All Three Parties Are So Racist That Their Conferences Ought To Be Cancelled

David Lindsay

You do not have to like Jack Letts to be extremely concerned when politicians start revoking people’s citizenship. If you would merely qualify for another nationality, whether or not you held it or wanted it, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen.

50 per cent of people in Britain with an Afro-Caribbean parent also have a white parent. If you are in that position, even if your other ancestors have been Anglo-Saxon for as long as there have been any Anglo-Saxons, or even if Julius Caesar heard them speaking the language that was now Welsh, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen.

If you are one of the huge proportion of the population of Great Britain with an ancestral connection to Ireland, or if you are almost any of the current inhabitants of Northern Ireland including all 10 DUP MPs, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen. And if you would qualify under Israel’s Law of Return, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen. How about that for anti-Semitism?

All this, and the return of the sus law, too. But then, look at the other side. Never mind the sus law. When Labour was last in, then it tried to introduce the pass laws.

Look at Margaret Hodge, who recently called Shraga Stern “a second-class Jew”. Look at Nick Cohen, who has demanded that Stern be banished from public life on account of his Yiddish accent. Look at Jess Phillips, who has accused British Pakistanis of importing wives for their disabled sons, and who became famous by claiming to have been rude and abusive towards Britain’s most prominent black politician, Diane Abbott.

Look at John Mann, who writes racist material against Gypsy, Romany and Traveller people, and who then distributes it to his constituents.

Look at Ruth Smeeth, who organised a lynch mob of dozens of Labour MPs and Peers to march through London and demand, successfully, the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth from the Labour Party, not for having lied about Smeeth, but for having been so uppity a Coloured as to have told the truth about her.

Look at all of the Black And Minority Ethnic Labour MPs, not one of whom has defended either Wadsworth, or Jackie Walker, or Tony Greenstein, or Chris Williamson. Look at Claire Kober, who sought to emulate apartheid South Africa by bulldozing Tottenham and building an all-white luxury gated community over its rubble.

Look at David Miliband, who created the “Chagos Marine Protected Area” in order to prevent the Chagossians from returning to their homeland. Look at Tony Blair, who with George Bush has killed more brown people than any other white man alive.

Look at Hilary Armstrong, who at the same time as she was Chief Whip on the Iraq War was banning me from becoming a Labour District Council candidate in her constituency because I was mixed-race. Look at Laura Pidcock, whose election literature in 2017 featured Armstrong’s name, face, and words of endorsement.

And look at Simon Henig, the George Wallace of our time, whose attack on Durham County Council’s Teaching Assistants is racist at least in effect, the Teaching Assistants having been brought to their sorry pass by the treacherous political advice of Pidcock’s Political Advisor, Ben Sellout.

The Conservative Party is the party of the Windrush scandal and the party that, assisted by the Liberal Democrats, relegalised caste-based discrimination. Theresa May’s Chief of Staff was Gavin Barwell, who as Housing Minister had caused the deaths at Grenfell Tower, itself a property of a flagship Conservative Council.

In 2011, under the Coalition, teenage black boys were convicted of rioting based on CCTV footage of entirely different teenage black boys. “They all look the same,” you see, both to the Conservatives and to the Liberal Democrats.

Boris Johnson calls black people “piccaninnies”, Muslim women “letterboxes”, and gay men “bumboys”. His Home Secretary, who has denaturalised Letts, is a close ally both of Narendra Modi and of Benjamin Netanyahu. Modi’s Education Minister has slashed scholarships for Dalits (so-called “Untouchables”), while Netanyahu’s Education Minister has described marriage between Jews and non-Jews as “a second Holocaust”.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party has adopted the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism, a silencing of BAME, refugee and migrant voices redolent of Windrush and of Grenfell Tower.

Labour submits to the “Equality” and Human Rights Commission, which has no concern for the economic equality without which there can be no other, which sacks its black and disabled staff first, which exonerated the Government in relation to Windrush, and members of which profited from Windrush and from blacklisting.

A Labour Government evicted the Palestinians. A Labour Government evicted the people of the Chagos Islands, at the same time as it was repressing demonstrations in Hong Kong far more brutally than is happening at the moment. As has been mentioned, a Labour Government sought to banish the Chagossians permanently by creating the “Chagos Marine Protected Area”. Like the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, Labour supports gender-self-identification.

