. Everything needs to change and it has to start today. So everyone out there it is now time for civil disobedience and to rebel”. Greta Thunberg.
“…[to] sacrifice liberty in defence of their beliefs. We are those people!” George Monbiot.
There is no direct link between George Soros and the current XR “Summer Uprising” in defence of capitalism …not that I know of. But I recognise the MO: the sense of (shock therapy; crisis capitalism) urgency; the solution/problem/crisis manufactured inversion of the campaign …where the problem is capitalism, so the solution must be more capitalism …pretending to be green, humanist, ecological capitalism (for the children; to prevent the 300 litres of fake blood being their real blood); the recuperation of the agenda before it even emerges into the public consciousness …the policy solutions having been already decided – now they just need the public consent; who better to give that consent than the children and coming of (political) age post-millennials (and younger millennials) …who will be most affected (by capitalism); and all the globalists at WEF and their ‘influenced’ politicians agree. Why, even Theresa May is an eco-feminist now. And Jeremy Corbyn declared a ‘Mayday, Mayday’ ‘climate emergency’ (but that was just a coincidence).
But who is the Pied Piper? It’s fairly fucking obvious, but “beneath me” to say. But his MO – or his organisers MO (I doubt if he gets his fingers dirty) – is all over it.
If you want to change ‘The Rules’: you better have some new rules …”Rules for Revolutionaries” …the modern Ailinskian “Rules for Radicals”: updated for the social media age. For instance: if you don’t like the current crusty ‘Clintonian’ Democrats; found a Political Action Committee (Justice Democrats; Brand New Congress); pick some hip new underpriviliged ethnic minority candidates; select ‘rotten boroughs’ where old, ossified, habituated representatives are ripe for toppling (like NY’s 14th Congressional District); start 18months early; identify non-aligned and floating voters; and hit the streets, knocking doors. Come election day – you’ve got the numbers. Et voila: a grassroots campaign; a ‘superstar’ Rep …a change candidate representing ‘the people’ – one you picked, own and control.
If you watch this video: bear in mind that Cenk Uygur was the one that picked AOC. See how he moves it on when she says as much. This is basically an infomercial for “Rules for Revolutionaries”:
So who wrote the new “Rules …” – Zack Exley. If you want to change the rules: you set the new set of rules. Then, when you have your policy goals mapped out …you mobilise the grassroots to make it happen. The people get the candidate they want, to replace the old ossified Representative. Only, who calls the tune: the people; the Pied Piper …or he who pays the Piper?
It might be desperately unpopular here: but Exley’s connection with; Avaaz; and Purpose (the White Helmet’s PR outfit) …and their tangled web that links ‘philanthrocapitalism’: the Jo Cox Foundation; the Green New Deal; and the Labour Party should be clear. I’m still reeling from the declared fact that some people claim they recognise this …but they are going to dogggedly legitimate and validate terrorism and the ‘new climate economy’ (the pre-determined solution) with their unswerving loyalty and vote anyway. That is how to effect change. I’m sure Zack would agree. WTF has this got to do with anything? Government is too slow to respond. The key demand for the Summer Uprising is the Citizens Assembly to ‘advise’ and expedite Government. Only, who will the Citizens be? And who will call the tune? The ‘Citizens’; the Pied Piper; or he who pays the Piper?
The rules have changed. Policy is front-run (policy determines reality; not vice-versa). We need to rebel to save capitalism …for the kids. Who better to lead that than the Citizen’s representatives …who speak for the kids.
[“The” was another ‘culture hacking’ online creation that (unsuccessfully) aimed to identify and change the parameters …to extend and pretend capitalism].
When XR and Greta demand the end of capitalism to end the rapacious exponential accumulation and extractivism that are causing the ecocide (even ‘ecocide’ has been recuperated and weaponised now) …I will know then that they are authentic. Until then, he who pays the piper plays the tune. He’s not the only one (checkout the ‘natural capital(ist) coalition’) …but his astroturfed ‘grassroots’ campaigns are obvious …when you know the MO. And Exley wrote the new ‘Rules’ …for citizen civil societies or for neoliberal philanthrocapitalists …exemplified by Uncle George?
The rules haven’t changed, BB, they’ve just become more obvious.
Karl Rove said, we give you your reality…….
To me and you: and many of the ‘woke’ …but the updated social media age ‘Rules’ still work. Because we – the broader ‘we’ – want them to work. Because it saves our inconvenience; and because we are entangled in the same desire-dreams as the ultra-capitalists. We want the end of austerity, the return to full employment, the ‘extend and pretend’ dreams of ‘progress’ and ‘prosperity’. And so we are putty in the hands of who can best make those imaginary dreams seem rational and plausible.
