Russian Assets and Realignment as the Dems Morph into Neocons

Renée Parsons

Image source here.

As you may have figured out by now, Hillary Clinton, warped by her own self aggrandizement of entitlement, did Tulsi Gabbard and her Presidential campaign against interventionist wars a huge incidental favor.

While the Democrats continue to splinter and spiral out of control on the eve of what promises to be a transformative national election, the Grand Inquisitor seized an opportunity to allege that Gabbard (and Jill Stein) are “Russian assets” and “Putin puppets”. 

Since Tulsi is a Major in the US Army Reserves and holds the highest security clearance available, the term ‘asset,’ which is associated with being an agent of a foreign power, carries a level of national security significance.

Believing herself untouchable and immune from any genuine criticism or objective analysis after having successfully evaded prosecution from the nation’s top law enforcement agencies,  HRC went off the deep end dragging the Democratic party further into the ditch.

She is a favorite of the Russians.  That’s assuming that Jill Stein will give it up which she might not because she is also a Russian asset.”

Clinton’s historic pronouncement came in the mistaken belief that publicly humiliating Gabbard would intimidate the Aloha Girl to silence and seek refuge on her surfboard – but that is not how it has played out.

An unexpected bonus proved once again that political strategy has never been Clinton’s strong suit as her malicious comments have brought the anti-war alt left with the libertarian alt-right together in Gabbard’s defense.  With HRC’s injudicious taunts, the glimmer of an emerging political realignment, one that has been at odds with both the Dem and Republican establishments, has surfaced – probably not exactly what HRC intended.

In response to having received a burst of unprecedented support, Gabbard is about to assure her place on the November debate stage and continues to solidify her credibility as a critic of a corrupt bipartisan political establishment and its endless wars.

If they falsely portray me as a traitor, they can do it to anyone.  Don’t be afraid. Join me in speaking truth to power to take back the Democrat Party and country from the corrupt elite.”

It is noteworthy that HRCs accusation was to the only candidate who stands in direct opposition to the Queen Bee’s history for the war machine and all of its bells and whistles.  As if to call attention to the contradiction, the entire fiasco has acknowledged what was never meant to be acknowledged: that one little known Congresswoman from Hawaii would dare to publicly confront the omnipotent HRC with her own demons and malfeasance; thereby elevating the one candidacy that represents a threat to the military industrial complex and its globalist order.

It is no coincidence that the corporate media operates in lockstep as an offensive October 12th  NY Times article was immediately followed by a CNN commentary  as well as other media sycophants, all tagging Gabbard as a Russian asset. 

Contrary to Journalism 101 on how professional media should conduct themselves, there has been no evidence, no facts, no supporting documentation as they characteristically rely on innuendo and disinformation.

At the last Dem debate and during the kerfuffle with Clinton, Tulsi has stepped up and showed herself to be a candidate the country has been waiting for.  With a powerful inner grit, she did not hesitate to take the Times and CNN publicly to task and then in response called HRC out as a warmonger and dared her to enter the 2020 fray.

There lies a deep truth within Gabbard’s response especially identifying Clinton as the “personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party.” 

During Clinton’s term as Secretary of State which is little more than a Glorified Global Hustler for the US military industrial complex, the Democratic Party lost its soul, morphing as nefarious neocons in pursuit of raw political and economic power that emanates from a policy of unfettered regime change and interventionist wars.

As Democrats embraced the neocons with no objection to the unrestrained violence, increased military budgets, indiscriminate selling of weapons to bomb a civilian population, then why should the party’s grassroots object to the Tuesday morning assassination list or drone attacks on civilians or creating war in four countries living in peace in 2008?   

As the party faithful allow themselves to dismiss all the suffering, the death and destruction wrought by US-made weapons as if Amazon and Google toys were an acceptable trade, they lost their conscience and their connection to the basic essence of humanity’s need for peace, love and compassion.

The latest example of the Party’s devotion to war is their opposition to the withdrawal of US troops from Syria as they created the phony debate that the Kurds were worth more American blood or resources.  The Dems have always been more pro-war than they have been given credit for with WWI, WWII, the Korean War and Vietnam all initiated and/or expanded under Democrat Presidents.

With no substantiation from the mindless meanderings of a seriously disoriented woman, it is now clear that Clinton’s derangement syndrome of unresolved guilt and denial led the Democratic party to its irrational embrace of Russiagate as the justification for her 2016 loss. 

In other words, it was Russiagate that protected HRC’s fragile self-esteem from the necessary introspection as Americans were pitted against one another, dividing the nation in a deliberate disruption of civil society in a more acrimonious manner than any time since the 1860’s.  The country has paid a bitter, unnecessary price for a divisive strategy due to Clinton’s refusal to personally accept responsibility for her own failings.

HRC’s most egregious war crimes as Secretary of State include assigning Victoria Nuland to conduct the overthrow of a democratically elected President in Ukraine in 2014 and the ensuing violence and civil war in the Donbass as well as her joyous rapture cackling at the death of Libyan President Qaddafi in 2011. The now infamous video “We came, we saw, he died” showed her to be more than just your average war criminal but a Monster who experiences an aberrant thrill at death and destruction.

