The War on White Supremacist Terror

CJ Hopkins

If you enjoyed the global corporatocracy’s original War on Islamicist Terror, you’re going to love their latest spinoff, The War on White Supremacist Terror. It’s basically just like the old War on Terror, except that this time the bad guys are all white supremacists, and Donald Trump is Osama bin Laden … unless Putin is Osama bin Laden. OK, I’m not quite sure who’s Osama bin Laden. Whatever. The point is, the Terrorists are coming!

Yes, that’s right, some racist psycho murdered a bunch of people in Texas, so it’s time to “take the gloves off” again, pass some new kind of Patriot Act, further curtail our civil liberties, and generally whip the public up into a mass hysteria over “white supremacist terrorism.”

The New York Times Editorial Board is already hard at work on that front. In a lengthy op-ed that ran last Sunday, “We Have a White Nationalist Terrorist Problem” the Board proposes that we would all be safer if the government — but presumably not the current government — could arbitrarily deem people “terrorists,” or “potential terrorists,” or “terrorist sympathizers,” regardless of whether they have any connection to any actual terrorist groups, and … well, here’s what the Editorial Board has in mind.

The resources of the American government and its international allies would mobilize without delay. The awesome power of the state would work tirelessly to deny future terrorists access to weaponry, money and forums to spread their ideology. The movement would be infiltrated by spies and informants. Its financiers would face sanctions. Places of congregation would be surveilled. Those who gave aid or comfort to terrorists would be prosecuted.”

The Board didn’t mention the offshore gulags, wars of aggression, assassinations, torture, mass surveillance of virtually everyone, and other such features of the original War on Terror, but presumably all that kind of stuff would be included in “the awesome power of the state” that the Board would like the U.S. government to “mobilize without delay.”

And the mandarins of The New York Times were just getting started with the terrorism hysteria. The Tuesday edition was brimming with references to “white supremacy” and “domestic terrorism.”

Here are some of the front page headlines…

Trump is a White Supremacist Who Inspires Terrorism.”

White Terrorism Shows Parallels to Islamic State”.

The Nihilist in Chief: how our president and our mass shooters are connected to the same dark psychic forces.”

I Spent 25 Years Fighting Jihadis. White Supremacists Aren’t So Different.”

Trump, Tax Cuts, and Terrorism.”

And so on.

The Times was hardly alone, of course. In the wake of the El Paso and Dayton shootings, the corporate media went into overdrive, pumping out “white supremacist terrorism” mass hysteria around the clock. 

The Guardian took a break from smearing Jeremy Corbyn as an anti-Semite to proclaim that El Paso was “Trump-inspired Terrorism”.

The Sydney Morning Herald declared that the U.S. is now officially in the throes of a “white nationalist terrorism crisis”.

The Atlantic likened Trump to Anwar al-Awlaki, and assured us that “the worst is yet to come!”

Liberal journalists and politicians rushed onto Twitter to inform their followers that a global conspiracy of white supremacist terrorists “emboldened” or “inspired” by Donald Trump (who, remember, is a Russian secret agent) is threatening the very fabric of democracy, so it’s time to take some extraordinary measures!

Never mind that it turns out that two of the three “white supremacist terrorist” mass murderers in question (i.e., the Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton shooters) do not appear to have been white supremacists, and that none of them were linked to any terrorist groups. We’re living in the Age of Non-Terrorist Terrorism, in which anyone can be deemed a “terrorist,” or a “suddenly self-radicalized terrorist,” regardless of whether they have any actual connection to organized terrorism.

Terrorism isn’t what used to be. Back in the day (i.e, the 1970s), there were terrorist groups like the PFLP, ANO, BSO, IRA, RAF, FARC, the Weather Underground, and so on…in other words, actual terrorist groups, committing acts of actual terrorism. More recently, there was al Qaeda and ISIS. Nowadays, however, more or less any attention-seeking sociopath with a death wish and a knock-off AR-15 (or moron with a bunch of non-exploding pipe bombs) can be deemed a bona fide “domestic terrorist,” as long as it serves the global capitalist ruling classes’ official narrative.

The official narrative of the moment is Democracy versus The Putin-Nazis (also known as The War on Populism), which I’ve been covering in these columns, satirically and more seriously, for the better part of the last three years.

According to this official narrative, “democracy is under attack” by a conspiracy of Russians and neo-Nazis that magically materialized out of thin air during the Summer of 2016, right around the time Trump won the nomination.

OK, the Russia part kind of sputtered out recently, so the global capitalist ruling classes and their mouthpieces in the corporate media are now going full-bore on the fascism hysteria. They’ve been doing this relentlessly since Trump won the election, alternating between the Russia hysteria and the fascism hysteria from week to week, day to day, sometimes hour to hour, depending on which one is “hot” at the moment.

These recent mass shootings have provided them with a golden opportunity, not just to flog the fascism hysteria once again, but to fold it into the terrorism hysteria which Americans have been indoctrinated with since September 11, 2001 (the objective of which indoctrination being to establish in the American psyche “the Terrorist” as the new official enemy, replacing the “Communist” official enemy that had filled this role throughout the Cold War). If you think the original War on Terror was just about oil or geopolitical hegemony, check out “leftist” political Twitter’s response to the El Paso and Dayton shootings. You’ll find, not just hysterical liberals, but “leftists” and even so-called “anarchists,” shrieking about “white supremacist terrorism.” It was the number one U.S. hashtag on Monday.

