Discuss: Jeffrey Epstein “Suicide” – UPDATED

Reports are emerging that Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire accused of paedophilia and sex-trafficking, has died in prison – allegedly hanging himself in his cell.

For many of us here, and doubtless many of our readers, this death is not at all surprising. These things happen all the time.

This development comes after, yesterday, it was revealed a witness was claiming she was ordered to have sex with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former U.S. Senator George Mitchell.

These were just the latest names associated with Epstein’s alleged trafficking of under-age girls. The “Epstein list” is long, the man was very rich and very well connected – he likely knew, in one form or another, hundreds of famous people. Obviously, not all of them are paedophiles – but many of them are probably feeling rather relieved today.

The main question confronting us on this isn’t “why”, or “how” – “who” doesn’t even really matter. No, the question which will shape things is “what now?”

Will Epstein be logged as a “suicide” and consigned to the dustbin of history? Or will he be paraded around as victim of a villain of the month?

Essentially – will the media say he killed himself, or that Trump killed him? How the coverage develops will likely be the biggest clue as to what actually happened.

Questions remain:

  • Did Jeffrey Epstein kill himself?
  • If not, who is responsible?
  • Who will the media blame?
  • Who gains the most from this?
  • Is this all just a Psy-Op or distraction?
  • How long until Putin or “The Russians” are blamed?

Discuss below, post any interesting theories, important evidence or wild speculation you can find. We may be updating this post as things develop.

UPDATE 14/08/19: Autopsy reports “inconclusive” on cause of death, waiting on “further information”.

The Daily Mail is reporting that the warden of the jail, and two guards, are facing various disciplinary measures following the suicide.

While it was initially reported there was a “camera malfunction” which prevented there being a CCTV record of the incident, that has since been “debunked”.

The current story is not there was a malfunction, but that the prison was deliberately designed to have cameras covering the hallways but NOT inside the cells. I don’t know which of those stories is less believable, honestly.

The Independent is reporting that there is “mounting evidence of failures at the chronically understaffed prison”.

The narrative direction is becoming increasingly obvious.


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Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 14, 2019 2:17 PM

“The narrative direction is becoming increasingly obvious.” I suspect the final revision will be that the FBI investigated and found that Epstein committed suicide and recommended that the MCC review its procedures. The political media elite will heave a sigh of relief and say, “Nothing to see here. Move along.” https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2019/08/epstein-and-medias-changing-narrative.html

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 15, 2019 9:20 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

What’s it got to do with the M.C.C. ?
Was he blackmailing the bosses of Lords, as well ?
After they’d caught him playing on & LBW on camera ?

Just not cricket: please Steve, tell me not the cricket cops implicated as well … 😉
That’d rock & knock high society for 6 🙂

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 15, 2019 10:20 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

MCC Metropolitan Correctional Center.

Aug 14, 2019 9:50 AM

It’s the narrative, stupid!

So what if Rudy Guiliani say’s ‘there were probably dozens of powerful people who wanted Epstein dead’; does that make it fact?

Off course it’s reasonable for the governed to agree unquestioningly with that repeated assumption.
But how about from the elite’s point of view?

I would hazard all they want is the problem gone.
Epstein’s death is an entirely different matter.

Consider the mega powerful & their documented subterfuge.
None of them would ever sleep easy again, knowing what they know – were any of their entourage / support staff / security personal able to be bought.

It’s not the money …… that’s no issue when you’ve gazillion$

Loyalty is the key.

Ergo, it takes much more than mere money to keep the extreme level of loyal service required from threatening their elite ship.

Among other things, such a ‘package’ would by necessity include guarantees of safety, protection, insurance & rescue from captivity, should that eventuate
The ’employee’ would need to be able to trust that, why else risk one’s life?
Confidence is paramount.

Without that there would be no takers for any risky positions like Epstein’s or Maxwell’s (both of them).
It would just invite mutiny from ‘servants’ who could see what might befall them.

If Epstein were liquidated because some billionaires felt vulnerable, imagine how afraid of their own personal security specialists they’d be with what’d been witnessed over the years.

This is not the wild west, this is serious business!

We are being duped!

Aug 14, 2019 7:14 PM
Reply to  PeterE

Exactly!! Peter.
I do not believe that Maxwell committed suicide, despite being in serious dept… look at Peter Green? They thrive on it. The more debt they have the more the ‘banks’ look after them. Maxwell was a Mossad spy, whose funeral was held on the Mount of Olives?? And if Maxwell was ”murdered” why would his daughter have gone into the business with ‘them’ in the honey trap business?
She was hooked up with Epstein because he had already proven himself useful and loyal and had a vast black book. They have been in that very lucrative business for more than forty years… BUT Epstein they made the mistake of ensnaring a royal who thought he was untouchable… and that’s where things got sticky… It is the MO to bump off anyone who flies too close to their sun. When the SHTF , favours were called in. Even Fergie got in on the act and allegedly ”borrowed ” £15,000 ‘ first payment to pay off her £5,000,000 debts??’
Daily Mail article 2015 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2897086/Cash-strapped-Fergie-took-15-000-paedophile-billionaire-centre-claims-Prince-Andrew-slept-age-sex-slave.html

BUT Epstein hasn’t been killed IMO.. he is too important to them, and has been places that others could not.
Had he been removed then so would Ghislaine, for she knows as much if not more than Epstein?
So..Where is her arrest warrant?

Aug 13, 2019 9:15 PM

Spot the Trolls…
Billy the Kid
Tim Nelson
Flight Nonsense?

How can we tell they are Trolls? Because they attack other posters with their ad hominem rather than adding anything of worth..
They are so easy to spot. :-))

Aug 14, 2019 12:02 AM
Reply to  Maggie

You’re so hard on these poor guys, Maggie.
They have to earn their shekel a line.
And it keeps them off the streets.

Aug 14, 2019 6:28 AM
Reply to  mark

comment image

Aug 13, 2019 4:24 PM

I just want to say how much I appreciate the comments of Admin re: trolling. I now have an insight into how it works and the various devices used e.g. pushing comments through at such a high rate that they are bound to stall the system and appear to disappear – at which point the troll complains about being banned. I also noted the unusual amount of up votes for those trolls. I’m guessing they have brought their accomplices with them (i.e. the Breitbart contingent).

Aug 13, 2019 11:09 AM

If this suicide happened in Russia, the evening news would open with “Putin did it”.

Aug 13, 2019 8:15 AM

Humor me here, ok!
Given the probability that Epstein could still still alive because he did what it took & was a LOYAL operative…….. how about Robert Maxwell?
Daughter Ghislaine would unlikely want to ‘be deaded’ in / by the same service like her Dad…. soooo….
Her motivation would be ‘secured’ if it was known elimination was for patsies not loyal soldiers!
Bloody rabbit hole, soooo deep ha ha

Aug 13, 2019 9:05 AM
Reply to  Wildsilver

I recently happened to read a story about Maxwell (perhaps it was from a link in a comment) and the first thing that occurred to me when it occurred to me that Epstein has probably been whisked off to some paradisicial island was probably Maxwell’s death was not suicide nor murder but simply faked too.

Aug 12, 2019 11:36 PM

The Untouchable And Unaccountable Elites.
Unlimited, Unimaginable Wealth, Power And Privilege.
The Highest Level Dirty Politics.
Mega Business.
High Finance.
Domestic Spooks.
Foreign Intelligence.
Organised Crime.
The Jewish Mafia.
The Controlled MSM.
Financial Fraud On A Colossal Scale.
Ponzi Schemes.
Gargantuan Corruption.
Judicial Corruption.
Sex Trafficking.
Sex Slavery.
Occult Worship.

Meyer Lansky
The 5th In Line To The British Throne
Hundreds Of Others.

One huge, interlocking tangled web of spaghetti.
With the Chosen Folk as the glue that holds the whole, rotten system together.
Rotten to the core.
This is the system that rules over us.
And you might as well get used to it, folks.
Suck it up.
These are your Betters.
And don’t you Deplorable Little People imagine for a moment that anything at all will come of this.
It will all be swept under the carpet.
Very quickly.
As it always has been before.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 12, 2019 11:50 PM
Reply to  mark

And…..It strikes me that Hollywood always like to make movies about how Evil “The Mafia” are…….

Aug 13, 2019 3:13 AM
Reply to  Brian Harry

The Fake Mafia.
The Italian Mafia.
Not the Real Mafia.
The Jewish Mafia.

Organised Crime is not Italian (except in Hollywood.)

Aug 13, 2019 12:01 PM
Reply to  mark

Hi Mark,
I’ve just come upon this link from a Police file, about Epstein,
Asking the who, what and why questions.


