WATCH: Conspiracy Theorists are Domestic Terrorists!

The term “conspiracy theory” was weaponized by the CIA half a century ago. At first it was merely used to marginalize those who question government narratives. But now that weapon is being loaded and pointed at our heads. Can a “conspiracy theorist” false flag be far behind? James examines the new FBI document on conspiracy theorists as domestic terrorists in this important edition of #PropagandaWatch.

For links, sources and shownotes click here.

The latest video from James Corbett is in response to this memo from the FBI, which claims that “fringe conspiracy theories” will occasionally stir people to commit violent acts.

Disregarding the arguments about who is or isn’t responsible for acts of violence (or even whether or not they actually happened), the memo is of course totally ridiculous.

More than ridiculous: You don’t ban or censor things because criminals or lunatics liked them. Mark Chapman liked Catcher in the Rye, Charles Manson listened to The Beatles.

The argument of post-war suburban mothers, that Rock music encourages sin and Devil worship is, deservedly, ridiculed as hysteria these days. And yet the FBI, and other agencies of the deep state, are using that same argument to shut down free speech on the web.

There will always be insane people. There will always be those who, for whatever crazy reason, seek to do others harm. We can’t legislate on that. Ted Bundy wore ties. Jeffrey Dahmer was gay. Hitler drank water.

Even taken totally at face value, completely on its own terms, even if – for some peculiar reason – you believe everything the FBI tells you: the argument for is deeply flawed. At best.

Of course, that’s not really what the document is about.

What this document is really about, what this is all for, is buried in one short sentence somewhere in the preamble [our emphasis]:

Indicators that may lead to a revised judgment include…significant efforts by major social media companies and websites to remove, regulate or counter potentially harmful conspiratorial content.”

Yeah. That just about says it all really.


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Sep 17, 2019 9:55 AM

Ah… its been a while. Yup, conspiracys, yeah, why not, the greatest one is stil out there, the last frontiers, the wall of them all, our own perseption, witch creates our reality. I have tried to read for years, watched videos for years and yet, they or most of them is to be frank, crapp. Either they simply dont understand, to attached to mental clap traps as ascosiations, memes, consensusses etc, pimped by people whom them selfs dont fully grasp whats real or not, what runs the show, whom is the people behind the curtains, the shadow players, and even when its obvious most stil denies it, because, like the worst damaging aspect of human thinking is how distorted religion have become, where they have pasifyed people to think there will be an coming saviour, that, people is as far I can judge the most dangerous perseption of reality I can imagine. This rants witch was of course created for distancing the people from anyone stepping outside the main road, is just that, an mental trapp, make people afraid of walking on it, alianate anyone on it, to make the apear uh…. unreal, like they have an damaged perspetion of reality because it dont corolate with whats been tought. A lot of people blame religion, I never blame religion, because whatever happens, is ours doing, corruption of souls is squarly ours, not anyone elses, and that is of course the truth, and truth hurts, if it dont hurt, its not close enough to be called truth, you will bleed, go into an vally of saddows, lost and derailed, but as long you have that in your mind, to guid the internal dialog into an proper path, you will make it out of this cave, find the entrance to the real… Read more »

Aug 16, 2019 6:48 PM

In this video clip, skip to 24:30 to hear two former Fox employees admit that Fox no longer delivers “real news” (and all of MSM for that matter). Of course we knew this but there you have it.

Having this confirmed as fact, the individual has no choice but to use critical thinking and research to ascertain the truth about all current events, which will of course be construed as being a conspiracy theorist.

Our corporate media is really delusional and dangerous now, having caused the deaths of many Americans in mass shootings.

Aug 16, 2019 6:50 PM
Reply to  Bittersweet

Links switched. oops!

Aug 14, 2019 9:25 AM

What was Operations Northwoods?

It was the States attempt for the creation of a Conspiracy Theory that the Cubans had brought down a plane with Americans in it.

Anymore? Well lets see. There was that 9/11 thingy whereby the State and its familias in the Presstitute MSM convinced a large portion of the American public that not only did Saddam have WMDs (He didn’t) but he was linked to 9/11 (He wasn’t).

Go on, one more…OK How about a multiyear Conspiracy Theory that the Russian Government (Putin) oversaw and ran election inteferring that affected the outcome on who was the next President of SpartUSA. I can’t stop myself laughing at this one.

Ah, the State formenting a Conspiracy Theory, who’d have thunk it……..

Aug 10, 2019 3:35 PM

Andrew can breath a sigh of relief now, but Gislaine Maxwell had better watch her back. I guess she’ll take an overdose because she is so distraught at Jeffry’s death?

Aug 10, 2019 5:27 PM
Reply to  Maggie

After thinking this through I posted again further down the page………

Aug 9, 2019 8:50 AM

@ OffG and its readers- concerning comment of user “Question This” from Aug 8, 2019 1:42 AM: Here we see clearly what I meant with my comment below (https://off-guardian.org/2019/08/06/watch-conspiracy-theorists-are-domestic-terrorists/#comment-88648) OffG-Admin and several readers – very rightfully! – confronted this state-propaganda-comment from user “Question This”. But their replies and protests remains totally impotent! Why is this so? This is so because they don’t confront “Question This” (and our governments) when they allow him to put these tin-foil hats of “Conspiracy Theorist” and “Russian Propagandist” on our heads. When “Question This” claims: “OffG, is regarded as a conspiracy theory site that promulgates Russian propaganda” he puts forward two lies: 1. OffG was a “conspiracy theory site” (to this below “1”). and 2. OffG was “promulgat(ing) Russian Propaganda” (to this below “2”). 1) OffG is not at all spreading conspiracy theories. That is with one exception: When in January 2018 it allowed an article on this side with the conspiracy theory of Julian Assange being nothing but a spook and a limited hang-out of the CIA (see:: https://off-guardian.org/2018/01/04/how-to-identify-cia-limited-hangout/) But otherwise OffG always only DEBUNKED and confronted these Government Conspiracy Theories (in the following: “GCT”). So OffG is only a GTC-DEBUNKER site! 2) When user “Question This” comes forward with: OffG “promulgates Russian propaganda” this is itself(!) is a CONSPIRACY THEORY! Because “Question This” insinuates/theorises that OffG is conspiring(!) with the Russian government to spread their “propaganda“! Why is no one attacking user “Question This” for spreading this “outrageous conspiracy theory”(George W. Bush)??!! User “Question This” is here using exactly the same strategy as our governments: That is: Spreading a GCT and then attacking those citizens that see through all these lies and who DEBUNK these GCT by developing alternative explanations of what might have happened ( based on facts and logic) by defaming… Read more »

Aug 9, 2019 3:43 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Assange/Manning/Wikileaks must be an intelligence operation. Manning went to school in West Wales because his father was attached to the USN submarine facility at Brawdy. It is inconceivable that Manning would have become an intelligence analyst without a thorough psychological deconstruction/positive vetting.

Manning could not possibly have have concealed his secret desire to be a woman. The whole thing is a construct.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 8, 2019 5:18 PM

Well, well! Looks like the ‘War on Terra’ is now coming home …

Aug 8, 2019 2:16 PM

In relation to Conspiracy Theorists of the demonised type, OffG and other bloggers should do more protect themselves better.

1. When MSM promulgates a Conspiracy Theory itself, label it as such and label it add infinitum in any reference or retort piece. And then label it at such, some more.

2. Always link to the CIA in the promotion of the ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ for demonisation. You could you a video of Pompeo head of CIA saying they lie for a living…..a bonus.

3. Get a list of Conspiracy Theories together that have been proved, so when the likes of HWBonney turns up, and calls everyone a Narcissist, you can slap it his way in the hope he’ll crawl back under his rock.

Aug 8, 2019 11:16 AM

Western nations are international terrorists

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 8, 2019 5:19 PM
Reply to  Mucho

CORRECTION: Western élites are international terrorists.

