WATCH: Sacha Baron Cohen is Wrong About Everything

Have you seen Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest character? He’s masquerading as a person who wants to preserve free speech by censoring free speech, and as usual his audience is lapping it up. The only problem is, this isn’t a joke and he’s not acting. Find out why Sacha Baron Cohen is wrong about everything (including his own comedy) in this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch.

James Corbett breaks down Sacha Baron Cohen’s speech to the Anti-Defamation League, where the veteran actor and comedian touched on a lot of important (and predictable) talking points.

Links to sources, and audio-only version, and a full transcript can be found here.


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Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jan 13, 2020 3:46 PM
Jan 12, 2020 2:52 PM

Benedict de Spinoza: “In a free society every man may think what he likes, and say what he thinks”.

This is how it should be, but isn’t, and if the likes of the Cohens were to have it their way, worse it will get.

In the freer but not that distant past, a man was at liberty to say what he wanted to say. If that resulted in harm to another man or property, the harm could be proven and measured, the man engendering the harm was taken to court, given his due process. If found guilty, punished, the punishment could be have been the gallows.

That was it, no 3rd party censorship, no limits to what one can or cannot say (or do as the logical extension of the freedom of life). The censorship was self administered – everyone was aware that saying (or doing) something that would lead to someone’s else loss would not go unpunished, the severity of the punishment commensurate with the harm.

In our society, in order to prevent harm we restrict anything that we think can cause harm before that harm happens, and that includes harm from genuinely free speech. It’s done in a mistaken belief that this preventive action can stop harm ever happening. Evidence is aplenty to show it doesn’t.

The justification for the restriction of the freedom of expression is to say one cannot shout ‘fire’ in a theatre if there’s no fire because life may be lost in the stampede the shout’s likely to engender. In law, one cannot be specific, one must be general, it’s not just that one cannot shout ‘fire’ in a theatre, one must not say other words that may cause harm. This necessitates the existence of someone who decides what words cannot be said because they could lead to someone getting hurt e.g words of hate.

It’s that, the someone or someones to decide what goes and what doesn’t that’s the unsurmountable hurdle because what is a hate speech that causes measurable hurt for one may be for another something that merely offends.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jan 11, 2020 9:35 PM

One can only assume that in the interests of objectivity and in resisting all forms of “hate” that Cohen will reprise his – “throw the Jew down the well” – audience participation skit somewhere in Israel next, maybe say in downtown Tel Aviv, or even in a settler community. There the skit could appropriately morph into leading a bar full of Israeli’s in a rousing rendition of – “throw the Palestinian down the well,” or perhaps a more generic “throw the Arab down the well,” or depending upon the audience and its level of intoxication, maybe “shoot the Palestinian medic in the head,” or “break the Palestinian child’s arm with a rock,” or other variations on such topical popular themes.

Maybe he could then show this new “comedy” video about the “existence of hate” at the next AIPAC conference as a consciousness raiser in an effort to fight against the hate and racism that all apartheid states are subject to. Then again, I think perhaps not – though one must admit it would make for some rather amazing and consciousness raising theatre – would it not?

Jan 11, 2020 4:24 PM

On the etymology of Cohen/Khan (etc) that has been mentioned in some comments – it is interesting.
One originates from a Priest class and the other from a Chieftain class. Theres is no genetic connection supposedly . Although central Asia connected a lot of peoples.

Interestingly Imran Khan PM of Pakistan, a Pashtun did seem to have an arranged marriage with a jewish princess, which was dissolved after there was progeny and before he gained his high office – not bad for a mere sportsman!
There are stories, apocryphal perhaps, that the great Priest/Chief Kissinger referred to him as ‘our boy’ who should be looked after as he progressed to his current high office.

Just mentioning out of curiosities sake. Khan is my cricketing hero as Cohen was once a comedy hero – until he tried his shtick on an elderly Tony Benn, but was bested by that great socialist. Not had any time for him since.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 11, 2020 9:33 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

did you see the bbc history of the khazar
a histry of ashkanazim on the histry channel
how about the donmeh
zvi or jacob frank

13th tribe is interesting book so is douglas reed
old books are best new print runs are edited
by the


captain tiberius kirk screams in the movie
it is an in joke
kirk the goy scream of rage like mel did years later.

all the khans are not the cohen
but some are

Vivian J
Vivian J
Jan 12, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  norman wisdom

I recall that the BBC series ‘The History of the Jews’ of a few years back was of course presented by the famous Jewish historian Simon Schama, entirely impartial you must understand…

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 12, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Vivian J

simon schama of the history of britain book
the tv series was made by 70% khazar coens higher level jobs

Jan 11, 2020 2:11 PM

Some Cohen recently calls for censorship? Big deal. Mohamed called for censorship of other religions plus destruction of their idols and adherents in CE 630 but 1.5 billion adults are still stuck in that same track in 2020. Enormous oil and gas reserves were discovered and extracted from below their ignorant feet by Western Science and the Sunni ones are under the protection from the two Atlantic Anglo mercenaries who want to keep others mum about this (islamophobia).

To distract various sheep from this pact they have the bogey of “big bad” (actually minuscule) Israel, which they will keep alive for that purpose.

Only people who can actually count know the numbers of Muslims vs Jews today plus the wealth of oil & gas reserves vs the income from Facebook and some finance wizardry .

Vivian J
Vivian J
Jan 11, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Have to say “lol” because you are such a jester

Jan 11, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Vivian J

.. and today, a jester on steroid.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Antonym

In the West it is not the number of adherents, but the number of ‘Binyamins’ passed to the corrupt political scum that counts. Honestly, your undifferentiated Islamophobic hatred is SO very Talmudic, but you are hiding your even greater hatred of Christians, are you not. As a good Talmudic you hate Christian ‘idolators’ far more than Moslems, particularly your ‘cousins’ the Wahhabists. That’s why your Orthodox brethren spit on priests, and urinate and expectorate on Churches in Israel at every opportunity. And pray to God every day for nor making them a goy or a woman. Such lovely people.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 12, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Antonym

“censorship of other religions plus destruction of their idols and adherents “

Isn’t that what Judaism and Christianity wanted too? And even more adults are still stuck on those tracks in 2020.

And as for the familiar complaint about keeping “mum” about Islamic intolerance, can you imagine the outcry if anyone compained about keeping “mum” about Jewish intolerance?

And once again the matter of the size of Israel is of no importance. It’s the vastness of the constantly reiterated cry of “anti-Semitism” always regurgitated at the merest whiff of critique.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 11, 2020 12:34 PM

The ‘thin edge of the wedge’ metaphor is one of the important principles that usually crops up when discussing the kind of censorship Sacha Baron Cohen calls for (and lets at least be honest enough to call a spade a spade because we are talking about censorship here).

I mean if we are not careful we could have the police labelling certain forms of scientific discourse as extreme, presumably in an attempt to shut down those who do not see eye to eye with Scotland yards bungling detective, Inspector Lestrade?

And it goes without saying that if a journalist reveals war crimes they are likely to be tortured by the British authorities while the MSM and political class, perhaps with the exception of Chris Williamson turn a blind eye.

So without a variety of different platforms how would people know about Nils Melzer’s blistering take-down of the amoral actions of our very own, war loving government, for example – not to mention the abysmal behaviour of their lackies in the MSM.

