The Deep State Goes Shallow 2.0

A Reality-TV Coup d’état in Prime Time

Edward Curtin
This article was first published on February 21, 2017, one month after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, more than two-and-a half years ago. What was true then is even truer now, and so I am reprinting it with this brief introduction since I think it describes what is happening in plain sight today.

Now that years of Russia-gate accusations have finally fallen apart, those forces intent on driving Trump from office have had to find another pretext. Now it is Ukraine-gate, an issue similar in many ways to Russia-gate in that both were set into motion by the same forces aligned with the Democratic Party and the CIA-led Obama administration.

It was the Obama administration who engineered the 2014 right-wing, Neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine as part of its agenda to undermine Russia. A neo-liberal/neo-conservative agenda. This is, or should be, common knowledge. Obama put it in his typically slick way in a 2015 interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakiria, saying that the United States “had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.”

This is Orwellian language at its finest, from a warmonger who received the Nobel Prize for Peace while declaring he was in support of war. That the forces that have initiated a new and highly dangerous Cold War, a nuclear confrontation with Russia, demonized Vladimir Putin, and have overthrown the elected leader of a country allied with Russia on its western border, dares from the day he was elected in 2016 to remove its own president in the most obvious ways imaginable seems like bad fiction. But it is fact, and the fact that so many Americans approve of it is even more fantastic.

Over the past few years the public has heard even more about the so-called “deep state,” only to see its methods of propaganda become even more perversely cynical in their shallowness.

No one needs to support the vile Trump to understand that the United States is undergoing a fundamental shift wherein tens of millions of Americans who say they believe in democracy support the activities of gangsters who operate out in the open with their efforts to oust an elected president.

We have crossed the Rubicon and there will be no going back.



In irony a man annihilates what he posits within one and the same act; he leads us to believe in order not to be believed; he affirms to deny and denies to affirm; he creates a positive object but it has no being other than its nothingness.”
Jean-Paul Sartre

It is well known that the United States is infamous for engineering coups against democratically elected governments worldwide. Voters’ preferences are considered beside the point. Iran and Mosaddegh in 1953, Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954, Indonesia and Sukarno in 1965-7, Allende in Chile in 1973, to name a few from the relatively distant past.

Recently the Obama administration worked their handiwork in Honduras and Ukraine. It would not be hyperbolic to say that overthrowing democratic governments is as American as apple pie. It’s our “democratic” tradition – like waging war.

What is less well known is that elements within the U.S. ruling power elites have also overthrown democratically elected governments in the United States. One U.S. president, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated because he had turned toward peace and opposed the forces of war within his own government. He is the lone example of a president who therefore was opposed by all the forces of imperial conquest within the ruling elites.

Others, despite their backing for the elite deep state’s imperial wars, were taken out for various reasons by competing factions within the shadow government. Nixon waged the war against Vietnam for so long on behalf of the military-industrial complex, but he was still taken down by the CIA, contrary to popular mythology about Watergate.

Jimmy Carter was front man for the Tri-Lateral Commission’s deep-state faction, but was removed by the group represented by George H. Bush, William Casey, and Reagan through their traitorous actions involving the Iran hostages. The emcee for the neo-liberal agenda, Bill Clinton, was rendered politically impotent via the Lewinsky affair, a matter never fully investigated by any media.

Obama, CIA groomed, was smoothly moved into power by the faction that felt Bush needed to be succeeded by a slick smiling assassin who symbolized “diversity,” could speak well, and played hoops. Hit them with the right hand; hit them with the left. Same coin: Take your pick – heads or tails. Hillary Clinton was expected to complete the trinity.

But surprises happen, and now we have Trump, who is suffering the same fate – albeit at an exponentially faster rate – as his predecessors that failed to follow the complete script. The day after his surprise election, the interlocking circles of power that run the show in sun and shadows – what C. Wright Mills long ago termed the Power Elite – met to overthrow him, or at least to render him more controllable.

These efforts, run out of interconnected power centers, including the liberal corporate legal boardrooms that were the backers of Obama and Hillary Clinton, had no compunction in planning the overthrow of a legally elected president.

Soon they were joined by their conservative conspirators in doing the necessary work of “democracy” – making certain that only one of their hand-picked and anointed henchmen was at the helm of state. Of course, the intelligence agencies coordinated their efforts and their media scribes wrote the cover stories. The pink Pussyhats took to the streets. The deep state was working overtime.