Aug 8, 2019 9:21 AM

Anyone who isn’t a so called conspiracy theorist is clearly not thinking

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 7, 2019 11:50 PM

Thanks again for the reminder of where the World is heading. According to Media Bias Fact Checker (who funds this? follow the money) this very site, OffG, is regarded as a conspiracy theory site that promulgates Russian propaganda.
We are well on the way to 1984, and any independent news site, blog, Twitter account, etc that challenges the Orwellian newspeak of the presstitute slime; that speaks truth to power; that shines a light on the blood drenched Imperialism of the Empire, well those sites and blogs will simply be silenced if they are reaching too many people. As we all know, this has been already happening, and even this site has come under attack, as have others.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 1:42 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

OffG, is regarded as a conspiracy theory site that promulgates Russian propaganda.

Well isn’t it? Not saying that’s a bad thing, but is it untrue? Perhaps pro-russia is a fairer description. Anyway the west has plenty of western propaganda sites of its own, so why not.

Aug 8, 2019 6:19 AM
Reply to  Editor


Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 12:23 PM
Reply to  Editor

Glad to hear it, it was what attracted me here i don’t wave any ones flag. but lately some of the articles, especially the comments here really make you wonder.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 8, 2019 4:42 AM
Reply to  Question This

I was debating whether to reply to you Q.T, then saw the reply Admin made to you. Fully agree with their comment.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 2:51 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I’m just keeping offG honest. A serious truther worth the name is skeptical of everyone’s intentions ; – )

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 8, 2019 3:03 PM
Reply to  Question This

You’re trolling and grandstanding and using our open comments policy as a cover to be abusive to the site. Ill-mannered. Stop, please.

And thanks, but we have managed to hold on to our honesty and ethics without your intervention thus far, so you can leave that concern to us.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 3:17 PM


I’ll stop alright bye bye.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 3:52 PM

Oh the irony! (on a topic of censorship & power) The truth is outed, the moment your own integrity & honesty is questioned. Your first response is to use your own power to prevent free speech & the search for truth!

Over & out.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 8, 2019 4:01 PM
Reply to  Question This

We haven’t censored a single one of your numerous posts, as you well know, not even the ones in which you attack us. You are simply the latest of many trolls to exploit our total lack of censorship in order to lie about being censored. It’s an old trick and a tired one.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 9, 2019 12:02 AM

Thanks, and again, fully agree with your comments about this site. I need to be bit more disciplined, and just fully ignore them. Have a good weekend Admin.

Aug 8, 2019 6:17 AM
Reply to  Question This

There is an important distinction to be made here …

Are the writers who might contribute their labours, or an occasional article to OffG, ‘pro-Russian,’ or are they, pro-Truth, irrespective of who ‘tells’ it?
I’m inclined to believe that it is the latter.

Aug 8, 2019 2:37 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

We need to get ready for samizdat.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 8, 2019 4:38 AM
Reply to  mark

Or learn how to do smoke signals, or Morse Code or something…. Can almost imagine how bad it’ll be in 4 or 5 years, tho thats assuming a few seismic events don’t happen before then.

Aug 7, 2019 11:19 PM

This is an interesting article:

“Gladio, Tulsi Gabbard And US Shootings: What The Hell Is Going On?”

Aug 7, 2019 9:06 PM

I don’t trust James Corbett further than I can spit, because he’s in the pocket of the nuclear industry. Corbett apparently lives in Japan, yet he always downplays Fukushima, and Fukushima is probably the greatest disaster in human history.

Go figure…

Sep 7, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  RobG

‘In the pocket of the nuclear industry’!! He is in no one’s pocket because those who respect his considerable efforts to shed light on nefarious matters actually pay a dollar a month to support him (less than the cost of a soft drink, or a beer). It think it is money well spent to keep some independent thinkers going out there to actually research and study what is behind what is happening. There are lots of us poor plebs that think that we need people like him, so he can afford to use his consider intellectual to get to the bottom of what is happening. Notice how he always posts show notes to show how he came to his conclusions, giving links to the information supporting his views. CNN never does that!!!

RobG, sorry, but sometimes you seem like a sore loser. Are you getting paid to be a professional nay-sayer?

Aug 7, 2019 8:56 PM

Is anyone NOT reading the Whitney Webb series on Epstein, his network and those connected to it ?
Has OffG run any Epstein related pieces at all ? I must have missed them if they did.
Webb has done an astonishing job of putting the scandal in a propper setting of organised crime bosses, bi-partisan political funders, blackmailers, foreign and domestic spies, government office holders and shaddow figures of the past 60 years.
If you want to understand why people like me refute the still insistent assertions that Israel is no more than a ‘client state’ of the US empire, then there is no better reading than this.
Who runs Amerika ? The MEGA group (or related) seem to have a rather prominent and unsavoury role it would seem. If you want to create a conspiracy theory to help explain things today, consider the information in these articles when formulating it:

Aug 7, 2019 9:50 PM
Reply to  crank

America gives more money to so-called ‘hostile’ Arab states than it gives to Israel.

60% of Americans identify as being Christian evangelists. Go check out what their religion means and how it relates to Israel.

John Bolton, Mike Pompeo and most of the rest of the psychopaths in the present American government are all Christian evangelists (and we’re told that the Iranians are a bunch of religious nutters!).

Keep drinking deeply on the Kool Aid…

Aug 8, 2019 1:15 AM
Reply to  RobG

This is bo**ocks.
America doesn’t give a red cent to Arab states like Shady Wahabia, Kuwait, Qatar, or any of the petty Gulf Dictatorships. They have paid trillions in the other direction in protection money in various forms, purchases of trillions in arms they don’t need and can’t operate without foreign mercenaries, support for the $, billions to Neocon front groups, crude payola to US whore politicians.
It gives a limited amount of military equipment to dictatorships like Egypt and Jordan, to keep their dictators in power so long as they continue to serve Zionist interests. All this is subject to prior approval from Tel Aviv.
It gives Israel $23,000 per family. Its tribute payments to Talmudistan can only be measured in trillions. Its entire military budget, all its systems are completely paid for by the US taxpayer. (Except for the multi billion Dolphin submarines, paid for by the German taxpayer.)
Talmudistan is the biggest scrounging parasite on the planet.

Aug 8, 2019 2:47 AM
Reply to  mark

And while there are certainly millions of religious nut jobs and halfwits like Pence and Pompeo, to say that 60% are Christian Evangelists or Christian Zionists is likewise bo**ocks.

60% is 200 million people. Many in the US are atheists or agnostics or couldn’t care less about religion one way or another. Of those who are religious, many are Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, or whatever.

Aug 8, 2019 9:44 PM
Reply to  mark


Please provide some kind of link to back-up what you’re saying.

Aug 8, 2019 9:35 PM
Reply to  mark

America’s hegemony comes from the petrodollar, which is entirely dependent on the Arab states.

Aug 8, 2019 8:32 AM
Reply to  RobG

No, about 70% of the US population identify as ‘Christian’, and about 25% as ‘evangelists’.
This doesn’t explain the accross the board support for Israel in the political culture of the US. Lobbying, financial bribery, party doantions, blackmail (read Webb) and a network of foreign agents within powerful positions both sides of the aisle (as well as in the corporate world). Coming top in THESE is what leads to 29 standing ovations in congress.
You are bottling Kool Aid and selling it.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 8, 2019 5:36 PM
Reply to  RobG

America gives more money to so-called ‘hostile’ Arab states than it gives to Israel.Except that most of that aid to Egypt and Jordan is really just more indirect aid to Israel. To wit: we pay them not to go to war with the Israelis or to help the Palestinians.

Aug 8, 2019 10:15 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

At the risk of sounding like the record is stuck, check out the petrodollar (which has little to do with Israel).

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 8, 2019 10:34 PM
Reply to  RobG

You mean the Saudis demanding payment in US dollars? Well, that’d aid to America, not from it. And that’s coming from KSA, which has almost never done anything for Palestine, rather than Egypt or Jordan.

Aug 8, 2019 11:06 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Seamus, as a result of the agreement between Saudi Arabia and the USA in the early 1970s (shortly after the US dollar abandoned the gold standard) all oil sales worldwide have been done in US dollars. This has given the USA tremendous financial clout worldwide, ever since. All the countries that the USA has attacked since then have been countries that have tried to sell oil in currencies other than the US dollar.

This is world history 101.

Part of the petrodollar agreement is that the USA will protect Arab oil producers, both financially and militarily.

Once again, this has practically zilch to do with Israel (which has no oil).

