Member of Ukraine’s Parliament Leaks Trove of Biden Financial Records

2012 file photo, Hunter Biden

On Wednesday, November 20th, Russia’s Tass news agency headlined “Joe Biden’s son and his partners received $16.5 million from Burisma — Ukrainian MP”, and reported:

The Ukrainian Office of the Prosecutor General has drawn up an indictment against the owner of the Burisma Holdings energy company, ex-Ecology Minister Nikolai Zlochevsky, that contains information that the son of former US Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter, as a Burisma board member along with his partners, received $16.5 million for their services, Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada MP from the ruling Servant of the People party Alexander Dubinsky told a press conference on Wednesday, citing the investigation’s materials. According to him, the money came from duplicitous criminal activity.

Another Rada member, Andreii Derkach, had earlier posted, to Facebook, on November 11th, what he alleges to be photos of bank statements and other financial records documenting the flows of money from Ukraine into the partnership that Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden and his friend the Yale college roommate of John Kerry’s stepson Christopher Hines, Devon Archer, had set up.

The partnership, Rosemont Seneca Boa, is associated with their Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC.

Derkach headlined “THE BILLION DOLLARS CORRUPTION: HOW THE TOP-OFFICIALS OF UKRAINE AND THE USA HAVE BEEN STEALING THE PUBLIC MONEY”. The Ukrainian documents were shown, along with English translations of them. For example, from the NABU or National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine:

The data on the veiled transfer of funds for lobbying activities personally to J. Biden were obtained during the investigation. Money in the amount of over USD 900 thousand was transferred to the aforesaid Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, the resident company, with an indication of ‘Remuneration for consulting services’ as payment details.

The person was identified and interviewed as a witness in the course of the investigation, who has been personally engaged in holding transactions for laundering and legitimization of funds in favor of M. Zlochevsky and the Bidens. Investigators possess original copies of the payment instruments and engineering means, whereby the said bargains were performed.

Through making use of the political and economic leverages over new government authorities of Ukraine and intimidating them with the issue of granting financial assistance to Ukraine, Joe Biden has actively promoted the closing of the criminal cases against M. Zlochevsky and Burisma Group corporate executives.

Another document:

According to the data from the Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia, Wirelogic Technology AS and Digitex Organization LLP paid from July 2012 to December 2015 to Burisma Holdings Limited (Cyprus) account established with AS PrivatBank amounts of USD 14,665,982 + EUR 366,015 and USD 1,964,375 accordingly ‘as payments under the loan agreement.’

Consequently, the part of the aforesaid funds was charged off in favor of Mr. Alan Apter (EUR 302,885), Mr. Aleksander Kwasniewski (EUR 1,150,000), Mr, Devon Archer and Mr. Hunter Biden [no amounts specified for either].

A letter is shown addressed to Derkach from “The Prosecutor Office of Ukraine,” the “General Prosecutor Office of Ukraine,” and signed by the Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka, dated 30 October 2019. It said:

As a result of the pre-trial investigation on 02.09.2019, the investigator decided to close the above mentioned criminal proceedings on the basis of paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 284 of the CPC of Ukraine in connection with the lack of corpus delicti [evidence of a crime]. … There are no grounds for re-entering information on the facts stated in your application” for “Pre-trial Investigations.

The Burisma cases would not go to trial.

Among the photos that Derkach showed in his article are a “CLIENT STATEMENT for the Period May 1-31 2015” from “Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management” showing, for example, that on “5/13,” “Funds Transferred” by “WIRED FUNDS SENT” “BENE. ACCT. ROBERT [Hunter] BIDEN” were “15,000.00”.

Derkach says:

Shokin [the man Joe Biden had fired] has repeatedly called upon the NABU director Sitnik in the criminal proceedings on Burisma case, but always got the run-arounds.

…and asks:

Why was the NABU in such a hurry to close the cases of Burisma, Zlochevskiy and Biden, and for whom did they collect personal data on Shokin?

Before noting that:

the moment when Shokin demanded from NABU to investigate facts of international corruption coincided with the arrival of US Vice President Joe Biden to Ukraine. And $ 1 billion of loan guarantees that the United States had to provide Ukraine depended on Biden.

