The IG Report: Malfeasance, Lies, Threats and Denials
Renée Parsons
It is no surprise that when the Inspector General’s Report was released in early December, the corporate media, which itself has been knee-deep and complicit in spreading the false Russiagate narrative, chose to focus on one narrow conclusion: that, given DOJ’s ‘lax guidelines,’ the IG found no bias related to opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
Ergo, once the Media labels the IG Report, all dutiful subscribers and readers fall in line with its dictates, nodding in concurrence, as those who refuse to do their own homework get on board and accept the hogwash they are being fed. Once the Media hypes the repetitive drone that there was ‘no bias,’ the phrase becomes embedded into the collective unconscious and the disinformation becomes gospel.
The question has yet to be asked what role the FISA Court played in its own debasement by blindly accepting the majority of surveillance requests and by lax procedures that allow its own credibility to be violated.
What remains uncertain is exactly how Crossfire Hurricane was born. While it is known that the Clinton campaign (via the DNC) hired GP Fusion (which hired DOJ deputy AG Bruce Ohr’s wife) to dig dirt on a Republican candidate for President and we know that former MI6 asset Christopher Steele became involved with creating a salacious Dossier – but the specific links tying those diverse parts to the FBI remains enigmatic.
An almost immediate response to the ‘no bias’ allegation came from AG William Barr stating that…
The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.”
…with Special Investigator US Attorney John Durham adding that he:
advised the IG that he did not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”
Both responses were highly unusual and may be interpreted as affirmation of a deeper level of complicity than the IG discovered although his investigation was limited to DOJ employees and to the FISA Court process.
It was not until IG Horowitz’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the true scathing impact of the full Report was understood; thus revealing the true depth of the FBI’s embedded systemic problems.
Horowitz told the Senate panel:
We found and are deeply concerned that so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate handpicked investigative teams on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the FBI even though the information sought through the use of FISA authority related so closely to an on-going Presidential campaign and even though those involved with the investigations knew that their actions would likely be subjected to close scrutiny. The circumstances reflect the failure not just by those who prepared the applications but also by the managers and supervisors in the Crossfire Hurricane chain of command including FBI senior officials who were briefed as the investigation progressed”
In dialogue with Sen. Crapo about FBI misconduct as ‘mind-numbing’, Horowitz responded “there is such a range of conduct here that is inexplicable and the answers we got were not satisfactory that we’re left trying to understand how could all these errors occur over a nine month period or so…”
In other words, the FBI, with a tainted history of deeply embedded corruption, has been out of control for decades with an aggressive pursuit of political opponents, corruption of its Forensic Lab and a COINTEL program against American citizens.
It is ironic that some of the FBI’s Congressional supporters are now recipients of that corruption.
In response to Barr’s statement regarding the IG Report, former Attorney General Erik Holder who once referred to himself as “still Obama’s wing man so i’m there with my boy,” wrote a divisive op ed for the Washington Post provocatively entitled “Eric Holder: William Barr is Unfit to be Attorney General“.
In a classic example of covering one’s butt, it can be assumed that Holder is still protecting Obama’s wing as he took cheap shots at Barr for a “series of public statements and taken actions that are so plainly ideological, so nakedly partisan and so deeply inappropriate” making him ‘unfit to lead the Justice Department.”
Suffering a partisan anxiety attack, Holder has clearly been directed to slander a predecessor who exhibits more candor and principle than he himself demonstrated as AG.
Given the IG report’s otherwise thorough analysis, the Hope and Change crowd may be feeling the heat that those morning tete a tete intel briefings in the Oval Office may have included updates on Crossfire Hurricane.
Holder’s condescension, as if he had special privilege to pontificate on “career public servants,” falls flat with his thinly veiled threat to Durham:
I was troubled by his unusual statement disputing the inspector general’s findings. Good reputations are hard-won in the legal profession, but they are fragile; anyone in Durham’s shoes would do well to remember that, in dealing with this administration, many reputations have been irrevocably lost.”
With focus now on whether Durham will succumb to Holder’s warning may instead boomerang, inspiring Durham to dig deeper than he had previously planned.
