The DNC Debates are a Sham
Renee Parsons

Ten democratic presidential candidates appear onstage before the start of the Democratic Presidential Debate at Texas Southern University in Houston on Thursday (Getty Images).
In the aftermath of the third Presidential Democratic National Committee (DNC) debate, it was mind boggling that viewers were forced to suffer through a rehash of the same, worn out regurgitations that had already been harangued previously.
There was no stunning moment where a Star stepped forward as in the two earlier debates, nor any momentous policy pronouncements worth pondering.
The ‘top tier’ candidates proved to be a bland assortment, awash in mediocrity and predictably contentious blathering. Missing in action was Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hi) who failed to meet the DNC’s arbitrary polling requirements; thus successful in clearing the stage of a reputable foreign policy voice.
If you were unfortunate enough to tune in, you may have realized that what remains of a once political powerhouse is little more than a bankrupt shell of flatulence and exploitation.
What the DNC and most of its candidates have not grasped is that there is an urgency and an underlying anxiety throughout the country with little public patience for frivolous, meaningless chatter that offers no real solutions to correct the decades of war debt, mismanagement and widespread corruption.
It should be apparent to all that the DNC has not learned one iota, not one scintilla about transparency or why they lost the 2016 election.
At that time, the DNC blatantly took no pains to hide its own corruption as it ‘stole’ the Dem nomination from Sen. Bernie Sanders(I-Vt) After the Dem convention that summer, Sanders’ response to the fraud and sleaze was like that of any feudal vassal.
He could not do enough to enable the DNC as he campaigned his ass off on behalf of Hillary Clinton. The DNC has not forgiven him since.
In 2016, Gabbard, then a rising star within the DNC and a Vice Chair, resigned her position to endorse Bernie and, as she walked out the door, cited HRC’s ongoing support for interventionist, regime change policies.”
Today, Sanders ambivalence to speak out on behalf of Tulsi has been noted as the DNC excluded her from the third debate as she so forthrightly spoke out on his behalf in 2016. That one resignation cost the Dem’s votes on top of an already faltering campaign that remained undiagnosed until after the votes were counted. The DNC hierarchy has not forgiven Gabbard.
After devastating losses across the country that year, including the White House, both houses of Congress and a majority of Gubernatorial seats and State legislatures, it might have been strategic for the Dems to regroup and reconsider their future. Misguided by a deeply embedded corruption that denied their own insulated version of reality, the DNC chose to pretend all was well in Camelot.
By election day 2016, the Russiagate fiasco was already in play and rather than consider the damage their own hysterical unsubstantiated allegations would inflict on the country, the Dem game plan was a train wreck waiting to happen.
In retrospect, one can only surmise that the DNC and its minions made a dangerously reckless choice to maintain their own power and position rather than exhibit any devotion to the country.
Fast forward to the 2020 primary season with almost two dozen Presidential candidates as the DNC connived to steer the desired outcome by fabricating truly creative debate deceits to screw the democratic process and even some of its own candidates.
It doesn’t take a professional pollster to recognize that at this early stage of the campaign, those candidates with the highest name recognition are understandably leading with the highest polls; not because of any particular sterling qualities or spectacular policy pronouncements but because they are the most familiar, the more known quantity. The bias of the MSM playing favorites with establishment-oriented candidates is also an enormous factor in the race for name recognition.
The reputable McClatchy-Marist poll pulled out of the DNC’s 2016 Presidential debates “out of concern that public polls are being misused to decide who will be in and who will be excluded’ and that “debate criteria assumes too much precision in polls.”
What they are saying is that every poll has a statistical margin of error which makes any poll number speculative and/or unreliable – but that’s exactly how the DNC plays the game.
Lee Miringhoff, Polling Director for Marist Institute issued his “Top Ten Reasons Why Polls should not be used to Determine Eligibility for Debates” including a range of inherent glitches since each pollster will use different methodology.
