Official Secrets, Lies and the Five Eyes
David Macilwain

Is Putin losing his grip? Why did Russian disinformation operations fail so dramatically in the UK election? Not only did the “rabid socialist” Corbyn fail to seize power from the Russophobic cold-war warriors of Whitehall but Russia’s man in the White House is already planning to move in with them!
Sadly, of course, Russia did not intervene in the UK’s electoral “process”, that saw millions of ordinary hard-working Britons condemned to the purgatory of austerity capitalism under Boris Johnson’s Tory party.
And despite the efforts of Russia-friendly media like RT and Sputnik to expose the trickery and lies that saw the Labour party’s heartland seats turn on themselves, it’s clear that their message was never heard where it needed to be.
What should be happening now is a revolt! A young man at a BBC Question Time session expressed this nicely, with a passion and anger that should be shared by all decent people who believe in fair democracy, and certainly by all those on “the left”.
“For you to blame Jeremy Corbyn, particularly after your colleagues on the right of the party pushed him to adopt that position of a second referendum, is absolutely abhorrent”
This #bbcqt audience member criticises parts of the Labour Party for their treatment of Jeremy Corbyn.— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) December 13, 2019
It is an anger that would be shared by millions, if they understood the truth about the way they have been deceived and manipulated by the UK Establishment, not simply over the election but over the most fundamental issues of trust and decency.
Some of the most evident deceptions that were used against Jeremy Corbyn, such as the mendacious claims of anti-semitism, have been well aired – if not successfully countered.
The failure to challenge and dismiss these claims rests almost entirely with the most influential media – the BBC and Guardian particularly – who have the greatest influence with Labour voters, even though they may not have been initially responsible for contriving this high-level smear campaign.
The producers of those media and the journalists who work for them are also primarily responsible for failing to present an opposing view that legitimised Labour’s position and demonised that of the Tories.
One issue stands out a mile in the context of anti-Semitism claims, being Israel’s continuing crimes against Palestinians, and the silence on the extraordinary and illegal moves being made by the Israeli government during the election period.
The apparent basis for accusations against Corbyn of anti-Semitism is because of his historic support for the Palestinian cause and legitimate criticism of Israel’s barbaric and criminal treatment of those living in the occupied West Bank and in Gaza. If any direct reference was made to this viewpoint, it was only in references to Corbyn’s “support for terrorists” – meaning Hamas.
But reflecting on the election campaign, the absence of any direct reference to foreign affairs, and policies on which Labour may have had significant support from many in the UK, is striking. In fact it is more than that – it is indicative. Because the sub-text – the subliminal message beneath the main issues of contention was always about foreign affairs.
No-one could seriously believe that Brexit is something the ruling elite has pursued because it respects the so-called democratic will of the British public – not least because only 30% of that public actually voted for Brexit, and did so in complete ignorance of what it might mean and because of their own long-standing prejudices.
Had the Government not had an interest in restructuring its relationship with the US and NATO, and seen political and economic gains – well illustrated by the jump in the value of Sterling following the result – then the idea of Brexit would just have quietly died away.
And in the many times when no agreement could be reached with the EU, sanity would have prevailed – as it did in Scotland. But an ominous sign, which now appears to confirm the operation of the “deep state” in this whole conspiracy – what else may we call it? – was in the project proposal to the UK Foreign office from the Institute for Statecraft’s Christopher Donnelly for the period up to April 2020.
As I wrote here, Donnelly proposed that following the UK’s success in building networks across Europe to “counter Russian influence and disinformation”
expanding this success would cement the UK’s influence in N America and in Europe post Brexit.”
This may seem less significant now than it was at the time, when there was little indication that any Brexit deal would materialise, nor agreement within and between parties on what was desirable.
That was hardly surprising, given the many unnecessary problems Brexit would create, and the widespread opposition to Brexit from many areas of the country. This is yet more evidence that forces were at work – including the IfS and right-wing think-tanks – to engineer a Brexit.
One of these operations went largely unnoticed, despite being revealed by the Guardian earlier in the year. What is interesting about this campaign, run by Johnson ally Lynton Crosby’s firm under various aliases that disguised their link and bias, is that the object was to persuade both MPs and public in targeted Labour electorates that there was a groundswell of opinion and support for a hard Brexit.
As any advertising manager can tell you, the belief that others around you support something is more persuasive than any direct rational argument.
In fact, it will move people to take a position that defies any rational argument, and goes directly against their interests. This was already tragically illustrated in reports on the BBC, interviewing residents of depressed neighbourhoods that have suddenly “turned blue”. Here were people suffering from years of austerity, complaining about poor services, public transport, employment conditions – all of which are the result of years of Tory policies and neglect.
And these people, already duped into voting for Brexit in the false belief it would make their lives better, were now looking to the Tories to cure their ills. As if!
In his recent essay on the operation of propaganda, Edward Curtin highlighted the power of movies in embedding false ideas in peoples’ minds, something also noted by Christopher Donnelly in his exposition on “hybrid warfare”.
There is, I think, now substantial evidence that both the broadcasting and suppression of particular movies played a part in pushing the UK electorate into voting against its interests. It was the coincidence of these two movies’ appearance – and disappearance, with the election period that makes the case persuasive.
The two films in question are “For Sama” and “Official Secrets”, films which broadly concern the same area of foreign affairs, but which are diametrically opposite in purpose and value. Awarded Best Documentary at the British Independent Film awards on December 3rd, For Sama helped draw attention to the otherwise ignored issue of the Syrian war in the run-up to the election in a way that strongly favoured the White Helmets-supporting Tory government.
It also enabled an airing of the same old lies about Russia “bombing hospitals”, along with all the other things people needed to be reminded that Russia did – like poisoning ex-spies and interfering in elections.
This might seem trivial were For Sama really an independent film and honest documentary. Despite much commentary to the contrary in the approved liberal media – such as the New York Review of Books, Counterpunch, or the Guardian, For Sama is nothing of the sort. Highly persuasive and mendacious propaganda in fact; Rick Sterling has the measure of it here.
On its own this might seem insignificant – given that deceptive and misleading video stories about Syria are the staple of the UK mainstream media. But it wasn’t on its own. At the same time as For Sama was being promoted and discussed, a film with huge implications and direct political significance in the election campaign was cleverly cut out of public discussion – or so it appears.

Official Secrets – the story of whistle-blower on the Iraq invasion Katherine Gun – was set for public release in the UK on October 16th, and in Australia on November 21st. While the events of 2003 are dramatized, or rather re-enacted, the film’s emotive power comes from the lead performances, giving the moving story of an exceptionally courageous woman who dared to challenge the UK deep state or GCHQ, an extra intensity.
This contrasts with the emotive power of For Sama, where an alleged documentary is cleverly woven into a dramatic story that turns the truth upside down.
In advance of its expected release, Official Secrets occasioned some mixed reviews which tended to frame it as a historic drama about the long-discredited case for war against Saddam Hussein, but they missed the point – perhaps intentionally.
Those in the firing line, who continue to pursue the same illicit goals in Iraq and are now turning on Iran, saw the film for what it was, and we might imagine had a hand in rescheduling the release of Official Secrets until long after the UK election. (It should be noted that these two articles are from the Observer, whose role in the Gun scandal was a central part of the film. What this paper has now become, like its sister Guardian, speaks volumes)
For those who have somehow forgotten, or never knew – it was the great anti-Iraq-war rally of 2003 that saw the creation of “Stop the War” in the UK, as well as the rise in public profile of Jeremy Corbyn, who remained heavily involved in the group until he became Labor leader.
And while the Tories were always keen to remind the public of Corbyn’s “anti-NATO” and anti-war position when they were selling the “threat” from Islamist terrorism or Russian missiles, they went quiet on anything that might favour Labour’s election chances.
But it seems it wasn’t just Boris and his ministers who went quiet, and were allowed to by their favoured media; potential dissenting voices were quietened, quietly. Now that the Spin-master in chief, his lackeys and his overlords are safely installed in Westminster, we may watch it and weep; Official Secrets is released on January 20th, with the DVD a month later.
Oddly enough, the film’s release in Australia was unchanged – which is why I’m able to present its case. The ongoing censorship and suppression of information by the UK state, in collaboration – lockstep – with the NSA and CIA is its stunning message. And while there is a postscript which must involve another article, the control over information and disinformation that is somehow effected through the mainstream media has just been highlighted by Australia’s treatment of news about Julian Assange.
After months ignoring and spinning the story of Assange’s torture and illegal detention that included covering a visit by Wikileaks’ Kristin Hrafnsson to the Canberra Press Club in early December, there was suddenly headline attention to the doctors’ warning on Assange’s health, from ALL the main media this Monday, as the new UK parliament opened.
It was as if this story was held behind a wall until it was safe to release, not simply as a catch-up but as the leading story on the ABC news, ahead of bushfires and volcano disasters.
We don’t have to join too many dots to see why a discussion about Wikileaks, war crimes in Iraq, and OPCW crimes in Syria was something the Tories didn’t need, even if it only happened in Australia.
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Interesting article-but why does the author assume that Russian interference in the UK election would have been in favor of Corbyn and Labour? Putin’s government isn’t “Communist”, it’s right-wing Great Russian Nationalist. And Putin interfered on behalf of the right-wing candidate in the U.S. election.
On the topic of Five: 5G is much more beneficial for the industry plus the Surveillance State than for consumers. 3 or 4G is good enough for normal people.
If you walk down the street and get mugged – who do you blame?
If you buy a silk purse and it turns out to be a pigs ear – who do you blame?
If you have an election and there is postal ballot stuffing that means your vote is worthless- who do you blame ?
Electoral reform and a new built parliament without the swords length two benches is the future.
But it all pales into insignificance if there is s possibility of election fraud.
The fact is nearly 11 million real voters did vote for a Labour government- i don’t know how many were postal voters – does anyone?
The fact may well be over 20% of the total votes cast may be by post – 1 in 5 – would that not be worrying?
At which point do we have to smell something fishy?
1 in 4?
1 in 3?
Any system which can not be transparent and audited is open to abuse.
