Defending the Rule of Law….with HRC in the Wings

Renée Parsons

It has been more than fascinating if not totally absorbing to watch the chain of events unfold over recent days with the Democrats in open cahoots with the CIA.  Their joint goal is to remove the implacable Donald Trump from the Oval Office as two-time former Dem presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has suddenly emerged from the Swamp for a few media appearances.

While the problematic candidacy of former veep Joe Biden plods on despite evidence of facilitating a family corruption scandal (also known as influence peddling) and a dementia that confirms he is unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency.

The Democrats latest frenzied attempt to oust Trump was the result of an assertion by a CIA operative embedded in the White House that the President ‘pressured’ Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in a July 25th phone call to investigate allegations of misconduct by former veep Joe Biden and his son Hunter and their association with Burisma, Ukraine’s largest energy provider.  The alleged whistleblower alleged that Trump’s ‘pressure’ was ‘to solicit interference from a foreign country’ for political gain which would constitute abuse of his office thereby justifying an impeachment inquiry.

Before the Dems whipped themselves into a froth of anticipation, they might have checked out the ‘Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Agreement” signed by President Bill Clinton with the Ukraine government in 1999.

Spelling out a ‘broad range of cooperation in criminal matters,” the Agreement is internationally binding, still in force and indicates that Trump was acting within his Constitutional authority in his conversation with Zelensky.  You would think that would be the end of the matter, right?

Trump’s response to the Dem-initiated furor was to release the White House transcript of the phone call which the CIA operative claimed was on ‘lock down’ by the White House to prevent its distribution.

Here is the only portion of that conversation that discussed the Biden Ukraine connection which is clearly asking the Ukraine President to conduct their own investigation.  Read the transcript and decide for yourself if there is political pressure, a quid pro quo or a violation worthy of impeachment?

The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look in it.”

Contents of that phone call then became the subject of an extensive nine-page whistleblower Complaint filed on August 12th, the filing of which came at about the same time as Intel Inspector General Michael Atkinson changed the standard to allow for second hand tattling.

What is stunning is that the alleged whistleblower admits in his lengthy Complaint, that none of the information provided is first hand or personally obtained knowledge but rather informal via second and possibly third hand sources.  The speculative, hypothetical nature of the Complaint “not as a direct witness” therefore makes the entire document legally indefensible in addition to its factual errors.

Surely, IG Atkinson understood that when he allowed such a flawed, legally insubstantial document to be filed, a document based on hearsay, gossip, rumor, innuendo and/or word of mouth, that such a document would be inadmissible in any court proceeding.  End of Story, right?

And then, voila!, a second whistleblower with first hand knowledge has just stepped forward and is being interviewed by the same IG who accepted the first legally flawed document.

The impeachment efforts were further undermined by the inept manipulations of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif), Israeli proxy extraordinaire who appears to have lied about his level of knowledge and/or involvement, created his own version of Trump statements as well as what amounts to a Brady violation of withholding of evidence from Republicans on the Intel Committee in violation of Committee rules.

It is all almost too good a story with a too perfect cast of characters to be anything less than a great political theatre as a coup generated by the US intel community throws all legitimacy to the wind in its last ditch effort to impeach a sitting President for …well, we’re not quite sure exactly what the “misdemeanor and high crime” (Section 4, Article 2 of the Constitution) charges might be since the Dems are not following the Constitutional impeachment procedures.

So far, the Democrats have failed to adhere to basic due process rights with no debate or vote on the Floor of the House of Representatives regarding potential Articles of  Impeachment.  After which, the House Judiciary Committee would prepare formalized charges for Committee consideration and hold a public hearing.

Instead there is a lot of hot air and grandstanding with the Intelligence Committee holding behind-closed-door-interviews as if there is some dire national security threat at stake which the American public should not be privy to.  In addition, the Intelligence Committee has no legislative role to bring impeachment charges but, alas, all of the above would require the Dems to provide facts of an impeachable offense.

In other words, it is time for the Democrats to put up or shut up and get on with the business of running the country – if they have the ability to do so remains in question.

Enter HRC, not widely regarded as a friend of the rule of law, who sought to relieve the House of their Constitutional prerogative by suggesting…

It should be shocking that Clinton finds nothing sacrosanct about ‘abandoning’ the Constitution to a paper shredder.

