S&P Bearish on 5G, Tesla’s Coil and the T-Mobile Merger

Renee Parsons

How reassuring.

The FCC, the telecoms and cooperating MSM continue their resolute pr campaign to sell 5G to an unsuspecting American public as if the technology is up and running at effortless full capacity. 

The truth is that even as ‘spotty’ coverage is being established in large urban markets, the telecoms are well aware that there are fundamental uncertainties yet to be addressed which may take years before widespread distribution can be accomplished.

The industry is driven by the hard reality that consumer indifference to increased data speed may be enough to threaten a return on their $275 billion investment thereby encouraging the telecoms to manufacture an insatiable demand for some new digital bells and whistles.  This is not to say that 5G is in jeopardy of being developed but that its cellular identity may be amended to focus more on the 30 GHz and higher projects.

The reality is, according to Scott Fulton, no single, simple way to create a new wireless technology on the scale of 5G.  Fulton compares the upgrade from 4G to 5G as akin to going from a telegraph to a fax machine.  As he explains, a wireless generation is a combination of technologies, all with multiple dimensions and differing standards, that must be integrated to form one mobile technological entity. 

The 5G concept is not conducive to plugging one new generation into another but requires a level of co-existence as one merges with another, as new standards integrate with the old standards – all of which may take years.   As we know from the National Security Council power point, 5G is being built from the ground up as a brand new entity.

In other words, creating a new generation of digital technology is a lot more complicated with  rollout not ready for some years to come, even as the push for 6G begins to muddy the waters.

In addition, a recent Standard and Poor’s Global Ratings gave credence to the possibility that the telecoms are taking on more than they are able to deliver: 

for U.S. telecommunications companies, we have a cautious view on 5G wireless.  We believe that accelerated deployments could hurt balance sheets that are already stretched because of mergers and acquisitions, mature industry conditions, and competitive pressures.”

In a warning to investors, S&P cited “revenue growth associated with 5G will be constrained” as they questioned whether consumers are willing to spend more just to experience faster speeds on new devices.   S&P continued

our forecast for 5G investment and customer appetite is bearish, so any incremental increase cost or delay should be nonmaterial to the ratings” and that “the bulk of the (Internet of Things) revenue opportunities may not materialize for at least five to 10 years” as AT&T and Verizon could wait up to ten year for a pay back on their investment.

Tesla’s Coil

In 1891, the brilliant Nikola Tesla, Yugoslavian physicist, engineer and inventor created the Tesla Coil which became the first high voltage transmission of wireless electricity utilizing an electro magnetic force. 

The Coil radiated sufficient volts of artificial lightening to illuminate a fluorescent bulb with no electrical wire connection as Tesla also dared theorize on the possibility of death rays.

Some believe that Tesla derived his genius from interstellar spheres as he once suggested that “if you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration” while displaying an intuitive recognition of the existence of the ionosphere, a premonition of plasma as the fourth state of matter and what today has been dubbed ‘free’ energy.

More famous for revolutionizing our understanding of electricity with his patent for ac (alternating) current, his prescient quote  “…in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.  I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core but I know that it exists” further suggests a consciousness that had penetrated a “secret core” as another level of reality. 

Today, ac is also known as radio frequency waves in the telecommunication world with the difference being the level of frequency on the spectrum.

After having his inventions ridiculed, laughed at and/or stolen by Thomas Edison, Marconi, George Westinghouse and lastly, JP Morgan who failed to grasp the significance of a global wireless communication network, Tesla experienced how a small independent inventor could be squeezed out by the rapacious robber baron class which continues to this day.

After his death in 1943, some of his remaining paperwork was confiscated by the US government and some became enshrined in a museum in Yugoslavia. As the spirit of Tesla lives on through ingenious inventors of the day, there is reportedly a way to connect an android phone to the internet without wifi service.

T-Mobile Sprint Merger

Speaking of robber barons, the recent Department of Justice approval of a $26 billion merger between T-Mobile and Sprint reduced four major national wireless carriers to three thus creating another impossibly unwieldy mega-monster titan while assuring that Rural America’s Digital Divide will continue. 

In a late hour concession to rural consumers, one of the divestiture requirements included the sale of “certain spectrum assets,” 20,000 cell sites, retail storefronts and total use of the T-Mobile network for seven years to Dish, a Colorado-based satellite TV provider as it builds its own 5G network in the expectation of ultimately becoming a fourth major carrier.

