How Washington “Liberates” Free Countries

Andre Vltchek

There are obviously some serious linguistic issues and disagreements between the West and the rest of the world. Essential terms like “freedom”, “democracy”, “liberation”, even “terrorism”, are all mixed up and confused; they mean something absolutely different in New York, London, Berlin, and in the rest of the world.

Before we begin analyzing, let us recall that countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United States, as well as other Western nations, have been spreading colonialist terror to basically all corners of the world.

And in the process, they developed effective terminology and propaganda, which has been justifying, even glorifying acts such as looting, torture, rape and genocides. Basically, first Europe, and later North America literally “got away with everything, including mass murder”.

The native people of Americas, Africa and Asia have been massacred, their voices silenced. Slaves were imported from Africa. Great Asian nations, such as China, what is now “India” and Indonesia, got occupied, divided and thoroughly plundered.

And all was done in the name of spreading religion, “liberating” people from themselves, as well as “civilizing them”.

Nothing has really changed.

To date, people of great nations with thousands of years of culture, are treated like infants; humiliated, and as if they were still in kindergarten, told how to behave, and how to think.

Sometimes if they “misbehave”, they get slapped. Periodically they get slapped so hard, that it takes them decades, even centuries, to get back to their feet. It took China decades to recover from the period of “humiliation”. India and Indonesia are presently trying to recuperate, from the colonial barbarity, and from, in the case of Indonesia, the 1965 U.S.-administered fascist coup.

But if you go back to the archives in London, Brussels or Berlin, all the monstrous acts of colonialism, are justified by lofty terms. Western powers are always “fighting for justice”; they are “enlightening” and “liberating”. No regrets, no shame and no second thoughts. They are always correct!

Like now; precisely as it is these days.

Presently, the West is trying to overthrow governments in several independent countries, on different continents. From Bolivia (the country has been already destroyed) to Venezuela, from Iraq to Iran, to China and Russia. The more successful these countries get, the better they serve their people, the more vicious the attacks from abroad are, the tougher the embargos and sanctions imposed on them are. The happier the citizens are, the more grotesque the propaganda disseminated from the West gets.


In Hong Kong, some young people, out of financial interest, or out of ignorance, keep shouting: “President Trump, Please Liberate Us!” Or similar, but equally treasonous slogans. They are waving U.S., U.K. and German flags. They beat up people who try to argue with them, including their own Police Force.

So, let us see, how the United States really “liberates” countries, in various pockets of the world.

Let us visit Iran, a country which (you’d never guess it if consuming only Western mass media) is, despite the vicious embargos and sanctions, on the verge of the “highest human development index bracket” (UNDP). How is it possible? Simple. Because Iran is a socialist country (socialism with the Iranian characteristics). It is also an internationalist nation which is fighting against Western imperialism. It helps many occupied and attacked states on our planet, including Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia (before), Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq, to name just a few.

So, what is the West doing? It is trying to ruin it, by all means; ruin all good will and progress. It is starving Iran through sanctions, it finances and encourages its “opposition”, as it does in China, Russia and Latin America. It is trying to destroy it.

Then, it just bombs their convoy in neighboring Iraq, killing its brave commander, General Soleimani. And, as if it was not horrid enough, it turns the tables around, and starts threatening Teheran with more sanctions, more attacks, and even with the destruction of its cultural sites.

Iran, under attack, confused, shot down, by mistake, a Ukrainian passenger jet. It immediately apologized, in horror, offering compensation. The U.S. straightway began digging into the wound. It started to provoke (like in Hong Kong) young people. The British ambassador, too, got involved!

As if Iran and the rest of the world should suddenly forget that during its attack on Iraq, more than 3 decades ago, Washington actually shot down an Iranian wide-body passenger plane (Iran Air flight 655, an Airbus-300), on a routine flight from Bandar Abbas to Dubai. In an “accident”, 290 people, among them 66 children, lost their lives. That was considered “war collateral”.

Iranian leaders then did not demand “regime change” in Washington. They were not paying for riots in New York or Chicago.

As China is not doing anything of that nature, now.

The “Liberation” of Iraq (in fact, brutal sanctions, bombing, invasion and occupation) took more than a million Iraqi lives, most of them, those of women and children. Presently, Iraq has been plundered, broken into pieces, and on its knees.

Is this the kind of “liberation” that some of the Hong Kong youngsters really want?

No? But if not, is there any other performed by the West, in modern history?


Washington is getting more and more aggressive, in all parts of the world.

It also pays more and more for collaboration.

And it is not shy to inject terrorist tactics into allied troops, organizations and non-governmental organizations. Hong Kong is no exception.

Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia, China, Venezuela, but also many other countries, should be carefully watching and analyzing each and every move made by the United States. The West is perfecting tactics on how to liquidate all opposition to its dictates.

It is not called a “war”, yet. But it is. People are dying. The lives of millions are being ruined.


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Feb 17, 2023 1:35 PM

6 months later the author was dead. Getting targeted by the deep state is the ultimate accolade.


t z
t z
Feb 8, 2020 1:03 AM

The “500” nations of Native Americans regularly genocided each other. They didn’t invent the wheel. Or sanitation. Shall we treat our senior citizens like the Inuit did by putting them in ice floes and sending them out to sea to die? What other quaint practices should our civilized countries adopt?

If you think these people were so wonderful, give up indoor plumbing, modern medicine, and the rest and live like them.

There is a proper criticism about the evils of colonialism, but this is not that. Praising barbarians who themselves killed heretics in far worse manners, oppressed and gave no dignity to women, and were far more xenophobic is evil.

You avoid mentioning Saudi Arabia run by Moe Bone-Saw-Man and that he chopped the heads off almost 200 convicts, and still doesn’t have anything like equal rights for women. Iran is more liberal but you don’t care. It is all political.

