New National Security Advisor Shows Dangerous is the New Normal

Or: Why one must be evil to be a “leading scholar of International Relations”

Eric Zuesse

O Brien addressing the UN.

Robert O’Brien is a respected authority on international relations and now replaces John Bolton as U.S. President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor. He is a neoconservative who feels that Barack Obama wasn’t nearly enough of a neocon. However, the differences between the two are a matter of degee, and not of type.

O’Brien is a Republican who served in the Obama Administration as well as in the G.W. Bush Administration, and in the Trump Administration, and he represents only mainstream U.S. scholarly views about international relations. Here are some of his views, as stated in his 2016 anti-Obama book While America Slept:

The overthrow of “Putin puppet Viktor Yanukovych” in 2014 Ukraine was a democratic revolution, not a bloody coup that removed the democratically elected President and which was entirely illegal.

Communism was finally crushed in Ukraine, because of this “revolution,” he says. “Notwithstanding the war and punishing economic circumstances, Russia’s invasion and occupation have inflicted on them, Ukrainians are happy today. They showed the world that they remain unbowed in the face of aggression.”

“Liberty and the Rule of Law are Universal Values” and the U.S. Government needs to impose them globally. Because of Obama, “China, Russia, and Iran engaged in significant arms buildups even as America drew down,” while “these nations grabbed territory in the South China sea, Eastern Europe, and across the Middle East.” Limits need to be removed from the defense budget he says, so that America can impose democracy and legality everywhere.

It’s all fantasy.

For example: As a result of the February 2014 U.S. takeover of Ukraine: Ukrainians became amongst the unhappiest people on the planet, and the Government’s debt doubled, and Ukraine’s GDP plunged 50%, and the incomes of Ukrainians plunged 50%, and two regions which had been in Ukraine (Crimea and Donbass) broke away from the U.S.-imposed nazi Government that wanted the residents in those areas to be killed or else expelled into Russia

Why were the residents impoverished while the Government’s debt doubled? Where did that money go? All of that debt-increase was borrowing in order to be able to afford the war against Donbass. O’Brien says “Ukrainians are happy today”, but, by all objective measures, they’ve not been less happy except during World War II — they disliked Hitler and Stalin even more than they disliked the 2014-installed U.S.-coup-regime.

Robert O’Brien is an even stronger believer in the statement that President Obama so often stated, that the United States is “the one indispensable nation”, which means that all others are “dispensable.”

That’s the core belief of neoconservatism, and O’Brien is so extreme a believer in it as to attack Obama for having not been as extreme as he himself is.

The entire range of neoconservatism is, however, the norm in U.S.-and-allied international relations. Extreme as O’Brien is, he’s merely extremely normal for a top person in international relations, in any country that’s allied with the United States today.

To study international relations isn’t evil, but to rise to the international top in that field is evil, because the international top in this field can’t be reached unless the writer is propagandizing for the world’s leading power and is therefore an imperialist, and that’s a reliable definition of what it means to be evil in international relations.

Imperialism is ‘justifiable’ only on one basis, supremacism; and that’s the belief in might-makes-right, which is also the core belief in fascism — which is intrinsically evil. This is the reason why Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco, were commonly called “fascist,” even though only in Italy was the tyrant’s political party named that with a capital “F”.

The ideology is lower-case, “fascism” — this is simply the might-makes-right belief, and this ideology has existed ever since the dawn of civilization itself.

Mussolini didn’t invent it, but he updated it, so as to call it “corporationism,” and, synonymously, “fascism.” He called it that in order to enable the prior aristocratic system, feudalism, which was based upon ownership and control of land, to become ‘updated’ to “fascism,” which is based instead upon ownership and control of corporations.

Now in the industrial era, ownership of shares of stock replaces ownership of acres of land, the aristocratic system which had prevailed in the pre-1600 human era, the agrarian era. And this is the modern form of feudalism: fascism. They’re just different eras of supremacism.

Another good example of a leading scholar of international relations is Harvard’s Graham Allison, whom I have previously discussed in regards to his views regarding Russia.

