Policy of Self-Destruction: Turkey supplying military equipment to Syrian “moderates”

Ahmed Al-Khaled

Amid a surge in military operations in Idlib governorate, Turkey has been gradually escalating military provocations, creating obstacles to the advance of the Syrian Arab Army.

Currently, Ankara decided to not even try to hide the fact that it funds and supplies terrorist organizations and controlled armed groups.

Shortly after the launch of the government troops’ offensive in the last opposition bastion of Idlib, Turkey began deploying numerous convoys with weapons and armored vehicles to allied Syrian fighters. There are a large number of photos and videos that show Turkish-made military equipment destroyed during the clashes between jihadist groups and Syrian armed forces.

On February 14, militants of “Hayat Tahrir Al Sham” (HTS) alongside the “National Liberation Front” made a failed attempt to advance on the axis of western Aleppo. As a result, several elements of the HTS were neutralized and at least 3 Turkish armored combat vehicles “ACV-15” were destroyed.

At present, the situation in the province of Idlib shows that a huge volume of Turkish weapons delivered to loyal jihadist groups has not lead to their victory. Moreover, Syrian militants failed to take advantage of most of what they obtain from Turkey because of the Syrian Army’s air raids.

On February 3, a lot of accounts on social media circulated images demonstrating the destruction of a convoy carrying Turkish military equipment in the west of Saraqib city. According to local sources, Turkey sent it to support HTS militants. Following an air strike carried out by Syrian forces hitting the convoy, an M60-T tank, an M-106 howitzer and several combat vehicles were destroyed.

From this point, it is possible to draw an accurate conclusion that although there is a growing involvement of Turkey in the Syrian conflict, Ankara often does not achieve its objectives – affiliated fighters do not meet expectations, the Turkish military perishes, the country’s budget is spent for nothing.

It is obvious that Erdogan turns a blind eye on the negative consequences of backing the Syrian jihadists in their fight against the Syrian legitimate government. So how many vehicles should be destroyed and how many soldiers should die before Turkish leadership stop pursuing a policy of self-destruction in Syria?


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Categories: latest, Syria, Turkey
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Feb 19, 2020 7:12 PM

Fact is that Erdogan holds ALL the cards… Right or wrong he doesn’t care, he can do just as he pleases and sells to the highest bidder. He controls the Bosporus, which connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles, which connect the Aegean arm of the Mediterranean Sea with the Sea of Marmara. Turkey has one of the largest land armies in the world, and controls the Syrian border, Iraq and the River Euphrates. That is why the US was so desperate to’ control’ Turkey, but couldn’t so they tried to remove him in a coup, and now they are threatening them with ‘sanctions’ because he is resisting their Isis/Daesh mercenaries who are in league with the Kurds. Dec 2015 Russia’s Defence Ministry has slammed Washington’s reaction to the outing of the secret oil trade between Turkey and Islamic State terrorists, calling it a “theatre of the absurd” and saying it looks rather like “direct patronage.” “Finally, our colleagues from the State Department and the Pentagon have confirmed that the photo-proof, which we presented at a briefing [on December 2], of the origin and destination of the stolen oil, coming from the areas controlled by the terrorists, is authentic,” Major General Igor Konashenkov, a Defence Ministry spokesman, told a media briefing on Saturday. “However, the US claim that they ‘don’t see the border crossings with tanker trucks crossing the border,’ raises a smile, if only, because the photos are still images,” he added. The spokesman advised the American side to have a look through the videos, which were also presented by the Russian Defence Ministry, showing “how the tanker trucks not only drive through checkpoints at the Turkish border, but pass through them without even stopping.” https://www.rt.com/news/324872-russia-us-isis-oil-turkey/ Aug. 2, 2016 ISTANBUL — A Turkish newspaper… Read more »

Feb 18, 2020 12:44 PM

They are neither “moderate” or “Syrian”.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Feb 18, 2020 12:00 PM

dog erdogan is a donmeh just like the young turks
khazar pirate scum

he sold billions of dollars of syrian oil to his askanazi brothers in tel aviv.
stole the heart of syria’s industrial base and relocated it to his festering turkick hole.

