Trumpenstein Must Be Destroyed!
CJ Hopkins

image credit – here
So here we go. Like a 1960s straight-to-drive-in Hammer Film Production, the 2020 campaign season has begun. Dig into your bucket of popcorn, pop the flap on your box of Good & Plenty, turn off your mind, and enjoy the show. From the looks of the trailer, it’s going to be a doozy.
That’s right, folks, it’s the final installment of the popular Trumpenstein horror movie series, TRUMPENSTEIN MUST BE DESTROYED! It will be playing, more or less around the clock, on more or less every screen in existence, until November 3, 2020 … or until Trump takes that lonely walk across the White House lawn to the Marine One chopper and flies off to Mar-a-Lago in disgrace.
Here’s a quick recap of the series so far, for those who may be joining us late.
When we last saw Trumpenstein he was out on the balcony of the White House South Portico in his Brioni boxers, ripped to the gills on Diet Coke and bellowing like a bull elephant seal. Having narrowly survived the Resistance’s attempts to expose him as a Russian intelligence asset (and the reanimated corpse of Adolf Hitler), he was pounding his chest and hollering angry gibberish at the liberal media like the Humongous in the second Mad Max movie.
The liberal mob was standing around with their torches and pitchforks in a state of shock. Doctor Mueller, the “monster hunter,” had let Trumpenstein slip through his fingers. The supposedly ironclad case against him had turned out to be a bunch of lies made up by the Intelligence Community, the Democratic Party, and the corporate media.
Russiagate was officially dead. The President of the United States was not a Russian secret agent. No one was blackmailing anyone with a videotape of Romanian prostitutes peeing on a bed where Obama once slept. All that had happened was, millions of liberals had been subjected to the most elaborate psyop in the history of elaborate deep state psyops … which, ironically, had only further strengthened Trumpenstein, who was out there on the Portico balcony, shotgunning Diet Cokes with one hand and shaking his junk at the mob with the other.
It wasn’t looking so good for “democracy.”
Fortunately, even though Russiagate had blown up in the Resistance’s faces and Trumpenstein could no longer be painted as a traitorous Russian intelligence asset (or as Vladimir Putin’s homosexual lover), he was still the reanimated corpse of Hitler, so they went balls out on the fascism hysteria, which kept the Resistance alive through the summer.
Which was all they really needed to do. Because these last three years were basically just a warm-up for the main event, which was always scheduled to begin this autumn. Russiagate, Hitlergate, and all the rest of it … it was all just a prelude to these impeachment hearings, and to the mass hysteria surrounding same, which the global capitalist ruling classes, the Intelligence Community, and the corporate media will be barraging us with until November 2020. The details don’t really matter that much. They were always going to impeach him for something, and they were always going to do it now, and throughout the 2020 campaign season.
You do not honestly believe they are going to let him serve a second term, do you? He took them by surprise in 2016. That isn’t going to happen again. Seriously, take a moment and reflect on everything we’ve been subjected to since Hillary Clinton lost the election … the unmitigated insanity of it all.
The Russiagate hysteria. The Russian hacker hysteria. The Russian Facebook mind-control hysteria. The Hitler hysteria. The mass fascism hysteria. The anti-Semitism hysteria. The concentration camp hysteria. The white supremacist terrorism hysteria. Russian spy whales. Perfume assassins.
The endless stream of fabricated “news” stories pumped out by the corporate media. Best-selling books, based on nothing. Comedians singing hymns to former FBI directors on national television. Celebrities demanding CIA coups. Papers of record like The New York Times coordinating blatant propaganda campaigns. The list goes on, and on, and on.
All of this because one billionaire ass clown won an election without their permission?
No, this was never just about Donald Trump, repulsive and corrupt as the man may be. The stakes have always been much higher than that. What we’ve witnessed over the the last three years (and what is about to reach its apogee) is a global capitalist counter-insurgency, the goal of which is (a) to put down the ongoing populist rebellion throughout the West, and (b) to crush any hope of resistance to the hegemony of global capitalism … in other words, a War on Populism.
Not that Donald Trump is a populist hero. Far from it. Trump is a narcissistic clown. He has always been a narcissistic clown. All he really cares about is seeing his face on television and plastering his name on everything in sight, preferably in huge gold letters. He got himself elected president by being cunning enough to recognize and ride the tsunami of populist anger that was building up in 2016, and that has continued to build throughout his presidency.
It is not going away, that anger.
The Western masses are no more thrilled about the global capitalist future today than they were when voted for Brexit, and Trump, and various other “populist” and reactionary figures.
Which is precisely why Trumpenstein must be destroyed, and why Brexit must not be allowed to happen … or, if it does, why the people of the United Kingdom must be mercilessly punished.
It is also why the Gilets Jaunes are being brutally repressed by the French police, and disappeared by the corporate media (while the Hong Kong protesters garner daily headlines), and why Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party must be smeared as a hive of anti-Semites, and Tulsi Gabbard as an Assad-apologist, and why Julian Assange must be smeared and destroyed, and why Bernie Sanders must also be destroyed, and why anyone of any ilk (left, right, it doesn’t matter) riding that wave of populist anger or challenging the hegemony of global capitalism and its psychotic, smiley-face ideology in any other way must be destroyed.