This time, however, I shall discuss his views regarding China, and I also shall discuss his views concerning existing U.S. foreign policies relating not only to China and Russia but to the entire non-U.S. world. As you will see: he agrees with Barack Obama that “The United States is and remains the one  indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come.”

In other words: Allison believes that every other  nation is “dispensable.” That view is American supremacism — America’s form  of fascism. It’s also called “neoconservatism.” This is how one becomes appointed to — and he leads — Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.


On 11 December 2018, the anonymous “Zero Hedge” headlined “This is What The ‘Trade’ War With China Is Really All About”, and provided there a brilliant description of what the conflict with China is actually about, and of why this conflict has now reached the stage where it inevitably will dominate geostrategy in the centuries going forward (if a resulting nuclear war won’t end everything, which would eliminate future centuries).

Global warming could be permanently interrupted by nuclear winter from a major-powers nuclear war, but those are the only two reasonably credible doomsday scenarios, at present (other than an asteroid-hit against this planet, which would be far less likely): global burnout, or else WW III.

Perhaps these two possibilities are why the great poet Robert Frost wrote:

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Robert Frost, Fire and Ice

Both options — “fire” and “ice” — would be Man-made; and, in both options, the people who are leading us there are imperialists — fascists. Some of them push for global burnout; some push for WW III; some push for both.

When Frost said, “I hold with those who favor fire,” he was suggesting that he expected a World War III, which, as a nuclear mega-conflict, would actually end up freezing the planet to death, thus: “nuclear winter.”

Consequently, his “fire” would produce the opposite of fire; and global burnout (which would take far longer to implement) isn’t the “fire” that he was referring to. Global burnout would simply kill everything on the planet — there would be nothing left to burn.

Fascists aren’t concerned about either “fire” or “ice,” but only about supremacy: their conquest, and rule over the world. They are heedless of both global burnout and nuclear war — except insofar as they think that either outcome could end up placing “our side” on top — and would thus be ‘good’ in their view, because to them it would be “victory,” and “Might makes right.”

For example: Robert Scheer’s 1982 book, With Enough Shovels: Reagan, Bush, and Nuclear War, was about the U.S. Republican Party mainstream, which is fascism, and specifically was about the Ronald Reagan and G.H.W. Bush (and very much also later described G.W. Bush’s) view, that America must build nuclear weapons in order to use them to conquer Russia — not really in order to prevent war between the U.S. and Russia.

One of Scheer’s interviews in that book was with Charles Kupperman, who at that time was a national-security advisor to President Reagan, and became subsequently a vice president both at Lockheed Martin and at Boeing — the two largest sellers to the U.S. Government, meaning the top two U.S. Government contractors (basically, the two largest suppliers to the Pentagon). Here are excerpts from Scheer’s interview with Kupperman about this, when he asked Kupperman about whether victory in a nuclear war is possible:

Scheer: So you think it is possible to win?

Kupperman: I think it is possible to win. [Scheer asked what that means.] It means that it is clear after the war that one side is stronger than the other side, the weaker side is going to accede to the demands of the stronger side.

No definition was supplied as to what measures should apply in order to determine “that one side is stronger than the other side.”

But clearly, Kupperman meant that “the weaker side is going to accede to the demands of the stronger side.”

He was thinking in terms of Russia’s surrendering. To a fascist, surrendering means that the surrenderer is inferior to the victor: after all, “Might makes right” is their ‘ethic’. That’s what it means to be a supremacist.

Scheer asked what that victory would be like, and Kupperman said:

It would be a struggle to reconstitute the society that we have. It certainly wouldn’t be the same society [that had existed] prior to an exchange, there is no question about that. But in terms of having an organized nation, and having enough means left after the war to reconstitute itself, I think that is entirely possible.”

Nothing was asked about how that’s possible after the nuclear war, when there would be nuclear winter.

