When is a Whistleblower, not a Whistleblower?

Renée Parsons

For those readers who care more about Donald Trump, Obama’s legacy or the Republican/Democrat parties rather than the Rule of Law and what remains of the US Constitution, the following scenario should be a Giant Wake up Call.

As the result of an anonymous “whistleblower” Complaint filed against President Trump on August 12, the House Intel Committee conducted a series of closed door hearings that violated Sixth Amendment protections while relying on an anonymous WB. 

Right away, those hearings morphed into an impeachment inquiry that took on the spectacle of a clumsy kerfuffle not to be taken seriously – except they were.

There is an essential Ukraine backstory which began with the US initiating the overthrow of its democratically elected President Yanukovych in 2014.

Fast forward to Russiagate followed by Ukrainegate and an impeachment inquiry with Trump telling newly elected Ukraine President Zelensky in their now infamous July 25th conversation:

I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation in Ukraine; they say Crowdstrike.  The server they say, Ukraine has it<.”

In a nutshell, possession of the CrowdStrike server is crucial to revealing the Democratic hierarchy’s role in initiating Russiagate as the Democrats are having a major snit-fit that now threatens the constitutional foundation of the country.

On October 31st the House voted to initiate a formal impeachment inquiry based on  still mysterious Whistleblower’s allegations. At the time, there was still no confirmation of who the shadowy Whistleblower was or whether a Whistleblower even existed.

It is a fact that most whistleblowers bring the transgression proudly forward into the public light for the specific purpose of exposing the deeds that deserve to be exposed.  At great personal cost, they then provide a credible case for why this offense is illegal or a violation of the public trust and deserves to be made public.

This alleged WB, however, defies the traditional definition of a WB who most often experiences the wrong-doing first hand and from a personal vantage while revealing said wrong-doing as a function within an agency of their employment.

This WB’s identity has been protected from public disclosure by TPTB, shrouded in mystery and suspicion as if fearful of public scrutiny or that his ‘truth’ would crumble under interrogation and not be greeted with unanimity.  What is clear is that this WB had no direct experience but only second-hand knowledge of events which is defined as ‘hear say’ evidence. While inadmissible in a Court of law, why should ‘hear say’ be allowed when the subject is as profound as impeachment of a President?

Real-life CIA whistleblower Jon Kiriakou who served 22 months in prison, suggested this “whistleblower is not a whistleblower but a anonymous CIA analyst within the Democratic House staff.”  When was the last time a real whistleblower was ‘protected’ by the government from public exposure.

There has been no explanation as to why this informant’s identity is necessarily been kept secret – and not just from the public but from Members of Congress especially as Republican Members have been unable to question him. 

There has been no further information regarding a second “Whistleblower” who allegedly came forward to corroborate the first WB although why it is necessary to corroborate that which has already been publicly revealed remains questionable.

In a once unimaginable example of CIA–Democratic collusion,  it turns out that the identity of the alleged WB is not such a secret after all. 

Far from the public eyes of Americans, there has been a coordinated effort to stifle any exposure of his identity; presumably to prevent any revelation of the underpinnings of exactly how this convoluted scheme of malfeasance was organized.  And as his name and political history within the Obama Administration and Democratic party are publicly scrutinized, it makes perfect sense why the TPTB would prefer to prevent public hearings or keep the WB’s identity under wraps.

His identity should have been public knowledge weeks ago and yet it took Real Clear Investigations, an alt-news website to publicly reveal what has been well known within the DC bubble for some weeks. 

The answer to the title question is that this WB is instead a very well connected partisan lackey and CIA operative.

The alleged WB is said to be a 33 year old CIA analyst by the name of Eric Ciaramella who was an Obama White House holdover at the National Security Council until mid 2017. 

Consequently, he has deep partisan ties to former VP Joe Biden, former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice as well as the DNC establishment.  And here’s where it get especially interesting; Ciaramella specializes in Russia and Ukraine, is fluent in both languages, ran the Ukraine desk at the Obama NSC and had close association with  Ukrainian DNC hyper-activist Alexandra Chalupa.

Ciaramella’s bio reads like a litany of the political turmoil that has consumed the nation for the last three years as it is reported that he had a role in initiating the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy while at the Obama White House and worked with Biden who was the Obama point-person on Ukraine issues in 2015 and 2016 when  $3 billion USAID funding was being embezzled.  

Clearly, Ciaramella has a wealth of information to share regarding the Biden Quid pro Quo scandal which is currently being muzzled by the corporate media.

With Ciaramella’s identity revealed, a former NSC staffer who was present during the Trump-Zelensky July 25th conversation testified that he saw nothing illegal in the talk.  Tim Morrison told the House Intel Committee that “I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed” and that the transcript of the call which was declassified and released by the White House  “accurately and completely reflects the substance of the call.” 

As a result, Ciaramella is now refusing to publicly testify before the House or Senate Intel Committees.

More recently, Mark Zaid, attorney for Ciaramella has said that his client would accept written questions from Republicans on the House Intel Committee and that his client “wants to be as bipartisan as possible throughout this process while remaining anonymous.”  

Seriously?  He’s got to be kidding.

Did the reality of being required to testify in public just recently dawn on Ciaramella or was he not expecting that his every word and utterance would be scrutinized before the entire world?  Is he so unfamiliar with the Sixth Amendment that he believes a Defendant’s right to confront his accuser should not apply to him or in a Presidential impeachment inquiry?