2020 is for all the marbles. The global capitalist ruling classes either crush this ongoing populist insurgency or … God knows where we go from here. Try to see it through their eyes for a moment. Picture four more years of Trump … second-term Trump … Trump unleashed. Do you really believe they’re going to let that happen, that they are going to permit this populist insurgency to continue for another four years?
They are not. What they are going to do is use all their power to destroy the monster … not Trump the man, but Trump the symbol. They are going to drown us in impeachment minutiae, drip, drip, drip, for the next twelve months.
The liberal corporate media are going to go full-Goebbels. They are going to whip up so much mass hysteria that people won’t be able to think. They are going to pit us one against the other, and force us onto one or the other side of a simulated conflict (Democracy versus the Putin-Nazis) to keep us from perceiving the actual conflict (Global Capitalism versus Populism).
They are going to bring us to the brink of civil war in order to prevent civil war. And, if that doesn’t work, and Trump gets reelected (or if it looks like he’s going to get reelected), they’ll probably have to just go ahead and kill him.
One way or another, this is it. This is the part where the global capitalist ruling classes teach us all a lesson. The lesson they intend to teach us is the same old lesson that masters have been teaching slaves since the dawn of slavery.
The lesson is, “abandon hope.” The lesson is, “resistance is futile.” The lesson is, “shut up, eat your tofu, get back to work at your three gig jobs, service your school loans and your credit card debt, vote for who and what we tell you, and be grateful we don’t fucking kill you. Oh, yeah … and if you want to rebel against something, feel free to take up identity politics, or to march around town with posters of Saint Greta demanding that we stop destroying the planet. We’ll get right on that, don’t you worry.”
What? You thought this had a happy ending, that Trumpenstein and the Bride of Trumpenstein were going to ride off into the orange sunrise at Mar-a-Lago in a Trump-branded golf cart, having made America great again … or that Bernie was going to storm the castle, vanquish Trumpenstein, and set up something resembling basic social democracy?
I told you it was a horror film, didn’t I?
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Or, to be brief about it, what the liberals fear about Trump’s right wing populism isn’t the right wing bit, it’s the populism bit.
Will Trump end his days like Elvis?
Clutching a burger whilst sat on a toilet?
Enter Elizabeth ( head Bernie off at the pass for chrissakes! ) Warren.
The era of the retired school headmistress running the world.
What’s not to like sisters – she’s a woman.
Like Hillary was.
Like Mrs Thatcher was and so on.
Boxes ticked for the left liberals.
Meanwhile a lefty Geography teacher stereotype gets a shot at running the UK.
All he really cares about is seeing his face on television and plastering his name on everything in sight, preferably in huge gold letters.
Not really. He also cares about gutting regulations on carcinogenic pesticides, making it impossible to get political asylum in the USA, opening up public lands that are refuges for endangered species to fracking, mining and cattle ranching, giving the green light to oil, gas and coal companies to go full blast even if means melting all the ice in the Arctic with disastrous results. I can go on and on but what’s the point? Hopkins is only interested in championing “populism” as if someone like Donald Trump had anything to do with common folk. By focusing on Rachel Maddow et al, he doesn’t seem to grasp that revolutionaries in the USA are trying to build a resistance to the Trump presidency based on mass action, such as the recent climate change protests that you unfortunately denigrated. This article, by the way, is number 113 of the same basic article Hopkins has been writing. If Rachel Maddow is a crushing bore with her Russiagate obsession, Hopkins is just as boring with his predictable anti-Maddow screeds. I wonder if he ever had even the slightest inclination to champion the left in his litany of anti-liberal posts. After all, there are people struggling to overthrow the capitalist system in the USA even if he has zero identification with it.
So Mister enlightened one !
U state that their are people struggling to overthrow the capitalist system in the USA
PUNTO UNO: Name me one social justice warrior or cultural Marxist who is fighting against the neo-liberal world order. All the cultural Marxist and most social justice warriors have been doing is what the brown shirts or the camicie nere did in Italy and Germany during the early days of their fascistic rise to power.
The aforementioned have all been carrying weight and discourse to enhance the western imperium towards total spectrum dominance and entrenching the fascistic state of our western society(technocracy) .
PUNTO DUE: Largest wealth gap exceeding the Gilded age and all we get from the likes of you and your fellow fascistic Idealogues cloaked behind the WOKE and progressive and liberal left banner is not addressing real issues of class warfare . Basic Gramscian and Marxist principles.
POST SCRIPTUM: Assad has to go his father b4 him was a butcher and so is he. Qaddaffi is vile and has to be dealt with. These are all quotes or paraphrased quotes from ur blog sight and also repeated here many a time.
DOCIUS IN FUNDEM: Remember this Zionism is only another word for fascism
ADD IT: I know that the last comment has nothing to do with this article but it only puts things into context with your political leanings
Sneering at populism while championing élite cause like cap-and-trade is unlikely to “overthrow the capitalist system” in the US–or anywhere, for that matter.