Wikipedia has a good article about “Nuclear Winter”, and it not only describes that, but states:

A “nuclear summer” is a hypothesized scenario in which, after a nuclear winter caused by aerosols inserted into the atmosphere that would prevent sunlight from reaching lower levels or the surface,[58] has abated, a greenhouse effect then occurs due to carbon dioxide released by combustion and methane released from the decay of the organic matter and methane from dead organic matter and corpses that froze during the nuclear winter. [58][59]

Another more sequential hypothetical scenario, following the settling out of most of the aerosols in 1–3 years, the cooling effect would be overcome by a heating effect from greenhouse warming, which would raise surface temperatures rapidly by many degrees, enough to cause the death of much if not most of the life that had survived the cooling, much of which is more vulnerable to higher-than-normal temperatures than to lower-than-normal temperatures.

So: a reasonable assumption would be that people such as Kupperman understate, to the point of basically lying about, the consequences if they succeed. First, there would be the immediate deaths and then the deaths from injuries and diseases afterwards; then, there would be the starvations, the global famine; then, there would be the nuclear winter; and, then, there might be global warming “rapidly by many degrees, enough to cause the death of much if not most of the life that had survived the cooling.”

And, of course, any surviving Republicans, and the many Democrats who likewise are neoconservatives-imperialists-fascists, would try to kill as many of their surviving opponents as possible, so that “the weaker side is going to accede to the demands of the stronger side,” which would be victory, for the ‘winners’, of that nuclear war.

Before Robert O’Brien got the nod on September 18th, Kupperman was the temporary National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, when Kupperman’s immediate superior, John Bolton, was fired by Donald Trump, for having failed to conquer either Venezuela or Iran or Syria or Russia or China or North Korea.

Perhaps Bolton and Pompeo, and the other people whom Trump had surrounded himself with, expected that Trump would go to war against all or at least one  of them (perhaps Venezuela?), in order to reassert America’s supremacy over the entire globe, but Trump refused to do that so short a time before the next U.S. Presidential election, and so they all were disappointed in him, and he was disappointed in them.

On 10 September 2019, the New York Times  reported that, “the president appreciated Mr. Kupperman’s just-the-facts style compared with Mr. Bolton’s often ideologically charged delivery: If Mr. Trump had to have a national security brief concerning long-term planning, he preferred it from Mr. Kupperman as opposed to Mr. Bolton, according to a person with knowledge of that process.” And now, Trump will get his neocon advice from O’Brien.


Graham Allison’s best-selling 2017 Destined for War says that China is destined for war with the United States because China will be stupid or recalcitrant enough to resist becoming part of the American empire.

In the standard self-righteous way of aristocrats and their sycophants, he starts with the unquestionable assumption that “we” are right and “they” (whomever challenges “our” supremacy) will be so stupid or otherwise flawed as to force “us” to ‘defend ourselves’ by demonstrating ‘our’ ‘superiority’. This is similar to the barbaric views that are expressed by virtually all members of the U.S. Congress, and by all U.S. Presidents, since at least the time of Reagan — all of them similarly self-righteous and imperialistic.

In fact, America’s leading national-security scientists have asserted that the U.S. Government is now so strongly neoconservative that America’s weaponry is now designed definitely with the purpose being to win a nuclear war against Russia, instead of to prevent, or even to avoid, such a war. They have documented that, at the very top of the U.S. Government, there is more extreme supremacism than has ever existed anywhere.

Never before in history has a regime — not even Hitler’s — implemented a plan to conquer the world even if its only realistic result, if the plan succeeds, would be to terminate all life on Earth. America’s supremacism — such as is advocated by Graham Allison and all U.S. Administrations since at least the time of G.W. Bush — is the one and only supreme supremacism.

Back in the 1930s and 40s, these were the views that were similarly expressed by the aristocracies and sycophants in places such as Germany, Italy, and Japan. I am not saying that those people, or ours, who hold to supremacist views, are “filth,” or “trash,” or other such supposed pejoratives.

After all, there can be good filth or trash. However, there cannot be any good fascist (or “imperialist”). (Is there “good evil”? Does anyone actually think so?) I agree with FDR on that.