Did he actually believe he could make anonymous impeachment accusations against the President of the US without a ripple or without having to directly face questions from House and Senate Republicans?  Who did he think would protect him from public scrutiny?

Given Ciaramella’s extensive partisan history since 2015 and his national security experience with Susan Rice in the Obama White House, it will be interesting if he receives a mention in the IG report on the abuse of FISA warrants and whether Ciaramella’s name has moved to the top of the Durham interviewee list.


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Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Nov 8, 2019 6:19 AM

These inquiries always spiral out of the control of their instigators, and this one is becoming positively delicious.

Simon Boddy
Simon Boddy
Nov 8, 2019 2:43 AM

I’m sorry but I don’t think you know what you’re talking about? The “whistleblower” was a whistleblower in the sense that they were following a DoJ “whistleblower” procedure for signalling (internally) gross misconduct. That’s alright. It’s likely preferable to publicly spilling whatever’s on his mind, if such a procedure can bring a satisfactory outcome.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 8, 2019 6:00 AM
Reply to  Simon Boddy

So, there could be no gross misconduct in ‘Spiel’ from a partisan House intelligence Committee,

could there ?

Surely ? Are you sure ? Do you trust Adam Schiff, seriously ?

Nov 8, 2019 8:27 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

You want to talk about partisan Congressional committees? I have one word for you – Benghazi. Stop being dumb.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 10, 2019 9:23 PM
Reply to  Tom

Were you drunk, when typing that ?

Benghazi proved beyond any reasonable doubt, that Clinton is a psychopath and a pathological liar, with her own Deep State backed agenda, leaving Ambassador Stevens to die, despite countless official requests for backup !

Would you like a job as a US Ambassador in the Middle East, after that display ?
Riddle me this >>> why can the USA not fill posts for Ambassadors abroad?
BECAUSE OF BENGHAZI ! Nobody trusts their own government, subsequently !
Jesus Tom, watch Trey Gowdy question HRC and get back to me with something intelligible and serious to say !

Nov 8, 2019 2:38 AM

What an idiotic article! The whistleblower doesn’t matter since we have the official WH summary transcript where we can read Trump’s actual words incriminating himself. Anyone who can’t see this is IQ deficient. Sheeze.

Leave the whistleblower alone. Instead, spend your time investigating all the ways Trump has lied, cheated and stolen.

Will be waiting to see if you have the cojones to publish this.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 8, 2019 6:03 AM
Reply to  Tom

Clearly English is not your mother tongue. Read the transcript again, doubting Tom, and try harder to comprehend, this time around.

Nov 8, 2019 8:41 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

You my friend are the one with English comprehension issues. I submit that you are going to be very surprised when the House releases the impeach articles against Trump. Sure the Senate might not convict him, being that the Republicans will ignore their oath to put the health of the country first, but that will come back to bite them in the arse when voting comes around and the Dems get control of BOTH the Senate and the House + the presidency.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 10, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  Tom

You can submit what you want, but it doesn’t change the history in writing of who said & did what, nor the meaning of words in English: as hard as you may try to misconstrue & understand English, you appear incapable … two words, Tom: Joe Biden! What he said in the Ukraine, was WAY WORSE than ANYTHING, Trump said, you dipstick! Read the transcript and tell me where any threat exists. You clearly don’t understand 1) Trump’s reverse Psychology, testing Zelensky’s loyalties after Op. Crossfire Hurricane & sucker punching Biden “Son of a Bitch” KO, or 2) English.

I’m on record at the Guardian, look it up ! I predicted way in advance that Trump would win in 2016, with expert analytical reasoning, better than google, as to why, including analysing USUK Secret Services actions and I was proven correct. I’ve also predicted every financial crisis since 1987, onwards: indeed, I was paid to do media research & analysis, professionally for the CEO of what was the largest corporation in the world. You my friend, no doubt believed the BS Media Polls, designed to deceive & sway voters and public confidence in HRC’s favour, whereas I have always had to focus on present immediate realities, also in relation to 5/10/ and even 20 years ahead in the oil business, especially on the Tech. side. >>> at which point, I should mention, having worked also sub-contract for the White House in Clinton times, assessing the written and spoken word & at speed, also legally speaking, even threatening to walk off the job and leave Al Gore’s kids and the rest of the CIA and White House convoy on the motorway, unless the Swiss Anti-Terror Police did their job properly & the CIA paid more attention to detail & danger, I was never afraid of being the only one to have a different opinion, only to be proven right, subsequently, on too many occasions to count !

So, Tom, since you believe you know something I don’t, riddle me this >>> which democrat is going to defeat Trump in the elections next November ? Coz’ I can assure you of one thing, legally speaking, there is no way he will be impeached and if he were, then you would have civil war in the USA, after the Dems have already committed TREASON USA, before the 2018 mid-terms: with that Russia-HOAX & if this Treason by Comey & Co. is not prosecuted, then all hell will let loose, literally civil war: and I know which side has more guns and is prepared to use them ! Wake up Tom, why do you think Robert Mercer got behind Trump ? I could see this clearly from Bulgaria, even before Mercer paid twice for his private poll to be repeated, in sheer disbelief at the reality of the result of the first poll! Nothing has changed and HillBilly Clinton is going down, like it or not . . . not least for her appalling conspiracy and handling of Benghazi. Ambassador Stevens called for backup, constantly! Why didn’t he get it ?