Since June, TPTB have done their darnedest to deny Tulsi a spot on the debate stage rigging the qualifying requirements as best they could.  Making it near impossible for the polling firms, which rely on campaign season and their economic connection with the DNC to call the shots in a fair and equitable manner.

As the early primary states loom ahead, the last thing TPTB need is a powerful pro-peace voice resonating with the American public. The message seems clear:  talk of peace is verboten and equates with being a Russia asset and anyone with pacifist tendencies will be publicly chastised and condemned for being a tool of the Kremlin.

None of that has stopped Tulsi Gabbard.

Renee Parsons has been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, an environmental lobbyist with Friends of the Earth and staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She can be found on Twitter @reneedove31


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Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Oct 29, 2019 10:36 PM

I am very impressed by Tulsi Gabbard.

She’s a bit too patriotic for me – but I’m a Brit so for a serving American it’s understandable.

It isn’t the person that is dangerous- it is the insertion of the idea that Regime Change wars are counterproductive.

Gabbard’s message is relatively simple -that is:

Instead of the US destroying countries it should be spending the Military Budget on rebuilding the US.

Yes that sounds like an America First type of stance but it has a decent logic about it.

Wasteful wars and the idea that the US should install its version of Democracy across the Middle East
has always been a doomed project and co-operation and an attempt at rebuilding these nations in order to attempt some kind of democracy and future prosperity is required – not bombing and bullying.

You could be outraged by Clinton’s nasty rhetoric but let’s face it. Clinton lost to someone she considered to be a Clown.

In actuality the DNC almost promoted Trump as person they could beat hands down.

It bit them on the arse as did the Brexit result in the UK.

Clinton has never got over losing to a chump and she is just covering her backside as to why she lost.

Hell hath no fury like a self appointed Candidate scorned.

Like Johnson in the UK Clinton thought she had the right to rule.

She didn’t and doesn’t.

To quote some US Senator;

” The people have spoken.

The bastards!”

Oct 30, 2019 12:09 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

The objective is not to install American “democracy”. Which does not exist anywhere, USA is officially a republic. Unofficially, it is an oligarchy. Elite super wealthy families and their corporations run the USA. All 45 Presidents have been related to those families. The President is actually elected by the Electoral College, not the popular vote. This was designed into the Constitution of USA, Inc.

The aim of regime change is to create chaos in MENA, by which a small ME state can profit without doing any visible dirty work.

Oct 30, 2019 1:05 PM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

Bet you were impressed with Obama, too, as he said exactly the same things.

Oct 29, 2019 8:38 PM

The Democrats(oxymoron for il Partito Fascista Americano) are doing this for the simple reason knowing full well that most traditional old school democrats identify with Bernie Sanders. The whole notion of the WASP notion of left right paradigm is oxymoron in itself.

Any political science follower or student would have to agree. What is the political left mean in the west????????? Has anyone ever read Marx and Engles ???????????? Social democrat WTF does that mean. Historical revisionist get labelled Nazi sympathisers. The constant lies and obfuscation with real facts. Like population stats death births . The Classic method being used at the moment is they no longer due c0up d’etats the good old fascistic way. The popular vote gets discredited by the judicial system. IE the recent elections of Argentina and Bolivia does not suit the IMF( the International Mafia Fund) henc e the European Union Funded election monitoring organisations are all openly stating that both elections were not KOSHER.

Look at the people in Venezuela and Bolivia that are demonstrating against the popular elected and voted for Governments. White upper middle class figli di putane. Plain and simple the western paradigm of fake democrazia and fake economy is dying the plutocratic and oligarchical class are just creating storms and fires just do deviate from good old fashion bread and butter issues.

The pax -americana Democrats(RATS) know full well that Bernie will not lead the party Gabbard will not lead the party so here is there strategy and good old Chuckie Schuemer the anglo-zionist par excellance laid it out in 2015. They are hoping that old fashion conservative Republicans that are disgusted with the Orange one will vote for them and further reduce the number of voters. Just think of this. In this day and age with the largest wealth gap exceeding the Gilded age which individual would take a day off to line up to vote on a bitter grey November day. So these remarkable establishment shills in their great wisdom are running as Eisenhower Republican and hoping to steal votes from the Republicans and not win any votes from the new ever growing lower so called middle class.

POST SCRIPTUM: The irony and the complete paradox more war will give us peace and the rich getting richer will give us the sheeple wealth. Black is white and grey does not exist and left vs right. What a sad state of affairs.

Docius in fundem: The sad reality in our dying western paradigm of pax-americana is never in the history of the modern and post modern era we have more people graduating from tertiary education but we have created the most ignorant and pliant class of individuals ever.

Oct 29, 2019 1:25 PM

This is easy to resolve. Destroy the source, Is-ra-el. Take the head off he snake.

Oct 29, 2019 1:14 PM

She came, we saw, she lied.

Oct 29, 2019 11:03 AM

I’m still quite annoyed about being called a ”paid pro-Putin shill” on one of the Guardian’s comment sections.

”Paid”! If only!