Succeeding in the field of foreign affairs, in Washington, DC, by repudiating American imperialism, or “neoconservatism,” is, and long has been, impossible. That town has emerged, since WW II, to become the fascist capital of the world.

In this sense, the sides have become reversed, since FDR’s death.

So: the differences between Robert O’Brien, and Graham Allison, and Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, and G.W. Bush, are, actually small, when it comes to international relations.

They’re all fascists. They’re all normal U.S. experts on topics of international relations.


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Robert Thorpe
Robert Thorpe
Oct 31, 2019 7:08 PM

A first rate article. The author implies in writing something that enters my consciousness from time to time: That if the United States Empire is sufficiently challenged, say via an economic collapse arising out of an abandonment of the US$ as a reserve currency (which would make funding the Empire as we know it impossible), or by a sufficient shift in the centre of geopolitical gravity to China/Russia, that the US would possibly launch a final war of destruction as the thrashing desperate action of a trapped animal, and that this war would result in the extinction of everything on earth. I have a dread fear that the (PNAC) lunacy of the US possibly extends that far.

Sep 21, 2019 1:06 AM

Personal life
Raised a Catholic, O’Brien converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mormon) in his twenties. Upon being named President Trump’s National Security Advisor, he became the highest-ranking Latter-day Saint in the US government.[2]

What is scary is this is guy who believes in MAGIC UNDERWEAR, peep stones, and other religious non sense. While Saudia Barbaria has it’s wahabis head choppers, we have our crazies in the form of religious fundamentalist nutters like him, pompous pompeo, and pence. Dangerous people….very dangerous. And I thought the zionist were bad.
Maybe baby jesus will save us.

Dec 8, 2019 11:34 PM
Reply to  Tonymike

Magic Underwear, Noah’s ark, the Immaculate Conception, Body of Christ, Heaven, Hell …
Sooner or later it all comes down to that person in the mirror.

Sep 20, 2019 3:53 PM

Bill Hicks – Time To Evolve

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Sep 20, 2019 1:23 AM

#911Justice – NOW! Wonder what Donald Trump’s new National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien has to say about this:

ZigZag Wanderer
ZigZag Wanderer
Sep 20, 2019 1:10 AM

Meanwhile the mind boggling incompetence of these lunatics continues unabated. Last night an American drone fired on Afghan farmers resting in tents after a days hard graft. 30 innocent farmers were killed and another 40 maimed.

I doubt there will even be an apology . If there is it will dribble from the corner of some goons mouth.

Pompeo however has already begun his apology for another act of mind boggling incompetence elsewhere.

U.S. Patriot missile defence systems spectacularly failed to even notice , never mind engage , the Houthi missiles flying over them towards the Saudi oil installation.

Bonesaw has been humiliated and Saudi humiliation doesn’t come cheap. A big dollar compensation package will be sent to the house of Saud. Borrowed from banks by USG to be repaid by your grandchildren.

The dead Afghan breadwinners have hundreds of dependants. They can go hungry for a year or two . Nothing humiliating in that.

Sep 19, 2019 10:21 PM

The collapse of an Empire is always fascinating to watch.

Although it’s not much fun as a pleb in a collapsing society.

michael lacey
michael lacey
Sep 19, 2019 9:03 PM

The neocons are really becoming irrelevant! All they can do is beat their chest and they are running out of third world countries to keep the weapons market in top gear!

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Sep 19, 2019 8:44 PM

Off topic, but I have just tried searching for George Galloway Mother of all Talk Shows on Microsoft Edge/Bing only to be informed “there are no results for…..”. Tried searching for George Galloway and got exactly the same non-response. Never had this problem before. Is this deliberate censorship?

Sep 19, 2019 9:23 PM

Actually, it is not off topic – as it is the result of the present ‘war on dissent’, as I would call it. As I commented further below: “First they came for…”

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Sep 19, 2019 10:14 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Thanks for your comment, nto1. On closer examination, there seems to be a general problem with my search engine (not confined to searches for Galloway).