No, the original War on Terror (whatever else it was) was probably the most effective fascist psy-op in the history of fascist psy-ops. Fifteen years of relentless exposure to manufactured “terrorism” hysteria has conditioned most Americans (and most Westerners, generally), upon hearing emotional trigger words like “terrorist” and “terrorism” emanating from the mouths of politicians (or the front page of The New York Times) to immediately switch off their critical thinking, and start demanding that the authorities censor the Internet, suspend the U.S. Constitution, and fill the streets with militarized vehicles and special “anti-terror” forces with assault rifles in the “sling-ready” position.

This tweet by Geraldo Rivera captures the authoritarian mindset perfectly:

In the meantime, there must be active-shooter trained, heavily armed security personnel every place innocents are gathered.”

I’m not quite sure what “in the meantime” means. Perhaps it means until the USA, Western Europe, and the rest of the empire, can be transformed into a happy, hate-free, supranational corporate police state where there is no racism, no fascism, no terrorism, and no one ever says bad things on the Internet.

What a glorious, transhuman world that will be, like a living, breathing Benetton ad, once all the racists, terrorists, and extremists have been eliminated, or heavily medicated, or quarantined and reeducated!

Until then, the War on White Supremacist Terrorism, Domestic Terrorism, Islamicist Terrorism, Russian Terrorism, Iranian Terrorism, anti-Semitic Labour Party Terrorism, and any other type of terrorism, extremism, hate, conspiratorial thinking … oh, and Populism (I almost forgot that one), and every other type of non-conformity to global capitalist ideology, will continue until we achieve final victory!

It’s coming … sooner than you probably think.

Damn, here I am, at the end of my essay, and I almost forget to call Trump a racist. He is, of course. He’s a big fat racist. I should have put that right at the top. I’m already in hot water with my fellow leftists for not doing that enough.

Oh, and for the record, in case there are any other kinds of Inquisitors reading this, I also renounce Satan and all his works.


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Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Aug 11, 2019 10:40 PM

Ah, the ex-pat again with his silly take on “fascist hysteria” in the US, right after another white supremacist massacre. All he can think to do is whine about the fact that there is something properly termed “white supremacist terrorism”.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 9, 2019 4:23 PM

On another site, someone just posted a monologue from Tucker Carlson that blew my mind. I couldn’t believe this a FOX show! How much longer can Tucker last on that network?


Wasn’t this once upon a time considered socialism? Yet liberals now hate this guy! Bizarre …

Aug 9, 2019 3:31 PM

I believe renouncing “Trump and all his works,” is now currently roughly the equivalent of renouncing “Satan and all his works.” I’m glad C.J. included both of those “renouncings” – just to be safe. It is strangely disorienting to find myself back in the U.S., living in a nation ready to both simultaneously “pray” AND to “end all remaining vestiges of our own civil liberties” with each new burst of bullets fired by some random nut job somewhere here in this crumbling neoliberal empire paradise on earth we call America.

Meanwhile, two terms of Obama blowing up wedding parties and drone killing brown kids in other countries in complete violation of international law never drew more than a yawn and an “oh well, ho hum” from we Americans, certainly never eliciting anything resembling “prayer,” or any other discernible sign of actual empathy or human compassion or concern. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, given that half-a-million dead Iraqi children are “worth it,” hey, who could for a moment doubt that – “more” dead Libyan kids, more dead Syrian kids, and more dead Pakistani kids, you know dead “terrorist kids, are also somehow – “worth it?”

Of course my fellow well adjusted “normal” everyday Americans of every political stripe never notice these kinds of troubling juxtapositions within the propaganda schema. It is always so much simpler to boil it all down to “us versus them.” Only in this case (Americans shooting Americans en masse), “us” IS “them.” Long live cognitive dissonance! If only more of my fellow Americans were capable of actually experiencing it.

Meanwhile, within the confines of our ever-so-not-racist oligarchy, presidential candidate Joe Biden recently explained that – “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” I can only assume he’s been reading some of that “white-supremacist” literature, you know, like any random book documenting our “American history.”

Aug 9, 2019 2:01 PM

I’d like to see proper reasearch into domestic terrorism in good old SpartUSA.

1. Are FBI budgets subject to payments based on how many terrorist attacks they stop/solve?
2. Are the terrorism subjects mentally ill, destitute, on drugs or an amalgamation of other factors used by the FBI for coersion?
3. Are the subjects cultivated by the FBI?

Aug 9, 2019 10:48 PM
Reply to  TFS

1. No. It’s the opposite.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.

Aug 9, 2019 1:33 PM

There is a factual inaccuracy in this article: Hopkins claims the El Paso mass murderer Patrick Crisius was not a white supremacist–when in fact his reason for his killing spree as laid out in his manifesto was that Texas was being overrun with Hispanic Latinos who would quickly take over the state, so therefore he had to kill them and keep whites in control. That is a white supremacist argument.

Aug 9, 2019 1:20 PM

I can see why CounterPunch sent CJ Hopkins packing to the right wing asshat lunatic website http://www.unz.com. He fits right in 😀

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Aug 9, 2019 3:11 PM
Reply to  Deschutes

Deschutes – One can see why you’re more comfortable over at CounterPoof with the likes of Louis Proyect, Melvin Goodman and the “regime-change progressives.”

Aug 9, 2019 5:28 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Gary – One can see why you’re more comfortable over at Unz.com with the likes of John Derbyshire, Pat Buchanan, and moon landing skeptic.