The IG Report cited former FBI Director Jim Comey for “clearly and dramatically” departing from department norms in the investigation of HRC’s email server and that he made a “serious error of judgment” in sending a letter to Congress announcing the re-opening of the Clinton probe. Comey was fired from the FBI for ‘insubordinate’ acts and ‘dangerous’ behavior in deceiving the FISA Court.
When asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper,
“When you read what the report said, do you think this is a vindication
Comey responded:
It is. The FBI has had to wait two years while the President and his supporters lied about the institution, finally the truth gets told.”
Apparently Comey had not read the Report in its entirety, not listened to Horowitz’s testimony to the Senate or he continues to live under a rock.
In a recent interview with NBC News Pete Williams, Barr explained that
“One of the problems in the IG investigation is that Comey refused to sign back up for his security clearance and therefore could not be questioned (by the IG) on classified matters.…so someone like Durham can compel testimony.”
In other words, Comey is shrewd enough to know how to deliberately avoid pertinent questions from Horowitz without implicating himself but the day will come when Durham has the legal authority to demand Comey’s full participation.
In a Fox News Sunday interview with Chris Wallace, Comey refused to accept and was significantly at odds with many of the IG most significant findings including denial of any personal role in Crossfire. “I didn’t know, As Director I am not kept informed on the details of an investigation.
I didn’t know the particulars with an agency of 38,000 people ‘seven layers below.” Wallace repeatedly pushed back with Comey remaining smooth as silk, carefully coached, as he slipped around every iota that he had any responsibility for the investigation of a President and its constitutional screw ups.
When asked if he would resign if all these misdeeds were revealed under his watch, Comey replied “No, I don’t think so. There are other mistakes I consider more consequential than this during my tenure.”
Pray, we await those revelations.
Renee Parsons has been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and President of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, an environmental lobbyist with Friends of the Earth and staff member in the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC. She can be found on Twitter @reneedove31.
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In other Clinton-related news, the foaming-at-the-mouth ‘we came, we saw, we genocided’ masss murderer Killary Clinton has somehow or other been ‘appointed’ Chancellor of a Northern Ireland University.
I saw fifteen plus years ago how Senator Mitchell ‘miraculously’ got a UK HEI to award a no-bid contract for 15 years to a US-supported endeavour. To say that the US does not engage in strong arm tactics where HEIs are concerned would stretch credulity.
I cannot think of anything more disgusting, disgraceful and despicable that an institute of ‘learning and scholarship’ should reduce itself to a an institute promoting mass genocide, particularly in a part of the world where civil war and murder was such a feature of 20th century life.
In my opinion, the sort of pressure the US usually applies to others should be applied to Killary Clinton to ‘encourage’ her to recuse herself from this totally inappropriate appointment.
‘Encouragement’ as defined by the USA means ‘do it or we will kill you, starve you or imprison you with poisons in the water’……….
The IG’s comments on the FISA court merely confirm what we’ve always suspected — the court is just a rubber stamp, a bureaucratic figleaf. We know that rampant surveillance has been going on for years — Edward Snowden was not the first or only person to complain — so really the question should be not be “Why is the FISA court rubber stamping requests?” but rather “What, if anything, has all this surveillance achieved?”.
And the FISA kangaroo court has shown no interest in punishing the FBI and other droogs who so blatantly ‘deceived’ them.
Just like the non existent “oversight” of UK spook agencies.
a star
every side is star
of david
at a slight angle if you get my drift
all sides
satanick freaks
or captured
all actor
entering performing dancing on rooftop for ritual
kosher farmers
tending the tax cattle
before slaughter time
Even if the FBI, CIA, NSA, et cetera, are rotten to the core we know that Trump is worse, and a rotten businessperson. The Deep State USA is reasonable to want a good businessperson at helm in the White House, and so are the Democrats. Republicans just want two terms of finance largesse off the taxpayers’ dime because two terms constitutes effective backstroke in the public trough.
Congress just wants yet another paycheck.
I’ll back the Deep State wishes to oust Trump and his spawn from the swamp.
Elizabeth Warren is the safest bet for the USA going forward.
Elizabeth is another clueless figure head like Corbyn, but at least she has a good family name: War -run.