Aug 13, 2019 2:51 PM
Reply to  Maggie

There seems to be a common occult element.
Bohemian Grove. Epstein’s Temple. Pizzagate.
Paedophilia. Weird sex.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Jan 2, 2020 8:25 PM
Reply to  mark

It’s just that you are not allowed to say it…..

Aug 13, 2019 9:22 PM
Reply to  Brian Harry

Hi Brian,
Who owns Hollywood?
They have to keep up the pretence that it is the dirty Italians/Sicilians who are the Mafia?
”Don’t look over here, look over there.”

Who owns all the gambling clubs? Sheldon Adelson…
Who ran all the rackets? Meter Lansky…
Who controls the US government? George Soros?

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 13, 2019 9:49 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Hi Maggie……sshhhhsh….you’re not allowed to name them, lest you be called ‘something’…..

Aug 14, 2019 9:20 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Check out: The National Crime Syndicate.. where it all began. http://circle.org/jsource/the-national-crime-syndicate/ Guess who RAN the show and who were their PATSIES. Then research Murder Inc. https://www.nationalcrimesyndicate.com/10-deadliest-members-of-murder-incorporated/ The fate of those who refuse to work for them? To get insight into the machinations See Aaron Russo: ”Aaron stated that an attorney friend of his told him that one of the Rockefellers wanted to meet him after viewing his video, Mad as Hell, & finding out that he was running for governor of Nevada. The interested individual turned out to be Nick Rockefeller. “I met him & I liked him,” said Aaron. “He was a very, very smart man.” According to Aaron, they became friends over a period of years. Rockefeller would visit his house for dinner, & they’d share thoughts & ideas. Various business opportunities were offered to Aaron during these visits. “Nick & I discussed many things, one was reducing world population. In a way, I agreed, there are too many people in the world, but I don’t think I have the authority to say who’s going to die and who’s not going to die. “But”, Nick continued ”The CFR felt that they wanted to reduce world population, by about ‘fifty percent.’ Aaron said, “He was the one who told me eleven months before 911 .. that there was going to be an event, (he never told me what the event was going to be), & out of that event we would invade Afghanistan. … Then we were going to invade Iraq to take over the oil fields & establish a base in the middle east. And other countries such as Venezuela will apparently also be invaded. I remember him telling me we were going to see our military looking in caves for people in Afghanistan & Pakistan,” Such as… Read more »

Aug 13, 2019 1:42 AM
Reply to  mark

Yes, the victims of their Satanic Ritual Abuse talk about them.

Fiona Barnett is an Australian woman whose Nazi Lithuanian stepgrandfather hired her out to a VIP paedophile network – https://pedophilesdownunder.com/

And Ronald Bernard, a Dutch a high-finance operative, also talks about how they operate – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEpcY5JU120

Aug 13, 2019 9:23 AM
Reply to  mark

The Highest Level Dirty Politics.
Mega Business.
High Finance.
Domestic Spooks.
Foreign Intelligence ………………… ”

Is this the curriculum for the imposed ‘Western Civilisation’ degree at Wollongong University in Australia?

Aug 12, 2019 6:21 PM

So it was Putin this time…
And when Assange goes the same way he’ll be blamed.

Aug 12, 2019 3:45 PM

In 2007, Epstein’s attorneys wrote:

“Mr. Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative,

[1] a project ‘bringing together a community of global leaders’

[2] to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.”

Interesting what brings global leaders together, isn’t it?
Innovative solutions? Did we see any? Where? in Epstein’s friendly skies!!

It is still shrouded in mystery how successive Australian governments donated more than $88 million to Clinton charities for this kind of ‘innovative solutions’.

And one can only wonder whether imprisoning and slow torture of Assange is in fact an implementation of “innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges”!!!!

I guess, there is an urgent need for Innovative Solutions to fix the broken legs of those champions of oil, coal, human rights and freedom.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 12, 2019 1:34 PM

The corporate media are now (Monday) reporting that the Medical Examiner, having conducted an autopsy, is unable to determine the cause of death. The faux journalists seem remarkably lacking in curiosity as to why a man who was found hanged in his cell presents such a difficulty.

Aug 12, 2019 12:14 PM


Surely the question is, “Does anyone seriously believe that this was suicide?”

Aug 12, 2019 12:04 PM
Reply to  Monobazeus

Rentagob is down under with racist dirty diggers at the behest of his master Morrdddork?

Aug 12, 2019 8:36 AM

From what I’ve seen so far most posts express clear views about the concept of law / justice.
Let’s call that filter ‘rose coloured glasses’ for the purpose of this journey.

The belief underlying it assumes the aristocrats, oligarchs, royalty, titans, churches, mafias et al who sit at the big table share similar views.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

ref Paul Williams ‘…. the unholy alliance between the Vatican, CIA & Mafia’.
or Richard Cottrell ‘….Nato’s dagger at the heart of Europe’ where in ch 13 ‘Something rotten in the State of Belgium’ Epstein’s counter part proved untouchable.

To understand how this can be, one needs to ‘walk in their shoes’ so to speak.

Consider Epstein from the position of those he worked for.
He was competent & successful in his role.
He delivered what was asked over a very long time.
He was charged once & convicted, kept his mouth shut & went to jail.

He’s been an exemplary employee & served his masters well.
Loyalty is highly prized & rewarded

Had he spilled the beans he’d be dead.
He didn’t & isn’t.

The powerful he worked for had him removed from the scene to ring fence the circus frenzy before it gets out of control.
He’s been put out to pasture & will spend his life flitting between gated communities.

The rational for this view is it’d become problematic to get ‘decent help’ if at the first sign of trouble they were eliminated.

Nobody wants problems & there are countless ways of making them go away.

Just my view for what it’s worth.

Aug 12, 2019 12:10 PM
Reply to  Wildsilver

The priapic toad used to a luxuriant daily existence would no way have come to terms spending any time actually in a cell never mind more months and years.

Haven’t the problems just multiplied? If all these who he had sign non-disclosures are now free to talk?

Aug 12, 2019 3:23 AM

Of course the man is gone (most likely) but the blackmail materials are all still in someone’s hand. He was probably not the main blackmailer, he was just rewarded well for running the honey pot for decades, the true handlers have the material and can rest a touch easier that Epstein can’t finger them. The big question is what happened to the contents of the locked safe full of CDs of ‘underage’ girls (and left unsaid, their ‘elite’ abusers).
I have long suspected that the targets of the blackmail willingly enter into the honey pot because the deal cuts both ways, give us control of you and we will make you powerful. Mutual trust sort of.

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 13, 2019 8:30 PM
Reply to  surferdave

“Honor among thieves”,then?!( So to speak.)

Aug 12, 2019 12:14 PM
Reply to  Monobazeus

Is the genesis of the shitfest based on the well overdue release of Hess’ records?

Aug 12, 2019 2:48 AM

Seriously, does anyone really believe this was NOT a murder??? The only question is who did it, Colonel Mustard or Miss Scarlett. We don’t need Poirot or Sherlock Holmes on the case, Inspector Clouseau’s quite capable of handling this one. This would have been a multiple of the OJ Simpson trial, a real feeding frenzy extravaganza. The MSM couldn’t have ignored it or covered it up. What has come out so far is just the tip of the iceberg. The fact that Epstein was re arrested after all this time is probably a function of faction feuding within the Deep State. It is probably linked in a way to Russiagate, coming after the Muller enquiry degenerated into broad farce. Trump is aware of the conspiracy against him by Clinton, the MSM, the Dirty Cops, the Spooks and the British Establishment to sabotage his election campaign and then his presidency. This is his way of going nuclear against them, in time for the next election. He knew Epstein, but he’s not the one who took 26 trips to Lolita Island. Ghislaine Maxwell will probably go to ground in Talmudistan for the foreseeable future. This speaks volumes about the true nature of the US “Justice” system and Deep State. It’s reminiscent in a way of the arrest and murder of Steve Biko, though of course there’s no comparison between the two men. And we are about to hand over Julian Assange to the tender mercies of this system. Maybe they will give him Epstein’s old cell. This is so blatant. It’s like the Deep State saying, “Look at us, f… you, we can do what we like and get away with it.” But even so, they will want this out of the news cycle as soon as possible. My guess is that… Read more »

Aug 12, 2019 3:25 AM
Reply to  mark

But perhaps too obvious, Mark, a little too obvious. Where is the evidence that he is dead at all? If he’s all palsy walsy with the powers that be maybe he took a little back door exit from the jail and is now on a private island living it up. There is no evidence of that, of course, however, why believe he is dead at all?

Aug 12, 2019 4:36 AM
Reply to  flaxgirl

It tends not to end very well for useful people who have outlived their usefulness and become a liability.
Manuel Noriega. Saddam Hussein. Diem. Trujillo. Skripal. Litvinenko. Gaddafi. David Kelly. Diana Spencer. JFK.
Very different people with one thing in common.