Oct 29, 2019 3:27 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I’ve been trying to get my KGB back pay for years. I wrote to the accounts dept. saying I’d take roubles or bitcoin, but nothing has come through.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Oct 29, 2019 3:28 AM

Russian asset and Putin puppet, Jesus of Nazareth reportedly said: “Blessed are the Peace Makers”. As we know, Trump receives maximum MSM contempt for anything approaching diplomacy and peace, and highest MSM approval when advocating war and destruction. Likewise, when a Presidential candidate dare breathe the word “Peace” then she is either ignored, ridiculed or accused of treachery – and that greatest of all crimes, being pro-Russian (ergo anti-American). It is timely perhaps to re-read President Kennedy’s (largely unreported) Commencement Address to American University, 10th June 1963:

” What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children–not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women–not merely peace in our time but peace for all time”.

“I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.”

Lest we forget: Lee Harvey Oswald was sheep-dipped as a Russian-loving commie precisely so as to blame Russia for killing that commie/socialist/pacifist/drug-addled/free-lovin’ Jack Kennedy. Somehow, their script didn’t really make any sense. Script-writer Allen Dulles had written a turkey, but the show must go on, and on….

Oct 29, 2019 1:48 AM

An anti-war US presidential candidate?

– Yes, we can!

Oct 30, 2019 12:29 AM
Reply to  Celestial

It won’t be allowed. The People have no say in the matter.

Politics is pure spectacle, to distract and entertain the masses, and to make them think that they have a voice.

All 45 US Presidents have been interrelated through 200+ super wealth elite intertwined families. If Tulsi Gabbard is not related, then she is not getting into the White House. If she is related, she will get in and do nothing different from what the previous actors have always done.

#Resist45 and Trump, Mr. #45, work for the same people. Keeping the nation dazed and confused, since January 2017. Congress does nothing useful, by design, concentrating on impeachment. The Media has plenty of Trump social media coverage to prevent ever having space to report on actual events (as if they would).

Chinese Asset?
Chinese Asset?
Oct 29, 2019 1:20 AM

Please don’t make the Republicans look better than they are.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Ms. Hua Chunying said at a press briefing that

Pence’s speech made Thursday revealed his “sheer arrogance and hypocrisy, and was packed with political prejudice and lies”

So refreshing to hear it from a high level official! Ms Hua also accused Pence of using China as a prop to distract from the United States’ failings.

Now we know, the ‘Russian asset’ accusation is used to distract from the continuous and never-ending murderous operation of the US regime.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 28, 2019 11:56 PM

Since Tulsi is a Major in the US Army Reserves and holds the highest security clearance available, the term ‘asset,’ which is associated with being an agent of a foreign power, carries a level of national security significance.

Alt-journalist Caity Johnstone has recently remarked upon how the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) have started to give the word ‘asset’ their own little proprietary meaning:

“Russian ‘assets’ are not formal relationships in the USIC [US Intelligence Community] sense of the word,” CNN analyst and former FBI agent Asha Rangappa explained via Twitter. “If you are parroting Russian talking points and furthering their interests, you’re a source who is too dumb to know you’re being played to ask for money.”

“It’s important to point out here that a Russian ‘asset’ is not the same thing as a Russian ‘agent’,” tweeted virulent establishment narrative manager Caroline Orr. “An asset can be witting or unwitting; it’s any person or org who can be used to advance Russia’s interests. It’s pretty clear that Tulsi satisfies that criteria.”

“One doesn’t have to be on the Kremlin’s payroll to be a Russian asset. One doesn’t even have to know they are a Russian asset to be a Russian asset. Have you not heard the term ‘useful idiot’ before?” tweeted writer Kara Calavera.

At this rate, pretty soon, we’ll all have to check with RT first before we open our mouths in public, just to make sure we’re not accidentally agreeing with the Russians!

The Dems have always been more pro-war than they have been given credit for with WWI, WWII, the Korean War and Vietnam all initiated and/or expanded under Democrat Presidents.

Ha, ha! That takes me back–all the way to 1976, to be exact–to when Bob Dole (then a candidate for Vice-President) described all the wars of the 20th century as “Democrat wars“.

Oct 29, 2019 1:03 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

That’s a truly horrible photo of Killary in that article, Seamus. Disturbing.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 30, 2019 5:15 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Ya wanna see something even worse? Try this.

Oct 30, 2019 5:36 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I thought Halloween was tomorrow…

Oct 30, 2019 12:33 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

“CNN analyst and former FBI agent Asha Rangappa explained via Twitter. ”

Says the CNN paid asset.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Oct 28, 2019 11:47 PM

Thanks once again to Renee for championing Tulsi. Yesterday my local paper here in NZ (The Otago Daily Times) in its “This Day in History” column, briefly referred to JFK and the peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I wrote to the editor my appreciation:

“Although I am old enough to remember both the 1960 election and the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, I was blissfully unaware of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 (when I was almost 7 years old). My thanks to the ODT for marking this date which is the day in History when the world stepped back from the abyss of nuclear war and ended all life on Earth. Sadly, too many today live in blissful ignorance of the most dangerous moment in the History of Mankind. As the old saying goes, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Next time around, there may no longer be the politicians with the courage and intelligence of Kennedy and Khrushchev: both men had to out-manoeuvre their own military hawks, and each man knew the personal risks he faced in doing so. Khrushchev was replaced within a year and died in ignominy. JFK’s lived another year before his own untimely end. Though we may lament the execution of John F. Kennedy, he had not lived and died in vain, because we are still here despite the military. I cannot recommend highly enough two books: firstly, Bobby Kennedy’s “13 Days> A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis” and James Doulglass “JFK & The Unspeakable. Why he died & Why it Matters”.

