Ignoring the Elephant at Gitmo: Yet Another 9/11 Crime

Kevin Ryan

The dubious legal proceedings at the Guantanomo Bay (Gitmo) prison camp continue to promote the idea of justice for victims of 9/11. Unfortunately, these proceedings do not represent an administration of law but an unstated claim that the Global War on Terror is above the law. More importantly, the Gitmo antics have one obvious objective—to perpetuate willful ignorance of the 9/11 crimes.

There is a dangerous elephant in the Gitmo courtroom, however, and if it ever gets reported it could bring down the terror-torture house of cards.

Reporters covering Gitmo continue to call it a trial but it is not a trial, it is a “military tribunal.” They continue to call the site “Camp Justice” when justice is as far from the prison camp as it has ever been from any human endeavor. What they don’t do is think critically about the information they are parroting from court sources.

The history is profoundly absurd. The suspects were brutally tortured and held without charges for up to 18 years. The alleged evidence obtained from the torture was made secret. Then the records of the secret torture evidence were illegally destroyed. Then the secret evidence simply turned out to be completely false. FBI and CIA officers then began to make a mockery of the whole thing, secretly bugging defense team discussion rooms and covertly inserting themselves as translators and defense team members.

This is not just a matter of an extreme violation of human rights and an utter disrespect for the law. Within this sequence of stupidity looms the mother of all oversights. That is, the secret evidence that turned out to be false was used as the basis for The 9/11 Commission Report.

At the center of the media’s willful ignorance is “forever prisoner” Abu Zubaydah, the first alleged al Qaeda leader captured and tortured. In 2009, the U.S. government began correcting the record by admitting, in habeus corpus proceedings, that Zubaydah was never associated with al Qaeda and that he had no role in, or knowledge of, the 9/11 attacks. That Zubaydah was never associated with al Qaeda is no longer challenged by anyone and is regularly repeated in the mainstream press. What is not mentioned is the astounding implication of that admission.

Abu Zubaydah’s “torture testimony” was used to construct the official narrative of 9/11 that is still accepted as fact today.

Check for yourself. Do a quick search for the word “Zubaydah” in The 9/11 Commission Report. You’ll find it 52 times. As you read these references and claims, ask yourself—how could a man who the government now says had nothing to do with al Qaeda have known any of these things? How could he be a key travel facilitator for al Qaeda operatives when he wasn’t associated in any way with al Qaeda? How could Zubaydah give detailed accounts of Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM)’s plans for 9/11 when he had no knowledge of those plans?

Disassociating Zubaydah from al Qaeda causes so many problems for the official narrative of al Qaeda and 9/11 that people like Lee Hamilton, the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission, simply develop amnesia when asked about him.

As seen in the 9/11 Commission Report, the official account begins with linking “Mukhtar” (KSM) to “al Qaeda lieutenant Abu Zubaydah,” who we now know was never associated with al Qaeda. Both FBI interrogator Ali Soufan, in a 2009 New York Times opinion piece, and Vice President Dick Cheney, in his 2011 book, claimed that Zubaydah (who never had any knowledge or connection to 9/11) identified KSM as the “mastermind of the 9/11 attacks.” The official account of 9/11, and the ongoing fake trial at Gitmo, all proceeded from there.

But none of it was true.

The latest crime of 9/11 is that this fact is not being reported. The media admits that Zubaydah was never associated with al Qaeda but entirely ignores the devastating consequences of that admission. The false official account for 9/11 is the root cause and ongoing justification for greater crimes—1) wars of aggression in multiple countries that have destroyed millions of lives, 2) the public’s acceptance of torture and indefinite detention, and 3) mass surveillance and an overall attack on freedom.

Instead of reporting that the basis for those greater crimes has been obliterated, the media reduces the subject to a discussion of how torture is bad but perhaps still justified by the gain. Of course, torture is bad but mass murder is much worse and the justification for both the wars and the torture is now indefensible! Until the media reports this fact there will be no justice for victims of 9/11 or for the victims of the resulting wars and torture.

We know that there are many striking anomalies and inexplicable facts about 9/11 that have yet to be resolved. But the fake Gitmo trial stands as a final absurd crime in the history of 9/11 as it is represented as an attempt at justice yet includes more farcical elements every day.

For example, the CIA-driven architect of the torture program recently claimed that he was acting on behalf of the 9/11 families and that he would do it again.

The final proceedings have been set to officially begin in January 2021, aligning with the 20th anniversary news cycle and re-emphasizing that propaganda is the primary goal. The propaganda narrative focuses on setting the false official account in stone and further normalizing torture.

Sadly, reporters and editors covering these events don’t seem to have an interest in challenging any substantial part of the story. Let’s hope that one or more of them comes to their senses and proves that suspicion wrong.


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Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Jan 31, 2020 10:37 AM

When the ‘so called’ “Terrorists” who attacked the USA on “9/11”, were whisked away from the USA mainland, to a ‘Legal Black Hole’ in Cuba(of all places) to be found guilty without any evidence that can be verified, and involving torture, to ‘apparently’ extract a guilty plea, then you begin to understand that there is something TERRIBLY Wrong in the USA(as if you didn’t already suspect it).

The “Official Story” of “9/11” has never been publicly examined, no evidence has been put forth, and America’s best legal minds have been excluded in the process. There is something terribly wrong here.
Why couldn’t the American Legal System examine forensically ALL the evidence surrounding “9/11”, in front of “The People”?

And, of course, the events that happened(and televised Live, as they happened), is the only thing that the American people have been given access to, by their “Free and Democratic” politicians who have proven to be totally corrupted by “BIG MONEY”, and who are probably compromised by the Dirt Files that the CIA/Mossad keeps on them.

The USA Government has No Credibility any more. It is Totally Corrupted from within…….and their guilt is confirmed by their intention to punish/eliminate Julian Assange, IN GUANTANAMO BAY, for exposing their lies to the rest of the World.

Jan 30, 2020 8:57 PM

Kevin Ryan’s blog is a must read for anyone interested in the truth of 9/11: https://digwithin.net/
As is David Chandler et al’s. : http://911speakout.org/
And Jim Hoffman’s: http://911research.wtc7.net/
**Stay away from anyone making no planes claims. They are intended to undermine 911 truth by trying to associate it with loony conspiracism and spurious claims.

Jan 30, 2020 4:34 PM

I have a few Elephants off my own.

1. The Victims Compensation Fund. If there was a contract that needed to be signed, prior to receiving a payout, what the conditions were there in the document?

2. How did the Pilots flying the 757/767’s get hold of a Pilots Operating Manual, and could they read English?

3. What publicly available flightsim software did they use and what particular addon replicating the 757/767 did they use to practice flying and more importantly get used to the autopilot?

Jan 30, 2020 2:08 AM

I avoid Clinton lover Duff on Veterans Today but occasionally he does publish good stuff about 9/11 as in the following:


Jan 29, 2020 2:55 AM

Cruelty is a sign of a degrading society. Cultures promoting cruelty and torture have lost any arguments. The Roman empire went down the public games till death phase just before it collapsed, but that was two millennia ago. The US doesn’t have the time excuse but still promoted its Hollywood violence.
From the biggest kid on the block to bully gone bad…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 3:45 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Dear me-is their a crueler and more inhumane regime anywhere than Israel? Perhaps the USA and Saudi Arabia, but that’ s a three-headed monster.

Jan 29, 2020 4:09 AM

The 10,000 child prisoners in Israeli dungeons are routinely tortured. Torture is an integral part of the “justice” system and has been legitimised as normal practice. Though perhaps that’s not all that surprising when “Justice” Minister Shaked called for the murder of Palestinian mothers so that no Palestinian children would be born. Maybe that’s where their American friends got the inspiration for their more grisly torture practices. Many of the torturers and concentration camp guards received training in Israel, after all.

Jan 29, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  paul

P.R. child abuse in adult conflicts was pioneered around 1987 in Gaza/ West bank with “unarmed” stone pelting boys. People died at the receiving end. This tactic was later copied in Irak and Kashmir .
Western prestitutes were invited before hand to take pictures of thus created victims and perps – Israeli forces replying to the deadly rock hail. This was leaped up in the West by droves of gullible naives. Mission accomplishised!

Greta Thunberg is a different form of child abuse – non physical – but violent speech, now by a girl. She was preceded by Pakistani religious stooge Malala.

Jan 29, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Blame the victim.
Look at what those terrible Palestinians have made us do to them.
We are the most moral kiddie killers and kiddie torturers in the world.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  Antonym

You have to remember that under Talmudic Judaic Law, killing civilians is not just permissible, but is considered a mitzvah or good deed. And killing children, even babies, is permissible if it can be said that they would grow up to ‘oppose the Jews’. Quite understandable in a hate-cult where, as the ‘revered’ Rabbi Kook the Elder declared, it is believed that, ‘There is a greater difference between the soul of a Jew and that of a non-Jew…than there is between the soul of a non-Jew and that of an animal’. What a Divine Burden you bear, Ant-and with such dignity.

Jan 29, 2020 10:08 PM

Charming, these Levantine folk.
Luckily, Tony Blair is now on the job, working to suppress “the global pandemic of anti Semitism.”
That certainly puts my mind at rest.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 30, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  paul

So, criticising Israeli torture of children, or any one of their other myriad crimes, will bring you twenty years in the nick, for the New Supreme Crime of ‘antisemitism’. When they go too far, finally, as they inevitably must, being driven by truly insatiable hatred, the reaction will be nassty. Any real ‘philosemite’ would make avoiding that a paramount ambition, but I suspect many are simply opportunistic Judeophobes.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Jan 31, 2020 10:47 AM
Reply to  paul

Tony Blair, as far as I can tell, stays out of the limelite these days, and for very good reason. Why does he have any credibility at all in Britain? Shouldn’t he be in Jail?

Feb 1, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  Brian Harry

He flits between his 7 mansions (one for each day of the week), managing his portfolio of 60 properties and £100 million fortune, slobbering over Israel and doing dodgy deals around the world.

But he is very public spirited, addressing the “global pandemic of anti Semitism” (puts the corona virus in perspective, doesn’t it?), with a Jewish billionaire mate of his, Kantor.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 2, 2020 2:39 AM
Reply to  paul

How convenient for the Zionassties that John Smith died in his bath, leaving the way clear for those Sabbat Goy stooges, Blair and Brown.

Jan 29, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  paul

The CIA might have “inspired” Al Qaida or ISIS hangmen but not Assad’s. They definitely trained most Central and South America sadists in official uniform.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 30, 2020 7:15 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Come on Ant-don’t be so shy. Israeli trained many Latin American killers and aided them in drawing up death-lists. You should be proud of Zionist achievements.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Jan 31, 2020 10:51 AM

Lots of American Cops go to Israel for training these days……and look at how that has turned out……..American Cops shoot Americans in their own streets these days……..WTF??
And, Israel is apparently, “America’s Greatest Friend”…….???

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 2, 2020 2:46 AM
Reply to  Brian Harry

The obscenity of cops being trained by Israeli killers, seen in obscenities like the execution of de Menezes in London in 2005, is yet another way in which the Zionassty cancer is metastasising around the world.

