As Biden Falters, Will Warren Survive the Scrutiny?
Renée Parsons

Despite early polls which showed some of the ‘top tier’ Democrat candidates beating Trump in a general election, the last DNC debate left considerable question as to whether there was enough substance on that stage to win the White House.
While the much vaunted polls are known to be statistically unreliable and vulnerable to political winds since at least 2016, more of a pr gimmick than a rational calculation of public support, the MSM is in a virtual orgy of enthusiasm with the latest Iowa poll showing former veep and Sen. Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders fading as neoliberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren ‘surges.’
With Biden consistently exhibiting an incoherent, rambling vision on any aberrant topic that suddenly manifests in his mind, the least disruptive way to eliminate him is to manipulate the polls as Bernie’s rating is also reduced while accelerating a highly problematic Warren, who is more acceptable to the DNC.
In an attempt to further control the campaign’s selection process and the party’s final nominee, the DNC is preparing to increase its requirements for future debates; thereby limiting the stage to its most favored candidates (not including Bernie) from the moderate, bobbing head wing of the Democratic Party.
As the DNC plods along repudiating its name with its undemocratic behavior, it attempts to convince the party’s rank and file that their anointed candidates are The Best, each a model of excellence, virtue and superiority. The truth is that the Dems have little to offer but divisiveness as they continue to deny the reality of being in the throes of an institutional meltdown unlike anything they have previously experienced.
The Quantum world makes its presence known with the Paradigm Shift upon us, intent on demonstrating its ability to disrupt the nature of reality as it roots out institutional corruption with the Department of Justice and FBI scandals as prime examples. Stuck in the materialist way of thinking, the Dems continue to flounder solely focused on the partisan virtue of identity politics with outdated candidates promoting outdated solutions to outdated ideas.
As the Dems reject independent thinkers like Tulsi Gabbard and John Delaney who offer an opportunity to heal the acrimony and re-envision a 21st Century society, the DNC and its establishment candidates are reminiscent of a coven of lost, directionless souls.
Here is a closer look at two of the ‘top tier’ candidates being groomed with former Veep and Sen. Joe Biden holding a tenuous lead. Perhaps the most significant question of the evening came from ABC reporter Linsey Davis as she asked a visibly snickering Biden about race and inequality in schools. Davis began with a Biden quote from a 1975 interview:
BIDEN: I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. I feel responsible for what the situation is today for the sins of my own generation and I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.
DAVIS: You said that 40 years ago but as you stand here tonight, What responsibility do Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?
B: They have to deal with, look…there is institutional segregation in this country and from the time I got involved I started dealing with that; red lining, banks, making sure that we are in a position where, look…I propose that we take those very poor schools, the Title l schools, triple the amount of money we spend from $15 to $ 45 billion a year, give every single teacher a raise to the equal of getting out to the $60,000 level; Number two make sure that we bring in to help the students, the teacher deal with the problems that come from home.
The problems that come from home…we need, we have one school psychologist for every 1500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are…I’m married to a teacher, my deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. We have to make sure that every child does in fact, have 3, 4 and 5 year olds go to school, school not to daycare, school. We bring in social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not like they don’t want to help; they don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure that the television, excuse me, make sure the you have record player on at night, the phono… Make sure the kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school, a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there. There’s so much we…
D: Thank you Mr. vice president.
B: I’m going to go on like the rest of them do, twice over. Here’s the deal, we’ve got this a little backwards. And by the way, in Venezuela. We should be allowing people to come here from Venezuela. I know Maduro. I’ve confronted Maduro. Number two. You talk about the need to do something in Latin America. I’m the guy who came up with $740 million to see to it that those three countries change their system so these people don’t have a chance to leave. You’re acting like we just came up with this yesterday.
Looking lost and bewildered in the aftermath of a disastrous performance, the MSM shielded Biden from provocative headlines, raised no questions as to his mental competence or questioned his views on race relations.
Like the DNC itself, Biden’s ability and energy to conduct a coherent, vigorous 2020 campaign is questionable as each may wander as wounded, confused dinosaurs struggling to approach the finish line.