Sep 20, 2019 2:50 AM

I would love to have a multiple columns browser that displays the results of various engines simultaneously. But I experience what you mentioned quite frequently and in order to archive these occurrences, I have started a while ago to make screen videos. It is a good way to document the steady path towards personalized search results. Generally, I receive different search results when I use a VPN – which is in itself very fishy.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 20, 2019 5:52 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1
Sep 19, 2019 9:59 PM

Galloway’s show can be found on his YouTube channel:


It’s on air from 7pm to 10pm UK time on a Sunday evening. It’s also livestreamed on the RT FaceBook page. The broadcast is put out by Sputnik Radio.

Love or hate Galloway, his show is a breath of fresh air compared to all the corporate, pro-war bullshit that now completely swamps the airwaves.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 19, 2019 7:37 PM

Meh. I’m not going to get all excited over this. We survived John Dolton, so I’m sure we’ll survive this loser, too.

The thing to remember about Trump is this: his cabinet picks are indeed horrible, but despite that, he has yet to start any brand-spanking new wars nearly three years into his presidency … which actually puts him in a very small category of modern American presidents. Granted: he hasn’t ended any of the old ones either, though I sure wish he would. But I’m still glad he hasn’t initiated any.

Robert O’Brien is an even stronger believer in the statement that President Obama so often stated, that the United States is “the one indispensable nation”, which means that all others are “dispensable.”

That’s the core belief of neoconservatism …

Actually, the core neocon belief is that the Pentagon is indispensable. The country itself they could care less about.

However, there cannot be any good fascist (or “imperialist”). (Is there “good evil”? Does anyone actually think so?) I agree with FDR on that.

I know Eric Zuesse just loves him, but FDR, too, was an aggressive imperialist. Pearl Harbor was a total set-up on his part in order to justify a war of expansion into East Asia. The absolute last thing the Japs wanted was a war against the US. That would have been–actually was!–suicide. If he was somewhat more low-key about Germany, it’s not because he didn’t have designs on Europe, too. It’s because he wanted to make absolutely sure that he had Britain over a barrel first, after having seen the US get ripped off at the Versailles Conference years earlier.

Sep 19, 2019 8:40 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Seamus, severe economic sanctions are war (and sanctions kill huge numbers of people, just like dropping bombs and firing missiles does). When it comes to killing people who have never been a direct security threat to the USA, Trump is right up there with all the previous corrupt/psycho Presidents.

I would venture that the only reason that Trump has not directly started a war is that the MIC now realise that the public will no longer put up with this shit, and if it continues the pitchforks will come out.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 20, 2019 7:05 PM
Reply to  RobG

I don’t favor any sanctions on Iran. But please realize that the US has been embargoing Iran continuously since 1979, no matter who’s president or which party controlls congress, so that’s unlikely to change after 2020 (or even 2024). Sad but true.

As far as Trump being a warmonger is concerned, sure, I’m upset that he won’t end any of the legacy wars. But again, we have had worse: Papa Bush, Clinton, Baby Bush and Obama all (each!) started more wars than Trump, so I’ll count my blessings here. And if it turns out that a measurable turn in public opinion against the wars is what is actually behind his reluctance to attack Iran, well then that would truly be something to celebrate!

michael lacey
michael lacey
Sep 19, 2019 8:59 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Actually, the core neocon belief is that the Pentagon is indispensable. The country itself they could care less about. That about right!

Sep 19, 2019 6:19 PM

Really excellent observations Eric and some really good comments here. I am hopeful that the world can be saved but the stark reality if we don’t act is clear and could happen at any time.

On a related point, talking of saving the planet reminded me of Gordon Brown announcing in the Commons he had just saved the world during the last financial crisis. Sadly, a slip of the tongue. More recently images of Rees- Smogg lounging across the commons seating and one MP observing an analogy to that of David Bowie’ s album cover – ‘the man who sold the world’.

Of course the best comedy and writing material still comes from the land of the free. These people may end up killing us all, but you have to admit they do provide great entertainment.

Sep 19, 2019 8:28 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Not so sure about the great entertainment…
It often reminds me of reruns of “Victory at Sea” and “The Valiant Years” – not to mention “I Love Lucy”…

Sep 19, 2019 4:35 PM

Oh great, another Mormon is geared up to murder human beings en masse if they don’t look like they came from Israel or the United States of America.

