Guaido & Wong – The New Generation of Pro-West “Saints”

Andre Vltchek

Left – Joshua Wong with Nancy Pelosi. Right – Juan Guaido with VP Mike Pence

The new generation of “pro-Western heroes” and “saints” is clearly failing to impress the world. Juan Guaido and Joshua Wong are definitely as right-wing as Mother Teresa was, but not as “credible”.

A long time ago I visited a place in Calcutta, India, where Mother Teresa used to operate. According to the Catholic Church and Western propaganda apparatus, she was helping the poor.

When I asked those who knew her personally, they described her as a spiteful, vindictive person, with a short temper. Off the record, of course, as to criticizing her openly would be met with great outrage all over the world.

One of the greatest critics of Mother Teresa was an English-American author, Christopher Eric Hitchens, who wrote about her, frankly and openly:

This returns us to the medieval corruption of the church, which sold indulgences to the rich while preaching hellfire and continence to the poor. [Mother Teresa] was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction.”

An anti-Communist and staunch Serb-hater, Mother Teresa allegedly asked Bill Clinton to bomb Belgrade, although this information miraculously disappeared from records.


The Western apparatus constantly produces “villains”: Soviet and Chinese Communists, Latin American anti-imperialists, African and the Middle Eastern patriots, as well as Asian independence-minded leaders.

Simultaneously, it manufactures “heroes”: religious demi-saints, ‘freedom-loving opposition leaders’, ‘benevolent monarchs treasured by their people’, as well as pro-Western (and therefore “democratic”) presidents.

Almost miraculously, all these glorious individuals are doing and saying precisely what is expected from them in London, Paris and Washington. They never fail to impress the Western mass media and public; they hardly ever make any serious blunders. As if some invisible hand was writing the script.

There are hundreds of them, but the most prominent are known to the entire world. To name just a few: the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Vaclav Havel, Pope John-Paul the Second, the Thai King Bhumibol… But the list goes on and on.

Virtually all the major “saints” manufactured by the Western regime, were Cold-War warriors. All were closely tied to Western imperialism and neo-colonialism. All would be easy to expose and to discredit, but ‘miraculously’ again; almost no one has ever dared to do so, because it would mean a direct clash with the chief propagandists in the West, as well as with their local lackeys.


Now, new icons are entering the stage.

They are not as successfully crafted as their predecessors. The “saints” from the bygone days were masterpieces of the propagandists. They were ideologically almost ‘bullet-proofed’.

The new ones are often cheap see-through replicas.

Two of the latest products are Joshua Wong of Hong Kong, and Juan Guaido of Venezuela. Both are young, egocentric, aggressive and absolutely unabashed. Both are trained by the Empire in the art of what is lately defined as ‘regime change’.

One is described in the West as a ‘pro-democracy leader’, the other one is a self-proclaimed president.

Both individuals are credible only if the public wants them to be. If it doesn’t, it is easy to find errors in their “logic” and agendas. It is actually easy to laugh at their programs and ‘programmers’.

Joshua Wong, a Hong Kong ‘pro-democracy leader’, is clearly a ‘selfie-generation’ Western implant, without any understanding of global politics, and without any profound philosophical agenda.

An evangelical fanatic, educated in a private Christian school in Kowloon, he “developed organizational and speaking skills through involvement in church groups”.

During his first ‘protest activities’ in 2014 (the Umbrella Movement), he was only 17 years old. But this young, confused kid was picked up quickly by the radar of the U.S. anti-Chinese warriors, and in 2018 nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, for “peaceful efforts to bring political reform and protect the autonomy and the freedoms guaranteed to Hong Kong in the Sino-British joint declaration”.

Since then, he has been flying from one Western capital to another, smearing the People’s Republic of China, harvesting unconditional support, while promoting bizarre political concepts which, if implemented, would further damage the people of Hong Kong – a city which is already falling far behind Mainland China, under the leadership of the corrupt turbo-capitalist elites (who cannot be fought successfully, precisely because of the old British legislation, which is still applicable under the ‘One Country Two Systems’ arrangement).

Mr. Wong, a “Color Revolutionary” (although his old symbol was actually an umbrella), has been photographed together with the discredited “White Helmets” in September 2019, in the German capital of Berlin.

The White Helmets gang, another Western implant (this one in Syria), has been implicated as being a bunch of mercenaries closely cooperating with Western-sponsored jihadi cadres operating in the Middle East. It is good to mention that the White Helmets were, at one point, also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

On top of it, Joshua Wong has been photographed with officials of the US consulate in Hong Kong. That, just few weeks before the ‘protesters’ went on a rampage, after marching on the US diplomatic mission, demanding that the US “liberates” their city from China. Needless to say that by this action they, de facto committed treason.

No matter how much the Western mass media supports, even glorifies Joshua Wong and his black-mask-wearing hooligans/followers, the majority of the people of Hong Kong are clearly supporting Beijing, and are actually horrified by the rioters, who have been destroying public property, and are indiscriminately beating anyone who dares to show respect for the Mainland China and its flag.

Brainwashed and heavily conditioned, Mr. Wong, drunk on self-righteousness and near religious zeal, declared in Berlin:

If we are in a new Cold War, Hong Kong is a new Berlin.”

Still in Germany, he then went on and insulted the Chinese President Xi Jinping, describing him as “not a president, but an emperor”, urging the “‘free world’ to stand with us to resist the Chinese autocratic regime”.

All that, while China has been showing great restraint in dealing with the destructive and treasonous protesters; much greater restraint than France, or the West’s client state, Indonesia.

Hong Kong protesters led by Wong, destroy public property, beat up Chinese patriots, then get occasionally sprayed by pure potable Hong Kong water, and treated by Western media as martyr-saints!


Juan Guaido of Venezuela became known to his fellow-citizens, only after he declared himself to be their president. He was not elected by anyone; he has no support of any substantial group of people, except an unidentified minority of the right-wing elites.

But he became the new “saint” of the West, at least among the high-level U.S. and European politicians who are determined to kick the socialist president Nicolas Maduro out, hoping to put on the throne some regressive, pro-business and treasonous dictator.

