Subcomandante Bloomberg
CJ Hopkins
Break out the pussyhats and vuvuzelas, folks, because the neoliberal Resistance is back, and this time they’re not playing around. No more impeachments and investigations. It’s time to go mano-a-mano with Trump, and they’ve finally got just the bad hombre to do it. No, not Bernie Sanders, you commies. A battle-hardened Resistance fighter. El Caballo Pequeño! El Jefe Mínimo! Subcomandante Michael Bloomberg!
Yes, that’s right, Michael Bloomberg, multi-billionaire Republicrat oligarch, has mobilized a guerilla army of overpaid PR professionals, Wall Street sociopaths, liberal racists, and anti-outdoor-smoking fanatics, and is steamrolling toward the Democratic convention to buy a brokered nomination and save America from “Putinism.”
He’s had it with you sugary-soft-drink-drinking, chain-smoking, gun-toting, Oxy-gobbling, Hitler-loving, Putinist peasants and your infatuation with Donald Trump. So he’s decided to transform the entire country into a sterile, upscale, fascist themepark where you can rent a studio for $3,000 a month and the cops keep “the darkies” in their place, like he successfully did to New York City.
Although his campaign seemed to come out of nowhere (and sort of resembles a desperate attempt to prevent a Bernie Sanders nomination), the Resistance have been planning this corporatist Tet Offensive for quite some time. Apparently, Subcomandante Bloomberg and his inner circle of sub-subcomandantes have been hiding out deep in the mountainous jungles of Manhattan’s affluent Upper East Side (or in the Hamptons, or London, or in one of El Jefe’s other multi-million-dollar homes) since Trump and the Russians invaded the country, waiting for the perfect moment to start inundating the American people with television commercials and social media posts informing them of his “electability.”
Clearly, that moment has now arrived.
Bloomberg has spent over $400 million on TV, radio, and digital ads, and it isn’t even Super Tuesday yet. He bought the Democratic National Committee and had them change the rules so he could join the debates (which, based on his poor performance in Las Vegas, might not have been the most brilliant strategy).
He has been buying politicians, community organizers, journalists, pundits, his opponents’ campaign staff, Instagram and Facebook influencers, and everyone else he can possibly buy to support his campaign to buy the presidency … which is totally legal, and the American way, and is our only hope of overthrowing the Putin-Nazi Occupation Government and regaining our God-given capitalist freedom!
Sure, to some folks, it looks … well, unseemly (not to mention decidedly undemocratic), this Wall Street oligarch attempting to bribe and bully his way into the White House, but, given the stakes, what choice do we have? As the corporate media and intelligence agencies have been telling us for the last three years, the country is under occupation by an evil conspiracy of Russian-backed Nazis personally controlled by Vladimir Putin!
More or less any moment now, Putin is going to order Trump to nullify the U.S. Constitution, declare martial law, appoint himself Führer, and start rounding up and murdering the Jews … or investigating Hunter Biden, or the spooks who have been trying to force him out of office.
This Putin-Nazism cannot continue! Trump must be deposed, no matter the cost. As Robert Reich put it in this piece in The Guardian:
“If the only way we can get rid of the sociopathic tyrant named Trump is with an oligarch named Bloomberg, we will have to choose the oligarch.”
There you have it, folks. We’ll have to choose Bloomberg, or else his golf buddy, Literal Hitler, will destroy the fabric of democracy, or whatever.
Another op-ed in The Washington Post, It Might Be Time to Take Bloomberg Seriously, wondered, if it comes down to Bloomberg versus Bernie:
“Do you choose socialism or capitalism? An ideologue or an executive? Are you really going to ask Americans to trade one extreme for the other, or do you want to offer them a certified, electable moderate?”
Vox, in its “Case for Michael Bloomberg — Mike Bloomberg and His Billions Are What Democrats Need to Beat Trump,” observes that, sure, Bloomberg has drawbacks, like his history of racist remarks and policies, abusing women, oppressing the poor, and just generally being an arrogant little authoritarian corporatist creep, but hey, he’s apologized for all that stuff, and he’ll probably never do it again.
Plus, according to this piece in …uh, Bloomberg Opinion (which “does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Bloomberg LP and its owners”), The 2020 Election Is a Choice Between Democracy and Putinism! At the end of the day, once the dust has settled:
“It will come down to rule of law. In November, Americans will decide whether they will fight for the foundation of liberal democracy and democratic capitalism or whether they will accede to Putinism.”
