Coronavirus: Hysteria reaches “tipping point”
Global panic sets in as China moves the diagnostic goal-posts.
Catte Black

In Hubei Province, China, where the ‘new’ virus was first diagnosed, and where the vast majority of the cases have occurred, it’s no longer considered necessary to test for the presence of CV antibodies before diagnosing the disease.
Let’s say that again.
The epicentre of the so-called new virus outbreak is currently diagnosing new cases of the disease without testing for the virus.
Instead they are relying on ‘clinical diagnosis’, which is defined as [our emphasis]:
The estimated identification of the disease underlying a patient’s complaints based merely on signs, symptoms and medical history of the patient rather than on laboratory examination or medical imaging.
Which means physicians look at presenting symptoms and make a guess on what is causing them.
Now if you’re talking about something like Smallpox that option can make some sense – because Smallpox presents with one very distinct clinical feature – a recognisable rash – that makes it fairly easy to distinguish from other viral agents or other disease processes.
But the ‘new’ coronavirus does not do that. In fact, symptoms of the ‘new’ CV are exactly like symptoms of the numerous ‘old’ CVs, and indeed of the common cold or flu. Cough, fever, malaise, upper respiratory tract inflammation and (in severe cases) lung involvement – up to and including full-blown pneumonia.
The only way to differentiate a case of ‘new’ CV from severe regular flu, viral pneumonia or even environmental lung disease, is by testing for antibodies. If they aren’t doing this, physicians in Hubei Province are now at grave risk of essentially diagnosing every single case of pneumonia or lung inflammation they see as the new CV.
Which goes quite a long way to explaining the sudden increase in cases [our emphasis]:
China’s Hubei province reported an additional 242 deaths and 14,840 new cases as of Feb. 12 — a sharp increase from the previous day. The province said it is starting to include “clinically diagnosed” cases in its figures and that 13,332 of the new cases fall under that classification.
By CNBC’s figures, fully 89% of the “new cases” reported in Hubei province have never been tested for the virus.
According to Our World in Data, roughly 180,000 people die of pneumonia in China every year. Under this new system, all of those people could be diagnosed with coronavirus.
Further, “signs of pneumonia” don’t have to be a sign of any disease at all. Pneumonic symptoms can come simply as the result of being exposed to a heavily polluted air, something very common in China’s densely populated urban centres.
A major question here has to be – why? Why take a step that inevitably increases the number of false positives? Why intentionally inflate the apparent caseload? What rational benefit can there be in that?
Is it some form of hyper-caution? They would rather throw the net too wide than risk missing cases?
Or is it, as Jon Rappoport suggests, a cynical bid to drive up the numbers in pursuit of ever-valuable fear porn?
That this alleged outbreak is being used to promote fear as a backing for a number of control-based agendas is undeniable, and we have already pointed this out in previous articles (not to mention the financial aspect). The simple truth is that the reality of this ‘new’ virus, even as defined by those promoting panic, does not merit the fear being sold to us on its behalf.
Here are some stats for you, compiled by Kit Knightly.
- There currently 80,348 cases, or 0.0011% of the global population.
- Over 77,000 (97%) cases, and 2664 deaths (98%) are from China, and a large portion of those were “clinically diagnosed” (ie. untested).
- The 2707 deaths (allegedly) due to Coronavirus mean it has death rate of just 3.4%. (For cases outside China, that number drops to 1.6%)
- Conversely, over 40,000 cases are considered mild, and over 27,000 have been cured.
For the sake of further reassurance, study these tables:

Essentially, unless you are either elderly or already sick, there’s very little chance you are in danger.
On what rational basis can a disease with this profile possibly justify the government and media response worldwide? Are we really approaching a “tipping point”? Does this sound like a “public health emergency”?
Why is Italy going into lockdown and granting itself “emergency powers” based on seven deaths from a disease with a mortality rate about the same as severe regular flu?
Why has the UK government granted itself similar powers based on a disease that has infected only 13 citizens, 8 of whom are already recovered?
Why are hotels and cruise ships being quarantined?