Aug 9, 2019 7:15 PM
Reply to  Deschutes

Deschutes – umm, why on earth would you jump to the conclusion that I frequent Unz.com simply because they are a site willing to publish C.J.’s satire while CounterPoof is not? You apparently are spending some time at Unz eh? By all means let us know what you find doing your research.

Of course at CounterPoof you can reliably find editors who will inform you that you should not be suspicious of the Warren Commission and it’s findings asserting that JFK was not assassinated by the U.S. deep state, while claiming that we should be careful not to fall prey to such “conspiracy theories” – especially given the CIA’s very special warning to MSM about them. I’d have to say that CounterPoof still defending such indefensible positions today (given the wealth of historical information available) amounts to it’s own version of being a – “moon landing skeptic,” no?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 9, 2019 12:51 PM

Thank you CJ for your sanity and seeing through the mind numbing fake news fear factory. When I lived in Australia from 1985-94, nearly everyone seemed so trusting, and happy go lucky, and willing to help others less fortunate, and not so fearful of…. The Other. Its all a dim memory now. I think most of us here can see where all this is heading.

racist DNA
racist DNA
Aug 9, 2019 11:55 AM

Things to consider:

Intelligence services in the Western hemisphere are deciding much of what is happening in the world today (and much of what happened in the past). Their agenda is Christian Anglo-Saxon White Supremacist. Any arguments about this?

Agendas of Conservative governments differ very little from agendas of white supremacist groups agendas. One big difference, though, governments have large budgets for Public Relations (i.e. advisers and speech writers) to make their comments and speeches more palatable to a wider section of the community.

racist DNA
racist DNA
Aug 9, 2019 1:52 PM
Reply to  Editor

For sure, the Establishment is increasingly hysterically propagandastic .. and TOTALLY IDEOLOGICALLY BANKRUPT

Tess Ting
Tess Ting
Aug 9, 2019 10:56 AM

Trade wars are financial terrorism. Burning coal and oil is fossil-fuel terrorism. Saying something I don’t like is verbal-terrorism, while writing it down is literal terrorism.

And yet, if you don’t follow the current orthodoxy or dogma (and so reveal yourself as a vile anti-human heretic), the storm-troopers of progress are allowed to call for your death, to slander and demean you, to label and smear, and are even permitted to hit (with bike lock), assault (with milkshare or something more toxic), and shoot you. Because, well you – the non-believer – deserve it because non-believers are hateful persons.

And there is no problem with lying, exaggerating or doxxing to protect your beliefs, even if you get the wrong person, because in the end we are all intersectional sinners or people of privilege in one way or another, so mistakes are just collatoral damage as we reach towards the pure perfect world of…

This has been rinsed and repeated through history – always driven by ideologues and dogmatists believing in some idealistic perfection that allows them to attack the ‘unbeliever’ – Cathar crusades, Explusion of the Moors, Savonarola in the Renaissance, Spanish Inquisition, Huguenots massacre, Puritans and Catholic wars, French Terror, Russian Pogroms, Red Terror, Final Solution, Pol Pot, Cultural Revolution, Ethnic Cleansing, Rwandan genocide.

Ideology and ideologues are the danger. Those who believe something is so perfectly and immaculately true, see no irony in also thinking that any and all criticism and impurity must be destroyed.

Aug 9, 2019 10:53 AM

If white supremicists hate people with black, yellow or any of the many shades of brown skin, how do they get on with tattoos? I mean I’ve seen people with red, purple, yellow and black tatoos: I’m sure you have too and covering most of their visible skin. Any thoughts or am I being satirical?

Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Aug 11, 2019 10:30 PM
Reply to  Wazdo

One of the stupidest things anyone has ever said.

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Aug 9, 2019 7:58 AM

Can’t wait till they come up with ‘Economic Terrorism’ when some serious class struggle erupts…

Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Aug 11, 2019 10:32 PM

Disgusting that you would allude to class struggle but remain a white supremacist at heart by playing dumb when it comes to white supremacist terrorism.

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Aug 12, 2019 1:31 AM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

You appear to be deluded. White supremacist terrorism has been part and parcel of US history since Plymouth Rock. It has continually been downplayed by the cops, FBI, etc, as it it is in most imperialist countries — until not even blind Freddy, or they, can deny it. And the FBI has a history of provoking white supremacist terrorism with agents provocateurs inside the KKK for example.

So don’t try and equate stating the obvious that the state remit of ‘terrorism’ likely will expand to class struggle (or now their latest, ‘conspiracy theories’) with ‘playing dumb when it comes to white supremacist terrorism’.

Aug 9, 2019 7:14 AM

I actually enjoy being white. It helps when you get pulled over after having several to many. Driving a truck helps too. Luck of the draw….being white. My best friend is black. We laugh a lot about it. Well,….we laugh about everything. Just seems to me that the way things are going, down the road, we whities are also going to get the opportunity to ask for reparations. Funny how this world works.

Aug 9, 2019 6:28 AM

Can’t we all just get along?

Aug 9, 2019 6:41 AM
Reply to  axisofoil

Too much to ask.

White supremacy is usually seen as the hostility against brown skinned people. But there is another little segment which is anti-semitism. There are groups which are clearly anti-semitic which does not come from their less obvious physical features, but the cliquiness, i.e. doing business in their own circles only. Then they produce people like Soros who think that their money entitles them to steer the world – without being elected. It takes a conscious effort to resists Soros’ influences.

These groups need to be penetrated of course and when some traveller from Dunedin does that long enough like the Tarrant guy from Grafton, he becomes violent.