You’ll be hearing variations of this message over and over, and over again, as we approach election day in November … that is, assuming Bloomberg and the rest of the Resistance can buy, bribe, badger, and bamboozle enough Democratic voters into nominating him. First, they need to deal with Bernie Sanders and his swarm of kill-crazy commie terrorists (who rumor has it are also being remotely controlled by Vladimir Putin). To do this, all they will need to do is deny Sanders a first ballot win in Milwaukee, which shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish. Sure, a brokered convention will be ugly, but, as Robert Reich said, they’ll have to do it, or else … well, you know, end of democracy.
Yes, I’m aware that Subcomandante Bloomberg blew his first debate (prompting Twitter pundits to pronounce him DOA) and that millions of “progressive” Democrats hate him, and that the corporate media are running a lot of “Bloomberg’s Nasty Past” pieces now (in order to maintain the appearance of journalism), but, make no mistake, if he secures the nomination, they’ll be lining up to “reluctantly” endorse him, because the alternative will be Russian Hitler!
Look, it’s easy to get distracted by the day-to-day ups and downs of the horse race (which is the primary purpose of the horse race, after all) and forget that we are in the middle of a global capitalist War on Populism … a war that GloboCap intends to win.
Sure, they will survive another four years of Trump (or even four years of Sanders if they have to), but, at some point, in order to restore “normality,” or “democratic capitalism,” or whatever, they are probably going to need to stop dicking around and install a bona fide global capitalist oligarch in the Oval Office. They are going to need to do this in order to crush the hopes of the populist insurgency that erupted in the Spring of 2016, and led to the rise of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, the Brexit, the ongoing protests in France, the downfall of Angela Merkel, etc.
Another Obama is not going to cut it … people aren’t buying that con anymore. No, if the empire is going to reestablish control, it is going to need to take its liberal mask off, and shove a blatant corporatist oligarch like Bloomberg down the public’s throat in order to remind everyone who’s boss. It may not be Michael Bloomberg this time, but it is going to be someone like Bloomberg eventually.
Someone powerful, and extremely unpleasant, who will be sold to us as the only one who can save the world from the “Nazis” and the “Russians” … which will necessitate taking some very extreme measures, like the ones we took during the War on Terror. You remember the measures we took back then, don’t you?
Or what, you think that GloboCap has been manufacturing all this mass hysteria over “Russian election interference” and “Nazi terrorism” for their own amusement? Yeah, that’s probably all it is. It’s probably not a prelude to anything.
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Boynie is just a weak, scared, little man with no backbone.
He is an appeaser, just like Jezza, and he will suffer the same fate as Jezza.
Jezza did all he could to appease the Jews, Boynie is trying his best to appease the Spooks and the Deep State.
With the same result.
He has gone along with the moronic Russiagate hoax for the past 4 years, and he will continue to lend it credibility.
Putin is “an autocratic thug crushing democracy and interfering in our elections.”
He will get shafted by the DNC again, and just take it, like he did before.
If by some miracle, he ever did become president, he has already run up the white flag and fallen in line behind the Spooks, the MIC and the Deep State.
He would just be another Obomber, Business As Usual and War As Usual.
Boynie doesn’t deserve to win, and he won’t.
Trump will win.
He doesn’t deserve to win either, but he will.
Bloomberg used slave labour (US prisoners) for his campaign.
Everything we are seeing is elaborately choreographed and coordinated with the tame MSM. Now that the Impeachment Circus and the Corona Virus have been ratcheted down a bit, we get the resurrected Russiagate hoax with a shiny, brand new “Intelligence Agencies Assessment.” Only this time it is on playback against Boynie Sanders, not just bad goy Trump. Now that the Establishment candidates are losing, Boynie is the new Kremlin Puppet. Trump will himself soon appropriate Russiagate, and start railing against “Comrade Sanders.” Boynie will be fu**ed over by the Democrat Establishment, just like last time. They will do so openly and blatantly, by rigging the election, shifting the goal posts, and stealing the result. If Boynie did win by anything other than an overwhelming margin, they would just ignore the result and declare it null and void, like Iowa or the Bolivian election. Super delegates, sudden rule changes, mysteriously defective voting machines, whatever. They couldn’t care less how many of their own supporters they alienate. And when they do, Boynie will salute smartly and campaign for Mikey or Buttplug or whoever else is shoehorned in, just like last time. If by some miracle they can’t rig the system and Boynie becomes their candidate, the Democrat Establishment will just fail to support him and allow him to be beaten by Trump. And then blame Boynie’s “socialism” and all the “Russian Bots.” “See, Boynie, all this socialism s**t just doesn’t work. We’ll just have to go back to all that nice neoliberal austerity stuff.” Boynie has already been brought to heel. He has already gone into the Russiagate business himself, shilling against the dreaded Russian bots. The mantra will be that Biden or some other Establishment pick would have won, if not for “the Russians.” But rising populism and criticism of elites… Read more »
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly…
And what happened then?
