REALITY CHECK: Coronavirus fear porn
This is NOT a "global health emergency", so why is everyone pretending otherwise?
Kit Knightly

China is shutting down, or so we’re being told. Cities are on lockdown. Disneyland is closed. New Year is cancelled. Every day, China closes down more theatres or other more public spaces in their desperate attempts to thwart the spread of this terrible coronavirus.
The headlines tell this virus is “mutated”, and that China’s “lockdown” is affecting 33 million people.
The Telegraph morbidly warns that it’s “highly likely” coronavirus is already in the UK, whilst CNET tells us the deathtoll is spiking.
It all sounds very scary.
The reality is that 26 people have died.
For comparison’s sake, 80,000 people died of flu in 2018 in the United States alone. (at least, according to the CDC).
Coronavirus – or rather, this particular strain of coronavirus, as they are very common and mostly harmless – has had 800 reported cases to go along with those 26 reported deaths. That’s a mortality rate of just over three per cent.
Further, we don’t even know the details of those 26 unfortunate patients, it’s entirely possible the 26 deaths are accounted for by the very old, the very young, or the immuno-compromised. But even if they’re not…3 per cent mortality is not high.
The death rate of bacterial meningitis, for example, stands at about 10%. Meningitis is an unfortunate fact of life, but it’s not a public health scare.
SARS, of course, was a public health scare – totally unjustifiably, as it turns out. Most of you will remember the SARS outbreak of 2002/2003 being similarly apocalyptically covered in the media.
In the end, over the course of just about a year 9000 cases resulted in 800 people losing their lives. These numbers are rough because, as a syndrome rather than a disease, SARS is difficultly to clearly diagnose. Assuming the stats are correct, that’s a mortality rate of about 9%…or three times this “terrifying” coronavirus.
The simple reality is that this new virus strain is currently affecting a group of people the size of a small primary school, and has killed fewer than a bad traffic pile-up or a medium-sized drone strike.
So why the lockdown? Why the fear?
Usually, that means at least one agenda. Maybe more than one.
The Ebola outbreak of 2015/16 resulted in large numbers of NATO-backed doctors descending on Western Africa to “assist”. As a result, ebola vaccines that had been awaiting approval for years got a 2 year field study, before being approved.
During the 2009 “Swine Flu” panic, a German MEP accused the World Health Organisation of “creating a panic” in order to sell vaccines. Though the WHO vehemently denied this, an independent report later found that several of the “independent flu experts” that WHO consulted had financial ties to vaccine manufacturers.
Three years ago, the Zika virus had Floridians BEGGING to be sprayed with pesticides and had millions of genetically modified mosquitoes released into the wild. Considering Zika has never been scientifically proven to do anything by cause cold symptoms, that was a nice result.
If you’re agenda-spotting in this case, be on the lookout for a “new” medicine getting rushed through patent offices. This anti-coronavirus drug will then be bought-up in huge amounts by hospitals and health services the world over.
Whichever of the handful of pharmagiants owns the patent will get a huge profit boom, plus the soaring stock prices that go along with owning the miracle cure to the scary disease du jour.
Longer-term, there is vaccination to consider. Medicine you have to take even if you’re not sick is a goldmine for pharmaceutical companies, and if the government makes them mandatory (always an issue simmering on the back-burner) well, then that’s even better. Not only does it mean they don’t really have to work (I mean, how much work do you put into a product literally everyone is legally obliged to use?), but the opportunities for large-scale genetic research (and corruption) are endless.
Generally speaking, fear is always useful. If you can frighten people they do whatever you say. A fact known to leaders and propagandists for centuries.
Following the Boston bombing, despite the manhunt being for just two alleged bombers, the entire city of Boston was put on lockdown. The national guard rolled tanks down the street, and nobody said a word.
Right now, despite fewer than 30 deaths, millions of Chinese people are under a “lockdown”. Public gatherings are being halted. That’s power you can’t buy.
It never hurts to normalise the idea of martial law. After all, you don’t know when you might need it for real.
I know there is a temptation, in alt-media circles, to see China as a good guy just because they oppose US imperialism, but they have corruption and authoritarianism there too. Their officials are just as power-hungry as ours. There’s no reason to think they wouldn’t take advantage of a crisis (or even create one), in order to increase their control.
Hell, maybe there is no clear agenda at all. Maybe that’s just the psychology of power. Maybe scaring people feels good, and maybe controlling them feels better. Maybe there’s no point in doing terrible things to get into power if you’re not going to use it for its own sake.
Is it possible there’s more to this story? Some fundamental dishonesty most people never think to question? As always with the mainstream media, it’s difficult to take anything for granted.
We don’t know the casualty numbers are accurate, China could be downplaying the threat to minimise panic.
We don’t know that the “lockdown” is as extensive as our media report, the press could be exaggerating to paint China as hysterical or autocratic.
We don’t even know for sure the disease exists at all, when you think about it.
As usual, absolute scepticism is required. It’s hard to say exactly what’s happening yet, but when 26 deaths makes international news…that means something is going on.
Stay tuned.
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This is an excellent article that FINALLY tells the TRUTH.
Howe do you know that is truth?! Fact:around world man and woman are dead of that virus?!
Hi all its march 7th here and the actual mortality rate is 3% for those 80 years of age and older and dropping significantly depending on how young you are. These numbers are based outside of china so more reliable.
I officially nolonger trust you David. If you look at the Chinese whistleblowers on YT, your eyes will open. Why would China order 1 million mobile incinerators if there are only 26 dead? Where on earth are you getting that figure from. Nope, you David, are trying to re-route people like us that are paying attention. Always feared you had been got to, or were already a mouth piece from the start.
anyone can pretend to be a “whistleblower”. And China may indeed be incinerating its citizens, even ones who are not sick, it’s not like they haven’t committed similar atrocities.
“I want to live in fear ” ” my brains want fear porn” “Media and government don’t lie, they are too stupid to lie we sheep are smart that’s why people on yt are real not government actors” facepalm… that’s who sheeple are going down, you try to open their eyes, but they even shut down harder.
Incinerators were made for vaxxed people, not for fake covid
Perhaps the virus escaped from the lab? Sounds rather too much of a coincidence that the virus emerged in the same city as the only lab working on this virus?!
The of course the media spread panick and after a year os so miraculously the vaccine will be developed
A really good business model (if your that way inclined!)
Better buy shares in the vaccine company!
Virology institute there has China’s only secure lab for studying deadly viruse
Why do you want to complicate the simple situation of bullying of the herd? There is no virus, nobody released any virus and nobody will. The only virus is in people’s heads called stupidity. And you can easily get this virus from the news channels.
The odds are that this virus is man-made. Viruses wrapped in RNA don’t occur in nature, nor do they leap from animal to humans without human intervention. What’s the bet that the US launched this attack on China? Of course, we’ll never know and I’ll be called a conspiracy nut, but they’ve done it before, starting with Native Americans, so it doesn’t surprise me.
If not now, then inevitably. How else to defeat the greatest population on Earth, the largest economy, and a military just strong enough to obliterate the USA?
The odds = 0, since the same powers behind the two.
The odds = 0, since USA ultra-rich and Chinese ultra-rich, aren’t living on the Moon.
The odds = 0, since if there was a real virus – the planes would e grounded the next our it was detected. Not because to protect you- but tho protect themselves. Those planes who refused would be takedown with the missile rockets.
The odds = 0, since we hade so many fear-mongering scams in the past.
The odds = 0, since we are overpopulated- and vaccines reduce the population.
and I could continue until the next evening…
So now, I’m reading that the fatality rate 15%:
However, read further in and we get this:
As usual, nothing about the affected, age, health etc.
If the news reports pandemics in a panic driven, sensationalist way, then its looking for ratings or working to someone’s agenda.
If a real pandemic emerged, I would think (hope) that the government and media would be trying to keep the public calm and avoid panic so they can share important information
But if the media and governments keep ‘crying wolf’ with each of these virus scares, what happens when a real pandemic threat comes along and a weary and cynical public roll their eyes and think “Oh yeah, sure, just like Swine flu, Bird Flu, SARS etc etc”
exactly, a simple logic, a simple common sense thinking, that 90% of the population is missing
Yeah, fear porn that is why China is building hospitals hand over foot (LOL). Wait another week and then you will see….but oops….too late. And China report the fatalities and infection rate honestly (sic) of course they do. Nothing to see here…move on…LOL
How does it feel to be wrong???