Greetings from the Frontline of NATO, in the real world, not Hollywood.
Next you’ll be telling me that the Dalai Lama never worked for the CIA !
You talk like the Clintons, lol, with exceedingly poor judgement, which was why I threatened to walk off the job of working for them> I did not want to risk my life for neglectful, highly dangerous ill-disciplined intellectual MORONS ! Fortunately for Al Gore’s kids, Ms. Chiatovich backed me up all the way and the whole White House Convoy, Swiss Anti-Terror Police & CIA, that I had personally brought to a dead STOP, deliberately disobeying orders, got under way again for them to go & play in Davos, in safety 🙂
You are clueless !

You need help in comprehending English, & doing research !

Are you a US citizen perhaps ? Or just trolling ? Either way, you picked the wrong guy to call dumb, making my day, punk ! (lmao 🙂 ) You Neo-Lib-Dems have completely lost the plot 🙂 Even Trump is more intelligent than you, lol, and I know I’m smarter than him, since 1990 onwards, when I predicted well in advance what Soros would do to the British pound and that put Trump in Chapter 11. Ironically, my preparations then are remarkably similar to my preparations right now, for what Trump will do when he wins the next election, as well . . . which is a forgone conclusion, Tom. But hey, don’t believe me now, just drop me a line next December and say sorry, you were an ass.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 10, 2019 10:48 PM
Reply to  Tom

Oh, and just for the record, Tom, in 1992, (after I’d already left the UK, for good), when Britain refused to join the Euro, I stated publicly very clearly: however long it takes, Britain will leave the EU and that their not joining the Euro, was all the evidence anybody ever needed to know that Brexit would happen one day, by hook or by Fascist crook, or both, LOL 🙂

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 8, 2019 8:22 AM
Reply to  Tom

Regarding the transcript of Trump’s call, please tell me: what law/statute did he break? In order for there to be a high crime or misdemeanor, there must first be some kind of crime or misdemeanor.

Nov 8, 2019 8:38 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

You cannot be serious! How about EXTORTION? As in holding up the money from Ukraine until they agreed to look into his prime political opponent in the upcoming election (Biden). That’s a crime.

Or perhaps they will call it BRIBERY. That’s a crime also.

The Actual Laws Trump Has Broken, Just With the Ukraine and China Affairs, Could Land Him 10 Years in Prison
October 10 2019

Or moving on, how about receiving money from foreign interests in the form of forbidden EMOLUMENTS, through, at a minimum, his Washington hotel or the foreign visitors spending heavily at his gold courses? These venues generate revenue for the Trump organization, which he never divested himself from.

And then there are the campaign finance crimes. See:

Take your hands off of your ears and remove the wool from your eyes.

Nov 8, 2019 9:16 AM
Reply to  Tom


You mention “Bribery”, and you mention “receiving money from foreign interests” …both in the context of Trump. I’m sorry but from where I stand there are far stronger suggestions of that in the context of Biden and the undenied international connections of his son. You appear to be taking the position that however serious the inferred misdemeanours (let me use the term ‘corruption’) of Biden are, he does whatever he does – unlike Trump, of course – to “put the health of the country first” (your words @ 8.41) and are by definition not deserving of investigation. He’s all heart, isn’t he? Foolish of me not to see this.

Nov 8, 2019 7:48 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Biden isn’t VP any longer. The Republicans had complete control of Congress AND the presidency for 2016/2017. If they wanted to investigate Biden, that would have been your best the time to do it. So why do you supposed they didn’t investigate Biden then? Might it be that while Biden may have taken advantage of his political position, as so many politicians do, what he did was not judged to be illegal. Personally, I don’t give a rat’s arse about Biden one way or another.

The attempts by you and others in your camp and Trump himself to muddy the impeachment investigation and direct attention elsewhere are so transparent as to be almost ludicrous.

You need to focus on what is most import to the USA and the people of this country – the clear and present danger that President Trump represents!

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 8, 2019 8:47 PM
Reply to  Tom

Trump is a symptom, not a disease and the sooner that is realized and accepted, the better. Getting rid of Trump won’t even slightly improve the mad dog ethos which has made your country’s amoral foreign policy feared and loathed. Nor will it have impact on your chaotic domestic policies. Unlimited money for hare-brained military schemes but not for child poverty, universal health care, bridges and infrastructure, paying your debts…

Nov 8, 2019 11:10 PM
Reply to  Tom

Biden wasn’t dealt with for his corruption for the same reason that Blair and Bush and their henchmen were never prosecuted for their war crimes. The “justice” systems of the US and UK are corrupt and politicised and used as a tool of the Deep State.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 10, 2019 11:39 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Looks to me like Tom is Punch drunk and Judy ‘s in full swing with the baseball bat 🙂 Beautiful swing, JudyJ. It looks to me like you hit the ball & Tom out of the park and we’d best send a Border Collie (smarter than Tom), to get the ball back 🙂
and lead Tom to tennis lessons for top spin.