For instance, are potential voters ‘likely’ or ‘leaning’ or were they polled via a cell phone, a land line or a push button phone. Most importantly, Miringhoff questioned the use of a national poll to determine a candidate’s eligibility instead of a statewide primary poll and that the early campaign is unduly influenced by those candidates with higher name recognition as well as whether the opinion of generational voters is being considered.
To be sure, the DNC knew exactly what they were doing to require only certain ‘approved’ polling data as mandatory for debate inclusion – thereby excluding a candidate like Gabbard who exceeded the 2% threshold in 26 national and early state polls with only two of them on the DNC’s “certified” list.
As Bernie continues to challenge Biden and Warren, he has missed the stark reality that little has changed since 2016; to wit, even if he goes into the 2020 convention with a significant block of pledged delegates, the smart money says that the DNC will use every trick in the book to block a first ballot Sanders nomination to prevail.
Once a second ballot is called, the DNC is home free as their super delegates once again bail out the shady villains of Capitol Hill from a catastrophe of their own making as together, they unhesitatingly ram through the preferred ‘celebrity’ candidate they wanted in the first place.
Clearly, Gabbard who scored big in the June and July debates had become a thorn to the DNC and just as they will find a way to delete Bernie, so will they also pull whatever strings at their disposal to deny Gabbard a legitimate place on stage. But do not count the Aloha Girl out as she has a resilience and a stubbornness to find her way into the fourth debate.
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Both corporate owned USA political parties are corrupt. They both represent and serve the ultra wealthy elite.
There is no actual choice in USA (USSA) elections. False binary choice every time.
The DNC keeps trying to blame anybody, except Mrs. Clinton, for the 2016 failure.
Not that many voters wanted another Bush (RNC’s first choice) or another Clinton/Obama.
The various US States should try #xxEXIT and see if they get anywhere.
It’s a vicious circle.
The last “star” I saw come forward at such a debate was Ron Paul, but because he talked so much good sense, particularly in wanting to stop the appalling waste of money involved in waging perpetual war in countries that are none of our business, the enslaved press simply ridiculed him out of existence.
Even now, as a pretty elderly man, he is as active as one could wish, but he gets no wide publicity.
By the same token, if such a thing as a “star” even existed in today’s Washington, they would be screened out long before it came to TV-debate time.
We can’t take a chance that someone who knows what they are talking about might become widely known.
A memorable example of the sort of media attitude I am talking about is Chomsky’s wonderful retort when accused by Andrew Marr quite some time ago of doubting his sincerity:
I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believed something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.
It’s bad.
And it isn’t going to fix itself voluntarily.
Just as well to get that straight first.
I don’t usually comment on these articles, but your comments reminded me about a line in the first episode of Newsroom where the main character asks a democratic representative “if the Democrats are so fucking smart, why do they lose all the fucking time?” You and people like you are the reason they do.
I’ve gotten so fucking bitter over the last three years because people like you encouraged the God damned narrative that Bernie lost the 2016 primary because he was cheated. I’m sorry to say that he just lost and there is no greater reason. You backed the least popular candidate. Instead of gracefully accepting that, not only are you pushing that failed narrative, you are now pushing the exact same narrative (and for Gabbard of all people?) For this cycle.
I fucking hope it was worth it, because Trump loves this arguement. It means he gets at least four more years because people like you are so fucking focused on small shit instead of the the bigger picture. You know who will be suffering as a direct action of your advocacy? Mother nature. She’s going to suffer as Trump has been allowed to pack the courts with judges, on every level, who will up hold every challenge to every liberal policy for the next 20 years. Imagine the shit he can do with his next term. People like you love to bitch and moan about how we can preserve. The enviornment, but can’t get over your own fucking ego to do it. News flash: Gabbard and Sanders aren’t winning this time either. It’s not because there is some fucking secret cabal in the Democratic party. Its because you are backing loser candidates. The conspiracy comes into play because you can’t accept that.