With the ink barely dry, T-Mobile CEO John Legere wasted no time in asserting that T Mobile’s  acquisition of Spectrum would offer a “true nationwide capability that this country needs that nobody else has” and that owning all three frequency bands, each containing different properties and ability to transmit data, is crucial to 5G’s success.

Radio Frequency Spectrum is a fixed, finite resource on the electromagnetic spectrum that enables wireless telecommunication to function.  

With a radio frequency from 3 KHz to 300 GHz (gigahertz), 5G will utilize low and mid band frequencies as well as the higher mm Wave frequency which is an essential indicator as to the true purpose and intent of 5G.

In other words, while T-Mobile has shrewdly accumulated all three bands to create what it believes will be unbeatable in the marketplace, AT&T and Verizon are no match for their market dominance.  

Currently, both Verizon and AT&T own low band spectrum and the more expensive and complex mmWave.   Neither owns any of the highly desirable, more versatile, Mid-band Spectrum necessary for urban and rural usage.

Legere then proceeded to attack the two remaining carriers as “dead in the water” and “lying”  as the merger put T-Mobile in the driver’s seat as Sprint was the only telecom to own any of the mid band spectrum. 

The merger gave T-Mobile the opportunity to consolidate all three bands under one company. In addition, at the recent FCC auction in March, T-Mobile spent $840 million to quadruple their mmWave holdings which will facilitate the Internet of Things, AI’s and the Directed Energy Weapons.

With three remaining carriers there is little real expectation that T-Mobile will live up to its earlier promises to provide rural America with cellular service and that 99% of the country will be wired within six years

The cost for installing thousands of miles of fiber cable and 200,000-plus cell sites required to make a 5G network operational will be an extensive project and cost $60 billion more than proposed.  Still pending is S1699, the Streamline Small Cell Deployment Act which will curtail local government role in locating 5G towers.  If and when 5G makes it to rural America, it promises to be prohibitively expensive.

The last remaining requirement for the merger is final approval by the five-member Federal Communications Commission although their vote is little more than a technicality.  The three Republican appointees to the Commission announced their support, although two of them admitted they had not read the necessary documentation; thereby winning the ”Bobbing Head Award of the Week.”

…to be continued


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Joseph Donahue
Joseph Donahue
Jan 5, 2023 11:09 AM

Fantastic blog! Do you have any recommendations for aspiring writers?I’m planning to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any tips? Kudos

Berlin beerman
Berlin beerman
Aug 5, 2019 12:28 AM

Monaco installed 5G using Huawei gear.

The US ( companies) forced citizens to continue using AOL dial up while the rest of the world was using “highspeed”. Profits over anything.

Today its behind again , for profits and other issues, making up stories about Chinese military spying while the US does the spying just fine on their citizens.

Bla, bla, bla …. uninformed and uneducated make for great consumers of crap.

Aug 5, 2019 4:49 PM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

This is just crapitalism in action, monopoly pricing, price gouging, rent seeking.
$750 for a pill that costs 10 cents to produce.
$5,000 for an ambulance journey.
Expensive poor quality connections from monopoly suppliers.

Aug 4, 2019 10:47 PM

“if you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration” while displaying an intuitive recognition of the existence of the ionosphere, a premonition of plasma as the fourth state of matter and what today has been dubbed ‘free’ energy. Resonance is the key to communication as synchronicity. This applies no less to what we call consciousness as it does to bio-signalling systems. Abraham Liboff has uncovered effects of unbelievably tiny EM currents/fields that are nothing to do with conventional ideas of EM effects on the body. The ionosphere is a part of the Solar/Earth Capacitance. Electric Universe is not allowed mainstream and yet a perusal of Thunderbolts.info picture of the day articles shows that innumerable gremlins or fudges and bafflement from unexpected (empirical) findings all make sense within the Electric paradigm. But make no cents for the corporate and institutional INVESTMENT in an essentially Victorian ‘Model’ masked in mathematical obfuscations that establish computer modelling to replace empirical science and conveniently maintain vast funding or revenue capture in ‘solving’ or protecting and propagating pseudo problems as a diversion from an honest account. Access to effectively infinite energy is also a matter of resonant consciousness. Some of Tesla’s discoveries are extremely dangerous in the mindset of fear as division or ‘psychopathy’. Plasma makes up around 99% of the physical Universe. there is no vacuum of ’empty space’ so much as relative terms of a simplistic model. The nature of an electro-magnetic Universe is truly a SIGNIFICANCE from which all else changes – relative the the thinking that proceeded from an Internment of Things or ‘mind as A Thing in and of itself. But the nature of that IDEA about our existence of ‘self’ is that of the weaponisation and marketisation of everything or ‘possession… Read more »

Aug 4, 2019 2:16 PM

We all know that once the internet became fast enough to stream porn at 720p the game was essentially over. What else is it being used for?

