Merry Christmas from OffG

The nights are long and dark at this time of year. It is cold, and damp, and bleak. 2019 was not a great year for the world.

Evo Morales, the last untouched remnant of the Bolivarians who swept across Latin America in the late 1990s, finally drew the ire of the United States and toppled.

Jeremy Corbyn’s faint glimmer of optimism was snuffed out in a humiliating defeat – whether the product of electoral malfeasance or simply a populace too propagandised to vote for their own interests makes no matter, really. Either way, the system won.

Brexit may happen, or may not, but with the current power structure, does it matter? There is no way anything will change for ordinary people with those people in charge.

The environment continues to be destroyed. Pollution, GM crops, pesticides. The mega-corporations loot and burn, while their allies in the media foist a fake “green movement” on the public, whose constructed cheerleaders posit solutions that do nothing but further buy into a capitalist system that is bleeding the world dry.

There is every reason to be downcast. But there are a few sources of hope too.

Argentina has elected a new President, the leader of former-President de Kirchner’s party (de Kircher herself is vice-president now). He may prove to be an important ally to the few leftists remaining Latin America. AMLO in Mexico, Maduro in Venezuela, and the now-exiled Morales of Bolivia.

Presidents Zelensky of Ukraine and Putin of Russia recently met to discuss the situation in the Donbass. Any progress on that front would be most welcome.

The war in Syria is largely over, and while US troops still “protect” oil wells in many parts of the country, there’s no denying the immediate threat of global conflagration is somewhat abated, and there are signs that the Trump administration might looking to pull out of the country further (though whether the Deep State will allow that is another question).

While the protests in France seem never-ending, and have come at great cost, they are a good sign. A sign that Western people are not yet completely apathetic, that they have some fight in them still.

Right now, the nights are long, but from here on out, they start getting a little shorter every day and in no time at all, it will be spring again.

April 2020 will mark five whole years since OffG first published anything at all. It has been a harder, stranger, more complicated journey than we ever imagined. We have reached a much wider audience than we could ever have dreamed, and we did it with just the support of you guys out there reading this.

No corporate sponsors, no advertisements, no marketing. Just information and word of mouth and telling the truth. And it works. It’s good to know that can happen, despite the media monopolies and narrowing of the Overton window.

To those of you who have donated through Paypal, to our Patrons who donate regularly, and to all of you who support us by simply reading and sharing – Thank you. For keeping OffG alive. It would go dark forever without you.

We hope all of you have a Merry – and peaceful – Christmas.


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Categories: Christmas, featured, latest, OffG
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Andreas Schlüter
Andreas Schlüter
Dec 26, 2019 12:47 PM

Best wishes for you and your great work!
“Season´s Greetings and a good 2020! – Schöne Feiertage und ein gutes 2020!”: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2019/12/23/seasons-greetings-and-a-good-2020-schoene-feiertage-und-ein-gutes-2020/

Dec 25, 2019 11:05 PM

There are still things we can all be thankful for such as your publication for one and many others who haven’t been sucked into the mainstream maelstrom.

Also here in the United States many are beginning to what a scam “American Exceptionalism and Innocence” really is and that all it is is a justification for endless wars. This sentiment is coming from what has been known as the “left” and the “Right” though I must say some on the left have been more articulate.

Thanks to such publications as American Exceptionalism and American Innocence a book your David William Pear reviewed a short while back:


I recommend for holiday reading.

There have been small victories true but victories none the less.

Again Merry Xmas!

Dec 25, 2019 10:01 PM

You are an inspiration and a source of light, Off-G. This website is very important to me. My sincere thanks for all your hard work and dedication.

To quote Henry Miller: ”Nothing but our own desire for it will bring about a new and better world.”

I know for a fact that you’ll keep fighting the good fight.

Dec 25, 2019 9:22 PM

Seasons Greetings to you all. Thank-you for making a place I can feel amongst like minded souls as well as a place where free speech still allows for debate. It gives me hope that the naysayers you hold at bay, keeping trying, as it means we are on the right side of the journey.

Off G’s insightful articles and your honest battle for truth. It is Greatly valued. May you do more of the same, as we enter this new Decade. I think more people will find their way here and say no to the narratives that so blind them. Best wishes

Dec 25, 2019 8:50 PM

Thanks for keeping the flame burning, Off-G team!
Wishing you a merry Xmas!

Dec 25, 2019 8:34 PM

Merry Christmas and Solstice greetings to all here at Off-Guardian!

I’d like to thank Off-Guardian for the valuable work it does, not only as an alternative news website, but in providing analysis and commentary at a level most readers can understand and moreover participate in, in comments forums. Everybody can have a better understanding of various issues as a result.

In the MSM, what passes for “analysis” usually turns out to be the blind (and the arrogant and the self-aggrandizing smug) leading the blind going farther down the propaganda rabbit hole.

Thanks again also for reprinting articles from other blog and sites that we wouldn’t know otherwise and for hosting the work of writers like Ed Curtin, C J Hopkins and Andre Vltchek among others.

BTW there was news on the Syrian Arab News Agency that three White Helmets jihadists died when explosives their van was carrying blew up. Of course the van was disguised as … an ambulance van. One can’t resist thinking … Good job fellas, you’ve made the Syrian government’s work easier.

Dec 26, 2019 4:38 PM
Reply to  Jen

“three White Helmets jihadists died when explosives their van was carrying blew up”
Of course they must have been moderate white helmets .
So very true that it just makes the SAA’s work that much easier .Thanks for that clip Jen and all the best for the New Year .

Dec 27, 2019 12:26 AM
Reply to  Jen

But the explosives they were carrying were moderate explosives.

Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Dec 30, 2019 4:22 PM
Reply to  Jen

The trouble with undiscerning cluelessness is that, on the one hand, it effectively acquiesces in the oppression of the ordinary people whom it (perhaps inadvertently) dehumanizes and, on the other hand, manifests as disgusting self-flattering callous reaction. The funding and organizing networks behind the White Helmets might be in their intents and purposes questionable or even ultimately malign, but the majority of people recruited in Syria and who volunteer to do the work of the White Helmets are actually ordinary Syrians. As <a href="http://statecrime.org/data/2018/07/Nafeez-Ahmed-State-Propaganda-in-Syria-ISCI-Report-July-2018.pdf&quot; .Nafeez Ahmed has put it, . . . that the entirety of the White Helmets rank and file are al-Qaeda operatives is unproven. While there are reprehensible cases of some particular members having direct ties with armed groups, the mere fact that the White Helmets operate in opposition areas inevitably means that they will end up associating with the rebels in those areas. This does not justify equating all White Helmets volunteers – who are in fact civilians recruited from local Syrian populations – with al-Qaeda. Of course, the flip side to the reactionary obtuseness here on display is the stance that it’s quite alright to indiscriminately bomb civilians in Idlib province, roughly three million in number, half of whom have been displaced or forcibly evacuated from elsewhere in Syria, because, well, the near totality of these civilians, or at any rate, those surely killed and maimed and traumatized by Russian or Syrian ordnance, obviously ‘associate’ or ‘mingle’ or ‘sympathize’ with the Islamic extremists of the HTS. Yes, indeed, a Merry fucking Christmas it must be for those ignorantly smug in the conviction of the righteousness of targeting bombs on residential areas and civilian infrastructure, in the injuring and killing of ordinary men, women and children . . . all in the name, of course, of… Read more »

Dec 30, 2019 7:19 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

Thank you for a rare moment of self-reflection.

No doubt the grumpy mood is due to the news you have been hearing about the rank-and-file inspectors and scientists who did work for the OPCW inspecting the site in Douma where a chlorine bomb was found, that was claimed to have been dropped by Syrian forces in April 2018; those said inspectors discovering that the bomb had been placed manually and saying so in their reports, only to find themselves being overruled by OPCW management, and then later leaking their own original findings to a group of academics in the UK who then reported this news on alternative news media outlets.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 25, 2019 4:39 PM

Solstice Greetings to all. And great gratitude to the Off-G collective for all your brilliant work. Keep going for a long, fruitful, open-mindedly sceptical, and truth-telling time! True journalists!!

Dec 25, 2019 3:46 PM

A happy Christmas and a merry new year to one and all.

OffG, I think you’re being too down here. That’s understandable for all of us who have to deal with this shite day in and day out. It can really wear you down.

Take heart. The good in this world far outweighs the evil, and it always has done.

Which brings me onto that old adage:

A week is a long time in politics…

Dec 25, 2019 3:11 PM

Happy New Year to all of you and thank you for your stellar integrity. While I won’t be able to continue writing odd comments, my best wishes are with You. May You receive the support and backing You are so deserving of.

Not The Only 1.

Dec 25, 2019 3:06 PM

Spare a thought for Julian & Chelsea today.
Are we doing enough for them ?
We can do more … we can always do more.

Dec 25, 2019 1:26 PM

Merry Christmas to all the staff at OffG .Much appreciated site where we can get views that just don’t get air or print time anywhere else .And best wishes for the New Year .

Dec 25, 2019 12:51 PM

Winter Solstice: The dying of the old (year) and the resurrection (of the new). Another myth cadged by the unimaginative Christians to convince the pagans that Christianity was the New Deal. They all were fooled. Christians, no ideas except those pinched from their betters, finally settled on Death, better than Life on Earth. Merry Xmas.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Dec 25, 2019 10:52 AM

Off-G is the shrine of anti-bullshittery – merry christmas to all who worship there.

Dec 25, 2019 4:46 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

If Off-G is a shrine of anti-bullshittery, merry Christmas would be an oxymoronic lie & anathema to all that read it.

Christmas is reason for alcoholism, drug addiction, and all round hedonistic behaviour.

What has ‘God’ done for you lately?

P.S. Given it’s Christmas why isn’t Trump trying to interject himself into the mythology for the attention & narcissistic feedback?


Dec 25, 2019 10:19 AM

Merry Christmas to all at Offg. Listening to the Minster bells here in York. The Christmas sermonising has started on the TV. Goodwill to all men they say but it all sounds a bit hollow in the light of our actions and endorsement of those who would wage wars of aggression throughout this very unequal world.

Dec 25, 2019 2:50 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Merry Christmas, Grafter… from a fellow Yorkie, currently in exile in Lancashire.

Dec 25, 2019 3:49 PM
Reply to  JackTravel

And a merry Christmas to you Jack. I am however from Scotland down here to sample a very English celebration.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Dec 25, 2019 9:19 AM

Best sectarian Christmas wishes to all at OffG and your families. You are shielding (and relighting when required) an important lit 🔥 🕯 . I admire your sincerity, pluck, resilience and fortitude.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Dec 25, 2019 10:23 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

And just to show they never rest, here is WaPo’s Christmas headline.

“Where is Santa Claus right now? Track his sleigh across the globe.
Jolly old Saint Nick has already delivered millions of presents to children in Asia, Africa and Europe. Follow along with the U.S. military’s tracker as Rudolph guides Santa’s sleigh to the next destination.”

The military tracking seems sooo appropriate, not content with fouling halftimes at pro sporting events, they crash Christmas. After all, the self-described City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia) is known for booing Santa Claus. Presents to Africa and Asia? He must be stopped.

Peter Fletcher
Peter Fletcher
Dec 25, 2019 1:10 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

We had the Santa-Claus tracker story in full coy-sentimental-slush mode on French state radio this morning (France Inter, 8 am ‘news’). It was even the (very long and nauseating) lead item. I’m coming to the conclusion that you start by the mass fooling of the world’s children about Father Christmas and you end up with WMD invasions, the White Helmets and Jeremy-Corbin-is-antisemitic. Which is why Off-G and other sites like it are increasingly necessary.

