Manufacturing Mass Fascism Hysteria
CJ Hopkins

If the neoliberal ruling classes expect to keep the American masses worked up into a white-eyed hysteria over “fascism” until November 2020, they’re going to need to get some better Nazis. The current Nazis are just not going to cut it. They are neither scary nor Nazi enough.
OK, the militia ones look kind of scary, and that “Based Spartan” guy looks kind of … uh, weird, but most of them just look like regular old rednecks. How hard would it be to get them some brown shirts, or those khaki pants like they wore in Charlottesville, or some other type of Nazi-like uniform?
And some jackboots. People love those jackboots.
Seriously, the Resistance need to get their official narrative optics in order, and they need to do it without delay. Millions of liberals are standing by to be brainwashed into a year-long frenzy of manufactured mass “fascism” hysteria, but they are going to need some halfway convincing Nazis to spastically freak out over. A few hundred bozos in MAGA hats parading around with American flags does not exactly a Sturmabteilung make.
I’m referring, of course, to the latest “fascist invasion” of Portland that took place last Saturday, which, according to the corporate media, and Antifa, and local fascism experts, was supposed to be a veritable bloodbath. Heavily-armed white supremacist terrorists were flying in from around the country to indiscriminately murder as many “Black, Asian, Latino, indigenous, immigrant, Pacific islander, disabled, houseless, and LGBTQ persons” as possible.
This white supremacist terrorist kill-fest was going to be revenge for the preventively self-defensive beating of Andy Ngo, “the most dangerous fascist grifter in America,” by Antifa militants earlier this month.
Ngo (who most people had never heard of until Antifa militants beat him senseless), although he poses as a legitimate journalist by writing for outlets like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Quillette, and so on, is allegedly a fascist intelligence asset in charge of compiling fascist “kill lists” consisting of the names of assorted well-known Portland anti-fascist figures (who most people had also never heard of until they claimed that Ngo had put them on his “kill list”).
Alexander Reid Ross, for example, an extremely influential “fascism expert,” outreach specialist, and geography teacher, who is hot on the trail of the Putin-Nazi plot to form a syncretic alliance of Assad-loving, Duginist, LaRouchian Nazis led by Max Blumenthal and Vanessa Beeley, or possibly Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson … or something more or less along those lines (see Ross’ seminal paranoid ravings, which the SPLC was forced to retract by Blumenthal’s fascist legal counsel.)
Ross reportedly remains in hiding in a safehouse in an undisclosed location somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, presumably protected by the FBI, while he continues his important work.
And then there are the notorious Proud Boys, a gang of self-described “Western chauvinists” who apparently haven’t been laid in years.
According to the SPLC (which has designated them an official “hate group”):
There are three degrees of membership within the Proud Boys, and to become a first degree in the “pro-West fraternal organization” a prospective member simply has to declare “I am a western chauvinist, and I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.”
To enter the second degree, a Proud Boy has to endure a beating until they can yell out the names of five breakfast cereals (in order to demonstrate “adrenaline control”) and give up masturbation because, in theory, it will leave them more inclined to go out and meet women.
Those who enter the third degree have demonstrated their commitment by getting a Proud Boys tattoo. Any man — no matter his race or sexual-orientation — can join the fraternal organization as long as they “recognize that white men are not the problem.”
Such is the caliber of the cast the Resistance are featuring in their “fascism” fantasy. As you can see, it’s not exactly the A-list. If they’re going to stick with the “fascism” hysteria from now until November 2020 (which is really the only option they have left, what with “Russiagate” having blown up in their faces), the least they can do is get some real Nazis, and some semi-respectable Nazi hunters, and cut out this pathetic Portlandia nonsense.
The Resistance owes liberals at least that much, especially after making them look like fools by leading them on for three years with their ridiculous “Russiagate” hysteria.
Sure, the “fascism” hysteria is an easier sell, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have to sell it. It’s not like they can just abruptly switch from the “Russiagate” narrative to the “fascism” narrative (as if their Russiagate hoax had not just been exposed) and expect liberals to go along with it like the members of some enormous cult.
Or, I don’t know … maybe they can. The New York Times certainly appears to think so. Check out this exchange between executive editor Dean Baquet and an anonymous staffer at an emergency in-house “town hall” meeting convened after The Times changed a page one headline because it didn’t paint Trump as racist enough.
(The transcript is Slate’s; emphasis is mine.)
Staffer: I’m wondering what is the overall strategy here for getting us through this administration and the way we cover it … people don’t understand. I think they get confused as to what we’re trying to do.
Baquet: OK. I mean, let me go back a little bit for one second to just repeat what I said in my in my short preamble about coverage. Chapter 1 of the story of Donald Trump, not only for our newsroom but, frankly, for our readers, was: Did Donald Trump have untoward relationships with the Russians, and was there obstruction of justice? That was a really hard story, by the way, let’s not forget that. We set ourselves up to cover that story. I’m going to say it. We won two Pulitzer Prizes covering that story. And I think we covered that story better than anybody else.
The day Bob Mueller walked off that witness stand, two things happened. Our readers who want Donald Trump to go away suddenly thought, “Holy shit, Bob Mueller is not going to do it.” And Donald Trump got a little emboldened politically, I think. Because, you know, for obvious reasons. And I think that the story changed. A lot of the stuff we’re talking about started to emerge like six or seven weeks ago. We’re a little tiny bit flat-footed. I mean, that’s what happens when a story looks a certain way for two years. Right?
I think that we’ve got to change. I mean, the vision for coverage for the next two years is what I talked about earlier: How do we cover a guy who makes these kinds of [racist] remarks?How do we cover the world’s reaction to him? How do we do that while continuing to cover his policies? How do we cover America, that’s become so divided by Donald Trump? How do we grapple with all the stuff you all are talking about? How do we write about race in a thoughtful way, something we haven’t done in a large way in a long time? That, to me, is the vision for coverage. You all are going to have to help us shape that vision. But I think that’s what we’re going to have to do for the rest of the next two years.
For anyone not entirely fluent in Pulitzer-winning Professional Journalism Speak, that translates roughly as “OK, no more Russia stuff. We’re switching to the fascism and racism stuff, and we’ll be hammering on it until Trump is history.”