It should make every American fearful of what a Clinton Administration might look like as she suggests that if the crime doesn’t fit the law, then change the law to fit the crime.

While the American public earnestly awaits the next chapter of Ukraine-gate, Biden warned Trump “you’re not going to destroy my family” although the former VP and son are doing a pretty good job of that without help from the often hapless Trump.

In 2012, the 42 year old Hunter Biden, with no prior military experience, was one of six recruits selected to serve as a Reserve Officer  in the Navy’s Direct Commission Officer Program

He sought two waivers; one because of his age and a second because of a previous drug charge years earlier.

In May, 2013, Biden was commissioned as an Ensign in the Navy’s Public Affairs Division in Norfolk, Virginia.  By June, he tested positive for cocaine and was dishonorably discharged in February, 2014.

By May, 2014, Hunter Biden was appointed to a seat on the Board of Directors for Burisma Holdings Ltd., Ukraine’s largest gas company and as a graduate of Yale Law School, he was in charge of its legal department for a cool $50,000 a month. 

Biden joined Devon Archer another American new to the Burisma Board who also serves with Biden at Rosemont Seneca, a private equity firm.

Meanwhile, Burisma’s owner oligarch was under examination by Ukraine investigators after which, at Joe’s urging, the lead prosecutor was fired and the case dropped.  At a January Council on Foreign Relations meeting, Biden related threatening the government of Ukraine with the loss of a $1 billion loan guarantee in March, 2016:

I got the commitment from Poroshenko and Yatsenyk that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn’t. We’re not going to give you the billion dollars. I’m going to be leaving here in six hours and if the prosecutor’s not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch, he got fired and they put in place someone who was solid.”

In addition, “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Benefits Family and Friends” revealed that the younger Biden traveled to China during an official state visit aboard Air Force Two in December, 2013 with his father, VP Joe Biden.  That trip occurred several months after Hunter Biden failed the Navy’s drug test but before he was discharged.

The younger Biden was accompanied by Devon Archer and James Bulger, nephew of gangster Whitey Bulger when he met with Chinese State Bank officials. 

A week later, Biden secured a $1.5 billion investment for Rosemont Seneca Partners, a hedge fund the younger Biden partnered with John Kerry’s stepson and Archer.  It is not known if Archer and Bulger traveled aboard Air Force Two as part of the US delegation.

In 2014, after Hunter Biden joined the Burisma Board, Chris Heinz who had been a partner at Rosemont Seneca, left the equity firm and ended his business relationship with the younger Biden.   In early 2019, Hunter Biden left the Burisma Board.


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Categories: latest, Ukraine, United States
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Oct 13, 2019 4:21 PM

People like Clinton and Bolton and Abrams seem to live in the bowels of the Deep State like tapeworm, periodically emerging from some bodily orifice or other without warning before retreating back inside for a time.

Oct 12, 2019 10:41 AM

The Gateway Pundit is easily the best website to keep track of developments regarding the deep state coup attempt on Trump currently underway.

Oct 11, 2019 9:36 AM

“With Grandma Golden Sachs in the wings” … and Tulsi Gabbard onstage;

“In order to bring attention to this serious threat to our democracy, and ensure your voice is heard, I am giving serious consideration to boycotting the next debate on October 15th. I will announce my decision within the next few days.”


Oct 11, 2019 11:07 PM
Reply to  vexarb

She has what is completely missing in all the other contenders:


I met her once in Pahoa, but I never thought she would go for POTUS. Rather her than anybody else.

John Manning
John Manning
Oct 11, 2019 2:08 AM

To those such as me looking from abroad this is very amusing. The “foreign” policy of regime change is now being applied at home by the USA.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 11, 2019 9:27 AM
Reply to  John Manning

Arguably, it began with JFK.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Oct 10, 2019 9:41 PM

Whatever it’s all about for the Dems it beats the crap out of discussing policies.

The Dems discuss Trump not his policies and Trump discusses the Dems and not heir policies.

Meanwhile, backstage Sanders Warren and big upped Biden ( his polling figures are well over -hyped)
are vying with each other.

The main thing for Hillary and her cronies is to stop Sanders.

This is why Warren is getting a good press.

This where all the Corporate Shills converge – Dems and Reps.

Across the pond a similar process is unfolding.

Stop Corbyn by just talking about Brexit.

No policy issues discussed – just bloody Brexit.

Like that’s all there is about life.