Feb 17, 2023 1:45 PM
Reply to  t z

No-one is defending barbarians here except you.

G dog
G dog
Feb 7, 2020 4:21 PM

It’s as if one could say “white people bad”. It’s as if China and India and the Middle East and S America and Africa were peaceful puritans until COLONIALISTS showed up… fuck off… all humans war… all humans enslave… all humans are evil with one another… shut up with the Colonialism garbage you narrow minded fool!!!

Feb 17, 2023 1:45 PM
Reply to  G dog

So it was okay to murder a million Iraqi women and children? Your whataboutism won’t work here, try harder.

Jan 31, 2020 10:07 PM

”Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins” Tells ALL.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 30, 2020 10:42 AM

Thank god the US is heading, quite unmistakably now, down the same flush which swallowed the USSR!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 31, 2020 6:54 AM

The destruction of the USSR, deliberately, by Yeltsin on US orders, and by the Harvard neo-liberal economic hit-men and the oligarchs who stole the proceeds, was a tragedy for humanity. The end of the USA would be unambiguously good, including for the vast bulk of Americans.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 31, 2020 11:13 AM

Agree entirely R. It’s just that these over-large structures, that have become dinosaurs in the figurative sense, have a tendency to collapse anyway, under their own ballooning weight, whether they’re with the angels or with the demons. This is especially true now that the Era of the Long Descent has begun. Growthforever is over for good. The huge structures that were built on its brief, grossly atypical splurge are tottering, inevitably now that the splurge has run out of juice (abundant, cheap commodities, particularly energy sources, and loads of free space). I expect similar pressures to impinge on the Russian and the Chinese empires, soon enough. Eco-geophysics rools, OK! 🙂

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 1, 2020 8:04 AM

WHAT Russian and Chinese ‘Empires’?

Jan 31, 2020 4:25 PM

If they go down, they will not go down quietly like the SU, I’m afraid.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 2, 2020 2:33 AM
Reply to  chris

In the socialist countries the ruling powers had no intention of killing their own people to cling to power. Throughout the US Empire the local compradores and stooges will and have done so, unceasingly, spill oceans of blood in orgies of class, race and other hatred, in order to stay in power.

Jan 30, 2020 7:06 AM

Indeed. China is still being run by the Bolshevik supporting CCP. If the USSR had not backed Mao with military assistance and funding, the communists would not have gotten into power and there would be a unity government inclusive of Taiwan. The disasters that were the ten year plan and cutural revolution would never have happened, hence saving millions from outright murder and famine.
Fortunately for China, the USA – never loyal to anyone for too long – dumped the KMT and Nixon started negotiating the use of China’s work force to become the manufacturing plant for US goodies. That policy basically rescued China from its dire predicament and put it on the path to success.
Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish goodies from badies, especially as the leaders of all powerful nations soon move to the imperialism agenda.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 30, 2020 7:28 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Truly idiotic rewriting of history. The CCP has led China in the greatest economic and social leap in history, and Western racists and their compradore stooges just hate it.

Jan 30, 2020 7:48 AM

Calm down, take a deep breath then enlighten me as to which aspects of my comment are racist.
Your adoption of the “racist” tag forces me to assume that you are just another of those ignorant Marxist/Trotskyite/Fantasist of the Corbyn ilk that sees China as some sort of Nirvana that vindicates your long held beliefs that capitalism is not needed to create a wealthy country. Well don’t let me disturb your fantasy.
Getting back to imperialism, maybe you should check your history to see the competition over China that occurred during the cold war? Not exclusive competition, the universal global competition that occurred between the US and USSR over many countries and that manifested itself in many different ways – e.g. the Cuba missile crisis. Remember that?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 31, 2020 6:58 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Your leaping to conclusions. Where did I say that your, I repeat, idiotic, comments were ‘racist’. I made a general observation about Western racists, not targeting you. It was not very clear I must admit. I have no idea whether you are a racist, by my, admittedly broad-ranging definition, or are not, but I have my suspicions. I do rather think that your Orientalism is marked, but there you go. Your undeniably Rightwing ranting about ‘Marxists’ and ‘Corbyn’ make your ideology pretty plain, and from there it is QED.

Jan 30, 2020 2:40 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

China was the greatest civilisation on the planet when the only Americans were running around with feathers in their hair. But luckily the Exceptional And Indispensable Folk came along to “rescue” them.

Jan 30, 2020 11:47 PM
Reply to  paul

You don’t seriously believe that do you? What about the west and the industrial revolution? Is that not greater? Given the Chinese adoption of technology I think they prefer industrial to traditional Chinese.
Although China has had tax collectors for about 2000 years, they didn’t progress in any other sphere, they sat still and experienced zero progress. During those 2000 years they remained a country of poor farmers and didn’t move from that position.
Opening up China to the west has been the saving of China. It has taken the west’s toys and used them to build its own economic miracle.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 31, 2020 7:05 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Wow, aspnaz-there’s no hiding your arrogant and Orientalist presumption, now. Let it all hang out, baby-before you get back to picking up your ‘White Man’s Burden’, you noble beast, you.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 31, 2020 7:10 AM

PS Try reading Needham’s ‘Science and Civilization in China’, if you have a few months, or years, spare.

Feb 1, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Where did mathematics come from?
Where did the nautical compass come from/
Where did gunpowder come from?
India and China, via the Arab world.

China exported its products thousands of miles via the Silk Road for 3,500 years.
Quality manufactures, silk, high grade porcelain, spices.
The west had nothing it wanted or needed.
So they took silver instead.
The Romans had 10,000 tons of silver.
Medieval Europe had only 4,000 tons, till it genocided the New World.
Much of the looted Bolivian silver ended up in China via trading posts in Manila.
Hence the opium wars and a century of imperial looting.
China now imports gold, raw materials to be processed, and various trinkets of western consumerism.
History repeating itself.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 2, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

According to aspnaz, all stolen from the Big Brain White Men of the Glorious West, a type he so epitomises.