No matter how ridiculous, even idiotic, Guaido appears to the majority of Venezuelan people, no matter how monstrous and against all international laws the situation has become, the West (and the pro-Western elites in many Latin American countries) is pushing Guaido down the throats of the world. His boyish submissive laughter is haunting both Caracas and the provinces.

Who cares that he had been posing and taking photos with the leaders of Colombian drug cartels. Narcotic mafias in Latin America have always been used by the West, when the war against left-wing governments had been raging. Just remember Nicaragua and the Contras.

Who cares that Guaido just received a fresh 52 million dollars for the regime change, in addition to hundreds of millions of already approved funds. The latest funding came proudly from USAID, under the cover of “development assistance”.

As long as he hates socialism and internationalism, he is a Western hero and saint!


In the era of the internet, things are not easy, but far from impossible to track down.

“Saints” manufactured by the West can now be scrutinized with much greater precision and success than in the old days. If they are not, it is only because the Western public (and the public in the client states) does not want to get involved.

Those in Berlin, Paris or New York, who are supporting Joshua Wong or Juan Guaido, are not doing it out of ignorance. Maybe some do, but most of them definitely don’t. They do it out of racism against China, and out of spite towards the patriotic Latin American socialism. Full stop.

Arguments will not convince them to change their mind. They block what does not suit them. They do not want to know. They want the status quo.

They do not care about how China is progressing, how much it has been improving the lives of its citizens. They do not care that “democracy” means the rule of the people, and not some Western multi-party-political charade. They have no respect for different cultures.

Socialism Venezuelan-style, winning all over the continent, would not be in their interests.

Decaying Hong Kong, rescued by Beijing, is their worst ideological nightmare.

And so, in a way and paradoxically, Joshua Wong is correct: Hong Kong is becoming the new cold-war Berlin. But not because of Beijing or Moscow, but because of treasonous cadres like himself.

“Saints” produced by the West, in all corners of the world, have been extremely damaging to their nations and humanity.

They still are, to this day.

But we will expose them, wherever they are.

Mr. Wong, you want your country to be attacked, and bombed by the United States. You want your own city to be ruled again, by the United Kingdom. You take dictates from the foreign and hostile powers. You are pushing China and the West towards a conflict. You have blood on your hands and you should be stopped. I just saw your people in action! I documented your destructive deeds, visually and in writing.

Juan Guaido, you are selling your beautiful nation to the powers that have been colonizing and plundering it, for decades and centuries. It is not just that you don’t have any shame left – you are betraying both your people and the South American continent!

I always found something dubious about sainthood.

But the new, fake saints, manufactured on order, are exceptionally appalling!

First published by NEO – New Eastern Outlook


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Categories: China, featured, latest, Venezuela
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Jul 21, 2020 10:07 AM

There are many positive things mentioned in this article. I hope the article will be improved further in the future. I will return to the article to update the latest information. skribbl io

Oct 7, 2019 2:12 PM

Hurmf, we have seen it all, countless times, from uh…. color revolutions, to downright coups and this, eh… rat pack, like Guiweirdo to this Two wongs will not make one right, right. China have been remarkably restarined, and is paying the price for it and so do the HKers, because of the west, witch again, isnt an friend, they are end deadly enemy, but of course, some nations Gov benefits from sucking up to the west, and this nations is also known, but not much writen about like Indonesia and all their wars against the indiginous people. Then we have circle jerks like the Philipines, and to the 5 Eyes, witch is an part of the problem. This time I will give you an analogy, so people have something a little bit easier to understand whats at stake, this, people is an war, an Bankers war on the world, to make us to pity slaves, to whom they can control and do whatever they please and will, and thru having an double barrel shoot gun pointing at ou forehead, we are given the ilution of choice. So, in times like this, since I am tired, mentaly, exausted, I will give you an story, about Sheeps. And the magicians that controls the herd, since they realie on obidience and rules by fear. Writen by 48tomw, saksed from YT, I really liked this one. #This reminds me of the Gurdjieff story about the Evil Magician-“There was an evil magician. He lived deep in the mountains and the forests, and he had thousands of sheep. But the problem was that the sheep were afraid of the magician because every day the sheep were seeing that one of them was being killed for his breakfast, another was being killed for his lunch. So they… Read more »

Oct 7, 2019 2:32 AM

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Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Oct 6, 2019 9:50 PM

For all the philosophy and politics I imagine the Chines people in general view the material benefits of the Chines model of investment and production as a good thing.

Imagine that twenty years ago in your small town you struggled with getting an electricity supply.

Now you run your new fridge – HD television and washing machine ( the one your son or daughter sent money back home to pay for ) whilst lying on a comfy bed.

Along comes some Western idiot from a ‘free ‘ country and tells you you need democracy.

Mrs Wong will think – I can’t eat that – I can’t do my washing with that and I can’t watch television whilst lying on my comfy bed.

So – no thanks – I’ll stick with the all these curses of the Chines Communist State.

Meanwhile on her internet connection she reads about the people in the US working three jobs and living in a car and paying $20k excess before you can even start your healthcare treatment.

Fact is – one side is progressing and the other side is declining rapido.

Hence the Nationalist trumpets playing, even in the parts of the ex Soviet satellite worlds where facism is on the rise.

Two dollars a day is paid in Iraq these days and slavery has been re-introduced in Libya.

Ask the Iraquis how much they were paid under the dictator Sadaam?

Mrs Wong will read about that too and shake her head.

Oct 6, 2019 9:25 PM

What could possibly go Wong?

Andre, I find this one of your best pieces to date.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 1:13 PM

Wong is wrong.
Guaido is galling.
Greta playing “All along
(‘Tis truly appalling),
the Watchtower” song.
With egos according,
Forget Hong Kong
remember that song?

By Santana – ‘Let the children play’ ?

Fat chance . . . let’s weaponise our kids minds and fuck their brains over completely,
on PlanetPorno.com, as Jimi said, “… so, let us not talk falsely now, the hour is gettin’ late” !
Greta Wong & Guaido have nothing to do with any solutions to our existential crisis,
of critical reasoning.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 3:39 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Lol, i wrote that, then read the article & comments and low and behold, André opted for that self same final word >>> “appalling”, around which I centred my comment of
Rhyme & Reason. (this made me chuckle, at least 🙂 )

I swear, that was the order of events, in my mind and give me the Bible or Quran or a copy of Carl Sagan &/or Van Däniken and unlike Buzz Aldrin, I’ll swear upon it 🙂 I declare, I had not read the word “appalling” or the article, until after I’d already employed it, as idle thought & an obvious ‘Bullseye’ in the
wee nitty gritty dirty ditty, deeds of the day 🙂

Doesn’t one of those books I mentioned, also mention that
‘Thou shallt not worship false idols’ ?
‘Let the children play’, with whom . . . ?
Epstein’s Empirical Legacy ?