I’ll venture again that the Israel influence on America (which is completely against America’s financial interests) is mostly due to the religious nutters in America, many of whom inhabit politics.

Aug 8, 2019 9:31 PM
Reply to  RobG

The petrodollar, anyone? What do you think that’s all about (clue: it doesn’t have much to do with Israel).

Aug 8, 2019 2:33 AM
Reply to  crank

Thanks for that, C.
This is a real jumbo can of worms that will probably never be fully exposed.
It is like a huge sprawling octopus of gross criminality of every type, encompassing the globe and controlled by a small shadowy Zionist cabal largely serving its own exclusive interests.
Fraud and financial crime on a monumental and unimaginable scale. General gangsterism, murder, robbery, blackmail, corruption. Sexual crime of the most gross nature also conducted on an epic scale. Political subversion, terrorism, espionage. All interconnected. Those involved moving seamlessly between the worlds of politics, espionage, organised crime, and sex trafficking. With Israel at the centre of the web, long established as the world centre of financial crime, drug -, organ-, sex-, and arms-trafficking.
There has been much of a hullabaloo over Huawei, but it is readily apparent it is far more urgent that the products of any Israeli technology company (or even in which there is a Jewish interest) should be subject to a complete ban.
Further, no Israeli, Zionist, or even Jewish person should be allowed to hold any sensitive position in government, finance, business, or media. They can run bagel shops, or clothing businesses, or retailers, or whatever, leading productive and prosperous lives, so long as they are banned from bribing and buying politicians.
To those who say this is anti semitic, to those who say this would be unjust to many perfectly decent people leading normal lives, I would have to say you are correct.
But before you get too upset, I would just ask you to read C’s link above, and tell me it is not justified and necessary.

Aug 8, 2019 8:23 AM
Reply to  mark

Cannot and will not endorse your proposed reaction to this problem Mark.
I would rather a world with less government/ media/ financial power in place to be co-opted by anyone.
What does seem important to me is : of those who want to address the general situation of this crisis stricken world, that more realise these truths as a factor that needs addressing. That it is not understood (and regarded as a moral failing to even talk about) is perhaps the key obstacle to many doorways of renewal.

Aug 8, 2019 8:56 AM
Reply to  mark

It should be easy to set up a register of which elected lawmakers and civil servants hold more than one passport.

Surely they ought to give up any such multiple legal nationality once they are employed by a state?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 8, 2019 5:33 PM
Reply to  mark

The only problem with your proposal, Mark, is that you would then run into the ‘crypto-Jew’ problem. (Inquire with the Spaniards.) Oh–and we’d have to amend the Constitution as well.

Aug 9, 2019 1:03 AM
Reply to  crank

Thanks for this info Crank. Just spent three hours downloading and reading. And still not completed. Will return to it in the morning. I think we can safely say that we have the snake pit that is the Deep State/Establishment in these documents. All that is needed now is to get them into chronological order. Mark more or less sums it up.. There has been a Zionist Cabal controlling everything that will feather their nests and fulfil their depravity. Exactly the same Cabal were taking root prior to the last W War, and actually showed their hand when they declared war on Germany.. But then that fact was buried under the Holo-hysteria. Then they wonder why people despise them so? The saddest thing of all is that they purport to be Jews, but they are not! They are Talmudic Cabalistic Lucifarians This will probably earn me the title ‘anti-semitic’ – a title invented by the above elite who are hiding amongst the Jews. And are attempting to close down all free speech to prevent people from seeing exactly what they are. But I must stress that these people I will be referring to are NOT Jews. Some Christians like refer to the biblical passage from Revelation 3:9 in which it says “the synagogue of Satan – those who profess to be Jews, but are liars, because they are no such thing.” I can’t find a more accurate description than this. From my research I have gathered that so-called ‘Judaism’ is just the latest incarnation of a socioeconomically powerful cult that has been with us perhaps since the beginning of civilization, always manoeuvring itself to the top centres of power…almost always through mass murder. Blood, it seems, is a requirement. They spill blood in great quantities. They don’t consider a deal… Read more »

Aug 10, 2019 4:53 PM
Reply to  crank

I posted earlier that Epstein has been found ‘dead’ hanged in his cell?
Then gave some thought to that statement.

Two weeks ago 20th July 2019 Epstein was found in his cell with neck injuries? And we all said it was no more than he deserved, and the easily duped were prepared ..
He was then isolated and put on suicide watch? Which meant he had access to NOTHING with which to harm himself….
Despite all precautions, Epstein was found dead – ”hanged”- or was he?

Epstein’s defence lawyers Reid Weingarten, Marty Weinberg and Michael Miller said in a statement that ‘they could not confirm his cause of death’ and hoped it would be investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s office and the United States Marshals Service.
I guess we can count on them to be completely impartial and trustworthy?

Epstein is probably on some remote Island, sunning himself and sipping G&T’s with his girlfriend’s Father as we speak….

Aug 10, 2019 5:03 PM
Reply to  Maggie

…and Bill Clinton escapes AGAIN from another sleazy associate ”dying” while being in his circle….

USAma Bin Laden
USAma Bin Laden
Aug 7, 2019 8:21 PM

This FBI memo warning about the dangers of conspiracy theories is actually a salutary warning–but not in the sense that the FBI intended.

After all, the threat of conspiracy peddlers and the violence that they engender is preeminently exemplified by the purveyors of the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9-11 and how some Arabs armed only with box-cutters were directed by some dude in a cave in Afghanistan to fly planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the latter of which is some of the most heavily guarded airspace on the planet.

This is not to mention how these intrepid terrorists were miraculously able to capitalize on a stand-down of US air defenses on this day such that any attempt to intercept these airplanes were conveniently too little and too late.

This Mainstream Conspiracy of 9-11 was not only massively promoted by the American government, free press, and indeed most of the US political, intellectual, and media class but more importantly directly led to violent wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention Predator drone strikes against Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and many other nations–all told leading to the collateral murder of hundreds of thousands of people and the destruction of the livelihoods of millions in multiple nations.

The purveyors of the Official Conspiracy of 9-11 and the American state terrorist who were inspired to commit violent acts by this conspiracy theory need to be removed, regulated or countered in terms of their demonstrably harmful conspiratorial content.


Aug 7, 2019 5:03 PM

https://www.irishcentral.com › Culture › Entertainment
31 Jul 2019 – Travers remembers vividly the checkpoint which the band members … The bomb went off prematurely killing the two who had planted it. … Read More: Miami Showband killed by detonators MI5 gave to UVF … band members labeled as terrorists and put pressure on the Irish government to seal the border.

Aug 7, 2019 12:57 PM

Non-violence is the way to go.
A large group of concerned citizens walks calmly into the FBI / CIA buildings and announces: “You’re all fired. It’s nothing personal; it’s just that the country unfortunately can’t afford to pay you any longer.
Also, the conspiracy theory that trillions of dollars have been wasted by this organization over recent decades turned out to be true.”

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 2:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

A large group of concerned citizens walks calmly into the FBI / CIA buildings and announces: “You’re all fired.

I presume you you say this partly in jest, but you are actually absolutely right! They would have no answer to Peaceful Collective mass non-compliance.

Sep 6, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  Question This

Oh, they would have an answer:
They’d call security and have us all shot as terrorists.
There would be no survivors, and any mobiles would strangely disappear…

Aug 7, 2019 12:53 PM

Did y’all see the video of the woman in El Paso saying that she saw 4 gunmen dresses in black doing all the shooting?
“El Paso eye witness describes 4 men all dressed in black as shooters”

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 2:35 PM
Reply to  SharonM

To be fair in all the confusion it could have been anyone, most likely para military police in response.

I did see a link from a commentator in zero hedge with a link to a site that claims the Dayton Ohio shooter died in 2014 & his sister he allegedly shot was at his funeral. I looked at the site (cant find it now) the only evidence was a screen cap of an article the site was a bit dodgy.

Aug 7, 2019 2:49 PM
Reply to  Question This

I saw that as well here:
“Connor Betts Died in 2014… Seriously?”

There’s not enough information about it all to make any judgments.
But, to be fair to the witness in the video I posted, she doesn’t seem confused in the least. She’s very clear.