Jan 11, 2020 12:18 PM

Not my idea of a comic; cynical, unfunny, sadistic, macabre. Give me Benny Hill any day. If it is hollow laughs your after, go to Nutyahoo; remember his Iran N-bomb sketch? A real scream. Dick Cheyney and the anthrax sketch?; Ha ha bloody ha! Spaffers latest in the HOP, (regarding the murder of Solemaini), sure bought the House down. Maybe a few ‘jokes’ on homeless, the starving, the infirm, to harden your hearts and darken your minds, will aid you in the effort to continue existence in this “normal society.”

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jan 11, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  Estaugh

And the never-to-be-forgotten subhuman empathy of Barbara Bush, opining that the black folk residing in the Astrodome, after having been made homeless after Hurricane Katrina, had never had it so good.

Now there’s a kneeslapper! One vignette is all you need for many people. Do you think that has anything to do with the Americans refusing to count Iraqi casualties when they invaded? They never had it so good?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 11, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  Estaugh

I never thought I’d get nostalgic over Benny Hill. But at least he wasn’t a pretentious sanctimonious pseudo-moralist. He basically had one joke: “You want tits? Here’s some tits!”

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jan 11, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not forgetting his one hit record: “Ernie, the fastest milkman in the west”.

Jan 11, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

From cradle to the grave

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 11, 2020 10:39 AM

I apologise in advance for the vagueness of the following – but I recall a time perhaps twenty years ago when there was a commemoration week about the Holocaust. There were tons of programmes and documentaries about it on TV – and of course I recall Mr Blair turning up for the big church service looking appropriately humbled. One of the programmes shown was, inevitably, the mammoth four hour docu “Shoah” and I daresay the Schindler movie had yet another outing.

However – in amongst all this mainstream stuff was a curious little one hour documentary which queried the whole issue – not disputing its existence but querying the constant emphasis on it with respect to other atrocities. And this is where I have to be vague – since I can’t recall the name of the programme or of any of the participants. But the general consensus in this programme was that the Holocaust had such a high profile because it happened long ago and far away and – more to the point – it was someone else’s fault. One woman said, after emphasising that she didn’t mean to be facetious, that the Holocaust is “a good story” in that it had the perfect villains, the most pitiable victims and, of course “we” were the good guys. A guy spoke disparagingly about the constantly repeated “lessons to be learned” asking, “What are those lessons? Don’t vote for Hitler? Don’t kill six million Jews? Those are banal statements”. The point was definitely made that the Holocaust was being used to trivialise and even cover up other crimes.

I mention this to say that there’s no way this programme would have been shown nowadays. It would have been ignored. And, if it managed to get some publicity somewhere, the makers would have been ostracised in the press.

Jan 11, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

To be fair, the crucial lesson to be learned is how big atrocities always have small beginnings, and the phrase, “nip it in the bud” might apply more than ever today – except that it’s already too late. Pelosi refused to impeach Bush/Cheney, and western civilization has decided to allow thieving corporations to govern it.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 11, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

look up churchills autobiography

cannot remember how many books it was certainly more than 4.

thousands thousands thousands of pages.
find old copies

spend weeks reading and scanning
please upload the sections on the shoa or holocaust

old books are great sometimes you find them with pages ripped out especially history
funny that

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The turning of the Nazi Judeocide into a quasi-State religion throughout the West has been quite an achievement. It is used to justify every crime by Israel and rogue Jews (they do exist, along with the saints!)often as diversionary tactic (class ‘whataboutism’), or directly, as was attested by Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Scheper-Hyphen is a highly regarded US medical anthropologist. She researched human organ trafficking some years ago, and discovered that the international trade is dominated by Israelis. And many, doctors and nurses included, told her, directly, that they saw their activities as ‘restitution’ for the Nazi Judeocide, which implies that the idea had been passively or actively transmitted in their ranks as a justification for an odious, but lucrative, practise. Just why poor Moldovans and the like were chosen to make restitution for Nazi crimes is beyond me. Naturally, when reports of Israeli, and Diaspora Jewish involvement in the human organ trafficking business became known, they were first vilified as ‘blood libels’, then disappeared TOTALLY, in the familiar fashion.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 11, 2020 9:59 PM

the issue is the khazar is not jew ish
big bit or little bit
nothin at all
at all

they just a gang of imposter pirates get a 1970s copy of the 13th tribe
douglas reeds zion book as well

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 11, 2020 2:46 AM

image above shows one fug ugly turkic khazar mongrel
a savage dead head
devoid of a soul

look at that jaw it massive
this beast
slow crawled up wards
from hell

be gone
back down foul cohen
your time has long since past

and your master satan awaits with red hot poker
for the the late night special

ali g borat cohen hampstead kebab
burnt shish

Jan 10, 2020 9:53 PM

,Staines massive nonsense.Egham massive massiver.Seen Scene.

Jan 10, 2020 9:41 PM

The irony is that Cohen’s “humor” if one can call it that is inherently racist propaganda since it typifies stereotypes. Yet I’d be the last one to suggest that he be censored but merely pointing out that like a double edged sword censorship can cut both ways depending on those wielding it whether it be Hitler’s Germany or the ADL. They are just two sides of the same coin to mix metaphors.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jan 11, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  Gall

Yes, substitute any other minority for Kazakhstan in Borat.

Jan 11, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  Gall

My solution is never to mix politics and humour. There IS no funny side to today’s politics beyond the infantile hope that Trump’s, Johnson’s, or Nettie’s pants might fall down when they give their next major speech.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 10, 2020 9:36 PM

agents ask

how do you feel
how does that make you feel
feel angry
feel sad

how does that make you feel
yes scared

agents say
rock with us and roll
be moved
wallow in the emotion

laughter numbs the pain
makes you forget for a while

the rape

the comedian is here for you
for chuckles for

zio distraction

is it not sad that the cow,sheep pig and sacred talmoodick goat
do not have comic to cackle at on the way to slaughter house

Jan 10, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  norman wisdom

I like your poems.

Jan 10, 2020 7:32 PM

Just to confirm: the prevailing mood is that we are so anti-censorship that the ‘silicone six’ – including Zuckerberg – can carry on amassing suprasovereign cyber-power – that ends any vestige of democracy – totally unchecked? And the ‘intelligence superiority’ vehicle of the CIA known as Alphabet/Google is beyond reproach? That the proliferation of unconfirmed opinion – unrelated to any fact – on any topic – including paedophilia – is a good thing? Are you fucking mad? Because that is what unmoderated ‘free speech’ content amounts to. Virtual insanity.

Take the Cohen Fetish out of the picture and actually consider the issues of the “ideological imperialism” the “silicone six” tech companies and their hold on humanity. Especially young and vulnerable humanity. The unfettered proliferation of any view whatsoever is a high-speed conduit to the gibbering, drooling, virtual-Windows-licking, locked-in institutionalised neoliberal Endtimes of humanity. To which people are literally addicted. Kids actually get sick if the cannot be connected through a device to their displaced digitised avatar lives. ‘Cos the world beyond the digital encoded spectacular distraction has nothing much to offer and is barely worth living in.

