The Metamorphosis of the Deep State

The Military Intelligence Complex Has Been Redefined as Career Bureaucrats Doing Their Patriotic Duty

Edward Curtin

Image source here.

It gets funny, this shallow analysis of the deep state that is currently big news. There’s something ghoulish about it, perfectly timed for Halloween and masked jokers. What was once ridiculed by the CIA and its attendant lackeys in the media as the paranoia of “conspiracy theorists” is now openly admitted in reverent tones of patriotic fervor. But with a twisted twist.

The “Deep State” has been redefined as career bureaucrats doing their patriotic duty

It was two years ago, early in the Trump administration, when The New Yorker and Salon, among many others, were asserting in no uncertain terms that there was no deep state in the United States, and so Trump had nothing to fear from that quarter since it was a figment of his paranoia.

Kit Knightly, writing in the Off-Guardian, brilliantly demolished this spurious propaganda at the time in a must read reminder of how tricksters play their games.

The corporate mass-media has recently discovered a “deep state” that they claim to be not some evil group of assassins who work for the super-rich owners of the country and murder their own president (JFK) and other unpatriotic dissidents (Malcom X, MLK, RK, among others) and undermine democracy home and abroad, but are now said to be just fine upstanding American citizens who work within the government bureaucracies and are patriotic believers in democracy intent on doing the right thing.

This redefinition has been in the works for a few years, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that this tricky treat was being prepared for our consumption a few years ago by The Council on Foreign Relations.

In its September/October 2017 edition of its journal Foreign Affairs, Jon D. Michaels, in “Trump and the Deep State: The Government Strikes Back,” writes:

Furious at what they consider treachery by internal saboteurs, the president and his surrogates have responded by borrowing a bit of political science jargon, claiming to be victims of the “deep state,” a conspiracy of powerful, unelected bureaucrats secretly pursuing their own agenda.

The concept of a deep state is valuable in its original context, the study of developing countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, and Turkey, where shadowy elites in the military and government ministries have been known to countermand or simply defy democratic directives. Yet it has little relevance to the United States, where governmental power structures are almost entirely transparent, egalitarian, and rule-bound.

The White House is correct to perceive widespread resistance inside the government to many of its endeavors. But the same way the administration’s media problems come not from “fake news” but simply from news, so its bureaucratic problems come not from an insidious, undemocratic “deep state” but simply from the state—the large, complex hive of people and procedures that constitute the U.S. federal government.

Notice how in these comical passages about U.S. government transparency and egalitarianism, Michaels slyly and falsely attributes to Trump the very definition – “unelected bureaucrats” – that in the next paragraph he claims to be the real deep state, which is just the state power structures.

Pseudo-innocence conquers all here as there is no mention of the Democratic party, Russiagate, etc., and all the machinations led by the intelligence services and Democratic forces to oust Trump from the day he was elected.

State power structures just move so quickly, as anyone knows who has studied the speed with which bureaucracies operate. Ask Max Weber.

Drip by drip over the past few years, this “state bureaucracy” meme has been introduced by the mainstream media propagandists as they have gradually revealed that the government deep-staters are just doing their patriotic duty in trying openly to oust an elected president.

Many writers have commented on the recent New York Times article, “Trump’s War on the ‘Deep State’ Turns Against Him” asserting that the Times has finally admitted to the existence of the deep state, which is true as far as it goes, which is not too far. But in this game of deceptive revelations – going shallower to go deeper – what is missing is a focus on the linguistic mind control involved in the changed definition.

Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m convinced.

In a recent article by Robert W. Merry, whose intentions I am not questioning – “New York Times Confirms: It’s Trump Versus the Deep State” – originally published at The American Conservative and widely reprinted, the lead-in to the article proper reads:

Even the Gray Lady admits the president is up against a powerful bureaucracy that wants him sunk.”

So the “powerful bureaucracy” redefinition, this immovable force of government bureaucrats, is slipped into public consciousness as what the deep state supposedly is. Gone are CIA conspirators and evil doers. In their place we find career civil servants doing their patriotic duty.

Then there is The New York Times’ columnist James Stewart who, appearing on the Today Show recently, where he was promoting his new book, told Savannah Guthrie that:

Well, you meet these characters in my book, and the fact is, in a sense, he’s [Trump] right. There is a deep state…there is a bureaucracy in our country who has pledged to respect the Constitution, respect the rule of law. They do not work for the President. They work for the American people.

And, as Comey told me in my book, ‘thank goodness for that,’ because they are protecting the Constitution and the people when individuals – we don’t have a monarch, we don’t have a dictator – they restrain them from crossing the boundaries of law.

What Trump calls the deep state in the United States is protecting the American people and protecting the Constitution. It’s a positive thing in this sense.

So again we are told that the deep-state bureaucracy is defending the Constitution and protecting the American people, as James Comey told Stewart, “in my book, ‘thank goodness for that,’” as he put it so eloquently.

These guys talk in books, of course, not person to person, but that is the level not just of English grammar and general stupidity, but of the brazen bullshit these guys are capable of.

This new and shallow deep state definition has buried the old meaning of the deep state as evil conspirators carrying out coup d’états, assassinations, and massive media propaganda campaigns at home and abroad, and who, by implication and direct declaration, never existed in the good old U.S.A. but only in countries such as Egypt, Turkey, and Pakistan where shadowy elites killed and deposed leaders and opponents in an endless series of coup d’états.

No mention in Foreign Affairs, of course, of the American support for the ruthless leaders of these countries who have always been our dear allies when they obey our every order and serve as our servile proxies in murder and mayhem.

Even Edward Snowden, the courageous whistleblower in exile in Russia, in a recent interview with Joe Rogan, repeats this nonsense when he says the deep state is just “career government officials” who want to keep their jobs and who outlast presidents. From his own experience, he should know better. Much better.

Interestingly, he suggests that he does when he tells Rogan that “every president since Kennedy” has been successfully “feared up” by the intelligence agencies so they will do their bidding.

He doesn’t need to add that JFK, for fearlessly refusing the bait, was shot in the head in broad daylight to send a message to those who would follow.

Linguistic mind-control is insidious like the slow drip of a water faucet. After a while you don’t hear it and just go about your business, even as your mind, like a rotting rubber washer, keeps disintegrating under propaganda’s endless reiterations.