EELs of Evil Intelligence & Cobra forces with networks & agendas & undeclared goals ?
Austrian & UK intelligence use the term ‘Cobra’ and you can be damn sure that what Epstein has/had, the PTB now have too (& always had in many cases), as universal leverage, maybe even compromising ‘stuff’ on Wong & Guaido . . .
right up the Habsburg Street of Histrionics & Hypocrisy,
& ‘Media Matters’ & I.I.5iFUKUS NATZO goals, aligned with Central Banks,
that can’t do the math !
Every deed, “Appalling.”

Somebody should slap a long whippy metal ruler on Greta Thunberg’s desk and instruct her:-

“Now fuck off outside & play … ” 🙂

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 6, 2019 9:42 AM

Wong looks like he would last precisely two minutes in a fist fight.

He can have no complaints about a fist fight if he has been vandalising property.

Knock him to the floor, kick him in his genitals brutally and repeatedly. Teach him what US-sponsored violence really feels like……

As for Julie Eadah, she needs some very timely violence. She needs kicking in the head until she is unconscious, then some Mike Pompeo-style torture. Amazing how US torture applied to a US diplomat will be terrorism, eh? It is very important that US diplomats experience first hand what the organisation they represent does to others….

Stop treating US terrorists with respect and deference. Treat them the way they deserve to be treated, with contempt, lack of civility and lack of temperance……

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 4:21 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Actually Rhys, in many instances, I think like you, (though we both know it is not the solution) so, what about a whippy metal ruler on people’s desks:
better than waterboarding ? 🙂


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 4:25 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Oh, and Wong ? 2 WHOLE MINUTES ? impossible, my friend …
May I submit ?

Oct 6, 2019 10:10 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

There are some good Americans and some bad Americans. I live next door to them so I see the good Americans. When I watch world events I see the bad Americans.

I tend not to watch world events anymore.


Oct 6, 2019 7:02 AM

To those pointing at the ‘evil’ Chinese social credit system. Here is a comparison between ‘their system’ and our (shadow)-system. I hope, Andre Vltchek can refine this compraison and put it to a good use! – The Chinese social credit system is punishing crooked businesses – The Chinese social credit system tells you what is a acceptable, and ethical, social and business conduct – The Chinese social credit is protecting public amenities and punishing criminals – You can see, the Chinese social credit system is, to a large extent, transparent On the other hand, in the enlightened West, there are people, now, suffering from extremely serious setbacks by a system that: – doesn’t have a name (it might, but what is it if it does?) – is completely non transparent – has no written rules – favours the rich, and, punishes the poor for far lesser crimes – punishes you for exercising the basic rights that we have always cherished and believe they are the foundations of our society – uses controlled media to shame (and completely ruin their life) those who the government don’t agree with – reduce lifespan in targeted ethnic groups using propaganda and various social engineering methods – support terrorists for geopolitical purposes while they say they are protecting us from those same terrorists – punishes whistleblowers – put democracy advocates in jail – depriving defendants from the ability to defend themselves – has secret unaccountable courts and judges, imposing arbitrary penalties and punishments Pointing at China’s social credit system as something sinister is a huge distraction from the slavery conditions forced upon us, hiding our descent into fascistic control of thoughts and actions. The purpose of pointing at ‘them’ is to distract us from looking at ourselves. Would we prefer a system that is transparent… Read more »

Oct 6, 2019 7:14 AM
Reply to  primordial

100% sure that posting on Off Guardian will get you minus points or even blacklisting.

The fundamental error here is that 1% gets to observe & judge the 99% others while staying scot-free themselves. The CPC apex will surely be outside of this system.

Some animals are more equal than others…

Oct 6, 2019 1:52 PM
Reply to  primordial

Always accuse ‘the other’ of what you are doing yourself.
It’s called psychological projection, is a mental illness and
has the Western hemisphere firm in its grip.

Oct 7, 2019 2:40 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

An example –

The basic platform of the Communist Manifesto – “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”

In “Communist” China no tax is payable on property.

In “Communist” Russia in normal cases no more than 0.1% is payable on a nominal value

In the West you pay taxes on the full value of your property and guess what happens when you stop paying?

Which part of the Communist Manifesto do Western nations not follow?

10 Communist Manifesto Planks of the US Government

February 21, 2015—167 years ago today, Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto. In it, Marx outlined 10 Planks, or policies, for overturning capitalist economies. How many of Marx’s planks are already implemented in the U.S.? Let’s examine the planks to find out.

The 1st Plank: “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”

The 14th Amendment in 1868 granted the US government eminent domain power to expropriate private property in the name of the “public good.” There’s also the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which wields enormous zoning and regulatory power, as well as school and property taxes, and environmental considerations which take precedence over private property and individual rights. You don’t pay your property taxes? The government takes your house. So is it really your house to begin with?