Tulsi has been the only candidate in a very long time to speak the unspeakable truth. Do not condemn her for whatever flaws some commenters below perceive. No-one is absolutely perfect in every way – not even Mary Poppins. But Tulsi is a breath of fresh air and has immense courage, eloquence, passion, integrity and charisma to bring out the best in people. The real enemy is within – in every sense.

Oct 29, 2019 10:39 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

I’m sure this link will be of interest to you, Hugh.


Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Oct 30, 2019 4:04 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Thanks, Gwyn. I knew this story already but it is worth rereading. The fact that some dimwitted USN ship started dropping depth charges without top authority shows that JFKs grip on his own military was tenuous. He had recently read Barbara Tuchman’s “The guns of August” which showed how stupid acts by subordinates could have massive consequences. Once again, this demonstrates the treachery of the military. Recently, some British General stated publicly that if Corbyn were elected, there would be a coup. The military mind cannot cope with the concept of Democracy.

Harry Law
Harry Law
Oct 28, 2019 11:32 PM

The US needs an enemy to justify its massive defence bill and 800 bases worldwide. Who better to shill for the US than that fool Jens Stoltenberg [Sec General NATO] “NATO General Secretary Says $100 Billion in Additional Alliance Spending Not Enough for Defence”. The US spent $649 billion in 2018, other members of NATO spent an additional $314 billion, whereas Russia who do not want to be an enemy spent just $61.4 billion”. https://sputniknews.com/military/201910251077152221-nato-general-secretary-says-100-billion-in-additional-alliance-spending-not-enough-for-defence/
Stoltenberg would happily stop all social services in order to buy more missiles and gain a few brownie points from Trump. Stoltenberg along with the US Neocons are are sick SOB’s.

Oct 29, 2019 1:46 AM
Reply to  Harry Law

Trump doesn’t want US taxpayers to fund US mil in Europe, not unreasonable.
Both Trump and Jabbard are opponents of the CIA – Wall street complex.
Nationalists vs Globalists, but some people still believe the former are more dangerous than the latter. Amazon, Google or Apple have more power than North Korea, Iran or Xyz.
China cannot be the CIA-Wall street bogey now as they make too much profit of it: Russia is much smaller fish margin wise (the Clinton’s only managed a few dozen million$) so that makes the perfect fake enemy. On top Russia actually competes with oil and gas, which China can’t.

Oct 29, 2019 5:17 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Someone with more knowledge to the timeline needs to correlate the punishments for Russia (sanctions) to the oil price. I think they started sanctions when Russian oil and gas deliveries were getting cheaper but US needed 75$+ for the frackers. It was just eliminating a competitor, especially after they could not purchase the monopoly on Russian gas and oil through the monopoly company Yukos.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Oct 28, 2019 10:32 PM

This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, and this seems like a good post to share it on.

Watching trolls emerge to discredit and attack the lone U.S. candidate who publicly and vocally opposes America’s regime change wars and even dares tell the American people that “we are supporting the terrorists – not fighting them” – is bad enough in MSM, but a sad and interesting comment on how completely engaged the State has become with attempting to “control” and “shape” discourse on progressive sites such as this.

My favorite of course is when one State troll debates another State troll in completely “fake” discourse, attempting to amplify their troll message. The other technique that is endlessly amusing is when a single troll posts something a well informed person with progressive values can quite agree with one day, followed the next by complete gibberish posing as “sophistication,” followed the next day by talking points right out of the CIA & Pentagon, and then follows all that up with posting something sensible again. Just a bit “crazy-making” no?

It pays to remember (“The 4 D’s: Deny / Disrupt / Degrade / Deceive”) that come right out of the trolling manual. It should be a red-flag if these descriptors characterize someone’s posts.

The saying that if it (“looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck, well, it just might be a duck”) – is one that is worth applying to our comment’s sections discourse. Because if it “posts like a troll”- in the end it doesn’t really matter if it “is” a troll (something we will never know), or is simply an uniformed but opinionated idiot – as that person is “doing the work of” the State sponsored trolls in either case.

I find it is always worth periodically reviewing what we know about these operations (thank you Edward Snowden) – as it helps us to better understand and prepares us to better deal with the State sponsored troll operations we now see routinely in all of our truly progressive comments sections on alternative media sites. What we now deal with here at OffG and elsewhere are daily routine attempts to take over, shape and control otherwise rational informed sincere discussion by readers. Sadly this is how some people make their living – existing in a continual state of existential “bad faith.”


Oct 29, 2019 11:50 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz


Anyone who stands for a perception managed ‘business as usual’ candidacy is authentic: anyone who tries to expose the vicious hypocrisy is an ‘asset’ or a ‘troll’? Welcome to the postmodern anti-debate.

