Democrats impeached Trump for withholding arms to Neo-Nazis
Max Parry
As this article was going to press, it was formally confirmed – as was long expected – that the Senate had found Donald Trump not guilty of both abuse of power and obstruction of congress. – Ed
On December 18th, Donald Trump became the third U.S. president in history to be impeached by the House of Representatives. The second to be indicted before completing a first term, the 45th commander-in-chief must now survive a Senate trial before seeking reelection later this year.
As many nonpartisan analysts predicted, the charges appear to have only improved his chances with the electorate as his approval rating saw an uptick after the articles were approved on grounds of “obstruction of Congress and abuse of power.”
After dragging the country through three years of Russiagate which never panned out, the Democrats appear to be scoring yet another own goal. Even a near brush with war against Iran does not seem to have impacted Trump’s favorability, which could have been seen as a reversal of his campaign pledges to end America’s forever wars that were arguably a significant factor in his unlikely victory.
It was Trump’s rhetoric as a peace candidate suggesting rapprochement with Russia which made him a target of the political establishment and intelligence community, who subsequently blamed his shocking win on still-unproven allegations of election interference by the Kremlin.
Since he took office, Trump has done nearly everything short of declaring war on Moscow to appease the bipartisan anti-Russia consensus in Washington but to no avail. One such step was the decision to provide military aid to Ukraine amid its ongoing war in the eastern Donbass region against Russian-speaking separatists, a move the Obama administration decided against because of Kiev’s rampant corruption.
Trump’s predecessor tapped his Vice President, Joe Biden, to head up an anti-corruption drive in Ukraine who instead used the opportunity to personally enrich his family by landing his son, Hunter, a job on the executive board of the country’s largest private gas company, Burisma Holdings.
Biden led the U.S. role in the 2014 coup d’etat in Ukraine which overthrew the democratically-elected government of Viktor Yanukovych after he turned down a European Union Association Agreement for an economic bail-out from Russia that was the flashpoint for the subsequent Donbass war.
Contrary to the Trump-Russia ‘collusion’ narrative, one figure who tried to lobby Yanukovych into signing the pro-austerity treaty was none other than Paul Manafort, the future Trump campaign manager indicted during the Russia probe for failing to register as a foreign agent while consulting for the deposed Ukrainian president.
Manafort’s influence went against Russian interests in favor of the EU and was years before Trump was ever a candidate, but this did not stop the Democrats from later misconstruing it as evidence he was a backchannel to the Kremlin. Meanwhile, Biden’s hand in the junta was revealed in an infamous leaked phone call between Victoria Nuland, Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Geoffrey Pyatt, then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine.
Nuland, who is the wife of leading neoconservative figure Robert Kagan, also spilled the beans that the U.S. invested as much as $5 billion dollars on regime change in Kiev when we were led to believe the Maidan was a spontaneous, popular revolt.
Shortly after the putsch, Hunter Biden joined the board of directors at Burisma despite having no experience in Ukraine or the energy sector.
The embattled fracking company was founded by a notorious oligarch and corrupt minister from the Yanukovych era, Mykola Zlochevsky, yet who unlike the former did not have to flee to Russia and curiously escaped prosecution in a money laundering case under the new Western-friendly regime — did he obtain immunity with Hunter Biden’s appointment?
When the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, reportedly began to investigate the energy firm, the elder Biden did not just blackmail the post-Maidan government of Petro Poroshenko into sacking him by threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees but openly bragged about it on camera:
As a reward, Poroshenko — nicknamed the “Chocolate King” for his background as a business tycoon in the confectionary industry — was touted as a reformer by the Obama administration despite multiple Wikileaks diplomatic cables featuring U.S. officials describing him as a “disgraced oligarch” “tainted by credible corruption allegations” and “a deeply unpopular politician that has widespread support among party leaders due to his past financial/organizational roles.”
Incredibly, Poroshenko would replace Shokin with a former Minister of Internal Affairs, Yuriy Lutsenko, who had previously been imprisoned for embezzlement and corruption himself.
It is still a matter of debate whether the top prosecutor was even actually looking into the activities of Burisma, but what is not in dispute — except to corporate media — is the criminal nature of Biden’s conduct who clearly allowed his family to profiteer off U.S. meddling in the country.
After he became a 2020 presidential candidate and frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, the subject of Biden’s past wrongdoing was broached by Trump last July during a phone call with current Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky.
The controversial exchange occurred just a day after former FBI director Robert Mueller delivered his anticlimactic testimony before congress where the lead investigator in the Russia investigation did not appear familiar with the details of his own inquiry.
The call transcript shows that Trump asked the newly elected Zelensky if he would assist U.S. Attorney General William Barr in determining whether there was truth to the rumors that the infamous Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer server given by the FBI to CrowdStrike Holdings was located in Ukraine.
CrowdStrike was one of the cybersecurity firms hired by the DNC which questionably determined it was Russian intelligence which perpetrated alleged cyber attacks during the 2016 election. In other words, Trump wanted to find out if it was actually Kiev which “meddled” and framed the Kremlin.
While he did not offer Zelensky compensation, it is true Trump asked for the favor shortly after mentioning the javelin missiles being provided to Ukraine in the military assistance. However, Biden’s extortion and the firing of Shokin is only raised later in the conversation and whether or not either matter was contingent upon the military aid is dubious and implicit at best.
At the time of the correspondence, Zelensky and his government were unaware that the nearly $400 million in aid had been withheld and did not learn of it’s freezing until a month later, making any alleged ‘quid pro quo’ doubtful.
The ambiguity of the conversation has not prevented Democrats from surmising that the security aid was suspended on the condition that Zelensky cooperate with Trump’s requests. While the exploits were arguably unethical, for the content of the exchange to be considered sufficient grounds for impeachment would set a very low bar and virtually ensure any future president can be indicted on a technicality for politicized reasons.
In the meantime, the focus has shifted to Trump’s firing of former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, because if threatening to withhold foreign aid alone qualifies, Biden is not only guilty of the same crime but more explicitly. Forget that from a procedural standpoint, without the required constitutional majority in the GOP-controlled Senate, the chances of removing Trump are dead in the water anyway.
This can only mean the trial is really meant to be a smokescreen for Biden’s own palm-greasing in Ukraine while legally requiring his biggest primary rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, to spend time away from the campaign trail in attendance.
Not only has the legitimate question of whether the former Vice President and his son should also be probed been dismissed by mainstream media as a “conspiracy theory,” but completely lost in the political theater of the proceedings is if Washington ought to be providing defense assistance and fueling a proxy war with Russia to begin with.
The Russiagate hoax successfully transformed the entirety of the Democratic Party into new cold warriors and its Ukrainegate sequel has only continued that hawkish trajectory.