We are only Fromm’s ‘authoritarian personalities’ because we want to be …because we believe a displaced authority – other than the only true autonomous authority of our own – will deliver the actuality of our desire-dreaming imaginal. This is the false consciousness community of consent …and we will do anything – I mean anything (re the Milgram experiment) – in obedience to authority to see our desire-dreaming become real. Which makes desire-dreaming proto-fascist in its essence.
And when we are betrayed, again and again, we do not iterate and evaluate and learn …we habituate the same set of behaviours that have failed again and again. This is ‘one dimensionality’ – where critical realism, self-responsibility, and liberational consciousness have collapsed into cycles of obedience and intentional subjugation.
This is what the critical theorists found in America. And this is where we still are getting on for a century later. We are the Job’s of authority: no pestilence is too much to tolerate so long as the desire-dreaming imaginal is the mirage of devotion.
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
While we dream: they act. The dream and the act are quite separate: but instead of sundering humanity from statist corporatist insanity …we alter the dream to suit. In this way neoliberal economism forges its own culture of consent. Avaaz just have to tap into our own flows of desire …they are not creating anything. They are just diverting our own conscious streams of desire for change back against us …delivering the change they want: which is no change at all but a gradualist reformulation and reproduction of the accumulation of our wealth. Our real wealth, which is our conscious holism and self-sovereignty …not that tacky shit we accept in token and symbolic exchange.
All because we can no longer embody the multi-dimensional Real …and we have lost sight of what it even is any more.
Yes. Interesting. Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’, and his companion piece ‘Reveille for Radicals’ are still useful,I believe.Real nuts’n’bolts stuff,only from a guy who was well read,a great American,who had tons of on-the-ground experience,as well.
There’s nothing to stop a genuine authentic movement using the Rules – or even Gene Sharp’s “Colour Revolution” manual – but, for whatever reason …we don’t. Which is why we are so vulnerable for Avaaz ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ type campaigning.
XR launches simultaneously – via Twitter – in the US and UK; declares a climate rebellion nationally in November (17th); a little girl camps in subzero conditions at Davos – then tells the ruling classes to act as though the “house is on fire” …and they do; the entire campaign is international by April; and cities and governments start declaring ‘climate emergencies’; etc
What would happen if I sent my friends 15 year old daughter to Davos next year: to tell the possessing class billionaires that the only cure for the broader Human Dominion Crisis (the ‘climate’ crisis is intentional neoliberal framing to mask the real breadth and depth of the real existential emergency) …the only solution is the end of capitalism. Would her campaign be international, and would she be sitting down with heads of state a few weeks later?
We are our own worst enemies. A genuine humanist social movement that encompassed the ethics of universality to include all indigenous and oppressed peoples globally – and that is just about everybody by now – would be bloody hard work. It would face infiltration, subversion, demonisation, and recuperation from day one. If it were genuine; it would face violent repression as it got going …there is no doubt the states paramilitary repressive apparatuses would be unleashed …and the unjust ‘rule of law’ enforced.
[Something needs to be said about the current XR’s obsession with sending other people to jail – “in defence of their beliefs”. Will Monbiot go to prison? Will Roger Hallam go to prison? Will Gail Bradbrook go to prison?]
But a genuine coalition of the oppressed would succeed, if it was internationalised in anti-capitalist solidarity from the start – because around 80-85% of humanity have nothing to lose but their chains. It has to come from the imperial Heartland. The only thing keeping the current order in place are the climate petty bourgeoisie who want other people to go to prison …in defence of their neoliberal liberty.
The entire polity and institutionalised hierarchy of rule – including the CSOs, NGOs, and astroturfed grassroots social movements (the ‘NPIC’ – the non-profit industrial complex) is corrupt, neoliberally infested, corporate captured, and life-blind …an anti-human humanitarianism. If the real humanity wants to step out of the shadow sovereignty of the likes of Soros and the philanthrocapitalist ruling classes …we need to reject the current order. Otherwise, we will remain the false consciousness suckers for Soros and his ilk of hedge fund ‘climate’ activism…
Another powerful comment B, and agree with pretty much everything you say. Regards fake ‘activist’ organisations like AVAAZ, or here in Australia, Get Up (basically a front for the completely neoliberalised Labor Party) – follow the money to the source. While selling the mag, would have well intentioned customers who were opposed to the whole Neoliberal race to the bottom, and upon further discussing ‘The System’ with them, find out they were members of AVAAZ or Get Up. Sigh. I actually referred a quite a few of them to the Wrong Kind Of Green site, as I’ve referred others to the Neoliberalism Softpanorama site as well. We can lead a horse to water, but can’t make them drink. Only one got back to me. Like you, I believe the psychopathic 0.01℅ would go all out to infiltrate, co opt, or smash any genuine anti capitalist movement. Across the channel from you in France is an example of that.