The funniest thing with ole’ Uncle Tom, is that he seems to believe we are all Trump supporters, absurd in itself; and he’s conveniently forgotten about the Russia-HOAX Mueller lies ‘thingy’ and Bill Binney’s declarations, already …

And now, he’s even impersonating John McEnroe…
No really … “You cannot be serious ! ?”
Just invert reality: Home Runs for JudyJ & Seamus 🙂

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 8, 2019 7:48 PM
Reply to  Tom

Here’s the full transcript of the call with Zelensky. Now tell me: where’s the “bribery” and “extortion” there? Trump just asked Zelensky a favor–that’s all.

Nov 8, 2019 8:00 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

You never watched any mafia movies have you?

Did you know that people have been convicted of murder and sent to death row when they never even found the body? It’s called circumstantial evidence.

The same legal concept applies to Trump’s conversations. Trump thought he was being slick by not explicitly mentioning that the Ukraine president HAD to do this favor for him to get the allocation released to him. ‘Hey, I need ya to do me a favor first’

But just as with circumstantial evidence, a direct request is not necessary. An implied one will do just as well. You are way out of your league trying to play lawyer here!

Nov 8, 2019 11:07 PM
Reply to  Tom

If you’re worried about “extortion” and the Ukraine, maybe you want to listen to corrupt Biden bragging about how he sacked the prosecutor investigating his corrupt junkie son by withholding $1 billion in aid.

Nov 9, 2019 7:57 AM
Reply to  mark

Like I said before, Biden isn’t VP any longer. No one except Trumpanzee’s like yourself looking to distract from Trump’s imminent impeachment give a crap.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 10, 2019 12:54 PM
Reply to  Tom

Biden’s no longer VP, but in case you haven’t yet noticed, he is currently running for president–and this will definitely affect his campaign. Meanwhile, Adam Schiff’s ‘case’ against Trump will flop in the Senate … assuming it ever even passes the House.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 8, 2019 6:21 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I daresay they can get him on Emoluments and exceeding Constitutional authority. Impeachment isn’t like a criminal trial, its really about whether the official went against their oath to “protect and defend the Constitution”. This is the bit that President Trump doesn’t quite understand; everyone who’s part of government swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution (so do naturalized citizens, BTW) and its this that they’re loyal to, not an individual. The individual only holds power because the Constitution gives it to them — temporarily. (At the time of the founding of the US this was a bit of a novelty, the idea that you owe fealty to an abstract concept rather than an individual, and many people even in this country still don’t get it.)

Ultimately, though — as we found with Clinton in the 90s — its going to come down to “Because We Can”. Personally I’d rather not bother, I’d just collect the information, put it out there and let the electorate decide what’s best for the country, but I’m not running the show.

Nov 8, 2019 11:16 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Let the Democrats charge down as many rabbit holes as they like. They can play mud pies while Trump gets another 4 years and Rachel Madcow can spend the next 4 years hyperventilating how Putin, or the Iranians, or the Chinese, or the Martians, stole the election.

Nov 8, 2019 11:04 PM
Reply to  Tom

Trump is as bent as a nine bob note but he hasn’t stolen so much as a chocolate bar by comparison with the Clinton clan.

Nov 9, 2019 7:59 AM
Reply to  mark

You sound like a joy to live with. Bet you are single! Or your wife is deaf. Whew.

Nov 9, 2019 8:09 PM
Reply to  Tom

More venom required, Tom! More venom!
Not enough ad hominem abuse.
You really must do better.
Must try harder!

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 10, 2019 12:56 PM
Reply to  mark

No kidding. Why is it so hard for liberals to see that? It’s been right in front of their noses for decades now.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 8, 2019 12:48 AM

This really didn’t turn into an impeachment enquiry until the issue was forced by media partisanship. President Trump has already crossed numerous boundaries that would get a normal President into trouble and Ukraine was just another straw for the camel to carry. Next year is an election year and its starting to look like the Democrats could field an actual donkey and still win the Presidency.

What’s probably more damning than the whistleblower’s original complaint is the testimony of Marie Yovanaovitch, the US ambassador to Ukraine who had the rug pulled out from under her earlier this year. I don’t want to comment on her role in that country or the US’s role in bringing ‘freedom and democracy’ (aka “total chaos and economic ruin”), its more about the way that ill informed tweets and media punditry by Fox News commentators such as Sean Hannity are undermining the work of the State Department. Some might say this is a good thing but I personally believe that all this screwing around, both with foreign relations and the economy, is doing the US demonstrable harm and probably needs to have a stop put to it sooner rather later. This is not reality TV, this is serious stuff.

Those who’ve read my posts on this site will know that I’ve never been a fan of Russiagate or interested in a renewed Cold War, its a road to nowhere. This is why I don’t see the ‘hand ofPutin’ everywhere, he’s not the contemporary Illuminati and probably doesn’t smoke (so no smoke filled rooms). However, if I wanted to play international zero sum I would suggest that all Putin (and Xi) needs to do to ‘win’ is to do nothing, just stand well back because the inevitable meltdown is going to get really messy.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 8:50 PM

Bravo Renée: I loved this article, not least because I loathe Adam Schiff with a vengeance, as does anybody with the slightest degree of scientific & analytical know how: yet you managed to avoid any partisan accusations and mentioning his name: which would have been impossible in my case 🙂

Quality journalism Renée and the head of the House Intelligence Committee should be immediately investigated, prosecuted and may I add, Not thrown in Prison, but Shot at Dawn, for TREASON USA 🙂

Something I used to write regularly in the Guardian, before they banned me, was…
Never in the field of Human Conflict, has so much been owed by so few to so many

Nov 7, 2019 7:15 PM

The USA is a deeply divided country. Split from the top to the bottom. The ‘liberal’ coastal cities on collision course with the rest of the country.