Aug 12, 2019 5:43 AM
Reply to  mark

Please include Witness K (Australia’s Timor Leste fraud).

Aug 12, 2019 5:45 AM
Reply to  mark

True, but for some of those people can we be sure even they’re dead? Not saying they’re not, but can we be sure? It only occurred to me a couple of months ago that perhaps Princess Diana is still alive. Someone brought the possibility up and it made me think. Surely, her sons would suspect something – if not at the time then later – and would be very unhappy about that (or perhaps that’s what royals simply have to swallow) – and she wrote in her diary that she suspected her husband was going to kill her (or something like that)? Doesn’t sound a little stagey? – a little bit of set up? But not saying she didn’t die, not saying that at all. But it’s not unreasonable to think that she and Dodi decided they just wanted to get away from it all and live in a bit of peace and quiet which would have suited the royals fine and dandy and pretty easily organised, no?

In the case of Epstein, wouldn’t the threat of certain things being released upon his being murdered carry a certain weight? The thing is, is there any good reason to think he’s dead any more than to think he’s alive? I’d say it’s 50-50 either way.

Aug 13, 2019 2:54 PM
Reply to  flaxgirl

If I was Epstein, I’d leave a few delayed action bombs ticking away in the event of my sudden demise.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 8:38 AM
Reply to  mark

“It tends not to end very well for useful people who have outlived their usefulness and become a liability.”

Q: do you think Flaxgirl & Flight nonsense fall into this category, of late . . . ? 🙂

Certainly, Iliya Pavlov of the Mossad Maxwell’s ‘Multigroup BG.’ fell into this category, because after Mossad had failed to kill him by blowing his armourplated BMW up, leaving a 7 metre long deep hole in the road (coz’ he wasn’t in the car), they just sent a sniper instead & one day shortly after, walking out of his offices … doooof, from a huge distance and nobody will ever know who did it …
and I suspect that many will be taken out this way, in the coming months …

Aug 12, 2019 8:23 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

You could be right. A lot of JFK figures suddenly died in very mysterious circumstances.

Aug 13, 2019 9:02 PM
Reply to  mark

True Mark, As did 911 observers?
Marvin Bush’s Nanny being one of the most suspicious?
”Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Centre, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport.”

>>>Sixty-two year old Bertha Champagne, described as a long time “baby sitter” for Marvin and Margaret Bush’s two children, son Walker, 13, and daughter Marshall, 17, was found crushed to death by her own vehicle in a driveway in front of the Bush family home in the Alexandria section of Fairfax County. Champagne reportedly lived at the Bush family home.


Champagne had left the residence to retrieve something from her car, which police say had somehow been left in gear. According to the police report, the car rolled forward and pinned the woman between it and a small building next to the driveway (possibly a checkpoint built by the Secret Service when Marvin’s father, George H. W. Bush, was president).

The car crossed Edgehill Drive, a small street in front of the Bush compound. The vehicle then crossed a busy two-lane street, Fort Hunt Road, finally coming to rest in a wooded area across the street that adjoins the prestigious Belle Haven Country Club.

No explanations have been offered as to why the vehicle did not move until Champagne was in a position to be crushed.<<<

Aug 12, 2019 12:02 PM
Reply to  mark

Arafat. Biko. Bhutto.

Aug 12, 2019 8:22 PM
Reply to  Molloy


Aug 12, 2019 9:33 PM
Reply to  mark

Rabin. Hammarskjöld.

Aug 12, 2019 9:34 PM
Reply to  Molloy

Robert Kennedy.

Aug 12, 2019 12:08 PM
Reply to  mark

(……replying to mark)

Arafat. Biko. Bhutto.

Aug 12, 2019 9:45 PM
Reply to  Molloy

Robert Finlayson Cook. Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Aug 12, 2019 9:56 PM
Reply to  Molloy

Willie MacRae. Pat Finucane. Martin Luther King.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 7:46 AM
Reply to  flaxgirl

But perhaps too obvious, Cowgirl, a little too obvious, once again,

that yours is the comment of our resident, “Controlled Opposition”, within one huge ‘Psyop’, which the internet was in fact designed to be … to be or not to be controlled opposition, that is the question Flaxgirl must face !

Aug 13, 2019 1:05 PM
Reply to  mark

What, Epstein was not murdered by “the Zionists”? Everyone else is according to the Gospel of mark.

Aug 13, 2019 3:00 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Nuttyyahoo could well have had a hand in it. Or any of a number of Zionist billionaires he stiffed. The list of suspects is long and undistinguished. A Who’s Who of the scum of the earth. But you can’t rule out the goy scum of the earth either. What’s one more addition to the Clinton Body Count?

Aug 13, 2019 9:06 PM
Reply to  Editor

Sorry, silly me.
Epstein, Wexner, Lauder, Nuttyyaoo, Peres, Barak, are all Botswanan Roman Catholics.
Must remember that.

Aug 14, 2019 9:41 PM
Reply to  Editor

Goy scum, non goy scum, what could be more equal opportunity than that?

Aug 24, 2019 9:15 PM
Reply to  Editor

… or ‘gay’. Yes we all know that part of the music and entertainment business
is ruled by what is colloquially known as the Gay Mafia…

Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Aug 12, 2019 12:34 AM

How one can tell that this site systematically and opportunistically curries the favor of adherents of antisemitism and white supremacism: it routinely delays the visibility of comments that run strongly counter to these creeds. I’ve made many comments that have not appeared until days or even weeks later, and that most certainly WOULD have elicited a response from the assorted Nazis and fascist hoodlums frequenting this site. But when I find that my comments are finally visible, it’s long after the article is highlighted as the most recent additions to the site and have already passed from most frequent view, ensuring that no or very few responses will be posted to them. This is how OffG can talk out of both sides of its mouth: it claims simultaneously that “Truth really should be sacred” (while also espousing “The right to be wrong”), but it also wants to enforce a type of conformity of narrative. Thus when my comments are posted and delayed, they can just say, “But we DID post your comments. No one is censoring anything” while ensuring that the comments don’t interfere with the love-in among fascists.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 12, 2019 12:35 AM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

Your paranoia does you no credit. For a while you were multi-posting so fast the system thought you were a spambot and began auto-sending your posts to the spam folder. When we found them there we restored them.

At one pint you had 54 comments in the spam folder. 52 of them were your semi-abusive rants about the Apollo program. None were about Nazis. So you are deceptive.

Most sites would have banned anyone as systematically abusive as you are toward OffG and its staff. Here you are not even placed on pre-mod. An acknowledgment of that from you would display a bare minimum of honest intent on your part.

We suggest you and those ungracious enough to upvote you find another site to frequent and see how much of your ad hom is tolerated there.

PS – your credibility is only further damaged by using propaganda memes such as ‘white supremacist’ to mass-denigrate. You must be well aware this site has NEVER posted anything that could be remotely defined in such terms.

Therefore you are trolling.

This thread is being closed as being OT. No doubt you’ll continue your abuse on another one.

Aug 12, 2019 1:49 AM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

No one is censoring you.
Everybody likes to laugh at the village idiot.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 7:56 AM
Reply to  mark

Laffin’ so much, can’t think what to say and the idiot is still trying to draw my fire elsewhere on to the loony tune of Lunar debates, that he’d managed to successfully corrupt …

only minutes ago, an email notice arrived from flight nonsense to me on the old article 🙂 😉

And just for the record, mark, not just my inbox confirms what I’m gonna’ say, also the new date & time stamps here @OffG >>> there is no doubt now in my mind, that as I originally suggested to cowgirl, she has in fact called in for backup and flight nonsense is her back up troll to cover the failures that our resident controlled opposition has made in the last weeks … 😉

Aug 12, 2019 8:25 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Variety is the spice of life.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 9:24 PM
Reply to  mark

Lol, it would seem that my thumbs down total is ever increasing evidence of the spicy effect & nature of red hot Mexican chilli peppers up some people’s butts 😉
Lmao . . . 🙂

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 13, 2019 6:21 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Lol, it would seem that my thumbs down total is ever increasing evidence of the spicy effect & nature of red hot Mexican chilli peppers up some people’s butts 😉
Lmao . . . 🙂

No, it’s the fact that even a card carrying Nazi would regard you as a bit out of order, and advise you to calm down a bit.

Aug 12, 2019 4:12 AM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

I have found comments appearing a long time after posting too, Fight nonsense, and I completely appreciate your inclination towards a paranoid explanation for this phenomenon (I suffer it myself sometimes) but I cannot imagine that OffG are controlling comments in this manner. I’m sure it’s some kind of glitch.

Aug 12, 2019 5:58 AM
Reply to  flaxgirl

And for whom are we posting?

Only 30 % is for the general public, 70 % is for the apparatchiks. Make no mistake, the apparatchiks monitor all comment strings to measure the temperature of us deplorables and we do like to show them what we think of rulers, manipulators and so forth.