To make matters worse, Western media coverage of the scandal has omitted that many of the militias fighting with the Ukrainian army in Donbass are far-right, neo-Nazi groups previously instrumental in transforming the 2014 Maidan protests into violence.
One of the three main political parties which formed the opposition to Yanukovych was the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, personally met with Biden in 2014 despite having been barred from entering the U.S. for his anti-semitism just a year prior.

Svoboda and its militant offshoots like the Azov regiment fighting in Donbass are the self-proclaimed ideological progeny of the fascist collaborators led by the Ukrainian nationalist, Stepan Bandera, who sided with Nazi Germany during its invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.
In the Cold War, the CIA provided covert assistance to the post-war remnants of Bandera’s faction as it waged a failed insurgency in the 1950s.
In post-Soviet Ukraine, a disturbing campaign of historical revisionism has rewritten Bandera‘s fifth column as nationalist heroes who fought solely for Ukrainian independence.
This is not reflected in the historical record which shows they not only participated in the Third Reich’s war crimes but shared their racist ideology, as admitted in the CIA’s own declassified documents:
Altogether, during the 5 weeks of its existence the Bandera “state” destroyed over 5,000 Ukrainians, 15,000 Jews, and several thousand Poles. The “Ukrainian State” Of Stepan Bandera ended its short but ignominious existence in August 1941, when it was announced in Lvov that Western Ukraine had been incorporated as the “District of Galicia” in the “General Governorship” (occupied Poland). And then a “new order,” Hitler style began to be introduced in the Ukraine.
This in short, the story of Bandera’s “one-day holiday,” which his followers, relying on people’s forgetfulness, now try to present as a glorious and heroic page in the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement. In reality, it would be best, especially for the supporters of a free Ukraine, to erase from the history of their .. movement this infamous Hitlerite, fascist episode, which brought nothing. but shame and sorrow to the Ukraine.
Despite provisions in the aid barring weapons from going to the Azov detachment, the U.S. military has continued to provide them with arms and training. We are already witnessing blowback for this decision in the case of Jarrett William Smith, an ex-Army soldier arrested by the FBI for planning to assassinate former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke and plotting terrorist attacks against major news networks.
Smith had made plans to travel to Ukraine to fight with the Azov battalion and had previously volunteered in the Donbass war in 2017 with another Ukrainian neo-fascist paramilitary, the Right Sector.
Smith reportedly sought help in making contact with Azov from another AWOL soldier, Craig Lang, currently under house arrest in Ukraine and wanted for extradition to the U.S. for killing a Florida couple.
Lang, who is considered a hero in the country for serving as a private mercenary with Right Sector, also spent time with Georgian Legion, a unit formed by ethnic Georgians conscripted on the Ukrainian side in the War in Donbass whose members are believed to have perpetrated the ‘false flag’ sniper attacks on the Maidan that was blamed on the government of Yanukovych.
Coincidentally, just as Americans are following the impeachment, trending on the internet streaming service Netflix is a new documentary by a pair of Israeli filmmakers that touches upon U.S. harboring of a Ukrainian Nazi called The Devil Next Door.
The series recaps the fascinating case of John Demjanjuk, a retired autoworker and Ukrainian-born immigrant living in Cleveland, Ohio, who is suddenly accused of being a notoriously sadistic Nazi guard at Treblinka concentration camp in eastern Poland during World War II known as “Ivan the Terrible” and is extradited to Israel in 1986 to face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
After impassioned but inconsistent eyewitness testimony by camp survivors, he was mistakenly found guilty of being the mysterious guard by an Israeli court and sentenced to death until his conviction was overturned under appeal in 1993.
Years later, Demjanjuk is identified as a different prison guard at another camp in Sobibor and re-convicted, this time more convincingly by a German court.
He maintained until his death in 2012 that he was again a victim of mistaken identity and during the war was a POW himself after serving in the Red Army until his capture by the Germans who then “forced” him to work as a guard at Trawniki, but never Sobibor.
However, newly discovered photos of Demjanjuk at the death camp were just released which contradict his denials and increase the likelihood he was a willing defector.
The documentary sheds light on how Demjanjuk was able to gain safe harbor in the U.S. because of amendments to the Displaced Persons Act of 1948 which restricted immigration of those persecuted by the Nazis while giving preferential treatment to Polish and Ukrainian nationals who hid under new aliases in refugee camps while fleeing the Soviets.
U.S. immigration services were only able to detect the entry of formal members of the Nazi regime while their local collaborators like Demjanjuk often snuck through unnoticed.
The show also speaks briefly of the U.S. embrace of many “former” Nazis such as Wernher von Braun and the thousands of other German scientists recruited in Operation Paperclip who were employed by the U.S. government during the Cold War in order to gain an advantage over Moscow in the space race.
However, the series neglects to mention the CIA’s support for Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), much less their descendants in Kiev today who are renaming city streets after SS veterans and tearing down Soviet statues to replace them with effigies of fascist quislings.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely viewers will make any connection between the show and the current political scandal gripping Washington.
Netflix did receive objections over The Devil Next Door from the Polish government and its right-wing populist Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, who accused the streaming giant of “rewriting history” in its production by using a map of the country’s post-1945 borders while implying that Poland shared culpability for Nazi war crimes that occurred in its territory.
Much of western Ukraine became eastern Poland overnight with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the German occupation, one of the reasons why a native of northwestern Ukraine like Demjanjuk ended up in the neighboring country.
Like the Banderites doctoring history in Kiev, Polish nationalists are seeking to revise the historical record of the many Poles who collaborated with the Germans in the slaughter of their fellow compatriots as well.
This historical negationism continued in Poland’s recent row with Russia over the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in which Morawiecki despicably made a false equivalency between the USSR and Nazi Germany with a disturbing reinterpretation encouraged by the U.S. who seek to take credit for the Soviet accomplishment of freeing the concentration camp in 1945.
Nothing is sacred to the Atlanticists who are willing to politicize anything in the name of their geostrategy of encircling Moscow and ultimate goal of conquering Eurasia.
That the Democrats are not impeaching Trump for an actual unconstitutional offense like the diverting of military funds to his border wall without congressional approval is revealing of its true motivations. Trump only crossed a line when he went after another member of the political establishment and fleetingly halted the U.S. war machine in its aggression toward Moscow.
It is reminiscent of what some have argued were the real reasons for the impeachment of Richard Nixon that resulted from the Watergate scandal. Similarly, Nixon was forced to resign in 1974 after he targeted other members of the elite in the wire-tapping and break-in of the DNC headquarters, not his use of the CIA to violate its own charter for domestic espionage on American citizens active in the anti-war movement.
Like Trump’s rhetoric toward Moscow, Nixon had also broken with foreign policy orthodoxies both in his unprecedented restoration of diplomacy with China and détente with the Soviet Union negotiating arms control.