The Democratic leadership have accepted that their real chances of winning the next presidential election are small, unless the economy goes into a sharp decline and the voters turn against Trump in their millions. This isn’t happening. So Trump stands a really good chance of winning in 2020. Just a year from now.

The party top wants another ‘conservative’ and ‘safe’ candidate like Clinton so they can keep control of the party and banish the ‘dangerous left’ once more. Only the party activists don’t want another ‘Clinton’ candidate that’ll lead them towards another defeat.

So, if the chances of defeating Trump democratically at the coming election are looking ‘problematic’ and increasingly remote; the alternative is to remove him from office by impeachment where the Law is used instead of the voting system, which is far harder to control these days.

This process, removing political leaders using the Law, because they are corrupt, has been used in several countries recently, for example in Brazil, where Lula was imprisoned and unable to stand for election after a questionable trial.

Now, it’s the turn of the USA. Whether the millions of Trump supporters will simply sit back and watch this kind of ‘legal coup’ unfold, is another story.

Nov 7, 2019 9:09 PM
Reply to  MichaelK

I think the reason for impeachment is not a substitute for an elusive electoral victory on the part of the democrats.
It is actually far worse than that.
It is a case of “either we get him, or he gets us.”
“Either we walk over him, or he walks over us.”
They are simply trying to save their skins.
The Clinton/ Biden clans and their minions are now looking at serious jail time in a winner-takes-all, high stakes, no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners zero sum game.
The Deep State, the Spooks, the Dirty Cops, Wall Street, MIC, Hollywood and the MSM, and the Democrat establishment, tried to rig the election to prevent Trump winning.
Having failed to achieve this, they tried to sabotage and delegitimise his administration by the Russiagate hoax, planting spies in the White House, and corrupt and politicised investigations and prosecutions of senior officials, using perjured and fabricated “evidence” from dubious foreign sources (Steele, Dearlove, MI6, Ukraine.)
This is now a busted flush. Russiagate has been comprehensively debunked, however much the MSM tries to pretend otherwise. Their criminality and corruption is being steadily and methodically exposed for all the world to see.
Trump knows that impeachment would be just the beginning, not the end. They would not be content to remove him from office, Nixon style. They want him broken, to make an example of him. They want him in jail, bankrupt, his businesses broken up and his assets confiscated, his children and his friends in jail with him. They won’t settle for anything less than this.
The somewhat pathetic “Ukrainegate” saga is a smokescreen that his been thrown up in desperation at short notice to try to snatch victory from defeat. It is becoming less and less credible as more facts emerge. It seems to be based on little more than second or third hand gossip from rabidly anti Trump sources, and is rapidly being discredited. No matter how much the MSM tries to big this up, it will run its course leaving the anti Trump conspiracy even more nakedly exposed.
Trump and Barr have only to keep up the pressure to turn the tables.
Not that anyone should have any sympathy for Trump and his cronies. They all belong in jail, as do the anti Trump faction. Ideally, they should all go to jail. It’s a pity they can’t all lose.

If you think it’s all dirty and down in the gutter now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Let dog eat dog.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 7, 2019 9:42 PM
Reply to  mark

As your namesake Twain said, the more I see of people, the more I like of dogs. This is more akin to cannibalism? I agree that we are just seeing the opening warmup acts now. But more like unscripted unrehearsed professional wrestling every day.

Nov 8, 2019 2:27 AM
Reply to  mark

Jail time? DC political elites? Not gone happen.

Nov 9, 2019 2:50 AM
Reply to  nwwoods

Wait and see. This is a slow burn. It was Trump who opened the enquiry on Epstein.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 10:01 PM
Reply to  MichaelK

MK Ultra good comment, upon which I could expand, but I don’t want to give the game away, because I reckon Trump’s planning, timing and strategy is unstoppable, after he wins the next election.

All will see and pretend that they knew all along what he was doing … & going to do.
I should add, I’m on record @TheGuardian, stating that he would definitely win in 2016,
well in advance and nobody believed me, though it was easy to see & calculate, with sound analysis of the key factors. It was obvious and I switched off, long before the announcement,
that he’d won, when they were still predicting HRC, knowing I was right, on that night.

I will tell you this much: It would be very silly of him to ‘fire’ the FED, before the elections 😉

Nov 7, 2019 5:10 PM

I have to disagree with Kiriakou and the author on this one. I’m a lawyer and I’ve been involved in whistleblower cases on both sides. MANY whistleblowers do not want to go public. I’d say at least 50% in my experience. And most whistleblowers have personal interests in addition to wanting to protect the public interest — they are looking for a pay day.

Plus, these attacks on this whistleblower for bias or lack of first hand knowledge really miss the point: His claims have been almost entirely verified. There clearly was a quid pro quo (not that one is necessary) as admitted by Mulvaney (before he tried to walk it back) and Sondland, and testified about by others involved with Ukraine at the time. Since many National Security people were aghast at these actions (including that die hard liberal Bolton), and Guliani says everything he was doing was on behalf of his private client, there is no reason to think that this was a matter of national security policy.