Wrong? Only wrong ?:)
The WSWS have bought it:
Worse, it’s a nasty, vindictive piece.
I think the WSWS are so eager to read every crisis as portending the collapse of capitalism that they don’t pause to wonder if some of these crises are manufactured to aid capitalism.
I see that the latest stats indicate a death rate of about 1.3%, less than SARS.
The Trots hate China because it has succeeded without following the perfect Trot program to the letter. Other, even less savoury, motivations are probably at work, too.
According to the World Health Organisation, road traffic accidents kill more than a million people every year. Yet I have never seen the corporate media jump up and down about this preventable cause of death.
Today, the corporate media are marking the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Yet the liberation is constantly referred to using the passive voice. Its almost like they don’t want anyone to know who liberated Auschwitz.
Last week, Sky News had a segment reporting that a giant Antarctic ice sheet was about to shear off and raise the global sea level by three metres. But this immensely important news was not repeated, or explored or elaborated upon in order to provide warnings to coastal communities, as it was knocked off the agenda by the Wutan outbreak of a viral infection, which was obviously much more important.
Nothing the corporate media says can be taken at face value, even when it is accurate information, for there is always an ulterior motive.
People saying this is nothing because There are less than 3000 cases have not read the reports from credible monitoring groups that plainly state only about 5% of the total cases have been confirmed. This means there are at least 60,000 infected and this virus is more infectious and far more deadly than the flu with up to 5%-15% mortality rates based on some reports. You don’t quarantine 15 cities and 60 million people unless you are scared shitless. I do NOT think this is the Black Plague like some are saying or anything of the sort but saying this virus is nothing more than a seasonal cold virus is equally glib.
BREAKING: Coronavirus Hits 15% Fatality Rate, 83% Infection Rate for Those Exposed; Lancet Publishes Early Study That Points to Alarming Consequences for Humanity
Saturday, January 25, 2020 by: Mike Adams
BREAKING: The U.S. news media is currently running about one to two days behind the Chinese media in covering the bombshell revelations surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. Natural News has Chinese-speaking investigators on the ground in Taiwan, and they’re scanning the Chinese media for the most important announcements.
Earlier today, the Taiwan media began reporting on a new mainland Chinese study that specifically looked at the individuals involved in this Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. We have a partial translation and link below. According to this news, which is widely circulating in the Taiwan press and is based on a study published in The Lancet, the Wuhan coronavirus fatality rate has leaped to 15%, and the infection rate among those exposed is 83%.
These numbers are virtually unheard of in the world of microbiology and infectious disease transmission. It means that 15 out of every 100 infected people will die. It also means that 83 out of 100 exposed people will become infected and able to transmit the disease to others.
So for every 100 people who are exposed, around 12 will die (15% of 83).
The only criticism of this study is that its sample size was relatively small, given that it’s still very early in the outbreak of this disease. The study looked at 41 cases of individuals who were exposed.
If the infection rate stands at 83%, this pandemic will be impossible to contain
Also note the more detailed list of symptoms offered by The Lancet:
Fever: 98%
Cough: 76%
Fatigue: 44%
Sputum production: 28%
Headache: 8%
Haemoptysis: 5% (coughing up BLOOD)
Diarrhea: 3%
Also note it took eight days to develop dyspnoea, or difficulty breathing.
Bill Gates’name is connected with 1) the simulation exercise 3 months ago 2) Corona patents and 3) the coming vaccine.
RED ALERT: “there has never been a commercial product utilizing mRNA technology approved for use…”
And there you have it. The vaccine that is being tapped by the US government… under its National Institutes of Health…through drug company Moderna…HAS NEVER BEEN USED ON THE PUBLIC BEFORE. IT IS NOT LICENSED FOR PUBLIC USE.
What in the world could possibly go wrong? ”
– Vaccine for the China virus—the planet is the guinea pig for a vast experiment
by Jon Rappoport,
January 26, 2020
Whether the R0 value and fatality rate is high or not, real of fear porn hype, they are nonetheless using it for restructuring society now; forced vaccinations?, restrictions, vaccine passport, preventing large assembly for protests coinciding with economic crash. Ordo ab Chao. etc.
In what way are these ‘monitoring groups’ credible? Why is their unsourced allegation worth more than others?
If ‘only 5% of total cases have been confirmed’ then the other 95% may not even be this ‘new’ agent. In fact that’s a meaningless statement in any real world setting.
Hysterical reporting from Chinese media is still hysterical reporting. A partially-translated scare story from Taiwan, partly based on an article in the Lancet doesn’t seem any more of a reliable source than fear porn on Sky News.
You also quote Jon Rappoport who believes the coronavirus is fake news, but you leave out that part and just focus on the scary stuff about a potential untested vaccine.
Fear is clearly your main objective here.
“In what way are these ‘monitoring groups’ credible? ”
They are in Taiwan and monitoring China. These people worship Jesus and the US military. Their main source is the Book of Revelation.
Admin, you sound afraid. Yes, YOU ARE! But Fear Not! Jesus Loves You even if you are not underage!. Tickets to Heaven on Sale Now!. Grab your Ticket to Eternity now as the special ends soon!.
2700 cases so far, 81 fatalities which is a 3% fatality rate.
It should stop at 3.3% LMAO
Novel troll spreading disinfo-the Integrity Initiative strikes again!
Another angle to explore (if people haven’t already):
— Are the global establishment trying to set in motion their plan of a completely digital centralised world ‘economy’/system but first they need a ‘plausible’reason to make the system transfer happen? Yes, the very top policy-makers in the West and the so- called ‘BRICS’ working together; many people seem to deny this – it is extremely possible: remember history & patterns show thet tptb are mostly narcissists/socio/psychopaths who like conspiring when it comes to power and like using the ‘Hegelian Dialectic’! This Coronavirus could be the ‘false flag; their ‘psychological operation’ to totally phase out paper money/cash and bring-in their digital system? There have been several MSM articles on how paper money allegedly transfers bacteria/viruses/diseases.
Many indicators could show this could be the case? Example: Over the last few years, many different economic forecasters have kept pointing out that complete, major global economic reform is needed to stabilise our current (purposely made) ‘fragile global economy’. Along with the fact that now too many of the general public — who are getting relatively poorer and are not self-sufficient — are close to finding out the truth about how and who is running the world and why they are doing it, and are starting to fight back against globalism/technocracy. Hand-in-hand with the observations made by others here already that last November Bill Gates’ happened to do a simulation of the (patented) Coronavirus – could many of these things and similar help us make some connections? This virus or another one (along with the timing of the 5G rollout worldwide; which apparently cumulatively weakens immune systems) could have been planned far in advance – to be used as the excuse to lead us to their ultimate goal of a one-world, centralised, technocratic. global, completely digital world? It is not out of the bounds of possibility if you have seen the globalists’ modus operandi.
Make no mistake the global establishment want to implement their global Smart Grid/IoT very soon – for them it’s make or break; they wouldn’t spend billions & billions of money and colossal amounts of resources on it for it to be left by the wayside?
Note: Maybe this current virus (and other future planned viruses) do not create pandemics in our modern sociey and are only the official excuse to cover up the truth. The truth that the world-populations’ ill health and the real culprit of the deteriorating health may actually be due to the damaging 5G system itself? Remember we are all electrical beings; the universe is essentially electrical. The natural frequencies of the Earth keeps everything including people healthy; on the other hand, artificial man-made frequencies cause harm & disease, and disrupt natural processes like bees’ navigation systems.
As I said, just some different things to explore…
Hmm. After mentioning 5G (above) I’ve just seen this article – interesting; (apart from the fact that certain artificial EMF/RF/pulsed frequencies are bad for biological health including humans’ health) are certain viruses (including patented, man-made viruses) ‘spurred-on’ by artificial frequencies like 5G, I wonder…?
