Does the U.S. army really intend to leave Syria?

Adel Karim

Last December, the U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the Pentagon started the process of withdrawing its troops from Syria. Even then, many people were quite skeptical about the words of the American president while a number of political analysts and experts noted that the Americans are unlikely to pull out their troops from Syria, taking into account the interests of Washington in the Middle East.

It is also worth noting that in April, 2018, before the aforementioned statement by the American president, Nikki Haley, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, speaking on Fox News said that the United States would not withdraw its troops from Syria until its goals were accomplished.

Haley listed three aims for the United States: ensuring that chemical weapons are not used in any way that pose a risk to U.S. interests, that Islamic State is defeated and that there is a good vantage point to watch what Iran is doing.

Apparently the goals have not been achieved, that’s why Defense secretary nominee Mark Esper recently confirmed the true intentions of the Pentagon, stating that the U.S. Armed Forces will remain in Syria and continue the military campaign against ISIS.

In addition, in February, the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal conveyed the words of a senior U.S. defense official who revealed the plans of Washington.

US forces will stay in the northern Syrian city of Manbij, where they will continue to conduct joint patrols with their Turkish counterparts. A second group will be based east of the Euphrates River Valley as part of a safe zone between Turkey and Syria. Those U.S. forces also will help train and advise local fighters.

A third contingent will remain in the southern city of al-Tanf, as part of a counter-ISIS campaign and a buffer against Iranian expansion in that region, the defense official said.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the words of Donald Trump about his readiness to let Syria alone are just empty promises that do not reflect the true intentions of the White House. The above statement by Mark Esper also looks quite timely, especially given the increased tensions between Iran and the United States.

Moreover, we do not ignore the fact that the possible withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria could cause a serious split inside the U.S. establishment. Back in December, 2018, Trump’s alleged intentions towards Syria caused a flurry of criticism. For example, the Republican senator and Trump supporter Lindsay Graham blasted the American president’s decision describing it as “a huge Obama-like mistake”. So even if Trump really wanted to finally withdraw the American troops from Syria, he simply wouldn’t be allowed to do this without hindrance.

As a result, there is no doubt that the United States will continue its illegal presence in Syria. The Pentagon does not intend to abandon its plans, which primarily lie in constraining Iran and its nuclear program. At the same time, the veil is no longer important. The Americans will continue to violate the sovereignty of an independent state justifying their crimes either by a military operation against ISIS or by a response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian government forces.


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Aug 1, 2019 8:32 AM

The US army is everywhere, except along the USA borders…..

Jul 31, 2019 6:10 PM

The US ARMY is flat busted damn broke and their accountants know it too. Yes, the ever present PENT UP GOONS at the Pentagon have likely decided in their less than infinite wisdom & reasoning that if they don’t pull out of Syria soon to retrench forces for the up-and-coming conflagration with their newest randomly selected combatant Iran they will be el-fuck-O-la-ed by the funding model that keeps their PENT-UP-GOONS sated & content that they are the true undisputed cowards of the world.

Way to go you fat assed bastard, Uncle Sam.


Jul 31, 2019 7:23 PM

They still have some incomparable and fearsome military units, though.
Transsexual Team Six.
The 3rd Heavy Lesbians.
The Bill Clinton Light Infantry.
The President’s Own San Francisco Gays.

Fearsome warriors one and all.

Jul 31, 2019 7:29 PM
Reply to  mark

Fuckin’ eh, Bubba!


Where to?
Where to?
Jul 31, 2019 1:25 PM

Americans don’t leave.

Even if you see them packing and going, their noise, pollution, poison, toxicity, radioactivity, arrogant exceptionalism, spying chips, spying satellites, mayhem, crimes and murders do not leave.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 31, 2019 7:12 PM
Reply to  Where to?

Into history. Quite soon. One more ex-empire…

Terry martin
Terry martin
Jul 31, 2019 1:24 PM

But then how can Omar with her education and heritage, open up with such remarks against Assad

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 31, 2019 10:18 AM

Um, excuse my ignorance, but wouldn’t it be much better for the shining beacon of democracy… aka the United States to go right to the source of those nasty headchoppers, and target all those Govts that fund, arm, and support ISIS and who provide medical care for these injured ‘moderate ‘rebels’ as well as all those fake news, oops, I mean media organisations that provide unhindered platforms for ISIS and co to spout their propaganda online. Isn’t that much more logical than remaining in Syria?

Terry martin
Terry martin
Jul 31, 2019 11:30 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

But then they would have to go after themselves and their partners namely B Net and Bin Sal.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 31, 2019 11:55 AM
Reply to  Terry martin

Correct Terry. Was trying to be sarcastic with my original comment, rather than not knowing who is behind ISIS and the White Helmets.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 1:17 PM
Reply to  Terry martin

You’ve surely seen cats chasing their own tails, Terry,
especially Toms 😉

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 11:45 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hear here, commensurate with the targeting of treatment of ISIS wounded by the Israelis …

on the territories of the Golan Heights.