Plus she is a woman like 50% of the voters. Tulsi Gabbard is too but she has a mind of her own, so no thanks from the Establishments.
Obama has already endorsed Warren, and he told big money backers to back Warren too.
What Obama wants Obama gets.
Ergo, Warren, like Obama (the ‘first Jewish President’ according to Abner Mikva, the former Congressman and judge)is almost certainly a phony.
Any trained monkey will do so far as AIPAC is concerned. You can have a black money, a female monkey, or even a tranny monkey, so long as it rattles its little tin cup for its organ grinder.
Corbyn was and remains a man of principle and deep humanity, hence your characterisation.
Clinton would have probably been far worse.
We would have been at war with Syria, Iran, and Russia by now.
Trump may be too unsavoury for your taste, but presidents come and go.
The spooks and the dirty cops and the bureaucrats remain.
If you’re worried about corruption, Clinton takes the prize as the most corrupt politician in US history, despite some very stiff competition.
But what is the US political system anyway, if not open, blatant, organised corruption on an epic scale? Whichever clown, spiv or shyster parks his bum in the Oval Office?
If you’re happy with a Spookocracy or a Dirtycopocracy, why waste time with middlemen or women like Warren?
Why not just have done with it and appoint J. Edgar Hoover, Clapper, Brennan or “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” Pompeo, as president? Or Haspel, if you want a woman. Why bother with elections and all that malarkey? Just report to the Chief Spook for your orders.
Spooks are Civil Servants that are doing their level best to protect the state and the business of the state. They know that good leadership is important for business, and especially international relations. As one that lives & breathes like a spook, and one that was raised by a civil servant I, for one, can assure you that everyone in the Deep State is a civil servant that wants to do the right thing for the country, and taxpayers. They are all duty bound to behave in the best interests of the client they serve whether you believe that or not.
Yes there are indeed some terrible civil servants but most would prefer to look at themselves in the mirror in the morning just like everyone else. Governments hire spooks based upon trust, and lots of vetting before hand. Governments don’t tend to hire immoral spooks at any stage of the hiring process. All LE is circumspect & due diligence prone before hiring.
Some spooks get dirty work, I agree.
Bloody Gina is a real piece of work, I agree.
I’m never impressed with the CIA. FBI I can understand somewhat, & NSA are just plain cool because they have all the toys to play with that I can only dream about.
Then let’s replace politicians with mid level spooks and dirty cops.
Let them decide on policy with zero accountability.
That’s what we have now anyway.
Obama came to agreements with Russia over Syria.
The spooks and the deep state didn’t like them.
So they sabotaged them less than 24 hours after they were made.
With zero accountability.
Let’s just have a fully fledged Stasi or Cheka state without the pretence of democracy.
I find your faith in the innate goodness of spooks and bureaucrats most touching.
I find your naïve commentary to be far too linear, and not very pragmatic. Governments all have been police states for as long as I have been alive. USA FBI Blacksites were newsworthy a few years ago. Blair was complicit in extraordinary rendition post-Iraq war & Islamic phobia push on.
The UK is a police state and so is the God damned USA.
The CIA likely has a mix of cultural tech spooks given that they are in over 900 bases worldwide with their NATO brethren.
I’m a Social Scientist. Human beings are not all bad all the time.
In other words: “The Swamp” that Trump lamented about. Washington keeps on proving that he was right and assists him getting a second term.
Another stink with Obama at the center:
Why are all the comments published in italics?
They are harder to read and look normal when typing
“Lies, damned lies, and statistics . . . ”
This whole mess doesn’y even qualify as a statistic.
I’ve always said that the FBI should have been abolished long ago since while pretending to be a “federal law enforcement agency” it is in fact a means of political control. CoIntelPro mentioned in the article is a perfect example since it went after those involved in any form of political dissent i.e. the Black Panthers, the American Indian Movement, the Anti-war and Peace Movement and it seems to have been directly involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
I’m sure J Edgar Hoover was smiling from his special place in hell when they initiated “Cross Fire Hurricane” based on fabrications of a former MI6 officer to implicate Russia.
The FBI is the US Gestapo.