In order to get rid of the fly,the following were introduced:a grasshopper,bird,a cat,a dog…
Got it…
Let me just say this: never, ever, ever again look up to the USA as the ‘leader of the free world’ if its 250 million electors are such dumbfuck intellectually subnormal cretins that they could possibly believe the first word of this unadulterated horseshit from Bloomberg et al.
They need to refuse to vote for Bloomberg and if they do not like Trump, vote for someone who is not a Republican squeezer of female bootys.
If they are such useless, given up cretins as to vote for Bloomberg to ‘save the world from Putinism’, they deserve to get royally f***ed over because they were simply asking for it.
Firstly: GROW A PAIR (of tits if you are female, balls if you are male, long pigtails if you are trans….)
Secondly: tell the US politicians in no uncertain terms, in public fora, that they are pathological liars unfit to represent anyone, much less represent the US people.
Thirdly: organise a real alternative on the ballot paper, be it Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul or whoever.
Fourthly: make sure you finally prosecute the perpetrators of 9/11.
Fifthly: stop making out that ruling the world is the only thing that makes America great. It is the prime thing that makes America UNGREAT, that bullying desperation that living out the American dream back home is not enough for you all.
You are being a bit harsh on the 250 million, R.
In 2016, a total of 130 million voted for the Orange Baboon who currently occupies the White House, Crooked Hilary, the Green Idiot and some other nonentity whose name escapes me.
120 million (48%) didn’t vote at all.
So that 48% were the biggest (non) voting block and the clear winners.
In so far as they showed any interest at all, they were repelled by the whole tawdry, degrading spectacle, which was completely irrelevant to their lives and their needs.
Ideally, that 48% would be 100%.
Most of the Americans I got to know over there were quite decent people just trying to get by, scratching a living working several jobs, the new serfs with a surprisingly low standard of living. Very much like our own working poor.
They knew about as much about the outside world as they did about the dark side of the moon. They didn’t have passports and had never been abroad. If they wished to, they couldn’t afford it. If they were lucky, they had 10-14 days holiday a year. Many had none.
Rhys – It may be a paraphrase, rather than an exact quote, but H.L. Mencken’s comment from many decades ago stands quite true today: “nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” To be fair, Americans are woefully uninformed in large part because our 24/7 propaganda system is quite seamless and is surely the envy of totalitarian and “democratic” regimes around the globe. Finding a truthful account of any international event in American MSM is simply quite impossible. Your third suggestion is right on the money. If the Democratic Party establishment, through either rigging the primaries or using their Super Delegates, again steals the nomination from Sanders, a new Third Party has to emerge immediately during this election cycle. A combination of Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard & Yang would have massive progressive appeal. A completely grass roots funding and outreach approach could marginalize the corrupt MSM in the process. Grass roots voter registration (there is a reason half of our population doesn’t vote), and public outreach/education could actually challenge both Trump and the corrupt Democratic Party. That’s the “glass is half full” story. That said, the more realistic assessment is that America hasn’t been anything even close to resembling a democracy since JFK, MalcolmX, MLK and RFK were all assassinated within a five year period when I was a kid. I think it is safe to say that the “perpetrators of 9/11” are the same institutional forces that carried out this purge of our progressive leaders back in the 1960’s, and if anything these forces wield even more unaccountable largely invisible power today. We in America are in fact a lawless rogue plutocracy and our “American exceptionalism” is simply an updated version of the Nazis “master-race” nonsense. One can only hope this crumbling empire of greed and corruption… Read more »
What’s the problem? The elites have always chosen the president, while the hoi polloi have participated merely as spectators, the more gullible among them actually believing their silly little votes count! Quaint, no?
