The Democratic Party’s AIPAC Candidates

Eric Zuesse

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might as well be Israelis, though they’re both running for the Presidency of America.

The PAC (officially a “lobbying organization”) called AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee, instead of “American Israel Political Action Committee”) represents some American Jews and Christian evangelicals.

AIPAC represents the ones who place Israel’s Government above America’s Government, and who therefore lobby in the U.S. Congress for continuation of the $3.8 billion per year that America’s taxpayers, of all faiths and beliefs, must continue to pay to fund Israel’s annual purchases of weaponry from Lockheed Martin and other U.S. weapons-makers, a welfare program for America’s armaments-firms and for the billionaires who own them.

And it’s welfare also for the taxpayers of Israel, who don’t have to pay that $3.8 billion per year to fund those purchases, of American weapons, to use against Palestinians, and against Syrians, and against Iranians — against Israel’s enemies, perhaps, but certainly not against America’s enemies.

It’s instead for this particular enemy of America, an enemy not only because Israel is an apartheid state (which is supposed to be unAmerican), and not only because this apartheid state sucks $3.8 billion each year out of America’s taxpayers, but also because Israel is militarily an enemy of Americans — see this, for example; and also because the hostility that America’s subservience to Israel produces, throughout the Islamic world, is an even bigger loss for the American people, though America’s billionaires don’t lose anything, at all, from it — and the ones who invest in firms such as Lockheed Martin and ExxonMobil gain considerably from it.

But are those corporations America?

America’s public suffers from AIPAC, but Israel’s Jews in that supremacist-Jewish apartheid land gain greatly from it, at Palestinians’ expense. America has many Jewish and other pro-Israeli billionaires (they buy ‘our’ political winners), but no billionaires that are Palestinian or even pro-Palestinian.

However, the American Christian billionaire Tom Gores, who was born in Israel and whose family moved to the U.S. “when he was still a toddler”, is sometimes listed as being an “Arab” from “Palestine”, because he’s not a Jew and because some wealthy Arabs want to call him an “Arab” from “Palestine,” and not an American Catholic who had been born in Israel.

Mr. Gores is non-political, but some of his extended family are pro-Palestinian and some are pro-Israel. Seven years after Tom bought his Republican uncle’s newspaper, the San Diego Union-Tribune, it endorsed Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump.

Obviously, America’s super-rich are virtually 100% against Palestinians, and the very idea of America brokering a ‘deal’ for ‘peace’ in the Middle East is absurd, really stupid, but ‘our’ billionaires’ politicians constantly promise it. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris especially do, just as does ‘our’ current billionaire President, Donald Trump.

Here are three recent years’ speakers-lists for AIPAC’s recent annual conferences: 201720182019.

All of those speakers are neoconservatives, and they were highly supportive of America’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, and want the same now for Iran. After all: America does Israel’s bidding. Anyone who wants more of the same is in agreement with them.

And here is what Joe Biden told them at the 2016 AIPAC conference (along with his windbag platitudes):

No matter what legitimate disagreements the Palestinian people may have with Israel, there is no excuse for killing innocents or remaining silent in the face of terrorism [he meant only killings by Palestinians and never by Israelis]. … The only way, in my view, to guarantee Israelis’ future and security [and what about Palestinians’ security?], its identity as a Jewish [but the Palestinians aren’t Jews] and Democratic [How is apartheid democratic?] state is with a two-state solution.

And here is what Kamala Harris told AIPAC at the 2017 conference:

I believe that the only viable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is two states for two people living side by side in peace and security. I believe that a resolution to this conflict cannot be imposed. It must be agreed upon by the parties themselves. Peace can only come through a reconciliation of differences, and that can only happen at the negotiating table.

But negotiations are impossible if only one side has all the power. For the other side, that’s surrender, no negotiation. Kamala Harris lies in order to get Israeli money — the donations like Trump has, from billionaire agents for Israel.

Is this okay? BOTH Parties being neocon — is that okay? Anyone who votes for Biden or Harris thinks it’s okay, or else doesn’t care.

These candidates are pitching, of course, to a lobbying organization. But it’s also PACs.

Wikipedia’s article on AIPAC says:

The Washington Post described the perceived differences between AIPAC and J Street: ‘While both groups call themselves bipartisan, AIPAC has won support from an overwhelming majority of Republican Jews, while J Street is presenting itself as an alternative for Democrats who have grown uncomfortable with both Netanyahu’s policies and the conservatives’ flocking to AIPAC.’”

So: Biden and Harris are pitching to Republican billionaires there. Is this what Democratic Party voters find attractive? Do they know that this is the situation? Do they even care that it is?

J Street says that “a new direction in American policy will advance U.S. interests in the Middle East and promote real peace and security for Israel and the region.”

Biden at the 2016 J Street Gala, on 19 April 2016, said “We are Israel’s maybe not-only friend, but only absolutely certain friend.”

But it’s the Palestinians, not the Israelis, who have been abandoned. They really need friends in American politics. Could Biden credibly assert the same to them that he asserts to Israel’s lobbyists? Obviously not, but he doesn’t even care about Palestinians, because none of his donors are Palestinians, and none will be voting for him.

Anybody who cares about basic decency in a candidate should just cross both Biden and Harris off their list for consideration. The only differences they have from Trump regarding Israel are the atmospherics of their rhetoric. Clearly, if “a new direction in American policy will advance U.S. interests in the Middle East and promote real peace and security for Israel and the region,” it won’t come from any of these politicians.