The current investigations in New Zealand prove that he was entangled in such things – or the veil of secrecy would not be needed.

Aug 9, 2019 4:18 AM

I think its time to remind everybody that collectively disparaging “the Russians” for every passing ill is blatant RACISM. You would go around blaming “the Jews” now would you?

Cole K
Cole K
Aug 9, 2019 4:08 AM

To quote Gorbachev “All this will amount to idle chatter” … perpetual debates about shooters and guns and racism and blah blah blah … if we dont get rid of those damn nukes …

Aug 9, 2019 3:58 AM

On a personal level, I absolutely loathe the types of thinking which induce some people to judge others by the colour of their skin, the language they speak or the nation their ancestors emanated from.

Humans who bother to spend any time with other humans of different/colour/culture/language/superstition soon learn that for all the obvious differences we humans appear to display, in reality we are boringly similar once it gets to the big stuff we care about. That is family and friends and the desire to keep them safe.

The thing is though, that we humans can be stunningly stupid when it comes down to separating reality from the noxious bulldust fed to us from a young age.

As we have seen here from time to time, any attempt to persuade another that holding a bias towards a particular group or culture is an unjustifiably unethical position, most often erupts into shouting match where any dubious act instigated by a member of the group under attack is ramped up into a massive generalisation against all members of the language group, race or culture.

Not worth the effort when the act of ‘racism’ or whatever you wanna call it, has been heated to boiling by arseholes who would never show their ugly dials around here, but who know that fanning racist flames is the best defense the rich pricks have against the one infallible weapon the masses possess, solidarity through unity.

When people who want to change the way their society is run to prevent it always favouring the already rich, instead waste time arguing whether a certain well known humanist pol is a bucket arse or a pooh-pusher, or whether the descendants of Pakistani immigrants are maneuvering to introduce ‘sharia law’ few if any debate the irrationality of the claims – if they do they are soon shouted down by mugs who for whatever reason have allowed the poison dripped into them over the course of their lives overrule their critical thinking capacity – but none of that even matters as the war has been lost before it began, thanks to the fragmentation of the humans who cannot succeed unless they stick together.

Arguing against racism because you ‘know’ it to be wrong is pretty much the same as spouting against gaydom because back when the spouter was young someone told him being gay was wrong.
Both points of view are based on subjective realities, when the objective reality is that either position expressed, is destructive to the movement both humans say they support.

Aug 9, 2019 11:06 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

Most people do not possess the mental capacity to see that they are racist, or any other from of discriminatory.
Lets check the animal realm for a second shall we?
Swan = grey when young, white when old.
Chicken = Everything from white over red, black, brown and a mixture of all of those.
Cats and Dogs = Everything from white to black with the exception of green. Maybe.
Fishies = Everything goes in any combination. Also Rainbow colored.
Reptiles and Amphibians = Very inventive for various reasons. More colors that humans can even see.

Only humans bark and hiss at each other for their differences in exterior appearance. Worst examples act as if another variety of the same species poses the same threat than a male Grizzly Bear in another one’s territory. Are humans territorial now – in L.A. and/or N.Y.?

No, hatred and discr4imation do not come as a feature at birth. They are programs and conditions hoisted on them by their immediate and not so immediate environment. That’s where they need to be addressed. One should also never forget that any violent act is a reflection of the surroundings in which it was groomed.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 9, 2019 3:46 AM

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the population alarmed(and hence clamorous to be led to safety)by menacing it with an endless series of Hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”…..H.L Menken…..1880-1956

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 9, 2019 1:15 AM

Can anyone here drive this damn thing?!

Exactly those who’ve commanded the U.S.empire (for the past century & a half) –the Serious People of New York State,who are now bragging they’ll bring us into a wind-&-solar-promised-land — are the same lot who’ve done such a vile job steering our country for the past 40 years.

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 9, 2019 4:12 PM
Reply to  Ben Trovata

“Sing it,you fool. — Groucho Marx”

One of these states…is not like the others…One of these states…is on its own.One of these states…is not like the others… [ It’s New York State,whose financial services have made it so (the state that wants empire above all else). ]

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 16, 2019 10:17 PM
Reply to  Ben Trovata

I have a lot of respect for Elliot Spitzer,he rode the bucking-bull machine better than anyone!

Aug 9, 2019 12:25 AM

What is “white supremacy”?
Is it Identity Politics for white people?
If so, what’s wrong with that?
We have Identity Politics for blacks, browns, Asians, Jews, gays, trannies, all 57 varieties of degeneracy and perversion, so why not for white people as well?
Blacks can vote for blacks, gays can vote for gays, whites can vote for whites, white men can vote for white men, white gays can vote for white gays, black women can vote for black women.
Let’s have MORE DIVERSITY here!!
Let’s have as many groups as possible all scrabbling for their bit of the pie!
The more the merrier.
Obviously white men could vote for Biden or Beto, or one or two others..
But white gay men would have to vote for Buttplug.
And white women could vote for Warren (sorry, scratch that, she’s a Red Indian, forgot, so she’d get the Red Indian vote.)
Black women could vote for Kabbala Haaretz. But she’s only half black and half Indian, so………maybe half the black women and half the Indian women could vote for her.

Yes, it should be feasible to get all this organised very easily.

Aug 9, 2019 2:45 AM
Reply to  Editor

The use of the word ‘trannies’ gives it away. Why would anybody that does not hate them call it that way? Plus, Asian and Jews are with Capitals, ‘gays’ and ‘trannies’ are not. Quite pathetic.