Gun Control and the Filibuster
In response to a discussion on gun control, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) said:
…why doesn’t it happen? The answer is corruption pure and simple. We have a Congress beholden to the gun industry and unless we’re willing to address that head on and roll back the filibuster we’re not going to get anything done on guns. I was in the US Senate when 54 Senators said let’s do background checks, let’s get rid of assault weapons and with 54 Senators, it failed because of the filibuster. Until we attack the systemic problems, we can’t get gun reform in this country.”
In 2010 the Democratic- controlled Senate conducted hearings on the filibuster and in 2013 voted 52-48 to eliminate the filibuster on executive and judicial branch nominees while leaving the 60 votes required to end a filibuster in place.
Warren has served in the Senate since January, 2013 and was present for the filibuster vote. In other words, it is preferable to blame an opposing political target rather than accept responsibility for Congressional ineptitude.
In 2015, the Republicans took control of the Senate and kept the 2013 rules in place. In addition, Warren is apparently unaware that the Democratic-controlled Congress in 2010 made no attempt to restore the assault gun ban that had expired in 2004.
As a one-dimensional thinker, Warren has yet to make the connection between a ‘terrorist’ hate attack under the influence of psychotropic drugs and/or MK ultra as perpetuated by those who would benefit from civil discord.
While the ACLU supports “reasonable restrictions that promote public safety” and opposed an Obama Executive Order that would have registered thousands of Social Security recipients with mental disabilities as part of the Background Check System, the ACLU does not oppose the Second Amendment as it represents a collective Constitutional right rather than an individual citizen’s right.
Debate monitor Jorge Ramos of Univision News led the questioning on immigration proving that there is no rational discussion possible with Democrats if there is disagreement on one of their core policies such as open borders.
With not a whit of objectivity or a trace of critical analysis, the candidates spoke with one voice, fanning the flames of divisiveness, each expressing their vehemence as the Dems are unable to separate a politically-charged issue from the reality of millions of illegal immigrants requiring health care, education, housing and employment.
As Sen. Warren suggested “we have a crisis that Donald Trump created and hopes to profit from politically,” the hypocrisy of the Dems is stunning for those with a memory that predates the 2016 election when the Dems had a very different policy.
Here is Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union which was greeted with a bi-partisan standing ovation. And here is Barack Obama’s position, both of which are in sync with Trump’s proposed immigration policy (without the wall). After their 2016 loss, the Dems realized that registering thousands, if not millions of new voters, albeit illegal citizens, would greatly enhance their political fortunes on election day.
More Double Standards
Warren was elected to the US Senate largely in recognition for her efforts as Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) (2008-2010) and then launching the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in 2011 which was said to be the panacea to rein in the ever-increasing interest charges on American credit card debt.
Today the CFPB presides over an eruption of credit debt and interest payments that are at all time highs as American banks continue to rake in a 49% increase over the last five years with interest payments growing from $101 billion in 2017 to $115 billion in 2018 and $122 billion on 2019.
The COP was approved by a Democratic Congress in 2008 to oversee the taxpayer’s $700,000 investment into TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), to address the subprime mortgage crisis and to purchase toxic assets to stabilize the financial sector. During her term as Designated watchdog, not one too-big-to-fail bank or banker was recommended for prosecution and no actions were taken to protect ten million American homes from foreclosure.
Warren apparently sees no ambiguity between stockpiling $15 Million from her 2018 Senate re-election campaign to underwrite her 2020 effort, then disclaiming corporate campaign donations during the primary season (“I don’t take corporate PAC money, shoot, I don’t take PAC money of any kind.” and yet planning to accept corporate money during the election campaign.
Hyped by the MSM as a progressive activist, Sen. Warren supports abolish private health insurance in favor of a government run plan and is in favor of free health care for illegal immigrants. While Warren did not endorse Sen. Sanders in 2016, she is currently consulting with Hillary Clinton as a confidante.
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Does any intelligent person still believe these two parties of scoundrels and sycophants are enemies? That they don’t work for the same scoundrels who run the whole show called America? That any will rise and win alone with the voters’ approval regardless of the decision of the Electoral College, which selected Trump when not not elected by the voters? Why the assiduous examination of the geldings and mares when the race is already decided? Ads, I know, and the charade of democracy.