To think that the deep state is government employees just doing their patriotic duty is plain idiocy and plainer propaganda.

It is a trick, not the treat it is made to seem.


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Nov 8, 2019 11:41 AM

I’m old enough (barely) to remember the kerfuffle caused by Peter Wright’s Spycatcher and his confirmation of “deep state” efforts to undermine Wilson’s govt. I’m not sure what the term used for this shadow group of career civil servants but the first time I heard the words “deep state” were in reference to the relationship between Tansu Çiller, the Turkish military and intelligence apparatus and the idea Çiller was a democratically elected and independent candidate (she wasn’t particularly on the Kurdish issue). I’d also heard the tem used to describe Pakistan under its various attempts escape military dictatorship. Perhaps we should all just accept that we resemble the chaotic 1990s Pakistan or Turkey.
My question to Ed Curtain is has there been a state since the Treaty of Westphalia that hasn’t had a “deep state” ? I’m curious to know. And if we are to do away with the alphabet soup of agencies that have coopted the business and media elites, how could any country practice statecraft or protect itself from those seeking to be injurious to it ? Is there a country that does not have an intelligence agency ? I can’t seem to find out.
I’m not convinced that Trump intends dismantling the “deep state” because his confrontational approach has not served him one iota. He also wouldn’t have hired the Boltons, Flynns and Pompeos et al of this world. Even the theory that he wishes to “expose” them threatens his own long term business interests (globalisation of brand Trump with casinos, exclusive hotels and resorts etc). I think he’s driven much more by his personal animosity towards getting even with his perceived enemies (quite a few throughout the USG structure) than been on the side of the “common man”.

Nov 7, 2019 10:51 AM

So: I got caught between two stools: making a specific set of claims on one page and not sufficiently transferring the references from one forum to another. And I got bogged down on the other forum defending the claims: and have not yet responded here. It takes time to find references: by which time the forum has moved on. So long in fact, no one will probable read this now. So, who looked at both forums? And who followed the references? Because Ed Curtin never did. Which is about the fourth or fifth time without actually engaging in what I have claimed and referenced. Which is closer to the truth than anything else being belligerently defended. I have made a very specific set of claims over the last few years or so. Specific: and adequately resourced in the primary historic record. My stance is anti-war; anti-nuclear; and anti-genocide. Which is a better definition of peace than the distorted version contained in the counterfactual mythmaking that I have tried to expose. I furthermore claim: there is no need to even argue if you check the record. None. But no one does. The legend lives on. So, for probably the last time … Curtin gives a page number in Douglass (page 66): please refer to it. It says JFK succumbed to Cold War pressure and approved CIA plans for sabotage and harassment on Cuba on June 19, 1963. Mark that date. Now refer to the DNSA ‘Operation Mongoose’ archive (link posted on both forums): Document 23 – dated January 28, 1963 …on the phase out of Operation Mongoose. Raids continued after that – such as those approved in June – but they were not strictly Operation Mongoose. A minor point: but one a meticulous historical record should make clear? Now refer to… Read more »

Catte Black
Catte Black
Nov 7, 2019 12:00 PM
Reply to  BigB

BigB – I think your desire to mythbust drives you to draw conclusions way in excess of your data. You have cited nothing that actually refutes the Curtin/Douglass interpretation. You just join the dots differently. There’s simply nothing that allows the certitude you want to find.

But then you become plain silly:

There was no separate National Security state operating outside the command structure of the Kennedy regime. That is a fabrication that has no basis in fact.

Seriously? If the recent history of the US presidency and wider geopolitics teaches us anything it’s the tokenism of our alleged democracies. Trump’s tenure, as Nixon’s before him, lays bare the real power structures and how easily the POTUS can be circumvented, isolated, manipulated and scapegoated by what is now called the Deep State.

If he does as he’s told he’s allowed his illusions of omnipotence, but if he goes off script – well it’s open season on him.

They don’t shoot presidents these days it seems, but the fact remains the same Deep State that destroyed Nixon & is currently baiting Trump blew JFK’s head apart in a public execution.

As a warning to the others it seems to have worked very well, but exactly why it was done matters far less than the fact and what it tells us about where power truly lies.

Nov 7, 2019 9:16 PM
Reply to  Catte Black

Good to see one of the Off-Guardian guiding team posting personal opinion identifiably BTL (as well as ATL) instead as a being behind the green curtain (or the behind impenetrable haze of expensive backroom cigar smoke) as overlord “Admin”.

Nov 8, 2019 11:56 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Catte: With all due respect: Have you read Stern or the NSA archives? There was no discernible difference in ideology between the Kennedys and the JCS/CIA national security ‘Deep State’. JFK was a Cold Warrior to his dying day – something Douglass even states. JFK’s entire foreign policy – Berlin, Cuba, and Vietnam – was driven by an anti-communism v free enterprise capitalism ideology. If anyone cares to check: they will find no discernible difference between the Kennedy’s and the Unspeakable. None at all. To make a difference their has to be a contra-factual narrative construction. Which is a clear blend of fact and fiction. Fact and fiction that can only be discerned if you actually cross-reference. It took me three days to write that comment – checking every fact. If you follow the step by step analysis: you can see clear light between what happened and the contrafactual virtual overlay. If the work is so masterful and scholarly: this should not happen. The fact that Douglass repeats RFK’s claim of a coup is an egregious fabrication. There was no coup. RFK rewrote history to make himself appear in a better light. Sorenson edited his memoirs to conceal the truth. Thirteen Days should be read as the campaign manifesto it was intended to be. To repeat its claims as historical fact is a clear deception. Particularly if you also have Stern’s ExComm transcripts on hand. The two totally contradict each other: mainly because RFK was lying. To repeat his lies as history makes history a lie. There was no coup. The other source was ‘Khrushchev Remembers’. Suffice to say he did not remember very well. He also rewrote history to better project the persona he wanted to be. In fact, none of the memoirs – of Schlesinger or McNamara for… Read more »

Nov 8, 2019 12:02 PM
Reply to  BigB

I forgot to add: Kennedy’s peace equals Pax Americana.

Nov 9, 2019 2:14 AM
Reply to  BigB

There is a case for Occam’s Razor. If you rely on the bare facts there is no need to introduce a complex pluralist invented narrative.

