Inverting reality – blockading the Persian Gulf
David Macilwain

When trying to understand the way that the Skripal hoax was effected, I found it useful to consider “the conspirators’ view”. Simply detailing all the evidence that the Salisbury poisonings were not the work of Russian agents and that claims were fabricated by some other parties was easy but insufficient, as the crime committed by the actual perpetrators was infinitely more serious and reprehensible; one could call it a war crime for the lethal acts it facilitated.
Similar reasoning can now be applied to the latest conspiracies being effected by the same “Team West” against the “Resistance”. I’m thinking primarily of the series of provocations in the Persian Gulf, but including associated actions in and over Syria. The number and extent of those acts of deception has ballooned, while the evidence that they are fabrications is now insurmountable.
This is because certain occurrences, such as leaking of the OPCW engineers’ report on Douma, have betrayed a whole series of criminal acts planned and executed by a covert system of actors for Team West.
We may not yet know who they are, but “we know where they live”, and it’s not in Damascus, Tehran or Moscow.
In the case of the Skripal conspiracy, despite an overwhelming collection of clues, it was evidence of their foreknowledge of what occurred on March 4th that implicated particular individuals as perpetrators or collaborators in the operation.
It must of course be the case that for all sudden and unexpected events that are not accidents, only the perpetrators have such foreknowledge, at least of what they expect and intend to happen.
As a consequence, the prime focus of the conspirators before the event has to be on absolute secrecy, but also on preparing false evidence of their victims’ alleged responsibility and foreknowledge.
Examples of this deflection of attention spring to mind, as recordings of phone conversations or messages, which have been put forward as a smoking gun by the real perpetrators. In the false flag Sarin attack on Ghouta in 2013, conversations tapped by Israel allegedly between Syrian commanders were quickly shown to be fabricated and later to be implausible, as the Syrian military bases were too far away to have been the source of the Sarin-filled missiles.
Similarly it was conversations between commanders of the separatists in Ukraine that were used as prime evidence of their supposed guilt for shooting down MH17. These recordings were most recently demonstrated to have been cut and stitched up by Ukraine’s SBU in advance of the event. There are two inferences one can make here, that diminish Separatist responsibility for the disaster but increase that of Kiev-allied forces.
Given the Separatists dramatic loss from the downing of MH17, it can be said with certainty that had they been responsible it would have been a tragic accident, and certainly not something for which Russia might be held somehow responsible. But had the Ukrainian army been responsible, it could hardly have been an accident given the Separatists had no targets for BUK missiles.
That the Ukrainian army had several BUK systems deployed in the area adds to the suspicion the targeting of a jetliner was intentional. There were several airliners over Ukraine at that time, yet MH17 seems to have been diverted towards the battle zone.
So much attention has been focused on “Russian guilt” for the MH17 atrocity, or on the lack of it by Russia’s supporters, that the implications for the alternative have been barely considered despite their enormity. Yet how can we accept – even as a possibility – that “our side” or the party we choose to side with, could commit such a terrible crime, and all the time blaming and punishing the victim?
But to turn to the Persian Gulf, and the string of provocations which began back in May and which we can now see were all part of a grand plan. Just as the truth of the Skripal hoax was revealed by Nurse McCourt’s presence and actions at the scene of the crime – an unlikely presence already concealed for nine months, so the most recent events in the Straits of Hormuz have revealed the planning of those behind them.
It may be necessary to join some dots that are a little far apart, but if the conclusion makes sense of something otherwise uncertain then this is useful. And nothing has yet emerged to challenge such a conclusion.
The simple detail that revealed the deception over Iran’s seizure of the Stena Impero was the distant presence of the HMS Montrose. Following Iran’s interception of the tanker, which was sailing in the wrong lane, had no transponder operating and had collided with an Iranian fishing boat, the UK government declared that the Montrose had been “too far away to prevent the tanker’s seizure”.
This was not the case when the Montrose escorted the empty British Heritage out of the Gulf a week earlier, allegedly fending off an attempt by the IRGC to intercept it that the IRGC denied and the Royal Navy refused to substantiate with any video.
As the BBC reports, that little piece of theatre took place the day after the UK issued a warning to shipping in the Gulf, and a week after the UK’s intentionally provocative act of piracy on Grace 1 in the Straits of Gibraltar which had made the warning necessary. But now we can conclude that the intent of the UK in pirating Iran’s tanker on a false and illegal basis was to provoke Iran into reciprocating its action in the Straits of Hormuz.
The seizing of the Grace 1 was evidently planned some time in advance – possibly even to the extent of forcing it to go through the Straits of Gibraltar where the UK could claim some rights. But it appears that the BP owned British Heritage’s movements were also planned before July 4th.
Whether the presence of the former head of MI6 and Russophobe John Sawers on the board of BP played a role in this action “is unclear” – as they like to say, but Sawers certainly has form in the region, having favoured forming a rebel force of 100,000 to overthrow Syria’s President Assad before 2013.
But Iran didn’t take the bait, so the UK contrived another scheme. Arrange for a suitable tanker to behave in a lawless fashion in the straits so that Iran would be obliged to react, and likely take advantage of the opportunity to gain a bargaining chip over the detention of the Grace 1 – which had unexpectedly just been ordered to remain in detention for another 30 days.
This time it worked like a dream for the UK, whose grip over Western media narratives through the BBC ensured that the realities of the two tanker seizures would be reversed.
The Grace 1, carrying desperately needed oil to Syria, hijacked at night in internationally protected straits by UK commandos, was said to be legitimately detained, while Iran’s detention of the Stena Impero entering the Gulf under suspicious circumstances while shadowed by a UK warship was “hijacking” and must cease immediately.
But the tit for tat tanker war was evidently just a side show in Team West’s war games with the Resistance, in which pre-empting Iran’s primary response to aggression – blockading the Straits of Hormuz – was a clever opening gambit.
The idea that the Western powers would dare to seize control of the vital oil highway without the slightest justification seemed outrageous at first, yet now Germany is berated for refusing to join “Operation Sentinel” by the US, and without a word of protest or opposition from the Western world.
The pretext has been created and the Western media has sold the lies to its ignorant publics.
It’s worth reflecting on just how this has happened – has been enabled, as well as what may be the result in terms of Iran’s ability to strike back at further aggressive actions in the Persian Gulf.
Part of the facilitation of the perverse blockading of Iran’s own oil trade has undoubtedly been through the parallel developments over the JCPOA and US sanctions on Iran. Such were the rivers of fake news over Iran’s nuclear activities, including monstrous claims that Iran could build a bomb “within months”, that the steady development of the “naval protection force” was barely noticed.
Astonishingly, Australia’s possible collaboration in such a force has still had no official mention, leave alone public discussion. And this is despite Mike Pompeo’s presence here for “Ausmin” talks with foreign minister Marise Payne this week. Perhaps they just talked about the weather.
So again we must join the dots. Last week, coinciding with the “successful” conclusion of the massive Talisman Sabre war games in Queensland, the US announced plans to spend $300 million on building a new US base near Darwin, though work had already begun.
The new base would enable giant amphibious ships like the one seen recently entering the Persian Gulf to dock in Australia, improving the “force posture” of the Imperial warmonger in our region and against our chief trading partner. Such plans were denied two months ago, when the ABC revealed that a new road had already been constructed – “to serve the local fishing industry” they said.
But perhaps spiked by the government’s recent intimidation tactics against investigative journalists and whistleblowers, the ABC has uncovered another piece of the Middle Eastern jigsaw puzzle.
Thanks to an insider with a smartphone it was demonstrated that shipments of remotely operated weapons to the UAE were consigned to its armed forces, and so might be involved in the committing of war crimes in Yemen, contrary to export licences. Perhaps because the UAE just declared it is pulling out of Yemen this story simply disappeared, but must lead to another question; if not Yemen, where next?
By chance while investigating leads for this article, I chanced on this astonishing report on a closely related story about British collaboration with the Saudis, which appears to have gone under the radar since publication in mid-June. As author Arron Merat, former Tehran correspondent for the Economist describes it:
Saudi Arabia has in effect contracted out vital parts of its war against Yemen’s Houthi movement to the US and the UK. Britain does not merely supply weapons for this war: it provides the personnel and expertise required to keep the war going. The British government has deployed RAF personnel to work as engineers, and to train Saudi pilots and targeteers – while an even larger role is played by BAE Systems, Britain’s biggest arms company, which the government has subcontracted to provide weapons, maintenance and engineers inside Saudi Arabia.
“They couldn’t do it without us.” A BAE employee recently put it more plainly to Channel 4’s Dispatches: “If we weren’t there, in seven to 14 days there wouldn’t be a jet in the sky.”