Originally posted at The Saker


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Aug 4, 2019 5:31 PM

” (…) the Democratic party is the right-wing party in the United States, its role is to essentially protect the Republicans from any left wing criticisms by sort of following it further and further and further to the right, claiming that, well, we’re not as far to the right as they are, we’re closer to the center, hoping to get the Centrist votes. Hillary Clinton called that triangulation, although it’s just really moving to the right.

the left-wingers such as Bernie Sanders, want to run for president as a kind of educational campaign to make their policy clear to the people, but they know that there’s no way in which the ruling class will let them win.

It’s been very clear, if they did win, they would be assassinated very quickly. I’ve been told that by presidential candidates. The threat is, you’ll never be president, we have ways of keeping you out, and should you succeed, we will do to you what the Romans did to every advocate of democracy century after century, assassination.

So we’re going to have Donald Trump probably elected very strongly in the next election because the right wing of the Democratic Party is going to support a right-wing candidate that is almost as bad as Obama.(….) Or Kamala Harris, a Hillary backer, and a right-wing neoliberal such as Mayor Buttigieg who’s been pushed by the people who were financing Biden and the Wall Street interests. So you’re going to have a heavily financed Wall Street candidate against reform candidates, and the reformers certainly don’t have a chance in next year’s election.”

Prof. Michael Hudson a prominent U.S. critical economist and President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET).


Aug 3, 2019 9:58 PM

Hey, goy, you gotta give us our tribute ($23,000 per Israeli family. 0 cents per Palestinian family.)

different frank
different frank
Aug 2, 2019 11:16 PM

William HBonney is this you?comment image

Aug 2, 2019 10:51 PM

I think what gets forgotten is how much LBJ wanted to get involved in the ME, rather than Israel dictating he should do so. Israel and the Holocaust was small cheese til the late 1960’s, in my mind Israel was set up to be a US stooge in the ME, Israel did attack the Liberty but only cos LBJ asked them to. He was the one who called off the assistance which tried to reach the Liberty .

9/11 was similar, Mossad certainly knew about and prob did the dirty work, only becos the USG told them to, also offering the necessary access to wire up the buildings. The US and Israel find themselves useful enemies, both nations are ultra aggressive, thinking they are exceptional. Evangelical Christians laud the founding of the 3rd temple now, thinking it’s existence will mean the coming of Christ, then the Jews can convert or die, Likewise, Zionism thinks it will be the end of Christians.

Aug 3, 2019 8:32 PM
Reply to  Cesca

Likewise, Zionism thinks it will be the end of Christians.

Quite an absurd statement in the light of Israel nurturing the support of Christian fundamentalist Zionists from the US, in the face of their anti-semitic views. This is a compensatory act in the face of many liberal American Jews distancing themselves from an extreme, reactionary Israel. Young American Jewry is especially getting involved in movements critical of Israel.

The conspiracy theory about USG and Mossad is also absurd. Israel’s extensive efforts to develop and sell weapons, security technology and procedures it practices criminally on the Palestinians, strongly suggests that they wouldn’t be involved in the most well-known terrorist act in the history of the world (while US state terrorism, which has been many times more destructive and criminal).

A point to be made concerning the wanker in the clip above is that a ‘Jewish’ state cannot be democratic. A state preferring a section of its population on the basis of race is an ethnocentric port-fascist state.

Aug 4, 2019 7:22 PM
Reply to  Chomsky

Think you missed where i said they’re useful enemies Chomsky, they’ll play at being buddies but once the usefulness ends, they wouldn’t pee on each other to put out a fire. They both think they’re exceptional so can use others as they please.

Mossad was heavily involved in 9/11 at the USG behest, very likely they intended blowing up the George Washington Bridge too and two of the dancing Israelis were Mossad. One cld probably have tripped over a Mossad agent near anywhere in NY at the time, course they were just safely deported tho.

Aug 3, 2019 10:00 PM
Reply to  Cesca

Don’t confuse the monkey with the organ grinder.

Aug 4, 2019 7:11 PM
Reply to  mark

Well Mark, it’s only our opinions but i do think it’s delusional to think Israel is the organ grinder, it’s a useful stooge for the roundtable *Cecil Rhodes* derived orgs such as Chatham House, the CFR etc.

With the dollar being pretty much the world currency still, for now, it actually costs the US nothing to give Israel some pocket money, the US is the one who profits from their massacres in the ME. Nor would the US hesitate in doing the same to Israel if it stops being useful.

Aug 4, 2019 8:45 PM
Reply to  Cesca

Well, Cesca, watch the tawdry and degrading spectacle of Netanyahu’s address to Congress. Hundreds of grovelling, obsequious, servile, nauseating, lickspittle toadying whores jumping up and down like trained seals to give him standing ovations if he so much as breaks wind.

Or consider the schoolteachers required to take loyalty oaths to Israel on pain of instant dismissal.
Or the hurricane victims required to do the same before they receive any assistance.
Or the same whore politicians who have just criminalised any criticism whatever of Talmudistan. This now carries 20 years imprisonment and a $1 million fine.
Why does every Israeli family get $23,000 in tribute from them?
Why has the US spent $7 trillion fighting endless wars for Talmudistan the past 20 years?

Just what is delusional and what isn’t?
Who is the monkey and who is the organ grinder??

Aug 5, 2019 8:49 AM
Reply to  mark

Glory Mark! Not often i get to see so much misinformation in one post, cheers for the giggle =)

I take a more nuanced approach than you, yes Congress behaved like the performing seals they are but Obama was actually being punished for whispering *peace process*. Well, that and actually criticising new settlements in the West Bank, the real powers need Israel as a stooge to take some of the flak/provide some cover 4 their evil acts in the M.E.