Moot – you’re getting the photo ID trick for future elections. There is ample evidence, up to and including recorded speeches, that indicates that managing the electorate is a key GoP electoral strategy in the US. The same consultants work for the Conservatives so expect the same sorts of tricks.
I’m quite prepared to acknowledge that the turkeys really did vote for Thanksgiving. The Conservatives used the same strategy and message that delivered industrial states to Trump in 2016. Their support is likely to be solid until the demographic dies off since its well known that people who are victims of cons tend to be reluctant to admit they were had.
Neglecting the role of “the left” as the second team in a sporting competition that is entirely owned and run by an entity which is most obviously NOT concerned with an informed electorate delivering a democratic outcome that pursues it’s own advantage. To think otherwise is to ignore the obvious evidence of past performance.
That ‘owned left was NuLabourInc.
Just as the owned ‘hard socialists’ sponsored hete to troll a HARD brexit.
YoBlair & Dubbya bumchums from hell inflicting Terror on us all while pocketing zillions for their masters mean machine.
The owned left wanted a hard brexit for their masters, they have done their bit but still haven’t been able to dislodge the real social democrat Labour. Which is why they are still in a panic!
I was with this author all the way until he made the infantile complaint that only 30 per cent of the electorate voted for Brexit. The corollary of this is, of course, that LESS than 30 per cent voted to remain. But such inconvenient, if obvious, truths need not be mentioned if you happen to be a crusading leftist remainer.
Also seldom acknowledged by left remainers is that the EU is structurally neo-liberal and is enforcing austerity on the peoples of Europe. Read Costas Lapavitsas: ‘The Left Case Against the EU’.
Unmentionable, too, is that the undeclared leader of the stop-Brexit campaign is one Tony Blair who has called Brexit “rancid” and has reputedly put ten million pounds of his own money into this campaign.
Another unmentionable is that important parts of Corbyn’s programme would have been illegal under the rules of the EU’s single market.
The author follows a well-trodden path in insulting working-class people who voted ‘leave’ allegedly in “ignorance” and had “longstanding prejudices”.
With this kind of stuff coming from sections of the left, why be surprised that sections of the working class voted for the right?
When Labour promised in 2017 to implement Brexit, it achieved a 10 percent swing and almost won the election. When the Blairites turned Labour into a remain party in 2019, it lost the general election badly.
How many times does the electorate have to show what it wants before EU-idolaters will accept it?
Whoops my post above was meant as a reply to you.
Well lets not forget the electorate opted for Johnson, making them in Orwell’s famous words, ‘accomplices’ rather than ‘victims’ of whats coming.
BTW if you think the thick bastards who just voted for a tory government (because Boris promised to ‘get BREXIT done’) read the likes of Costas Lapavitsas before voting leave you are living in cloud cukoo land.
In real terms, the choice (once stripped down to the bare bones) is between EU neoliberalism, which is non-democratic and non-representative, or full blown submission to US corporatism, which, guess what, is equally non-democratic, and non-reprentative.
The lefts ideological premise for BREXIT only becomes credible if there is a socialist government able to deliver it – problem is most of them can’t decide who they hate the most to mount any sort of coherent opposition against the market fundamentalists who must now be laughing all the way to the bank.
Just think about that for a moment: the likes of JRM and Priti Patel can have their way with the country while left wingers are still whining about Jeremy Corbyn: its like their very own version of antisemitism MK-II.
I hate to say this but there was actually quite an interesting article in the Guardian today.
Personally I think Luke Pagarani provides a thoughtful analysis (in which he says)
“When people talk about having paid into the system all their lives, as I heard repeatedly at the doorstep, they’re not just talking about national insurance payments and the benefits they’re entitled to. They’re talking about loyalty to a state they expected to be their exclusive patron – and they saw a Labour leader who seemed to invite the whole world to his allotment, offering homemade jam to all, no matter which flags their ancestors spilt their blood for. With such voters, retired or coming towards the end of their careers, Corbyn’s collectivist language of what we could build together left them sceptical and uncomprehending. It seemed more zero sum to them, where one person’s gain must be another’s loss. A small hoard has been salvaged from the UK’s long post-imperial decline, and only those whose fealty is proven can claim their share.”
If nothing else it might explain why there was such a generational divide in the vote with young people identifying with Corbyn while old people preferred a derranged liar like Johnson.
The old people did not vote Tory. It is a media myth.
Way back when when I was a child I used to sit in the bus shelter and chat with the retired miners. It is a long time ago now, but the conversations were often about the history of strikes in the coalfields going back to 1926 and beyond.
I do not believe they did not raise their children not to vote for the party of Thatcher.
There are a whole lot of gatekeepery narratives being spread in the msm / alt media – to manage the fact the election was STOLEN as promised by Pompeo and our James Bonders.
Maybe there was flagrent electoral fraud, and maybe there wasn’t: I just don’t know.
But what I do know is that internationally elections are delivering horrific right wing leaders (implying all elections are now rigged) allied to monmental gob-shitery in any number of platforms, from ‘Question Time’ to the neoliberal infestation BTL at the Guardian.
My own sister was unable to support Corbyn because without bothering to investigate she took it as read that he was the dangerous antisemite portrayed in the media.
She was simply unable to make the connection between what is happening in places like Hebron and the infiltration of Israeli apologists on the Labour right.
At work I encounter endless gob-shitery as well – people who have been so effectively duped, they don’t even know how or why it has happened to them.
Now I accept that there are problems with this sort of sampling technique but at heart I just can’t get past the idea it was media-generated antipathy toward the left that might have been the most telling factor in this months GE result rather than external interference (as well as the fuckwits who bought into Bojo’s promise to ‘get Brexit done’).
Of course debasement of the left went into overdrive with NuLabour and it still astonishes me that so many Labour supporters think the fact Blair ‘won’ three elections somehow excuses the lives he is responsible for, or the kings ransom he subsequently earned as a Middle East ‘peace envoy’.
If Labour supporters can accept Blair as a Middle East peace envoy then basically it means they are willing to suspend any sort of meaningful analysis so long as fits with certain prejudices.
There is a massive insight into the nature of reality and narrative constructivism here if anyone wants to make it. *Verum ipsum factum* – the truth itself is constructed.
If your version of Corbyn was unbelievable: what about mine …based on fact? I can and have shown that Corbyn was the main purveyor of the Magnitsky agenda – backed up with five paragraphs containing or alluding to “Labour’s” Magnitsky Law – which are immediately and coercively rejected. In the article above it refers to the Tories supporting the White Helmets – totally memory-holing and sanitising the fact that Labour also support the White Helmets.
Don’t worry: the John McCain Foundation took up the continued support Matt Pennycook pushed for. Which was no aberration: as Corbyn was a long time advocate for “our good friend” Jo Cox’s humanitarian interventionist Foundation. Adequately exposed as a charity regime change front:
So both Labour and Corbyn can easily, empirically, and epistemologically solidly be shown to support the White Helmets …only not to Labour supporters.
So the negative aspect of Corbyn – as an anti-semite – is clearly false. But also is the sanitised positive aspect. Which I have argued against for years – to no avail …because facts do not matter. Narrative construction is the socially accepted basis of politics. It would be child’s play to deconstruct the idealised Bojo HIS supporters see. But impossible to deconstruct the Corbyn of mythology. Unless we should support the supporters of the White Helmets? Which clearly negates both mens public personae.
There was something deeply disturbing and millennarian about the GE. Something that cannot be looked at in the current partisan climate. Of course, my starting point that BOTH – indeed ALL – parties are actually unelectable (not least on the unspoken foundational predicate of eternal economic growthism) is too radical. But this system is broken, token, and way beyond reform. It will only degenerate further into a mock American Presidential pantomime.
Quite how we turn away from opinionated narrative constructivism to actual fact-based reality – without the embellishment of personalised psychological overlays and overwriting – is not a question anyone is asking right now. But they should be. This reality we are normalising through our acceptance of a clearly corrupt systemic falsification of the narrative is a danger to all life on earth. The import and inevitable consequentionalism of this is passing by. The GE was a narrative Spectacle which should alert any astute observer that any future repetition will become and even deadlier farce. But 31 million people can’t be wrong about reality, can they?
In the US its the same. We all tend to focus on Trump and the weirder parts of the GoP (Republicans) while overlooking the fact that the Democrats are cheerfully going along with, and supporting, the programs of sanctions and the trade war.
However, its also worth remembering that this big picture stuff tends to obscure the little pictures, the things that are important to everyday people. So Labour’s leadership is proving its Cold War credentials? You lose either way but with Labour you’d stand an iota of a chance of maintaining a health service, denting extreme poverty and so on. Its the same with Brexit — you’re damned either way so the choice is the one that gives you the most chance of survival to effect change. It took a generation or more to get in this mess, it will take at least as long to fix it.
Le Mesurier – not once mentioned in that anti-Corbyn screed – lol.
What’s the matter BB? VIctory into ashes on the tongue?
You’ll be telling us Jezza loves the isis headchopping jihadi proxies of the FUKUS and really wanted Syria invaded AND that he loves Assad and that’s why our boys got thrashed and have scarpered while JlM took a dive to hell from his fortress to the street of Istanbul – that’ll be down to jezza too…
Lol i think you gonna need a bigger scapegoat ! Hear that Drumming noise? Drum, Drum , DURrham…! Lols.
If you read my post as suggesting that “the thick bastards who just voted for a tory government….read the likes of Costas Lapavistas before voting”, then I might not be the only one “living in cloud cukoo (sic) land”.
Any notion that membership of the EU offers a refuge against US domination is belied by the fact of the EU being a bastion of neo-liberalism, its close alignment with NATO and its endorsement of US imperialist regime change endeavours (e.g., Venezuela). The US actively intervened in the 2016 referendum campaign, in the form of money for the remain campaign and warnings from Obama of the ‘dangers’ of leaving.
I didn’t suggest the EU offered protection, all I’m saying is after listening to debate for 3 years I have yet to read a single comment that has been able to identify any tangible benefits (from leaving the EU).
I suppose there is a moot point about honouring a tory driven referendum that was badly framed by failing to provide rudimentary facts about leave options (such as implications for the Union, etc)
During the same 3 years parliament couldn’t agree a deal (presumably because none were especially viable) and now something cobbled by Johnson will finally be bundled over the line – no mention of that in the referendum, a shit deal cobbled together by Johnson that will undoubtedly invole a Faustian pact with the devil, i.e. US neocons.