Who will they point the USA finger of racist hate at next?

I wonder how many wives this dude has?

As an Anglican I think I will step on the Mormon Church with my boots and squash it outright like a bug.


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 19, 2019 11:25 PM

The one really useful attribute of the LDS (Mormon) church is that it was created in real time. Most religions rely on ancient texts and mythology for their founding tenets. You can read about the creation of this one in contemporary newspapers. Its got all of the elements too — revelation, schism, outcast to the wilderness, salvation, you name its got it and its all there in print to see. The church also got some comment from contemporary writers — Mark Twain has famous quotes about it and the Sherlock Holmes story “A Study in Scarlet” is worth reading (because it draws on incidents and figures that this church would rather forget).

Sep 19, 2019 3:24 PM

“Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot.
How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

….and we still don’t get it!

Sep 19, 2019 3:09 PM

I’m not clairvoyant, but I believe I can detect a brutalized childhood in that face.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Sep 20, 2019 1:15 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Personally,all I see is the usual sociopath to be found occupying these positions.

Sep 20, 2019 2:45 PM
Reply to  John Thatcher

Yep. I see that too.
I was just wondering about causes and effects in the background.

Sep 19, 2019 2:42 PM

Yes, the sinking ship needs new faces.

Sep 19, 2019 2:47 PM
Reply to  RopeResearch

How can people have hope when these scum is ruling the Earth?

Sep 19, 2019 4:57 PM
Reply to  RopeResearch

I think that’s the point of hope.
The odds are against you.

Sep 19, 2019 9:20 PM
Reply to  RopeResearch

They haven’t taxed hope yet.

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Sep 19, 2019 2:41 PM

    Where the hell do they dredge up these creatures from? O’Brien sounds like another loon on a par with Pompeo and Abrams, Kagan and Nuland. So blinded by their arrogance and hubris and completely delusional beliefs of the United States as the shining beacon on the hill.
    You’re right Eric – all this poison began long before Trump became President. And sadly, you’re also right about the very real danger of nuclear war.
    Apart from the Neocons in Washington, how many Christian Dominionists are there within the U.S Govt along with Pence? Another excellent article. Things seemed almost genteel 35 years ago compared to now.

    Sep 19, 2019 5:09 PM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    They still haven’t found the queen’s nest, but the decades-long experience we have of decent people being screened out of political prominence at least points very clearly to the exact nature of the pestilence confronting us.
    None of it is coincidental.
    I’m pretty convinced there is a queen’s nest too, although it might turn out to be an androgynous specimen…
    Maybe Karl Rove?

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Sep 20, 2019 1:13 AM
    Reply to  wardropper

    Or Irving Kristol… Donald Rumsfeld? The Neoliberalism Softpanorama site I’ve name dropped numerous times here has a really good takedown on the Neocons and their incredibly insidious belifs. Jim Lobe is another excellent source on these creatures.

    Sep 19, 2019 2:05 PM

    Robert O’Brien another ignorant little man whose knowledge on world history verges on lunacy and denial of the criminal enterprise he lives in. To think scum like this could trigger WW3 is mind boggling.

    Sep 19, 2019 2:46 PM
    Reply to  Grafter

    It’s the screening process which ensures that people with functioning human minds don’t get near positions of power.
    And it’s such an easy process to install that a child could do it – in fact the infant-school version of exactly the same thing would be something like this:
    “I like you, so I’m going to give you some of my sweets. In return, you will be one of my tough guys who beat up people who don’t like me.”
    That’s where human evolution in the USA has taken us. Back to the amoeba stage.
    There can surely be no hope of change until something interferes drastically in that screening process.