There is an article on RT today about Christmas celebrations in the liberated areas of Syria, with links to a number of photos and videos. No sign of anything like that on the Graun’s website, however – they’re just annoyed that the baby-gassing ‘Butcher of Damascus’ seems to be on his way to liberating Idlib, so they’re wringing their hypocritical hands about the civilian exodus the fighting is naturally bringing about . The Syrian war may soon be over, as Off-G says above, but beware of an attack on Iran, preceded by a media propaganda blitz designed to force Trump’s hand. This may conveniently happen before the US elections next November.

Cheers and a merry whatever to all at Off-G, and the readers too, of course. To the ‘minders’ who periodically try and shut the site down – long may you keep failing.

Dec 25, 2019 8:51 AM

Merry Christmas offG. Your soliloquy (if that’s the right word) put me in mind of an, as yet unspoken Queen’s speech written to herald the next (last) war. I don’t have the full text as it’s hidden behind the Telegraph paywall. However, it starts:

The horrors of war could not have seemed more remote as my family and I shared our Christmas joy with the growing family of the Commonwealth. Now this madness of war is once more spreading through the world and our brave country must again prepare itself to survive against great odds.

It#s always there, lurking beneath the surface and I fear, the horrors of war, unfortunately, are the only thing that will remove her Britannic majesty and her awful family as decorative heads of the deep state.

May the new year bring us all some respite.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Dec 25, 2019 4:19 AM

Amen to Offguardian. The world would be a much darker place without your collective moral courage, leadership and fierce intelligence. As always, it is better to light a candle of hope than to curse the darkness. Venceremos. Peace & Goodwill to all.

Martin Davidson
Martin Davidson
Dec 25, 2019 8:30 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

I think it would be less sectarian to say Happy Solstice.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Dec 25, 2019 1:47 PM

You can say both if you want.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Dec 25, 2019 1:48 PM

Happy Christmas to one and all!

Dec 27, 2019 11:13 AM

Slow hand clap ADMIN.

You have ALLOWED this thread to be hijacked.

Mucho’s posts should NOT have been allowed to spread throughout on a subject that this thread was about – a Christmasy theme of goodwill / injustice / charity / solidarity.

You could have directed him/her to the articles earlier in the year on the moon landings – where there was an inordinate amount of such crap.

Instead you seem to have ENCOURAGED it.

What gives?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 27, 2019 12:24 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

You have done far more than anyone to hijack the discussion & draw attention to that one small and silly thread by posting this at the top. What are you trying to achieve?

Dec 27, 2019 1:00 PM

I have attempted to discourage people from interacting with the troll as you normally would have and stopped doing so myself after a single disapproval of their LIE about Aldrin.

Sorry for trying now.

Dec 27, 2019 7:14 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Seasons greetings offg.I find Mucho’s posts very entertaining and he should not be ridiculed in not accepting as truth the globe earth which nobody has seen with their own eyes.Only in a photograph.Hello Dungroaming.Can you please explain to me what a troll and a shill is.Merry christmassy xmassy lovely moonlandingsy christmas x

Dec 26, 2019 8:27 PM

You Psyop loons are all going to be put up against a wall and shot.

You do understand that, don’t you?

Dec 26, 2019 8:42 PM
Reply to  RobG

By the way, we’re now into the fourth week of a general strike in France. For the first time in living memory the unions haven’t called a truce over Christmas. It continues, until Macron is gone.

This is history in the fast lane.

Meanwhile in the infantilised UK and USA people watch garbage on the tv…

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 26, 2019 9:38 PM
Reply to  RobG

Ah well you see – if it ain’t on between the soaps then it doesn’t exist!

Dec 26, 2019 8:48 PM
Reply to  RobG

And which military organization is going to do that?
Or did you have the wall in your back garden in mind?
I prefer a scenario where a large number of decently-educated people with a good deal of common sense will calmly walk into these loons’ offices and carry them off to the employment exchange. The security guards will be encouraged by the sheer numbers of these educated people to remain calm and allow us to carry out our civic duty to remove institutionalized lunacy and corruption.

Dec 27, 2019 10:37 AM
Reply to  RobG

Apparently all Anti-Semitism has completely vanished in the Labour Party and Corbyn hasn’t upset any self declared representatives over xmas! Will miracles never cease at this time of the year.
I say this while listening to cricket from SouthAfrica and a lunch break where there is an earnest explanation of APARTHEID in SA because the idea that a minority could control a majority through a superiority complex is apparently such a fading memory that the young radio producers don’t know why the D’olivera trophy is named after a guy who NEVER played for SA!

The argument goes that there would not have been a mass protest against apartheid if sports and politics were considered to be separate.

The anti BDS law that we, in the UK, are being readied to be stuffed down our throats to legitimise the Israeli apartheid against Palestinians can NOW come centre stage – no more eggshell tiptoeing around the issue.

Infact a whole host of psyops can be vigorously pushed back on – and their perpetrators indeed can be handed their lumps.

Vive la France revolutionaries and Catalan freedom seekers who will be joined by our Scots, what are us English gonna do when we realise we bought a pup dressed in a unionjack again?

Stomper of fuctards
Stomper of fuctards
Dec 26, 2019 7:59 PM

“Whether the Deep State will allow that…”

Pathetic. Sick minded analysis.

Dec 26, 2019 5:03 PM

Happy Holiday, dear soul-mates!

Dec 26, 2019 2:22 PM

Mucho mucho mucko spreading psyop – below. Don’t engage is my rec.

LBC is still shilling brexit. Why?

Msm is shilling ‘oligarchs’ election interference. Why?

Alt-media putting out limited hangout. Why?

Why when they ‘Won’ so big?

Like i said before – they over reached.

Easy to be thugs and liars in far off countries- get caught at home … not so easy to deploy paramilitaries to break heads and kill.