Which is fine with me. I don’t like Donald Trump. And Americans are certainly racists … uh, working class Americans, that is. Sorry, white working class Americans, not Black people, or the staff of The New York Times, or the neoliberal ruling classes. Unless they’re disabled, or houseless, or Latino, or indigenous, or LGBTQ (i.e., the white working class Americans, not the ruling classes). In which case, they get a pass on the racism. But the rest of us are all white supremacists, and homophobic anti-Semites, and xenophobic racist transphobes, and … well, basically, a bunch of Nazis.
What? You don’t believe that most white Americans are Hitler-loving, Sieg-heiling Nazis who want to mass murder all the Jews and the Mexicans and re-enslave all the African Americans? How do you think Donald Trump got elected? Somebody stole the presidency from Clinton. If it wasn’t the Russians, it had to be the fascists! I mean, after all, who else is there?
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“How would you folks identify yourselves?”
“I’m black……I’m Asian……I’m Jewish…….I’m gay……I’m a trannie.”
“Great, cool, fine.”
“I’m white.”
“You f*****g disgusting racist Nazi piece of filth! Get outa here!! Sack this man!!! Jail this man!!! Kick him out!!!”
“Great news! Here in Silicon Valley we didn’t hire any white people this year!”
“Great news! Here at the university we set up safe spaces where white people aren’t allowed to go!”
“Great news! Here at the advertising agency we banned white characters from our commercials!”
“You’re white and you’ve got too many beans on your plate!”
“You aren’t allowed to express any opinions because of your white privilege!”
Time to put on that white hood and start burning some crosses.
Fascists – who choose to believe in inequality and make alliances / allegiances with oppressors and abusers who have power and rule – can be anyone. They can be idiots or presidents. They can be uncaring investors or journos or teachers or barking at the moon crazy. Being an idiot does ‘not’ exclude you from the nazi camp. There are LOTS of fascists around. And it IS a problem.
Fascist is a meaningless term of abuse.
It means somebody you disagree with.
There are millions of fascists.
Everybody is a fascist.
We are all fascists now.
So when I call an abusive fascist like Netanyahu a fascist, I’m abusing him and I shouldn’t? And no, I’m not a fascist. I don’t believe in inequality. Fascists choose – and it is choice – to believe that the political class and the capitalist class should work together and run society, cutting the people out. To do that requires them to employ serious abuse, on top of that basic abuse. Some people will push back. I’d say that 1% of the iconic 99% will push back, meaningfully. They will oppose the status quo. They will care enough to know, even while their fellow 99 percenters, like zombies, attack them along with the fascist 1%. And the counter pushback of the 1% will be fierce. That’s called counterrevolution and, when it gets real and physical, counterinsurgency.
“Brain Rot And Darkness” –
You could call Nuttyyahoo many things.
A Talmudic supremacist, a mass murderer, a war criminal, a corrupt mendacious con man, and much worse than that.
But terms like fascist and Nazi and racist and anti semite have been so over used that they have become devalued and largely meaningless, sort of like the Zimbabwe dollar.
Being described in those terms is often no longer even offensive, and greeted with a shrug of the shoulders. Like water on a duck’s back. I remember being called a fascist cretin by someone who disagreed with me on a very minor issue and became disgruntled.
As Charlie Brown would say – Oh Good grief!!
We’ll only be able to enjoy CJ’s wonderful musings for the next year or two, after which he, and we, will be charged with “hate” and thought crimes, and closed down. Enjoy it whilst it lasts.
Get ready for samizdat.
I like Sheldon Wolin’s description:
Inverted totalitarianism is different from classical forms of totalitarianism. It does not find its expression in a demagogue or charismatic leader but in the faceless anonymity of the corporate state. Our inverted totalitarianism pays outward fealty to the facade of electoral politics, the Constitution, civil liberties, freedom of the press, the independence of the judiciary, and the iconography, traditions and language of American patriotism, but it has effectively seized all of the mechanisms of power to render the citizen impotent.
“One cannot point to any national institution[s] that can accurately be described as democratic”, “surely not in the highly managed, money-saturated elections, the lobby-infested Congress, the imperial presidency, the class-biased judicial and penal system, or, least of all, the media.”
Clinton and Trump are both manufactured demagogues, it’s easy to hate either of them. However, Obama was no different and whoever follows Trump will also be no different, especially in foreign policy outcomes. The policy never changes, only the means of attaining it. Is Trump less warlike than the others? I think not, he fights with economic weapons and bullying while Obama was more hands-on.
That book by Wolin should be anyone’s go-to reference book that makes sense of the current mad state of affairs.
Sorry to be a boring pedant, but the word fascism/fascist has been used loosely and it’s useful to think of actual fascist movements and regimes as they’ve occurred in history, not just as a label. Trump might be fascistic and certainly has a loose following of various fascistic streams, but he’s actually not quite a fascist, and his regime isn’t a fascist one.
A necessary but not sufficient condition for the imposition of a fascist regime is the defeat of a major working class uprising/revolutionary situation, a situation that otherwise frightens the crap out of the bourgeoisie — so much so that they throw in their lot (and funding) with extant fascist movements to deal with the ‘problem’. The Italian factory occupations of 1920 and the failure of the revolution of Germany 1923 (the so-called Stillborn revolution) were necessary for the rise of Mussolini and Hitler, respectively.
Another necessary condition is a deep economic crisis that makes imminent bankruptcy and proletarianisation a universal prospect for the middle classes, including white-collar workers and professionals. If a major working class uprising, and the organised workers movement in general, hasn’t appealed to these middling layers in effectively addressing their concerns and laying the blame for their dismal situation at the feet of the capitalist system itself, then, in desperation, the middle classes will turn to the nearest populist demagogue who can effectively scapegoat both big business and big unions for their misfortunes. Fascist movements are masters at this.
A third necessary condition is the creation of a sizeable lumpenproletariat — another inevitable outcome of a deep economic crisis leading to high unemployment — that the fascists mobilise as their shock troops. If the organised workers movement has no program that addresses unemployment, then the lumpenproletariat will also be desperate and attracted to populist demagoguery that blames ‘greedy’ workers and their trade unions for their unemployment and privations. And economically vulnerable layers of the working class who fear lumpenisation will also be susceptible to fascist demagoguery.