I’m trying to think of where I have come across a more cynical attempt to distort the truth and apologetically cover ethnic cleansing and cultural anti-Muslim genocide? And I cannot think of a better example. Anyone who attempts to expose Gabbard for her cultural links to actual Hindutva supremacism and real live fascism must be a paid state troll? What can I say: I am a peace troll exposing the Politics of Lies you appear to support. Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor to humanity.

What I laid out below is not trolling: it exposes just how much you have to invert the true values of liberation and freedom to get a ‘peace candidate’ from a Zionist fascist supporter. In brief synopsis: Modi tore up the Indian constitution; flooded Jammu and Kashmir with troops; invoked the ‘Riot Act’ to eject all journalists and TV crews; in order that his ethnic cleansing of the valley goes unseen. This is a crime against humanity: which also carries no small risk of nuclear war. Making this apparent is trolling?

In the perversion of the narrative script you propose: this is called “vocally opposing America’s regime change wars”. How; by apologising for not being able to attend the ‘Howdy, Modi’ because she was pre-commited to be lying somewhere else?

In contrast: Arundhati Roy stands accused as a traitor and having her rights and citizenship stripped for bringing attention to Modi’s war crimes. What does Gabbard do? Pass the caviar and offer more lucrative trade deals for Modi’s murderers? That is the difference between a real world candidate and a fake. Will Gabbard call out Modi; el-Sisi; Netanyahu …or Adelson for that matter?

You know the scene that Milosevic likes to post: of Netanyahu being feted by Congress – which looks exactly like the Nuremberg Rallies …Gabbard was there …to listen to the ally and friend of the United States – that is the only democracy in the Middle East – denounce Iran. Afterward, she went on Fox News and glibly agreed Greta Van Susteren that the deal was akin to the infamous Munich Pact. Blithely nodding her head before engaging in some fantasy talking points about North Korean nukes hitting Hawaii: and the three month acquisition of the Iranian bomb …which comes straight off of one of Nuttyyahoo’s empty CD-roms. So can we drop the pretense please?


Adelson’s ‘Champion of Freedom’ nails her real colours to the mast?

Then you invoke Sartre: did you know he was a communist? Who staid loyal to Stalin’s Soviet Union for much longer than he really should have? What do you think he would have made of a candidate who dines with Hindutva fascist racist supremacists and offers them more trade on a pro rata basis of carrying out war crimes and crimes against humanity? Bad faith and authenticity: where do yo think they lie? Gabbard is an authentic candidate only in such a highly perception managed world as we have. Which is why we have such a highly perception managed world – because we highly perception manage it ourselves. No paid state trolls required: except in the imagination perhaps? Perhaps only those not suffering the illusion can see who she really is?

The only way to make this real is by censoring the right to criticism the illegitimate candidacy of those who are silent on Modi’s open fascism and very probable silent, unseen ethnic cleansing. If it is silent and unseen then it is not happening. Then we have our perfect ‘peace candidate’. Do you see how it works?

Let us shut down any chance of any open debate on that. Well done Gary. You and all the fawning sycophants on this page have the perfect peace candidate you deserve. By ignoring valid and authentic critical consciousness and suppressing the voice of freedom.

Gabbard needs to be exposed as a modified war candidate: and friend of the Gods of Money and their pet dictators. It is a cynical ploy to try and close down such real world exposure as ‘trolling’. Trolling for peace maybe? Peace we may never now know.

Oct 30, 2019 1:15 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Uh oh. I guess I’d better not point out that Gabbard is a member of the CFR, then. You’ve obviously got it all sewn up 🙄

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Oct 30, 2019 3:03 PM
Reply to  Frank

My comments were not intended to be a defense of Gabbard. Though she is the only candidate I can remember in many years that is speaking some truth, any truth, about the amoral U.S. war machine, she of course has no chance whatsoever of winning and no one in their right mind would suggest otherwise. Yet I and others who are quite aware of this obvious reality find the undeniable fact she is “publicly speaking some truth” about that war machine a rather important addition to the theatre of the absurd political debate here in the U.S. So strange that support and recognition of this simple fact is so controversial to some.

No, my comments were not some defense of Gabbard as an impure savior, but rather about the trolls and those who perhaps in their boundless narcissism simply do the work of the government trolls because they routinely “post like trolls.” You know, (“The 4 D’s: Deny / Disrupt / Degrade / Deceive”). Perhaps you missed that somehow?

I tire of so much smug narcissistic idiocy, and predictable attacks on any who might disagree, posing as – “commentary” or “discourse.” Of course neither you nor Big B have commented a word on that topic- the actual topic of my post. Instead simply strawman attacks related to Tulsi. How strange. But then again: “You’ve obviously got it all sewn up :(” – eh Frank?

Oct 28, 2019 10:02 PM

I really don’t give a shit about what the totally corrupt US political system is doing.

They are all scum and vermin, who, in a sane world, would all be swept down the gutter.

In the Middle East we are on the verge of WW3. The Russians and the Chinese are not going to put up with the American Frankenstein any more. Do Americans realise what this will mean?

I doubt it, because many Americans don’t have a brain cell between them (Clue: America will be totally destroyed in a WW3).