Thanks, Louis. It’s always such a treat when one of you CounterPunch revolutionaries take time off from your “struggle to overthrow the capitalist system” (and your Fall fundraising drive) to comment on my work. Here’s wishing you, Jeff, Josh, et al. success in your heroic efforts to keep people focused on calling Trump names, and rooting out and denouncing “bad leftists,” and so on, because God help us if folks ever started focusing on the bigger picture, or developed any kind of broader sociopolitical analysis, or anything like that.
CJ…. End of the day Mr Proyect is just an embittered old gatekeeper who poses as a ‘Marxist’. Bottom line is – why does he regularly visit our site? To troll. How should we treat trolls? Ignore them. Don’t even give them oxygen – it just encourages the little critters. Why doesn’t he go bother Jacobin magazine or Mother Jones or The Nation instead? I still feel queasy about the image of Trump in his boxers shaking his junk at the Resistance, cheers.
I take your point, Gez. However, I must confess, I do enjoy these occasional visits from Louis. I have missed our bracing intellectual exchanges since he and his CounterPunch pals attempted to smear me as an anti-Semite, and then ran away and hid inside their Cone of Silence when I exposed them as liars and pompous hypocrites. So, forgive me if I get a little nostalgic whenever Louis shows up.
Okey doke, no probs CJ. No longer visit Counterpunch since a few of you were apparently purged from their pristine pages. Much better sites like here, The Grayzone, The Greanville Post, Strategic Culture, Moon Of Alabama, etc. A while ago Offguardian was literally being inundated by really nasty trolls, and it became apparent the only way they would disappear was if everyone just ignored them. Enjoy your day.
Well said, CJ! Keep up the good–and funny–work.
Good ‘piece’, & bang on, CJ: Let’s be honest, LouisP. could not technically define a semite, let alone an anti-semite, were he interested: & he was certainly not gonna’ mention Biden’s son Hunter, or Pelosi’s son, or Romney’s son, nor Kerry’s son, all of whom got positions on Boards of Ukrainian Energy concerns … so, in the big picture of developing a broader sociopolitical analysis of trends in U$A foreign policy, of “Pay to Play”, to date & gate-keep accurate records of same, LouisP. is buggered: a bugger being a “Bulgarian Heretic”, first & foremost according to my Odhams 1946 dictionary.
The Attorney General seems to have quite a lot of evidence on Operations Charlemagne & Crossfire Hurricane now, and the old Law firm ‘Mifsud Maxwell, Merkel, Macron/Mackerel & May’ are busy concealing & hurling distraction, what with the Russia-gate Hoax & OZ, UK, Italian & Ukrainian Secret Services conspiring against their nightmare ‘Trumpenstein’, spying on Trump (beginning long before the 2016 elections and to this day), it’s possible when the money runs out, that Trumpenstein tramples Ramstein costs to the US & German military budgets, in futures Cheaper 4all …
If you wanna’ reduce climate change, start with military.
Trump loves spinning most things, usually, in the end, as stable genius. 😉
Question: is it true that uranium from the Uranium One Deal, ended up in Syria ?
Can that be ? No point asking for LouisP. Projections & Productions of State. (POS) and so much news is happening, but going unreported in the mainstream, Louis’ gate is unhinged.
And RudyG. seems very upset, recently, moreover,
on a mission against the likes of Mifsud, May & Co.
given their being captured between a hard place and the Rocky Horror show,
Trumpenstein remake.
These people go down so many rabbit holes the rabbits are complaining about them.
Inspiring and funny as usual from CJ.
My tuppence response and sermon:
Change is for sure happening across the World. The half millennium European originated Anglo Imperial project has run into the immovable ‘everyone else on the Earth’ object – it takes decades to stop the Irresistible force that is the western hegemony – it started with the killing of JFK and losing Vietnam and now Syria…
The legacy of that empire will be more than some architecture/ stories / inventions – it is in the layer of plastic and radioactive and other toxic and explosive chemicals in the planets layers – to be found by some sentience way way in the future.
Fearing Trump is pointless. Fearing Corbyn likewise, for these at the Top Table. They only ever feared one thing – the masses. These they controlled with chains and slave masters, then religion and patriotism, now with propaganda (inc all entertainment) and money – the bankers (who are the sole cause of the hard brexit campaign and referendum as explained elsewhere)
The masses are rising and the poorest demand being raised, as periodically happens when their shear poverty become impossible and through desperation they siege the castles and temples to lay down and die of starvation or massacre there, rather then in the god and king forsaken holes they are supposed to.
A little is given to ‘buy’ them off and then systematically stolen back and punishment created to stop such happening again. (Post war Labour compared to neolib con NuLabInc)
That is the cycle. Top against everyone below. Always has been. There is no left- right one dimensional line – ot is a 3-D structure where there are multiple peaks at the top of the range and the rest of us below steadily worse off.
The only way to stop it is to kill the priests and kings and bring down their castles and temples and leave them in the dust like Ozymandias statues.