Trump, probably never having expected to win and as shocked as most people when he did, made some crucial mistakes before the election and before taking office. Some of those mistakes have continued since his inauguration.

Not his derogatory remarks about minorities, immigrants, or women. Not his promise to cut corporate taxes, support energy companies, oppose strict environmental standards. Not his slogan to “make America great again.” Not his promise to build a “wall” along the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it. Not his vow to deport immigrants. Not his anti-Muslim pledges. Not his insistence that NATO countries contribute more to NATO’s “defense” of their own countries. Not even his crude rantings and Tweets and his hypersensitive defensiveness. Not his reality-TV celebrity status, his eponymous golden tower and palatial hotels and sundry real estate holdings. Not his orange hair and often comical and disturbing demeanor, accentuated by his off the cuff speaking style.

Surely not his massive wealth.

While much of this was viewed with dismay, it was generally acceptable to the power elites who transcend party lines and run the country. Offensive to hysterical liberal Democrats and traditional Republicans, all this about Trump could be tolerated, if only he would cooperate on the key issue.

Trump’s fatal mistake was saying that he wanted to get along with Russia, that Putin was a good leader, and that he wanted to end the war against Syria and pull the U.S. back from foreign wars.

This was verboten. And when he said nuclear war was absurd and would only result in nuclear conflagration, he had crossed the Rubicon. That sealed his fate.

Misogyny, racism, support for Republican conservative positions on a host of issues – all fine. Opposing foreign wars, especially with Russia – not fine.

Now we have a reality-TV president and a reality-TV coup d’etat in prime time. Hidden in plain sight, the deep-state has gone shallow. What was once covert is now overt. Once it was necessary to blame a coup on a secretive “crazy lone assassin,” Lee Harvey Oswald. But in this “post-modern” society of the spectacle, the manifest is latent; the obvious, non-obvious; what you see you don’t see. Everyone knows those reality-TV shows aren’t real, right?

It may seem like it is a coup against Trump in plain sight, but these shows are tricky, aren’t they? He’s the TV guy. He runs the show. He’s the sorcerer’s apprentice. He wants you to believe in the illusion of the obvious. He’s the master media manipulator. You see it but don’t believe it because you are so astute, while he is so blatant. He’s brought it upon himself. He’s bringing himself down. Everyone who knows, knows that.

I am reminded of being in a movie theatre in 1998, watching The Truman Show, about a guy who slowly “discovers” that he has been living in the bubble of a television show his whole life. At the end of the film he makes his “escape” through a door in the constructed dome that is the studio set.

The liberal audience in a very liberal town stood up and applauded Truman’s dash to freedom. I was startled since I had never before heard an audience applaud in a movie theatre – and a standing ovation at that. I wondered what they were applauding. I quickly realized they were applauding themselves, their knowingness, their insider astuteness that Truman had finally caught on to what they already thought they knew. Now he would be free like they were. They couldn’t be taken in; now he couldn’t.

Except, of course, they were applauding an illusion, a film about being trapped in a reality-TV world, a world in which they stood in that theatre – their world, their frame. Frames within frames. Truman escapes from one fake frame into another – the movie. The joke was on them. The film had done its magic as its obvious content concealed its deeper truth: the spectator and the spectacle were wed. McLuhan was here right: the medium was the message.

This is what George Trow in 1980 called “the context of no context.”

Candor as concealment, truth as lies, knowingness as stupidity. Making reality unreal in the service of an agenda that is so obvious it isn’t, even as the cognoscenti applaud themselves for being so smart and in the know.

The more we hear about “the deep state” and begin to grasp its definition, the more we will have descended down the rabbit hole. Soon this “deep state” will be offering courses on what it is, how it operates, and why it must stay hidden while it “exposes” itself.
Right-wing pundit Bill Kristol tweets:

Liberal CIA critic and JFK assassination researcher, Jefferson Morley, after defining the deep state, writes:

With a docile Republican majority in Congress and a demoralized Democratic Party in opposition, the leaders of the Deep State are the most – perhaps the only – credible check in Washington on what Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) calls Trump’s “wrecking ball presidency.”