Interesting partial mis-statement of Ockham & successors coupled with a fully correct application of its intent. You should chum up with flaxgirl. She’ll put you homogeneously wrong tout de suite.

Nov 11, 2019 1:07 AM
Reply to  BigB

So Eisenhower’s farewell address in a television broadcast on January 17, 1961 was Bullshit? No Military-Industrial complex?

Or was he hinting that his successor JFK was leading that complex?

Nov 8, 2019 3:35 PM
Reply to  BigB

“the Brothers” … BigB very consistently keeps out the other Big Brothers (not the Blues Brothers): CIA co-creator and director Allen Dulles and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the drivers behind the Bay of Pigs that scared Castro into the arms of the USSR. Does anyone believe JFK in his first 3 months could have set that up? Trump could barely rearrange the chairs in the Oval office in his maiden months. The Dulles brothers had gained experience in coups in Iran and Guatemala. Those Brothers were The national security state: the proof is in the bullets they shot and the ones the Kennedys got.

Nov 7, 2019 5:00 AM

[Snowden] tells Rogan that “every president since Kennedy” has been successfully “feared up” by the intelligence agencies so they will do their bidding.

c.f. Bill Hicks…

Nov 6, 2019 11:13 PM

Large hunks of BTL have been disappeared from here…

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 6, 2019 11:48 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Are you trying (once again) to imply the comments are being censored? They aren’t, just like the last dozen times you played this game. Explain or we’ll treat this latest attempt as spam.

Nov 7, 2019 4:29 AM

Are you trying (once again) to imply the comments are being censored? They aren’t, just like the last dozen times you played this game. Explain or we’ll treat this latest attempt as spam. I don’t play games. I positively dislike games. And I have never either implied, or even hinted or claimed or stated that the Off-Guardian censors or delays comments (apart from a few stated exceptions like multiple links in the same post, to which I have never even referred). On the contrary, I have posted two (2) mentions that comments seem to have ‘disappeared’ (with no implications of censorship whatsoever), one of which (in an environmental thread about the consciousness of trees) I almost immediately retracted (with a detailed explanation) when I realized, courtesy of another poster named–from memory–Jean, that I was mistaken. So, presumably, you are confusing me with somebody else. On the subject of somebody elses: whenever I have noticed one of the relatively frequent claims by others that BTL posts here are censored, I have usually responded briefly (perhaps as many as a dozen times) that, apart from the aforementioned pre-stated exceptions, they are not. Admittedly those assurances have been based more on blind trust than technical insight into the processes of posting to the web, which–short of hacking–are generally opaque to those on the outside, so perhaps should not have been posted. But if wishes were horses then beggars would ride. But to address the ‘content’ of your abusive mini-rant directly: the “large hunks” of comments to which I refer include an extended conversation between ‘binra’ and others. (Even) I could be mistaken in that I am looking for them under the wrong article and they were actually posted under another article that appeared no more than a day or two later or earlier.… Read more »

Nov 7, 2019 5:01 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

I hate to write it, but suspect a troll here….

Nov 7, 2019 1:34 PM
Reply to  Antonym

I hate to write it, but suspect a troll here….

WTF does that mean? That you can find the passage I blockquoted in this BTL or in a BTL a couple of days on either side of it and, if so, where while I now can’t; that I didn’t cut and paste it into a text editor to compose a reply offline before posting it; that you haven’t bothered to ‘fact check’ before sounding off; or something else altogether?

Nov 5, 2019 3:51 PM

DeepState loses its cover as charity while the dead cat got bounced in the commons about the Russian interference report. This other report by the Scottish Charity people on the Institute of Statecraft and Integrity Initiative whooshs past unnoticed in Parliament.

luckily MoonofAlabama is on it. Check it.

Not a charity. Unusually salaried employees. Now de registered as charity and gone private. A massive can of worms and dovetails with the blowback from across the pond.

Never mind the msm, why didn’t Thornberry mention it today – an open goal deliberately missed.

Nov 5, 2019 12:10 PM
Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Nov 5, 2019 6:51 AM

Edward is quite correct in delineating the evolving MSM propaganda about the so-called ‘Deep State’, from their initial denial of its existence to them now painting it as a ‘loyal bureaucracy’ doing its patriotic duty in trying to ‘correct’ an ‘errant’ president. Humphrey Appleby and Bernard Woolley and so on. Luckily for the MSM, the term’s use in the more esoteric foreign policy wonk journals as a label for the repressive or murderous behaviours of states the US regime doesn’t much like didn’t reach popular usage. As horrible as he is, Trump has indirectly exposed to all and sundry many of the ways the US state apparatus operates; and also the interests of the ruling class, if rather too crassly direct and overtly for its tastes. Consequently, Trump has unleashed Bonapartist and repressive elements inside the state apparatus against himself while he unleashes them also against the populace, which reflects a division within the ruling class. Trump is akin to a ‘terrorist event’ that states, without exception, use as a pretext to increase their repressive powers against the ruled. The clumsiness in all this is such a testament to the degeneration and decay of statecraft within the US state apparatus, and elsewhere too, that it’s been so utterly incapable of disguising it. They appear not to have any Humphrey Applebys, so they make up for it by an admixture of repression and loathsome hubris, aided and abetted by a compliant corporate media. The ruling class may be terrified of Trump revealing too much about them, but they still suffer him since he does their bidding. Trump may not command support from the secret-police or foreign policy wings of their state, dominated it appears by the Democrats who have always been warmongers, but he still commands it from the military brass… Read more »

Nov 5, 2019 1:46 AM

Oh look luke harding is co-aurthoring an article on bobo and putin!

The games they play!