He shows a time-line indicating that the turning-point to close down the investigation was “Biden’s visit to Kyiv” occurring “December 7-8, 2015.” On “June 3, 2016,” was the “Signing by the Government of the United States and Ukraine of loan guarantee agreement [U.S. taxpayers to take any loss] worth $1 billion.”

Also on November 11th, Ukraine’s Interfax news agency headlined “MP Derkach says Biden Jr. received Burisma payments via mediators”, and reported that:

Starting from May 2014 to October 2015 Burisma company transferred to Rosemont company $4.817 million, and the latter transferred a payment amounted to $871,000 to the account of Hunter Biden, son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, reported MP Andriy Derkach in a video blog on Facebook.

“This is the official statement from Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley is one of the biggest bank holdings in the USA. Here you can see a cash flow of Rosemont Seneca Boa company owned by Devon Archer, for a year and a half (from May 2014 to October 2016). According to the bank statement, starting from May 2014 to October 2015 Burisma company transferred to Rosemont company $4.817 million, and the latter transferred a payment amounted to $871,000 to the account of Biden,” said Derkach adding an official statement from Morgan Stanley.

He noted that in order to help the investigation, he made public new documents on international corruption, which were transferred to him by investigative journalists in 11 criminal proceedings.

Derkach reminded that in total, according to his data from the report of Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia, in favor of two shell-offshore companies, as well as Hunter Biden with partners, the Burisma company paid no less than $16.5 mln. …

Although virtually all of the press says that Mr. Zlochevsky owns Burisma, both of the detailed investigations that have been done of the matter indicate that Zlochevsky sold majority-ownership of the company in 2011 to a Ukrainian billionaire, Ihor Kolomoysky.

Whereas Zlochevsky was allied with Ukraine’s democratically elected President, Viktor Yanukovych, who was elected in 2010, Yanukovych became ousted in a February 2014 U.S. Obama-Administration coup and replaced by fascist rulers, who included Kolomoysky.

Therefore, Zlochevsky was the person whom the U.S. Government wanted to be investigated for alleged crimes by Burisma, and Kolomoysky isn’t even being mentioned as an owner, much less as the controlling owner, of the firm. But Hunter Biden’s actual boss at Burisma was Kolomoysky, not Zlochevsky, who is, instead, perhaps a paid decoy of Kolomoysky.

Kolomoysky is also the chief political benefactor of Ukraine’s current President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Consequently, Kolomoysky had supported both the overthrow of Yanukovych and the recent election of Zelensky.

For Kolomoysky, instead of Zlochevsky, to be targeted in corruption investigations that would be supported by Kolomoysky’s agent Zelensky, would be unlikely, unless America’s current President, Donald Trump, were to abandon entirely his predecessor’s, Ukraine-policy, and were to require Zelensky to do likewise, and Zelensky then were to obey that command from the U.S. White House.

Those things are, as of yet, not expected to happen.

On November 20th, the U.S.-allied ‘news’-agency, Reuters, headlined with the anodyne “Ukraine widens probe against Burisma founder to embezzlement of state funds” and buried in that 486-word article — and provided no further information regarding — the stunning 15-word statement (the real news in the article), that:

The investigation [by Ukraine’s Government, of Zlochevsky] is effectively on hold, however, because the Ukrainian authorities cannot determine Zlochevsky’s whereabouts.”

Reasonable presumptions would be that Zlochevsky had received advance notice that he was going to be targeted in yet another ‘investigation’ into alleged Burisma corruption and had fled Ukraine, much as he had done when Yanukovych was ousted in 2014.

Consequently, thus far, U.S. President Trump has been adhering to Barack Obama’s Ukraine policy (which targeted the pro-Yanukovych Zlochevsky, instead of the anti-Yanukovych Kolomoysky). However, with the recent firing of Obama’s Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, that could change.


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Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Dec 3, 2019 10:26 PM

Good heavens: is this still a talking / tasing point ?

Damn, sheeple are so slow to move where the grass is greener,
despite serious beckoning from Border Collies.

What seems like decades ago, I was joking with family & friends: just you wait ’till . . .
‘ The Hunter becomes the hunted ‘. 😉 in hope city, like Verhofstadt Guys !
Then came ‘Q’ . . . & ‘A’ for answers, like Absolute Beginners.
Drip by drip, drop by drop, the gasket leaks way beyond repair.

