2019 – The Year of Manufactured Hysteria

CJ Hopkins

Well, it looks like we’ve somehow managed to survive another year of diabolical Putin-Nazi attacks on democracy.

It was touch-and-go there for a while, especially coming down the home stretch, what with Jeremy Corbyn’s desperate attempt to overthrow the UK government, construct a British version of Auschwitz, and start rounding up and mass-murdering the Jews.

That was certainly pretty scary … but then, the whole year was pretty scary.

The horror began promptly in early January, when Rachel Maddow revealed that Putin was projecting words out of Trump’s mouth in real-time, i.e., literally using Trump’s head like a puppet, or one of those Mission Impossible masks. And that was just the tip of the iceberg, as, despite the best efforts of Integrity Initiative, Bellingcat, and other such establishment psyops, Internet-censoring sites like NewsGuard, and an army of mass hysteria generators, Putin’s legion of Russian “influencers” was continuing to maliciously influence Americans, who were probably also still under attack by brain-eating Russian-Cubano crickets!

While Resistance members were still wrapping their heads in anti-cricket aluminum foil, Putin (i.e., Russian Hitler) ordered Trump (i.e., Russian-asset Hitler) to launch a coup in Venezuela (i.e., Russian Hitler’s South American ally), probably to distract us from “Smirkboy Hitler” and his acne-faced gang of MAGA cap-wearing Catholic high-school Hitler Youth, who were trying to invade and Hitlerize the capital. Or maybe the coup was meant to distract us from the un-American activities of Bernie Sanders, who had also been deemed a Russian asset, or a devious “Kremlin-Trump operation,” or was working with Tulsi Gabbard to build an army of blood-drinking Hindu nationalists, genocidal Assadists, and American fascists to help the Iranians (and the Russians, of course, and presumably also Jeremy Corbyn) frontally assault the State of Israel and drive the Jews into the sea.

As if all that wasn’t horrifying enough (and ridiculous and confusing enough), by early Spring there was mounting evidence that Putin had somehow gotten to Mueller, possibly with one of those FSB pee-tapes, and was sabotaging the “Russiagate” coup the Intelligence Community, the Democratic Party, the corporate media, and the rest of the Resistance had been methodically preparing since 2016. Liberals’ anuses began puckering and unpuckering as it gradually became clear that the “Mueller Report” was not going to prove that Donald Trump had colluded with Putin and Julian Assange to steal the presidency from Hillary Clinton and transform the United States of America into a genocidal Putin-Nazi Reich.

Meanwhile, the anti-Semitism pandemic that had mysteriously erupted in 2016 (i.e., right around the time Trump won the nomination) was raging unchecked throughout the West. Jews in Great Britain were on the brink of panic because approximately 0.08 percent of Labour Party members were anti-Semitic, as opposed to the rest of the British public, who have never shown any signs of anti-Semitism (or any other kind of racism or bigotry), and are practically a nation of Shabbos goys. Clearly, Corbyn had turned the party into his personal neo-Nazi death cult and was planning to carry out a second Holocaust just as soon as he renationalized the British railways!

And it wasn’t just the United Kingdom. According to corporate media virologists, idiopathic anti-Semitism was breaking out everywhere. In France, the “Yellow Vests” were also anti-Semites. In the U.S.A., Jews were facing “a perfect storm of anti-Semitism,” some of it stemming from the neo-fascist fringe (which has been a part of the American landscape forever, but which the corporate media has elevated into an international Nazi movement), but much of it whipped up by Ilhan Omar, who had apparently entered into a “Red-Brown” pact with Richard Spencer, or Gavin McInnes, or some other formerly insignificant idiot.

Things got very confusing for a while, as Republicans united with Democrats to denounce Ilhan Omar as an anti-Semite (and possibly a full-fledged Islamic terrorist) and to condemn the existence of “hate,” or whatever. The corporate media, Facebook, and Twitter were suddenly swarming with hordes of angry anti-Semites accusing other anti-Semites of anti-Semitism. Meghan McCain couldn’t take it anymore, and she broke down on the Joy Behar Show and begged to be converted to Judaism, or Zionism, right there on the air. This unseemly display of anti-anti-Semitism was savagely skewered by Eli Valley, an “anti-Semitic” Jewish cartoonist, according to McCain and other morons.

Then it happened … perhaps the loudest popcorn fart in political history. The Mueller Report was finally delivered. And just like that, Russiagate was over. After three long years of manufactured mass hysteria, corporate media propaganda, books, T-shirts, marches, etc., Robert Mueller had come up with squat. Zip. Zero. Nichts. Nada. No collusion. No pee-tape. No secret servers. No Russian contacts. Nothing. Zilch.

Cognitive dissonance gripped the nation. There was beaucoup wailing and gnashing of teeth. Resistance members doubled their anti-depressant dosages and went into mourning. Shell-shocked liberals did their best to pretend they hadn’t been duped, again, by authoritative sources like The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, CNN, MSNBC, et al., which had disseminated completely fabricated stories about secret meetings which never took place, power grid hackings that never happened, Russian servers that never existed, imaginary Russian propaganda peddlers, and the list goes on, and on, and on … and hadn’t otherwise behaved like a bunch of mindless, shrieking neo-McCarthyites.

Except that Russiagate wasn’t over. It immediately morphed into “Obstructiongate.” As the corporate media spooks explained, Mueller’s investigation of Trump was never about collusion with Russia. No, it was always about Trump obstructing the investigation of the collusion with Russia that the investigation was not about, and that everyone knew had never happened. In other words, Mueller’s investigation was launched in order to investigate the obstruction of his investigation.

Or whatever.

It didn’t really matter, because, by this time, Assange had been arrested for treason, or for jumping bail, or for smearing poo all over the walls of the Ecuadorean embassy, and The New York Times was reporting that a veritable “constellation” of social media accounts “linked to Russia and far-right groups” was disseminating extremist “disinformation,” and Putin had unleashed the Russian spywhale, and “Jews were not safe in Germany again,” because the Putin-Nazis had formed an alliance with the Iranian Nazis and the Syrian Nazis, who were backing the Palestinian Nazis that Antifa was fighting on behalf of Israel, and Jews were not safe in the UK either, because of Jeremy Corbyn, who Donald Trump (who, let’s all remember, is literally Hitler) was conspiring with a group of “unnamed Jewish leaders” to prevent from becoming prime minister, and Iran was conspiring with Hezbollah and al Qaeda to amass an arsenal of WMDs to launch at Israel and Saudi Arabia, and other peaceful Middle Eastern democracies, and Trump was finally going to go full-Hitler and declare martial law on the Fourth of July, and he was operating literal “concentration camps” where immigrants were being forced to drink out of toilets, which looked almost exactly the same as the “detention facilities” Obama had operated, except for … well, you know, the “fascism.”

So who had time to worry about the corporate media colluding with an attempted Intelligence Community coup?

Then, in August, right on cue, some racist whack job murdered a bunch of people, and so now, as if the mass hysteria hadn’t already been jacked up to the max, America had “a white nationalist terrorist problem,” or was in the throes of a “white nationalist terrorism crisis.” Trump was now officially our “Nihilist-in-Chief,” and “a white supremacist who inspires terrorism” and was basically no different than Anwar al-Awlaki. It was time to take some extraordinary measures along the lines of the Patriot Act, except focused on potential white supremacist terrorists, or anyone the Editorial Board of The New York Times might deem a “threat.”

This sudden outbreak of “Trump-inspired terrorism” and the manufactured “fascism” hysteria that followed got the Resistance through end of the Summer and into the Autumn, which was always when the main event was scheduled to begin. See, these last three years have basically been a warm-up for what is about to happen … the impeachment, sure, but that’s only one part of it.

If you thought the global capitalist ruling classes and the corporate media’s methodical crushing of Jeremy Corbyn was depressing to watch … well, prepare yourself for 2020. The Year of Manufactured Mass Hysteria was not just the Intelligence Community and the corporate media getting their kicks by whipping the public up into an endless series of baseless panics over imaginary Russians and Nazis. It was the final phase of cementing the official “Putin-Nazi” narrative in people’s minds.

For the sake of anyone new to my columns, here’s how the Putin-Nazi narrative works …

The Putin-Nazi narrative has two basic parts, or messages, which are constantly repeated: (1) “Russia is attacking our democracy!; and (2) “fascism is spreading like wildfire!,” both of which parts are essentially fictions. This official Putin-Nazi narrative was introduced in the Summer of 2016, and replaced the official “War on Terrorism” narrative, which had run for fifteen years, and which was just as fictional. It has been methodically reinforced and repeated by the neoliberal establishment, the corporate media (and, more recently, the alternative media, and even by extremely intelligent anarchist anthropologists like David Graeber) for the last three years on a daily basis. At this point it has become our “reality,” just as the War on Terror became our “reality” … as the Cold War had previously been our “reality.”

When I say that this narrative has become our “reality,” I mean that it is now virtually impossible to refute it in any mainstream forum without being dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist,” or an “anti-Semite,” or a “Russian asset.” It has become axiomatic and is taken for granted that we are experiencing an explosion of anti-Semitism, and fascism, and that Russia is out to get us (so axiomatic that someone like Graeber falls into the trap of defending Corbyn by relying on, and thus reifying, the very “fascism” hysteria that was used to destroy him).

Never mind that the entire planet continues to be ruled by global capitalism, transnational corporations, and supra-governmental bodies, and that most of it is occupied by the U.S. military, NATO, and other GloboCap allies, and assorted corporate military contractors. Never mind that Russia isn’t “attacking” anyone, and that the “Nazis” haven’t taken over anything, and that no one is rounding up and murdering the Jews, or the Mexicans, or anyone else for that matter … because when have facts had anything to do with maintaining an official narrative?