Personally, I don’t see any good option, but I fear the EU slighly less than I fear predatory US capitalists – given we have few bargaining chips outside of our corrupt financial, and media sector it is almost certain that post-BREXIT austerity will begin to feel like the good old days.
The biggest problem with the all-out Remain position-btw, it SHOULD have been enough for Remainers that Corbyn agreed to a second referendum, they had no reason to push him for anything more and they undermined the man by insisting he hadn’t given them enough-was that the Remainers never put forward a credible EU reform program or a credible case that it was even possible to reform the EU. And they never offered any acknowledgment that Leave voters in the Labour heartlands have valid reasons to see EU policies as at least partially responsible for their long-term social and economic misery. They Remainer message to those people never sounded like anything but “shut up and get over it-we know better than you what’s best for you.
Neo-liberalism is overwhelmingly the predominant paradigm of contemporary capitalism. The EU is neo-liberal because it is a union of capitalist countries, not because it is an entity per se devoted to the dissemination of neo-liberalism. You put the cart before the horse. You also conflate two different arguments: just because the EU as it currently stands is dominated by neo-liberalism, this does not mean that if European countries unite they cannot defend themselves better against US domination – US domination is not exactly synonymous with neo-liberalism.
I disagree. The EU is intrinsically neo-liberal because a single market and the associated legislation, treaties, etc. make it so. If you changed all that, the EU simply wouldn’t be the EU.
Under the rules, changing the EU in, say, a social-democratic direction would require the agreement of ALL its members. How high do you rate the probability of non-capitalist governments being simultaneously in office in every member country?
Long time EU stalwarts, Poland, Romania (please site your INF missiles here uncle Sam) and the Baltics are fanatically pro-US. I used to think back in the 1970s that the EU, was a social-democratic bloc, standing between the twin evils of Soviet Communism and US Imperialism. I was over the years disabused of this notion. Now we stand between Oceania which stretches from Seattle to Vilnius and Eurasia which stretches from Vladivostock to St.Petersburg and in which the west seems to want a war with Russia. The US and Petainist EU are not antipodes they are twins.
Your Vichy regime analogy (‘Petainist EU’) is spot-on.
There are more multi millionaire behind the leave campaign than the remain, sure Bliar is a total asrewipe without doubt, so are Lord Snooty, Raab, Ugly Patel, Johnson, Ledsham, Redwood , the despicable doughnut Smith, and of course the great man himself the stockbroker farage what a great gang to follow, the last prick celebrating his birthday at the ritz courtesy o fthe great humanitarians the barclay brothers, when are you lot going to see you’ve been taken for a ride, with a one way ticket.
You have some very insightful comments on this site. Also you publish a needed antidote to the Guardian and all the other mainstream propaganda out there.
Personally I was ambivalent about Brexit being from across the pond or as the elites like to say from the “colonies” I didn’t really think it was my business. Unlike some from the commonwealth ( the euphemism for the British Empire) like to go on about our love for guns.
Compare what happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn to Wounded Knee. Just as a thought experiment but I digress. Not too much because we’re told that thanks to what would become the Second Amendment we gained “Independence” from Britain. A nice fairytale we were all taught in school and like GW chopping down some cherry tree because he couldn’t tell a lie or whatever. More myth than actual truth.
The fact is that America became an extension of Britannia. Actually the biggest part of the Empire known as the East India Company. Don’t believe me. Take a look at the flag. All the bars without the stars.
Maybe I’m wrong but I see this whole Brexit now is an effort to resurrect an anglo-american alliance and all drunken Boris who has as much tact as his Russian counterpart who almost single handedly and handily destroyed Russia by selling it off at bargain basement prices which is what I’m sure Boris II plans to do and set up the old mercantile empire using America’s military much like Israel is using us as a “force multiplier”.
Thus I sympathize with you all over there. Here we dodged the bullet known as Clinton who probably would have turned us all into radioactive dust if elected for Trump who in reality was the lesser of two evils but evil just the same since he seems to be selling us out to the Rothschilds who as you know rule the City of London and are the benefactors of the terrorist state of Israel.
Personally I thought you would have been better off with Cobryn but instead got Boris the Terrible who promises to “get Brexit done”. I wish you all the best and hope that it all comes out alright.
I stopped reading this garbage after the first few paragraphs
Obviously the author of this dross has had a visitation from the the little green lizard men
Wtf are you blathering about?
What are little green lizard men?
Ask David icke
Welcome back Crisp. We have missed your charming repartee and cutting wit.
Or maybe not.
By any chance are you Espartaco or William H Bonney using a different pseudonym?
Just wondering.
The little green lizard men visitation thing did make me chuckle tho… Cheers.
Well you’ve missed my best stuff, all went down the old memory hole
I’ve informed Admin to lighten up for the new year
More fun:
Merry Christmas!
Global research is fake news, humbug!
One needs to be literate to get the full flavor. Sorry.
You live in a fake think tank – look for the light switch!
Oh i found the light switch a long, looooong time ago my friend
Globalresearch pumps out endlessly anti western vitriol, and yet it, like many other so called alternative news/view websites, has absolutely no cohesive viable alternative, no positive message
it’s endlessly negative and anti democratic,essentially nonsense pumped out by bunch of bitter lefty communist anti capitalist/globalist faux intellectual failures
The alternative can start by stopping:
• the relentless murdering, plundering and exploitation of populations across the world
• the relentless lying
• the pumping of money and resources into
o the military
o the royalty
o the propaganda
• the compulsive manufacturing of toxic crap
• the destruction of the public services.
That alone would be a BIG HELP! Just fucking STOP!
You are a civil servant for an exceptional nation, a nation so exceptional that it expends almost 4% of its GDP on defence, but a nation that is also so exceptional that it expends that 4% of GDP simply by printing up pieces of paper in the basement.
Imagine a bunch of loser nations get together and have this really stupid idea of creating their own new currency.
If these bunch of losers succeed instead of printing up pieces of paper in the basement you will have to pay real money to finance that 4% of GDP and pay those outlandish bonuses to the bosses of the industrial complex that receives your defence spending.
So, the first thing you do is you use your prison bitch to join the proto-new currency and then you use your Hungarian Jewish asset to force your prison bitch to leave. A failure.
Next, you push the exchange rate against your own currency so low that you are sure the loser nations will bend, they do not. A failure.
Next, you raise their new currency so high against your own currency that they cannot trade and you are sure that the loser nations will bend, they do not. A failure.
Next, you take the country where your security services have previously established a military junta and with your leading investment bank help you falsify their national accounts. A failure but a disaster for the country in question. Everyone is too scared to sue your leading investment bank.
Next, you take your prison bitch of a country and get them to run a referendum to leave the loser nation trading block. You fix the referendum through postal votes. Then you run an election and get an upper-class clown elected to make sure they leave on absolutely the worst terms possible.
You are sure that this time you are on to a winner, pity for the prison bitch country, pity for the risk for the whole of the rest of the world given what happened when you helped your buddies at Goldman tank Lehman, but who cares you live in Chevy Chase and your government pension is perfectly secure.
Richard ‘the Gorilla of Wall Street’ Fuld leveraged Lehman Brothers 44:1 knowing that he just purchased McAllister Ranch in Bakersfield Californication and was on the hook long term if he could not syndicate the loans he wanted out of the project.
Goldman Sachs had every right to frag the motherfucker into oblivion.
Fuld is a dipshit wannabe.
Gorilla my ass.
Just found this helpful essay on possible future scenarios of the UK. And they’re not happy ones:
The ending is ominous:
because it refers to an earlier part:
Fake news and blather from a bunch of idiots
Don’t bother, more red/ brown disinformation
Not so George.
Here are 3 simple upsides:
1. Even with all the abuse, gaslighting, spoiler candidates and a winter election on cold rainy dark prexmas day – nearly 11 MILLION GENUINE voters did choose Corbynite Labour.
2. Many of the backstabbing exLabour and pains in the arses are gone from their shouty AS accussing perches.
3. Aside from losing Pidcock (to postal fraud) the next leadership is looking like a great team and will be backed by the still solid membership- and the remainder shit on shoe parachutists are deselected in good time for next election.
Its a long game politics and there was no predicted wipeout – Again.
That what does not kill you makes you stronger!
The only positive I can take is that we had a lower turnout than in 2017, Labour lost ground, whilst comparisons with other years are great, fact is UK population is growing and election is growing – LP failed to maintain the 2017 vote percentage and only thing that really changed from its 2017 Manifesto & 2019 Manifesto was Brexit, and it was a Brexit Election, whether we like it or not. And, to be honest, I’m not inspired by those thus far put forward as replacement leaders – indeed, the PLP lacks real leaders on par with those the party produced in the 60s and 70s, so, in all honest, lets just blame Kinnock for pushing the Party to have professionals as MPs, most of whom are dick heads, as the Blair Babes epitomise.
Quick 3 day report, a bit late from Lancashire cos there was almost no mobile phone coverage.
1. The Lancashire people are just as nice, now as They have always been.
My wife and I were born and brought up in Lancashire, and we would still be there. We love Lancashire. I had a Really Good Job in Manchester – We were state of the art – And Margaret Thatcher closed down All The Wealth creating industry in North of England – and just bought IBM (American), and North Sea Gas (and Oil), and Flared most of The Gas Off to maximise short term profit – for The American Oil Companies Most weren’t even British – maybe half of BP
….Probably The Biggest Waste of Energy Ever By an English Human Being…
No 1 Margaret Thatcher
We hate the Tories and loads of them voted Tory, because they believe in Democracy and the B@stards in Westminster, didn’t do what we told them to do: LEAVE The EU – BREXIT so it was FU
I didn’t vote. I just couldn’t bring myself to vote Tory, but They Did
So The Tory B@stards, better spend one of hell of a lot of money in The North of England, building infrastructure and wealth creating industry, instead of making bombs
No one can do anything of any use, without hard work and investment, and we want to work.