The FBI drifted into politics because they have a double function: not only fight inter state crime but also find foreign spies on US soil – counter intelligence.
Move the latter into a separate agency and they might be able to concentrate on the most important job, the former.
The FBI was born out of the Palmer Raids of 1920-21, orchestrated for the Justice Department by J. Edgar Hoover early in his career. The first Red Scare, 30 years before McCarthy’s theatrics.
Thanks for that info about Hoover’s early twist of the older BOI. The FBI historians admit that AG Palmer Hoover went overboard in 1920; maybe 100 years later they might write the same about their 2019 “Russiagate”.
The FBI ‘drifted into politics’-priceless!!
Actually the Bureau of Investigation was a nominal agency under the DoJ until cross dressing Hoover took over and hyped it up as “America’s Premier ‘Law Enforcement Agency'”. It only could investigate Federal Crimes and turn these investigations over to Justice who would convene Grand Juries.
After that it became a political tool of oppression for the most part.
The MI6 Oldboy network I call the Dearlove Cabal set up the Trump Tower meeting to target Papadopoulos. From which the FBI obtained the FISA Warrant. The details are extremely complex: and probably not all known. Apart from Steele: Bill Browder was an important part in bringing the meeting to public attention. I refer you to Lucy Komisar,, or the various articles about Browder on this site for details.
I am of the personal opinion that this also catalysed the persecution of Julian Assange. Not least because he tweeted out this thread just six days before he was made incommunicado by the Moreno junta.
Notice that the account was taken over and renamed. You might want to read jimmysllama’s take on that. This site has some good background info. Be sure to follow the internal link to the “Dearlove Connections: …Hakluyt”. It’s circumstantial: but it looks as though it was the UK that interfered in the US elections – nor Russia.
What is less circumstantial is that Julian will not live to see the inside of and American court. The British authorities are making sure of that. Abandoned by BOTH neoliberal imperialist parties; deplatformed by Corbyn on Press Freedom Day; assigned a biased Judge who’s husband was implicated by Wikileaks; being slowly tortured to death with cruel and inhuman punishment; and facing 175 years in prison for telling the truth …that’s British justice. No less corrupt than American justice or the obfuscatory IG report. They do not want us to know how they work, that’s for sure.
The role of the loathsome Alexander Downer must not be forgotten. Papadopoulos’s recollection of his meeting with Downer in the wine bar differs markedly from the Downer version, and I know from his political career that Downer is an invertebrate liar. Downer was also a member of the aforementioned Hakluyt, and at present a real Inquisition/Star Chamber perversion of a ‘trial’ is proceeding against a whistle-blower who revealed the bugging of the East Timorese Government when Downer was a particularly vicious Foreign Minister (who did not disguise his racist contempt for the Timorese)during negotiations over shared gas rights in the seas between the countries, where Australia bullied the Timorese into submission. The whistleblower’s lawyer is on trial, too, their passports were seized to prevent them providing evidence at the Timorese appeal at the ICJ, and the trial is proceeding in secret, for ‘national security’ reasons.
I think you meant to say “inveterate liar” but since you were referring to Alexander Downer, the closest thing Australia ever got to having its own BoJo Klown leader, I realise that for once the Spellchecker over-ruling was more appropriate.
I borrowed the expression from Arthur Daley.
‘Invertebrate’ is correct to describe Alexander Downer – it means ‘no backbone’ – that’s the loathsome Alex. You probably have to be Australian to know his record.
Hereditary scum, like father, like son, like daughter, the loathsome IPA droogette and ABC favourite.
There seems to be a lot of confusion about Mifsud as well. He hasn’t been seen for months and has either gone to ground, or else they’ve done an Epstein/ David Kelly on him.
Funny how the ‘greatest law enforcement agency on Earth’ and the all-seeing CIA/NSA cannot find people that they do not want to.
Like how Robert Fisk could interview Bin Laden although all the seventeen $100 billion a year spook agencies couldn’t find him.
Assange is being tortured by the silence of his adherents, hangers on, and bandwagon jumpers that were too busy enjoying Christmas & watching movies to write articles in defence of his freedom.