The answer, in case you were wondering, is “never.” We are, all of us, living in a fiction. A fiction authored by those in power to serve the interests of those in power. That’s what an official narrative is. It makes no difference whether we believe it or not. It functions as “reality” regardless. If you doubt that … well, just ask Jeremy Corbyn. Or watch as the Labour “anti-Semitism crisis” evaporates into thin air, as the War on Terror did in 2016, once it no longer served a useful purpose.

As for 2020, I’m afraid the manufactured mass hysteria is only going to get worse. The global capitalist ruling classes are determined to snuff out this populist rebellion, and to make sure it never happens again, or at the very least not on this scale. Anyone who gets in the way is going to be branded an “anti-Semite,” or a “fascist,” or a “Russian asset.” Politicians who do not toe the line are going to have their political careers and personal reputations destroyed. (Did you notice how it took less than two days after the crushing of Jeremy Corbyn for the smearing of Sanders as an anti-Semite or “soft on anti-Semitism” to begin?)

Mainstream journalists who dare to question the official Putin-Nazi narrative, even in the most respectful way, are going to come under increasing pressure to tone it down or suffer the consequences. Putin-Nazi paranoia will metastasize. Dissident websites will be deplatformed and demonitized. The Internet will be increasingly monitored for any and all forms of non-conformity. Dissent will be increasingly stigmatized. “Reality” will be increasingly policed. It’s all going to get extremely unpleasant, and that’s assuming that civil war doesn’t break out.

And as for me, I’m just a political satirist with a barely respectable cult-sized following, so they’ll probably let me get away with continuing to cover the whole ugly show (as long as no one starts to take me seriously). I’ll try to find the humor in it, but honestly, just between you and me, what’s coming may not be all that funny.


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Apr 6, 2021 4:39 AM

and here we are lool

Berlin beerman
Berlin beerman
Dec 24, 2019 3:42 PM

On the contrary, whats coming is very funny and its going to get even more hellarious…. if you like a good black comedy ending.

With some hope, the existing morons who actually believe all the crap out there will start to question their comfort zone and with a little bit of luck, they may begin to form reason and clear thought.

Unfortunately all those years of being fucked by comfort may turn to anger.

I trust that people are smarter than they appear – at least outside of the UK and the US and parts of Canada. Australia is a write off and its burning anyway.

Simply turn the channel, go for a walk, live life. Leave them to their rantings and ravings because when there is no one listening …….

Merry Christmas.

Maxwell Quest
Maxwell Quest
Dec 22, 2019 10:46 PM

LOL! Excellent recap of the west’s Propaganda Express.

kevin morris
kevin morris
Dec 22, 2019 6:45 PM

No mention then of the manufactured hysteria of Extinction Rebellion, then?

Regan S
Regan S
Dec 22, 2019 12:48 PM

Not all of us are living in this fiction.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 27, 2019 4:44 AM
Reply to  Regan S

No; just in a different fiction.

Regan S
Regan S
Dec 27, 2019 10:43 PM

Can you explain how you know this?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 27, 2019 10:50 PM
Reply to  Regan S

He’s going all Nietzschean i.e. everything is a fiction and there is no “real world”. Nietzsche’s brain eventually slopped out of his ears, leaving his sister to comb his increasingly gargantuan moustache while wheeling him out for the Nazi rallies.

Regan S
Regan S
Dec 28, 2019 1:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Nihilism never appealed to me and was therefore never interested in reading Nietzche. Steiner said Nietzche was essentially correct strictly within the confines of the physical world, but had no choice but to go batshit because he was a pure materialist who had concluded that nothing he could perceive with his senses actually existed. Poor guy didn’t have a leg to stand on, as it were. Perhaps I shouldn’t judge, since I’m not familiar with his work, but he couldn’t have been terribly bright if he couldn’t figure out that even an illusion must of necessity have a real consciousness at its core.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 31, 2019 6:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Nope, wasn’t saying this at all.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 31, 2019 7:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Wasn’t going for this at all.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 31, 2019 8:54 AM

Can you choose a different name please. ‘Stomper of fuctards’ is triggering the spam detector and I’m finding 10+ comments from you in the pending folder every single time I check.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2019 10:46 AM

I know we’ve been over the pronunciation of “Epstein” thing already but, on hearing how this pronunciation matter was being used in America as a new form of witch hunting/scare mongering, I went back to the original Medialens article:


Here’s the relevant bit:

“In the i newspaper, former Independent editor Simon Kelner focused on the way Corbyn had ‘mispronounced’ the name of the sexual criminal Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew’s former friend, in a TV debate: ‘He called him “Ep–Schtine”,’ Kelner noted.

Along with ITV political editor Robert Peston (see below), Kelner did not only dispense with the usual affectation of journalistic impartiality, he emphasised his subjectivity in lending weight to an attack on Corbyn:

‘My reaction was a visceral one: it’s not something I can explain easily, or even rationally, but a Jewish person does know when there is something that sounds wrong, or perjorative [sic], or even threatening. It was as if he was saying: “Are you aware this man is Jewish?”’

That last bit is fascinating. “…visceral ….. not something I can explain easily, or even rationally… sounds wrong ….perjorative ….threatening”

I read this and I knew exactly what he was implying: visions of barbed wire in the chilly night, vicious killer dogs, cold grey corridors leading to circular steel doors that go clang. Yes – it’s the Auschwitz scenario endlessly recycled by the MSM to bypass all reason.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 21, 2019 4:12 PM

It’s been said below but it is worthy of emphasis that this:

“….watch as the Labour “anti-Semitism crisis” evaporates into thin air, as the War on Terror did in 2016, once it no longer served a useful purpose.”

is pure wishful thinking. It’s certainly true that the specific accusations against Corbyn will evaporate since he is now safely put out to pasture. I suspect he will effectively be blotted from the record now that the ominous re-emergence of something vaguely approaching actual Leftism has been “dealt with”. But this certainly doesn’t mean that the AS charge in itself is going to disappear. This charge has been one of the founding pillars of several indispensable memes: the “Good West Against Evil East”, the equally useful “Good Elite Against Evil Masses” and of course “Poor Defenseless Little Israel Struggling For Its Very Life” etc.

And then also there’s the mnemonic cartoon Pavlovian impulse that can always be relied upon whenever you mention Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust etc.

None of this is to deny actual AS – but the very label itself has become so corrupted by deceit that, whenever it is claimed, it must be viewed by any intelligent being as deeply suspicious. But the media are not there to serve the interests of intelligence. They are there to whip up a barely conscious rage. And for this, the AS charge is the best weapon they’ve got. And they will continue to use it for any indications of Leftism or defiance of US interests.

Dec 22, 2019 1:31 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Have you not seen the multiple atrack articles on Corbynistas and him this weekend as they try and recreate Thatchers bastard children takeover of Labour again? Het greatest achievement!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2019 10:08 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

For the sake of my health I haven’t. Since that total fiasco of an election, I have been avoiding the MSM even more than previously. I have the same feeling I had when I first heard GW Bush make noises about attacking Iraq. I knew it was shit and I could have written the script from there on myself.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 21, 2019 4:02 PM

Well, it looks like manufactured hysteria cannot drown out GENUINE passion, love and solidarity:

Apparently, a few hours ago – the footage on Sky Sports of the Darts World Championship showed the WHOLE audience singing “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn”. Looks like the movement is as strong as ever! You can rig things as much as you like, but the truth will always win out in the end! <3

Well, I've always loved darts and used to play a (admittedly bad) game or two at the local pub in the '90s; now I will adore the game! 😉

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 21, 2019 1:43 PM

If you think these instances of hysteria are bad, just wait till you get a load of O-G’s self-entitled bleatings and fabrications about ‘State Department trolls’.

Dec 21, 2019 1:15 PM

Wow, almost a good rant, not to forget a summing up of 1919, or should that be 2019? As the Slog.

Which i follow both for its views of the world and the links supplied by its followers.

Will Trump be Impeached? Or will he bring out the real dirt on the Democrats and their ideology, not to forget his [Obama’s] and their [Democrats] funding streams?

Or will the upper house vote against Trumps impeachment and nominate Trump for the 2020 election?

Trump will romp home much to the dismay of the Democrats, with a new Mandate and the will to really tell the truth about the professional political puppets, muppets, or masters. Come to your own conclusions

Dec 21, 2019 12:09 PM

CJ – better pay attention- the postal vote percentages are coming out

What is the point at which people say WTF?
20% ? 25? 30? More…?

And what does that do to turnout?
Is a figure above 73% in a constituency likely?
Above 75%? 80? More…?

Will Off-G be interested?
Will the troll bot real socialists celebrating the microwave ready tory capitalist HARD brexit be too busy spending their xmas bonuses?

Will anybody? Parliament and Downing Street may be getting a few visitors over the 12 days – maybe a few million.

Dec 21, 2019 9:04 AM

Hell hath no fury like a Groaniad cockwomble!

JC is still there, the list of candidates isn’t yet complete, no hustings have happened yet the great poohbaa Freedland has already declared for Jess Phillips!

The narrative is crap – the article snuck in yesterday evening -comments opened and shut within two hours ! Meaning inly selected comments are left and a troll army of some 100 odd gave their insta approval of ‘charismatic’ Jess and disdain if ‘mousey’ Becky – aiming to squeeze in some balls instead while dismissing Starmer and Lewis – COOPER i mean – the Empire is salivating at the prospect of getting its controlled opposition back with it’s sith girls.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 20, 2019 6:00 PM

The reason all this lying continues is because there is no punishment for it.

Here are a few punishments I am not suggesting should be used, but would stop the lying stone dead.