“Today, Huawei announced their support for Hubei Mobile and Hubei Unicom to launch 5G base stations in the Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital. As you’ve probably heard by now, the Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital is the building China is trying to build as quickly as possible to fight against the Coronavirus epidemic…”
Revolts against neo-liberal capitalism are breaking out everywhere, as the hedge fund, money fund, vulture fund and sundry other mega-parasites make plain that they will never cease stealing all the world’s riches for themselves alone. So, something’s gotta give, and the extermination plans to be rid of the ‘useless eaters’ must be put into practise. China is the greatest obstacle to the Gods Upon the Earth’ ruling forever, so they must be the prime target, if not now then soon.
A good article, many thanks for this.
You can add in Bird Flu and CJD as two other scares which were way less important than the scaremongering media made out.
Having said that, in medical terms, it is better to be a bit paranoid upfront rather than letting 50,000 die through being too laissez faire.
However, being paranoid initially does not require you to vaccinate everyone later when the ‘scare’ proves to be another flash in the pan, as this has a 98%+ probability of being.
What you can be sure of is that the Wall St speculators would have placed their bets before the story broke. That is the way the world works. You make your money having 24hrs+ start. You sell your position just as the frenzy reaches fever pitch.
James Murdoch was very useful to GSK in this kind of scenario. As an NED on a pharma giant, he could add zero about drug development, regulation or marketing. But he had a family globally skilled in generating mass mood swings. GSK paid him handsomely for that expertise. Makes you wonder how the BBC gets paid for their similar actions……….
Who knows exactly what is going on here, but the article is correct in saying that there is an agenda.
Our job as sentient citizens should be to work out what that is.
Prematurely cynical – flawed mathematics. It is early days. It is prudent to act early, just as we should have with global warming. Otherwise, & here is some actual math logic, you may end up with a really big problem out of control. Justice would take the smuggest skeptics first.
We know there’s a major narrative push when we see commenters popping up to warn everyone sombrely about the dangers of skepticism!
Don’t question. Believe and you will be saved.
It took me a couple of hours to convince my Chinese friend in HK to take off his mask. But I did, he’s now, even more, pissed off on Chinese government than before. Not because they scammed him with coronavirus, but because they stole from him, his family, his friends, boss money with pump and down stock market crash. Everybody lost money there. It’s in billions if not trillions. Who knows.
You aren’t allowed to sell a mask on the street or as a company if you don’t have a license.
Wow. I didn’t ask him if I use my yesterday’s socks on my head I would be incriminated but the point is this: 100m mask produced a day. Priced at 2.5-3 Euro. The mask cost is 0.05-0.1 cents. That’s I know for sure. My friend is importing medical stuff. He had half container of masks that mouse and rats were eating for years, now sold in one second. He bought at 0.1 cents. So that’s a 300.000.000 million stollen from people daily. 10 days 3 billion Euro are stolen. And it’s only the mask. Where are the rest stock markets, killing small businesses? Coca-Cola won’t die in China, but you with your started beverage business will. Vaccines is just a part of the business. There is a much bigger picture that we don’t see. A simple picture the richer gets richer the poorer get poorer. And what’s more important- they don’t need more money, they print it for themself, they just don’t want that you will have money. A simple as that.
Clue no.1: Having the number 33 rubbed in our faces. 33 million. Not 30, mind you, not 32 or 34.
This is nothing but intel agencies’ standard handshake. A masonic symbol to flag that the event is manufactured – or in many cases, never happened. Keep your eyes open for the magic 33 or 22 popping up in the news – and not just about health scares. You’ll see it everywhere.
Newly affluent Chinese who were only allowed to have one child are famous for their deep self-preservation mode. Helicopter parents. Dragon mothers. If you tell them the only way to escape the virus is to burn their house down and donate a kidney, they will do it.
Absolutely correct re the numbers.
What nonsense. China doesn’t need this kind of thing to “control its population.” The last thing the CPC wants is a health crisis of this sort. They are doing just fine without it.
Fear porn for sure, Coronavirus patent
Incredible. What a hoax.
Here she goes again. Petra, did you know eggs come out of chickens’ bums? Same hole. Who do you imagine would organise something like that?
Thanks for the link, Einstein. Did you actually read the application first?
It is not a global health emergency, yet, but it has the distinct potential of becoming one.
I think that the Chinese authorities are using this disease outbreak as a test of their measures to contain future, more lethal and communicable, disease outbreaks, whether natural or part of an almost inevitable Western bio-warfare attack.
Why wouldn’t you think this IS already a Western bio-warfare attack. The West has a long history of conducting & experimenting with bio-warfare scenarios and actually using it on populations.
The USA was almost certainly behind the African Swine Flu outbreak in China, and many other places as well, just as they were in the 70s in their bio-warfare attack on Cuba, using this pathogen.
That’s just an alternate fear narrative. The data suggests swine flu was as exaggerated as every other recent ‘killer bug’.
So what mortality rate among pigs from the recent outbreak of ASF, does your ‘data’ show?
Perhaps I have mistakenly said African Swine Flu, instead of African Swine Fever. My apologies for my incoherence.
Your amount of anger is surprising. As is your apparent assumption that I am claiming to be a pathogen-database.
I’m not a pathogen database. I’m Jeremiah. I put in a few volunteer hours a week as an Admin on OffG. There are two of us. The other one is called Sophie and is very nice. She isn’t a pathogen database either
Forgive my impertinence, but where, in my comments immediately above, is any ‘anger’? In my use of inverted commas? I have even apologised for getting my terms incorrect.
More likely they remember the international criticisms they’ve had for their handling of earlier communicable disease problems and–given the current fragility of their economy, which, if it gets out of hand, could, amongst other downsides, significantly derail Prez Xi’s BRI for years–are super anxious to ensure that international relations in the humanitarian field don’t cause or contaminate any trade difficulties.
6o million in lockdown
it will soon be 66 million on the news
what a test
what a data harvest for the un zio satanists
Coincidence or what
If we are going to have ‘fear porn’ forced on us, we should at least look at what is really being implemented on us (apart form and not least the UN’s Agenda21/2030 including 5G, weather modification, etc). E.g Geoengineering – an article from Scientific American a few days ago:
NOAA Gets Go-Ahead to Study Controversial Climate Plan B – Government climate scientists will study two geoengineering proposals to counteract global warming:
“The top climate change scientist for NOAA said he has received $4 million from Congress and permission from his agency to study two emergency—and controversial—methods to cool the Earth if the U.S. and other nations fail to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.
David Fahey, director of the Chemical Sciences Division of NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory, told his staff yesterday that the federal government is ready to examine the science behind “geoengineering”—or what he dubbed a “Plan B” for climate change.
Fahey said he has received backing to explore two approaches.
One is to inject sulfur dioxide or a similar aerosol into the stratosphere to help shade the Earth from more intense sunlight. It is patterned after a natural solution: volcanic eruptions, which have been found to cool the Earth by emitting huge clouds of sulfur dioxide.
The second approach would use an aerosol of sea salt particles to improve the ability of low-lying clouds over the ocean to act as shade.
This technique is borrowed from “ship tracks”—or long clouds left by the passage of ocean freighters that are seen by satellites as reflective pathways. They could be widened by injections of vapor from seawater by specialized ships to create shading effects.
Research in both techniques, Fahey emphasized, are recommended in a forthcoming study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine titled “Climate Intervention Strategies that Reflect Sunlight to Cool Earth.”
But in a sign of how controversial the topic is, Fahey recommended changing the nomenclature from geoengineering to “climate intervention,” which he described as a “more neutral word.”
Fahey also emphasized this is not an approval to move forward with geoengineering. Rather, it’s to prepare the U.S. government for a political decision if the world fails to adequately limit the rise of global warming…
The big question would be: what chemicals/materials are actually being used in geoengineering, and what are all the real purposes for this if (as many of us including many scientists suspect) the ‘Climate Change Crisis’ is an establishment con/lie?
the climate change hysteria will be intensified while geoengineering is used to weaponise the weather there are more arrays than just HAARP
The only ‘scientists’ who ‘suspect’ that climate destabilisation is a ‘con’ are those on the fossil fuel or Rightwing ideological pay-rolls, including those lovely ‘scientists’ who also made a buck out of denying the harm of tobacco smoking.
@ Richard Le Sarc – You don’t really believe that do you? That absolutely no honest scientist could possibly disagree honestly with any part of the CAGW hypothesis?