Dec 26, 2019 3:14 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“don’t engage”, said the man who posted replies. LOL

Dec 26, 2019 12:56 PM

I see the Queen laid her cards firmly on the table this year, for all to see, as she opened up her annual speech by confirming the 50 year anniversary since the Man on the Moon hoax, re-affirming the brainwashing with talk of small steps and all the other scripted lies fed to her by her handlers. Then the cocksuckers at the BBC get on their knees and make nauseating talking points out of her message and what it all means, as if she wrote it. What it signifies, the Queen’s speech, and the fact that she even exists, is the criminal class who control the world are still very much in control. The Queen and her family are part of their machine, nothing more, nothing less. The ongoing narrative of Andrew’s “friendship” with compromise agent Jeffrey Epstein is interesting. Nothing new though. His Dad, Prince Charles, was best friends with Britain’s most prolific celebrity paedophile, Jimmy Savile. Like father, like son. Nothing to see here. This of course begs the question, was Jimmy a compromise agent, part of some kind of operation? This will not be investigated, but it damn well should be. It certainly explains how he went through life committing so many disgusting crimes while being treated like royalty by all and sundry. One of the highlights of the year was watching Flat Earther “waykiwayki” absolutely destroy internationally acclaimed Astrophysicist, Dr Svetlana Berdyugina, in his “waykiwayki Freiburg undercover 1: The Famous Astrophysicist” interview. He tied her up in knots and exposed her and her industry for the fraudulent, cgi-powered, pseudo-scientific black-magic trick that it truly is. He’s just released another “undercover in Freiberg” clip where he goes to town on a climate scientist. I haven’t watched it yet but if it’s anything like the Astrophysicist one, it… Read more »

Dec 26, 2019 1:02 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The Science of Flat Earth

Dec 26, 2019 1:03 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Buzz Aldrin Admits To NOT Going To The Moon

Dec 26, 2019 1:22 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The History of Flat Earth

Dec 26, 2019 3:29 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Why the earth is round. They already knew 2300 yrs ago. The experiment by Erothostenes (aka Beta) is quite simple, flawless, and awesome in its simplicity


Dec 26, 2019 2:30 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Crap – “when we came back”

The repeated sentence taken out of context from a reply to a childs question is YOUR bs proof?

Pathetic gaslighting psyop … presumably USSR were in on it too eh?

Dec 26, 2019 3:12 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

You have to watch all the vids, not just the 3 minute one.

Dec 26, 2019 3:13 PM
Reply to  Mucho

But Buzz does appear to be making a confession here, that much is clear. When taken in context of the hours of other proof that NASA is a giant, Freemasonic, hoax organisation, it is intersting that he should say what he says.

Dec 26, 2019 3:24 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Direct quote from Buzz Aldrin clip:
Don Pettit, NASA Astonaut, being interviewed at NASA :

“I’d go to the Moon in a nanosecond, the problem is we don’t have the technology to do that any more, we used to but we destroyed that technology and it’s a painful process to build it back up again”.

Farcical, but true. I do not trust these people.

Dec 26, 2019 5:15 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I recommend Glasgow University over the Billy Connolly school, much as I love Billy’s accent and humour.

Dec 27, 2019 2:16 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Took the trouble to watch this. I am having a hard time believing anybody reasonably intelligent person capable of critical thinking could take it seriously. It has diversionary & discrediting psyop written all over it.

It uses the fact ‘horizon’ has the same origin as ‘horizontal’ as an argument!

It cites a mirage in Chicago as evidence for non-curvature of the Earth!

It points out alleged ‘anomalies’ based on erroneous maths – where objects are visible that ‘ought’ to be below the horizon. Designed to bait and switch fools – who won’t notice the obvious fact that if the Earth is flat nothing should ever disappear from view and we would be able to view Everest from any point one the Earth, given a powerful enough telescope. And from Everest we would be able to see any pint in earth.

Absurd claims by a Scotsman in his kitchen about pouring water on a basket ball ‘proving’ the oceans would all fall off if the earth wash a sphere!!!🤣🤣

I could go on. No point. It’s junk aimed at profoundly under-educated people who have less than high school level basic physics and maths and can basically be played for fools.

Don’t get played.

Dec 27, 2019 2:50 PM
Reply to  MLS

It claims gravity is ‘pseudoscience’!

Gravity is simply an observation – that objects fall back to earth. The explanation for what gravity is may be questioned but the fact it exists can’t be. It’s defined merely by its function. The force exerted that means objects always fall to Earth, whatever it is is gravity.

By all means question the source of this force, but claiming it doesn’t exist is just an exercise in encouraging disordered thinking.

I’m not close-minded. I’m even prepared to give some time to the earth-centric theory, because some data supports it. But flat earth is a cynical attempt at mockery of the questing but uneducated. And an attempt to discredit by association .

The people who made this are laughing at anyone gullible and uneducated enough to believe it.

Sadly it works on too many, which is an indictment of our education system.

Dec 29, 2019 10:25 PM
Reply to  MLS

You talk a lot of crap in this post. The biggest load of crap is that you would be able to see Everest from anywhere on Earth. Atmospheric conditions, for one, ensure this is not the case. Bit of a schoolboy error, for a smart ass. We don’t see volumes of water sticking to spheres/balls in our reality, it falls off, that’s just the way it is, so pointing out that the oceans are effectively clinging to a giant ball and that this is not repeatable on Earth, but water sitting flat in pools on a flat surface is repeatable, is the point he is making. Water doesn’t stick to spinning spherical objects, which is a fair point.

Pained Scientist
Pained Scientist
Dec 30, 2019 12:07 AM
Reply to  Mucho

We don’t see volumes of water sticking to spheres/balls in our reality, it falls off

You have forgotten a small thing called gravity. You know that thing that stops you, and the oceans, from floating off into space. Does the public school system not teach kids about gravity any more?

Dec 26, 2019 2:49 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Dr, Charles and Andy are brothers, not father and son. Or are you being ironic?

Dec 26, 2019 3:10 PM
Reply to  lundiel


Dec 26, 2019 3:26 PM
Reply to  Mucho

It’s neither here nor there, the fact is they are both senior Royals and both are heavily linked to two of the world’s most notorious paedophiles. For me, that is an issue. Maybe you are cool about that, it’s just pure coincedence, nothing to see here?