The dangerous consequences of the campaign against Trump for deviating from the anti-Russia foreign policy dogma can be seen in the unparalleled recent NATO war games and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists pushing the hand of the Doomsday Clock forward to just 100 seconds to midnight, its closest-ever approach which even exceeds that of the beginning of the Cold War in the early 1950s.
Trump would never have armed Ukraine to begin with if not for the constant pressure of the Russia investigation and the need to not appear soft on Moscow.
It is clear that the impeachment is nothing more than an inter-war between different factions of the elite and not only has it reduced the American people to onlookers, it may get us all killed in a nuclear holocaust in the process.
For an excellent in-depth investigation of the roots of the crisis, Revealing Ukraine, the anticipated follow-up to the 2016 documentary Ukraine on Fire directed by Igor Lopatonok and produced by Oliver Stone, is highly recommended.
Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His writing has appeared widely in alternative media. Max may be reached at
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Trumped paused (without any awareness of it by the Ukrainians) on arms sales to Ukraine, but why? Was it his idea? If so, What motivated him? (I honestly don’t know details here. But I do know what I think of Donald Trump and that is based on his words and deeds, all awful.)
“The ‘Real’ Donald Trump At The Center Of The Impeachment Hoax” /
Were there any competent journalists around, they would be repeating time after time that accusing others for ones own misdeeds is straight out of the playbook of the cackling Clinton piglet.
That Biden was up to his eyeballs in UA sleaze was apparent from before Ukrainegate; but un-reported.
So yes, a conspiracy exists: CIA/FBI>DNC>USA media..
Will anything change?
No, E., the MSM have designated any suggestion that the Bidens were in any way up to no good in Ukraine as a “discredited conspiracy theory.”
So you can put your mind at rest.
No gambling has ever taken place in Rick’s Bar.
I enjoy reading Max and I was with him on this article until he went off on a tangent about Polish / Ukrainian history around and before WW, and got it entirely skewed.
My parents were born in that territory and I have family on both sides of the current border. I know very well what happened there. I don’t have time to write a long comment here correcting Max unfortunately, but hopefully I’ll get round to it one day soon.
Feel free to email me, I’m curious to hear it.
I don’t agree with Max about everything he asserts here. I also find some of his statements to be unnecessarily tentative. The objective of those launching the impeachment hoax was simply to smear Trump – to the general public. No smearing is needed among progressives paying attention.
When Trump was President elect, I remember some commentator (on Huffpost?) saying that Trump will be made to resign or will be impeached. People wanted to turn over the election result.
At the end it does not matter so much, because what matters are the costs of war, financially and for the people. Dems or Reps – there is always a new armed conflict.
The ‘system’ needs the cooperation of a lawless bunch like the Ukr. nationalists after Epstein can no longer assist with collusions and dr7g money.
They were plotting against him from at least July, 2016, when our very own boy spy, Alexander Downer, of that ilk, began the process of setting up Papodopoulos to gain a FISA warrant to spy on trump, and plant ‘incriminating’ evidence. Or did ‘Professor’ Mifsud, the Invisible (like Ghislaine Maxwell)come first?
Misfud, who I suspect worked for an intelligence agency, and possibly more than one, as Alexander Mercouris points out, was part of a dangle directed at Papadopolous as I recall. There’s so much to keep track of. I forget the details. The Duran has followed the ins and outs of all of very well. They’re awful, in some respects (as Trump worshippers even though they know better), but they covered all of this very thoroughly. You can get up to speed by visiting them on their own website or on Bitchute (and elsewhere, but those are the only two sources that I tap). Papadopolous was a Trump aide and someone whose politics are absolutely do not share, but he was clearly set up in order to get at Trump. He’s written a book about it, which probably is worth reading. I haven’t read it myself.
I worship Trump, too, because he will destroy a great Empire, just like Croesus. But like Croesus it will not be the Great Enemy, today China, but his own Empire, the USA.
You have to sympathise with the Democrats.
They had to try hard to scratch around and find some skulduggery or chicanery to charge him with that they weren’t guilty of as well.
Exactly! The only problem is that left them with something unworkable.
There are myriad reasons to impeach Trump, but these were idiot inventions, by the Ukronazi/Deep State cabal that wants Trump gone. I really admire his security-they must be working overtime.
IMO the impeachment – as well as the whole siege against Trump since even before his being elected – was all about the Deep State putting their hooks in him, to make sure he got with their program (and policies).
Yes, but you’ll note that it hasn’t really helped him much. His detractors on the Right (media, Democrats, etc) cheered for him when he finally committed murder in Syria, but it changed nothing. Trump, not his ideology (‘riches for the strongest’), is still disliked by much of the establishment. He’s a buffoon. He’s crap packaging and our ruling classes like to look good while they ruin people and the planet. I think that a lot of Trump’s enemies within the Republican Party will hold their noses for a while now that they see that his poll numbers going into the election look good, thanks to the criminal Democrats.
That’s Trump’s problem, not the Establishment’s. Clowns like him and W actually help a snake like Obama look like a hero, and an evil shrew like Hillary look like a consummate professional. Compelling fake wrestling needs contrasting characters.
Well, obviously that’s Trump’s problem and not the establishment’s problem. Although I would argue that Trump is part of that establishment. I would also point out that it’s all relative. If Trump’s presidency goes down the toilet, it won’t have the same impact on him personally that a janitor’s firing would have on him or her. Trump is set for life – which I would urge him to enjoy to the fullest, for there’s nothing else for him following his complete death (or the completion of his death) when it comes.
The US Democratic Party is theoretically a democratic political party for average American citizens.
It has become a crack / coke party for US deep state manipulation. Even quick easy money naive rich from Californian IT companies and Texas oil pumpers are being taken for a ride.
The US Democratic Party, like the Republicans, is run by the oligarchs who own it.
The ghost of journalism past, wailed.
Sums it up, no different from the WTC7 investigation & the then FBI Boss Bob Mueller, who got the job 2 days before the controlled demolition, same ole’ story Melancholy Mule Mueller . . . Trump cannot make things clearer to the world’s politicians, other than stamping “guilty & complicit” on Mueller’s forehead and lest anybody forget that Trump specialises still, in steel frame architecture & function, just ask yourself why Mueller has not said a word about his old corrupted FBI best buddy Comey, (guilty of Treason) or WTC7 Physics, either … absobleedin’lutelyobvious Trump would tweet, “MIT ..Mueller, ‘innit’, “thickly, und dass mit Mitt Romney, arrrgh du, Scheisse, Mueller is German name und Romney may be a derivative of Rommel … surely?”
Arrest Murdoch, Mueller, Mifsud, Merkel, Milliband, May & Macron, after Bolton, Blair & Bush, just for starters… but we gotta’ get to guys like Comey, Cheney & Corbyn ? 🙂 please, must I further alliterate: heads must roll for professional incompetence, amongst judges, too… Laws were broken, massively!