Aug 9, 2019 10:10 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Blacks, Browns, Asians, jews, Gays, Trannies, red Indians, Indians, Whites.

Is that better?

Aug 9, 2019 11:10 PM
Reply to  mark

You are still pathetic. By trying to mock my reply you keep driving your spiritual vehicle even deeper into the mud. Grow up and out of your hatred. Your priorities should be with those who instigate divisions among a people that all belong to the same species. Or not?

Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Aug 11, 2019 10:36 PM
Reply to  mark

You truly are a miserable creature, mark.

Aug 9, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  Editor

Some of them probably are.
But why can’t white perverts and degenerates have their identity slot as well?

Aug 9, 2019 11:12 PM
Reply to  mark

They most obviously do. That’s why they are not subject to the same laws as the general public.

Joel Walbert
Joel Walbert
Aug 11, 2019 6:48 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

In what possible way are whites not bound by laws that non-whites are?

Aug 8, 2019 11:36 PM

It’s my belief that the greatest purveyors of white supremacist / fascist beliefs in Western societies are none other than the armed forces and so-called law enforcement agencies and institutions.

The World Socialist Website has featured a number of articles exposing links between security forces and extremist fascist groups in Germany, like this article for example, or this posting on a neo-Nazi fascist cell among police in Frankfurt, or this one on a neo-Nazi network of some 200 soldiers.

And in case some narrow-minded people are inclined to think, well that’s Germans for you, they should consider watching former UK soldier Ben Griffin’s talk, “The Making of a Modern British Soldier” in which he talks about his indoctrination with beliefs and ideas encouraging him and his fellow soldiers to feel superior to everyone else because of their training; the severe punishments his unit suffered if any one individual person in the unit made mistakes or lagged in raining; and the cult-like atmosphere that prevailed in his unit, augmented by the usual well-known methods of breaking down new cult recruits like sleep deprivation.

In the late 1980s / early 1990s, US survivalist Randy Weaver (before the 1992 Ruby Ridge shoot-out with law enforcement agencies that resulted in the harrowing deaths of his wife and son) narrowly avoided being recruited into the white supremacist organisation Aryan Nation by an individuals who turned out to be an informant for the FBI.

How else do people who espouse extreme fascist and neo-Nazi ideas and beliefs often end up with an arsenal of weaponry that one would think only the army would issue to soldiers under very tight restrictions?

Aug 9, 2019 3:30 AM
Reply to  Jen

Its the mental state <= that psycho conditioning (team thinking; replacement of one's thoughts for the commands of a leader) establishes and that 5g will be used to turn any trained recruit into a mass murder or a weeping baby.. Only the state can do that.. not really. 5g is 100% in private hands throughout the world and it is a military weapon developed for crowd control, capable to cause much harm biologically and capable to control in an undetectable ways everyone's mind.. most of the shootings are mind controlled events..

Thomas Peterson
Thomas Peterson
Aug 12, 2019 12:26 AM
Reply to  uming

lol 5g is not a military weapon developed for crowd control, what are you smoking?
I can hardly wait till its available in my area. The Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5g looks good.

If it worries you, just wear a tinfoil hat. No way 5g will get through that.

Aug 9, 2019 11:26 PM
Reply to  Jen

For what all this is worth, it could lead to the renewed, or never before existent discussion what ‘Fascism’ really represents, or constitutes. Especially in the US, with its history of Commie bashing, slave labor, religious fanaticism and unchecked militarism, a review is long overdue.
There might be a chance – however slim – that a renewed discussion peels out that Fascism is something inherent in Western culture and has indeed been cultivated for a long time. I have written countless pieces about this subject – always receiving replies or comments to the extend that Fascism was something in Italy and Germany from the 30’s to mid 40’s. It is always connected to a political dogma, although it is of course not.
At the core of Fascism is the delusion of separation from the object that is perceived as inferior. Oneself is exceptional. Color does not matter – Fascism comes in all colors. Ethnicity matters neither. Fascism has been present all around the globe among all humans. I like to use the metaphor, that one can pull the Fascist cart with any kind of horse, bull, or even a donkey.
Fascism is an essential part of the crudest of any human condition, of the unrefined mind. Of a degenerated mind. Unable to see that everything is one. Has always been one – before homo sapiens saw its first sun rise and when it will look at its last. All is one.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Aug 8, 2019 11:13 PM

Of course the real terrorists don’t even own guns. Heaven forbid, they might get their hands dirty.
The real terrorists wear suits, sit in high towers surrounded by high security and, at the drop of a hat, or a brief conversation with one of their partners in genocide, can have thousands, or tens of thousands of innocent folks terrorised, fleeing or murdered.
Real psychos wear suits and live in our cities.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 9, 2019 9:54 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

There’s something amiss with the voting system. One click on the thumbs up sent the upvote from 14 to 141 and the downvote from zero to 141.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 9, 2019 10:17 AM

The vote count is currently at 15. Your browser probably mis-rendered briefly

David Otness
David Otness
Aug 8, 2019 10:08 PM

I posted this on CJ’s FB page:

CJ, check out this latest psy-ops abomination wherein the pussy-hatted liberals are turned into zombies going after “deplorables.”
To whom to attribute it and its ratcheting-up of the U.S. “national dialogue?” I’m drawn toward CIA-Israel myself re: its inculcation (the Hollywood/Zio/CIA nexus) for who in their ‘right’ mind—-double entendre intentional—would do (produce ) such a thing in this latest moment of Amurkyan psychosis? Occam’s Razor beckons to the hard right U.S. Intel, and Mossad Likudniks as being proactive in their protection of their (Israel’s) own Daddy Warbucks on this one.