Dec 1, 2019 10:40 PM

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 29, 2019 7:48 PM

Although virtually all of the press says that Mr. Zlochevsky owns Burisma, both of the detailed investigations that have been done of the matter indicate that Zlochevsky sold majority-ownership of the company in 2011 to a Ukrainian billionaire, Ihor Kolomoysky.

That’s interesting. I didn’t know that. Kolomoisky’s a slippery bastard. Now it appears he’s changing sides yet again, at least if this latest report from the NYT is to be believed:

“Mr. Kolomoisky, widely seen as Ukraine’s most powerful figure outside government, given his role as the patron of the recently elected President Volodymyr Zelensky, has experienced a remarkable change of heart: It is time, he said, for Ukraine to give up on the West and turn back toward Russia.”

It’ll be interesting to see if Kolomoisky’s latest treachery helps to hasten Biden’s downfall!

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 29, 2019 7:51 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if the Clintonoids’ destruction of Ukraine ends destroying them in return? I would laugh my ass off!

Nov 29, 2019 6:48 PM


Less than six hours after Bojo’s disastrous performance on LBC Radio this morning (here) we have a ‘terrorist attack’ in London.

There needs to be a modern-day Nuremberg Trials.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 29, 2019 6:46 PM

When Miss Vicki FTheEU Nuland was scheming with the American ambassador to insert the American stooge “Yats” as she called him, into the leadership of the Ukraine, there was talk about how all the Ukraine gold was being moved to the US for “safekeeping”. Does anyone know what happened to their gold reserves?

Nov 29, 2019 7:22 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

It’s in safe hands now, having been flown out to the US, along with the 140 tons of Libyan gold and the Iraqi gold and the Venezuelan gold and the gold from the basement of WTC 7. So we can all sleep easy now. Any country taking out IMF loans has to hand over its gold to Uncle Sam.

Just as well. Can’t be too careful when there are all these standard issue Mark 1 Foaming-At- The-Mouth-Radical-Moslem-Terrorists lurking around London Bridge, as supplied by Central Casting. Luckily they are all on the MI5 payroll so our splendid spook chaps can keep an eye on them.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 29, 2019 7:43 PM
Reply to  paul

Thanks Paul, for lifting that burden of uncertainty. No wonder the Ukes are feeling so grateful.

Nov 30, 2019 2:04 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

They have lost their oil/ coal/ steel/ gas/ metallurgy/ chemicals/ engineering/ motor vehicle/ shipbuilding/ aircraft/ locomotives/ armaments/ spacecraft/ agricultural machinery industries, and ten million of their population, so they might as well lose their gold as well.

Dec 4, 2019 2:29 AM
Reply to  paul

About 42 tons of Ukrainian gold (4 trucks and 2 minibuses full) were “removed for safe keeping” to the US. Who has it now is anybody’s guess. Like the 50 tons of ISIS gold that was “liberated.” Or the 40 tons of Venezuelan gold. That may well have been taken out of the Bank of England by Carney to be flown out by now. These gold heists (which make Brinks Mat look like a kiddie stealing a chocolate bar) are themselves not very significant in the general scheme of things. Much more so are the thefts of assets of victim countries. After the invasion and destruction of Libya, the contents of its sovereign wealth fund were looted. 10 billion euros disappeared from a single Belgian bank. $11 billion from another foreign account. When communism collapsed in 1991, all the gold and foreign currency reserves of the Soviet Union simply evaporated. Simple looting is the prevailing motivation of western crapitalism.

It doesn’t take a genius to work out who has benefited. Ukraine is just a Jewish kleptocratic kakistocracy, exactly as Russia was before Putin cut the Jew oligarchs down to size.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 29, 2019 6:36 PM

So what possible expertise or wisdom was Hunt Rhymeswith Biden giving time the board of Burisma? I posed this in an NYT blog and got the reply that the 100k/month was for “the respectability” Rhymeswith would bring to the board. ‘Struth!. It’s Saturday Night Live every night in Washington.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 29, 2019 8:22 PM
Reply to  George Cornell


Here it is more officially. Hunter was hired to “boost the reputation of Burisma“, as only cokehead sex addicted dishonorably discharged rejects from the Navy can.

King Herod running a babysitting service would make more sense.