1. Sell liars’ children for sex trafficking. Especially to billionaire plutocrats in the Middle East….
2. Criminalise media outlets who lie (confiscate beneficial ownership from recalcitrant ownership, ask Putin to set a Diberian gulag to send editors and lying scribblers).
3. Privatise the BBC by handing one share to every Uk citizen aged over 18 and telling the people to get on with running it, making it clear that they do not have to be PC in any way whatsoever. No share may ever be sold to a foreigner and any Murdoch trying to buy them may be shot by firing squad without legal consequences.
4. Bombing the American Schools in London if Yanks tell us we have to repeat their drivel about Putin ad nauseam.
5. Setting up a concentration camp for London Jews to teach them to stop being whingeing bedwetters. Too many of their kids are costing the NHS too much on ADHD drugs……so some regimental Gauleiters will teach their children to focus without whipping them, raping them, bullying them, gassing them or incinerating them. It will be a bit more forthright than ‘please do what you are told, young Samuel’….
6. Stringing up Pablo Miller and Mark Urban until they tell us who knows where the Skripals are. Then we go and string those folks up until we get conclusive proof that Skripals are alive or dead, where they are buried if dead and what their budget is from MI6 dirty money to keep them in a relative Life of Riley.
7. Get every non US Parliament to guillotine through motions that state that Capitol Hill is full of biddable, corrupt, terrorism-supporting cretins.
8. Try and feed ourselves rather than saying we should be bankrupting Ukraine.

Well, the last one might be sensible but in our mad world that is an action worthy of punishment, not a sensible bit of politics.

Clearly, my preference would be a jolly good firing squad for about fifty Democratic Reprobates and every daft Senator who thinks that Putin is a worse terrorist than they are.

I will keep quiet about what I would do in Kiev and Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Donetsk.

I might get into big trouble if I did not…..

Dec 20, 2019 10:53 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Sounds reasonable to me.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 27, 2019 4:46 AM
Reply to  paul

It would. You love genocide.

Dec 21, 2019 9:11 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Will you EVER get off the fence Rhys…?

I nominate Freedlamed to your list (as posted above).

Happy grrrrrsmas!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Dec 20, 2019 4:38 PM

In your outline of the manufactured hysteria, you missed out the Climate Change emergency.

Dec 20, 2019 5:03 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I watched a Fullerton Informer clip recently where he did this stupid thing of pointing out the bleeding obvious, insofar as CO2, the prime instigator of climate change, the devil’s very own gas, the evil CO2, well it is little more than plant food. CO2, water and sunlight are the very ingredients that plants consume to fill the air with oxygen, as we all learned at school, in a process called photsynthesis. Not only this, but when we breathe out, we exhale CO2, ummmmm, carbon dioxide. So we breathe out the carbon dioxide, the plants consume it and release oxygen back into the air which we inhale and benefit from.
Don’t get me wrong, I am against dirty air, I believe diesel cars should be banned yesterday, I am totally opposed to deforestation, I love Mother Nature and all her beauty, but I am not at all convinced that this climate change agenda is genuine. And judging by the scum who promote it, this doubt has reasonable basis.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 21, 2019 1:25 PM
Reply to  Mucho

With such simpleton “science” on your side, it’s little wonder you’re a “climate change skeptic”.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 23, 2019 9:30 AM

The Dunning-Kruger Effect in excelsis.

Dec 23, 2019 2:52 AM
Reply to  Mucho

…I am not at all convinced that this climate change agenda is genuine.

Only dickwits confuse evidential science (as distinct from theoretical science) with the capitalism that inevitably seeks to subject it to proprietised scamming, so I presume your presentation of a quick review of a tiny part of the carbon cycle as though it were anywhere near enough to engender your (or anyone’s) doubt is nothing more than an inadvertent and unfortunate typographical error.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 21, 2019 1:27 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Reactionary trash/obscurantist comment. Meanwhile, Australia suffers its worst recorded heatwave.

Dec 22, 2019 1:35 AM

Because of CO2?

Stomper of Fuctards
Stomper of Fuctards
Dec 22, 2019 3:42 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Yep. If you’d just bother to inform yourself, you could finally stop playing stupid.

Dec 22, 2019 8:47 AM

Simple experiment you can do at home with two plants grown from seed in two bottles -one with normal air and one with enriched CO2 – see what happens – that is how you could inform YOURSELF.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 23, 2019 9:32 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The world is not his oyster-it’s his bottle.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 27, 2019 4:51 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Oh dear, you actually think you’re “onto something”, much like the do-it-at-home-experiment-to-prove-a-flat-earth crowd think they’re “onto something” because they read some miserably ignorant diatribe on a “shill stomper’s” Twitter feed.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 27, 2019 4:55 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Climate change deniers: “Look at how over-simplified these scientists’ assumptons are! They’re not taking into account the full range of COMPLEXITY of the whole system!”
Also climate change deniers: “Check out this SIMPLE EXPERIMENT you can do at home to show that global climate change is a SCAM!”

Dec 27, 2019 12:27 PM


Yes dotard – that is the point – it isn’t as simple as CO2!


My suggested experiment was to show that CO2 is a poison for the environment is a LIE.
Nanoparticles will kill you
CarbonMonoxide will kill you.
Oxygen on its own will kill you.
Pure water H2O will kill you.
Plastics and radiologicals will kill you.

Carbon Dioxide is an essential for life on earth and the Earth systems adapt in weird and unknown ways to humans until it happens.

So stop sending multiple replies with defence of your hardly understood science pushing the NWO Greta agenda and psyop campaign with your Mucho wankoid mate, busy spaffing your next big gaslighting project on the populace !

I trust I have made myself totally clear.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 31, 2019 6:40 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

By deliberately conflating co2 as a “poison” in the scientists’ eyes, you set up a straw-man that you can then knock down, as though poisons exhausted the list of environmental culprits.

Dec 31, 2019 1:15 PM

Lol your last response is what in psychology is known as


It is classic self realisation if you bother to take it on board. Your psyche knows you should.

Don’t remain a dottard in the New Year and celebrate IT.
Unless you want to believe we are all DOOMED?

Jan 18, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Even Exxon concluded in the 1950’s that the burning of fossil fuels would cause the Earth to heat up.
Your mistake is that you do not seem to understand that it is not the current CO2 causing the problem; as you rightly point out, it is simply recycled back into the system.
The problem is the millions of tons of pre-historic CO2 being released from burning fossil fuels – CO2 captured from sunlight that last hit planet Earth millions of years ago – and nature cannot keep up with the rate of re-cycling needed to trap this rush, hence the increase in CO2 levels.
Should be commom-sense, really.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 23, 2019 9:31 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

In very great part, yes.

Dec 22, 2019 10:47 AM

Here is a breakdown, with plenty of hard evidence, of the elephant in the room, regarding changes in the weather. Corporate/military weather manipulation. Know your enemy


Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 30, 2019 11:44 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Your problem seems to be an aversion to the basics of earth systems science.

Dec 20, 2019 12:38 PM

Editor: This comment blatantly violates our comment policy on inciting race hate – please see below on how to help us keep on top of this kind of trolling

It’s pretty simple.. since the beginning , the crazed talmudic zionist jews have been driving their own magic school bus, adorned with pictures of slain Christ , defeated Hitler , Rothschild and Big noses giving it to little Children whilst sucking their souls out.
The narrative is simple , destroy the goyim through as many evil kabbalah principles as possible . Eliminate Family , Religion, National identity and of course above all else always control the money.

They killed Christ and were offended by being accused of it. They have been kicked out of a 109 countries – which strangely doesn’t seem to catch anyones attention- and since then have been on a quest to advance their little book of spells called the talmud ( kaballah) . Sponsoring the raping of children as long as they are 3 years and a day and many other fancy little treats.

Our History has been a lie . Hitler only can be accused of trying to relocate these cockroaches who were responsible for the control and debauchery that brought Germany to collapse in the weimar republic days. They even wanted to set them up in Magdagascar. The holocaust total fabrication as has been proven by many and deaths of many were attributed to typhoid and other causes.

Today they manage to totally control the the money _ the federal reserve enslavement system-to have totally succeeded in dismembering European identity by implementing the Calergi plan that used immigrant refugees to procreate like bunnies and breed out the white Christian, who is now enemy number one . Visit any capital or school nowadays and you could be in Stockholm or some distant caliphate .

In conclusion , America , UK, Europe and wherever this spongebob passe are infiltrated, will, in the next few episodes of this great comedy , take your freedom of speech, your right to bare arms , your right to be straight , white , Christian or simply be on the side of truth.

As you look at the homeless man swing his sign that reads ” The end is nigh ” you cannot help but feel uneasy and angry that he is so right … the king is dead , long live the king .

Editor: This comment blatantly violates our comment policy on inciting race hate and would normally be removed. If you see stuff like this here it will be because it has slipped under our radar. Can you please let Admin know directly rather than commenting ‘this shouldn’t be here’ or similar.

Dec 20, 2019 1:16 PM

In the bible, it’s the Romans who killed Jesus, not the jews. During WW2, it was the nazis who put people in concentration camps for their religious and political beliefs, not typhoid. You’re not really “on the side of truth”, are you?

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Dec 20, 2019 3:27 PM
Reply to  SharonMarlowe

ken livingston mentioned the transfer agreement on glr london radio and he has not had any work since.
all revolutionary movements are zio backed

From the days of Spartacus, Weishophf, Karl Marx, Trotski, Belacoon, Rosa Luxenburg, and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
Winston Churchill

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Dec 20, 2019 3:32 PM

calling yourself jewfiltergoggles does not help
for all we know you could be agent

why not khazar for that is what they are ashkanazim
is it not

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Dec 21, 2019 6:30 AM

This site should not be hosting crap like this BTL, the Left has enough to contend with, without crass crap like this raising its ugly head.