[This is because] around 6,300 British contractors are stationed at forward operating bases in Saudi Arabia. There, they train Saudi pilots and conduct essential maintenance night and day on planes worn out from flying thousands of miles across the Saudi desert to their targets in Yemen. They also supervise Saudi soldiers to load bombs on to planes and set their fuses for their intended targets.
While the UK government naturally denies it, the presence of RAF “liaison officers” inside the command-and-control centre from where targets in Yemen are selected suggests that the war on the Yemeni national resistance is as much a project of the UK and US as their local partners, and has absolutely nothing to do with supporting the “Internationally recognised government” of Mansour Hadi, that even the UAE is opposed to.
In the light of the UK’s direct and covert involvement in the illegitimate war on Yemen, and collaboration in the humanitarian siege that has devastated the population, do we really think that the UK’s cooperation with the same local allies – Saudi Arabia, Israel and the UAE – in the Persian Gulf is “to protect commercial shipping” from Iran? And as the Emirati forces are withdrawing from Yemen, where do we think they will now be deploying their Australian remote targeting systems?
All of which seems to confirm the impression that “Team West” is determined to achieve its objectives for control and domination of the whole region, regardless of consequences. There is just one proviso – that the Western electorates must believe their governments are only and always responding to hostile attacks.
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“Presumably Australia are doing this for Israel who are the ones wanting Iran to be invaded.”
Again. Sorry. That’s merely describing a symptom of divisiveness.
It is the so-called “Global Elite”, in fact, who have always wanted to steal Iran’s natural resources.
However, yes, the utterly disgraceful and crime-facilitating Australian State.
This article and Craig Murray’s on the legal aspect of the tanker seizures, show how the imperial state despises and lies to us every waking minute of our day, threatening us like the old despots to not dare look them directly or make eye contact, under threat of torture and death.
Thankfully such authors and such sites do DARE.
Hi there, DG:
You know when the IT Giant with their HQ Intel inside Israel (today) is deeply worried, by their levels of inverted reality (gone wrong) being projected at the bosses of Corporations, in the West, especially Europeans. And you only need to check briefly ‘Stratfor’s (mis)-representations and false alarm signals, designed to confuse & ramp anachronistic narratives, like trying to re-create the Dodo … after the Mueller Report and what Bill Binney has already evidenced regarding this whole Russia-Hoax, to cover up Treason USA, facilitated by the British GCHQ, Italian S.S. & the Ukrainian S.S. >>>
No worries: Stratfor to the Rescue 🙂
“Europe and the US, find themselves in a ‘Transatlantic Stretch’ over policy”
“Whether in an arms race with a resurgent Russia, economic arm wrestling with China, or even attempts to contain the ambitions of rogue actors like North Korea or Iran, the states that make up the so-called West have regularly found themselves allied together since the end of World War II. But the West is no monolith. The Western world, so central to the narrative of global power and codified in several treaties, organizations and alliances over the course of a century, is incredibly diverse in ideology, identity and goals. So far, the relative alignment of interests among Western countries, governments and non-state actors has made this diversity manageable. But as the global great power competition intensifies, the interests of individual Western states will increasingly diverge, threatening the West’s ability to present a unified front on certain issues.”
Obviously DG, It’s not worth reading, not one word really, but it helps demonstrate & measure the inverted reality & corporate societal psychology & propaganda Stratfor are endeavouring to disseminate & apply, with pressure: too bare & nakedly blatantly bearish in bear markets, ramp the fear, ramp the fear, ramp collective fears and add some terror …
So to say, my Off-Stratfor@Off-Guardian demo. of the day 😉
Today, the High Court in Australia ruled, it is illegal for a public servant to criticise the government!
Yes, you read it right.
Now with full confidence you can refer to australian government as the Australian Regime.
Government officials are now proud to be called the Mullahs in Canberra.
And, as an aside, the “Mad Mullahs” expression & propaganda campaign was initiated by Rupert Murdoch and his ‘SUN’ s constant messaging & repetition.
Talk about twisting perceptions & spin and inverting reality …
We should create the ‘Alistair Campbell Award’, for sociopathic tendencies.
I nominate Tony Blair, Boris Johnston, John Howard, Benjamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy as nominee’s for the inaugural Alaistair Campbell Award for sociopathic tendencies…. Excellent idea Tim.
Lol Gezzah, there’ll be some seriously tough deliberations, but it’s doable 🙂
AKA / ACA ?! This years winner …
I almost didn’t bother to check in today, so utterly fed up with all the corrupted corporate military lobbyist’s teams of trolls & their corruption of these columns daily & on wages ffs ! Thereafter I had a load of problems with my internet connection for some ‘weird reason’, (I found highly suspicious, as well), though I’ve avoided opening links from the ‘ferkers’ and whoosh, suddenly, miraculously after a couple of small vodka’s late last night for dutch courage & a pre-meditated ‘C’ Bomb tirade @flight nonsense, finally … it all begs the question on this bright sunny day,
Where have all the Cowboys gone ?
and is our resident Cowgirl “Controlled Opposition” still lurking or not ? 🙂
Hmmm, lots of choices for that award! I’m deliberately not commenting on every article, and try and space my comments. Thats just me tho. Other sites I go on also.
Yeah, the trolls get to me also, and yes, saw Fight Nonsense or whoever take a pot shot at you, tho didn’t see your C Bomb tirade in reply. My phone plays up lots, and for some weird reason, lately when I’ve almost finished typing a comment for here or elsewhere, and before posting it, bloody phone turns itself off, then back on again, so I lose the comment, and have to start again from scratch. Thats happened heaps in last couple months.
Oh yes, have 2 lovely albums at home by Bulgarian band called Irfan. Things are definately heating up, and the Empire continues thrashing about. Nerve wracking times. Just trying not to let it overwhelm me. Have a good day…
Zionist media peddling Zionist lies. Situation normal.
Alles im Ordnung 🙂 Kneel, Kowtow and whilst yer’ down there, lick my boots, both before and especially after I kick your teeth out: and should you whimper as you mop the blood off my boots with your tongue, you gay goy tranny fanny scum, I’ll put a bullet in your stomach first &&& of course, I could continue your pain until
doomsday … 😉 whatever, I shall have my pound of flesh & chips 🙂
Correction: Semite Scum (for added hypocrisy & cultural misappropriation 🙂 )
I don’t think this kind of game has much further to run. We in the US are going broke — literally — with the Federal government running amok trying to sustain its dream of Empire. We are having problems developing and deploying new military hardware, we just don’t have the intellectual resources (there’s a severe, chronic, shortage of skilled labor) so programs are invariably late, over budget and under performing. We are not investing in people — military recruitment and retention is a serious problem, one that’s been exacerbated by the unsatisfactory wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. We’ll keep playing the game — Powerpoint will always look convincing — but a lot of the people who we regard as adversaries aren’t stupid, they know what’s going on and have thought out strategies for countering us. A typical strategy seems to be to manage the consequences of economic warfare, a measured response to provocation, the creation of friendly and constructive relations with non-aligned nations and the development of a decent air defense capability. Armed with this lot they just have to wait the clock out.
This doesn’t mean that the game won’t continue for a while longer or that it will be any less dangerous or unpleasant for the people on the receiving end. To me it represents a huge waste of resources and an immense loss of opportunity. We’re literally fiddling while Rome burns. Assuming we avoid a WW3 type of catastrophe then I see the future of the US as much diminished — the people trumpeting about “Making America Great Again” are in reality making it a shadow of its former greatness.
Martin, I read your comments with interest because you take the engineer’s viewpoint, which is rare among “the chattering classes” (whether they be On or Off Guardian). And here you have taken time out to reflect on the larger ‘political’ dimension of technology (from the Greek word ‘polis’ — the city/state in which we live and do our work. The Greeks also had a word for the disease from which our little Western ‘polis’ is writhing: it is called ‘hubris’ — an overweening pride in our own greatness. Your second sentence pithily summarises the reaction of our neighbours.
I remember the day when the U$A started to become “a shadow of its former greatness”. As a greenhorn in AERE Harwell I was sitting in our office and a colleague brought in the news that Kennedy was going to the moon; then the colleague listed how many schools, how many hospitals, how many other civil (‘polis’) projects were going to be discarded to make way for the Moondoggle. Later on we got the opinion of real astronomers: it would have been far more informative to send instruments into space; and far more economic (another Greek word, from ‘oikos’ our home, our environment, the ‘ecology’ in which we live). That to me was when the U$A “became a shadow of its former greatness”. That and The Bay of Pigs, a fitting name for Kennedy’s ‘hubris’ — his catastrophic attempt to bend a small nation to his will. ‘Cata Strofee’, yet another ancient word: the Down Stroke. Looking back at what engineers in the West could have done, if our nations had not been diverted into Capitalist wars like Vietnam and NATZO in the sixties, and Capital-intensive Resource Wars in the 80s, I sorrowfully agree with your last sentence:
“To me it represents a huge waste of resources and an immense loss of opportunity.”