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 4, 2019 2:31 AM

The editor of a respected music magazine declared some years ago that one of the sicknesses of our society is that perfectly sound, tried and trusted technology is junked the minute something else comes along.

Says it all, IMO.

Aug 4, 2019 10:44 AM

Planned obsolescence in central to capitalism. Lee Iacoca in the early 60’s was quoted saying that they could easily make cars that would last for a very long periods of time; but realized there was much more profit in building car parts which would need to be replaced regularly, frequently. Smartphones and computers follow this same business model: keep coming out with new releases, new chips (that make your old Apple computer obsolete/unable to upgrade to newest operating system), etc that force the consumer to continually buy the newest version…or be left behind unable to upgrade.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 4, 2019 5:20 PM
Reply to  Deschutes

That already started with the mere light bulb a hundred years ago when the manufacturers of the time colluded to set a 1000 hour life limit, far lower than some were already producing.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 3, 2019 9:13 PM

I’m also bearish on 5G because in the US at least 5G is a mishmash of non-standard wireless equipment that solves non-existent problems. Its the epitome of the “bright, shiny, thing” and its uselessness is compounded by the US not being the owner or even the forefront of the technology. (Now you know what’s been eating the US about Huawei…..) I live in a community that’s getting early implementations, its quite controversial (for all the wrong reasons — death rays and all that) but we’re getting it anyway. It will provide short range Internet links as an alternative to existing cable and fiber connections. Its a bit of a nonsense because our community’s geography means that getting 4G service is a bit hit and miss — mostly miss in my neighborhood — and even 3G can be a bit iffy in places. We’re not getting it because we need it but because community demographics means we can afford it — the marketing spreadsheets say ‘yay’ and we’re all supposed to cheer and pony up. There’s a lot of subtext in 5G that hasn’t been explored in this article. One big issue is the role of the “Internet of Things” in the plans marketers have for our future. Some people may have noticed that many products that they buy aren’t really what they paid for, what they purchased is a platform that they then have to buy or rent software to make it useful. This isn’t just that so-called Smart TV, phones and computers but extends to, for example, some makes of farm equipment. The role of 5G connectivity is to enable IoT so we can extend this rental model to common household objects — always on connectivity allows a manufacturer to monitor usage and exact continuing payment. Its a redundant… Read more »

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 4, 2019 4:29 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

One big issue is the role of the “Internet of Things” in the plans marketers have for our future

I doubt that it will take off. I’m an early adopter, but like Google glass, this is an answer to a question no one is asking.

Aug 4, 2019 8:32 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Why does nobody ask us if we want another technology?

In Australia the NBN (to 4G) has not been taken up properly because it is simply too expensive. I have no idea how Russia can be so inexpensive but here the standard deal is 60 AUD a month – too expensive for the many poor people who battle wage stagnation and too low for the company. Some idiot assumed people would take up the faster speeds for 200 AUD a month!!!

We don’t even know now what 5G would cost. With all lampposts in the street being a 5G receiver or broadcaster it will allow extremely tight surveillance of people’s activities and it will also allow charging people for every metre driven or walked. Many people do not like paying for roads they never use. That’s how far we have come.

Can I have a referendum whether we really want 5G???

Aug 4, 2019 10:01 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

“Can I have a referendum whether we really want 5G???”

Nobody up there is remotely interested in what the public want and even less interested in what the public need. What the ones up above need is to maximise profits. They constantly dream up ways of doing so and then unveil those ways. In the end, the public have to choose at least one item from the range of profit maximization options. Whether any of these options will do the public any good is irrelevent. Indeed – if you follow the logic of profit maximization it leads to the most efficient reduction of inputs relative to outputs i.e. a tendency towards the cheapest to produce and dearest to sell. In short: maximum gains for the elite and maximum shafting for the plebs.

Burning Poo
Burning Poo
Aug 3, 2019 6:47 PM

I quote the following passage: “With the ink barely dry, T-Mobile CEO John Legere wasted no time in asserting that T Mobile’s acquisition of Spectrum would offer a “true nationwide capability that this country needs that nobody else has” and that owning all three frequency bands, each containing different properties and ability to transmit data, is crucial to 5G’s success.” The fundamental issue is it that of “ownership” of yet another natural resource, namely these frequency bands, which should be a public utility. When it comes to the matter of public utilities, that exist for the public good and not the selfish interests of the corporate hegemony, it is fair to employ an old dictum “property is theft”. You may argue that these people have invested fortunes in this technology (which remains questionable) however, I would ask where they got all this money from in the first place. Let the trolling begin. . . . . . . . .