Have you looked at the range of opinions? Read a good spectrum of dissenting studies? Are you absolutely confident there’s not a single valid or reasonable point that could be honestly upheld by an honest doubter?
I’m not personally questioning AGW, because I have always accepted it, I’m questioning this degree of auto-dismissal which doesn’t seem applicable to anything science-based.
I’m also aware a lot of this doctrinal binary thinking has been induced into popular liberal Left culture by the same corporate faux Greens promoting widespread despoliation of the natural world as a ‘solution’ to global warming. This bothers me. Does it not bother you?
Catte, the power elite will exploit manmade climate change for their fascist agenda, of course, and push out controlled opposition to muddy the waters – one must always be careful of that. As far as I’m aware the basic hypothesis is, absent factors to counter it, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes global warming and climate change. What’s to disagree with there? What part is there to disagree with?
My hypothesis is incomplete:
Absent factors to counter it, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes global warming and climate change. This process is hastened and made irreversible by a positive feedback loop, eg, as ice melt increases in the Arctic, both the albedo effect is reduced and greater dark water will absorb more heat, creating further warmth, melting more ice, etc. The thawing of the permafrost is of massive concern because it’s releasing methane, which has a far greater greenhouse effect than CO2 … and there’s so much more going on, of course.
The hypothesis is contestable at all levels. That is science. It has long been refined and improved, as all scientific paradigms are, until they are overthrown by some better understanding, if they ever are. It has not been refuted in the manner that the denialists claim ie it is all a hoax, a conspiracy between Al Gore and the world’ s scientific academies and societies, CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, nitrogen is, it’ s all ‘ cyclical’ etc. The only scientists who push that disinfo are corrupted, renegades with psychological axes to grind and other loons. As for ‘honest doubters’, I respect them, but every denialist I encounter, particularly this late in the day, is anything but an ‘honest doubter’. Most are fanatic zealots whose understanding of science is zero, but their paranoia and arrogance is Brobdingnagian.
Of course any so-called cure for anthropogenic climate destabilisation that leads to the despoliation of the natural world is wicked. But the only real way to avert a catastrophe, if that is still possible, is by ceasing to burn fossil fuels. That requires doing away with capitalist growth at all costs, which is why the Right and the fossil fuel industry, which is valued in the tens of trillions, have spent so much money and effort creating an industry dedicated to denial of science, rationality, evidence and any concern for Life on Earth.
Inneresting. How about we do a retrosurvey to determine the proportion of auto-dismissals to auto-acceptances?
Anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialism merits ‘ auto-dismissal’, in my opinion, because it is NOT ‘science-based’. Quite the opposite. It is ideologically and psychologically based in its entirety.
There was a news item sometime last year on the BBC about geo-engineering. Prof Sir David King (a bought and paid for academic who is quoted as saying that GM food is actually better for you than non GM) was to be heading up a team at Cambridge University to look into ways to use such methods to ‘combat climate change’. Such news serves one purpose which is to try and cover up the fact that it is being used now and has been used for many years.
As the climate destabilisation cataclysm rapidly worsens there will be plenty of crazy schemes to limit the catastrophe, all to no avail as long as the fossil fuel industry and its legions of hard Right denialists, dominate Western public policy. Even ending greenhouse gas emissions overnight would be too late now, as natural positive feedbacks have already begun. The denialists have won, and I’m sure they’ll enjoy their famous victory.
Climate change mitigation is currently worth billions in research grants, patents, etc etc. Carbon offsetting is worth more billions. All the major financial centers are 200% behind the climate emergency and the investment opportunity it presents. Big Oil is too. As is Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, most of the automobile industry, all the environmental NGOs and the UN.
Sweeping new regulations are being planned, large scale social experiments to curb meat production, extend GMO research and develop lab-grown food, all in the name of arresting what used to be global warming, became climate change and is now climate ‘destabilisation’.
The BBC no longer allows dissenting ‘denier’ voices to be heard.The other terrestrial channels have made no formal announcement but rarely permit denier or even questioning voices to be heard. Whole swathes of educated people have been taught as a result of this consensus to believe only truly evil corrupt souls question anything about the reality of manmade climate, and they willingly self-censor any such questionings in their own minds for fear of ridicule, isolation and social stigma.
Yet with all this you somehow contrive to believe that AGW is some minority issue backed only by well-meaning hippies and not a multi-billion dollar international psyop/money-making and social engineering scheme it has clearly become.
The fossil fuel industry is worth tens of trillions, and that puts any amounts involved in climate science research into the shade, by several orders of magnitude. And climate science is in the service of averting a catastrophe that will kill billions, and perhaps all human beings and most higher Life on Earth, and the fossil fuel financed denialist industry is working to protect the Moloch’ s tens of billions in yearly profits, at the expense of Life on Earth. The moral, let alone intellectual, choice is pretty easy.
…and fuck anyone else’s government, as usual. Ooops, what a giveaway. Strike that last bit.
Good article and many brilliant points BTL.
Off the top of my head, a few more angles to consider? I like OffG because people think on different levels; geopolitics has different layers. Also, observations, history and patterns show that the global establishment are always think a few steps ahead and their actions always have multiple motives:
— China’s first Biosafety Level Laboratory was built in 2015 and is situated in Wuhan province. Note: the Skripal ‘incident’ was in Salisbury; Britain’s Porton Down ‘secret’ chemical/biological weapons’s testing lab (opened in 1916) is situated extremely near to Salisbury.
— China’s cities have started implementing the 5G e.g. first 5G campus network went into trial at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in East Lake High-tech Development Zone (Optics Valley of China) in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei province, on Feb 20th 2019. Note: 5G has many effects on biological systems including damaging mitochondria/DNA (including in humnas) which affects the immune system so any virus which would normally not affect people’s health very much could do more extensive damage and spread more extensively & quickly through a 5g community?
— Many countries have been fervently making Coronavirus vaccines for a long time now. Note: reasons for imposing mandatory vaccines has been one of the major plans by the global establishment from the outset of their global governance agenda with insidious motives including depopulation, infertility and nano-micro-chipping for complete surveillance aka neo-slavery.
And I’m sure other people have other even better points…
Just found this article – CORONAVIRUS is a Patented Virus:
“Below is a quick list of patents which deal with this ‘new’ coronavirus. Well there is a pretty recent patent as of July 4th, 2019 with this coronavirus. We know how most of these viruses are lab created and this provides some more reach or information to research”:
Why would the Chinese plan their ‘secret’ chemical/biological weapons’s testing lab in a 11 million big city like Wuhan?
Are the Chinese measures so harsh because they know it is a weaponised virus?
Yes, it opens up even more questions that need to be considered?
Zionist Sinophobic hate propaganda, as usual. How is ‘research’ going into ‘ethnically specific’ bio-weapons in Israel’s massive bio-warfare establishment? I bet you were heart-broken when you lost your beloved South African, fellow apartheid, research colleagues in this essential work.
It can’t be ruled out this is some kind of biological weapon. Russia, for example, is surrounded by US biological weapons labs in countries like Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, that have been collecting DNA from Russians.
The USA spends tens of billions EVERY year on bio-warfare ‘research’. The Pentagon runs an archipelago of bio-warfare ‘research’ centres worldwide, and has spent years collecting samples of blood, tissue, including neoplasms and DNA from every identifiable human population group. For ‘defensive’ purposes, only, of course.
i believe they have a new vaccine to sell 😉
Russia is actively developing a vaccine.
It’s interesting.. 3% equated to 50 million people in the 1918/Spanish flu” strain of h1n1. That was considered an epidemic.
So 3% could be considered a high proportion, I guess, Kit?
Could I ask where you got those numbers? The cursory research I did says the SF of 1918 had a mortality rate of anything between 10 and 20% (statistics are disputed).
Very stupid me. It was on Wikipedia. I got the percentage of those infected who died mixed up with the percentage of the world who died. 1/3 of the world was infected. 10-20% of those infected died. (Comparatively very high in contrast to the coronavirus.) That results in a 3-6% of the world’s population.
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.
The non-existent-according-to-corprate-Mafia-media Yellow Vests are sending a team to London to protest the incarceration and torture of the-australian-government-doesn’t-know-who-he-is Julian Assange, outside Belmarsh prison, today 25 Jan 2020.