I thought it was pretty common knowledge now that the bay of pigs invasion wasn’t Kennedy’s doing. He refused to supply the air power that would have given the Cuban exiles a good chance of succeeding. He was hated by the military for this. I don’t disagree with you though on the rest. Although it wasn’t moon vs aiding the poor. The issue is always defence spending, spent on creating and then fighting a bogeyman. Space is more important than that!!
This was a hare brained scheme from the outset.
It had zero chance of success without a ground invasion by US regular forces.
The invasion force numbered less than 1,600. It had 5 M3 light tanks with 37mm guns, and a few mortars and recoilless guns.
Castro’s militia numbered around 200,000, with JS3 heavy tanks, T34 medium tanks, and SU100 self propelled guns, plus heavy artillery.
The invasion force was carried on merchant ships to the Bay of Pigs. Drums of fuel were stored on deck. One was attacked and sunk by Cuban Air Force Sea Furies, taking a lot of the fuel supplies with it.
When they landed, they were immediately surrounded and pummelled by heavy artillery and tanks. They barely got off the beach.
Fortunately, they had the sense to surrender, and most survived, but 114 were killed, the victims of a deluded, arrogant, irredeemably ignorant US leadership.
A mercenary air force operating from US airfields supported the invasion. It was equipped with transport aircraft, which dropped 100 plus parachutists (part of the 1,600) and mainly B26s which did some bombing. They attacked a tank column and Cuban airfields. Several were shot down. The small Castro Air Force scored some successes against ground and sea targets.
It is unlikely that US air attacks could have made any significant difference.
The Chiefs of Staff estimated the requirements of a successful invasion at 3 marine divisions plus an airborne force of at least divisional size, with unlimited air and naval support.
The whole operation immediately degenerated into broad farce, if you ignore the totally unnecessary loss of life on both sides.
It is a lasting monument to US arrogance and abysmal leadership, which has remained constant to the present day.
Basher, it’s a funny thing, apparently Kennedy was against Vietnam as well.
“You may meet him in a by-way, you may see him in the square –
But when a crime’s discovered, then Macavity’s not there!”
It is a huge breath of fresh air to have you back, in this utterly mental field of conflict, (most recently, especially), Vexarb: I promise you, not just I appreciate your efforts & thoughts & wisdom on finite matters, most critical @present …
Can you feel the wind of my deep breathing & exhalation, blowing in from the sea from NNEast of Eden ?
I’m gonna’ play a song & it goes like this … 🙂 (lol)
Never forget the music and its’ regenerative powers of healing the weary …
Skripal is said to have taken down 300 agents when he was busted. With one ONE person on that agent’s side that would be 600 individuals who are unfriendly towards Skripal.
The West will not succeed in destroying Russia. They always lack good judgement and their support for Navalny is like the support for democracy leader Aung San Suu Khy.
I agree your overall point, but I am not so sure about your reference to Aung San Suu Kyi. When US and UK politicians and mainstream media refer to her with one voice as “the democracy icon who fell from grace” my suspicions are immediately raised. Is it right to think that ‘the West’ is right on this one occasion? Haven’t we heard this before and since, and found good reason to question the West’s position? I have certainly found myself sceptical of reports of Burmese army ‘brutality’ as there is too much profound similarity to the reports we see about Syria. As with Syria, the treatment of hindi Burmese villagers and policemen and their families by Rohingyas has gone largely unreported in the msm. Burning Rohingya villages? False flag, anyone?
JudyJ, you know of course that “The West” has despatched NATZO’s ISIS terrorists to disrupt The New Silk Road road through Burma. This enlightened Burmese First Lady is getting the same treatment as Presidentqnd ust like
Same treatment as President and First Lady Assad: tea with the Queen at Buckingam Palace followed by a death warrant from Her Majesty’s Government; nothing personal, just business.
Another excellent article by David Macilwain. Hits the nail on the head time and again…sadly unlike many other authors here.
Wow. There is still excellence in true journalism. One could easily forget under the constant barrage of fake news.
However, one aspect estranges me. And that is the continued use of the term ‘Government’ in relation to the countries of US/UK/AUS/F/and DE – all of which are involved in the war crimes and crimes against humanity in Yemen, Iran, Syria, Ukraine and Venezuela.
These can no longer be called Governments by a long shot – they are REGIMES. The public in these countries has no more say in the course these war criminals take their respective Nations. Which opens also another can of worms.
IF the author of this superbly written article was able to get to the gist and bottom of the deception, what about Mr. Corbyn? Should he not be able to get the same information? A Mr. Sanders? A Ms. Gabbard? I don’t even want to include Germany in this question, as it is painfully obvious that there is NOBODY in Germany to stand up against the Fascist policies of the German regime. Just listen to the ‘Bundespressekonferenz’ (‘Federal Press Conference’) and you don’t even have to know the truth – as you will immediately discover that the population is lied to in the most preposterous ways. The Big Lies.
Let me finish with a recommendation of sorts.
Watch the films ‘The Day After’ and ‘Threads’, and if you have done so before – watch them again. Especially ‘Threads’, as it is a close enough to reality scenario for the reason of Iran being the trigger for a nuclear exchange between the US and what is now Russia. What counts is to reiterate where the aforementioned regimes are willing to take humanity in order to manifest their desire for global domination. And as the time is running out in which the main obstacles to this deranged goal can be preemptively attacked – namely Russia and China – the Fascist Western regimes must act now – or experience the hard way what it means to no longer be able to blackmail humanity into submission to their Fascist scheme for total control of this planet.
Maybe enough people become aware that they will be in the cross hairs of a retaliatory strike by Russia and China and get going to remove those that have hijacked the governments of the Nations in question. IF you will survive the hot nuclear exchange, you will have to face the gruesome aftermath that is rather realistically depicted in ‘Threads’. And since Threads is a BBC production, it might reach the British minds better than ‘The Day After’ reached the US population.
This is not to incite unwarranted fear – a fact that those will understand that know what is unfolding right now before our eyes.
Thank You.
Wow. There is still excellence in true journalism. One could easily forget under the constant barrage of fake news.
However, one aspect estranges me. And that is the continued use of the term ‘Government’ in relation to the countries of US/UK/AUS/F/and DE – all of which are involved in the war crimes and crimes against humanity in Yemen, Iran, Syria, Ukraine and Venezuela.
These can no longer be called Governments by a long shot – they are REGIMES. The public in these countries has no more say in the course these war criminals take their respective Nations. Which opens also another can of worms”
IF the author of this superbly written article was able to get to the gist and bottom of the deception, what about Mr. Corbyn? Should he not be able to get the same information? A Mr. Sanders? A Ms. Gabbard? I don’t even want to include Germany in this question, as it is painfully obvious that there is NOBODY in Germany to stand up against the Fascist policies of the German regime. Just listen to the ‘Bundespressekonferenz’ (‘Federal Press Conference’) and you don’t even have to know the truth – as you will immediately discover that the population is lied to in the most preposterous ways. The Big Lies.
Let me finish with a recommendation of sorts.
Watch the films ‘The Day After’ and ‘Threads’, and if you have done so before – watch them again. Especially ‘Threads’, as it is a close enough to reality scenario for the reason of Iran being the trigger for a nuclear exchange between the US and what is now Russia. What counts is to reiterate where the aforementioned regimes are willing to take humanity in order to manifest their desire for global domination. And as the time is running out in which the main obstacles to this deranged goal can be preemptively attacked – namely Russia and China – the Fascist Western regimes must act now – or experience the hard way what it means to no longer be able to blackmail humanity into submission to their Fascist scheme for total control of this planet.
Maybe enough people become aware that they will be in the cross hairs of a retaliatory strike by Russia and China and get going to remove those that have hijacked the governments of the Nations in question. IF you will survive the hot nuclear exchange, you will have to face the gruesome aftermath that is rather realistically depicted in ‘Threads’. And since Threads is a BBC production, it might reach the British minds better than ‘The Day After’ reached the US population.
This is not to incite unwarranted fear – a fact that those will understand that know what is unfolding right now before our eyes.
Thank You.