I dragged my sorry ass up to the Big Smoke; to satisfy my own curiosity. There was no one there: well, not enough to warrant all the media coverage (there was no where near “3,000” – more like 300.)
[ – this picture shows about a third of the crowd, I’d say.]
I reckon, back in the day, I could have got at least as many – in the very low hundreds – under a Black or a Black and Red (or Black and Green eco-)Flag. But I wouldn’t have got on Newsnight. Or Radio 4. And I probably would have got my skull fractured – non-violence or not.
I’m still conflicted about XR. Whatever corporate intentions and purposes they may be serving: there are plenty of genuine people there. And they are not stupid.
The subversion of ‘ecocide’ – the “Polly Higgins” yacht is named after the environmental lawyer who died recently – and the anti-capitalist murmurings reflect a change of narrative. Rupert Read talks the talk; but his proclivity is toward ‘natural capital’. What I sense, and what I am getting at is: have they let the genie out of the bottle?
If we are serious and true to Polly Higgins: making ecocide a crime under the Statute of Rome would require the total cessation of the capitalist extractivist system. People know this: and if they try and contain that with some half-arsed measure they will notice.
Anyway; if XR is a cynical neoliberal ploy to direct authentic desire for change toward ‘natural capital’ pre-determined policy goals – as I still believe it is at the top – the grassroots they are mobilising may not agree. Watch this space.
And I’ll be adding a tiny bit of weight to influence the ‘climate framing’ – which can be financialised – to ‘entropy and ecocide’ framing – which can’t be. You cannot extend private property rights or trade in entropy and ecocide …you have to outlaw private property and trade for profit to deal with that.
Good Afternoon B… I’m not sure about Extinction Rebellion myself, but I’ve noticed too it does seem to generate a lot of media, compared to say the Gilets Jaunes who almost don’t exist if your only source was the MSM. We both know there are groups out there who are gatekeepers, and who act as steam valves for people who are waking up to what’s going on. Any of my customers who I think are even slightly awake or opposed to what’s going on, I direct them to sites like those I mentioned. I critique the whole globalisation process – offshoring of jobs etc to others; try to get the message out to anyone I think will listen. You probably know this site, but lately been looking at Monthly Review Press – John Bellamy Foster, Fred Magdoff, Samir Amin, etc. Some excellent writing critiquing Neoliberalism from an ecological point view. Thanks for your reply B.
No worries. XR are definitely not legit or authentic. The ‘Climate Movement’ parent; XR Business; and Hallam’s training video showed that. As mentioned above: they don’t want radicals or revolutionaries – they want the young and unaligned who they can tap emotionally. The thing is, quite a few old fart radicals and revolutionaries are coming out of the woodwork! If you can’t start a rebellion: the next best thing is to hijack one! 😉
Makes you wonder if there’s any genuine anti capitalist genuinely pro ecological groups anywhere? Just rereading WKOG article on Hallam and how to block and bypass the ‘obstructive Left’ posted on May 6th. Gatekeepers everywhere B….
It is eminently possible for this piece to be accurate, but for Russia and Putin to deserve everything coming their way.
The ability to hold two independent thoughts is an indicator of intelligence.
Kiddy Bonehead that is a psychiatric diagnoses of some disorder shirley?
What exactly is your purpose here? What exactly has Russia done to you personally?
What exactly did you see in the inkspots?
How many ‘independent’ you’s are there in there with ‘you’ and where?
What exactly has America/Israel done to you personally?
I asked first silly billy – you got to answer and then I will.
Did you really take time out of your day to post that? You sad bastard.
I’m quite happy actually and enjoying my birthday today, with pmq’s. I also do know my parentage going back some 3 centuries so have no problems with that, maybe you are projecting kiddo?
You must be the slowest gun in Dodge if you don’t understand that answering a question ain’t polite, but you’d need a decent up bringing for that.
(laughs, hysterically)
At self.
“What exactly has America/Israel done to you personally?”
They have betrayed every conceivable law of God on a worldwide scale, inflicting their evil, despicable way of life upon the entire human race, to the point where you cannot escape the effects of their evil anywhere on the planet. They have infected all life with their disease. That’s what they’ve done to me personally. They have destroyed the world in which I live, turning it into a Satanic, military/corporate, 1984 on steroids hellhole, all the while lying about their actions and blaming innocent third parties for their evil ways. They have infected me with their disease, and they have infected everyone I have ever met with their disease. That’s what they’ve done.