If the populist demagogue in such an environment successfully attracts, assembles and organises a movement composed of the frenzied middle classes as its ‘officers’ and the lumpenproletariat as its organised goon/death squads, and whose ‘program’ is one of smashing the organised workers and left movement along with genocidal pogroms against the ‘the other’ scapegoats (racial/ethnic minorities, gays, LGBQT+, and all those they label ‘degenerates’), then you have a full-blown fascist mass movement. Not just a bunch of Friekorps wingnuts parading around and/or randomly murdering anyone that they don’t like.
But the sufficient condition, after all of this, is that the organised working class fails to defeat the fascists in the decisive battles on the streets right across the country, where working class organisations get decisively smashed, and its leaders rounded up and executed/assassinated/jailed en mass. As happened in Germany with the KPD, in 1933. It happens countrywide and culminates in the fascists taking state power, imposing their rule sanctified by rubber-stamp legislation and enforced by a bourgeois state machine that incorporates into its repressive core significant elements of the fascist movement’s ‘officers’ and shock troops.
Nothing of the sort has happened in the US or in Europe (yet). In Ukraine, the Obama-installed government and state machine certainly has significant fascist elements still in it despite recent elections, and it might be characterised as fascist. But at the moment it’s in a kind of holding pattern until either its elected leader is removed or the fascists are driven out of their key state and government posts and roles.
The fascists are a dangerous and growing menace to be sure, and right now fascistic mindsets certainly dominate bonapartist and wannabe bonapartist regimes around the globe. In all of these regimes, from Brazil, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine to the US of Trump, despite the growing fascist mass movements in the wings, the decisive battles with the working class haven’t occurred yet.
The outcomes of these battles will determine whether fascist regimes will prevail. It’s not enough, in fact it’s a deadly illusion, to think that politically conscious citizens alone will come anywhere near to stopping fascism. Fascism will only be stopped by determined organised workers who don’t stop to ‘debate’ fascists but who will “acquaint their heads with the pavement” (Trotsky). The German working class in 1933 was politically advanced but were saddled by the suicidal Stalinist leadership of the KPD whose bizarrely opportunist modus operandi was ‘first Hitler, then it’s our turn’.
No oxygen should ever be given to fascists, no free speech allowed them, no ‘debating’ them, and those like the otherwise courageous Antifa movement need to be organised alongside the social power of the working class around a program that not only defeats the fascists but removes by revolution the root cause of fascism, the capitalist system.
Whoosh, you’ve completely missed that Hopkins was being ironic in his application of fascism, and racism.
No, not at all. I really enjoy CJ’s satires, including this piece. I was responding to various outlines and definitions of fascism in the comments below because the term is too loosely and carelessly used in all seriousness, not satirically or ironically, in everyday political discourse.
I didn’t find this article to be particularly good. But that’s me.
The “courageous Antifa” are a bunch of SJW wannabe terrorists who will run home to mummy when given a dose of their own medicine.
Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.
If the insane Fascist Left want to normalise political violence, incited and condoned by the fake MSM, they will have to live with the consequences of that approach.
When they are repaid in their own coin, with interest, they may find that this isn’t quite so much fun as they first imagined.
This is a perfect example of the loose and careless use of the word ‘fascist’, as in the liberal chimera of ‘insane Fascist Left’. Anti-fascists are ‘fascists’ (‘of the left’), simply because they rightly see the deadly danger of fascists and use force to stop them. Black is white, and presumably the real fascists aren’t insane either. Are workers who defend their picket lines with baseball bats and guns also ‘insane Fascist Left’? What about the Irish wharf labourers who drove Oswald Moseley’s scum of the streets of East London in the 1930s to protect Jewish residents an ‘insane Fascist Left’ as well?
Fascists are not a debating circle. Their ‘program’ is pogroms and extermination, and those who want to allow the existence of a political movement advocating this are truly insane. Fascists must be crushed in the egg before they grow too strong. “Acquainting their heads with the pavement” to drive them back into the sewers where they belong is part of that, a ‘humane’ warning in the only language they understand before sterner means must be resorted to.
In their confrontations with fascists, Antifa generally have won the skirmishes and sent the fascists packing. The fascists hate that, and they’ve gone running home to their ‘mummy’, the cops. Just look at this latest detailed example of how they’re in league with the cops in Portland Oregon. See:
Historically, cops and fascists have always had an allegiance and supported each other, the world over, and consequently cops must never, ever be relied on to defend the intended victims of the fascists. This defense primarily must come from the organised workers movement. Antifa are indeed courageous, but by no means are the answer to fascism,, precisely because they’re unorganised and not that disciplined and don’t really have a program that deals with the root cause of fascism — capitalism and all the social pathologies that it spawns. But liberals who normally consider them ‘insane Fascist Left’ may well thank Antifa one day for protecting them from a deadly fascist attack on a peaceful rally.
Finally, the capitalist system that spawns fascists relies on ‘normal’ state violence (the cops, military, prison screws, secret police, etc) to keep the population under its iron heel. That’s ‘normalised’ political violence. The capitalist rulers will never surrender their ill-gotten power peacefully, and ultimately will rely on fascists to help keep them in power. Not ‘peacefully’ or ‘legally’, and their violence can only be opposed by overwhelming force. No doubt they and their fascist helpers will cry ‘insane Fascist Left’ when such force is used against them.
You see these self serving designations all the time.
The “Peace and Justice Party.” The “Party of God.” The “Pro Democracy” protestors” in HK. The “Anti Fascists.”
How can anyone be against peace and justice/ God/ democracy?
Obviously you are entitled to murder, burn, assault, threaten and intimidate to your heart’s content, because you are such a wonderful, noble individual with such impeccable motivation.
I don’t agree with you. Why do you want to complicate things?
I describe Corporatism as “Fascism without the street theater”. Everyone’s been trained to associate “Fascist” with some kind of jack booted Prussian which makes it rather easy to slide the actual substance of corporatism into view while everyone’s attention is diverted.