Jan 30, 2020 12:04 AM

Yep. America bringing “freedom and democracy” to the world one bomb and bullet at a time. Pretty soon they’ll be nobody left to freedomize and democratize.

Hey we voted against all this BS but what does that matter in what they call “democracy” or even “republicanism” in the land of the free fire zone?

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jan 29, 2020 9:58 PM

The Democrats deplore humanitarian reasons prior to invading a sovereign nation-state, while Republicans says militarism will keep us safe, however, in actuality the objectives of the political duopoly as reflected in the military/security/surveillance corporate state is rather consistent they’re interested in usurping precious resources by acquiring hegemony over significant geostrategic territories.

Jan 29, 2020 5:12 PM

150 years ago, The US saw Korea as too isolationist and decided to [what else?] ‘liberate‘ the Koreans.

Western Disturbance in the Shinmi 1871 year – Korea

On 10 June 1871, about 650 American invaders landed [on korean shores] and captured several forts, killing over 200 Korean troops with a loss of only three American dead.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 29, 2020 2:21 PM

Orwellian speech aside, everything currently boils down to genuine freedom in all its forms not just physical slavery (like in the neoliberal/neocon/zionist wars and its outcomes) but also the mental slavery that leads us to physical slavery. Unfortunately we do not live at the best of times currently, the net of complete neo- slavery is almost upon us and we only have a small window of opportunity to try to stop it. The Smart Grid/IoT system is almost on top of us. Let’s fight it with sharing info; and hopefully as a very large population make the establishment listen to us through sustained, strategic non-violent civil disobedience.

To make a start: are you as confused as I am/was about why too many of the general public are just not informed, not ‘awake? Why they do not seem to know the reality about the lies & corruption by a small global-establishment; how our world is really run; who is running it; and what their plans and ultimate agenda is? The following video so precisely pin-points how & why; it would be a terrible shame if people did not watch it and share it. Thank you to a leader who did share it – so much appreciated!

The Eight Veils:

Jan 29, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Tallis Marsh, Great video, and I agree with a lot of it, but I think the numerology stuff is bollocks, as is the idea that “the elite” have this secret very advanced technology, and can perform “magic powers”, beyond the basic principles of physics and maths.

However, the Truth is quite horrendous. I personally felt, I had been physically kicked very hard in my guts, and to the depths of my soul, when in a moment, I became personally convinced that the Official US Government story of 9/11 was impossible, because it did not comply with the basic principles of physics and maths.

I understood all the implications in that moment in February 2003. It was not an alien culture, that I did not understand, that did this atrocity, it was my culture, and I knew almost exactly what was going to happen.

Most people, don’t want to know, and won’t even look, because they are not mentally capable of tolerating the horror. The truth will send many such people mad. They are better off not knowing, carrying on their lives as best they can. Most people are good, and not guilty of anything. It’s just that they won’t be able to cope with the truth, that it is our culture, our governments, our institutions, and our religions, which are so evil.

Why isn’t Tony Blair on trial for War Crimes Against Humanity?

Its because the entire system is rotten to the core, and will eventually collapse.


Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 30, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I have a few questions (that imo are vital). How would you define magic/magick? What about magic/magick being the manipulation of sound and vision to influence/control others? Observe our industries like the publishing industry – newspapers, academic books, brands, logos, internet; tv, film internet video industry; music industry… Who founded and instituted all these industries using the particular system of ‘words’, numerals, symbols, music and sounds – these are now all-pervasive in our world; who is using them to manipulate us and for what purposes? What are the meanings of these sounds and symbols, etc? E.g. What are the hidden meanings of words/parts of words e.g. el as in elder, elite, election, elevate…? Traditionally ‘el’ was Saturn. What is the real history of our world, country, local area (and who is in charge of academia, publishing of all kinds – are they the ones who have rewritten history in order to keep almost all of us in the dark)? How can we find out the true history of our world and know its accuracy? E.g. Why are the worshipers of El/Saturn; and all their Saturnalian symbols around us in the world? e.gs: black gowns worn by the judiciary, priests, graduates; black cubes/squares found on hats of religious leaders, graduates’ hats and black cubes found as monuments in such culturally-different places around the world like Saudi Arabia, NYC, Denmark, Australia? Note: I do not have the answers (I’m still researching) but are these not good questions to explore because the more you look/hear, the more you see that many of the things mentioned above seem to be related; and some would call this magic/magick. To be clear, I am not superstitious and I do not believe in or practice these things myself but as far as I know, a group with… Read more »

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 30, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

For symbols, a good place to start for research is geometry and alchemy. Traditionally, a major part of elite education studied/studies geometry (including ‘sacred geometry’) and ancient education studied alchemy/chemistry and subjects like astrology/astronomy? Part of the Seven Liberal Arts (the trivium and quadrivium combined), I think.

For history, it is good to research the ancient places and cultures of Phoenicia, Canaan, Ur, Sumeria and Babylon (apparently all of which were brought together into a hidden eclectic culture through the elites which moved into ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and then moved into/by Celtic/Druidic culture in Central and Northern Europe and now practised in various forms (some hidden but apparent in symbols) in major religions, the freemasons and modern royalty?

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 30, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Re: Saturnalian symbols. Forgot to mention – almost all, if not all corporate brand logos (which companies buy for extortionate prices?! Who and why gives out the ideas for brand logos?) seem to be a variation of Saturnalian symbols like the planet’s rings, the colour black, cubes, hexagrams; and parts of these things like XX, swish, etc

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 29, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Not confused, frankly. The ruling classses must always devote massive resources to promoting the dominant ideology that underpins their rule or else they are finished. The hight priests who pump out this ideology have always had high status – look at Rupert Murdoch.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 30, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Yes, see my replies to ‘tonyopmoc’ (above).