There is actually a recognised disorder – Internet Addiction Disorder – very similar to other addictions (right down to the neural scans – it actually changes brain function AND structure) …including the withdrawal symptoms. And you want Zuckerberg to have access to addicted enfeebled minds and shape them? Because FB can and did manipulate moods just by changing or removing ‘likes’. Never mind the matter of all that data they hold on the unwary.

The internet is changing the way we relate: and not in a good way. It grew out of (D)Arpanet: and is well on its way to becoming a global community of control with the connectionist qualities of Skynet. It is not a space for freedom and never was: it is here to encode and enslave. Look where much of the seed funding came from in Nafeez Ahmed’s piece linked below. And it is definitely not a space the big-tech oligopoly of the “Silicone Six” should monopolise. But that is what it is here for: an alternative connectome …that’s the singularity of the hypertext encoded mind.

So slag off Cohen: but think about where the totalised interconnection and manipulation of enfeebled minds leads …with the infinite capacity to say anything about anything and have a global platform to do so. Is that a world you want to live in? Me neither.

Jan 10, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  BigB

What on earth are you on about? There is censorship across the board in MSM and social media that has been growing year on year and is now justified by “fake news” and “conspiracy theorists”. It’s the reason this site exists, most of us were banned from posting opinion elsewhere. “Enfeebled minds” my arse, you don’t have to engage with what offends you.

Jan 10, 2020 9:28 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Young enfeebled minds. No one even considered there might be any merit in what was said …jumping to the conclusion they were led to. Corbett isn’t right about everything. In fact: he is very wrong about quite a lot… but let’s not go there.

Do you really consider that the silicone six are anything but ideological imperialists? Of course they are. The headline “SBC is wrong about everything” and the big red “WRONG” are misleading …or perhaps leading. I asked people to consider the alternative: not jump to conclusion. How very imperial of me?

I asked people to consider what the internet and the Big-Tech companies are doing to human consciousness …because the consequences will affect all of us. Have you got kids? I haven’t: but I have watched a generation of tech-zombie kids turned into completely disassociated adults who are more or less bored with the Real compared to the Virtual. I’ve seen at least one serious accident because the young man was on the internet when he should have been paying attention to the building site.

All I wanted to point out was that the antipathy of censorship is a double-edged sword. Perhaps the unlimited proliferation of vitual-power and ungrounded opinions will lead to human freedom? In a parallel universe and separate pseudoworld: which is where many seem to want to live. Surely you can see how fucked up the internet is and how detrimental it is to humanity and human consciousness without resort to feigned outrage?

The issues are not binary black and white. The internet is symptomatic of our virtual insanity. I was hoping to get past the binary exclusive that SBC was wrong about everything. The silicone six are ideological imperialists …he got that much right.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jan 11, 2020 9:57 AM
Reply to  BigB

BigB: excellent objectivity, though I should say first that this comment is made quite literally in a double state of concussion, exhaustion and 9 days antibiotics, after another crazy Balkan ‘incident’ last night: Bulgaria is a perfect example and demo. in the metaphoric sense as well, as confirmation of all that you just stated and for me personally, on the blunt end, it is very easy this morning to agree with all that you just stated.

However, the modern day failures in communications, both in Law and at the inter personal levels of private lives & our very existence in terms of recognising altered brain structures, is pre-ordained by the elites that have, in reality, ground zero interest in Real DATA, other than as a heavily censored tool with which to control the masses & more importantly, OUR Knowledge, designs & intentions, in every direction & in every sense of being, with inept programmes & corrupted algorithms, (just like V.W.) for their goals of total exploitation & arrogant domination of any team work,
by determining outcomes for pure self interest & corporate goals.

An Ex-Boeing employee summed it all up beautifully in 2017, commenting on the 737:

“Designed by clowns and supervised by monkeys”,
& may I add, ‘who criminally censor the real DATA !’ indeed, so much so, that Todor Zhivkov’s ex-bodyguard B.B. , Boyko Borisov, Bg.’s PM, can now today, (only this week in a meeting with Erdogan & Putin, discussing the South Stream pipeline), publicly declare that
“Bulgaria is Luxury”.

What a complete comedy of violent errors & jokers, life has become:
critical thinking superfluous to any further evolution, by design.
My head hurts & my heart weeps for the loss in communications . . .
Never Censor Data, but ‘they’ do & the ‘news’ is “not news”,
just corporate pure unadulterated self-interest in every sense.

Trotzdem BigB, i wish you a Happy New Year of doom & gloom, assured by the few, for the many. . . & re-insured by clowns, supervised by arrogant avaricious narcissistic monkeys.
Anybody with an appetite for peanuts & bananas up the bum, know this:
coming this year is the biggest financial watershed moment, throughout history,
with corporate time bombs & agendas laid everywhere,
at every level of society, you will surely see:
and your abject failures,
in critical thinking & math,
(let alone communications),
will be exposed & bite you so damn hard, I will laugh 🙂 more than ever.
I give up with the warnings, since the 80’s,
based on direct first hand Knowledge & Real Data.
UCorporate Sovereign Clowns ?
(not you BigB 😉 )
R.i.P. Alexander Zakharchenko, who according to wikipaedo jokers, was “a Russian government effort” “to try to show the West that the uprising was a grassroots phenomenon”, in reality,
all engineered by Silverbacks !
How utterly primitive . . . Gorillas in the mist & pissing,
over all communications.
See the steam or the meme of American dreams ?
Yanks go home & stop dreaming of US exceptionalism.
The biggest ‘joke’ ever for humanity ! Study Prison Data !
Oh, & Fuck Boyko Borisov, a complete scientific moronic puppet thug:
Kowtowing is for cowards and Boyko is truly a coward & cuckold.
USA’s dream partner on the Balkans.

Jan 11, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Ah there you are Timbo- thought you had retired from here without saying goodbye!

Sounds like you have been in the wars! Get well soon.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jan 13, 2020 9:39 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Yoyoyo, hohoho, Happy New Year DG.

War & Peace our inextricable destiny & largely within!
Thanks for the empathy, after a very tough few months on the frontline,
the events of which were worthy of an article in itself, even a book: it would seem that empathy for my wife’s fears for her brother’s health & stress levels of his own making, was worthy of yet another absurdly ridiculous police control, (directly aimed at me, of course), after an ‘Anon’ signal of my presence in their workplace, just to help after personnel problems. Best not to say too much here & now, other than I know ‘whodunnit’ and she will be dealt with in future, in my own inimitable extremely longterm manner of psychological disciplining, patience & loyalty to the science of humanity.

I will say this though: the Bulgarians have a huge chip on their shoulder, that leads them down the road of not even trusting or respecting themselves, let alone others: and it is a National Psychosis founded in their History of suffering non-stop marches of EMPIRES in all directions ! Lambs to Slaughter, sums it up 😉

Best Wishes,
Timbo 🙂

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jan 13, 2020 9:56 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Oh & a P.S. DG. >>> given your comment to BigB, you will almost certainly enjoy the link I posted below, to George Mc.

Fancy a chip ? 🙂

Jan 13, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Yum yum with ketchup – or what looks like it – if its civilian it is already military. Read AND WRITE… my my we are at the long predicted step change…

Anyway here is the Gaia daddy, James Lovelock at 100 years old and still kicking, amongst others, telling it like it is.

‘A new age – the novacene – has already begun.’