You are a reasonable writer BigB. Off-G will accept articles according to protocol.
Is this Attorney General William Barr the son of the fellow Donald Barr who gave Jeffrey Epstein his first job as a maths and physics teacher?
Yes at the Dalton School, NYC.
The FBI made no ‘errors’, since they weren’t random and all pointed in the same direction. As Bill Binney points out, if you take the 17 instances as each having a 50:50 chance, then the probability of the outcome was 1 in 131,072. It’s only mind numbing to entertain the notion that the FBI committed ‘errors’.
As Durham’s remit is well beyond the DOJ, his chances of an unfortunate motor vehicle or aircraft accident are considerably higher than 1 in 131,072.
You should probably point those probabilities out to the Consumer Protection Bureau so Durham can check his odds of accidental injury and get better insurance coverage before he drives or flies.
For someone of Durham’s age (~70 yr) and sex, the expected annual MVA mortality in the US is around 27 per 100,000 which is close to 1 in 3,700 (see here: . The expected mortality from an aircraft accident (without knowing age- or sex-specific rates) is around 1.5 per million (from around 200 aircraft accident related deaths recorded in the US in 2017, which can vary a lot of course but not enough to add much to the 1 in ~3,700 odds — see here
I would say his odds of an MVA or aircraft accident in the next year are probably much higher even than this (ie, approaching 1). No-one would re-insure him.
It’s always FUN to see a bored actuary posting responses on threads. I chuckled at your response, Stephen.
Thanks for my morning chuckle!!!
I’m not a funny guy but I like a good chuckle once in a while.
Cheers, MOU
The same seditious and treasonous intrigues from higher and mid level bureaucrats in the military/ secret police/ intelligence/ media/ think tank establishments have been very much in evidence on both sides of the Atlantic. Previously, they did at least go through the motions of preserving some kind of pretence of political impartiality. Now, like the Zionist power elite, they have thrown caution to the winds and emerged from behind the curtain to interfere directly in party politics. You have to think in terms, not so much of a smear campaign as a whole smear industry, manufacturing hoaxes to order on an industrial scale. Iraqi WMD, Iranian WMD, White Helmets, Syrian Gas false flags, Skripal, Gaddafi’s Viagra fuelled black rape gangs, Russiagate, Ukrainegate, and much else, all churned out precisely on cue to enable the next criminal war of aggression. It is clear that these efforts were closely coordinated on both sides of the Atlantic. All the organs of the Deep State conspired to rig the 2016 elections to prevent a Republican victory, and having failed to achieve this, to undermine the administration of an elected president (whatever you think of Trump.) Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, and their ilk, and people like Ioanovitch, Vindman, Cohen and Sondland, were basically just political hacks with an axe to grind. Former Chief Spook “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” Pompeo, who now passes for Chief Diplomat in the Trump Circus, promised an assemblage of Zionist luminaries that he would do everything necessary to prevent the election of Corbyn, if the smear campaign being run by the Board of Deputies failed to achieve the desired result. There were at least 40 leaks and smears from UK spooks and the military establishment, declaring Jezza to be a communist agent and a threat to national security.… Read more »
mark, Corbyn would have lost all by himself with his wind-vane Brexit non directions. Dragging in “the Zionists” undermines your narrative.
I imagine MI6 will love you for keeping them partly out of the cross hairs.
Yes-the most sustained, vicious and hysterical campaign of lying and fraudulent accusations of ‘antisemitism’ concocted by the Jewish elite and their Establishment stooges, never happened, did it?
Just a figment of your imagination, R.
Smear campaigns are so yesteryear, man. The USA has just passed a law allowing spooks to commit murder to protect National Security. This means that they can shoot first and ask questions later which is pretty seamless for accurate record keeping IMHO.
Is this correct?
“.. Holder has clearly been directed to slander a predecessor..”
Isn’t Holder the PREDECESSOR and Barr the incumbent?
Actually Barr was the AG under George W. Bush, 1991-93, so he was Holder’s predecessor.
He is the current AG, having succeeded I believe Jeff Sessions. I found Parsons article incredibly informative, whether you consider Barr, Holder’s predecessor or successor.
Invaluable perspective.