Yes, and talking of the Gilets Jaunes. The starkness of the mainstream media’s complete blackout of the growing protests against Macron and his globalist agenda is not going unnoticed by people in every country. The most recent ones like #greve24janvier are even bigger protests than the last ones. The lid must come off the boiling pot very soon, surely?
You can’t expect the MSM to cover unrest all that way across the Channel, T., 20 odd miles away. A vast distance. Especially when they have to cover Hong Kong, right on their doorstep.
What has this to do with the topic?
It is right on the topic of compassion. Sane people naturally tolerate compassion.
Do you have anything against Compassion? Try to show some, it is healthy!
The topic is:
REALITY CHECK: Coronavirus fear porn
This is NOT a “global health emergency”, so why is everyone pretending otherwise?
I have a vast amount of compassion and of empathy, even too much for my own good, but we are not discussing these here.
I am as active as my limitations allow with regard to freeing Julian Assange on various media, but what, according to you, does Julian Assange’s awful situation in Belmarsh and with regard to the totally biased British judicial system (blatant conflicts of interests among the two judges) have to do with the coronavirus, which is what is in discussion here?
Doesn’t the article imply we are being subjected to what is tantamount to Mind Control? Why do you think Yellow Vests are protesting? Don’t you think we need Assange more than ever?
And we need more like him!
I don’t think that you ‘tolerate’ compassion. You either possess it, or not.
There is another possibility to consider and that is that the disease symptoms and the coronavirus that may or may not be causing them are being complicated by environmental factors in Wuhan and some other cities where there have been deaths.
It’s winter-time at present in China and parts of north and north-central China could be getting an extra cold snap. At this time too, due to Lunar New Year, millions are on the move in China and the extra travel may be creating more air pollution if more people are driving cars and using more public transport that also relies on fossil fuels. If Wuhan and other affected cities sit along rivers – last time I looked at a map of China, Wuhan was located on the Jiangzi River – and are hemmed in by hills and mountains, and inland China is quite mountainous, these cities may be subject to a local weather phenomenon known as a temperature inversion in which cold air over the city may be trapped under a layer of warm air and cannot rise. Pollutants such as soot are trapped.
Most deaths from the disease in Wuhan and other cities have been of elderly people with compromised immunity systems. Local environmental factors that may have made their illnesses worse should not be ruled out.
We should not rule out the possibility either that the presence of the coronavirus in sick people does not mean that that coronavirus is the cause of the illness. The virus may have always been present in Wuhan and other places. As statistics teachers keep reminding us, correlation is not the same as cause. What if some people with Wuhan-like flu or pneumonia symptoms turn up to a hospital one day and are tested, and discovered not to have the coronavirus in their bodies at all?
That is so very interesting, Jen. So could it be the coronavirus is a complete hoax and they simply want to put a stop to movement that will cause suffocating pollution?
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel: “pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019” –
Like all those ‘drills’ that were held on 9/11, or on the day of the London Tube bombings.
A bit different as those were held on the same days as the events to cause confusion and act as cover so the events could happen, this seems to me to be more of a planning exercise as to how they can use the event to their benefit, one of the most important topics to them looks to be what they can do to censor/control the internet more than they already are, blaming the internet for spreading false information rather than the lying propaganda construct otherwise known as the MSM looks to be one of their main priorities in this exercise, be interesting to see where they are going to take this Kung Flu virus narrative.
The events, in fact, were drills pushed out as real, “live drills” you might say.
The bombings and attack were events that occurred on one day, only, whereas a bio-warfare attack would proceed for some time, with carefully predicted ‘mutations’ of the ‘deadly’ virus occurring from time to time.
The July 1944 bomb plot was ostensibly a military exercise to deal with internal unrest.
The recent CIA coup attempt to overthrow Erdogan in Turkey was disguised as an anti terrorist exercise.
I think that says it all really. I’m convinced now, the whole thing is a complete hoax.
I notice a quote in the comments:
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you bet it was planned that way.
– Franklin D. Roosevelt
Greta Thunberg and this Corona strand have one thing in common and one thing opposite: both are vehicles for psychological fear creation but Greta doesn’t fly physically while Corona does.
The current plague of Locusts affecting some Eastern African countries also fly physically, and add another element of the fear factor to our news food.
It must have the end of dayers in an orgasmic expectation of their rise to heaven – locusts, pestilence, brimstone & fire, war … what else?
She probably doesn’t travel ‘First Class’ neither?
B.T.W.: mysteriously Greta never felt the urge to travel to China (Trans Siberia express!), the most CO2 belching nation on Earth.
Or does the 10 years before CO2 Armageddon only count for gullible Westerners? Is that why she is at the 0.1% Davos “summit”?
Can’t help letting your Sinophobic racism ooze out, can you?
Look at all the up-votes you get for slagging Greta off!
Well once I saw headlines saying “it’s here” and “China did this on purpose” I knew high levels of scepticism was needed. Another fear story that most people I know have fallen for…….:AGAIN like the herd fall for everything and seem to almost enjoy being fooled
This article contains several basic errors about statistics:
Whoops, messed up the formatting. Sorry about that.
I made some ‘back of the envelope’ math equations below, showing that one can be even more skeptical about the 3% death rate and that the ‘real’ death estimate for this virus probably turns out to be close to 0%, as is usual for common cold.
So the skepticism of Kitt is well taken, as are his hypotheses of why this hoax is happening. For us normal people, this is a guess, but if you (Matt) are more informed about the underlying reason, please enlighten us, instead of attacking the messenger.
He didn’t attack the messenger, he laid out his reasons for disagreement quite clearly. You, otoh, expect readers to blindly accept your mysterious ‘back of the envelope’ calculations, which is just another way of saying “take my word for it”.
Anyone can do a ‘back of the envelope’ equation. I gave my assumptions, you don’t have to agree with them. Better would be to make your own assumptions and do the back of the envelope calculation yourself. Or you just believe the 3% death rate, which is fine to me too, but be aware that it is just that: belief.
In terms of Matt’s reply: he only said that many statistics that Kit used were wrong, and then instead of discussing statistics (as I did below) he quotes Kit’s potential reasons why this hoax is played (as if that has anything to do with statistics!)
Anyway, that is how I read Matt’s comment.
The Integrity Initiative have sent reinforcements!
Never mind the formatting, your presence is much appreciated .. (When Matt is here, there is no Denial of Service attacks)
Dear me-the Integrity Initiative slime-bags are active, even here, taking advantage of a suspicious novel disease outbreak, in the Atlanticists’ Enemy Number One, China, of all places, to peddle disinformation. Slime doesn’ t come much slimier.
77th brigade troll spotted! The weather isn’t as nice in anglia and the Home Counties as in isn’trael
Don’t mention Israel, you’ll be called an antisemite , oh wait, the election is over now so it probably won’t matter
Yep, it still does.
But you can rest easy.
Tony Blair has teamed up with a Jewish oligarch called Kantor to address the “global pandemic of anti Semitism.”
Thanks for bringing up your trust in ‘NATO doctors’.
These doctors have as much relationship with medicine as South Korean Evangelists have with Christianity .. and as much relationship the Australians have love for architecture when they volunteer for the contruction of Foreign Affairs Ministry, as well as Trade Ministry buildings, in some of those little Pacific islands.
3% is 3%.
3% of a small number is a small number. 3% of a very big number is big.
But it’s still 3%.
If you catch this latest strain of the very very common coronaviruses you have a 97% chance of not dying.
That’s fine.
Get back to us with your hysteria when more people have died of this latest scare bug than from ‘regular flu’.
In the meantime be sure to wait inline for the emergency vaccines to save your panicking little life
Meanwhile, the CDC keeps updating its winter influenza death stats: 6600 and counting, as of January 20.
Odd that our media don’t mention this fact…
The obsessive hatred of China by the western MSM presstitutes is far beyond odious these days. EVERYTHING that happens in China MUST be reported negatively.
They do report on that. But only at times when they have to say why life expectancy in the western world is going down. Then they say (as they said before): ‘it is because of this damned flu!’ Which is of course spreading like never before, since many ‘responsible’ people did not get their flu shot.