A Conservative Party Conference would pose a threat to the physical safety of BAME people, of Dalits, of Muslim women and their children, of Jews with non-Jewish partners, of those partners and their children, of gay and bisexual men, and of lesbians and bisexual women.

A Liberal Democrat Conference would pose a threat to the physical safety of BAME people, especially Dalits and teenage black boys, and a threat to the physical safety of lesbians and bisexual women.

And a Labour Party Conference would pose a threat to the physical safety of BAME people, of refugees and migrants, of Palestinians, of Chagossians, of disabled people, of working-class people, of trade unionists, and of lesbians and bisexual women. Accordingly, all three of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat, and Labour Party Conferences ought to be cancelled, by court order if necessary.


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Sep 2, 2019 11:51 PM

> [political party] conference would pose a threat to the physical safety of [approved oppressed group]

Oh look, another authoritarian multiculturalist who dishonestly equates free speech to physical violence.

> ought to be cancelled, by court order if necessary

Fascists don’t change, but their (weak) excuses do.

Sep 1, 2019 8:11 AM

Surely these current Labour MP’s who stood under the manifesto without supporting it ought to consider defecting to another party like the ‘funny tingers’ lot did.

They obviously won’t be supporting the next Labour manifesto either, so should be honest about it , resign their membership and proudly go and be free and independent.

They could set up their own ex-whatevers club with all the dispossesed tory and libdems – and be on TV all the time whinging about the good old days – pre 2016 when they had bright and guaranteed futures. All turned to ashes.

Some might even have to to … i can’t bring my self to say it – give up politics!

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Sep 1, 2019 12:54 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The Rightist plan, that is from the Labour First Brigade is now to try and ‘wait’ Corbyn out, undermine him at every opportunity and replace him with a David Miliband like leader who does the bidding of the Ruling Elite – which is why i was dismayed 12 months ago when the NEC opted not to support Open Selection and gave us a stitch-up instead, one that has resulted in not one ‘Trigger Ballot’ against the leading Traitors thus far.

Sep 1, 2019 1:51 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

There is no room in the Zionist controlled Labour Party for Ken Livingstone, Chris Williamson, Marc Wadsworth, Jackie Walker, and so many other decent people.
So what is the point in persisting with Labour any more? Really?
Isn’t it better simply to accept the reality that Labour is now a lost cause, a dead end, a waste of time and energy?
Maybe it’s time to create something completely new, possibly based on Momentum.
Jezza is a decent bloke but he can’t achieve anything. His supporters and allies have been picked off one by one by Board of Deputies and MSM orchestrated smear campaigns.
Vote Labour and you’re not getting Jezza.
You’re getting Watson, Benn, Bryant, Bradshaw, Phillips, Ellman, Smee, and all their ilk.
I’d prefer Farage or the Tories to that crew.

Sep 1, 2019 3:15 PM
Reply to  mark

Lol – ‘nice’ attempt at gas-lighting.

Sep 1, 2019 10:58 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Sorry, you’re quite right and I’m entirely wrong.
Watson, Phillips, Smee and Co. will shortly disappear in a big puff of smoke.
As will their boots from under the table.
As will our friends in the Board of Deputies.

Sep 1, 2019 4:03 PM
Reply to  mark

Surely not Momentum with the Zionist Lansman in charge.

Sep 8, 2019 5:32 AM
Reply to  mark

Something like momentum? What a tranny infested Trotskyist twat fest? No thanks we’ve had enough of fake socialists let’s have some actual socialists for a change

Sep 1, 2019 3:13 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

They can wait until the mountains crumble – they will never get their neolib boots back under the Labour table.

Sep 8, 2019 5:34 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Dungroanin there boots will be back under the table a bit sooner than you think and weirdly everyone except people who take politics seriously will vote labour again

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Sep 1, 2019 6:22 AM

Agree with much of this article, but what is meant by saying a Labour government expelled the Palestinians? If that means the 1945 government, my belief is that it abstained when the UN voted on partition in November 1947. The expulsions were begun in December by zionist militias and continued when the British mandate formally ended in May 1948. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin was extremely critical of the British high command for not doing enough to stop the ethnic cleansing, but that is not the same as saying that the Labour government carried it out.