Arrrrgh but not: just silence Julian Assange instead, simples. Whatever you decide, Don’t arrest Killary, please, I couldn’t handle the public hanging, a military solution will suffice and I’m sure there are many worthy & justified candidates who would opt ‘in’ for the ‘Hit’, ex-vets naturally: History will show, Mainstream Journalism died thanks to HRC 😉
Today, re-writing history is the name of the game of thrones, drones & malicious tones, for digestive spirits addicted to capitalistic narcissism, serving no purpose.
Not even learning . . .
Great article, Max 🙂
IMO the Trebuchet would be just the thing, for all the big shot criminals. Televise it.
Excellent article.
What puzzles me is why Trump / his AG aren’t prosecuting Biden.
Perhaps they’re letting it simmer for a while first, so that all the details will have sunk in by the time we’re ready for the meal…
You still believe Trump’s running the show? The clown is following orders, stumbling over the big two-syllable words, and too often exposing his puerile predilection for tantrums. But he makes no decisions worthy of the name.
The Impeachment charade was to distract the drooling public and was handled artfully by the Dems, since their abject failure had to look sincere. Trouble is, little Master Petulance took it seriously (didn’t he get the memo? Oh, he doesn’t read…) and fought back all nasty. The rulers ares simply stringing out the game till elections, but their child emperor is impatient. Was he the best clown in the circus after all?
Sacking the Vindiman triple-loyalty fascists is a good start. A ways to go, however. I’d love to see Schiff do the ‘perp walk’.
Adam Schiff is just awful. But we are faced with a ruling class swimming not only in corruption, but in a culture of impunity. Don’t expect justice.
Indeed. Or any of the many criminals involved in the overthrow of Ukraine, Russiagate and Ukrainegate. Then again, Barr is not looking too solid. /
It’s quite obvious, popular opposition on issues of social justice were suppressed and diverted by the Dems exclusively attacking Trump on whether he’s sufficiently militarily aggressive towards Russia.
And this is why, the Wall Street Journal can flagrantly gloat and mockingly say Trump’s impeachment may have cinched his victory in 2020.
The “security state attack” against Trump was all a big joke. In other words, Trump’s “disposal” was not really important. The Idiot was no real threat to the affluent–they had nothing on the line. The 10% enjoy excellent healthcare, terrific housing, and high quality childcare. Their children are attending top private schools and will not worry about student debt. The older bunch in this well-heeled crowd will never look at a meager social security check as their only owner source of income and worry about paying utility bills, buying food, or filling a prescription which literally keeps them alive. They’ll never have to think about finding enough cash for an unexpected emergency to fix a broken car, a busted furnace, or a leaking roof.
The comfortably well-to-do couldn’t care less if three years were squandered humiliating themselves promoting a Russian invasion, while the working-class looked at this fiasco like a deer in the headlights worrying about paying the monthly mortgage or the rent.
The scorn towards the working-class by the Democratic Party leadership is directly reflected in an impeachment trial which attacks Trump for temporarily blocking $390 million in military aid to Ukraine. The working-class are quite happy Trump temporarily blocked military aid to Ukraine. In fact, they wish the Buffoon would permanently block all military aid to every foreign country where US tax dollars are continually being squandered. The working-poor had enough of these military misadventures. They want their tax dollars to provide healthcare, affordable housing, quality childcare, clean drinking water, and a livable minimum wage.
Trump the shameless lying street fighter, knows all of this and he’ll exploit it fully as he marches through the rust-belt victoriously proclaiming judicial vindication over the feckless feeble Dems. From day one the antidote ridding the world of this orange bullshitter was apparent– attack the Idiot from the Left–
specifically point out every lie, but most importantly prove how his policies, legislation, and Executives Orders are screwing over the working-class. However, to do all that the Democratic Party would need to be a genuine “opposition political party” and not a private organization representing Wall Street, the big banks, and the surveillance state.
Absolutely correct, Charlotte! The Democrats’ relentless pursuit of the Russiagate and Ukrainegate nonsense was intended to distract people from the fact that they would sooner do almost anything than fight Trump’s pro-corporate policies.
If the Dems put forward another war-and-Wall Street candidate who offers nothing to the working class, then Trump is assured of another four years in office – unfortunately.
Trump just wanted to make business deals with anybody, be they Russia or China or Z.
US Deep state needs an Enemy to justify their monster budgets and full spectrum domination, but only an enemy that does not upset their Lower Manhattan branch, so China was out being too good for US investors, but Russia or Iran are perfect. A repeat of what happened after WWII and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
9/11 “Global Terrorism” is now a bit passe.
In its search for an Enemy it became the Enemy / Devil.
China is Public Enemy Number One, hated with racist and civilizational supremacist fury, by Western elites. Just today the current US Gestapo Chief, Wray, and the Zionist-controlled ‘Justice’ Department, declared ‘Chinese theft of intellectual property’ Threat Number One to the USA. Bizarre as the Snowden revelations showed that the USA is the world’s paramount IP thief.
And at present the local presstitute vermin are pushing the story of the ‘dead Chinese whistle-blower’ to the detriment of all other news, particularly the positive efforts undertaken in Hupei that certainly would NOT be carried out in the USA, where coronavirus would be cleansing the streets of the homeless in no time. But the local MSM NEVER reports China in any way but negatively, and increasingly viciously so, with a typically imbecile cow on The Drum now screeching about ‘the Uighurs’ and ‘the South China Sea’ for Gawd’s sake. The hatred, born of fear, is fulminating viciously. In fact, the head feminazi has now declared that it is all Xi’s fault for ‘cracking down’ on all and sundry.
I don’t know if the virus is just a natural phenomenon or a synthetic weapon, but it is certainly being exploited in an attempt to destabilise China internally, with the dead doctor becoming the latest “martyr to democracy.”
The Western MSM lie sewer is going ape-shit with lies that the Chinese people are rising up, demanding freedom, and freedom fries, because one doctor supposedly died (his last photo, suspiciously close up, was not of a dying man)after being reprimanded for rumour-mongering. The latest report I saw quoted Chinese social media, where there are billions of comments per day, a buch of compradore vermin in Hong Kong, and a compradore thug at Yale University. The racist selection of ‘good Chinese’ who will ape their White Masters’ agit-prop is standard operating procedure. Meanwhile, for the victims, the Western MSM racist thugs show no sympathy whatsoever. And can you imagine if such a disease broken out in the USA or UK? The chaos and horror would be terrible, but at least it would solve the homeless problem.
There is currently no power with the ability to “destabilize China internally”..
President Xi, like President Putin, attempts to pacify an unhinged lunatic..
The Chinese, like the Russian people, could care less about the dysfunctional West; less than zero.. Living well is the best revenge.