A real new world order is well on its way to stopping the irresistible force – which has made itself impotent (literally too) by its creation of domesday weapons, from which no island, no bunker, no fortress is immune. As aren’t the fantasy castles in sky, plans of space stations.
Happy Sunday All.
What you have not of course suggested, CJ, is that the oppressed start doing nasty things like cutting geriatric George Soros’ genitals off; burning Hillary Clinton to death from the inside by squirting concentrated sulphuric acid up her vagina or, God forbid, blow her darling daughter Chelsea’s brains out; kill the children of every board member of every MIC warmongering corporation; or knock off Wall Street hoodlums one a day, every day, until election day.
You know: instead of passively letting the Establishment kill your hope off, you kill their future, their descendants off.
Amazing how unacceptable collateral damage is when Hunter Biden is knocked off, eh? I would lose no sleep if that happened, would not even read a single body text, just read the headline and jog on. Hunter Biden is just another corrupt trust fund baby with an indelible sense of entitlement. Nothing I look up to. His death is of incomparable insignificance to me….
One of the great advantages of millions of Americans owning guns is that it is going to be impossible to stop shooters having access to weaponry. So the chances of no one have the weaponry to knock off Hillary Clinton is zero.
When the 0.01% threatens the 99.99%, the time comes for sheer numbers to knock them off. They are cowards, all of them. That is why they need slavery. If they had courage, they would believe in a fair fight.
And when have they ever believed in that?
Sounds good, man.
The 2nd Amendment was supposed to enable the overthrow of corrupt, tyrannical governments.
With 400 million guns in their closets, you have to wonder what our American cousins are waiting for.
Seem a bit slow off the mark to me.
Great humour though this is, I struggle to see any ‘populist rebellion’ of any significance taking place, so all talk of a ‘counter-insurgency’ doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Maybe the Gillets, but even they – determined though they are, are relatively small in number and have no political roadmap other than next weekend take to the streets again.
Hopkins himself admits that Trump is no populist. His policies have not diverged significantly from his predecessors. The Brexit vote was called by an establishment Tory and is being led by another, it was funded by City bankers and promoted by Rupert Murdoch.
These developments are new, but they are new productions from the theatre of illusion that has replaced any meaningful politics. They come from above not below. It is all a new mode in response to slowing growth and the conseqences of that upon finance. The anti-liberals need to wise up.
What future has Trump if, say, a 9/11 type event happens between now and Nov 3rd (311) 2020 ?
Starting to regard these anonymous silent downvotes as a badge of honour. They are so de riguer but so lacking in substantive argument.
Come on, let’s have it…
I can not tell a lie. It was me.
After I posted my opinion above and then read on.
Anyway I refer you to mine why I think ‘populist’ is alive, in our billions, if not so well – most of us are still fed up with being poor.
CJ, unless I’ve missed some irony in your very entertaining piece. I will beg to differ with you about Trump. I’m still of the opinion that ‘President Trump’ is totally contrived, it’s theatre, to divert the masses. None of it is real. If we’re talking about reality, ‘Russiagate’ and all the rest of it is total nonsense. Donald Trump was a property developer in New York, amongst other places, and he had close ties with the Mafia (which he recently joked about). There’s so much dirt on Trump that he could be brought down with a click of the fingers, if that’s the real intention.
But of course it’s not the real intention. Trump is just fulfilling the role that every American president has performed for at least the last four decades: it’s all a con to divert and control the masses. Meanwhile the Deep State continues on as before (which includes millions of people being butchered worldwide).
For example, take Trump’s predecessor, ‘Obamastein’, whom many people still have orgasms about. Ok, amongst other things, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2017 into law. The NDAA 2017 contained a little surprise: the ‘Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act’, which gives the legal authority to close down web sites that promote ‘fake news’ (Obama was the first one to put out the ‘fake news’ meme). Obama also signed an executive order which allows the National Security Agency to freely share mass surveillance data with the fifteen other intelligence agencies (incidentally, many of these intelligence agencies were unknown until the Snowden revelations). President Obama had a habit of burying bad laws in the Christmas holidays. The NDAA 2013 overturned the Smith Mundt Act, thus legalising the use of government propaganda on the American public, and of course the NDAA 2012 allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens without trial.
And I’m being kind here, because I haven’t begun to mention all the wars started and bombs dropped by President Obama.
Trump, Obama, and all the rest of them, are all Frankensteins; which gives me the excuse to play this track…
Points for the New York Dolls as I’m from that era, and a drummer from way back. Like you I followed the Dolls, Ramones, & Iggy et al.
Watch the documentary _End of the Century_.
The Dolls & Heartbreakers were all fans of Heroin. Are any alive today?
Good tunes bad drugs, man.
Master of the Universe, I was born in March 1964 (just as Beatlemania was starting – the day before I was born the Fab Four released a single called Can’t Buy Me Love, which very quickly went to No.1 in the charts).
I totally agree with what you say about drugs and musicians back then. So many wasted lives, exemplified by the ’27 club’. However, I would also venture, having grown-up in the 1960s and 70s, that drug abuse today seems to be far worse/more widespread than it was back in the day (?).
I make no judgement on these issues. All roads lead to Rome.