I hope the last 3 years have been worth it, because people like you have certainly earned it. And I’m sure Trump and his group of moron followers appreciate your words and your service to their causes.
It has nothing to do with Democrats.
The decent people of America simply lack the courage to stop the corrupt people taking over – and I don’t underestimate that it takes courage to do that.
Nor is this anything new.
It is the same problem that Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln tried to deal with.
Jackson even had some success, claiming, when asked what he thought was his greatest achievement as President, “I killed the bank.” Of course it didn’t take “the bank” long to get back on its cloven feet again.
The Bernie was cheated narrative hardly serves the Dems purposes. After all it was them (their leadership) who cheated him.
Vote for Buttplug! He’s gay! No, vote for Pocahontas! She’s a Red Indian! No, vote for Kabbala! She’s a darkie! Well, sort of. Why can’t we vote for a trannie? When are they goimg to give us a trannie?
Don’t give them any ideas! If the Democratic convention next summer ends up deadlocked, they may wheel out Michell Obama to be our ‘savior’.
Next up is a deaf/dumb/blind cripple with ADHD, if that’s not being too pessimistic.
After all, a healthy, fully functioning human being is clearly no longer required.
For the record, I apologize from the bottom of my heart to anyone with such disabilities who feels offended by my use of that terminology. I am merely using sarcasm to express my horror at what has happened to our western governments.
I cannot understand why you are making such a big deal over Tulsi Gabbard….She voluntarily went to war in Iraq, which meant she believed the lies of Right wing moron, George W. Bush….What incredibly poor judgement.
In addition she is an enormous fan of the Right Wing Hindu Indian leader, Modi, responsible for the murder of an uncountable number of Muslim citizens….And look now at the horror he has brought about in Kashmir….How can you ignore this?
IMO, she is as rotten as all the other Democratic candidates, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders….Although I do agree that his backing of Hillary was exceedingly regrettable.
Maxine – for all her admited faults Tulsi Gabbard is the ONLY CANDIDATE to openly, vocally and repeatedly oppose America’s ongoing illegal immoral “regime-change” wars in her MSM interviews, and she is THE ONLY CANDIDATE to introduce Congressional legislation – the (“Stop Funding Terrorists ACT,”) attempting to ban U.S. financial support for our regime-change terrorist buddies in ISIS. To some of us that counts for something and it most certainly makes her significantly different from ALL OF the other cookie cutter candidates.
Tulsi has no chance of getting near the levers of power, but to suggest that her voice missing in these debates is of no consequence is simply disconnected from the reality of U.S. war policy and the complete lack of discussion of that policy in public discourse here in the U.S.
I donate to Tulsi’s campaign for one reason only – so she can be on the debate state and can publicly challenge the U.S. regime-change war machine in front of the entire nation on MSM. Please tell me if there is another candidate I’ve missed who you are aware of who is doing this and I’d be glad to consider donating to them also Maxine???
I certainly have no objection on her taking part in the so-called “debates”….But for the 2 reasons I gave, I simply do no trust her….What does her present anti-war stance mean in view of her voluntarily backing GWB’s war?….Why does she back the sadistic, warmongering Modi….Because she too is a Hindu?….Well that’s not good enough for me….Nevertheless, I do hope you are correct about her motives
I just replied to you but my comment seems not to have gotten through….So I guess I’ll have to try again….I have no objection to her taking part in the so-called “debates”….But I simply do not trust her for the 2 reasons I noted above….WHY did she take part in GWB’s war?….WHY does she back the sadistic, warmongering Modi?….To me, these factors do make her current anti-war stance questionable….As to donating to another candidate, NO, I cannot suggest any of them.
Tulsi is not an ‘enormous fan’ of Modi and there’s no evidence of this. She may have spoken highly of certain things he has done, but not of this Muslem killing spree you’re talking about. Don’t forget Obama was actually good friends with Modi. Sounds like you’re lumping blame on her just cos she’s ‘Hindu.’ I do trust her, its not hard not see form the way she interacts with people and her message that she has integrity and cares about people. Her stop arming terrorists Act, OFF act, fair elections bill etc are all really good ideas that the media just ignores.