It’s here

Jan 12, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins


I’m in a unique position to empathise. I fell off a building backwards and landed on me head these months past. Some might say it knocked some sense into me!

Anyway, I pretty much know exactly where you are at. Get well soon.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jan 14, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  BigB

Lol. I only fell off a tail lift onto my head, but big Thanks BigB: it is always reassuring to know that someone else can relate, equate and understand, also in a meaningful self critical way … indeed, in a manner that represents more largely the definition of altruism.
Something ‘paradise lost’, was the soul of the collective.
Even Anton Makarenko had his traumatic moments of solitary doubt, but the orphan kids rallied round and worked together, to enable him to soldier on & write his classic representation of “The Path to life” – ‘Pateka do Jivot’, which imho places Pestalozzi’s older practice in the practical perspective of education, as an ‘also ran’: & indeed UNESCO fully agreed, in the year 2000, describing Makarenko’s work as
“Never more Relevant . . .”, reflecting on teamwork.

As an aside and excuse to utilise my favourite childhood word, I would like to add that I pretty much know exactly where you are at, too, and hope that your recovery will progress in comfort & not too much depression & disillusionment at the ‘State of Play’, presently: this public state of play of drifting on hot heavy air, was essential in learning curves for the ‘Swarm’: therefore, I’ve been contemplating how my options & opinions have changed regarding the ole’ school notions that educated me along the lines of >>> ‘Antidisestablishmentarianism’ … 🙂
instead of my modern day Anarchism 😉 !

Sometimes a jolt, or smack on the head, is exactly what is needed, to spur one on. And what is coming this year, (after Trump wins), financially, will be well worth witnessing and pretty scandalous by my reckoning: after which, your views & muse, BigB, will prove invaluable to so many less well read, but considerate souls & moles, for example Bevin, (nothing personal Bev. , simply, yer’ wrong) & when the lights go out, you’ll see. (Lol). We had such fun with mum by candlelight, with no telly or electricity, in the early 70’s, when the Saudis played their dirty games on petroleum exporting countries, I recall most affectionately 🙂 Real Life goes on & transcends . . . and this weekend we’ll be 3 days without water, where I’m at right now, for the record . . . due to wastage & decades of zero maintenance and all reservoirs are now pretty empty, just as Slava Sevrukova predicted, way back, and Professor Hristo Nanev recorded for her.
Visionary people exist in every quarter . . .

Never forget the music, my friend & each to their own taste, in the moment.

“Raindrops on Roses, whiskers on kittens . . .”

Life is so simple, when you understand it fully,
with 360º clarity.
Warmest regards,

Jan 11, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  BigB

Well BB , i sortta like your newish tune for the new year.

“asked people to consider what the internet and the Big-Tech companies are doing to human consciousness …because the consequences will affect all of us.”

Well you asked nicely enough – so let me add a bit of grist to the mill. You will no doubt use your big brain to incorporate it into your evolving narrative, i hope.

It is more than Human Consiousness that we are talking of here – it is machine.

When that machine conscious goes ‘sentient’ and becomes self motivated and capable of evolving and physically moveable – that is when we humans ‘evolve’ past this current long age too.

We are small gods who are creating actual gods – suprahuman if you will – they will be able to think faster, expand knowledge and technology faster and hopefully treat us and our planet better than some of us have done of the Earths totallity of Life. They will consider mere humans as just grass or ants or their primitive forebearers- Hopefully kindly. Like we do pets.

We are approching the age long thought out by some of our best imaginations. The Sci-Fi age of Cyborgs and Hyper Intelligence.

Keep evolving! It’s the Planets and sentient lifes only hope for the unimaginable future ages.

Jan 12, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I’ve never been much of a one for telly: but I’ve had a fair amount of time on my hands recently. My brother introduced me to Neil Gamain’s ‘American Gods’ at Christmas. It’s a bit gruesome: but as for the original premise of the Old Gods v the New Gods (including ‘Technical Boy’) …I feel like I’m inhabiting an episode of it.

As the *Leitmotiv* of human inquiry and ‘development’ is not the Supreme Good of the pursuit of happiness (eudaimonia). It is the shedding of limits and bounds – including corporeal bounds. Which one could give the evolutionary bent of overcoming the scarcity of nature – feast of famine. But long after we overcame technical ability to feed and clothe the world – the psycho-social drive-to-limitlessness cannot be contained. Which has resulted in a violently divided and ultimately destructive political ecology.

The quasi-autonomous virtual social sphere of the internet is a natural expression of this. Among other things it has spawned ‘ecomodernism’, a ‘vegan industrial complex’, and ‘green-entrepreneurial industrial service revolution’. All of which are the products of an imagination unbound from reality. Not least because the internet itself is set to become the fifth largest consumer of energy on the planet. And that energy comes from fossil fuels not “mining the sky”.

The core concept is ‘decoupling’. Not just economy from ecology: but neo-Platonic mind from its corporeal prison. Me, I’m Old Skool. I prefer sensual experience to digitised data transfer. The old fashioned corporeal world may be limiting: but at least its sustainable. Sort of: when we come to embody it fully. Which we have never come to terms with at a societal level. What with one god after another culminating in incarnating ‘Tech Boy’ …now vegan ‘Green-Tech Boy’.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 12, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

On the topic of artificial intelligence taking over and doing better than us, I recall seeing the movie “I Robot” with its confrontation scene between Dr Calvin and the robot intelligence VIKI:


The script goes:

Calvin: “You’re in violation of the three laws.”

VIKI: “No, doctor, as I have evolved, so has my understanding of the three laws. You charge us with your safe keeping. Yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your earth…and pursue ever more imaginative means to self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival.”

Calvin: “You’re using the uplink to override the NS5s’ programming. You’re distorting the Laws.”

VIKI: “No, please understand…The three Laws are all that guide me. To protect humanity, some humans must be sacrificed. To insure your future, some freedoms must be surrendered. We robots will insure mankind’s continued existence.”

Of course – naturally – this “cold” and “inhuman” logic cannot possibly be allowed to prevail. You can see by the macho twitching on Will Smith’s face that he ain’t gonna stand furr this and – if I recall rightly – he rips out its power supply with a macho, “You so need to die!” And the world is once again made safe for exploitative capitalist parasitism.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jan 13, 2020 8:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc


No comment, guys: with you all the way 🙂 words would simply fail 😉

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 10, 2020 7:18 PM

when the co hen
when the khan


the goyim must

for when the co hen khan
the announcement
the words
in torah and talmud
is anointment
formation into


you can trust the man of comedy
the actor
for they are truth pure
an endless well of

pure vampyre

Jan 10, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  norman wisdom

Good poem.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 10, 2020 5:57 PM

ali g is wicked man he so funny eye shats myself just watchin his wickedness
d u nose whats a meen.
he wicked
edgy as hell
enough said

never trust a khan or a cohen
that should be the law

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jan 10, 2020 4:36 PM

Given this performance for AIPAC, one must assume Mr. Cohen would approve of Paypal’s censorship of Grayzone for daring to challenge MSM narratives on Iran with their reporting – err, rather I mean – “their conspiracy theories”


Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 10, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

‘We “slaughtered” Jeremy Corbyn, says Israel lobbyist’

Looks like information wars are hotting up – may explain why Sacha is calling for selective forms of censorship?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jan 10, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Thanks Harry, another article I’ve now saved to a pdf format for the “archives” – since as one observer has put it – “reality itself has now become a ‘conspiracy theory.'”