    Sep 19, 2019 12:49 PM

    The core of fascism is not ‘might makes right’. It has also not been present since the beginning of civilization. And to quote wikipedia in an article attests to the ignorance about it being pure propaganda and twisted ‘facts’. The core of fascism is the belief to be superior to another human being – to another member of the same species – that in its ultimate perversion invented for obvious purposes the term ‘sub-human’, as to make sure that superiority is automatically with a ‘human’, versus a ‘sub-humans’. Jews and Slavs were made ‘sub-human’ in order to transform Germans into fascists. It was then possible to declare that, what belonged to the ‘sub-humans’ was free for the taking – as in conquering ‘Lebensraum’ (Living Space) – from those who don’t deserve it and giving it to those who do deserve it. The fascists. A repetition of this perverted mindset is the fascist U.S. regime’s grab of resources that happen to be in countries owned and controlled by whom they believe to be ‘sub-humans’. ‘Ragheads’, ‘towelheads’ and so forth. It also goes to show that the fake upset about Germany having been a fascist country was only to fabricate consent to destroy a worthy competitor in the fascist business. Fascism was never an issue for the U.S., as its people are marinated in the proclivity for it. There are enough remaining artefacts and scriptures that prove that fascism was not part of the original mindset of homo sapiens. The opposite is true. It was the absence of fascism that allowed the species to evolve to a certain degree, from which moral decay started. There are no indigenous people on Earth that possess a fascist fiber. Because what is called ‘balance’ requires none of the tribes to be superior to any other.… Read more »

    Sep 19, 2019 3:56 PM
    Reply to  nottheonly1

    Fascism, as I understand it, has always been a marriage of convenience between the ruling class (aristocracy), business leaders and the working class footsoldiers. It needs all three components to be “fascist” and relies on unthinking nationalism of the lower classes to empower it. They might we’ll see their opponents as “sub-human”. However, many would see their unquestioning obedience as a similar, less than human trait.

    Sep 19, 2019 8:03 PM
    Reply to  lundiel

    Unquestioning obedience is definitely an important element in the fascist mix. Without this component, it had/would have it much more difficult to persist/exist. At the core of my contention with the limitation of fascism to some sort of special conditions is the fact that it will never stop consuming – first its ‘enemies’ and afterwards itself. It is a cancer of society by any other name. One very good expression at what it does came from Pastor Niemöller who created the painful poem “First they came for…”
    This is likely the most apt depiction of what it does. Its followers are to the last moment convinced that it will never be them, who will be consumed by it.
    The time has long come to take a much deeper look at what fascism really is. Henry A Wallace did an excellent essay on its nature and effects. Since the victor writes history, it was ommitted that fascism was never limited to jack boots and brown shirts. That has always been a lie and with the emphasis given to ‘Commies’ as the arch enemy of the West (beginning with Paperclip), fascism was no longer a problem in the West. No matter how ruthless its main protagonists like Pinochet et al were ruling their populations.

    Sep 19, 2019 8:12 PM
    Reply to  lundiel

    Oh yes. Well said.
    It’s the thinking that makes us human, but of course those who find thinking extremely burdensome are going to imagine that almost everybody else finds it extremely burdensome too, and that the search for meaning in life is a pointless pursuit for the snobbish nerd.
    Unquestioning obedience is certainly no yardstick with whch to define a human being.

    Capricornia Man
    Capricornia Man
    Sep 19, 2019 12:36 PM

    Lies, spin, hypocrisy, hyper-aggression and invincible psychological projection are the hallmarks of the neo-liberal mind-set.

    Capricornia Man
    Capricornia Man
    Sep 19, 2019 8:22 PM

    I meant ‘neo-conservative’ rather than ‘ne0-liberal’.

    Fair dinkum
    Fair dinkum
    Sep 19, 2019 12:21 PM

    Better join the Happy Clappers and wait for the Rapture.
    Lookout Jesus, here we come.

    Sep 19, 2019 3:01 PM
    Reply to  Fair dinkum

    If only they knew that those doors were locked long ago…
    There’s a notice up there now, saying,
    “No merchants, politicians, religious fanatics, or other rabble imagining themselves to be educated.
    “Any self-sacrificing persons remaining may apply for admittance, but only with the recommendation of an archangel, and it should be noted here that Gabriel, Michael and Raphael are currently away on more important business than human squalour.”