Toronto 60 is my year. Grew up in North York Toronto in the 60s. Built all of my forts as a kid in the Don River near Leslie.
60s music was cool but 70s went Disco, and the 80s was just plain weird. The 90s was even worse, and beyond has not achieved a better grade IMHO.
I like the 30s & 40s era for tunes now.
Punk Rock was good back in the day.
I don’t think Trump is getting enough attention OFF-G. Perhaps you could hold Trump Fixation Week next week so that his ego is stroked even more.
Feed the narcissist in the Whore House like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors.
Trump is Jabba the Hut of attention. Feed him more!!!!!
I can only wonder at the political stupidity of the decision to impeach Trump over the Biden issue. An investigation into this will inevitably expose Hunter Biden’s sinecure. This leads inevitably to VP Biden’s corruption. It inevitably exposes the US backing of an illegal violent coup d’etat in Kiev. It inevitably exposes that Obama, Biden, Brennan, Nuland, Pyatt, et al supported Stepan Bandera idolising neo-nazis, who once that had control of the government, unleashed war upon the people of the East of the country. The investigation of the Biden issue exposes US corruption, an illegal regime change operation and leaves much of the Obama administration open to criminal charges. The idea that these facts will provide the Democrats with a winning electoral strategy is beyond satire.
Must say, after the slime bag attacks on Offguardian in the last few days, plus Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi both appearing to have escaped from a mental asylum, plus the deadline to Brexit looming, plus the global economy in a precarious state (I won’t mention Deutsche Bank or Citigroup) its a pleasure to see another fine work by CJ. And yeah, had a few chuckles.
However, one part left me feeling somewhat queasy – namely the image of Trump on the balcony in his boxers…. shaking his junk at the mob. Dear God, my stomach did a somersault at the vision of it…. Ewww.
Seriously tho, Trumpenstein The Movie won’t be appearing on my screen. At all. And secondly, but more importantly, as I am totally, completely, utterly, absolutely sick and tired of the entire Russiagate bollocks, and the impeachment circus bollocks, and the Punch & Judy freakshow (also known as the Democratic primaries) I won’t be paying much attention.
There are much better things to do – like get in touch with nature, or create some art, or listen to soul touching music or meet new people or just gaze at the clouds and ponder the meaning of life. Cheers CJ.
That is excellent advice. And much more pleasant than somersaults of the stomach. Days ago when it was really warm, I watched the Bees working my Camellia tree. Very much like John Lennon:
I’m just sitting here watching the Bees fly round and round – I really love to watch them flying…
So much more rewarding than all the fake news on the interwebs.
Cheers mate. Think I read you’re in Hawaii? Even tho I live in Australia, am actually a New Zealand citizen; which has had a strong resurgence of Maori language and culture the last 30+ years. Something I miss in Aussie.
Sadly, with Neoliberalism becoming more entrenched and deeply affecting people’s pysche’s (propagandised) it’s very noticeable how Americanised the Australian culture is, especially amongst younger people. With that comes a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest ethos, and a quite blatant contempt for the poor and homeless. Not everyone of course, but it seems a large majority.
I sell a homeless street mag here, so am at the coalface of society everyday, so to speak, and see a lot that most people wouldn’t recognise.
I liked your Johhny Cash quote – choosing love over hate, and yes, I’m flawed, as we all are, and at times I really struggle with that, especially when I see rank injustice. My sense of spirituality comes from Nature, from Mother Earth, with a hefty dose of the Gaia Hypothesis – the interconnectedness of everything.
Due to the eruption of 2018, I had to leave Hawai’i. Actually, now I know that I could have sat it out. Suffering from Asthma, I had no choice at the time. Now the air quality has improved – but based on the activity of the volcano, it will be a short break and I am aware that a much larger event than the last one is looming. Much, much larger.
You can imagine that 21 years Hawai’i are not easy to overcome. Especially climate wise. My body had adjusted to lovely weather year round and is now stressed out by a hostile, cold anad wet winter. That is supposed to be over now. I relocated to South America.
The loss of Aloha, that can not easily be subsidized by anything, is at acceptable levels, as the people here were I lie now are amazingly friendly and helpful. They are also well educated, so there is always some trade off. Hawai’i was very difficult for the last years, especially since the man this essay is about took over office. But, like anywhere else, the problems are systemic and not related to a single muppet.
Hawai’i is a democratic state with a majority of pussyhat people that are focused on the splinter in the eye of the other over the log in their own closed eyes. Homelessness is a huge problem and only easier on people because of the climate. The regime however, does not treat them kindly in any way – totally ignoring the causes for the record homelessness. This poisoned chalice did also not pass by for me. My house that I had inherited was stolen by US bank from me. My late partner had bought it at an artificially jacked up price it was never worth. The conspiracy of banks, courts, lawyers and the local regime created a housing bubble that exploded in the face of low income people like a mushroomshitcloud. It is of little vindication that Tutu Pele took out the entire neighborhood and with it over 700 homes. Prices dropped to nothing, but what is that good for if you can’t live there anymore? They are just fixing the roads – but had to stop, because guess what? The grounds are so hot that the asphalt is not curing.