Read on –



Oct 7, 2019 3:43 AM
Reply to  Caltrop

When I was battling to keep the house I had inherited from my late life partner, I found out the hard way what ‘mortgage’ means. Since there was no need to study such a document (in ‘legal’ format of course – it could never be printed on letter size since it is so special) before, I took o that task when it seemed essential. Practically, the whole mortgage contract is like ‘fine print’. After having read through it all, I was convinced that people who signed such a contract never read it beforehand – or they would not sign it unless pressured with a gun, or a bat. The mortgage taker has no rights other than to pay the mortgage payments on time – or else. The mortgage taker has more duties than a renter and it could be argued that, since he/she will own the property at one point, it makes sense to demand that he/she treats the property as if it would not be his/her own, but someone else’s. The mortgage taker is also liable for all hazards that emanate from his/her property – even before the title is transferred. Stupid example would be that there is an illegal dump of hazardous materials on the property perpetrated by unknown criminals. The removal will take place at the expense of the mortgage taker, even if the property is not his/hers, yet. And it won’t be his/hers until everything is paid in full, of course. That includes other unforseeable expenses, like errors in the zoning, errors with staking and so forth. Even if one would do due diligence, a mortgage is an instrument that does not give the taker any rights beyond those of a renter – until the mortgage company/bank has been satisfied in all their demands. After this… Read more »

Oct 7, 2019 7:01 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Oct 7, 2019 7:03 AM
Reply to  Caltrop

Henry Ford said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

Oct 7, 2019 7:16 AM
Reply to  Caltrop

So, who owns and controls the money system in the West and who takes all of the profits, leaving us with a few crumbs?
“…………This author has made the claim again and again that Soviet Marxism has nothing to do with labour, ethics, production or philosophy. It was merely a means to transfer the wealth of labour to the overwhelmingly Jewish members of the Communist Party. Since the party planned all economic production from Moscow, it implies that the party therefore owned all productive capital. What resulted was the most exploitative economic system ever devised, and it was largely accomplished with investment capital from the west……………”

Oct 7, 2019 11:35 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

” I call [mortgage] financial fascism”

It is ‘Debt Bondage’ which replaced slavery with bank loans to keep a roof above one’s head.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 5:11 PM
Reply to  primordial

“The purpose of pointing at ‘them’ is to distract us from looking at ourselves.”


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 6:22 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

no wait, BIN – go fuk yer’selves … Bin (ge)-Laden,
any body speak German round here ? 🙂

Dostoyevsky once said, when confronting our baggage & ‘Demons’ …

“If you want to overcome the whole world, overcome yourself.”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Demons

Fair Dinkum
Fair Dinkum
Oct 6, 2019 4:39 AM

Then there’s the other FAKE ‘heroes’
Sports people, movie stars, CEOs, military leaders, senior police etc.
They all get paid big bucks to spin the Capitalist propaganda.

Oct 6, 2019 3:35 AM

Those in Berlin, Paris or New York, who are supporting Joshua Wong
Ignorance is rife under the Western Left true, but what they see in Hong Kong mostly is a popular mass movement, not an just some individual. And Xi China is quite oppressive on mainland China – with its social credit system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 6:41 PM
Reply to  Antonym

mighty Ant, seriously: I seriously respect your false endeavours, (in an anachronistic sense of being), with invested interests, (that avoid mentioning Londoninium & Zürichinium ), but c’mon amis 🙂 you can’t drop London and the SWISS, like this >>> BIS, bank of International SeXettlements, we know the way to credit, in the past … 🙂

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 7:03 PM
Reply to  Antonym

And Ant, don’t tell me you didn’t at least smile or laugh, when you read that 🙂
Small blessings, Ant. 😉 discussing social credit . . . 🙂

Oct 6, 2019 3:09 AM

As I see it, Rothschild Banks want to retain their position in Hong Kong and this is what the riots are all about – keeping mainland China out of Hong Kong.

The Rothschilds do not own the People’s Bank of China, International banks aren’t even allowed to operate there. but the Rothschilds have a strong presence through their Hong Kong Branches.

The Rothshilds want to own the world and that requires their having Central Bank control in every nation. Syria and Libya are two examples of their efforts.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 6, 2019 7:13 PM
Reply to  Caltrop

🙂 not to mention the Rothschild’s moving their offices for international shipping, from the WTC Complex to the East, 2 weeks before 11/9/2001 . . . 😉

Oct 5, 2019 10:33 PM

Andre, I sometimes disagree with you, but for what it’s worth I think you’re bang on the money with this piece.

Oct 6, 2019 4:40 AM
Reply to  RobG

You must be a real pundit on Hong Kong as well as Venezuela. Go visit the latter , watch ordinary people’s daily agonies and then truthfully report your sure to be found wisdom nuggets to your audience. I encourage you to do that.

Oct 6, 2019 4:53 AM
Reply to  Robert

Indeed, there are firsthand accounts reporting, there is NO toothpaste on supermarket shelves. So, WE [The West which always has the solutions to all mankind problems] have to bomb them, kill them, turn them into smithereens, so they don’t suffer gum disease.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Oct 6, 2019 9:39 AM
Reply to  primordial

The no toothpaste story was very quickly debunked of course but is served its purpose.

Oct 5, 2019 8:42 PM

Having grown up in a wealthy area in Bavaria, I also grew up with the special kind of catholicism that inhabits the place. What I will never forget is the height of hypocrisy that reigned (and likely still reigns). As a journalist in the strictest sense of the word, I was exposed to the criminality of the rich and the way the church handled the criminals and crimes. Judges of all courts have to go to church as well, of course. It does not take a lot of convincing and the charges against the general contractor are dropped. A general contractor that cranked up his profits by installing empty buckets before the concrete was poured. Not a big deal in Bavaria – only in Turkey, where there are more earthquakes. The practice seems to be rooted in religious countries. It does not come as a surprise then, that ‘mother’ Teresa – who never had any children – was operating under a special quid quo pro theme. Having internalized the old christian wives’ tale that a good life has to be a life of hardship and suffering (for which those suffering from hardship must be grateful to the rich rulers), nothing was ever free at Teresa’s. She was reminiscent of someone that observes a drowing person in the river who screams “Help me! I can’t swim!” to respond “What’s in for me?” And to make that clear, since it all fits together one way or another – just in the same way Clinton could never be too big a war criminal for her ‘democratic’ pussyhat fan base, catholics, too would never allow any doubt to arise for the malicious ways in which the un-mother treated those without any voice – those from the lowest kast in India. The images of the… Read more »

Oct 6, 2019 3:46 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

“installing empty buckets before the concrete was poured. Not a big deal in Bavaria – only in Turkey, where there are more earthquakes”

Nice turn of phrase!

“When the revolution comes”

Ummm .. it looks very much, our kitchen knives and forks will have cameras and microphones before a real revolution approaches planet Earth .. which leads me to think .. a complete [electricity] power-off is an essential prerequisite for any thought of a revolution to take place.

… which leads to a wonderful new possibility: Having no electricity, could indeed be a wonderful thing. How, you might ask? Well, with no electricity, all control systems will cease to operate. With such a new reality, everyone will kind of get back to nature and we try to get along together as nice as humans can be or pretend to be.