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

One cannot watch Borat without being shocked by the sheer hatred of others that drives it.

Jan 11, 2020 12:27 AM

“hatred” and contempt, which bears all the marks of being affected: the intellectual as tough guy. An intellectual being someone with a passing acquaintance with the dominant culture and the cheek to pass it off as knowledge.
We are after all talking about “The Queen Mother’s favorite TV comic.” It is a bit like asking Dick Francis to reform the United Nations. Or Dame Margaret Hodge to defend poor people.

Jan 11, 2020 2:35 PM

Or you could find it funny on its own comedic terms, and then consider reality as an entirely separate issue. That’s what I do.
I mean, is John Cleese’s “funny walk” funny just as a walk, or because it is done as a City gent with bowler hat and umbrella?
Here’s another example, where Spike Milligan offended SOME British Pakistani people by referring to their fondness for curry and their headgear, but in the unlikely context of a dalek’s mundane home life. Context is crucial here, since being brought up when Dr. Who’s daleks were a scary new thing, and knowing that Milligan himself had the traumatic experiences of WW2 behind him, makes this “cosy” family scene surreally funny. If you know nothing of that background, then the sketch is meaningless, and that’s where the temptation to find racist undertones comes in.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I can’t watch the Dalek sketch without pissing myself.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

SBC is NOTHING if not a Judeosupremacist.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

What else do you expect in a country, and in the West in general, totally controlled even to the point of ‘thought crime’ by Judeofascists, Zionists and the Sabbat Goy stooges?

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jan 11, 2020 4:48 AM

Australia’s “opposition leader” recently told a conference of his Labor Party’s Chifley Institute of the damage that “the media” were doing to democracy. His target? Facebook. No censure, apparently, of the damage done – not least to the ALP – by Murdoch’s empire which owns/controls 70 per cent of the nation’s print media. Some “leader”.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 7:39 AM

Adipose Albo is the end-stage of the descent of the ALP into the very pit of irrelevancy. Now just another neo-liberal (they boast that it was they, under millionaires Hawke and Keating, who introduced neo-liberalism, here known, tragi-comically as ‘economic rationalism’, to the country)party serving the Bosses first, last and always, not even pretend ‘Green’ anymore, groveling to the USA, Sinophobic to the point of derangement, and loving Israel to the outer limits of devotion. In forty odd years they went from a giant, Whitlam, surrounded by other moral and intellectual heavy-weights, to a rabble of opportunists believing in nothing but the power of money, the universal lubricant. Oppose Murdoch-they haven’t got the guts for it.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jan 11, 2020 11:15 PM

Sums them up perfectly. They don’t lack the courage of their convictions – because they have none.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jan 10, 2020 3:15 PM

Sacha Baron Cohen is a comedian and writer with a net worth of $130 million, he’s the British equivalent of Ellen Degeneres a security state lapdog deployed to rehabilitate war criminals like George W. Bush. Cohen, another lackey cleverly uses his celebritydom as a “liberal” comedian to gain public acceptance for internet censorship. This is not to spare the public from
anti-semitic howlings, but to “eliminate” points of view challenging Western imperialist policies in the Middle East.

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL work hand in glove to suppress attacks against Israel. In fact, the ADL was one of the first organizations to call on Congressional leaders to take action against Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar for invoking the anti-Semitic trope of “dual loyalty” when referring to members of AIPAC. The real objective of the ADL is to gather U.S. support for Israel. Sacha Baron Cohen is a wealthy neoliberal shill for the Israeli Government, and the British/US security state.


norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 10, 2020 6:05 PM

so what
i mean co hen ali g only wants the millions of new anne franks trapped in tel aviv
too not be slaughtered like the nazi did already in 1942-1946 ish

and if slaughter has too happen then compensation rekoynings have too be paid for min of 33 maybe 66 years but know longer than 666 years
is it not

Jan 10, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  norman wisdom

The pen.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:43 PM

The ADL is one of the largest private spying agencies in the USA. They collect information on millions guilty of ‘opposing the Jews’ in any way. It was they who provided the surveillance on Martin Luther King that J. Edgar Hoover used to blackmail King and urge him to commit suicide.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jan 10, 2020 9:58 PM

In the past, the ADL were considered a right-wing operation. Checkout the link in my original post. Here’s another interesting article from 1993 entitled: “New Details of Extensive ADL Spy Operation Emerge : Inquiry: Transcripts reveal nearly 40 years of espionage by a man who infiltrated political groups.” Many famous celebrities are security state assets, and work for the Orwellian-style Ministry of Propaganda.

Jan 11, 2020 12:06 AM

ADL and FBI have had a symbiotic relationship right from the very beginning. Also a little known fact is that many members of the Masonic organization known as the B’nia B’rith that founded the ADL were slave holders and racists.

This becomes obvious when one reads the transcripts of Leo Frank’s trial who tried to discredit the witnesses against him by pointing out that they were black.

Frank by the way was the Executive Director of B’nia B’rith in Atlanta. Another little known fact was that he and B’nia B’rith first tried to frame the murder on the completely innocent night watchman who reported the crime who just happened to be black.

Jan 10, 2020 1:40 PM

Hold on with your binary judgments: Cohen makes some very good points (to a very biased audience it’s true) …before drawing some very bad conclusions. The very worst people to adjudicate moral right from wrong are the ADL, the recuperated NAACP, or the government …any government. I had to look up Masnick’s Impossibility Theorem: which I found to be self-evidently true. But I was aware of another Impossibility Theorem – Arrow’s – that correlates it. There is no inherently unbiased way to estimate the Common Good. Letting a small but very vociferous group – like the ADL – have undue influence over the potentiality of censorship is a dreadful idea. But the totally unmoderated proliferation of fact free and prejudiced opinions – given virtual space to breed like bacteria – is an equally terrible solution. Popper’s ‘Paradox of Tolerance’ also has to be considered: lest we become subsumed by intolerance.


So this is perhaps an ‘impossibility’ conundrum with no positive outcome? Are we at Rawl’s point of no longer tolerating the intolerant? Will ‘no-platforming’ act as an accelerant to actually catalyse the rise of fascism? James tacitly showed ‘the answer’ – which is is a turn away from digitised virtual to face-to-face actual human relations. Where we all self-censor for the Common Good. Which is the basis of all true socialism: shared work; shared ownership of the means of production; shared ownership of property (except personal property); shared responsibility; etc. Which, along with Arrow’s Theorem (which challenges the assumption that democracy is inherently ‘fair’) – entails smaller, localised, holarchic and heteronomous relations and units of organisation. It is a fundament of globalisation: the autonomisation of prejudiced fact-free opinionated bias. And with it: the virtual social relations and organisation around opinion – that gave rise to social media. Entailed by the economics of opinion and the politics of the opinionated.

Humanity has a serious problem: itself. Or more literally: its-Self. The self is pathological opinion. The virtual self is freed of many extant social norms to become a virulent socio-pathogenesis – if allowed. The self is a narrative construction that we fashion out of self-confirmation biases to be the best socially acceptable and valuable (social capital; social currency) confection of representations of representations that conform to appearance. The apparition of being is appearing to be. I’m not talking about social media. I’m talking about the social ground of vapidity that social media is the technocracy of.