I think its a good idea for people to revisit the history of the 1930s. Not the generic German Nuremberg rallies, “Triumph of the Will” stuff but what was going on in countries like the US. (Revisiting the German experience is only important in the context of the “Night of the Long Knives”, the conversion of a right wing populist movement into a tool of corporate power.) Once we understand this period we can see a continuum through to today’s politics and maybe draw useful lessons for today from it. One thing hasn’t changed, though — Goebbels was a true master of the art of propaganda and his handiwork is still very much in evidence in contemporary media.
As for contemporary wannabe Nazis, I feel very sorry for them. They’re living a fantasy; if they were actually transported to 1930s Germany then I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t like it (and it would be fun to watch what happened when they complained….).
In western countries, and the wider world, people have had to endure years and decades of neoliberal austerity and ever expanding inequality with little respite in sight. This is the new normal.
This has benefited a tiny minority, as it was designed to do.
Britain is owned and ruled by 5,000 people, America by a group of 6,000.
3 billionaires own more than the bottom 160 million of the US population.
Corporations like Boeing, Google, Amazon, Starbucks and others have successfully exempted themselves from taxation.
The lot of the vast majority of their populations has been static and declining wages and living standards, the erosion of job security, benefits, pensions, and the shredding of public services on which they depend.
These people no longer have any stake in a system which clearly does not work for their benefit.
At the same time, the Globalist Power Elite have imposed post modernist social policies which do not resonate with the majority and are strongly opposed by them.
The relentless pursuit of a failed multiculturalism.
Open Borders and uncontrolled Third World immigration with the clear objective of demographic replacement.
The imposition of Globo Homo, the aggressive, militant, politicised, campaigning gay agenda.
The aggressive promotion of perversion and degeneracy of all kinds, particularly targeting very young children, with draconian punishments for all who object.
Transgender dysphoria, paedophilia, incest, bestiality.
All of this provoking revulsion and increasing alienation.
These economic and social policies were bound to provoke a reaction.
This has thrown up Trump, Brexit, Salvini, Orban, Le Pen, AFD, Sweden Democrats, and much else besides. This is only to be expected.
This is all partly a response to anti white racism. White people are evil. White people should be marginalised and ignored because of their white privilege. White people should ideally disappear, to be replaced by hordes of unassimilable third world invaders.
Some other manifestations are merely Zionist Controlled Opposition, like the EDL and Wilders in Holland.
The future is one of increasingly fractious confrontation between mutually antagonistic groups without any prospect of compromise and consensus. Societies are becoming increasingly turbulent and unstable, and support for the power elites and the systems that sustain them is dwindling away rapidly.
“This is all partly a response to anti white racism. White people are evil. White people should be marginalised and ignored because of their white privilege. White people should ideally disappear, to be replaced by hordes of unassimilable third world invaders…”
Does this ‘racism’ exist as a political force anywhere outside the fevered brains of proto fascists? Is there any political leader of any importance- in Europe or North America- practising these politics?
The answer is no. We see lots of lamentations that ‘white people’ are on the verge of genocide or, more often, ‘ demographic replacement’ by hordes of foreigners practising exotic creeds and speaking foreign languages. And we see millions of votes being rolled up behind such lamentations. What we don’t see or hear is anyone, with enough influence to challenge the municipal dog catcher, preaching this ‘anti-white racism.’
As usual with you, Mark, you quickly get carried away from reasoned criticism to the setting out of this political barrow boy’s offerings of recycled anti-communist propaganda and tired old chestnuts from Goebbels’ greatest hits.
It will be a source of bitter amusement in places such as Libya Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia (not to mention Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico) that those fleeing the bombs, death squads and economic attacks of the imperialist ‘west’, the Syrians driven out of their homes by militias on the Foreign Office payroll, the Palestinians displaced from their homes by European colonists-literally replacing them, demolishing their villages and stealing their homes- the lucky ones who manage to secure refuge in the countries primarily responsible for their problems, can be described, albeit by juvenile dilettantes passing through a political phase, as invading Europe, attacking its innocent masses and intent on wiping out ancient civilisations.
“….. does this racism exist anywhere ……any political leader……”
Sarkozy, whose “most important task” was to “bring about miscegenation”……”by force if necessary.”
Will he do?
Or Timmermans, who wants to unite Europe with Africa, with unlimited immigration?
Or Levy, who wants to bring 2 million black Africans into France annually?
Anyone visiting Paris, or Antwerp, or Rotterdam, or Malmo, can see what a terrific success all this cultural enrichment has been.
Or Spectre, constantly agitating for unlimited third world immigration into Sweden?
Or the German Left, Gysi, von Berg, losing no opportunity to explain how much they despise their own people and want to replace them with third world gimmegrants and rapefugees?
These are now mainstream policies throughout the EU and have been for years.
The only future Europe has is as Eurabia or Eurafrica, a real multiculti paradise for you to enjoy, sort of like Cairo without the sunshine.
Can’t you see the bigger picture here? The majority of people are played out against each other by all too powerful individuals. Why is that so? Also, I would really like to know what your beef is with Transgender people? Is it not enough that they get chopped up, beaten and stoned to death, shot with impunity all over the world? Why are they so deserving of hate? Obviously including yours? Are they – and all the other folks that do not fit into the standard black and white narrative – really the problem on planet Earth right now? It is sad that we have not evolved past the ‘scapegoat’ mentality.
The bombing of Iraq, Libya, the disruption caused to Syria was the primary cause of large-scale emigration to Europe. It served a dual purpose – smashing up countries supposedly hostile to Israel and creating a divide and rule situation in Europe – Muslims versus indigenous “Christians”. While the media was supposedly supporting the “invasion,” as mark says suddenly people like Wilders and the EDL appeared to have strong backing and their campaigns were slickly orchestrated. Where was the cash and know-how for that coming from? The narrative of marauding, violent, raping Muslims males served the Israeli agenda well – “Now we know what poor Israel is up against.”
At the same time the Saudis were pumping huge amounts of cash into building and refurbishing mosques throughout Europe. The quid pro quo was to accept extremist speakers to spread an extreme, violent Saudi version of Islam, which appealed especially to some young British Muslims. The Muslim community in Preston UK that I studied was split fifty-fifty, between moderates and followers of the Deobandi version of Islam espoused by the Taliban in Afghanistan. It was as if the Saudis were just part of some master plan designed to stir up divisions between Muslim and non-Muslim communities.
