The Der Spiegel exposé of Bill Browder

Could this begin takedown of fraudster?

Lucy Komisar

Image – Der Spiegel

Two years after I wrote the first exposé of fraudster William Browder and his Magnitsky hoax published in the West, by the investigative website 100Reporters, and after growing social media and some alternative media reports about his fabrications, a major western publication, the German Der Spiegel, has run a story by Benjamin Bidder, a reporter posted to Russia for seven years, who exposes Browder as a fraud and his Magnitsky story as a fake.

The lead by Bidder says:

When the US imposes sanctions for human rights violations, they invoke the case of one prisoner allegedly murdered in Russia. They are based on the reports of the investor Bill Browder. Is the West taken in by a fraudster?”

Yes, and he proves it.

The story was published November 23 and an English version put up three days later.

So far, no reactions from the western press. If you want to read a more comprehensive report of the Browder hoax, go here. But what Bidder writes is as good as you will get in the mainstream press.

Bidder begins by telling how Browder created the Magnitsky story to get the U.S. Congress to pass the Magnitsky Act, which put sanctions on people who said were responsible for the death of his “lawyer.” To expand it to other countries, he meets with government officials, most recently in Norway, Sweden, France, Germany.

He tells them how his “lawyer,” Sergei Magnitsky, was murdered for exposing a corrupt Russian scam. Bidder says that the politicians welcome him: this is “a ticket to politics,” to political advantage. So do the human rights advocates.

Bidder starts with the story Browder tells to the West, rather than with the story of Browder himself. So, you have to pick that up as you go along. Which is how Browder scammed the Russians for $100mil in evaded taxes and illicit stock buys and to build a wall against their collection of the cash, created the Magnitsky hoax.

Bidder writes that West Europeans and Americans argue against Russia from a position of moral superiority. But were they harnessed to Browder’s cart? Does their good cause sanctify his methods?

He says the other version of the story is contradictory to Browder’s and is based on thousands of legal documents. Was there a political murder? Or is the West aligned with a fraudster?

He says the charges against the Russians are questionable and that Browder is involved in contradictions.

Bidder talks about the arrest of Sergei Magnitsky, a key figure in the drama, who at the end was left in prison in a critical condition for 1 hour 18 minutes, according to the Moscow Public Oversight Commission. He had been arrested, detained as a witness in Browder’s tax evasion.

He writes that Browder’s version is the dramatic revenge against an anti-corruption activist. That Browder commissioned his “lawyer” Magnitsky in 2007 to investigate a $230-million tax fraud by police and government authorities.

According to Browder, two “rogues,” interior ministry police officers Kuznetsov and Karpov, started fake tax investigations against Browder’s Hermitage Fund, then used stolen company documents to hijack three of his shell companies. They were then taken over by middleman who created fake losses and got a tax refund of $230 million Hermitage had paid in taxes.

He writes that Browder accused tax investigators Karpov and Kuznetsov of arresting Magnitsky and killing him. He told it to the U.S. Congress and Canadian parliament. But Bidder says — unlike what Browder claims — that there is no evidence of a deliberate murder.

And there are contradictions. Bidder cites Browder as declaring that the officials who interrogated Magnitsky tortured and murdered him. He cites a “commission of inquiry.” But the reporter says there is no such reference there to killing. He doesn’t identify the report, but Bidder says the names of the two police investigators do not appear in the Russian original, only that Kuznetsov appears in Browder’s website English translation. The only likely report is Magnitsky’s testimony in an interrogation by authorities investigating Browder’s Hermitage tax evasion.

The report cites Council of Europe reports based only on Browder’s documents.

A German “rapporteur” Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger calls Magnitsky a lawyer. But the article says a look at online documents would show he was a tax expert at an accounting firm working for Browder.

He talks about how the western media believe Browder, how he has framed their stories on his office wall. Washington Post, Financial Times, even the anti-Putin Novaya Gazeta.