Some (including US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo) are claiming the disease is being under-reported by China (and Iran), and the panic is a response to much more alarming but hidden statistics.
Well, that is possible of course. But similar claims were made about SARS, Swine Flu and all the other non-event overhyped ‘death bugs’ we have been told about in recent times.
At this stage, it might seem more likely that ‘new CV’ is just another one of these. The latest scare tactic being used to close down rational thinking in the world populace and normalise increased government control.
That the Chinese government might be party to any such idea might seem unthinkable to those who like their geopolitics simple and binary, but can’t be rationally excluded.
Time will tell of course. But if – as we consider overwhelmingly likely – this ‘new’ scare bug turns out to have been as overhyped as all the rest, maybe those panicking in our comments and elsewhere will learn a valuable lesson, and decline to play along with this particular sick little game next time?
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Has anybody else noted that the media has fallen silent about the virus situation in China, and wondered why this is?
Absolutely – yes!
From the WHO Report:
“In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history.”
and :
“China’s bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic. … This decline in #COVID19 cases across China is real.”
“Despite ongoing outbreaks in their own areas, Governors and Mayors have continued to send thousands of health care workers and tons of vital PPE supplies into Hubei province and Wuhan city”
“Achieving China’s exceptional coverage with and adherence to these containment measures has only been possible due to the deep commitment of the Chinese people to collective action in the face of this common threat.”
There you are, the western ruling clique can’t stomach this kind of talk about China. On the contrary one senses with the China-bashers a deep feeling of frustration with the effectiveness of China’s overwhelming response.
Here’s the link:
#covid19 …
The Sinophobes continue to spew hatred. ALL you hear in Australia is ‘ Xi is finished’, ‘ The failure of totalitarian dictatorship’, “China is lying about the extent of disease’, “Draconian quarantine will make things worse’ etc, and the opinions of a handful of traitor, compradore, arthropods, many outside China. A totalitarian brain-washing machine in action, as ever.
Just noticed this over at the Guardian:
Yes, it is worse than the flu: busting the coronavirus myths
A quote by Off Guardian lifted from Twitter today.
Last night, following discussion (uninformative in detail) on BBC Question Time about how the UK NHS would cope with a pandemic, I did some research. The contingency plan is essentially the existing one for an influenza pandemic and has been around for a number of years. But, becoming more and more cynical and with the benefit of hindsight and personal experience demonstrating to me that cynicism is always called for, I wanted to see what, precisely, the contingency plan laid down.
In other words, those in charge of implementing the contingency measures at ground level can decide for themselves who should live and who should die, with little regard necessary for the actual medical prognosis in individual cases.
Apart from the fact that this in itself appears an extremely vague and dangerous route to go down in the case of a pandemic, it also begs the question of how long it will be before this comes to be the norm in NHS hospitals and care homes for all potential compromising medical conditions which are not necessarily life threatening. The argument would be that if we are prepared to agree to such an arrangement in a pandemic situation, then what logical objection can there be to extending the scope where circumstances demand it.
My belief, speaking from personal experience within my family and from reading more about the Gosport scandal, is that we reached that point many years ago but it has been successfully covered up by the medical profession and officials because affected families tend to have faith in the health services and, once bereaved, perhaps feel it is insensitive to ask questions or – as in my family’s case – feel intimidated into acceptance.
Potentially another Liverpool Care Pathway scandal:
I hope we are all ready, for whatever reason, for tomorrow’s “Rare Diseases Day”
They made a movie in 2011 called ‘contagion’ of which that script follows almost exactly this script. A virus from bat to pig to human in China, that spread through air travel to the rest of the world. The true bad guy: a blogger (seriously), and nepotism within the government was seen as ‘humane’ in that film. This all makes sense in the world we live, I suppose.
The only difference of CV with the movie is, that in that movie millions died, while I get the feeling that we will be saved by our governments. Miraculously, yet costly, and where the magician’s trick is that there was no highly deadly virus to start with.