Conclusion (kind of): To liberate ourselves, there needs to be some actions before surveillance systems, that are enslaving us, start operating independently from traditional power supply.

Unplug/Power off/Turn the whole system off as quickly as urgently as possible!

Oct 6, 2019 3:46 PM
Reply to  primordial

Well, I agree with the sentiment of cut off electricity. It appears to happen more often than ever here in South America and the smell of the U.S. regime surrounds the burned out transformers. Blackouts have become the U.S. regime’s favorite tool – make that toy, as these fascists enjoy destroying the lives of those who resist their Nazi ways – and one must suffer from the most severe form of cognitive dissonance to not see that it is a war crime and crime against humanity, affecting innocent people’s lives that are depending on electricity to have their life support machines operating. My late partner needed a respirator to breathe and I installed a back-up power supply system (auto-start generator), because the power in the Puna district would fail more often than people change their underwear. Well, those who change their underwear frequently. Fact is, that in Venezuela, people that have to use a respirator at home do not have the means to install a back-up power supply system. When the fascist U.S. regime, or any of its unintelligence stooges already in the country sabotages the power grid, these people will die from respiratory failure. I wish for the Universe to show those who are responsible for that to experience it first hand. Back to the ‘no electricity’ problem. It will be devastating for those , whose life is depending on checking their facebook, twitter, or et al accounts. It will only take some time without electricity for the batteries to run empty. Computers first, then smart phones – and then nothing more to do. No idea what to do. First bored, than frustrated, then the withdrawal for social networking kicks in and violence ensues. Because the aggressions must be loaded off somewhere. Anything will do to lash out. This… Read more »

Oct 6, 2019 9:21 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Sorry to hear about your partner’s.

I was thinking, with electricity cut off, facebook zombies might become human again, and rediscover the natural environment, and consciously become aware of the benefits of human interaction. Too idealistic, perhaps!

The word ‘Luxury’ is a marketing construct. Together with ‘Comfort’, they are a leading cause of modern diseases.

Luckily, growing food for a sizable community does not need electricity.

“All my inventions circle around re-engineering stone age solutions”

You represent an existential threat to the NeoLibral Order whereby the Elites are working relentlessly to destroy our reliance on nature and keep injecting our food supply with poisons.

Oct 7, 2019 4:14 AM
Reply to  primordial

Yes, I fancy to have lived as a grain of sand in the gears of an inhumane machine. You make an important point with the social media crowd potentially discovering that life is what happens between one’s posts.

However, since I am of the older variety, I can imagine that among my age group there are far less addicts to social media than among the young generations. Us ripened bodies also are not as energetic and much more patient as oozing with energy young bloods. Similar to the hormone thingy. With older age and more experiences, calmness and wisdom seem to have a better chance to rule a day without electronic devices.

In your spirit though, I recommend to anybody that is young to practice like Yoga a certain time without electronic distraction and dedicate such time to anything that lives. Like personal contact with other Human Beings, or Felines, Dogs, Hamsters, Birds and Plants. On September 25th, a Horsie was born early in the morning and it was so exciting. These are also healing experiences. And that’s what will help to get grounded in Mother Earth again.

Thank you for your empathy. It is very much appreciated. Some wounds do not heal well. Even with proper Feline care.

And yes, I made sure that all my inventions go into the public domain when I follow my loved ones into the Real World. 🙂

Oct 5, 2019 6:47 PM

American pro-democracy is doublespeak for Neoliberalism Part II post-Lehman debacle and loss of real hegemonic status.

Rome was always stacked to the rafters with symbolism & financial largesse.

Pope Late Stage Ponzi wants the ‘Empire’ to be reborn with even bigger lies & falsehoods to muster leverage & hopefully ‘power’.

Maestro Greenspan cannot help Rome or Italy now.

The people of Italy need to sack & loot the Vatican for all the gold the statues are emblazoned & adorned with. Call it the Recycled Roman Catholic Saint Movement.

Buy your indulgence here.


Oct 5, 2019 6:10 PM

Head and shoulders above them all….the bloke who shoved a bayonet up Gaddafi’s arse.

Oct 5, 2019 5:22 PM

I appreciate Andre’s exposure of the two fakers, Wong and Guaido, but his unconditional praise for China is unwarranted and also bears scrutiny. China’s political leadership is not worker-friendly or citizen-friendly. Andre’s reference to China’s ‘progress’ is simplistic, leaving out many indicators. Does Andre want to live in a country that employs a social credit system? I just read some enlightening articles about China on the excellent (usually but not always) WSWS website. They were eye-opening. Then I read an article about the Ecaudorian and Hong Kong protests by Andrea Lobo and was disappointed, to say the least, with her reference to the Hong Kong protests. She mischaracterizes them as democratic. She doesn’t say a whole lot about them – Ecaudor was the focus of her article – but she doesn’t qualify her statement. Do website editors not check what they allow? I also found a light going on when I viewed James Corbett’s excellent documentary on China. There’s more than one. I think it was called “China And The New World Order.” James noticed that the West, with the US leading here, attacks China in two ways. One, It creates capitalist facts on the ground, with high level players from the West going to China to make friends, spark investments and channel much Western R&D into China. Two, Political leaders, like Trump, shake their fists at China and threaten it while actually surrounding it with war ships and bases. (See John Pilger’s sobering documentary on “The Coming War With China.” I wonder what John would make of James’s research.) At a glance, there seems to be huge contradiction here. But it all makes sense. You don’t fight a battle in one, pre-chosen place, ignoring all other opportunities for military gains. You penetrate the enemy’s defenses everywere you can, in… Read more »

Oct 5, 2019 5:45 PM
Reply to  Arby

When you’ve hit the bottom of the hole, stop digging, and enjoy your GCHQ & NSA, and 17 other spy agencies in the free & democratic west..

Oct 5, 2019 10:15 PM
Reply to  eddie

Sure thing.

Oct 5, 2019 10:22 PM
Reply to  Arby

Utopia’s arby?

Oct 5, 2019 10:51 PM
Reply to  Arby

Arby, I’ve also often said that Andre is too forgiving of the totalitarian Chinese state.