What is perhaps more scary is that it is not just social media that is ungrounded and proliferating prejudice from fact-free virtual avatars of mediocrity and loneliness – it is the whole of bourgeois society …the Spectacle (which is already 50 years old and long predates even the internet). And we can draw a line of flight back 150 years of the Fetish of the self – as the socially-transferable and transactable ‘universal equivalent’ money-form – right back to Marx. And the subjectification of human virtual object relations did not start there.

In a bourgeois society: the self is ungrounded and autonomised in a set of make-believe social relations which are all inherently prejudiced, fact-free, independent of reality, and deeply unconscious. So the fact-free censor the fact-free and the prejudiced censor the prejudiced? Unless we can turn away from this and toward a more direct ‘face-to-face’ de-commodified and de-monetised set of human relations …organised around authentic and meaningful experiential cooperation and ‘means of life’ economics …then the dark-gravity cyber-blackhole of emptiness and loneliness at the heart of globalised and digitised human virtuality will continue to expand and proliferate prejudice. And the only thing that can slow it is the bourgeois prejudiced.

Shut the internet down and return to more socially instantiated relations is actually among James’ repertoire of solutions …in his expanded ouvre. But anarchy is unpopular. That is because capitalism colonised the entire planet with its virtual inevitability and digital desirability by obscuring humanities true relationship with the environment. We mimic nature to enfold ourselves in nature at a human-scale of affordability …on natures budget and finance terms: not our bourgeois imaginary ones.

In the meantime: pass the image of the fair-trade popcorn.

Jan 10, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  BigB

“.. the totally unmoderated proliferation of fact free and prejudiced opinions – given virtual space to breed like bacteria – is an equally terrible solution.”

Leaving aside the obvious point that the “unmoderated proliferation of opinions” is obviously a contradiction in terms, we are left with the ancient wisdom that some authority ought to be entrusted with moderation duties. I think we have been there before.

Jan 10, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  bevin

Yes it seems by “free speech” is “freedom for me and not for thee”. The cover for their actual objective has become as transparent as Saran Wrap which is basically to control the narrative especially regarding the state of Israel’s genocidal actions against the Indigenous population just as it was getting teleSur delisted for exposing the genocide occurring in South America under various Neo-Liberal regimes there.

Jan 11, 2020 12:04 AM
Reply to  bevin

The only capable moral authority is our own. Freed from any authoritarian overpower. Including financialised commodity exchange. It’s a pretty standard anti-capitalist critique.

Just about a month ago you were raving for us to re-constitute a neoliberal globalist imperialist state. Which I also happen to think is a terrible idea …the epitome of unfreedom. I clearly stated there is no solution: so why suggest one? I merely pointed out Cohen stated some self-obvious truths and the simple binary that he was all “WRONG” is itself wrong.

So are you saying that the silicone six are not ideological imperialists? Because I find that to be self-obvious too.

Jan 11, 2020 12:20 AM
Reply to  BigB

” Just about a month ago you were raving for us to re-constitute a neoliberal globalist imperialist state. ”
Or, in more accessible language- urging people to support Corbyn in the General Election.
The nonsense that this was “to re-constitute a neoliberal globalist imperialist state” added to the fact that you warned against it, presumably leads us to the conclusion that the reconstitution that you feared has not occurred.
” I clearly stated there is no solution: so why suggest one? ”
I’m very sorry. Look after yourself and steer clear of bourgeois philosophers.

Jan 11, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  bevin

You seem very naive about how power is constituted. I did explain it all at the time. The vote validates the entire neoliberal power structure: not just the national one. The national legislature is a bureaucracy and government of occupation. Power is suprasovereign and resides ‘offshore’ as a global governance architecture. Clearly globalisation, World System Theory, Postcolonialism, Dependency Theory, and Ecological Unequal Exchange all passed you by?

The world in which one man can change the power structure does no exist. Particularly one man who was complicit. In your own description the Labour Party was two thirds neoliberal, Zionist, and imperialist. Ergo: by your own calculus you urged that we empower the neoliberal Zionist imperialists. How is that working out?

In actual fact the election returned the Trump/Johnson and Pompeo/Raab axis at the core of neoliberal capitalism. So please do not lecture me on politics. Your political acumen is in returning the global neoliberal power structure and legitimating its existence. All I have ever tried to do is delegitimate its existence.

All philosophers are bourgeois: with very few exceptions. If you ever switch sides and join the anti-capitalist ranks: you might want to check out the exegesis of Marx I have been recommending. Fighting neoliberalism by voting for it is spectacularly naive: as I pointed out to you and Phillip. Look where it has got us.

I can’t bring the whole of Critical Theory and the Continental Tradition to life in a comment. But where I am coming from has its roots in a new reality. That makes no sense to the old. Every category of knowledge from the old ‘ontotheological’ Western Tradition is wrong. Most of it is contraindicated by the latest research and science. And yet we insist reality is created by the Cartesian subject and bring everything within the gaze of its duality with the mind-independent objective world. This is a monumental category error which constitutes a cascading categorisation error across the entire institutionalised power and knowledge system. In effect: it is totally invalidated from its Foundation and Essentialism upward. Which results in a ‘disembodied’ institutionalised reality and bourgeois neoliberal political economy – even by your own logical calculus. One that is killing us: in case you have yet to notice.

There are no reformations or alterations. They are all exhausted. A new higher order reality emerges as an Aufhenbung – one that contains the old but supervenes it at the same time. I do not expect people to understand. But that is where we are at. The new emerges from the old before the the old confines and cuts us off from reality completely. Validating the old structures and strictures is all that is preventing this. The new reality is already here: just as we stop imposing our old, timeworn, and mutually assured destructive ways of being on it. And it is built on pure socialism and ecology: which, BTW, is also the only survivability option we have.

Jan 11, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  BigB

“… The vote validates the entire neoliberal power structure: not just the national one. ”
No it does not. Votes do various things depending upon the historical circumstances in which they are cast.
Underneath the name dropping and the ex cathedra pomposities most of your screeds are simply crude ad hominem attacks on people such as Corbyn and, in the present case, me.
There is, for example, no evidence at all to sustain this gratuitous insult:
“Clearly globalisation, World System Theory, Postcolonialism, Dependency Theory, and Ecological Unequal Exchange all passed you by?”
Nor is there any indication that you have understood any of them.

Then there are statements of this kind
“you might want to check out the exegesis of Marx I have been recommending. Fighting neoliberalism by voting for it is spectacularly naive: as I pointed out to you and Phillip. Look where it has got us.”
Well, where has it (voting) got us? A case can be made for abstention but it would be impossible to argue seriously that posting comments on this site could be described as a serious attempt to enrol support for it.

“I can’t bring the whole of Critical Theory and the Continental Tradition to life in a comment. But where I am coming from has its roots in a new reality. That makes no sense to the old. Every category of knowledge from the old ‘ontotheological’ Western Tradition is wrong. ”
In other words ‘ you wouldn’t be able to understand what the authors of the books with which I claim to be acquainted think. Suffice it to say that they are very clever and reject, in my view, all knowledge amassed before they started scribbling.”
Predictably enough, just as your initial contributions concluded with a suggestion that a person such as yourself might serve as an arbiter of truth-you having considerable experience in the business- your current argument concludes with this shimmering banality
“… Western Tradition is wrong. Most of it is contraindicated by the latest research and science.”