Jan 30, 2020 11:42 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Marty Leeds did some interesting presentations about gematria and esoteric/maths/language/bible related talks. His “Heaven and Earth” one lionked to below was very good from memory


Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 31, 2020 12:22 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Thanks, I had a quick look and it looks good so far – interesting info, guy and channels (I also had a peek at his youtube channel). Will defo visit his info again more fully soon when I feel more awake. Cheers!

Jan 29, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Just remember one ‘thing(k)’:

EVERYTHING you know was told to you by another human.
Everything human believes in was made up by human to suit his needs.
Human makes stuff up as it goes.
God/religion/the unknown – is all evidence for ‘not knowing’.

For it is the one who sees and hears ‘thinks’ the way they are.
That everything is and human has absolutely no clue as to why.

No whatsoever clue. But lots of all kinds of stories.

There is only one veil – the veil of delusion. To be deluded enough not
to understand that ‘The Universe’ is an Organism (with all kinds of organs)
that lives and grows.

On Earth, this Organism has cancer. Mankind is that cancer on The Universe.
Mankind is Earth’s cancer.

Those who have the porential to look through it all – already do.
Those who don’t have the potential to look through it all – never will.

One day, the ‘history’ of mankind will also become just another story.
With no one to listen to.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jan 29, 2020 2:05 PM

After 500+ years of Western colonial & now neocolonial plunder and mayhem, maybe it’s time to look a bit deeper into how Western cultural narratives have shaped a way of seeing ourselves, others and the world not shared by literally most of the human family. The WEIRD research is an illuminating and interesting examination of some of these differences and how they challenge the very concept of “human nature” associated with Western societies.



Jan 29, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I like it but I don’t know how to achieve it.

Jan 29, 2020 1:12 PM

“To date, people of great nations with thousands of years of culture, are treated like infants; humiliated, and as if they were still in kindergarten, told how to behave, and how to think.” As happenned right HERE in the UK last month at the polls – when they were offered the first REAL hope of lifting the yoke of the ancient imperialist forces for over half a century- the election of a GENUINE social democratic Labour government. “..the West is trying to overthrow governments in several independent countries, on different continents.” confirms Vltchek. As the West (the ancient imperialists to be exact) DID overthrow what should be the current UK government BEFORE it could take office – a Advance Coup – avoiding all the nastiness of having actual military parking its tanks in Whitehall and having Betty supporting it as beardy gets dragged off for crucifixion. Achieved by the dirtiest election EVER in UK history using the combined forces of the 5+1 eyed Empire ordered into action, by Up Pompeo Caesar General, who visits his latest victorious battlefield today. Here to collect his tributes for delivering his Gauntlet to stop the Corbynite Labour government taking office – by vote rigging using the favourite DS big data Canadian company CGI and its monopoly, of the privatised postal vote system of the UK. Here to celebrate a brexit so long planned and also to deliver the final final solution victory for a Israeli APARTHEID state – which like a lightning rod is doomed to be struck by such forces. A coup. A junta. At the heart of a diseased, decrepit, shrinking Empire – doomed just like Rome. Morbidly persuing a ‘last ditch’ master plan to reverse the decline from ever deeper bunker mentality and hoping to form a Singapore on Thames to… Read more »

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jan 29, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

”As happenned right HERE in the UK last month at the polls – when they were offered the first REAL hope of lifting the yoke of the ancient imperialist forces for over half a century- the election of a GENUINE social democratic Labour government.” Errrm the Labour party is not a genuine social-democratic formation. It is a pantomime horse consisting of the party in the country and the Parliamentary party – a parliamentary party that is thoroughly Blairite and shows no signs of becoming anything other. Moreover, there is the ‘Labour Friends of Israel’ a zionist-front organisation consisting of a majority in the Parliamentary party which takes its its foreign policy cue from Tel Aviv. In this respect it has accepted the IHRA definition of anti-semitism. Jewish members of the Labour have been expelled for alleged anti-semitism. Bizarre or what. You see the problem with the Labour party is that it wants to be thought of as being respectable, moderate, non-threatening and so forth. Therefore, it is Pro monarchy, pro-NATO, pro-Trident, pro-FTTP, pro-Remainer and consists of a Shadow cabinet key positions of inter alia, Emily Thornberry, Keir Starmer, John MacDonnell, who seems to have had a Damascene conversion. The position left vacant by the departure of Tom Watson is still unfilled. Is this the team that is going to lead us to the social democratic society. In short it is a thoroughly conservative (small c)political party and organization being pulled in several different directions at the same time. It has only gained office (I say office rather than power) by detaching itself from its radicalism and then sucking up to a new constituency of the professional and managerial middle class, which is precisely where its leadership is drawn from. But socialism or even social-democracy if it wants to be taken… Read more »

Jan 29, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Ah Francis “Errrm the Labour party is not a genuine social-democratic formation.”

I would guess you would say the same of the 1945 Labour party too.

You ‘Marxist’ tools of the bankers since the C19th have like a religious order been insistent on promoting nationalist rebellion against a social democratic world.

Thats why you sell not just brexit but a HARD brexit while incantating Marxsist creed – for your Banker masters if two centuries.

Enjoy your damp squib celebrations in two days – 11 pm,not midnight, because the bankers don’t even control time anymore!

As the FartAgers embarrassed us all with their willy waving union jocks the rest of the EU held hands and sang Auld lang syne to us.


Jan 30, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Labour is a waste of space and a waste of a man’s rations. The sooner it consigns itself to oblivion the better.