Jan 29, 2020 2:45 AM

Don’t forget the fear porn…

comment image?width=1225&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=aa2fa4cbae4d9e9de3882febc5a342b6

Jan 29, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  RobG

I’ll try again (because it’s such a good image!)…

comment image?width=1225&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=aa2fa4cbae4d9e9de3882febc5a342b6

Jan 29, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  RobG

Nope, I give up…

comment image

Jan 29, 2020 1:50 AM

Uncle Sam is the one who belongs in the exercise yard.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jan 28, 2020 11:18 PM

Guantanamo Bay provided a striking “stage setting” proving there’s indeed a “War on Terror.” A “War on Terror is a nebulous concept–how do you battle terror. Terror is an “emotion” which quickly evolved into rage felt by millions devastated in imperialist wars. How does an Empire win a War on Terror with 1,000 military bases scattered throughout every continent. The War on Terror was never conceived to be won, it was meant to be endless.

Now getting back to Guantanamo Bay, most of the victims were gathered by bounty hunters in Afghanistan or were targeted because of past grievances. The unlucky captives, had nothing to do with terrorist activities or 9/11. Guantanamo Bay, diabolically tests the limitless way an Empire can abscond with an individual’s freedom. Extrajudicial concepts like “enemy combatant” are auditioned proving all legal rights can be immediately abrogated with just a stroke of a pen. The War on Terror produced a new type of captive–someone who was neither a prisoner of war or a US criminal. An abducted victim held indefinitely in a black site. In other words, the War on Terror justified extrajudicial transfers from one country to another circumventing the former country’s laws on interrogation, detention and
torture. The War on Terror proved that a mind-boggling event such as a “false flag like 9/11” generates enough shock to gain public acceptance for legislation like the “Patriot Act” where frightened citizens are willing to capitulate freedom for safety.

Jan 29, 2020 12:36 AM

Many of the unfortunates murdered or tortured or held indefinitely without trial in US concentration camps were basically just Afghan or Pakistani yokels handed over to CIA spooks for a $5,000 bounty. They reckon half the villages in Pakistan were suddenly missing the village idiot, who had been sold to the CIA.

The Taliban fighters rounded up were engaged in a civil war in Afghanistan at the time against assorted warlords and drug lords from non Pashtun communities who rejected the authority of the Taliban government. They had never fought against America, and had no plans to. Some of them probably didn’t know that America existed. They were probably somewhat bewildered that the US was muscling in on their civil war.

Bin Laden was there as a hang over from the war against Russia. He had been on the CIA payroll for years, a “heroic freedom fighter” invited round the White House for tea and buns.

Incidentally, the “enemy combatant” routine is nothing new for the US. In 1945, German POWs were suddenly designated “surrendered enemy personnel” to deprive them of the protection of POW status. Eisenhower hated Germans, and wanted to treat prisoners as harshly as possible. German prisoners held by US forces in the Rhineland area were deliberately deprived of food, water and shelter, and certainly very large numbers died, though figures are disputed. There were many murders and summary executions. Wherever they have operated, US forces have always committed atrocities and war crimes on both a casual and more organised basis.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 3:46 AM

It is actually a War OF Terror. And torture is as American as apple-pie.

Jan 28, 2020 10:57 PM

I’ll repeat this link here, because it’s just as relevant to this thread as it was to the previous thread…


Jan 28, 2020 8:10 PM


Jan 28, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  Casandra2


I miss Mark too. He writes really well, but he did give fair warning, that he wasn’t going to write here any more. I have no idea why not. He is very talented. Maybe he got a new job, or venture, that takes up all his energies. Some people are like that. He’s probably volunteered for something, very dangerous, like clearing British land mines in some God forsaken land, because he is fed up, with young innocent children, having their arms and legs blown off, when all they are trying to do is grow some food. Some people care, and try and do something to help, rather than just writing about it. Craig Murray’s brother has done that.


Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 28, 2020 7:05 PM

Unfortunately the judicial system is corrupt to the bone. Many of us are not holding our breath that real justice will be done about places like Guantanomo Bay The lies will abound as they always have and will always will unless there is a real “draining of the swamp” which will not happen under Trump The real elephant in the room is that we continue to live in corrupt systems globally as well as nationally.

A national example is this:

5G and the use of Huwawei in the UK: using Huawei was always the plan it seems; and the dithering is just for theatre (again)!

Boris Johnson is just continuing David Cameron’s policies and going along with those plans. Take the following as an example:

– Lord Browne (ex-Cameron’s Cabinet Office Non-Exec. Director) currently Chairman of “Huawei UK”

– Sir Andrew Cahn (ex-Cameron’s Head of UK Trade & Investments) currently Board Member of “Huawei UK”

– John Suffolk (ex-Cameron’s Chief Information Officer) currently Senior Vice President & Global Cyber Security & Privacy Officer of Huawei

Careerists and lobbyists love the gravy-train & revolving-doors in our corrupt political system; and it is the general public’s life — our health, security, privacy and freedom – that will be utterly compromised for the establishment’s venal money & asset grabs, power–hungry gains, and control-freakery eugenicist/depopulation goals.

If you care about your (and future generations’) health and freedom, please research (beyond the MSM) the privacy & security risks of the 5G system and the catastrophic health/system effects of these EMF/RF frequencies on all biological life including humans: their health & fertility (especially the young and infirm). This is the most important subject in our current era.

Jan 28, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Well said.

CIA released document with the only source of valid info available about the health effects of millimeter waves on biology. They want to irradiate you with millimeter waves 24/7 with 5G.
These are the waveforms they use in those horrendous airport body scanners. 5G – being in an airport body scanner 24/7.



Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 28, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Thanks, Mucho. There are a lot of independent studies on the effect of EMF/RF on health, and here is a very good starter-hub of information with numerous links to many independent studies (not the usual, solely, cherry-picked studies linked to the gov/telecom industry usually referred to by MSM hacks) to get people started:


We need to ask the vital question: what happened to the precautionary principle? Traditionally this was the backbone of the health & safety industry/research – so why does it not apply now?

Another thing to really ponder is: why do large insurer’s like Lloyd’s of London excludes any liability coverage for claims “directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to be electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.” This would include not just telcom masts/arrays etc but also smart-meters, Wi-Fi, wireless devices, smart-devices in homes, businesses, schools, etc.

When people realise the implications of the EMF/RF polluting of our environment and health (and privacy and freedom), almost all of us do not want this system around us. The general public were not consulted about this technology and it’s nationwide/global roll-out – and we do not consent; we should try to use the Nuremberg Code to stop the roll-out of all these devices/structures; are there any non-estab/non-corrupt lawyers & politicians out there that could help with this?

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 28, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

* its (not it’s)

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 28, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Looks like Robert Kennedy Jr is trying to set up a legal team:



Robert Kennedy Jr. Assembles Legal Team to Sue FCC – The team includes RFK, Jr., IRREGULATORs’ Attorney Scott W. McCollough & Dafna Tachover

Robert Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has committed to be proactive on the concerns regarding excessive exposure of our children to 5G and wireless radiation. To fulfill this promise, CHD will be submitting a lawsuit on February 3rd against the FCC for its December 4, 2019 decision to decline to review its 1996 guidelines, and for its determination that the guidelines are protective of human health.

The Dec. 4 determination provides a rare opportunity to sue the FCC and expose its disregard for public health that has been causing so many injuries and deaths, including among children. We will be representing the many children who have been injured. This is the opportunity we have been waiting for; a successful lawsuit on this will be a game changer.

Jan 28, 2020 11:23 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

The whole “debate” about 5G in the UK is cynically framed around the fake concern about Huawei and using their hardware. Watch the film I posted to in the previous post with Trump, Bibi and the Iranians on the thumbnail to see where all this truly originates from, and how this relates to China being in bed. They do not touch the health implications at all, it is totally off limits to discuss this. This is evidence of a cover-up of 9/11 proportions.
I am very, very worried about the rollout of 5G. I recently went to Norwich and saw the micro-cells on the lampposts, turned the car around and will never, ever go to Norwich again. If you live in Norwich, leave as quick as you can. Ditto London, ditto Bristol, ditto anywhere with this crap installed. It won’t be long before you cannot make that decision, to turn around and escape this evil. Why are people so spineless in facing up to this? How can every moron working at the BBC carry on taking money from their employers when they are so blatantly involed in a cover-up that ultimately will make their families and them very ill? How can people be so pig-headed? Where are the academics screaming from the rooftops about the harm associated with milllimeter waves? What has happened to our supposed “survivial instincts”, the most basic and primitive instinct of mankind? Nowhere to be seen, just a bunch of dribbling idiots salivating about dowloading a film in 3 seconds flat. Brainwashed idiots, each and every one of them.
That is good news about Robert Kennedy, a high profile name like that being resistant is great news. The Kevin Mottus – 5G film on YT has lots of info about the deep corruption within the FCC, how the foxes are guarding the henhouse in terms of the wireless industry. This world is well and truly fucked, and it’s about to get a whole lot worse with the rollout of this evil. It’s so criminal but the moron majority sleeps like a baby with a wireless baby monitor irradiating it. Those things are so harmful. You see so many Brits stupidly arming their kids with smart phones to keep them “safe”. That’s the trick, sell the problem and the solution. Pure evil
Then there’s the new, ultra-Satanic LED streetlights. Frightening



Jan 29, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Here is Jonathon Watt from Hertfordshire Cunty Council confirming that these disgusting, hideous new LED lights are radio linked, therefore they emit harmful radiation. This guy has already booked his place in hell. It states they save money on maintenance costs as justification……so why have I seen so many non-functioning lights already then. Bunch of lying pieces of filth selling harmful cheap shit


Hertfordshire’s LED street light changeover

Jan 29, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  Mucho

These LED lights cause blindness…..

“The “blue light” in LED lighting can damage the eye’s retina and disturb natural sleep rhythms, France’s government-run health watchdog said this week.

New findings confirm earlier concerns that “exposure to an intense and powerful [LED] light is ‘photo-toxic’ and can lead to irreversible loss of retinal cells and diminished sharpness of vision,” the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) warned in a statement.”


Jan 29, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  Mucho

These LED lights cause cancer…….

“Blue light” of LED streetlights linked to breast and prostate cancer

The “blue light” emitted by street lights including LEDs, and commercial outdoor lighting such as advertising, is linked to a significant increase in the risk of breast and prostate cancer, innovative new research has concluded.


Jan 29, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Look at what happened to Boots when they tried to highlight the issues with blue light LED in order to sell blue light blocking glasses…….SPEECHLESS! The General Optical COuncil is fining opticians for helping customers to save their eyesight. This is fucking ridiculous.

“The General Optical Council (GOC) has reprimanded Boots Opticians with a £40,000 fine for a “misleading” advertisement about Boots Protect Plus Blue (BPPB) lenses.

In a decision published today (26 May), the optical regulator found that there was potential for patients to be misled by the multiple overstating claims about blue light and the benefits of its BPPB lenses in an advertisement that was published in The Times in January 2015.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) received complaints about the content of the advertisement, including claims that blue light from LED TVs, smartphones and energy saving light bulbs caused damage to retinal cells over time, and that BPPB lenses protected against blue light from these sources. The authority found that these claims were misleading and unsubstantiated. “……..


Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 29, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Brilliant info and links there, Mucho – thank you – appreciate it.

It pains me that it is normal people that have to get information out to the public as the hacks do not; there must almost certainly be a media ‘D-notice’ on the subject of the health effects of 5G (and wireless, wi-fi, smart devices, etc)? How can we stop this anti-democratic censorship and corruption?