Aug 7, 2019 3:43 PM
Reply to  SharonM

This recalls the Belgian supermarket shootings of the 1980s.
It probably serves several purposes.

Attack on Trump in the run up to the election.
Remember that the spooks and the dirty cops conspired to prevent his election, and then to undermine his administration.
Staging an incident like this would be child’s play for the likes of Comey/ Clapper/ Brennan/ Strzok. All in a day’s work. Their stock in trade.

An attack on 2nd Amendment rights.
There is a long term objective of disarming the population. This has been achieved in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries.
Whatever you think of gun ownership it is an implicit check on dictatorship.

An excuse for further censorship.
Control of alternative media.
Closing down “inconvenient” sites which challenge official narratives, like Iraq Incubator Babies and Syrian Gas Hoaxes.

Creating a general climate of fear and uncertainty.
This can be used to justify repressive legislation and shredding civil liberties.

Aug 7, 2019 7:45 PM
Reply to  mark

Those who say that these mass murder shootings are for gun-grabs have failed to make their case, in my view.
How many mass murders do they want? They’re happening here so regularly that it’s become incredibly annoying to listen to these people about it. I say the false flag gun-grab theory is ridiculous. Nothing major has changed as far as the second amendment. It’s just right wing cuckoos in love with guns who cart that theory out. And also, these same cuckoos always cite the theory that they need their guns to stop the government from having power over them–like you said, dictatorship. But that’s idiotic because those morons are the ones who support the right wing government in the first place. Give them some ‘god-gun- flag-loving’ idiot running for office and they worship them.
If this was a false flag, then I’ll go with your alternative media reason–Internet control;)

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 8:26 PM
Reply to  SharonM

Think I agree with you here. Though i need real evidence to be convinced these are false flags.I really think they are just disenfranchised young men, caused by divisive politics.

Aug 7, 2019 9:55 PM
Reply to  Question This

Yes, we need more evidence, but that eyewitness wasn’t the only one saying that there were multiple gunmen. No one has explained why it was broadcast as multiple shooters.

Aug 8, 2019 2:55 AM
Reply to  SharonM

A regime that fears its own population puts gun grabbing at the top of its list of priorities.
The UK in 1919.
Germany in 1933.
You could give a long list of other examples.
They tried to ban handguns in medieval times.
Prior to that, they tried to ban crossbows (unless you were using them against Moslems.)

Aug 8, 2019 3:19 AM
Reply to  mark

I don’t think there were hand guns in medieval times. Anyway, the arms industry is gigantic in the U.S., there’s no way they want to shut it down. This is all right wing propaganda from the arms industry itself. I don’t believe any of it.
America is a violent country, so there’s no reason why handguns should be banned for personal protection. Right wing gun-lovers are just a bunch of paranoid crazies. They’re just cowards who gave us the sick U.S. regime in the first place–the one they claim to be putting in check by having a personal arsenal.

Aug 8, 2019 5:48 AM
Reply to  SharonM

There were handguns from the 1400s. Some of them were quite sophisticated with wheellock mechanisms. A lot of medieval rulers were terrified of becoming JFK/ grassy knoll type victims, and tried to ban them. They weren’t so interested in long arms.

Some of these guns were beautifully made, south German/ north Italian craftsmanship. Augsburg, Stuttgart, Milan.

Aug 8, 2019 7:02 PM
Reply to  mark

Oh, 1400s. Yes, you were right:)

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 8, 2019 5:52 PM
Reply to  SharonM

Right wing gun-lovers are just a bunch of paranoid crazies. They’re just cowards who gave us the sick U.S. regime in the first place–the one they claim to be putting in check by having a personal arsenal.

Funny: you must think we have democracy in the US, or something. But in that case, why would these “paranoid” gun-owners so fear a government that they themselves controlled? Makes no sense!

Aug 8, 2019 6:54 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Please. By giving huge profits to the arms industry, they themselves perpetuate the regime they supposedly fear.

Aug 8, 2019 9:01 AM
Reply to  mark

You don’t need guns to scare the lords and masters – sticks and stones are enough. Pitchforks and fire are even more deadlier.

It is the masses, rising up in revolt, that no amount of guns and bullets and private armies , can stop, that scares the shit out of them.

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 8:24 PM
Reply to  mark

I certainly think the liberals use these events as advocacy for gun grabbin. The US isn’t UK & NZ, they were push overs. That said i did see something quite some time back about the authorities taking away everyone’s guns after hurricane Katrina, in effected areas, there didn’t seem to be any real fuss over that.

The American constitution was written before AR-15 assault rifles, I cant see any real justification for owning them, but my views on gun ownership has changed I used to be anti, now i’m very much pro, so not sure its really working if that’s their intent. From my perspective it seems to me there’s growing resentment of liberal ideologies

I do support gun control though by de-militarizing the police!

Aug 7, 2019 11:23 PM
Reply to  Question This

“I certainly think the liberals use these events as advocacy for gun grabbin. The US isn’t UK & NZ, they were push overs. […] The American constitution was written before AR-15 assault rifles, I cant see any real justification for owning them, […] I do support gun control though by de-militarizing the police!”

The good news, from your perspective, will be that New Zealand has banned only assault rifles, those with high capacity magazines that can self-reload and other such guns or related modifications (bump stocks, etc.); the bad news is that the military and police are exempt. The informed commentary, from my perspective, concerns only the bad news from yours and consists of only two words: Of course.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 12:36 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The informed commentary, from my perspective, concerns only the bad news from yours and consists of only two words: Of course.

English translation?

You seem to have an issue, following me around like a stalker, deliberately taking my comments out of context! If you must be critical about me, at least have the decency to ask me for clarification before being so obtuse.

Aug 9, 2019 4:05 AM
Reply to  Question This

“‘The informed commentary, from my perspective, concerns only the bad news from yours and consists of only two words: Of course.’

English translation?”

‘Of course’? Well ‘Natürlich’ or ‘Indubbiamente’ would sort-of work, but ‘Of course’ remains the closest I can come up with at such short notice.

“You seem to have an issue, following me around like a stalker, deliberately taking my comments out of context! If you must be critical about me, at least have the decency to ask me for clarification before being so obtuse.”

Sorry Naggie. I didn’t realize you were the same person. I thought that having two or more posting IDs was not considered to be cricket on this site. But I do see your point. Even the Australian High Court agrees that the Australian public service is thoroughly committed to free speech provided it says what they want said in the way they want it said. My regards to the istorian.

Aug 7, 2019 12:12 PM

I love corbettreport! Especially because I get a lot of information (also going back in history), that I don’t get elsewhere. But James Corbett is missing the ‘main point’. And this is sad, because understanding this main point opens up for us a counter-strategy. What is this ‘main point’? It starts with the murder of JFK. Than the government spilled out a conspiracy theory (in the following “GCT” = Government Conspiracy Theory). This conspiracy theory said that Lee Harvey Oswald – with the help of Cubans and Sow jets/Russians – murdered JFK. As soon as DEBUNKERS against this GCT appeared the CIA/FBI developed this strategy to defame DEBUNKERS of this GCT as “conspiracy theorists”. The same with George W, Bush: When he cried out (911) ‘it was Osama and his Al Kaida` he immediately added: “Let’s never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories”. With this he meant us, the DEBUNKERS! So we are not at all “conspiracy theorists” but only anti-GCT-DEBUNKERS. The main point is that we all are flooded(!) with GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY THEORIES (GTC) day by day! And its time to not to defend – but to attack those Government Conspiracy Theorists! here are some of them: 1) with the help of Cuban and Russian Oswald murdered JFK. 2) 911 – some Arabs meet in an Afghan cave to conspire attacks on New York/Washington with airliners 3) Ukrainian president Janukovitsh killed demonstrators on the Maidan place. 4) Malaysian Airliner over Ukraine – shot down by Russian military people 4) Russian meddling in US election 5) Wikileaks/Assange conspiring with Russia’s hackers hacking the DNC 6) Russian conspiracy to murder Mr. Skripal (by the way: Mr. Skripal and his daughter Julia Skripal had been procrastinated to this day. They are incarcerates in solitary confinement – without any possibility to live their life or… Read more »

Aug 7, 2019 12:18 PM
Reply to  Joerg

How can you say you ‘love corbettreport’ but ‘he’s missing the main point’ and then start with the JFK assassination as an example of this. Corbett has covered extensively about the JFK assassination, as well as other suspicious events, 9/11, for example.