First of all, your implication that I am not a Tulsi fan because of her Hindu origins, is utterly ridiculous….Neither do I dislike Modi because of HIS ethnicity….I dislike him for his criminal activities.
And it does not surprise me in the least, that the corporate-loving warmonger, Obama, was his good friend.
I hope Tulsi turns out to be all that you believe her to be.
Until Gabbard gets into the White House, then she will carry on business as usual.
The individual acting as the President does not matter.
The billionaires and trillionaires will get what they want every time.
Every bill in Congress is voted up or voted down in perfect correlation with the views of the ultra wealthy on those bills. Every other economic class does not matter.
AIPAC has just a small part in the overall picture. Focusing on AIPAC, and anti-zionism, keeps People from realizing the big picture.
Igor – as I said in my response comment to Maxine I have no illusions that Tulsi will be allowed to get anywhere near the White House, but having her present in the debates where she can actually speak about our immoral American foreign policy would be an important event in American politics – which is exactly why her own Democratic Party elites are doing everything they can to keep her out of the debates. There isn’t another candidate running who has dared to speak of the elephant in the room – which is the fact that our U.S. military and CIA materially and logistically support the jihadist terrorists in our regime-change wars in the Middle East.
These have not been debates. The moderators have not asked tough follow up questions to clarify vague answers but have let the candidates get by with their off topic replies. Moderators have also unfairly skewed the candidates’ exposure by meting out more time to popular candidates and barely letting the unknown candidates speak at all. Which really makes no sense, because the well known candidates continue to just regurgitate the same talking points from debate to debate.
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Mainstream American Politics. Expecting radical change, especially change impressed from the top, is fantasy. That said, turning your back on it leads to Trump, McConnell and worse. So, no, I didn’t watch the ‘debates’, as far as I’m concerned they are a waste of time, a sham. That doesn’t mean that I won’t turn out and vote — remember, one of the key strategies of the American right / fascists is to disenfranchise voters, to alienate what they can’t suppress. To me, though, the key races will be at the local and state level — our passivity has allowed the fascists a very strong support environment through the states (some of those states’ representatives are certifiable……). At the federal level its just damage control for the time being. Think strategic and can the pipe dreams!
Not much I can add to this, except to say that the corruption and lack of morality/ethics all across the western world is just staggering (and will probably end in WW3).
Beam me up, Scotty…
How could the debates be a sham in a country which is itself a sham, and has been for 35 years, when it became a Corporate Police State? The same applies across the 5 Eyes spectrum. Totally irrelevant, yesterdays men barking while the real new world order is progressing quite nicely without them..
Hands together everybody: what a picture … Ami-Al-Sham ,
Shalom, good riddance & good night 🙂
Reality-seekers should see Dmitry Orlov’s latest post: ‘Bolt on, Bolt off’ to get a really stark, hard-reality-dominated picture of what’s going on right now in US federal politics. Essentially, Dmitry says, Trump is running a strategy which lets him fulfil at least some of his stated election intentions, and at the same time allows the delusionals who clutter up the foetid internal politics of the Swamp to impale themselves on a ramping sequence of foreign-policy omnishambleses, thus making them *fireable*, and that particular piece of foreign policy so radio-active that no subsequent Swampy will dare to touch it – so allowing Trump to push his original purposes forward again.
As Dmitry enumerates, TIGW,* The Insane Geriatric Walrus has made a sterling job of screwing up whole areas of foreign policy, with his crowning screw-up achievement being the ludicrous Venezuela fiasco, making both himself and that particular item of foreign policy untouchable by any subsequent Swamp-cretin who gets foisted on Trump, simply out of the cretin’s basic sense of self-preservation. Essentially, Tronald is allowing the Swampies to feck themselves to impotence by letting them attempt to carry out their delusions in the real world, and going down in royal screw-ups in the process. Then Tron gets to fire them, and subsequently gets to do some of the things he wanted to do.