But at the same time you have to acknowledge the incredible leap that China has made over the last few decades; lifting millions out of poverty (but, arguably, also enslaving millions of people).

It was the same with the Soviet Union, which in the post-war years also managed an incredible leap: from a war-ruined country that had a mostly agrarian economy, to an industrialised nation that could match the West in many respects. In the Soviet Union this was done in just a few decades. It really was all incredible stuff, the like of which has never been seen before.

The economy of the West is about to totally collapse again.

Chose your sides carefully.

Oct 6, 2019 1:18 PM
Reply to  RobG

There are usually more than two sides. During WW II Hitler and Stalin were weakening each other – great for all less totalitarian run nations . Today a Xi-China vs a CIA-US could relieve the rest of us from two bullies, as long as its done in slow motion and without big bangs. Trump’s trade war is probably the least harmful path.

Oct 5, 2019 11:22 PM
Reply to  Arby

Whether Andre gives too much credit to China or not, it is not the business of the West to criticise their system, social credit or otherwise. It is up to China to evolve in their own way and for their people to decide. The UK was allowed to evolve ( to what is now not a good place) without interference so the same applies to China.
If change happens in China it has to be within and at a pace the people decide.

For the record I would even defend Saudi Arabia’s internal right to govern with medieval laws – on the proviso it did not export terrorism or meddle outside. Prospective woman drivers or anti head-choppers in Saudi can change things from within. Always the red line has to be whether a state attacks other states. US,UK and Saudi Arabia fail miserably on this so these offenders deserve criticism for gross hypocrisy and war crimes.

Oct 6, 2019 3:28 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Yes, IF Xi China would insular. It isn’t. Apart from industrial and naval imperialism physical conquering is also there like in the South China sea and Kashmir.

Oct 5, 2019 4:17 PM

This is all as old as the hills. Empires have never had any difficulty finding quislings, stooges, opportunists, chancers, thugs and whores to do their bidding. This was true of the satraps of the generally tolerant and easy going Persian Empire of Darius and Xerxes, or Roman clients and puppets like Herod, or Greek turncoats like Alcibiades. It is true of every empire before and since, down to the present day Anglozionist Empire. These people are ten a penny. They are always ready to whore themselves out for money, power and status, and beg the foreigners who bankroll them to bomb, invade and starve their own countries. People like Diem, Batista, Noriega, Pinochet, The Shah, Ahmed Chalabi, Karzai, Moreno, Bolsonaro, Lopez, Guaido, Wong, the list is endless. The problem is that these people generally lack any integrity and enjoy little if any real support from their own people. They are unreliable and often pursue their own agendas, and it tends not to end well either for them or their sponsors and wire pullers. Diem had to be bumped off by his CIA handlers, one of many such expendable stooges. Panama had to be invaded so that the disobedient puppet Noriega could be hauled off in chains. The Shah’s rule was so unpopular that when he was overthrown the end result was the undying enmity and hostility of Iran. Sometimes they are sacrificed in false flags, Skripal style, to exploit their residual propaganda value as dead martyrs when they have outlived their usefulness. On other occasions, complete organisations are created from scratch to serve the same purpose. Al Qaida, ISIS, the MEK, “The Committee for Democracy in (wherever is being targeted at the time.) This tends not to end well either. But the obvious drawbacks to this approach, endlessly repeated, never… Read more »

Oct 5, 2019 4:14 PM

This brain-dead lot wants Trump to liberate them. Little did they know, around the globe, the US is working relentlessly to destroy the things the idiots-on-steroid are dreaming about.

Oct 5, 2019 4:01 PM

I cannot agree with you with regard to Vaclav Havel. I was in Prague during the Velvet Revolution, by the way. It was a fantastic and very deep and emotional moment for me to see the Czechs unshackle themselves from the Soviets.

Bal S
Bal S
Oct 5, 2019 7:04 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

….and instead go and shackle themselves to the political wing of NATO, the EU cartel.

Oct 6, 2019 12:41 AM
Reply to  Bal S

It is not the Czech people who have shackled themselves to the political wing of NATO and the EU cartel, it is their recent leader who did that. Nothing to do with Vaclav Havel.

Oct 6, 2019 6:18 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Vierotchka, that’s what Bal said: once we join the West our Leaders shackle us to NATZO and the EU Political Cartel of Unelected Leaders — in our name. The West is governed by greedy psychopaths who act for a tiny cartel of bankers in the name of Western Democracy.

So, what is to be done?

Oct 5, 2019 11:17 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

It will also be a very deep and emotional moment when Czechs realise that their government has turned their country into a US-NATO military base and a target in a war against Russia – a war that the US wants.

Oct 6, 2019 12:38 AM
Reply to  Jen

That is not of Vaclav Havel’s doing. The Velvet Revolution happened 30 years ago.

Oct 6, 2019 5:45 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

From no less than the, uh … Guardian itself: “Václav Havel: another side to the story” … No one questions that Havel, who went to prison twice, was a brave man who had the courage to stand up for his views. Yet the question which needs to be asked is whether his political campaigning made his country, and the world, a better place. Havel’s anti-communist critique contained little if any acknowledgement of the positive achievements of the regimes of eastern Europe in the fields of employment, welfare provision, education and women’s rights. Or the fact that communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first. Although he did clash with his uber-Thatcherite presidential successor, Václav Klaus, over economic policy, Havel, the son of a wealthy entrepreneur whose companies were nationalised when the communists came to power, showed little concern for the plight of ordinary people who lost out in the change towards a market economy. And there were losers aplenty. While the years following the liberation of eastern Europe from communism by Havel and his fellow dissidents are routinely portrayed in the west as one big success story, the reality is rather different. A 2009 Lancet study concluded that as many as 1 million working-age men died due to the health problems brought on by mass privatisation. As economies across eastern Europe were restructured so inequalities and social divisions grew. A 2011 OECD report found that Havel’s Czech Republic had the joint-second largest rise in income inequality in OECD members since the mid-1980s. Havel’s true political allegiances came to the fore during his years as president. Like fellow dissident Lech Walesa, he supported the [NATO] bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. In 2002, he sided with the rightwing Republican hawks on Iraq.… Read more »