Sep 1, 2019 11:13 AM

If you read pages 71-76 in David Cronin’s book “Balfour’s Shadow” you will see that it was more complicated than that and Ernest Bevin did not do any favours for the Palestinians.

Sep 1, 2019 1:56 PM

The Jew terror groups had plans to murder both Attlee and Bevin in the UK.
These were very credible plans. They did murder Milner, the High Commissioner, and the Swedish peace envoy Count Bernadotte.
And they carried out a terrorist letter bomb campaign in Britain.

Sep 1, 2019 4:21 PM
Reply to  Editor

Thomas Suarez’s recent book “STATE OF TERROR – How terrorism created modern Israel” makes for horrific reading. It includes 680 very detailed references to documents on the terrorist incidents revealed. Most people have no idea of the extent and horror of Zionist terrorism.
I have a copy of the book, bought at a presentation by Suarez, and will provide references.

Sep 1, 2019 4:31 PM
Reply to  Editor

The historical record. The graves of Milner and Bernadotte. The newspaper reports of the letter bomb campaign.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 1, 2019 4:51 PM
Reply to  mark

That is not providing a source. Provide a source in the form of a URL or citation to written work.

Sep 2, 2019 1:54 AM
Reply to  Editor

Try our very own Guardian of 22/5/03, Report on Threatened Jewish Activity in UK and Elsewhere. Lord Moyne, not Milner, was murdered by Jew terrorists in Cairo in November 1944. The Jew terror group Stern Gang carried out a letter bomb campaign against politicians in the UK in 1947. A bomb was placed in the Colonial Office. Several people were killed. Of course Jew terror in Palestine itself was on an incomparably greater scale.

Sep 2, 2019 2:52 PM
Reply to  Editor

Because I don’t know what an url is.

Tom Suarez
Tom Suarez
Sep 7, 2019 7:04 PM
Reply to  mark

Hello Mark, and thanks. Just to add that I don’t know of anyone being killed in the Colonial Office bombing. I assume you refer to 7 March 1947, in which several people were injured. The only other was the failed attempt on 11 April by Gilberte Elizabeth Lazarus. I’d be grateful if there is information about any of the 7 March victims dying of their wounds.

Tom Suarez
Tom Suarez
Sep 6, 2019 8:46 PM
Reply to  mark

The assassination list in the UK can be summarised by who the Zionists mailed letter bombs to. Among the UK recipients were Winston Churchill, Ernest Bevin, Philip Noel-Baker, Oliver Stanley, Admiral Lord Fraser, Anthony Eden, Harold MacMichael, Arthur Greenwood, Roy Farran, and the Postmaster General. Very few were successful – the one for Roy Farran was successful (except that it killed his brother Rex instead). Harold MacMichael’s would have been were it not for a savvy wife and maid.

Sep 1, 2019 4:54 AM

Deportation is now fashionable. Look at the new deportation program in India to remove about 2 million individuals whith no documentation as of 1971.

By applying the same logic, Palestine can adopt similar laws and deport all those with no proper documentation, let’s say from the 1940s. Documentation need to prove the residents’ family ties to the country and direct connection to the land in Palestine.

Logically, the World must stand by the Palestinians and facilitate a return of Israelis with no proper documentation proving their family ties in Palestine.

In India, there is a big risk, many of those to be deported will be rendered stateless. This is not the case with the Israelis. Almost certainly, those Israelis at the risk of deportation possess valid documentation proving their ties to lands in, for example, Ukraine, Germany and Russia.

Sep 1, 2019 2:43 AM

Look at Hilary Armstrong, who at the same time as she was Chief Whip on the Iraq War was banning me from becoming a Labour District Council candidate in her constituency because I was mixed-race.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here.

The only “non-racist” in the UK is coming to your door step…

Aug 31, 2019 11:38 PM

Yes, this is such an irredeemably racist and terribly anti semitic country that all immigrants, refugees, Jews etc., and anyone who is a bit suntanned, needs to be rounded up immediately and deported or repatriated to anywhere at all they can be sent or anywhere that will take them. Anywhere is better than Britain. Anywhere is safer for them than here. Any ISIS infested hellhole is a paradise by comparison.

Even now, the notorious anti semite Corbyn is building a gas chamber on his allotment with his henchmen and women, Ken Livingstone, Chris Williamson, Marc Wadsworth and Jackie Walker. Their evil plans are nearing fruition.