I suggest you check out his extensive work before making such sweeping assertions which are patently wrong!

q is trump
q is trump
Sep 6, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  Savorywill

how about he’s missing the main point because he won’t touch the black nobility families with a 40 foot pole.

Sep 7, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  q is trump

That would be better than using the JFK assassination as an example of how Corbett is ‘missing the main point’ (not that I know what you mean by ‘black nobility families’ – perhaps you could explain what that is, to start). By the way, probably Corbett doesn’t go deeply into the JFK assassination because it has been well covered by others, such as even Oliver Stone’s JFK. I read that over 50% of Americans do doubt the official version of what happened back then.

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 12:41 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Some say George Bush senior was responsible for JFK. The reality is non of us will be safe until we abolish the deep states agencies of terror, CIA, FBI, Mi5/6, Mossad etc.

Aug 8, 2019 2:58 AM
Reply to  Question This

That’s very true. These organisations are more dangerous than any foreign army or terrorist organisations, most of which of course they created in the first place, and which they control.

Aug 7, 2019 12:45 PM
Reply to  Joerg

You lost me on what Corbett is missing, but your list is correct.

Aug 7, 2019 1:10 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I appreciate your passion and the general thrust of your argument, but it needs focus.
It has many correct details, but verges on ranting, and ranting is too easy for the “Deep State” to ridicule.
One thing I would certainly encourage when dealing with what the media consider to be “controversial” topics, is for people to read all official versions and all conspiracy theories, then make up their own mind, based on their intelligence, common sense and education.
Any attempt to debunk propaganda-motivated GCTs must come from balanced study.

Aug 7, 2019 1:36 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I don’t know what You mean when You say:”your argument… but it needs focus
All I said was, that the brave James Corbett got it wrong here: Not we, the (woke up) citizens are “conspiracy theorists” – but the government people are. And we, the (woke up) citizens are only the DEBUNKERS of these disgusting “Government conspiracy Theories”.
How can I “focus” more??
What’s wrong with You, wardropper?

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 2:44 PM
Reply to  Joerg

You need more than one source. The system misinforms, misdirects & obfuscates by omission to deceive, but rarely directly lies (because lies are to easy to disprove).

I personally am not a huge fan of Corbett, I never allow only one source, website or person to influence critical thought, collate the evidence then make an objective conclusion based on verifiable facts.

Aug 7, 2019 3:07 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me, and I didn’t intend to insult you.
I understood what you said, but it was rather hard work doing so, because your rather long comment spreads its emphasis so widely that I would need to make several comments to answer all your points.
That’s all I meant.
Perhaps I’m wrong, but I don’t think that makes me certifiable.

q is trump
q is trump
Sep 6, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  wardropper

nah. ranting is inspiring. that’s why rants get clicks. let the gov’t try to “ridicule” it all they want. we don’t care and we are advancing the line on rant-fuel and rage. 🙂

Aug 7, 2019 3:56 PM
Reply to  Joerg

We have been lied to so often you have to question all received wisdom and all the historical record.
Things like the “holocaust.”
Think how easy it would be too fabricate that narrative.
Faked photos, funeral pyres of air raid casualties passed off as murder victims, fake footage, fake witnesses, faked confessions, show trials.
All these techniques have been used in these recent hoaxes, so why not in this case?
What can you believe any more?
Just what can you take on trust now?
All you can do is remain extremely sceptical, use your own judgement so far as you can, and have a default position of automatically disbelieving any official narrative and anything in the MSM.

It is a proven fact that we have been lied to again and again and again and again.
It seems reasonable to assume everything else we have been told in the past, and everything we will be told in the future, is similarly false.

Aug 7, 2019 10:33 AM

Thank you for posting this! It does seem like, though, that the FBI has been losing credibility with the revelations of their interference in the US presidential election and maybe the election of Trump is causing seismic changes in the political order in the US. People have become so polarized and actually quite irrational in how they see things. It is weird how former ‘lefties’ and anti-war ‘ex-hippies’ hop on the war bandwagon of thinking Assad has to go, or Putin is another Hitler, ridiculous stuff like that. I remember one FB friend being outraged that Trump actually announced the missile attack before the missiles reached their targets in Syria. She stated that the people could flee the area and how Trump stupid could Trump be! I commented, ‘But, ‘isn’t that good, that people won’t be killed?’

Strange times we are living in.

Aug 7, 2019 3:29 AM

It truly is a marvel how they manage to strangle us with the propagandistic “conspiracy theory” … but at the same time flaunt their hand at us with a nose cone popping out the other side of the South tower, parents of dead children smiling broadly, miracle survivors of nine bullets, a whistleblower leaking documents by copying them onto CDs labelled “Lady Ga Ga” to smuggle them through security and on and on.

They are utterly genius at mind control, utterly genius … or are we just … ?

Aug 7, 2019 8:17 AM
Reply to  flaxgirl

The ruling class of any age have always enjoyed playing brutal sadistic games on their minions. I wouldn’t be surprised if those “mistakes” are deliberately placed to provoke “truth movements” which can them be manipulated to go through circus gyrations for the mocking glee of the overlords.

Aug 7, 2019 8:18 AM
Reply to  George

“which can them” should be “which can theN”

Aug 7, 2019 8:40 AM
Reply to  George

They are deliberately placed, all right, George. Deliberately placed … for – exactly as you say – their mocking glee.

Aug 8, 2019 12:14 AM
Reply to  flaxgirl

Mocking glee? Bullshit (addressed to you and at least one other BTL commenter in this thread who makes a similar claim, plus the large contingent of like-minded out there who aren’t reading here). Those on the inside who are in there doing whatever it is they need to do to organize the multitude of events that the world’s assorted “conspiracy theorists” identify as conspiracies (only a very small subset of which are actually such conspiracies) couldn’t give a shit about setting them or any aspect of them up as amusement for themselves and their buddies. They’re far too busy getting on with the business of business and the high life of the high life. The common “mocking glee” concept of those who feel themselves so mocked is mostly an indicator of prime, A-grade clinical narcissism doing nothing but projecting bullshit self importance. “They” don’t mock you/us, they hardly even consider you/us except as elements in a strategy to achieve an end.

Aug 8, 2019 1:00 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

They’re far too busy getting on with the business of business and the high life of the high life. They have taxpayers funding the agents employed to come up with this stuff – they just sit back and have a chortle. Luxury yachts and whatnot get old – and they always like to keep themselves reminded of how dumb we are and how were deserve to be treated like morons. I have laughed myself when looking at what they purport as evidence – the 400,000 files leaked by Chelsea that she downloaded onto CDs labelled Lady Ga Ga, for example … and I really did chortle over Professor Dietrich von Schmausen of the North American Institute for Xenobiological Research, with his specimen of an alien brain. We’re told that von Schmausen is the nephew of Bill Kaysing, the first man to come out and say that the moon landings were a hoax. Obviously, Bill must have been a CIA plant whose job was to ensure the 10% or so of the population who don’t believe what authorities say by default spout off stupidly about the landings being fake so that whenever they come out and call the truth on a state crime no one will believe them and thus they and the evidence-based thinkers also calling out the crime will all be tarred with the same “conspiracy-theorist” brush. Pretty clever, no? I think they chortle long and hard. The terrorists popping up alive, WTC-7’s collapse announced 20 minutes before it happened, Larry saying he said to “pull it”? And what about this giveaway? Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse: “Can you confirm that it was No 7 that… Read more »

Aug 8, 2019 4:43 AM
Reply to  Editor

OffG, your logic is off again. When I say that they insert deliberate mistakes that does not imply that they don’t also make genuine mistakes. No doubt, the insertion of deliberate mistakes originated when they realised that their accidental mistakes were not being picked up and so they decided to make a feature of their mistakes for various reasons, one being for their own amusement.

As it is so very counterintuitive, it wasn’t me who came up with “deliberate mistakes”, OffG, it was told to me and it comes from various sources. It’s called “revelation of the method”. The thing is that when it was told to me I didn’t have a nanosecond’s doubt about it. Not a nanosecond – because it explained so very many anomalies that “accidental” didn’t fit. Here are the search results on “revelation of the method”.