satanick gangs counter gangs and pseudogang all working together

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 17, 2020 9:33 PM

It’s not at all true Erdogan has “turned a blind eye” to all this. From the beginning, ie 2011, Erdo has actively sponsored and encouraged jihadi headchoppers to go to Syria, armed them with Killary Clinton’s “rat line” from Libya, paid them with Saudi Barbarian and Qatari petrodollars, and facilitated their going to Syria so much that the flight from Ankara to Reyhanli was known as the “jihad express”. In return, Erdo’s headchoppers stripped Occupied Syria bare of everything that could be stolen and shipped it off to Turkey for Turkish capitalist cronies of Erdo’s to profit from; in Turkish occupied Afrin, Turkish, not Arabic, is now the medium of instruction in schools, and Erdo’s panic at Syria’s Idlib advance is at least partly because of the fact said advance will soon bring the Syrian Army to Afrin and threaten the planned annexation. All this is not “turning a blind eye”, this is active cooperation with jihadis and making use of them to achieve Erdo’s own objectives.

Feb 17, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

I’d suggest also that Erdogan is FULLY aware of the negative consequences if the takfiris his government has backed fail in their endeavours or whatever they are supposed to be doing in Syria. In recent months at least 2,000 Syrian “mercenaries” have travelled to Libya to support the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in its war against Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and his forces. Turkey also supports the GNA. This is one clear indication that the Erdogan government does not want the takfiris in Turkish territory.

Many if not most of these fighters are from western China (Xinjiang province) and have been radicalised and trained to be extremist jihadists: they definitely would pose an extreme security risk to Turkey itself and Ankara in particular if they were to feel betrayed by Erdogan’s government.

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 18, 2020 12:36 AM
Reply to  Jen
Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 18, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  Jen

And the vermin of the Western MSM are doing their filthy worst to ensure that these Uighur butchers are turned into heroes of resistance to the Chinese Nazis, with the INCESSANT propaganda about non-existent ‘concentration camps’ in Xinjiang. Just as they supported the salafist butchers in Syria, as ‘rebels’, with unceasing lies and hypocrisy for nine long years, up to this very moment.

Greg Schofield
Greg Schofield
Feb 17, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

A category A war criminal under the Nuremberg rulings. These people need in the end to be openly tried and as there is little doubt Erdogan’s role at least — be executed. I would make dealing with war criminals within each country (ie Turkey) a condition for being voting members of a future reconstituted UN (in Switzerland). That such countries not be allowed to operate diplomatic embassies or consulates until they have done what is right (my own country included — Australia, the list of US allies that have committed war crimes is large).

This may sound absurd now, it is; but in the near future thew world such not suffer such people to live, and future aggressive war by national armies or proxies become a thing of the past by a ruthless application of law.

Feb 18, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  Greg Schofield

In the coming investigations and trials – the propagandists should be equally dealt justice, like we did to Lord Haw Haw after WW2 – currently every single member and associate of the Atlantic Council, the Bellends, supposed journos reporting on Syria who spent most of their time in Turkey or Beirut, the dodgy NGO’s, the barely believable covers for DS warmongers. The list is extensive.

Some may claim they were merely following orders.

Many have set up as consultants and Limited companies and made a bunch of wonga.

They know they are caught, ‘bang to rights’, they are probably currently going through the usual grief period starting with denial, moving through rage ..not many will make it to acceptance and their guilt – these that do first have the best chance of clemency by becoming the whistleblowers.

Erdogan shouldn’t be a singular scapegoat.

Ultimately the Human condition will never improve unless the likes of the unelected such as Bolton and our DS; the politicians like ‘call me Dave’ and Obama/Clinton and the ultimate paymasters, the owners of the Pathocracy – are indicted and publicly tried and punished which means loss of all wealth -even if they tried to hide it or give it away to their kids and ‘charity’ or trust funds…

That is why they did the crime, that is why they should lose all of their money.