Nov 4, 2019 10:51 PM

Nobody ever seriously doubted the existence of the Deep State, no matter how convenient some people found it to dismiss this as a conspiracy theory on a par with denying the moon landings. One of the few saving graces of Trump is that reptilian figures like Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, and their ilk, and middle ranking military figures, have been forced to step out of the shadows, and say, “Yes, we are the Deep State, the unelected Spooks and the Snoops and the Hack Bureaucrats. We decide foreign policy, not the elected president and his administration. We claim a right of veto over government policy. We will bring down any president who crosses us. We will use the same methods internally that are employed abroad, subversion, corrupt and politicised prosecutions and smear campaigns, to achieve our ends. We will lie, cheat, and steal to get what we want. And you should be grateful that we do so.” The liberal Left and the MSM have been so unhinged by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they have been willing to act as cheerleaders in a treasonous conspiracy to stage a coup and overthrow the government. There was an active operation by the spooks and the dirty cops to steal the election, and when this failed, to sabotage and bring down the elected government. Spies were placed in the White House. Evidence was fabricated. Government officials were framed and convicted on bogus charges, in collusion with foreign governments (the UK and Ukraine, not Russia.) All of this coordinated with a protracted witch hunt by a MSM that had long since forfeited all integrity and abandoned any pretence of balance or objectivity. Whatever you think of Trump, the implications are staggering. Unless those responsible are held fully accountable and subjected to exemplary punishment, then this… Read more »

Nov 5, 2019 6:49 AM
Reply to  mark

a conspiracy theory on a par with denying the moon landings

Everything else turned out to be a lie, why should we assume that one isn’t?


Nov 5, 2019 5:25 PM
Reply to  milosevic

You make a valid point. We can’t take anything at face value.

Nov 4, 2019 1:33 PM

Nice article EC, that makes two in a row though O-G!

My parting of the way with the Groaniad came on their article (beliw) in 2018. The narrative has been setup ever since they feared the lies might come back to bite them in their rears. The Groan didn’t say why they barred me when I made my comments there – maybe they didn’t like me mentioning their Cadwalladr and our DS controlling board SCL, in the same sentence.


‘Adapted from the essay Paradoxes of the Deep State by Jack Goldsmith’
‘.Goldsmith is Henry L Shattuck professor of law at Harvard University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.’

The Dreyfusian scale of injustice against Flynn is about to be revealed. Hence the ‘friendly DS as protectors of the little people rather than gangster thugs of the rich’.

Just as the Cabinet Office, Bobo and Dom hide the Grieve report in Russian (prob not Putin but the thieving oligarch) influence in the TORY party.

First task of the new Speaker to intervene immediately.

Nov 5, 2019 2:13 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

It’s difficult to feel any sympathy for Trump or his appointees like Flynn who have been framed, when you consider what they have been up to in Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Palestine, and so many other places for the past three years. Any injustice they have experienced, however reprehensible, is as nothing compared to the death and misery they have inflicted on so many others.

But there are wider issues at stake than the fate of Trump and the chancers, grifters, spivs, criminals, con men, swindlers, halfwits and superannuated generals surrounding him. All the institutions of the state have been perverted, hopelessly compromised and delegitimised. The legislature, judiciary, MSM, Intelligence, law enforcement. And the damage cannot be limited to a single president or administration. When a system loses legitimacy, it is liable to collapse rapidly without warning.

And we see the same system of Government By Hoax in the UK. The non stop smears to discredit Corbyn. Skripal. The Syria Gas Hoaxes, orchestrated from the UK. This mendacity will take years for its full effects to become apparent.

Nov 5, 2019 12:09 PM
Reply to  mark

Agree with most of that except – potus didn’t go in on Syria like Hillary campaigned she would with a no fly zone and in same airspace that the Russians are based in. He hasn’t escalated a war with Iran, or in Ukraine , or indeed North Korea. Yes there is DS neo-con crap all across Africa from Yemen to the DRC. He probably doesn’t even know where because it is so covert and privatised – until something goes wrong and actual US troops die.

Venezuela is another fine example with the DS trying to run a Cuban style insurrection and installing a puppet – remember random Guydo giving a one week deadline to Maduro to step down!

All the billionaire backers with THEIR appointees have failed – Trump has kept his side of the deal and seems to have given them enough rope to hang themselves without ever persuing the neocon cfr Imperialist agenda that he was never part off – he seems oddly careful about not getting his hands bloody. Refreshing in the otherwise blood thirsty presidents – including the saintly Obama – whose legacy is now a bummer! The Nobel people should retrieve that peace prize – they can’t expect anyone to believe that he deserved it.

Nov 4, 2019 12:10 PM

Ah….. deep state, just another word for the tribe, the top of the scam chain, whom have the means and the cash to bribe anyone, anywhere, anytime, sprinkle with some cash, shining new toys and safeguard their childrens education and future, for the political whores to their children and whom on earth can fight that. I dont bother to dive deep but confinds my self to the present. And somehow, this pisses me off a bit, do we have people whom by some obscure reason have to drag some of the few, and I mean from an basket of 7 billion people there are few, the number is so low its not even defined as statistical noice, that infact did something, where as I my self have stayed on an distance have had to go out and say something, despite whatever they may be or their motives, witch is as far I know f…. irrelevant, since I adress the effect, to the cause they where, and yet we have people whom have to somehow drag that down to their moronic level, while I after all this years try to point on what they acctualy did/do. Take Max the Bloom, treated like shit, slammed to the wall by the police, whom used fake acusations/false charges to have an reason, because of been on the spot when the insane Banana republics foot soldiers attacked the Venezuelan ambasy, this, f….. is what I mean with the difference between saying drivel on the net and doing something, of all of the so called freedom fighters that man, despite the well pissers arguments about making Him to be something else, since He isnt that into the JQ, I would skake that mans hands and prise the fact He put His ass in the front line,… Read more »

Nov 5, 2019 2:16 AM
Reply to  mikael

Think how much less conflict and misery there would be in the world without this tribe.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 4, 2019 7:51 AM

The Deep State was first identified and satirized in a UK TV show back in the 1970s called “Yes, Minister”. The general plot line was that the good intentions, off the wall ideas and general incompetence of a minister in HM government was frustrated by an ingrained and deeply conservative civil service. You can see episodes of it on youTube and some of the material — especially that relating to the UK’s relations with the Common Market (EU as it then was) — is as relevant today as it was back then. (This series wasn’t a figment of a scriptwriter’s imagination; one of the writers was a relative of someone then serving in the government so there’s more than a vague ring of truth to the stories.)