Dec 20, 2019 12:02 PM

Great overview…I do think that many are not looking at how incredibly weird and hysterical the ‘west’ has become…a watershed for me was 2011, the NATO destruction of Libya and deathly sodomizing of Gadaffi…this ‘action’ was given the green light by China/Russia in the UN. But it seems to be the last time…the Russian victory in Syria was in this respect hugely significant. Now, all roads lead to great power confrontation, regime change wars will now be military suicide for the US – especially with an increase in body bags being flown back to the USA. So, yes, we live in an insane and hysterical time – but the hysteria is necessary as a disguise for economic and military hegemony slipping away.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 20, 2019 12:15 PM
Reply to  ajbsm

Some people think the USA from its inception has been purposely made to be the globalists’ murderous empire machine and for it to, ultimately, be destroyed; and the power, covertly and overtly being transferred to another empire (China?).

Don’t know how true this quote is, but it does stick in the mind:

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Benjamin Netanyahu


Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 21, 2019 1:30 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

So as long as it sticks in the mind, you don’t care whether it was actually said or not?

Dec 20, 2019 8:33 PM
Reply to  ajbsm

Russia and China signed on to the UNSC resolution of establishing a no-fly zone .What happened afterwords was no flying on the part of the Libyan air forces but flying only of NATO .NATO then proceeded to totally destroy the country and if you have been following what happened in Libya the rest is history .

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 30, 2019 11:46 AM
Reply to  Guy

Russia and China have no one to blame but themselves.

Jan 18, 2020 1:24 PM

“no one to blame but themselves.”
So says the mugger of old ladies who’ve just collected their pension from the post office.
A blackguards excuse.

Dec 20, 2019 11:02 AM

‘…Graeber falls into the trap of defending Corbyn by relying on, and thus reifying, the very “fascism” hysteria that was used to destroy him. Never mind that the entire planet continues to be ruled by global capitalism, transnational corporations, and supra-governmental bodies, and that most of it is occupied by the U.S. military, NATO, and other GloboCap allies, and assorted corporate military contractors.

You completely missed Graebers point then: those are fascists capitalists who beat people up daily for trying to survive. Boris Johnson just had his queens speech in which he has torn up workers rights, announced he will ban strikes and impose stricter anti -anti-state laws. Boris is a fascist who has risen to power. Expect more overt fascism to come from him. Its not imagined or hysterical, its real. The fake fascism is Corbyn obviously. But that does not mean the BBC and UK media haven’t elected an actual fascist. The guy lied his way to election. Probably faked the ballots, and MI5 fascists no doubt litter the PLP.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Dec 20, 2019 10:45 AM

I am not sure that satire has any currency against the unfolding madness.But if it has,this article will have made a useful contribution.Thank you.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 20, 2019 10:21 AM

Sure the US remains the dominant imperialist power, although a declining one, but Putin is a pretty powerful and ruthless individual, and is doing all he can to extend his global influence and that of his country which has become more or less his own personal fiefdom.

That the far-right Front National in France has received Russian funding and that Boris Johson’s election campaign received financial support from people closely connected to Putin are documented facts:



John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Dec 20, 2019 10:45 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Cuckoo cuckoo !

Dec 20, 2019 1:03 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Why isn’t the report released now that Parliament is back?

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 20, 2019 10:16 AM

I have a controversial theory. I think all this goes much, much further than what is outlined in this article.

May I suggest that not only is everything presented to us in the mainstream outlets and most of the so-called alternative outlets (the ones that haven’t been shut down) kabuki theatre — with its propaganda-media in total control; publishing (incl. scientific) and popular culture saturated with propaganda; false flags; psychological operations; huge armies of shills/sockpuppets/astroturfers (and also biased moderators) not just on MSM comments sections but also on the so-called alternative media and social media — but the technocratic globalist-establishment are so impatient to implement their control-grid and afraid of the huge swathes of the general public waking up all over the world that they are now not afraid to do the most blatantly obvious dirty tricks, rigging, outright lies, etc to get the outcomes that they want, including rigged elections so they do not care one iota what we the general public thinks even if their corruption is so blatant. Well, they must roll-out their (depopulating) ultra control system asap. the roll-out of the Smart Grid/Internet of Things running on the dangerous,nay, genocidal 5G system?

Isn’t it more plausible that after years & years of propaganda being seen through by the general public, in reality, we are actually not as easily influenced by it as it seems – the establishment are using all the resources outlined above to try to make us believe that that is the case – that at least half us are still fooled? What if the establishment just don’t care that most of us all know the truth? That we know that they know that we know etc. What if all this (digital) record of so-called news, and astroturfed comments are not for us but for the ‘benefit’ of future generations. When we are all long gone – the future generations will only see the digital record of the establishment fake-news, false flags, psyops and astroturfer/shill comments (all real news, information and real public comments wiped off the record) and it will be presented to them as the truth?

Does the technocratic, globalist establishment think they are so powerful now that they think they can be openly corrupt that we cannot stop them and that all this information will be edited for the future people to read as ‘ real history’?

Apologies for any typos, I haven’t had enough coffee this morning.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Dec 20, 2019 10:48 AM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

You credit them with far too much intelligence and foresight.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 20, 2019 11:00 AM
Reply to  John Thatcher

Read/observe the technocratic, globalists’ own work – their words are on record (for now) and some of it goes back hundreds and hundreds of years. Their control plans have been very long in the making. Please do the necessary research especially read the actual insiders’ sources. Fortunately our so-called betters’ hubris is open to the public to view if we have the time and inclination to read/observe it.

Some people have pointed out that the globalists have a code: that they have to (subtly) tell us in advance what they will implement so it absolves them of responsibility (they, wrongly, think it means we, the public accept their chaotic, despicable, corrupt, murderous machinations). If this is, indeed, true – the global establishment are completely wrong – we did not and do not consent to their plans and ultimate agenda of an ultra control grid which depopulates most of us; and them trying to hide it in plain sight does not absolve them in any way, shape or form! No, we do not consent!

Dec 20, 2019 11:11 AM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Go to any fascist run country, where lying and propaganda and cheating rules over everyone, eg Saudi Arabia: Few people there believe a word their rulers say, they are more aware (more than us Brits) that everything they see and do is bullshit. They live as if everyone else knows it too. The problem here is that we still think theres a functional system, that truth and honesty within it can make it work. It can’t. Britain has always been a fascist state. It was only after ww2 when everyone was now dead that that fascism volunteered to take a back seat for a while , it let in social progress (NHS), and has spent the decades since that recovery period going back to what its done for 400 years. And its winning better than ever. Fascism has always been in charge.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 20, 2019 11:29 AM
Reply to  mrbump

Yes, true what you say but it is important to point out that people have had the democratic internet long enough now that most of us must be able to see that there is a much, much deeper agenda at play now (see my comments above). * Note: sadly, as everyone knows, the internet is obviously being more and more controlled with every day that passes.

Dec 20, 2019 9:15 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

You might be correct but I refuse to give up hope that you are incorrect .
I say this because I see/read the backstop of the globalists to be China,Russia and other nations that are starting to talk back at the spiral into the pit of darkness . There is an axiom that cannot be denied and that is ,light exposes darkness and darkness does not expose light.
Just my thoughts.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 20, 2019 11:33 PM
Reply to  Guy

Oh, don’t get me wrong, like you, I also hope with all my might that this theory I suggested is totally incorrect, I really do. I would rather be totally wrong about this and labelled a nut and live a happier life knowing such malign forces do not exist and do not have the power to implement such plans. Hopefully their despicable, perverse fantasies are just that, fantasies. Ordinary people just want to be left to live life peacefully, comfortably, fairly in a just society, don’t we? Most of us don’t want to control anyone let alone a whole planet?! It’s just that I wouldn’t put it past these supremacist control freaks to use their favourite tactic, the Hegelian Dialectic — the Western countries pitted against China & Russia et al — to incrementally gain their ultimate goal of a totally controlled world. Since I’ve read stuff like this (just over 10 years now) I wake up every morning hoping this is all just a bad dream and I am back in the 90s oblivious to all this.

Dec 21, 2019 1:12 AM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

You and me both .I wish the nightmare to end but before it ends ,I hear that we are in for more and worse ,unfortunately .We have to take comfort in knowing that a new world is in the process of being born and like a mother giving birth , it is painful but only for a short while as the new birth gives way to such joy as to forget about the pain.
So I am told as I am not a female ,but just the same .
Cheers and thank you for the reply .

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 21, 2019 10:37 AM
Reply to  Guy

Scarily, if the supremacist technocrats get their way of a ‘new world’, all young people (let alone new babies born now) will have a future of total slavery; only the globalists’ own offspring will have a comfortable (probably very opulent) life.

Hmm, I hope the tories will implode (as many people hope ) because they are already selling off the last pieces of British silverware (the NHS and I read today: Cobham Defence to a US hedge fund). It seems they don’t care what anyone thinks. Here’s hoping the Corbyn movement grows & grows and gets replicated around the world so it gives the general public power and therefore rebuild our country into a much, much better place for everyone.

Anyway, let’s hope these sociopaths don’t get their way. I know I will try to stop them in my own little way (through sharing knowledge and grassroots acts…). It may seem very small but together we are a colossal force.

Just my tuppence worth.

Have a good Christmas and New Year!

Dec 23, 2019 2:13 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

The problem is that it only takes a handful of clever psycopaths and sociopaths to fuck over the whole human race. Given a population of 7 billion his means its almost impossible to be in a situation where the human race isnt being fucked over by its own kind. 2020 is the year I give up.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Dec 23, 2019 3:15 PM
Reply to  mrbump

Give up? No. Well, I’ve got to the point now where I think that I will fight with every resource I have (albeit small) to try to stop this establishment ‘vision’ from happening EVEN if it is, ultimately, futile (everything stacked against us and almost 100% certain failure). I think it is the Finnish who have/had a traditional philosophy along these lines?