These are men who ostensibly share different ideologies, yet agree, and state it publically, that the “deep state” should take out Trump. Both believe, without evidence, that the Russians intervened to try to get Trump elected. Therefore, both no doubt feel justified in openly espousing a coup d’etat. They match Trump’s blatancy with their own. Nothing deep about this.

Liberals and conservatives are now publically allied in demonizing Putin and Russia, and supporting a very dangerous military confrontation initiated by Obama and championed by the defeated Hillary Clinton. In the past these opposed political factions accepted that they would rotate their titular leaders into and out of the White House, and whenever the need arose to depose one or the other, that business would be left to deep state forces to effect in secret and everyone would play dumb.

Now the game has changed. It’s all “obvious.” The deep state has seemingly gone shallow. Its supporters say so. All the smart people can see what’s happening. Even when what’s happening isn’t really happening.

“Only the shallow know themselves,” said Oscar Wilde.


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protima wagh
protima wagh
Oct 26, 2019 8:22 PM

All the diverse populations in the world seem to be fighting for the same old causes. To live and let live, freedom from tyranny and economic well being. Its ironic that Hong Kong, Chile, Lebanon, France and many more have the same issues with their own deep states.

Oct 22, 2019 1:33 AM

There used to be ‘credit’ under each photo. Why no more?

It seems, now, 9 out of 10 pictures on Off-Guardian are appearing without credit.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 21, 2019 5:32 PM

The reason this gone is that the Deep State will murder Presidents, have them spied on and impeached etc, but no-one will murder the Deep State fascists and no-one will put them in prison where they belong.

You think Hillary Clinton would calling for nuking Russia if she knew that her spinal cord would be ripped in half for so doing? Of course she would not: she calls for it because there is no punishment for being a genocidal psychopath. Why not?

You think John Bolton would promote warmongering 24/7/52 if he knew he would be put head first through an industrial food mincer for so doing? Of course he would not: but there is no death sentence for genocidal murderers in positions of power. Why not?

You think the Rockefeller family would behave as they have for 100 years if their family gathering would be visited by a high precision shock n awe missile strike? I doubt it.

You think George Soros would be undermining societies the world over if someone had the gumption to put a $500m price tag on a professional hit? Questionable.

You want the deep state to stop you do not go to war with America, you use surgical strike on Deep State genocidalists.

You also remove the right to let private unaccountable actors sell weapons the world over.

And you limit banking to those with 15 years of morally upstanding behaviour, which excludes investors in class A drug profiteering, CIA operatives, ponzi scheme operators and those shown to have written fraudulent investment analysis.

There is a lot more, but as long as you treat the Deep State like pious Christians you will get the genocidal murderers enjoying free rein for decades into the future.

Oct 21, 2019 5:30 PM

Sorry to go off discussion but e-mail details of one of the regular commentators has cropped in my ‘Post Comment’ section.

Don’t worry I have absolutely no intention of sharing it (or remembering it) but it would be good to know if this is just a glitch, or if someone is actually tampering with the site’s security?

Oct 21, 2019 5:17 PM

America – Britain… it’s all the same.
The Cabal picks a patsy to front the game, who can stand having shit thrown at them for mega bucks, and when they’ve had enough, like Camoron and the Maybot, they effectively jump ship and let someone else stand in the stocks.
They DO NOT call the shots, they simply read the scripts.. very badly as in Trump’s case, as did Reagan and the imbecile Bush..
Boris knows what the game is, and that is why he lets his mouth say anything, because he is so sure that they will keep him as long as he can take the heat. He is simply a distraction.. While you are focussing on him stammering and stuttering, flailing his arms about and messing with his hair.. the real ‘magic’ is being done back in the corridors of power or the ‘s’tink Tanks/Establishment.
I don’t know if you have ever written to your MP, but the business is always dealt with by, the faceless ”case workers” who are the real movers and shakers; and the ”advisors.” Remember lying bast*rd Alistair Campbell? And now Cummins?