You know it makes sense, lol 😉

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 31, 2019 11:51 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Yes indeedy Tim. What a wicked World with some truly evil people in it. Recall seeing a photo of Nuttyahoo visiting a ‘moderate rebel’ in a hospital in occupied Syria – also known as the Golan Heights.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 12:07 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

These damned self-interested ‘do-gooders’, with alternative agendas that facilitate the terrorists, the very same terrorists they claim to fight, must be exposed for their contemptible Hypocrisy & double standards of morality, illuminating their true purposes of propaganda and maintaining their present corporate computerised fascist collusion for Dictatorship to sovereign governments & military, on behalf of their military industrial complex …

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 31, 2019 1:39 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Corporate Computerised MIC Fascist Dictatorship a la 1984 = 👿👿👿. And sadly the very large majority in the West are 😴😴😴…. utterly oblivious.

Jul 31, 2019 1:32 AM

You can’t withdraw ! America is controlled by an industry of death and destruction. There’s trillions of bucks to be made in promoting this insane behaviour. Trump ??….the organ grinder’s monkey.

Jul 30, 2019 11:34 PM

Trump wanted to pull out of Syria but was immediately bitch slapped and put in his place by his Zionist paymasters.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 31, 2019 5:42 AM
Reply to  mark

There’s a font for comments like yours.


different frank
different frank
Jul 31, 2019 7:32 AM

There’s a app that trolls like you, use.

Jul 30, 2019 10:10 PM

Kurdistan may not exist technically but Northern Iraq is effectively autonomous. To the point that those trying to dodge Iraq’s criminal system can run off and hide there. It is the US puppet state.

The 2003 Iraq invasion was also about trying to steal oil rich Kirkuk for the Kurds. Now they are doing the same with Syria. For now they’ll just try and create a separate state there. They don’t care what happens elsewhere as long as they have their puppet in the region.

Jul 31, 2019 4:34 AM
Reply to  Sav

Oil is a red herring, often touted by Zionist trolls.
The 2003 Iraq invasion was about destroying Iraq to serve the interests of Talmudistan.
Like the Libya and Syria invasions were about destroying those countries for the same reason.
Ditto Iran.

Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Jul 31, 2019 6:51 AM
Reply to  mark

“Oil is a red herring, often touted by Zionist trolls.” You’re saying that when the State Department, before the creation of the state of Israel, referred to the Middle East as “a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history”, it was acting as acting as a Zionist troll?

“The 2003 Iraq invasion was about destroying Iraq to serve the interests of Talmudistan.”

Where’s your proof of that?

Aug 3, 2019 9:16 PM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

Destroying Iraq for Talmudistan.
Proof? – The people agitating and scheming for this for years were the Ziocohens, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Kristol, and Uncle Tom Shlomo and all. Not the oil companies. They were against it. They just wanted stability in the area. Invading Iraq was bad for business. Their wishes didn’t matter.

Jul 31, 2019 7:36 AM
Reply to  mark

Iraq had a contract with France’s elf Aquitaine (or maybe ut was TOTAL) that should have started 1st April 2003, for Euros not USD. So the invasion and Iraqi destruction had to happen in March 2003.

More and more people are embracing the motto ‘do not let them use you – don’t enlist’.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 11:24 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Well said, Wilmers

Question This
Question This
Jul 31, 2019 10:20 AM
Reply to  mark

But Zionists being what they are never miss a trick to make a profit even if they have a bigger agenda.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 31, 2019 7:24 PM
Reply to  mark

Sure, all of those things, mark. But control of the fossil hydrocarbons too. Always a major consideration for the Swamp scum. Maybe zio-trolls/hasbarollocksers do say it, for their own weird lying propaganda reasons; but so do political realists with no hint of the disgusting racist doctrines of zionism about us. Lots of us say it too, because it couldn’t really be more obvious.

Aug 1, 2019 11:18 PM
Reply to  mark

Oil is not everything but it is certainly a factor among others. You cannot get away from oil wealth or any other natural resource.

Why do you think a campaign was run by media claiming Kurds had been ethnically cleansed from Kirkuk. They had their eyes on grabbing it.

Do you think all the Iraqi puppets, like Ahmed Chalabi, that were part of the western created Iraqi National Congress didn’t have their eyes on grabbing wealth out of the country? Billions went missing after the invasion. They ran off with the loot and nothing was done. The US ruled they wouldn’t be pursued.

Aug 3, 2019 9:10 PM
Reply to  Sav

No, the oil companies will happily work with the worst dictatorships on the planet. They were extracting oil in Angola while the Marxist government was fighting CIA sponsored rebels. The oil companies were against the invasion of Iraq – bad for business.

Aug 3, 2019 9:16 PM
Reply to  mark

That oil is still a resource, FGS. Do you even understand that? The billions that went missing care of puppets put in Iraq came from oil wealth that goes to the government, regardless of the companies operating. It is not just about oil companies.