Oct 30, 2019 1:17 PM
Reply to  RobG


Oct 28, 2019 9:28 PM

8 elements appeared on a website recently which the author suggested could be used to identify fake, false, or self agenda propaganda.. learn them.. apply them.
Develop an international way to report in some standard way on the elements that appear in articles. Maybe date, time, place presented, element identified, together with a comment that fits each expression. In my opinion it is important to build the case that the same false narrative appears in your favorite fake media as well as everyone else’s favorite fake media.

You will be able to detect how these 8 elements develop fact that identify processes and activities of those in charge and how these elements will allow those seeking the truth to build a collaborative means to debunk fake. Example refer to paragraph 7 in a subject article by indicating “place” on “date” @ “time” “time” “title” and element number and then make a comment to explain why you marked the expression with a element number.

This kind of reference system allows to detect and compare both intra article fake news with inter publication fake news.. so maybe it will be discovered the news outlets and publishers and authors that hawk the same false or misleading propaganda in time to inform the public, moreover, if you can get the public to understand and to apply the element method of debunking propaganda; article by article, paragraph by paragraph, just the act of doing it, might wake them up.

1) EN establish the narrative :fake always try to establish the tuth
2) WR They wrong, we right : inconvenient facts are transformed to support the narrative
3) PF Cherry Pick the Facts : only report the facts that support the narrative
4) IS Ignore stuff : never include something that is contrary to the narrative
5) VB Blame the Victim : keep the victim on the defensive
6) MU Make up Stuff: false or non fact claims can be made up to fit the narrative
7) AC Attack and deny any form to all challengers: Persons who ask ?s are conspiracy terrorist.
8) RL Repeat the lies, repeat the lies, repeat the lies. People need help to remember the lie

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Oct 29, 2019 12:08 AM
Reply to  nonameforsure

Your eight methods for creating fake news aptly describe the way the ‘systemic anti-Semitism in the UK Labour Party’ myth was promoted. Particularly methods 3,4 and 8.

When I complained to a broadcaster about its incompetent and biased ‘coverage’ of this non-issue, one of its chief defences was: ‘that’s what all the other news outlets are saying’.

The MSM wonder why they are regarded as mendacious and contemptible by thinking people who take the trouble to separate the facts from the spin.

Oct 28, 2019 9:21 PM

A Brief Summary Of The War In Syria.

2011. The Neocons activate a long standing plan that has been around for 20 years to destroy Syria. Syria is to be destroyed, like Iraq and Libya before it. Assad will be toppled within a few months and Syria smashed into a thousand pieces.

The Axis of Evil, the US and its NATO satraps, Shady Wahabia, Kosherstan and Sultan Erdogan, flood Syria with the necessary cannon fodder, hundreds of thousands of head choppers and throat slitters from a hundred countries, with a licence to murder, burn, rape, loot, steal and enslave to their hearts content. An alphabet soup of takfiri groups is created out of thin air, armed, trained, paid, transported and orchestrated with tens of billions of western taxpayers money. ISIS is just one of many.

The Syrian state, armed forces and people resist with unexpected courage and determination, and fight the proxy head choppers to a standstill. But they are under extreme pressure and have to concentrate their forces in the main battles in the west of the country. This leaves a vacuum that is filled by the phantom ISIS caliphate. This suits the Axis of Evil just fine. There is no problem with ISIS black flags flying over Damascus provided Syria is destroyed.

By 2015, the outcome is in the balance. Clinton and Sultan Erdogan have agreed to impose a no fly zone to turn the tide in favour of the head choppers. A series of Gas Attack Hoaxes and false flag atrocity claims are staged over a protracted period of time to justify Libya style intervention.

All bets are off as Putin overrides his advisors and despatches Russian forces to intervene and prevent the destruction of the Syrian state. With the support of Iran and Hezbollah, the situation is transformed. Though the worst of the fighting is yet to come, the Neocon plot to destroy Syria is a busted flush. Syria is steadily liberated from terrorist occupation.

The main terrorist sponsors try to salvage something from this failure. Sultan Erdogan switches sides and takes the opportunity to attack the Kurds. Trump seizes the opportunity to scale back US involvement, generating much hysteria from all the Zionist shills in Washington. The Kurds seek some kind of accommodation with Damascus.

The war is now winding down. It will take some time before all the terrorist areas are liberated and occupying US and Turkish forces have to withdraw. But the outcome is now inevitable.

Chalk up another failure for the Neocons.

Berlin beerman
Berlin beerman
Oct 28, 2019 9:07 PM

Why the Soviet imagery ? Confused between Russians and the Soviet State? Careful, your ignorance is still showing.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 29, 2019 2:35 AM
Reply to  Berlin beerman

That’s easy to explain. You cannot run a proper Cold War unless you can recreate the mindset of that era. Modern imagery, even if it is some of the weirder stuff on youTube like extreme train surfing or car crash dash cam video just doesn’t cut it, it looks far too ordinary, too human.

(I’m starting to get the feeling that even if I went back in time to the Soviet State that it would look a whole lot more normal than I was led to believe at the time. Sure, interacting with the State could have bad side effects but as Maria Butina discovered the hard way the USSR isn’t the only country to breed a paranoid state security apparatus.)

Oct 28, 2019 6:55 PM

Mark will be along soon. In the meantime: just how much is this costing Sheldon and Miriam Adelson to promote Gabbard as “the peace candidate”?