Now of course I might be wrong, but to think SOMEBODY is not behind this for ulterior reasons besides money is not thinking at all.
Then enter Epoch Times (Falun Gong) promoting this movie as if it is not the most tone-deaf and inverted of postulations—that of squishy “liberals” going up against the nationalistic hero to the fascistically gullible as both victims and as the Anointed self-righteous in their abeyance and obeisance to Il Trumpf.

I think this film effort a very significant moment in what is unfolding around us, and as much as I hate to give it any publicity, it scares the bejesus out of me for its blatant demonizing and its overture to the already-alienated that “We are under attack!”
The latest bloom of the Dark Flower that has grown up in this age of Surveillance by….(?)


Aug 8, 2019 10:02 PM

Once again, opinion pieces on this board miss the point: the terror is contrived by your own governments; governments that quite openly slaughter millions of people in other parts of the world.

I would say that you’re a tad demented if you think that your own western government wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter their own citizens for political/financial gain.

We are ruled by complete psychopaths (there’s no other way of putting it); but perhaps the biggest psychopathy comes from the citizens who go along with it.

Aug 9, 2019 2:49 AM
Reply to  RobG

Very well stated. Thank You.

Aug 9, 2019 3:44 AM
Reply to  RobG

The governments are the tools of the third party culprits.. Think of the persons in the governments as the slave drivers and the slave owners as the persons hidden in the ivory towers of corporate power and monopoly holdings.. and behind them are the capitalist, who manipulate the corporations, who manipulate the lawmakers to do the bidding of the ivory tower hidden, corporate monopolist.. Where there is monopoly power (patent, copyright, private property and contracts of privatization and where state interests) and monopolies have been transferred to private interest you will find the guy or doll behind the scene. its not the governments per se, instead it is the corruption of those who man the controls of the big ship government to drive the ship in accord to the wish and command of the Olegarchs.

Aug 9, 2019 4:12 AM
Reply to  RobG

I think one is a tad demented if they dont know it already has.

Aug 8, 2019 9:37 PM

You know what the real sad part about your being perfectly descriptive of the present insanity essay is?

You ain’t seen nothing yet. People naturally forget. No dementia needed. But when the folks gathered under the term ‘Nazis’ became unhinged due to their losing their shit, an incomprehensible brutality commenced upon the German population. Having imported the most apt of these human beasts to the US under operation paper clip, the present militarization of the illegal law enforcement forces is just the beginning. We have somehow landed in a parallel Universe, where Groundhog Day is the fabric that keeps everything from ever changing.

Wise men although have stated very fittingly about these times:

This, too will pass.

Let’s really do whatever we can that it won’t happen in the most cruel and violent way possible. One pseudo thousand year Reich was already one too many.

Aug 8, 2019 9:20 PM

Yes – back in the “Good Old Days” you had the Cold War. Oh it was so easy then. It wasn’t just that the Russians were evil but you knew WHY they were evil. They were commies and everyone knew that commies were evil. Now unfortunately they are no longer commies. But you still need them to be evil. The trouble is that if you call them evil now then you are admitting that their evil had nothing to do with being commies.

However – not to worry. Only those with long term memories will start to ask awkward questions. And the word “commie” no longer makes much impression on the young folk. And you certainly don’t want to mention it because then they might read up on it and start to wonder…

But that leaves a gap. What scare words can be used? Hitler still has a good amount of mileage yet. What a boon to Western propaganda he was! Silly man in a little moustache waving his fist about and shouting loudly, saying words in German – which has the benefit of always seeming to be full of swear words. And the constant production line of graphically detailed depictions of the Holocaust ensure that “anti-Semite” still packs an emotional wallop. Now – since the “Holocaust” scenario was getting a bit stale, we have to add in “Holocaust denial” which is a sneaky way of keeping that particular fixation going.

But to get back to Adolf, the words “Nazism” and “Fascism” are good scare terms. Add to them the carefully nurtured word “Terrorism”. Anything else? Well here’s where all that blather about “political correctness” comes in. We can now add any number of outraged sentiments around the most paltry matters that no-one would have even noticed in the past. Did you call that woman, “sweetie” – You sexist pig! Add to that any number of eager-to-take-offence “subcultures” and – the best bit – while they are taking offence, you can have the other side screaming about “liberal fascism”.

However, there is a down side. There are so many new-fangled scare tactics going around that no-one in the media can really be sure which is going to work in any specific circumstance. Perhaps over-familiarity will make the whole pathetic game implode. We live in hope.

David Otness
David Otness
Aug 8, 2019 9:51 PM
Reply to  George

Regarding Adolf, lest we forget, our Own(ers) were largely responsible for Himself and the Nazis, WW II, and drat, the Cold War too. Them pesky Russians just will not go away easily.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 9, 2019 3:56 AM
Reply to  George

“And the word “commie” no longer makes much impression on the young folk”.

The people we have to worry about today are the(Cappies) the Capitalists who have about 90% of the World’s assets(Thanks to Globalization). They exist in “The City”, and “Wall St” and they have bought the Governments of both. They won’t be happy until they own EVERYTHING and “The People” are reduced to slave labour.
Hitler is starting to look like a “Nice Guy” by comparison….….