Letting the Great Unwashed decide the direction of the Greatest Empire in the World is, realistically, unthinkable. Bloomberg is not fighting Trump, he’s fighting Sanders, who doesn’t so much want to introduce Socialism to the US but redirect it from the corporate elites to the people. Again, unthinkable.
So, order your Beluga or Burger, pop the Bollie or a Bud, sit back and relax in the knowledge that “it’s all taken care of” and the US of A will continue on schedule.
Your consent matters or else nobody would bother manufacturing it. So vote third party.
Consent increasingly doesn’t matter, as the US govt reveals its fascism with no backlash or even complaint. The “democracy game” is over. Get used to it.
Voting 3rd party is like backing a three legged horse: A waste of resources. I’ve never voted, being either on the move or not seeing a worthwhile candidate. I’ll stay an outsider, observing the futile exercises of the hopeful.
Or just boycott the whole smoke and mirrors charade. Just say no to the entire debauched system which you legitimate by taking part in this pile of meaningless dribble.
The United States is Not a democracy. Its an Oligarchy. Scientifically proven by Princeton University.
Let’s see, Tubby the Grifter has over 22 complaints by women who say he molested them, but he’s worth 4 billion.
Bloomers has over 60 women saying he molested them, and is worth over 60 billion.
Hmm, tough choice to pick one billionaire rapist over the other one.
“Our billionaire rapist is better than yours.”
Bloomie is not a ‘hands on’ molester, more the verbal type. A real misogynist.
I loved the headline saying we ought to let the
‘Elites choose the president’.
The end of Empire is full of such absurdity.
Up-Pompeo farce inMunich claiming ‘We the West’ are still winning is now so farcical that even the fellow westerners are pissing themselves like the biggus dickuss scene from the Life of Brian.
Look up the references if you don’t understand. Or ask.
Yes it seems ‘Democracy dies in darkness’ Washington Post when they are not killing it themselves in broad daylight ran the banner headline in 40 pt type ‘It’s time to give the elites a bigger say in choosing the president.’ I mean you’re intentionally being satirical CJ but these guys are serious! I remember reading a book way back in high school called the Greening of America.Under Bloomberg one could call it the Gentrification of America that started under Bloomberg in New York. In fact one could say that getting rid of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers and complex wasn’t really an act of terrorism but “urban renewal” instead. Replacing it with that gaudy One World Trade Center that rises like a phallic symbol over the Manhattan skyline. New York City represents the Gentrified utopia that the neoliberal elite want to impose on America and the rest of the world where that cool Deli with Hot Pastrami Sandwiches to die for that seems to have been there forever is replaced by Subway or some other corporate clone. Seems San Francisco has been going the same way as well especially in the Mission District where the lower middle working class once lived now replaced by the upwardly mobile kleptomaniacs from Silly Con Valley. Such a “charming” place as long as you dodge the shit on the streets where the now homeless as a final act of protest turned the place into a public restroom. So appropriate. Trump’s comment about “shit hole countries” should have included “shit hole cities” like San Francisco that doesn’t have a sanitation department controlled by the mob both Jewish and Italian who from what I understand get huge profits from dumping all the shit in the Hudson. I’ve always said that the most destructive force on… Read more »
Bloomberg’s billboards:
Are they targeting the 12-year old – correction, 8-year old – demographic? Are they allowed to vote in America? Or is that simply the mental age of the average voter over there?
Words fail me…
And still people write about these “elections” as if they matter or as if they are to be taken seriously.
Forget about the technocracy, the kleptocracy etc, we’re living in an idiocracy.
I think that the reason Bloomberg is the elites’ choice is more simple. The Jewish oligarchs have grown tired of using Sabbat Goy stooges, even ones like Obama, dubbed the ‘ first Jewish President’ by one of his Chicago Jewish community elite patrons, former judge and Congressman, Abner Mikva. Those fools let BDS get out of control before it was properly criminalised, so it’s better to take direct control of the milch-cow.
Time to come out from behind the curtain, elbow aside the goy stooges, and take direct control.
The only Subcommandante I ever had any respect for was a highly principled, eloquent and insightful man from Chiapas named Marcos.
As for the bunch of narcissistic, lobotomised, lying, Punch and Judy hollowed out puppets taking part in this con job charade…. I have zero respect.
That’s 0. Nada. Nix. Zilch. Zero.