Which brings me to the point that the CDC has troubles to develop a test for Covid 19 (see MoA). MoA calls this impotence from CDC, but in my opinion it just shows that the CDC cannot make something visible (a virus) that is not there! And all the Covid 19 cases that have been found are seldom cross reactions with prevalent common cold viruses as is very common according to this report
We are being played.
They made a movie in 2011 called ‘contagion’ of which that script follows almost exactly this script. A virus from bat to pig to human in China, that spread through air travel to the rest of the world. The true bad guy: a blogger (seriously), and nepotism within the government was seen as ‘humane’ in that film. This all makes sense in the world we live, I suppose.
The only difference of CV with the movie is, that in that movie millions died, while I get the feeling that we will be saved by our governments. Miraculously, yet costly, and where the magician’s trick is that there was no highly deadly virus to start with.
Which brings me to the point that the CDC has troubles to develop a test for Covid 19 (see MoA). MoA calls this impotence from CDC, but in my opinion it just shows that the CDC cannot make something visible (a virus) that is not there! And all the Covid 19 cases that have been found are seldom cross reactions with prevalent common cold viruses as is very common according to this report
We are being played.
‘CDC confirmed the problems with the coronavirus test, and with using its flu-surveillance network to screen for the virus. But the agency declined to answer further questions on the matter.’
They can’t test that what isn’t there!
I would love to see statistics for “normal cold” corona virus outbreaks starting from a similar big city in China, the US or Europe (= frequent flyer nations). Guaranteed ~20% of men above 80 died from those..
How long until they come up with some antidote and force vaccination on the entire population?
US economy reached tipping point, Corona cover blown
The UK never went beyond a QE2, the FED is on QE to the power of 2.
Thank you Catte for yet another great, thoughtful piece.
I hope I am not reposting old news. My apologies if this has been dealt with in the comments below or elsewhere in Off-Guardian. I am mind blown:
In October 2019, there was an event organised by the World Economic Forum, the John Hopkins Centre for Health and Security and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The event had its own “simulated scenario”, one eerily similar to the scenario we have today, bat soup included:
Simulated news broadcasts were manufactured for the day, in order to educate media organisations and the public. Its a shame that now the pedagogic effort might be characterised as terror instilling propaganda by tin foil mad hatters.
At the end the specialists agreed to issue a list of recommendations to make the world safer. One which have an odd emphasis on channelling public funds into the hands of desinterested pharmaceutical corporations. Cynics will think that the hysteria is a dishonest marketing strategy:
This makes me believe more strongly that the coronavirus thing is a complete scam…
Many people know that the global economy is about to collapse again (and because of that I won’t bother giving links).
The psychopaths who rule us are well aware of this, and they know that with this financial collapse the pitchforks will be well and truly out. What better way to keep the plebs at bay than:
A) blame the global financial collapse on the coronavirus
B) keep the pitchforks at bay by putting the population under lock-down to ‘save them’ from the Frankenstein bug (a bug which has killed practically no one in relative terms).
It’s the same scam used with the twerrorist rollocks; ie, you are statistically far more likely to drown in your own bathtub than to be killed in a ‘terror attack’; and yet we willingly surrender our lives and freedoms to the psychopaths who rule us in the name of the totally fake ‘war on terrorism’.
RobG nails it …
Said the same things & more, to the missus & her friends, like STFU & don’t be so naive …
Just tonight, finally, the missus now agrees that more people are dying from the flu &
Data dictates, logic !
(Sniff, OMG, Lol 😉 Best contact MIT, Intel inside Israel,
(& Yangtze Microchips in Wuhan, LOGIC !! )
& discuss backdoors …
900 people ill from the Coronavirus and the whole world is wearing masks…
30 MILLION are HIV positive and still most won’t use condoms.
Life is so simple, when you understand it, FULLY …
I reckon they are using it as a casus belli for the inevitable war on China. Foster hysterical fear and hatred of the Yellow Peril-check. Declare its imminent collapse, because of its Evil Nazi nature, and being led by that Asiatic Fuhrer, Xi-check. Pretend that the Chinese people are revolting against the CCP Nazi regime’s ‘incompetence’,’lies’, ‘indifference’ ..any lie will do-check. Blame the Chinese for the virus as a bioweapon, from the falsely alleged ‘bioweapons laboratory’ in Wuhan-check. Crash the stock market, blame China, organise a ‘Gulf of Bohai Incident’, and you’re off to the races. The last, best, hope to preserve God-ordained global rule, forever, for his Judeo-Christian ‘Chosen People’. If anything goes pear-shaped-shit happens, it’s God’s Will, and we’ll all be Raptured in the good old nick of time.