I have never felt so livid; and never more disappointed not just with the establishment corruption (not least the almost transparent postal-ballot-rigging in the tories’ favour & ultra-smearing of Corbyn 2019 UK General Election) but also disappointed that no-one, not one person with power or weighting in the UK wants to stop the EMF/RF pollution-surveillance system roll-out in the country. Where are they? Normal people like us are shouting from the roofs and trying to get heard in censorious ‘social-media’ platforms and online news forums (sadly without much leeway: too much deleting of posts, shadow-banning, manipulation of ‘likes’, blogs set-up as honey-traps/gate-keepers e.g. facebook, reddit, twitter, etc; I personally have never had SM accounts for uber-censorship reasons and surveillance reasons among others – but admire the people who do use it for info sharing purposes).

Also importantly, have people seen the telecom maps of the 5G roll-outs? The initial couple of roll-outs — if you look at their own maps/lists (EE, Vodaphone, BT, Three, etc) — are ALL in the poorest parts of the cities and towns in the UK; not one of the 1st phase and 2nd phase are in wealthy places not even wealthy whole establishment places like Oxford, etc. Doesn’t that tell us something vital? That they want to depopulate the poorest of society? I remember that quote – which so-called elitist despicably labelled the general public as ‘useless eaters’?

My only wish now is that the people (hopefully with help from non-corrupt people/person with power & weighting on their side) stand-up to the supremacist, power-hungry, eugenicist, technocratic, globalist control-freaks… and soon! For observations coupled with intuition tells us the people do not have very long before we are completely enslaved? God, I hope I am wrong about all this, but I have a feeling I am not. We must carry on getting information out to people and then extended, persistent non-violent civil disobedience in strategic areas.

Obviously, individual people cannot do it on our own and we must look to the Gilets Jaunes for brilliant inspiration & vision. What I truly love & admire about the Gilets Jaunes is that their philosophy (which does not get airing by the global MSM – D notice again?) gets to the root of the problem as their demands are:

— the resignation of Macron and his regime

— restoration of national sovereignty:Frexit

— monetary reform (elimination of inflation/debt-based,fiat fractional reserve based private banking cartel – the central banking system

–the RIC (local citizens based referendum) and towards a genuine participatory, direct democracy

Jan 30, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Here’s yet another report, updated regularly…https://bioinitiative.org/

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jan 28, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Maybe ‘Mark’ whoever he may be, has just been disappeared like Mark Sloboda who was at one time an ever-present presenter on RT – whatever happened to him?

Perhaps Mark’s realpolitik views didn’t quite fit in with Lavelle’s and his – ‘I always hog the conversation’ – predilections. Maybe they are even the same person. Who knows?

Jan 28, 2020 5:24 PM

As bad as they are, the US concentration camps at Guantanamo, Bagram and Abu Ghraib and the issue of waterboarding, are just the tip of a very large iceberg.
There is a global US Gulag of concentration camps, torture chambers and secret prisons (including UK territory) where thousands of people have been horrifically tortured and murdered on an industrial scale.
The torture employed exceeds by far anything Guy Fawkes or the Knights Templar would have experienced in the 17th and 14th centuries.

Jan 28, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  paul

This torture is the product of very sick and diseased minds from a very sick and diseased society.
Extreme sexual torture and humiliation. Murder, blindings and maimings. Agonising confinement in tiny boxes for protracted periods. One unfortunate chained up naked in a freezing cell in a standing position, medieval style, and just left there until somebody noticed, 17 days later, that he was dead.
Another kidnapped from Canada and spirited away to US torture chambers in Morocco and Yugoslavia, where his private parts were mutilated. It transpired that this unfortunate was not the man they wanted. He just had a similar name to somebody else.

Jan 28, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  paul

And of course the UK and all the US satellites were fully complicit in these crimes and atrocities.
Not that this will in any way inhibit them from climbing up on their high horse and giving lofty sermons and pious lectures to all the benighted natives on the rest of the planet about their human rights failings, and their need to comply with our exalted “Rules Based Order.”

Jan 29, 2020 2:27 AM
Reply to  paul

“We tortured some folks.”

Jan 29, 2020 2:24 AM
Reply to  paul

Of course these are just 2 isolated cases out of thousands and thousands.
One of the worst torturers known as NZ7 was a religious nut job who liked to bring people to the point of death so he could feel the soul leaving the body.
People were tortured three times a day for weeks and months on end.
Scenes of torture replicated and far exceeded anything in medieval dungeons.
Torture doctors were on hand to advise on how to intensify the torment.
The motivation seems mainly to have been sadism and sexual sadism for its own sake rather than any genuine interest in obtaining information.
Anal rape was a routine part of the CIA torture manual.
So was freezing people to death and shoving nuts and hummus up people’s arses.

People with specialist knowledge of the subject have said that the Gestapo record of torture was actually far better than that of the US. The Gestapo did torture people, but it was a very bureaucratic process, and they preferred to intimidate people into cooperating by playing on their bad reputation.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 3:51 AM
Reply to  paul

Many of the worst torture practises used by the USA were borrowed from the Israelis, drawing on decades of experience torturing tens of thousands of Palestinians. But they are the ‘ most moral torturers on Earth’-and don’ t you dare forget it.

Jan 28, 2020 4:16 PM

I remember, at one stage (4-5 years ago) the US asked the world to take over Gitmo prisoners, to which the world’s response was: it is not our problem, it is a US problem.

Well, not so quick. There is one prisoner there, named Hambali, who allegedly is the mastermind of the Balibombings of 2002 and a money handler of Al qaida. And still prisoner at Gitmo, because he is too ‘dangerous’ to be released. In the Balibombings of 2002, 4 Dutch People were killed.

So I asked at the time when NL parliamentarians were ‘seriously’ debating the question about Gitmo prisoners, if Hambali could be sent over to NL to be judged according to Dutch law.

To the credit of some of the parliamentarians who posed the question, they did reply to me. But they did not disclose if they talked about Hambali, and they weren’t succesful as we now all know…

Anyway, Hambali is still held prisoner at Gitmo, and I would have been a happy man if he, in fact was released to NL, as Hambali is a problem for NL citizens who lost their friends and loved ones due to the balibombings. But I don’t think that will ever happen, but am happy that I at least gave it a try at the time.


Jan 28, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Willem

Willem, I don’t know about the Bali bombings, but I do remember reading this by Jo Vialls, who had many interesting theories about lots of stuff, some of which maybe true. He died, probably of natural causes in Australia, shortly after writing this. I personally found what Jo Vialls wrote, very interesting, because at the time, I was almost 100% certain, that the Official US Government Story re 9/11 was impossible, because it did not comply with the most basic laws of physics and maths, which I had studied to a fairly high level at university in England. I told everyone I knew, that the story was impossible, but no one believed me, except for one man I knew who designed buildings. Everyone else thought I had gone mad, and it caused me a lot of grief, and I had to leave my job. Many more people believe me now.

I don’t know, if any of this is true, but it makes interesting reading. I did not study nuclear physics, to any depth and I do not know if even the concept of micro nukes is viable.


Incidentally, I think Petra (ex flaxgirl) is honest, and believes what she writes, and I agree with her that some terrorist attacks are faked. A good indication of whether they were faked of not, is the size of the hole in the ground. If it is supermassive, then the energy in the bomb to do that is enormous, unless the bomb was buried underground, before it exploded.


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 3:54 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

One thing is for certain-whatever it was that ripped concrete off rebar at 100 metres in Bali was not cooked up in a bath-tub.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 30, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, There is quite a lot of evidence supporting the lack of the existence of nuclear weapons and that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were conventional. I’m in correspondence with someone writing a book about it and there is a book on Amazon, Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax.

I’m writing a post on it myself and what I’ve noticed is that the Hiroshima survivor stories are not convincing (they always give us the clues). Also, what we’re told about Iranian nuclear physicists being “assassinated” are not convincing nor is what we’re told about Mordechai Vanunu, alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear secrets.

I know someone whose father worked next door to the Sari bar in Bali where the major bombing was and his father said that when he was asked to go and help with the injured there were no injured to help. When you look at the images of the injured they are not convincing and I’ve seen an interview displaying a typical characteristic of staged events – the ever-so-smiling loved ones. I know people who know people who allegedly died or were injured but that’s a given with staged events.

So no nuclear weapons and no coronavirus (at least not of significance in impacting our health) … we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

However, manmade climate change is no hoax and that’s what worries me.

Jan 29, 2020 12:50 AM
Reply to  Willem

The present Dutch PM Rutte is more of a CIA poodle than Tony Blair was. MH17 a case in point. The Dutch judicial set up is populated with similar drones: the assassin of prominent Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn is walking free after less jail time than other criminals. Holland is gone to the dogs.

Jan 28, 2020 12:20 PM

Yes and thanks for bringing this into recognition as coercive deceit given (sacrifice of) power by allegiance of compliance – as effectively a version of ‘say and do what you are told to say and do or your will suffer greater pain of loss”. This can be insinuated and framed as taking the seemingly lesser of evils as the means to survive an impossible situation – as “an offer you cant refuse” or perceived self interest in terms of the ‘way everything is moving’.

The ego of a self imaged isolation always leads to an impossible situation because it is an impossible premise given reality, identity and allegiance as the private and separate sense of self and life. But having ‘taken it on’ and ‘cast it out’, we are ‘taken in’ or cast under our own mis-spelled word.

Survival at any price – pays the price.
But ‘survival’ of WHAT exactly? and for what END?
A madness possesses the mind of (Hu) Man.

The attempt of a mind to judge and attack itself – as if to excommunicate, cast out, banish, eradicate, deny, destroy – will always set in motion an equal and opposite reaction – regardless it NOT being allowed into a conscious awareness

The ‘program’ emerges from the Deep as a 666 without a 7 of true rest in recognition as shared fulfilment. More robot than Beast. Who or where is the ‘programming?’ and how is it to be re-integrated to wholeness of being? We cannot choose in the place of another – (but that we entangle as denial with them), but we can grow a culture of Choice – and actually we have no choice in this as our every thought and decision – but only in what we give value, allegiance and identity to.

The invitation or ‘incentivation’ to identify with insanity as our consciously accepted will is to arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time.

But while insanity seems to hold some appeal or use or meaning for us – it will frame our thinking to persist under the illusion we are ‘dealing with it’, opposing, or eradicating, and casting our self in role that depends on it for the sustainability of the split-minded attempt to possess and control Life.

What we get back is thus a split mind of division subjected to controls.
Garbage in; garbage out.

Can we ‘think’ in any other way than ‘possession and control’? (Regardless its masking in plaintive or outraged mimicry of ‘love and concern’).

The framing of our mind – as our mind – is a construct within our thought.
Narrative or story is a continuity of identified and valued focus, endeavour and exploration that unfolds and grows the Meaning of its original Inspiration.
But Meaning Itself is the archetype – and not the forms that by derivative association become idol to a robotic re-enactment of ‘meaninglessness in search of power’.

In order to grow a shared reality, we need to bring forth from ourselves rather than seek power over a sense of lack. It cannot come from or through a sense of self-lack – excepting ‘backwards!’ and we already have the learning of a world in which “everything is backwards” – and are recognising that we do not WANT it.

True desire is where we associate pain of separation and loss – and so a world of substitutes runs blind as the protection from the reliving of an intolerable that the mind is set to forever deny, evade and dissociate. But there is true-fulfilment when the movement of our very being is given welcome rather than denial under terms and conditions of coercive enslavement and ‘NDA’ (non disclosure agreement).