This is surely a type of Will Rogers effect.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 30, 2019 11:16 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

And just for one more whack at what should be a dead horse, most will have noted that former Polish President Krasniewski, handpicked for the interview in the Daily Mail linked above, is the same Krasniewski who is mentioned in the article above as receiving 1.15 million euros and a few other millions in loose change from Burisma. He says earnestly that Biden Jr. never abused his position on the Burisma board. But says little about what surely is a sham contract with Biden Jr. – as to what Biden’s, and his own deliverables might have been. No mention by the Mail about his conflict of interest, who seem to be after just allowing Krasy to defend the indefensible, viz. the more appalling of the two Bidens.

No wonder poor Poland stays in NATO and spends money on American arms at the expense of pressing social needs, with leaders like Krasy.

Nov 29, 2019 4:33 PM

Trump’s rubbing his tiny hands together with glee at the thought of Joe Biden running against him in next year’s election! Biden’s the ‘perfect’ candidate and Trump will wipe the floor with him. Apparently Ohama has raised questions about Biden’s ‘gualities’ as a candidate, that’s probably because he’s up to his turkey neck in the corrupt swamp of Ukrainian’s dire politics along with his pin-head son, Hunter; or ‘Hunt’ as I prefer to call him.

Perhaps the Democrats have decided to sit the next election out, because they sense that none of the sanctioned candidates stand a chance against Trump. Perhaps this is why the billionaire Bloomberg has thrown his golden crown into the ring. The Battle of the Billionaires should be a ‘democratic’ spectacle worth watching, from a safe distance.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 29, 2019 5:10 PM
Reply to  MichaelK

… with his pin-head son, Hunter; or ‘Hunt’ as I prefer to call him.

What’s wrong with Punter? 😉

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 29, 2019 6:25 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

How about Rhymeswith?

Nov 29, 2019 3:04 PM

Apart from Afghanistan, Ukraine is probably the most corrupt country in the world. It makes Nigeria look like a model of good governance.
The income per head there is less than Egypt. It is a failed state, a total basket case.
It is a CIA/ NATO playground to aggressively confront Russia.
Tens of billions have been poured into this poor and egregiously corrupt country by the EU, IMF, and CIA Front Groups like the National Endowment For Democracy to prop up the Fascist Coup Regime that was installed there in 2014.
Surprisingly enough, all this has promptly evaporated into private foreign bank accounts. There is nothing to show for it.
Ukraine, just like Iraq before it, has been a happy hunting ground for corrupt US politicians and their junkie offspring.
Hence the howls of outrage when Trump threatens their pork barrel by threatening to scale back US involvement in Ukraine.
The only future Ukraine has is an impoverished depopulated backwater, like the Baltics. A source of cheap labour and cheap prostitutes for the EU – the only thing Ukraine produces the EU wants.

Nov 29, 2019 2:30 PM

bernard at MoA has been maintaining a full time line of the whole business. He also explains why there will be NO impeachment just a censure. While Scott Ritter at Consortium does the whole ‘whistleblower’ story.

Meanwhile as bobo’s LBC ‘appearance’ falls flat a friday pm terrorist shooting on London Bridge suddenly happens! And callers are being put through who are attacking JC on his looks and voice and refusing to even look and listen to his manifesto. While complaining about personal attacks on bobo!

Maybe Off-G can publish the infamous Bullingdon Boys photo!

Nov 29, 2019 3:08 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Ah, but Jezza is a terrorist, you know. And anti semitic to boot. THe BBC and The Sun say so, so it must be true.

Nov 29, 2019 10:15 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Not just the photo.. but the history… http://tapnewswire.com/2016/01/breaking-the-bullingdon-club-omerta-secret-lives-of-the-men-who-run-britain/ later, Churchill was no longer on hand to point out the hypocrisy. While the club’s political connections are well known, its association with the worlds of banking and international business are even more striking. The Baring banking family has a long association with the club. The first Baring on record is Thomas Baring, Earl of Northbrook, from a register in 1846. He later went on to be Viceroy of India and First Lord of the Admiralty. Mark Francis Baring, son of the former Chair of BP, Lord Ashburton, is the most recent, and can be seen in the 1980 photo. The club records count nine other members of the family. The heads of the Rothschild banking family, Jacob and his son Nathaniel, were both members. For all Winston Churchill’s admonitions about the club’s hypocrisy, his grandson Rupert Soames, now CEO of outsourcing giant Serco, which recently won millions of pounds in government contracts, was also a member, although there is no suggestion that those contracts were not awarded through the correct channels. The amount of wealth and power concentrated in former club members is staggering, with Jacob Rothschild alone estimated to be worth more than $7 billion. Membership of the Bullingdon gives access to an incomparable alumni network. You can find photos of Boris Johnson posing with recent president Nick Green in 2013, or George Osborne attending a Bullingdon Club event in 1997, while already working for Prime Minister John Major. Thirty years after running from the police together, Jonathan Ford would contribute to a Financial Times editorial endorsing his old Buller friend Cameron in the 2015 general election, after saying Labour were “too preoccupied with inequality.” Although in April 2010, shortly after Ford had joined the FT as Chief Leader writer,… Read more »