They might even react to that although the leaders who have led us down the cliff and up the garden path will probably, in the initial phase, react in their usual inept way. As more and more people turn away from the American and British manipulative mindsets, a big enemy has been built up, against whom Pompeo wants to install missiles all over the world – for payment of course. (Protection money, like in Sicily).

Big enemy: China. Iran and Russia are no longer frightening us out of our wits, so it must be China who gets us dancing to Washington’s whistle. The more we understand their kind of music, the more we turn away, and then the whistle is turned up again. I do not think they will ever understand, because it would mean having doubts whether the American mindset is ultima ratio.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 8:22 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Very sound comment Wilmers in these times where so many are collecting all Data online, every ‘Bit’ being the nature of the gigantic ‘Psyop’ called the internet: where they worry about the specific algorithm to analyse the various ‘Bits’ in the jigsaw, later &

The William Binney & Kurt Weibe ‘Affair’ of blowing whistles, confirms this all, way beyond any reasonable doubt and the “Parallel Platforms” they described and continue to warn of is exactly what our resident “Controlled Opposition” Flaxgirl and Trolls like, Flight Nonsense NEVER comment on … not rocket science as to Why ! ? !

Just like they don’t want us talking about amazingly compromised governmental security systems, with the theft of ALL U.S. government Data involved on members of Congress & the Senate, including all their credit card numbers (lol), by Imran AWAN.
Imran Awan, who didn’t just specialise in Leaks & Hacks, no no no, this IT guy just walked into government facilities and picked the whole servers and computers up and walked calmly out of the building, stealing the equipment lock stock & smoking barrel and hiding them in his “Lift Shaft” & datsa’ FACT ! How to SHAFT …
Music to my ears, gonna’ play the theme from “SHAFT”


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 8:51 PM
Reply to  flaxgirl

Without a shadow of a doubt, Flaxgirl/Cowgirl, glitches are very largely down to your positioning of controlled opposition and your jolly trolling friends there @GCHQ of NATZO obscene goals to dictate to all humanity … !

Swivel on it & live with it, until you & your ‘friends’ address your collective elementary mistakes IN UNDERSTANDING BINARY code & accept that your methods will never succeed, young girl !

Oh, and fuck yer’ 9 thumbs up, they have simply had the same difficulties that you and i have had: the only difference being that some of us know why the algorithms function in this manner and are patient with your bosses inept systems of algorithmic control & the built in ‘Nodes’ in Fibre Optic Cables, for mass surveillance & control & collection of every ‘Bit’ of Data and this point is apparently way above your pay grade & comprehension, mathematically: just like “Parallel Platforms” and exactly what William Binney & Kurt Weibe have been telling you, since the 11th September 2001 …

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 12, 2019 4:24 AM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

Ad-hominem abuse of those whose opinions you disagree with renders anything else you have to say unfit for serious consideration.

Aug 13, 2019 8:25 AM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

The usual procedure: lots of invective, fiery frothing, big words all to back up a claim that we are supposed to just take on faith i.e. that your comments have been delayed. There is a delay in comments appearing but it is not long. I’ve never had any trouble. But – hey! You know this is a “leftie” site so be sure to keep up with the abuse that’ll really sting i.e. that we are all “Nazis”, “Fascists” etc.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 13, 2019 9:32 AM
Reply to  George

We would appreciate it if all of you would stop feeding these abusive trolls please.

Aug 11, 2019 11:15 PM

I think you missed an important question for which the (definitive) answer remains outstanding…is he dead? It’s almost certain he had/has an incredible amount of dirt to dish, but then, just think of all those very powerful people he was of great ‘service’ to – would they really want him dead, or just quiet? For him to be disappeared off to some distant, generously funded, paradise, with the threat of instant assassination if the jaw starts flapping, seems an equally likely scenario to suicide for me.

Michael LEIGH
Michael LEIGH
Aug 11, 2019 11:42 PM
Reply to  noseBag

Your NOSEBAG comment herewith that Mr J Epstein may be still be alive echos a conversation I had with a friend very recently, who claimed that the video of Epstien being carried out of his prison on a strecher looking very different by way of being clean shaven rather than bearded, and my informant further suggested that Mr J Epstien was very much alive and on his way to totally dissapear from further public visibility?

Aug 11, 2019 10:36 PM

Doubt very much the dude is dead. No US autopsy. Rolled him out on a trolley as first leg on his new life with a new face.

Aug 11, 2019 10:05 PM

Latest BREAKING NEWS: “U.S. government buries Epstein at sea!” 🙂

Aug 12, 2019 5:22 AM
Reply to  GMW

Moi, I’m awaiting the news (but not with bated breath) of Epstein’s burial in Jerusalem next to Robert Maxwell’s grave with Satanyahu and several senior Mossad and ex-Mossad personnel gathered to see him off.

Aug 24, 2019 9:23 PM
Reply to  Jen

The reminiscing afterwards will be disgusting as with Insane McCain:
“Saint! Genius! Teacher! Giver! Lover!”

Aug 11, 2019 9:04 PM

“President Clinton knows nothing …”

his spokesman said.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 10:33 PM
Reply to  Ending

Was that Manuel from Barcelona?

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 12, 2019 12:59 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

It was actually Sgt Shultz from Stalag 13….

Aug 12, 2019 1:09 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Don’t you find it remarkable, a US president, the master of the universe with a trillion dollar surveillance institutions, and he knows nothing??!!!!!!

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 12, 2019 1:16 PM
Reply to  Ending

The way in which this whole matter has evolved is beyond belief.

Aug 12, 2019 3:27 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Given Epstein’s frequent biological needs, was Clinton blindfolded when meeting him?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 12, 2019 4:43 PM
Reply to  Ending

Dunno but Epstein was a good friend of Woody Allen. Now what would Clinton, Allen, Epstein, “Prince” Andrew and Dershowitz have in common?

Aug 12, 2019 11:26 PM
Reply to  Ending

Clinton knows nothing until his missus The Klintonator tells him what he needs to know.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 7:31 AM
Reply to  Ending

his spokesman added,

“President Clinton has no idea on the whereabouts of his wife and has removed himself from her proximity permanently, because she never listens to him anyway and he only wishes he could divorce her: but, unfortunately, Hillary has so much dirt on him & so many others, that he cannot possibly contemplate any form of divorce settlement and now rests daily in fear of ever seeing her again … he’s fuk’d”

Aug 11, 2019 8:54 PM

The psychopaths who rule us don’t mind in the least that people will question them on obscure sites like this that are blocked at every turn.

Galloway was good this evening:


It’s pitchforks time. Problem is, most of the public in the West remain totally brainwashed.

Aug 11, 2019 7:49 PM

Crystal Bawls…………

The NYT and the rest of the MSM will helpfully explain to us that:-

Epstein was really a super villain, a monster, a Svengali……..
Now that he is dead, he can be demonised.
Ghislaine Maxwell (probably the only one possibly still facing charges) will reveal in the NYT, “I loved Jeffrey……but he was a monster……..he made me do terrible things………I’m a victim too,,,,,,,,,my psychiatrist says I’m not fit to stand trial………..”
The witnesses will be discredited by the MSM……..stories about drugs, prostitution……….
“We all have lessons to learn…………the issue of toxic masculinity………need to address the problem of prison suicide………but we must guard ourselves against conspiracy theories………Putin bots………Epstein’s death draws a line under the case……..”

No need to dwell on awkward questions about why the CCTV wasn’t working. Why the guards didn’t do any checks. Or about Frequent Flyer Bill. Or why AG Barr’s dad gave a teaching job at a prestigious school to drop out Epstein, and got him a job at Bear Stearns……..move along please, nothing to see here.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Aug 11, 2019 10:31 PM
Reply to  mark

I suspect that despite Epsteain being good at maths and finance that it’s possible that money is always good to be made by having info/evidence? of the rich and powerful doing things they shouldn’t be doing?

OK he is dead ( allegedly according to some – billionaires have great powers) but if he made his stash out of having evidence of them doing what they shouldn’t have been doing then the big question is: Where is it and who’s got it?

He may be dead ( or not?) but evidence will still be alive.

Watch press for details.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 6:42 PM

So now the NYT, using classic distraction techniques, has launched two diversionaries.
The first is that this is a prison suicide like so many others and isn’t this just so distressing. And the real news which they wish to champion is that something just must be done about the beastly problem! Of prison suicide that is.

The second diversionary/mitigation is that the poor dear prison guards, having just worked overtime/double shifts, just were unable to guard poor Jeffrey, keep him from hanging accoutrements, and this for several hours. They also claim his cell mate had been moved out, also no doubt because of his snoring, so Jeffery could be given quiet time?