I would have preferred a different life and outcome, obviously; and it may sound hackneyed but I WOULD rather die fighting than live on my knees. I owe that to the next generation. What is the meaning of being a human? Empathetic, thinking and free souls helping each other when in need would be my definition. The establishment want the opposite for us it seems.

My New Year’s Resolution this coming year will be to do more, and less saying (and less writing). I’ve written and tried to share knowledge for about 12 years now and think action is more important now. Get behind the sadly few in number of powerful but genuinely good people (like the Corbyn brothers) – supporting them all the way. Also, persistent, determined, non-violent civil disobedience if needed.

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 31, 2019 6:44 AM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

“Hegelian dialectic”. More chauvinist talking points.

Dec 20, 2019 9:38 AM


Dec 20, 2019 8:29 AM

Quite depressing, yet factual, summary of the year 2019 as it was presented to us by the corporate media. The only reason why they get away with it, is because people who read the papers and watch the tube cannot see the non-sense through it. And that is because as long as the non-sense is solomnly stated by some person or institution that is considered to never be wrong, the statement must be right.

‘Four legs good, two legs better!’

Fortunately there are sites likes OffG and writers like CJ Hopkins who remind me about the true quote of Yeats who said ‘There is another world, but it is in this one.’

Dec 20, 2019 6:20 AM

Cult following ?? Cult follower, who, me ?
That would imply you are at some stage planning to use me for sex
Aint gonna happen bro !

Merry xmas keep laughin

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Dec 20, 2019 2:30 AM

C.J. may just have written the definitive history of the last several years.

I’m no prognosticator or psychic, but I can envision an event which could take place around the time of the Democratic Party convention in the U.S. next year, in which the Democratic Party elites bring in the OPCW inspectors, resulting in the top OPCW officials ignoring the reporting of their own inspectors, in order to instead issue a definitive report accusing the Bernie Sander’s campaign of engaging in a “chemical weapons attack” for having used chlorine containing sani-wipes to clean the convention center kitchen after a Sander’s rally.

I’m just saying – it could happen! The headline would read: “Bernie is gassing his own people,” – and of course anyone who defends Bernie will be a “Bernie apologist,” and therefore roughly the equivalent of an “Assad apologist,” and therefore pretty much indistinguishable from a “Putin Puppet,” and therefore some variation of a “Putin-Nazi.”

Of course it is probably more likely that Sanders will simply morph – within MSM parlance – into some form of insane dangerous “anti-Semite” long before the convention ever takes place. I mean since “reality” has nothing to do with any of this – why not?

Dec 20, 2019 1:44 AM

Your forgot the present manufacture mass hysteria produced in India at this moment against a new law to allow religious refugees into India from 3 neighboring countries. Violent street protests produced by 3 parties (Congress, TMC and CPI(M) ) that created extra voters for themselves by closing the eyes to illegal economic Muslim immigration from mainly Bangladesh in the millions.

Imagine, Islam is the state religion in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, so there can’t be Muslim religious refugees from there… Even in the unlikely event, these can go to the 30 or so Islamic countries around. How different for Hindus: not a single Hindu nation exists – India was declared “secular” by Nehru, who was educated in London and admired Stalin’s parades.
Similar to the West now, plenty of MSM in India got big under 54 years of Congress party rule and still abide by that deep state. The masses kept their impression that Sonia Gandhi-Maino and family are related to Mahatma Gandhi which is totally untrue. Rahul Gandhi was a grand son of Pandit Nehru. Sonia is the Catholic daughter of an Italian Fascist. https://www.outlookindia.com/magazine/story/meeting-mr-maino/205112

Dec 20, 2019 1:01 AM

Nice summary CJ.
But you missed two events.

1. Pompeo promising a Guantlet against Corbynite Labour
Talk of foreign influence in elections!; and

2. The postal vote rigging that was the ‘Sting’ that pre fixed the result. All else was just the story to cover it.
Including the chief political reporter of the BBC breaking the LAW

And she didn’t get taken off air, or charged by the privatised electoral commission. Nor did the private co, part of a Canadian conglomerate which is deeply involved with US deepstate information infrastructure.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Dec 19, 2019 11:20 PM

Greed has no limits.
It consumes until it is consumed by death.
Then it’s offspring continue the cycle.

Dec 19, 2019 9:45 PM

Everything will be just fine when we leave that nasty EU , just think no more of those nasty zero hour contacts, another 40 NHS hospitals, no more disruption by those hungry train drivers , can’t wait , don’t know how we’ve managed for the last 4o years, be a really caring government for working people now we’ve escaped from the shackles of the EU

Dec 19, 2019 10:31 PM
Reply to  GEOFF

Do people like you have any idea of what’s been going on in France for the last three years or so?

It’s revolution 101, and they will never tell you about it.

Dec 19, 2019 10:41 PM
Reply to  RobG

And that includes Frexit.

Many people in France have had enough of the neoliberalism project known as the EU.

Dec 20, 2019 8:28 AM
Reply to  RobG

Yes we prefer our own obviously, that’s why people have just voted for it, but I don’t know what people like you will do when it all falls to bits, because you won’t be able to blame it on the EU.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 20, 2019 10:28 AM
Reply to  RobG

Neoliberalism is capital’s global project nowadays. In a capitalist country, you will get neoliberalism regardless of whether you are inside or outside the EU. At least the EU has some fairly impressive human, social and workers’ rights legislation.

Dec 20, 2019 12:10 AM
Reply to  RobG

I think Geoff’s comment – correct me if I’m wrong – was satirical.

Neil McCormick
Neil McCormick
Dec 20, 2019 7:46 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

nondimenticare – geez thank goodness, I was worried I was the only one that caught that – it wasn’t even particularly subtle was it

Dec 20, 2019 8:29 AM
Reply to  Neil McCormick

Don’t wake them up!

Dec 20, 2019 1:05 AM
Reply to  RobG

I was talking to a french banker this evening who is SURPRISED that there are NO msm reports of this. And couldn’t answer how Macron can be displaced – no Impeachment in France as far he knew. Only that if he resigns then the leader of the Parliament takes over or something.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 20, 2019 7:42 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“NO msm reports of this.”

Isn’t it like the Titanic where they didn’t tell the passengers they were all going down till they could no longer deny it?

Dec 20, 2019 8:24 AM
Reply to  RobG

What do you mean ‘people like me’ I’m well aware of the situation in France, it’s a pity we haven’t got the balls to follow them instead of just excepting everything they throw at us, viva la Francais

Dec 20, 2019 9:28 PM
Reply to  GEOFF

Merci ! But I am French Canadian ,does that count ?

Dec 21, 2019 8:19 AM
Reply to  Guy


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 19, 2019 9:42 PM

I’ve just gone from reading a peice of vile garbage on ABC 24 here in Vassal State #2 (Australia) about Julian Assange, Russia, 2016 elections, etc, to then reading this brilliant takedown of the years events by CJ Hopkins, who nails it yet again.
What a contrast!
And CJ is bang on the money regards the Labour Party… ‘anti semitism crisis will evaporate into thin air’. Quite a few of us here have already predicted that.
After 40 odd years of Neoliberal orthodoxy with all the attendant propaganda, there are smirkboys and smirkgirls everywhere.
I ran into quite a lot of them yesterday while out selling the mag.
Narcissistic hedonism run rampant with the social conscience of a Tadpoles to match. Do Tadpoles even have social consciences? No.
Appreciate the links as well CJ. Noted a paragraph on your Consent Factory blog where you speak about mindless consumers stumbling down the sidewalk, while others sit in their cubicles. Alone.
This, too, is the result of this Neoliberal cancer that plagues the World; the breakdown in society and erosion of values such as compassion and solidarity.
I also agree that dissent will be increasingly stigmatised and those who speak truth to power will be relentlessly smeared.
Most of us can see where all this is going.

Dec 20, 2019 1:07 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It will ALL comeback if Labour members elect the WRONG leader again.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 20, 2019 5:20 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Dungroanin… Respect a lot of what you say, but need to clarify my position.
The problem is Not who is leading Labour or any other social democratic party, but the Actual neoliberal economic system with all its attendant propaganda.
Voting for this or that Party isn’t going to change anything except apply a few band aids that can be removed at the very next election. I havn’t voted for over 20 years for this reason.
Neoliberalism will still be screwing us into the dirt.
That is the problem. We need to get rid of the economic system that threatens life on this planet:
Rampant imperialism.
The very real threat of a major war between United States and Russia (or China)
The grotesque levels of inequality.
The massive amount of environmental destruction thru the relentless pursuit of profits.
The huge amount of waste.
The levels of homelessness, even in the ‘first world’.
The obscene levels of wealth amongst the 0.01%
On and on and on.
I defended Corbyn, the Person, against the disgusting and fraudulent claims of anti semitism which was conducted by Neoliberal ideologues; Blairites, within the Labour Party and amongst the presstitutes in rags like The Guardian.
With a lot of help from the Israeli Embassy viz Mark Regev.
I don’t support Labour or any Parliamentary political parties or Jeremy Corbyn the politician. At all.

Dec 20, 2019 12:50 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah you are incorrect when you claim “Voting for this or that Party isn’t going to change anything”

Voting for Thatcher DID change it – and gave us the neo-liberalism you identify as part of the global rolling out if it.

And she wouldn’t have been any more than a one term PM if the DS moles hadn’t split the Labour vote in ’83 with the SDP gangster traitors.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 20, 2019 1:51 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

In 1984 New Zealand voted in the Labour Party to form the next Govt over the incumbent (conservative) National Party Govt. What happened.
Full blown neoliberal economic policies were introduced, known in NZ as ‘Rogernomics’.
The country was virtually sold off, privatisations, austerity, slash and burn. And who bore the brunt of this neoliberal juggernaut? Well, it wasn’t the top 5% of Kiwi’s, that’s for sure.
And this was supposedly from the ‘left wing’ working class ally…. NZ Labour Party.
Another example – Syriza in Greece.
Look at what happened after they were elected.
My point DG, is, its the actual Economic System that’s the problem, not individual leaders. Thanks for your reply.