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 7:37 PM
Reply to  Burning Poo

The fundamental issue is it that of “ownership” of yet another natural resource, namely these frequency bands, which should be a public utility

Well, firstly, its not as if you were going to actually use them for something, and secondly, they haven’t been given away, time limited licences have been issued, at a cost.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 3, 2019 6:30 PM

Several points in this one article, and so a comment for each one:

1. 5G may indeed be a step too far financially, at least for now. 4G is still out of reach for many people yet it offers them typically around 100mbps speeds or 10 times faster than 3G and 100 times faster than 2G which they may still be on! Most people will not pay for 5G for a long long time whilst 4G offers such high speeds, and before then it might even get banned as the health impacts become obvious. However, we should not underestimate the Deep State making sure that it gets its “always on” 5/6G surveillance system sooner or later.

2. I saw “In 1891 the brilliant Nikola Tesla, Yugoslavian…..” then stopped right there. He wasn’t a Yugoslav. Yugoslavia did not exist until after WW2 ffs! Tesla was born in Croatia in 1856 and the country was a part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire until WW1, about two and a half decades after the 1891 mentioned above. These are not minor details, and I don’t appreciate history being re-written by ignorant Anglo-Saxons, Serbian / Orthodox nationalists, Marxists, or Fascists, thank you very much!

3. Regarding the T-Mobile Sprint merger, 5G concerns aside, it’s yet more evidence that fewer and fewer corporations are owning more and more, wiping out competition, low prices, and ultimately working directly with politicians to remove our freedoms. The Totalitarian Global State rolls forward increasingly rapidly.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Aug 3, 2019 11:29 AM

Best to be suspicious, but not paranoid, about 5G.
The greedy Turds (and their children) behind this technology will be as exposed and vulnerable to its ‘harmful’ effects as the rest of us.
Does it make sense that they would take that risk?

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 3, 2019 6:39 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Fair point.

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 11:18 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Not really, because 5G has a limited range, you need to locate transmitters close together, you think the anonymous elite are going to have them near their country estates & gated communities? I don’t think so.

I know nothing about the health issues of 5G, it is about surveillance, think china’s social credit system. It needs lots of cameras to work with facial recognition software to identify individuals.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Aug 3, 2019 11:36 PM
Reply to  Question This

Surveillance of what?
The government agencies know exactly how much money we have, our assets, our working history and our medical history. It’s all digitally recorded.
They don’t give a shit what you’re thinking, saying or writing until your politics impedes on theirs.
The Ruling Turds cannot stay in their mansions and gated communities. They are compelled to go out amongst the Proles to display their wealth and authority.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 4, 2019 12:02 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Spot on FD

Aug 4, 2019 8:44 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Just a load of unsubstantiated, armchair nonsense. The “if 5G was harmful they wouldn’t do it because they would harm themselves” hypothesis. This argument does not stand up to scrutiny as there are so many examples of the controllers blanketing us with harmful products continuously despite scientific consensus to determine it is totally unsafe and could effect them as well. In China there is a massive industry in protecting pregnant women for example from EMF via adapted clothing. See that in the UK? No, they want you to get ill. The British establishment are really having a pop at their own at the moment, it’s orchestrated, just wait for Brexit when they will have carte blanche to do what the fuck they like.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Aug 4, 2019 9:09 AM
Reply to  Mucho

To paraphrase Sting:
‘I hope the Russians (Chinese, Americans etc) love their children too’
BTW Mucho. Will those pregnant women and their newborns be wearing ‘shields’ until they grow old?
Beware your greatest enemy:
The ceaseless chattering mind.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 4, 2019 9:59 AM
Reply to  Mucho

In China there is a massive industry in protecting pregnant women for example from EMF via adapted clothing.

You just made that up, it isn’t even a credible lie, given their problems producing non poisonous baby milk, and vaccines that aren’t fake.

Paul Carline
Paul Carline
Aug 4, 2019 12:22 PM

It took me about 30 seconds to google “china protective clothing for pregnant women” – this is just one of the several manufacturers’ sites that came up: https://youtong.en.made-in-china.com/product/wNOJAYVdLfcb/China-Emf-Shielding-Clothing-Maternity-Dress-for-Anti-Radiation.html
So who is doing the bullshitting?