Nov 30, 2019 4:35 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Many thanks Maggie – off-g needs to do a story on this immediately.

Labour needs a poster of the current PM, ex PM and Chancellor and these you mention with the strapline

‘Vote Tory; vote Eton, vote Bullingdon spaffers – or else you oiks’

Nov 29, 2019 2:16 PM

Corrupt individuals of one fascist regime (Ukraine) handing out billions to their partners of another corrupt fascist regime (America). “Consultancy fees” for what exactly ? Anyway nothing to see here it’s all perfectly normal “business”. Move along now.

Nov 29, 2019 1:57 PM

Every time I hear about Biden something makes me think about Neil Kinnock.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 29, 2019 7:41 PM
Reply to  bevin

😀 Good one! Thirty years ago, whenever Joe Biden was on the news saying something, we used to always joke: “Nice speech, Joe. Whose is it?”

Nov 29, 2019 11:55 AM

Ihor Kolomoysky is the hand in the Volodymy Zelensky puppet.

Nov 29, 2019 11:46 AM

I was wondering if they would ever get round to investigating Hunter Biden’s activities. Let’s hope this forces them to do so.

Nov 29, 2019 11:45 AM

The Dems have gone into full self-immolation mode & handed Trump 2020 on a plate !

Hilarious to watch the “Pavlov’s Dogs” who were trained to hate Trump, like good little sheep, see their fantasies go up in smoke.

Don’t think for one minute (even second) that I support Trump but I do hate Sheep as their naivety is responsible for 99% of the World’s woes.

Nov 29, 2019 1:51 PM
Reply to  LeRuscino

One self-immolator handing the election to another self-immolator.
Let’s face it, nobody wants to be President of the United States any more.
It’s just too much hard work serving the real owners of the White House.
We’ve reached the “Caligula” stage of the fall of the American empire.
It’s terminal.

Nov 29, 2019 11:16 AM

Hunter Biden is such an unattractive figure he ruins his dad’s chances of winning anything. Good choice of attack for Trump, a sitting duck.

Nov 29, 2019 11:40 AM
Reply to  Paul

Joe Biden ruins his chances all on his own;)

Nov 29, 2019 1:56 PM
Reply to  SharonM

and Hunter is a public benefactor for, inadvertently, torpedoing the candidacy of a very dangerous, warmongering opportunist.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Dec 4, 2019 8:33 PM
Reply to  bevin

But now Pete Buttigieg — Wall Street’s favorite — is rising to take Joe Biden’s place.

Dec 4, 2019 8:43 PM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

Wall St is not choosing very wisely these days: first hillary, then Joe, now the mayor of South Bend. And he is a third choice after Kamala and Cory Booker blew up.
Investors should get out of stocks and into real commodities like Bernie and Medicare for All.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Dec 4, 2019 8:55 PM
Reply to  bevin

They’re not trying to buy a corporation; they are trying to continue their leasehold on a country, the U.S., and Buttigieg is trying to continue that for them, just as Obama continued it for them, and as Trump has continued it for them. They get very nervous if they don’t own both of the political Parties’ Presidential nominees, and the big threat to them is Bernie Sanders, who has made clear in every way that if elected President he’ll yank that lease they hold. Elizabeth Warren is trying to appear to be another Bernie Sanders, while not being really that. She is a Wall Street asset that helps Wall Street keep the Sanders vote small enough to hand the nomination either to Biden or (if Biden fails as expected) to Buttigieg. So: I think that Wall Street’s political donations seem quite intelligent.