The article cites many western media reports, their inconsistencies and contradictions, and wonders about the basis of their facts. They cite interrogation records that are said to prove that Magnitsky exposed the $230-million tax fraud. They cite Browder’s book that “Sergei made an appointment with the State Investigative Committee for June 5, 2008. He sat down, submitted his evidence and gave his testimony expressly declaring Kuznetsov and Karpov to be partakers.”

But Bidder reports that Magnitsky didn’t go to authorities to denounce the tax refund fraud, but as a witness in another procedure — Browder’s tax evasion. [He was summoned to an interrogation.]

Then, talking about Browder’s Russian investment operation, he notes how Russian investigators point out he paid 5% on his Russian investment profits by citing a Cyprus treaty, but that he should have paid 15%, as the treaty didn’t apply. [It was a double-taxation treaty for Cypriot companies, not for Browder’s pass-through shells.]

He describes how Browder listed disabled people as securities analysts that his shell company hired to get a tax concession and that Magnitsky had designed this. But he said that these “employees” had no knowledge in the field and that courts found this was a tax dodge.

He said that in 2006 police had been interrogating Magnitsky about the shell companies that hired the “disabled.” His story also says that (though Browder claimed he hired “lawyer” Magnitsky in 2007) documents show that “accountant” Magnitsky worked for Hermitage from at least 2002.

The story points out that when Browder claims the tax police “struck like lightning” in 2007 to get documents for the tax refund scam, the date was not true. That police had been asking for documents the year before.

Bidder notes that Karpov, the accused Russian tax investigator, in 2012 filed a libel lawsuit in London against Browder. Justice Simon declared that Browder was “not even close to substantiate his allegations with facts,” that his assessment was “a rehabilitation of Karpov.”

But Bidder said that based on what Browder told them, “The Guardian” and other British media wrote of the “crushing defeat of police officer Karpov.”

Then the reporter talks about the Katsyv/Prevezon case, where Browder got the U.S. Justice Department to file a case against a Russian real estate investor who was the son of a Russian railway official, charging him with receiving $1.9 million (under 2%) of the $230-million tax refund fraud. He pointed out that Browder, “otherwise talkative,” eluded questioning, and was even shown on a video evading a subpoena.

Browder attempts to finesse his lies about Magnitsky being a lawyer. Questioned in a deposition by Katsyv/Prevezon lawyer Mark Cymrot:

Mark Cymrot: Was Magnitsky now a lawyer or tax expert?
Bill Browder: He represented me in court.
MC: Did he have a law degree?
BB: Not that I know.
MC: Did he attend a law school?
BB: No, he did not attend law school.
MC: How many times have you said that he was your lawyer? 50, 100, 200 times?
BB: I don’t know.
MC: Did you ever say that he did not have a law degree?
BB: No.

Bidder spent four hours with Browder and his associates in London and says they piled on documents which didn’t stand a test.

He reports that Magnitsky allegedly went to authorities to “reveal” the tax refund fraud but turns out he was delivering a letter from a Browder lawyer.

The reporter wonders as he follows Browder’s actions, “Is this really about justice for Sergei Magnitsky…or does he lead a personal revenge campaign?

His evidence points to a Browder revenge campaign. I have already reported the substance of the story in much greater detail and with extensive documentation.

But now that a mainstream western publication has exposed the Browder/Magnitsky hoax, will the American corporate and self-described progressive media report this story?


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Adrian @ J'Accuse
Adrian @ J'Accuse
Dec 13, 2019 10:38 PM

Earlier this week, career conman Bill Browder complained to the German Press Commission about Der Spiegel’s feature exposing his fraud. Der Spiegel’s now responded the way good mainstream journals did in times past – by publishing more facts and evidence:


Warum der SPIEGEL an der Magnitski-Recherche festhält = why SPIEGEL is sticking to Magnitski’s research

This is a very good sign, indeed.

It appears that our once-trusted outlets in “Five Eyes” territory – The New York Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, BBC, The Guardian, CBC, The Globe and Mail, The Australian et al – will not tell the truth about the Magnitsky hoax, but, the Danes and Germans are showing they still practice real journalism.