Aug 4, 2019 7:37 PM
Reply to  Paul Carline

@ Paul Carline. The point is that virtually nobody in the UK is remotely aware that mobile phones and all wireless products are very harmful to health, that the government is lying through their teeth about the scientific evidence concluding the litany of health effects from wireless radiation, that mothers to be absolutely should be wearing protective clothes while pregnant. They certainly are not promoting these products here, they are encouraging reckless and as widespread as possible use of these killer devices. We should all be wearing protective clothing the saturation of EMF and radiofrequency emissions is so massive. These issues are the last thing on any Brit’s brainwashed mind, anyone who suggests such a thing just gets laughed and sneered at by the smug idiots who trust the government. Instead they’re busy facebooking, gaming and texting and living life utterly consumed by their “smartphone” (stupidphone), thinking they’re living the dream while their phoine makes them and their kids infertile for life and way more prone to a whole catalogue of debilitating and life threatening illnesses. The ignorance displayed in your petty little comeback is typical Brit-think….

Aug 5, 2019 3:12 PM
Reply to  Paul Carline

Apologies Paul I misread your post

Question This
Question This
Aug 4, 2019 10:08 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Rational people may think that way, but the more powerful they become the more paranoid about maintaining their power.

Anyway I’m sure they have ideas that we plebs couldn’t possibly have nightmares about.

Why does Sweden need a RFDI chip? why does china need a social credit system, Why did Blair introduce Civil Contingencies Act 2004? its about control!

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 10:53 AM

Imagine a device contrived by the establishment that can track your every move & position, every purchase, every communication with everyone else, a camera, fingerprint recognition & voice analysis to identify the user.

Hmm but how would the establishment sell this to the masses without suspicion of covert surveillance?

Now imagine these devices that you cant take the battery out of, switch off & has no where to hide? Nah its just a paranoid conspiracy theory who needs them when you can inject RFID implants. The next vaccine coming your way.

Burning Poo
Burning Poo
Aug 3, 2019 6:50 PM
Reply to  Question This

You could always take a sledgehammer to it.

Aug 4, 2019 4:03 PM
Reply to  Burning Poo

A better idea is to exploit the system for misinformation.
Use these devices to send them on wild goose chases.
Let them chase around like blue arsed flies to their hearts’ content.

Aug 4, 2019 4:13 PM
Reply to  mark

None of these electronic systems should be used for any remotely sensitive information.
Stay off the telephone, e mail and internet.
Don’t keep any records.
Face to face verbal contact only.
A lot of insurgent groups protect themselves by using couriers and motorcycle messengers. Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia and elsewhere.
Encryption can’t be relied on.
You can’t hack a child, or a woman, or a Honda delivering a message.
Turn their systems against them. Use them for disinformation.
The simpler the system, the safer it is.
Anyone who challenges official narratives will shortly be designated “conspiracy theorists”, “domestic extremists”, “radicals” and yes, altogether now, “Russian bots.”
People need to be ready to go underground and resort to samizdat.

Aug 3, 2019 10:22 PM
Reply to  Question This

Tie the device to the dog’s collar and toss a bone for it.

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 11:08 PM
Reply to  mark

Noooo I love my dog.

Anyway my point was, the reason why vaccines are mandatory is so they can inject us with anything they like, no one knows whats in the syringe. & with 5G facial recognition cameras would no longer be sc-fi. Just Saying.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 4, 2019 6:16 AM
Reply to  mark

Lmao: at one more perilous moment a few years back, I left the saddle on the horse & attached my phone, then set her free, knowing full well she wasn’t going far from the river, where we were camping … 🙂

Aug 3, 2019 10:23 AM

BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF MILLIMETER RADIOWAVES – (mm waves are a fundamental part of 5G)
Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitive changes in the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the processs of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism. The degree of unfavourable effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of the radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.

Link – Page 57: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120005-6.pdf


William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 10:47 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Did you read page 57 (bet you didn’t, or you wouldn’t have referred to it.

For a region of the electromagnetic spectrum (5-8mm) that doesn’t have the penetrating power to get past the outer layer of skin, a shaved mouse is a poor choice of human analogue. Its skin was never intended to be exposed in that way.

You also should factor in the fact, as you would for ionising radiation, that the REM (Roentgen equivalent man) is going to be minimal to the RE mouse.

There is also the fact that they zapped it with an enormous one milli Watt per square cm, to achieve any effect whatsoever.

Physics isn’t something amenable to googling. Spend a few years with a textbook, and you might become proficient in a small area of it.

Aug 3, 2019 11:15 AM

You are all assertion with no proof. Everything you write is worthless propaganda, baseless nonsense with zero credibility. You have no credibility and we have proven you to be liar on many occasions on this website.