We didn’t call it the Deep State at the time because it was “us”, it was the way things always had been, and it did have a built-in stabilizing effect on government. Its frustrating to those who want change, but then not all change is good. Currently those in the US who are complaining about the Deep State are only complaining because it won’t just up and work for them, its thousands and thousands of people who have sworn to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. (This subtlety is lost on Donald Trump.) It does carry a danger, though — anyone who controls that consensus, who can identify ‘them’ to ‘us’, has an awesomely powerful machine to control.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2019 10:12 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Yes Minister was a brilliant satire – but I wouldn’t rely on it too much as an indicator as to the true manoeuvrings of state. It was, after all, Thatcher’s favourite programme – although admittedly that may have been one of these things she was advised to say to make her look as if she was in touch with the great unwashed. YM relied on a cutesy image of the minster – later prime minster – Jim Hacker who was portrayed as an innocent totally befuddled by the machinations going on around him. Of course you could see this as artistic license to introduce the audience to the political environment. Bu I don’t know if the various bureaucratic bumbling in YM would actually conform to “The Deep State”. No doubt it’s a complex issue involving different levels of disclosure. And I would guess that there is more definite planning the further up you go – although I reject the Ickean notion of a conspiracy totally in control.

The reason why people in the States and here are now complaining about this Deep State is entirely due to the fact that the expression has now passed into common usage thanks to the internet. Therefore it has to be addressed and, of course, diffused.

Nov 4, 2019 1:35 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The Civil Service shouldn’t be confused with the DS even if the top CS’s are DS.

Nov 4, 2019 11:07 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Don’t forget ‘A very British coup’ …. now if only Corbyn had the nous and balls of Ray McAnallys portrayal.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 4, 2019 2:17 AM

… Edward Snowden, the courageous whistleblower in exile …

I assume all alleged whistleblowers (especially alleged ex-CIA agents) to be intelligence assets unless proven otherwise.

His lack of callout on 9/11 is a clear indicator as every insider and his dog would know that 9/11 was a massive Full-Scale Exercise pushed out as a real event where the only major realities of the day were destruction of and damage to buildings. If Brian Williams and David Restuccio knew it was all staged apart from the buildings, then certainly Edward Snowden and his dad knew. https://youtu.be/i5b719rVpds?t=224

In his book, he oh-so-shockingly reveals that his dad told him, “They bombed the Pentagon.” Woo-hoo!

And the Department of Justice suing him over Permanent Record? … That’s just a ruse to raise the book sales.

baby gerald
baby gerald
Nov 5, 2019 9:36 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Only recently I have been listening to archived episodes of radio broadcaster Dave Emory on spitfirelist.com. His specialization is the history and spread of fascism since the end of World War 2 and he happens to be one of Snowden’s fiercest critics, derogatorily calling him ‘Eddie the Friendly Spook’ and stating plainly his opinion that Snowden is an agent and distraction. From the episodes I’ve listened to so far, it seems Mr. Emory’s suspicions also extend to Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange, and Pierre Omidyar, as well.

If his past journalism wasn’t so spot on, I’d think Mr. Emory was taken by conspiracies, but the more I think about it, he’s probably correct about Snowden, too. Anyway, check out his For The Record archive in the link- the Snowden coverage starts around episode 753.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 5, 2019 9:57 PM
Reply to  baby gerald

I wouldn’t be in the least surprised about Greenwald, I’m only vaguely familiar with Omidyar’s name so wouldn’t have a clue about him but Julian Assange definitely isn’t and the clear evidence is in his state of health – I know Julian’s father quite well which doesn’t necessarily mean a whole lot (I’m sure agents have family members fooled and so on but his state of health definitely proves it in my book plus everything I’ve read about him does not suggest that he is even if he doesn’t recognise 9/11 – that’s simply an aberration and perhaps intelligence assets such as Chelsea Manning persuaded him that 9/11 wasn’t an inside conspiracy. The Collateral Murder video is a fake.

Nov 4, 2019 1:55 AM

Since when are tainted NSA, FBI or CIA officers not career government officials? False dichotomy detected. They are not the only group of a Deep State; there is the private branch with the easy money access- like some Rockefellers or Soros. Politicians for hire are the third group.
They rent themselves Western or Islamic mercenaries if needed for “plausible” deniability. They hire themselves to Big money from USA, KSA, Qatar or whomever of the 1%.
Their loyalty is to the dollar and their cabal, not to their entire nation.

Nov 4, 2019 1:56 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Forgot the presstitutes on no.4.

Nov 3, 2019 11:11 PM

The Council on Foreign Relations & their deep state operatives throughout all areas of government are professionally bound to eviscerate The Duck and his leeching parasitic progeny from the public trough
pronto, and before they single-handedly destroy what tiny shards of organic economic activity still exist in this deflationary environment.

Screw the right-of-center pundits & punditry that seems to think government & the Democrats don’t have ample excuse to frag the motherfucker off the board of directors to a corporation that typically fires the motherfuckers outright when they fucking lose the economy to recession and its dictates for shit-for-brains presidents like Richard ‘tricky dick’ Nixon & The Donald Duck.

Bureaucracy is fully entitled to destroy recessionary presidents that can’t deliver growth in post-Greenspan deflationary headwinds. We don’t give a rat’s arse if the right-of-center punditry is crying foul & screaming bloody murder with the fucking hair on fire as they wave their collectively goofy arms gesticulating hysteria en masse for the tabloids & rags that purport to be edifying.

Who gives a rat’s arse if The Duck is sent packing when he can’t fellate Deutsche Bank enough to get their losing fucking stock back up a few pennies more before this whole charade implodes due to not enough bluster on the part of the bellowing bellicose buffoon of belligerence?

Fuck that, man.

The Duck deserves obscurity & excommunication forthwith, your honour.

Send him to the gallows!


Nov 5, 2019 2:24 AM

The only problem with that is that this is not a one off.
Every subsequent president from now on with face the same fate.
No president will complete a term in office.
They will be removed by highly dubious means.
Any improbable sex allegation, third hand rumour, unsubstantiated malicious gossip, or organised smear campaign will suffice.
A crudely forged Indonesian birth certificate in the case of another Obama.
The way to get rid of Trump is to defeat him at the next election. Not by charging down every rabbit hole they can find.

Nov 5, 2019 3:12 AM
Reply to  mark

That game is up now as the “Democrats” are about to find out in November 2020.