And just how windowlicking dumb do you have to be to believe it?

It is a pity Arundhati Roy cannot stand. She is the perfect peace candidate to oppose Hindutva Fascist Modi …Tulsi’s BJP soulmate.

“The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling – their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them.”

That’s what peace means: the complete and utter rejection of ALL the shit they are selling. Everything else is a lie.

Will Gabbard be condemning the ongoing anti-Muslim pogrom and constitutional coup d’etat in Jammu and Kashmir? Will she join Arundhati in the fight against Modi’s supremacism …or backing Modi in his proxy attack on China? Or fete him in NY and greenlight his fascism?

Peace that is not universal is imperialism by another name.


Tulsi says sorry for missing the “Howdi, Modi” gala. Pass the sick bucket.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 29, 2019 8:41 AM
Reply to  BigB

Funny you mentioned Arundhati Roy as I almost bought her book today: Capitalism A Ghost Story, in a Left bookshop here, however ended up getting Culture & Imperialism by Edward Said and a second hand copy of Pedadogy Of The Oppressed which I’ve, um, never read. Time to broaden the mind, as have hardly read any books for years except articles on the Internet. Will pick up Arundhati’s book next time. Have a good day…

Oct 29, 2019 9:28 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezzah. Yes: read Paulo and let him seep into your core. Only we can set the Oppressors free – and break the Eternal Return of Oppression/Repression.

Arundhati stands accused of being a traitor and her citizenship rights stand in chance of being revoked in order to bring the ethnic cleansing in Jammu and Kashmir to public awareness. Tulsi Gabbard stands up to fete the fascist Modi: and offer him more lucrative deals for carrying out his pogrom on behalf of America.

This is the difference between real world and imaginary world politics. The ‘traitor’ is the Peace Candidate: the peace candidate is the Traitor. Such an inversion is beyond Orwellian. It shows how psycho-sexually infantalised we have become in our addiction to power. Our power we intentionally give away in order to be more dominated. So much so we are now in fear of our own freedom: which is the core dynamic of the Eternal Return of Oppression/Repression.

We do it to ourselves: only we can break the chains of humanities bondage to itself: because we made them. When we stop buying our own oppression; when we stop turning up for their wars; when we stop extracting and polluting and embrace each other across the industrially manufactured cultural divides …it all stops …for everyone.

Peace cannot come from consenting to sociopathic insanity: it comes when we say no. To say no: we have to be whole. We have to refuse to be split by cultural cognition and socially peer administered psychic repression. We have to be strong. Peace is the least available option on Earth right now. To stand up for peace you will be known as a traitor. And if you are a candidate: what do yoactually stand for? That is what we have to reject.

Namaste. Have a good one.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 29, 2019 10:06 AM
Reply to  BigB

Appreciate your reply, especially the last paragraph. The few people I know already regard me as bit of a ‘conspiracy theorist’ anyway. From people who fully buy the narrative of The Guardian, the BBC; who think Assange needs to answer ‘rape charges’, who believe the White Helmets are genuine. I know…. stay strong.
“Peace cannot come from consenting to sociopathic insanity”. I havn’t voted for over 20 years. We all need to say No. With everything. Couldn’t agree more.
There’s an Indian website I go on fairly often called Countercurrents (educate, organise, agitate) which has quite a lot of articles on the situation in Jammu & Kashmir, tho none on the homepage at present.
Some of Offguardian writers like Binoy Kampark, Edward Curtin and Andre V also write for it. Over and Out, have reading to do, Cheers…

Oct 28, 2019 6:55 PM

We are all Russian assets now.
I myself have been a Russian asset for years.
I have had to do Putin’s bidding ever since he threatened to publish old KGB photographs of me having sex with a rhinoceros.
Since then, I’ve been a Kremlin puppet, just like Trump. Gabbard and Jill Stein.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 28, 2019 11:46 PM
Reply to  mark

I am a Russian asset and I approve of this message!

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Oct 29, 2019 12:01 AM
Reply to  mark

But is the rhinoceros a Russian asset too – or maybe it was the vodka?

Oct 29, 2019 6:22 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Both. It was at Moscow Zoo when I was drunk on vodka.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 29, 2019 12:19 PM
Reply to  mark

After that admission, I guess, it’s pointless to ask who got the
horn & who got the hump … 😉

Oct 29, 2019 3:31 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

In my own defence I would say I was the victim of an elaborate KGB honey trap, or horn trap.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 29, 2019 4:10 PM
Reply to  mark

Are female rhinos docile when mounted or did you introduce homosexuality to Russians through demonstrating its principles via bestiality?

Oct 29, 2019 10:55 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

No, it was a female. I’m not perverted you know.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 29, 2019 4:09 PM
Reply to  mark

As Mr Putin has had amorous encounters with numerous young nubile ladies in various states of undress both before and after his formal separation from the mother of his children, I suspect you could call his bluff and ask how many of his Politburo fancy his job?

Oct 28, 2019 6:40 PM

The Dems morphed into neocons when her willy-waving husband sold out and destroyed the Democratic Party of LBJ’s Great Society.