John Rappoport’s blog is worth visiting in order to get some non establishment thoughts on all of this, as is The Last American Vagabond’s shows. Actually, Ryan Cristian’s show on the virus was an excellent overview and he provided much in the way of sources for further reading and viewing. I have them all collected and will soon, hopefully, present them on my blog, unless I can only repeat what others like Ryan, have said. In which case, I’ll leave it alone. /
This article elides important elements, namely that Zelensky is a Jew and that he is regarded as pro-Russian by Ukrainian nationalists. With so many on the left trying to paint all Ukrainians as neo-Nazis, there’s the inconvenient fact of Ukraine being the only country in all of Europe to elect a Jew as head of state.
He was elected largely on the basis for fighting corruption and for ending the war with the secessionists. He was not only undermined by Trump. Putin took advantage of his dovish politics as this article points out:
By your logic on Ukraine electing a Jew, when Obama was elected here it meant America had less of a racism problem, which is absurd. The left, which certainly does not include you, does NOT paint all Ukrainians as neo-Nazis and has made it quite clear the resurgence in nationalism is in the Western part of the country and is being normalized by the oligarchic parties.
There is an alliance of convenience between Jewish oligarchs like Kolomoisky and Nazi thugs like the Azov battalion, with the latter playing the part of useful idiots/ cannon fodder. Rather like Tommy Robinson and his £10,000 a month Zionist stipend. Incidentally, it is not correct that only Ukraine has had a Jewish president – the same applies to Austria and the Baltics.
Ukraine is a real tragedy. Since independence in 1991, it has lost nearly half its population, down from 52 to 30 million, if you take the loss of Crimea/ Donbas/ 1.5 million refugees/ millions of economic migrants scratching a living abroad picking cabbages or working as prostitutes into account. It was previously the most prosperous and highly developed part of the Soviet Union, with advanced industries and a highly educated and skilled work force. All this is now gone, the result of years of uncontrolled non stop looting by the Kolomoiskys. The average standard of living in Ukraine is now significantly lower than that of Egypt.
Washington will ally itself with any group of thugs to achieve its ends in its regime change projects, Ukrainian Nazis or an alphabet soup of Islamist head choppers and throat slitters. America constantly plays the part of the comic villain Hedley Lamar in Blazing Saddles, recruiting an army of villains to achieve his ends. There are no depths Uncle Shmuel will not plumb. The Nazi thugs who staged the Maidan Coup were on the US embassy payroll, given $25 a day and provided with free booze, free drugs and free prostitutes.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth. $50 billion of western taxpayers’ money has been poured into the country to prop up the Kiev Regime. There is nothing to show for this. It has flowed out of the country into the private bank accounts of the oligarchs, politicians and US dual/ triple national carpetbaggers, who have descended on the country like the Nulands, the Vindmans, the Ioanovitches. Almost without exception, these are rabid professional Russia hater Jews, though the Bidens could also wet their beaks. There was enough to go round.
Clinton, the most corrupt politician in US history, was supposed to have won the election to keep this gravy train rolling, and the “Ukrainians” actively meddled in the 2016 election to bring about the desired result. When Trump won, these characters reacted with all the fury of a dog that has had its bone taken away.
@ paul.
Short, but spot on, paul, from the first to the last word.
A friend goes to Ukraine regularly to recruit people, he claims corruption’s unbelievable, often he has to pay to park a car on a street with unrestricted parking, one doesn’t, the tyres get slashed; old people barely surviving on pitiful pensions, a 1000 hrivnas pension is considered good, some pensioners get less (100 hrivnas = £3 approx; the chain Lidl operates in the country, its prices similar to the UK prices, the pensioners cannot afford them), in villages domestic animals live together with families, tyres are used for heating, as are empty plastic bottles stuffed with paper, old textile.
A true tragedy so close to the prosperous Western Europe, and nobody cares, certainly not the poodles of the MSM. Criminal this.
Ukraine is the future as envisaged by the global overlords. A sort of Petri Dish in which to breed the enforcer thugs that will be needed to consolidate oligarch rule as the whole farce crumbles.
Every engine in Russian helicopters was made in Ukraine. They had coal/ oil/ steel/chemical industries/ aircraft/ vehicles/ locomotives/ shipbuilding/ agricultural machinery/ spacecraft/ arms industries. All this is gone. There were 100 large engineering firms producing goods like machinery to stamp out car bodies. There are only 3 of these left.
Ukraine was one of a number of countries targeted for regime change/ destruction from 2011/ 2014 onwards. Like Egypt, Syria, Libya. In 2011, Ukraine had an income per head of $2,800, slightly ahead of Syria – $2,600, and behind Egypt – $3,000. That was before Maidan, the war, the loss of 1.5 million refugees, Crimea, Donbas, and further looting of the economy by plagues of locusts like Kolomoisky and his ilk and carpetbaggers like the Biden clan and the legions of dual national Jews.
The only future Ukraine has now is a CIA/ Neocon playground, with foreign owned agribusiness (Monsanto), foreign owned extractive industries (Joe Biden’s son), and if they are lucky some foreign owned sweatshop industry. They seemed to think the streets of the EU were paved with gold. Maybe they should have asked the Greeks about that. The only think Ukraine produces that the EU wants are “Natasha” prostitutes.
The current population of Ukraine is 43,700,ooo.. You are welcome.
It was 52 million in 1991.
The health service fell apart with the rest of society and mortality rates soared with a general societal collapse. Alcohol, drugs, crime.
By 2010, it had fallen to 45.5 million, 38 million in Ukraine and the rest scratching a living working abroad.
The current population has been put at 37 million, but if you subtract the areas the Kiev Regime has lost, Crimea and Donbas, and 1.5 million refugees to Russia, then Kiev only actually controls a population of about 30 million, losing nearly half the people it had at independence.
There is a low birth rate and the country has been depopulated, like the Baltics.
As Anders Breivik said in his manifesto, “my enemies enemy is my friend…..we can deal with the Jews later”.
The Zionists are in a close anti-Moslem alliance with fascist all over Europe. They hate one another, but hate Moslems and anyone sympathetic to them more. And Zionism contains very strong openly fascist currents, going back to Jabotinsky, Begin and Shamir et al, and represented today by Bibi, Lieberman, Bennett, the settlers and the JDL etc.
They say the same about Christian Zionists.
“These people are scum, but they are useful scum.” Netanyahu.
Bibi’s right about that-and the feeling is mutual.
LouisP. (no idea what the fuck the new added ‘N’ is all about, like new year for peeing ourselves laughing over a ‘NONSE’ or what?)… ‘woteva’, did you get a pay rise with a new year agenda, LOUIS, Louis, louise, stop prostitution, I say, especially your kind !
You honky mofo and may I add a pretty second rate honky mofo @that …
When will you stop quoting the NYT and finally comprehend that they are complicit,
in every sense, arrrrgh ‘Ja’ die ‘N’ is for New Young Turk NYT Louis, now I get it . . .