Point is: our government is never wrong in taking care of us. The Chinese government, however…
they lied about flu deaths last year. they lie about those who do die being vaccinated.
China doesn’t lightly quarantine a whole city, the size of Wuhan, over CNY, if it doesn’t fear a countrywide epidemic or worse.
It has almost certainly massaged the figures down, and censors are busy removing eyewitness accounts from Weibo, QQ and WeChat.
More slimy agit-prop from our other resident Integrity Initiative troll, Cunning Stunt. Are you and ‘ Matt’ an item, or just joined at the brain-stem?
Second 77th brigade troll identified! Begone scum bag your army has a looooong history of child rape and murder
Yep, a slow news day for bashing China…WAIT! The 2020 equivalent of the Black Death!!! The Yellow Death (why yellow? Most Chinese are whiter than Europeans) descending on innocent white folks just struggling to make an honest living. Can nothing stop the fiendish miasma?
Yep. A week in bed, warm lemon & honey drinks and a good book.
As Kit rightly points out, the boring old flu kills thousands more every year, so relax.
a new virus scare was bound to happen watch a vaccine come out soon without testing! And what a market, they now target China ! A guaranteed BILLION vaccines to start of production !
Thankfully the Chinese want nothing to do with western nonsense like liberalism and dodgy NATO/WHO vaccines of dubious effect
Kit, when are you going to acknowledge that the Boston bombing was a staged event? They couldn’t make it more obvious. A man who has just had both legs blown off would not be whizzed along in a wheelchair.
Kit’s article is not about the Boston bombing and doesn’t discuss the reality or otherwise of either the event or the injuries. This comment seems therefore inexplicable – ed
The amputee was outed as a “crisis” actor, if memory serves. Also, the explosive satchel was different, and “contractors” were filmed at the scene. The two “terrorists” were kids known (as always) to the cops, who murdered one and tried to kill the other unarmed brother. But…the SWAT team lock down exercise of Boston went off perfectly. One wonders…
Yep, they generally give us clues in abundance … but still people steadfastly refuse to see when you point them out.
You generally give people bullshit in abundance … but still you steadfastly refuse to see when they point it out.
Quits all round, no?
Please name one piece of bullshit I’ve given people, Robbo.
— your previous claims about the thirteen-foot-tall dummies being thrown out of the windows of the burning World Trade Center seem like they might be a candidate.
That was an error that I readily admitted to, milosevic. However, that error didn’t falsify the much more important hypothesis – death and injury were staged on 9/11. The other points I made to support that hypothesis still stand strong. Not to mention the fact that no one has been able to come up with a single point to support the opposing hypothesis that death and injury were real. It is simply astounding how many times you will mention the dummies error, milosevic, especially when in the scheme of things it is so unimportant. Astounding. Do you think you never make errors, milo. You yourself never put a foot wrong. For four years of study I believed that death and injury were real on 9/11 – for four years I completely had it wrong as you yourself obviously did – and perhaps still have.
Please name one piece of bullshit I’ve given people, Robbo.
Ok, OK Apart from the roads and some thirteen foot tall dummies, name one thing the Romans ever … did for us ?
You could try asking our ‘Pet’ resident controlled opposition about “Parallel Platforms” & Bill Binney, (Obviously, Bill is “Controlled Opposition”, according to our C.O. , though Flaxgirl/Pet had never even heard of him before last year !? FFS, she did a quick search and came up Trumps with her wildly adrift & absurd accusations,
based on total ignorance, of course) 🙂 and yet still to this day, Flaxi declines to define a “Parallel Platform” … >>> asked her so many times, directly, I gave up.
So, apart from the roads, sanitation, thirteen foot tall dummies & parallel platforms, with missing $$$trillions$$$, and the fact that WTC7 could only have collapsed after a totally controlled demolition, back to the question, what did the Romans or Pet Liver, ever do for us ? 😉
i’m not disagreeing with you at all, but hasn’t someone just been jailed or fined thousands of dollars in compensation to one of the families who ‘lost’ a child ?
The fakery has no end, Geoff, and it goes on for decades if not centuries as in the case of the Great Fire of London.
You can’t use the absence of upset families as evidence for fakery and the presence of upset families as also evidence for fakery. 🤦🏻♂️
Oh yes she can.
I’m afraid you misinterpret what I say, Admin. I don’t say that “jailing” or “fining” is evidence of fakery. God no, that would be stupid, of course. Is that really how you interpret what I say? Really?
No. The case for fakery is made through a number of clear signs plus the clear absence of any evidence of reality of the event, not just the absence of upset families (the perps are good like that – can’t fault them in the fact that they generously give us the signs and never fake anything convincingly). They do make it easy for us, Admin, they really, really do and what really puzzles me is that you do not seem to take on these two incredibly well-evidenced facts:
— They give us the signs they’re hoaxing us
— They never fake anything so convincingly it can be used in argument to support the reality of the event
Why do you not take on these two well-evidenced facts? Perhaps you can explain it to me.
So what my words mean is that when the fakery is already proven, the fact that they come along and state that charges have been laid or people have gone to jail or whatever else, doesn’t mean anything. This could also be faked and must, in fact, be faked considering it’s been shown the event that these subsequent matters relate to has been shown to be a hoax. The notion of subsequent matters being fake first occurred to me when I twigged to death and injury being staged on 9/11 which prompted my perusal of the 1980 Bologna station bombing. When I could see it was also staged it occurred to me that all the jailings they referred to of the neofascists upon whom it was blamed after it was first blamed on the Red Brigades must have been bogus. Similarly, I realised Jack Ruby’s jailing was a hoax (LHO’s murder is clearly shown to be fake as there is no match between the photo and the video of his shooting) and that Chelsea Manning’s jailing is also fake.
Yes it off topic but Petra you are right on this one.
I mean about the Boston Marathon pyrotechnic display and special effects show.
Oh yes.
Wikipedia says:
However, further down it says:
Footnote 12 link takes us to this:
Journal of Medical Virology
Global Health Concern Stirred by Emerging Viral Infections (January 22, 2020)
Abstract of Commentary
Guangxiang (George) Luo: Above article only article published in journal
Shou‐Jiang Gao: A number of articles co-authored
We are told:
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/jmv.25683
No mention of snakes in abstract and you wonder why that is.
The link to footnote 13 where the snakes theory is rubbished is found here.
“It’s complete garbage”, “it’s winter and bats are hibernating”, “codons preferred by 2019-nCoV to those preferred by a handful of potential hosts: humans, bats, chickens, hedgehogs, pangolins, and two species of snake [the Chinese cobra and the many-banded krait.]”
“With this serious situation, with people dying, holding this paper up in review would be criminal,” says Shou-Jian Gao, the journal’s editor-in-chief. “This is intended to just open the scientific dialogue.”
If this is science, I don’t want it.
Well, we knew that you wouldn’t. But hey, you quoted it. The most effective fix for not liking the way a hat looks on you is to stop wearing it.
A sentence may be scientific within the whole (although my scientific understanding is not sufficient to know whether that sentence is scientific or not – presumably you do, Robbo – you’re right up there with scientific understanding, apparently – but when you look at the material I’ve quoted as a whole it isn’t. It is not appropriate for a scientist to state publicly, “It’s complete garbage.” I also find it doesn’t really make sense to say, “it smacks of opportunism”. What opportunism? Nor is it appropriate for journals to publish material that hasn’t been properly peer-reviewed. If scientists want to inform people about urgent matters where the science hasn’t been properly studied they can do it through other channels – there’s no need to publish in a scientific journal.
Even your bullshit is bullsit.
The daily death toll around the world caused by the consumption of animal products is in the millions.
Time to get real>>>
BTW: I’ll bet the Royal family eat a mainly vegetarian diet.
Like Hitler?
Psychopath? Yes.
Dummkopf? No.
Actually both. Since nobody invades Russia unless you’re the latter as well. Especially after creating a second front in the west. Even Napoleon wasn’t that stupid.
As far as the veganism religion is concerned. Thanks but no thanks. I’ll stick with my juicy T-bone while you munch on Rabbit food.
That said. What does veganism have to do with the price of eggs in China or more specifically the Coronavirus?