The ‘SECRET STATE’ and their friends the British Brainwashing Corporation and propaganda arm MSM conspired to have Wilson removed, by programming the electorate, Just as they are attempting/succwwding against Jeremy Corbyn.??? And will do against anyone who actually has a mind of their own and works for the ‘people.’
The “Secret State”, which has NO ACCOUNTABLILITY to Members of Parliament, is regarded as a vital weapon by the ”ESTABLISHMENT” in its underground activities against all those who pose a threat to CAPTALISM. Trade unions and left-wing organisations and specific individuals are marked out for ”special attention”.
Key right wing union leaders were identified and possibly blackmailed by M15 as possible ‘recruits or informers’.

THE POWER OF THE SUPER-ESTABLISHMENT actually exists and is not a flight of fancy. It is entirely manipulative and runs the country with a close-knit Mafia-like clique/cabal, This “Super-Establishment” is made up of a handful of powerful, but low-key, City brokers and Financiers; definitely the top brains at the Foreign Office, the Treasury, the Ministry of Defence and the Trade Department particularly input from Big Pharma and MIC, and key figures in the Security Forces, although not necessarily the top person for identification reasons – would be included, and so would at least one key member of the Prime Minister’s ”Secretariat.” At least until recently, it would also have included the top ”Courtiers who run” the Royal Family.
While the Police and Judiciary might not be directly part of this clique, through the Home Office and Freemasons they are definitely ‘manipulated.’
The Super-Establishment’s power is based upon its ability to manipulate the ‘level below it’…
”The individuals that most people believe are Governing our country” in fact, are all but irrelevant to the overall power of the Super-Establishment. They are simply puppets, ACTORS..
The world in which the Super-Establishment exists is a grey and murky world in which I believe sensitive matters of state are planned and executed in Masonic Halls and GENTLEMEN’S CLUBS (Bullingdon Club, Reform, Oxford and Cambridge preferred). It is where manipulation plots are hatched. Whether it be manipulation of a certain Minister, with blackmail if necessary, or the wholesale orchestration of a Foreign Office ploy to bring down a foreign government… (false flag)
This secretive form of Government called “twilight politics,” because it never enjoys the spotlight or the slightest glare of sunlight. And if it is ever in danger of doing so, manipulation normally sorts it out. In the interests of the Super-Establishment it is almost the divine mission of the Secret Services in the UK to protect the status quo, and hitherto it has been their intention to thwart anyone who tried to disrupt it. (Princess Diana?) Even under the guise of democracy and being ‘answerable’ to the Government, it exercises a great deal of power behind the scenes.
IMO The British Monarchy “is a sham.” Allowed to exist simply to distract the proles. All of the royals without exception, particularly Prince Charles, are constantly manipulated by a small clique of very powerful Mandarins and Courtiers, who in turn work hand-in-glove with top Civil Servants in such ministries as the Foreign Office.


So when you are pulling your hair our in frustration, remember to focus your anger at the correct people.

Oct 22, 2019 10:28 AM
Reply to  Maggie

You need to add to that list, The Privy Council, the Bank of England, The City of London Corporation, the Queen’s Golden shares

Oct 22, 2019 3:23 PM
Reply to  julie

Yes Julie,
The list is endless, and all of them UNELECTED to govern us!

Oct 22, 2019 11:05 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Yes, Maggie. Times a hundred.

Criminality. Floreat Racism & War Crimes. Floreat Greed Floreat Neo-Feudalism Floreat Psychopaths.

Oct 21, 2019 4:26 PM

“[…] …he creates a positive object but it has no being other than its nothingness.”

In Sartre’s quote: we create positive ontological objects out of their own ‘nothingness’ (néant). These positive – or posivitist – objects have no essence other than the essence of the subjective Being that created them …*ens causa sui*. In other words: the positive object is an imaginary ontological construct. If the object – or total set of objectivity is an imaginary construct – with no self-essence other than a projected self-essence (the imagination of an ontological Being) …then what the hell is a ‘subject’? And how does one arise from an imaginary object?

Answers on a postcard to virtually all of humanity. We skipped the difficult questions an went for a social agreement: of course there is a subject. Of course there is a mind-independent matrix of objectivity and object permanence from which subjectivity arises …by a miracle that no one will ever explain. Because both object and subject are imaginary constructs that only have the *néant* of ontology, sociolinguistics, and cultural constructivism to substantiate their essence into a worldview. The worldview of the Truman Show. Everything that seems ‘real’ is a tableaux of ontological structures projected by imaginary Being.