To see the whole blog, both illuminating AND mordantly entertaining as usual, you’ll need to subscribe to his patrons’ account, either with the terminally iffy Patreon, or the also somewhat iffy SubscribeStar. Worth the hassle in any case.
None of the above should be read in any way as an endorsement of Donald Trump. An endorsement, on the contrary, of Dmitry’s diamond-hard, heavily fact-researched, coldly-even-handed realism, to help it get the airing it needs so urgently. Surprisingly comforting, in fact – about USAmerica’s nuclear impotence, for example (sic!), as well as other crucial matters.
* Cymraeg-speakers will recognise that acronym as a pronounceable set of letters: ‘Tigoo’ in popular-phonetic English: A suitably ridiculous handle for a deeply-toxic ancient-criminal fart who has now finally been scrap-heaped, it seems. Along with the even more demonic superannuated war-criminal Elliott Abrams, retired by the same Venezuelan-feck-up process. Thank god.
That’s an interesting take.
I wonder what Dmitry would say in reply to “How much longer will he keep on hiring people who ‘fuck it all up’, before revealing his prefered foreign policy ?”
It’s been two years and nine months so far.
I cannot work it out. Trump tweets that he fired the Walrus because the latter held him back (i.e. he was not hawkish enough ! ).
Drone killing has increased in his presidency, so those (not you) who are on the ‘Q’ side of things seem to be taken in.
What do any of us know?
The whole thing seems like a psyop from start to finish.
But there’s no denying that Trump has built up genuine personal friendships with Putin (stymied by the Russiagate nonsense), Kim and Xi. And he recently stated that regime change wars have always been counterproductive.
There seems to be a very fluid relationship between what he says/ tweets and what he does. Perhaps even more so than with Barak Obama.
It seems to me that Trump is basically about one thing : Israel.
Putin and Trump both lend support to Netanyahu:
It’s all charade.
My view is that Trump is about one thing: himself. He wants a genuine legacy, as opposed to his predecessors of the past fifty years, who just wanted enrichment, and to be a part of the ‘in crowd’. Israel is a sideshow. Netenyahu’s sponsor is Trump’s sponsor, and Bolton was the sponsor’s pick. Trump has managed to discard Bolton. Well done. Imo, Trump sees his legacy as an accord with China (through trade war brinksmanship that forces said accord), peace in the Korean peninsula (this is the biggie for him), and returning the USA to aggressive diplomacy, and away from military empire. He knows that the last issue is self-defeating, as per his comments about regime change wars.
LOL! Easily the funniest thing I’ve read in ages … and sadly so true.
Bernie’s weak–just like Jeza. The institutional left is finished.
He folds like a wet sheet for the DNC, who cheated him. Says it all?
Caitlin nails it, again>>>
Fine writing:
The average American has no more privilege than the average European or Russian etc. The demonising of ‘America’ as opposed to US imperialism only paves the way for that imperialism to be presented as a benign new system simply by relocating – to the EU say, or maybe even China (who knows?)
Very good point. Here’s another: so much of what is called ‘American’ culture nowadays is really historically very anti-American. Do not be fooled: the globalist élite that presently occupies our country–yes, ‘occupy’ is the best word here–does not have the true interests of the country at heart, any more than they care about the interests of the other countries the currently occupy. The only interests they care about are their own.
The US citizen lives off the USD which is controlled and printed by the US Government (not the public facade but the real government). The rest of the world has to buy USD to buy oil and gas. The finanical manipulators in the US can manipulate foreign exchange rates via naked shorts and the like to make such purchases ‘reasonable’ (for relaible US vassals) or not (for US enemies such as Venezuela). Since the 1973 Oil Shock when the US and Saudi aligned to arrange this, the US has been living off the backs of everyone else in the world. The resulti s ~4% of the world’s population exploits ~25% of the world’s resources.