Also, not one war in the ME has been bought for the benefit of Israel, they like what is happening for sure tho. It will prob be their turn to get torched when the Anglo Empire has control.

Aug 2, 2019 7:35 PM

Unless and until any of them come out for an actual investigation of the events of 9/11, they are all AIPAC’s little bitches, regardless of whatever supposed “anti-Israel” measures he or she may support. Read something by Christopher Bollyn if you have some kind of problem with this statement.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2019 6:55 PM

On the first embedded link of the report on the USS Liberty, there is one blatant error within, namely:-

“c.) The attacking Israeli forces never made a positive identification of the nationality of USS Liberty before unleashing deadly force in their attack on the ship.”

The very first leading Israeli IAF Pilot on scene, with orders to attack, clearly recognised the USA Flag and Radioed back to HQ and to other Pilots AND he refused to attack the USS Liberty in international waters and flew directly home to Israel: whereupon landing, he was immediately arrested and thrown in ‘Chokey’, for disobeying orders to MURDER INNOCENTS and there are recordings of his radio transmissions out there somewhere, which I have heard & listened to extremely carefully …

So, despite all warnings, war codes of honour & international LAWS & Agreements and a 100% identification of the USS Liberty by the first Israeli person on scene, the order was given to the other IAF Pilots and Navy personnel to attack and destroy US Personnel & Property, at any cost, indiscriminately, arrogantly and it was Murder with Malice Aforethought, including survivors in LIFERAFTS (ffs)

What else does anybody ever need to know on this appalling display of ISRAELI FUCKING ARROGANCE & FASCIST AshkeNAZI INTENT’Z’ionS ? which should be mandatory school history learning in EVERY single school worldwide & within every community, who loathes impunity,
especially first of all in ISRAEL …

Rant over,
Peace & out

Aug 2, 2019 7:43 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

If you’re upset about the USS Liberty, read “Solving 9-11” by Christopher Bollyn. That should really ramp things up for you.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2019 8:56 PM
Reply to  Steve

Read it, Steve: and worse still I know the whole truth behind the building WTC 7 controlled demolition, (due to first hand insider working Corporate intelligence, working directly for the CEO of B.P. when we bought ARCO & HAARP, sharing the Tech, with the US D.o.D. and we were well versed on its’ technical capabilities to steer the weather, as well as search for oil & gas), WTC 7 , which was in fact the main target on the 11th Sept. 2001, for a wide variety of reasons, including protecting Monsanto, GEC & Enron executives, who’d started the first ever Weather Derivative Fund investment plans on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 1997, for an un-Sporting Bet on farmers livelihoods in the USA ! The SEC investigation into this scandalous abuse of HAARP Technology, was in WTC 7 !

Worth mentioning also the missing $$$TRILLIONS$$$ of bucks that went missing from the U.S. D.o.D. announced by Rumsfeld on the day before the controlled explosions and of course, Robert Mueller’s appointment to Head the FBI on the 7th September 2001 …

We could both no doubt sit and discuss over a fine red wine, till the early hours, but to go into too much length, right here, right now, most people seem to doubt my extremely scientific knowledge of plasma physics, perhaps for fear, here @present, so, i’ll just say, yep I know exactly what yer’ driving at and yes we CAN >>> engineer & steer the weather and many nations do this today, including China, who are at least honest & openly admit getting help from Lockheed Martin, when mounting their 500 installations on the North Face of the Himalayas, before the 2008 Olympics, to improve air quality in Beijing for the games …
And this is all public record, also reported in Russian, so any of you doubting Thomas’ can start searching for yourselves, as I’m fed up of repeating myself and being asked stupid questions about AIMs (Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors), which of course the Israelis In Mossad know all about … as well 😉

Aug 3, 2019 7:01 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Yeah, I’ve got the impression that one of the chief objectives of the 9/11 perps was to shift popular focus (haha, is there such a thing?) from capitalism to terrorism.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 3, 2019 9:41 AM
Reply to  Steve

Bwahahahaha, “the popular focus” was desperately & urgently engineered to be heads down looking at ‘The Hand’ & staring into the infinite wisdom & traceability of ‘The Smart One+Ph’-values, ideal for profiling us all & our thoughts & commanding levels of attention & altering physiologically brain attentions spans, after such scandalous actions … lol, to make sure that folk remain enslaved, but this time around, ‘Blissfully unaware’ of this brave new world:
and from your comment I, at least, can rest assured you know exactly what I’m trying to say 😉 And, they managed to engineer the Tech. Revolution so that the people actually pay much for themselves to become slaves & serfs in the M.I.C.’s one gigantic ‘Psyop’ >>>

‘The invisible Hand’ of the military designed internet spy … 😉

in the ‘Phoney War on Terror’ with Intel inside 🙂

No wonder @TheHand’s recent relocation infinite wisdom to HQ. with ‘The Wall’ already constructed and a tacit societal acceptance of fascism & Apartheid … 😉

Cheers Steve, nice to know that we’re on the same page or Wave, (I like to say, as surfer since the 60’s). The only anti-dote to the present day psychosis is back2nature …

Whilst we can ! and most interestingly for me, is that it has been demonstrated scientifically that, after just 3 days in the wilds, with no electronics around, physiologically the brain begins to change its’ shape, as we re-align our conscious awareness of sensory perceptions to the ‘music’ of what surrounds us, as our human relationship with fear changes completely & ‘the popular focus’ … lol
kinda’ fascinating somehow 🙂

Have a fine day: N’Joy never letting the ‘psyop’ enslave your focus …

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2019 9:18 PM
Reply to  Steve

Just for absolute clarity, of course Monsanto jumped straight in, in a predatory fashion, as soon as any farmer went bankrupt, due to extended drought over many years and then Monsanto began planting their Abiotic Drought Resistant GMO Seed, with a resistance to Aluminium, Strontium & Barium, amongst other ‘Benefits’, to ensure that their GMO crops were successful in making others convinced & DEPENDENT !