Dec 26, 2019 4:21 PM
Reply to  Mucho

No. And I could almost believe they are father and son. Or that Andrew was gathered by someone else. But that’s neither here nor there.

Dec 26, 2019 4:22 PM
Reply to  lundiel


Dec 26, 2019 4:24 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Here’s the answers I would have given him, and I’m not an astrophysicist:
1. How would you explain that? A. You just explained it yourself.
2. Why don’t we feel that motion? A. Because it happens over such a long time that it is too gradual for our normal senses to perceive. And let’s not forget that we have been accustomed to that motion since we were born.
Etc. etc. …
The reason some people seem to believe the Earth is flat is that they are social misfits who WANT to believe something different from what normal well-educated people believe.
They START from the position of wanting to be different, and that desire is, basically, a psychotic craving for attention.
Well, you got my attention.
Then you lost it again.
You may thank me for my time.

Dec 26, 2019 4:47 PM
Reply to  wardropper

P.S. In this case we are starting from the position of wanting to belittle a given scientist, and we did a good job.
Just as we succeeded in painting Julian Assange as a Russian spy who smears excrement around his bedroom and has no idea how to look after cats.
Gotta admit, we’re good…

Dec 26, 2019 4:55 PM
Reply to  wardropper

P.P.S. “I’m not going to talk to people who think the Earth is flat.”
Good for her.
“Why would you not want to investigate that?”.
My Answer: Because “proving” Flat Earthers wrong can take the whole of one’s life, and any normal person has better things to do.

Dec 26, 2019 4:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

She demanded that you delete the video.
In other words, she noticed that your sole aim was to belittle her.
Why would she agree to that?

Dec 26, 2019 5:09 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ll admit that she seemed ill-prepared for such a banal assault, since she clearly started off trusting you.

Dec 26, 2019 6:18 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s nothing to do with me, I’m just sharing links. You think that’s me interviewing her, lol? For the record, it is absolutely not. I am in no way, shape or form in contact or related to the author of the video.

She is supposed to be a world leading astrophysicist and he floored her, totally. Gravity is not proven science. This is a problem for me. The whole scientific argument for the Spinning ball is based on a theory, not real science. Big red flag.

Answer me this then, because this really puzzles me:

If, as NASA and the globe promoters tell us, Earth is spinning on its axis at approx 1,000mph, and orbiting the sun at approx 67,000mph, and the entire Solar system is flying through the Milky Way at 514,0000mph, and the Milky Way is travelling at something like 1.3 million miles an hour, why do we see exactly the same star constellations, in exactly the same places, with Polaris the North Star, directly over the centre point of the North Pole, every single night, as we have for thousands of years? [ actually we DON’T – see ‘precession’ – ed]. It all makes total sense on a flat Earth, but no sense at all on a giant spinning ball.

Dec 26, 2019 7:01 PM
Reply to  Mucho

No worries, Mucho. I didn’t think it was you interviewing her. I just felt like adressing the interviewer in person.
I’m no astrophysicist, as I said, but my answer to your question would be the same as my criticism of the interviewer in the video: That one is simply underestimating the vastness of the universe as we see it, and if we just allow for that, (and it has been pretty thoroughly measured) then the standard scientific texts on Polaris and what we have seen for thousands of years still make sense.

Dec 26, 2019 9:23 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Everything you say assumes the globe model is correct, like the vastness of the universe explains why we see the same star constellations, but sorry, that aswer does not sit right with me, not at all. Something is going on here, and we have every reason to be skeptical. These things are far from proved and settled, and the organisation NASA, with all the supposed evidence is provably fraudulent. As waykiwayki has exposed, the best and brightest cannot give satisfactory answers to what should be simple questions, because like most academics, they do not question the validity of what they are taught, they merely take it as proven,when actually it is not. This is far from settled

Dec 27, 2019 12:22 AM
Reply to  Mucho

By all means let’s continue to be skeptical. I certainly am. Give this academic some time to consider serious questions, and I’m sure she can come up with some decent answers.
It so happens I agree with you about NATO, but this interview was a trap, and once she sensed that, she understandably got flustered. The interviewer might be thankful she was considerate enough not to sue him for wasting her time.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 27, 2019 12:09 AM
Reply to  Mucho

You are simply ignorant. Study astronomy and astrophysics, and then you will have your answers.

Dec 27, 2019 10:55 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Studying basic science would be a start.

All these who can’t grasp Newtons simple laws or basic trigonometry and can’t see the shadow of the earth on the moon (which is round!) and still believe and spread psyops – such as religious delusions- are terrorists in my book. They should be treated as such.

They should be denied any of the benefits of knowledge through the ages – no penecillin & other antibiotics; no anaesthetics for rotten tooth removals well.

Certainly some idiots have swallowed the psyops so thoroughly they refuse blood transfusions and vaccines for their children (even though they had them without harm!)

Dec 26, 2019 6:35 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“The reason some people seem to believe the Earth is flat is that they are social misfits who WANT to believe something different from what normal well-educated people believe.”

No, it’s because there is an abundance of credible, logical evidence that Earth is flat. Watch the clips, and find out why for yourself. People say “ships disappear over the horizon when they sail out to sea. This proves the Earth is a globe.” However, now we have great technology, in the form of the Nikon p900 ultra zoom camera which debunks this myth, because you can bring ships that disappear back into full view, with a powerful zoom. People are doing land based experiments and the fact is, no-one can find any curve. Multiple, independent tests are proving again and again that there is no curve. We know the dimensions we are given, but they do not stand up to scrutiny. The list of proofs of a flat earth is not limited to those I have mentioned, but they are compelling arguments. Then there is the issue of NASA being a provably fraudulent organisation who has fooled the world into believing this piece of absolute trash went to the Moon, which is a total joke.