A strong dollar helps finance and real-estate speculators, but absolutely kills exports, industry and jobs. The average American, therefore, does not benefit from the strong dollar. How could he benefit from higher unemployment combined with higher rents?
The USD is controlled and printed by the Fed, which is not under the control of the US government.
The USD is controlled by the central banks, AKA the globalist elite.
The US Treasury prints the USD. The Fed controls its supply, and is, notionally, partly under the control of the govt.
Editor: why would China or especially Hong Kong, (long secured ’till 2047), want anything to do with ‘American Privilege’, when Cato and other World indexes for socio/economic Freedoms have rated FreePort Hong Kong, Number ONE in the whole World for ages, consistently: repeat, the World Leaders in Freedoms was/is Hong Kong, rated even above Switzerland: that should interest you, given the recent orchestrated unrest & msm digestives that appear to try to convince everybody otherwise >>> last time I looked, Germany was only ranked finally at number 12 and the USA number 23 …
Even Cato had to admit this (see link) & Hong Kong’s privileges, economically, have way outstripped the USA, repeatedly … for well over a decade and their HK$ currency is pegged to the US$ … is it possible that people far & wide & even @OffG have been deluded by the Zionist media campaign and CIA/NGO MSM machinations of distraction from reality,
I ask ?
Damn those kids in HK waving USA flags were demanding USA Freedoms and rights, but they too, seem to have got something MASSIVELY wrong, especially Josh Wong … does he know who has the largest prison population & per capita & private prison profits & Super-Maximum rates of return on investments, with recidivism built in ? 😉 Let alone Wong’s apparent lack of awareness about CIA Drug Barons and Arms dealers, that service Terrorism from the Balkans (check Dilyana Gaytanzhieva’s latest brilliant revelations)… imo, there’s an article in the false portrayal of events & life within Hong Kong recently, by the MSM & CIA/NGOs goals >>> how can a place be number one in Socio-Economic Freedoms in so many different indexes and yet the locals start wanting to wave the USA flag and are permitted to …
I can’t see China being patient much longer !
Fact is Fact, truths are sacred, Cato has spoken 🙂 call Peter Sellers …
C J is not writing about the ‘average American’
She’s writing about the average ignorant American. And yes, they come in all creeds, colours and sexual orientations.
What people need to write down a social contract between them and their reps before they get voted into office.
The Progressives could all come up with basic points…….
They keep calling Tulsi the most republican candidate, just because she is not far left. What they fail to realize is that she is the only candidate that can get the centrists support. Democrats are going to vote for a democratic candidate. Republicans are going to vote for a republican candidate. Centrists are going to vote for Trump, because they see him as lesser of two evils, unless they go with Tulsi. It’s just logic and some critical thinking. I guess that’s not really cool for DNC.
I will say again Gabbard/Paul (no particular order) would be a nailed on real revolutionary moment for the US and challenge the plutocracy finally.
Money is not as important in genuine grass roots politics.
Observing the grotesque spectacle of US politics we are looking at the future – a future of no future. The twilight of western civilization is there for all to see, if, that is, they care to watch. Europe lags behind somewhat but it is on the same trajectory. It should be understood that an inevitable systemic collapse is built into late capitalist civilization itself. Leaving aside culture, this process can be broken down into purely rational and/or economic terms . The whole process is cumulative as layer and layer of dysfunctional practices clog up the whole system. Taxes rarely go down; the information processing gets denser; standing armies and the attendant MIC/NSA bureaucracies grow larger. Elites want, and get more of the pie, and so forth. What is unleashed is an unending spiral of increasing complexity (and fragility) and correspondingly higher costs. We are deep into the the process of diminishing returns and apparently locked into an out of control process where there seems no turning back. In the west at least the peoples have learnt to be stupid.