They are no different to any other country. They defend there interests the same as any country does.
To be honest, I look at what America and Israel does, and it seems small beer compared to Syria, Russia, China. I can’t understand why you exaggerate the misdeeds of one side, while completely ignoring the murderous behaviour of the other.
“ To be honest, I look at what America and Israel does, and it seems small beer compared to Syria, Russia, China. ”
this one comment proves you are either clinically insane, or a paid shill.
i can’t even be bothered to continue. bye.
Outside of your echo chamber you are lost.
This is the typical response from people who support violence to rob and cause suffering on those they hate! They seek escape from unbearable guilt by hitting back at ordinary decent people. Saying, “you must be just as bad if not worse than us?” Adding the old excuse of “self interest by any means” being human nature! (Which is why they hate altruism and deny it can exist)
Better still if they can find justification for their inhumanity by equating say, street violence to high altitude indiscriminate bombing, (Millions of tons of bombs which destroyed populations and led to civil disintegration!) So much suffering! Even Stalin might feel surpassed
Plus, they are about to try to kill me personally with their network of Millimeter Wave powered 5g antennae.
First they murdered millions of Iraqis and Afghanis, but no-one in my country cared because they are all so greedy and stupid and detached from their souls. Then they destroyed Syria, and Libya and Yemen, murdering, destroying and maiming with impunity, lying all the time about their evil ways. I tried to tell my countrymen, family and friends about it, but they are too stupid and self absorbed to care, it’s just another opportunity to ridicule me and make themselves feel big.
Now the controllers are installing the military equipment at home, the 5G MILLIMETER WAVE GUNS, which they are going to install everywhere. They’re going to switch on the millimeter waves and keep firing them until they have achieved whatever it is they wish to achieve. Many will die as a result.
I have tried to tell people about the murderous, genocidal tendencies of those they elect. They don’t care and label me crazy. The chickens are coming home to roost now.
1. Dragged us into assorted disastrous criminal wars of aggression based on their lies to serve Zionist interests.
2. Constantly interfered in our politics with lies, smear campaigns, corruption and blackmail, undermining our democracy and society, and destroying the lives and careers of decent people.
3. Perverting and degrading our media into a Zionist shill factory.
4. Promoting unassimilable alien third world mass immigration to destroy our society demographically.
5. Promoting every form of perversion and degeneracy with the same objective.
That’s just a few to be going on with.
Let me know if you need any more.
Don’t get me wrong I agree with your points, mostly, but what is their objective regards degeneracy, its a genuine question, i see no logic to it.
They are pushing Globo Homo, LGBTABDCDEFGHIJKL+++++++ degeneracy, with its 61 genders, 57 varieties of perversion, trannie nonsense, brainwashing little kids as a legal requirement, with paedophilia, incest and bestiality in the pipeline, on to the whole planet.
This is their openly trumpeted official policy.
It’s called “equality” they can’t leave out the kids & animals,it wouldn’t be fair.
Still I wonder how its equal when minority groups get special treatment & more rights than others.
What do Israel “deserve coming their way”, and how will it impact on the USA?
you suck dude.
Positing two unrelated or even contradictory thoughts as a narrative is the sign of deceit.
So your opening line appeals for sympathy and your unrelated ‘but for’ is smear of insinuation inside the trojan ’eminence’.
Who ‘deserves’ what’ – let alone the populations of a federation of nations – is whatever you want to make up.
Narrative manipulation judges good and evil, or threat and protection, as a framing of false witness. Everyone may choose to observe this active as their thinking – but that does not make them evil, although evils arise from false premises taken in place of true and at cost of true.
Intelligence can operate from false premises such as to protect a lie against the truth, while fearing and projecting fear onto the messengers of truth.
The fearful imagination can posit or project its OWN thought in ‘others’ or ‘rivals’ such as to then react AS IF it is fact – and in such a way as to seek and find support for its feared belief.
The use of intelligence can also be aligned with a sense of possession and control as a private agenda set over and against the whole, in fear of dispossession and loss of control. This is evident in such captured revenue streams as the Milltary Industrial complex – which of course has grown its own ‘intelligence’ as a weapon to protect its market share or indeed mind-capture.
So in a sense a parasitic corruption or inversion of intelligence has largely usurped the mind of open expression and framed its world so as to inhibit of dis-incentivise any natural alignment of thought, word and deed in wholeness of being.
The term ‘deserve’ is associated with the carrot and the stick of incentivised behaviour. But true or innate and inherent worth is not achieved or gotten from the denial, undermining or destruction of the worthless in ‘self or other – so much as revealed ALREADY true to the release of a false assertion and acceptance of unworthiness effected by judgement.