I don’t believe in death sentences but life in prison must mean that, until they are hospitalised for palliative care.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Feb 18, 2020 7:01 AM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

Of course criminal Erdoğan and the AKP have been actively collaborating with DAESH from the outset. One of the most telling pieces of evidence came in the form of radio communications between members of the Turkish armed forces and DAESH activists in which they were coordinating the transfer of jihadis across the border, records of which were presented as evidence in a court case in Turkey.

Feb 17, 2020 7:33 PM

Erdogan originally enjoyed a great deal of success, both domestically and abroad, and this was reflected in his popularity. The economy showed impressive growth, and Erdogan introduced policies benefitting the less well off, like a limited version of the NHS, offering free health care. He had a “no enemies” policy abroad, maintaining friendly relations with all neighbouring Arab countries, Iran and Israel. The Erdogans and the Assads visited each other and went on holiday together. But somewhere along the line, he lost the plot. Over the past few years, he has alienated everybody, America, Russia, Israel, Iran, the EU, the Arab states. His big mistake was to throw in his lot with the Zionist/ Neocon plan to destroy Syria. This was all supposed to be so easy. Assad was going to be overthrown in 6 months at most. So he allowed Turkey to be used as a transit hub for an army of 100,000 plus jihadi head choppers and throat slitters from 100 countries armed, trained, paid and orchestrated by the usual suspects. They set up shop there and used Turkey as a home from home. But things didn’t go according to the Power Point presentation. Not for the first time, the Syrian leadership, armed forces and people were seriously underestimated, as the war dragged on for nearly 10 years. The blowback and the costs to Turkey were many and varied, and many have yet to become apparent, like ripples in a pond. Erdogan’s guest head choppers destabilised the country. There were terrorist bombings with 100 plus dead at a time. There was an abortive US sponsored coup, followed by an extensive purge of the military, media and administration. The Russian sanctions cost billions. The Kurds were strengthened and emboldened, leading to a Turkish invasion of Syria and Iraq with… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 17, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  paul

I would strongly suspect there’s another coup in the pipeline, or perhaps a ‘lone wolf’ assassin. Erdoğan’s time is limited now. As you say, he’s pissed off too many people.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 18, 2020 7:29 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It will be a thoroughly well-merited end.

Feb 18, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

True, but he will probably be bumped off for the wrong reasons.
Not for his sponsorship of terrorism in Syria, which would be richly deserved, but for offending his overlords in Washington over S400s and Turkstream, and criticising Kosherstan.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 17, 2020 4:14 PM

Turkey has delusions of imperial grandeur right now, trying to strongarm opponents in the Eastern Mediterranean oil/gas dash, not to mention carrying on a strange game in Libya.

The US probably sees Turkey as a useful shield to further its own anti-Assad regime stance in this case, however…..

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Feb 18, 2020 6:49 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Not so much Turkey as the small group centred around Erdoğan and the AKP who have staged a power grab, but are rapidly losing the last vestiges of the popular support they once enjoyed the country. Their guiding ideologies are political Islam and neo-Ottomanism and now that they have brought their country to the brink of ruin they have exposed these ideologies as being bankrupt. I think that we are nearing the end of a dialectical process that will see Turkey revert with renewed vigour to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s project of constructing a modern, secular nation state with no designs on any of its neighbours’ territory now that the enemies of this project in the religious right have proved themselves unfit to govern.