Jan 29, 2020 12:18 PM

There are obviously two Andre Vitschek. But if you go back to the archives in London, Brussels or Berlin, all the monstrous acts of colonialism, are justified by lofty terms. Western powers are always “fighting for justice”; they are “enlightening” and “liberating”. No regrets, no shame and no second thoughts. They are always correct! It is much worse. The fascists rewrite history as we type. Everywhere. Soon, WWII was started by Russia and brave American murderers taught the Bolsheviks a lesson: Get Nukes!!! Here is the Holy Grail of fascism. The God of fascism. The real ‘uniter’. All the lies about how bad Hitler was are Bolshevik propaganda and character defamation – against which a dead person cannot protest. Some say that not all humans are like that. Like those who recklessly and generously dispose off the well being of others, including their lives. Someone, however, must have told them that it is okay to perpetrate crimes against humanity when you call them ‘collateral damages’. But there is truth to that. Humanity will experience the collateral damages of the religious freaks that are – see above – ready to follow the worst dictator ever – or others – into ruins. Based on the story that there is an ‘Afterlife’. People who seriously believe in someone standing there at a gate in the sky dtermining if you are allowed to eternally be with virgins, or do whatever is now worthless, because there are no one-sided situations in a world of action and reaction. Homo Sapiens is dead. He was replaced by Homo Consumos, Homo Gullibilitens, Homo Terroristicus, Homo Greediensis, Homo Friocorazoniens and Homo Networkiens Isolatiens et insane al. This is not working. Because close to eight billion people are helpless, because it would take one billion to remove the one million… Read more »

Jan 30, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  nottheonly1

All ya gotta do is read Mein Kampt to realize that uncle ‘Dolf was nuttier than a fruit cake and a total loony tune and that he should have been transferred from Landsberg to the nearest sanitarium but then they took him seriously and as they say the rest is history…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 29, 2020 12:02 PM

Millions upon millions of fellow human beings dead due to the direct consequences of imperialism, neo colonialism, sanctions and rampant neoliberal economic policies that destroy people’s lives and the notions of solidarity and compassion. Today, one of my mag customers said to me: “people have become disposable and forgotten about now, especially those struggling to survive”. I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s all like a dog eat dog race to the bottom for most of us. So many human beings just disposable and thrown on the scrap heap to die while the billionaires gorge themselves from the rank exploitation and deaths of so many people. How many of them would have shares in the merchants of death like Raytheon or Lockheed Martin or the Big Banks? Such dizzying levels of vast wealth and opulence next to grinding poverty, despair and chasms of inequality. Here’s a quote from an article called ‘Depoliticization Is A Deadly Weapon of Neoliberal Fascism’ by Henry Giroux: “Closely related to the depoliticising practices of neoliberalism, the politics of social atomisation and a failed sociality is the existence of a survival of the fittest ethos that drives oppressive narratives used to define both agency and our relationship to others. Mimicking the logic of a war culture, neoliberal pedadogy creates a predatory culture in which the demand of hyper – competitiveness pits individuals against each other through a market based logic in which compassion and caring for the other is replaced by a culture of winners and losers”… And meanwhile, most of us stare, trance like, at our digital screens or we shop shop shop till we drop, or sadly, the more sensitive souls fully lose themselves in drugs or gambling or alcohol to deaden the gnawing pain of living in a dystopic, cruel, neoliberal society.… Read more »

Jan 29, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Or as Thatcher said: ‘there is no such thing as society’. Bitch.

There is a song (electronic music) by Haldolium that uses a Thatcher impersonator to repeat throughout the song:

“Yes, I am with You all the way – to the end of the government.”

We are witnessing the transfer of governance into private hands. The hands of the owner class. Let’s see how they see the problems of the many, the masses. Oh? They’re not even looking?

Yes, this is a Dead End.

Jan 29, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

Don’t rely on music. Stormsy & Co won’t liberate you. They are supporting the establishment. I who love R&B, the music of struggle, know corporate bursaries to enter the class system when I see them.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 29, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

N… probably already told you, but there’s a huge site called Neoliberalism Softpanorama with many hundreds of linked articles (if you have lots and lots of spare time!). Every subject imaginable related to this warped cancer, espec the role of the media presstitutes.
Will check out that song later. Music helps keep me sane, as well as venting my spleen here and elsewhere!
Bands such as Hammock, Whale Fall, Maiak, Hiva Oa, Yndi Halda. Six Organs Of Admittance to name just a handful in my collection.
Highly contemplative and soothing.
Especially knowing how things are and what’s coming, what most of us see.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Neo-liberalism ends in neo-feudalism, with 99.9% of humanity serfs and villeins, and a tiny ruling elite controlling EVERYTHING. The project proceeds apace, with road-kill like Corbyn and the 500,000 ‘antisemites’ who joined Labour littering the road to Hell on Earth.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 30, 2020 6:20 AM

Yes it does. You see where all this is heading. I see where all this is heading (tho can be a bit naive at times) and except for our pet trolls who visit here, nearly everyone else at OffG can see where all this is heading.
It’s bloody frustrating that the large majority refuse to open their eyes, even when you explain what is happening, and direct them to sites like here or The Saker or The Grayzone, etc.
Things are going to get really ugly and brutal, tho they already are for the tens of millions just discarded like a bit of flotsam, all the homeless, and those living in grinding poverty, those one or two paychecks away from losing their homes….
Society has become very callous and judgemental and atomised.
Just how the 0.01% planned it.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 30, 2020 7:36 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It’s like the Protocols. Whether a ‘forgery’ by the Russians, or created as a pre-emptive fabrication by certain Jewish figures (in order for the truth to be distorted and denied)it describes behaviour that we do see. Just as all the ‘antisemitic conspiracy theories’ that are denounced, concerning the attempts by Jewish and Zionist elites to control the West, are attested by evidence that is impossible to deny. Except it MUST be denied. It is like the JFK, RFK hits, the 9/11 fiasco and countless other examples. The truth is out there, and it does NOT come anywhere near the Official Version. Meanwhile the Sabbat Goy Trump, and the Zionist terrorist thug, simply eviscerate International Law in Occupied Palestinians, and NOT ONE Western MSM presstitute scum-bag dares to say so. That is power.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 30, 2020 7:51 AM