Aug 3, 2019 11:16 AM
Reply to  Mucho



Aug 4, 2019 10:24 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Mucho, thanks for the link. It convinced me to cancel a fancy new induction cooker and install gas as usual; even though (at present) there are far more reports of gas fire injuries. On the other hand an engineer friend replies unperturbed: “… regarding the cautionary opinions of numerous PhDs concerning Electromagnetic Fields which you sent us, I feel their concerns are inflated. We are considering getting an induction cooker. Apparently to do cooking these appliances require you to use a magnetic cooking vessel. I believe they caution against people with pacemakers getting too close (60 cm). Neither of us has a pacemaker. And, as far as I know, humans don’t have magnetic sites in their bodies. If we get an induction cooker, I propose to use cooking vessels somewhat larger than the induction ring. In that case I expect most radiation to end up in the base of the vessel, not in me. Human lifespans seem to be generally increasing while at the same time being subjected to ever-increasing and all-pervasive Electromagnetic Radiation. So I feel unworried. I have used a microwave oven for over 30 years, often peering into it from close by to see better what’s going on. I have never found I get headaches from doing that nor any other form of suffering. Whether I have suffered genetic mutations from microwaves I can’t say but it doesn’t worry me at my age. And if Wireless Waves really are causing tissue damage perhaps the damage is simultaneously being repaired by the body same as UV damage to DNA”. I agree with this attitude of reasonable calm about GigaHerz EM radiation; while at the same time I avoid unnecessary exposure to this increasingly pervasive pollutant. Time and Statistics will sort out the results of these choices. “Messieurs et… Read more »

Aug 5, 2019 11:10 AM
Reply to  vexarb

It is possible to transmit wirelessly using less harmful frequencies, but true to form, they are using the most harmful frequencies possible. In Wifi, 4G starts at 2.4 GHz, the frequency which water molecules start to rotate at, and soon to be WiGig which is 5G wifi, operating at 60GHz, which is the oxygen absorption part of the spectrum. People are going to install equipment in their house which messes with the oxygen molecules and in turn this will cause illness. 5G introduces this new millimeter waveband on top of all the horrible shit they are already doing, which will become more widespread as well. It’s 100% an agenda.

Aug 4, 2019 10:36 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Mucho, in case my original post went astray, here is the core of my engineer friend’s reply to your link:

“We are considering getting an induction cooker. Apparently to do your
cooking these appliances require you to use a magnetic cooking vessel. I
believe they caution against people with pacemakers getting too close
(60 cm). Neither of us has a pacemaker. And, as far as I know, humans
don’t have magnetic sites in their bodies. If we get an induction
cooker, I propose to use cooking vessels somewhat larger than the
induction ring. In that case I expect most radiation to end up in the
base of the vessel, not in me.

Human lifespans seem to be generally increasing while at the same
time being subjected to ever-increasing and all-pervasive
Electromagnetic Radiation. So I feel unworried.

I have used a microwave oven for over 30 years, often peering into it
from close by to see better what’s going on. I have never found I get
headaches from doing that nor any other form of suffering. Whether I
have suffered genetic mutations from microwaves I can’t say but it
doesn’t worry me at my age. Perhaps the body repairs GigaHerz radiation damage same as it repairs UV radiation damage.”

Apologies if this reply is posted twice.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 11:28 AM
Reply to  Mucho

You are all assertion with no proof. Everything you write is worthless propaganda, baseless nonsense with zero credibility.

(laughs) You didn’t understand what you posted, did you? You simply liked one or two sentences. Sorry, that isn’t researching your subjects.

Aug 4, 2019 8:32 AM

5G Wireless Technology Is the “Stupidest Idea in the History of the World”
According to PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, Martin L. Pall


By writing what you have, William, you have exposed what a true enemy to humanity people like you are.

different frank
different frank
Aug 3, 2019 1:37 PM

William HBonney.
Is this you?

Aug 3, 2019 5:05 PM

Nah, our Billy Boy can say big words like “amenable” and “proficient”. He can even join them together to say “electromagnetic spectrum” and “ionising radiation”. He also likes to laugh but only (in brackets) – see below. The fact that he can only make as much, i.e. as little, sense as the guy in the video is purely coincidental.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 5:13 PM
Reply to  George


‘Amenable’ has a mere eight letters, count them.

Sorry if I am stretching your vocabulary..