Pretty simple engineering, when you know how to ‘Rig’ markets as well … and there are guys still today in Chicago Merc. Ex. who’ll turn you a profit in this manner for Fund Managers, if yer’ willing to have a bet & speculate on others’ misery, not just in the USA, Logic.

And then people wonder at the loss of ‘Morning Dew’ and going mental over climate change & extreme severe weather, which was all wholly predictable & wholly predicted by many scientists, including Ken Caldiera … but, best of all Scientists to ask was the designer & original patent applicant Bernard Eastlund, who warned everybody of HAARP’s potential for abuse …

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 3, 2019 9:52 AM
Reply to  Steve

Apologies for the mistaken chronology, below …

Question This
Question This
Aug 2, 2019 1:24 PM

On another pro Israel lobbyist tangent I’ve just seen this by Gordon Dimmack, about A formal complaint of antisemitism being made against Tom Watson (anagram of twat son) could karma be coming home to roost?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuxAWPR6ca0&w=560&h=315%5D

As always i’ve posted a embedded you tube link, i have no doubt this wont work, i don’t know why or what i’m doing wrong it may be all the ad & script blockers on my browser. If a MOD is looking please provide a help page with your html buttons in the comments section section. Or at least a preview so errors can be fixed before posting.

different frank
different frank
Aug 2, 2019 11:15 PM
Reply to  Question This

I’m sure that this person thinks Tommy ten names is a hero.
Gordon Pillock, that is.

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 7:40 AM

Think you shouldn’t make assumptions, if you’re not willing to give them a hearing don’t make a judgement.

Aug 4, 2019 12:57 AM
Reply to  Question This

Anagram of “twat son”? Hang on a MO……you’re no crossword fan obviously!

Question This
Question This
Aug 4, 2019 9:45 AM
Reply to  noseBag

Gimme a break, OK Som-Twat.

Aug 2, 2019 11:41 AM

Can we name another country in the World, which has had so many UN Resolutions passed against it, so many UN Resolutions vetoed by the UK/US, and yet the same country has had – NO SANCTIONS PLACED UPON IT.
In the US and UK we vote politicians into power and the moment they use their power, it is to satiate the appetites of the most powerful lobby groups.

different frank
different frank
Aug 2, 2019 10:19 AM

The Lobby – USA – ALL episodes 1+2+3+4.

mathias alexand
mathias alexand
Aug 2, 2019 9:11 AM

And Israelis get free health care.

Aug 4, 2019 8:49 PM

Courtesy of the US goy taxpayer.

Aug 2, 2019 9:05 AM

It is arguably misleading to single out Biden and Harris.
ALL the (so called) ‘progressive’ Democrats (including Gabbard) voted in favour of the anti-BDS bill.
Alexandria Occasio Cortez recently voted in support of Trumps defence budget (https://www.leftvoice.org/aoc-follows-pelosi-trumps-lead-by-voting-big-bucks-for-military).
They are ALL a bunch of deceivers and one wonders what it will take for people to wake up to what is going on.

Aug 2, 2019 9:53 AM
Reply to  crank

Bizarre, that is not the Youtube link that I put in my comment. In fact, I’ve never seen it before.
I linked to a segment by Aaron Mate interviewing Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada.
I’ll try again :

Aug 2, 2019 10:16 AM
Reply to  crank

Eds – they’ve swapped (i have screen shots).
Someone or somebot is fucking around.
Please delete latter. I have not watched this vid (Deir Yassin Remembered) and have not linked to it in either comment.

different frank
different frank
Aug 2, 2019 11:29 AM
Reply to  crank

I posted the link Deir Yassin Remembered as a reply to the William HBonney hasbara troll.
I’m not sure what you are on about mate.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 3, 2019 10:31 AM

What he is on about, Frank, is that everything-everything can be manipulated & controlled, in some form or another, electronically and it occurs with constant tiny tweaks: with not just back doors, but also “Parallel Platforms” within secret services, where only IT Guys, with the highest clearance for ‘Classified’ access, can operate and the sovereign state governors remain largely wholly unaware of their parallel Databanks of any surveillance or actions illegally undertaken, with ZERO control or traceability officially … & governors/politicians have very largely zero comprehension of how IT functions or how much power IT guys wield …


That link to a book review demonstrates politician’s ineptitude 😉

This was what the simultaneous whistleblowers Bill Binney and Kurt Weibe were desperate for everybody to comprehend, after the 11th September 2001. , because they knew immediately that they could have pre-empted that faked & phoney ‘attack’, had they been allowed to employ & focus their own smart algorithms for what is known as ‘ThinThread’ at their NSA station …

Sadly, most have largely ignored their bravery & above all their quintessential combined inherent characteristic of integrity: a seldom found ‘commodity’ in IT programmers today, unlike
Binney & Weibe …

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2019 1:44 PM
Reply to  crank

It was probably the resident zionist troll WH Bonney.

Aug 2, 2019 8:05 AM

I don’t think that this somewhat singular focus on AIPAC put things in their proper perspective.
Half of all Democractic Party donations come from Jewish donors (https://www.jpost.com/US-Elections/US-Jews-contribute-half-of-all-donations-to-the-Democratic-party-468774) – and this is from a self identified group who constitute between 2 and 3 % of the US population.
The role of ‘the lobby’ extends far beyond political action/affairs committees:

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 2, 2019 5:25 AM

As a subject, history is not to be trusted. Too prone to revisionism, opinion and bias.