Dec 21, 2019 1:16 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah, I don’t know what specific problem you have with having a economic system?
We all need to eat food and we go to the shop to buy it. That’s an economic system.

Not voting is an abandonment of long and hard gained right to vote.

It is careless and disrespectful i suggest to the memory of these who fought so we could have that right.

What is worse is if the
Voting itself is cheated.

By ballot stuffing- making up votes for these who haven’t bothered to vote.

It seems it has been even happening in the UK and in this December election- it would seem a massive fraud has been undertaken to stop Corbynite Labour at all costs.

That cost is the complete destruction of a fair vote in the UK.

It is very likely that both the Scottish and Brexit referendums were FIXED and likely to that tje 2015 and 2017 elections were too – though it is harder to fix a general election than a referendum.

This time the deepstate orchestrating the fix has had to get extra heavy to get their result and it is now just a matter of hours and days before the full extent becomes evident.

Jan 18, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

You just keep putting your mark of illiteracy in the ballot paper every four years.
Easier than getting off your arse and actually doing something, and safer too, eh?
Good luck!

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Dec 20, 2019 3:44 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

In vassal state #2, formal levels of education have never been higher, but the level of political literacy has never been lower. This is partly the result of the abandonment by the union movement and the ALP of their former role as educators of the working class.

The most noxious products of the current system are working class people who, having moved into the middle class thanks to educational opportunities provided by the Whitlam government, have adopted Toryism and pontificate against what’s left of the welfare state. I much prefer the real born-to-wealth Tories.

How is Radio National going to fill in time and employ its ‘experts’ on UK politics like Blair, Campbell and John McTernan now that anti-Semitism is no longer systemic in the UK Labour Party?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 20, 2019 4:37 AM

Yeah…. no such thing as ‘working class’ anymore CM, another one of Neoliberalisms sleight of hands.
Even tho most of us actually have to work to live.
As in receive a paypacket. As in Work for that pay. Hmmm, that obviously means we’re all middle class then! Even the increasing numbers of people who work in the gig economy?
The ALP, as with all social democratic parties thru out the West hitched their waggons to Neoliberalism a long time ago. To me, they’re all the same, tweedle dee and tweedle dum – interchangeable.
I havn’t voted for over 20 years CM.
It’s not going to change Anything substantive except apply a few band aids at best.
That can be removed at any time including at the next election when a new Dee or Dum is elected. And it sure as heck won’t get rid of Neoliberalism.
We all saw the threats issued against Corbyn if he became PM. We know what happened to Salvador Allende (‘make the economy scream’). We know about the Hope & Change lies of Obama.
Just reading about the example of Syriza in Greece. A huge betrayal of the Greek people, and Syriza were supposedly the ‘radical left’!? In my opinion, they were just another Trojan Horse.
I also agree about the Union movement as well. They also sold their souls a long time ago. So, Union head honcho’s like Martin Ferguson, Paul Howes, Greg Combet, et al.
What are they doing now? Cushy corporate jobs by any chance?
Maybe Radio National can offer John Howard a regular gig as ‘esteemed elder statesman’ commenting on social matters.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 20, 2019 4:15 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

G’day Gezzah. I have been banned by the Saker for confronting the climate denialists there. I think I’m banned here, two, but Happy Christmas if I’m not.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 20, 2019 5:44 AM

Bloody jumping jellybeans M! Greetings to you. I guessed thats what happened as I noticed your comments had suddenly disappeared at The Saker. Look, greatly appreciate his analysis, but the comment section does seem quite ‘cliquey’ with a definate ‘ingroup’.
I mainly comment here plus Caitlin Johnstone and occasionally at The Saker or Independent Australia. Not much else to comment at except Mintpress News, Consortium News or The Unz Review.
I’m aware of not being disrespectful of the author, and his article, and Try not to go off topic too much, tho Offguardian is more lenient than the Mods at The Saker.
Merry Christmas to you too Richard.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 23, 2019 9:38 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezzah-I’ve been banned at a couple of those you mention. Apparently I’m a pain in the….Merry Christmas to you, too.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 20, 2019 10:36 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I wish I could share your optimism about the anti-Semitism crisis disappearing into thin air, but developments such as the immediate announcement following Johnson’s election victory that councils would be prevented from boycotting Israel, and suggestions that such boycotts are “anti-Semitic”, suggests to me that branding even opposition to Israel’s violations of international law as “anti-Semitism” is set to become the new normal.

Lord Eric Pickles, Special Envoy for Post-Holocaust Issues and a former Conservative MP, confirmed the move, saying: “BDS is an organisation devoted to boycotting and removing investment from Israel, one of our key allies. We’re going to ensure that public sector, places like councils and health authorities, can’t work against Israel, can’t prejudice Israel.

“BDS is just a thin disguise for anti-Semitism and we as Conservatives should always tackle racial discrimination. BDS is one of the worst, wink wink, nudge nudge, piece of racialism that we know.”


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 20, 2019 11:44 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Tim, I meant that remark in the context of attacks on Jeremy Corbyn.
I fully support BDS and the reasoning behind it myself, and didn’t know (down here in Australia) about Johnson’s announcement that councils would be prevented from boycotting Israel, nor did I know about Lord Pickles remarks.
The 2nd paragraph you quote from him is quite disturbing.
It’s where all this is heading. Anti semitism has been weaponised to silence and smear critics of Israel’s brutal apartheid regime and war crimes. We both know this.
I’ve seen this coming for quite a while.
Bahia Amawi, a speech pathologist at a school in Texas lost her job because she refused to sign a pledge not too boycott Israel.
In 2017, Texas Governor, Greg Abbott signed legislation requiring all State contractors to pledge not to boycott Israel.
You probably know about victims of Hurricane Harvey in Dickinson Tx, who were refused financial aid unless they signed… The Pledge.
As of Jan 2019, 27 States in the US had passed various anti BDS measures.
In France, pro BDS activists have been arrested and fined for wearing pro Palestine T shirts and handing out leaflets asking for a boycott of Israel.
A number have been convicted under the Lellouche Law (hate crime)
Here in Australia a few years back, Uni Students who supported BDS were smeared by the Education Minister (an odious toad called Christopher Pyne) as anti semites, and how he intended stamping out anti semitism in Universities here.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 20, 2019 11:48 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Point taken, but I rather think that Jeremy Corbyn, one of the organizers of the Battle of Wood Green in 1977 in which the fascist, anti-Semitic National Front were expelled from a part of London with a significant Jewish population, will continue to be branded a so-called anti-Semite unless he resigns himself to total silence in the public domain.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 23, 2019 9:45 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Corbyn only has himself to blame. He should have immediately declared himself not to be a Judeophobe, let alone that mythic chimera, an ‘antisemite’. He should have quoted his record, cited his many Jewish supporters, and denounced the vile slanderers who bore false witness against him for the lying, hard Right, thugs that they are and ever will be. And he should have defended Livingstone, Williamson and the others, with vigour, and doubled down on denouncing Israeli crimes against humanity. But he chose to cower and grovel, which only incites these creatures, and so sealed his fate. Was he a coward or a fool? One product of this villainy will actually be an increase in Judeophobia, but that is precisely what the Judeofascists want, because hatred is their existential fuel.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 23, 2019 10:09 AM

I was struck by the following in an article in an English-language newspaper in Cyprus covering a story about an Israeli-owned company in Cyprus that stands accused of conducting illegal surveillance:

“The two men have accused the authorities of engaging in a witch-hunt. They have also accused main opposition Akel of anti-Semitism over the party’s insistence that the companies were involved in unlawful activities.”


Anti-semitism means discourse or action that is informed by and promotes prejucide towards or hatred of Jews, nothing more and nothing less. The more the boundaries of this definition are moved to cover things that have nothing to do with anti-Semitism, such as accusing somebody who happends to be Jewish of committing a crime, the worse it is going to get. Of course, it could end up voiding the notion of anti-Semitism of all meaning, which would then blow up in the faces of those who started the whole process.

Dec 19, 2019 9:32 PM

Good stuff CJ.

But what you left out, with regard to the UK, after almost a decade of austerity the Tory’s win a landslide majority, supposedly on ‘get Brexit done’ (which is all total rollocks).

No sentient being believes this Tory win is real.

Which is why Corbyn is refusing to resign, and it’s why the onslaught against him continues.

The ‘shy Torys’ came out again in this election; ie the security services and the Establishment to prevent a left winger getting into power.

Everywhere Corbyn went he was hailed like a rock star; whereas Boris was booed everywhere he went, and as with all his ilk could only appear at tightly controlled, stage managed events.

This is the reality of it that the media conceal from the public.

Likewise, almost completely concealed is the revolution that’s going on in France at the moment.

A ‘pathetic bunch of wankers’ doesn’t adequately describe the cockroaches who currently run/control the UK and USA at the moment.

Dec 19, 2019 9:48 PM
Reply to  RobG

Spot on, when will people see it for what it is ?

Dec 19, 2019 10:24 PM
Reply to  GEOFF

Bush jnr. in 2000/2001 also had a similar election result.

And that led to all the rollocks of 9/11.

These people are complete, total and utter psychopaths.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 20, 2019 7:39 AM
Reply to  RobG

“No sentient being believes this Tory win is real.”

Unfortunately there seem to be plenty of non-sentient beings about!