Feb 17, 2020 2:51 PM

Good to see a report on the end game in Syria and the final annihilation of the invaded Jihadist proxy army of the FUKUS and 5+1 eyed empire. Perhaps a link to the author Ahmed Al-Khaled and his other current articles would be in order? https://ahtribune.com/author.html?id=1095 —– I’d recommend Elijah Magnier as a more comprehensive source as he draws the full picture – Syria is only one front. I’d also recommend any number of independent reporters on the ground tweeting the minute by minute movements of the war. Absolutely none of which is being reported by the msm except crocodile tears over ‘displaced jihadi refugees’ , lies about hospitals and White Helmet Syria PR propaganda including the now busted flush of Channel 4 deep state collusion with them and their pathetic film – still trying to make the rounds – as the protagonists are revealed to be long time collaborators of the Jihadists and child killers and false flag chemical weapon charade – which was most likely coordinated by the mysteriously dead LeMesurier of the MoD/FCO based in …Turkey. The rest of these mobsters will get theirs for sure as the full reports and testimonies and evidence emerges once law and order and peace descends on Syria. —- Erdogan is only going through face saving manoeuvres, these weapons being destroyed will easily be replaced with newer ones – the MIC makes profits from war not by actually ‘winning’ and stopping the destruction. The remaining Jihadi are canon fodder – probably kazhars and Uighers that cannot be sent back ‘home’ – who are now back to being suicide bombers as the only tactic that achieves any Syrian casualties. Turkey has already moved many of the $2000 per month mercenaries to Libya along with their families – some are already being ’emigrated’… Read more »

Feb 17, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

This is one of the best Twitter on the ground from Syria – the nearest thing to being an eyewitness on the ground and maps too!

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 17, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Yes, Geroman and I used to follow each other when I was on Twitter. Unfortunately, after being repeatedly banned (towards the end Twitter stopped even pretending to have any reason to ban me) I’ve given up on Twitter.

Feb 17, 2020 12:45 PM

Meanwhile, back in the UK, parts of England and Wales are under water and the government has done NOTHING – nor is there anything like the media coverage necessary – – obviously there are more important things to consider – like CEO bonuses and budget plans for the rich

Feb 17, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  bob

What do you mean, done nothing? Didn’t BoJo promise aqualungs for every person affected by the floods? Didn’t he stand atop Scafell Pike and command the wind and waves to cease? And hasn’t he advocated towing icebergs up from the Antarctic to make ice for drinks on the rocks?
Okay, that ladt one’s a bit off topic, but still . . .

Feb 18, 2020 9:15 PM
Reply to  pasha

I heard he was going to do a King Canute and order the waters to recede.

Feb 17, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  bob

There was no coverage during the election- why would they bother now?
You can bet if Labour had won Corbyn would be getting a half hourly continuous kicking by the presstitutes.

But this is thread on Syria ..

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 18, 2020 7:31 AM
Reply to  bob

This is NOTHING to what is coming, when the global average temperatures rise by three or four degrees Celsius, and atmospheric water vapour consequently rises by twenty to forty percent. And then there is sea-level rise.

Feb 18, 2020 9:21 PM

What amazes me is that still they insist on bringing in all the “global warming refugees.”
I can’t understand their cruelty in doing this, when London is going to be submerged under 200 feet of water in 11, sorry 4 years time and even Little Greta can’t do anything about it.
They all need to be sent away as far as possible from the UK immediately for their own safety.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 19, 2020 3:31 AM
Reply to  paul

The melting of the West Antarctic ice-sheet is irreversible. That will drown London sufficiently. It’s only a matter of when, either hundreds of years, if you are an optimist, or decades if you’re a realist. They need to be sent as far away from the UK for the sake of their moral, spiritual and intellectual hygiene.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Feb 17, 2020 11:49 AM

The illegitimate* and criminal** Erdoğan regime in Turkey is rapidly losing all popular support and can never win another free and fair election. Unwilling to relinquish power, as it proved when it ignored the results of the June 2015 election, it is desperately fanning the flames of war in the endeavour to stoke up nationalist sentiment, which always runs high in the country anyway, and portray all opposition to Erdoğan’s dictatorship as treason – a tried and tested policy (e.g. Margaret Thatcher successfully exploited the Falklands war in this way when support for her government was flagging) which may, unfortunately, succeed. * Why illegitimate? The 2016 referendum on the new constitution which replaced Turkey’s tried and tested parliamentary system with an executive presidency in which the president is vested with virtual dictatorial powers was won by ballot box stuffing and the subsequent illegal ruling by the Supreme Election Council that ballot slips not bearing the polling committee stamp were to be counted – an illegal ruling because it is decreed by statute that these ballot are invalid and only parliament is authorized to amend statute not the SEC. The large number of unstamped ballot slips – a phenomenon unprecedented in Turkey’s tradition of holding fair elections since 1950 – is widely believed to be the result of ballot box stuffing and some investigative journalists have unearthed details of the systematic electoral fraud that lay behind them, with people seemingly being paid to cast pre-marked ballot slips lacking the official stamp and to bring the slip bearing the official stamp as proof on collecting payment. In other words, the new presidential system introduced to give Erdoğan total power did not actually receive the backing of the majority in the referendum despite the result announced. The subsequent 2017 election for president under… Read more »