Yet again all under the auspices of Corporate Shills.

It isn’t the American people who are wrecking the place – it’s the politicians.

And it’s not much different in the UK.

There are good guys and girls in both countries but they are being drowned out deliberately.

Oct 10, 2019 7:41 PM

Well, look what poked its snout out of the five-eyes rubble.. Is it a bleach-bottle ground hog, sniffing the air for more swag?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 10, 2019 6:24 PM

Of course a Trump conversation about possible corruption is one million times worse than salivating about murdering thousands of Libyans?

HRC is a saint for gloating over mass murder, but the Donald must be impeached for acting legally and constitutionally.

If I were UK PM were HRC to become US President I would publicly suspend all diplomatic relations and suspend UK membership of NATO until HRC were no longer in office.

Oct 10, 2019 1:30 PM

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the United States just sort of disappeared. Altogether. One morning we woke up and all that was there was the land, animals (freed by some mysterious force) and plants. All the people and their constructions and dangers thereof gone.

Ok. You want to go and live there? Fine, tbere’s plenty of space. Now. But first there’s a test. Say, “This is a new morning.” Good. Now say, “This is a clear morning.” Good. Now say, “This is a new, clear morning.” Good. Now run the adjectives together: “This is a newclear morning.” Very good, you’re in. And you can bring your whole nuclear family along with you if you want.

Oct 10, 2019 2:15 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

One morning we woke up and all that was there was the land, animals (freed by some mysterious force) and plants.

Allow me to change that a little bit:

One morning we woke up and all that was there was the land, animals (freed by some mysterious force), plants and the original stewards of the land.

Native North American Indians would heve never set rivers on fire and lead in the drinking water. It would go against their love for Mother Earth and their Great Spirit. It is their land and should be returned to them – after clean up.

Oct 10, 2019 9:54 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

What is ‘nuclear’ in Cherokee?

Oct 10, 2019 2:40 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

” if the United States just sort of disappeared”

A practical scenario would be, the way things are going, the US becomes irrelevant, and independent nations would bypass and ignore whatever crap the US dishes out.

Oct 10, 2019 2:51 AM

While all this gossip, lies and criminality is of obvious interest to fans of ubiquitous soap opera TV shows it leaves me bored. There is nothing new here in the sense that most people with half a brain or more inuited long ago that this is the type of nonsense which all politicians get up to as they cower behind their media created facades. I have no doubt trump Family Inc have done exactly the same tho hopefully (given the orange sociopaths small hands and large mouth) on a somewhat grander scale than Biden’s grovel in the dirt with like-minded dem pol’s favoured sons. Incidentally the reference to Biden jnr’s partner as being a nephew of Whitey Bulger is a little unnecessary, the 50 ish ‘kid’ is undoubtedly the son of Billy Bulger, Whitey’s bro and a long serving dem hack politician. The dem plan sticks out like dog’s balls Biden was going to be the candidate of dem party boss Tom Perez, the sleazebag who Oblamblam slipped into the spot at the insistence of DC dem hacks concerned that if any type of left leaning pol (Bernie Sanders heaven forfend) jagged that gig the corporate funding which keeps a plethora of dem ‘think tanks’ and NGOs (ACLU, SPLC) going might dry up leaving their snouts in a empty trough. Now that Biden is unlikely to win a bar raffle let alone the dem nominee spot, Perez is trying to line up Clinton H, noted warmonger and corrupt Wall St hack, for that gig. WTF? Why? She couldn’t win a bar raffle either surely? It isn’t about winning, it is about remaining the no alternative, alternative. Just as the same type of lower than a rock spider’s arsehole hack pol in england are demonstrating that they would rather have Johnson… Read more »

Oct 9, 2019 9:32 PM

While I used harsher words, the tenor is the same. The U.S. is imploding due to its own feces that are piling up sky high.

Please have look at America’s Political Implosion published on Strategic Culture – if you have not done so already. Mind you that the article contains the term ‘fascism’ as well.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 11, 2019 10:20 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Yeah, but in this case Cunningham’s article applies the term fascism correctly: to the deep state and their Mockingbird media.

Thanks for the link, by the way. Cunningham really nails it!

Oct 9, 2019 9:24 PM

What is the “Rule of Law” supposed to be when an american president stands up (or sits down) and declares:

“We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, weapons of mass destruction. There were none!”

Is the door for ‘compensation and restitution’ now open?