Dec 19, 2019 8:45 PM


thank you

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 19, 2019 8:16 PM

What’s worrying me is that while we’re chasing our tails playing corporate finance games and inventing weird tropes to keep the masses engaged large chunks of the rest of the world seem to be carrying on just fine doing what they do while doing their best to ignore us. If you look at the world I live in it is, with some notable exceptions, one of failure — its not just our ability to assemble working airliners or put together a few hundred miles of high speed rail line but our abdication of technology development with the few exceptions to the rule being mercilessly pilloried for their trouble. Something is very, very, wrong.

The problem as I see it is that an empire is at its most dangerous when its declining. The fact that contemporary weapons systems developments are overweight and overpriced doesn’t mean that our military is unable to do a lot of damage. Since our entire corporate and governance seems to be focused entirely on stopping ‘the other guy’ from advancing I see warfare as the only way forward. Its not a nice prospect.

Dec 20, 2019 1:10 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

‘The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.’

Dec 19, 2019 7:55 PM

I’d like to congratulate Ch4, who tonight, will massage anti-nhs feeling by showing a dramatised tribute to the teashop kipper woman’s political crusade against mid staffs NHS.

Dec 20, 2019 1:14 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Channel4 and Krishnamurtthy showed their true statist colours when they covered for Jess Phillips in high spirits as the fix came in – ‘put your straight face on Jess! We are trying to make sure you become the next Labour leader’

Dec 19, 2019 7:54 PM

Words mean whatever the Queen of Hearts decides they mean.
The truth is whatever Newsguard, Bellingcat, Integrity Initiative and the Board of Deputies want it to be.
We live in a post truth world.
The Queen of Hearts would feel quite at home here.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 19, 2019 6:10 PM

On the Medialens link, I thought the pronunciation of Epstein WAS “Ep–Schtine”. In german, “ei” is pronounced “aye” and “ie” is pronounced “ee”. Corbyn was therefore not emphasising Epstein’s Jewishness but his Germanness.

Norman Finkelstein’s comment,

‘The British elites could not have gotten away with calling Corbyn an anti-semite unless they had the support, the visible support, of all the leading Jewish organisations. You have to remember that during the summer, all three major British publications, for the first time in British Jewish history, they all took out a common editorial denouncing Corbyn as an anti-semite and saying that we’re now standing on the verge of another Holocaust. They are the enablers of this concerted conspiracy by the whole of British elite society to destroy Jeremy Corbyn.’

doesn’t go far enough. It wasn’t just the leading Jewish organisations but also the BBC – going by the disgraceful news reporting on the day Rabbi Mirvis attacked Corbyn. But then again the link to the grayzone shows how the UK and US intelligence agencies had linked up over the Corbyn issue, the BBC being one of the little wagging tails of this Cerberus.

Isn’t it fascinating that when Corbyn produced a document showing how the US was salivating over carving up the NHS, the phoney charge that this leak came via Russia took over from consideration of the document itself?

And that’s about as much as I can take right now. Alt-Right wankers like Jordan Peterson are clearly part of a vast (Lovecraftian?) tentacle sprouting subterranean beast that is clearly funded to the skies to protect the interests of the rich.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 19, 2019 6:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I agreed with everything you said until “Alt-Right wankers like Jordan Peterson”.

He’s not Alt-Right, very far from it. He’s even directly told them to piss off and not associate him with their disgusting propaganda.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 19, 2019 9:31 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

I was following CJH’s links and on


I read:

“One of the most shockingly dishonest smears of Jeremy Corbyn was published in the British tabloid The Sun on December 7.

The story, hyperbolically titled “‘HIJACKED LABOUR’ Ex-British intelligence officers say Jeremy Corbyn is at the centre of a hard-left extremist network,” claimed the “Labour leader’s spider’s web of extensive contacts stretch from Marxist intellectuals to militant groups and illegal terror organisations.”

The conspiratorial web does not show any tangible ties between these figures, and impugns Corbyn with vague far-right buzzwords like “global Marxism” and “postmodern neo-Marxism.” The latter term is a non-existent and paradoxical concoction of ultra-conservative pundit Jordan Peterson, based on the fascist anti-Semitic myth of “Cultural Marxism,” which is itself rooted in Nazi Germany’s propaganda on “Cultural Bolshevism.”

The reference to Peterson leads via another link to this:


According to which “Peterson … became a belle of the alt-right” – although:

“To be clear, Jordan Peterson is not a neo-Nazi, but there’s a reason he’s as popular as he is on the alt-right. You’ll never hear him use the phrase “We must secure a future for our white children”; what you will hear him say is that, while there does appear to be a causal relationship between empowering women and economic growth, we have to consider whether this is good for society, “‘’cause the birth rate is plummeting.” He doesn’t call for a “white ethnostate,” but he does retweet Daily Caller articles with opening lines like: “Yet again an American city is being torn apart by black rioters.” He has dedicated two-and-a-half-hour-long YouTube videos to “identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege.”

I’d never heard of Peterson before reading the above. So I am obviously assuming the above critics have got it right. In any case, I honestly don’t have the patience to go through yet another polysyllabic labyrinth to figure out whether the writer is here or there. When I hear expressions like ““Postmodern neo-Marxism” – which I understand to be Peterson’s baby – then I just glaze over.

So what I’m saying is that you can cheerfully ignore the Peterson bit. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned him.

Dec 20, 2019 1:26 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And you should see some of the vile racist and xenophobic ‘funny’ Facebook adverts sent out to tens of millions – especially against Diane Abbott.

Dec 19, 2019 7:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There are many Jews who put moral values and personal integrity before Talmudic tribal loyalties.
Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Miko Peled, Ron Unz to name but a few.

Dec 19, 2019 11:53 PM
Reply to  paul

Notice how such people are routinely denounced and shunned as “self-hating Jews” by the Talmudic tribal majority.

Who should we believe about what constitutes Jewish identity in the real world — a minority so tiny that it is actually possible to list many of their names, or what appears to be a very large majority who agree with the various Jewish organizations and their increasingly deranged public spokespersons?

What would it even mean to say that the large majority of self-identified “Jews” were “wrong” about zionism being an essential part of Jewish identity? Who gets to decide? Surely Jewish identity is whatever the majority of people who identify as such, say that it is.

What were the relative proportions of “Jews” who publically supported or opposed the continuing series of Gaza massacres? What proportion of “Jews” defended Norman Finkelstein, when he was deprived of his academic career, for “anti-semitism”? What proportion of “Jews” denounced the “anti-semitism” smear campaign against Corbyn and the British Labour party?

Maybe it’s time to face political reality: if opposing Jewish ethnic supremacism is equivalent to “anti-semitism”, then logically, “semitism” or Jewish identity, must be equivalent to Jewish supremacism, with whatever political conclusions that entails. They can’t have it both ways.

On the positive side, once you conclude that you’re a member of a nasty right-wing brainwashing cult, you can always quit (as the people mentioned above, and many others, have effectively done, whether or not this was their conscious intention). Whereas if you believe that you’re part of the Master Race, you’re pretty much stuck with it, whether you like it or not (as the zionists actually do claim).

Dec 20, 2019 4:29 AM
Reply to  paul

And in the UK, ‘Jewish Voice for Labour’ !

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Dec 20, 2019 1:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And those of us of a certain age remember that the Beatles first manager, who happened to be Jewish, was Brian Epstein, and was always referred to as “Ep-stine”.

As you say, the name is essentially German, rather than essentially Jewish, and will be derived from “der Stein” = “stone”, and “stine” is a good English approximation to the correct German pronunciation. It’s absolutely the normal pronunciation of this name in British English, cf. for example, Jacob Epstein.

Conventions in the USA may be different, and may reflect immigrants’ wishes to emphasise that they are American, rather than the nationality that their name originally came from.

Jeremy Corbyn, is, like me, just the right age to have been a Beatles fan (although I suspect he was more into Bob Dylan), and like me, taking one look at the name “Epstein” might, without thinking, have automatically pronounced it “ep-stine”, as I probably would have done.

That some people have chosen to read something sinister into this accidental, or incidental “mis-pronunciation”, would be laughable, if it weren’t so tragic.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Dec 20, 2019 4:03 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And the ‘Australian’ Broadcasting Corporation is another little wagging tail of this link. Its disgusting national radio channel has, month in, month out, handed its microphones exclusively to scum intent on smearing Corbyn and refused to broadcast or report any response to this propaganda. Its “coverage” of UK politics routinely breaches the ABC’s ‘Code of Practice’, observance of which has become totally optional, depending where the political power is deemed to lie.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Dec 20, 2019 4:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Everyone I know speaks of Albert Einsteen, so as not to be mistaken for an ‘antisemite’.

Dec 20, 2019 6:15 PM

Eensteen, surely…

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2019 10:14 AM

Seriously? I was going to use “Einstein” as an excellent example – both “ei”s being pronounced, as far as I have heard, as “aye”. I’m assuming this “ee” thing is an American matter? Maybe they think everything should be pronounced as in “Springsteen”? The land of the free, eh? Or should that be the land of the fry?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2019 10:18 AM

Also – now the AS bullshit has skyrocketed so much that the sound “aye” in certain contexts makes you Hitler? Jesus – they’re fucking panicking now. The old story of magnificent angelic Westerners against funny foreigners must be running dry!

Dec 19, 2019 4:38 PM

Racism & hatred is reactionary, mindless, and behaviourally autonomic in so far as it is mere reflex much like a knee jerk response.

Sewing discord within & between groups is the task of all propagandists if discord is functionally utilitarian for whomever is sewing the division.

The Western empire of Fractional Reserve Banking is insolvent, mismanaged, and set for revision.
Is it any wonder that the entire Western empire is also approaching systemic collapse environmentally, socially, politically, and statistically?

The politics of scarcity fuels division, war, violence, & hysterical contagion.

Speaking of hate filled anti-Semitic characters fueling anti-social hysteria in Europe, did anyone see mention of the principle progenitor proto-fascist Steve Bannon?