I was born in the North East and left the UK when Thatcher came to power. Before being convinced that all your old friends suddenly voted Tory, look at the percentage of postal votes. In Newcastle it was 47%, Sunderland 55% in 2017. Think about it – officially more than 1 out of every 2 people votes by mail in Sunderland. In aging Tory Eastbourne it is only 1 in 4.
Or those numbers 100% accurate M?
Are damn it.
As a resident of Stockton, born and raised in Newcastle, who has his own serious questions about the validity of this election result, I am very interested to see the source for that statistic about the percentage of postal votes in this area.
I asked the Groaniads Kate something, who wanted questions about the election to provide some numbers – not a single mention in her answers on postal votes.
I’m sure the Labour management office must have some ideas and certainly Pidcocks constituency office – we prob won’t have to wait to long to see how the DS overplayed their fixed hand.
Look at the figures for 2017, you can download it as a XLS file and examine it for each constituency.
Shame you don’t have the internet. I do. Enjoy.
And you use the Internet to link to the website of a non-dom former Chairman of the Tory party. We are talking about the electoral commission and figures for 2015, the referendum and 2017. When the Brexit voting working class myth was created.
In the 2017 general election 22% of the electorate chose to vote by mail.
In Eastbourne, where 44% of the population is over 60, 26% voted by mail.
In Middlesbrough only 18% of the electorate chose to vote by mail and only 30% of the population is over 60.
In nearby Sunderland Central 52% of the electorate voted by mail and yet only 35% of the population is over 60.
While Penrith and the Borders a rural constituency where 43% of the population is over 60 only 21% of the population voted by mail.
As for 2019 how do you explain that Dominic Raab seemingly knew the results of the postal votes in Esher on December 3?
Michael Crick:
Dominic Raab, in my latest @MailPlus_ report, says he’s “quietly confident” of holding off big Lib Dem challenge in his Esher & Walton seat. “Have a look at the postal votes, ” he tells me.
Can you link directly to the source for your figures please?
The Election Commission has the figures for the 2015 general election, 2017 general election and referendum:
Go to results and turnout, download the full results as a very large Excel file, it gives the figures for the electorate and ballots, postal ballots etc.,
The House of Commons Library has the data on the total population and age by constituency:
Simply remove everyone under 18 and you have a rough figure for the potential electorate. The figures reveal about 90% of people eligible to vote in terms of age are registered to vote in all constituencies in the North East. I just looked at the North East and combined the data in my own file. The 55% I quoted earlier is for Houghton and Sunderland South.
Mike Pompeo:
The polls, BBC vox pops, Workington man, etc. are just to disguise the fact that Boris won the election the CIA way.
Thank you for supplying such detailed sources. Very much appreciated.
Thank Catte, it was her recent article that got me thinking – maybe Ed Miliband despite the Ed Stone did not lose and “the people” did not vote for more austerity in 2015.
If you want to look into postal voting there is a 2010 report from the Commons:
Just think about the number of referendums since 2000: the 2004 North East Regional Assembly, 2011 Alternative Vote, 2014 Scottish Independence.
A series of trials where the system was honed to get the result in the 2015 general election and the 2016 EU referendum. 2017 was an aberration because Corbyn inspired people to vote.
It is not just the postal votes that seem implausible it is the percentages of the eligible population that are registered to vote.
So – how about a proper article which will debunk the 17 million brexiteers and a daylight mugging of the country covered by anti-Corbyn rhetoric?
A call to annul the results until a independent audit is made?
MLDRalph you are doing a much better job on the number crunching than I can – it seems that YouGove are about to play one of their usual statistical management tricks – but only a seat by seat analysis with independent audit can give us the real picture.
The electoral commission are privatised and compromised – they have failed to enforce their own rules and laws against the tory mp and laurakoftheCIA.
If you have Excel go to
Click “2017 UKPGE electoral data”
Open the file
Select the worksheet “Administrative data”
Select column AH “18. Number of ballot papers returned by postal voters which were included in the count of ballot papers”
Copy the column
Go to column G, click Insert Copied Cells
Go to column H, click Insert Column
In column H in the row for the constituency that interest you type in the formula
Where XXX is the row number for the constituency
Hit the percent button for the cell
Voila the percentage of postal votes included in the count in 2017
The figures for 2019 have not yet been published and maybe never will be.
Hmmm. Is Off-Guardian now becoming a Remain-shop? I’m really having a hard time taking this article seriously. Are we actually to believe–one referendum and two elections later!–that the British electorate still hasn’t made its opinion on Brexit clear? Very disappointing article.
The worst part is extremist remain Labour supporters who still won’t accept any responsibility for Corbyn’s defeat when we were pointing out all along that target constituencies were overwhelmingly leave.
Yes and in Sunderland where the Nissan plant is the giver of life they voted Brexit.
Or did they? 55% of the votes were mailed.
Maybe it is not only the integrity of journalism that the Integrity Initiative is worried about.
Get Brexit, destroy the euro and the dollar remains supreme. Brits meanwhile learn to sympathize with the Greeks who were also used by the Yanks to attack the euro.
Talk about verbal gymnastics, we were never in the Euro and it has never come close to achieving its twin ambitions of prosperity and integration. Both are further away than they were before the Euro, to try and blame the UK for that is untruthful. Also, to pretend that Europe is a bulwark against the dollar and American dominance is just the dreams of Napoleon Macron. The reality is that NATO is Europe and both do American foreign policy. That won’t change any time soon.
See my explanation above. It is nothing to do with what the euro might achieve but what damage it could do to the dollar. Libya’s gold dinar, Iraq pricing oil in something other than dollars, etc.
From a Lexiteer point of view, will all those who actually voted for Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson’s party rather than for Corbyn’s because they thought de Pfeffel better represented the working man please stand up and be counted.
Otherwise I am going to assume the Integrity Initiative was based at a disused factory in Fife because it needed the space from time to time to manufacture all those postal ballots for the mythical disabled ex-miners from the North East voting Tory to get Brexit done because 5 more years of Tory cuts was going to make their life just peachy.
lundiel (and Seamus) have it right.
The Blairites foisted the U-turn on Brexit onto the party when most of the seats it held in the old parliament, and most of the seats it needed to win, voted leave. Now the Blairites are hypocritically blaming Corbyn for the result of their own policy. The election loss was exactly what they wanted: Corbyn out of the way and Britain ‘safe’ for neo-liberalism.
The Off-Guardian people who run the site are not responsible for any opinions expressed by David McIlwain in his post, or indeed for any opinions expressed by other guest writers who write posts for Off-G or whose work is reproduced at Off-G. That proviso should hardly need repeating every time a guest writer’s post appears here.
Jen that’s as maybe but they’ll ban and delete my comments for pointing out the garbage nature of thid article
Its a bit like junk food you’re responsible for putting it in your mouth, and off-gaurdian are responsible for publishing junk journalism, if thats what it can be called!
So stop making excuses for them, they know what they’re doing
We don’t ban and rarely delete. Your comments were held back by the spam-protection software, but are all published now. Such as they are.
I’d like to respond but it’d get me banned!
We have never banned anyone.
Alright. I wast just curious as to what was going on.
We certainly do believe–one referendum and two elections later!–that 30% of the British electorate has made its opinion on Brexit clear.
‘Absolutely’ what?
Crispy you been in the sun too long?
Off-G has officially hit its own “waaaaaah we lost let’s all band together and act like remainers even though we’ve been pretending to be anti establishment“
Fantastic – so let’s start that fabulous Brexit scorched earth policy!
Would that be the British electorate 53% of which voted for parties supporting a second referendum at the last election?
I do not think you understand how ‘the markets’ work if you think the pound going up had anything to do with economics.
‘Certainty’ is a mantra promoted to strengthen a currency, ‘uncertainty’ to weaken it.
Just remember: pound dropped sharply after Leave vote. So how were economic prospects weaker in 2016 but now stronger in 2019 when both decisions were for the same policy?
The whole point is that a 3-10 cents move in the sterling:dollar exchange rate makes you more money in 12 hours than you will make in 12 years of normal trading conditions.
If you laid Remain, Hillary Clinton on 2016 voting evenings, shorted Sterling just before Leave won and bought Sterling just before Boris won in 2019, you could have gone from £100 to £100m in three years. £1-10m by end 2016, £100m+ now.
Singularities in trading prices are the best way to make a fortune…..
The effect of Brexit on sterling has been grossly exaggerated.
Sterling declined steadily from $1.86 to $1.24, losing exactly a third of its value. It has since recovered to around $1.32.
There are 2 main reasons for this. Brexit is at most a very minor factor.
1. QE, printing hundreds of billions of toilet paper money out of thin air to bail out the bankers. Cameron doubled the national debt from £750 to 1,600 billion from 2010-. The figure has continued to balloon out of control since this time.
2. Linked to 1. above. Zero and negative interest rates, depressing the currency.
Brexit will now be used as a catch all excuse for any negative events for the next 20 years.
Rhys the QE asset bubble blowing and liquidity drought is approaching breaking point – the collapse of Boeing or its tbtf outcome is the blackswan – if you or anyone is too heavily into the financial markets it is time to seek safety as the markets peak on the tory brexit hoohah.
I am not taking any chances.
DG…. That’s what I was trying to explain to you yesterday.
The problem IS the Economic System, and I fully agree with your comment about a blackswan event.
Someone like BigB or Francis Lee can explain it more eloquently.
You get one of these enormous corporations like Boeing or a bank like Citigroup or JP Morgan going under and… watch the domino’s fall. One after the other.
who is the dude with the smirk?
inversion inverted
like that song buy by oates and hall
zio eyes watching you watching you everymove
is it not
who is the man with the long hairs above
so below
actors all that is all you need to nose
we are in a sick babylonian talmud play
everything inverted
all lies
never trust an actor,director producer.
never a kahn,khan or a coen.
look at the rage on the face the primal scream
of william tiberious kirk in the wrath of coen sorry khan
that was not acting
the election was a crime scene the white helmets mi6 guy is alive with jeff epstein and and greville janner not forgetting the maxwell and leon britain plus mcalpine all chillin in tel aviver already
politicks is netflix ugly version
mi5 and 6 bbc all media all goy wranglers cowboys
herding the cattle for tax and energy harvesting
is it not
is this a Craig Murray refugee centre?