Tulsi being a member of the establishment which she lambasts is quite a paradox, but can be seen from one’s own moral perspective.
During the VietNam war era, ’63-75, many who opposed the fiasco took a stronger stance: prison as a conscientious objector, moving to Canada, undesirable discharges, very vocal public protests & arrests.
Many lives and futures ruined, my own included, to actively stop the illegal & profit driven Invasion ..

Tulsi has shown a lot of class, truth to the darkest Power, and long may she have this platform..

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 28, 2019 5:32 PM

Next they will try saying that because she is not a mother she has no place being President.

If I had a vote in the US, I would vote for any man, woman, black/white/Hisoanic/Asian/any other ethnicity, straight/gay/indeterminate who:

1. Pledged to cut the US military budget in half, sign up to existing OPCW conventions on chemical+biological weapons and demanded that Israel did likewise.
2. Removed the right for dual citizen US-Israeli zionists to hold public US office (tell em to decide whether they are primarily aligned to Israel or not) and neutered the election-rigging AIPAC monstrosity at source.
3. Called out the global warming hoax as the biggest scam of the 21st century.
4. Enforced the concept that polluters pay to clean up their polluting, particularly in extractive industries, agriculture, mining and packaging.
5. Promoted the restoration of mutually owned local finance, particularly in providing mortgages.
6. Confronted the self-serving victim gravy train, in particular making the terms ‘man’ and ‘woman’ beyond the rights of anyone to take legal action.
7. vowed to shut down 25% of US overseas military bases in a first term and a further tranche in a second term.

Just for starters.

Jeanice Kimbrell
Jeanice Kimbrell
Oct 28, 2019 5:18 PM

Thank you for posting this extremely informative discussion with Harrison and Meiswinkle of The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry => temple run 2.

Given the absolute immensity of the case, it is understandable why the Southern District of New York has slowed the 9/11 Special Grand Jury process down to glacial speed. Perhaps now that the U.S. Attorney has cleaned some room off his plate with the disposal of Jeffrey Epstein, he can turn his full attention to finding the immeasurably important, brutal truth about what really occurred on 9/11 – September 11, 2001.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Oct 28, 2019 3:59 PM

Renée, you are a valuable asset yourself . It’s a pleasure to read your insights.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Oct 28, 2019 3:36 PM

The Bush family has long functioned as the “Republican Party’s face” of the CIA/deep state nexus, while the Clintons functioned as the “Democratic Party’s face of the same corrupt forces. The rather amazing reality that is seldom spoken aloud is that while former CIA director daddy Bush ran the Iran/Contra operation out of the Reagan White House as vice president – simultaneously small time Arkansas governor Bill Clinton was protecting that same drugs for guns operation which was using the Mena, Arkansas airport for the transfers.

In other words, at the very same time, in the very same clandestine CIA operation, “two,” count em, (“two future American presidents”) were both involved in the same illegal immoral narcotics and terror operation run by the CIA. This is how the CIA/deep state hedges it’s bets. It completely owns both parties and no – those who dare speak the word “peace” – are most definitely not welcomed into this little charade.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 29, 2019 11:55 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Not forgetting the many ‘legitimate’ pleas for donations to help deal with the Opioid Crisis, from the Clinton Foundation >>> Gary, they have the market & the solutions fully ‘covered’, so nobody can seemingly break the chain of deceit …

Unless, you are an FBI Agent investigating the Clinton Foundation Accountancy, this year: then, of course, the Agent must simply put his work’s pistol in his mouth, in the middle of the dance-floor in a club, whilst out partying with friends & pull the trigger ! After Seth Rich and the absurd & non-legitimate charges against Assange, should we all just take a bow and accept such operations from the Deep State CIA, home & abroad, or Legally Contest ?

How much longer do we have to endure such blatant financially & morally corrupted people and their actions, in a war of attrition on reality & fact ? ‘War on Terror’ – Bullshit !Jeeez, for anybody with a brain, WTC 7 was the limit, of Hollywood Gone M.A.D. (mutually assured destruction) and this has been many ILLEGAL Wars WITH TERROR as modus operandi, on our own people & non-radicalised Muslims ! And you’d have to be the blindest bat ever, with the oldest Radar, not to notice … yet, still the Guardian & Kat Viner & Harding persist in constant projection & transference, gaslighting strawmen & Russian-Bots, now to the point, where any scout or brownie would wear the Label ‘A Russian Asset’ with more pride than any LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ sticker of distraction: distraction from the fact that our biggest & most corrupted enemy lies within ‘The history of the National Security State’, that will quite happily even PIMP for PAEDOPHILE Politicians/MP’s perverted tastes, both sides of the pond, a fucking outrageous disgrace >>> just ask Gary HOY ! for starters… but, we all know how such depths of Secret Service’s depravity, run far deeper !
HANG EM’ HIGH, out to dry, for universal digestion of how depraved !!!
& nothing less ! Free Julian Assange: otherwise, if he dies, so must ‘they’, brutally & painfully, with honest rebellion, exposed for their outrageous treasonous behaviours against nation states and children of same, even in orphanages … Never in the field of human conflict, have I been so disgusted, with so many government agencies in the West !
Epstein’s videos are now public property, but in whose chain of custody ? !