Will the courts be busy prosecuting the guilty parties and redressing the wrongs done to the Iraqi and all those who look like Iraqis.

Oct 9, 2019 9:38 PM
Reply to  hollyPlastic

The odds for that to happen are far worse than the 91-1 of Donerail winning the 1913 Kentucky Derby.

Oct 9, 2019 11:26 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

That was tweeted by Trump on 9 Oct 2019:

….IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. There were NONE! …..


Oct 10, 2019 2:55 AM
Reply to  hollyPlastic

The man is pedaling back and forth. For the sake of humanity, he should end the war in Yemen immediately, withdraw all forces from Syria and declare Syria a sovereign Nation, as much as making a 180º on Venezuela. Since he is in trouble due to the f****** democratic party, why not churning out executive order for the benefit of mankind and his own population he proclaims to love so much and desires to make great again. The U.S. is in meltdown mode. All fuses have burned out. The so called democrats have come unhinged and if one reads the democrat stream media, the articles can only be describes as Trump derangement syndrome. As if the opposing side is in any position to open their filthy mouths. The open closet full of war criminals the population is now screamed at into believing that paperwork and phonecalls constitute high crimes, while real war crimes are waved off?
The Pelosi et al ward takes the notion about the greenhous and throwing rocks out of it to a whole new level.
My recommendation is simple:


Oct 9, 2019 6:53 PM

What the White House released IS NOT A TRANSCRIPT!

So, if the author calls it a “transcript” (and she does), we can’t trust anything else she says.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 9, 2019 7:05 PM
Reply to  phree

So Phree. Are you saying Biden did not get dishonourably discharged for being a cokehead? Are you saying there were no drug priors? Are you saying he is worth 50 k a month? Are you saying he did not crow to the Council on Foreign Relations about getting the Uke prosecutor fired?
Are you saying Joe did not finish 75th out of his law school class of 85? Or that he was caught cheating and got an F for plagiarizing? And had this inconvenient fact expunged from his record?

If not then don’t waste everyone’s time with weasel wording disputes.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Oct 9, 2019 5:45 PM

This current bit of theater of the absurd is a perfect example of what our American leadership means when they use words like – “spreading democracy” and exporting our vaunted “democratic values.” This is what our American political class – and the uber-wealthy oligarchy that pulls their strings – all long to export to the rest of the planet through our endless CIA sponsored and coordinated – coups, color-revolutions, invasions, regime-change wars, and economic destabilization efforts. As it turns out, “spreading democracy” looks a lot like massive war crimes, destruction and mayhem. Who would have guessed? Here in the U.S. we have entered a terminal societal phase characterized by complete, absolute and utter political, ethical and moral corruption. Our media and political institutions simply could not be MORE CORRUPT than they currently are. It would literally be impossible. Our MSM now so routinely lie brazenly about literally EVERYTHING they report on – that if the TV weatherperson told me the sky was blue, I’d literally feel compelled to go to the window myself to have a look – so little faith can one have in ANYTHING reported by American media and our political class at this point. If you (my sisters and brothers about the globe) are hoping for – something / anything – resembling “sanity” to emanate from our boarders, I encourage you to quickly temper those expectations least you find yourself sorely disappointed. We have now entered completely bat-shit crazy territory here in the U.S. and the most frightening thing about this is that most Americans don’t even seem to notice – what with the latest super-hero movie coming out, or the latest celebrity scandal to occupy our thoughts and our attention. This is what complete and absolute control of a seamless propaganda system – and consequently the… Read more »

Oct 9, 2019 6:25 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

So what are you going to do about it, Gary? I know that Yankee Communists have been genocided along with the Redskins by successive U$ regimes, but surely there must still be enough socially conscious people to start a revolution? Or, why don’t you and your friends go out searching for an honest politician? dig up a Lincoln or an FDR somewhere. And why didn’t your gang go break a few windows in the local donkey stables, to express your opinion about Demoncrats side-lining Tulsi Gabbard?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Oct 9, 2019 8:11 PM
Reply to  vexarb

vexarb – I’ve traveled on four occasions into three different active U.S. counter-insurgency war zones in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Colombia as a human rights observer and spent decades attempting to educate fellow Americans about our immoral and illegal wars there in an effort to change our foreign policy. However, I’m no longer under the illusion that what I did can, or did, make any difference whatsoever, since the will of the American people is so completely absent from, and unable to influence in any way, America’s glorious “democratic” structures and system. I’m not sure exactly how your “break a few windows” approach would be a more productive avenue, but perhaps? Thanks for the pep talk.