Indeed, the memo of Trump’s phone call demonstrates the quid pro quo to any reasonable person — it certainly would be enough to indict a gangster. Do me a “favor” if you want me to sell you missiles? That’s not enough? Really? Especially when in order to buy the missiles you need the military assistance money Trump was blocking.

Bbbbut what about the Bidens some whimper. Investigate them through proper channels, not by blackmail through a back channel.

So, save your hair pulling for a whistleblower who’s claims turn out to be false.

Nov 7, 2019 5:27 PM
Reply to  phree

Your moral condemnation is evidently selective.

Bbbut what about the quid pro quo you whimper? Why don’t you find some ordinary Ukrainian citizens and ask them which was the greater evil; being thrust into civil war by rampaging mobs of US sponsored neo-nazis, or the neo-nazi’s not getting paid on time? Go re-asses your moral compass you fascist sympathizer.

Nov 7, 2019 9:24 PM
Reply to  phree

The real scandal over Ukraine lies in Biden threatening to withhold $1 billion from the country unless the prosecutor investigating Biden Junior was sacked – something he openly and publicly bragged about.

Nov 8, 2019 8:05 PM
Reply to  mark

Biden wasn’t alone. Much of the rest of Europe was making the same call because the prosecutor himself was corrupt. And why didn’t the Republicans take this up when they had full control of Congress during 2016/2017? I bet you can’t come up with any kind of sensible answer!

Nov 8, 2019 11:27 PM
Reply to  Tom

Everybody in Ukraine is corrupt.
Everybody in Washington is corrupt.
Politicians are just like prostitutes, except they’re more expensive.
Do you think any of them care about corruption???
Trump is corrupt. Biden is corrupt. Clinton is the embodiment of corruption.
Corruption is just a stick to beat your opponents with, while keeping your fingers crossed behind your back.
“I am shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is taking place in Rick’s Bar!”

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 10:06 PM
Reply to  phree

Use your real name or you are talking BOLLOCKS !

Nov 8, 2019 2:29 AM
Reply to  phree

That’s all very nice but this individual is a spy, not a “whistleblower”.

Nov 8, 2019 8:07 PM
Reply to  nwwoods

Doesn’t matter. Is the information correct? That’s what you SHOULD be focusing on but then you won’t like how that further sullies the already awful reputation of your deity Trump.

Nov 9, 2019 2:26 PM
Reply to  Tom

For the record I am not a Trump supporter, but you go right ahead and ascribe to me whatever concocted attributes that make you feel better. If I were to lower stoop to your level and resort to adolescent name-calling, I’d probably go with something like “authoritarian bootlicker” or “pillow-biting quisling”.

Maybe what you and your centrist “dieties” (who gleefully promoted this reality TV host in the first place, because you/they erroneously assumed that he would be easy to beat) SHOULD be focusing your irrepressible resentment on, is legally defeating him at the ballot box, for which you’ll have an opportunity in 12 short months.
If you prefer to live in a banana republic in which the spooks and generals run the country from behind the scenes, there is certainly no shortage of options out there.

Nov 7, 2019 3:59 PM

Schumer’s concern for the welfare of whistleblowers may appear somewhat belated and unconvincing, given his previous pronouncements about Snowden, Assange and Manning, but I suppose we should all welcome a sinner come to repentance (or whatever the kosher equivalent is.)

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 8, 2019 10:26 AM
Reply to  mark

Chuck is now the ‘shomer‘ (guardian) of wistleblowers.

Nov 7, 2019 1:19 PM

Nowhere is the comparison with a Frog sitting in a Kenmore Whirlpool with broken wiring. He’s doing shots all the while the water gets hotter and hotter. “Hand me over another Pina Colada, will you?” he sks his comapny, using a fan to cool him down and cheap beer.

I’d call it ‘Arrogance’ any day, when people deem it unnecessary to carefully explore what’s the truth about the past. And how it does repeat itself over time. Always. In perpetuity. Few individuals have come to the conclusion that man does not have all of his marbles together. And it is not that he lost a few. Well, he actually might have. But there are no new marbles. The marbles man has today are practically the same as they were in the movie ‘Caveman’. That time.

Okay, I spare you the N-word, but will give you the f-word.

F-word works, because it infects bureaucracy. ‘Laws’ are implemented by bureaucracy. When the f-word controls the bureaucracy, it controls the ‘law’. The ‘law’, because this ‘law’ is code law and not ‘Common Law’. The laws that are concocted and schemed today, are not common law. F-word code law pertains to the distribution of wealth and power. Code law will always reflect the f-word Plutocracy. Since ‘Citizen United’, the f-word Plutocracy can buy its own candidate and disappear its opponents. That’s code law now. Or, to be more specific: f-word code law. The f-word code.

I tend to include the history of mankind in my responses, this time it will not be necessary. The Frog (remember, that Frog is the tax-payer – the person that physically works to pay the bills) asks for another Pina Colada and watches another episode of “How we another f-word you over with everything we do”, in which the reporter speaks into the camera: “Critics say, that ‘pre-emptive incarceration without due trial could be abused by an already unhinged executive. Senator Ishit Onyu, is that really the case? Or would PEI make our neighborhoods and communities safer? As a matter of fact, wouldn’t make it our Nation more secure? Senator?”