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 17, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Portraying oneself as synonymous with the nation and therefore any opposition as ipso facto treason is the first refuge of the political scoundrel. The Narendrabhai Damodardasbhai Modi Hindunazi regime in India, faced with economic collapse and massive protests, is treading the same route.

Feb 18, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

You have no clue about India; better stick to “non violent” Assad who had to deal with Islamists too.

Even US Moody’s just predicted that India will have the highest GDP growth in the world this year bar Bangladesh. Those “protests” are some foreign paid local Muslim women with kids blocking a few roads for long time, a variation on XR.

Feb 17, 2020 9:49 AM

Syria doesn’t have a legitimate government, they’re a bunch of criminals

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Feb 17, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  crispy

hey crispy
are you danny
syrian danny
i remember you
how is tel aviv
how is leon britain lord mcalpine lord greville janner
al baggage bagdaddy,babera lerner spector,rita katz
and your husband epstein island?

is it real
such a small place
so many satanists

Feb 17, 2020 5:16 PM
Reply to  norman wisdom

– 17 not bad going for telling the truth, even Vanessa Beeley had to admit the Assads had tortured people!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 18, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  crispy

It’s now – 30 crispy duck. I was happy to add to the tally my little duckling.
By the way, a polite question for you:
are you in the Spartacist League like another interloper here, Espartaco?
Or are you a paid troll?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 18, 2020 7:34 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

He’s a splitter from The People’s League of Sparta, Inc.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 18, 2020 12:07 PM

So many splits and infighting, it’s hard to keep a tally. The Spartacist League split from the fairly mainstream Socialist Workers Party in the United States under the leadership (dictatorship) of James Robertson, and rapidly degenerated into this bizarre cult. As a lot of them do.
Meantime, Neoliberalism keeps crushing us all into the dirt, the environment keeps being raped for the obscene enrichment of a few, and imperialism continues its bloody rampaging in Syria via its jihadist mercenaries, and elsewhere like Yemen and Iraq.
And the anti capitalist Left remains hopelessly, fatally, divided.

Feb 19, 2020 4:11 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“So many splits and infighting, it’s hard to keep a tally […] the anti capitalist Left remains hopelessly, fatally, divided.”

Easy peasy:

neoliberal/rightwing/feudal/etc “philosophy” has only one premise, no line of genuine reasoning, equally frequent divisions but only one overriding, all-unifying conclusion that makes it easy to forge viciously coherent, utterly ruthless alliances of strategic convenience: “me and mine above all else, at any cost”. The ego lives easily within the limits of the id and the superego is the dangerous, usurping other;

the left starts with an urge to relocate the ego into the still-emerging superego but from a conflicted basis of deeply encultured id-über-alles and thus a necessary tolerance of ‘theirs’ with its dreams of to/from each, where each each must have its id-captured say. No way to manage a whelk stall.

Growing up is so hard to do.

— Robbobbobin, with sincere apologies to Dr Sigmund Freud.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 19, 2020 6:26 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

I got the ‘me and mine above all else’ part, and yes, I see that every single day Rob.
Most people couldn’t give a flying rats razoo about Yemen or Syria or Julian Assange or many other things, like birth defects in Fallujah…
They only care about themselves and their little trinkets and creature comforts and their next overseas holiday to Mauritius or Outer Mongolia or somewhere.
Call me old fashioned and a utopian, but I think that’s just really sad.
And no, it’s not about growing up.
It’s about maintaining some sense of humanity and concern for other human beings.