Coronavirus: 81% of cases are ‘mild,’ study says
Well, 20% requiring medical care will cause total chaos. Nearly everyone will be infected. Expect 2 or 3 or your circle of friends to die within the next 12 months. Latest WHO figures show China running at around 3.5% mortality rate once infected. Take this very, very seriously.
Sure deducting 80 from 100 gives 20, I applaud your arithmetic, if not your logic….If 80% of cases are mild, it does not suggest that the remainder are anything more than slightly more than mild.
The unfortunates who die may have died anyway, COPD can be fatal, even with a cold.
So thanks, but no thanks: I will not taking this seriously at all…
The American CULT OF INSANITY,once labeled the Democrat Party along with their PUPPETS, the TRUMP/AMERICAN hating MSM are insuring MASS HYSTERIA to again attempt a COUP D’ETAT TO REMOVE OUR LEGALLY ELECTED 45 PRESIDENT TRUMP from office !
THESE DC DEEP STATE SWAMP RATS 🐀 will do everything they can to remove President Trump from the OVAL OFFICE.
Couldn’t resist.
ebola rocknrolla
zika rokerfella skank
gates corona windows 10 economic reset
tryin for a zio banker war war not workin
syria strong
contagion zion
fake virus
will do
it’s here — more freakish antics from the producers of many of your favourite daringly deceptive adventures – and so, by popular demand….built to feed that desolation, we give you the corniest of creepshows – the ultimate virus for you mind, – just switch off and tune in, give in to the fiction, hold back the facts – to bathe in it’s deformed dregs of distortion, let the hypnos sweep over you, fall under it’s spell, and fill you with fear.
Now showing, at all plan-net ludicrous venues near you, a box office smash….and best of all, it’s Free !
Are you referring to the ‘climate emergency’?
Hot and Cold – Stephen….Peaking to Modifiy.
If you don’t think that the greatest and most rapid forcing of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for at least 55 million years, but almost certainly much, much, longer, is going to cause an ’emergency’ , then I admire your sang-froid.
I wish it was! They were such a great band.
Especially good piece from Jon Rappoport today
Rappoport was on the Question Everything podcast last week, where as well as addressing the present crisis he goes into much detail about previous scares…
Every single meme, every single narrative that is promoted in the media has one, or preferably both of the following aims:
To better control us
To better plunder us.
The TV news is spiralling into a massive wankfest over this con-o-virus. Cut to stranded Brit tourists calling on “Boris” to come and save them. Photo-ops galore. Highlights to come: the plague ridden opening scenes of Stephen King’s “The Stand” relayed as a documentary. “Fear The Walking Dead” – ditto.
Meanwhile, here’s the real news:
Yeah – seems like it’s going to be a trend among the celebs to ostentatiously self-isolate – pics to instagram.
Oooooh Hello darlings, I’m self-isolating
I was wondering why a virus that’s literally less dangerous than influenza is being hyped so much. Then today I read that the world stock market is crashing over Coronavirus. And then it made sudden sense.
There are people who want the stock market to crash at a certain time. They short sell stock (sell before they buy the shares they sell) so if they sell at a high rate and then the stock market falls they can make a huge profit by buying the shares they’ve already sold at a low cost. So it’s in their interests to make a predictable and controlled meltdown of the stock market. Coronavirus is ideal for this.
Absolutely, and as they do become RICHER THAN BLOOMINGBUG , SOROS, BALD HEAD BEZOS, they along with their PUPPETS IN THE CULT OF INSANITY, once labeled democrats, HOPE TO DESTROY PRESIDENT TRUMP AND AMERICA !