Jul 30, 2019 9:51 PM


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 11:26 AM
Reply to  BigB

Exactly 🙂

Jul 30, 2019 9:42 PM

I can’t help but think this has long been the case? Only Kennedy appears to have challenged the elite that Rule the country. There were lots of jokes at the time of his coronation of Trump about how it didn’t seem to matter how many times they played the ‘Grassy Knoll’ video, he still didn’t get it because, it was said, of his stupidity. But of course he ‘got it’, the wheeler dealer Celebrity billionaire has undoubtedly always known which side his bread was buttered. Stupidity is not one of his weaknesses – but the adjective can be directed at his so called media opposition who harp on his faux pas energising his base. It’s almost as if they’re part of the charade. It’s the same now in the UK with a seriously right wing PM dedicated to his own privileged class. The English aristocracy remain Rulers stronger now than for a very long time. Boris plays the fool to amuse the peasants on the Estate that he’s ‘one of them’. As in America perhaps the media fawn over his style and ignore his awful substance.

different frank
different frank
Jul 31, 2019 8:34 AM
Reply to  Paul

Mogg is working class then i suppose.

different frank
different frank
Jul 31, 2019 8:34 AM
Reply to  Paul

sorry misread your comment.

Jul 31, 2019 9:16 AM
Reply to  Paul

If anything, as the SAA continue cleaning out Idlib and Hama town by town – I have been expecting an escalation. Lo and behold, the White Helmets dropped two kids from a building, and Lise Doucet et al are whipping up the propaganda levels on the backs probable murder (they hung a baby from a nail ffs). The idea that the US would withdraw and let the SAA, Russia and Iran broker a peace deal with a reluctant Turkey – with no FUKUS involvement was always preposterous. Ceding Syria to Russian/China’s Eurasian bloc is not conceivable.

I’m not of the school of thought that Israel controls US foreign policy totally: But Nuttyyahoo would have a meltdown and go running to Jared and Vladimir dribbling incoherently. Which would be nice to watch.

If you look at the map to see just how much of the ‘world island’ will be in the Eurasian and BRI sphere – US planners will not be planning on ceding any possible geostrategic beach head.


Looks like everyone agrees the US is there to stay.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 11:58 AM
Reply to  BigB

You nailed it (ffs) good linkage …
bloody handed dribblers 🙂

Question This
Question This
Jul 31, 2019 1:50 PM
Reply to  BigB


You deserved a 100 thumbs up just for that.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 31, 2019 7:33 PM
Reply to  BigB

I don’t agree, B. The Anglozionist empire will – try to – stay in Syria until it becomes physically unable to do so. And that time is quite probably a lot closer than all the BAU delusionals around the world think. The Synergising Global Crises will spare no state anywhere, as they rev up steadily; and they have their knives out specially for the particularly vulnerable, moribund Az empire.

Jul 30, 2019 8:58 PM

Did the Man from Uncle intend to leave Vietnam? Or Cuba? Or China? Or Venezuela? Or Lebanon? Or N.Korea?

Jul 30, 2019 11:36 PM
Reply to  vexarb

They haven’t left Japan or Germany yet. They’ve only been there 74 years.

Jul 31, 2019 7:38 AM
Reply to  mark

The new hospital in Weilersbach/Ramstein, Germany, is catering for the new wars !!!

Jul 31, 2019 9:07 AM
Reply to  mark

I think you will find that as the EU inches along with their own security apparatus the ‘fire insurance’ gangsters of the MIC, Nato (give us 2%) will be retreating on ALL remaining fronts.

Japan (and South Zlorea) has seen plenty of writing on the wall and knows that it’s future is reliant on the giant markets of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Which already encompasses two thirds of the eurasian landass and HALF the worlds population.

The ME escapades are over they reached their highwater mark with Iraq. Failed in Syria, will not attempt Iran. In Europe the failure is Ukraine. In Asia (PRK) with more to follow (Malaysia) In South America the failure is Venezuela – in Africa – it is all over, from Ethiopia to Guinea.
Egypt will have its democratic choice ultimately. Nigeria will too.

The greater Israel imperial project is dead! They will be allowed only the UN mandated area.

The 5 eyes + 1 and their illegal special mercenary forces with their Private Military Company colleagues, the many ‘contractors’ and their DS and global robber baron masters are about to be dragged into the daylight – the voters will see how the dodgy dogs of wars and the trusted politicians have conspired to wage illegal wars in their name.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 11:34 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Darn good longterm objectivity, DG,
have a cigar yer’ gonna’ go far 🙂

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 31, 2019 7:35 PM
Reply to  mark

Sure mark. Then they could. But that time is coming to an end for the Western empire.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 31, 2019 11:28 AM
Reply to  vexarb

Laughing so loud, wish you could hear,

‘In like Flint’
Classic Vexarb 😉