Feb 19, 2020 7:53 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

If you cared about Syria you wouldn’t back a regime like Assad

Frankly you don’t care about Syria you care more about stoking you’re ego and pumping out anti western drivel

The ironic thing is you’d be arrested if you wrote the same things about Assad, that is if you were a Syrian citizen living in Syria

They’d arrest you, probably your family too, and torture you

This has been the history of Syria for decades, arbitrary detention in stinking prisons and torture

If you really cared you’d actually except this, and how the corrupt Assad family created the conditions for what’s been going on since 2011

But unfortunately you don’t

You’re to wrapped up in sanctimonious feel good smug propaganda, all created for you by a bunch of childish anti western useful idiots

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 19, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  crispy

When have I ever said I support Assad or his Govt, or even hinted that?
Never once.
Because I don’t support Assad.
I don’t support Putin. I don’t support Xi.
Is that crystal clear for you?
Just by reading this comment tells me you’re not even willing to open your eyes at all.
Regards being ‘wrapped up in propaganda’ I think you need to look in the mirror.

Feb 19, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Are you the same Gezzah potts who frequents the saker blog?

But you do support this Saker idea of res with his silly expression ‘ the Anglo Zionist empire ‘ don’t you, so by default you have to support Putin and Assad and the communist Chinese, and the theocratic dictatorship of iran

By default you have to support these people in charge otherwise why do you follow the Saker amongst others? And his anti western BS

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 19, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  crispy

By Yahweh’s long-flowing beard, your hasbara is boring!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 21, 2020 8:49 AM
Reply to  crispy

My previous reply was rushed as I had to catch a bus.
In answer to your question, I follow The Saker because he is one of the Very Best geopolitical analysts on this Entire Planet. Fact.
There are things he says I strongly disagree with, so, you’re wrong, I’m not some robotic, slavish follower of The Saker. I go on that site for the brilliant analysis.
Secondly, just to clarify:
I don’t support Assad, I don’t support Putin, I don’t support Xi….
And I don’t support Trump or Johnston or Macron or Merkel or Jacinda Ardern or Scott Morrison or Netanyahu or Modi or Justin Trudeau or Cyril Ramaphosa or Ayatollah Khamenei or anyone. No one. Is that clear? No one.
However, I 100% support the right of Syria to defend itself (under international law by the way) from the horrific aggression and hordes of jihadist headchoppers unleashed on it by the Empire and its vassal states like Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.
All to overthrow the Syrian Govt, as I said yesterday.
By the way, Russia and Iran have been in Syria legally – at the invitation of the Syrian Govt.
I strongly oppose imperialism as I oppose the capitalist system.
Why I comment here is none of your business, but just to humour you, it’s too let off steam and connect with other like minded people, who see the World how I do, coz we are in a very small minority.
Are you happy with how our World is Crisp, how society is? how fractured and atomised people are? Full blown fascism is almost upon us.

Feb 19, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“It’s about maintaining some sense of humanity and concern for other human beings.”

Stripped of the qualifications Freud put in place to emphasize he was describing a theoretical model of the psyche and not an account of how it actually works day to day, that’s pretty much what the superego does. And what growing up does. The id is a newborn that just grabs and screams until it’s satisfied. The ego has the same intent but arises later as experience shows the id that it’s usually more effective to figure out how to get what it wants than to stamp its foot until that just happens. That growing up is hard to do is demonstrated by the fact that most adults die with a psyche that is about 90% id, 9% ego and bugger all superego.

Feb 18, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

freelance truth seeker

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 18, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  crispy

You’re not in the Spartacist League or any similar group then? Just curious, but are you a Uni Student or recently a Uni Student (i.e a young person).
Are you in the United States?
Do you really believe the mainstream media tell the truth about what goes on in Syria? Why then, has there been almost complete silence on the slaughter in Yemen? Why are the Yellow Vests fully ignored by the ‘media’?
Just some examples.
The media, Crisp, are nothing but mouthpieces for Western imperialism and installing puppet regimes in countries that are independent of the Empire.
You can’t see that? Why do you come here then?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 18, 2020 8:39 PM
Reply to  crispy

Keep looking, but take off the blindfold.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 18, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  crispy

Little Brother crispy-you wouldn’t know the truth if it was surgically inserted up you.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 19, 2020 12:18 AM

Ha ha ha….. The instant I read this, had a rather graphic vision, which unfortunately is not suitable for sharing on a public forum…

Feb 18, 2020 9:24 PM
Reply to  crispy

In that case he should get on like a house on fire with “We tortured some folks” Obomber.