For Bill Browder and the networks of criminal and state actors who’ve sold this pack of lies and misreps for a decade, it’s game over as things continue on this path.

Devan Maistry
Devan Maistry
Dec 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Red Notice – a tale of two books.

Dec 10, 2019 11:32 PM
Reply to  Devan Maistry

Grand Deception – exposure of Red Notice.

Devan Maistry
Devan Maistry
Dec 11, 2019 12:25 PM
Reply to  Devan Maistry

Red Notice is compared to Alex Krainer’s book, “The Killing of William Browder:
Deconstructing Bill Browder’s Dangerous Deception .” The book was delisted by Amazon.

Dec 13, 2019 1:32 PM
Reply to  Devan Maistry
Dec 8, 2019 2:37 AM

Why are the same slippery people invariably the ones behind so much chicanery and pure evil?

Dec 8, 2019 12:12 AM

Browder is a slippery fraudster and will probably end up fleeing to Israel ,his last refuge where he will be among his own kind.

Dec 7, 2019 6:04 AM

I read Browder’s book. The resources, both in time and in money that Browder put into getting that Magnitsky Act were phenomenal. Some accountant should make an expert estimate, every phone call, every translation, every trip, every legal advice – I would not be surprised if it comes to a million or two.

Contrast the deaths of Magnitsky and Khashoggi. The so called West has lost all credibility.

Dec 8, 2019 1:08 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Here is a link to a free download of the book “The Killing of William Browder ” by Alex Krainer. Alex is a financial investor and was so taken by the lies of Browder that he wrote a book on Browder , exposing him as a fraud,and gave it away for free .A very good read indeed.
Send Alex a donation for his trouble if you feel the book was worth it, which it is IMO.


Dec 8, 2019 11:36 AM
Reply to  Guy

Even better is Krainer’s “Grand Deception”, Red Pill Press, 2018.

Dec 7, 2019 3:11 AM

When it comes to smearing Russia, any old hoax from any old kosher fraudster will do.
There is Russiagate itself, MH17, Skripal, Litvinenko, the WADA hoax, the 300 “last hospitals in Aleppo”, and so much else.
All forms of aggression up to and including war have been directed against Russia.
The wars in Georgia, Chechnya, and Ukraine and support for terrorist groups.
Economic warfare, sanctions, currency attacks.
Attacks on Russian diplomatic premises and private homes of diplomats.
Attacks on Russian media.
Attacks on Russian sport.
Attacks on Russian private individuals, jailed on corrupt trumped up charges.
Hysterical propaganda vilification.

All they have succeeded in doing is cementing a Russia-China alliance.

Dec 7, 2019 4:39 AM
Reply to  paul

Nothing kosher about it: plain old CIA fake fear for the bear to keep their monstrous budgets up.

Dec 7, 2019 11:42 AM
Reply to  paul

Let’s say the intellectually challenged have cemented the alliance between Russia and China and have thus successfully spelled either the end of the gung ho fascist U.S. regime and all its people adding those of their vassal’s faithful war fodder – or,

or the end of life on planet earth as we know it.

The China Russia Double Helix (Originally on 4th Media, 2014[!], here as PDF file ~264KB)

Dec 6, 2019 11:33 PM

A German “rapporteur” Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger calls Magnitsky a lawyer.

Ha, ha, ha! That is a good one. Leutheusser-Schnarrenberg is a joke. She was a joke when she participated in the German regime and she obviously still suffers from delusions. FDP (Für Doofe Partei) was Schnarrenberger’s party and had its hayday in the 70’s and 80’s as ‘Opportunistic Party of Germany’. They loved to call themselves ‘The Tongue on the Balance” (Zünglein and der Waage) – an aphorism for switching sides from red to black and vice versa based on “What’s in for me?”

A pathetic Merkelish woman that I had forgotten. You refreshed my memories of the accompanying acid reflux. Thanks a lot. The Schnarrenberger is the best example of “Bird’s of a feather flock together” even though in this case its ‘scheming together’.