Reading our ‘world’ as a means of reintegration rather than re-enacting its script is the willingness to embody and give witness to a different ‘script’ or story. One that is given in exchange for the old habit – rather than as reward for a ‘successful denial’ masking under a new set of clothes.

“And who told you , you were naked?”

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 28, 2020 11:38 AM

George Galloway accused Chritopher Hitchens of ‘proselytising for the devil’ after Hitchens gave neocons the intellectual thumbs up for unleashing hell after 9/11, while it is common knowledge the pro-war, liberal media had to acquire a paint factory because so many coatings were required to white-wash the lies and fabrications employed to rationalise Bush’s ‘war on terror’ and many events leading up to it (not least the fact the US buddied up with Saddam a decade earlier in order to foment war with Iran).

By contrast counterveiling forces (such as Galloway) have almost no voice within political spheres, the academic world and certainly the MSM, and when necessary certain propaganda operations unfold to subvert meaningful investigations, such as the alleged chemical attack in Douma (where, ironically, Peter Hitchens amongst others has called bullshit)

Of course its important to deconstruct flagrent untruths (as Kevin Ryan does in this fine article) not least because they have been used as a platform for the current reign of terror in the Middle East – but the question is, in totalitarian states like America (where authorities effectively act as judge, jury and executioner) how can this knowledge be used to shake up a system that has closed its eyes and ears to truth or reality?
Put another way who expects the likes of Rachel Maddow or Bill Maher to ever hold authority to account?

Now depending on your ideologial outlook the actions of the US are either a facet of the ‘international rules based order’ (which IMO is no more than a self-aggrandising term neocons, like Tony Blair, love to apply to themselves), or abject betrayal of the holocaust: a critical moment in history when the world vowed to learn from the terrible conseqeunces that arise when powerful, lawless states are unconstrained by public opinion or cultural watchdogs.

One clue to answering this rhetorical question is the way whistleblowers or publishers are treated by those they accuse of wrong doing – the evidence tells us that just like Guantanamo they are likely to be tortured and subject to sham legal proceedings.

As an aside it begs questions about the kind or people, such as prosecutors who are willing participate in this cruel process – they are the same sort of people that would have cropped up in Soviet Russia, or Nazi Germany I imagine?

Jan 28, 2020 4:15 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

your link buffers and I can’t access.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 28, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Search: ‘Christopher Hitchens prosthelytized for the Devil – George Galloway’ – in YouTube. that should find it.

Patrick C
Patrick C
Jan 28, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Harry, I was reading along nodding in agreement and then, as the song says, you spoil it all by saying, I hate you. The Soviet Union, by equating it with Nazi Germany. As you say it’s important to, “deconstruct flagrant untruths.” And this is possibly the granddaddy of all untruths. But as this isn’t even a comment, rather it’s an answer to a comment, there simply isn’t the space to fully contest that characterization. I would hope given your obvious intelligence you might make it a priority to research and understand the Cold War demonization of the USSR and before that the attempts to crush them. I am not excusing their crimes I’m saying there weren’t any. Certainly not in the sense that we’ve been brainwashed to believe. You can dismiss me as an idealogue if you wish or you can start the hard slog towards understanding. Otherwise loved what you wrote.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 28, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  Patrick C

Thanks, Patrick – I am not suggesting equivalence except to the extent the legal systems in Russia and Germany were co-opted to fulfil certain ideological goals (as they are in the west today given high ranking political figures are more or less exempt from any sort of meaningful judicial scrutiny).

Talking about Russia in particular it is claimed, “According to the International Memorial, the law on rehabilitation covers 11-11.5 million people in the territory of the former USSR. The latest (2016) statistical calculations are given in the article by A. Roginsky and E. Zhemkova “Between sympathy and indifference – rehabilitation of victims of Soviet repressions”.

About 5.8 million people became victims of “administrative repressions” directed against certain groups of the population (kulaks, representatives of repressed peoples and religious denominations). From 4.7 to 5 million people were arrested on individual political charges, of which about a million were shot. These are preliminary estimates obtained as a result of many years of work by researchers with internal statistics of punitive bodies at the central and regional levels, investigative cases.

As the “Memorial” movement, it is fundamentally important to establish the names of all the repressed. At the moment, in the consolidated database “Victims of Political Terror in the USSR”, there are more than 3 million people. This base was compiled mainly on the basis of regional Books of Remembrance, in the preparation of which members of local Memorial organizations often took part. The database is currently being updated.” (site contents can be translated into English)

Just to add I know a reasonable amount about 9/11, know a little about the US empire (and Britains role in it) and have also looked at historians who have questioned specifics about the holocaust (and here I mean David Irving, a brilliant but deeply flawed, and unempathic man).

Russia however I am less sure about.
I would just add that revolutions are always violent because no one ever relinquishes power without a fight, while reverberations from such convulsions can carry consequences long after they first occured.
For example, Trotsky was tried and found guilty of treason and sentenced to death in absentia – as you must know he was murdered in Mexico following severe head wounds inflicted by an icepick.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 3:55 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

I hope that Hitchens’ water-boarding didn’t cause his oesophageal cancer. That would be ironic.

Jan 28, 2020 11:36 AM

The distance from this country to the border with China is 0 (Zero) Km.
The distance from this country to the border with Iran is 0 (Zero) Km.
The distance from Washington, US to this country is 11,136 Km direct by air.

What is the name of this country? Answer: Afghanistan.

Jan 28, 2020 10:50 AM

Certainly there were aircraft flying into the WTC – it was broadcast in full colour directly without interruption all day long. That struck me instantly as I watched on Sky News and BBC from lunchtime onwards as my insurance agent bought me a sandwich and a pint after assessing our new offices and confirming our cover – we grim humouredly agreed that the policy would have cost a lot more the following day and his commission bigger!

The choreography was immense -immediate a passport was found; the reporters looked …so sanguine as did the Anchors. I had major work to do because of the unfolding event my business would require immediate extra resources by that evening, so I had to stop watching and get working – so i missed the WTC7 collapse announced live on the BBC 15 minutes before it happened, until many years later.

At the time I wondered about why we HAD to invade Afghanistan as my sainted Blair, the Peoples Prince of a PM, of NuLabour, flew over the terrain clutching a copy of the Koran looking at the ancient landscape below -which it turns out had its opium poppy crops annihalated just months previously by the Taliban!

I knew of the planned phases of invasions of the ME back in 2001.
But that is another story.

At the time it didn’t seem such a big deal and after Kuwait and the burning oil fields, and the huge propaganda about the evil Sadaam, Assad and Ayatollah (the last mostly to do with Rushdies fatwa) – I genuinely believed it would be a good idea to get western democratic beneficient liberation in the region and let their peoples have a democracy. I even believed that it would include the princess head chopping, Saudi Arabia to start with for sure!
And that the harmless, young state, Israel with its simple desire to live peacefully in their biblical small patch of Judea after the horrors would thus be free of threat of extermination and they would make a peace with the Palestinians they had displaced …

Such naivety- from a grown and educated and experienced successful fellow like myself in his 40’s… the fall from such false verities has been long and hard, i did object at the blatant WMD lie and turned up at the march of protest.

The decades of being immersed in the propaganda and entertainment from : Isaacs World at War, Charlton Hestons biblical epics, Munich Olympics, Entebbe ..yes even my beloved TLOB (of the recently departed Python).

The scales fell away, it has taken nearly two decades, Bambi’s mask fell and revealed a poxed, horned orange skinned bastard godfather to the devil Murdochs latest . NuLabour was actually a Incorporated vehicle fully controlled by the Labour Friends of the Invaders. We were party to secret extraditions (another new word of horror), our legal case for invasions were non existent, Straw was and is still a complete bastard as Craig Murray has documented. We had been led like donkeys by the nose to be willing crusaders for bankers and barons – fooled by support for our Heroes who were maimed in body and mind for life, if not dead in the field.

The mutations took us to the great financial crash where the bankers escaped with their QE, pensions and careers and reputations intact, while the rest of us got rinsed and repeated into their next phase, through austerity, to hate a new enemy just as potent as the imaginary Ossama BL – the EU, and its efforts to escape the yoke of ancient imperialist bankers. Then last month the equally insanely maligned JC – to achieve by hook and crook through evidently fixed ballots the brexit they have long planned – which will be a HARD brexit that allows the making of their safe Singapore on Thames.

Yup Gitmo is a place, where something has been going on, outta sight outta mind – will we ever get the full story? I wonder how many of the isis headchoppers got their recruitment, training and marching orders from there – there was never such barbarism in the world until Gitmo and Bush, Blair, Obama & co sold it to us.

3 days to our very own private hell – that is the elephant right here, right now.

Jan 30, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Those flying ‘aircraft’? I’m no longer so sure…http://septemberclues.info/

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 30, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Watt

I think Dungroanin is being sarcastic. I hope so.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 28, 2020 10:35 AM

The biggest elephant in the 9/11 room is, of course:


That’s the biggest elephant, the most taboooooooooo cos death is such a big taboooooooooo and when you say that people said to have died didn’t die you expose yourself to derision, hostility and people taking massive offence. And the perps only understand this taboooooooooo oh so well and exploit it to the max. They knew they couldn’t suppress the outrageous contradiction of Newtonian laws evidenced in the building collapses and plane crashes so they pushed controlled demolition as a means to distract from and also smother the big fat lie of staged death and injury. So clever! The essentially two-streamed 9/11 propaganda campaign: one for the masses and one for the anticipated recognisers of “inside job” is most worthy of study.

On the webpage below are 10 points favouring the hypothesis that death and injury were staged over the hypothesis that death and injury were real on 9/11.

So far, no one has come up with a single point let alone 10 favouring the hypothesis that death and injury were real … and no one will because that’s not the way the perps stage their events. No sireee! They give us the clues (above and beyond the Emperor’s New Clothes lie that 9/11 was) and they are utterly meticulous and scrupulous in never presenting a single piece of their story in such a way that it can be used to defend its reality. You have to give them that, you really do.

If my comment arouses your hostility, incredulity or whatever other reaction in opposition to it, please explain what makes you believe that 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured on 9/11 (or whatever approximate number you believe died and were injured) and please supply at least one point that favours the hypothesis that death and injury were real over the hypothesis that they were staged.

Jan 28, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Ah ex-flaxgirl – the tares bind their roots to the crop.

It isn’t that there are no staged or exaggerated and weaponised narrative deceits – but that opinionated assertions of moral self righteousness reinforce the deceit under guise of ‘truth’ made exclusive to your own framing.

You speak into an arena of outrage to which you have no sense of connection or compassion.
That 911 is a deceit ONGOING is evidenced in your knowing or unknowing complicity.

Arguing anything within your frame is feeding your either/or agenda of division.
I lean to your post being staged – unless and until signs of life indicate otherwise.

The ‘elephant’ is the truth that is collectively ignored as a result of baited or incentivised diversion.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 28, 2020 2:13 PM
Reply to  binra

Your abstruse comment would have a degree of credibility, binra, if it contained anything at all that supported real death and injury on 9/11 … but what a surprise! … it contains nothing of the sort.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 28, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The 10 points in summary are:

1. Social Security Death Index anomalies

​2. Memorial anomalies

3A No obvious motive
3B Immeasurable disincentive (loved ones of 3,000 descending on the Capitol)
3C Eminently fakable
The combined force of these three elements is extremely compelling

4. Vastly incommensurate number of loved ones and colleagues of the dead and the injured themselves marching on Washington

5. Anomalies with key figures whom we might consider to be disinformation agents used in the propaganda campaign aimed at the truthers, that is, they push the double “suspicions of government/controlled demolition” ||| “my loved one died/people were rescued” line.