I try and ignore the whole dumbed down clown show that represents ‘democracy’ in the United States, but had a few smiles and a chuckle with this peice, so cheers for that CJ….
There is a very real possibility of an actual coup if the Orange Man wins big again.
Like the Smedley Butler coup plotted against FDR in the 30s.
Or the Mountbatten coup against Wilson in the 70s.
Another coup you mean.
Smedley Darlington Butler was an actor. Read his bio with a critical eye on the details.
The Business Coup was a fake. FDR’s advisors, and the men who ran the “New Deal”, were all big business men. No need to overthrow what they already owned and operated.
Both US National political parties are sponsored by corporations and billionaires. Trump did not pop out from under a rock.
They are just keeping the US con going until no one wants the petrodollar anymore. Then burn it like a Phoenix and arise from the ashes to lead the new empire with their private accounts full of the old empire’s wealth.
What did the Bolsheviks do with the Imperial Russia Treasury? Shipped it west to the Bankers.
What was the first act of the rebels in Libya? Established a Central Bank. Shipping the Libyan treasury to the Bankers.
Totally off topic, but I thought that it imperative to put this report in today. From Haaretz 22/02/2020.
”An IDF soldier shot a Palestinian police officer standing 100 meters away, at the entrance to his station, talking to other members of the force. Sgt. Tarek Badwan, a father of two with a family of police officers, was killed. The security-camera footage taken from inside the Palestinian police station in Jenin leaves no room for doubt: Three Palestinian police officers are seen standing in the entrance, carrying on a conversation.. .” Check it out.
Just another day in Gaza. Similar to shooting rabbits or clay pigeons really. These people a barbarians, they kill (Palestinian) people for sport.
The Guardian today has a new smear job in the unending ‘antisemitism’ campaign, targeting former Labour members for daring to run a Facebook site defending the Palestinian ‘human dust’, and attending meetings of a group that once hosted so-called ‘Holocaust deniers’ or ‘ Holocaust revisionists’ ie those who put the death-toll at lower than the magic Kabbalic number six million. To add further bathos, it is accompanied by yet another Holocaust tragedy (no other group suffers tragedies according to the Guardian, save briefly for political purposes eg Syrians)story by the loathsome, self-obsessed, Hadley Freeman. Just another day in the orifice.
PS I forgot to note that the Jewish elites in the UK are running a giant spying operation against their ‘enemies’, similar to that operated for decades by the ADL in the USA, who spied on ‘antisemites’ like Martin Luther King, providing material for blackmail to the lovely J. Edgar Hoover.
They’ve been doing this for decades, since they set up the “62 Group” in 1962. Say a word against the chosen folk and you instantly get a fat file at the Board of Deputies.
The ‘Guardian’, in common with the Blairites and all the other shills for apartheid wish to abolish debate on the Palestinian question, once and for all. And if, as a by-product, that means smearing people who oppose neo-liberalism, so much the better.
We now have another Hollywood Holocaust Epic complete with De Niro.
Why do Jewish actors use Italian names?
It must be at least a fortnight since the last one came out.
Not only are they going after Palestinians but Jews as well who don’t see the benefit of the “benevolent” Zionist New World order:
The State of Israel Has a Very Serious Antisemitism Problem
I haven’t seen anything of the ‘debates’ yet but if Hopkins and Kit Knightly’s analyses on Bloomberg’s performance are correct, then Bloomberg acts like a man who is present at a scene where he doesn’t belong, which is clear to everyone yet no-one dares to tell him.
And that is just classical Monthy Python, although I am not sure if the spinners had ‘that’ in mind
Or perhaps the US elections are precisely as farcical as they present it to us, which has no deeper meaning than that Bloomberg ‘is’ the best that money can buy (which is a laugh at most).
It’s an ill wind that blows no one any good, I can only hope that the EU being aware of bare faced political corruption and total lack of democracy will finally make decisions that are good for us Europeans and not continue suffering the consequences of America’s dictates. We need to do trade and not sanctions towards other countries.