Suddenly we had forgotten how so many Muslims had worked incredibly hard over decades to give their children a better chance in life, at least in the UK (France has always been much more racist). We had forgotten how in the 1970s when returning from work there was no food to be bought as all the shops were closed. Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and others kept their shops open, working 15 hour days, 365 days a year. Many of their sons and daughters are now professionals – doctors, dentsits, pharmacists and their places in the shops have been taken by Iraqis, Yemenis and Kurds.
In the trans movement I see another divide and rule. We find that large sums were being dispensed by Soros and the mighty resources of the Pritzker family, especially Jennifer (born James). The trans effect has been to divide people even more. In the UK the Green Party and Labour Party welcomed the trans movement while lifetime feminists saw it as male encroachment into women’s and girls’ spaces without any real debate having taken place about how this might affect the safety of especially young girls. Trans activists have also been very succesful at getting into schools and preaching their message to young children with the result that more and more young people are taking puberty blockers and other questionable products as well as undergoing expensive operations.
Bitter conflict has ensued. Any feminists who speaks out suddenly find a campaign launched against them directed at their employers, campaigns that are very reminiscent of the anti-BDS strategies. In fact the pro-trans strategies mirror anti-BDS to such an extent that they appear to be directed by the very same people.
Excellent post Lochearn. The Webberly doctors have thankfully been struck off and are currently plying their trade abroad. The TRA movement is akin to something Orwell may have invented in fiction.
The people behind this couldn’t care less about immigrants, gays or trannies. They are just tools, useful idiots, wholly expendable means to an end. They will be instantly discarded once they have served their purpose.
Ordinary people had nothing to do with bombing countries like Iraq and Libya back to the Stone Age. This was the handiwork of goy stooges like Blair and Bush serving their Zionist paymasters.
Certainly until very recently the EDL was being subsidised by Zionist money to the tune of £10,000 a month. I don’t know what they’re getting now.
Would you care to tell us how many transgender people have been murdered in the UK over the past ten years?
Well I will tell you, it is around half a dozen, which is a tiny percentage.
Random question. How many non-trans people have been murdered?
Seamus, around 700 per year, so over 7000 for the ten year period. So it would seem that less than 0.1% of murder victims are transgender.
And then we have to wonder what percentage of those were murdered merely for being trans, as opposed to being murdered for some other reason (e.g., robbery).
Exactly, and I wonder who has voted you down simply for asking that question.
Maybe the search for truth using reliable statistics is considered transphobic?
There is no problem with anybody’s sexual peccadillos, just so long as they are not forced on to primary school children.
Where did you get this bit about Sarkozy’s task being to “bring about miscegenation”? When I search for that quote along with “Sarkozy”, it just brings me back to you on this page. However the miscegenation quote (without Sarkozy) seems to have been a favourite with pro-slave trade writers to avert freedom for the slaves.
Sarkozy definitely did make a speech to that effect. If there is no reference: it’s stirring somewhere in my memory banks. But I also remember that he did a u-turn on the policy, after he had lost the next election.
The key word he used was *metisser/metissage* – which is definitely more sinister than multiculturism …and carried the threat that it would be enforced if not voluntarily accepted. It would be ‘obligatory’ in fact. [Search ‘Sarkozy metissage’ and use translate …there’s loads of stuff – I just checked]. Not least the Soros/globalist agenda angle of pacification by homogenisation …aka enforced multiculturalism.
Bad timing: they tried to impose their culturally homogenous open society model at the same time they were crashing the world economy (2007-2011).
So Mark does have a point: but as for the way he addresses it? I do not suppose that it is worth pointing out that all those biases are mere projections of inner fears and threats to identity? Surely we can address the globalist agenda without labeling the very victims – the pawns in the game of ‘weapons of mass migration’ – as ”gimmegrants” and ”rapefugees”.
There is way to much to go into here: but it starts with looking at what globalised capitalism has done to African and ME cultures to force the people to migrate in the first place. Then there is the organised people trafficking. Then the small matter of the NGO/Charities (such as ‘Open Arms’) part in it. That’s before the ‘gimmegrants’ even reach Europe. There are the roles that AFRICOM and the EU play in stoking terrorism and destroying economies before offering neoliberal recolonisation. There is so much more than a few politicians and intellectuals pushing the globalist agenda.
Yes, there have been incidents – how much is the owned media bias, I do not know. But the bigger picture is of shadow actors trying to socially engineer the population of continental Europe. What shall we call the perpetrators if the victims are seen to be subhuman? It is not an intentional ‘white genocide’: it is a crime against ALL humanity. Which can be seen most clearly when we drop the partisan fear-first response.
Do you ever get the feeling that Libya was targeted for destruction precisely because Khaddaffi was helping to stanch the flow of illegal immigrants from Africa into the EU?
The gold-backed pan-African currency he was creating and his desire to escape the petrodollar seem like bigger factors.
I don’t deny those played a role, too.
Well said, Bevin. I find it odd that there are people who can wipe out the years of struggle good people, heroes of the left, some of those who have died for the cause, just by saying it’s all a conspiracy to try and make us gay or deviates or some other stupid theory. I might be old school but I still hold onto the leftist beliefs that we should look after the minorities, respect gay rights, fight for the working class, accept refugees from countries we have fucked, level the playing field by getting the corporations to pay one cent of fucking tax and to stop poisoning the shit out of the planet. They are basic things that have been done before so they are not rocket science. The thing is that the culture wars were designed exactly to take this power away from us and seemingly, at least in the US, they work a treat. People are on the streets without even one idea of why they are there. Ignore the noise and fight for something meaningful.
Look at the comments below the video of Bernie’s Sanders’ talk with Joe Rogan. At least 90% of them are “Geez, this Bernie Sanders guy is talking sense, he could actually represent me.’ Most people are basically good and will understand if you explain it to them. They are just misled and/or don’t care enough to do inform themselves.
I am 100% with you about being fair to everyone, trust me on that. I hate bigotry and racism and people who just seem to want to turn their inner anger on others make me sad.
But, I am of the opinion identity politics as it’s presented to us in the media is aimed at diverting our attention and setting us against each other. It’s not about helping minorities. Why should we expect it to be when it’s coming from the same media that backs austerity and war? You just have to ask yourself, why is this being endlessly presented to me? Whose choice is this and why? Does it have a healing effect or the reverse? I think the answers are obvious bootlyboob, don’t you? Even my sister has noticed that much and she is so mainstream I can’t talk to her without risking an aneurysm.