Repatriate and deport them all now for their own safety!
We must act before it’s too late!!
There’s no time to lose!!!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 1, 2019 6:55 AM
Reply to  mark

Are you sure you’re not CJ Hopkins masquerading as Mark!? Excellent btw.

Sep 1, 2019 8:43 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Actually Gezzah, to set the record striaght, I made the joke about Corbin’ gas chamber last night on the ” Israel has attacked Lebanon and Syria – so what? ” thread, marks just borrowing it but you know how it is in real life – when someone borrows something and they don’t return it, after awhile, I usually just say myself “let them keep – they must need it more than I do. Cheers!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 1, 2019 10:37 AM

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa Pablo. I didn’t see your original comment over at Andre’s article, hadn’t looked at that story for nearly 2 days. Okay, here we go…. your comment was just as excellent as Mark’s comment. On an offside, slightly surprised Hezbollah havn’t answered Israel’s aggression yet. Have been checking South Front for news.

Sep 1, 2019 2:01 PM

Sorry, P, I hadn’t seen that. I acknowledge your patent though.

Sep 1, 2019 8:17 AM
Reply to  mark

mark I read that the gas chambers ( there is more than one ) are actually being built under Corbin’s allotment, which highlights Corbin’s ” furtive and moral degraded nature. Ha!

Sep 1, 2019 2:04 PM

The hidden entrance is believed to be underneath the aubergines and next to the runner beans.

Sep 1, 2019 9:28 PM
Reply to  mark

nice one mark

Aug 31, 2019 10:08 PM

Why does the author think that the current Labour party would put the Palestinans at risk. Corbyn is the first Labour leader to support Palestine. Blair, Brown and Milliband are all Zionists.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Aug 31, 2019 10:17 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Quite right.

Corbyn is pro-Hamas, just like Turkey, Russia and China, (before anyone swallows the western anti-Palestinian narrative).

Aug 31, 2019 9:46 PM

Whilst I agree with the author that all three parties are racist – it’s one of the reasons I don’t understand BAME folk blindly clinging to Labour – I question why he has laid the blame for certain things such as Grenfell and Windrush solely at the Tories door. Labour also played a part in these things.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Aug 31, 2019 9:21 PM

OK; I’ll bite.

Since the article doesn’t explain, tell me why we should be extremely concerned about Jihadi Jack Letts or Shamima Begum or any of the rest of them losing their UK nationality.

Plus you can fill me in on why they are all so keen to keep their UK passports. Wouldn’t they all be happier as Saudi nationals?

If as you say the UK is just a toilet full of bigots and racists, there do seem to be astonishing numbers of migrants risking their own lives and those of their family members to try to move there. And Jack and Shamima and all the rest are ranting and raving about the injustice of not being allowed back. Why?

And, lastly, probably the most important point, if you want to find some really filthily disgusting bigots, throwing-gays-from-tall-buildings bigots, hating-with-venom-all-others bigots, look no further than these Islamist extremists.

Aug 31, 2019 9:46 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

The most evil terrorists are to be found in Israel and I do not mean the Israeli Palestinians. The British started the war in Syria on behalf of Israel to bring down Assad which mirrors what happened in Libya. ISIS fights for UK/US/Israel; so Jihadi Jack et al have been fighting for the UK.

Aug 31, 2019 10:13 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Indeed, Jihadi Jack and the ISIS brides have been proxies for the UK government. Therefore, following the logic of UK foreign policy, these people are patriots. Of course we all know the UK government use these people as scapegoats and useful distractions. And of course there are the White Helmet terrorists settled in the UK. Spirited away in a panic presumably to prevent the embarrassing and awful truth that the UK taxpayer funds mass murder and escalating tensions in the world.

People see racism as an issue on the streets and football matches but the problem goes right to the very top. It underpins the UK view and behaviour in the world. As always when you look at problem such as racism or Brazilian rainforests you have to think critically, look at the big picture and discard the narrow narratives in the media.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Aug 31, 2019 10:28 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

You are right in what you say but that does not allow us to overlook the kind of people jihadis are and too often the left turn a blind eye to the kind of trash they make common cause with. It is because they are all terrified of being accused of being racist. Well, let me ask you, what would the white western left think of jihadis, Islamists and Islam itself if its practitioners were all white westerners. Like the Mormons, or Jehovahs, for example.