Sartre fell into the narrative trap set by Descartes: I think – therefore everything I think is in *divine concurrence* – a *concursus Dei* – with a higher order consciousness of the purely Rational. Which substantiates another abstract reified phenomena or social agreement …of the mind as an “unextended thinking thing” …and the body as an “idea in mind”. Which is the essence of the Truman Show TV-reality that is the constructed majoritarian ‘natural attitude’ to this very day. That the world is a dualised subject/object creationism is the very ‘taken-for-grantedness’ of modernity …the basis of Capitalist Realism. What use is an advertorial narrative constructivism of the fetishised object – if there is no object?

Not much: it is just a parable or TV-script. So why is it so believable: as to be the natural attitude that no one can challenge or critique? Because it is unconsciously absorbed in the 0-7 and 7-12 ‘pre-operative’ stages of development. Language and social-being acquisition is automatic and virtually never challenged. In the pre-operative and early operative phases of socialisation: subjectivity is autonomic and automatic. No one makes up a culture or language: the subject is auto-inducted into one with a great deal of guidance and mimetics. Then one begins to operate as an ‘individuated’ automatic subject from ones formative years forward. If one has kids: then they are inducted in much the same way. Which is why the Truman Show has been so long running. And such a hit with the Cartesian autonomic subject. Life mimics art. Freedom only exists inside the positive objective set of the show – the mind-independent, observer-free reality of the matrix of objectivity. The absolute object *mise-en-scene* – from which the libertarian ‘free’ absolute subject miraculously arises. In the imagination of imaginary Being …*ens causa sui* and *concursus Dei*.

As soon as we displace the object and subject – and introduce ‘anti-symmetry’ (the object is an absolute independent ‘thing’ (*pragmata*) – and thus the subject is an absolute independent thing …one that creates its ‘own-essence’ – as in “Existence precedes essence”) – then we enter the audience of the Truman Show TV-realism. The illusion is in the mind-independence of the positive object – made of nothing but illusion and imagination …néant. The pragmatics of the illusion is the script of the Truman Show TV-realism – the reflective ontology of sociolinguistics.

The illusion is believable because we believe language and reality are ‘isomorphic’. Language is a ‘complete fit’ to realism – the Correspondence Theory of Truth. This has never been fully challenged because it is autonomic. The Collective Cognitive Unconscious is responsible for nearly all cognition (>95%). That is why the Truman TV-realism is capitalist and autonomically ‘real’. Automatic subjectivity is an abstract reified reflexiveness -a bi-directional closed loop cognition – of the mind independent reality that pre- and post-dates perception.

It has to be real: because everyone else in the audience says so. All it is is a coercive political reality – largely peer-policed by social agreement. No one likes to think they are living totally in the ontological projections of their imagination. That is why they clap when the hero escapes from the illusion. Trumans escape into realism is their escape into realism. The objective ground ‘outside’ is really solid, really real – isn’t it? Isn’t it?

Oct 21, 2019 7:20 PM
Reply to  BigB

Bravo. I do wish Jacques Lacan had been able to put it that clearly 😉


Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Oct 21, 2019 3:58 PM

I couldn’t care less what happens to Amerikastani politics because who rules Amerikastan makes zero difference to its crimes abroad. In that the Trump regime has exacerbated hatred and divisions between Amerikastanis, I strongly support it, but only for that reason.

Oct 21, 2019 4:18 AM

The Deep State Goes Shallow 2.0 Nice neutral title, as Deep states also exist in any huge pyramidal organization, be it an Amazon or China. Then to please the Off Guardian crowd it sticks to only the most obvious, the US.
It is actually that country that came up with the “free” Internet and mobile phones, both double edged weapons and not all good for Deep states. China contributes their coral reef imperialism and “social credit system” while Singapore pioneered facial recognition from cradle to grave.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 21, 2019 7:59 PM
Reply to  Antonym

So what exactly is your point. Everyone has a Deep State so what the hell? We should attack other deep states before we attack “our own”? (Bear in mind yet again that what we see of other states has to be filtered through our own first.) Or are you saying that, since the good old USA blessed us with this “free” internet, we should stop criticising it?