What little I do know about the subject is that one sided account, as this is, is utterly worthless.

What comes across, from reading articles here, and the accompanying commentary, is a perfunctory sympathy for the Palestinian cause, the main purpose of which is to justify the kind of rabid antisemitism that would normally attract credible accusations of neo nazism.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2019 5:46 AM

Your comment is not just twisted; its incredibly offensive. What has been done to Palestinians for decades; the forced evictions, 9 year old kids being shot in the head, – in fact lots of kids being shot dead, paramedics murdered, people in wheelchairs murdered, countless scores of unarmed protesters shot, injured people lying on the ground ‘finished off’, full blown ethnic cleansing, the full blown blockade of Gaza, children dragged out of their beds in the middle of the night and terrorised.
And you have the gall to go on about ‘anti semitism’. Idiot Troll. Go crawl back under your rock. By the way, the fascists are in Tel Aviv. You make me sick.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 2, 2019 6:03 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You make me sick

Faux outrage that fools no-one. One imagines that in like minded company you could be persuaded to refer to WW2 as the ‘ethnic cleansing of the Aryan race’.

Yours is a one sided comment that rather reinforces my point.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2019 6:42 AM

Peice Of Filth…😈🤖😈🤖😈🤖.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 2, 2019 7:09 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Peice Of Filth…😈🤖😈🤖😈🤖.

(Laughs), one hopes your spelling is better with an aerosol can.

Perhaps use both hands next time and eschew the onanism.

Aug 4, 2019 1:14 AM

Oooh, eschew….oooh, onanism….you so clever. You’d be better off with less eschewing of the onanism.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 4, 2019 3:37 AM
Reply to  noseBag

Clearly, you prefer Gezzah Pott’s scatological approach to commentary…

Wash your hands when you’ve finished.

Aug 2, 2019 8:22 AM

“…that fools no-one”

Stop pretending that you are “everyone”.

And the Israelis are the new ethnic cleansers.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 2, 2019 9:13 AM
Reply to  George

And the Israelis are the new ethnic cleansers

Much as I dislike stating the bleeding obvious (lest you get it into your head that I think you’re an idiot), if the Israelis are indeed practising ethnic cleansing, then one might expect the palestinian population to be decreasing (it’s increasing rapidly), as happened when the Interhamwe, and the SS practised it.

The conclusion can only be that you deliberately characterise a long lasting and low level civil war as genocide, simply as an expression of your anti semitism.

Aug 2, 2019 11:13 AM

Wow, so critisism of Israel is critisism of Jewish people?

HBonney you are THE MAN.

My man, George. Your not a Type1 Antisemite as HBonney suggests. Hold the banner of a Type 2 Antisemite with honour.

I think HBonney has previously suggested Our-Man-Dinner-Bad said he’d like to ‘wipe Israel from the map’. Of course he didn’t, but thats HBonney for you.

Also as a fellow Type2 Antisemite, may I suggest a mosey on over to Tony Greensteins (An Anti Semite and Self hating Jew) Blog or twitter feed.

https://mobile.twitter.com/TonyGreenstein or even

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 2, 2019 12:12 PM
Reply to  TFS

I think HBonney has previously suggested Our-Man-Dinner-Bad said he’d like to ‘wipe Israel from the map’. Of course he didn’t, but thats HBonney for you

I’m a dinner jacket actually said Israel will be wiped from history (which is actually worse).

You could always look it up- you won’t, of course, because the quote is quite appalling.

Aug 2, 2019 5:45 PM

Well – here’s the mother of all ironies. I was curious about Billy Boy’s claim about someone saying “Israel will be wiped from history” and I googled those very words and the first thing that came up was this:


The very instructive article begins:

“A video posted to social media by Israel’s foreign ministry shows an everyday Jewish couple, Jacob and Rachel, in a home named the “Land of Israel”. A series of knocks on the door brings 3,000 years of interruptions to their happiness. First it’s the Assyrians, followed by the Babylonians, Hellenists, Arabs, Romans, Crusaders, Mamluks, and Ottomans – all straight out of Monty Python central casting.

Jacob and Rachel are forced by the warring factions to relocate to ever smaller parts of their home until finally they have to pitch a tent in the garden. Their fortunes change only with the arrival of a servant of the British Empire who returns the title deeds. A final knock disturbs their celebrations. On the doorstep are a penniless Palestinian couple, craning their necks to see what goodies await them inside.

The chauvinism in portraying Jacob and Rachel as the only normal folk, stoicly enduring barbarians butchering each other in their living room, is ugly enough. But it is harder still to take seriously an account in which the Palestinians suddenly appear out of nowhere in 1948, as Britain departs.”

So it is Israel that has wiped out the history of everyone else in those troublesome 3,000 years!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2019 10:39 PM
Reply to  George

That most certainly is the mother of all ironies, from the horses mouth, when you consider the sophistication of so many algorithms today: it looks like somebody has some urgent tweaking to do @google 😉

Excellent job creation & observations, George 🙂

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 6:41 AM
Reply to  George

Well – here’s the mother of all ironies. I was curious about Billy Boy’s claim about someone saying “Israel will be wiped from history” and I googled those very words and the first thing that came up was this:

I doubt very much that an Abu Dhabi newspaper was the first thing that came up. Far more likely is that you went shopping for a link with an interpretation sympathetic to your stance.

For your information, like pretty much all news sources in the Gulf, thenational.ae has a poor reputation for editorial independence, and should not be used as a source without that disclaimer.