Thoughts and their behaviours CAN be unworthy of us – and so do not truly deserve allegiance, support or sacrifice of what DOES. The idea of GETTING worth upon the scapegoating or sacrifice of ‘other’ is an ‘Economy’ founded on GUILT and SIN. That translates as debt and war.
It is quite possible that those invested in deceit serve a true purpose unknowing – but to recognise that is to see only as a true purpose aligns. The wish to make up stories and assert or interject them as ‘real’ is made more tangible in guilted fear or indeed mind control.
What if everyone deserves love’s awareness Now… because innocent perception does not block awareness of a true recognition? Inherence is not privately gotten or achieved but an inheritance generated from false premises – or false promises – is by definition a private and hidden agenda or ‘secret intelligence’. Is it ‘Too Big To Fail!’ ? Or to put it another way – only if it can be framed and SOLD as an evasion of a greater evil. Thus toxic debts are packaged in complex instruments for trading and consumption in a trojan ‘Economy’.
Buyer beware! In other words pause and look within before buying into anything – especially when seeming or seeking to elicit a sympathetic reaction.
Deceivers actively teach where our ‘back doors’ are so as to re-align in integrity instead of being run as assets of a hidden or denial agenda. It’s an education. Graduation is the freedom to say “Thanks – but no thanks!” so as to more truly align in our being, our relations, our thought and experience.
What we choose to see in others we strengthen in ourselves. The belief we are ‘free’ to pile up hell for others and escape it thereby is in error. The ability to split the mind against itself is counter to intelligence as a negative or segregative framing in polarised identity – while that which identifies perfectly is ruled or filtered out – by a mind of possession and control or marketising and weaponising intent. The technologising of everything is a devolution to robotic or blind systems of ‘control’ that generate ‘chaos’ as a self-perpetuating negative loop to an inevitable depletion and disintegration or ‘death’. Seeking ‘sustainability’ and selling its thinking and behaviours in packaged and marketised guilts and debts outsources the pain and loss to the unwary as if ‘saving the World’.
Just desserts are not a god of vengeance’ but received in the measure of their giving – and for this to wake sense we have to look to the ‘Word’ or definitions we are acting out FROM. How we define ourself in relation to others and world sets the frame of our perception and response. To recognise this ONLY as power to capture and control minds and markets is to be blind to our own self-deceits and self-denials. There is no where ELSE for our denials to come home TO. But seen truly, their coming back into awareness is the opportunity to release a false allegiance or association and be restored to a wholeness of being. Seeing truly is a result of recognising and releasing distortions such that interference and obstructing obfuscations are disregarded.
Excellent response, but wasted on paid bots.
Deschutes’s comment below is, however, too short to be wasted, and is entirely appropriate.
There’s your problem, right there, investing in ‘narratives’ as opposed to thinking for yourself.
Following exposure or to preempt exposure – the ploy is of accusing your sins in the other FIRST.
The narrative you attach to your opening statement:
is the appeal to incite a guilt, hate and punishment dump.
And the summarise with talking about intelligence as if you are sharing an insider’s wisdom:
The ability to embrace polarity is indeed a quality of wholeness that allows intelligence to operate from a true foundation.
But the attempt to hold contradictory meanings assigned to the same thing is a split mind under shifting narrative. In other words a world of secrets and lies that protect the split against healing, under a captive or compulsive narrative delusion.
Your three distinct statements here reveal the nature of a psyop:
1. Attract sympathy.
2. Insinuate or assert (flag) a guilt symbol deserving of hate (attack).
3. Presume to confer intelligence to those who take the two unrelated thoughts as if a congruent or meaningful association.
I think your namesake – or a man using that alias – robbed banks rather than worked for them – but perhaps was a folk hero because the people knew that banks were robbing the people.
There is a way of ‘thinking for yourself’ that embodies a transparency and receptivity within.
Another way of presuming to ‘think for yourself’ is upon the basis of a false sense of self image – in some sense of personal possession and control – such is the lure of power in a world of secrets and lies.
The personality cult operates guilt as the intent to flag unworthiness or invalidity and denial – over which to steal the life of another as if one’s own virtue.
This IS what divide and rule sets up as a framework of survival. But not the survival of the Living so much as the sustaining of a deceit by which to prey upon the denial of the Living – self-justified under the belief that the only truth is to eat or be eaten, kill or be killed.
But you did create (and invested in) a narrative in that first sentence of your original comment by making an insinuation between two ideas. You can’t back out by blaming Binra or you vindicate Binra’s argument that deceit is behind what you say.
“… The ability to hold two independent thoughts is an indicator of intelligence.”