He probably took the advice of his omnivorous partners in crime when he invaded the USSR.
The Coronavirus and Veganism?
Well, we live in a Holographic Paradigm of course. When it comes to Life (with a capital L) there are zero degrees of separation.
Good comeback Fair Dinkum! 🙂
I always thought that vegans were all humorless self righteous puritanical assholes like LeSarc .
Mea Culpa 🙂
10% of Vegans are.
The rest of give a shit.
A non cancerous shit, to be precise.
I didn’t know shit could be cancerous unless it was radioactive. Personally I doubt even vegans are immune to the effects of radiation.
Study the aetiology of bowel cancer.
I’d rather not but thanks for the offer. Not really into shit myself.
A large, fibrous, shit in fact.
Pretty easy to see with your head up your ass 😂
Look, Gall (how appropriate you monicker seems, in more ways than one)veganism can only be voluntary, for those with the moral development and a healthy interest in self-preservation to undertake it. I find proselytising, arrogant and condescending vegans a pain in the arse, too. If you want to torment beasts, pollute your body and stuff up the planet by eating meat, that’ s your choice.
Funny how you suddenly become “proselytising, arrogant and condescending vegan”.
Words fail.
Eggs are used to make vaccines. Eggs get cheeper as veganism reduces demand. More vegans, more eggs; more eggs, more cheeper vaccines. Same with Special Fried Rice.
That’ s your privilege. In return you get a shorter life expectancy and higher morbidity, on average, vast ecological destruction, and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
Not true. Turtle Island was a perfect example of ecologically sound agricultural practices that supported an omnivorous diet until it was invaded by the Spanish then the English, Dutch and the French. I suggest reading 1491 by Charles Mann:
Gall, I’ m obviously NOT talking of the best types of animal husbandry, like regenerative grazing. However, I hate to tell you, but the vast bulk of meat produced is from massive feedlots, gigantic concentration camps for pigs and chickens, and the destruction of tropical forests for grazing in places like Brazil. What happened on one island in 1491 is irrelevant.
The “island” I was referring to happens to be the post Beringia Americas named after some Portuguese mapmaker and at one time had very highly advanced agricultural practices.
Again I refer you to the book 1491.
By the way it is not only factory meat production but also agribusiness involving vegetable, fruit and grain production that can cause just as much or even more ecological damage using glyphosates discussed earlier.
Funny how the Veganstocracy ignores these factors.
By the way I don’t eat factory farmed meat and personally think its an abomination against nature but so is factory farming in general.
Well, I certainly agree-capitalist, intensive, chemical driven animal raising and vegetarian food, particularly grains, production is definitely antithetical to Life on Earth. As ever, profit maximisation, not the preservation of Life on Earth, is the only thing that matters under capitalism.
Agriculture should be about feeding people not profit which is the whole problem with Lockean “philosophy” about making the land more “productive” until it can no longer produce because its been depleted.
Also there were millions of Buffalo that could have fed everybody but Buffalo Cody killed them all off for Harriman’s railroad which is now nothing but the rusted track you see when driving down the Interstate.
I could go on about the strip mines and fracking pipe lines etc that are destroying the water table. Rapacious capitalism has made a few rich while everybody else starves or dies of thirst.
Ain’t America Great?
I believe that the bison were slaughtered in order to starve the Plains Indians into submission.
True that was part of the plan as far as the US Army was concerned but also there is evidence that Harriman paid Buffalo Bill and his friends in the Press and publishers of Dime Store Novels to popularize the Buffalo hunt to force the Sioux off their hunting grounds and make way for the Railroad.
Somethings ARE going on – THEY don’t want us to know.
1. Brexit bs in 7 days – not the hard brexit THEY want, because they cornered themselves with a deal that keeps us IN for the next 12 months requiring compliance…ha ha ha.
2. The Syrian escapade is OVER.
The Iran invasion is NOT going to happen. Iraq has a million citizens on the streets PEACEFULLY confirming to the 2003 invaders to really fuck the fuck off. (And out of the EU, they will not have us pushing them into ME meddling).
3. Russian bogeymaning is OVER. Russiagate is over. Ukrainegate is fucked because Biden & Son won’t risk being questioned. Trump will not want anymore casualties because he proved that his military and MIC trillions can’t stop the missiles turning the deep bunkers at their bases from being turned into giant acoustic brain soup drums.
But hey lets look over there – dem chinese have a flu and are taking precautions when most of them would be in transit for their new year and spread it faster than usual…
The Empire is dead and no amount of Integrity Iniative bollocks and media management by the brass or Royal soap opera can hide the end of the grand game as losers.
Watch as the stolen election victory turns to ashes on their tongues – Corbyn may still notch up another PM before April.
Northern UK regions who voted Tory to ‘ Get Brexit done’ are going to get greater cuts to council funds, which are to be re-directed to leafy Tory areas in the south-east. Really too delicious for words.
26 deaths…26 comments on this article as I click on it…
Proof, if proof be need be, that those Chinese are up to no good…
Genetically up to no good. As that favourite compradore of the West, Liu Xiao-bo, said, to the delight of his Western patrons, ‘ The Chinese will never be fully human until they Westernise’. He recommended 300 years of Western tutelage for his primitive and barbaric fellow Chinese.
He also burned Chinese police and army officers alive and helped spread guns to the teens in Tiananmen who weren’t killed in Tiananmen but were killed in firefights with their own army across the city. He first gave them to Maoists then when they agreed to leave he gave them to his fellow wannabe westerner idiots and they got their arses handed to them then liu slipped away while his “friends” were losing a battle with an actual army amen fucked off to be treated like the token he is
Here’s Jon Rappoport’s take;
I tend to agree.
Me too.
The whole thing is just another exercise in deeply racist and hate-driven Sinophobia. The Western MSM presstitute scum are virtually gloating over this affair, and, in the Guardian, of course, their resident compradore (beep) ‘Lily’ Kuo, in Beijing, has turned the whole thing into a great threat to Chinese stability, CCP rule and ‘ Emperor’ Xi, of course, in an exercise in hate-driven hysteria that will surely get her a pat on the head from her White Masters.
The death-toll seems less than that in a typical ‘flu season, mostly the old and previously unwell, as usual, but is inflated with pure malice and barely disguised satisfaction. The admirable Chinese efforts to curtail the spread of the disease are compared to so-called ‘repression’ of ‘dissidents’, and our ABC resident presstitute, Birtles, almost twitches with delight and animus as he relays his agit-prop. The Chinese are about to build a 1000 bed hospital, possibly in a weekend, while the UK NHS crumbles in the shite that is UK ‘ society’, but now I recall that was euthanised by Thatcher decades ago. You can see why Western supremacists so hate China. And I would vouch that this disease, so conveniently ‘ emerging’ right at New Year, possibly came via Fort Detrick.
I totally agree.
Hmm, have you ever been to hospital in China? First you pay a registration fee, then directed to another kiosk where you pay a consultancy fee. Then, you see a doctor, a prescription is written, after which you queue again to pay for the medicine….All in a rather shabby, grubby environment.
Health care is only free if you return to your hometown, so if you break your leg is Shenzhen, but come from Beijing, you’d better have the cash up front. A few years ago, a man murdered the doctor who let his wife die during childbirth, simply because he couldn’t afford the fee.
Don’t post propaganda about China, they can do that themselves.
Many years ago an American man shot a computer shop owner to death simply because the shop owner couldn’t fix his printer.
Vicious, hate-driven, utterly mendacious, racist propaganda. You Integrity Initiative trolls are nothing if not racists. But the terror that China and its rise has set loose in that great void in you where human beings have souls is delightful to observe. Still, your ‘ contributions’ and that of your morally conjoined twin, ‘ Matt’, certainly show that this hysteria is deeply rooted in the Atlanticist propaganda hate-machine.
Richard YOU come across as the integrity initiative 77th brigade troll! Let me guess if you’re not a army troll you’re a bit sympathetic to Leon Trotsky? Show me too where this grip of fear is?!
Back to Georgia, you seminary reject!
WHO seem to agree with the author. They said, this is an emergency for China but not [at lease not yet] an emergency for the rest of the world.
I clicked on a link/headline saying something like “People collapsing in Wuhan streets”. I clicked to see the ‘harrowing’ story, only to see several photos of the same person, lying on the floor, but taken from different angles.