6. No convincing signs of injury

7. The fakery of the jumpers

8. Ridiculous survivor stories of the 12-second collapses of the 500,000 ton twin towers

9. Missing – expected evidence for the 343 firefighters who died on 9/11

10. Lawyer looking after victim funds not convincing

What 9/11 wasn’t:
— The work of 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters
— A false flag where 3,000 were killed and 6,000 were injured

What 9/11 was (in effect):
A massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as real where the only physical realities were damage of and destruction to buildings and where the plane crashes were faked and death and injury were staged.

Do you think that the two people in the conversation below indicate they knew what was really going down and do you think that they would have been AOK with 3,000 of their fellow citizens being killed?

Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse:

“Can you confirm that it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]

“Yes, sir.”

“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”

“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”

Jan 29, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I don’t think there’s any need to get too immersed in details.
There is a danger of not seeing the wood for the trees, and this being used for the purpose of diversion and deflection by those who still peddle the official government conspiracy theory.

Jan 28, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

question for admins and moderators: is there no limit to the number of times that the same absurd disinfo can be recyled here, without the slightest alteration?

at first, it served some purpose as an example of deep-state psyops, but it’s now become quite tiresome, far beyond any educational value it might once have had.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 28, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Similarly, milo, like binra’s comment it would contain a degree of credibility if it contained anything to support real death and injury on 9/11 … but it doesn’t. I wonder how you reason that there is something so wrong with my claim that you need to invoke action by admins when you have zero to support the opposing claim. Zero. I really do wonder how you reason that. I wonder how, when you recognise so very many lies in the 9/11 story (I’m assuming), that you choose to believe one claim of that story without having a single piece of evidence to back it up.

Jan 28, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

— your arguments for “no planes” were all BS, but when this was (repeatedly) pointed out to you, you took no notice whatsoever, and just went right on repeating the same ludicrous disinfo.

having been through that experience, I’m disinclined to waste my time examining in detail your undoubtedly nonsensical “no deaths” claims, since you’ll just go right on repeating those, no matter what evidence is advanced. The “thirteen-foot-tall dummies” episode demonstrates what quality of argument you find compelling; why should I assume that any of the rest is any better?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 28, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  milosevic

My claims can be considered irrelevant to your beliefs in death and injury on 9/11. To justify a belief one needs evidence, no? You don’t think of yourself as a mindless believer, do you, milo? Thus if you believe the death and injury part of the 9/11 story you must surely have evidence to support that belief. What is it?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 31, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  milosevic

As anticipated you have not responded to my question on your evidence for death and injury on 9/11 nor the other question on the signs they give us.

Please do not invoke admin action when what you spout is simply hot air. You have nothing to support your beliefs and thus no justification or entitlement to disparage mine when I have provided solid evidence for them on my website and also issued a challenge to you and like-minded people who hold opposing beliefs but to which no one, including you, has responded, despite the rules including the challenger’s choice of judge in a relevant profession to validate their 10 points.

How many times will you bring up the dummies that I have already admitted to? Are you insane?

I will be referring back to this comment and your inability to justify your beliefs in death and injury (or the reality of the plane crashes) any time you make ludicrous accusations against me in future.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 28, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  milosevic

moderators: is there no limit
you sound like barbera lerner spector or his wife rita katz

read or do not read
move along fella

who or what should we believe in this satanick system

some folks called milosevic a new hitler like saddam and gadaffi later.
i hated him at the time did not understand it was all chatham house projects.
who are you milosevic is that your real name?
for your ideas on censorship and memory holing seem very ashkanazi 2 me.
let all speak scum
for who are you to be arbiter of truth or lie
if you are a milosevic your country was carpeted in depleted uranium waste sold out to lowest zio alien bidder

discernment scum

banning words is cheap
toilet paper gets ever more expensive


Jan 28, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  norman wisdom

— because you can never have too much disinfo. it gets ever more aromatic, with every retelling. that’s the wonderful thing about disinfo BS, you can recycle it endlessly, without the slightest diminution in quality or flavour.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 28, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  milosevic

how do you know
what the stuff is?
what agency are you with holy or demonick?
if you want memory hole if you want subtle word erasure
why not try the anti semite gambit
why not change your name to benjamin or elliot
then you can stamp your feet so everyone will here.

no disrespect but few sites would employ a milosevic as head of word vaporising black holing
it just not kosher enough

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

when you say that people said to have died didn’t die you expose yourself to derision

Unnecessary derision. The main matter is that 9/11 was, to use that tired but accurate term, an “inside job”. Occam’s razor says you should not involve unnecessary complications. The question “Did people die or not?” is such a complication.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 28, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

What Occam’s Razor says George is not that “you” shouldn’t involve unnecessary complications but that we should choose the hypothesis that involves the fewest complications. Thus, if a house is burgled and we see that a window is broken and footprints lead from the broken window to a stolen object and there are no other methods indicating evidence of being used then that is the one we plump for unless we have reason to doubt it.

However, I couldn’t agree with you more on focusing on the main points. Could not agree more. It’s just that what you and I consider main points is different with regard to 9/11.

The perps, master propagandists I think you will agree, have put enormous effort and spent millions of dollars on their truther-targeted propaganda campaign to smother the truth of staged death and injury and because they have spent millions on that campaign that surely must make it important. They haven’t bothered with truther-targeted campaigns for many other events including Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, the Manchester bombing and Brussels airport, for example, although they have with a few others including the 9/11 anthrax attacks – much less money was spent on that, however.

Evidence of their campaign:

1. The timing of release of the PNAC and Northwoods documents (I do not claim that these documents are not “real” necessarily but it is obvious they have been targeted at truthers.)

2. The loved ones and colleagues of those who allegedly died making indignant noises about the government including: Bob McIlvaine, the Jersey Widows, April Gallop, Richard Grove and William Rodriguez.

3. The large number of scientists and engineers focusing the truthers on controlled demolition and the production of high-quality songs, Free Fallin’ and I Believe in 9/11 Miracles. While some of these people are perfectly genuine, some of them have been employed to control the 9/11 story by:
— keeping focus on CD
— creating confusion around the plane crashes (they don’t want people recognising that no one died in those crashes because that’s the start of the slippery slope to recognising completely staged death and injury)
— joining forces with the “loved ones”

4. The alleged whistleblowers who’ve lost their jobs, etc and commentators such as James Corbett.

5. The Conspiracy Solved! film by Jeremy Rys indicating that the US government had reason to target people in the building.

6. The Bush family connections to companies located in the twin towers.

7. Everything Israeli: the Dancing Israeli Mossad agents caught on camera who later got caught in their white van with explosives powder (good at their job no?) and the Israeli art students students (these people could well have been responsible for making the dummies to function as jumpers).

8. Loads of distraction propaganda creating confusion in general, however, distraction propaganda is designed to stymie the truth generally in getting out whether it simply be “inside job” or “death and injury staged”.

So we have the evidence for staged death and injury both in the obvious truther-targeted propaganda campaign as well as in other evidence. It’s pretty overwhelming, George.

The reason for the huge effort into smothering staged death and injury
The reason is to stagnate the truth of inside job that the truthers are trying to push out. That the US government would kill all those poor people in the buildings is so utterly taboo that people won’t countenance it. So the fact that it hampers the ability for those who recognise “inside job” to get the word out that it was an inside job makes it extremely important. The irony is that now that truthers are fully indoctrinated with the “false flag where 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured” belief they stubbornly refuse to be coaxed out of it … and, of course, the perps knew this. They knew that when people such as Simon Shack (although I have to say I have my doubts about him) eventually came along to work out the staging of death and injury that the truthers indoctrinated with “false flag” would be mightily resistant to it.

False flag where 3,000 died and 6,000 were injured is a very, very different kettle of fish from massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising a number of exercises and drills where the only physical realities of the day were damage to and destruction of buildings and where the plane crashes were faked and death and injury were staged.

They are two very different kettles of fish.

Beyond that I think it’s extremely important, in general to recognise how we are propagandised, George, don’t you?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra I have no doubt that you have researched all of this very thoroughly and I am prepared to listen to many points and to even agree with them. I watched a video that suggested there were no planes at all in NY and it sounded plausible. If you say there were no deaths at all – then perhaps you’re right. It’s just that – at the risk of sounding callous – I don’t think any of this is the main point, which is that 9/11, whatever it was, was an inside job. The big trouble with going down this constantly expanding path of speculation is that you have fallen for the biggest trick behind 9/11 i.e. reversal of the burden of proof. The official account (henceforth OC) is actually skeletal and has nothing to stand on. What I would say we know is that three buildings fell in NY and something happened at the Pentagon which left a hole in it. That’s all. If the OC was true, the entire view would be different in massive ways e.g. spectacular footage of the Pentagon being hit by a passenger plane, the rubble from the collapsed buildings in NY being thoroughly examined and an explanation presented of why they fell that would be consistent with the OC, and plenty of footage of the crashed Flight 93. There is none of that hence the official account is bollocks. And all you have to do is say this. To start by saying there were no deaths is just going to scare people away.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 29, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I watched a video that suggested there were no planes at all in NY and it sounded plausible.

It is more than plausible. It is clear fact. I’d argue more specifically there were no plane crashes, there may have been planes flying around (though not the designated airliners) but no plane crashes.

I agree with you in principle, George, but the thing is if the lie of 3,000 deaths and 6,000 injured is hampering the ability for truthers to get out the “inside job” message – and it seems the perps knew this would be the case and why they have invested millions in smothering that lie – then I think it’s extremely important. Just to point out that I don’t say there were no deaths, just that death and injury were staged – whether all death and injury was staged or not I cannot be sure of but it doesn’t matter if it was all or most – essentially, it was staged. I’d imagine no one died because that is simply the MO unless by accident. I don’t think they mix up covert and clandestine operations (covert is an operation done publicly but not what it seems (psyop) while clandestine is a hidden operation where killing might occur. I’d guess that the only kind of killing that occurs in a covert operation is an assassination.

To me, 9/11 is a massively Emperor’s New Clothes affair. Collapses by fire and real plane crashes are simply laughable … and it’s so easy to prove simply by asking people to come up with 10 points favouring the official story hypothesis. It cannot be done. We know it was controlled demolition, George, we know that for a fact and we know that the 4 plane crashes were faked. Newtonian physics says so.

I’m a lazy researcher, George, I don’t research things as thoroughly as I should but that’s the beauty of 9/11 and other similar events – you don’t have to. The perps make it easy: they give you the clues – above and beyond the unhideable lies – and they never fake anything so well that it can be used to support their story. A prime example are the photos of Bob McIlvaine with son Bobby. The photos are obviously doctored. They could give us undoctored photos but they don’t do that – they are scrupulous in putting under our noses evidence of their hoaxing of us.

I categorically deny speculation. There is no speculation in claiming that death and injury were staged. The evidence is very clear and there is not a skerrick of evidence to support a single death of the alleged 3,000 or a single injury to any of the allegedly 6,000 injured and that surely is impossible for real death and injury. I have absolute respect for the evidence and equal respect for lack of evidence and I simply don’t understand why other people don’t come to the same conclusions as I do.