The other thing is the steady descend towards a violent confrontation between fluoride Americans and the Hawai’ian people. The problem is the TMT – allegedly a telescope, but a believable conspiracy syas that it will be a U.S. regime space command center. Huge. On top of a sacred mountain. The sacred mountain for Hawai’ians. Mauna Kea is just a very tall piece of rock for the regime and its stooges, so the conflict will not go away. The Hawai’ians don’t want a space force command center on their sacred Mauna Kea.
Suffering from permanent lack of funds, my visions for an organic life under a sealed greenhouse seem unreachable. My Feline superiors and I are getting by in a way that would be described as extreme poverty were I was born. Here, I am blending in perfectly, something I really enjoy. If nobody is jealous of what you have, you can sleep much better. I wish I could post an image of my Cemellia tree here. You would love it in these truly dark ages.
All the best to you – knowing that we’re in the same hemisphere. 🙂
I got an offer to go to graduate school in Clinical Studies at the UofH Manoa Campus back in 95 but never could afford the tuition, school, or Hawaii.
Hawaii is an oasis away from mainland reality and it is an unrealistic place to live existentially IMHO.
I always lamented not going to UofH but not after that volcanic activity rearranged the housing stock of late. Be thankful that you escaped with your life & feline betters.
Yes, indeed. The only campus that I can imagine being ‘affordable’ is UH in Hilo. It is a nice camous and offers earth sciences and astronomy. The Big Island is much cheaper than Oahu, but I have no information about tuition at UH Hilo.
It is awkward to look 40 years back now, when there was no such thing as tuition in Germany. There was a so called ‘numerus clausus’ that required very high grades. But if you got the grades, the University was free of charge. It seems so otherworldly now. Although it can be seen as a design to prevent everybody from going to College/University now. Only the affluent can obviously afford the present tuitions.
The Kitties like it here very much. One is on my lap as I type. He is quite heavy (19lbs) but it’s mostly Love and some heavy bones. He is a Siamese and the greatest Gentlecat ever. And he speaks volumes. If I ever write a play for Kitties, he will get the leading character.
Hawai’i will always be where my heart is, since I met the Love of my Life there and its grave is in the Lava with Tutu Pele. It will soon slide to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. It’s called Hilina Slump – a bench that is sliding fast now. Nowhere is impermanence so visible as in the Lava fields of the Big Island. Changing on a daily basis.
Cats are cool for sure. Hawaii is also extremely strategic for the US MIC for astronomy as you know so the aboriginal Hawaiian must understand the international & transnational push for development of more observatories even if it means building on sacred peaks of lava.
Hawaii is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to what Washington wants done to Hawaii. The aboriginal in Hawaii has no input into that decision making.
Imperial order in Hawaii is pretty much the norm I would suspect.
Cheers, MOU
Again…. Thank you. I choose not to be a hamster relentlessly pounding away on the hamster wheel. Have gratitude for what I have. I know dark times are coming N, I see big black clouds on the horizon, and you only need to look at what is happening in the United States and United Kingdom and here in Oz to see that. Hungry Ghosts….
“… an organic life under a sealed greenhouse …” has been tried, and didn’t work out at all. Actually, no closed system works well.
My first girlfriend was from New Zealand. Jennifer Conway was her name. She was taller than me too. That still makes me chuckle.
Lots of Kiwi’s end up living all over the world, especially UK and Australia, and yeah, Canada too, but eventually we return home.
I think she did eventually go back. The nicest girl ever in terms of personality. People from that area of Earth are much more relaxed & amiable than folks in these parts of the world.
Members of the hard right Australian government and their media accomplices are going harder than ever against the poor, advocating economic penalties and even jail for dole recipients who dare to participate in climate protests, etc. Full-on fascism from a neo-liberal elite desperate to preserve their dying system.
Yep CM, it’s all becoming quite dickensian actually. Have been in a wealthy suburb today selling the mag – just the arrogance, the contempt, the smugness as they walk to their Mercedes or BMW range rovers.
This is what Neoliberalism has done to people’s pysche’s: dog eat dog, winners and losers.
And people say there’s no class system in Australia!!
There’s a really good site called Neoliberalism Softpanorama, particularly the sections on Neoliberalism and Inequality. Have a good evening. Thanx for your reply.
I cannot stand Trump or Clinton, but it is quite obvious that back in 2016, 44.3% of the US electorate felt the same as me, about 100 million people who obviously found themselves in a political wilderness.
The system is also broken, because how does someone with 2.9 million votes LESS than their opponent win?
The big problem, is that this is happening all around the World. Here in the UK I don’t know who I will vote for at the next election, because I don’t know if you can believe what any of them say.
I suggest you actually learn what Federal systems are and how constituent parts are protected by centralising forces. In a nutshell, Hillary Clinton lost the Electoral College vote, that is the vote that represents the constituent parts of the Federal entity, namely the States, and its the States under the US Federal Constitution that get to elect the US President, not the people – thus, every single person in California and New York State could have voted for Clinton, but under the Electoral College you need only carry a simple majority to win the actual Electoral College Voting Rights allocated to each State – destroy this system and you destroy the Federal nature of the USA, which is already in a dire economic position as far as most of its voting population are concerned.