Oct 21, 2019 2:22 AM

The mobster style politics of pax-amaericana the western central banks and all the multinational corporations makes Bugsy Seagel ,Mayer Lansky , Lucky Luciano, Vito Genovese, Camorra,Cosa Nostra and Ndraghetta look like choir boys.
Punto UNO: b4 9/11 the opium popPy harvest in Afghanistan was at 100 year historical lows ( Check UN 2000 stats)
Punto Due: From November 2001 to this day the harvest has been rising lIke a hockey stick (Check 2015 UN stats)
Punto Tre: 22 thousand US citizens die from pharmaceutical grade narcotics that has exceededTHE DEATHS from all the US soldiers dying from the Vietnam fiasco of the 60’s.
Punto Quattro: Since the blakanisation of Yugoslavia in the 90’s to this day from the maghreb horn of Africa and the ME millions of people died and millions of people displaced and upon millions of hectares of land destroyed upon trillions of dollars of infrastructure homes destroyed.
Punto Cinque: It has been estimated between pax-americana and their preatorian gaurd NATO have spent from Yugoslavian destruction to present destruction circa 6 Trillion dollars. Genoan bridge collapses , most US and Canadian infrastructure degrading. Largest wealth gap exceeding the Gilded age.
POST SCRIPTUM: What dystopian nitemare and reality we are living in the fascistic west.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Oct 20, 2019 11:46 PM

A house built on lies cannot stand forever. (Without a vision, the people perish). I think we are beginning to see huge cracks appearing in the foundations of their Empire of Lies. Despite the efforts of he MSM, who really believes HRC’s vicious bile against decent women like Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein? The old saying about repeating the lie until it becomes the truth is indeed a powerful enemy of truth, but there are other old sayings which also hold true e.g. no-one believed the boy who cried wolf, and a different boy (maybe his cousin?) who laughed at the emperor’s nakedness. I know its a scary image, but HRC has been exposed as the ugly witch she really is.
It used to be said that the majority of Americans still did not believe the official account of the assassination of JFK, despite wall-to-wall MSM insistence and ridicule. I am to give a talk (on any subject of my choosing) on 21st November: because of the auspicious date, I will hit them with JFK, but will take a poll before I start and another after I finish to gauge whether my hopes for Humanity are not over-rated. Though I have never seen the film “The Truman Show”, I would like to hope that some of the ovation was to acknowledge that people know in their hearts when they are being lied to, but they are afraid to put their heads above the parapet and declare the truth. Courage, mes braves. Once more into the breach.

Oct 21, 2019 5:35 PM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

@Hugh O’Neill: “HRC’s vicious bile”.

comment image

comment image

Notice how much more deranged Lady Macbeth looks than actress Olivia de Havilland does? Makes for a much more convincing image.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Oct 21, 2019 9:51 PM
Reply to  vexarb

Why would anyone photo-swap the lovely Olivia’s head where HRC’s should be? I also suspect they may have photo-shop removed the snakes from HRC’s head.

Oct 20, 2019 11:11 PM

I disagree with this, in that Trump is all part of the con. It’s all just theatre; none of it is real.

Oct 20, 2019 10:57 PM

All that has happened is that Regime Change has come home to roost.
What has been done abroad so often before is now being done domestically.
Just as political assassination came home to Dallas in 1963.

I don’t have a great deal of sympathy for Trump.
He is happily trying to achieve the same ends in Venezuela, Iran, Hong Kong and other places currently.
It would be poetic justice for him to be hoist with his own petard.

But what the Deranged Left don’t realise is that if they impeach Trump, this will become the norm for every subsequent president, including Democrat ones, if they ever succeed in winning an election. No elected president will ever complete a term in office without being brought down on some spurious grounds. Any old smear, hoax or fairy story will do. Someone like Obama with a forged Kenyan or Indonesian birth certificate. Some highly dubious sexual allegation, unattributed malicious gossip, or vague unsubstantiated rumour is perfectly acceptable. This may extend throughout public life, as in the Kavanagh case. It will become normalised and routine practice.

What they also fail to realise are the dangers in handing over a power of veto to the spook organisations, the secret police, or the military, over the political process. In the past, this has tended to be the preserve of the less sophisticated banana republics and third world backwaters, often of course with a helping hand from the CIA and their front groups. Unless these organisations are cut down to size and brought under democratic control (which seems unlikely), then they become the key power brokers and the only real constituencies that matter. The media darlings and Hollywood luvvies cheering on the likes of Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Strzok may find to their cost that these people are poor servants and terrible masters, ready, willing and able to stage a constitutional or hard coup to serve their own and other powerful vested interests.