Dec 6, 2019 8:40 PM

https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/12/06/613001/Israeli-group-anti-Islam-hate-Facebook-The-Guardian i think everyone on this list should take a look at the link because it is along the same lines as the article.

Dec 6, 2019 8:28 PM

Dare I say on this partisan site: if we are belatedly are going to expose Browder as a billionaire bullshitter …should we not also expose those who did his shilling for him? Even if that includes Jeremy Corbyn? Because it does include Jeremy Corbyn. We will be holding the government’s feet to the fire to fully back Labour’s proposed Magnitsky-style sanctions against human rights abusers, along with a wider crackdown on money laundering and tax avoidance. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/15/salisbury-attack-conflict-britain-cold-war From the very first day of the Skripal psyop – it was Labour who pushed Browder’s agenda. From Yvette Cooper’s Buzzfeed ‘From Russia with Love’ dossier; Abbott’s “killing fields of London”; and Nia “it was a Russian hit” Griffith’s histrionics …it was the Labour parties agenda to get a Magnitsky Law. As a result of their sustained pressure: Dominic Raab announced on October 1st, that we will be getting our own Magnitsky Law …after Brexit. Thanks Jeremy. This has been deliberately memory-holed by some: to create an imaginary ‘decent principled populist’ from Corbyn. Can I remind everyone: no such attack took place; but the fictitious political capital built on a transparent tissue of lies is real. Can anyone explain the decency principle here? Browder is a known liar. Those who push his corrupt billionaires regime change agenda against the “Putin regime” are equally as corrupt. It did not happen. Not in Salisbury. Not in a Moscow police cell. It is a simulated agenda: fabricated from dark imagination and consensual lies. I do not know who is more gullible. Those who believed in this and sought to gain political capital for the billionaires? Or those who sought to forget this and validated the corrupted anyway? In the Simulacra: if you believe hard enough …you can get the government you think you deserve. Ain’t that… Read more »

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 6, 2019 8:41 PM
Reply to  BigB

Did Labour Friends of “Israel” have anything to do with it?

Dec 7, 2019 12:42 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Yep: the beloved Ian Austin ‘MP for Tel Aviv’ as Tony Greenstein once described him …tabled and earlier version.


And the Conservative Friends of Israel are represented by none other than Dominic Raab.


And it was the non-existent Jewish lobby in the United States – Sen Ben Cardin with arch-globalist and ultra-Zionist John McCain – that passed the 2012 Magnitsky Law and the later Global Magnitsky Law. With a little help from Hillary.

No more links: but Robert Parry was all over Browder right up to his death. Softpanorama has a good Browder compendium. And ‘jimmysllama’ blog has more about Browder than you could ever want to know. And Lucy’s blog too.

Enjoy: Browder needs exposing for his part in the Mueller investigation. And the Paradise Papers. Like Jeffrey Epstein: he is very well connected. Very well connected.

Adrian @ J'Accuse
Adrian @ J'Accuse
Dec 6, 2019 11:48 PM
Reply to  BigB

Here in North America, those in the coalition willing to endorse the Magnitsky hoax also cross party lines. In the USA, Democrats and Republicans, alike, lined up behind Senators John McCain (Rep.), Ben Cardin (Dem.) and others shilling for this propaganda appeal of Bill Browder, Mikhail Khodorvsky et al.

Lobbyist Jonathan Winer, longtime US State Dept. crony, also behind the dodgy dossier machinations, (Clintonite Cody Shearer’s intell fraud+ which morphed into, and was laundered via, Orbis‘s Christopher Steele at and Fusion GPS), worked the back-corridors. In Canada, our country’s former AG, Irwin Cotler, assumed the role of vouching for the lies of Browder and co. – and Liberals, Conservatives, NDP and Green MPs failing to do due diligence of their own, and/or wittingly in support of this hoax, saluted on cue with their votes for legislation founded on falsities.