The pictures were taken by our resident troll, Cunning Stunt.
It takes 8-10 days to incubate, before any symptoms show. A flight to the UK is around 14 hours.
And the trees full of leaves in winter?
“As usual, absolute scepticism is required. It’s hard to say exactly what’s happening yet, but when 26 deaths makes international news…that means something is going on.”
In other words, information reported by the mainstream media news usually tends to be contrived, so we’ll just have to sit tight and see how it all pans out.
Five Eyes dribble-drabble who never miss an opportunity, etc..
Happy New Year from Yunnan Province !!
34 US servicemen from the 2 bases bombed by Iran have just discovered that they are suffering from “headaches” and “traumatic brain injuries.”
Sounds like attorney Sid Scurvy, ambulance chaser extraordinaire, has been plying his trade in Iraq.
Raab demanded the extradition of Sacoolas from the US over the death of motorcyclist Harry Dunn.
Trump told him to go f**k himself.
Maybe we should give Trump the same reply at the next extradition hearing for Assange.
Maybe we should do all we can to defeat America financially militarily the lot it’s the root of our problems in the worlds and America’s it problem is isn’trael
America is just the dumb goy muscle golem.
Many words for basically same thing as above
C: they also don’t know what this is about (but don’t want to admit)
I like scientific journals, more then newspapers as the scientific journals show the conflict of interest of authors. Guess what
‘ FGH reports personal fees from University of Alabama Antiviral Drug Discovery and Development Consortium, and is a non-compensated consultant for Gilead Sciences, Regeneron, and SAB Biotherapeutics, which have investigational therapeutics for coronavirus infections.’
Probably of ‘no’ relevance
The Spanish flu outbreak in 1919 killed way more people than those who were slaughtered in World War One (and that was a huge number of people).
I agree with Kit’s premise here; RE: ‘disease propaganda’ and all the rest of it.
However, I also have to point out the obvious: unprecedented numbers of people are now dying from cancer. Here’s a jolly Guardian piece from 2014…
We’re looking at more people now dying from cancer, on a yearly basis, than all the wars in human history put together. A greater percentage of people dying from cancer than ever died from the bubonic plague.
Cancer is a relatively simple one to sort out (and a lot of it comes down to diet -cancers feed on sugar, although very few oncologists will tell you that).
I would venture that our current tidal wave of cancer is largely due to psychopathy and its endemic corruption: Big Pharma doesn’t want you to die, but neither does it want you well. Big Pharma wants you somewhere inbetween, where you are constantly ill and having to pay for their ‘cures’.
As an aside, can anyone name me a single member of the UK royal family (and there’s an awful lot of them) who’s ever been diagnosed with cancer?
An Interesting aside and one I have sometimes pondered.
Re your last sentence, that very same question occurred to me too only a week or so ago. It is a very interesting point.
Another recent topic of conversation between me and a relative was how few diseases are actually curable, especially when you take into consideration the rapid and life changing progress made in research in the first half of the 20th century. All the attention today seems to focus on cancer and the ‘need to find a cure’ when the reality is that most – if not all – other serious illnesses and conditions, both life limiting or debilitating, equally have no cure. The problem would be far greater but for the existence of antibiotics and even that is being compromised.
In reality the only people to benefit from the existence of cures for any of these diseases or conditions would be the vulnerable and unfortunate patients themselves. The other, more illuminating, way of looking at it is to question who benefits from the absence of cures: manufacturers of medications to control symptoms; manufacturers of medications to control side effects of the medications to control symptoms; medical researchers ‘valiantly’ devoting their lifetimes’ work to looking for cures; doctors and consultants who are paid bonuses by pharmaceutical companies to promote new pharmaceutical products and even to diagnose certain conditions; people promoting homoeopathic medicines and treatments; health supplement manufacturers playing on fears. To me there is a very significant and influential section of our society who patently would benefit from the lack of cures for diseases and conditions and they are the very people who are tasked in good faith with finding such cures. Very much a conflict of interests.
Judy, I’ve had first-hand (and very heart-breaking) experience of this in recent years. That’s probably why I get so wound-up about it all.
But I’ll still say to all those who have been given the terrible cancer diagnosis, listen to your doctors, listen to the medical profession. There’s no magic unicorns here.
If you have early stage cancer, thesedays you’ll probably be ok.
If you have late stage cancer you’re probably better off listening to people like me.
If Off Guardian want to do a post about this I’ll provide links.
To repeat, I have first-hand experience of all this, and I know it’s a very difficult thing to advise people about.
The capitalist medical-industrial complex has NO interest in health, well-being or, God forfend!, prevention. It is interested in one thing and one thing only, like all capitalist malevolence-profit maximisation by any means available. THAT is the primary lesion, the cancer that is devouring Life on Earth.
There’s a massive cyber attack against this site at the moment.
That’s good: it shows that the psychopaths who rule us are afraid.
If this message gets through, I just want to say that I agree with just about everything that Judy says.
But I will just add, by way of a talking point, that Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, and one of the richest men in the world at the time, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003 (pancreatic cancer is not a good one). Jobs refused all conventional medical treatment for six months after his diagnosis, and during that time sought ‘alternative treatments’. He did last another eight years, and finally died in 2011.
Once again, I make no judgements about any of this.
There’s been a few of them, according to this article:
Feck off back to the 77th Brigade, you little prick.
Elizabeth’s father died of lung cancer.
The King’s warning: expert says George VI should be anti-smoking image
There seem to be quite a lot of people who think the UK Royal Family are a cancer. Does that count?
George VI allegedly died of cancer did he not?
In the forties or fifties?
Lung ca in a smoker?
The Duke of Windsor died of throat cancer.
Here’s an interesting article on the subject of smoking and cancer:
Actually exposure to radiation from testing, DU and covert nuclear events cause more death. For instance more than 70,000 first responders and residents near the WTC have been diagnosed or have died of cancer related illnesses since 9/11:
Yet only 22 people have died so far in China? This is how the media twists events.
more than 70,000 first responders and residents near the WTC have been diagnosed or have died of cancer related illnesses since 9/11
Collateral damage. I bet their ‘health insurance’ was a blessing-not!
“Lucky Larry” Silverstein was saved a bill of hundreds of millions of dollars for stripping out all the WTC asbestos by 9/11.
Lucky he doubled the insurance policy a few weeks before as well so he could trouser his $5 billion pay out.
They don’t call him Lucky Larry for nothing.
Let’s not get all “conspiracy theorist” here … says the one who calls everything fake … always with evidence though.
Interesting how the queen mother survived her alleged two bouts with cancer – probably helped a lot having excellent physicians and the best of care.
That last question has always bothered me and it applies to certain members of certain lineage in parliament too. They all drink smoke and eat to excess and don’t get ill! These people are our enemies and need to go without prejudice and without mercy
i read on the bill and melissa gates foudation website that
if you have the woo tan clanvirus that they will soon be offering an africa bambartaa zulu nations vaccine.
especially made just for you.
future cities
safe for you your family
us all
pre crime
thought crime
making all crimes a thing of the past
introducing goy scan for a safer team gb
today the police in the uk stated they are using face re cog pre crime tech.
many israeli,usa uk french,german swiss firms work in china designing ai systems pre mid and post crime security tracking surveilance.
china is the test area for big brother meets hal 9000 future cities..
the zika virus had a rokerfella patent
who owns the patent for
coronavirus qui
qui bono
who has the vaccine ready to go as of 2017
who has a patent vitamin vaccine ready.
bill gates once said if we do a really good job with vaccine
good job?
and yet that fabian eugenicks talmoodick sicko does not vaccinated his own kids.
all news now is propaganda lies
problem reaction solution
if folks are getting sick in this china city
is it not conky dink that the china porton down is in that city
Wuhan is home to China’s highest-level pathogen laboratory
nothing is ever what it seems
it could just be a case of poor quality olive oil
digestion reflux
“………….for just two alleged bombers……” and were they proved beyond a reasonable doubt to have been guilty?one dead the other unable to speak.
Watch ‘The Boston Unbombing’ on Vimeo (and still up there the last time I looked) if you need convincing that no-one died in that in that particular incident…