31 mn people voted to extend the consensual mandate of the neoliberal capitalist state to globally expand, extract and expropriate planetary wealth for themselves. Unconsciously: without any consideration of the consequences. Now, nearly 11 mn of them want to pretend they were duped into this …because two films did not get released? Can there be a more deluded abdication of self-responsibility? Without any inherent maturity at all: it’s hard to see where UK politic goes from here? What is the deepest spot a mile below the nadir? The ‘People’s Government’ of Boris Johnson we co-constituted the reality of last week?
The election was for a successor capitalist imperialist state: the capitalist imperialist state was duly elected. No one – no one – can then abdicate responsibility to say it was the “wrong capitalist state”. If people do not like this process – and it is the most debilitating, dehumanising, and destructive of all processes – then it is their social responsibility to at least explore the possibility of finding another process. In the co-creation of superior/inferior status and co-determination of the master/slave dialectic – we volunteer to choose position of the inferior and the enslaved. Then spend the consensual contract term complaining about the subordinant class politics we voted for. Projecting blame scattergun everywhere but where the blame is due: with the voters and endorsers of globalised neoliberal capitalism.
Is no one else getting bored of this? Not just the embarassment of excuses we can find for our own self-inferiorisation and voluntary infantalisation: but the fact that no one will make a positive assessment of how to break this vortex cycle of self-defeatism and performative powerlessness …so we never have to go through the same charade again? Which, no doubt we will in five years time. Unless we take it on the chin: and fess up to what we have created as a social reality …the Trump/Johnson axis of world power.
If this below and beyond the low point cannot act as a bifurcation point – whereby we totally reject the state electoral inferiorisation process – I do not know what can. It is unlikely there will be much left to reclaim in five years: much less so in ten. If we cannot claim humanity and ecology back from neoliberal globalisation in the next few years …well, it ain’t going to be pretty.
A good starting point would be to admit the corruption of the entire state electoral process of inferiorisation: and take co-responsibility for our part in the election of Johnson. Then the avowal never to do it again and take the legislative and judicial power we abdicated back. Which is the socially responsible alternative to the drawnout emetic debrief that seems to be favoured.
Great point BigB I think you’re wasting your time they don’t care what happens here so long as they’re out of the EU that is all that matters to them. I’m so happy I don’t have any grandchildren, although I fear for those that have, so sad all done in the name of getting our country back, I wonder how they will feel if farage gets some kind of peerage, you know the one that has been fighting the elites, and celebrating his birthday at the Ritz owned by those two socially aware brothers barclay , ha ha ha ha .
Ok geff the fake socialist what’s so good and anti imperialist about the EU? Howay this’ll be good to hear
Vert interesting read in ‘ in this together’ The entire UK political establishment, on both sides of the House, the intelligence community and the mainstream media closed ranks to make Labour’s electoral defeat a certainty. What our democratic system has once again delivered is the worst possible outcome.
Based upon the illusion of Brexit, the working class have now turned their back on the only party that represents their interests, placing their future in the hands of highly privileged vulture capitalists who care nothing for their welfare. At the same time, riddled with internecine conflict, the Party that should fight for them have spent years navel gazing while the same neoliberal political establishment wrestled them into submission.
Remainers have lost nothing and Brexiteers have nothing. The diametric opposite to the widely held perception.
The other apparent reason that people rejected Corbyn is that the mainstream media, intelligence agencies and his own parliamentary party have waged an incessant war of attrition against him from the moment he was elected. They have thrown everything at him in the hope that something would stick. Enough did and, regardless of the absurdity of the allegations, many were bamboozled into believing it.
From the BBC photo-shopping pictures of Corbyn wearing a Russian hat outside the Kremlin, to evidence free, fake investigations into totally baseless antisemitism allegations, the mainstream media, ably assisted by snarling PLP detractors and intelligence service ‘experts’ like Richard Dearlove, have done everything they possibly could to annihilate Labour’s electoral chances. Yesterday they accomplished their mission.
The loss is already being blamed on Corbyn by the Blairites. This is the culmination of their four and half year long campaign to remove democratic socialism from the Labour Party. Neoliberal corporatists like Blair, Campbell and Mandelson, using their power and wealthy connections, were instrumental in pushing Labour towards a loosing Remain position. They were determined the Labour Party would return to a party of the establishment and, with Corbyn inevitably on his way out, they’re hellbent on achieving it.
Okay ultra calm down it’s was actually a get brexit done and do it now! Most Brits are wilfully ignorant of imperialism and have little idea that Britain still behaves like an empire on behalf of an actual empire
We have the very few, the few, and the serfs. The politics of the world is driven by the Economics of the very few. The very few have created for themselves a feudal system, its informal, its hidden, but its highly functional and it accounts in large measure for the global atrocities.
The chiefs (a very few) distribute to the feudal lords(the few) in a variety of ways.
1. direct government contracts
2. privatize the assets and government services that remain after regime change or infra structure destruction of economic value from regime sex corrupted, blackmailed, regime changed or defeated nation states and or from sweetheart deals in corporate takeovers.
3. appointment to and assignment to intelligence, or high level diplomatic positions in defeated entities.
4. promotion to USA congress or the USA presidency or to a high level corporate job.
5. control of access of the goy to education, entry level jobs leading to the knowledge to be promoted, to bank loans, to houses in neighborhoods, to medical care, and to a massive variety of other things. They are all in on it together.
6. many others
The tools of the trade are coercion by any means available to include sex, blackmail, spy technology, war machinery, military, intelligence, private armies, dark money and money laundering operations to name but a few.
Dependency: it is
This is no longer a problem bounded by one nation, it has become a problem important to the liberties and freedoms and the station of status of person in the society, membership in clubs, obtaining credentials to be eligible for licenses (law, medicine, home building, contracting, service provider, and everything else). License is a huge gate used to keep the Goya
What Bexit has shown is that there is not a bit of difference between those governed by any of the nation governments of any kind(they are controlled by the same few), we are just the Goy or as Hilary Clinton puts it: the deplorables. No longer should we look at ourselves as citizens of Britain, or Citizens of the United States, or citizens of France, or citizens of Saudi Arabia, or citizens of Israel, or citizens of Libya, or whatever, we must recognize that it is the many vs the few. from here on out. We must not identify and expose all of the ways nation state leaders use or allows others to use information to control our behaviors and to dictate our rights.
We must help each other no matter or sex, language, religion or nationality because they have made us all one, but trying to control our lives from birth to death and by trying to use us, at our expense, for their purposes.
Professor Emeritus Vilfredo Pareto outlined the empirical skew of wealth transfer for ‘the few’ as a function of culture whereby all have the same or similar wealth distribution. Post-Lehman evidenced the wholesale destruction that empirical skew manifested on the Western Banking System & concomitant ruling oiligopoly.
Empirically, the Western Fractional Reserve Banking System has crashed outright to reveal
even greater skew after all the M&A post-Lehman debacle. In terms of wealth distribution we are now in what Professor Emeritus Minsky characterized as Late Stage Ponzi Capitalism. Amazon & Bezos are transnational, leveraged like a Hedge Fund, and a monopoly that was legislated against during the 30s in the USA.
Today, in contemporary totalitarian society we are fed a daily diet of pseudoscience & half-baked so-called ‘truths’ that serve to mask the lies & falsehood.
What is evidently true today is that the empirical skew of wealth has become a matter of superstructural fault where the tectonic plates of sovereign nations are bound to give us all degrees of continental shift in contradistinction to the empirical skew of wealth transfer which is by no means immoveable.
Like gravity, what goes up must come down. Wealth hoarding sub-groups of elite will have nowhere to hide when the avalanche cascades on top of them without notice before hand.
Six Sigma extinction level events exist for all empirical distributions given the right conditions.
My post above is supposed to be under BigB’s post above.
The other problem with ‘the Few’ analysis I have been trying to highlight is that we are in it …the Few that is. In terms of per capita mass aggregate consumption/pollution rates – 93% of us in the UK are in ‘the Few’. Which holds for a rough Pareto Principle (80/20): we are among the top 20% of consumers responsible for 70% of the lifestyle consumption emissions [Anderson; LabourGND; Oxfam]. Which amounts to 28,000 tonnes per capita of aggregate material flows: against a global average of 7,000 tonnes [Hickel]. In global consumption/pollution terms: we are among the “wealth hoarding sub-groups of [the] elite” of the mass material consumption bourgeoisie.
There are unfair distributions: and inequitable distributions between the haute bourgeoisie and we in the bourgeoisie. But the greatest inequitable maldistribution is North to South: where the poorest 50% of the global population are limited – by being resource cursed and having to subsidise us – to 10% of lifestyle consumption emissions. If you can call it a lifestyle; a consumer lifestyle; or a profligate pollution problem …which is doubtful? And it current rates of wealth redistribution: it will be 200-900 years before they are out of poverty.
As for ‘wealth hoarding sub-groups’: we in the UK voted to extend the amount of mass material material aggregate demand. Which is complex: because UK rates have been falling …but only because of the service economy. Rates of industrialisation and resource extractivism are effectively exported. Global demand rises: and so must global supply. Our consumption fetishism is driving global capitalism. Not solely: the whole of the developed world is.
It is this material economy that acts as a baseline – of sorts – for the overfinancialised derivative, arbitrage, and highly leveraged stocks, bonds, and equities …and any other exotic financial instruments that can be gambled on. A market that is roughly 75 times the size of the material ‘real’ productive economy. The market that is likely being subsidised by the repo- and other ‘not QE’ hypertrophic liquidity supplements. The market that is going to collapse when the anabolic steroid effect fails to maintain exponential growth. Professor Minsky will have his moment!
Whereupon the UK will quickly realise that it is a pissling little island in a sea of globalisation. With an 80% tertiarised service economy. Servicing an extinct financial market economy. With failing services and no food coming in from abroad. Or medicines. Or water purification products. And possibly no energy. But we will have 60,000 military and paramilitary police to uphold the private property rights of the haute bourgeoisie.