The likely end game is the Democrats disappearing down Russiagate/ Ukrainegate/ Impeachment Rabbit Holes, instead of taking a long hard look at where they went wrong, finding a credible candidate, and putting forward policies over issues like health care, education, inequality and crime that resonate with the bulk of the population. With the Orange Jesus securing another 4 years in office, and an even more virulent epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Oct 21, 2019 5:31 PM
Reply to  mark

I agree Mark, except no one hands over anything to the spooks… they a ready run the show. IMO and threatened ‘Impeachments’ or a ‘Coup’ only happens when the stooge/actor doesn’t stick to the script.
And regardless of who No 1 stooge is they already have all the tapes and evidence of all their peccadillos, which they take them into a back toom and show them at their inauguration, plus the consequences like JFK, if they don’t comply to the letter.. when it’s too late for them to change their minds.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 20, 2019 10:55 PM

Very timely Edward, thanks. And a complete antidote to the madness going on. I didn’t think the revolting ABC here in Australia could possibly sink any lower, but they have.
Two of the most dishonest, disengenuos, distorted fairytale pieces of crap you could ever read have appeared within 24 hrs on their Fake News website.
The first by Tracey Sheldon yesterday: ‘8 years later in Libya’ in effect whitewashing history, censoring who was responsible for that monstrous crime, then blaming Gaddafi for the destruction of his own country, and if that wasn’t enough, strongly suggesting he got what he deserved. I could almost hear her cackling, as Clinton did. Oh, and Mz Sheldon admitted she had been “embedded with the rebels”.
The second piece of crap was this morning by another Empire presstitute Matt Bevan who straight out said Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014. No Obama, No Victoria Nuland, No Neo Nazi coup. Nothing. Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed a large chunk of Ukrainian territory. End of story according to Mr Bevan. Oh, and Russia is also sowing chaos amongst European countries.
And according to this alleged ‘reporter’ Trump abandoning the Kurds has handed both Putin and Assad a huge victory in Syria!!
Should creatures like Sheldon and Bevan toddle off and write scripts for the next Marvel comics blockbuster?
We here at Offg, come here for the truth, and for analysis of what is actually happening in the Real World, along with all the other independent sites like The Grayzone, Moon Of Alabama, Mintpress, and various others.
That the Anglo Zionist Empire’s stenographers put out garbage like the above 2 examples is why more people are abandoning the bastards.

Oct 21, 2019 2:16 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Should creatures like Sheldon and Bevan toddle off and write scripts for the next Marvel comics blockbuster?

No. They belong in padded cells. People like these two should never be allowed to lie to the masses. No matter who paid them, no mater who told them. They are suffering from schizophrenia and are a threat to the public.

Generally, people are allowed to deceive the public that belong into wards. Together with their superiors and bosses. Humanity is in dire straits because of people like these and the ones behind them.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 21, 2019 3:01 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Thanks NTO1. I was still dumbfounded at the bullshit Sheldon had emanated yesterday, then read the Bevan crap this morning, and just felt really angry. That they can get away with such outrageous lies, and that a sizable majority will just lap it all up and believe them.
They are on the side of Evil. They should be in a cell along with their handlers.
I would make a comment on their Facebook page, but I know it would be deleted or show up on my phone as appearing when on their actual page my comment isn’t shown.
Numerous times I have made a comment on my phone, and later checked at an Internet cafe and my comment has been removed. Bastards.
This is another reason I come here. Thanks, have a good day N.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Oct 22, 2019 8:43 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The Saturday before last, the presenter of RN’s Saturday Extra programme (a noted purveyor of liberal platitudes) made a casual remark to the effect that Russia had interfered with the 2016 US presidential election and the UK’s Brexit referendum. The Mueller report and Obama’s intervention in the Brexit campaign blithely ignored. More disinformation from those who purport to keep us ‘informed’.