Sadly this ability is completely beyond the capacity of he who would call himself William H Bonney but whose thinking remains at the level of his namesake hero. This lack is demonstrated in the first utterance the would-be outlaw / rebel makes.
At least Billy the Kid had an excuse – he was killed at the age of 21 years.
The original post is accurate but the possibility that Vladimir Putin is not mentioned in the Panama Papers because he genuinely does not invest any money in offshore tax havens under his name or someone else’s name and the money can’t be traced back to him seems to be beyond our current resident village troll.
You always struck me as the kinda’ lady who could respectfully, make the whole pub …
roar with laughter 🙂
ta4d’laff 😉
You have certainly mastered the skill of talking out of your mouth and talking out of your arse at the same time.
I guess there must be some people who are unable to see through the endless vilification of Russia, by certain organisations and Governments? Anyone in doubt about how widespread and ridiculous this campaign now runs, simply needs to watch the latest series of Stranger Things on Netflix. Someone had a friendly chat with the Duffer Bros, and I imagine the conversation included the line “We don’t want subtle ,ok!”
Stranger Things 3 certainly is stranger! Supposed 13-year-olds wearing (really dorky) 7-year-olds clothes and kissing is creepy. The only historical ‘nostalgia’, was Winona Ryder’s shop running low on stock, signalling the coming death of the high-street. Certainly not the evil Russkies our paedo baiting ‘kids’ are going to take on and destroy in the all American tradition.
When the “Panama Papers” story broke, all we heard about in the Western Press was ‘how evil’ Mr Putin was, and as far as I can tell, no-one else got a mention. I immediately called “Bullshit”.
Has anyone been able to investgate and prosecute anyone from The City, Wall St, The EU,???
Massive Tax Avoidence continues unaffected by this initial release, and the “richest nations on Earth” are still sinking, deeper and deeper into unstoppable (tax evaded) Debt…..(on which WE pay interest to the Rothschilds Banking Cartel……..
The result will be more sales of Public Assets(to the “1%”) to reduce OUR Public Debt……..Because “there’s no alternative”……..
Putin was about the only one who DIDN’T have a bank account there.
Panama is a US colony.
You can’t flush the toilet there without the CIA knowing about it.
If Putin was looking for somewhere to stash a few roubles, he’d be out of his mind to keep it there.
Look, these people worked hard to get to be billionaires. They had to lie, cheat, steal, defraud, demean, marginalize and otherwise screw individuals, associates, competitors, organizations, governments and even subvert entire currencies, day and night slaving over hot telephones, struggling to open and sort through vaultfulls of stuffed safe deposit boxes, etc., almost 24/7, to get where they are today. How many of you armchair wonders would be able to keep that up for years, followed by endless rounds of exhausting luxury hotels in Bilderberg and Davos, etc., interfering in this, meddling in that, destabilizing the other? Almost none of you, I daresay. And now you’re criticizing them for hooching up a few little recreational house magazines from time to time? Sheesh.
Very funny…..I almost felt sorry for them…….
Don’t forget the trauma these people suffered from all that lying, cheating, thieving, embezzling, marginalising, screwing and (above all) the brown-nosing, arse-kissing and consumption of blood and other body fluids they had to do to become billionaires – not to mention the jackhammer job they had to do on their own consciences. Oh, the agony, the pain of it all …
Most of them simply came out of the right vagina.
Wherever you go, you find a puppetmaster like Soros, Browder, Adelson, Saban, Singer, Marcus, Epstein, Berezovsky, Khordokovsky, Fridman, Kolomoisky, and all their ilk, lurking behind the screen, pulling the strings.
What do they all have in common?
I wonder……….
Soros has over 200 MEPs on his payroll and in his pocket in the EU.
He pops in and out of Brussels like a yoyo to issue his instructions to Juncker, Verhofstadt and Rompuy.
He casually flits around the globe overthrowing governments at will, replacing them with his own stooges.
To him and his kind, billions of dollars are loose change.
They have bought most of the politicians on the planet, like so many whores on a street corner.
Though I should apologise to working girls. Those I have known have incomparably higher moral and ethical standards than any of these people.
Putin’s supposed gargantuan fortune ranks with the Iraq Incubator Babies, Iraq’s WMD, Skripal and Iranian nuclear weapons as old Neocohen Chestnuts.
His supposed personal fortune of $40 billion is periodically inflated to $200 billion, making the likes of Gates and Buffett look as poor as church mice in comparison.
But this is all true, because Khordokovsky or Browder or Gessen or Kasparov says so.
Some people asked for evidence of this, bank transfers, title deeds, equity and land holdings and so on.
Not much was forthcoming, surprisingly enough.