Should George Galloway be elected as an Independent in West Bromwich East this coming Tuesday, it’ll be only fitting if it’s he who sinks the Magnitsky scam in the UK. It’s Galloway, then under the Labour banner, and Rupert Allason (Conservative), who rose in the House of Commons, October 21, 1991 and torpedoed Robert Maxwell by making public details of his wrongdoing.

Bill Browder, whose boss was Maxwell at that time, had to find new employment when, less than two weeks later, the “Bouncing Czech” bounced no more, drowning off his super-yacht, The Lady Ghislaine.

With Browder and co. surfacing aboard a massive geopolitical hoax, serving some of the same masters, George Galloway will know just what to do should he return to Parliament. Make public the facts and reveal all players.

Adrian @ J'Accuse
Adrian @ J'Accuse
Dec 7, 2019 12:02 AM

NB That should be, of course, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. He’s partnered with Browder et al pushing the propaganda. Please excuse the typo above.

Dec 7, 2019 4:42 AM

Khodorkovsky’s mother was Orthodox Christian so he is not a born Jew 🙁

Dec 7, 2019 9:34 PM
Reply to  Antonym

He is one of the 7 Jew oligarchs who stole 70% of the wealth of Russia till Putin spoiled all the fun.

Dec 8, 2019 1:13 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Still Ashkenazi .

Dec 7, 2019 6:13 AM

The campaign against Russia intensified manyfold the day after Khodorkovsky left Russia.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Dec 7, 2019 9:42 AM

Was Maxwell’s body ever recovered? Perhaps he is/was living out his days in Israel after serving it so well with the Mirror pension fund. He would have attended his own state funeral.

Dec 7, 2019 9:32 PM

It would be great if GG got back into Parliament.

Adrian @ J'Accuse
Adrian @ J'Accuse
Dec 8, 2019 7:16 AM
Reply to  paul

Aye. As you may know, GG originally announced he would run in West Bromwich East to unseat Tom Watson. Since then, Watson’s decided to not run. Now it’s looking like a close three-way race. Here’s hoping.

Dec 10, 2019 11:57 PM

Watson’s new job as fitness instructor beckons.

Adrian @ J'Accuse
Adrian @ J'Accuse
Dec 12, 2019 5:29 AM
Reply to  paul

George Galloway, like most of us, is not privy to the sort of inside knowledge that someone such as the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg professes to possess about the UK vote, so, we must take this December 1, 2019 tweet from GG for what it’s worth – an hopeful indicator:

Internal @UKLabour polls have me and the Conservatives and Labour neck to neck in @west_brom All of us on 30% with me first Tories second and #BogusDogus third! #GeneralElection19″ https://twitter.com/georgegalloway/status/1201211271233839107

Adrian @ J'Accuse
Adrian @ J'Accuse
Dec 13, 2019 3:49 AM

p.s. it appears those internal polls were not even close to the actual election result. The Conservative took the seat in WBE. Back to Plan A. Sinking the Magnitsky+ scam of career conman Bill Browder and networks of criminal and state actors by making public the lies and misreps – outside of Parliament. Recent features in Germany’s Der Spiegel and Denmark’s Finans are a good start.

Dec 7, 2019 6:11 AM
Reply to  BigB

So he’s got that Magnitsky Law – maybe he plans to apply it to the Khashoggi case?
Yes, it is delusional optimism day.

But seriously, the system demands from Corbyn and key individuals that they be anti-Russian and pro Saudi Arabia.

Now we yodle!

Dec 7, 2019 12:43 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Which is why we need a new system!