Maybe then we will see and feel what it is like for the rest of the world? Who we have only ever viewed as subsidisers of our wealth? Just as we subsidise the wealth of those we choose to be subordinate to. It’s a shitty, shitty, system which the UK has done not too badly out of. Well, enough for us to never look from the outside in through the eyes of a Frantz Fannon: and try to change the system for a globally more equitable system free from our white privileged ethnosupremacist racism.
We got the government we deserved – and voted for. And we await the fate of collapse we deserve – and voted for. As John Michael Greer said: the UK is rushing to collapse early to avoid the disappointment in the rush. We live in a complete fantasy bubble of a post-Empire state of mind. As if other – dehumanised foreign – people and the holistic integrity of the biosphere did not exist. Well, thanks to our lifestyle choices, they may not for much longer. But the only thing that has perturbed our reserved compassion and indifferent inhumanity is our election of a Johnson government. Well, that is an indignity! But not even a fraction of an indignity that we are quite happy to violently impose on the rest of the world. But let us pretend and console ourselves it would have been a utopia if they had not held back those films.
CANADA will sell you agriculture products, and we will sell you energy too. CANADA/UK Trade Deal is on the front burner for BoJo & Trudeau Liberals.
I agree with everything you said apart from the trade deal we have with BoJo.
You most assuredly publish a great rant when you put your mind to it, BigB.
Years of practice, MOU, years of practice!
And when the appropriate forum comes along: I’m dying to tap your knowledge – now you let slip you are a Personality major. 🙂
{No sarc: I always have to put that on the internet as words without para-linguistic cues are easily misread}
I was raised by a Chartered Accountant Senior Rulings National Revenue CANADA Oil, Mines, & Resource Taxation. I have been looking at Finance since 1971 when I watched Nixon close the gold window with my CA father lecturing throughout.
I ain’t MASTER OF UNIVERSE for nothing, eh. Personality Theory B.A. Honours was another lifetime. Financial Intelligence is my game now given Behavioural paradigm for Finance & Econophysics.
“We don’t have to join too many dots to see why a discussion about Wikileaks, war crimes in Iraq, and OPCW crimes in Syria was something the Tories didn’t need,”
They also didn’t need the Intelligence report of ‘Russian’ influence in their party and government; the direct threat made by Pompeo to stop Labour, the deal which they have been negotiating with the US which confirms the NHS is part of it amongst many other things – as was confirmed by their Ambassador Woody (Of Johnson&Johnson fame who stand to benefit hughy) ;the dangerous levels of capacity in the NHS; etc etc etc.
Anyway the Graun is claiming to run a ask us a question about the election now on their blog – I’ve asked mine but am not holding my breath for an answer.
And here is the Groans Sparrow reporting just now “Number 10 has released the full text of Boris Johnson’s speech opening the debate. Here it is with a few gaps for interjections:”
Lol – gaps.
David Macilwain usually writes far better than this. In fact 90% of this, is the same sort of nonsense, he has apparently been brainwashed with, by reading the Guardian et al.
He displays his own ignorance and arrogance, by yet again telling over 50% of The British voting public that we didn’t know what we were voting for re Brexit.
“not least because only 30% of that public actually voted for Brexit, and did so in complete ignorance of what it might mean and because of their own long-standing prejudices.”
He analysed Skripal very well. This is total crap.
Bs compo – nobody voted for a hard brexit in the referendum did they? The concept didn’t even exist. It was Norway Plus or some such cake to eat.
Thank you Tony for mentioning that. I was frankly as dismayed to read that sentence as I usually am when I read the Graun or the BBC.
There is much accurate material in this article, but you spotted the “total crap” which leaked out from under it.
When did %30 transform to over 50%?
utter crap
persuasive argument, Bob
Bobs are absolutist. I’m a Bob so I know how Bobs think.
How, is this bob who says “utter crap” your uncle?
All of my uncles are dead, and I never had an uncle Bob. I’m certain how Bobs think being one myself.
Typical response when you don’t have an answer, something a 12 year old would do
On the other hand, many highly intelligent and well-informed people can sometimes lose their patience when the clichés of the decade are repeated by someone who should know better. In such circumstances, they look around for a quick expletive, and “utter crap” comes pretty close here, although, as I mentioned earlier, there is also plenty of accurate material in the article.
You certainly have bob.
The interference in our elections mainly comes from the United States and Israel, not Russia. As with Salisbury, the Brexit referendum, and other events, Russia is simply a scapegoat and/or a distraction for the CIA and the Israeli embassy.
Absolutely right, but given the donations made by Russians with close connections to Putin to Johnson’s election campaign, it was clear who Putin was rooting for.
As soon as UK based Russian oligarchs are mentioned the presumption of many – encouraged by Western media – is that they must be ‘friends’ of Putin or have ‘close connections’ to him. In fact, in respect of most of them, it is exactly the opposite. They are based in London precisely because the UK establishment doesn’t clamp down on tax dodging and corrupt business dealings as Putin has done since the beginning of his Presidential tenures. Corrupt business owners…donations to parties in power? Hmm, I wonder why it is that they are given every encouragement and incentive to settle in London undisturbed?
Before attaching too much credence to propaganda pieces telling you what a fine fellow Putin is, it would be good to remember the brutal methods he used to establish his totalitarian rule, such as the gunning down in broad daylight on a Moscow street in 2015 of Boris Nemtsov, one of his key politicial opponents at the time, let alone to recall the evidence that he is funding and supporting the nascent far right throughout the West.
If the wife of a former Russian finance minister under president Putin who donated £200,000 to the Conservative election campaign cannot be said to “have close connections to Putin” I don’t know who can.
Presumably you are referring to Vladimir Chernukhin the man dismissed from his post by Putin in 2004 in the midst of suspicions that he and his ‘mentor’ and Russian PM at the time, Mikhail Kasyanov, were involved in corrupt activities, both having worked together for a time at the state bank Vnescheconombank.
I would also be grateful for any credible links you can supply regarding
Sorry, above link fails to register. Hopefully this link will work.>unexplained-wealth-opera-oleg-deripaska-vladimir-chernukhin-and-lolita-danilina-sing-in-london/
I give up…life’s too short. Possibly need to delete the end forward slash in one or both intended links. But the article can be accessed via an internet search.
For starters, it is a documented fact that the neo-fascist National Front in France has received serious financing from Russia. See:
Johnson openly hob-nobs with Russians who have Putin connections:
“The day after his landslide election victory, Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie Symonds dropped into a caviar-fuelled Christmas party in London hosted by former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev and his son Evgeny.”
As to Lebedev’s Putin connections, see:
Russian billionaire Lebedev to back Putin group
If the end result was the break up of the UK , then he bet his money well on that horse.
We seem to have wide agreement on this.
It’s time to build on that wide agreement.
Hmm, I think OffG is trolling their readership. That’s a but DailyMailish, isn’t it? I don’t read this website too often but is this a recurring theme?
* Should say “bit”
What is your exact point bitthead?
Given the amount of rain we’re getting it’s no surprise that you live under a bridge.
I forgive you if you are from New Zealand.
‘I think OffG is trolling their readership’ ???????? Maybe you should read the website a bit more
My definition of “trolling their membership” means being controversial (for clickbait) knowing their usual readers/commenters will write on their platforms in protest to the controversial article; the Daily Mail makes a living out of it. but I have a feeling you already know that? Maybe you have a different definition?
Ok thanks I get your general point re trolling for clickbait- but what exactly do you find controversial within this article ?
This article is wrong to imply/assume that Brexiters/Lexiters didn’t know what they were voting for. Wrong to suggest/assume we did/do not have a strategy to try to help leave the EU. Wrong to assume we are racist and/or stupid. Of course there are a few exceptions but on the whole people know the score and we love the individual, distinct European countries; we just despise the imperial, uber-technocratic, ultimately anti-democratic superstate that is the EU.
See UK Column & similar websites, and the archive of Tony Benn/Barbara Castle/Peter Shore/Bob Crow (on the reasons for disliking the EEC/EU/Maastrict & Lisbon Treaties etc) for why so many people voted to leave the EU. I reckon when the options on who to vote for were purposely limited by the LP (in the last few months after JC was forced to go along with the PLP) and TBP (after Farage made a deal with Trump/Boris) many Brexiters (and a few Lexiters?) were forced to vote for the Tories to give a message to the establishment? I am guessing they thought the election would result in a hung parliament with the tories having to ally with the DUP again.
Imo – I have a strong suspicion that the real result was a very close result (hung parliament) and that the establishment using the secret services helped in some way to engineer this landslide result (probably through postal ballot rigging). On the day of the election many people observed and commented on the huge queues in the poll stations and seeing so many young people voting like never before (including many photos on social media). The result does not seem plausible and the status quo has/had so much to lose.
Incidentally, and this is obviously anecdotal but in my household (and as far as I know) all my friends voted Labour or stayed at home (we are mostly Lexiters, don’t-knows, and a couple Brexiters) and only know quite well of two openlyTory voters (at my partners’ workplace). On the other hand, I do know my local area (which has been impoverished since the Thatcher years) is a heavy leave-voting area and I reckon most people here lend their vote to Tories for strategic reasons (I know a neighbour who wants the Tories to ‘own’ Brexit knowing full well they will renege on all their promises and not just the Brexit promise – they think Boris is a fake and wants to BRINO or, ultimately, even to remain).
I can only state what I observe and hear around me, and what I saw on social media during the election, but I do know people are so much more informed than the establishment/media would like to admit.
* lent
So the Hard Brexit that we are heading for onto WTO rules was what you and other Leave voters knew was what you wanted in 2016?
Second, IMMIGRANTS are definitely NOT the reason Leavers voted for brexshit?
Finally lexiteers didn’t have any problems with Diane Abbot becoming Home Secretary in charge of our Security? Or Corbyn incharge of a government that was pro-peace and end of Human Rights abuses in the World? I.e a Pacifist Terrorist Lover?
P.s the country was desperately anti-EU from joining to 2010?
Well said, methinks.
The Off-Guardian carries no advertising.
I was shocked, yes shocked, to see the type sentiments espoused below.