I suggest you learn what democracy and a fair voting system is. Proportional representation is the only democratic system – one person, one vote.
Not that different in this country, if more subtle. In the 2017 election each labour MP cost 49,152 votes, each Tory MP cost 42,833 votes. A difference of 15% and if shared equitably would have been 20 more labour MPs and 20 less Tory MPs. I just used Tory/Labour vote share for this example, however overall, the left of centre (?) parties (Labour, SNP, Lib Dem, Plaid, Green) got 52.5% and right of centre (Tory, UKIP, DUP) got 45.1%. Ain’t democracy great.
Thanks Andy, very similar figures to the ones I extrapolated when trying to make a point about our so called democratic system.
I will add this to your stats.
It only takes 27931 votes for each SNP seat and 29232 for each DUP seat, yet UKIP (like them or hate them) polled 594068 votes and have no seats.
Q1. How to describe bluntly the relationship between the Democrats (+Mass Controlled Media) and the CIA?
Q2. Do we know for sure, what is behind the feud between Trump and the intelligence community?
The third question is more complex. Q3. How can Trump be pro-endless war(s) and at the same time anti-globalism?
Q1: Operation Mockingbird.
Q2: Don’t know. Good one.
Q3: While it’s true that Trump hasn’t ended any of the old wars, it’s equally true that he hasn’t yet (!) started any brand new ones–most notably Iran. That’s probably what’s got the CIA’s goat. If it’s not that, I don’t know.
Much the same could have been written about our own tousle-haired narcissist. Although there are differences of course. The temporary Tenant of Downing Street is more literate and more articulate, and every inch a member of the British establishment, in spite of (or perhaps because of) his immigrant antecedents. And in other circumstances, he could walk and talk comfortably with the global elites.
His crime has been to be seen to be pissing on the interests of his own class purely for personal ambition.
At first they could not believe he would go through with it. Now they have to believe it.
Not that I think he ever intended to achieve a “no deal” – Farage is probably right about that.
But his monster ego thinks he can square the circle. I doubt if he can, but he might achieve some sort of kludge. And if he fails, he won’t personally suffer. He will go back to writing overpaid verbiage for the Spectator and the Telegraph, and write memoirs that will be racier and funnier than Cameron’s.
I would love to know what Cummings secretly makes of him. I think Cummings’ agenda is quite different. Both are happy to make use of each other for different agendas which happen to partially coincide at this particular time and place. I would say that Cummings is more sincere, and therefore more “dangerous”. But he needs someone like Johnson to help put his machinations into effect.
CJ is pretty much bang on. It is time to realize Trump is a symptom not a disease. There is a very long undistinguished history of attacking the symptom instead of the cause. It never works. Otherwise the well-meaning wind up joining forces unwittingly with the malicious, which is of course what they aim for.
CJ just loves the fascist jerk Trump. Populist insurgency? Get a grip would you?
Go back to the article and read it again, slowly. He doesn’t love Trump. “Get a grip will you?”
I prefer the handle ‘Dumpty Trumpty’
The wall analogy seems entirely appropriate and he has dumped on the US underclass. Big time.
Stock up on ur popcorn and crisps
Western plutocrats and Oligarchs are running scarred. They have lost control to their narrative. No one is biting anymore. From Hope and Change(Obomber the bomb king) to the Russians ate my homework the people have turned off only the die heart populace that are suffering from Trump derangement syndrome are really part of it and they are far and few. The legacy media to traditional print to fiat currencies are all on their last legs ,zero sum game has awoken the masses and most definitely the Sino-Slav alliance will put an end to this mindless globalistic Troskyist cabal to rest RIP.
I wish it were ‘scarred’.
‘ mindless globalist Trotskyist cabal’ Would you care to explain!
Okay Globalist r the post modern version of Trotskyist International hegemonic control and rule that what globalist r they r antithetical to soveriegn states and individual culture. Hope that sheds some lite
Hmmm. Correct me if I am wrong but I rather thought that the ‘globalists’ were the uber-liberal ruling cliques who are to be found in the command positions of the economic substructure and the political/ideological superstructure mainly in the west, and particularly its command and control positions in the US and Israel. For the life of me I cannot see what possible connexion this can have with a Russian revolutionary who was assassinated in Mexico in 1940.
It is of course in the nature of things that an open platform like OffGuardian is going to get all sorts of responses and these will range from the politically sophisticated to the politically illiterate. That’s free speech and long may it reign.
But making shaky assertions on matters which need scrupulous attention is not going to push the cause along any further.
Who bankrolled Trotsky and Lenin.. Troskyist principle of society was global collectivisation . Against the nation state hence individual cultural norms. Globalist r into economic collectivistion and against the nation state.
Trotsky’s ‘world revolution’ vs. Stalin’s ‘socialism in one country’. Communism may no longer be the point at issue, but globalism-vs-nationalism lives on.
So true, falcemartello.