What a choice you Americans have at the next election. Muppet or puppet, either way you get screwed.
None, as always, as intended. Problem?
Not that us Aussies have much choice either.
Whoever gets elected, either from the LNP, (lying nazi party), or Labor, (losers all bereft of reality), will still end up with the brown tongue from potus arse.
Australia is an anomaly. Huge, rich in resources, strategically located, small literate population unable to defend itself. First a British colony now a US protectorate, its leaders chosen by the locals but “approved” by the US. The aware locals tend to leave. Some 5% of Australians live abroad, as I have for almost 40 yrs. I gave up in the early 1970s, seeing no chance of improvement. Oz (east coast) is now an ersatz California without the intelligence or energy. RIP.
Mostly agree with you there.
It’s why I’ve given up on voting for either of two sides of the same corrupted coin. I simply get my name ticked of on the electoral roll, and put my unmarked form in the box.
Disillusionment is complete.
As far as lack of intelligence is concerned, when the same bogan majority that get constantly attacked and undermined by the whores in power, vote back in the same mob again, well ……………………… ‘Nuff said.
I still hope that Trump gets re-elected. It will be so much easier for the rest of the world to stop being mesmerized by the US.
People stop thinking and blindly follow the American model; then they are distraught what mess it created in their own yard. In this phase in history we need to distance ourselves from the US, don’t follow them into wars, do not buy their weapons, do not follow them into space, do not pay their soldiers, do not spend our money for Pacific Islanders to be US vassals etc.
Go Trump! and help us re-align.
Joe Biden’s candidacy is dead!
He is even much, much more corrupt than we are told by MSM .
I learned this in this excellent interview of “The Duran”:
“BIDEN SCANDAL EXPLODES: UKRAINE FRACKING, MONEY LAUNDERING, BANK OF CHINA PAYOFFS” – – and I couldn’t read or hear of that anywhere else!
In this interview we are told, that not only Joe Biden threatened the regime in Kiev, but that the war in Ukraine also has to do with the desire of Biden and Biden’s son to get fracking rights in Ukraine. And we learn that the Bidens were even more corrupt in doing business with China. This while Biden was vice president of the US and as such flew to China.
And this interview of The Duran leads us to conclude that Obama must have known of these corrupt private deals that Jo Biden and his son had – using the fact that Joe Biden was vice president of the USA.
Consequently fellow Democrat Pelosi launches a formal impeachment inquire into….Trump!
IF that happens much more Ukrainian dirt will land on Biden, HRC and Obama than on Trump so bring it on.
Thanks Nancy for securing Trump’s next presidency.
Similar to UK vested powers machinations going to secure a clear Brexit election result.
Joerg, many thanks for that Link. Confirms what I suspected as soon as I saw that Biden was exploiting the blood soaked destabilization of Ukraine as a business opportunity for Biden Jr. (I note that Biden and Nudelman are Anglo-American Jews. The Obama/Biden/Nudelman putsch introduced a succession of Jewish presidents to head a junta which uses neo-Nazi stormtroopers to tyrannize what’s left of Ukraine.
“The best time to make money is when there is blood in the streets”. — Rothschild business partner Rockefeller.
Biden is from a Catholic family actually. I am more concerned with his having graduated 76th out of 85 in his class in law school, and his being caught plagiarizing a law review. He managed, as is the American way, to have his F in the course deleted from his record.
Slim pickings.
I stand corrected: Biden is not Jewish but he is “the Jewish candidate” — same as Obama (who was actually called that) and Trump, in their election campaigns.
“5 Jewish things to know about Joe Biden”
Remember this:
@Joerg: ““89% of our senators and congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with israel”
Yes; but Joe Biden does not. He is simply “The Jewish Candidate” — like Obama and Trump were.
Joerg,it could reasonably be argued that Joe Biden,and that he appears on stage and appears somewhat lifelike like Brezhnev appeared in the Soviet Union.Both kept in a Zombie like existence to keep those behind them in power.