Elected politicians are ‘vetted’ and then promoted through the wheels of ‘government’ – committees and shadow front benches for example so they will still dance from the same string that the party political pantomime is sold to the populace as ‘free democratic choice’.
They maintain and move the parameters of the ‘Overton’ window like this. It is a work of decades and generations. The plans are 50 – 100 years hence. The current Empire is centuries old.
Within that context occasional ‘throwbacks’ appear.
Galbard possibly. Corbyn certainly. Merkel probably.
But they are constrained by their access to confidential information.
They have to play by the rules, unless they can get to the levers of power and even then these levers are ‘the perma state’ so it is never going to be easy.
Proof of that, is the failure to hold a general election in the UK while incessantly propagandising that the Corbynite Labour party is sure to lose; and that Gabbard is ignored by the msm and despised by her Democrat hierarchy (same as the PLP Blairite rump did to JC); and that Merkel having survived the putsch to remove her through the fabricated alt-rightist movements, managed to form a coalition that secured her term, thus blowing the usurper plant Macrons chance of taking over the EU policies on Syria, Ukraine, Russia and now Iran.
While we can still throw up such spanners in the works at the centre of the Empire, ones which are not so easy to dispatch by bullets, imprisonment, or physical election rigging, we the common humans are winning.
We have to find a way of making it uncomfortable for those who concoct these “narratives” to pursue their agenda.
As things stand, they think they’re employed in noble positions of exalted responsibility, enjoying the luxury of being answerable to no one, nor being required to make any sense at all.
Egomania at a terminal stage.
When it finally bursts, the explosion will be very messy.
I wrote to my MP on 21 July asking him to obtain from the Government details of the legal basis for the seizure of the Grace 1 tanker. As I have heard nothing since I have just sent him a reminder that I’m still waiting…and I shall continue to do the same every week until I receive a reply.
Well done.
That’s what it takes these days.
Let’s do it.
Way to go JudyJ 🙂 it would be of interest to many of us, (I must presume) including specifically ‘Balkydj’, how your endeavours pan out: and if we might subsequently have the name published of the MP, if you don’t mind ?
No rush on that score: give the ‘devil’ a chance to study the international Laws of ‘Reprisals’ & future societal consequences for himself and the nation 😉 … just let us know, for everybody’s future reference who’s who & why, how & what kind of serious considerations the person is capable of communicating or fornicating …
Seriously, not just for me, Wardropper & Balkydj and your good self, these issues of inherent integrity, intellect & awareness of respect for rights & responsibilities are not just critical now, but even more so in the future, as the programming of Automated & Artificial intelligence accelerates our common destiny, in these times where all Data is collected, every single ‘Bit’, whether the algorithm to interpret this important data exists at present, or not.
It will exist, I assure you and your contributions are clearly significant …
Greetings, from Balkydj
& myself,
Thanks, Tim. No problem…my MP is Mark Tami (Labour). I am pretty sure he previously voted against military action in Syria, and he has told me in writing that he has concerns about the prospect of extraditing Julian Assange to the US. So I regard him as potentially “on side” on a number of issues.
As an HQ civil servant (now retired) I used to draft replies to MPs who had raised questions on behalf of constituents. I recall we were obliged to produce a draft reply for the relevant Minister’s signature within a week. Failure to reply was not an option. Somehow, I think that these days the approach is to put ‘awkward’ letters into a bin marked “troublemaker – to be ignored” and destined for the shredder! But I shall persevere and will keep everyone posted on whatever Iran thread is live at the time.
It’s lovely to see your mention of Balkydj. I had many enjoyable and mutually empathetic exchanges with him in days gone by and was only wondering a short while ago about how he is getting on. Do pass on my sincere regards and tell him his quirky but compassionate contributions are missed. I didn’t always understand what he was saying, but I knew his heart was in the right place!
As you say, Tim, it is imperative that, as each day passes, those of us who can see the evil within our societies continue to battle against it for all it’s worth and refuse to concede.
All the best
Thank you, Judy, for this comment: honesty saves so much time, energy & money in this long running battle against ‘Evil’ intentions & ‘Egos’. And the way that Balky & I see things, crystal clearly in computing, E.i. is confronted by A.i. right now: and ‘they’ know they are fighting a losing battle against our compound intelligence “On Side”: it is just a question of time, before the Algorithms (presently corrupted for the goals of Evil intentions & Corporate Empires), invert our present reality, by turning programmes like Kosinski’s O.C.E.A.N. (some say CANOE) A.i. character profiling programme, onto our politicians & journalists, first: not just the electorate of any nation, as happened in the 2016 US elections, with R&R Mercer financing Cambridge Analytica, who wholly abused Kosinski’s Genius concepts: and Carole Cadwalladr, (because of her Ego), still refuses to analyse herself first and then the huge elementary mistakes within her childish ill-informed ‘journalism’ @theguardian, on this matter. This speaks volumes, not just about her corrupted character, living in LalaLand, moreover, having amplified the lies & collective deceit of her military intelligence bosses, she has set British Society & journalism as a whole, back decades and this still hinders societal development: in many ways more than the BBC complicity & culpability on reporting the events of historic significance on the 11th September 2001 …
Not that The Chinese care about Carole & her bosses Corporate Computerised Fascist Collusion for the Dictatorship of the Elite 1% ‘ers’, with anachronistic notions of empire: in fact she has made the Chinese progressions in programming Artificial & Automated intelligence much easier, in founding, creating, developing & in future refining their systems for ‘Social Credits’, by affording them Data on her own character defects & choices of positioning herself as a typical serf, with zero comprehension of the computing capabilities she discusses, publicly: as if she were some expert on these computing matters most grave & serious to understand & discuss, Honestly & Publicly !
“I like quirky, with jerky & turkey for dinner… food for thought ” 🙂 were Balky’s first words, as we discussed your comment, over coffee this morning, in his usual inimitable cryptic style, with always a search for good humour. He’s good and well & your instincts were wholly correct, having a good heart, computing incredible things objectively in an altruistic manner, that most will never comprehend: but hopefully all programmers, in future will: even, he suggested that should Cadwalladr awaken to & recognise her true self within, first and at least endeavour to repair the damage she’s done publicly, then the “The quality of mercy is not strained …”
but, he doubts that she has the courage.
When I was deciding whether to use my real name here @OffG, as I did at the Guardian, Balky made my decision real easy, by referring to & explaining the history of computing, with technical know-how that aligned with all I know to be true about “The History of the National Security State” & computers and we now have some formidable degree of collective vision. So, i was asking him which people to watch out for, both to respect and also to be wary of and your name came up for discussion, because of trolling and he pointed to many factors to consider in terms of psychology and how this manifests itself online and the various characters to spot: and he said:
“Look, here’s an example, ‘Judyj’, you’ll never have a problem with reasoning rationally with her, she is an inherently good person, she likes music: not sure how old yet, but she’s wise, clever, concerned & cautious … most certainly caring, maybe even courageous, you’ll see …” and he smiled.
Pleasure to know you gradually more, Judy, and I always read your comments, searching the significance in every word, just like A.i. does & as does Vexarb,
I noticed yesterday and he’s a dear old soul, too …
A true ole’ school caring Dr. of life …
wishing to create life & soul,
in any party …
Best wishes from,
Balky & myself.
P.s. keep persevering, grinding them down, to face ‘Reprisals’ …
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Correction: terrible mistake below, please read “himself or herself” (or whatever latest gender case is fashionable), my sincere apologies: I’m feeling a bit weary from the heat of the devil’s trolling and high temperatures created by solar reflection agents sprayed by NATO,
and my mum & gran would chop my ‘goolies off’ for not correcting that mistake, were they alive … 🙂
USS Maine-Lusitania-Pearl Harbour-Tonkin Gulf.
Human Bodies Turned Into Soap-Human Bodies Turned Into Lamp Shades-Bayonetted Belgian Babies-Raped Belgian Nuns.
Operation Northwoods-Operation Gladio-Iraq Incubator Babies- Iraq WMD.
Niger Yellowcake-Aluminium Tubes-Mobile Biological Weapons Labs-45 Minutes To Doom.
Countless Bogus “Terrorist” Attacks.
Countless “Mass Shootings.”
How long are people going to put up with this garbage before they accept the reality that is plain as the nose on their face? How long are they going to deny reality?
We are ruled over by psychopathic mass murdering lying subhuman filth who are a thousand times worse than the worst mass murderer or child killer scum that have ever been through the criminal justice system.
Imagine that Peter Sutcliffe, or Ted Bundy, or Jeffrey Dahmer, or Myra Hindley, were appointed President or Prime Minister.
That would be a vast improvement over what we have now.
That is the simple reality of it.