I never see YouTube links because

A) they are blocked where I live


B) even if they weren’t, nothing of any great import was ever revealed on youtube

I will concede, its great for music videos…

Aug 3, 2019 6:13 PM

You can still see that video by simply looking in the mirror.

Aug 4, 2019 8:35 AM

Everything you say is null and void. Meaningless, parroted, establishment lies. “Every word that comes out of your mouth is like a turd falling into my drink”. Gags

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 4, 2019 10:00 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Just you stay classy, Mucho, don’t ever lose that.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 5, 2019 7:36 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I tell people that the electromagnetic radiation from a radio device on a lamp post is far weaker than the electromagnetic radiation from the actual street lamp and all I get back are blank looks. Physics is one of those things that you either ‘get’ or you don’t — if I have to explain it then I’m probably not going to get anywhere with the explanation.

There are plenty of reasons to push back against saturation coverage of an area by optimistic wireless companies but ‘the radiation will get you’ isn’t one of them.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Aug 3, 2019 9:58 AM

So the spawn of Satan continue their frenzied dance down through the history of exploitation.
It ain’t gonna be a happy ending.
For them, or us.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 9:56 AM

If 5g enables the user to seemlessly watch live TV, with no buffering (the way 4g was supposed to) , then I’m in.

Aug 3, 2019 10:17 AM

5G Wireless Technology Is the “Stupidest Idea in the History of the World”
According to PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, Martin L. Pall


By writing what you have, William, you have exposed what a true enemy to humanity people like you are.

Betrayed plane.
Betrayed plane.
Aug 3, 2019 10:39 AM
Reply to  Mucho

William is just an ignorant troll with low empathy, knowledge and an inability to think critically. Have compassion for such a human as every dog has its day. All of our lives end, my greatest wish in this life is to die with a clear conscience and a sense that my time here hasn’t been wasted.

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 11:00 AM

My ambition is to just do no harm, trouble is i am forced into complicity by the neo-liberal system, so I know my life’s work will be a failure & but from the lack of trying. unlike Mr W HBonney.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 11:17 AM
Reply to  Question This

My ambition is to just do no harm, trouble is i am forced into complicity by the neo-liberal system, so I know my life’s work will be a failure

Top virtue, well signalled.

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 11:35 AM

I would reply, but the sign says don’t feed the troll.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 3, 2019 1:36 PM
Reply to  Mucho

How many times does it need to be repeated: choke the trolls by skipping over his/her/their input UNREAD, and never answer or debate with them. It’s what they want you to do. They bait you, with dishonest intent, to suck up your time and energy and finally run you into the sand, your attention to matters of real importance well de-railed. It’s what many of them are paid to do, with a rag-tag of pathetic also-rans who do it for (what they’re perpetually-incel-adolescent enough to see as) amusement. But it’s *easy* to choke trolls. We all have the cure within our individual hands: once we’re clear that some schmuck posting here is a troll, or a trolling team – and it gets pretty obvious pretty quickly, doesn’t it? – Ignore them! Dead easy, and it makes them dead too, pronto.

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 10:56 AM

So you would surrender your privacy, health & livelihood to watch a football match or some vapid reality TV propaganda?

Yes I see why they call you a troll now.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 11:07 AM
Reply to  Question This

The health scare has long been debunked, but feel free to explain the mechanism by which non ionising radiation cause damage to the human body..

As for privacy, could you explain how merely faster data speeds could further compromise us? The only aspect of 5g that, to me, is of concern, is that antagonistic governments aren’t given a foothold in the national security of Western governments.

Question This
Question This
Aug 3, 2019 11:33 AM

Debunked by whom?

You know I’m on the fence with vaccines, (i’m not against it in theory) the real issue for me is that every time debates like this come up, it is actually the anti vaxxers (anti 5G brigade) that provide more coherent, objective, rational, verifiable arguments, than their detractors.

Where as the pro lobby always only have one defense, their religious belief in a scientific system that has been corrupt & sold to them by corporate neo-liberals. Quite honestly the peer review accreditation system lost its credibility long long ago. So nowadays i don’t buy what they try to sell me. Neo-liberal corruption of science weaponized with stigma & ostracization, for those that don’t conform, its a political trick to advance a political agenda.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 3:47 PM
Reply to  Question This

Debunked by whom?


The funny thing is, search for 5g safety from one side of the great firewall, and it says its totally safe, activate your proxy and every 5g conspiracy theory you could dream of appears.

Quite honestly the peer review accreditation system lost its credibility long long ago. So nowadays i don’t buy what they try to sell me. Neo-liberal corruption of science weaponized with stigma & ostracization

Peer reviewed epidemiology is what you’d use to prove 5g is dangerous, not ensure it’s safe. With respect, you have it the wrong way around.