Now, as the Frog gets wasted with all the booze in an ever hotter whirlpool, the f-word bureaucracy has – beyond executive orders – installed rules and regulations where there should be none and has removed those, that should be there and are needed to prevent the whirlpool from going full boil. The question is now:

Is there a chance that the Frog can get the wiring fixed without being electrocuted? Who could make sure that the whole heating system is fixed permanently temporary? A meaningful way would be to clog the hot water. The Marx Brothers in ‘A Day at Court’. And while the party goes on, the Frogs scream all out like one voice: “Fix the other f-word whirlpool heater!” If Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, Equador, Chile, Iraq, Pakistan, Algeria and Libya can demand illegal laws to be taken back and succeed, will the American Frog do the same?

This goes even beyond the constitution. The present status quo in f-word America is in violation of the Magna Carta. To make that obvious to those tasked to explore the heater wiring: The Magna Carta is from the 13th century. The U.S. – as a Nation – is in pre-13th century condition. In short, it is lawless. The perferred way for the f-word Plutocrats that own the show.

The best way to change all this might indeed be through the courts. Everybody needs to go to court. Just like voting, it has to happen on a workday. Monday would be great. ‘Court Mondays’.

Laws cannot be changed, or annulled via the electoral process. They need to be eliminated at the source. And while the ‘Court Mondays’ progress, a declaration of direct democracy will be laid out in every court house to be signed and ratified by the people.

Nov 7, 2019 1:09 PM

Was he part of the ‘taskforce’ or is he part of the diversion from that taskforce or indeed the conspiracy against Ukraine by Obama/Clinton nazi promoting Nuland & co?

The report is – if not a whitewash – going to ruin as many trousers and underwear as any explosive diarrhetic fart!

From Barry’s stupid peace prize – to our stupid DS outlaws.

Especially if the tories carry on as they have started this election – with masterful pratfalls, foot-in-mouths and devious lying, cheating and hiding.

A change is coming!

Nov 7, 2019 2:56 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Russia Insider, is a pro Putin/Assad/Iranian/ authoritarian new world order kind of website, very popular apparently, full of Nazi scum on its comments section

Do you read it?

Nov 7, 2019 4:50 PM
Reply to  crispy

Never have. Do you?

Nov 7, 2019 6:44 PM
Reply to  crispy

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Keep your vomit on topic, please.

Nov 7, 2019 7:08 PM
Reply to  crispy

Didn’t you say recently you were fucking off?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 9:06 PM
Reply to  Frank

Lol, Frank, the boy is an extremely unloved person, with no soul, let alone knowledge, which is why even his mother loathes him, from BIRTH onwards, by my reckoning and he never knew his father >>> so, some would say, we’d better take pity on him and try and re-educate the poor brainwashed bastard.

Though, were he in any war zone with me and he was cowering behind my back, like the coward he is, one may well have no choice, in terms of security and given “The History of the National Security State”, the only option for such Treasonous thoughts and behavioural patterns, would be one quick shot of friendly fire to his head, to put both him and us out of our misery 🙂 and raise site security levels, immediately.

Personally, I’d be all over his IP & ISP, just for the record . . . imho !

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 8:57 PM
Reply to  crispy

Jesus wept, are you still here ? You just said the other day, you were leaving us forever; for which we were all expecting to be eternally grateful, (you butthurt coward). Can’t you find a woman or love, some where, to distract you ? Are you lonely ? Just seeking attention ?
just because your mother loathes you as well ? Did you ever know your father ?

Why have you not responded to any question, EVER ???

Is it because your mother loathed you as well ?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 9:17 PM
Reply to  crispy

Of course, it is a well known fact that The British National Security State preys upon weak minded individuals and poor Orphan Souls, like Gary Hoy >>> did they abuse you as a child like they did Gary Hoy ?

Gary Hoy was / is not only far braver than any crispy butthurt coward, but Gary has helped to open societal eyes & gave great insight into what a bunch pimps & paedos the people are, who work for the British Military Intelligence …

But, don’t let Gary’s reality bother you: we could always take pity on you and afford you respect, were you to stand up like the man that Gary Hoy is, were you to use your real name: a far greater man than you will ever be, it most certainly appears !

Nov 7, 2019 9:29 PM
Reply to  crispy

Why don’t you go read a pro Neocon website for Zionist scum instead.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 7, 2019 11:11 AM

When is a Whistleblower, not a Whistleblower?

When they’ve been employed by the CIA I’d say very, very rarely.

Real-life CIA whistleblower Jon Kiriakou who served 22 months in prison …

Did he now? 22 months in prison and sentenced on 22 October. They love their 22s. Just as Chelsea had 22 charges laid against her, was 22 at the time of her leaking and spent 22 hours a day in prison for some of her alleged 7 year sentence.

His Wikipedia story does not sound in the least compelling. He allegedly disclosed the torture of Abu Zubaydah, accused of being an aide to Osama bin Laden. So if bin Laden was an agent how real is Zubaydah?