It could be reasonably argued that Joe Biden is actually dead!
Actually, the Dems experienced something very similar in 1968, and it took them decades to recover. Will it be like that this time around?
Well, if she ends up winning the primaries with that as her position, once again the Dems can kiss off 50+ percent of the electorate right out of the starting gate. When are they going to understand that in rural America, Federal gun control is simply beyond the pale? It’s almost as thought they want to lose the election for some reason.
Actually, in McDonald v. the City of Chicago (2010), the Supremos finally affirmed what every credible legal scholar in the country knew already: that the Second Amendment was indeed intended by its authors to be an individual right. This robbed liberal gun-control activists of one of their favorite talking points. But truthfully, even if gun ownership were a state’s right rather than an individual right, that still wouldn’t automatically have given the Federal Government the authority to regulate anything beyond transactions that cross state lines, as they have now. So that whole gun-rights-aren’t-individual-rights was just silly on its face.
I forget who it was–Milton Friedman maybe?–that once said, “You can have a welfare state, or you can have open borders, but you can’t long have both.” Whoever said it, it remains the truth.
I’m amazed that a member of the ACLU could/would write the following truth aka “conspiracy theory”:
“As a one-dimensional thinker, Warren has yet to make the connection between a ‘terrorist’ hate attack under the influence of psychotropic drugs and/or MK ultra as perpetuated by those who would benefit from civil discord.”
Though no mention of the fact that the mass shootings are staged hoaxes.
Looks to me as if Biden has just the right amount of “senile dementia” to escape charges of outright evil, but it’s certainly borderline…
It says everything about the USA as an organised crime syndicate that Joe Biden’s name could even be considered as a public official.
Biden is intimately involved in ongoing extortion from Ukraine as the price for coup d’etat. He should be confronted about his son’s blood money and if he claims it is legally earned he should be humiliated without considerations of his dignity.
It is no better in Europe. Guy Verhofstadt is doing exactly the same in Greece whilst strutting as an EU overlord and should never be treated with respect, deference or snything but the contempt you reserve for a scammer.
This content of this article seems very, very wrong. .. the whole idea that presidential elections is in the hands of the governed is pure bs. First off, no ordinary registered to vote American can vote in a way that it determines who is to be the President.
Article II of the constitution of the USA says the position of President or Vice President are both elected by the electoral college (not governed American citizens?) . See Article II Section I paragraphs [2] -[5] as amended by the amendment twelve and by amendment XX more or less outlined below.
Each state shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State maybe entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or representative, or person holding an office of Trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed as Elector..
[3] The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the persons voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President,which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate; –The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate a House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. — The person having the greatest number for President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State have one vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. [and if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President(see amendment 20)
The person have the greatest Number of Votes as Vice President, shall be the Vice President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
show me in that where it is written that American voters can elect either the President or the Vice President of the United States.
Yes there is a great big false flag election process, millions are spent, but constitutionally, only the electoral college can elected the President and his side kick. So why are the millions spent? Not to get elected so why? because having democrap and Reputaturds is a major divide and conquer device? Why?
Well said.
The media don’t like to talk about this sort of thing at all, so it’s a timely reminder.
Can’t help feel that Trump busted the chance of tackling this eejut Biden at a later date when the DNC had chosen him as THEIR candidate.
His re-election would have been written in stone.
Name Biden and Ukraine should follow: both father and son. That debacle should end his nomination for the Republican party. Democrats would never do this kind of stuff:
Joe Biden brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Coke head Hunter Biden has his finger in many pies, thanks to Daddy.
Everything you say is suspect
Erm, Joe Biden is vying for the Democratic Party nomination in case you haven’t noticed.
Warren is smart and ideologically attractive. But her flagrant absence of any sense of humour is a big de facto disability. She can’t outzeal her way to the nomination. She needs a comedy writer if she is going to be able to outdo the evil machinations of the DNC. They are, after all, transparently about one thing, re-election and getting Pullman car accommodation on the gravy train, already provisioned and outfitted for either party. It’s the American way. A credible third , fourth and fifth party are sorely needed.