Yesterday, mainstream media news formerly initiated the Corbynization of Sanders. The security state wants voters to believe Bernie supporters are NOT only bullies they’re Russian bots. These guiley ghouls will attempt to convince voters a capitalist oligarchical Russia desires that a Democratic socialist sit in the Oval Office. Voters would need to suspend all logical thinking in order to accept this delusional narrative. In other words, the security state wants the public to believe Bernie’s popularity and significant lead is somehow related to Putin’s meddling. The security state has laid the perfect trap–If Bernie denies the intelligence agencies revelations the mainstream media news will compare Bernie to the Buffoon. They’ll go on incessantly about how Putin has found a new bromance. However, if Bernie goes along with the Russophobic hysteria he’s perceived as a silly Biden-like brain dead tool of the security state. In short, he’s viewed as a weak politician who could be fooled into military interventions. This look is extremely unappealing to antiwar progressives. The reenergizing of Russophobia is the perfect booby-trap. Bernie is damned if he doesn’t go along with the intelligence agencies and is damned if he does. Nevertheless, if a politician is approaching 80 and knows this moment is his last chance at the presidential dance a spiritual boldness should emerge. He should NOT take the Corbyn route and be stymied by his foes, but move full force against venomous assailants by just merely speaking the truth. Say you’re winning because the working-class and the young are living hopeless debt ridden lives. Say you’re winning because more than 80 million lack decent healthcare. Say you’re winning because 500,000 homeless and many more millions are on the verge of living on the streets. Say you’re winning because no one can live on the minimum wage and… Read more »
And then laugh at them. Turn it around and laugh at their silly transparent lies. Say, “Is this a hoax? Or do you really believe it? Because I know it’s not true. Maybe russiagate was a hoax too. Do you people hear yourselves?”
And then laugh at them.
Exacty– show the world the harvesters of the most insidious plots and plans are just miscreants and fools.
This is truly one of the most beautifully insightful editorials I’ve ever read! Kudos to you, Kit, for this brilliant piece of wisdom! I hope this goes viral, as it is so full of clear insight regarding our corruptly co-opted US politics and the demoralizing DNC and Democratic Party. Your description of the system being the true culprit is spot on, and I will remember this post as an early warning for this keen observation which will become mainstream in the near future, as the waning of the end result of capitalism goes global.
Capitalism will consume itself eventually, but your cynicism seems to believe this ploy to centralize the remaining elitists will work this time (it may). Even if so, the exposures going on throughout this pro-elite DNC display still cannot be undone. Mayor Cheat is both a McKinsey debt-pusher and imperial stooge, aka Rhodes ‘scholar’ and is being groomed as if he would represent the middle class – WOW – Cecil Rhodes really loved the working class – as long as they worked 16 hour days in his diamond mines for 10 pence a week, that is. Witness today the revelation of Bloomberg’s Twitter army of REAL ‘RUSSIAN’-BOTS, as if by changing their identities from ‘Russian’ to ‘American Mikey fans’ is any way of hiding who’s really behind the monstrous modern social network manipulations! Oh, boy!
Like the head of the hydra, indeed!
please remove, this was incorrectly posted here, meant for another article’s comment section – sorry
Thank you.
The poisonous blood coursing through the head of the ” hydra” better known as the national security state has been transfused throughout the US political duopoly……Exposing the truth is the only antidote for this toxin.
And it is ‘ Russian bots’ run ‘ from the top’, that are controlling a ‘disinformation campaign’ that CoVid 19 is a creation of US biowarfare, to, get this, ‘sully the USA’s reputation’ around the world. As if the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the terror bombing of Indochina ‘back to the Stone Age’, the use of Agents Orange, Purple, White etc in a campaign of ecocide in Indochina, the destruction of Iraq, the use of the Satanic depleted uranium weapons, murderous diabolical sanctions that kill civilians, and are INTENDED to do so, etc (could I not go on all day)were seen by the world as proof positive of the USA’s ‘moral values’.
Yes – Bernie must not repeat Corbyn’s fatal error of trying to appease his traducers. He should slap down each lie as it is uttered. You don’t get rid of blackmailers by giving them part of what they want – that just emboldens them.
That’s what he should be doing and that’s precisely what he isn’t doing.
He is a weak and spineless appeaser, just like Jezza.
And he will suffer exactly the same fate as Jezza.
I fear you may be right.
If a tough character like Galloway had been leading the Labour party, the party’s history over the last couple of years would have been very different (as would the result of the GE). But the Blairite apparatchiks would never rescind his expulsion. It would soon be curtains for them if they did.
GG does a lot of good work in the media and elsewhere but it’s a pity he hasn’t been in Parliament over the past few years.