“How long are they going to deny reality?”
The only question is, how long before the people look in the mirror,
and start dropping ‘C’bombs on their politicians ? Lol
They certainly killed far less than most recent PMs.
This should be the headlines in every independent and free media page.
Excellent, well thought out article David. I read part of the Ausmin ministerial statement, and noted that ‘Australia was in lockstep with our strongest ally’. I’m slightly surprised Scott Morrison hasn’t breathlessly announced already that Australia will do its part to defend freedom and democracy and the ‘international rules based order’ and will be sending reinforcements to help Daddy patrol the Persian Gulf.
I don’t know how much lower the toads in Canberra can crawl to show their undying love for Empire and Imperialism. And reinforcing their role as a hopelessly sycophantic vassal state.
The role of the presstitutes as well in beating the drums of war against Iran has been just as disgusting. Its 2003 all over again. How much longer will the vast majority in the West remain sleeping? I mentioned the situation in the Persian Gulf and how dangerous the situation was to a friend today. Their reply was: ‘how is your new Flat going – is the public transport good in your suburb’. Was dumbfounded. Complete cognitive dissonance.
Presumably Australia are doing this for Israel who are the ones wanting Iran to be invaded.
Virtually all politicians in Australia sing from the same hymn sheet, literally in unison: “Israel has the right to defend itself…. Israel has the right to…” Only a few politicians here have even seriously criticised that regime for its gross human rights abuses.
The media here is as bad. Australian Govt is in lockstep with Israel as much as they are with the United States. There is no independent, sovereign country called Australia. Dosn’t exist.
In The Australian recently, our no.1 Zionist Colin Rubenstein was encouraging Australia to get involved in a conflict that has nothing to do with us. If Israel can’t get on with its neighbours then that is Israel’s problem, not ours. It is supposed to be anti semitic to accuse Jews of first loyalty to Israel, but when I see a Jewish Australian encouraging our government to take a course of action that is AGAINST our national interest, then I reckon I am perfectly entitled to question his loyalty.
Fully agree. You may know it, but good site to check out is Middle East Reality Check. Looks at the pro Israeli bias amongst Oz media and politicians.
There WAS an independent, sovereign country in what is now called Australia, but that was before 1788.
Since then, we have grovelled to whichever empire was in the ascendant: Britain up until the second world war, the US since then and, increasingly, US/Israel/Europe.
Decades ago, someone declared that most of our politicians talk like the representatives of a foreign power. Audibly true.
Give the whole place back to the Abos.
Could only be an improvement.
I am sure that the admirable Australian Roger East would not have liked the situation, but maybe it was like that before 1975 when Roger was executed by the Indonesian forces invading East Timor. That invasion was supported by USA (Kissinger), UK and Australia. Roger was wary of people of that ilk.
Glad you mentioned this ‘incident’, Haltonbrat.
I recognised that moment of Roger East’s death, as the beginning of the end of journalism, (as a child) and became highly interested in the media controllers and their disseminators of propaganda (journalists), who began to construct their narratives under an atmosphere of secreted fears, in one way or another.
By the time I was 18, back in 1979, it was wholly obvious to me what had happened within the media world and why it had never mentioned the USS Liberty … and yet here we are, so many decades later and still so few people are aware of the outrageous Israeli Daily Murderous operations, worldwide and the loss of the USS’s LIBERTY …
It’s not much different in Britain to be honest.
Exactly this appalling lie, time and again, from our politicians and media.
Exactly Frank. Dosn’t the sheer hypocrisy of it all leave you gobsmacked?
This is one conspiracy i can agree with, Iran is being manipulated & played by the west (USA & UK) yet again into a destructive confrontation of their making & choosing. There will only be one beneficiary, despite all Iran’s rhetoric they can’t win, Iran’s best bet is just ignore all the provocation & do the best to live with US sanctions by becoming more independent, Iran can’t beat them at their own game.
This is what the international monetary system etc was designed for, to castrate independent states! just ask Saddam, Gadaffi, Assad, Castro etc. It would appear Russia & China are looking for ways out of this system and not before time.
Just sit quietly and watch your children starve in front of you.
Sit quietly and say nothing as you watch your children die from lack of basic medicine.
Sit quietly as the mass murdering psychopath scum strangle you.
Thanks for the terrific advice, chummy.
And the alternative? full in to their trap & wait for the bombs to drop. I don’t get your point because Iran can’t fight its way out of sanctions. Three choices, 1. surrender to the west, 2, fight or 3. find other allies.
They aren’t really choices are they, Iraq, Syria & Libya tried to capitulate then waited until they were attacked, where did it get them. Iran can’t fight the US empire. You gotta do it for yourself or die.
Poppycock QT, poppycock …
The alternatives are huge & future orientated, with the world’s second largest economy just about to overtake the largest … 😉 Iran has made some very prudent policy decisions with whom they wish to form alliances, rather like the new PM in Malaysia.
After all, the Chinese invented gunpowder, they are not bad chemists and they are electronically 2-5 years ahead of the West, which is why VVP likes to fly parallel 3+3 formations over the Pacific … and they don’t care what the Koreans of the North or South may think, right now … 🙂
Don’t get me wrong i agree with you, but Iran can’t out gun the US & its dog the UK, the only chance of regime survival (do Iranians want that?) is not to play them at their own game, when i said alone i meant without the world bank/IMF etc. basically that’s the only way the empire can economcially sanction Iran. Their objective is regime change & destabilization for the sake of their Israeli brother, so one way or anther that’s what will happen.
They say Israel has a right to exist (hmm) but its a fact if Israel didn’t exist the world would be a whole lot less violent. If only they had taken the Madagascan option instead of Palestine, dunno about JFK but why didn’t someone assassinate Balfour ?
You don’t have to “outgun” anybody once nukes become a real possibility.
Iran has allies, and somebody mentioned yesterday that not even Putin thinks anybody would survive a war between Russia and the U.S.
I keep having to remind some people that it is not 1950 any more, and the planet is much smaller than it was then.
We have to find some way of living together, and tolerating the biggest bully in the playground is not going to work any longer.
As for your statement,
Well, that’s not how it works.
Their objective is “x”, so “x” is what will happen…?
Is that supposed to be a credible concept?
Brighter men than Trump and smarter governments than Washington have had their “objectives”, but they were often enough stopped in their tracks by even brighter people.
The U.S. will be no exception.
I’m not so certain Russia & China would go down to the wire to save Iran. Does Iranian oil mean that much to them? Is Iran’s strategic position really so important they are willing to risk everything?
When the objective is regime change, I think it would all be over before they or Russia & China had a chance to respond. All sides have learnt something from Syria.
You are absolutely right about learning to live together, but you’re telling the wrong person, i’m not a US empire apologist, just a pragmatist. And no its not the 1950s so its much much easier for the empire to destroy countries than ever before.
Violence only ever begets more violence & there is no more violent country than the empire, they are fully geared up to respond & overwhelm any violence against them. Iran isn’t, it even has two less 1970s US f14 tomcats now, probably their most effective air defense. The effectiveness of their missile systems are more bravado than reality. And Don’t forget the psychopaths don’t care who gets hurt only how many voters they lose.
What kind of nutcase wants another world war? To save a Theocracy. My sympathy is with the Iranian people not its government.
I hope you’re right about Russia and China, but they could still be forced into “going down to the wire”.
After all, any sane politician (to be found exclusively outside the USA) realizes that what happens to Iran would, by precedent, be more likely to happen to anyone else afterwards, and who would want to be next on the list?
I can’t agree that “it would all be over before they had a chance to respond”…
The danger is that this might go nuclear, and the consequences of nuclear conflict have yet to be imagined.
We already know what nuclear slaughter looks like, but a nuclear exchange?
Let’s not imagine there would be any winners there.
Escalation is a very serious concern. The last thing anyone should want is war, I just don’t think Iran has anything to gain by trading blows with America.
They are being sanctioned & its criminal but they have to find an intelligent way round it, not play into the US & UK’s trap of tit for tat tanker kidnapping, or military posturing. Its what they want it fits their narrative that Iran is a threat when it isn’t, well not to The US anyway.
And i don’t think they are in any hurry, trump will wait until after 2020.
Thanks for you input on this, but my solution to this whole mess would be for the US to stop sanctioning people.
It’s embarrassing, given how deserving they are of sanctioning themselves.
Sanctioning on behalf of psychopathic Israel.
Interesting questions and suggestions, to which I might add a couple of points. Russia has already offered help to Iran in the event of attack along the Gulf, with missile systems and electronic defences as well as warnings on imminent attack. Iran has also stated clearly that it will respond immediately to any missile attack by targeting oil installations of Gulf states and other assets of US allies.