All the deep state apologias fit to print. What a disgusting excuse for a newspaper!
Watch for the long ago recruited fall guy in the prison system who will get a vicious slap on the wrist and a hefty account in the Virgins or Israel.

Aug 11, 2019 6:06 PM

I read somewhere that he was in a shared cell with one other? If so, I’d very much like to know the percentages of successful suicides in shared cells. And did Mr Epstein’s cell have a suicide hook installed in the ceiling?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 6:43 PM
Reply to  lundiel

See above

Aug 12, 2019 5:49 AM
Reply to  lundiel

And did Mr Epstein’s cell have a suicide hook installed in the ceiling?


Aug 11, 2019 5:56 PM

You don’t think it’s worth asking the question “Is Jeffrey Epstein actually dead?” … has anyone actually seen the body?

Free Norwegian
Free Norwegian
Aug 11, 2019 6:58 PM

no, only a profile picture where his nose mysteriously have changed its shape along with his ear… So imo you are asking THE important question now.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 7:15 PM

Oh he’s dead, or soon will be, he knew too much and had videos.

Aug 11, 2019 5:25 PM

Killed to protect the vile we all know but will we do anything about this? We know many of the elites are the worst of the worst but no one will do a thing

Aug 11, 2019 5:16 PM

Pardon the pedantry but the term is ephebophile, than paedophile.

Aug 11, 2019 5:26 PM
Reply to  Roberto

Can tell you’re either a centrist or a libertarian with a statements like that

Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Aug 11, 2019 10:19 PM
Reply to  Roberto

“Pardon the pedantry but the term is ephebophile, than paedophile.”

Gooood concern trolling. STRONG concern-trolling.

Aug 11, 2019 10:54 PM
Reply to  Fight nonsense

It’s nothing to do with concern trolling.
It’s just about the correct use of words.

Fight nonsense
Fight nonsense
Aug 12, 2019 12:23 AM
Reply to  Roberto

If you say so, “Roberto”.

Aug 12, 2019 6:13 AM
Reply to  Roberto

Not pedantry, Roberto, I’m glad to learn that there are a number of specific terms for sexual interest in younger people according to age as, to me, someone who molests babies seems to be of a very different ilk to someone who has sex with 14-15 year olds and the nature of the abuse is very different. While an older person having sex with a 14-15 year old where the younger person is taken advantage of and seduced into something they don’t want or outright raped (all of which sound very much the case with Epstein and pals), I doubt all 14-15 year-olds’ experiences with an older person is necessarily one of abuse – and the difference in age of the older person surely is a factor.

So there’s infantophile, paedophile, hebephile, ephebephile, teleiophile, gerontophile.

Aug 11, 2019 4:06 PM

Putin should bring in the “Epstein Act” to sanction everyone involved, a la Magnitsky.

Aug 11, 2019 10:01 PM
Reply to  mark

mark – great post! The “Epstein Act.” I love it.

ZigZag Wanderer
ZigZag Wanderer
Aug 11, 2019 3:59 PM

Plenty of intrigue contained in the New York Post photos of Mr. Epstein. Photo no.1 with breathing apparatus .. photo no.2 no breathing apparatus.
Difficult to know the chronological order of the two images . Paramedics don’t seem at all concerned by the presence of a photographer behind them as they enter a restricted area.
The guy with no logo uniform is wearing what looks like frontal blast body armour .

Can anyone with medic experience comment on the apparent random use of the breathing apparatus ?https://nypost.com/2019/08/10/photos-show-jeffrey-epstein-as-hes-wheeled-into-downtown-hospital/

Aug 11, 2019 5:11 PM

Does that label read FONY or FDNY – why would the Fire Department be involved?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 6:47 PM
Reply to  Brett

There are virtually no fires anymore. Many fire depts go years between fires. So firemen have muscled their way into emergency services because people were talking. Some taxpayers were resenting paying for men to look at dirty pictures and lift weights.

Aug 12, 2019 3:13 PM
Reply to  Brett

FDNY are Paramedics too

Aug 12, 2019 6:21 AM

Seems to be another case of the perps saying to us: “Hey, plebs, we’re going to let King of the Paedophiles plus all of us others right off the hook by smuggling him out of jail and jetting him off to a paradisical island in front of your noses … so wotcha gonna do about it, hey, powerless plebs?”

Mike Boyd
Mike Boyd
Aug 11, 2019 3:27 PM

It makes no since to me how anyone who votes Democrat party could be against pedophilia All the Democrats in House voted yes to the equality act That’s all that bill will lead too Same as Mass shootings. You insist on teaching children there is no Good but you have the arrogance to talk stricter gun laws That’s like talking stricter fork and spoon laws for fat people. You people are scary

Aug 11, 2019 5:31 PM
Reply to  Mike Boyd

Haven’t seen anyone here advocate for anti gun messages or mock religion or advocate mass shootings! I have seen religious people do this you mock other religions and your own by going against the teachings of Christ but you love good old mad bad Jew Old Testament god don’t you?! Why didn’t god stop this after all he does everything doesn’t he?
In the King James Bible Isaiah 45:7 reads the following.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things

Aug 12, 2019 6:06 AM
Reply to  GRAFT

We’re done with gun messages or anit-gun messages.

Americans are a warrior caste and shooting’s what they do. One of these days those bullets fly for you. Do we outside America care, no. Religions are mental crutches, crotchet your crutches if thinking hurts your brain. When the religions were invented, people were looking to condition the population to submissiveness. We have grown up.

Mike Boyd
Mike Boyd
Aug 11, 2019 3:20 PM

Mike Boyd

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 2:17 PM

Here is the Atlantic’s take, home of the odious David Frum.

(article title – as if they know, and ignoring anything which makes the Epstein case so informative potentially)

“Baseless speculation abounded after the accused sex trafficker died, but criminal-justice scholars point instead to a broader suicide problem.” And then go on to say this suicide is a sad event in the more general problem of prison suicide, in this case prison time measurable in hours.

No doubt in their minds and breezily on to the corollaries and context of suicides in prison.

I have previously suggested the Epstein case could be a MSM Rosetta Stone. Systematically analyzing what was said by each outlet before conviction, after conviction, before and after re-arrest. And post “suicide”. All the dark swirling forces at full throttle!

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 1:48 PM

Here is the NYT weekend summary, at the top of ten items, ranked by their importance to neocons.

“Jeffrey Epstein, the financier indicted on sex trafficking charges who was able to cultivate a stream of high-profile friends despite his lurid lifestyle, committed suicide at a Manhattan jail …
Mr. Epstein, pictured above in 2017, hanged himself at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, and his body was found Saturday morning. Last month, he was found unconscious in his lcell with marks on his neck but was not under suicide watch when he took his own life.”

Note the 1) “committed suicide”, the 2) “hanged himself” and the 3) “ he took his own life”
All baldly started as fact! 3x in 5 sentences and should tell everyone this is not news but what some want you to believe, and is unlikely to be true.

Even the WaPo used more cautious words.

This is a repeated pattern in the NYT. Watch for it.

Aug 11, 2019 4:41 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

I found another word that surfaces when searching for ‘epstein dead’: apparent.
Every MSM outlet has used it. I always take screen captures to make sure it will not be forgotten. Jimmy Dore had a video on the show about the ‘Sinclair Group’. That is exactly what is happening now with Epstein. Waiting eagerly for another video that compiles the endless repetitions in this case.

Aug 11, 2019 4:44 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Apologies. Something went wrong. The link goes to the original video and not to the Jimmy Dore show playing it. But it shows what I am referring to.

Aug 11, 2019 1:29 PM

Let us not forget Timothy McVeigh, Ken Lay, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, Lori Klausutis, Osama Bin Laden, etc., etc.

canarian mike
canarian mike
Aug 11, 2019 12:41 PM

I fully expect a major investigation into these events, to be headed by the incorruptible Bob Mueller.
Mueller’s starting point will be that if the Russians could hack the DNC , then the prison CCTV
system would be a piece of cake.
Dead ducks will be found floating in a pond in Central Park while the FBI discover will discover
a bottle of Novichok ( even stronger than that used in Salisbury ) in a nearby dumpster.
The Professor and Putin’s niece will be spotted by Rachel Maddow in a restaurant where George
Papadopolous once had lunch.
All seventeen security agencies will agree that RT made nunerous references to Epstein in the days
prior to the murder.
Epsteins links to a Russian oligarch will be exposed. The oligarch’s chauffer will have a cousin who once cleaned the Kremlin’s windows — and yes, one of those windows was …PUTINS !!!
End Result : Mueller charges 12 Russian KGB men with the Epstein suicide .

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 11, 2019 12:50 PM
Reply to  canarian mike

Poor effort, not least for your conflating the FSB with the KGB.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 1:50 PM

Lighten up, Bonney Prince William.