Moon Lander Fabrication Analysis

Dec 26, 2019 8:40 PM
Reply to  Mucho

As I mentioned earlier, I think our scientists are often ill-equipped to deal with questions about the Flat Earth, because those questions originate in superstition and sheer trouble-making narcissism. They are taken off-guard, which is no bad thing, but once they realize they are talking to ignoramuses, their common sense urges them to stop wasting time on them.
That said, I can well believe that NATO [NASA? – ed]has many fraudulent components, and a “narrative” to which it very much wants us all to subscribe.
Like the devil in “The Exorcist”: “He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us.”…
Having our wits about us will always be a good thing.

Dec 26, 2019 7:09 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I suppose Mucho has never been on a plane trip or a ship going around the world.

Dec 27, 2019 11:03 AM
Reply to  Jen

Or up a hill.

Seriously this psyop ( not discouraged by Off-G) is revelatory of the agenda setting going on to get us to FORGET the daylight mugging and muggers we just experienced.

Playing their game is like pig wrestling.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 27, 2019 11:13 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

‘Not discouraged by OffG’ – you think we should censor this topic?

We have absolutely NOT ‘encouraged’ it btw. But we don’t share the modern tendency to view minority, wrong, or even outright stupid views as a threat that needs to be eliminated. People have a right to be wrong. A few posts about flat earth shouldn’t trouble anyone this much. Engage if you want, ignore if you don’t and focus on more important topics.

Dec 27, 2019 1:03 PM


George Mc
George Mc
Dec 27, 2019 6:17 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Hi DunG,

There is another way of seeing this. Don’t forget it’s Christmas and a lot of folk may have spare time on their hands. And since they are commenting here then it’s fair to guess that perhaps their social life isn’t that great. Hence the proliferation of obsessives at this time of year. I of course am an obsessive without a social life all year round. I say this to pre-empt name-calling.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 27, 2019 12:05 AM
Reply to  Mucho

How’s your PSYOPS co-agent Flaxgirl? Is she being reprogrammed after being outed, or do you take in turns to try and troll this site?

Dec 27, 2019 8:58 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

(Assuming that you really believe that the earth is flat) The following reasoning you give is convoluted When I meet people who ridicule me for giving this credence, I now just ask them the question “OK, why do I believe the Earth might be flat?”. They never have an answer, because they know cock all about the subject. If you cannot answer that question “Why do flat earthers believe the world may be flat?”, you need to watch these vids first, as an introduction. Then take the piss. Don’t take the piss out of something you know nothing about. Let me translate that into When I meet people who ridicule me for giving this credence, I now just ask them the question “OK, why do I believe that 1+1=3?”. They never have an answer, because they know cock all about the subject. If you cannot answer that question “Why do I believe that 1+1 may be 3?”, you need to watch these vids first, as an introduction. Then take the piss. Don’t take the piss out of something you know nothing about.” The problem is that there may be an endless list of reasons why you wrongly think that 1+1=3, some genuine (like maybe you are crazy)and some not genuine (like maybe you are a disinformation agent). Your reasoning is interesting, because some things you say are true. Like ‘most academics, they do not question the validity of what they are taught, they merely take it as proven,when actually it is not.’ That is very true. But then your conclusion: ‘earth is flat’, or ‘this thing is far from settled’ is convoluted. That 1+1=2 and not 3 is proven, just like that the Earth is round is proven, so the statement you give above is a non-sequitur. Now instead of… Read more »

Dec 28, 2019 2:18 PM
Reply to  Willem

Some of these comments are a touch extreme! Some of you clearly need help more than I do. For the record, Erathosthenes and his sticks and shadows experiment has been debunked, but I honestly cannot be arsed to post anything else. Also, Precession may well be real, but on the flat Earth model the stars move over our head anyway so I do not immediately see this as conclusive proof either way, just saying, before you call MI5 in about suspicious thought processes. People become very childish about this issue, just like they used to with 9/11, but I find it very interesting and will continue to look at it with intrigue, and there’s nothing wrong with that, if you think there is, I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck! Dungroanin professing that this is somehow “terrorist” activity is little more than proof of how brainwashed folk on these isles have become, just another victim of the fake “War of Terror” which his criminal government has made a point of ramming down his throat for the past 20 odd years. Go and play with your colouring-in book or something and calm down. For the record, regarding whether or not the Earth is flat, I have no absolute opinions either way, I am comfortable saying I do not know, I have seen compelling arguments on both sides of the fence. I know 100% for sure that we are controlled by occultist liars so skepticism is healthy when dealing with anything they promote. Certainly what we see and sense here on Earth is a flat plain, not a ball, water sits flat and level, yet we are to believe the oceans and lakes curl around a ball, etc etc. It is also true that people can see things over long distances where… Read more »

austrian peter
austrian peter
Dec 29, 2019 9:55 AM
Reply to  Willem

Well argued , Willem, thank you. I think that the human brain is very susceptible to perceptions and illusion. I use an example thought experiment:

Take a piece of A4 paper and draw a dot at both ends. With a ruler, measure the distance between the dots and get an answer. I come along and bend the paper so that both dots are in the same place and claim that there is no distance between the dots all, zilch, Nada. Who is right?

Dec 29, 2019 1:43 PM
Reply to  austrian peter

Haha now even Austrian Peter is wading in to have his ten pence worth, lol.
Here you go Peter, just for you.

A Stranger’s Guide to Flat Earth | 21 Questions and Answers (Proving The Earth Is Flat)

austrian peter
austrian peter
Dec 29, 2019 5:03 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Thank you, Mucho, much appreciated (I will allow an hour later this evening) – I am always willing to learn and keep an open mind.

Years ago I thought that banks lent out deposits along with 99% of the world, after all it is what we were told! Funny that – it seems it is something entirely different and as it turns out, appears rather fraudulent to ordinary folk who think that counterfeiting currency is criminal.

Dec 26, 2019 12:05 AM

It occurred to me earlier in the day that story of the virgin birth contained a couple of issues which need to be addressed. The first being that of the consent of Mary to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit, (on the instructions of the Almighty). The second is the breach of the commandment about coveting thy neighbours wife, and the third is how does being Josephs wife pair with being a virgin? Joyous fete tout le monde!