FFS, Louis, have you had a brain scan recently ?
The N is for NATO
That’s a good point, Max, could well be: do you think that new young Turks support NATO ? 🙂
There’s a dilemma for Cenk & LouisP. , let alone the Turkish youth of today >>> when, anybody with a brain, who examines the heavy evidence collected by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, on Bulgaria supplying & arming terrorists, not just in Aleppo, but Bulgaria and now Serbian arms exports to Yemen, with a paper trail leading Westwards, in every sense, many times over, via Transit Hub Azerbaijan and Silkway Airlines’ 747s. Arms imported and Drugs exported, just like Vietnam ‘Daze’, honestly speaking: quite how the CIA and the unaudited, EU & NATO protected Tax Free Vatican Bank gets away with being defended by NATO for FREE, today, is quite beyond my comprehension, meaning, how people have not sussed out that the Swiss Vatican Guard and independent state of the BIS, all with diplomatic immunity, are in fact far beyond a joke, mathematically speaking.
Easy to quash: I mean, seriously: I know how and though it was not publicly discussed,
a Transport company i was working for (lol) held the Swiss Government & arrogant PM Leuenberger to ransom, blocking Swiss borders in the 90’s, forcing the PM to go face to face with Bruno Planzer, on live TV … after many threats in both directions, our trucks doing the ‘damage’, were not on Swiss Territory or under their jurisdiction and The sainted EU was well fed up with the Swiss 28 Tonne limit, at that time, anyways…. Have you any idea how easy it would be to hold a siege on the Vatican State ? I certainly have and whilst Cardinal Sinner George (the paedophilic) Pell is incarcerated in the land of ‘Oz’, holding the Chief Treasurer of the Vatican Bank, effectively top ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, is a bird in hand, doing ‘bird’, the way I see things, one could really bring pressure to bare & bear markets could be held naked & accountable for once, thereafter, just for fun like an experiment, why not?… when matters cannot really get much worse, anywhere …
especially for Assange!
Yellow Vests, not necessarily for cowards 😉
Also: Nobody seems to have mentioned much about the tip of the iceberg report from DW, either, over Ukrainian arms exports to Africa, Asia and actually, anywhere you like… just contact the German BND Secret Services, was the key to ship illegally and subvent sanctions. Just a few idle thoughts Max, whilst reiterating “Great Article”. 🙂
Keep banging on & reducing suffering.
Nonce? Nincompoop? Nonentity? Nassty?
The NYT lie sewer is just about your milieu, Proyectile.
Leave it to the NYT to smear Russia ALWAYS. If you get your knowledge of the world from the NYT, then you will be in darkness.
Linking the NY Times as a source of truthful veracity? Why not the Guardian, WaCompost, etc?
It might be helpful to remind people that the terms ‘Democrats’ and ‘Republicans’ are merely the acronyms for ‘head’ or ‘tale’. ‘Up’ and ‘Down’. ‘Left’ and ‘Right’. ‘Trump’ and ‘Pelosi’.
All are:
Two Sides – One Coin
But who could blame the masses for focusing on who is not allowed to exist based on their delusion. It is this deep sitting delusion that has created the present day ‘western’ society. This deepsitting and hardwired belief, that everything, or anyone that does not conform to their delusions is immediately doused with vile hate. The people in the picture above are only the tiniest tip of the Nazi-Iceberg that will sink a Humanity called ‘Titanic’.
Since it no longer actually matters what the truth really is, or what really is the truth, one can certainly write whatever one feels like. Like if you say that Adolf Hitler (the person, the people in the picture above have sworn posthum allegiance into death) was a product of american fascists and not the product of the German population of that day – then you are anti-semitic.
The people in the image above are not anti-semitic. They are for a world without gay people (they don’t use the term ‘people’), in which there are only boys and girls, women and men and nothing else. The women are were they belong – into the kitchen – and the men watch ‘Die Wochenschau’ drink beer and go out to bash the heads of ‘things’ they don’t like.
All the ham theater of the U.S. regime aside, americans should take a good look at Ukraine as a template of what is coming to them too, now.
To make that clear: There are Americans and there are americans. Americans are those who were present before the first europeans arrived and a very, very few contemporary minds. americans in low caps are the same low conscious human equivalents.
That should do it for now. The sad part though is, that the folks in question will not be reformed. They have the backing of the orthodox church. You remember? ‘A love story: religion and fascism’?
No wonder the Jimmy Dore show is so popular.
I dare him to come up with a 24/7 political satire news channel. Quite the redundancy.
‘It is clear that the impeachment is nothing more than an inter-war between different factions of the elite and not only has it reduced the American people to onlookers, it may get us all killed in a nuclear holocaust in the process.’ – this is the take-home message.
The MSM maintains a charade that we live in a democracy and can exercise something called political choice – we can’t, the deep state and lobby groups get on with making decisions that serve only their interests while damaging many others, especially overseas.
It never ceases to amaze me how more people can’t see it, or how easy it is to channel public rage toward selected targets.
Cosmopolitans liberals generally focus on identity politics (how dare he say or think that) while the less culturally engaged are taught to hate and fear Russians, Iranians and of course North Korea without ever understanding why – needless to say both groups are oblivious to the crimes committed by western leaders that have led to millions of deaths while contributing to the biggest refugee crises since WWII.
The likes of the BBC and Guardian pretend that all of this is normal and can always be counted on to back the intelligence community whenever further blood-shed is required.
Only in a system this rotten can public figures like Trump, Hillary, Obama, or nearer to home Johnson, IDS, Priti Patel, thrive.
“It never ceases to amaze me how more people can’t see it, or how easy it is to channel public rage toward selected targets.”
Consider yourself quoted: but, what about the North Iranians, Harry? If they unite with Northern Koreans & Northern Russians to boot, think about it …
The North KIRaneans could access evil 😉 shiver me timbers ……
When I think of the west’s reaction to ‘the axis of evil’ (and yes, I admit I have substituted Russia for Iraq, but such targets are pretty fluid on the neocon kill list) I think of the ‘little Albert’ experiment.
This seminal experiment found that it all it took was 6 pairings to condition the subject (in this instance the hapless baby Albert).
In the case of western societies, especially the USA it is more like 60 or 600 pairings associating various targets, such as Assad with negative or evil traits.
For reasons not even they (the public) understand they find themselves automatically hating counties or politicians that have been selected for them by the MSM (on behalf of their handlers in the intelligence or military community).
Evidence or rational thinking seems to play almost no part in the 2-minute hate.
When I saw the baby was called Albert, I was immediately reminded of another young Albert who had no fear of lions alas….
“Shortly after the putsch, Hunter Biden joined the board of directors at Burisma despite having no experience in Ukraine or the energy sector.“
It was a lot more than that, which should raise eyebrows or have you reaching for a kidney basin.