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 9, 2019 12:16 PM
Reply to  George

And the word “commie” no longer makes much impression on the young folk.

Some of the young folk, in fact, have rather grown to like it. Unfortunately, the word ‘commie’ doesn’t seem to mean what it used to: militant opponent of capital and champion of the working class. No, no! Nowadays, with Antifa and AOC co-opting the term, it basically just means militant liberal.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 8, 2019 8:32 PM

You are certainly a verbal terrorist, CJ. I mean: taking the piss out of the MSM, the Security Services for blathering a load of twaddle which always means ‘more power to us!’ That is worse than killing soldiers after all….

There are seriously off piste websites who say El Paso was yet another ‘patsy did it’ false flag. They are flagging up politicians and military employees as being less than white (as in whiter than Caesars wife) where staging nonsense is concerned and claim that, despite 20 purported dead and 20+ purported injured, the grand total of ambulances responding to a huge emergency was……one. Not that I have the contacts to do due diligence on all that, but I am cynical enough nowadays to always have the null hypothesis of ‘every purported terrorist incident is a false flag until proven otherwise’. And not having a proper emergency services response is prima evidence that 40 people were not dead and/or injured.

Good point to start skeptical investigations, I would say….

Aug 9, 2019 3:52 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

you left out the shooting from the hotel tower and helicopters of people gathered at an outdoor music event in las Vegas last January.. in that event there were 40 or more killed and 100 or so injured, but two ambulances handled the job.. in a few trips..

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 8, 2019 8:27 PM

There was an OpEd piece in today Los Angeles Times about the Red Summer of 1919 which is illuminating. Apparently this white supremacist thing isn’t at all new and along with it comes hatred of specific national groups (in 1919 it was Germans, for example) and ideologies (Marxist sympathizers, union members and activists &tc.). Also not new is the tacit or even open endorsement by leading politicians. (The photograph accompanying the article in the print edition is worth thousands of words, BTW)

Another article in today’s Guardian is on Daryl Johnson who a decade ago headed a team that authored a report on white supremacist terrorism for the Department of Homeland Security. This got shouted down by GoP politicians and Johnson was forced out of the DHS.

My take on this is that white supremacism has always been with us and always will be with us, its the shock troops of the right wing. Like any tool, though, it needs to be managed to prevent it getting out of control and so inviting coordinated opposition. If the establishment takes it on its a good bet that they’re just interested in culling it a bit, thinning the herd to keep it under control. So let’s not be taken in by this sudden change of heart — its not just the extreme examples we need to go after but the part that’s entrenched in our culture.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Aug 8, 2019 10:14 PM
Reply to  Editor

“The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. ” – Emmanuel Goldstein.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 9, 2019 12:19 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Pretty concise description of neo-conservatism, I’d say! (And neo-liberalism.)

Aug 8, 2019 11:59 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

the Red Summer of 1919

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 9, 2019 3:04 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Thinking of these as shock troops “in mufti”(so to speak) has power as a thought.

JR Jones
JR Jones
Aug 8, 2019 8:19 PM

Didn’t like or agree with this article. Lot’s of conjecture and finger-pointing, but little actual real substance and facts. America has a domestic terrorism problem. America has a assault weapons problem. We have a white nationalist problem. Literally everyone knows that by virtue of those three elements have engaged in mass murder. More then once. More then twice.

So, the article wants to water all of that down into non-relevance. That’s just stupid.

None of this has anything to with “manufactured terrorism” by the way, the author is conflating actual, real, brutal terrorist attacks in America which government and media propaganda – THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THINGS. Both are real, but the author acts as if the deaths of hundreds now aren’t real. Which of course, they are.

And so is the “fascism hysteria”. Fascism is just as real in America as the dead bodies lying in our streets. It’s not a joke. It’s not hysteria either. I note that the author doesn’t live here and isn’t a first-hand witness to the fascism that is now taking over the country. It is visible everywhere, at rallys, games, malls, online, in the public and private spaces all over America. According the author, this is “hysteria” which is complete b.s., it’s not hysteria when it has been very well documented with factual evidence.

Actually, the only thing this moron got right was calling Trump a racist. But Trump is also a fascist, and so are all of his followers. They’ve abandoned the rule of law, respect, decency and decorum and now really upon racist slurs, xenophobia, hatred and violent attacks – all propagated by the rhetoric emanating from the Cheeto in Chief.

He’s also assuming he’s more knowledgeable then our own law enforcement which has repeatedly warned of domestic terrorist threats, stopping over 100 in recent months (according to a recent report) and the rise of white nationalism. Who are we to believe? An uninformed playwright in Berlin, or the actual eye-witness reports happening right here?

It’s actually kind of amazing that the off-guardian posted this stupid screed. It’s grossly misleading, inaccurate and playing right into the hands of the “don’t trust the government on anything” crowd. Believe me, we all have a healthy distrust of our government, we do not need a Berliner to remind us of this and get some many facts categorically wrong in the process.

Post another this idiot’s rambling rants and I’ll be removing this bookmark – don’t be a part of the dishonesty that now surrounds these issues.

Aug 9, 2019 3:14 PM
Reply to  Editor

“concern troll?!” – Never heard that one before. I love it!!!!!! Thanks.

Aug 8, 2019 9:28 PM
Reply to  JR Jones

You are a total cretin. You degenerates on the left are stoking some large fires with your anti white hate.
This is not going to end well, unless you turn down the spigot.
White privilege, male privilege etc. You keep stirring the pot and see where this leads.