Here are my cynical thoughts on possible reasons for hysteria:
1. Creating volatility in stock markets: all you need to do is say ‘markets are spooked by coronavirus’ for a week or so and shares tumble. Then the WHO comes out with more sane statements and markets recover. So those knowing it was all an overhyped scam, very profitable trading could have occurred.
2. Governments want to get people used to being told not to travel. There is a clear pressure amongst the rich, racist eugenicists of the west to stop the masses talking to each other, because that might lead to coordinated resistance to globalist power. Crying wolf about a pandemic is a good way to do that.
3. The US and UK have been trying to vandalise major sporting events overseas since at least 2010, with coordinated media smear campaigns at every Olympics, every World Cup etc etc. Whether that is just part of the blackmailing to secure results, I do not know, but the Olympics are in Japan and the US/UK axis would very much like to bully the hosts……
4. Coronavirus keeps flooding off the news a bit, which stops politicians who have been in power since 2010 having to explain their completely useless flood management policies. The more that media hysteria focuses on coronavirus and not the lamentably useless environmental policies since 2000, the better for the politicians.
5. As part of the green fascists dream of eliminating all ‘carbon-based transport’, a disease scare is marvellous ammunition as it puts travel in the front line as to ‘reasons that disease might spread quicker’. No doubt no very rich folks will set the example by giving up their private jets, their foreign properties and their regular global jet setting?
6. Demonstration bioweapons are part of ‘full spectrum dominance’ Project for a New American Century filth.
Whether this is a US bioweapon, a Chinese one or just a smear campaign to get some biotechs $10m to develop vaccines, who knows.
But everyone should keep deliberate release of genetically engineered bioweapons on their list of possible sources of this outbreak until comprehensively proven otherwise.
I personally want the top 50 managers at the BBC sacked for their complete misconduct on every sphere of news imaginable. They are not accurate, they are not measured, they are infested with security service junk and they make it criminal not to buy a license.
A license is only justifiable for an honest, rigorous, service which represents the ordinary person and is not an excuse for trumped up bullshitters to go gallivanting around the world on the taxpayers’ expense.
Lying is not ‘news’.
It is just lying……..
You have some interesting points there!
The vaccine people have been getting airtime on the BBC. We know who the guilty parties are (BBC and Guardian two easy to identify establishment deception tools), and with this knowledge we can scrutinise and pull apart their every move, because we know, as a default, they are always, consistently, up to no good
Just to see where the bubble that was built to scalp the pension funds of the worlds workers is:
‘Shiller P/E: 29.9 ( %)
Shiller P/E is 75.9% higher than the historical mean of 17
Implied future annual return: -1.8%’
Let’s put this covid-19 thing in some more perspective by crunching a few more numbers.
2,500,000 people die each year from pneumonia. One third of these are children under five. No Special TV programs or live updates on news websites for them.
So, 6849 People die every day from ‘normal’ pneumonia. That’s about 410,940 People in the last two months while covid-19 has allegedly been going, and killing 2715 people.
The covid-19 figures are basically a rounding error.
There’s plenty of room in those pneumonia figures to hide a simulated outbreak.
It is very possible that we’re being had, and that this is a psyop.
By the way while some people are busy wringing their hands about the lack of a vaccine for covid-19, it’s worth remembering that there already is a vaccine for bacterial pneumonia but,..
“It has been estimated that if PCV13 coverage in low income countries would reach the coverage of the DTP3 vaccine, then PCV13 could prevent 399,000 child deaths and 54.6 million pneumonia episodes annually when compared with a world in which no pneumococcal vaccination was available.14increase click area India – which has the highest number of child deaths from pneumonia – only introduced PCV13 in 2017 and the coverage is still very low — clearly the pneumococcal vaccine still has a lot of potential”
….those who would benefit can’t afford it.
When I was young, I was vaccinated.