”No-one could seriously believe that Brexit is something the ruling elite has pursued because it respects the so-called democratic will of the British public – not least because only 30% of that public actually voted for Brexit, and did so in complete ignorance of what it might mean and because of their own long-standing prejudices.
That could have come from the mouth Jo Swinson, the Economist, the Guardian or any other ultra-remainer rag.
It gets better, or worse depending on your point of view.
”Had the Government not had an interest in restructuring its relationship with the US and NATO, and seen political and economic gains – well illustrated by the jump in the value of Sterling following the result – then the idea of Brexit would just have quietly died away.”
Yep, it’s those damn proles who voted for Brexit again and ”did so in complete ignorance of what that might mean and because of their own long-standing predudices.” But of course! Time to rethink the idea of universal suffrage perhaps. Actually those sort of sentiments (see above) are precisely why Labour lost the election so heavily.
The point seems to be missed that euroland is an occupied zone and has been zone since 1945 – it is a neoliberal juggernaut and junior partner in the geopolitical global order. In addition it is the civilian wing of NATO, another American construction. It is based upon a core-periphery economic structure and upon a currency which locks its members into a neoliberal straight-jacket, and since they cannot devalue the core runs up trade surpluses whilst to periphery runs up permanent trade deficits. The euro currency is designed to do precisely this. Moreover the Stability and growth pact robs states of their ability to have an independent foreign and economic policy. The eastern and southern peripheries are little more than colonies. Printing their own currencies – God forbid – is strictly verboten, so that they cannot and will not recover. Taking Italy 137% of debt-to-gdp ratio and Greece with a staggering 181% of debt-to-gdp you will get a pretty good picture of what is happening in Euroland.
It really don’t know why I have to explain all of this, particularly in light of the fact that Corbyn himself has always been a eurosceptic, along with other notables such as Benn (Sr.) Bryan Gould, Peter Shore and Barbara Castle, that was a unlike the present time when Labour was Labour.
I think the Labour party has now gone to far to reverse course; it has become an anachronism, and a neo-Blairite – ultra-remainer – is party now taking shape.
Good on uh Francis.
I’ve no idea why you keep going on about the EU , you got your way, we’re leaving forget it, lets see how good it’s going to be in this shithole without some protection from the EU , why do none of you address that, the slob has already started with his refusal to include workers rights, the fat slob says we can have better employment protection once we leave ha ha ha ha ha ha whats been stopping him from doing it for the last 40 years ? nothing. everyone is entitled to their view obviously and I respect it, but you just shut us out as if your opinion is all that matters, I would suggest 80% of those that voted leave know absolutely nothing about the EU, I arrive at that by talking incessantly to people, who think they’re clued up and when you start pointing faults with their argument, you get the usual ‘ hey mate I’ve only come in for a pint’
But we haven’t left it. And there is good reason to suppose that we never will. A BRINO is being cooked up by a coalition of the usual suspects whose object is to end the existence of the UK as an independent nation state and turn it into a province of a European super-state. We will be voting – if at all – in the equivalent of local government or council elections with decisions, with economic and geopolitical issues being decided by non-elected technicians and bureaucrats. Democracy is only meaningful at the national level. Democracy and Empire (the EU) or should I say the EUSA, do not mix. Even Thucydides knew this.
But that happens here without the EU there are two pricks zac goldsmith and morgan, both been rejected by the electorate , both been given a place in the H.O.L £305 a day , totally unelcted but there to make our laws and you still won’t see i twill you
Very much agree, I don’t trust Boris to effect a clean break.
I generally trust my instincts like most normal plebs, but since the Lisbon Treaty Europe has consolidate Federalisation, far removed from the original concept and principles of a Common Market and my instincts prompted a closer look.
Delving deeper, an easy process given internet access, one discovers a cesspit of deception. European Union is in reality the successor to the (totalitarian) Third Reich. Refer to Christopher Story’s YouTube 3 part lecture on the subject. EU was planned in 1942 by a German social elite hierarchy in the likely event of Hitlers defeat. Key members of this hierarchy were transferred (operation paperclip) to USA at the end of the war and were integrated into a form of 5th column governing elite (power behind Deep State) who have since 1946 systematically hollowed the out the USA by undermining it’s production base (excluding military hardware production) and displacing economic investment through reckless speculation/manipulation and perpetual global warfare.
Other than filling the Elites multi-trillion banking chest USA’s resources and manpower (Military & Intelligence) have been utilised to construct a global platform for imposing a ‘New World Order’. Europe’s homogenization simply forms an essential part of this ambition.
Given a cursory (pleb) assessment of Europe’s widespread corruption, undemocratic structure and it’s true strategic purpose I cannot help but feel that those who voted ‘remain’ have had their critical faculties effectively lobotomized by Elite owned State MASS INDOCTRINATION i.e. BBC et al.
Goldman Sachs engineered the entire EU finance by first fudging the books on Greece. The whole edifice was built upon a shifting substrate of sand.
Castles made of sand float into the sea, eventually. Jimi Hendrix Axis Bold as Love
One thing I reckon I have salvaged from this awful election is the thrilling prospect of seeing exactly HOW Johnson is going to squirm out of delivering Brexit.
Just what I was thinking … and the bit about 30%. Of course, not all the public votes – those too young, for example, but the turnout in the 2016 referendum (72%), was higher than in the GE’s of 2017 (69%) or 2019 (67%). And even Attlee “only” achieved 47% of the vote in his landslide of 1945, Thatcher only 43.9% in her landslide of 1979,and Blair only 43.2% in his landslide of 1997. So the 2016 referendum result of 52% to Leave is at least as valid as any landslide election victory since WW2, including that of 2019 (Johnson: 43.6%).
As for “and did so in complete ignorance of what it might mean and because of their own long-standing prejudices” , that just sounds like typical Soubry-esque, Swinson-esque, Thornberry-esque (et al) disdain for the poor benighted plebs who voted Leave, which we have had to endure for the last 3½ years.
I quite liked this article until I got to this bit, and did not feel inclined to read the rest of it.
That was the average turnout.
At what level of turnout, in a mature democracy, without mandaTORY voting, would you consider that something was amis?
Labour got nearly 11 MILLION GENUINE votes on a cold, dark, rainy December day just as Xmas was gathering pace.a few Labour voters went over to Brexit party which didn’t stand in Tory areas which would have aquired them. Some voted for dodgy independents who stopped the Labour win and very few turned to Tories – the nasty RACIST and LIES against Abbott and Corbyn and misrepresented polling designed specifically to these ends and REDUCE turnout – so that there would be enough cover to STEAL the election. Using POSTAL VOTE RIGGING.
NOBODY voted for a HARD brexit onto WTO rules and the country should have been asked very specifically if that is what the mythical 17 Million wanted.
You and the tories and their libdem/Blairite partners OWN it all now – the folk are going to remember forever.
”NOBODY voted for a HARD brexit onto WTO rules and the country should have been asked very specifically if that is what the mythical 17 Million wanted.”
‘Nobody voted for a hard -Brexit.’ Really!
How come you are privy to this ”information?” It would be amusing to see you trying to substantiate this statement.
And as for the ‘mythical 17 million’ (17.2 million actually) ‘well, yes that must have been a mirage; it didn’t happen.
Strange times in which we live when conjecture is treated as if it were fact. Yep, that is one of the hallmarks of the totalitarian mindset. In his marvellous essay, ‘Notes on Nationalism’ Orwell captures this frame of mind perfectly. He writes:
”By ‘nationalism’ I mean first of all the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people’ (Leave voters by any chance?) ”can be labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad’ … But secondly (and this is much more important) I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a particular nation, political party, religious group or even football team, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests” (Remainers perhaps?)
Moreover, ”although endlessly brooding on power, victory, defeat or revenge, the nationalist is somewhat uninterested in what happens in the real world. What he wants is to feel that his own unit is getting the better of some other unit, and he can more easily do this off an adversary than by examining the facts to see whether or not they support his views…Arguments with his adversaries are always inconclusive since each of the contestants believe themselves always right and always winning the victory (in the sight of God anyway).
Some of the true believers are not far from clinical schizophrenia, living quite happily amid dreams of power and conquest which have no connexion with the physical world.”
Sadly true.
You prove that 17 million knew that they were going to go on WTO rules.
Show us the Leave campaign saying so? Was it on their busses? Did johnson and co crow it? Did even Cameron/Osbornes project fear say it?
The EU will resist your Singapore on Thames to the utmost and the lied to believers of get Brexit will be truly stuffed and DONE by your City masters.
The actual ballot paper:
Leave or Remain: no half-in, half-out Hokey Cokey and no Norway Option. No ‘hard’ and no ‘soft’ options. Just leave or remain. 17.2 million voted to “Leave the European Union”. The created ambivalence around very much appears to have cost you the election, even Corbyn thought so.
The ADVISORY referendum?
Won by postal ballot rigging in Dom Spaffings NE playground and Aaron Banks South Wales illegal insurance call centres and Fartages lying across the country about millions of Turks and lines of Syrian war refugees?
Their own words are below in response to paul – answer that – in your new found and welcome succinctness.
Bozo already lied about workers rights and admits the NS Irish sea border…lies and broken promises – ain’t going to forget.
When the Remoaners lost the referendum, they invented new categories of “Soft” Brexit (ie ignoring the result, remaining and not leaving at all), and Hard Brexit (ie implementing the referendum result and leaving), together with emotive language about “crashing out”, “falling off a cliff”, and much similar garbage.
The “mythical 17 million” like the whole of the 65 million population, were told:-
“This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide.”
(But of course they were all ignorant, uneducated, racist bigots, so they can be ignored by all the Superior Beings who want to continue worshipping at the altar of all things Brussels.)
WE will NOT let YOU forget the VoteLEAVE bs. Paul & co.
Here is Vote Leave NOT saying we are going onto WTO rules:
‘The day after nothing changes legally. There is no legal obligation on the British Government to take Britain out of the EU immediately. There will be three stages of creating a new UK-EU deal – informal negotiations, formal negotiations, and implementation including both a new Treaty and domestic legal changes. There is no need to rush. We must take our time and get it right.