Oct 6, 2019 5:54 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

From no less than the, uh … Guardian itself: “Václav Havel: another side to the story” … No one questions that Havel, who went to prison twice, was a brave man who had the courage to stand up for his views. Yet the question which needs to be asked is whether his political campaigning made his country, and the world, a better place. Havel’s anti-communist critique contained little if any acknowledgement of the positive achievements of the regimes of eastern Europe in the fields of employment, welfare provision, education and women’s rights. Or the fact that communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first. Although he did clash with his uber-Thatcherite presidential successor, Václav Klaus, over economic policy, Havel, the son of a wealthy entrepreneur whose companies were nationalised when the communists came to power, showed little concern for the plight of ordinary people who lost out in the change towards a market economy. And there were losers aplenty. While the years following the liberation of eastern Europe from communism by Havel and his fellow dissidents are routinely portrayed in the west as one big success story, the reality is rather different. A 2009 Lancet study concluded that as many as 1 million working-age men died due to the health problems brought on by mass privatisation. As economies across eastern Europe were restructured so inequalities and social divisions grew. A 2011 OECD report found that Havel’s Czech Republic had the joint-second largest rise in income inequality in OECD members since the mid-1980s. Havel’s true political allegiances came to the fore during his years as president. Like fellow dissident Lech Walesa, he supported the [NATO] bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. In 2002, he sided with the rightwing Republican hawks on Iraq.… Read more »

Oct 6, 2019 12:39 AM
Reply to  Jen

And the US doesn’t want a war with Russia, it knows that such a war would lead to the US and Russia’s anihilation, as well as the anihiation of Europe and the end of life on earth.

Oct 6, 2019 6:08 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Being deliberately obtuse and confusing US general public opinion with the US government and some of its agencies won’t get you very far in the Off-Guardian.org comments forums.

Oct 6, 2019 10:02 PM
Reply to  Jen

Oh, so does that mean that we all have to have the exact same opinion and never contradict anyone? How utterly boring, bland, insipid and vapid…

Oct 6, 2019 1:03 AM
Reply to  Jen

The USA cannot afford war as it is bankrupt and can’t afford the interest payments on debt outstanding let alone new debt that has no new support via organic growth. War is not profitable for CB balance sheet sanctity or conducive to rate normalization across the CB.
Americans don’t want war at all. Americans want the world to have the mistaken impression that they want war but that is merely a head fake of fear.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Oct 5, 2019 3:31 PM

Another contemporary “saint” of western neoliberal globalism is, of course, Greta Thunberg.

Oct 5, 2019 3:58 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes


Oct 5, 2019 4:29 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Just another Baana or Dusty Boy.
Or that Afghan bint, Melara or Malaria, or whatever her name was, who was endlessly promoted after the Taliban shot her in the swede.

Oct 5, 2019 5:27 PM
Reply to  mark

Yes she has almost certainly been co-opted into the establishment. Before that though she attended an International Marxist open school and still campaigns for women’s education on a global level.

Oct 5, 2019 10:20 PM
Reply to  ChrisG


“The Ruination Of Malala Yousafzai” – https://arrby.wordpress.com/2019/07/11/the-ruination-of-malala-yousafzai/

Oct 5, 2019 10:22 PM
Reply to  ChrisG

Mallalai Yousafzai seems to have dropped off the international travelling poppet talking-head circuit since she outed herself as a socialist.

Oct 6, 2019 4:21 AM
Reply to  Jen

Do you have a link?

Oct 6, 2019 5:51 AM
Reply to  Arby

Historic 32nd congress of Pakistani section of IMT – First Day

Message sent by Mallalai Yousafzai to the 32nd Congress of the International Marxist Tendency (Pakistani chapter):

First of all I’d like to thank The Struggle and the IMT for giving me a chance to speak last year at their Summer Marxist School in Swat and also for introducing me to Marxism and Socialism. I just want to say that in terms of education, as well as other problems in Pakistan, it is high time that we did something to tackle them ourselves. It’s important to take the initiative. We cannot wait around for any one else to come and do it. Why are we waiting for someone else to come and fix things? Why aren’t we doing it ourselves?

I would like to send my heartfelt greetings to the congress. I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation.

Oct 6, 2019 6:59 AM
Reply to  Jen

Interesting, but why does Marxist Malala only care for the welfare/ education of girls from Muslim back ground?

Also why is she still wearing a head scarf in the UK; it is not because of too much sun.

Oct 6, 2019 11:46 AM
Reply to  Antonym

You’d be wanting to wear a head scarf or some other kind of head covering (like a wig if you were a married ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman) if you too had been shot in the head and were still carrying bullet scars.

If you’re not convinced of that explanation, there’s nothing like first-hand experience if you want to try.

Oct 6, 2019 1:07 PM
Reply to  Jen

Can’t find anything better than a BBC story on her wound, so unreliable: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-24379018
Even if that was true it was on the left side of her head, easily covered by her long hair.
For a girl supportingly shot by Taliban keeping a head scarf is weird: do Marxists wear head scarves in the UK now a day’s?

Oct 6, 2019 5:55 AM
Reply to  Arby

Historic 32nd congress of Pakistani section of IMT – First Day

Message sent by Mallalai Yousafzai to the 32nd Congress of the International Marxist Tendency (Pakistani chapter) in 2013:

First of all I’d like to thank The Struggle and the IMT for giving me a chance to speak last year at their Summer Marxist School in Swat and also for introducing me to Marxism and Socialism. I just want to say that in terms of education, as well as other problems in Pakistan, it is high time that we did something to tackle them ourselves. It’s important to take the initiative. We cannot wait around for any one else to come and do it. Why are we waiting for someone else to come and fix things? Why aren’t we doing it ourselves?

I would like to send my heartfelt greetings to the congress. I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation.

Oct 6, 2019 7:37 AM
Reply to  Jen

Thank you. This is fascinating.

Oct 6, 2019 11:36 AM
Reply to  Arby

Sorry for the repetition but the PC I was using at the time seemed to be rejecting everything I was trying to post and gave no indication that it was doing otherwise.

Oct 7, 2019 2:03 AM
Reply to  Jen

We’ve all been there.

Oct 6, 2019 6:03 AM
Reply to  Arby

I do and I did try to post a comment containing the link but for some reason the comment was very slow to post.