You see, you are all blindsided by the skin colour of the people involved. Ergo, you are all racists, but here I digress from the main point.

Aug 31, 2019 11:15 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

Where do you get your knowledge of Jihadis from? The Media?

Sep 1, 2019 9:25 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

The Right have always been happy to make common cause with this “kind of trash” cf. Reagan’s Mujahideen “freedom fighters”.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 31, 2019 7:06 PM

As far as I am concerned, since the right wing coup of Brexit, all the nasty vermin who typically crawled under the floorboards feel emboldened to emerge into the daylight. So much so that they’re now in charge of the agenda.

Aug 31, 2019 7:21 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

As far as you’re concerned, black is white.

Aug 31, 2019 4:45 PM

I would go as far as saying that at least one of those mentioned is a traitor.

Aug 31, 2019 4:29 PM

It is so unlikely that Labour can win an election under Corbyn that I hope people use the next election as payback wherever it’s strategically possible, to remove some of the many careerist centrists blighting the party….an action they have made clear they were willing to do themselves because Corbyn wasn’t a fanatical remain supporter.

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Aug 31, 2019 6:28 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Its the lack of ruthlessness in JC that will probably be his undoing, however, as it stands, I see no alternative leader within the ranks of the PLP, so, he’s all we’ve got if we desire meaningful change – like many others I’m disappointed that the Party fell for the IHRA crap and was stunned that we had a stitch up on Open Selection this time last year – the Party needs root and branch change urgently and should not be home for many of the factions that inhabit its structure – the membership in its expanded scope is not at fault here, we’ve tried and many of us have been booted out for our efforts, me being one of them.

Aug 31, 2019 8:33 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

Let’s not forget that “ruthlessness” is not generally considered a human virtue.
It may be a Darwinian one, but Darwinism only goes so far.
I am not ready yet to assign the future of my species to such sub-human considerations at any rate.

Aug 31, 2019 8:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yet the future of the Labour party would I think, have been different with a leader like Nye Bevan had there been someone of that calibre alive now. Imagine him tearing Johnson a new one.

Aug 31, 2019 11:06 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Oh yes!
I was just thinking of Bevan yesterday.
What calls itself “leader” these days is just a wannabe with an inferiority complex.

Aug 31, 2019 11:43 PM
Reply to  wardropper

You obviously know nothing about leadership. There are many different styles. The fact that he has achieved backing to grow the party to be one of the biggest in Europe and that they are very well organised to fight an election shows leadership qualities. He has done this despite an organised campaign against him by the government (Integrity Initiative), the media, Zionists and right wingers in the Labour party.

Sep 1, 2019 4:34 AM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

What an ignorant thing to say.
You have no idea what I know or don’t know about leadership.
When did we last even discuss it?
As you say, of course there are different styles, and I am personally an admirer of Corbyn’s.
All my comment was meant to convey was admiration for Bevan.
If you can read decades of ignorance into that comment, you’re a pretty clever guy.

Sep 1, 2019 10:26 AM
Reply to  wardropper

You appeared to be supporting Lundiel on the unsatisfactory leadership of Labour. Then your last sentence heavily criticises current leadership, so one would assume that we are debating leadership.

Sep 1, 2019 1:30 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Excuse me! Don’t assume I’m dissatisfied with Corbyn’s leadership, I’m not, he’s the best of what’s currently available. I’m disappointed in the party that has clearly worked against him, I’m also disappointed in McDonnell who should have been protecting Corbyn, doing for him what Bevan did for Attlee…..it never happened and every day when journalists door-stepped Corbyn as he got on his bike it reinforced the media generated view he should go tend his allotment.
Too many Corbyn supporters won’t tolerate any criticism which is stupid and self-defeating.

Sep 1, 2019 3:59 PM
Reply to  lundiel

You did not mention Corbyn’s deputy Tom Watson who has has constantly worked against him. Given the pressure Corbyn has had from all sides, including Linesman of Momentum, he has my congratulations. He has had particularly strong pressure from the Zionist organisations as the Israelis seek to control country leaders or potential leaders. Corbyn said that the first thing he would do on becoming PM would be to recognise Palestine.
I had never voted Labour until Corbyn came along; I stood in the recent elections. If Corbyn goes then so do I and thousands of others.
I am happy to deal with any genuine criticism of Corbyn.