You’ve used only one example in your “argument”. One example is meaningless. You seem to be wilfully blind to the so very many examples I have brought up in these comments pages. I invite you to argue against all the examples I have on my webpage below. I anticipate though that you will not do that and no doubt you won’t come back with any response at all. Let’s see.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 2:54 PM
Reply to  Editor

I’m giving you the thumbs down because i hate ass kissers not because i agree with flaxgirl.

Aug 11, 2019 9:08 AM
Reply to  Question This

Your down one and up one. Keepin’ an eye on you, I* am, I am. Correcting it all, regardless.

*Popeye the Sailorman

Aug 9, 2019 4:59 AM
Reply to  Editor

My apologies, OffG, I’ve just posted without seeing that you have responded to my comment. For some reason I didn’t get an email notification.

I do puzzle over why you ask this question because I simply go on and on about the deliberate signs and to me, once you know the paradigm, they’re glaringly obvious. In my last comment you will see how Larry Silverstein’s saying he said to “pull it” cannot fit bungling simply because he obviously would never have said it in the first place so how could he accidentally let it slip?

I really do wonder. Do you think that the Skripal story is utterly bulging with bungling? That it is just one bungle after another? That every anomaly in that story fits bungling perfectly fine?

Bungling cannot possibly fit certain “revelations of the method” because the “sign” is far too elaborate – also, you will see the same “sign” evidenced in a number of events. Let’s take the example of the “The Miracle Survivor story”.

We see utterly incredible miracle survivor stories at Pearl Harbour, 9/11, Las Vegas shooting and Christchurch shooting. There are no doubt a number more of the “Miracle Survivor” stories in other events but that’s four to start with. I’m not going to elaborate them here but you can check them at Point 3 on my webpage: https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/they-tell-us-clearly.html

Aug 9, 2019 2:43 PM
Reply to  Editor

I assume nothing, OffG – or at least try to. What I do is judge by how well the evidence fits the hypothesis – when you have evidence pouring out of the internet that supports an hypothesis then the only sensible thing to do is judge that hypothesis to be correct, don’t you think? It’s the all evidence – it’s not just Larry, OffG, please do not just act as if there’s only one example and offer an alternative explanation for that example. That is your MO, isn’t it? Pick ONE example and offer an alternative explanation. That is a meaningless exercise. And, of course, Larry’s words perfectly fit “revelation of the method” too. It’s not as if they don’t perfectly fit that phenomenon so why do you automatically want those words to be explained by some other phenomenon? Why automatically push for another explanation? What is your objection to “revelation of the method” when it fits absolutely perfectly? As I say, you must consider ALL the available evidence and how well all of it fits the hypothesis. Can you please understand that? It’s really not that complicated. So we have the recognised phenomenon of “revelation of the method”. It is a recognised phenomenon – beyond mere hypothesis I’d say, wouldn’t you? We expect to see evidence of this phenomenon in events because it is recognised. It would be rather puzzling if we were told about this phenomenon and we never saw it. Before I knew about this phenomenon I puzzled. I really puzzled. I was puzzled by Larry’s words, I was puzzled by the big broad smile on Robbie Parker’s face before he went to the microphone to mention a fundraising page set up for his 6 year-old daughter who’d died the day before. I was puzzled by the… Read more »

Aug 10, 2019 5:31 AM
Reply to  Editor

I’m simply at a loss. It is not only I, of course, who point out the deliberate anomalies, is it? It is not just I. The definition of “Revelation of the method” is that deliberate anomalies are pushed out to us. That is included in the definition. They are deliberate. And when we look at a number of these anomalies they fit “deliberate” far better than they fit “accidental”. In fact, “accidental” simply doesn’t work for many of these kinds of anomalies and a very clear example is the elaborate Miracle Survivor stories which we see in a number of events. A lot of work has obviously been put into producing these stories, OK? Thus, they cannot be accidental in any shape or form. So we see signature types of anomalies. There’s a pattern. One word for them is “hallmarks”. Many of these hallmarks are well-recognised, for example, the leaving behind of a passport or ID by the alleged perpetrator. Even on a not completely alternative site such as Global Research, Michel Chossudovsky writes about this hallmark. https://www.globalresearch.ca/manchester-berlin-paris-nice-london-new-york-passports-and-ids-mysteriously-discovered-in-the-wake-of-terror-attacks/5592063 Do they seem to care about the fact that this always left-behind ID by the terrorists isn’t incredibly obvious? No not at all – they rub it in our face. I’m afraid, OffG, you simply have no understanding of how to make judgements on the validity of hypotheses because you cannot or will not understand how evidence is matched with an hypothesis. Your way of “reasoning” is simply to assert that one can maintain existence in foggy-foggy land by never considering the evidence as a whole and simply plucking whatever explanation for A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE, regardless of its worse fit than the very obvious one, from the ether and pushing it out there as if it in some way acts… Read more »

Aug 10, 2019 6:03 AM
Reply to  Editor

To express myself more succinctly than in the post below – you can ignore it and just read this one. You have zero evidence that argues directly against my hypothesis the power elite tell us what they’re up to with signs. Zero. If you have a piece of evidence, please tell me what it is and just be clear that assertions about this or that are not evidence. Larry’s words perfectly fit “sign” and they especially cannot fit accidental slip as we know he would never have said the words “pull it” that he said he said. Similarly, the Miracle Survivor stories perfectly fit “sign”. Every other piece of evidence I supply as fitting “sign” perfectly fits the hypothesis. Whether some of them may fit another hypothesis is not particularly relevant. Some absolutely DO NOT fit accidental and ALL of them fit “sign” perfectly well. We have the added dimension of types of signs appearing in a number of events. There couldn’t possibly be more convincing evidence that they give us signs. You have zero case for the hypothesis they don’t give us signs. Absolutely zero. You may be able to produce alternative explanations for some alleged signs but that does not in the least debunk the hypothesis they give us signs. Do you get that? We might even expect that some signs fit perfectly well with other explanations but that doesn’t mean that they’re not signs – just that we can think of alternative explanations for them. So you have zero evidence against the hypothesis that they give us signs and you do not have any kind of case for the hypothesis that they don’t give us signs – the best you have is alternative explanations for a sign or two and some assertions. This does not a case… Read more »

Aug 9, 2019 5:12 AM
Reply to  Editor

Sorry, didn’t quite get the import of your last comment.

Just to explain, OffG, they drown us in propaganda while ALSO giving us the clues. It’s a paradox. Keeps us nice and confused.

With JFK they had the alleged assassin choose a relic from Mussolini’s armed forces in WWII, a Carcano, and they also obviously did two takes of the alleged assassin’s shooting as the famous photo does not match any still in the alleged live footage of his killing on TV.

So while drowning us in propaganda they really push their hoaxery in our faces. Definitely an art form and I’d take my hat off to them if my feelings towards them were different.

Aug 11, 2019 8:49 AM
Reply to  Editor

“Do you mind explaining how we can tell the diff between psychopathic bungling and ‘revelation of the method’?”


Aug 8, 2019 5:07 AM
Reply to  Editor

And just to add, OffG. When I first heard of Larry saying that he said to “pull it” I didn’t know about “revelation of the method” and I was gobsmacked. I thought, “Really? He accidentally slipped that out? Surely not.”

After I was much more woken up, it occurred to me that, of course, he never would have said “pull it” on 9/11. It wouldn’t have come down when Larry said to “pull it” because the demolition would have been triggered differently.

But perhaps you believe that, OffG. Perhaps you believe that at 5.20pm on 9/11, it was Larry’s words that triggered the collapse of WTC-7 and that he accidentally let it slip in an interview on 9/11 he said to “pull it”.