Dec 4, 2019 9:41 PM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

The point I was making-I don’t disagree at all- is that they are not very good at picking candidates who can beat sanders in the primaries. You would expect them to come up with someone a little more credible than Buttigieg. I suspect that they have and her name is Warren. They are just clever enough to realise that their imprimatur is the kiss of death, so they maintain the illusion that they are scared of her “extremism.” I think that she will make Obama look like Lenin.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Dec 4, 2019 9:55 PM
Reply to  bevin

I think they’re doing as effective a job as can be done to beat Sanders in the primaries. http://archive.li/cNXDn indicates that Elizabeth Warren draws 23% as much money from Wall Street as does Wall Street’s favorite, Buttigieg. Sanders doesn’t even show up at all among Wall Street’s donees. Wall Street is helping to keep Warren in the contest in order to split the progressive vote and hand the nomination to Buttigieg. Can you think of a better way for them to keep their lease on the U.S. Government? I can’t.

Dec 4, 2019 10:25 PM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

Anyone but William Jennings… Bernie, eh?
So if I understand you it is your belief that Wall St is perfectly happy with Trump or any other Republican in sight.
What I can’t understand is why there are not people on Wall St with the brains to realise that, in order to maintain their lease in a time of crisis they have to own not just both parties-that’s easy, money does it- but both sides. In this case it means backing a left wing, reformer too.
The era when someone who looked like a change because he was black/female/gay and could thus roll up the ‘progressive’ vote could be over. In the new era Wall St has to do what it did with FDR which is to go with a ‘left’ capitalist with a line in reform speeches. I guess that they will need another Crash to see it, though.
One likes to think that, among all the genii on wall St making billions there are one or two with the brains of a Baruch or a Kennedy who realise that, after forty plus years of unalloyed neo-liberalism the pendulum has swung against it.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Dec 4, 2019 11:37 PM
Reply to  bevin

“So if I understand you it is your belief that Wall St is perfectly happy with Trump or any other Republican in sight.” Yes, ever since Ulysses Grant, the Republican Party has represented the aristocracy against the public. The Democratic Party, until Bill Clinton’s Presidency, was conflicted between the billionaires versus the populists (left-populists, real populists, not nativists such as Trump and other right-populists). Ever since Clinton, it has been just a hypocritical version of the Republican Party. “In this case it means backing a left wing, reformer too.” No, because all of the billionaires are against left-populists, real populists, and the latter are naturally at war against any aristocracy and especially against an aristocracy of wealth such as rules the United States. If they weren’t, they’d be only fakes, such as right-populists are. “Wall St has to do what it did with FDR” Wrong again: the aristocracy hated FDR and forced him to have Harry Truman instead of Henry Wallace as his VP in his final term so that there’d be a chance for them to take over the country if FDR died, which happened. Prior to that, back in 1934, the aristocracy in 1934 organized a coup, which failed when its chosen American Fuehrer ratted them to Congress and the press hid everything. FDR was authentically a left-populist, a “traitor to his class.” “among all the genii on wall St making billions there are one or two with the brains of a Baruch or a Kennedy who realise that, after forty plus years of unalloyed neo-liberalism the pendulum has swung against it.” I am not aware of any American (nor foreign) billionaire who isn’t a fascist. Furthermore, neoliberalism / libertarianism / fascism / neoconservatism is the ideology of all billionaires that I have studied. Conquest is their obsession.… Read more »

Dec 4, 2019 11:56 PM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

As to FDR we differ. But it is not important. FDR was the saviour of his class. But then, as now according to your information, the US ruling class is not very bright. It isn’t very good at conquering either. Times have changed.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Dec 5, 2019 12:07 AM
Reply to  bevin

By “he was the savior of his class,” are you alleging that he served their interests, at the expense of the public’s interests?

Dec 5, 2019 12:45 AM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

I think we speak different languages: my view is that FDR saved American Capitalism. That is not a particularly original view and it is by no means certain that he did: what would have happened without the New Deal is something we shall never know. Can never know.
I am certainly not ‘alleging’ that FDR betrayed the public interest by doing what he never pretended not to be doing and preserving a system that he believed was, on the whole. a good one. The man was a Roosevelt!
In my view it is not in the interest of the public to preserve capitalism but then FDR was neither a socialist nor did he pretend to be one.

Why was Huey Long shot though? Does your interests in assassinations extend to that case?