Adrian @ J'Accuse
Adrian @ J'Accuse
Dec 6, 2019 8:16 PM

Welcome to see Der Spiegel publish “Story Without a Hero” – the original title of Benjamin Bidder’s feature on the Magnitsky propaganda campaign. There’s a best-selling book out now in Denmark, “Troldmanden“, by authors Birgitte Dyrekilde and Lars Abild, which shows career conman Bill Browder, the Hermitage emperor, has no clothes. (This Danish-language text is reportedly coming out in English translation as well.) These are just the latest exposés of elements of a global geopolitical hoax – one which is perpetrated by networks of criminal and state actors and encompasses the Magnitsky myth, as well as “Russiagate” in America, poisonings+ falsely attributed to “orders of Putin” etc. “The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes” – “based on a true story of a big lie”, the revelatory documentary from Andrei Nekrasov, Torstein Grude and Piraya Film AS – Norway’s multi-award-winning, Oscar-nominated, film production house – is essential viewing. Lucy Komisar, the author of this and other pieces on OffGuardian, (and on Consortium News), has on her own website, “The Komisar Scoop“, a veritable library of analyses and evidence exposing the Magnitsky hoax. Online there’s also: writings of the always-incisive blogger jimmysllamma; founder of Citizen Journalism School Lee Stranahan & team of Fault Lines Radio with extensive exposés of the Ukrainian components, and those of the US+ political players behind such scams; hedge-fund manager-turned-author, Croatia’s Alex Krainer and others… Here in Canada, I’ve investigated white collar / organized crime for decades. Seeing our “legacy” media is not telling truth about such matters, I’ve started posting some info myself eg.: Criminal Case Number 153123 Before the Magnitsky myth is the reality. In the 1990s, along with the arrival of legitimate operators, predatory capitalists invaded the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR 1922 – 1991) on missions pecuniary, political, and/or a mixture of both… Read more »

Dec 8, 2019 1:34 AM

You have certainly devoted much time to research on Browder .A very well done exposé .

Dec 6, 2019 7:54 PM

If you have 120 minutes to spare you can watch Nekrasov’s film about Magnitsky, it’s well put together, goes further then the Spiegel’s narrative, and proves what must have been obvious to anyone whose brain cells are functioning that the Magnitsky affair is a farce fitting nicely into the demonisation of Russia. That, the demonisation of the Russian regime, is the reason that neither the film nor the Spiegel’s narrative (or anything else) will do FA to right the wrong Browder perpetrated on the Russian people, it’s they who were robbed.


Dec 6, 2019 5:16 PM

It won’t. The media will do nothing.

James O’Brien has this creep on LBC regularly to broadcast his lying poison. O’Brien treats Browder like he’s the Dalai Lama. It should make any decent person sick to see what the media is and the absolute degeneracy of the people who thrive within it.

Browder’s grandfather Earl, by the way, was head of the American Communist Party. Bella Dodd, one of his deputies who turned away from the horror she had become involved in, revealed in “School of Darkness” that Browder placed 1100 trainee priests inside the Catholic Church with the strict objective of destroying it from the inside. This was in the 1030’s.

The project succeeded. Pope John XXIII (1958-63) was the first in the modern line of Masonic popes. Because of traitors within, the Catholic Church was indeed utterly ruined by these people and ceased to oppose the Zionist agenda in any meaningful way after Nostra Aeatate was declared as policy in 1965.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 6, 2019 6:11 PM
Reply to  ThereisaGod

This was in the 1030’s

Are you sure?!!!

Dec 6, 2019 6:46 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

I suspect not. Unless of course each Browder had an average lifespan of 450 years.

Mind you, I am intrigued about the destruction of the Catholic Church. I thought churches do a fair job of destroying themselves without needing a rent-a-priest scheme.

Dec 6, 2019 7:36 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Maybe this is why they destroyed themselves. Welcome in obviously inappropriate candidates. The top takes no action against their crimes.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 6, 2019 6:14 PM
Reply to  ThereisaGod

revealed in “School of Darkness” that Browder placed 1100 trainee priests inside the Catholic Church

I’m very interested in this. Do you have any links to the book in PDF or other electronic form?

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 6, 2019 7:15 PM
Reply to  TheThinker

Excellent, much appreciated.

Dec 13, 2019 1:06 PM
Reply to  TheThinker

Very helpful TheThinker, thank you…