The coalition of aggressors knows this of course, but appears to be pressing on with its provocations; we can only imagine what may come next. But Iran’s patience will not last indefinitely, as they are already subject to severe economic “hostilities”.
The general feeling in the region I believe is that war sooner or later is inevitable – real war that is – and that it is also necessary, because otherwise the Resistance states will be held to ransom indefinitely by the West’s manipulative war games and brinkmanship. But the Resistance believes it will win, because it has to, whatever the cost.
Just one other thing…. where is the UN?
Yes i think you’re right the seriousness of whats going on in the middle east i think is significantly underestimated by most.
Not sure why people are conflating not being baited by the US & UK & doing nothing. I never said do nothing, I’m saying do something more intelligent.
It seems to me Iran is falling into their trap in facilitating them to build a much greater military presence in the middle east on Irans.. doorstep
Yes Iran has to defend itself but the way things are going they are just giving justification to the empire to attack.
The psychos don’t care how much damage is done they care about support for a war by the electorate back home in the delusional states of America.
Other websites have gone into this in detail, bernard particularly at moonofalabama last month – Iran is responding with its total pressure strategy (undoubtedly game played with the SCO, of whom they are on the way to becoming full members of).
The war in the ME is hot already and has been for years – Iraq, Syria, Yemen – where as you and others have pointed out the 5+1 eyes and some nato states have got boots on the ground and any number of PMC’s with state backed ‘consultants’.
Any further hot action or continued illegal murderous sanctions will be met with attacks on the strategic assets of the anglo imperialists and their client states – consider how hard it would be for the Saudis and the desert states including Israel to handle the fact that their desalination plants get disrupted. Thirst is a strategic weapon. Drought is a strategic weapon. Warships in a pond are sitting ducks for the smallest boats. Soldiers and sailors in bases and in foreign countries thousands of miles from home will never be secure. Supply lines are easily disrupted by guerilla actions – and if they bomb Tehran you can be absolutely certain all the ‘terrorist’ attacks carried out across western countries over the last decade and half would look like kiddies with pop guns. You don’t have to sail your fleets or fly your planes and missiles thousands of miles from home to be assymetrically attacked at home and ANYWHERE on the planet. These corporations who earn for the pension funds can be easily damaged.
All these reprisals would be unleashed immediately and be hard to stop.
The idea that ‘nukes’ or chemical or biological warfare be deployed on Iran and be acceptable to the SCO countries or indeed us, is bollocks. Even the western MIC and billionaires know that a world poisoned means THEIR families and future generations are also going to suffer and die. No matter how deep their bunkers of how big their superyachts or whatever childish plans of escape into space or their secret islands with their private armies to protect them.
The only idiots who want that escalation are the religious nutters who want the Rapture to arrive or the prophet or the second coming – and they are bat shit crazy, unfortunately many of them have their fingers on some dangerous triggers, but that does not mean we have to do what they want.
Most of the commentators on this thread know and understand these things – but we too have our share of bat shit stirrers here …
Peace y’all
This is a brilliant ole’ school piece of journalism David, for which I thank you from the bottom of my heart: specifically because it is one major element to understand what is ‘going down’, after doing the leg work of research & analysis for consistent inconsistencies in the narratives, but it is an entirely other matter afterwards to formulate it all into relatively concise & intelligible word formatting, that leads the readers’ minds towards objective conclusions and you do this superbly >>>
and i cannot do this anywhere near as well as you, nor most others and i was rubbing my eyes at the clarity of this article: as to how you’ve inverted the inverted reality, so eloquently: just BRILLIANT !
And I’m about to speed read elsewhere, to verify some observations, that have been frustrating not just me, but many other readers @OffG and I’m rubbing my eyes again, scanning & scrolling down, with just one remaining question in mind,
Where have all the cowboys gone … ? ! ?
I woke up this morning full of depression at the state of play @OffG and was almost NOT going to bother to even look anymore, at this website, let alone your fine article that I wanted to re-read and absorb more thoroughly, specifically because of all the corporate & military lobbyists here interfering daily with WAGES for doing so, in the most scandalous of forms, inverting reality constantly with characters also playing the function of “Controlled Opposition”, to generate a total “state of confusion” …
No names mentioned.
Where have all the trolls gone ?
“To hell hopefully …” (he says rubbing his eyes once more and washing his mouth out 🙂 )
“The effectiveness of their missile systems are more bravado than reality. ”
They just shot down that $130 million bucks US drone, that was travelling at twice the altitude of MH17 and if reports are correct, bang on the altitude limits of most US fighters & bombers: the US military & Trump, were more than a little surprised and upset at their loss 🙂 and (lol) Trump managed to spin the whole event into ‘saving lives’, anyways, by cancelling revenge strikes 😉 after the remains of the day.
Now if I were VVP or Xi, I’d immediately think, hey, what a great testing ground for new Tech. in Iran and mighty useful for the long term security of their Belt and Road initiatives & planning for future trade in the whole region.
Just a thought …
There’s slow moving recon drones & there’s full on offensive weapons. I was meaning Iranian SAM systems vs American air superiority. I don’t think it would take the US long.
China & Russian armed forces are essentially geared up for defense, Americas military is designed to be offensive, in more ways than one.
I sure hope if it comes to it China doesn’t get involved that’s not an escalation anyone should want to see.
China is already involved in so many ways: Indeed, when Canada arrested the CFO of Huawei, (also the daughter of the Ren Zhengfei the CEO), China immediately arrested double the amount of VIP Canadians and Zhengfei was even displaying a certain amount of pride, that his daughter must ‘Tough’ this out and “she’ll grow” from the experience: this was his attitude, despite his anger. There is no going back and the Chinese will never Kowtow to the arrogant Westerner ever again. They were patient for long enough & I figure that they lead by example, a new multi-polar world psychology of how to deal with such Western arrogance.
Be Brave, be strong & be patient and if they take one of yours, take minimum double back from the West immediately, without to think twice and if nothing happens, take another tanker and never back down, & never Kowtow, even if they have to sacrifice much, they will … is my guess.
My brother was living in China & Hong Kong for 35 years, he also speaks Chinese and I have more Chinese family than I can count, off hand: I’ve been there many times and I was there for the handover of Hong-Kong in ’97’ & before & after: great people with a brilliant sense of humour, often black & dry and straight faced, like you have to ask yourself were they joking 🙂 but when the push comes to shove, they get the job done, every time, with high IQ’s and a great sense of loyalty & commitment and they work damn hard: all qualities that I don’t see in the West anymore … if the Iranians mine the region, this will not affect China & Russia in the slightest in terms of energy, oil & gas … it is the West that will suffer and Israeli profit margins on spiralling oil prices…
’Im not so certain Russia & China would go down to the wire to save Iran.’
Maybe, maybe not. But consider this. Russia intervened in Syria to protect its (Russia’s) strategic interests. If it had not fought ISIS and Al Queda in Syria it would have had to fight them in Dagestan and Chechnya. The southern Caucasus is the soft underbelly of the Russian Federation. A troubled region containing virtual US/NATO proxy regimes including Azerbaijan, Armenia, and a little further north Dagestan, Chechnya and most importantly the virulently Russophobic Georgia.
These states directly abut Iran so for the Russians the whole region is of crucial strategic importance for Russia. It has engaged in wars against Georgia as well as counter-insurgency operations in Chechnya-Dagestan. It cannot allow regime change in Iran since this would rapidly spread to the Southern Caucasus and represent a direct threat to the Russian Federation. It would virtually be the same as a Russian regime change in Mexico.
Russia and China have their limits, but the AZ empire keeps on pushing the envelope. But both states need a buffer zone to protect their respective borders. Therefore both Russia/China must eventually call a halt. We will then see what the reaction of the AZ empire will be. Doing nothing is not an option.
Excellent points about Iran’s geostrategic importance. But if Russia & or China find it so important why haven’t they provided the means for Iran to defend itself properly. There’s lots of talk about SAM batteries s400 etc, they can be overwhelmed & eventually destroyed. You can only prevent air superiority with a modern air-force.
Iran’s air-force is in the 1970s so why hasn’t Russia & china helped modernize it? Its not something you can do quickly so its to late now. If Russia Or China get involved it will likely have to be directly with its own forces. That’s a very serious escalation & The US & Russia have always avoided direct conflict with each other because of the ramifications.
Even the empires proxy war in Syria (we all know the Arab spring uprising was a Covert CIA operation, or at least they fanned the flames). And Russia has only really managed to halt US backed terrorists not end the war in Syria, The embers of the Syrian conflict will likely smolder for decades.