Aug 9, 2019 4:31 AM
Reply to  Editor

As anticipated, OffG, you haven’t responded to my critique of your derisively offered scenario which constitutes no argument against mine. I don’t mind your not responding but what bothers me is that your thought structure seems to be made of Teflon. When I have no answer to someone’s argument it signifies to me that my thought needs to change. No ability to marshal an argument in response – change in thought necessary. The same doesn’t seem to apply to you. You are happy to helicopter in with a seeming challenge to someone’s argument but then when your seeming challenge is exposed as having no merit you simply do not respond and helicopter out again. You seem to go on your merry way indulging fallacies of “not enough evidence” and showing no concern whatsoever about your having a complete lack of evidence to support hypotheses that oppose the ones you challenge. Your thinking lacks rigour and intellectual honesty. “Revelation of the method” is a recognised phenomenon and there are hundreds of instances over the decades possibly centuries even millennia (I really have no idea how far it goes back – but certainly at least to Pearl Harbour) where it is clearly evidenced in events and narratives implemented at the behest of the power elite. The graceful 6.5 second sinking of WTC-7 at 5.20pm on 9/11 was not triggered by Larry Silverstein’s saying “… we’ve had such terrible loss of life. Maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it.” We know that he didn’t say that for at least two reasons. 1. You can’t suddenly pull a building. 2. The building would have been set to be demolished at a particular time like all the other events of the day, that is, run like clockwork. So when we know that… Read more »

Aug 8, 2019 1:43 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Just to point out Robbobbobin – what you do in your post is assert without any consideration of the evidence. You must consider the evidence of what is said to be indications of their “mocking glee” and argue against that, not simply assert. Assertion is not an argument.

Aug 7, 2019 4:08 PM
Reply to  George

Some of these false flags have weird numerical markers that look like numerology.
9/11. 9+1+1=11. The 2 towers look like 11. One of the aircraft flight numbers was 11.
Like MH17. There were other elements of 17, like the airliner being 17 years old.
I can’t remember them all. The details aren’t that important.
But they are present and more than coincidence.
I don’t think they have an occult significance, more of a sadistic practical joke by those involved, or some kind of marker to “people in the know.”
“This is our handiwork – so don’t get involved, if you know what’s good for you. Keep Off.”

Aug 7, 2019 5:14 PM
Reply to  mark

Also – as has been pointed out so many times – 911 us the emergency code in the US. The occult significance angle may have been overplayed by e.g. Dave McGowan in his “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon” book. However, in his defense, if the people he is writing about themselves put significance in those matters – such as special dates – then the occult matter is worth mentioning.

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 8, 2019 10:14 PM
Reply to  mark

I like the connection you made with marking territory: ” Stay away!”” This belongs to us!”” Trespassers will be prosecuted”,and those who know the patois.Also,I note that R.B.Fuller paid attention to numbers disconnected to the usual disciplines!

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 7, 2019 1:04 AM

I apologize for this off-topic –somewhat silly — question:What if the Queen didn’t ask Boris Johnson if he’d like to form a government? What if it was:”Nice of you to come to tea,Johnson.Goodbye.” ?What would happen next?( What’s the protocol? )

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 7, 2019 1:31 AM
Reply to  Ben Trovata

I’m not knocking the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,but,wasn’t a career in the FBI, well trod by those church-going,distilled spirits-abstaining,profanity less people?

Aug 7, 2019 9:05 AM
Reply to  Ben Trovata

I rather hope Johnson would then have her escorted to Belmarsh.

Aug 7, 2019 4:12 PM
Reply to  Ben Trovata

I’d like to see the Queen taking over direct rule.
Let’s give it a try. She couldn’t do any worse.
Send in the Beefeaters.
That’s the way the country used to be run.
Maybe we should give it a try.
Put Johnson in the Tower.

Aug 8, 2019 8:03 PM
Reply to  mark

The Queen has plenty of culpability in all this, carefully hidden. She was in Pembrokeshire, West Wales on September 11 2001, a low-key visit interrupted by events in Manhattan. Records of that visit have been erased ‘to protect her from any embarrassment’. What could possibly be embarrassing for the owner of HM armed forces? Anyone heard of the Manhattan Project?

Aug 7, 2019 11:15 PM
Reply to  Ben Trovata

In the theocratic monarchic parliamentry system the Queen or King of the day have NO real power. The power resides in the Crown.
Which consists pretty much of all these arseholes who have lots of letters after their name – a few thousand at most around a central core.

So the Queen follows orders of the Crown and they sent Boris to see her for her imprimatur for … the optics.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 8, 2019 1:14 PM
Reply to  Ben Trovata

Ben, Consiquitionally the monarch can invite anyone she wishes to form a government, but they have to be able to command a majority in the House of Commons. The passage of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act in 2011 has rather muddied the waters though, as since the passage of that Act a government can continue (until five years after the last general election) even though the prime minister cannot command a majority. However, if the monarch invited someone to form a government against the advice of the outgoing prime minister, it would create a crisis. But a scenario that would plausibly meet your question would have been if Theresa May had advised the queen to invite someone other than Boris Johnson to form a government. If that person were able to command a majority in the Commons, they would be the prime minister and government.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Aug 7, 2019 12:15 AM

‘conspiratorial content’?
Does that include jingoistic, flag waving propaganda spewing from Hollywood, wargame videos, easy access to weapons (especially in the US), junk food laden with animal fats and sugar, mind numbing trash TV, sleazy, sexist advertising, aggressive foreign policies, two party political systems, etc etc, ad nauseum.
All CONSPIRING to enrich the ruling class.

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 12:00 AM

Lets talk FBI violence.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iT5Gx6eaRA&w=560&h=315]

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 12:03 AM
Reply to  Question This

Seriously what have i got to do to get admin to help me embed videos?

Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)

Aug 7, 2019 2:52 PM
Reply to  Question This

Here you go:

“Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)”

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 3:35 PM
Reply to  SharonM

Thanks would prefer the instruction manual to using offg html buttons LOL.

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 4:40 PM
Reply to  Question This

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr9pQ1pIbiU&w=560&h=315%5D

Here’s a second doc that discusses the involvement of the military (special forces) & is more conspiratorial in nature, on how there’s direct links to the white house & deaths of civilians in this state atrocity inflicted on its own subjects.

Aug 7, 2019 11:33 AM
Reply to  Question This

Can’t access this link QT. Try copying it and then pasting it into your post?

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 12:36 PM
Reply to  Maggie

If you just highlight the link & move your cursor to the browser tab it will forward. its the same link below anyway.

offg’s html code doesn’t see to work to well in my browser LOL.

Aug 7, 2019 1:08 PM
Reply to  Question This

QT, I did that, but just got many random links.
Was it the WACO massacre?
This happened before my enlightenment, and I had all but forgotten about it.
What was it all about? n What was the actual truth?

Question This
Question This
Aug 7, 2019 2:18 PM
Reply to  Maggie

I tried to embed the youtube page into the comment it doesn’t ever work for me but the link in my post below is the same link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iT5Gx6eaRA&feature=youtu.be Just copy and paste above into your browser. It is an eye opening, jaw dropping documentary for anyone that’s not seen it or familiar with this atrocity. Its basically a doc on the cover up of state violence in the waco siege . The conclusion is that the FBI used special forces teams & tactics to torture, attack, & kill, then collude to destroy all evidence of there crimes. They killed innocent children using cyanide gas (found in tear gas.) which makes the bodies muscles contract & contort breaking their bones. Then deliberately set fire to the buildings, shooting anyone who attempted to escape the fire. Everyone left in the building that survived the initial assault were found huddled in a security vault dead from effects of the fire. Survivors give witness testimony in a senate inquiry. It was state murder with direct links back to Bill Clinton’s, (Bidden seen lying on film) Liberal democrats, the doc shows clips from the inquiry where many liberals shamelessly defend the FBI & law en-FORCEMENT. This is what the state calls justice & security for our own protection! It shows what they are capable of against their own people to protect the system. There is another doc on waco which links the same person that murdered Vicki weaver in the ruby ridge seige. It also talks further about special forces (navy seals) being deployed in the waco seige. I haven’t found a link to it yet, i will when i find it. People talk of a new 911 inquiry, whats the point of asking the criminals to investigate, judge & sentence themselves? they will always… Read more »

Aug 8, 2019 7:57 AM
Reply to  Question This

So what exactly is your objective with your posts on this subject?

The political parties and players?? The 3 lettered agencies?
Delta Force?
The criminality in the Waco fortress?

Does it have anything to do with this article?

Is the video your first aquaintance with the subject?
Have you read anything else about it?