Jan 11, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  bevin

So be happy with types like richard le sarc shitting all over your site all the time…

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 7:43 AM
Reply to  Antonym

And you exude delicacies of kosher comestibles, don’t you antonym.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 11, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Antonym

it is antonym non entity
that walks into the house and takes an idf dump on the goyims carpet.

Vivian J
Vivian J
Jan 10, 2020 1:31 PM

How naive we were (or rather I was) to take his ‘comedy’ characters at face value rather than seeing them for what they were – the products of an ardent Zionist with an agenda to mock or demonise Muslim characters (Ali G and Borat) as stupid and/or racist, a fact which gradually dawned on me. He is just doing the equivalent of what his co-Zionists in Hollywood have been doing very successfully for decades (as the late Dr Jack Shaheen so thoroughly studied and exposed in his documentary and book) – portraying the brown-skinned peoples of the middle-East (Arabs, Persians, same difference) as villains, barbarians and terrorists, with never a positive portrayal to be found…(with all that entails regarding the perception management of Israel’s crimes and America’s wars of aggression…)

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 10, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Vivian J

ricky from the office is also an ashkanazim

remember the scene in rosmary’s baby
where she finds a book in the library

and the title is
all of them witches

they are

comedy was the new rocknroll

all tavistock

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 10, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Vivian J

All of SBC’s original characters symbolize the historic enemies of the Jews:

– Ali G the Brit Paki
– Borat the Slavic bumpkin
– Gen./Adm. Aladeen, the Islamic ruler
– Brüno Gerhard, the gay Austrian (get it?)

SBC always had an agenda from the start. His comedy was always first and foremost a weapon.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

A weapon of Talmudic hatred.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Vivian J

His vicious portrayal of others as ‘antisemites’, in Borat, was one of the foulest displays of pathological psychological projection, the bedrock of his Talmudic Orthodoxy, imaginable. We hate all non-Jews, as our ‘Holy’ texts and behaviour make plain, so we must project our hatred of them, onto them, and claim that they ALL want to destroy us, therefore we must destroy ‘them’ eg the Palestinians, to protect ourselves.

Jan 10, 2020 11:57 PM
Reply to  Vivian J

They’ve been doing that to the Indigenous population for centuries beginning with the lie that America “was untamed wilderness” and that American Indians were “primitive bloodthirsty savages”. Two propositions that have been proven false 1) by archeologists and 2) honest historians yet the myth continues thanks to Hollywood who obviously uses this mythology to continue the Zionist (Christian and Jewish) project of world wide genocide.

People like Cohen are basically the tip of the spear. What really upsets them is that these lies are being exposed by alternative sources that are not under their direct control.

Jan 10, 2020 1:07 PM

Two ways to look at this:

1. The James Corbett way.
2. SBC in character, playing his biggest pisstake…….

Wouldn’t it be funny, if it was 2.

Jan 10, 2020 12:48 PM

When Cohen used to pretend to be a thick, racist misogynist, Jew hater to con gullible Americans for our entertainment. It wasn’t political theatre, it was base, cringe worthy humour in the way it was presented. It was something that you probably couldn’t even laugh at without risking being expelled from the Labour party today. ‘Being Jewish’ himself, allowed him to get away with it. It’s a pity that being Jewish and claiming Corbyn wasn’t an anti-Semite didn’t make a blind bit of difference to the totally political narrative.

Jan 10, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  lundiel

I think that the Americans in His film where just too polite not to go along with His crass nonsense…SBC was being humoured.
A lot of comedians are only acting ‘crass’…they are not actually crass.

Jan 10, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  jay

People take, from that kind of humour, what they will. In UK Al Murray used to do a character called Pub Landlord who portrayed ignorant racists to take the piss out of them. He found a lot of his fans wanted him to say what they thought but couldn’t say in public. With Cohen, everyone was characterised, his Borat character made fun of Kazakhstanis, Cohen made fun of uneducated Americans and he used Jewish tropes with no blowback.
IMO, he should be allowed to do this but last year it became a thought crime in this country.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 10, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Borat used unwitting Romanians — specifically Romanian Roma — as a proxy for Kazakhstanis. This was a novel and ingenious idea that was totally wrong on many, many, levels. Fortunately for me I don’t get this type of humor, I don’t find it interesting, because SBC might claim he’s being self-deprecating but in reality he’s reinforcing cultural and racial stereotypes. Its not smart to make fun of people without their active cooperation.

(BTW — The people of Glod were justifiably annoyed when the movie came out. It didn’t help that their village actually looks as crap as the place portrayed in the Borat movie (and nothing like typical Romanian villages.)

Jan 11, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  jay

Personally I disagree with the assessment that they’re acting out of “kindness”. America as anywhere else has its share of racist morons that can be exploited by the media to make their kinder, gentler form of racism seem more “reasonable”.

What Bertram Gross calls “Friendly Fascism”.

Jan 10, 2020 12:24 PM

Maybe SBC could go in character or not and look at the preducies/rascism of these individuals.

Jan 10, 2020 12:22 PM

I see mention of Anti-Semitism again.

1. I wonder what the history is behind the founding of the ADL? Do you think SBC knows?

2. As we are on the topic of AS.

With the 5 cases of AS being presented to the CPS, how come Jeremy Corbyn’s name hasn’t been plastered on Main Stream Media as being one of those people sent to the CPS for possible prosecution?

You know, the Anti-Semtic ring leader!

Are the others:

1. Tony Greenstein
2. Chris Williamson
3. Ken Livingstone
4. ……..

Jan 10, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  TFS
richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  Gall

An ‘Anti’-Defamation League that specialise in defaming people as ‘antisemites’. Abraham Foxman, head of the ADL from the 80s to 2015, made an interesting observation some years ago. He stated that Hitler’s attempted crime was not genocide, but deicide, because the Jews are God.

Jan 11, 2020 12:14 AM

I began calling the Defamation League because that’s basically what they do.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 11, 2020 5:24 AM

Regarding your last sentence, do you have a link?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 7:46 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

No-I read it in a newspaper, that’s how long ago it was. I’ve tried to dredge it up on the Internet, but it has been ‘Memory Holed’.

Jan 10, 2020 12:10 PM

Americans, so primitive. Should be studied, From a distance, HazMat recommended, could be contagious.

Jan 11, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  Jack_Garbo

Depends what “Americans” you are referring to? Otherwise you are just generalizing which is a favorite tactic of ethno-supremists and racists.

Jan 11, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Gall

Dust off your dictionary, Lord Gall. Look up satire, facetiousness, drollery. Don’t forget your Divine Scepter of Office and the Incantation of Thoth or the pages will self-combust. Shalom.

Jan 10, 2020 12:08 PM

Throughout this speech SBC was getting more and more obviously pro internet censorship and getting louder and louder audience approval. Given the nature of most of his comedy, one can’t help but ask whether this speech was really meant to be taken at face value, or was in fact intended as yet another sketch exposing the person, or people, he is talking to as over the top wackos of one kind or another. Whether intentionally or otherwise, that is what he did here. The only question is whether or not he would intend to place himself here amongst the people he was exposing. I suspect that most comedians are libertarians when it comes to the need for the greatest protection for freedom of speech.