As Oswald Spengler observed:
”In place of a world, there is a city, a point in which the whole life of regions is collecting, while the rest dries up. In place of type-true people, born and grown up on the soil, there is a new sort of nomad, cohering unstably in fluid masses, the parasitical city dweller, traditionless, utterly matter-of-fact, regionless, clever, (in a cheap sort of way) unfruitful, deeply contemptuous of the countryman … The world city means cosmopolitanism in place of home … The world city belongs not to a folk but a mob. Its uncomprehending hostility to all the traditions representative of the Culture … the reappearance of panem et circenses in the form of wage disputes and sports stadia, all these things betoken the closing down of culture and the opening of a quite new face of human existence, anti-provincial, late, futureless, but quite inevitable.” (The Decline of the West – pp.25/26)
Have a nice Day!
If, as seems likely, the DNC foist another war-and-Wall Street candidate onto the party, Trump is assured of a second term.
Shame denies any true expression.
A hollow substitution in search of an audience.
A god of show biz sets the stage, the scene, the scripted play.
“Watch Me!”
Where your love is – there you are.
Give your love to the true and know truly.
Same as it ever was
Bernie Sanders has shown his true colors. Just like the so called reds in Italy Amendola who took over the reigns of the old left guard and publicly declaring himself gay and performing civic marriage in public. Its all show and no action. Identiterianism and social Marxism which does not remedy the largest wealth gap since the Gilded age and the largest concentration of wealth known to man kind in the modern era and the post modern era.
Until the average citizenry stand up and demand change like the Gillet Jeune in France nothing will ever change. Tulsi Gabbard and Ran Paul if they had any courage and were to further their intellectual honesty would form 2 new parties that would seal the fate of the DEMORATS the REBULICRATS fate.
Post Scriptum : I live in reality hence I am not holding my breathe .Just look what the M5S did in Italy formed a government with the sell out Partito Democratico.
Docius In Fundem: You still believe we defeated fascism???????????????????
You don’t need voilence to make a change.
MLK/Ghandi Gambit. Use the Benjamins in your pocket.
Starbucks heard and the BDS movement made Israel take notice.
Since when does one equate mass movement demonstrations with violence???????????????
When the Benjamins in the avrage citezenries pockets are evr diminishing it becomes less of an option for the average human.
Also my views on these candidates. These jokers make the next election peanuts for Trump. Keep on dismissing the best Democratic candidate Gabbard you fools!
2016 2.0
The owners have decided that Trump will continue on his path to take away the remaining scarce leftovers of freedom. Cheered by those who all so willingly sacrifice them for the promise of ‘security’. And fought tooth and nail by the Russiagaters, who just can’t let it go. They are demanding a war with Russia and who needs a Bolton when the population itself is so warmongering.
Good riddance to the U.S. My condolences to those who still have reteined critical thinking, a spine and integrity. It might be advised to leave now, if it can be done. It may sound ludicrous, but those who line up at the U.S. border to get in, will leave a void where they come from. Maybe that could be filled with those who have a hunch for what will happen in the U.S. now.
Watch as the only person who could have changed the course of history is not allowed to do so. Therefore, it may not even possible to change history. Sort of fate due to Karma. Sure, Tulsi Gabbard is no more or less perfect than anybody else, but she is more qualified than any of the ten stooges on stage. Yes, I will not forget what happened with my donation to Sanders. No need for a second time.
Time to close the last chapter of what was once deemed and may even have been – for the shortest possible period – the land of unlimited opportunities. Nah, never was for the low income part of the population. In the U.S. one needs a lot of money to make some money. There might be merits in de-uniting the states that haven’t been united in a very long time. Absent some false flags that glue the people together to watch their fake news and blame it all on someone else.
If there is a superlative for disappointment, consider that I am using it right now.
So there is some insight within the US! Your summary of the DNC fits very well with what is distilled outside the country. It seemed , and you concur, that the Dems stand only for getting re-elected, while the GOP stands for many things, none of which are acceptable, at least outside.
Thanks for a useful summary from within the zoo.