If you go to Wikiquote and look up Mallalai Yousafzai’s entry there, you will find a statement she made to the 32nd Congress of the International Marxist Tendency (Pakistani chapter):

First of all I’d like to thank The Struggle and the IMT for giving me a chance to speak last year at their Summer Marxist School in Swat and also for introducing me to Marxism and Socialism. I just want to say that in terms of education, as well as other problems in Pakistan, it is high time that we did something to tackle them ourselves. It’s important to take the initiative. We cannot wait around for any one else to come and do it. Why are we waiting for someone else to come and fix things? Why aren’t we doing it ourselves? I would like to send my heartfelt greetings to the congress. I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation.

Oct 5, 2019 10:35 PM
Reply to  mark

In Dusty Boy aka Umar Daqneesh’s defence, I must say the White Helmets had seized him (and other children like him) from families they were treating as virtual hostages in the areas they were controlling. Fortunately though the Daqneesh family was able to get Umar back and he was not recycled in other WH propaganda videos.

Oct 6, 2019 3:17 AM
Reply to  mark

That shooting might have been staged or less harm full than described: bandages can hide a lot – or nothing. Remember that she is now a well protected resident of the UK while a lot of her family is still (hostage?) in Pakistan. My proof: till today Malala wears head scarfs; she didn’t speak up for any non Muslims girls in Pakistan, India or China (Xinjiang) but immediately tweeted on Indian Kashmiri Muslim girls. Did she ever advocate helping the UK girls that were serially group raped in the UK by these “Asian grooming” rings? She is just another blot on the Nobel scheme (or maybe it was designed for fake honours by the 1% then).

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 5, 2019 6:04 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

According to her mother Malena Ernman (48), 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg can see CO2 with the naked eye. She writes that in the book ‘Scenes from the heart. Our life for the climate’, which she wrote with her family.
“Greta is able to see what other people cannot see,” writes Malena Ernman in the book.
“She beginning can see carbon dioxide with the naked eye. She sees how it flows out of chimneys and changes the atmosphere in a landfill.”
And the climate scientists believe her.It seems they are beginning see CO2 also.Soon it will become a mass hallucination.
Also read this.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 5, 2019 7:50 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

All hot air (literally), unfortunately. What she can see rising out of chimneys and the like is just slight bending of light due to different densities of air.

This effect doesn’t need a chimney or other artificial source of heat. You get similar behavior from the sun heating the ground. The one we’ve all seen is the mirage, the most common form being a long straight road that appears blue like water in the distance. When this hot air near the ground breaks free due to a slight breeze or similar then it rises up in a doughnut shaped swirl pulling light objects with it. Soaring birds are able to see this, they seek out these thermals to stay aloft without having to flap their wings. (Sailplane pilots also seek these out but humans aren’t any good at seeing thermals, typically they use indirect cues — like birds — to tell them where they are.)(So if Greta really can see thermals then she’d make a really good sailplane pilot!)

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2019 8:33 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Even allowing for the wretched advertising popups all around it, that link does not read like a serious article. But cutting all the tabloid jingoism, this bit is interesting:

“Thunberg as pawn isn’t as dismissive as it sounds, but it doesn’t ring very true either. Yes, she and her efforts enjoy support from well-funded organizations and individuals, but there’s no reason to believe they randomly plucked her from the global mass of teenagers and set her in motion. She attracted their notice by taking action. They didn’t make a winner, they saw a winner and decided to bet big on that winner.”

This is practically letting the cat out of the bag. Yes indeed – those “well-funded organizations” didn’t randomly pick her. And yes indeed – they are “betting on a winner”, in that cheap pop media language that signifies what these money grubbers are all about.

Oct 5, 2019 10:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Her parents’ backgrounds as actors and entertainers, and their contacts with their overseas equivalents plus her mother’s Eurovision association, may have stood out more to the UN and the Davos crowd than skipping school on Fridays and having to make up excuses for being truant.

Oct 5, 2019 10:19 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

As Thomas Knapp acknowledges, Greta Thunberg is indeed a great actor – with an opera singer mum whose greatest singing achievement was representing Sweden at Eurovision in 2009, and with dad and grandfather being actors, how could she not be? – and having Asperger’s seems to be a convenient excuse for not being willing to defend her arguments when others challenge them but only speaking when she wants to.

Incidentally there has been some news that Thunberg’s parents were reported to a govt childcare unit in a Stockholm district for child abuse.

Oct 6, 2019 12:30 AM
Reply to  Jen

Wow. Thanks for that reference. Just looked it up (Greta’s Mother). Makes it absolutely plausible that Greta is just a random young woman with a mental condition that requires of her to speak the truth all the time. Having cared for a girl with Aspergers I am well aquainted with its effects. Like going into the store with her, where she would ask me very loudly “Why is Bush lying so much?” (referring to Dim Son). Sure, it is sometimes challenging to keep up with a mind that works in mysterious ways, but I always enjoyed her presence. Greta does not give me the same impression and that might be related to her condition being less prominent. The sad thing about her is, that one day the party will be over. Nobody will care about her any longer, she will be forgotten, but still will have to live with herself.

On a side note, one does learn something new every day. On the Eurovision website I learned that Israel is part of Europe. However, Syria and Lebanon are not. It might be necessary to travel down there to see for myself (can’t trust anybody nowadays) that Israel is closer to Europe than Syria and Lebanon…

Oct 6, 2019 12:45 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Australia also participates in the Eurovision Song Contest – perhaps because it is more or less shaped like the Black Sea…

Oct 7, 2019 3:53 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Maybe because it is one of the appendixes of the Queen? I had mine removed rather early, she still has most of hers I guess.

Oct 7, 2019 5:15 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

If that is so, why do not all the Commonwealth countries participate in the Eurovision Song Contest? After all, they all are, as you put it, “appendixes of the Queen”.

Oct 5, 2019 10:24 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

That article didn’t grab me. And I avoid OpEd. It’s just too busy. I know more want to read around there than I want to stub my big toe on a sharp rock.

Oct 6, 2019 12:45 AM
Reply to  Arby

That defines intellectual laziness.

Oct 6, 2019 4:22 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

What would we do without you Sigmund?