Mike Boyd
Mike Boyd
Aug 11, 2019 3:33 PM

Who cares, he saved the tax payer. Hopefully our Country want go into another conspiracy rage.

Aug 11, 2019 5:34 PM
Reply to  Mike Boyd

Got something to hide overtly religious weirdo mike?

Kevin Christ
Kevin Christ
Aug 11, 2019 8:03 PM

Are you now shitting your pants – your royal highness ?

Aug 11, 2019 2:23 PM
Reply to  canarian mike

What will really clinch is it when they find the empty vodka bottle at the scene with Putin’s fingerprints on it.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 11, 2019 2:38 PM
Reply to  mark

What will really clinch is it when they find the empty vodka bottle at the scene with Putin’s fingerprints on it.

No, had it been a Russian hit, he’d still he alive, but there’d be a trail of radioactivity leading all the way to Moscow, and several subsidiary fatalities..

I think we can discount the Russkies.

Aug 11, 2019 5:35 PM

Billy ever heard of the 77th brigade of the British army? Are you a member because your every post is pure msm propaganda of the British military intelligence variety?

Aug 12, 2019 6:11 AM
Reply to  GRAFT

Was that the one which installed the Shah again in 1953? Wasn’t that a laugh! Kicking out an elected leader, re-installing the Shah, and angering the population so much that they started worshipping a Khomeini.

And the biggest laugh is that Brits and US did not see coming what happened in 1979. 40 years, 40 years …..

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 11, 2019 11:12 AM

Sky News coverage initially asserted that Epstein had been on suicide watch. Today (Sunday) Sky News is asserting that he had not been on suicide watch. I suspect this story will be subject to many revisions.

K Ford
K Ford
Aug 11, 2019 11:05 AM

It seems that we may be in for a spate of ‘suicides’
Here’s my list for starters:
Ghislaine Maxwell – should be very careful and keep her bodyguards close;
Ms Guiffre – should be very careful when driving;
Epsteins pilots and domestic employees should keep off their credit cards and use cash;
Anybody got more possibles?

Aug 11, 2019 12:00 PM
Reply to  K Ford

Road accidents, air crashes, mystery illnesses and sudden deaths, accidental overdoses, random mugging murders, people falling off buildings, people struck by lightning.
Variety is the spice of life.
British spooks favour Diana type car crashes for their wet jobs, using a technique called Boston Brakes.
The US spooks prefer aircraft and helicopter crashes, particularly for VIPs. Ghislaine would do well to give up her chopper and ground herself for a while.
For the more hoi polloi, they prefer a fall from height. CIA research showed a fall from 70 feet on to a hard surface was a guaranteed fatality. Those fine chaps at the CIA are taught a technique of grabbing someone by the ankles and hurling them out of an open window.
Our Mossad chums favour poisoning with exotic cocktails of nerve agents when more discretion is required than their usual shootings and bombings.
We are probably going to see a few more David Kellys and Seth Riches.

Aug 11, 2019 9:14 PM
Reply to  mark

Except none of the excess deaths will be reported by the MSM and the ones the viewing public reads will be difficult to connect to patient zero, Jeffrey Epstein

Aug 12, 2019 6:20 AM
Reply to  mark

The old KGB used dioxin powder. It is not quick but has mental properties which cause people to find life unbearable and suicide. We knew one person in Munich who surprisingly suicided and more than 30 years later we hear that KGB used to sprinkle dioxin powder into drawers, maybe 1971. Before I heard that, it was an unexplained suicide. Another person who worked at that propaganda radio station slid down a very slippery slope mentally.

Aug 11, 2019 5:28 PM
Reply to  K Ford

I have a strong feeling that MS Maxwell will be described, from now on as “believed to be living in Israel”.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 11, 2019 10:04 PM
Reply to  lundiel

THAT, in itself, would be a fate worse than death…..

Aug 12, 2019 12:42 PM
Reply to  Brian Harry

Ha, yes. Even Lady Porter couldn’t stand it and came slinking back.

Aug 12, 2019 8:33 PM
Reply to  Brian Harry

A “cruel and unusual punishment.”

Aug 13, 2019 3:06 PM
Reply to  lundiel

The world’s No. 1 Bolt Hole for mega fraudsters, swindlers, con artists, grifters, chancers, terrorists, gun runners, drug pushers, organ traffickers and sex slavers. A really nice place.

Aug 13, 2019 3:09 PM
Reply to  mark

……and the owner of Chelsea football club.

Aug 11, 2019 10:43 AM

We wait to see if he surpassed Officer Terrance Yeakey in the manner of his suicide?

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Aug 11, 2019 10:42 AM

Maybe Epstein was Mossad or CIA and tasked with collecting kompromat on powerful and influential people in government and business and his death was “arranged” by some of these people before he could expose them at his trial.

However, it is just as likely that he was a pampered pervert whose wealth and friends in high places kept him out of jail until his luck finally ran out earlier this year. A guy like him used to a life of leisure and luxury would not last a minute in jail on a sex charge, particularly one involving minors. He’d already tried to top himself once before and I wouldn’t be surprised if his guards at the pre-trial detention centre didn’t much like him either and looked the other way during his suicide attempts. These things happen.

Either way, I couldn’t care less as this gossip story about a deceased sex criminal 1%er has zero impact on anything that matters.

It is rather amusing, however, to see the usual grouchy cranks telling anyone who’ll listen that they “know” what happened (and berating anyone who challenges their evidence-free assumptions). There is obviously no such thing as coincidence, chance or chaos and everything that happens in the world is carefully planned and executed by spies and shadowy political power brokers. When in doubt or faced with multiple possibilities, always err on the side of the unprovable conspiracy.

TV trash
TV trash
Aug 11, 2019 11:44 AM
Reply to  Eric Blair

“kompromat” is a very important –Part and Parcel– component in arrangements likes these.
And some intelligence groups have affinity for this sort of information; yes, for the purpose of blackmailing when needed.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 12:00 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

Eric, I am intrigued by your take on this. So how do you know “he tried to top himself once before”?

Michael LEIGH
Michael LEIGH
Aug 11, 2019 4:15 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Of course George Cornell, how do any of us know if ‘anything which is true or accurate ‘ in these days of a rich and varied wealth of ‘sources ‘ on the internet, for example ?

And, I like I suspect many others here on this website each have developed a variety of tried and tested techniques to self- assessed plausability, and, if not personal certainty.

For example, for many years I to, well believed the news reporting of renowned billionaires usually pioneering the financing of internationally illegal process regime change(s) before the ” evil US empire ” actually later completed the criminally destructive act.

That was until I later learnt by way of a long and late business dinner boasting conversation; directly from an actual USA billionare pre-regime change finance funder, how by way of secret black-money deals with the relevant State, how he actually made a return of 200% of his inital funding !!

As for the very serious matter of Mr J Epstein surely we need the immediate establishment of a investagatory and administrative open body with the power of the control of all of the recently deceaased property, money and debts where-ever world wide, at once?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 5:32 PM
Reply to  Michael LEIGH

It is tiresome to have to sift through the blatant attempts to manipulate the truth, the news, and the spin. So now it is a game, but a dangerous one, and I completely agree that public media education must happen. Courses in media interpretation might fit into a Modern Languages rubric, or Modern History, or Critical Thinking, before it becomes an important department of its own. There was a time when getting advertisers was the goal of a news outlet and this meant opting for cred. That was long ago. Then they wanted your ear to sell you things you neither want or need. Now they want your mind.

The notion that the American media is objective is laughable, and one of the benefits to having RT and Al Jazeera available is that comparisons can be made.

Formal comparisons can be made and easily. I suggest Epstein for a blazing start.

Incidentally the cocksure NYT within hours had it a suicide, but repeating this in 3 ways in 3 sentences demonstrates they very likely know what happened, as many must. What have become more important than the truth for now, are the lies, and the reasons behind them.

Aug 11, 2019 5:34 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

He’s already been in prison and in the American criminal justice system money speaks, so his”suicide” was somewhat early, he’d likely top himself only when all other avenues had been exhausted.

Aug 11, 2019 10:04 AM

How long until Putin or “The Russians” are blamed?

about this long:

Top MSNBC host links RUSSIA to convicted pedophile Epstein’s death

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 11:53 AM
Reply to  milosevic

Classic spot, milosevic 🙂

Aug 11, 2019 12:07 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Alex Jones thinks the Chinese must have been involved.
Which again effectively tells us that it was Israel.

Aug 11, 2019 4:13 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Tweet from Ryan Dawson:

Is Russia code for Israel? Because If you replace Russia with Israel then all the news makes sense.