What is helpful is to understand the category of event that 9/11 is. It is one on a long and broad continuum starting at least as far back as the Great Fire of London. It is a psyop and in psyops you don’t kill people unless you want them killed. This is the great error that people make when they speak of 9/11 as a psyop but believe in the death and injury – that is no psyop! Surely, understanding that 9/11 is not really a completely one-off event but an event on continuum of similar events with the same MO is another approach to take – not that I’ve been successful with it. The one thing different about 9/11 is the massive truther-targeted propaganda campaign to maintain the lie of death and injury. Other events such as the anthrax attacks also employ that type of propaganda but 9/11’s truther-targeted campaign is surely the mother of all truther-targeted propaganda campaigns.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 29, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Additionally, when you recognise that 9/11 was completely staged as opposed to a “false flag” then you can see how it fits into a long and broad continuum of events. Recognising that 9/11 was a staged event prompted me to look at Pearl Harbour and the 1980 Bologna station bombing to realise that they, too, were completely staged. Your understanding of what the power elite foist on us is so greatly increased. I have to say I do wonder at your notion that the distinction of the two types of events has low significance. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I first awoke to it, despite the fact that I knew of other completely staged events such as Sandy Hook. What I first awoke to was not so much the fact that death and injury were staged but to the propaganda campaign directed at truthers to maintain our belief it was real. That’s what I awoke to and that’s what hit me. And when I first awoke, I had an extremely visceral feeling of being a dumb bull being yanked viciously by the nose-ring this way and that. It was such a powerful feeling.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jan 29, 2020 2:14 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra – When you say ‘completely staged’ it sounds as if you’re claiming the WTC buildings didn’t implode and disintegrate, and are therefore still there, which makes you seem like a troll or a lunatic.

Change up your wording maybe

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 29, 2020 4:40 AM

I shall be careful of my wording as you suggest, Admin, however, I hope it is clear that I understand the buildings came down through my constant reference to the fact. BTW, it seems the method of destruction of the twin towers was a “banana peel” controlled demolition while that of WTC-7 was a typical bottom-up implosion. On the page below is a link to a “banana peel” demolition of a building in China which more resembles the destructions of the twin towers than that of WTC-7.

Jan 28, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I totally agree with flaxgirl/Petra’s right to say what she thinks.

Most of what she says about 9/11 is totally obvious to sentient beings.

The rest of it we can argue about…

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 29, 2020 6:21 AM
Reply to  RobG

The beauty of OffG is that we are all allowed to say what what we think as they don’t censor comments but thanks for your vote of confidence, Rob. I do feel rather alone with some of my hypotheses despite their basis in evidence.

Jan 29, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The important thing is simply to demonstrate that the official narrative, or official conspiracy theory, is absurd.

Jan 29, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  paul

There is no obligation whatever to explain in comprehensive detail, how the attacks were actually carried out.

Jan 29, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  paul

That should be the subject of a genuine, independent criminal investigation.

Jan 29, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  paul

The involvement and relative guilt of different officials and dual nationals, the type of explosives used, whether planes were empty and directed by remote control, etc.

Jan 29, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  paul

They are legitimate subjects of discussion, but they are matters of detail, and there is a risk of not being able to see the wood for the trees, or proponents of the official conspiracy theory using this for diversion and distraction, to muddy the waters.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 29, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  paul

Replying to all your comments, Paul.

I completely agree with you re detail, especially detail that can be argued over. A major part of the propaganda campaign is putting forward loads of different theories, eg, Judy Wood’s Directed Energy Weapons theory, and details for people to argue over. However, I think we disagree on what constitutes detail. To me, the greater understanding we can have of the kind of event 9/11 was is very valuable and all the information that contributes to that I consider significant.

We can know for absolute sure that 9/11 was not:
— A terrorist attack conducted by 19 fanatical Muslims armed with boxcutters
— A false flag where 3,000 were killed and 6,000 were injured

We can infer with virtual certainty that 9/11 was:
A Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation (psyop) in the form, effectively, of a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills where the only physical realities of the day were damage to and destruction of buildings and where the plane crashes were faked and death and injury were staged. A two-streamed propaganda campaign has been implemented, one aimed at the masses and one aimed at the anticipated recognisers of controlled demolition and, less often, faked plane crashes. The purpose of the second stream is to hamstring the recognisers of “inside job” by maintaining their belief in real death and injury thus compromising their ability to get the truth of “inside job” out – that the US government would cold-bloodedly kill all those poor people in the buildings is simply too taboo and horrific to countenance.

We can also know that while bombarding us with their propaganda the perps give us the clues in such things as:
— having the nose cone of the second plane pop out the other side of the South tower
— the newscaster Brian Williams say to David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant, “Can you confirm that it was No 7 that just went in?”, “went in” being a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves
— unbelievable miracle survivor stories
— doctored photos of Bob McIlvaine, with his alleged son Bobby, who allegedly died in an explosion in the lobby of the North tower before it came down

This understanding can prompt us to look at other events that we may suspect to be “false flags” and see that the evidence shows that they too have similar MOs where physical destruction may have occurred but death and injury didn’t, eg, Pearl Harbour and the 1980 Bologna station bombing. The evidence for the 9/11 anthrax attacks also shows staged death and illness. And in these events we are also given the clues such as major discrepancy between show and tell.

This understanding can help us see that 9/11 is an event on a long continuum starting at least as far back as the Great Fire of London in 1666. While the second stream of propaganda is only evident for a number of events, 9/11 shares many hallmarks with much smaller events such as Sandy Hook, the Manchester bombing, the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, a recent Sydney CBD stabbing and so very, very many other events.

Knowledge is power, Paul. When we understand what kind of event 9/11 is and how it fits on the historical continuum we have much greater power to deal with it.

Jan 29, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

That is all quite interesting in itself and worth thinking about, P.
But my argument is that the best strategy is to simply point out all the obvious inadequacies and nonsense in the official conspiracy theory and let people draw their own conclusions.

This has been done in the past on numerous occasions by knowledgeable, articulate, professional people.
When confronted with inconvenient facts, the journalist interlocutor hack present will then typically demand a full alternative account, asking, “So what did happen? Are you saying that the government murdered 3,000 of its own people?”, or something similar.

The shrewd response is, “I’m just saying that the official narrative is obviously untrue, for the reasons I’ve given you. What really needs to happen is a thorough, professional, independent criminal enquiry, to establish exactly what did happen. You’re supposed to be a journalist – why aren’t you calling for this?”

That is a challenge they find difficult to answer.
I’ve got a pretty clear idea what happened myself, but there are a number of different permutations. They aren’t important in themselves. What matters is debunking the ludicrous official account.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 30, 2020 2:43 AM
Reply to  paul

I see your point, Paul, and your suggested approach may well be the best.

Good to know though what kind of event 9/11 really is though – just for your own edification, no? because knowing what kind of event and how it relates to others on the historical continuum provides a much greater understanding of how we are ruled by a global power elite … and have been for centuries at least.

Jan 30, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I was interested myself in the attack on the Pentagon. To me it seems “highly likely” to coin a phrase, that a cruise missile was used. But some people may think otherwise, and still reject the official narrative. I wouldn’t argue with them because it’s only a relatively minor point and doesn’t change very much.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 30, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  paul

“cruise missile hitting the Pentagon” is exactly the kind of detail I’d avoid, Paul. We know that the perps have pushed out multiple theories (eg, Judy Wood’s DEW nonsense) and details to distract and factionalise truthers – although truthers themselves have, no doubt, come up with their own to argue over. The “controlled opposition” actors also stage division among themselves to undermine the truth movement.

This is the critical information:

— the four plane crashes were faked
— WTC-1, 2 and 7 came down by controlled demolition
— death and injury were staged
— multiple exercises and drills on the day, one, at least, named as an anti-hijacker drill

Thus, 9/11 was, in effect, a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event (a psyop) where the only physical realities of the day were damage to and destruction of buildings.

That’s it in a nutshell and that’s all we need to know to proceed with action.

And we know that controlled demolition was used as a focus in various ways to keep people away from the truth of staged death and injury. Of course, we only need to ascertain that the plane crashes were faked to know automatically that the collapses of the buildings had to be engineered – but that would be too simple, they want 9/11 to seem so very complicated. We have a significant number of professionals in the fields of science, architecture, metallurgy, demolition and civil, mechanical & fire engineering, speaking for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth but where’s a single aircraft accident investigator on the job?

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jan 28, 2020 9:15 AM

”Sadly, reporters and editors covering these events don’t seem to have an interest in challenging any substantial part of the story. Let’s hope that one or more of them comes to their senses and proves that suspicion wrong.” With all due respect – fat chance.

One example is a current article by Robert Fisk.

I couldn’t help noticing his most recent piece in ‘Counterpunch’ . Fisky is the go-to guy for anything happening in the middle-east but this was something of a clumsy attempt to equate oppressed with oppressors in the never ending imbroglio. For example.

‘’But this is water in the desert if we continue to betray the Palestinians, the Kurds and the millions of people who suffer under our well-armed local dictators, whether they be Trump’s “favourite dictator”, president el-Sisi of Egypt – whom I noticed at Davos, did I not? – or the ever more sinister Mohammed bin Salman, or Assad (armed by the Russians, of course) or the militias of Libya, Yemen or Iraq. If Trump can mix up al-Qaeda with the Kurds …”

But of course Assad is as bad as the rest, another cheap dictator and a Russian stooge at that. Well Assad defends his country’s sovereignty against the US/Saudi/Jsraeli armed to the teeth jihadist foreign legions of ISIS and Al-Qeada. So one lot of terrorists are as bad as the other. Is that right? What’s with this equi-distance between the invader and the defender. No difference really. But what exactly was Assad and Syria supposed to do when being attacked by the US-Saudi funded head-choppers?

It gets better:

” … well, then the Americans probably are finished in the Middle East. We know, of course, who is not finished in that region.’’ Aha, yes, the hand of Putin is easily recognisable in this middle-east cockpit. This sounds exactly like CNN ‘newspeak’.

Finally, comes the oblique bias.

”After all, Moscow now seems to have more “territorial ambitions” (Surmelian’s language, again) in the Middle East than Washington.”

Notice that Fisky attributes Moscow’s ‘territorial ambitions’ to a certain Mr Surmelian, a gentleman I am not familiar with, but its an easy way to get another snide little falsehood into the article.

Moscow’s presence and strategy in Syria is quite simply explained: namely, it is to keep the head-choppers out of Russia’s soft underbelly of Chechnya and Dagestan where two bloody wars were fought as well as terrorist outrages in the big cities of Moscow and St.Petersburg.

This sort of mealy-mouthed evasion is typical of the likes of Fisk and Monbiot.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jan 28, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Difficult to trust anyone in any way connected with the established media – even some alt-media. Meanwhile the lies and incompetence of the state broadcasters seem to be ever proliferating. Australian Broadcasting Corporation talking heads are still pontificating about Russian ‘interference’ in foreign elections (despite Mueller) while the annexation of Crimea gets another run around the block without mention of the referendum or Russian ownership prior to 1954. Putin’s big speech is portrayed as nothing more than a power-grab (so why is the power to appoint the PM being devolved to the Duma?) and nothing is said about the proposed sweeping improvements to social welfare. Mentioning that might make Putin look less like a pantomime villain. Couldn’t have that, could we?