Aug 3, 2019 9:30 AM

I googled the words:

Israel will be wiped from history

WITHOUT quotes and the link I supply was the very first that came up. The video can be seen here:


And is clearly intended to be …um “humorous”. But I think it’s the old trick of adopting a comedic manner to present a view that is meant to be taken seriously.

Aug 3, 2019 11:46 AM

There is a very good article concerning the oft misquoted words here. There is absolutly nothing about wiping Israel off the map.

“The regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time”


Aug 2, 2019 5:23 PM

I don’t see Palestinians demolishing Israeli houses. Nor do I see Palestinian land expanding while Israel territory shrinks. If the word genocide upsets you Billy Boy (since Israel has claimed total ownership of that word) then we can use a much nicer word – like “massacre”.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 2, 2019 6:02 PM
Reply to  George

If the word genocide upsets you Billy Boy (since Israel has claimed total ownership of that word) then we can use a much nicer word – like “massacre”.

Since 2000, 1251 Israeli citizens have been murdered by Palestinians. Is this the massacre you refer to?

Aug 2, 2019 8:20 PM


“…the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem has been tracking since September 2000….Overall, the group has recorded 8,166 conflict-related deaths, of which 7,065 are Palestinian and 1,101 Israeli. That means 87 percent of deaths have been Palestinian and only 13 percent Israeli.”

Aug 2, 2019 5:04 PM

“One imagines that in like minded company you could be persuaded to refer to WW2 as the ‘ethnic cleansing of the Aryan race’”

This might just be the most ridiculous claim I’ve seen from any Israeli troll, which, in a sea of nonsensical assertions, is pretty impressive in itself. Though I am curious how you could possibly know anything about the conflict, given your statement that history is too prone to revisionism and bias to be trusted? Or is it only certain bits of history we don’t like?

A* level Hasbara, your supervisor should be commended. Perhaps with the stolen home of a Palestinian family.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2019 7:53 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah, my friend, here’s my opinion for what it’s worth:-
WHB is at minimum a Sociopath: & I mean that in the most literal sense, having now analysed a lot more than 69 of his fuk’d up posts: and if you apply Michel Kosinski’s profiling programme, (which Cambridge Analytica used to target people and their Biorhythms on Facebook particularly and their predictable mood swings, before & during the 2016 US elections), with his 5 Category programme called O>C>E>A>N**, he certainly is a sociopath !

**or C>A>N>O>E programme, same letters (as Ocean) and i prefer the latter acronym, being Major Bumsore & having well over 50 years in the saddle of my canoe … 😉
Gotta’ luv paddlin’ :), useful weapons, too , for lengthy pokes in the knees &
sliding down shill bones, I mean shins … 😉

It should be noted that Admin recently deduced & published their own conclusions and called him flat out a “PSYCHOPATH “, but that is perhaps a little bit of a compliment for him, because I believe that he is highly likely to be a coward, in reality: surely one that could lash out if provoked enough and I would not sleep in the same room or building, without a locked door & a paddle :), but I reckon that face2face he would always back down, because he is the epitomy of an attention seeking cowardly cnut, with a very low sense of self-esteem deep down and zero empathy for any others, in my book: and therefore he gleans joy from steering & watching others, having grabbed their attention: attention that he was certainly lacking in his childhood, from a very young age, more than likely, in other words, a son of bitch >>> whatever, a sad case in the wide spectrum of humanity, who I guess we should pity, in many ways … though he is not entirely dumb, mind you and, as they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing … especially for a fascist and that he certainly is !

Gwilym suggests DR. DADE rules and as long as the sociopath is not actually commanding attention or steering innocents, then I have to agree 🙂

Warm regards Gezzah,
Best wishes,

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Really appreciate this comment Tim, and read it twice before replying. I just snapped and saw red yesterday, and that’s exactly what he wants: A reaction. I just thought of the massive injustices being inflicted on the Palestinians, the innocent children murdered and maimed, entire families tossed out of their homes…. And I snapped.
Others have made repeated comments “don’t feed the trolls – don’t give them oxygen” and its the way to deal with them. After my I made my comment below, wished there was a delete button here to remove my P.O.F emoji comment, but there’s not. Thanks for your reply mate. Have a groovy weekend😁

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2019 10:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Really appreciate your honesty, style & comments, always and don’t worry one bit: we all have our off days, where our patience wears thin and especially then at those moments, one just has to think, ‘ffs not WHB again, lol, Don’t Read Don’t Answer Don’t Engage’, being the DR.DADE rule of thumb: however, there are always exceptions to every rule and when one notices that he’s gaining some traction on some innocent newcomer …

Like I said a paddle is a useful tool for a quick Chris Hitchens’ style ‘Bitch Slap’ 😉
Have a real groovy corruption free weekend yer’ self, mate 🙂

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 6:02 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I just snapped and saw red yesterday, and that’s exactly what he wants

A commenting site with absolutely no moderation whatsoever is always in danger of becoming a magnet for those with extremist views.

If you are embarrassed, well, you did it to yourself. My original post was reasonable, without resorting to ad hominems.

If I were Jewish, I wouldn’t like to live near either you, or Jenkins. I’d be permanently scrubbing crudely spray painted swastikas off my front door.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 3, 2019 11:46 AM

That is the wholly predictable classic response of Cowardly Sociopathic Fascist tendencies, deeply seated: you chose to interject, between Gezzah & myself, seeking his attention, but avoiding me & we both know why: because you are capable of sitting and watching anything die, (void of feelings), instead of intervening or endeavouring to assist in any peaceful passing, should that death be unavoidable: including the death, destruction or passing of ANY culture, because you do not perceive pain & fear as others do, perfectly described by Dostoyevsky in his master piece of Chaos, ‘The Possessed’ or ‘Demons’… ‘Obsebene’ in Cyrillic. (sounds like obsession)

Thanks for this comment above, because it demonstrates perfectly for Admin & others, bringing clarity finally & illuminating that you are in fact a Coward, Sociopath & Fascist, not a Psychopath, as Admin had described your words.