Oct 10, 2019 6:35 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Gary, I was talking about U$ domestic issues: the blood genocide and cultural genocide of Redskins by Yanquis, and the cultural genocide of Communists by Anglo Zio Capitalists. The cultural and economic wasteland of Dead End U$A: this is the real Yankee problem, and it can only be solved by an active Socialist revolution with workers fighting capitalist thugs; the sort of thing that brought in FDR and the New Deal — not by moaning apathetically about how rotten your civilization is.

Oct 10, 2019 10:04 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

It’s no better in Oz.
We have the embarrassing, fecal tongued morescum as p.m. (I’m sure it drooled every time it cast it’s loving gaze on forrest trump during it’s u.s. visit.)
I’m sure it’s as brown as former p.m., howard’s tongue when he joined fellow war criminals, bush & blair in the rape and destruction of Iraq.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 9, 2019 5:15 PM

Thanks Rene for filling in the big gaps in MSM coverage. It is fascinating that the partners in crime, WaPo and NYT have said next to nothing about the dreadful Bidens and the putative illegality of “Hunter” Biden’s Ukraine dealings. Is he just a great lawyer, worth every penny of his 50k per month? You don’t think he is influence peddling, do you?

I thought we’d seen the last of the Grande Olde Harridan. Evidently not.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 9, 2019 6:07 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

The only thing the MSM will say about the Bidens is that it’s all ‘conspiracy theory’.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 10, 2019 1:46 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Note todays NYT headline

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Wednesday said for the first time that President Trump should be impeached, accusing him of “shooting holes in the Constitution” and calling him a threat to American democracy.

They seem to think this is Logic 101’s appeal to authority. A competitor for Trumps job says he should be removed! What next? Sleazy motel puts up sign saying ‘Clinton slept here’? Laundry puts up sign ‘ we washed Clinton’s sheets – 3x’? Drug dealer wears sandwich saying ‘ I sold Biden Jr his first coke’?

Oct 9, 2019 4:30 PM

Well the Demrats and their duopoly companions the Reprats have no intention of actually doing anything legislatively (what they are actually there for and paid very nicely for) that would benefit the vox populi. When and if they discuss and enact legislation it is always to the benefit of the corporate-capitalist-imperialist ruling elites (e.g. tax cuts) and the over bloated MIC. Russiagate for three years and now Ukrainegate are not tools to express Killary’s peeve at losing the election to the Strumpet, but to enable the Demrats to avoid actually doing anything that might even resemble work on behalf of their ordinary, working class (not that this terminology or understanding is accepted in the US) constituents. Time (and money) spent on these “gates” is not time wasted if the goal is to not do anything, not even pretend to do anything, about the grotesque income inequality, homelessness, ever increasing poverty, obscene cost of renting housing, even more obscene cost of medical “care,” a crumbling infrastructure…. These can all be safely ignored while focusing the minds of their electorate (the comfortably off, bourgeois, consumerist Killary supporters) on the “Russians did it” (you wait, somehow the Russians will be blamed for this present garbage). Meanwhile, the killing of those “other” peoples in countries far from these shores continues to the greater benefit of the MIC, the ruling imperialist elites, Israel (one way or another); US occupation of other countries continues (Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Greece – apparently the US is expanding its Souda Bay occupation – Germany, African countries and on and on); our economic warfare – sanctions – continues to starve people (but hey – not us, so that’s okay) as it did 500K in Iraq, but as Albright reassured us, that was a worthy price. And none of these military facts,… Read more »

Oct 9, 2019 4:26 PM

Impeachment is not a legal tool, it is purely a political one. This is a grandstanding battle, to be fought in the media with their winged monkey pundits role-playing judge and jury. It will suck all the oxygen out of the room necessary for debate of actual policy, and for single-digit Dem candidates to get heard. It is a blatant electoral publicity stunt, made to drag on for 13 more months until election day, to the annoyance of the majority of voters. After which the deep state’s Superdelegate Party will lose again, and the whole affair will slip into the memory hole.

Oct 9, 2019 3:36 PM

Wow….an ‘Environmental lobbyist’ fresh out of D.C. House of Representatives, my gosh!