Jan 28, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Gatekeepers and limited hang-out specialists.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 28, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

a famous reporter for the bbc his name is gabriel gatehouse
you have to admit the khazar pirates do have a rather good and rather sick sense of humours

is it nor

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 28, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

jason bournes and james bonds the special forces of the world could not find osama bin atlarges cia name tim osman (sounds jewish)

yet fisked pop over to the afgham plains and mountains and found him on a donkey track

never get fisked over time it will hurt
never get gnome chumpskied
read a saymore hershey bar with caution
and never get your cockburnt

without some kosher chabad certifried salt rubbing salve

Jan 28, 2020 8:14 AM

So many parallels with the lead up to WW2 and the way Nazis behaved. The media back then complicit or silent to the cruelties, racism, censorship, foreign aggression and obvious false flags (,even doubts over 911 aside) the pretext to all that.

We’re heading towards a very dark place at lightning speed. Are there enough mainstream jounalists and others breaking ranks? Not yet, some recently though – Tareq Haddad and Anna Brees and Hitchens as always pushing – and independent media fighting back strong, the OPCW scandal one example. Too many like Monbiot and ‘ liberal’ press hiding behind ‘ ‘progressive’ issues to avoid addtessing the most pressing and important. Keeping their personal gravy train going. We need more people of courage and intelligence to counter the ignorant mass which make up MSM. This next year I think will be crucial for all of our futures.

Jan 28, 2020 8:52 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Actually most “journalist” are like hookers they’d be turning tricks if they weren’t working in the news room.

Feb 1, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Gall

Politicians are just like hookers, only more expensive.
Though come to think of it, the working girls get a very bad deal.
Most of the ones I’ve known are quite decent people in their own way.
If we replaced Bush and Blair and Trump and Johnson with any hookers chosen at random, the world would be a much better place.

Feb 2, 2020 5:08 AM
Reply to  paul

I totally agree. In fact I’d say hookers are literally and figuratively a cut above the average politician. Also when you compare them to the recent Epstein revelations they are Paragons of Virtue in comparison.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jan 28, 2020 11:06 AM
Reply to  Loverat

‘Liberal’ media are the number one menace to public enlightenment because (unlike the tabloids, from which nobody expects the truth) the public was brought up to trust them as reasonably accurate and fair -which they are not, and perhaps never were.

Jan 28, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  Loverat

A fully converted (or freed up) media could never counter what’s coming our way. As you say, ‘the next year is crucial’ . Somebody has better better rise to the occasion.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2020 7:29 AM

The 9/11 Commission Report is so obviously a crass fraud that it gives weight to Petra/Flaxgirl’s assertions that the Deep State make their bullshit deliberately blatant because they are having a laugh at us all. The commission report starts like a fictional narrative:

Tuesday, September 11, 2001, dawned temperate and nearly cloudless in the eastern United States. Millions of men and women readied themselves for work.

And it continues in this vein until we get this:

At 8:46:40, American 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. All on board, along with an unknown number of people in the tower, were killed instantly.

How could the authors possibly know that? I didn’t bother reading further apart from skipping ahead to see how they covered the collapse of the towers. At that point I found out there was NO INDEX! There was an enormous amount of small print verbiage that was practically impenetrable. I wasted no further time with it.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jan 28, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The 9/11 Commission Report is so obviously a crass fraud

Thus continuing in that fine tradition established by the Warren Commission Report of 1964.

WTC7 is, I believe, the key to it all, or much of it. Really establish the truth of what went on there, and much else may be revealed. (“And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse”. Larry Silverstein )

It’s the “dog that didn’t bark in the night”. It’s Jack Ruby being able to walk into Dallas Police Headquarters and shoot Oswald at point blank range. It’s the “three tramps”. It’s the fake Secret Service agents with authentic looking ID on the grassy knoll. And much else. All the things that just don’t add up, and which make the official story look even shakier than it was to begin with.

Jan 29, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Very true. Most people soon accept 9/11 was a hoax when WTC7 is pointed out to them.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 30, 2020 1:12 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

WTC-7 is key in more ways than one, Mike. Its collapse is a little like the scripted line from Oswald, “I’m just a patsy,” which is the truth, of course, but also functions as propaganda directed at skeptics to make them believe that Oswald needed to be silenced. Oswald was an agent and, of course, would not be spilling any beans, he would simply be “sheepdipped” (given a new identity and shipped off somewhere). And as George says above about making their BS blatant:

— there is no correspondence between any still in the footage of the murder on LIVE TV and the famous photograph so we can tell it was faked from the evidence of multiple takes – they didn’t have to do multiple takes, did they? or they certainly could have made it much less obvious. (https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/lho-shot-tvphoto-comparison.html).

— an assassin would not choose a $12 mail-order Carcano, a relic of Mussolini’s WWII armed forces, for his crackshot assassination either

— and we’re supposed to believe that Jack Ruby shows the signs he didn’t really have the intention to kill Oswald but only did it under “Mafia pressure” because when he arrived at the police station he had his weenie, Sheba, with him and his alleged mistress says that Ruby would never have taken Sheba with him if he really planned on shooting Oswald, knowing that he would have to abandon her. Doncha love it?

The similarity with WTC-7?

WTC-7 was given to us on a platter – there was absolutely no need to bring down WTC-7 on the day, just as they didn’t bring any of the other buildings at the WTC on the day apart from the twin towers (which they needed for their terror story). It was a perfect implosion that serves as a way to keep skeptics’ focus on controlled demolition. The perps want all the attention on controlled demolition, much less on the planes (because the faked plane crashes means no deaths on planes and tends to lead much more easily to the hypothesis of completely staged death and injury) and right away from death and injury. They do not want skeptics of the story to realise that 9/11 was completely staged apart from the buildings.

It’s all about focus and distraction. That’s how the propaganda works.

Jan 28, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

assertions that the Deep State make their bullshit deliberately blatant because they are having a laugh at us all

An alternative hypothesis would be that it was produced by vulgar, stupid people, who assumed, rightly or wrongly, that the target audience was even more vulgar and stupid than themselves.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 30, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  milosevic

… vulgar, stupid people …

… who’ve managed to persuade lots of millions that 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters yada yada yada and persuaded fewer millions that the US government cold-bloodedly killed all those poor people in the buildings. Admittedly, the same MO has been in operation for centuries at least so it’s hard to know where their smarts really come in … but I would tend not to underestimate it.

So what about these, milo. What’s your alternative hypothesis for these?

— having the nose cone of the second plane pop out the other side of the South tower (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH5InKzdQHw) with a freelance FoxNews reporter, Mark Walsh, describe how he saw the second plane “ream right into the side of the twin tower exploding through the other side.” (https://youtu.be/f-pLwI7dcQ0?t=56s)

— the newscaster Brian Williams say to David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant, “Can you confirm that it was No 7 that just went in?”, “went in” being a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves. https://youtu.be/i5b719rVpds?t=224

— unbelievable miracle survivor stories

— doctored photos of Bob McIlvaine, with his alleged son Bobby, who allegedly died in an explosion in the lobby of the North tower before it came down
Scroll down to Point 5 – https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/3000-dead-and-6000-injured-a-lie.html

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 30, 2020 1:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I thank you, George, from the bottom of my heart. This seems to be a first from an OffGer who previously wasn’t aware of their signs chiming in with me. Mark Gobell knows independently about the signs (especially the “date arithmetic”) but I haven’t seen his name in absolutely ages – perhaps others too but I’m simply not aware of them.

Just a quibble – “assertion” lacks the connotation of “evidence-based”. My claims about blatancy are 100% evidence-based.

Yes, it is very tedious to wade through the ludicrous and sometimes extremely convoluted BS … being lazy, I simply switch to seek other less mind-consuming examples of the blatant BS to make my case.

Jan 28, 2020 6:46 AM

Of course this is more confirmation that the 9/11 Commission report is nothing but a Fantasy Novel posing as a “report”. Yet like the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy many Americans will cling to it as the “truth”.

Yet despite contrary reports by the vaunted media that number is shrinking by the day as the so called “conspiracy theorist” ,”fringe” is now the majority.

Jan 28, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  Gall

Interesting, that in spite of the vast outpouring of lies and propaganda, the majority of Americans don’t buy the official view on 9/11 and by quite a large majority.

Jan 28, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

Interesting, that 20 years later, most Brits buy the official account of 9/11 hook, line and sinker. Either that or if they have doubts, they know not to talk about it and they shut down anyone who does. Stupid people. Brits love to mock the people of the USA, they honestly believe they are superior, that Brits are clever, Yanks are stupid. Brits are genuinely some of the most brainwashed, stupid, closed-minded people you will ever meet. They just voted for Brexit, they just voted for Bojo. Their conversations generally revolve around petty little digs about insignificant bullshit. If you don’t play ball with their “ooh it’s cloudy today isn’t it?” pathetic, pointless talk, they get very offended. I’m listening to someone now, explaining in graphic detail how 20 years ago a couple they knew would go to the museum and dump their kids and go around looking at the museum on their own. WOW, that’s soooo fascinating. DID THEY?OoOOOOHhhhh! Now we’re on to someone who has had their “knees done”. Such a pathetic nation, with nothing of substance to say about anything, because their heads are full of the shit the establishment hasd carefully placed there all their lives

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jan 28, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I don’t agree with much of what you say above (I am a Brit, after all). But I’m with you in your first two sentences.

Also they (we) appear to believe without question the official story on “7/7”. How convenient that on “7/7”, there was also a “training exercise” going on at the same time, just as there was on 9/11, to confuse the picture. Heck, the playbook worked the first time; why wouldn’t it work a second time? And it did.

Jan 29, 2020 1:56 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I won’t comment on the Brits too much since like us they are victims of neoliberalism except to say that British cuisine is an oxymoron 🙂

Jan 28, 2020 6:27 AM

The main role of despicable torture camp Gitmo is to shield the CIA / FBI /NSA failure to prevent or seriously post investigate 9/11 – because the FED$’ + Wall street’$ buddy K$A elements were involved.
None of the above want to find out who did (not) what.
The Oilyphant$ in the room.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 28, 2020 7:10 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Gitmo is a holiday camp compared with the prisons in which the Israelis confine Palestinians, and tiny compared to the Gaza internment camp.

Jan 28, 2020 4:45 PM

Gaza would make Auschwitz look like one of Billy Butlin’s holiday camps.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 4:07 AM
Reply to  paul

Gotta be careful NOT to exaggerate. Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto, not Auschwitz. I do not doubt that many Israelis WOULD like to move to full exterminism, while others would be happy with expulsion or eternal imprisonment, and others, now unfortunately no doubt a minority, would be prepared to treat the Palestinians as fellow human beings. Those are the notorious ‘ self-hating Jews’.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 28, 2020 9:03 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Don’t allow yourself to be lead wilfully off track by the propagandists protecting the official physics-defying 11/9 cospithirry. The gangsters running Saudistan were only peripherally involved in creating the false flag, by facilitating entry of the chosen Arab patsies into the US, for false-trail laying purposes. The fuss about ‘Saudi involvement’ recently is a limited hang-out of no particular substance, to divert attention away from the real story: The true originators of the 11/9 crimes seem to have been the al Saud famiglia’s neighbours, the zionistanis in Palestine.

Chris Bollyn gives chapter and verse for anyone with the moral nerve to follow the evidence, no matter how horrifying they may find it: https://www.bollyn.com/ His sustained, tenacious investigative journalism has stood the test of constant debate and continuing investigation. Show me a more convincing commentary on the origins of the false flag…

Jan 28, 2020 10:03 AM

Rhisiart, Antonym is the propagandist who has popped up jack-in-the-box style precisely to lead us astray by blaming the Saudis.