Aug 3, 2019 5:09 PM

“The only aspect of 5g that, to me, is of concern, is that antagonistic governments aren’t given a foothold in the national security of Western governments.”

But Western governments ARE antagonistic governments.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 6:32 PM
Reply to  George

Look up what ‘antagonistic’ means.

Aug 3, 2019 9:11 PM

“Antagonistic”: showing or feeling active opposition or hostility towards someone or something.

Yeah – that’s too mild. “Psychopathic” is more like it.

Paul Carline
Paul Carline
Aug 4, 2019 12:44 PM

Debunked by whom? Perhaps you could explain the reservations expressed in this very recent expert review commissioned by the European Parliament:

1.7.5G Electromagnetic Radiation and Safety

Significant concern is emerging over the possible impact on health and safety arising from potentially much higher exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation arising from 5G. Increased exposure may result not only from the use of much higher frequencies in 5G but also from the potential for the aggregation of different signals, their dynamic nature, and the complex interference effects that may result, especially in dense urban areas.The 5G radio emission fields are quite different to those of previous generations because of their complex beamformed transmissions in both directions – from base station to handset and for the return. Although fields are highly focused by beams, they vary rapidly with time and movement and so are unpredictable, as the signal levels and patterns interact as a closed loop system. This has yet to be mapped reliably for real situations, outside the laboratory.
IPOL | Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies12 PE 631.060While the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) issues guidelines for limiting exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (EMF), and EU member states are subject to Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC which follows ICNIRP guidelines, the problem is that currently it is not possible to accurately simulate or measure 5G emissions in the real world.”

Paul Carline
Paul Carline
Aug 4, 2019 12:50 PM
Reply to  Paul Carline

Just to add: the ICNIRP – like the IPCC – is a captive, non-independent, organisation that is housed rent-free in offices belonging to the German government. Their safety guidelines are designed to protect the industry and are hopelessly out-of-date.

Aug 4, 2019 4:20 PM
Reply to  Paul Carline

It’s not just human health. The health of animals, domestic and wild, and even plant life is seriously threatened. No one who is concerned about the environment or ecology can possibly support 5G.

Aug 4, 2019 4:17 PM

You can either buy Huawei products, which are cheap, good quality, but which MAY be spying on you.
Or you can buy US products, which are expensive, poor quality, and which DEFINITELY ARE spying on you.

different frank
different frank
Aug 3, 2019 1:38 PM
Reply to  Question This

Don’t debate with the troll.
By all means, make fun of it, but don’t argue with it mate.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 3, 2019 2:24 PM

I’ve learnt my lesson – no reply to anything that person says. Hopefully they’ll get bored and wander off to Breitbart. Like the video clips by the way, Cheers.

different frank
different frank
Aug 3, 2019 2:52 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You are most welcome Sir.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 4:58 PM

What a bizarre overreaction to

If 5g enables the user to seemlessly watch live TV, with no buffering (the way 4g was supposed to) , then I’m in.

One wonders if your cellphone IPTV has ever been cut off in the closing stages of a sporting event, when you are desperate to see who wins?

Don’t debate with the troll.
By all means, make fun of it, but don’t argue with it mate

You don’t debate because you can’t.

You come here in the expectation of an echo chamber, full of like minded arseholes feeding each others prejudices… Sorry Frank, its not going to be like that.

I may change my username soon, to one of my heroes, Simon Wiesenthal. Like him, I can smell you.

Aug 5, 2019 10:44 AM

one of my heroes, Simon Wiesenthal

zionist disinfo troll confirmed.


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 3, 2019 5:09 PM

Yo, it’s kind of like arguing with a TV… I recall doing that occasionally many loons & moons ago, which was just one strong reason for getting rid of the gogglebox, permanently: his love of TV though, does explain much in relation to no-name’s cowardly Fascist sociopathic tendencies and his prolific pontification of blatant pathological lies, as disseminated by the B B C neo-liberal softpornorama for big black co**s with gangrene 😉 and STD’s with a fatal fixation for Fairhead’s frollicking, as HSBC’s golden skirt …

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 3, 2019 5:43 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Fascist sociopathic tendencies and his prolific pontification of blatant pathological lies, as disseminated by the B B C neo-liberal softpornorama for big black co**s with gangrene 😉

Freud would have a field day with you.

You know, the trick is, when you’re mentally ill, as you undoubtedly are, is to say very little, in the hope you may pass as sane..

What the actual fuck?