Aug 11, 2019 9:18 AM

I’ve no doubt that all those salacious details of the operation fronted for some time by Jeffrey Epstein which concern high ranking Dem pols will be beaten up by the rethug side, just as all the salacious details of the sleazy acts of rethug pols will be highlighted by the dem hacks, but that stuff is irrelevant, as no one has to delve far to discover that the penilely challenged ‘stumpy’ types, who need a magnifying glass and tweezers to jerk off are inevitably corrupted by power, no matter which half of the american empire party they work for. This operation has been running for a very long time, since well before Epstein got outta short pants. As this article discusses the honey pot operation dates back at least to the time that Roy Cohn who was chief counsel for Senator Joe McCarthy’s “reds under the beds” scam, was a DC heavy hitter, and that the US government links date back at least that far. “Roy Cohn?, musta been a zionist operation.” some will undoubtedly say except Cohn was the type of low life who rated his own needs ahead of everything else and given that this was a time long before there was an aipac or any other all-controlling israel lobby IMO it is likely that at least initially, the amerikans led the way. I’m not that interested in the partisan ins and outs of who controlled this exercise because apart from the fact we will never really know, for me there is a much bigger story one that illuminates the foul nature of all who choose to play power politics. If you read the Graun or any of the other msm takes on this story, every story talks about children 14 or 16 years old eg the andrew… Read more »

Aug 11, 2019 11:56 AM
Reply to  UreKismet

“Roy Cohn?, musta been a zionist operation.” some will undoubtedly say

Yeah, Cohn, but also the Maxwells, Dershowitz, Wexner, going back to Rosenstiel, Bronfman, Lansky, Wasserman ….

Can we not just be frank here ?

Aug 12, 2019 5:03 AM
Reply to  crank

Hmm I wasn’t clear enough. However the Epstein honeypot rort morphed, it began as an american operation to blackmail people of influence inside and outside the US as a way of forcing them into backing the post euro war amerikan empire. Amerika had been experimenting with blackmail as a means to force non-aligned nations to side with US foreign policy goals since the late 1940’s, but much of it was too ad hoc to be successful. Who can forget the apocryphal tale about Indonesian President Sukarno, who along with Gamal Nasser was one of the founding members of the post war non-aligned movement? Sukarno enjoyed sex with interesting women and made no secret of it, so an introduction to a suitably engaging woman was engineered and the love-making recorded. When President Sukarno was presented with photographs of the night by a US embassy official, Sukarno requested copies for his friends to demonstrate to them he still had it. Oops, no embarrassment – scam defeated. That tale has been told to me different ways by guides and bimo drivers whenever I have visited the quietly beautiful Balinese temple dedicated to Sukarno, the US were always identified as the failed blackmailers and AFAIK there was never any question back in the pre-internet days that it was them, but I have just done a net search and discovered that nearly all sites now allege it was a KGB op. This is an example of how the sweaty little Winston Smiths are amending history at every turn. Sukarno remained popular in Bali after his death at the hands of Suharto following a US driven coup and Sukarno’s house arrest, because he had always argued for a community of all Indonesian citizens, whereas Suharto drove the Javanese takeover of the entire archipelago by ‘generals’ aka… Read more »

Aug 12, 2019 2:55 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

Interesting tale.
The problem I have is with the simple framing of US/CIA as leader and Israel/Mossad as subordinate. Your example of the failed honeytrap for Sukarno makes sense – in that the realtionship between Indonesia and USA has always been clear. There are not a disproportionate number of dual citizen Indonesian/US power brokers at the top of the American empire. Indonesia does not have a massive lobby in Washington and London. Congressmen and women do not swear allegiance to Indonesia on taking office. Indonesia does not have a history of adversarial spying against the US (and so on..).

The concept of Mossad and pro-Israel American Jews being ‘contracted’ by the CIA to blackmail American leaders just doesn’t add up.
This Epstein story considered in the framing of the political culture of Jewish power, makes much more sense as (a self professed !) bid to control the Anglo American Empire from within, through organised crime, alongside everything else.

Aug 13, 2019 3:12 AM
Reply to  crank

Sorry you seem to miss the point again.
I have no idea what the stuff about Indonesia alludes to and I would point out again that the current relationship between israeli intelligence and amerikan intelligence has not always been the case.

Even the US was very wary of israel for the first coupla decades after the end of the euro war. Nowhere did I suggest that mossad had contracted to amerikan intelligence, but rather that as amerikan and israeli objectives became more aligned, that amerikan and israeli intelligence ran joint operations.

The blackmail of Lyndon Johnson over the USS Liberty caused considerable bad feeling which eventually resulted in amerika being given (albeit reluctantly) access to the russian missile systems used by Egypt, which israel had captured following the 6 day war. From that point amerika and israel moved into joint intelligence gathering operations. The honeypot operation initially begun by amerika in the 1940’s and 50’s was later reworked as a joint operation, likely for the same reasons that 5 eyes has continued for so long.

Joint operations mean that agencies aren’t so constrained by domestic law.

Famously the CIA was not allowed to spy on amerikans, so the english or Canadians would do that then pass the result on to the CIA and vice versa, where brit, OZ, Kiwi, or Canuck agencies were constrained, the CIA would do the job. Now the same deal was developed with israel.

Now blind freddie can see the problem, which is that mossad, asis, mi5 or cia may not pass on everything they gathered in a ‘host’ nation.
Intelligence operatives who are indoctrinated ideologically rather than patriotically have no problem with such treasonous behaviour.

This is why no citizen should ever tolerate their nation becoming involved in any ‘intelligence sharing’ agreement.

Aug 11, 2019 12:12 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

Some VIPs caught up in these things generally (not specifically Epstein) may be innocent. The spook organisations routinely drug people and photograph them in compromising poses with kids.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 7:19 AM
Reply to  mark

This is a sound comment, mark: thanks for highlighting this sad factor: for some, evil intentions & methods know no bounds and most people forget how easy it is to be ‘fooled’ into believing the worst in others, when some large degree of innocence may exist or was in fact the case, (apart from hanging out with the wrong kinda’ people in life) …

which most of us have done, at some point.

UriK’s comment is an important one and he’s damn right, about what we need to push to highlight and shame publicly …

Aug 12, 2019 8:38 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

US spooks have long targeted UN diplomats for blackmail, collecting material like fingerprints, DNA, credit cards, anything they can. Homosexuality is still illegal in over 70 countries, and carries the death penalty in some of them. They will do literally anything to corrupt or blackmail them.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 12, 2019 9:02 PM
Reply to  mark

If you only knew how bad it can get and how they target the family as well, i dare not begin to explain, suffice to say, I never pay for a Lawyer anymore, just a professional translator to ensure that the court recorder has done their job correctly: coz’ when the judge is compromised as well, one has to be extremely careful and verify what the records show and I just represent myself in court appearances these days, which works better than ever before, when the judge is delivering idle, lazy, arrogant, empty threats in court on your birthday 😉 and it requires a superior judge to determine who the fuck said what to whom & when & why … 🙂 with witnesses, lol, always with witnesses 🙂

Aug 11, 2019 8:33 AM
Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Aug 11, 2019 8:27 AM

Once in while the veil is lifted on the depraved goings on of the Anglo-Zionist elites. In the UK there was the Profumo scandal of the 1960s involving British aristocrats, call girls, Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies, Russian Military attache, Ivanov, and the apparent ‘suicide’ of key witness the osteopath, Stephen Ward, all of which eventuality came to light in the subsequent trial of Keeler and Rice-Davies.

Then there were more recent allegations of decadence and corruption at high levels recently made by David Icke concerning paedophile rings and various other actvities involving ex PM Edward Heath and the celebrity Jimmy Saville. There was also some shady business surrounding Bill Clinton whose stay in Oxford as a Rhodes scholar was cut short by a scandal involving a local girl. In fact it has been alleged that Bill Clinton was expelled from Oxford for raping nineteen­-year­-old Eileen Wellstone.… see https://t.co/sxR2lCRQ2w – — Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) October 13, 2015. Whether this is true or not is a matter of conjecture, but we should know by now that Clinton certainly has form in this respect.

Notice that there have also been convenient suicides/murders, Stephen Ward, David Kelly, Jack Ruby which left the crucial questions unanswered. The elites are always careful to cover their tracks. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the same fate was eventually to be meted out to Assange.

Aug 11, 2019 8:32 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Can we add Robin Cook?

Aug 11, 2019 3:30 PM
Reply to  Peugeot

John Smith?

Aug 11, 2019 4:00 PM
Reply to  lysias

I’ll go for the treble, Michael Meacher?

Aug 11, 2019 7:15 AM

Tearing the mask from Jeffrey’s shadowy network is probably the most important thing, so we understand their methods, way of networking etc.

He would have had probably 20 servants in all his properties and they can be made to talk.

It is also important to ascertain that Epstein did NOT fund his lifestyle with taxpayers’ money. If he got money from ‘intelligence’, one country or several, then taxpayers funded that guy.