    It’s obviously going to take a lot of work to get back in their good books.

    Sep 19, 2019 12:14 PM

    Just another game of musical chairs. What does it matter which Zionist nonentity gets to grab the seat when the music stops? Russia, China, Iran and the rest of the planet need to accept that war is now inevitable and plan accordingly.

    Francis Lee
    Francis Lee
    Sep 19, 2019 2:17 PM
    Reply to  mark

    So this is the new National Security Adviser. I don’t know who appointed him – Was it Trump? He does after all have a penchant for picking big-mouthed knucklehehads for his administration – Well they might have saved themslves the money and bought a parrot to do the job of articulating party line. ‘Pieces of Eight’. ‘Pieces of Eight’. ‘All Russia’s fault’, ‘All Russia’s fault’, ‘Indispensable nation’ ‘Indispensable’ Nation’.

    I liked this bit: ‘Ukrainians are happy today.’ Of course they are. Being the poorest country in Eastern Europe bar one – Moldova – who wouldn’t be! Most are tying to get into Poland and Belarus, anything to out of that shithole.

    Sep 19, 2019 3:07 PM
    Reply to  mark

    I sympathize, but I don’t believe one can plan for Armageddon.
    It’s just too awful to plan for.
    I’m planning to support the growing number of sites which reveal just how low we have sunk, with the aim of waking up a high enough percentage of the population to scare the shit out of our evil manipulators.
    It’s hard work, but I believe results are beginning to show.

    Sep 19, 2019 3:59 PM
    Reply to  wardropper

    I really hope you are right. This article rings depressingly true.

    Sep 19, 2019 4:51 PM
    Reply to  lundiel

    I hope I’m right too : )

    But if it’s true that only 6% of Americans trust what they read in the newspapers, one feels that it can’t really be such a gigantic additional step to do away with large-scale, privately-owned-corporate, or government-influenced-corporate newspapers altogether – to take one example.
    Just think of the savings! Even a corrupt capitalist could see something in that…

    I do believe in human evolution, but Darwin strikes me as strictly materialistic.
    My feeling is that human consciousness (not knowledge, but awareness) also evolves over time, and that changes come in very large-scale waves. So that, assuming we survive the idiocy of our current low-point in the evolution of that awareness, it will probably still take hundreds of years for some kind of new thinking to take hold of the bulk of mankind.

    As things stand right now, it might as well be 1719.

    Sep 19, 2019 4:53 PM
    Reply to  wardropper

    Don’t moderate me guys.
    I’m okay.
    Put me on the okay list.

    Sep 19, 2019 6:55 PM
    Reply to  wardropper

    You are okay – have no doubt about that

    Sep 19, 2019 8:00 PM
    Reply to  F.J.Roosevelt

    (Smiles… aglow with self-confidence…)
    Thank you F.J.

    Sep 19, 2019 8:12 PM
    Reply to  wardropper

    While I concur about the growing numbers of sites which reveal how low homo sapiens ovestus has sunk, I do notice and witness that the tactics of the censors are getting ever nastier. We have arrived at a point, where the sites that make available the truth are DDOD’ed, and on behalf of the providers, who are obviously either helpful, or willing, throttling those IP addresses with content that does not win the approval of the owner class. The censorship is now taking place not only by means of influence of the offered content, but also via the sabotage of availability of such content on the internet.

    Sep 19, 2019 8:22 PM
    Reply to  nottheonly1

    I’m afraid you’re right, but people are noticing, and people are still speaking out.
    In a worst case scenario, those who value and recognize “the truth” will be driven underground, but the truth has a habit of remaining the truth for anybody who cares to look, and you don’t need an authorized physical library in order to look.
    It seems to me that there are always plenty of people who, by nature, not only care to look, but are extremely enthusiastic about looking.

    In Plato’s time, the word, “philosophy” (obviously especially in Greece) really meant something as a word: The love of wisdom.
    Those people who love wisdom – or “truth” – are not going away.
    The ignorant and the wicked are stuck with them.