Your Zionist Masters will not be pleased with this dead giveaway, though they know your sociopathic tendencies well, they do not wish it known and evidenced by Algorithms, like Kosinski’s CANOE programme: consistently far more efficient than you & I combined and these algorithms prove beyond any reasonable doubt, that what I say of you is true and everything you say above is a pathological lie: including specifically the FACT that your words “with absolutely no moderation whatsoever” is irrefutably in any court of Law or public opinion, a BLATANT PATHOLOGICAL LIE.

I do pity you in some ways, because you will never ascend to my level, which is why you follow me around, seeking my attention & with a desperate rush to give me the thumbs down, like a cat chasing its’ tail & tales of ‘pussy’, as Sergei Lavrov would say 🙂 There’s a good book for you to read and I thoroughly recommend it to you, as it will seriously help a pitiful cowardly fascist sociopath, such as yourself, and I mean that most sincerely, that you may live & learn more about yourself, first & foremost & search some spark within your troubled psychological state of mind, that permits Psychopaths to abuse you … fu’k the money you get paid, Bill, you yearn help & seek wisdom & attention. So, for this brief moment in time, I offer you some wisdom, as somebody with pity for sociopaths and a loathing for Zionist Psychopaths, with fascist doctrines …

“Confessions of a Sociopath” by M.E. Thomas is a damn fine read and a must read for you WHB, because She is charismatic & successful: and moreover, Bill, she has been honest with herself first & then others …

Don’t be a coward, Bill, read the book: she is much wiser today, than you.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 12:25 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

I do pity you in some ways, because you will never ascend to my level

I feel, ever since joining this site, I’m learning more and more about the symptoms of mental illness…

Take your meds.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 3, 2019 1:54 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Wow…. hit the nail bang on the head Tim, couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks again, aye. Had email notification ‘that person’ who I choose not to name had sent me another reply, and came back here, and saw your reply to that person. In future, he and anyone similar like Comite Esparcito for example, get no response, will just be ignored. In fact, won’t even read their comments.
As a tech illiterate, just try and work out how to block him specifically without blocking any other OffGuardian replies. Bloody hell tho…. Extremists? Swastikas? Jayzus…. He needs to open his eyes to what is being done to oppressed people’s, like the Palestinians. Appreciate your comments, hope it’s a nice day in your part of the UK.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 3, 2019 2:54 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

🙂 Lol, Exactly, but first he needs to examine himself, why, how & what motivates him, daily, which is not just the money from his Zionist bosses: we can easily see that he cares for nothing, nobody & actually considers himself clever, which he is obviously not. Take away the attention and his crutch & balls disappear 🙂

I left the UK in 1990, operating from Switzerland until 2004 and since then I live In Bulgaria, well aware of NATZO goals & intentions, after witnessing personally, their orchestration of Genocide on the Balkans in the 90’s > I decided to move in advance of NATZO to their future frontline and now sit on the ‘Länderdreieck’ within the border zone of Bulgaria Greece & Turkey, with Europe’s largest per capita Muslim population, who never wear Burkas/Hijabs &&&,though they may, if they so wish … In 2004, just before the Tsunami, I witnessed Genocide and moreover, the aftermath (always worse imo) in Jaffna, Sri lanka.
Few people realise that at least 60% of the LTTE were women & it was a scary place to be alone, up the jungle, with so many places with landmines &&& my point is that people like ‘him’ (no-name) don’t have the courage to search the TRUTH, within themselves, first & foremost 😉

I have studied intensively how NATO ruptures & destroys cultures with a wide variety of strategies, from scything down forests with the Roma population for a wholly illegal workforce, no taxes & insurance, leading onto weather manipulations and zero investment for any serious societal development, before the military arrives & here the EU only ever empowering the Mafia Bosses of old, clear as day and so in yer’ face, i’d have to write an article to explain >>> it’s a racket, both the EU & NATZO, from A-Z(ion), a global strategy and if there is one thing I’ve learnt, it is ironically what Imran Khan just told Trump, last week ..

Corruption is the Destruction of Culture

And if you listen to that book review link that I keep posting,


the IT guys control so much more than ANY politician would ever care to admit. Listen & laugh (much), when you get a chance & must do something mundane: Imran Awan, just an amazing sequence of events that explains all the Russia-Hoax, Assange, Seth Rich + much more and the reality that our politicians are controlled by Mafia Bosses and Zionist Fascist corporate controlled computerised collusion to the highest levels of everybody’s secret services: not just the USA’s and all with Intel inside this military industrial complex huge ‘Psyop’ called the Internet, to profile us all and control & monitor anything & everything & everybody with a birth certificate 🙂 using “Parallel Platforms” that no politician has the faintest idea how to operate, lol: thankfully, the Chinese do not wish to be ruled by Zionists and have moved ahead, technologically speaking…

Food for thought,
Again best wishes,
& regards,

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 4, 2019 4:03 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

You live in a very interesting part of the World, Tim. Never been to the northern hemisphere, only lived in Australia twice now from NZ. My eyes were partly opened when United States invaded Grenada, and even tho I was not long out of high school, kept thinking ‘why would such a huge country invade a tiny Island’? Long before there were sites like OffGuardian.
My eyes were fully opened a few years later when I joined a Central American solidarity group in Australia, and found out about the myriad horrors; the death squads, the torture chamber’s, the massacre’s. Learning about what happened in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Chile, the invasion of Panama, on and on. That was my full awakening to what the United States truly represented. Evil.
Later belonged to an East Timor solidarity group, and that fully cemented for me the blood drenched searing hypocrisy of the alleged ‘civilised’ West. I do need to become more involved in supporting Palestine tho. Its not enough for me just to post angry comments here and elsewhere.
I also know my phone is being monitored, as is pretty much Everyone who pokes their heads over the parapets. Full spectrum surveillance of anyone suspicious. Given my previous history, as well as taking part in Pro Wikileaks and pro Julian Assange rallies, I know what I say on this phone is being recorded. Have a good week mate.