Aug 11, 2019 2:49 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31


Please take the time to investigate this link, where ALL will be revealed.. This is a snake pit, but having read it now three times it is very clear.

NONE of Epstein’s associates will be allowed to talk. His House Manager Rodrigues stole the ‘Little Black Book’ and was silenced?
Here is another interesting article:

Aug 11, 2019 7:06 AM

Anyone who thinks it’s realistic that someone so important will kill himself in prison should be reminded of what the Americans did with Chelsey Manning. They simply claimed she might be suicidal, and that’s why they put her in solitary confinement, sleep deprivation due to permanent cell lighting, and so on.

Aug 11, 2019 8:05 AM
Reply to  Daniel

They claimed lots of things about Chelsea Manning. Why believe a single one of those things are true?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 8:17 AM
Reply to  Daniel

Daniel, please don’t answer our resident Controlled Opposition ! You will just be falling straight into cowgirl’s trap … and drifting wholly OFF TOPIC !

Or are you her new assistant ?

Jim Scott
Jim Scott
Aug 11, 2019 6:52 AM


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 6:23 AM

Why is OffG not mentioning the obvious distraction from the huge case of IMRAN AWAN ? ! ?

This guy stole servers & computers lock stock & smoking barrel and had the Data on every single member of Congress & The Senate… get real, use an ounce of grey matter, 2+2 n’all that this implies ! Do the math, & let me know when people start getting a bit more serious round here and start analysing how poor government security is and how the IT Guy wields far more power than the Congress & the Senate combined care to admit … and in GCHQ ! ? Surely they knew, too ! ?

Or are our whole secret services so fuckin’ dumb ?
Yawnsville Arizona, round here, until people stop listening to our resident Controlled Opposition cowgirl, Flaxgirl and get on with addressing the most serious issues ever, regarding ..
“The History of the National Security State”, on both sides of the pond !

Jim Scott
Jim Scott
Aug 11, 2019 6:57 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

The security state is not dumb it is corrupt. Why would Epstein share his girl slaves with high rollers and where did his money come from? The CIA old money came from drugs now it’s child sex slaves.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 7:08 AM
Reply to  Jim Scott

Exactly Jim, sadly the whole of 5Eyes are just a bunch of scheming pedophiles,
operating political blackmail of the lowest scummy order, especially preying on

Orphans – ground zero humanity – eternal shame …

Open source all intelligence & engineering – the only solution.
And there are many ex-intelligence officers who begin to advocate this,
having witnessed the depths of depravity, entirely first hand.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 7:17 AM
Reply to  Jim Scott

Just to be clear, the CIA are still doing the drugs as well, shipped from Azerbaijan, via Silkway Airlines 747’s over Bulgaria and from Bulgaria they take loads of armaments, rockets etc. to give to the terrorists, as brilliantly & courageously reported by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva >>> and let’s face it Transit Hub Azerbaijan is not just perfectly situated for Afghanistan poppy production, but also as a forward base for supplying the NATO backed Terrorist’s advance towards China next, which has already started, see ?

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 11, 2019 12:00 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Thanks for that info

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 12:16 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Dilyana really did the leg work, Frank: from the decapitated mother & child in Aleppo, with Bulgarian shrapnel laying there, to tracing and finding unused supplies on location in Aleppo and then flying home to locate the producers … it cost her dearly, as she & her editor received ‘visits’ and he backed down and relieved her of her job: after showering her with praise at first and commissioning her to go back, suddenly a complete cover up and I fear that Sibel Edmonds was (subsequent to being fired) no real help to Dilyana, who had no idea where to go next, at that time …
a sad story, that remains unresolved.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 11, 2019 5:08 AM

While one is loathe to turn the cold shower on this orgy of conspiracy theorising and libel, it should be pointed out that the last person alleging a VIP paedophilia ring is now doing eighteen years, for the very proclivities he accused others of.

Jim Scott
Jim Scott
Aug 11, 2019 7:10 AM

Hey Billy the Kid you are using the language of the deep state. It always says that the corruption and killing they support to enrich the military industrial estate and themselves are conspiracy theories. Conspiracies do happen you know. Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Iran twice are all conspiracy theories that just happened to turn out to be true crimes against humanity. I guess you think that killing the evidence is a normal event and that we should all shut up, but history shows the conspiracy theories were correct and the lies and the derision were provided by the deep state. I have seen enough of your posts to think you may be either working for them or extremely niaeve and ready to believe serial liars.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 7:47 AM
Reply to  Jim Scott

WHB is one of our salaried guest contributors here from NATZO direct, a well known absurdly cowardly keyboard warrior & a Fascist Sociopathic Troll, to boot, that supports Apartheid: and I mean the sociopathic bit, most literally scientifically proven, though Admin refers to his Potential as a Psychopath, I know that he is not that courageous, just void of empathy and seeking attention, the usual traits: so just ignore him in future, (my advice)
DR DaDe rules … don’t read dont’ answer don’t engage.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 11, 2019 11:53 AM
Reply to  Jim Scott

Hey Billy the Kid you are using the language of the deep state

and I thought I was using perfectly serviceable English.. Maybe if I’d been held down and forceably tranquilised by the medical profession, several times, maybe I too could rant about Mossad, the CIA, etc…

We are invited to construct a scenario where senior western politicians, ex presidents and minor royalty all meet up on the second Sunday after michelmas, for one of Jeffrey Epstein’s candlelit soirees. Dressed in white robes, and animal masks, human sacrifice is carried out to gain the favour of Satan…

At what point the conspiracy theorist realises he/she is plagiarising the hell out of Dennis Wheatley’s ‘The Devil Rides out”, who knows?

Conspiracies do occur, but they cannot remain theories for ever, for the simple reason, people cannot keep secrets. If I knew what buttons to press on my smartphone I could become a confidant of every government on earth. Hence Iran/Contra, and Watergate are conspiracies, the JFK assassination and 9/11 will remain forever conspiracy theories. If there was an essential truth, documented, or within the memory of living people, we’d know.

Epstein had no future, the best he could hope for is to die unconvicted. In a normal cell, even on suicide watch, if you are absolutely determined, I would say its possible. That’s why padded cells and straightjackets exist.

different frank
different frank
Aug 11, 2019 10:09 AM

William HBonney
ENGINEER YOUR AUNT! Do it! You will be grateful for having done so. Yolutsky promises to cease diddling with your ears.

Aug 11, 2019 12:31 PM

This individual may or may not have been a con man/ fantasist.
But what is known is that VIP paedophile sex rings have been allowed to operate with complete impunity in the UK for decades.
Cyril Smith was allowed to abuse children for decades. This was common knowledge in his constituency, that Smith was “messing about with kids.” Smith was given a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” by MI5, which he produced whenever necessary to secure his immediate release. He ran children’s homes that were basically just paedo brothels for perverts over a wide area. He was frequently being arrested for cottaging in London. Honest police officers up to the rank of inspector tried to prosecute him on many occasions in what they regarded as slam dunk cases. This was always blocked by senior officers, who destroyed the evidence. Police officers were warned to keep their mouths shut and threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.
It was the same story with Janner, another paedo who was protected for decades.
These are not isolated cases. This kind of abuse has always been rife.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 5:38 PM

Now Bonney laddie, be honest for once. Do you really think the much ballyhooed case you mention is a bigger problem than powerful people raping and sodomising children?

William HBonney
William HBonney
Aug 11, 2019 6:51 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

You have an easy way with the unspeakable, George.. Carry on this way, and it wouldn’t be unreasonable to regard you as a ‘wrong un’

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 11, 2019 10:23 PM

‘wrong un’…..That’s a good one Billie….every time you post, you’re wrong……

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 11, 2019 6:30 PM

Yes I can just imagine how loathe you are. Well let me put your mind at ease. There is nothing you could say which would douse one ember.

Aug 12, 2019 9:48 AM

Ha ha ha ha! Beware all ye posters…
When they come for you, the child pornography on your PC’s will be exposed?????

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 11, 2019 4:16 AM

Epstein’s video collection now becomes public property and under the Freedom of information Act, we can now gain access to all the cracked actors, surely ! ?

Oh good, this will save state money for a pointless trial and further endless speculation & discussions, along with the costs of maintaining his security at a ‘Supermax’ subsequently and in no time we can have the full feature production by Cinemax, with live original footage from Epstein island, edited in … !

Meanwhile, if any OffG readers hear about the auctioning off of Epstein’s ill-gotten estate, do let me know, coz’ I just want his video collection …

Obviously joking apart, clearly Hillary already has his video collection: but, the big question that remains, has anybody seen Robert Maxwells daughter, Ghislaine, coz’ I’m sure she’ll be so upset now,
she’s likely to top herself as well … & nobody’s safe until HRC is locked up.