Nov 3, 2019 11:10 PM

Of course one thing The New York Times and its fellow MSM travellers will never admit to is their own absorption or subsumption into the Deep State. Given its own history of CIA infiltration into its operations, the NYT’s protest that the Deep State amounts to nothing more than diligent and conscientious public servants carrying out their patriotic duties in trying to rein in a supposedly deranged President is the kind of fake wide-eyed ingenuity that makes even Bambi look streetwise and world-weary.

Curtin’s article and the similar article that Bernhard H posted at his Moon of Alabama blog exposing the NYT’s running interference for its masters demonstrate the depths to which that newspaper and the MSM have sunk, that they would arrogantly think that the public can be fobbed off with such infantile explanations about the Deep State that they themselves are part of.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 4, 2019 3:28 AM
Reply to  Jen

Absolutely. The New York Times allegedly issued a FOIA request to the city of New York to release the “oral histories” of first responders recorded shortly after 9/11. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/12/nyregion/city-to-release-thousands-oforal-histories-of-911-today.html

This was propaganda targeted to truthers to make it seem as though the authorities were trying to hide controlled demolition when, in fact, their truther-targeted propaganda campaign was all about focusing truthers on controlled demolition:
— They mixed it with the lie of real death and injury using disinformation agents such as Bob McIlvaine to keep truthers hamstrung in getting out the truth that 9/11 was, essentially, a massive Full-Scale Exercise and
— Diverted truthers from the faked plane crashes which leads to the realisation that 265 of the alleged 3,000 deaths didn’t happen and thus invalidates that number right off the bat. Faked plane crashes also eliminates immediately any possibility that the buildings didn’t come down by a controlled means and certainly the last thing the perps wanted was a dearth of material to keep everyone distracted with.

This is similar to the alleged FOIA request by Reuters, reported by the NY Times, for the faked Collateral Murder video. https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/world/middleeast/06baghdad.html

Nov 3, 2019 10:47 PM

Edward Heath – a well-known pedo – sold out the UK to the EU back in the 1970s. Everything since has been totally corrupt…

Nov 5, 2019 12:07 PM
Reply to  RobG

In support of the clip above, there is this one, :-https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/11/03/retired-scotland-yard-detective-outs-child-care-home-pedophilia-sex-trafficking/

Nov 3, 2019 10:17 PM

My experiences, the Scott Inquiry, the British Legal System By Gerald Reaveley James I am reminded of the very appropriate quote from Edmund Burke (1729-97) “It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph.” I am most grateful to Dr Badsha for inviting me and honoured to make this address at this Conference of the Environmental Law Centre. The Astra case and my case reflect much that has been to the fore in recent years in not only scandals around arms companies like Astra, Matrix Churchill, Ordtec, Forgemasters, Walter Somers, Ferranti and other companies like Polly Peck, BCCI and Maxwell but also in the Scott Inquiry, the BSE Inquiry and the Lloyds of London affair and other scandals. The underlying problem is secret unaccountable government which bypasses Parliament and how the law is administered in the UK, gives aid and succour to such a state of affairs. The most common device is the concealment of evidence and manipulation of cases. There is a tendency when challenged for those in authority to talk of conspiracy theories. My experience is that those who do so are usually part of the conspiracy. My company Astra gave rise to much of the circumstances which created the Scott Inquiry, the Supergun revelations (we reported it first), the Aitken affair, the murder of Gerald Bull in Brussels in March 1990 and much else. Background note: My name is Gerald Reaveley James. Until March 1990 and between 1980 and 1990 I was chairman of Astra Holdings PLC (“Astra”) which became a leading ammunition and weapons manufacturer. By the late 1980’s Astra had factories in the United States (9), Canada (2), Belgium (5), United Kingdom (5) and administrative headquarters in Washington Dc, Brussels and London and employed 4,000 personnel. The story of… Read more »

John Deehan
John Deehan
Nov 4, 2019 12:25 AM
Reply to  Ruth

Very good.

Nov 4, 2019 2:27 AM
Reply to  Ruth

the discovery Pakistan had the atomic bomb ??
Pakistan got the design plus fuel for a few flown in from Deng China by planes. They (A.Q. Khan) stole more technology from Urenco in Holland. The CIA knew this but let them continue as reward for staging the Taliban against the USSR and assisting petrol station KSA through out. Khan & Paki generals proliferated towards North Korea, Libya, Irak and Iran, NOT the West. Some in the West “only” did the chemical proliferation – the poor man’s” WMD.
That many UK and US courts are compromised is clear to most observers.

Nov 4, 2019 11:02 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Israel was given its huge illegal nuclear arsenal by France, Britain and the US. It was given a nuclear reactor by France, heavy water from Britain, and stole (was allowed to steal) nuclear fuel and nuclear triggers from the US. Kennedy tried to stop the genocidal Zionist Regime from acquiring WMD (and we all know what happened to him.)

Nov 5, 2019 1:26 AM
Reply to  mark

So in your (self?) hate you dump JFK’s assassination on the Mossad’s plate instead of on the CIA’s? These Zionists are getting more and more Almighty: run the US, Russia, the UK etc. Maybe they are really “Choosen” 😀
Wow, not all alpha and gamma students can cross that old bridge with you as some can’t handle too many inconvenient facts over a fatwa.

Nov 4, 2019 12:55 PM
Reply to  Ruth

Ruth, thankyou very much. A few points to add:-

The 5 eyes are actually 5+1 eyes – it is relevant.

The only judicial inquiry that i have witnessed to be transparent is Leveson’s – the DS effectively shelved that, so far.

Peter Lilley – didn’t go to spend more time with his family – he seems to have been given the main task of ballot box stuffing in the UK. So effectively used in the two referendums this decade and having a major deployment of election stealing in the coming general election.

The DS dies not live by democracy – it just pretends to. It is feeling threatened for the first time since they moved on Wilson in the 70’s.

It is vital that there is maximum voter registration and turnout and FULL audit trail for postal votes.

Nov 4, 2019 5:21 PM
Reply to  Ruth

Brilliant comment, reads as how to hide a government from view. I always knew that if people wanted to change economic and foreign policy, they would have to disassemble the security services. How naive, it’s obvious there is a whole other level hidden in plain sight from the privy council, law makers, judges, bankers, industrialists, military, media and civil servants, while the majority of MPs are red herrings and only exist to legitimise the long con.
I’d forgotten about the super-gun affair, someone tried to tell me there are no conspiracies, just people doing what they believe is right….what nonsense.