The empire clearly thinks it can win agsint a Russian backed Iran. To be honest Russia & china have powerful militaries but the US MIC is leagues above both of them put together. ICBMS is what really protects Russia & china.
Your right Iran isn’t low hanging fruit, much more effort & loss involved than Iraq or Afghanistan conflicts. But that’s not going to stop them.
The Islamic Republic system was chosen by the Iranian people in a popular referendum by an overwhelming majority. Its shortcomings, real or imaginary, are a red herring trotted out by Zionist whores and Neocons as a pretext for aggression and imperialism.
Lets face it they weren’t given much choice neo-liberal backed monarchy or theocracy! I would have spoilt the ballet paper personally.
You shouldn’t conflate my dislike for religious dictatorships with a love of democratic ones.
Do you think Hitler was a good leader?
Iran had a multi party democracy once upon a time. But Washington and its UK sidekick didn’t like that arrangement so they put the Shah in to rule the place in BP’s interests as their stooge puppet.
The main victims of any war are innocents & civilians! Lets not forget that before we rush to war for glory & honor.
I’m one of those “innocents and civilians” myself, and I couldn’t agree with you more about not “rushing to war for glory and honor”.
All I’m doing is pointing out that human society has shown often enough that its patience with corruption and evil has limits.
Since the US has, for decades now, been trying that patience with reckless disregard for anybody but itself, I also ask what kind of spineless world would content itself with that?
Do you even know yourself what you would like an ideal world to look like?
My version doesn’t look like this mess.
Iran doesn’t have to attack the US or UK. The dark heart of the axis of evil is a much closer target, Israel. A missile war fought in the sky over Iraq, raining collateral damage upon civilian Iraqis.
Iran is important to the Belt Road. A key inter-modal transit point between West and East. Russia and China are investing heavily in BRI and in world trade ex-Petrodollar. How far will they go to protect and advance their initiative and their escape from the Petrodollar.
Which makes neutralizing Iran important to the war mongers, and of course, repatriating back into private hands Iran’s national oil reserves.
Returning nationalized oil reserves back into private hands is also the “humanitarian” reason for intervention in Venezuela.
The Empire is already at war with sanctions that harm civilians, but no one talks about sanctions as war crimes.
Madeline Albright’s “acceptable” 500,000 dead Iraqi children due to sanctions.
Israel could not even win a war in Lebanon. They cry if even one soldier is captured and issue diapers to their tank crews. It is necessary to bring down Israel one way or another. Why are they so scared of BDS?
“The dark heart of the axis of evil is a much closer target, Israel.”
Nice touch of positively inverting inverted reality ^^^there ^^^, Igor 🙂
playing the joker holding 4 aces, with a royal flush, in Mecca.
Indeed, fine observations all together. As mark & I discussed below, it is always (all ways) better to attack the weakest link, first: so, I would just add that militarily, Iran does not even need to attack Israel first,
as they can disrupt the supply lines for not just Regional oil & gas supplies, in a matter of seconds, with a well coordinated attack on installations just outside of Israel: and everybody who is anybody knows this, especially the Saudis. And MBS was called to Moscow,
not so long ago and he went and much has changed since… 😉
Surely Balfour was just the messenger. Incidentally who assassinated Lawrence of Arabia?
I wasn’t seriously suggesting anyone should be assassinated. His name is just synonymous with the making of Israel isn’t it.
Just run up the white flag, watch your children die in front of you, because as Good Christian Scumbag Pompeo helpfully explained, “if they want their people to eat, they have to do as they are told.”
The alternative.
Put a price tag on everything they do.
For them and their spineless grovelling satellites in Europe.
Attack one of our ships, and we’ll attack one of yours.
Kill one of ours and we’ll kill one of yours.
Bomb us and the response will be unlimited.
If we can’t export oil, nobody else can.
Lay a few hundred mines and the Straits are closed permanently,
They can’t be cleared without running the gauntlet of hundreds of miles of Iran’s southern coastline.
Oil $500 a barrel. Worldwide depression and mass unemployment. Implosion of derivatives and the parasite banks.
Overnight collapse of the Gulf Dictatorships and petty sheikhdoms.
Complete destruction of the oil infrastructure.
Collapse of the dollar with it.
Trump’s Rednecks paying $30 for gas.
The body bags coming home.
That sleazy piece of filth in the White House kissing his re election chances goodbye.
Millions of refugees pouring into Europe again.
Completing the destabilisation of the EU.
The whole rotten globalist system smashed into a thousand pieces for ever.
Think outside the box.
Fire a few missiles 200 miles straight up loaded with tons of gravel. Destroying the satellites on which the Exceptional And Indispensable People and their toys depend.
No mobile phones. No GPS. For anybody.
Anything is fully justified. No limits. Dirty bombs. Germ warfare. Spread Ebola and plague indiscriminately. Impose some real terror.
The Exceptional And Chosen Folk are very good at dishing it out. Not so good at taking it.
Or, if you prefer it, just sit back as you are strangled and watch your children die in front of you.
Thanks for your thoughts its quite a lot to respond to but i get the general gist of your comment.
Whats the point of Iran playing tit for tat with oil tankers just to give the empire the justification it needs to totally destroy the Iranian peoples country? Lets not forget they don’t have much choice what their leaders do either.
Its right you’re angry, its right Iran is angry, but cool heads win the day, concede a battle so you can fight another day. There is no glory in suicidal bravery. Dead is dead & when you’re dead whose going to look after your children?
And no one would like to see the system crumble more than me. I know its customary to accuse people of virtual signaling when they make personal claims, but i do make many sacrifices for what i believe in.
laffin’ out loud 🙂
Fortunately Iranians, Russians, the Chinese & damn it even the Turks and many many others, now, would never think to Kowtow anymore …
The tide is turning rapidly, mark, just think of the new Malaysian PM & MH17 >>>
you know it makes sense, m8 🙂
That’s a pretty gigantic white flag being raised there, Q.T.
Just read Mark’s comment below and try to put yourself in the place of one of the millions of the U.S.’s victims.
This is where we learn that there are boundaries, and most of them have been crossed many times over by our special friend west of the Atlantic.
When things get this bad, you know that doing nothing is a sure-fire guarantee that they will get exponentially worse for our children and grandchildren.
This is also where we realize that we have little to lose by resisting, and it wouldn’t be normal for Iran, Russia, China, or anyone else NOT to resist.
It boils down to whether we nihilistically give up on our own future, or strive towards cooperating with the forces which underpin genuine human evolution.
I know what the IMF was designed for.
But that doesn’t mean we have to permit it to destroy the world.
I have to add that I think a glaring flaw in your argument concerns the idea that Iran should “become more independent” instead of trying to beat the US at their own game.
What on earth makes you think the U.S. has any intention of allowing Iran to become independent?
The U.S. wants to steal the oil belonging to the Middle East, as well as to control all the territory around Israel.
And that’s just for starters.
You say what have they got to lose, = their lives, its the little people like you and me that fight their battles, the more we can cut down our casualties the better.
Life at any price is over-estimated, and countless brave people have put their lives on the line in order to make it quite clear that they are not prepared to accept whatever evil their owners and fake “representatives” choose to shove down their throats.
Many of those people had no idea that they possessed personal courage of the highest order until they were tested.
I would say that the decent people of the world are now being tested.
Come on, Q.T., you’ve heard of the French Resistance and other resistances all over Europe during WW2, and today there are such people protesting all over the world about similar injustice and tyranny.
It always costs some of those people dear, but against that, you have to try and imagine what it would be like to be an American slave in the 21st Century.
It is not acceptable, especially the thought of being under the thumb of the immoral, over-indulged and ignorant specimens we currently have infesting Washington.
Sometimes you have to be pragmatic to survive to fight another day (eg. Venezuela). The west wants regime change, Its difficult to see how Iran’s going to stop that. The best Iran can hope for in the event of war is to bog the West down in battle, perhaps if it can inflict enough casualties it may make the US blink, but by then i suspect the old regime will be dead, literally.
That said Iran has had decades to plan, because everyone knew it was coming. don’t see any happy ending for Iran which ever way it goes. But closing off the straight is what the west wants, it gives them justification.
Doesn’t it boil down to whose Strait it is – or at least whose shores it defines?
Gentlemanly conduct is all very well when everybody belongs to the same club, but the British and the French would not take kindly to a third country telling them who may, or may not navigate the English Channel, especially if dubious allies arrogantly presume to let their ships wander provocatively around there at will.
The same applies to the Hormuz Straits.