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 17, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  crispy

And who are you to decide that Sirius has no legitimate government?

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 17, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin


Feb 18, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

Crispy probably thinks he has the right to determine who rules Sirius too.

Feb 18, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Einstein

Syrians, preferably without Assad

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 19, 2020 3:33 AM
Reply to  crispy

And your salafist friends will decapitate anyone who disagrees, eh crispy.

Feb 19, 2020 4:18 AM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

** Siri?

Feb 17, 2020 8:07 AM

Turkey’s in an unenviable position. It always felt it had to support Sunni elements, no matter what their reason for being in Syria in the first place (some elements were there primarily to settle scores against Russia for instance, others fight as proxies for KSA, while others are aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, and then you have the European/North American patsies). It now finds itself under economic pressure at home and it either supports the mercenaries militarily or accepts them as refugees….It either helps American, Israeli, Saudi Arabian foreign policy interests or it gets thousands of unwanted mercenaries.
It looks like win, win for America.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 17, 2020 7:23 AM

I bet that, the next time a US-controlled death-squad is on the way to terminate Erdogan with extreme prejudice, that Russia will not warn him of the danger. The Caliph is a very treacherous fellow.

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 17, 2020 9:51 PM

Was a mistake to warn him last time unless the thinking in Moscow is that Erdo is a bigger liability for Amerikastan than he is for the human world.

Feb 17, 2020 5:53 AM

Erdogan must be paid well for continuing US/Obama’s policy of supporting moderate rebels to keep the conflicts cooking and the military sales steaming ahead.

America must always destroy to make more profit and the Turks may well wake up one day and find themselves destroyed. The Kurds have been working on that for 300 years and came very close. It’s up to Iran, if they decide to let their Kurds go, then the others will join them and Turkey is toast without the Kurds.

Feb 17, 2020 6:47 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Washington D.C. ( District of Columbia )

“Columbia” is a name for “Goddess of Creation, War, and Destruction” better known as the goddess of death and pain. She is derived from the imagery of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and Queen of Babylon.

The statue on top of the Capitol building called the Statue of Freedom is actually Persephone, meaning “She who Destroys the Light”. She is the queen of the underworld. She is crowned with pentacles (pentagrams–stars with five points). When someone stands on something, it is usually an indication of ownership. Therefore, she owns the facility she stands upon. Although the dome on top of the Capitol building was not finished until 1868, the final installation of this statue on top of the dome took place on December 2, 1863. The original Capitol building, without the dome, was completed in 1826.

Columbia and Persephone are seen as other statues around Washington D.C. area.

“……….When it came time to pick a name for the new capital that was being moved from Charleston to its present site, Senator John Lewis Gervais, whom the present day street is named after, in 1786 said, “in this town we should find refuge under the wings of COLUMBIA.” It is from this speech that people rallied to name it Columbia, beating out the name Washington in an 11-7 vote in the state senate.

It is clear from Gerais’ quote that Columbia, South Carolina was named for the goddess Columbia and not Christopher Columbus.


Feb 17, 2020 6:52 AM
Reply to  Amarka

Anti-Christ –

The statue on top of the Capitol building called the Statue of Freedom is actually Persephone, meaning “She who Destroys the Light”. She is the queen of the underworld.

John 8:12 (NKJV) 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 17, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

What the eff is a ‘moderate rebel’ but an invention of the Atlanticist Empire’s lie-machine? Someone who chops off a 12 year old’s head mercifully quickly, rather than sawing it off slowly?