Yes, the much heralded, deal of the century, Peace Plan, another stinking pile of lies and garbage to further (if that’s possible) screw the Palestinians into the dirt and rob them of everything.
With scores more dead kiddies blown up or shot in the head or burned alive by the settler fascists, and the World’s most moral army. Kiddie killers.
I’ll have a look at Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada shortly.
This outrage, decade after decade, is another main reason I boycott the whore filth masquerading as…. ‘journalists’.

Jan 30, 2020 2:50 PM

People talk about the Protocols either as a genuine document or a forgery.
I think it is more likely to have been something of a dystopian piece of writing, like Orwell’s 1984.
– This is what lies in store for you if you don’t watch out, etc.

Looking at the Zionist stranglehold over the world today, the author would probably say, “You can’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 29, 2020 11:36 AM

Andre, Chris and Mr Fish are on the same page here>>

Jan 29, 2020 8:21 AM

Seriously, how do we get the “woke” generation to stop dicking around with identity and “social media influencers” and see just what they’ve bought into? It’s not like it’s even hard to understand, there seems to be a miasma over Britain with the old seeking solace in social conservatism and the young resigned to neoliberalism, debt, multiple careers, impossible targets, performance evaluation, micromanagement, Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic and Time specified goals (SMART) for your “stakeholders and customers”. It’s all so Disney. No wonder people are going mad.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 29, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Just when I thought business jargon couldn’t get any slimier.
‘SMART’ sounds like an MBA having a wet dream.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jan 29, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  lundiel

When working men and women were sent off to die in the trenches during WWI most, I suspect, would have known virtually nothing about the geopolitics driving the conflict.

Now we have boundless information streams yet the public is more outraged by some dickhead sounding off on Twitter than they are about cruelty and trauma arising from brutal regime change wars.
Surely it is glaringly obvious that this kind of carnage is orchestrated by amoral politicians acting at the behest of rapacious corporations and a crazed military?

What has gone wrong: unlike earlier generations they do not have the excuse of saying we didn’t know what has happening?
They do, or should know, for example, that around 3 million Vietnamese were killed because of a childish theory (the domino theory), yet to them Twitter etiquette seems the more pressing issue.

Jan 30, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Twatter’s useless. Jack and his team of imperial censors shadowban anything that might upset the comfortable applecart of consumerism. This is why you don’t see anything relevant other than the latest football, basket ball and baseball scores. If I was into sports betting I’d be on twatter otherwise it’s a waste of time.

Jan 29, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  lundiel

You should stop dicking around with identity.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 29, 2020 6:43 AM

The history of (mainly) white men and their religions, whether they be Christian or Mammon, is a history of exploitation, human and ecological.
As a white western male I am ashamed.
Extinction will be too good for us.

Jan 29, 2020 7:05 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

As a brown western male, I can say that you should not be ashamed. You are also one of the exploited, the ‘cannon fodder’ during the wars contained high proportions of white western males and we can see the contempt with which white working class communities are treated in the west today.

Jan 30, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  Jasper

True what they call “white trash” are beat up multiculturally as well as by the self righteous white limousine liberal elitists. I’d say they are the most oppressed group in the country right now.

Some of their trailer parks have worse poverty than Pine Ridge and that’s saying something. Many of them go to the city looking for gainful employment end up living on the streets or in their cars even when they have job because the cost of living exceeds their income.

San Francisco is a perfect example.

Peter Charles
Peter Charles
Jan 29, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Not “The history of (mainly) white men ……”

People only think that because that is the modern (edited at that) history we are familiar with. Look a little deeper and we can see it is the history of Man, period, throughout our existence. Man, black, white, yellow or anything in-between is and always has been greedy, acquisitive, violent and jealous, it is our innate nature, likely the exact reason we are the most successful animal species on the planet. Probably because we developed our intelligence during the drastic changes that drove our predecessors from the trees to the plains and then out of Africa. Civilisation and a satisfactory quality of life somewhat tempers these natural urges but as soon as things get difficult we revert.

At the same time we have a small proportion of people that make these characteristics the bedrock of their lives and for the majority of people they are the pack alphas they all too willingly look up to and follow.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 29, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  Peter Charles

Most successful?
Reckon the cockroach family might prove that wrong.

Peter Charles
Peter Charles
Jan 29, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Hence the reason I included ‘animal’ in the phrase, or do you maintain that there has been another animal more successful than Man?

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 29, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Peter Charles

Point taken Peter.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 30, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Peter Charles

“Successful”, Peter? “Man”? Really?

anonymous bosch
anonymous bosch
Jan 29, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Peter Charles

“Throughout our existence, Man, black, white, yellow or anything in-between is and always has been greedy, acquisitive, violent and jealous, it is our innate nature, likely the exact reason we are the most successful animal species on the planet.”

Firstly, so that is our ‘innate nature’ ? I wonder how many would agree with that assertion ? Secondly, in respect of “we are the most successful animal species on the planet”, I must question the use of the word “successful” here – for what have “succeeded” in doing right up until now has actually brought us to the brink of extinction – are you suggesting that our “innate nature” is to bring an end to everything ?