Want to dance?

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 12:17 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Oh looking to pick a fight again aren’t you? No thanks, play time is over.

Its a follow on from a conversation i had with Maggie if you must know. Its relevance being the conspiracy theory there’s a secretive cabal with a supreme omnipotent leader that runs the show. I’m afraid the monster is the system & the people it attracts to defend it. We are all collectively responsible for the shit that happens by maintaining it for our own “safety” security” & convenience!

But more so authoritarian liberals, the problem with the US is they only have liberals & conservatives both like to use violence to oppress any alternative. Not that religion is an alternative i have any warmth for. The only thing I admire about the USA is it has a written constitution, not that its worth much now thanks to the neo0liberals.

I’m guessing the admin of this site would delete (or at least say something) the post if they felt it off topic, which isn’t you. If your looking for an argument don’t waste your time with me.

Aug 8, 2019 4:15 PM
Reply to  Question This

Fair enough.

I know the film from old.

The event actually started under Bush 1. It played out over the transition to Clinton. The ATF was the first agency. They lost guys in a gunfight when they turned up with a search warrant.
Then there was the stand off and eventual tragedy.

If you or anyone wants the full chain of events , look here

It references the film.

Have a nice day.

Aug 7, 2019 11:23 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Some guy thought he was Jesus second coming he got a bunch of saddos to worship him and shag all the women and he got them a whole bunch of guns so nobody could stop his little fiefdom.

Just like anothe waco did in Iohnstown in Guyana years before when he convinced a whole bunch of them that they were going to the stars before getting them to poison their kids and themselves.

Fucking nutters – all these types and setups , we have plenty still from the scientologists, to the Waldorf /Steiner schools to any number of white superamist groups to the survivalist wackos.

Sad but true.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 2:11 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Wrong narrative, the interesting part isnt in the waco wacko, its the brutality & corruption of the FBI & law enforcement.

The point is how the system defends itself & enforces its laws above all else. Its about how the system attracts a certain personality (authoritarians (liberals)) who will use any level of violence & brutality against even the innocent (children) to enforce its ideologies. Its about how the system will do anything in the name of our safety & security including killing us for our own sake. Its about how the system will cover up its corruption & brutality when it knows it has crossed the line. Its about how politicians lie. Its basically a story about hypocrisy.

Its not about the religious fruit loops. But you might have known that had you at least watched some of it.

Aug 8, 2019 7:41 AM
Reply to  Question This

QT – You talking to me?


Roll up Roll up for some silly season troll wrestling – This is going to be fun, informative and meta!

Aug 8, 2019 3:08 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

The Waco Koresh brigade were heavily armed nut jobs (like Pence or Pompeo, I suppose), but what turned a lot of ordinary people off were statements from politicians afterwards saying they were glad everyone had been killed, they hoped they had suffered before they died, including the young children there. This angered a lot of people, including a certain young man called McVeigh.

Aug 8, 2019 7:46 AM
Reply to  mark

I agree Mark, but can you point me to the dumb politicians please?

And hang about here it looks like it could turn into a bit of a ‘massacre’ in this thread today – i’m just off to unlock my archive and dust off some heavy weaponry to squash some defenceless kiddies here.

Aug 8, 2019 10:47 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

‘fucking nutters’ eh?
I have to admit I know nothing about Scientologists, this particular subject never attracted me.. I thought they were some sort of celebrity ‘Free Masons’? Where everyone who subscribes is guaranteed a job. Like Tom Cruise and John Travolta who to be first choice for nearly every film cast.
But I do know a lot about Steiner Schools and totally approve, so much so that all my Grandchildren have been schooled in this way, and are extremely independent, kind, and accomplished.. I don’t know what else you think happens in these schools and would be interested to hear.

Aug 8, 2019 4:28 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Well, since you ask, I won’t tell you incase you get defensive but here’s a couple of links to get you started – make up your own mind – remember to read comments, often where more individual testimonies can be found.



Aug 9, 2019 1:43 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

JDG, I did make up my mind, over forty years ago when I first read and investigated Anthroposophy. ”The philosophy of Freedom.’ Something that I doubt that you or your hero Andy Lewis have done because Steiner is extremely heavy reading. Anthroposophy is a philosophical belief that there is a spiritual world that is accessible to us all. The intention of anthroposophical teachings are positive, but the execution of such seems at times to be lacking because it is serviced by imperfect people? The schools claim to focus on students as individuals and how they want to foster creativity and individuality. The word itself is derived from the latin phrases “anthropos” meaning human, and “sophy/ sophia” meaning wisdom. Anthroposophy is NOT “taught directly to children”, but is something taught to the teachers as a tool for them to use… to then teach the children about their surroundings through the use of self expression, nature walks, and a performance art called eurythmy. Focussing on students as individuals and how they can foster creativity and individuality. It is foolishness to lay the mistakes of the people who misunderstood or misrepresented Steiner, at his door. Like saying that Jesus was to blame for those Christians who hung drew and quartered people and burned witches? Steiner was esoterical, for a select few. Mysterious, mystical, obscure, and profound, but not an occult worshipper. He simply (well not very simply) tried to explain spirituality and how we are ALL linked with a collective consciousness that has been with us since the dawn of our time.. How good builds, and hate destroys. How we all must take responsibility for our actions, and help our children to fulfil their potential by offering opportunities and encouragement, rather than rigid rules, fear of failure and brainwashing. This is the reason… Read more »

Aug 11, 2019 12:43 PM
Reply to  Maggie


Not just ‘fucking nutters’ but actual fucking racist, grooming,nutters.

Their basic ‘philosophy’ is that the ‘western white race ‘ is the highest form of human and all other peoples to the East and South are on a downward spectrum.


Steiner equivalent to Jesus ? Holly shit!

I’d accuse you of losing the plot but it seems you did that 40 years ago.

Anthroposophy came after Theosophy and Krishnamurthy as you would know having studied its origins, and you’ll have convinced yourself about their cosiness with the geneologists and Aryan nonsense of the nazis.

Tch tch Maggie, consider yourself busted.


Aug 8, 2019 12:42 AM
Reply to  Question This

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iT5Gx6eaRA&w=560&h=315%5D

The/any browser should correctly send the closing ] as part of the URL, which the server will not (ordinarily) find. Fix is to leave white space before and after a URL provided the editor (such as this online and several offline editors) auto-recognise URLs.

Should also work if only the URL is enclosed in angle brackets, let’s see

but if it doesn’t (I can’t preview it to check) ascribe that to the dumbing down of programming to match the ever-shallow skills of “library kiddies”.

Aug 8, 2019 12:54 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

So this online editor interpreted the angle-bracketed URL as an unrecognised tag, which was then correctly displayed as white space (but it should have recognised it as a URL).

As for the ]→D at the end of my quote of your original, I’m not sure if that’s a quirk of this online editor or the usual result of fat fingers, so I’ll try again to see:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iT5Gx6eaRA&w=560&h=315%5D

Aug 8, 2019 1:28 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

So there you go, it’s a quirk of this online editor, or one of its libraries (or even its compiler or their interaction in my “device”). Strange: ] = 0x5D and D = 0x44. How something is doing that elision is difficult to figure out short of single stepping through the code (and maybe much more). Might be something to do with “BBcode”, an abortion I have managed to ignore.

But there IS a moral: just remember, folks, that whenever you have minor or major surgery or board an aircraft (including one from the now-financialized Boeing company, or do practically anything now else, it’s this sort of shit that stands right behind whatever it is and your life. You wanted flashy information technology and you’ve sure got IT.

Question This
Question This
Aug 8, 2019 1:59 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

I’ve identified the problem for some reason when i paste the embed code from you tube the text box seems to lose parts of the code.

Slightly sloppy on my part that i haven’t been thorough enough in checking it before clicking post. I have no idea why this error keeps happening, when i experimented earlier it happened 9 times out of 10.

Dunno if this is this site or all the ad blockers/script blockers on my browser, I just have to be more careful in future.

Aug 7, 2019 1:22 PM
Reply to  Maggie

It worked for me, just copying from “https” to the end, without the brackets of course.

Aug 8, 2019 12:23 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Try pasting and copying it into your browser’s address bar?