On December 10, 2007, Kiriakou gave an interview to ABC News[16] in which he described his participation in the capture of Abu Zubaydah, who was accused of having been an aide to Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Kiriakou said that he did not witness Zubaydah’s interrogation, but had been told by CIA associates that it had taken only a single brief instance of waterboarding to extract answers:

… He was able to withstand the waterboarding for quite some time. And by that I mean probably 30, 35 seconds … and a short time afterwards, in the next day or so, he told his interrogator that Allah had visited him in his cell during the night and told him to cooperate.[17]

Following the interview, Kiriakou’s accounts of Abu Zubaydah’s waterboarding were widely repeated and paraphrased,[Note 1][6] and he became a regular guest expert on news and public affairs shows on the topics of interrogation and counter-terrorism.

In 2009, however, it was reported that Abu Zubaydah had been waterboarded at least 83 times,[18] and that little or no useful additional information may have been gained by “harsh methods” of interrogation.[19][20] Kiriakou had been under the mistaken belief that Zubaydah was waterboarded only once, and even that single instance he had described as a form of torture while expressing reservations about whether the value of the information obtained was worth the damage done to the United States’ reputation.[citation needed]

Kiriakou has said that he chose not to blow the whistle on torture through internal channels because he believed he “wouldn’t have gotten anywhere” because his superiors and the congressional intelligence committees were already aware of it.[21]

OMG! Does the theatre ever stop?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 9:32 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

“OMG! Does the theatre ever stop?”

yep, it does actually: when you finally suss out what Bill Binney was telling you all about; about 6 years before you profess to have taken an interest in the events leading up to and including those that occurred on the 11th sept. 2001 and … of course, the missing D.o.D $$$TRILLIONS$$$ and what they spent the money on >>>

Like “Parallel Platforms” !

Nov 7, 2019 9:53 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

What’s a mere missing $21 trillion between friends?
Probably just fallen down the back of the sofa.
Along with the 140 tons of Libyan gold……and the 1,500 tons of German gold……and the Ukrainian gold……and the gold from WTC 7……and the Venezuelan gold……..
There’s a perfectly simple explanation for everything if you look hard enough.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 10:15 PM
Reply to  mark

The Chinese are pretty wise to Gold now, especially: indeed they always were…

They just have to be a bit more discreet and careful about it, until Trump wins the next election and then collapses the FED.

Obviously, the ex-Mayor/Kmet of Hainan, got a little careless, when Chinese authorities found 13.5 Tonnes of Gold, buried in his back garden 😉 🙂

Nov 7, 2019 10:35 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

China is the biggest gold producer in the world, with over 400 tons a year, none of which is ever seen outside the country.
There has been speculation that their holdings are over 10,000 tons, but nobody really knows.
This follows the historical pattern over thousands of years, China exporting silk, spices, quality ceramics and tea, and taking silver bullion in payment. Europe was drained of silver until the looting of the New World.
Some people believe that America has 8,300 tons, a figure unchanged since 1971. But then again some people believe in fairies and Father Christmas.

Nov 7, 2019 10:20 AM

More Trump love at OG. It’s just amazing how much pro Trump propaganda is catapulted from this website. I mean, Trump, the fascist, racist, misogynist. The Deep State’s prime choice for the first dictator in US history. Renee loves her Trump. It IS about Trump here, the billionaire globalist capitalist who leverages white supremacist hate for power and who wants to be the tough guy authoritarian strong man jerk. What’s not to love, right?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 7, 2019 11:00 AM
Reply to  alsdkfj

I fear you are not well

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 7, 2019 1:13 PM

Who: alsdkfj or Petra? Well, both, obviously.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 9:41 PM


except, Trolling.

There, I said it, any probs. ? 😉

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 7, 2019 11:00 AM
Reply to  alsdkfj

Read it again. You have completely missed her points. You are the one blinkered by hatred, of losing the last election.

Nov 7, 2019 4:01 PM
Reply to  alsdkfj

Keep taking the tablets.

Nov 7, 2019 9:35 PM
Reply to  alsdkfj

You really must try harder to get in more ad hominem abuse, alsdkfj!
You missed out the homophobic, transphobic Nazi bits.
More venom, alsdkfj! More venom!!
More venom required!!
You really must do better!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 10:20 PM
Reply to  mark

Mine’s a Snakebite, thanks mark . . .

Nov 7, 2019 8:27 AM

Ciaramella should be allowed to testify under oath in public for both Houses, after Assange finished his. Both should be treated similar before, during and after.

Nov 7, 2019 8:02 AM

Meanwhile, in the real world, look who’s returned to “protect the oil”:

Syrian Army Regains Control Of Giant Oil Field In Hasaka
By Drago Bosnic


Blow the Whistle, sound the Flute,
Let the brazen Trumpets toot!

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 7, 2019 11:02 AM
Reply to  vexarb

And I thought it was maudlin sentiment for the Kurds, like it was in Iraq. Silly me.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 7, 2019 6:15 AM

This ‘whistle-blower’ can blow me.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Nov 7, 2019 6:55 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

For years I have been trying to explain how valuable Mr. Trump was and continues to be. Somehow nobody gets it.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Nov 7, 2019 6:58 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Could we say he blew the lid off of the Ukraine scandal? Me thinks so.

Democrats?. You just stand back and watch them implode. It’s painful to watch some days I’ll tell ya…

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 7, 2019 11:04 AM

Debbie does the Dems. Wasserperson Schultz , where are you when your party needs some deep corruption?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 7, 2019 9:27 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

WASSERPERSON >>> Brilliant, darn it George, this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius and you can’t get more politically correct than that 😉