Aug 9, 2019 8:31 AM
Reply to  Siddo

JRJ isn’t “on the left” and stoking large fires is what he is all about

David Otness
David Otness
Aug 8, 2019 9:56 PM
Reply to  JR Jones

U.S worldwide terrorism in its many manifestations of bullying power—and subjugation for all under its crushing embrace of Empire—isn’t sufficient evidence for you to form a more ‘compleat’ worldview, hmm?

Aug 8, 2019 11:50 PM
Reply to  JR Jones

Post another this idiot’s rambling rants and I’ll be removing this bookmark

that would be tragic. anyway, don’t let the door hit you on the ass, on your way out.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 9, 2019 12:31 PM
Reply to  JR Jones

Sure, the US has always had a certain number of white racists in some quantity or another throughout its history. But don’t you find it the least bit odd that they’ve all been in hiding for years, until suddenly, the very moment ‘their’ president wins an election, they all just come out of the woodwork at once and start shooting and mailing pipe-bombs for no apparent reason? I mean, where were all these “white supremacists” for eight long years back when we had a black president? Doesn’t the timing in this case just strike you as a little odd? Mind you, I’m not saying all these incidents are completely fake, but isn’t it possible that the deep state just might be up to its old tricks: manipulating addle-brained loners into stupid, pointless acts of violence that can be used to benefit the DS’ agenda? After all, if you scratch the surface of all those mysterious lone-gunman assassinations of the 60s, you nearly always find some type of shady ‘handler’ or ‘contact’.

Anyway, something for you to consider.

Aug 8, 2019 6:58 PM

Maybe Trump had it part right when he laid it off to mental illness, all of this mass shooting. The compendious Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the mental health professionals has a nice entry on the notion of running amok.

This was once thought of as purely a cultural phenomenon of certain brown skinned, where anomie finally pushes some disaffected and loner male and occasional female to start randomly slashing and stabbing anyone around. At least until stabbed to death by the crowd. That ain’t “terrism,” which of course is the point. But who’s going to point out that these run-amok attacks are the product of social forces that demolish our sense of belonging and cohesion? No profit in that. Not hegemony, either.

Here’s a link for anyone wondering if maybe there’s an alternate frame that might be pushed, to counter the current crisis-du-jour:


Seems like a better fit to what we are seeing.

Of course there’s stuff like this treatise by one of the Founding Fathers of ISIS, titled “The Management of Savagery,” to add to the framing and remind us humans that we are a rotten species in too many respects:


JR Jones
JR Jones
Aug 8, 2019 8:25 PM
Reply to  JTM

The FBI just reported that only 25% of the mass shootings (hundreds were examined) showed evidence of “mental illness”, so this claim by Trump is simply grossly inaccurate. Frankly, trusting the law enforcement professionals is going to be a lot more accurate then some self-described know-it-all like Trump.

Aug 8, 2019 9:18 PM
Reply to  JR Jones

There’s a lot of evidence that trusting law enforcement professionals is a suckers game. Red Squads, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, the war on pot, j. Edgar Hoover’s dossiers, etc. The FBI is part of DHS and the Panopticon.

the progressive
the progressive
Aug 9, 2019 4:16 AM
Reply to  JR Jones

This court finds the witness “FBI” to be unfit for the giving of admissible evidence without sufficient collaboration. The finding of the court is based on thousands of past false testimonies. But what may not have been said is how many of the mental illness were induced by, and activated by, mind control technologies. ?? see pinkpeace. for more.

What Trump don’t know, don’t need to be knowed!

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 8, 2019 6:47 PM

I suggest all offGuardian readers subscribe to one of the American neocon stink tank publications. The Gatestone Institute is one of many stereotyped sites who will disgorge propaganda willy-nilly. They are all pretty much the same, rabidly pro-Israel, all want to nuke Iran, and presumably support Jeff Epstein, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Alan Dershowitz and the like. No articles about Muslimophobia. And certainly no critique of the New York Times when they call Epstein’s victims “underage women” instead of abused children.

So why subscribe? Because these screeds are way ahead of the curve in twisting American foreign policy to fit their deranged needs. They are the vanguard, of what in the rest of the world’s consensus opinion, is the greatest threat to world peace. Yep, the good ole USA, and decidedly not the far right, not the negligible Ku Klux Klan, nor white nationalists, and not just any bogeyman du jour.
You will find it entertaining to read their seditious bellicose rubbish, only to find it soon to be mouthed by ambitious pols seeking endorsement from the neocon conjurers.

Aug 8, 2019 7:04 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

But won’t that make them crow about the awesome support they enjoy from the whole world, and thereby encourage them to try and infect yet another generation of decent human beings?

Aug 8, 2019 6:28 PM

With a bit of luck the Americans will wipe each other out and we can have some peace and quiet.

Until then, we can enjoy the spectacle of them chasing round like blue arsed flies to hunt down all the Russian bots, Kremlin spies, witches, fairies, pixies, leprechauns, unicorns, white extremists, black extremists, yellow extremists, and green extremists.

Aug 8, 2019 7:07 PM
Reply to  mark

I like the idea, but I can’t seriously see Idaho trying to wipe out Oklahoma, or Texas trying to starve Massachusetts to death…

Aug 8, 2019 7:08 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s like the concept, “Please leave us alone”, simply doesn’t exist in the USA…

Aug 9, 2019 12:32 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Of course it exists. The totalitarians ignore it.