Dec 26, 2019 2:51 AM
Reply to  Estaugh

Christmas was (made) a very Christian festival and now Commercial Circus, with a Northern Hemisphere stamp on it. Still, as one of the few remaining and close to the Winter (Summer) solstice and do enjoy the break into The Routine with friends.

Jesus was an minor avatar co opted and bigged up later on by those who physically killed him ironically : the Romans. A bit like giving Mahatma Gandhi a machine gun post mortem. Europe was quite polytheistic before that Rome take over; Islam would have gone mad of rage as it did in the Subcontinent without Rome’s semi monotheism. Mo copied most ideas from the Jewish religion but weaponized his ideology to the tribal hilt.

Dec 26, 2019 8:41 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Islam wouldn’t have been imagined if not for the Christian’s insisting they believe in the virgin birth. Organised Christianity gave rise to Islam.
As ever, you let your own bias dictate your words.

Dec 26, 2019 8:53 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Islam wouldn’t have succeeded in its imperialism and totalitarianism without the male sex drive exploited by Mo: rape, slavery, 4 wives, a few temporary nikkahs, 4 wives all legalized: never 4 husbands. Virginity only for women, never for men. 72 eternal virgins after death. Glass clear if you see it.

Dec 26, 2019 9:00 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Fueled by ME oil and gas since a century; otherwise organized Christianity with its financial proselytizing might have dominated the globe thanks to the Science it once tried to suppress. Leave kids and adults in peace to choose for themselves!

Dec 26, 2019 10:09 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Rubbish. Pope’s and priests are supposed to be virgins and Mormons can take extra wives. You know nothing. Irish women have been abused and sexually assaulted by their husbands for a milleniam in the name of Christianity, along with being forced into convents and having their children taken from them, if conceived out of wedlock. All organised religion is political, but Catholicism is the worst and without it, Islam would have never existed.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 26, 2019 10:31 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Damn straight Anty. It’s true that us Judeo-Christians also employed violence but our violence had a truly humane aspect regulated by our correct modification of the male sex drive. Even when burning witches, we did it with a merry twinkle of the eye and a deeply compassionate countenance which managed to console the burning women through the stench of their charred flesh. But then those Muslim fiends came in and, even when affecting kindness, radiated pure malice from their demonic skins.

Dec 26, 2019 7:37 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Tibetan Buddhist culture had a tradition in which a woman could be wedded to several husbands. Before Antonym thinks that’s cause for celebration, the catch is that the husbands are always all brothers and the aim of the tradition was to prevent family property from being broken up to a point where farming becomes impossible, in a region of mountains where flat land is scarce. Therefore if a woman married one man, she had to marry all his brothers as well.

In Islam, the catch is that a man who has more than one wife at a time must treat and support all his wives equally. In practice this would be impossible for most men to do, even if their finances allowed them to support more than one wife and the children in her marriage: a family in which there are two or more wives and their children is always going to involve some competition among the wives for resources that benefit their children. Treating all the women and all the children equally, not only materially but psychologically, would be beyond most men’s capabilities.

The Prophet Mohammed’s numerous marriages were done mainly to secure alliances with various tribes to protect his followers from powerful enemies. Some wives he may have married because they were already widows who needed protection (because they had no family to protect them, in an age of no social welfare).

One can always trust Antonym to twist facts and statements to fit whatever idiocies run in his mental universe.

Dec 27, 2019 2:12 AM
Reply to  Jen

Ok, Jen get back into purdah with your sister wives and tremble at the thought of a triple talaq divorce via Whats-app. Your husband is allowed to beat you too, luckily not on the face. In Sharia court your word counts as 1/2 of a men’s. You are equivalent to a camel. Don’t come outside without being covered top to toe.
For men all the above is opposite. English has a word for it: misogyny.

You write like a Western convert; you had to, because your husband cannot abandon Islam at risk of death.

Dec 27, 2019 4:11 AM
Reply to  Antonym

One really does meet some idiots here in the Off-Guardian.org BTL comments forums.

For the record, I’m an atheist.

Dec 27, 2019 5:01 AM
Reply to  Jen

An atheist defending Islamism? Worse.

Dec 27, 2019 11:00 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Sounds very similar to the tribal status of orthodox Jewish women.s

Dec 27, 2019 12:13 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Christianity was just a weird fringe Jewish cult. Without Judaism there would have been no Islam. So Judaism can claim the credit for both, or take the responsibility for both, depending on how you look at it.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 26, 2019 10:43 AM
Reply to  Antonym

” Mo copied most ideas from the Jewish religion but weaponized his ideology to the tribal hilt.”

And that only goes to show that all that genocide in the Old Testament was of a higher and more poetic order than the Islamic perversion.

Dec 26, 2019 12:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And a lot of Judaism was copied from Egyptian religious practices. It’s all hocus pocus.

Dec 27, 2019 12:21 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Very true. It’s all much of a muchness. The Egyptian pharaohs carried a crook to symbolise their role as a shepherd leading their people, like the archbishop of Canterbury. Most of these beliefs are held in common.

Dec 29, 2019 11:36 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Except that Judaism has only one God and the ancient Egyptians many, including ones with half animal bodies. They also had many statues and graphics of their gods, including female gods. They believed in a life after death – Book of Death, one of many books, as their leaders could read and write.

About the opposite of Egypt’s present Islam imposed by Mo & Co.

Dec 29, 2019 12:34 PM
Reply to  Antonym

See my post 6 places below. The Israelites had many Gods which they rolled into one. If you bothered to read history based on evidence unearthed in archiological excavations, you would realise a lot of the old testament is made up cobblers.

Dec 30, 2019 1:29 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The old Hebrews worshipped many gods, including the regional favourite Baal.