Nov 4, 2019 9:40 PM
Reply to  lundiel

There’s also a hidden economy, the sources which come from organised crime, organised, I believe, by the intelligence services and covered up HMRC and the courts, crimes such as VAT and excise fraud, stripping Russia of assets.

Nov 3, 2019 9:59 PM

Snowden is an actor playing a role. In his latest missive, he says the US government should do more to prosecute the perpetrators of the events on 9/11/2001. As if the US government is innocent and not a major actor. Same with the people who want the Saudi connections to be investigated. Misdirection.

As for Trump, one somewhat positive thing is that he has admitted publicly that the USA is in Syria to secure/steal the oil. It’s always been about Oil, Petrodollar, and Opium. No POTUS has ever been that truthful about the real motives behind USA military interventions. No exporting Democracy. No Freedom. No subjugation of Evil to allow Good to triumph.

Nov 4, 2019 12:52 AM
Reply to  Igor

Trump is just a bit cruder and less polished than his predecessor, the Magic Negro. There is no real substantive difference. Trump is even more under the thumb of his Zionist masters. All that is happening is that the system is breaking down and competing factions, like rival Mafia clans or drug gangs, are fighting over the spoils. The outcome is of no importance whatsoever to the man in the street – like the outcome of the December election in the UK. It’s only a question of who gets to fill a vacancy of quisling stooge serving Zionist and globalist interests (though some sad people entertain delusions that Labour and Jezza can make some kind of difference.) The system no longer works for the vast majority of people throughout the world, and this can no longer be covered up. All the pillars of the state, the elites, the political system, the financial institutions, the MSM, the secret police, the spooks and snoops, have lost all legitimacy and all credibility. They have lost control and will not recover it. No matter how much censorship and snooping and intimidation they resort to. This is a losing strategy. Even people who aren’t very bright realise there isn’t anything in it for them any more. Hence Trump, Brexit, and the breakdown of the established order and revolts from below in countries across the planet. Chile, Ecuador, Haiti, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Germany, France, Italy, to name but a few. Whatever other option is on offer, it cannot be worse than what we have now. People realise the current shit show has nothing to offer them. But the system is more likely to collapse through popular chronic apathy and indifference than through active revolt. They will simply withdraw from involvement in the system into private life,… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 4, 2019 11:57 AM
Reply to  Igor

As if the US government is innocent and not a major actor.

It’s THE major actor – all the other nations involved – and I’m sure so very many were at some level or another (including Australia – as if Howard didn’t know) – are of secondary importance. It was under the auspices of the US government and they need to be targeted first. As you say about KSA (and which equally applies to all other nations including Israel), “misdirection”. But it pays to bear in mind that 9/11 was, essentially, a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event. Death and injury were staged and this dramatically changes the complexion of the event.

Nov 3, 2019 8:55 PM

This smells like ‘deep state’ shenanigans; for those that don’t know already :- https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2019/10/30/brexit-the-cold-hard-truth-emerges/ -: .Doris Wornsome leading us up the garden path again.

Nov 3, 2019 8:33 PM

That is something all of us should not let them get away with. Claiming that these unaccountable people are just doing their patriotic duty. The opposite is true for so many reasons.

The main reasons for me are that the warmongering policies will produce ‘ blowback. Terror attacks are one but ultimately the recklessness which they pursue this policy puts us all in danger against a nuclear armed Russia and China. The US, France and UK via the ‘deep state’ and almost the entire establishment, including the Labour opposition and media is pushing the world to the edge. This behaviour is treason. There is no closer word to describe it.

All these people, whether criminal, corrupt or ignorant should be locked up for the protection of people in the Middle East, elsewhere and every one of us.
This includes every mainstream journalist who has supported the wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria and those in the know who have not spoken out against those that do. Sites like Bellingcat and others should also be closed down for their lies as a matter of national security and to protect the interests of this country. To recognise the sheer scale of the criminality now and act upon it is the only way I fear.

Nov 3, 2019 7:46 PM

I’ve just written in detail why Curtin/Douglass/Talbot’s conspiracy theory – of JFK against the Unspeakable Deep State – is a tissue of half-truth interwoven with lies and omissions. Specifically: that the Kennedy’s did not know of Operation Mongoose – which the CIA Deep State ran covertly behind their back. Which got our heroes into some tricky water around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Which RFK/Sorenson and subsequently Douglass and Talbot et al had to completely rewrite history to maintain our heroes integrity and sanctity. That is: they made it up. Nothing could have ever been further from the truth: but hey …let’s not spoil a good pulp fiction? The Kennedy’s ran Operation Mongoose as the highest priority of their regime. As such: they have to be considered largely responsible for the Cuban Missile Crisis: for trying to provoke a false flag excuse for a full scale invasion of Cuba. Invasion plans that were not stood down until long after the Crisis ended. In direct contravention of any agreement made. But hey ho: let’s blame the Deep State. Only who are the Deep State? And who were the Unspeakable? The Kennedy’s were certainly part of both. In the haste to reflexively downvote: you might want to review the documentary evidence first? https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//dc.html?doc=6434721-National-Security-Archive-Doc-15B-NSC-Memorandum https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/cuba/2019-10-03/kennedy-cuba-operation-mongoose The first has RKF chairing an SG (A) meeting in which false flags and measures such as chemical and biological crop sabotage are openly discussed – without demur. This was after the infamous Northwoods document that so appalled the brothers in the fantasy version. The methods were not used. But others were. So if there was no Kennedy’s versus the Unspeakable Deep State is woo: isn’t there just the state …or state and para-state and factions and divisions within? For which the Deep State is not… Read more »

Edward Curtin
Edward Curtin
Nov 3, 2019 9:13 PM
Reply to  BigB

When commentators don’t identify themselves publicly but hide behind fake names, there is an obvious problem.