Divorce proceedings don’t usually bring to light the most flattering assessments, but his ex-wife did note his gambling and sex addictions and his habitual residence in the front rows of topless bars, strip clubs and suggested his lap did double duty as a dance floor.
While he was in a sexual relationship with his dead brothers wife, he was sued for paternity by a Louisiana stripper. He completely denied having sex with her but DNA proved her claim, notwithstanding her public humiliation by having to admit she had sex with the man known as “cunter”. He was shown the door by the Navy, days after joining it, when his urine tested positive for coke, a test he knew would be done, but he was still unable to forgo the coke for even a few days in advance.
In the NYT, it was claimed that Burisma hired Biden to gain the respectability he would engender. How valuable is that Hunter-borne respectability? A million a year.
Now let’s get down to the real issue. The new bribery aka THE SHAM CONTRACT.
Pioneered or honed to a fine art in our times by the notorious larger than life scumbags Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, it consists of being paid for a non-service, or one masquerading as a service, grotesquely disproportionate to its value. Formerly known as a bribe.
So Hillary gives a speech to Goldman Sachs. No matter that the audience is not listening, texting their insider trading orders, or simply bored stiff. GS gives her $250k.Tony Blair , now worth well over 75 million quid substantially on the back of “lectures” to American neocons. But who is to know if the lectures were any good or if it was just a payoff to the “ Middle East Peace Envoy” for sending young men off to die in Iraq etc.
So it is with “Hunter”, being paid a million dollars a year to be on the board of Burisma when his cv seems to warrant a different board (water board?). If you wish to offload your breakfast, read the former president of Poland extol Hunter’s board activities.
So Trump wanted to know what “Hunter “ was doing for the million/year. Hell, inquiring minds want to know. I want to know. But you can bet your Maltese bippy that his advice on lap dancing or whatever it was, might not have been worth a million/ year. And Trump’s curiosity led to governmental (emphasis on the mental) paralysis so the Democratic Party having made fools of themselves over Russiagate, could make scurrilous accusations in prime time. Some of which are surely true, but wasting time and resources with an all-consuming hysterical smoke and mirrors operation aimed at hiding what?
No, you’re quite wrong, Biden Junior had to work hard for those millions.
Hunter had to smile a lot and have his photograph taken, and read a couple of speeches that were written for him.
Bribery is not what it used to be. Oh for the days of unmarked bills in sweaty gym bags exchanged under lampposts. No photo ops there.
Que pasa?
A friend of mine had to pay off the officials of the EBRD Bank on behalf of his company. This involved handing over an attache case full of money on Westminster Bridge at 6 am one day.
brilliant synopsis G.C. Top Cat Comment 🙂
So, were I refer to the CBT ‘s actions, (“Cunter” Bribe Tribe), in future we would be on the same the page, I figure: the hunters & gatherers know no limits and it’s high time law was applied, coz’ laws exist . . .
hard to believe, in justice, today !
Well written, sir ! Can’t wait to read your synopsis of Javanka’s business upturn whilst they were in office. Hunter’s money is peanuts in comparison, if the Qatari rumours are true. Of course the cover-up for Kushner would be to say he was wealthy prior to assuming his advisory role.
B-liar has only £75 M ? UK political office holder post office compensation plans really need to be brought up to standard best US practices. HC declared over $100M just 8 years after leaving office. Ain’t that something.
Blair now has 7 mansions (maybe he sleeps in a different one each day of the week), a portfolio of 60 plus properties, and £100 million.
If he had a conscience, sleep wouldn’t come to him no matter how many properties he owned.
Count down for resident jokers blaming this or US Neo-Ukraine support on “the Zionists”: 3,2,1 ….
Quite right, this was all a Saudi Arabian conspiracy, led by Saudi Arabian dual nationals like Nuland, the Vindmans, Sondland, Ioanovitch and Cohen. And of course Zelensky and Kolomoisky are both Saudi Arabians. They do get about, those Saudi Arabians.
Don’t forget those Saudis, Schiff, Nadler and Schumer, please.
Trump aside, I still can’t get my head around the total silence on the Bidens.
Biden in a clog in the CIA’s foreign policy, which needs enemies to stay flush in money hence
MSM silence.
The “department of Homeland security” after 9/11 was their coup d’etat of the US; it should translate as “Ministry of Deep State truth & security”.
Surely Democrats could Impeach Donald for the following:
Iraq voted for America to leave its country
America refused to do so, whilst admitting to stealing their oil.
This is in contravention of International Law.
Impeach That.
America just outline the deal of the century, peace plan for Israel/Palestine.
It’s in contravention of International Law
Impeach That.
Why are the Dems, those notorious sticklers for the rule of law, so silent?
They are of the same coin, whose ‘other’ side they are supposedly opposing.
So-called ‘International Law’ is ‘antisemitic’.
USA admitted to stealing Syrian oil. By their invasion of Iraq, they earned a surprisingly small share of proceeds, compared with other countries.
Mongrel dogs only bark when their masters toss them a treat.
Yeah the whole “impeachment” circus pulled up its stakes and Trump was acquitted. The Democrats remind me of Wile E Coyote.It used to be that the Democrats were called the Evil Party and the Republicans Stupid but it seems the roles have reversed or maybe one is more stupid than evil.
Here’s hoping that the clown car drives itself into the Potomac which would be the American Dream for some.
You are aware of the fact, that Wile E. Coyote was also a Rocket Scientist, correct? Only the bias of the producers prevented him from ever succeeding with his brilliant attempts to gather food.
The democrats are no match for Wile E. Coyote.
Wile E Coyote did insist on using Acme Corporation products. In those halcyon days of Bugs Bunny cartoons, Acme Corporation was the Boeing Corporation of its time with Acme products liable to fail, peter out, backfire or explode at the most inconvenient time. Why that rocket scientist didn’t try the competition’s products in his hunter-gatherer lifestyle forever remains a mystery.
Doncha know that American industry went beyond built in obsolescence to self destructive products such as the tape machine used in the Mission Impossible series?
Say it, Jen! Tell it, Lady!
Yup the only competition in those days was the Japanese company Kopi-Katsu Inc so we must assume Wile E Coyote was a diehard (and die-harder) American patriot.
I stand corrected 🙂
Thanks, Off Guardian:)
I generally like this article, but there is what I see as a myth about Trump vs the Establishment:
“It was Trump’s rhetoric as a peace candidate suggesting rapprochement with Russia which made him a target of the political establishment and intelligence community…”
Trump could not be looked at as a “peace candidate” by anyone but his weirdo crazy fans when he was running for President. He could only be looked at as a liar-conman. That he wanted to make money off Russia, and therefore would not be as likely to call for a no-fly zone in Syria as Hillary, doesn’t remotely come close to being for peace. It appears to me that Trump and Netanyahu were united, and Netanyahu had support from many russian-israelis in the Israel regime. Putin has expressed a real kinship with the russian-israelis(which could be why Putin doesn’t stop the israelis from bombing Syria whenever they wish?). Perhaps that is where one can find “russian collusion”–the russians though, are citizens of Israel;)
So, just that problem with the article. The myth that Trump posed as a peace candidate shouldn’t turn into revisionism, like how people today claim that Obama ran on stopping the wars.