Overall, the negotiations will create a new European institutional architecture that enables all countries, whether in or out of the EU or euro, to trade freely and cooperate in a friendly way. In particular, we will negotiate a UK-EU Treaty that enables us 1) to continue cooperating in many areas just as now (e.g. maritime surveillance), 2) to deepen cooperation in some areas (e.g. scientific collaborations and counter-terrorism), and 3) to continue free trade with minimal bureaucracy. The details will have to await a serious negotiation but there are many agreements between the EU and other countries that already solve these problems so we will be able to take a lot ‘off the shelf’.’
‘As far as we’ve seen, Leave campaigners hardly mentioned the customs union in explicit terms at all, so there was generally little clarity about what leaving might mean in that regard.’
‘There are also examples of leave campaigners claiming the UK could adopt a position similar to Norway—which is still part of the single market while not being an EU member.
Arron Banks, a founder of the Leave.EU campaign tweeted in November 2015 “Increasingly the Norway option looks the best for the UK”.’
Now Paul& co show us where the HARD brexit was part of the Leave campaign.
The “hard” Brexit is an invention by Brussels Groupies for use as a fig leaf to cover up their contempt for democracy. No one has anything to lose from getting out of this loathsome organisation while we still can. Apart from the clapped out, corrupt, and discredited political has beens like Mandelson and the Kinnock clan who have been found lucrative make work jobs to line their own pockets.
I have proved with the words of both Leave campaigns and independent FACT check that – NONE of them were saying the result of Leave would be onto WTO …which constitutes a HARD bexit.
You and your fellow LIARS keep claiming that was clear – when the words of bozo, grovel, dumspaffings and billionaire media propagandist- ALL claimed anything from EFTA to Canada! NOT WTO.
LOL – resorting to strawman whatabouterry, nulabourites who are your bedmates is classic trolling.
A lie a day gets you where you are.
You lost, loser. Suck it up.
LOLs thats the Brexshitter spirit!
Then when your lying and cheating is clearly PROVEN – ignore it and start abusing!
Well I may be a loser in your eyes, I guarantee you my personal life will hardly be affected but you’ll always be a proven LIAR.
This thread is a proof of it.
Well observed David, thank you. I have already lobbied my new Tory MP with relevant articles and have a meeting scheduled with him early in the New Year to push for Julian’s release and freedom. I am appalled at how our supposed freedom-loving society has been corrupted beyond measure by manipulative ‘deep state’ actors.
Furthermore, I remain confused about what the globalists actually want apart from their final goal of New World Order global government, global currency (probably now being crypto) and removing the use of cash entirely.
This article has clarified the main targets for the globalists but where do you think Brexit stands in their agenda, do they want out of the EU or not? I am confused which side is in favour of freedom and liberty and which one wants global centralised command and control.
Long ago John Perkins exposed the elites’ nefarious agendas with ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’: and the book is well worth reading:
And my own book: ‘The Financial Jigsaw’ (due to publish in Q1 2020) exposes the globalists’ financial agenda extant today.
A free PDF of my manuscript is available on request to:
Those who rule, those who profit so greatly from war, from the deaths of so many human beings, and from the destruction of other countries, like Syria and Iraq and Yemen keep churning out the propaganda bullshit so as to to give the chattering classes a sense of moral outrage, and the latest evil bogeyman to direct their angsty ire at:
Last Men Of Aleppo, White Helmets, Bellingcat Truth In A Post World and now For Sama.
While sipping their glasses of wine and nibbling on a cheese platter.
Leni Riefenstahl would have been proud, as would Edward Bernays, as would any Marketing Executive.
Propaganda in the service of Empire and imperialism and promulgating the narrative of the Deep State.
On ABC 24 this morning, another Empire presstitute churned out a peice on Julian Assange where his opening lines read: “Julian Assange may be an odious character in the eyes of some. He may not be a journalist in the estimation of others”…. Then further down “its widely believed he collaborated with Russia”.
Even one of the pseudo socialist groups in Aussie just penned a jaw dropping hypocritical peice in their Red Flag rag: ‘The Betrayal Of Julian Assange’
This after years of complete silence from, and the abandonment of Julian Assange by this very same organisation. Cynicism at its best. Thanks David…
GP, the remarks you quote from the ABC pressitute breach the ABC’s Code of Practice which forbids its employees from expressing their personal political views on air. The Code also demands that programmes must present a diversity of views when dealing with contentious issues. Ever hear a diversity of views about Corbyn/UK Labour on the ABC? No? Neither have I.
The Code requires that when allegations against persons/organisations are broadcast, a response from the accused should be broadcast. Ever known Radio National to broadcast a response from UK Labour to RN’s regular accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’. No? Neither have I.
These taxpayer-funded presstitiutes treat compliance with the Code as completely optional – depending, of course, on their perception of where the political power lies. And there is no credible or honest mechanism to make them comply – other than a stoppage of their money supply.
Neglect of Julian by the paper you mention reminds one that the ‘socialist’ press in Australia has been in a bad way for years. Parts of it have carried a surfeit of identity politics and refused to acknowledge the neo-liberal character of the EU.
Oh dear CM…. I meant to reply yesterday, and got sidetracked.
The ABC presstitute who wrote it was Tony Walker. But he may as well been called Tony Blair.
They’re just so blatantly obvious now who they serve, code of practice or not.
I listen to almost no radio, except community radio once in a blue moon, tho by chance heard a bit of Radio National tonight as had to get a taxi home and RN was on.
The female announcer (abt 8.10 pm) was discussing Trump, Erdoğan and Russia, and proclaimed nearly all European leaders were more fearful of Russia than terrorist attacks.
I made a mental note: Don’t bother listening to Radio National!
In Aussie, New Matilda is a bit ‘vanilla’ for me (Offguardian is way more hard hitting and in your face)…. But, to be fair to New Matilda, they’ve had some brilliant articles about Julian Assange – especially by Lissa Johnson.
Almost all the sites I look at are Not Australian.
Well foreign policy in the US is run from Langley and in the UK from Cheltenham, so don’t be too surprised. In Pakistan all ministries are run from Rawalpindi. France and Germany are a bit better off and India even more.
That’s why “they” need official secrets acts, mass surveillance and controlled mass media etc., to keep power / fund flow. They = the Anglo-Arab oil dollar -mercenary complex.
That is why these MSM want to keep this kind of stuff out of their limelight:
They literally fuck the underclass locals kids and non of their CCTVs centers reports a thing.
He should go to Israel. He’d have a bright future there, the world centre of sex trafficking.
“Anglo-Israel oil dollar-mercenary complex”. (with the Arabs providing the resources, whether they like it or not. cf. Syria, Golan, Genie etc)
It’s his hobbyhorse. I’ve never come across such hatred of Muslims and love of Jews for purely sectarian reasons. It just goes to show the danger we face from Priti Patel who wants to replace European immigrants with Indian nationalist ones.
Don’t forget that British Businesses can’t function without importing 100,000 plus, cheap workers every year.
There are 3 millions HongKongese who are entitled and will be heading over and several millions Indians, Africans and others willing to come over and upset these little englanders who think they have any choice over who their barons want here to be their fellow serfs. We may even get the hospitals but they will be in India!
It’s the john bullshit lie of their home being their castle that the brexiteer chief propagandists have used against us to their own ends – a survival and escape from a level rules based playing field across the EU.
The Pathocracy has perfected their modus operandi over the centuries. It means they get richer and more powerful and we , line up, to get our lumps.
With Boris Johnson smirking all along the isle at the artful dodgers parliamentary parade we could see there was no need to ask Queenie to prorogue the shit show this time around. It’s clear that the state apparatus had been cranked up to bursting in this December’s turkey shoot special – and in the mother of all democrazies too. Surprised? Not really.
“Official Secrets” is a brilliant film, a must watch. But it wasn’t the only film held back before the UK election, there was John Pilager’s film on the NHS also. With the promotion of the war party documentary dressed up as mother Teresa’s medics and Little Bana 2.0 in, “For Sama”, we see the deep state in action again. While the creator of the Helmets enterprise who jumped from a balcony in Istanbul was quickly memory holed during the election period. With the Guardian still promoting the lies about Syria where the White Helmets label has been neatly supplanted with “Syrian Civil Defence forces” description:
Scroll down to see the stock photo of the Helmets.
The story is still repeating the same myths, the same lies..Barrel Bombs… destroyed hospitals… children and families displaced etc… No mention this is a terrorist enclave being reported on. The reason everything is so bad apparently is the price of fuel to drive ambulances. All blamed on Putin and Assad’s insatiable appetite for death and destruction. No mention in the trope that after America withdrew it left forces in Syria to secure the oil fields for western extraction at a later date. Maybe that has driven the jihadi’s to despair?
All developments must go full hog for the flaws to be noticeable to blind Freddy – only then will there be enough push to change things. Take a break, regenerate. You can bet your bottom Dollar that the ideology of Johnson, Trump, Bush and Blair will display itself as a laughing matter and fighting it will come naturally to people.
The principle of the ideology is: It is quite verboten to have government involvement in companies – that must be the reason why a Chinese company with government involvement was the only one left to buy that British steel business?!.
The mixed economy, private and government owned, was used to rebuild Europe and America after WWII, later China after their cultural revolution. For success one needs strength from government owned companies plus the dynamics of private enterprise.
When you do what Britain did with Carillion or Australia with that Parliament House upgrade – things go haywire. One must also be aware of the networks which force the all out privatisation ideology on people. Part of that comes from the IMF and part of that from 5eyes. Wikispooks does not have a page for Katherina Keating but when you look at all her photos on the net, i.e. with whom she has all interacted, that would be the typical 5 eyes informer, forcing the ideology onto people just like her father did before her. They call it reforms – beware!
The term ‘Five Eyes’ is a tad misleading.
It should be ‘One Arsehole and Four Licking Tongues’
A spider has many eyes but only one “semi-brain”. It weaves webs and is a predator. Some even eat their partner (US -> EU). China is the up coming competitor spider.
Spot on!
The term 5 eyes IS misleading.
It is FACTUALLY 5+1 Eyes.
As revealed by the Snowden documents.
The constant failure to state the Plus One is a dead giveawy to the narrative management of the media whores (main & Alt).
I would venture ‘Five Monkey’s’ and one Organ Grinder.