Dec 19, 2019 4:08 PM

Spot on summary of a diabolical year … Diabolo being in charge and the MSM following blind unable to see that there are social and economic strings … let alone see that they are being pulled and nooses tightened.

‘If you’ve nothing to hide, you’ve nothing to fear’ is the usual smug taunt from those who feel safe, untouchable, ‘normal’ in this unstable and increasingly evil environment. They are lambs to the proverbial.

There is an ‘In Your Face & Hidden in Plain Sight’ shift falling into place these days – probably always there but never before, so obvious and readable to those who might see it.

The ‘attack’ at London Bridge and Fishmongers Hall has dark heraldry written all through it – from the symbolic red dagger (used to kill Wat Tyler at the same spot in 1381) to the holding back of the ‘potential fireball’ in a scene akin to George & the Dragon. The narwhal tusk (narwhals being known as the unicorn of the sea) a symbol the chained unicorn on the royal coat of arms … basically ‘Know Your Place’ you lot!

The latest offering from the dangerous Extinction Rebellion cult features the same dark symbolism, the image of Baphomet, akin to Baal … known for child sacrifice, dark hidden agendae and total control by Knights Templar (whoever said they were disbanded or died out?)

Do a little research if you find it hard see, to grasp & try to educate yourself …. it could be an ‘Oh yeah’ moment … or perhaps just snuggle down in the duvet of simplicity and carry on ignoring the sinister play that is unfolding under our very noses.

Peace to you all over this Winter season. Let us be positive that there will be some form of justice in this broken, severely damaged Country.
As for the Four Whoresmen of the Apocalypse … I hope they have an extremely rough ride.

Dec 20, 2019 1:29 AM
Reply to  bludge

Funnily I was explaining the significance of ‘Friday the 13th’ to some bankers a few weeks ago…

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Dec 19, 2019 3:57 PM

It would I think be true to say that western civilization owes massive debt to the Jewish intelligentsia. Indeed the Jewish intelligentisa has been the backbone of the European intelligentsia. I remember as a kid and a student how much I learned and absorbed from reading and studying Marx, Freud, Durkheim, Kafka, Arendt, Lukacs, Einstein, Trotsky, Marcuse, Benjamin and latterly Chomsky and Finkelstein and the long-term influence they had on my thinking, and more to the point the influence they have had on our civilization.

The influence of Benjamin Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson has been less impressive, however. In what must be the nadir of political opportunism the zionists are actually weaponising anti-semitism. The left has always, but always, took a stand – and stuck their necks out – against anti-semitism.

I remember when I was a kid – 17 years old to be exact – I was a member of a group called the Yellow Star Movement (YSM) a Jewish self defence outfit. I am not Jewish myself but I had many friends and comrades who were. I wore my yellow star badge in between my Young Communist League (YCL) badge and my CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) badge.

There were a number of fierce battles with various neo-nazi groups – Mosleyites, British National Party, and other ultra-right riff-raff. One in particular stand out in my mind. The ANL (Anti Nazi League) had a march through East London, at a place called Hoxton. This was a notorious fascist rathole, and I remember marching into what seemed to be like a loyalist stronghold in protestant Belfast; all sorts of objects were thrown and fights broke out but the police intervened to break the whole thing up.

Today’s sniffer outer of anti-semitism, including the UK’s chief Rabbi and the Labour Friends of Israel, should have been brought to face with some these real anti-semites some dressed in full nazi regalia, not the will o’ the wisp fake s apparently, or the ones I saw in Ukraine in 2012.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 19, 2019 6:57 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Well said.

Dec 19, 2019 7:14 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Jews of all variety are entitled to be proactive vis-a-vis racist contagion that could prove detrimental to their very existence. Europe is high intensification of multicultural groupings and a hotbed for systemic breakdown between groups. Denouncing propaganda emanating out of disaffected Labour groups is part of what it takes to act proactively against systematic racism & racist contagion run amok to the extent of violent outburst & group histrionics.

People are balkanized via in-group vs. out-group biases. When social decoupling extends to violence it is wholly appropriate for Jews to intervene to ensure group safety within & between groups in society so that we maintain what constitutes as civilized socially.

Ethnicity is key to Europe & power. Racism is an unproductive & counterproductive waste of time. If your cosmological view of the world centers on ethnicity & racism you have wasted your life & central nervous system computing power & reason.


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Dec 20, 2019 2:00 AM

Thanks for reminding me of Ein-stein. We don’t pronounce his name “Ein-steen”, do we? And neither, as far as I know, do Americans. As a German native speaker, I’m fairly sure he would have pronounced it “Eyne-stine”. So WTF was all the fuss about, I wonder? (as if I didn’t know…).

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Dec 20, 2019 2:29 AM

barbera lerner spector is very quotable why not look up what she said and what her terror group did?

Dec 21, 2019 9:34 PM

If you’re looking for real racism, read the Talmud.

Jan 18, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  paul

Or the Book of Esther in the Old Testament.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Dec 19, 2019 3:53 PM

Admirable summary of the Lalaland inhabited by the thunderclass of the MSM. The meaning doesnt matter if its only idle chatter of a threat hyping kind. It began immediately after the election was stolen from its God-given rightful heirs by Putin and his band. Putinesque vs putanesque.

Dec 19, 2019 3:50 PM

Now we know why the government kept quiet about the massive rise in Alzheimer’s in the Midlands and North!

Dec 19, 2019 3:27 PM

I applaud the alternatice blogosphere, but until you collectively preface the falsehoods in MSM with the likes of ‘Their CONSPIRACY THEORY……’ and remove the weaponisation of such terms for their benefit, I’m afraid people may not be brought out of their particular bubble.

BDS movements are taking a hit across the world, especially in SpartUSA. Their arrogance to attack such movements as anti-semtic will lead us to a juncture, where people realise the big problem is not Aparthied Israel but SpartUSA. I can’t wait to see people across the world stop buying SpartUSAn goods…They’ll hear.

The greatest daily voting right man has, is the £ in your pocket. You not invited to THEIR table, but when you determine to spend it selectively then you end up at the head of that table. Thats scares them. Don’t believe me, ask Starbucks if they didn’t ‘feel the force’, or Israel if they don’t feel the BDS movement.

Dec 19, 2019 4:02 PM
Reply to  TFS

It may be that if you join the BDS movement against Russia you’ll be offered a knighthood. Join the one against Iran and it could be a seat in the House of Lords. The same goes for the BDS movements against Venezuala, Cuba or Nicaragua.

Not all BDS movements are the equal.

Dec 19, 2019 5:33 PM
Reply to  Wazdo

Indeed, but SpartUSA who loves a BDS, warrants a bit of Karma biting its ass.

Dec 19, 2019 6:27 PM
Reply to  TFS

Anti-BDS laws are being drawn up right now in the UK, by Eric Pickles and Boris Johnson. The Tories had it in their manifesto or something similar.

This is from 3 days ago, in The Independent:

“Boris Johnson will attempt to pass a law banning local councils from joining the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, the UK’s special envoy for post-Holocaust issues has announced.

Eric Pickles said the movement was “antisemitic and should be treated as such” during a speech at the International Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s conference in Jerusalem on Sunday.

He said the new law would not allow public bodies to work with those who boycott, divest from or sanction Israel, the Jerusalem Post reported.

It comes after Donald Trump, the US president, signed an executive order effectively definition Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion – in a move which could suppress the BDS movement.”


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 19, 2019 8:24 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The danger of defining Judaism as a nationality is that it implicitly makes all Jews who don’t live in the State of Israel aliens. This is the seed corn of pogroms, its how you justify ostracizing, blacklisting and even eliminating a group of people. This doesn’t just affect Jews, either — one of the arguments against Catholics back in the day was that they owed fealty to Rome (or the Holy Roman Empire or agents thereof), something that resurfaced quite recently with the election of President Kennedy. Its also potentially a problem in contemporary India with their “everyone except Muslims can become a citizen’ law.

The historically most well known use of this is in Germany in the 1930s but its by means not the only contemporary use. (In fact, given the de-facto incorporation of Palestine into the State of Israel……well, I probably shouldn’t go there……)

Dec 20, 2019 1:42 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Religion is just another weapon in the armoury of the global robber barons – islam since 2001 made into enemy ‘terrorists’ when they were previously lauded as freedom loving anti communists against the Red Army in Afghanistan. In the general election the AS crap transmuted into Hindus should vote against Corbyns Labour because he was deemed to be for Pakistan ovet Kashmir.
It got worse as polling day arrived and normal christians were implored to pray that GOD stops Corbyn.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Dec 20, 2019 2:06 AM
Reply to  Mucho

At various times, we and the US have had sanctions against Iran and Iraq.

Could not these be seen as anti-Muslimic?

By Eric Pickles “logic”, I would think so.

Dec 20, 2019 5:51 PM
Reply to  Mucho

It will apply to Universities that’s for sure, which are squarely in the NeoLib sights, being softened up with relentless petty attacks and fast retreating into a parallel universe of trigger warnings and squabbling about toilets…just like in U$A.

When the full effects of squeezes on funding and the bottom falls out of the foreign student market (because why would you leave a civilised advanced society like China to come to this shithole country?) it’ll just be ugly half-empty firetrap new buildings (but they look so shiny on the website) righteous VCs bleating about marketing and ‘modern apprentices’ running all the support services. Scorched earth policies are the great British way.

Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Dec 22, 2019 4:35 PM
Reply to  Mucho

“Public bodies”?

Are there such entities anymore? Have not even the third and charity sectors been effectively privatised?

As for local Councils they are mere conduits. Most of the finance in their yearly budget they receive from Central Government is already earmarked for particular sources with no scope whatsoever for any local discretion or realistic, practical and effective democratic decision making or accountability.