Sep 1, 2019 8:56 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

My concern centres on the political choices available to me. I expect my choice of candidate will have the same foreign policy as I. I don’t choose a candidate because of his/her foreign policy. I expect them to persue Socialist policies. Voting/support for a particular party shouldn’t be governed by foreign policy alone.

Sep 1, 2019 9:33 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Of course not.

Sep 1, 2019 9:15 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

I also think you expect too much of him. He is a parliamentary social democrat and though he might wish otherwise, is tied to NATO.

Sep 2, 2019 12:34 AM
Reply to  lundiel

” ….tend his allotment ” Lundiel we all know what he is ‘doing’ down at his ‘allotment’.

Sep 1, 2019 3:35 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

I was supporting Lundiel inasfar as he mentioned Bevan’s strength.
That does not mean I consider Corbyn to be hopelessly weak, and I agree with you that he has done remarkably well in the face of merciless media propaganda and falsehood against him.
I think Lundiel’s original comment implied that Corbyn will not be “tearing Johnson a new one” as Bevan would probably have done, and if that was Lundiel’s intent, I cannot disagree with him.
I would prefer to have such monstrosities as Johnson stopped suddenly in their tracks, rather than having us linger on eternally waiting for him and his “elite” backers to see the error of his loutish ways.
I also share Lundiel’s view that Corbyn is by far the best we’ve got, and I wish him every success.

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Aug 31, 2019 8:59 PM
Reply to  wardropper

So effectively, JC and the Left should just ignore the continued treachery of Jess Philipps and her ilk within the PLP, many of whom preferring perpetual Tory Rule than an actual Left-of-Centre Labour administration. Just remember, the most transformative government our nation has ever had, namely that of Clement Attlee has Ernest Bevin as his enforcer – nothing got past Bevin and he’d have eviscerated the like of Philipps – by not dealing with these Red Tories JC exhibits weakness and strengthens their hand – had we had Open Selection many of these wasters would be out the door, alas, we had a NEC stitch-up instead, which, and if likely, we have a GE prior to Christmas, will come back to haunt the Party big time.

Aug 31, 2019 10:03 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

Simply put, if the Labour Party will not deselect them, then the electorate surely will. Sadly that will mean no Labour majority next time but a hung Parliament as all of these duplicitous, undemocratic dogs-in -the-manger MPs are flushed out of the Commons.
Ditto on the Tory side – our only hope is that a second election swiftly follows.

Aug 31, 2019 11:16 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

I don’t think the opposite of being ruthless is to ignore.
It is to find a better alternative and to show why it is better, as well as showing the gaping holes in your opponent’s argument.
Ruthlessness is just establishing a new version of the ancient basis of our current royal family:
“I hit my opponent over the head with a bigger rock than the one he was carrying, so I got to be king”…
Obsolete, sub-human and sociopathic.
We COULD go that way, but let’s not.

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Sep 1, 2019 11:42 AM
Reply to  wardropper


I think it safe to say I’ve had Corbyn’s back since he came onto the scene in July 2015, although, and given his desire, thought it hard to swallow that he wanted a ‘nicer, gentler’ form of politics, when the reality was his enemies would use every tool at their disposal to depose him – given said facts, many of us engaged in the very practices that Corbyn was opposed too, had we not engaged with vigour he’d not be leader now.

For this individuals thought crimes against sinister Rightist forces within the Party I was expelled in the Great Purge of August 2016, about 5K peers were expelled, Auto-expelled or suspended as McNicol, Johanna Baxter and Margaret Beckett tried to gerrymander the second leadership election during the Chicken Coup – these antics continue unabated under the guise of the AS Witch Hunts.

Whilst, in a perfect scenario, its nice to follow yours and Corbyn’s lead, the fact remains these Rightists cannot be defeated unless we too get our hands dirty, indeed, one look at the antics of Luke Akehurst should drum this message home – and don’t call him a ‘gammon’, he don’t like it.