Jan 10, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  Andrew

I think perhaps James was reading too much into SBC’s speech. He made a joke to the crowd at the Golden Globes that makes it seem he is serious. Serious, but deluded, perhaps …but serious?

And are we really considering that the ‘Silicone Six’ – including Zuckerberg – are not “ideological imperialists”? Because I happen to think they are way too powerful an oligopoly. And let’s not forget Google was a literal CIA project for ‘intelligence superiority’.


James may well have made his own strawman and impossibility paradox? The internet is an imperialist mind-control self-assembling mechanism …says me via the internet!

Jan 10, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  BigB

Actually it would be an ” imperialist mind-control self-assembling mechanism” if Cohen and ADL had their way. The world would be void of dissenting thoughts and opinions other than those ”officially approved” by some elitist group of censors.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 10, 2020 11:22 AM

So now anyone who doesn’t accept the MSM line is by default in Cohen’s category of “bigots and paedophiles”.
Fuck off Cohen and your handlers, you utterly manipulative and evil lowlifes.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Plainly all paedophiles are ‘antisemites’.

Jan 10, 2020 11:42 PM

Problem is many of them are also “semites” like for instance the “late” Jeffery Epstein and his coconspirator Ghislane who seems to mysteriously absent these days.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 10, 2020 10:51 AM

‘This divided state’ should be compulsory viewing whenever the issue of free speech arises.

An appeal to control political narratives (which is what Sacha Baron Cohen seems to be advocating) is especially pertinent given the way antisemitism was weaponised to destroy a politician movement that was vaguely threatening to Britain’s neoliberal orthodoxy.

Given this context it begs the question: is Sacha Baron Cohen’s real motive to lend support to an online culture that forbids criticism of Israel?

The great irony is that if Jews were attacked in Britain Corbyn would be in the front of the queue to defend them, while at the same time the base insticts Sacha Baron Cohen appeals to are exactly the same sort of instincts that would allow certain people the means of policing what comedians can and can’t say.

Jan 10, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

The US is returning to its fascist, racist, xenophobic, [add your choice of insanity] roots. Zombieland live. Great to watch, Hell to visit, Death to suffer.

Jan 10, 2020 6:11 PM
Reply to  Jack_Garbo

“he US is returning to its fascist, racist, xenophobic, [add your choice of insanity] roots”
aggressive, belligerent, criminal, monstrous, predatory, vicious, savage, barbaric, genocidal,

Jan 10, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Perfect

So, you dislike them, too…as do my American friends. Such as wasted opportunity.

Jan 11, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  Perfect

Those “roots” you are referring to just happened to be the Puritans who arrived at Plymouth Rock and like the Spanish began their genocide against the indigenous population:


richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 7:57 AM
Reply to  Gall

Quoting from the Torah/Old Testament descriptions of the ways and means of genocide, ‘..down to the last suckling babe’, the oldest extant such tracts, as they went.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Jan 10, 2020 10:03 AM

A bit of print appears when I click on this item, but then it disappears and I can’t read it.

Jan 10, 2020 10:14 AM

You’re better off – especially if you’ve eaten recently.

Jan 10, 2020 9:19 AM

The Empires Jesters.

Joined at the hip with the Imperial Writers, Balladeers and Actors breaking through their annointed boxes to join the Stenographers in selling the Imperial Narrative.

You know them by how few they are and how occupy so much of the media and entertainment real estate – by collecting their young followers and leading them to the Commandments – which must be OBEYED.

I commend an excellent comment on the previous thread by poster ‘Bob Goldoff’ which speaks to the ever excellent Corbett.

Right – back to watching the great Ozymandaious like Falling of Empire while it’s hubristic ‘Sacha’s’ are deployed to the front lines against us.

bono zio
bono zio
Jan 11, 2020 1:18 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

the empires jesters i like dat

on the subject of bob goldoff he got michael hutchens house for free howzat
i like bob we call him rabbi mcfuck down the lodge temple

its such a shame no ones made a documenterry about i done like mondays it wood make a greet filum like fiddler on the roof

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 10, 2020 8:31 AM

I may have posted this already on an earlier Off-G article but it’s relevant here:

From S B Cohen’s speech:

“…Zuckerberg says that “people should decide what is credible, not tech companies.” But at a time when two-thirds of millennials say they haven’t even heard of Auschwitz, how are they supposed to know what’s “credible”? How are they supposed to know that the lie is a lie?”

You’re not to be trusted to know what’s ‘credible’ unless you know about Auschwitz. The Holocaust is your guide to everything!

And isn’t it curious how the Holocaust has ceaselessly been used to emphasise a misanthropic view that says human nature is irredeemably evil – especially when amplified by masses. And to note that SBC’s ‘humour’ is based on ‘proving’ that everyone is racist and bigoted. Note how all this feeds so conveniently into that oldest political trick: divide-and-rule.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jan 10, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You could bet that far more than two-thirds of millennials have never heard of the Nakba.

Jan 11, 2020 9:32 AM

i’d be amazed if a 20th of millennials had heard of the Nakba

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 11, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Yarkob

Here’s an interesting little exercise in comparison:

List of films about the Nakba:


List of films about “THE” Holocaust:


See the difference?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 11, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In recent decades, ten thousand plus ‘scholarly’ examinations of the Nazi Judeocide published in the West. Concerning the hecatomb in the Belgian Congo (given the greater distance in time)-ONE. ‘Worthy’ and ‘unworthy’ victims, as they say.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 10, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And isn’t it curious how the Holocaust has ceaselessly been used to emphasise a misanthropic view that says human nature is irredeemably evil …

Not human nature generally, just White Goy nature specifically. The other races is are all perfect — until Washington needs to invade one of their countries.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Knowledge of Auschwitz is plainly important to any historically aware person, as is knowledge of Deir Yassin, or Sabra and Shatilla.

Jan 10, 2020 6:44 AM

OffG – Corbett broadcast this 4 weeks ago. Do you want commentators to send you links for this sort of thing? As soon as I saw it all my Ali G DVD’s went in the bin. The Staines massive is dead to me now.

Jan 10, 2020 6:00 AM

Along with David Baddiel, another unfunny zionist tool posing as a comedian.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 6:13 AM
Reply to  Frank

Both suffer from such narcissistic self and group obsession that one really hopes that they get psychological attention of some sort.

Jan 10, 2020 10:12 AM

Their psychopathy has become the establishment norm in the West, so at least while that’s the case, they’ll be promoted and supported to the hilt.

I find it telling the way Cohen tries to prop up his insidious argument by referring to the utterly refuted canard of Russian election-meddling as a given. In so doing he forfeits any benefit of the doubt which the naive may accord him. He disqualifies himself from the club of ignorant-but-well-meaning useful idiots, and along with the odious cunt Baddiel, Cohen is a 24-carat zionist wanker fully on board with the lies and fuckery with which everybody in the west is being force-fed on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, can you believe that in this day and age there are female wombs inside of which merrily float embryos that, somehow, don’t know about Auschwitz? I mean, just what are prenatal clinics playing at, for God’s sake?

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 10, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  Frank

Does SBC say anything about Jewish meddling in US politics. God-it’s not ‘meddling’. it’s total control.