A funny take. Although I was under the impression that the installment was TRAMBO and not Trumpenstein, because Trumpenstein would then be the Dr. Trumpenstein and not as described here his marvelous creation that looks like Herman Munster, but is not at all that entertaining.
Donald Munster would be more fitting, even though I am pretty sure that he sees himself in the first installment of the TRAMBO action series. Now that he has paved the way for performing the unhinged part, where anybody can be happy not to appear in the range of his M6 mobile eliminator edition. Or was it Die Hard? Something like that for sure. Actually, there are many opportunities for someone like the Donald. ‘Presumed Innocent’ by his own fanbase, he would be celebrated as the ‘Blade Trumper’ – hunting down democratic replicants.
Maybe not. Maybe he is just a new version of ‘The Man Who Knew Too Little’, just not as smart as Wallace Richie?
As for the ham theater called the U.S. selection circus, after 50 sequels of the same old story, the stand ins for the show have grown tired. They rather be left alone with humbuggers and video games. Since their ticket only serves the producers to make a $hitload of money, while their humbuggers get smaller and smaller, they rather spend their time with mindcontrol games, utilizing the little grey matter that the fluoride has left.
The fake democrats meanwhile are desperately searching for someone that can replace the glass windows of their new deal greenhouse faster than they are throwing them out when they see The Trumpinator pacing outside trying to find out from where the whistle blows.
Unfortunately though, those with the popcorn and coolaid are watching the spectacle from the wrong side of the branch they are sawing off. Should somebody tell them?
Nah. Let them play with themselves for some time. Earth will welcome the break to catch up breathing some fresh air. And the young ones are given carbon fiber yachts to race to Hong Kong in support of the moderate rioters there.
Something like that.
Thanks for this mood elevating satire.
Micheal Moore is going off track:
Found out that the new Green economy is corrupt: half way there.
There is not a single point in this article which we have not known since Trump was inaugurated (or even before). The issue is not “what is the danger facing this country?” but “what do patriotic Americans do about it?”. How do they defend a free State in the face of these attacks? If nothing can be done, why trouble us with pointing that out?
“If you don’t have a sense of humour, it just isn’t funny… is it?” — Wavy Gravy
The author is isn’t doing much about it, living in Berlin. Full marks for making a living with English writings in such an expensive German language city. (I grew up in West Berlin.)
So your response is limited to making personal speculation about the author, is that it?
George, I stopped reading this author long ago: a conventional complacent smart-Alec Yankee satirist well behind the curve of events. I agree with Edwin Vieira, the real question is Lenin’s: “What is to be done?”.
“To keep them in control was not difficult. A few agents of the Thought Police moved always among them, spreading false rumours and marking down and eliminating the few individuals who were judged capable of becoming dangerous. No attempt was made to indoctrinate them with the ideology of the Party. It was not desirable that the proles should have strong political feelings. All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working-hours or shorter rations. And even when they became discontented, as they sometimes did, their discontent led nowhere, because being without general ideas, they could only focus in on petty specific grievances. The larger evils invariably escaped their notice.
He (Winston Smith) wrote: Until they become conscious they will never rebel,
and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.
As the party slogan put it: “Proles and animals are free”.
”The author is isn’t doing much about it.” What do you suggest he does? Set fire to himself.
Francis Lee: “Set fire to himself?”
No, burn a banker; start with a burning at the stake for Bank-of-England’s notorious female poisoner, St.Theresa of Westminster (mugshot#1 in this rogue-bankers gallery)
Berlin may be more expensive than it used to be, but it’s still cheaper than most European capitals, such as Rome, London and Paris. In fact, I think even Munich and Hamburg are still more expensive than Berlin (if memory serves).
Especially East Berlin.
“Nothing can be done” is defeatist and almost surely untrue. And best said or only said with hindsight and the past tense. There is much form on this question.
As for defending a free state against these attacks, I am unsure what attacks you mean, there are so many candidates.
Well, one thing we shouldn’t do is reflexively attack Trump while giving all of his accusers a pass. The goal of the establishment in this case is to get everyone so angry with Trump that they are overcome with rage and turn irrational, making them even easier to manipulate. That’s why satire like CJ’s is so helpful: it prevents us from taking ourselves so seriously that we lose sight of the big picture.
I am increasingly fascinated by the coordinated effort by WaPo and NYT to bring Trump down. Getting news alerts from both ( free) is truly extraordinarily in step by topic and nearly simultaneous. Need I say the piteously shameless Fraudian is also frequently lock-stepped, if only just behind. The irony of them both caterwauling about election interference by Russia and Iran is completely lost on them.
He must not be doing the bidding of the Deep State fast enough or with sufficient enthusiasm. Intrigued even more by the sea change in the comment sections. More and more Americans are saying what is being said on this thread. Some of this is from the lightening of the Fraudian-like jackbooted censorship on these sites, now allowing dissent, but not all. Indeed the NYT now claims to be moderating only for civility. We’ll see about that but this is promising. Check it out Seamus. I am sure there is no St. Paul on the road to Damascus but rather the looming spectre that the MSM jig may be up. I sure hope so.
Could it be…?
One can only hope!