Sep 1, 2019 3:50 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

Thank you Chris.
Actually I agree with everything you say in that comment, and “getting our hands dirty” is probably an inevitable part of trying to defeat the rot in our midst.
The problem is just where to draw the line:
Nobody wants the Reign of Terror which late 18th Cent. France endured, but on the other hand the rot is terminal enough to warrant drastic surgery.
I can see that Corbyn has to walk quite a tricky tightrope here, and I don’t envy him the task. I, too, have supported him from the beginning, but I don’t feel I have the wisdom to offer him advice in the dreadful political situation facing the world today.
I mean, when I look at the Trump/Johnson/EU abomination guiding western foreign policy today, words simply fail me.

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Sep 1, 2019 7:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’m fully onboard JC is in an awkward spot, and know he does not have full control of the PLP, whilst Constitutionally, he’s only head of the Party, but does not manager the Party machinery, which is beyond his purview, that being the General Secretary’s job and that of the NEC, and of course his grasp on the NEC is not that strong, as the presence of l Lansman attests too – he who gifted us the full monty IHRA. Thus, I’ll only critique when necessary, in a nice way I hope.

That said, mistakes have been made, and our duty is to recognise them and try and mitigate against them – the Brexit fuddle be one of these as messages do seem to be mixed, and not in tune with Conference Resolutions, which causes me alarm.

Anyhow, and actually commenting on your Reign of Terror quote, the strangest thing is the anti-democrat and anti-reformists of the Right actually do equate Open selection and greater Party democracy as a Reign of Terror, whilst themselves inflicting Terror on many of the actual members, the favoured one being faux charges of Antisemitism, which are most difficult to fight once levelled by usually un-named parties.

I could wince on about the actual Reign of Terror itself, which funnily enough, I determined was a rational course of action that got a little out of control shall we say.

Sep 1, 2019 10:27 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

Well said.

Aug 31, 2019 9:58 PM
Reply to  Chris Rogers

You surely realise who is attacking the Labour party and Corbyn. It is organised by Israel and their zionist supporters in the UK as was proven by the Al Jazeera under cover reporter’s video “The Lobby”. Israel are ruthless in getting what they want and will use serious threats and actions. They have supporters in the Labour party who also do not want Corbyn. Didn’t the BBC accuse Corbyn of being ruthless? Of course he is not ruthless, and that is why he has attracted lots of new party members who will leave the party if Corbyn goes. We can go only to the Greens which is essentially a socialist party, but they also are not ruthless.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Aug 31, 2019 10:45 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

You are a bit obsessed with Jews, if I may say so.

Corbyn is under sustained assault from the British deep state. That is a fact like the sun rises daily in the east. They are afraid like never before of a genuinely left-wing government. The stuff from Israel comes from his support for Hamas, and it is there, but it is teeny-tiny minor compared to the relentless anti-Corbyn filth spewed by the British state via the Guardian, Telegraph, BBC etc.

If you think that Jews are the source of all evil then you are part of the scum tide of history, sometimes ebbing, sometimes flowing, but always there, never leaving.

Aug 31, 2019 11:29 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

All the Middle East wars have been fought on the orders of Israel including Syria:
Now Israel want the USA to make war on Iran.
Therefore Israel and zionism is very relevant to this article. Israel has been genociding the Palestinians for several decades now. Of course to you any criticism of Israel is antisemitic.
Read Ilan Pappe’s “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and Thomas Suarez’s “State of Terror – How terrorism created modern Israel” which has 680 detailed documented references.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Sep 1, 2019 6:04 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

The “Australian” Broadcasting Corporation has, for at least a year, promoted the ‘antisemitic’ canard against the UK Labour left and Corbyn. No speakers in defence of Labour, no readily available information which would disprove the smears, is permitted to be broadcast. This breaches the ABC’s code of practice which stipulates a right of reply must be given. But the ABC will tell you there has been no breach of the code. An insult to honest journalism.

Sep 3, 2019 11:32 PM

Here is some proof that the whole antisemitic Labour party story is nothing more than a dirty witch hunt, driven by ulterior motives. ABC = BBC, yet another criminal establishment institution masquerading as a friend of the public, when the truth is that it is the enemy of the public. Inversion. They love a bit of inversion

ZigZag Wanderer
ZigZag Wanderer
Sep 1, 2019 10:28 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

Haltonbrat hasn’t mentioned Jews . Not once.
However you suggest that Haltonbrat is ” a bit obsessed with Jews” and “think that Jews are the source of all evil”.

Top class distortion though …. well done.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Sep 1, 2019 7:23 PM

Top class distortion though …. well done.