Shilling for The Duck too, eh.

Vote Trump for prison!

Lock him up!


Oct 9, 2019 3:36 PM

All three of them belong in the Rebublican Party.
Their politics are all anti-people.

Oct 9, 2019 3:07 PM

Yet another nail in the coffin of dumbass merkin fantasy that Dems are ‘lefty’ ‘commies’ & Republicans are the opposite.

They are all the same.

Robber Barons.

Its the masses who are happy to be dumb and poor and slaves to their masters who happily believe the religious nature of being rich and not paying taxes on these riches.

Like whores, who you try to lead towards thinking about their exploitation but refuse!

different frank
different frank
Oct 9, 2019 3:17 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Two cheeks of the same arse, if you will.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 9, 2019 5:17 PM

And with lots of it.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2019 8:12 PM

Nice image – well disgusting image really – but appropriate. Only surely it should be “Two cheeks of the same ASS”?

Oct 10, 2019 10:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Two cheeks of the same donkey or stupid person? 😎

Oct 9, 2019 2:18 PM

Urg….. here we go again, how on earth, can any one claim this rats are Nazis, huh, why not just been scumbags galore, to compare this DemonCrauts to anything other then been them selfs, is prodjections of world class ignorance, and by the way, NS was an national socialistic party, and was due to what happened after ww1, I dont bother to drool along with idiots whom yapps Nazi this and Nazi that, like I tried to explain, physical emotional idiots prodjects stupidity, nothing else, we have the Orc army in Ukraina as an briliant ex. on how screwed the MSM really is, when they scream on top of their lungs on the idiot box aka TV and prints with war typos when ever they find an swastica painted/sprayed on any wall anywhere, and then we have days if not weeks with Doing the Buhuhu for an Joohoho, and if you dont, then you are an Nazi, uh…. dont try it because to me you are loosing. This, morons is what wankeedoodles are good at, been assh…. and greedy scums, and where shal we then put them, what compartement, the only one left for me is been American, good or bad, but this operatio mondi have been their since they where created, 250 wars in their 275 years of existence, created CorpoRats whom have plundered the world thru poking an cannon barrel at the forhead of other nations, and yet, depsite their history, or should we say, criminal record, some drool something about Hitler, and I know I am controversial, but the facts are not what some people think, despite decades of propaganda. I dont bother to drool about that now, but this article is spot on, nothing, despite me seen Trump as an conman, he have done was unconstitutional… Read more »

Oct 9, 2019 1:38 PM

It has been more than fascinating if not totally absorbing to watch the chain of events unfold over recent days with the Democrats in open cahoots with the CIA. Actually, it has been deeply disturbing. It is deeply disturbing. What we are witnessing is the blatant surfacing of Nazism in the U.S. And it represents nothing else, but the takeover of the American Nazis – by the fascist democratic party – in a very similar fashion as the takeover by Adolf Hitler of German affairs in 1933. Hitler, too did not have the required support by the population to enter the office as a chancellor. He was made chancellor. The new Hitler by the name of Hillary Clinton has the back up of a fascist democratic party and its lawless leadership. To make that cleal for once and for all: Trump is a ludicrous ultra-conservative that does not play wit a full deck of cards, but the cards he holds are sufficient for the office of POTUS, who does not require as a prerequisite nothing else but to be rich. That the U.S. is the continuation of Nazi Germany in all its aspects is only escaping those, who are actually braindead from decades of poisoning the body and mind. The constant reiteration about them being exceptional to all other humans on Earth – in conjunction with the other Nazi country, Israel – has created a deep delusion that makes it possible for war crimes to be shrugged off and easily forgotten. From Bush/Cheney (Cheney who?), over Obama/Clinton-Hitler to Trump/Pence, the evangelical white knights perpetrating genocide on brown people in Yemen, no crime is decrepit enough to be an issue for the American people. And the fact that they are idiotic enough to fall for all the bullshit distraction about the… Read more »

Oct 9, 2019 2:05 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

NTO1, do not despair, it is all part of “the pain of Living”. The fact that foul creatures like Hillary Killary and Tony B.Liar are allowed to walk the earth (let alone wallowing in Rothschild largesse) is an abomination. But if we ended our lives we would be less able to fight for justice in our little way. There is no justice in the world (apart from what humans make as best they can) there is only Life, the Joy of Living and the Pain of Living.