I will simply reply to the statement this anonymous person made about me, James Douglass, and David Talbot. Did I or Douglass or Talbot say the JFK didn’t know about Operation Mongoose? No, it is a straw dog set up to knock down. For the context and truth of this false set-up and the National Security Archive documents, readers should go to pp.66 and following in Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable and pp. 95 and following in Talbot’s Brothers, among other places in these authors’ writing. I suppose the anonymous BigB believes that the bullets to the their heads the Kennedy brothers received were because they were in accord with the “State.” Is the anonymous BigB’s saying “We are the Deep State in disguise” a Freudian slip? “Projected paranoia” – a set phrase. One has to wonder.

Nov 3, 2019 9:48 PM
Reply to  Edward Curtin

You’re oddly hostile to BigB’s interesting analysis, as though it’s a personal attack on you.

You’re oddly fixated on someone using a pseudonym, too, as though their anonymity somehow strengthens your argument, standing, as you imply, boldly in the town square declaring yourself to the world. Strikes me as a straw man argument if ever I saw one.
If your thesis is accurate, then anonymity is a sane and sensible choice.
If BigB’s thesis is accurate, then anonymity is a sane and sensible choice.

Edward Curtin
Edward Curtin
Nov 3, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  Frank

Really, hostile? No personal attack? When this person accuses me, James Douglass, and David Talbot of lies and then begins the “analysis” by saying something that none of us ever said. Anonymity is a “sane and sensible choice” – why might that be.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Nov 4, 2019 2:23 PM
Reply to  Edward Curtin

Ed – your “bullshit-detector” is in fine working order I can assure you. Our anonymous “BigB’s” attacks on those who expose or oppose CIA talking points and/or Western imperialism are as predictable as, well, pretty much all MSM commentary these days on the same issues. He simply makes lame distorted critiques in line with the MSM party line while donning an “uber-woke” embarrassingly arrogant persona. Quite the shtick. You’re not alone in seeing through it.

John Deehan
John Deehan
Nov 4, 2019 12:44 AM
Reply to  BigB

You should really watch the recent BBC program Spotlight on the troubles a secret history to watch , one example, of the Deep State in action. Particularly poignant is the murder of the solicitor Pat Finucane by those agents of it or is that “ projected paranoia “?

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 3, 2019 6:39 PM

You can see a system of control seeking ‘sustainability’ by any and every trick in the book or a power that threatens to overwhelm our world.
What do we give acceptance to by acting as true?
Is it true?
Is it the deep state of an unconsciousness – kept background by directing always out and away from self?

Where exactly does power lie or operate in our life, in our family or workplace and world?
Is our idea of power itself corrupted and therefore corrupting?
I feel this is so.

No one wants to lose what they have identified and invested in as real – when it is no longer supported.
Regardless the mainstreaming of narrative identity – the nature of what is not supported by reality is at war with ‘what is’ – which applies to self no less that other.
Its a false investment and no amount of incentivising can make it true.

Attend the Living.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 3, 2019 4:19 PM

Over at Moon of Alabama a few days ago, ‘b’ had up a post along the exact same lines as Curtin’s above: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/10/endorsing-the-deep-state-endangers-democracy.html.

Nov 3, 2019 3:55 PM

Given that Trump is in no real sense a threat to the interests of the Deep State, the significance of the current campaign against him must lie somewhere else. Whether or not Sanders is a threat-and there are many who will hasten to deny that he is- the policies that he is putting forward most certainly constitute a challenge to neoliberalism and neoconservatism. Medicare for All, now it would seem also espoused by Sanders’ moderate challenger Warren, not only involves enormous disruption of the current means of milking of the people but also represents a reversal of those trends towards privatisation exemplified in the destruction of the NHS. To put it clearly if Medicare for All is realised in the United States, Branson et al can forget about the accelerated re-privatisation of healthcare in the UK. And France. And Canada. And in the many other places where socialised medicine is under attack. Again, if Sanders actually means what he says about Gaza and the annual subsidy to Israel-that the money should be made conditional on an improvement of living conditions for Palestinians- that too would constitute a real challenge to the very core interests of the deep State. The most sinister aspect of the campaign against Trump has been the open, unabashed demonstration of the arrogance and brutality of those interests- from the CIA/MI6, to the military, to the media and the Academic world, increasingly disciplined to perform its function as ideologist/apologist for the system-which are saying, in essence “The only real problems that we have with Trump are stylistic, we don’t like the look of him, we don’t like his irreverence and vulgarity. And so, just for the fun of it, we are going to smash him into pieces. “And the moral of the story is that should anyone… Read more »

Nov 3, 2019 6:54 PM
Reply to  bevin

Very well said.

Nov 3, 2019 3:48 PM

The U.S. is FUBAR. Having looked at alternatives to this assessment, I realized, this is the only superlative for ‘Fucked Up’. No ‘Fucked Uptest’, or even ‘Most Fucked Up’ will suffice. Maybe ‘Fuckuppery’ could work, since it implies the permanance of the ‘Fucking Up’ and the institutionalization of it.

In comparison, the only adequate equal to the state of U.S. affairs ought to be a parachute with holes in it. Or an airplane running out of fuel a 30,000 ft. The Titanic might also work – but only if it has tied to the ship a number of icebergs dangling back and forth at the hull.

A band that I have always enjoyed listening to once had a song in the early 80’s. The band was ‘Fun Boy Three’ and the song they gifted the world with was “The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum

This has to be the aptest of all comparisons when it comes to the U.S.: psychopaths have taken over society. A society that has already lost most of the marbles it might have ever had. A lost cause. A no-future cesspool of corruption, deception and crimes against humanity.

If it would be a single person, one would be forgiven to spit before its feet.

Nov 3, 2019 3:36 PM

“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas.”
(“The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.”)”

POLITICAL PONEROLOGY: A Science on The Nature Of Evil Adjusted For Political Purposes
By Andrew M. Lobaczewski

Nov 3, 2019 7:53 PM
Reply to  Ramdan

There is an alternative take on this.
The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he is God.

Which designation best suits the God of so much of the Bible?
Vain, petty, spiteful, malicious, vengeful, glorying in death, destruction, torture, atrocities, genocide and suffering.

Nov 3, 2019 8:01 PM
Reply to  mark

..this definitely not a theological argument (at least, not for me)….but just plain and simple evil as embodied in humans…..and I’m not talking about possessions or exorcisms 🙂

Nov 3, 2019 10:04 PM
Reply to  mark