Top class distortion my arse. Don’t make me laugh.

“You surely realise who is attacking the Labour party and Corbyn. It is organised by Israel and their zionist supporters in the UK”.

It is not even innuendo. It is not even implication. It is out-and-out stating that attacks on Corbyn’s Labour are organised by Israel and zionists and would not exist otherwise. He says nobody opposes Corbyn, not the Daily Telegraph or anyone, unless they get the nod from Tel Aviv.

So do please keep quiet until you learn to read. Dufus, once you get into seeing everyone as Zionist agents, you have a serious problem.

Sep 1, 2019 10:24 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

You are putting words into my mouth with your penultimate sentence, so learn how to read. The campaign against Corbyn and Labour was openly planned on Twitter. How did all three Jewish newspapers have the same headline attacking Labour and Corbyn on the same day. Of course it is open for them to do that, but it should be discusable. You are trying to shut down discussion.

Sep 1, 2019 10:10 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

The Zionists, not the Jews are the source of a great deal of evil right up to this present day. The Zionists stated that the Palestinians are the scum of the earth, but as usual the Zionists stand history on it’s head. If you read Suarez’s book on Zionist and Israeli terrorism you will be totally shocked.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Aug 31, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  lundiel

It is so unlikely that Labour can win an election under Corbyn

That’s what they all said last time. And you too, probably. He had no chance, it was going to be an embarrassing result, massive Tory triumph, the MSM hammered the message home, Teresa lapped it up, thought she would increase her majority…

Well, Corbyn went out there around the cities, spoke to 250,000 people in George Square in Liverpool, the next day he had 200,000 to hear him in Newcastle, all well known facts if you look but there was a total news blackout in the MSM, since it went against the narrative; to watch the news during the campaign, they never mentioned Corbyn except in negative terms. What I remember of the campaign was everyone up and down the land singing “Ooooh, Jememy Corbyn” to the tune of Seven Nation Army while Teresa screwed everything up.

So do not underestimate the man or the power of what he says to people. By the way, he had no chance during the Labour leadership campaign either, as the MSM informed us. It was either one Blairite prick or another Blairite prick, if I remember correctly.

So, let’s see.

Sep 1, 2019 9:20 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

I was one of those canvassing for Corbyn. I have since left the party due to policy, but I still support Corbyn personally.
In my very limited canvassing of friends, neighbours, acquaintances, etc. It appears that there really has been a shift of centrist Labour supporters (who also happen to be remain voters) to the LibDems. None of them mentions the referendum as influencing their move to the Liberals, they all quote antisemitism. The other factor at work is Johnson. His election as leader of the Tories along with supporting leave has seen the reset of the Tories in the eyes of many of my fellow working-class voters, they are willing to give him a chance.
I would like to think I am underestimating the power of Corbyn but much has happened in the last 3 years, not the least of which, the true extent of internal plotting within Labour, is quite astounding, about three-quarters of his MPs are against him and probably half would, as Chris Rogers rightly said, rather have an eternal Conservative government than one led by Corbyn.
I hope that DomesticExtremi above is correct and we can have a clearout of the worst of them giving Johnson a win without a majority with another election shortly after, giving Labour a chance to bring forward some new candidates.

Aug 31, 2019 4:27 PM

Many OffG articles are so thick with links that it is hard to know where to start. This looks like a very telling indictment, and I don’t doubt the writers credibility, but some links to evidence (especially the allegation made re the EHRC) would be really appreciated. That British politics is endemically racist I don’t doubt for a second. Thank you David.

Aug 31, 2019 10:02 PM
Reply to  KarenEliot

I don’t think that Labour under Corbyn is racist. Perhaps you believe the false media accusations of antisemitism?

Aug 31, 2019 11:14 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

It’s true that many Labour MPs loyal to the party are not racist. But the whole phoney anti- semitism row has been promoted also by many Labour members. The party has become infiltrated by a large group, some under the pay of Israel. This whole promotion of anti semitism in the party is racist -:as was Russiagate towards Russia. In promoting fake narratives they are responsible for ill feeling towards life long campaigners against racism and Palestinians and have distracted away from Israel’s crimes against other races.

John Mann was mentioned in the article. A clear racist. What’s he doing in the Labour party? It sounds to me there are some in the Labour Party who are prepared to exploit race to further their own careers or line their pockets.