Mandy, like I said earlier: we all know our ‘attention is being diverted’. But you are merely seeing it and calling it out, and this doesn’t doesn’t further anyone’s cause. Why? Because all you’re doing is attacking the people taken in by propaganda. You’re essentially playing the game on the propagandist’s terms. It’s doesn’t matter if you’re one who can spot the propaganda or one who is in the middle of believing it. Either way you’re still being diverted. Bypass the diversions and don’t add to the noise.
But here’s the rub, Bootly: what happens when all those other groups–racial minorities, transsexuals, illegal immigrants, etc.–are being mobilized by the corporate/university class against the working class, as is the case in the contemporary US? This is all vaguely reminiscent of how Marx said capitalists would mobilize the Lumpenproletariat against the proletariat, don’t you think?
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you CJ!
How does the saying go? ‘Satire is the truth wrapped in exaggeration’? Something to this extend.
The most important part about the divide and conquer game played by the owner class has to be the psychological projection that is dished out by the real fascists. They never wear jackboots, or brown shirts. They also don’t display their heads closely shaved, or march around in lockstep. The real fascists make others do that. They write the script.
One of the greatest politicians the U.S. ever had was Henry A. Wallace. He was the vice president of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He had the majority support of the American population. But not of his own party. The Democratic party. The DNC had other plans. They wanted Truman, because Wallace would have never dropped the nukes on Japan. Wallace was for the American people and that much more convincingly than a Bernie Sanders. He understood the needs of the working class. His stated goal was to make America a Nation where everybody would have an equal chance to make it. That did not sit too well with the owner class that had to agree to the New Deal under Roosevelt. It was not an option to continue along this line. He was ousted. The nomination stolen under great uproar of the working class. Character defamation was also used. The whole nine yard of fascist practices.
Since that event, Americans have been brainwashed into believing that ‘socialism’ is bad for them. Is bad for everybody. ‘Experts’ that offered their voluntary help in the manipulation of the American people were imported from Germany. The real Nazis, not the little people. They created the first Russiagate story, which at the time was called ‘House Committee on Un-American Activities’. It is rancid irony, that only few people ever figured out that ‘Un-American Activities’ were a metaphor for ‘Anti-Fascism’. It is even more ironic, that the real fascists have created ‘antifa’ – the Orwellian version of true anti-fascism. The saddest part about that is, that those who march with ‘antifa’ are following the real fascists orders. They are divided into those paid by various ABC agencies and those who believe they are indeed fighting fascism. Which is not only extremely delusional, but also very dangerous.
Their opposing side on the other hand is homogeneous rightwing. One could call them ultra-conservatives, or right of right. That does not make them fascists though. Anybody that takes a closer look at this inciting of a civil war by riling up two opposing factions will find out that it is all by design of the real fascists. Those have no specific party affiliation. Or better: they are bi-partisan. The real fascists are in both ‘parties’.
Here comes the 1944 essay by Henry A. Wallace about ‘The American fascist’:
(Edited for clarity – removed later applied bullets/numbers.)
My recommendation to reform the American society is to replace the pledge of allegiance with the mandatory reading of this essay.
Since I will be visiting Berlin sometime next year, I will take You up on Your invite. One of my favorite spots is the ‘Golgatha’. Having lived Bergmann/Nostitzstrasse it was my favorite outdoor location.
Half of this Antifa Circus are juvenile snowflakes who get a cheap thrill out of smashing things up.
The rest are undercover cops.
The MSM transitioning from “Russia-gate” to “Fascists-at-the-gate” appears rather seamless, as would be expected. Soon all respectable American MSM will observe the equivalent of Orwell’s commentary that: “Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.”
To speak or think otherwise would of course simply be a common thought-crime. The kind of thing “leftists” or “communists” or “progressive media” might engage in. So – long-live America’s war on fascism! If a more compelling “war” doesn’t emerge in the mean time, I expect our anti-fascist ‘war’ hysteria will at least carry us through the next election cycle.
I realise this article is satire, but in all seriousness, the so-called ‘culture wars’ are a distraction to the real situation at hand. I wish they would disappear.
I completely agree but there is still no reasonable excuse for ableist terms like “spastically” and while I thoroughly enjoy CJs articles as a rule this one is a rant too far that should have been proofread.
The meaning is offensive in UK. Not considered offensive in US.
Technically, it is a correct description of “knee jerk” reactionism.
A spasm is a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle.
a person exhibiting spasms.
Summary: To act without thinking or being in control of the action.
Trump was elected over Hillary. Therefore the General election was flawed. They don’t know how, but they’ll find something that’ll stick.
Meanwhile ignoring the DNC’s blatant manipulations of the Primary process to ensure a Hillary candidacy.
I went to high school from 1997-2001 in southern Oregon. My senior year, our prom queen was a very “out” lesbian with a partially shaved head, a large mohawk which she dyed different colors on a regular basis, tattoos,and many exotic, self-inflicted piercings. She was very popular among the high school students, and I think it was mostly because of her caricature… she drew a huge amount of attention to herself, and many students were mesmerized by her incoherent rumblings about “fascism” and her vibrant shouts for “unity,” even though it was quite unclear what that was supposed to mean, or what basis she had to imply that there was fascism going on anywhere around her, or exactly in what way we did not have “unity.” I knew her pretty well because we both participated in school plays. She basically was a 90s punk, and she promoted the alternative lifestyle choices and created a posse of other deranged misfits. She brought them into the mainstream inside our largely conservative and agricultural community. She normalized fucked-uppedness, if you will.
The last time I got any update on this person, I learned that she is an unsuccessful tattoo artist in Ashland and that she never went to college. That had to be 10 years go, or so. No telling where she is now. I understood (though I can’t say I saw it personally) that she had a disastrous family life. I do know that she seemed to drift from friend to friend throughout high school, so maybe I am assuming that things weren’t okay at home with her own parents. I always thought the attention seeking behavior had something to do with that.