Feb 17, 2020 1:34 AM

MOSCOW: The Russian Ministry of Defense has accused Ankara of arming its Alqaeda allies with Turkish Army uniforms, helmets, something under 70 tanks, less than 200 armored vehicles, 80 pieces of artillery and American- manufactured anti-aircraft rockets, and, Turkish Army gas masks. So far, of the 70 tanks, 20 have been destroyed by the Syrian Army. A troop carrier loaded with Nusra (HTS) rodents was incinerated as it headed toward Areeha with the number of dead confirmed at 18.


Feb 17, 2020 5:42 AM
Reply to  Amarka

The Ottoman Empire has been on a losing streak since the end of WW I. I see that Erdogan is carrying on that glorious tradition.

Feb 17, 2020 8:08 AM
Reply to  Gall

Turkey’s decline goes back to even before that to the Balkan wars around 1912. These conflicts partially responsible for the battle lines drawn for 1914. Then a genocide of the Armenian people many who seeked refuge in Syria. To today supporting terrorists in Syria.

It’s not hard to see why Turkey is so disliked in the region and like all the rest of countries involved are too cowardly to fight themselves. Even if drawn into battle, they’re not really an effective fighting force against the battle hardened Syrian Army.

Feb 17, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  Loverat

I think the Syrian Army has proven that already. Now that suicidal idiot Erdogan wants to pick a fight with the Russians. Gee I wonder how that’ll turn out?

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Feb 17, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  Gall

Actually, the Ottoman Empire handily won the last war it ever fought, the so called Turkish War Of Independence in 1920-22.

Feb 17, 2020 1:30 AM

The military wing of the US MIC might have finally found a self defeating strategy in a time that a woke Internet exposes double dealing harshly.
The industrial wing already has: they exported 90% of US industry to only China just for higher stock prices – which Covid-19 is now wrecking, and left US industrial workers + voters without jobs and most others without pay rises. We should thank Nixon & Kissinger plus Bush for that last move. Building up a rival power center too big to fail out of greed….

Feb 17, 2020 5:39 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Trade deficits with China and resulting jobs losses continued to grow during the first two years of the Trump administration—despite the administration’s heated rhetoric and imposition of tariffs. The U.S. trade deficit with China rose from $347 billion in 2016 to $420 billion in 2018, an increase of 21.0%. U.S. jobs displaced by China trade deficits increased from nearly 3.0 million in 2016 to 3.7 million in 2018,—a total of more than 700,000 jobs lost or displaced in the first two years of the Trump administration.

So much for bringing jobs back to the US. Another Trump promise broken. Yet the Qtards will tell us he’s got a “plan”. Gee I wonder what it is? Besides bankrupting us.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 17, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  Gall

If you take into account the production of US-owned subsidiaries in China exported to the USA, the ‘trade deficit’ disappears.

Feb 17, 2020 6:08 PM

It is the value of the goods being sold from China to the USA that makes up the trade deficit, not who owns the company making the goods.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 17, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  Wazdo

But my point is that the ‘deficit’ hits the worker patsies only, while the rich owners of the subsidiaries operating in China are doing fine.

Feb 17, 2020 11:33 PM

Under US trade policies only products that are made the US are considered to to be US made thus anything manufactured abroad is considered an export. In fact there are strict laws against mislabeling products made in the US that aren’t. Also if the product doesn’t use at least 90% US OEM parts but is only assembled here instead such as Toyotas, Kias, Mercs, BMWs that all use imported OEM is not considered US Made.

In fact Toyota got into trouble saying their Civic was “US Made” so they had to change their ad to say “assembled in America”.

Feb 17, 2020 8:44 AM
Reply to  Gall

Trump’s only actual Economy measure is the height of a few mayor US stock prices, not necessarily military ones, like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple – MAGA. Jobs second place…
His predecessors were in favor of Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics etc.

Feb 17, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Stock prices have been artificially inflated by buybacks to prevent stock dilution. A practice that’ll bite ’em in the ass in the end. The tech industry is a house of cards ready to collapse. No innovation really none since the early 0s.

Personally I hope silly con valley goes down soon and takes those useless self serving parasites with it.