It was claimed he owned a huge palatial mansion on the Black Sea.
It turned out Putin had never been there and it belonged to some tycoon he wasn’t on very good terms with.
But he did have “a very nice gold watch” (worth $1,200) and “some expensive Italian suits”, and if that’s not conclusive proof of a $200 billion fortune, then I don’t know what is.
Soros, Browder, Adelson, Saban, Singer, Marcus, Epstein, Berezovsky, Khordokovsky, Fridman, Kolomoisky, and all their ilk, lurking behind the screen, pulling the strings. What do they all have in common?
When Victims Rule — A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America
surely only the richest man on earth could stand up to oligarch bully boys?
I mean: Gandhi was India’s richest man by a mile and he took on the Empire where the Sun Never Sets.
That oil billionaire Martin Luther King started giving blacks uppity dreams about human rights and equality before the law back in the day.
And as for that grande old dame, Mother Theresa, she made old Warren Buffet kiss her ass to show who was boss.
You can only defeat riches by being richer you know.
History teaches us that…..
Hmmm….. not sure about Mother Theresa:
“In 2017, investigative journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi in a book titled Original Sin published accounting documents from the controversial Vatican Bank – officially known as the Institute for the Works of Religion, which revealed that the funds held in Mother Theresa’s name on behalf of her charity had made her the Bank’s biggest client, and amounted to billions. Had she made substantial withdrawals, the Bank would have risked default.”
I would have thought that by now virtually everyone knew that Mother Theresa was no..uh..Mother Theresa.
Christopher Hitchens didn’t think much of ‘Mother Theresa’……
It’s not long ago since Forbes magazine listed Fidel Castro as the world’s richest man.
Hahahahahaha…….The ability of The Financial Press, to divert people’s attention away from reality is endless. Fidel Castro, like Colonel Gadhafi, looked after their people rather than enriching themselves, which is a far cry from what happens in “The West”….
Mark: Putin’s Personal Palatial Palace! As you rightly point out, what a load of bollocks!
Russia is absolutely stuffed to the rafters with Palatial Palaces, take your pick:
Russia is a veritable cornucopia of wonderfully restored and preserved History.
There is NOTHING like it on the scale in Europe and definitely not in amerika.
Regardless of popular perception, Russia is NOT an Autonomy..
Vladimir Putin is subject to exactly the same rules, checks and balances as everyone else.
Putin’s income statement was published on the same day that PRESIDENT DMITRY MEDVEDEV called for Russia to enact Article 20 of the United Nations’ Convention Against Corruption which requires officials to report their expenses. The Kremlin says he earned a relatively modest £100,000 in 2015
Putin, who usually travels in a heavily armoured STATE Mercedes, owns several cars, including two ‘vintage’ (old) Volgas – a 1960 GAZ M21 and a 1965 GAZ M-21P – as well as a 2009 Lada. One of which was his Mother’s old car won in a lottery… He also has a car trailer made in 1987.
Putin’s property includes an apartment in his home town of St Petersburg of just 78 square metres (807 square feet) and a plot of land outside Moscow.
Putin holds a stake in mid-sized Bank of St Petersburg worth $510 at current prices. Putin’s EX wife Lyudmila had no income until she married her young entrepreneur husband Artur Ocheretny, who between 2003 and 2008, was the General Director of an event agency, Art-Show Centre, which organized events for large clients, including some with government connections. Among them were state-owned giants like Gazprom and Transneft as well as political entities like the governing United Russia party and the government-aligned All-Russia People’s Front.
The agency’s clients also included a non-profit organization, the Center for the Development of Interpersonal Communications, which was founded in 2000 who is the Director of a Non Profit organisation and is renovating his house on the Basque coast of
France, but now holds 8.4 million roubles ($264,800) in bank deposits.
The one person being feted by western elite, who is applauded for spreading slanderous rumours about Russia is Bill Browder who created shell companies to launder and steal ”billions”.. Bill Browder – The truth about his “contrived plot” and international charade is the banned documentary, “Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes” which you can access here…
There is NO evidence that Browder’s supposed “Russian enemies” stole $230 million through a tax fraud – apart from Browder’s assertions. On the other hand, Browder himself and his companies were being investigated for tax fraud as they had been in the US? In fact, a Russian court ruled that “Browder had deliberately bankrupted his company and engaged in tax evasion.” The court sentenced Browder to 9 years imprisonment, in absentia.
As is already clear, Bill Browder and his companies were themselves being investigated and even prosecuted for tax fraud. But that’s something that Browder apparently forgot – since he never mentions it. And as he says in the film when asked about details of the affair, “I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
Moreover, when a Canadian news anchor asked him about the Russians’ charging him with tax evasion, he replied, very hesitantly, “They-they-they-they-they-they-they’ve made that argument.”