I mention this because I was exposed to the preview of that bizarre trend that seems to have coalesced into what we now known as “Antifa.” Like the present, organized version, the progenitors of this organization aren’t actually aiming at anything–instead they are making noise and drawing a lot of attention to themselves (plus having oh-so much fun taking out their anger and aggression on innocent normal folks). They seem to have no agenda except to make everyone around them as uncomfortable and confused as possible. Every time I see an “Antifa” I think of the gal I once knew in high school and wonder what the world would have been like if we, though we all knew in the backs of our minds that something was seriously askew with this lady’s behavior, had put the kibosh on it–there’s a right and wrong way to call out concerns, you know? And one thing I took from my personal life’s experience, is that we shouldn’t all be going around tolerating the intolerable. There are serious wrongs that should be addressed… in her case, disruptive behavior, inappropriate dress, open physical sexual acts in a school setting (regards of the fact that they were gay sex acts–it’s just not okay to snog your partner openly in the halls when you are 14/15 years old). And to shout “Fascist” in the halls of a high school with no basis or evidence, or even clear evidence of any such thing around you, is frankly bizarre. Accusations like that are serious. They should be made in seriousness, and responded to in seriousness. It’s not a game to call someone fascist. And yet, it happened all the time in my dumb high school. We all swallowed it because we were supposed to be “tolerant.” And tolerating this was a challenge to grow better at the skill of tolerating the intolerable!
Now we are living with he impact that a few, seriously deranged teens in Oregon have grown up to become. We all thought it was funny, edgy, and new back then. Now, it’s downright scary.
It sounds like your old “friend” is like the proverbial boy (girl) who cried wolf and the effect might sadly be the same i.e. that no-one notices when actual fascism appears. I recall reading (I think it was in the book “Acid Dreams”) that whenever various serious protest groups were trying to organise demonstrations back in the 60s, they’d find themselves accompanied by all sorts of wild and colourful characters campaigning for drugs and free sex etc., this obviously having a detrimental effect on the image of the serious protesters by making them seem twee and trivial and turning them into an obvious target for satirical treatment. I’m not saying your old “friend” was some kind of mole but once the media managed to redirect protest into a harmless avenue then various impressionable youngsters get carried along with it.
The real problem here, Dee Cee, is not that you were tolerant of your classmate–don’t blame yourself for her lousy home life!–it’s that the police, the government and the media are way too tolerant of the Antifa, even when they flagrantly break the law and terrorize our fellow citizens.
Name calling is such a sophisicated and winning political strategy. It works every time. Just look at two big campaigns of 2016. The British referendum on the European Union, where the elite called anyone who wanted to leave ignorant, uneducated racists, and the US presidential election, where the elite called anyone who wanted Trump elected racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, deplorables. Insulting the voters works every time. Absolutely no need to bother with coming up with policies that might address structural inequality or anything that might harm the interests of the corporate elite.
The Electoral College stole the elections. But who cares?
The silver lining of Trump is that the emperor’s clothes have been unceremoniously ripped off, the cloak of ‘keeping the world safe for democracy’ torn asunder, and the rule of the capitalist class is there for all to see in its obese, cellulitic nakedness. And the capitalists hate that with a passion. That’s why they hate this dumb, ignorant, chauvinistic, lying, oafish parvenue, not for any of those characteristics, which many US presidents in the past have possessed in spades, but for committing the mortal sin of tearing away the tattered remnants of the ‘American dream’, its mythos, its passive, lazy, principal ‘consent manufacturer’.
The morons in the NYT are all at sea. Very good. That they didn’t even know there was a looming catastrophe with their Russiagate fantasy until ‘six or seven weeks ago’, and that this is their idea of being ‘flatfooted’, speaks volumes. They still can’t own up to helping ‘create’ the Russiagate story not ‘covering’ it. Very good too.
The capitalists are ‘the resistance’, political, not social or economic. Yet they and their spokesmen and ideologues don’t seem to realise that Trump is the tip of the kakistocratic iceberg. Just look at the nongs, boobs and malfeasant drongos and their corrupt, shallow gene pool scions infesting the halls of government, state and the boardrooms of the corporatocracy. Those Harvard/ivy league bribes helped enormously to manufacture this vicious, marshmellow psychopathy of the younger generation of plutocrats, to ‘continue the golden line’.
Clinton may never have wanted things to go this far, nor any other Republicrat. She would have had the US waging war with Iran and/or Venezuela by now, and trying to provoke even bigger ones with China and Russia. We might have been irradiated dust by now and never realise that she was the kakistrocracy’s ‘best’. As observed by Michael Tracey, Joe Biden doesn’t commit gaffes, he has ‘cognitive malfunctions’. Like the borg having a kernel panic or a memory exception error. The corporate democrats to a man/woman are the dreariest, most timid representatives of the capitalist class. But that’s all the capitalists desperately want. Trumpian loose cannons are anathema, and any malfunctioning borg or wet sop will do.
Nor will Sanders and/or Gabbard change things much because, despite their slight distance from the ruling class and its state machine, they’ll likely toe the line or suffer an unfortunate aircraft accident or the tender passage of the lone wolf assassin’s bullet. Courtesy of the ‘intelligence community’ of course. On the campaign trail, long before they have their first CIA situation briefing.
Now seems to be a turning point, one where many Americans are waking up and seeing the fraud of the ‘American dream’ for what it really is; they’re becoming increasingly aware that ‘democracy’ has nothing to offer them when the choice is between tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber. Quite rightly they continue not to vote, likely to persist to 2020. Many are realising that the president is an elected dictator put in charge of the biggest killing machine and the most advanced death squad on earth. Who in their right mind would vote for someone with that kind of power of life and death over not just 350 million Americans but over 8 billion earthlings, all for the never-sated greed of his/her corporate masters? It’s a grotesque absurdity and a true ethical challenge to even think of voting for a US president.
It’s notable that Sanders doesn’t bandy the word ‘revolution’ about any more, because ‘revolution’ increasingly is infiltrating American political discourse. The first step in emerging from the despair of realising the horror of the truth is to realise that desperate measures are needed to defeat despair. As Lenin observed, a socialist revolution is on the agenda when the ruling class can no longer go on ruling as before and the ruled can no longer go on being ruled as before. This point is fast approaching. Sanders always prefaced ‘revolution’ with the adjective ‘political’, but the only fitting adjective in the US for ‘revolution’ is ‘social’.