Jan 29, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Peter Charles

greedy, acquisitive, violent and jealous, it is our innate nature


To be closer to truth this is just one side of the “innate nature”. We are not black OR white (inside) we are BOTH. that means we are also loving, compassionate, collaborative creatures. Like in that native american tale: there are two wolves (black&white) the one you feed is the one that prevails.
Unfortunately, humanity-from the very beggening- fed the black wolf : the rapacious predator and elevated the most egregious of all beigns to positions of leadership. They were made kings, presidents, prime ministers.
Meanwhile, the white wolfs were given a cross and placed at an almost unreachable distance…venerated with our tongue, desacrated with our actions.
This behaviour has reached its peak and today, competition, killing, betrayal, economical success, hedonism have been elevated to the level of virtues.

Interestingly, those characteristic you mention (greedy, acquisitive, violent and jealous) Buddha calls them: poisons of the mind, the defining symptom of a deranged mind…..but well, that was another white wolf: Buddha, a MAN…not a HU-man.

We’ll do well and not wrong, if we took some time for internal exporation . To continue to postpone our internal growth means postponing humanity’s survival.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 31, 2020 7:16 AM
Reply to  Ramdan

The predators have just murdered all the non-predators. Forcible and unnatural selection for that psychopathic type we call ‘The Right’.

Jan 31, 2020 11:19 AM

No, no really. The problem lies on how large would be the number of people recognizing that their actions (verbal, bodily and thought) have direct consequences and choosing outward stregth (i.e force, violence, controlling, competing “alphas”) means choosing the weakest of all.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 1, 2020 8:12 AM
Reply to  Ramdan

When you’re dead, your ‘choices’ are limited.

Jan 30, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  Peter Charles

Not true. Some cultures are more willing to share with others. What you’re are talking about are those who have embraced the Social Darwinist “philosophy” of survival of the fittest which is dominated mainly by whites but there are also other races who embrace this twisted ‘philosophy” then there are those who consider themselves the “chosen ones” ’cause the bible or torah or talmud tells them so.

Jan 29, 2020 6:29 AM

As China is not doing anything of that nature, now.

Only if you close your eyes

How China Is Interfering in Taiwan’s Election

Who is hiding behind bully no.1, the CIA/FED US?
Bully no.2, Xi / CCP-China.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 7:16 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Coming from an apologist for the planet’s Number Two bully-boy, Israel, with its hatred of others, belligerence, aggression, utter hateful contempt for International Law, dominance of industries of exploitation like arms trafficking, surveillance methodologies and equipment, ‘blood diamonds’, human organs trafficking,sex trafficking, pornography, ‘binary options’, online gambling, pay-day lending etc,that takes real CHUTZPAH.

Jan 29, 2020 7:45 AM

All that with just 6.5 million Israeli Jews in total; Compare that to 1.3 billion Chinese in China or 1.4 billions Sunnis.
Dyscalculia much?

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jan 29, 2020 11:05 AM
Reply to  Antonym

The Chinese do not claim to be perfect, but then they also make no claim to be the chosen.

Jan 29, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

No, China just calls itself modestly “Zhongguo” Central or Middle Kingdom, while for Sunnis all others are infidels.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Chinese civilization aims for harmony within society and between societies. Talmudic Judaism sees all non-Jews as inferior, barely above animals, and enemies. Chalk and cheese.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 8:25 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Yes, you really are busy little beavers, aren’t you. With perhaps 40% of Israeli Jews actually opposed to Israeli State fascism and terror, the numbers become even more stark. But what counts is the money, the ‘Binyamins’ as they say in Brooklyn, and the CONTROL that they purchase.

Jan 30, 2020 1:50 AM

Sure, plenty of Jews are not happy with Netanyahu’s hard line. Your number reduces the supporting Israelis to 3.9 million, even less. One big city size in the ME.

Money / control: Ali Baba’s cave with gold and treasure is not in Lower Manhattan -paper dollars + little gold- but along the Arabian West coast- real oil and gas. The Anglo American and Brit 0.1% know that, but you don’t apparently.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 30, 2020 7:40 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Very poor quality hasbara. The Sauds are rich, the petro-dollar vital to US economic dominance, but compared to Jewish elite control of Western finances, of US politics, of US MSM, of the commanding heights of US Government and of the Ivy League colleges, it is PEANUTS. And, in any case, the Sauds are doenmeh.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 9:24 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Jewish control of the West is mediated by the number of ‘Binyamins’ dispensed to the political Sabbat Goyim, not the numbers of Jewish people. You know that-why dissemble? Can’t help yourself, can you.

Jan 30, 2020 2:34 AM

Olga Guerin at the state controlled, Zionist BBC, is apparently the latest Corbyn style rabid anti semite to be unmasked by the Board of Deputies.

In her coverage of the Holocaust Industry’s Auschwitz Jamboree, she made a very brief passing reference to Palestinians living under occupation, and apparently that is unpardonable anti Semitism.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 31, 2020 7:21 AM
Reply to  paul

She’s finished-one way or another. The Judeofascists’ hatred is INSATIABLE. Of course many Jews support the Palestinians, and one, a ‘Holocaust’ survivor, dared speak at a meeting with Corbyn, stating that ‘Never again’ must be for ‘everyone’, which is, of course, veritable ‘Holocaust denial’ (denying its ‘uniqueness’ )so he bacame another example of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’. It is TRULY filthy.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jan 29, 2020 3:25 PM

Rich. you forgot to mention gross, systematic interference in the politics of the UK, US, Australia and who knows how many other countries.