Aug 3, 2019 10:05 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The psychos of Talmudistan are far worse than any Nazis. If only because they have been around for 70 years instead of 12.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 4, 2019 2:29 AM
Reply to  mark

My big concern is the Anglo Zionist Empire now seems like a beached shark, thrashing about on the sand and baring its teeth at anyone who dosn’t bow to its wishes. And except for the poodle vassal states like Australia and the UK, no one is listening anymore.
What will creatures like Netanyahu and Bolton do when they finally see their World is crumbling to dust? How many nuclear weapons does Israel alone have? 300? 400? Very perilous times Mark.

Aug 2, 2019 8:19 AM

So “history is not to be trusted” but that doesn’t stop you from being pretty damned sure about it.

different frank
different frank
Aug 2, 2019 8:25 AM

Deir Yassin Remembered.

Aug 2, 2019 2:57 AM

Fools to believe that the CIA/FBI/NSA/Pentagon lets themselves be ruled by a a foreign state.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 1, 2019 10:19 PM

AIPAC is a very bad influence, on everything.

Aug 1, 2019 10:19 PM

Thanks for the info and it would interesting to know want Amerikans in govt. are dual citizens of Amerika and Israel?

Neil McCormick
Neil McCormick
Aug 2, 2019 2:09 AM
Reply to  jo6pac

I have been told by a variety of media over the years that anyone visiting Israel has the offer of becoming honorary citizens of Israel. It therefore seems more than likely a large number of US politicians are in reality dual citizens

Aug 2, 2019 4:33 PM
Reply to  andyoldlabour


Aug 1, 2019 9:10 PM

I guess Israel wins in the next election .The Palestinians ,well they have been losing since the early 19 hundreds ,what 4 more years .What a sad state of affairs .

Question This
Question This
Aug 1, 2019 9:08 PM

It would surely have been quicker to just tell us which US presidential candidates aren’t closet Israelis shills, granted your article would probably have been a blank page.

Aug 1, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  Question This

I’m reminded of Kennedy’s suspicions about the Dimonia nuclear plant in Israel and whether it was getting help from Americans, like the CIA. It was part of his bid to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. Some would say the involvement of men like Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) and his Mafia Boss Meyer Lansky who led the most powerful Jewish-Italian group of the period, in the assassination was not coincidental. Some say one sniper team travelled from Montreal under Mossad protection and included a renowned French assassin who was arrested in Dallas the day after the murder and deported to Mexico (its an excellent way of escaping!).

Aug 2, 2019 2:41 AM
Reply to  Paul

I would be interested to see any proof of a link between Lansky & Ruby as this connection is frequently asserted yet I have never seen it supported with any evidence.

There have been a kazillion frequently conflicting stories about the Kennedy assassination and most of em sound like shit designed to place the original spinner of the yarn at the center, who knows cos actions speak louder than words and one of the few things we know for sure is that the proponents of the Vietnam War were all Kennedy appointees like Robert McNamara who Johnson was persuaded to retain in his cabinet lest ‘smashing up Camelot’ seem too much like power grabbing. That is why I remain unpersuaded that Kennedy was anything other than the first 2d cut out with nice smile and expensive haircut who served as the original model for the thousands of deceitful, greedy and power grabbing neolibs that followed him.
It is a straight line from JFK to Tony Blair I reckon.

Aug 2, 2019 7:30 AM
Reply to  UreKismet


I would say that for the most part, the credible analyses of both Kennedy killings are in agreement on the key details of the cover-ups and with respect to evidence of conspiracies.
Piper’s work on JFK, although self admittedly not ‘proof’ of Israeli culpability, is arguably a pretty sizeable pile of circumstantial evidence. It is defintitely worth consideration, and I would say makes much more sense in terms of motives than some nebulous cabal of oil magnates and gangsters somehow co-ordinating their actions only to be covered up by the entire US establishment.
Rubenstein connects in multiple ways to the mob (Micky Cohen), Israel, as well as US intelligence (read Piper’s free online book linked below). However it is not just the organised crime angle : the prime suspect from within the CIA in terms of oversight of the coup must surely be James Jesus Angleton – a very strange man with long standing convictions about Israel, as well as a professional focus there. He is memorialised in Israel as a national hero, though it is not explicitly clear why.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2019 8:21 PM
Reply to  crank

Jesus ? You mean we’ve had the second coming and the Israelis covered it up & bagged him for themselves, as well ?

So, that’s why they own & control the whole mainstream media & politicians in the Western World 😉

And everybody is none the wiser … 🙂

Question This
Question This
Aug 2, 2019 1:36 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

I kind of agree with about JFK, but we will never know if he was the real mcCoy or just another neo-liberal.

The only thing I know & believe to be true about JKF’s assassination is he was assassinated, (And i have no evidence of that) the whole thing has been so corrupt by conspiracy theorizes of various kinds from various sources (including the establishment) nothing i hear or see seems credible anymore.