Jan 28, 2020 10:32 AM
Reply to  Jen

Operation Encore and the Saudi Connection: A Secret History of the 9/11 Investigation

The Saudis are untouchable, see Robert Mueller III burying any leads to them, honing his skills for later (HRC). They could fly out of the US straight after 9/11, nobody else.

Jan 28, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  Antonym

This is well documented, that the only planes allowed to fly after 9/11 took the bin laden family and others out of the country.

Jan 28, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Don’t look at Israel don’t look at Israel don’t look at Israel don’t look at Israel don’t look at Israel don’t look at Israel..

Anywhere but Israel.

Look at those nasty Arabs.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 28, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Frank

the house of saud are not arabs but donmeh turckick scum

khazar rothschild actors for the oded yinon

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Jan 28, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  Antonym


any links or intel on the israeli arts projects b thing and gelatine during the chabad event ritual of the 9 and 11

Jan 28, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The 200 strong Mossad unit that was rounded up and failed lie detector tests were quietly released a bit later by all the dual nationals infesting the US administration.

Jan 29, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  Antonym

This is just the kosher Get Out Of Jail Free Card.
The Shady Wahabians were involved in 9/11 like Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in JFK.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 28, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Jen

Unsurprising, if so. There’s a lot of it about. It seems always to have been an essential part of the plot: to maintain aftercare work for the official cospithirry nonsense, so as to prevent the real perps. from ever being nailed for it during their lifetimes. I dare say in a few decades – assuming the craft of historiography is still functioning reasonably well by then – after all the real perps. are dead we shall find, suddenly, that it’s OK to speak the real truth about what really happened; and done by whom; and why, really. Especially if the Anglozionist empire has been well eclipsed by Russia and China by then, and doesn’t dominate the global lying machine the way it does now.

I imagine that there will be whole segments of the zionistanis’ hasbarollocks-lying machine dedicated to protecting the official ‘blame-the-Muslim-loonies’ bs of the ersatz cospithirry about 11/9. But that, like zionistan-in-Palestine itself, can’t go on forever. Fundamentally evil wickednesses like nazism, apartheid and zionism always carry the seeds of their own destruction in themselves. Infected with a fatal corruption of soul from the first. Inherently non-viable.

PS: In light of my words above, I must of course fling the inevitable attempt to conflate my steadfast anti-zionism with anti-semitism right back in the lying teeth of the hasbarollocksers, and their invertebrate-goy political grovellers within the As empire. Anti-zionism = anti-semitism is BSBSBSBS… Rinse and repeat as often as needed.

Jan 28, 2020 1:47 PM

consider this syllogism:

– anti-zionism is a form of anti-racism (self-evident, for anybody with eyes to see)

– “anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism” (according to a large majority of self-identified “Jews”, as evidenced by their continued association with Jewish organizations which explicitly make this claim)


– “anti-semitism” is a form of anti-racism.

does that clarify the situation?

Jan 28, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  milosevic

You forget to add, what was just demonstrated in the anti-Corbyn campaign, that anti-capitalism and particularly hostility towards haute finance are also anti-semitic.
In essence it is antisemitic to question anything in the status quo.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 4:10 AM
Reply to  bevin

You must not attack the global capitalist elite, because that is ‘antisemitic’, but to imply that Jews are heavily involved in Western financialised capitalism is also ‘ antisemitic’. But what, these days, is not?

Jan 28, 2020 10:07 AM

New York is the city with the most Jews in the world after Tel Aviv: who has more motive for 9/11, the Israelis or the Saudis?
Try to think logical for a moment.

Jan 28, 2020 11:04 AM
Reply to  Antonym

You wont see that ‘leaders’ do unto their ‘own’, in order to keep a narrative identity going that supports their USE for it. Sacrifice is the fuel for the survival of the will to prevail over a ‘life’ seen only to be ‘used’, possessed and controlled. ‘No Home’ is a loss of heart-belonging or relational recognition for the sake of a self-specialness – given power of allegiance.

Those who USE identities as weapons of manipulative intent are identified by doing so as ‘power’ by coercion and deceit and in this case represent extreme example or instance of a pattern of thought and belief in our human conscious construct that operates anti-humanly – while accusing its sins in the Other – and preemptively attacking them.

Also characteristic is the refusal to look within.
Any and every lie is invoked to deny transparency to a shared being – and sin is worshipped as irrevocable freedom and power.

” When a fictional aspect of personality is face to face with true existence, such questions arise as: ‘Who am I? How can my projections and inventions be integrated with reality? How can these self-generated factors, unsupported by reality, be MADE real?’

Existence exposes truth, and it can be a great defender of your own truth if you allow it to shatter that which is not really you. However, if you persist beyond your challenges and revelations to enforce your invented reality with intentional deception, you will enter the world of sin.

Sin is a much simpler thing than you may think it is. It is just the force and mischief used to instill and empower invented realities. To the degree that you have made such investments, you have moved away from God.

“In the ways of the world, a great deal of energy is spent on judgment, which is nothing less than competition for dominance among invented realities. Judgment is a cruel, childish game of egos, competing for position. The sly, unspoken intent is that he who succeeds in sustaining a judgment is above judgment. That is not true. The fact is, the ego cannot and will not forgive. Withholding forgiveness is the ego’s assault against life. Love does not judge. Only the ego judges, and through judgment it will perish. Your love will sustain your immortality, for love knows nothing of judgment.

But in ‘this world’, love comes to suffer and die in hate, grievance and defiance.
This need not be.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jan 28, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Antonym

I’ll bite. On the surface it’s the Saudis. However 9/11 enabled the brutish flouting of signed treaties, conventions and for the Yanks to ignore contemptuously their own laws. It enabled the military to portray themselves as “ heroes” , infesting everyday life such as all professional sporting activities, to escape scrutiny and accountability for trillions missing at the Pentagon, to fatten already gluttonous military budgets and swell the pockets of scumbag politicians like Cheney and Rumsfeld and sleazy opportunists like Kissinger. It provided employment for the unprincipled, uneducated dregs of their society attracted by the foolproof ticket to exercising their basest inclinations with impunity.

It’s not at all beyond possibility, if one follows the money and the power allocations, that 9/11 received a joyous reception in the military, anxious to try out their new weapons at the very least, and having probably much more sinister motives. Propaganda became overwhelming , pushing preposterous messages aimed at justifying and promoting yet more unspeakable acts.

The unanimous braying support for the US military by Israeli-supporting neocon websites, heavily supported by American Jews, seems to imply that a strong unaccountable military is perceived as good for them. Lord knows and they do too that they need protection, they have behaved so abominably in Gaza.

Time will tell as Chou en Lai famously did not say.

Jan 29, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

To whom do fresh US presidents first pay homage, the boss of KSA or Israel?
The Bush family were business buddies with the Saudis. Remember Obama half kneeling for the Saudi king? Even Trump rushed to Riyadh to pay his respects. Tel Aviv or Jerusalem are not in that picture.
Nethanyahu doesn’t care to play fall guy to keep the dogs off scent as long as he gets US support. Jews are used to being blamed for anything, Arabs not and get upset. The triangle lives on.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jan 29, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Uh do you really need to ask that? Netanyahu addresses Congress to rapturous applause. No matter that he is obviously a crook, the pathetic, grovelling, devoid of self-respect Congressmen line up to kiss his ring. Many of them are dual citizens, whose primary loyalties are highly suspect. How many congressmen are dual citizens of Saudi? None?

How many senators are Muslim? How many congressmen are Muslim? But there are plenty of Jews. Not that there shouldn’t be, and indeed many have not only earned it but are important contributors. But to suggest that somehow homage is preferentially paid to Saudi is preposterous.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 4:15 AM
Reply to  Antonym

I hate to be both rude and startled, but the only person capable of asserting that any foreign power has more influence in the USA than Israel, is barking mad, or a Zionist disinformer with an excess of chutzpah.

Jan 29, 2020 4:52 AM

You didn’t count the CIA or FED as foreign powers to the overall US population and constitution?

Fail x2.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 30, 2020 7:24 AM
Reply to  Antonym

The, thankfully, Jewish controlled Federal Reserve? THAT FED?

Jan 29, 2020 10:55 PM

I’ll believe Saudi Arabia controls America when US teachers have to swear loyalty oaths to Saudi Arabia on pain of instant dismissal. Or when hurricane victims have to do the same as a condition of receiving assistance. Or when criticising Saudi Arabia is a criminal offence.

Jan 29, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Who do presidents pay homage to?
Adelson, Saban, Singer, AIPAC, Nuttyyahoo and the massed ranks of Zionist Fifth Columnists and dual nationals who rule the roost.
Every presidential hopeful first has to prostrate him/ herself before Adelson and kiss his ring before they are allowed to stand.

Jan 28, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  Antonym

That’s why we had the incident with the 5 Dancing Saudis.
And the 200 strong Saudi intelligence unit that was rounded up and failed lie detector tests after some of them were caught with a van load of explosives at the New Jersey Tunnel, who were quietly released by all the Saudi dual nationals infesting the US administration.

Jan 28, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  paul

Or why the Saudi billionaire owner of WTC doubled the insurance policy a few weeks before 9/11.
And why he fortuitously neglected to take his breakfast as usual on the morning of 9/11 in the top floor restaurant.

Terrible people, those Saudis.

Jan 29, 2020 3:52 AM
Reply to  paul

Just 5 dancing Israelis? I can up you with 50,000 dancing Pakistanis apart from probably the same number of Palestinians. No idea about KSA as dance is forbidden there..

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 30, 2020 7:26 AM
Reply to  Antonym

PATHETIC attempt at deflection. Hasbara was never so crap.

Jan 28, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Thinking logically, I would say the Israelis would have more motive to carry out 9/11 to scare more New York City Jews into panicking and stampeding John F Kennedy International Airport to make aliyah.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 4:18 AM
Reply to  Jen

Not too many-they need those sayanim to stay in the USA to keep the milch cow producing.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 4:13 AM
Reply to  Antonym

As Ben-Gurion said, he would rather sacrifice half the German Jewish children by moving them to Palestine, than save all of them by moving them to England. The Zionist elites sacrificing other Jews for political advantage, if not outright murdering them if they are insufficiently extreme, is standard operating procedure.

Feb 1, 2020 4:54 PM

Ordinary Jews are expendable to the Zionist elite.
In the 1950s they sent Mossad agents to places like Iraq to set off bombs outside synagogues so that Jews would emigrate to Israel.

Jan 28, 2020 12:30 PM

Amen, Rhisiart. I’d go so far as to say that Bollyn has 9/11 so thoroughly sewn up (in terms of the identity of the perpetrators) that anyone nowadays writing articles like this – with vague allusions to “questions and inconsistencies in the official narrative” must be running interference for Israel. On whose behalf other than that of those responsible could they possibly be working for by feigning ignorance?

Similarly, there are the Petra Liveranis muddying the waters on behalf of the Zio Scum. You can spot these bullshitters a mile off. They falsely adopt a pseudo-logical approach laying claim to intellectual rigor and then make the same points every single time. When you offer arguments in response they merely repeat their script ad nauseam.

Jan 28, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Frank

The fact that the bullshitters do not adjust their arguments in any way, in response to rational criticism, but merely continue to repeat them word-for-word, as if the criticism had never occurred, is proof that disinfo operatives is exactly what they are.

Jan 29, 2020 10:42 PM

Bonesaw Bin Salman couldn’t even cut up Khashoggi and get away with it.
Some altogether more slick wide boys pulled off 9/11.