Dec 26, 2019 1:08 PM
Reply to  Antonym

If my understanding is correct, it was the Rabbis who condemned the Christ to death and the Romans who applied the sentence. Pontius pilate washing his hands?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 26, 2019 1:22 PM
Reply to  Estaugh

Bit like the US appointing obedient proxies to do their bidding & then distancing themselves from the results?

Dec 26, 2019 3:15 PM
Reply to  Estaugh

You are correct but don’t tell Antonym .

Dec 26, 2019 4:32 PM
Reply to  Guy

Possible we haven’t read the same book.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Dec 27, 2019 12:12 AM
Reply to  Antonym

He was only killed by the Romans due to the insistence and persistence of his fellow Jews.

Dec 27, 2019 6:13 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

We’ll, he was trying to start a cult. If you think about it, the Israelites used to have many Gods, which they amalgamated into one called Wahweh or something, just like the Egyptians amalgamated their Gods. Not satisfied with that they changed his name to Jehovah and made him their own special God. When the Romans came, their own God’s were dying so they appropriated the cult of Jesus and added some mumbo jumbo (the virgin birth). Not to be outdone, the Arabs took the story and put their own God at the head….and there you have Western religion in a nutshell. Why don’t they teach that at school? Incidentally, in England, the cult is headed by the Queen and a banker. Appropriate eh.

Dec 25, 2019 4:16 PM

What do we have to look forward to in the coming year? Probably not very much, unfortunately. Wars and rumours of wars. More wars for Israel being ginned up. Criminal wars of aggression based on lies for the benefit of the usual people. Yemen will be 5 years old. Afghanistan will be nearly 20 years old, Syria nearly 10. We have to expect more. Chief Friend Of Israel Johnson has just criminalised any criticism of Israel. This is no coincidence. It may well be clearing the way for another war in Gaza, Lebanon or Iran. Or maybe all three. Syria may finally be wound down, but after the Regime Change operations in Venezuela and Bolivia, Iran is probably next on the New Year Hit List. Switzerland, Holland and Germany are now being sanctioned by the US, in addition to Canada, Mexico, France, Turkey, South Korea and countless other of the most cringing, servile US satellites, joining old favourite Ziocon targets like Iran, Venezuela, DPRK, Russia, China. This will continue apace, till the whole planet is subject to US economic strangulation. Maybe this will all be pre empted by the inevitable financial collapse, the product of endless money printing, debt and negative interest rates. This cannot be long delayed, and may come next year. We can expect to see further purges of the media, with Newsguard/ Bellingcat/ Integrity Initiative/ Propornot closing down dissent and policing Wrongthink. Airbrushing out revelations about the OPCW, and anything else that is verboten. Google and Facebook and their Spook Handlers stifling free speech. Maybe we will see more Epstein or Le Mesurier or David Kelly type “suicides,” from people who have outlived their usefulness. We can expect to see a continuation of global uprisings from people who have had enough. The Gilets Jaunes are now over… Read more »

Dec 25, 2019 7:53 PM
Reply to  paul

Christmas celebrations from Iran, Syria …ignored in our msm and obscured on yankee social media… ignore everything THEY say is the message. Thanks to Sarah Abdalla for sharing.

Dec 25, 2019 9:32 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Politics will get even dirtier.
11 months of campaigning for the US election.
No holds barred, anything goes.
Losers don’t just lose, they go to jail.
Having destroyed Corbyn like they said they would, the Jews will double down and tighten their stranglehold on the UK. criminalising all criticism of Israel, like Johnson has just done.

Dec 26, 2019 5:01 PM
Reply to  paul

There was an Israeli flag being waved in the background at the Royal Family Scottish walkabout which is a sign of what?

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Dec 25, 2019 3:47 PM

Falsely flagged hopes and fears, steal the unfolding of, and sharing in, a true inheritance of a deeper human fulfilment than thinking can conceive. That there is the True, is witnessed by attempts to pass off in its seeming, or from its light to hide, in narratives where truth must die, for fakery sustaining. The ongoing ‘world-revealing’ of deceit in substitution for relationship, communication and simply human being – is the opening of the opportunity to release a false flagged investment of mis-taken identity – divides or separates as if to rule apart from others and life, and in fear set over and against others and life, rather than uncover the recognition of a transparency of being seen and heard for who we truly are. The world is also a place of masking presentations and strategies of defence that we become lost in, and subject to, by conditioned habits of deep and ancient patterns that stretch back through generations. Waking from addictive reactive identity, must first wake from denials cloaking it as a sense of capacity to control. This cannot be comfortable – and of course is deeply unsettling. At some level a lack-based addictive model may be more helpful than hating the hateful or disappointing behaviours of those who are not awake to their heart’s decision yet – and so are vulnerable to their own – and other’s narratives of disconnection and threat, along with false salvage, protection rackets and social masking under consensus evasion – where the many agree NOT to listen or see – because they are invested in an already ‘known’ consensus identity. Made ‘REAL’ by its level of terror threat. I’ve never been attracted to left and right political analyses. But I understand everything in life is an expression of a balancing dis-equilibrium. And that… Read more »

Dec 25, 2019 3:21 PM

After looking for work for 40 years and not finding any I would say ‘Christmas’ is for the wealth extracting crowd only. This year I can’t even afford a pint of Rum for my Egg Nog. Not one present from any siblings in the fam since around 1995. No real life friends or money whatsoever translates into all poverty & no play makes MOU a dull boy.

Screw Christmas & all that ‘Happy New Year’ crap-O-la.


Dec 25, 2019 1:23 PM


Good to see you posting when ‘trad newspapers’ are having their one day off from advertoroialising – the presstitutes will be missing their xmas with the family as usual, getting tomorrow’s churnilism and war mongering transcribed.

The world turns – Libya to be the ‘safe’ battlefield for ‘our’ undefeatable miltary might it seems – as long as there isn’t a real army to fight.

Scotland the Brave? Good luck to you jocks for your independence battle. It really will be. Starting with 11th January.

The rest of us have to endure. We will. As will Off-G i trust.

Cheers to you merry folk out here.