I like to think that Trump, fool though he is, might stop short of imagining that a little war with Iran (strictly on foreign territory, of course) wouldn’t matter too much in the greater context of things.
Because it certainly seems conceivable to me that Iran, along with Russia and China, if provoked enough, and in the light of what it has seen the U.S. do to its neighbours in the Middle East, may easily think that Mutually-Assured Destruction is the only way to get rid of the “Great Satan”, and that “Allah” will even reward them for doing so.
A bit like Reagan’s “Rapture” thing…
Or Israel’s Samson option.
The “best Iran can hope for” in the event of war is a re run of the 2006 Lebanon war on a vastly greater scale. This provides a template of what to expect.
Zionist forces 75,000 strong, 600 tanks, unlimited air and naval support.
Hezbollah 4,000 fighters, no tanks, heavy artillery, air force or navy.
Their main force, 15,000 strong, was held back on the Litani river to fight an expected all out invasion.
They fought Zionist forces to a standstill over 33 days. Inflicted significant casualties.
50 tanks destroyed and 50 tank crew killed. A major warship disabled and nearly sunk.
Aircraft lost.
Continuous bombardment of the north of the country. Hundreds of thousands of internal Zionist refugees.
Political crisis for the Zionist Regime.
US aggressor forces cannot clear and control the Straits without taking control of the coastline of Iran. This would require the deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops in a complex amphibious operation that is not feasible, without a major land war on a scale greater then Iraq. US “allies”, the Zionist Regime and Gulf Dictatorships, have no intention of taking part in any fighting. Their contribution would be limited to cheering from the side lines.
Trump, Bolton and Pompeo will continue to stage provocations. They will push, and push, and push and push. Any restraint on Iran’s part is simply taken for weakness and encourages further aggression. Any and every provocation requires a firm and vigorous response. They will not stop until they suffer pain themselves.
Iran has been far too passive until now in the face of US aggression and economic strangulation, partly in response to appeals from the EU. It should have immediately withdrawn from the JCPOA and NPT, and mounted a crash programme to produce nuclear weapons. It could probably do so very quickly once the decision was taken.
In the circumstances, passivity, moderation, and restraint are nothing less than an exercise in self delusion, if not criminal irresponsibility. Iran is going to have to get down and dirty, kick Uncle Sam in the balls, and keep on kicking. Uncle Sam likes dishing it out. Listen to him squeal when he has to take a dose of his own medicine.
I like reading your posts, they have passion & clearly you say what you mean & mean what you say, I always admire that in a person. But please please don’t stand for any position of power.
Violence against the system is a gift to the system, everything they do is designed to put down any violent dissent. The empire is the system. The American system has turned its militarily not only into a overwhelmingly superior fighting force but a profit making organization, war is profit.
If the USA were pushed into full out war with any state, that state would be rubble, Syria is & always was a covert proxy war where state assets couldn’t be fully deployed. When you play with fire you always get burnt. If Russia was so powerful how come the war in Syria hasn’t ended. Yes there’s value in hybrid warfare with the use of non state insurgents, it wins a few battles & prolongs the war but never wins the day.
One thing alone stops the full force of the empire, its fat deluded voters. When the electorate give the thumbs down Caesar will unleash his full fury. From what I understand the USA isn’t dependent on middle east oil for it domestic needs.
“The voters” will only do anything when they themselves begin to suffer. The death and suffering of millions of brown people, sand niggers, ragheads, gooks, whatever, is of no account to them at all.
It is only when a real cost is imposed that the aggression and mass murder ever stops.
Syria fought back with everything it had against the pet proxy murdering, robbing, raping, enslaving, burning, head choppers and throat slitters bankrolled by the UK taxpayer.
Though the everything it had was often no more than 50 year old T54s and MIG21s.
With the help of their allies, they rolled back the UK taxpayer funded tide of subhuman filth engulfing their country.
If they had failed, the whole country would have been destroyed in accordance with the Zionist agenda. Deranged Pol Pot style psychopathic filth would be in control of the whole country, murdering, raping and torturing to their hearts content.
The idea that the US can turn any country into rubble at no cost to itself has yet to be tested. It has only ever fought against puny defenceless countries.
It would be instructive to see how things developed if it took on even a relatively minor power like the DPRK or Iran, instead of Panama or Grenada. How Transsexual Team Six and the Bill Clinton Light Infantry would fare if push came to shove. How effective their much vaunted air power would actually be by itself, Serbia style. How eager they would be for military glory against people fighting back with all they’ve got and inflicting real pain on their own account. My guess is not very much.
We’re on the same page, we have consensus but we just don’t agree on the solution.
How will Iran engaging the US in conventional warfare, hybrid warfare or even Willie waving, revoke US sanctions?
Any conflict with the USA will just make Iran weaker, using what resources it has to feed war not its people. Like all wars, all violence, its innocent civilians that suffer the most.
War must be an absolute last resort when there is no other possible alternative.
When you’re dealing with Zionist whores like Trump, Pence, Bolton and Pompeo, you just have to accept conflict can no longer be avoided. That is the reality of it.
Anything else is wishful thinking and self delusion.
All you can do is say, bring it on for your Jew buddies, let’s see what you’ve got.
Iran has been planning for this for 40 years. There may be a lot of surprises in store.
The war has already started.
Why wait to be attacked?
Take the fight to them.
It’s the last thing they’re expecting.
On the battlefield you’re dead already, everything you do is a bonus.
Every one of them you kill is a bonus.
There is an oil terminal called Ras Tanura on the east coast of Shady Wahabia. 10% of the world’s oil supply passes through it.
Reduce it to scrap metal on day one, and just keep going. Don’t stop.
Yeah that’s the problem with theocracies. No sense of perspective.
But you haven’t answered the question what’s Iran’s prize if it wins? Suicide? What will it achieve? & Do all the Iranian people get given a choice whether to live or die or does someone else make that decision for them?
Do nothing and Good Christians Pence and Pompeo get to choose that they slowly starve to death. That’s who makes the decision.
When somebody threatens to strangle you every day for 40 years, and has a proven track record of strangling anyone he has threatened to strangle, nothing is off limits. You can cut his throat in the middle of the night, you can burn his house down with him in it, you can put a rattlesnake through his letter box, you can terrorise his neighbours or kill his dog if you can’t get hold of him.
Anything you do is justified and nothing is off limits.
The only thing you can’t do is sit back and let him strangle you.
‘Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.’ – George Orwell.
And lets not forget that as well as fomenting war with Iran 100 US vassal states have assembled in Lima to plan the overthrow of Venezuela.
So much for international ‘rules based order’.
Oh my .. the 1953 coup in Iran wasn’t the first imperialism crime against the
impoverished nation.
“Under D’Arcy Concession 1901 agreement, Iran was to receive only %16 of the share from the net oil profits which actually never took place [creative British accounting!]. From 1901 to 1919 this share amounted to Zero.
In 1920-29 period, Iran received only about 5 percent of the net profit.
the British staged their first coup in Iran in 1921 and brought a repressive dictator named Reza Khan”
So the plundering of Iranian resources and political subjugation of Iran by the British has a very very very long history!
Hijacking an Iranian oil tanker in 2019 can be better understood by observing Great Britain behaviour during the last 100+ years in Iran.
All true, and I would add the invasion of Iran in WW2 in order to secure the oil.
Pay back time, during political confusion & chaos @home in the UK:-
Some, no wait, many would say, it is the perfect moment to go on the offensive
& clawback … 🙂
Iran should target Britain primarily.
This is good strategy.
Go for the weaker satellite first.
Like the Napoleonic Wars – target the satellite Spain first.
Like WW2 – target the satellite Mussolini first.
If Britain wants to act as Trump’s catspaw, it has to accept the consequences.
Trump will dump Britain like a hot potato the instant it suite him.
Exactly what I was thinking and there a few advantages for the UK in the long run, that will not appear obvious at first, but it has to do with finally accepting and exposing that the BBC was wholly complicit in the US Government Conspiracy, with may many others on that fateful day, that has put societal development and history on hold, since the 11th September 2001 😉
There was also Operation Countenance in 1941, a pretty much open coup d’état.
is a Standard Operating Procedure in Foreign Policy manuals of US, GB and allies/client states.
Gotta’ second that 😉
Jeez, more than half your comments are just commenting for the sake of you being noticed. Give it a bloody rest Tim!
How about this. The overt involvement of the RAF in Saudi is indictative of failure. In fact, Britain and the US are failing hand over fist in the arena, and while they may well have planned for Iran to take obvious bait, the Stena Impero isn’t the only “tanker” that has been seized, is it?
The MT Riah mystery, and why Johnson won’t be the help Trump was hoping for