Actually there was an academic study released which indicates voters in key battleground states saw him as the peace candidate relative to Hillary Clinton.
Max – that is the key point I’d say – that “relative” to Hillary ‘the rot’ Clinton, Attila the Hun could be legitimately seen as a “peace candidate.” As completely odious and amoral as the Orange One is, clearly before “Russiagate” magically erupted and then morphed again quite magically into impeachment, Trump had simply not appropriately ‘rattled the saber’ toward Russia as required by America’s deep state and MSM institutional structures.
I dare say that many of us on the left in the U.S. (those long outside the two party structures) saw HRC as arguably the most clearly militarily dangerous of these two corrupt oligarchs when it came to the rather important – foreign policy front. For some reason many seen to have trouble tracking this bit of nuance.
Hello, Max Parry. That was a very good article you wrote, thank you:)
There are assumptions in that study. Often they cite “sacrifice” made by the U.S. military for U.S. “security”. None of that goes on and hasn’t gone on this entire century. The U.S. military is used as an invading force, not as defenders of their country. I don’t think the people who sign up to be mercenaries for hegemony can claim ignorance for much longer and still be believed. American voters can vote for peace by voting for antiwar parties. It makes no sense to claim that american voters want peace while voting for the two major war parties. The americans who truly want peace vote for ant-war parties, or they’re not voters. The war party voters just don’t give a shit about war, or worse, they really like war.
I certainly wouldn’t argue for the authenticity of Trump’s campaign rhetoric since he reversed nearly all of it as president, just like Obama. And many forget even George W. Bush made some anti-interventionist statements in the debates against Al Gore in 2000.
Yes. Trump was nowhere close to being considered a peace candidate. It is common for the two war parties to criticize each other’s wars, but both parties are pro-war..and so are their voters..and their volunteer mercenaries.
Not true. Trump like Obama as Max said ran as a antiwar candidate:
However as someone noted earlier Genghis Khan would have been seen as an Antiwar candidate compared to Hillary “We came, we saw, he died” (followed by evil laugh) Clinton.
Also recent polls show that Americans are sick of endless wars:
You have a bad memory, Gall. Here’s an article from July of 2008, before he became President.
“Barack Obama yesterday pledged to increase US troops in Afghanistan by a third if he becomes president, sending 10,000 more to reinforce the 33,000 already there.”
And like I said earlier, no one but Trump fans believed Trump was anything but a liar and conman, so no, he wasn’t fooling many people with his “let’s get out of the Middle East” lies. He was clearly a huge supporter of Israel, which is a every bit as warmongering as the U.S.
Many who voted for Trump including myself were actually voting against Clinton who unlike Trump was a warmongering Valkyrie. Voting for her would have only opened up the Pandoras box of endless wars which she would have taken as a mandate to start after being elected.
As far as Obama was concerned he did plan to end the War in Iraq as opposed the flaming neocon Madman McCaine who wanted to expand the wars in the ME as proscribed under the Yinnon Plan.
Funny how you’d omit these details Sharon and falsely claim that the American people are a bunch of warmongers.
You’re not a good judge on what’s true or false, Gall. Obama was not a peace candidate at all. He wanted to expand the war in Afghanistan before he even became president.
And you’re also part of the problem, voting for war parties and by claiming the ‘lesser of two evils’ nonsense that the Democrats always use as their motto. Yeah, you voted for war, but don’t want to take responsibility for it. Typical american-war-party-voter.
Did I say he was a peace candidate? Find where I said that in my last comment. He was a choice between less war and more war candidate which both McCain and Romney were.
In the American system which claims to be the freest country on Earth that’s the choice if one can call it that. The greater war party or the lesser war party.
I’d say take a look at yourself. If you’re British every one you’ve elected has been a member of the war party. So if you voted than you are just as guilty. To claim otherwise is just blatant hypocrisy on your part.
” Trump like Obama as Max said ran as a antiwar candidate”
Antiwar is peace, genius. They didn’t run as antiwar candidates. I am american, and you’re part of the problem in this country–votes for war parties then takes no responsibility for it.
Oh really? And your self righteous, puritanical hectoring I suppose is part of the “solution”?
Your solution is to vote for wars, coups, assassinations, torture, etc. You, and about 120 million american voters vote for two parties who always go to war. ALWAYS. You jerks are the number one problem in the world.
Says Ms America.
Haven’t US voters got the message that all Presidential candidates LIE to them? How many more centuries of time that we do not have will it take for that simple truth to permeate their obdurate skulls?
That’s why the vote is usually against. As I’ve written before I didn’t vote for Trump. I voted against Hillary. You and Sharon seem to be cornering the market on obnoxious self righteousness.
Nah, gall, there’s plenty left for you to store in your bile duct.
Ah, more propaganda for the fascist Trump I see. What else is new for Off Guardian?
What, Trump wouldn’t sell arms to Neo-Nazis?
You’re kidding me right?
Off Guardian loves their fascist racist misogynist epic jerk Trump.
The farce runs deep in this one. Obviously you didn’t read the article either because you are illiterate or your brain has been sucked by a giant Arachnid.
Not really. There isn’t and wasn’t much value difference between Trump and the warmongering, murderous, unprincipled neocon candidate harridan known as Hillary. It might seem that way as anyone trying to enable some semblance of balance is immediately attacked by the Democratic party’s stormtroopers and internet battalions.
Exactly! Bingo!
It’s all gone straight over your head. Read George Cornell’s comment above, then read Harry Stotle’s and come back with an argument as to why Biden should be the democrat candidate and Trump should be impeached.
I doubt if any here share Trump’s politics, or admire him, but we can all see a stitch-up when it’s as plain as this one.
Trebuchet the lot of them, IMO.
He did sell them arms. He was impeached when he momentarily stopped. Are you illiterate?
If you like, I could teach you how to troll & shill, project & transfer, to a much higher standard, with far more intrigue and far far less obvious . . . tell your bosses.
Do you mind if I ask what your boss & you get, collectively, paid and if you respect him?
And,for that matter, yourself … (lol 🙂 )
Coz’, by my standards, I’d fire the pair of you and do a much better job in the process,
& much cheaper, Alone . . . so, I figure, applications to M.O.D.@77thBrigadeLYS, lonely young souls,
the younger the better, just kids.
No Men Required for propaganda purposes.
That’s all …
Over & Out.