“Did he who made the Lamb make thee?” — Wm.Blake
“Dieu Pere, à qui le bon et le mauvais sont égaux” — Christian Ficat

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Oct 9, 2019 2:44 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

”Hitler, too did not have the required support by the population to enter the office as a chancellor. He was made chancellor.”

That is correct. The NSDAP (Nazis) never obtained an overall majority in elections prior to the Reichstag fire and the Enabling Acts. Hitler was, as you say appointed Chancellor, by the ageing and probably senile Hidenburg. And even after the enabling acts, and the banning of the Communists (KDP) and the last election the Nazis still couldn’t manage an absolute majority. The SA were then given the freedom of Parliament to run amok and smash the opposition parties.

Oct 9, 2019 4:50 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

How many UK governments have received 50% of the votes cast?
Somewhere around zero.
They are elected with something like 30-35%.
I think Hitler got about 37% in 1933.

Oct 9, 2019 8:34 PM
Reply to  mark

No, he did not. That’s why the Reichstag had to burn after the February elections. No matter how twisted the truth has been by those who profit from it getting twisted, it will never change the fact that Hitler and the NSDAP received only 17% of the votes. And if you refer to wikilies as your source, it only shows how far they have succeeded in removing the truth from people who use it as a reference.

Try to find the original vote counts and make up your mind. I even give you a hint:
It’s called ‘Bundesarchiv’ and they still have a lot of documents available – although maybe not much longer, as the truth is scrubbed there as well.

Oct 10, 2019 7:47 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

This is nonsense. I’m so sure from memory the figure was around 37% I can’t be bothered checking.

Oct 9, 2019 10:21 PM
Reply to  mark

Okay, these are the numbers wikipedia propagates. I urge you to look at this publication from 1933 (internet archive) to understand that AFTER the Reichstagsbrand in February, you had no longer a democracy, but ‘NOTSTANDSGESETZE’.
Hitler threatened everybody that would dare to vote against him. If you really believe that the votecount does not reflect that, then any discussion about that is moot.
Fact is that Hitler never had support among the population exceeding 20%.
My question to you is:
How would you have voted under the threat of violence? All elections after the Notstandsgesetze were put into force had absolutely noting to do with what goes as ‘democracy’ by the lowest standards. After the Reichstagsbrand, Germany had transformed into a fascist dictatorship with ‘kangaroo elections’.

Oct 9, 2019 10:23 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Das Braunbuch – July 1933
From the Internet Archiv – In German.

Oct 10, 2019 7:48 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Smoke and mirrors.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 10, 2019 2:38 PM
Reply to  mark

The post war Attlee governments got percentage votes in the high 40s but didnt reach 50. Similar for the Tory governments in the 1950s. After that, Libs etc were making more of a dent and no one party got a really high percentage. Not even under Blair or Thatcher.

Oct 10, 2019 2:39 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Hey nottheonly1, brother, hermano…we all, many of us have this moments of despair. In a way or another, most people coming into this forum are well aware of the dangers we are facing, and the despair of the world…we all are in a way, the embodiment of that despair, we give voice to that sentiment. But, even if is just to keep the lamp burning, the light shinning, we keep going. We look for ways to do our best in our own spaces.
It might seem like small things, but there are no small things. All big things started with small steps. Is a process, is a path. Sometimes is painful, sometimes is not, but that’s part of life, of this learning experience, of this growing all together.
Nothing last forever, hermano: good things don’t last…but guess what? bad things don’t last either.
Hang on in there brother, we are all needed!

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Oct 9, 2019 12:46 PM

These Jokers (a timely epithet ?) make the Mafia look like a kids party at Mc Fats.

Oct 9, 2019 3:34 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Mafia certainly has a much higher average IQ and common-sense quotient, although they would probably tie in a moral duel.

Oct 9, 2019 12:39 PM

Great article. Attack on Trump classic ‘shoot the messenger’ to obscure the true, damaging facts. I would more than hesitate to compare The Donald to Julian Assange (!!) but in both cases the Democrats in particular in the USA just can’t understand why they should answer to anyone for illegal wars, torture, murder and staggeringly blatant corruption.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 9, 2019 5:20 PM
Reply to  Philpot

How bad do you have to be to make Trump a sympathetic figure? The Dems provide the answer.

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Oct 11, 2019 12:14 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

That’s very quotable.