Jan 29, 2020 3:46 PM

There are some grounds for optimism despite the utter undisguised barbarism of the US, Israel and their satellites. These vile regimes are having their last hurrah. The US is on the brink of imploding. It will collapse politically, financially, economically, socially, culturally, morally and spiritually. When it does, its many satraps and satellites in the EU, the Gulf dictatorships, Israel, will go down with it. It will be like eastern Europe in 1989. All it takes is for the front door to be kicked in and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down. Some sudden crisis or unforeseen event will bring this about. A sudden unwinding of the Debt and Derivatives time bombs. Another war or crisis in any one of a number of destabilised regions, Iran being an obvious favourite. There are many possibilities. And the blueprint for a better world already exists. In fact, it is already being implemented. Russia, China and Iran have survived the aggression directed against them. They have been left with few illusions about the nature of the US regime and the implacable hatred and violence they can expect from it. These are the key players in the Belt And Road, which provides a new template for development and mutual prosperity throughout the planet. China has built infrastructure and industry in Africa and elsewhere in a single generation which colonial powers neglected to provide in centuries of genocide, slaughter, slavery and rapacious exploitation. It is not surprising that these achievements have been denigrated and traduced by western regimes, who seek to ascribe and transfer their own dismal record of behaviour to China. The Zio Empire is lashing out like a wounded beast. It is even attacking its own most servile satellites and satraps. It just has to be fended off and left to… Read more »

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jan 29, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Taiwan has been a US vassal for a very long time and its location next to China, its history as a part of China and its lack of recognition should not be ignored. Its people are ethnically Chinese, speak Chinese and follow most Chinese customs. For you to equate this to the presence of American bases all over the world, meddling in hundreds of elections, assassinating elected leaders who won’t kowtow, invading country after country and causing millions of deaths for “regime changes” is absolutely ridiculous.

Jan 29, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Taiwan is just another part of China that was brutally hacked off its body by rapacious western imperial powers. Like Hong Kong, Tsingtao and Manchuria.

Jan 29, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  paul

Or Shanghai. No self respecting nation would accept this, but China has been a model of restraint in not using force, but patient diplomacy, to rectify this imperial plunder.

Jan 30, 2020 9:39 AM
Reply to  paul

Or the Tibet, Aksai Chin, the Shaksgam Valley or the South China Sea. What’s next, Siberia?

Jan 30, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Tibet was Chinese before the United Snakes or Kosherstan even existed.
The South China Sea was recognised as Chinese until 1949, when the US puppet Chiang Kai Shek was booted out and skulked around on Taiwan.
Then suddenly the SC Sea was no longer Chinese. Lord Neptune in Washington decreed otherwise.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 31, 2020 7:25 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Or Palestine, the West Bank, Gaza, southern Lebanon-what’s next? The world-ain’t that what the ‘Good Book’ tells you?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jan 31, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Antonym

What is the obsessive anti-Chinese stance of the Jewish lobby all about. Vide Gatehouse institute for example. It is like watching the goose-stepping North Korean military march in unison. They don’t threaten Israel. Or is it all indirect? Knowing that Israel and its fartcatcher have hordes of enemies, do they feel any threat to US hegemony is a threat to them? Maybe it is. Here’s a thought. Why don’t you stop treating others like shit? Stop your subhuman treatment of the Palestinians. Stop stealing their land. Stop torturing them and killing their children. Give them basic human rights.

As far as your examples go, Paul has answered it. Those ridiculous sandbars in the South China Sea? Are you mad?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 1, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Having gained TOTAL control over Western politics, particularly in the USA, through straight money power, the Judaic elite are de facto global overlords. Unfortunately the days of Western global dominance are over, and the Chinese, although quite happy to treat Jews as human equals, will NEVER allow themselves to be controlled by the ‘ Gods Upon the Earth’. Therefore the Zionasties must ‘bring China down’ if the complete fulfillment of their celestial destiny, as outlined in their various ‘religious’ tracts.

Jan 31, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Ireland is historically part of GB; they speak English and are genetically hardly distinguishable. The EU meddled into its elections…

See, it is not hard to write up so stuff like you just did.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jan 31, 2020 11:52 AM
Reply to  Antonym

I suggest you do some reading about Celts, the history of Ireland and take a good look at the physiognomies. I think Carleton Coon would appeal to you. But why do you want white to be black? Take your absurd commentary to some Irish rugby players and if you are still in a condition to form words, shout it loudly in a pub in Dublin.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 29, 2020 5:32 AM

I remember the downing of flight 655 because it was on the evening news in the US. Literally. The Vincennes, the ship that shot down the airliner, had a news crew on board and they recorded the entire incident, the excitement of the incoming threat, the firing of a couple of Standard missiles at the threat, the cheering when the threat was neutralized followed by the “Oh, shit!” moment when they realized what they had done. This was in the pre-youTube days and the footage was only shown once to the best of my recollection so its probably long gone and buried. The lessons learned from that incident was that the crew needed better training — they appeared to be near panic — and you shouldn’t really have those sorts of weapons near civilian airspace. Another lesson that’s worth remembering is that this was 30 years ago, far enough in the past that the state of the art missile carrier has long been scrapped as obsolete (broken up in 2011). Put another way, we (the US) have effectively been in a state of war with Iran for over 40 years. Its expensive and pointless but I suppose the real goal is to keep our aerospace companies supplied with work.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Jan 29, 2020 9:47 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Yes, I remember that news clip as well. It was shown in the UK. There was one young ‘dude’ on a swivel seat working the aiming device and a bunch of people cheering him on, then “oh shit!” as you say. I also wonder if the whole thing was staged latter though, for damage limitation.

Jan 29, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher
Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 29, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I remember seeing clips at the time, but this documentary is excellent, thanks for sharing. The Capt of the USS Vincennes should have been put behind bars.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jan 29, 2020 9:10 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

But he got a medal! The Vincennes returned to the USA to a ‘heroes’ welcome’. ‘Warriors’ one and all.

Jan 30, 2020 1:16 AM

No surprise. Many of the low life cretins that were responsible for the Wounded Knee Massacre received the Congressional Medal of Honor. Ironic that many of the post humous awards and the Purple Hearts received were those wounded or killed by the 7th’s own “friendly fire”.