* You will note that the second paragraph in the above section contains the words “supposedly,” “purportedly,” “allegedly,” and two instances of “so-called.” That’s because very little of the story is based on facts or evidence. Almost all of the story has come to us through the filter known as Bill Browder financier / hedge-fund manager / billionaire / oligarch-wannabe who moved to Russia in the mid-1990s, where he operated his hedge fund Hermitage Capital Management. Apparently, he realized that, after the fall of the USSR, there was much money for the taking in Russia. So he went there and set up shop, to take part in the grab for cash.
His hedge fund was very successful. However, a Russian provincial court convicted him of tax evasion, to the tune of approximately $40 billion. Subsequently, in November 2005, his visa was revoked and he was barred from re-entering Russia. According to Browder, he was barred simply because he had been “exposing corruption.” That assertion has become increasingly dubious.
Oh, and one more point – a point that becomes increasingly salient as this affair progresses. … Apparently Browder does not like to pay taxes on his overseas earnings (as US firms and citizens are required to do.) Therefore, in 1998, Browder gave up his US citizenship, and became a UK citizen. denounced his US citizenship to avoid taxes that every other American paid. But now he has turned against Russia the US and UK Governments ‘protect’ him? In Russia he and his numerous companies were being investigated for tax fraud. In fact, a Russian court ruled that “Browder had deliberately bankrupted his company and engaged in tax evasion.” The court sentenced Browder to 9 years imprisonment, in absentia.
As is already clear, Bill Browder and his companies were themselves being investigated and prosecuted for tax fraud. But that’s something that Browder apparently forgets – since he never mentions it. And as he says in the film when asked about details of the affair, “I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
Moreover, when a Canadian news anchor asked him about the Russians’ charging him with tax evasion, he replied, very hesitantly, “They-they-they-they-they-they-they’ve made that argument.” (Image source. You will notice that this site has been censored.)
* You will note that the second paragraph in the above section contains the words “supposedly,” “purportedly,” “allegedly,” and two instances of “so-called.” That’s because very little of the story is based on facts or evidence. Almost all of the story has come to us through the filter known as Bill Browder, who has been tirelessly plotting against Russia ever since aided and abetted by Western agencies?
Has anyone even considered how the meglomaniac Thatcher got her dough, or Bliar, Camoron, or the Maybot??? Whose husband just happens to be a senior executive at a $1.4tn investment fund that profits from tax avoiding companies. The relatively unknown investment fund where Theresa May’s husband Philip works as a senior executive is one of the world’s largest and most powerful financial institutions, controlling $1.4 trillion in assets.
Its portfolio also includes $20 billion of shares in Amazon and Starbucks, both of which were cited by the Prime Minister-designate in her pledge to crack down on tax avoidance yesterday.
Latest filings to US authorities show that Los Angeles based Capital Group owns huge stakes in a variety of companies, including investment bank JP Morgan Chase, defence giant Lockheed Martin, tobacco company Philip Morris International, the pharmaceutical sector’s Merck & Co, and also Ryanair. The company, which has a low profile outside the financial sector, has confirmed that Mr May, a pension fund expert, works out of its Mayfair office in London, with a spokeswoman saying: “Philip is a client relationship manager who stays in contact with organisations and institutions in the UK to ensure they are happy with the service being delivered by Capital Group and that we understand their goals. Philip is not involved with our investment research or portfolio management activities.” Of course he isn’t? And couldn’t POSSIBLY benefit from any of the company’s activities?
So, every time you have the ‘Russian ‘ carrot dangled in front of your nose, wave it aside and look what it is covering?
I doubt that Browder has contributed a single shekel to HMRC.
Just 7 Jew oligarchs seized 70% of the wealth of Russia until Putin brought them under some kind of control. Through theft, fraud, corruption, influence peddling and outright gangsterism. Abramovich gained his billions as that shambling stooge drunk Yeltsin’s daughter’s boyfriend. Before that he was selling plastic toys on a market stall and had never set eyes on an oilfield before. Berezovsky was a Lada salesman. Several of them decamped to Talmudistan, and have never forgiven Putin for being such a party pooper.
Hence the relentless smear campaign against him from the Jew Media.
Most of the scams weren’t particularly sophisticated.
They sold Russian oil for $7, its production price, to their shell companies in Switzerland. They in turn sold it on at the world price of $30. So there was no profit and no tax to pay.
Of course it’s all complete coincidence that there wasn’t even one token goy involved, and anyone who says any different is obviously just a despicable racist anti semite, who is probably helping Corbyn build a gas chamber on his allotment.