Oct 21, 2019 7:22 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Disappointingly, the ABC has been taken over because we have allowed it to be taken over. ALL the electronic media and print (daily newspapers) in Oz are now in the hands of the so called ‘Deep-State.’ … and WE, the greedy lethargic sheeple, have allowed it to be so. devil take the hindmost …

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 21, 2019 8:03 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

The media has always been part of the Establishment hotrod31, but since 9/11, but especially since Trump was elected, their masks, the whole charade of impartiality has been ripped asunder. All bets are off. They have clearly and unequivocally revealed themselves as servants of Empire and Imperialism and being fully on the side of mass murdering war criminals, robber barons, the destroyers of large swathes of the environment, and fully grovel at the feet of the 0.01%. Refer to Udo Ulfkotte (again). Thanks for your reply.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Oct 22, 2019 8:27 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Agree 100 per cent with your appraisal of the ABC, GP. Bevan is one of the presenters of the Radio National breakfast programme – the platform that has broadcast at least five segments smearing the British Labour Party as systemically anti-Semitic (and ditto Corbyn, either directly or indirectly). To my knowledge, not one substantial interview has been granted to a defender of Labour to challenge the scattergun, unsubstantiated allegations made by RN’s “guests” and its syndicated BBC “reporter”.

And guess what? ABC’s unfit -for-purpose complaints unit insists there has been no breach of the ABC’s charter obligation to act fairly and accurately (which includes a requirement to broadcast a response from any organisation/person against whom an allegation has been made). The whole amounts to brazen, lying propaganda masquerading as ‘journalism’.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2019 10:36 AM

They revolt me CM. “The whole amounts to brazen lying propaganda masquerading as journalism”.
The truly vile Philip Williams along with Adam Harvey are other presstitutes pretending to be journalists.
If I had the money, I would make this sentence into a 10 foot high neon sign and put it outside their studio entrance. I look at their online ‘news’ when I get up in the morning only to see what’s happened overnight, and sometimes, er, relapse, and watch their 7.00 news, but, they are now morally and ethically bankrupt jellyfish, and will say Anything in their craven, chinless, grovelling service to the Empire. Thanks CM, have a good evening.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Oct 20, 2019 9:19 PM

I remember this excellent piece the first time around. It’s indeed even more pertinent today,

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 20, 2019 8:09 PM

The “Deep State” is really a metaphor for “society”, a complex machine that we’re both trapped inside and part of. Viewed in this light its not surprising that Obama administration foreign policies are only marginally different from Bush or Clinton era policies; the machine has inertia that makes it impossible to change course overnight. This is why pinning one’s hope for change on an individual is a fool’s errand — the person has will either be trapped into conforming or be made impotent.

The first step in dealing with this is to combat ignorance and misinformation. There may not be one undeniable truth but we can certainly squash blatant mis-truths. This arena isn’t just political — our culture has a habit of reworking our past in a contemporary image and so subtly warping the lessons of history. Hollywood is a prime offender but then its no surprise to discover that the original master of propaganda, Goebbels, recognized that entertainment that pushed cultural values was a far more powerful tool for propaganda than the media that was, and still is, traditionally associated with propaganda.

John Deehan
John Deehan
Oct 20, 2019 6:41 PM

If you read Professor Antony C Sutton’s books about Wall Street, the Bolshevik Revolution and Hitlers rise to power, it is possible, as Sutton did, to examine the methodology, ideology and psychology of the string pullers in depth. For exposing them, Hutton was as he said “ persecuted but not prosecuted “.

Oct 20, 2019 5:15 PM

Sadly though, an old wisdom brings itself into this ludicrous scenery. It also makes the comparison with the Truman show so apt.

You can’t fix stupid.

Oct 22, 2019 4:52 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

The worst part is … we should ALL feel ‘stupid’ in many ways because if WE were even ‘half-smart’ – the world would not be as it is. I often ask myself how, it possible for so many too be perpetually fooled by so few. Muggins being one of the ‘many’.

WHY is it that half-intelligent human beings could possibly believe the improbable canvassed by the few?

Oct 27, 2019 12:24 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

“WHY is it that half-intelligent human beings could possibly believe the improbable canvassed by the few?”. Because most people find that agreeing with most of the people around them the easiest option, and the MSM, though a large minority see it for the deep-state mouthpiece that it is, still dictates what the norm is than such people crave.

One reason that people become like the dogs they own is that people are like dogs in many ways. They are easily tamed pack animals, easily whipped into a blood thirsty frenzy when someone cries fox, witch or conspiracy theorist.