“..people don’t understand. I think they get confused as to what we’re trying to do..”
Flip from Russians to Fascists throwing Trump the election when really it was the Ukie Fascists and the British who were trying to flip it for Killers. Strange that they needed to suicide Epstein along with others and disappear Skripal along with others, as the narrative risks permanently running out of control.
Mind you there may have been a planned assault on Greenland by the Golfing Fascists who seemed to believe it was a grassy knoll ripe for a development takeover.
Still as the narrative trudges on the people are getting more confused by our leaders and their media. As they seem unable to hide their stupidity.
The ANTIFA Blackshirts will be THE GUARDIANS of Anti-Fascist Fascism?
Nobody stole the Presidency, unless it was those pesky geeks who programme voting machines to record votes wrong. It was simply that even an alleged misogynist rapist was better than a salivating witch promising to nuke Russia. Even brainwashed Americans get worried about batshit crazy suicide pacts like that….
Democrats just need to get their shit together and stop making a fool of themselves with pathetic MSM smear campaigns. Then they might actually be a voting option.
So long as they go on acting like paranoid wasters who smoked far too much weed, they will get what they deserve: de nada, bubkes, nothing…..
Er – no-one stole the presidency; but Tronald DID get less peoples’ votes than the witch. It’s just that the founding ‘fathers’ gave the US an anti-democratic backstop: the Electoral College – to prevent any serious thoroughgoing, one-person, one-vote, genuinely popular democracy, you see. Think of blacks, Native Americans, Wet Backs and such no-counts having he same voting weight as white gentlemen of substantial property – including actually *owning* some of the people who would be able to vote if democracy went too far…
The Democrats thought that Trump might win the popular vote but could not win the electoral college.
They were all in favour of the existing system when they thought (wrongly) that it would work to their advantage.
Reading the comments sections of the mainstream NYT and WaPo I think the public is finally getting it. It doesn’t stop them yet from having the military gratuitously at public sporting events to be mindlessly cheered.Like N Korea, or Nazi-era goose stepping parades.But they seem to show signs of life. There is a spectacular leadership void/black hole to be filled in the US, with the bar to be cleared having been lowered to limbo-champion depths.
Just a non-jerk, any non-jerk, would do but they show no sign they have one on stage or in the wings.I agree that the Dems seem as odious as the not so grand GOP. Sanders has shot himself in the privates, Biden is a summer rerun and Warren, clever and perhaps principled, has zero sense of humour and if anyone doubts how important that is, vide Boris. You would not have thought it difficult to compete with the likes of the current POTUS, and I have several neighbours, in fact all my neighbours should be formidable opponents, given a chance.
I imagine T’rangutan will be re-elected, and I can just hear the caterwauling from Uber-entitled Dems who will continue to spend most of their time trying to badmouth Agent Orange, and perusing all his past activities for dirt. When did you last hear them talk about things that are other than getting their overfed carcasses back into their born-to role of gravy-train conductors?
As a 50ish man who grew up in central Pennsylvania (and still lives there), I want to say that I heartily recommended your post.
Many of the other posts on this thread are a bit confusing to me; I’m having some difficulty parsing tone and phrasing…
But one thing I can tell EVERYONE: the White Supremacists are -NOT- a figment of some “liberal” imagination.
They are here, walking around in public places carrying firearms, sporting Nazi symbols on t-shirts and tattoos.
I grew up here, and I can assure you that this is a VERY RECENT DEVELOPMENT.
It didn’t used to be this way.
Appreciate your input. Those attitudes are ubiquitous in all Western countries and good leaders keep them dormant. Lots of bumps on the horizon for all concerned. Some leadership would be timely, and soon it might be necessary.
“Some leadership would be timely”…
You, sir, have a serious talent for the nearly-lost art of UNDERSTATEMENT.
I appreciate your reply. I’m concerned by the motivations of those four people who gave it a down vote.
Thx, am also mystified, but there is no accounting for taste.
The simple explanation could be, that a society can suppress the human condition in parts of the population for some time. It can’t however suppress the human condition in all people all of the time.
A really good example is the GDR – the former German Democratic Republic. During the time of the Socialist Unity Party (Sozialistische Einheits Partei – SED), Nazism and neo-Nazism was suppressed. When the wall came down, this suppression ended and you would not believe how many people swung in the opposite direction. After 30 years, the situation has somewhat stabilized and there is sort of an equilibrium now, between the Socialist party, that was strictly rejected after the wall came down and the recently founded ‘Alternative for Germany’, that is a fusion of Tories and Republicans.
People generally forget that evolution never stops. The question is, ‘will humanity be able to rise above its mucky conditions, or disappear itself?’ Living in London I remember well that the British love to bet. I wonder how the bookies rate the odds for survival of the human species?
I used to live in London as well.
It is now 40% white and 60% minority.
Such wonderful diversity!
Does that matter?
Not unless you wanted to live in Europe.
Otherwise just get used to third world demographics and third world standards.
They are a product of identity politics taken to absurd extremes.
White people are just leaping aboard the identity politics bandwagon, like blacks, Asians, Jews, gays, trannies, wimmin, and Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
Both you Rhys/Rhis’s are right. Although the turnout was a factor – low.
Excellent piece as usual feom CJ for the dog days of August. If that is an actual unscripted report of the NYT bods – it is dynamite!
The Pulitzer committee may wish to consider withdrawing their prize for journalism and substituting it for fiction.
The racist Putin Nazi is obliging by being Anti-Semetic about the democrats or some such construct and he ain’t going to get his bacon from the Danes unless they sell him Greenland!
So we have to wait till Biarritz to see more potus gold! I am looking forward to his handshake and hair ruffle with bobo.
Meanwhile today, On-Groaniad seems to have wound down back to its August turpitude, after a couple of days of testing all its new configured 77th troll bots. A quick outing to big-up Al Johnsons magnacarta-ish letter to Europe (Remindse of when we used to refer to rubber cheques).
And a test run to see what resistance there is in the land, against the anti Corbynite, pro Swinsonite, coup by gnu option, during the hols? Oh shit…PLENTY.
They even held back publishing todays Bell’s cartoon till 10.30!
(It is snort inducing)