Used to love my Dandelion & Burdock and would collect bottles to get the five pence return fee – stance to think we were more environmentally conscious in the early 70’s than today – Coca Cola Bottles also used to be worth about two pence if memory serves me correct – now its all pep bottles, which are usually not re-used.
I used to make that stuff.
a novel an idea who’s 28 days later has come a virus a compliance test testing testing
broad sword calling danny boy come in over churchill always said that those dutch bridges where a bridge to far
but the goy must die he took the rabbi coins the rothschild shilling that was the deal with the devil.
testing self isolate a quiet death thats a good goy init
take the vax any vaccine will do
consent compliance you are not sovreign police force not service army soon for your safety
queue comply be like china do not question masonick in iran in on the game rothschild rockefella skanks all
a novel virus
novel : an invented prose narrative that is usually long and complex and deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events
Think about this from the viewpoint of the rulers faced with the largest financial bubble in human history.
You can wait for it to implode ‘naturally’ , and then have to deal with furious mobs of people who have lost their savings, their pensions and their jobs, plus the question of responsibility for the whole debacle.
Or, you can use a simulated or a real pandemic, which will then be regarded as the cause of all the above (nobody could have predicted it – bla, bla , bla), together with using the emergency powers of quarantines, lockdowns – together with fear of infection etc, in order to keep the unwashed masses from coming together.
I still see the advantages of a real pandemic for the rulers. One is that thereby many unproductive people, the aged and the infirm, are culled, leaving more resources on a net basis for them to plunder.
Another aspect is that such a culling would not only so traumatize many who remain, that they would be much more amenable to any societal ‘transformation’ the elites are considering, but would also remove many of the older people who, with their memories of ‘how things used to be’ , would probably form a focus of resistance to any such transformation.
Angela Merkel at Davos 2020: “Over the next thirty years we are going to have to completely transform the way of life (including the economy) we have grown used to during the industrial age”.
But yes, great article, with many good points.
So I tried to look this up by googling ‘coronavirus test’, but all I get are stories about hysteria. Closest I get is is the RIVM web page (Dutch Infection inspectorate) that says that coronavirus is tested in renowned laboratories, which still doesn’t answer my questions.
My questions are:
1. how can you test positive for coronavirus? 2. What is the ultimate test, apart from clinical testing?
3. Is there a false positive rate for the ultimate test?
3a. For instance,can you test positive for Covid 19, while actually all you have (had) is coronavirus potentially unrelated to covid 19?
I may have missed it, but I just can’t find answers to these questions.
Does anyone know an answer to these questions (preferably with links)?
Good questions. Let’s add that a positive antibody test – even if infallible, which it isn’t – only shows the person has been exposed to the virus, it does not mean there is active disease. We don’t know how widespread antibodies to this virus are in the population. Maybe many people have them, just as many people have antibodies to rubella or common cold viruses, without currently being infected.
For example if we wanted to start a panic about a ‘new’ virus we could pick a strain already widespread and endemic in the population and start claiming it was ‘dangerous’. Many many people presenting with ordinary flu and pulmonary symptoms would also be carrying antibodies to this common ‘new’ virus, allowing us to claim it was causing their symptoms and basically generate an entire disease panic out of nothing.
Not saying this is happening, but the potential is there.
Thank you. So it is an antibody test. Now I am certainly not an expert in this, but have worked (long ago) with antibody testing. As I recall, and also find on the internet, is that antibody testing for viruses can be non-specific when it reacts with similar viruses (I think the term is cross-reaction). So suppose that I just got infected with the common cold (a coronavirus), developed symptoms and then get tested for Covid 19 (which I don’t have), how high is the chance that the result will be Covid 19 positive?
This is an old publication about cross reaction, which appears to be very common for coronaviruses.
Why would that be different for Covid 19?
I also know that people who are very sick, develop immune responses from diseases that they had long ago. For instance, herpes zoster is a reactivating of chicken pox in those with low immune responses.
Could it be that very ill people who get tested positive for Covid 19, are actually re-experiencing coronaviruses from the past, as their immune response is no longer capable to suppress previous encounters with viral diseases, including coronavirus?
It’s mind boggling that the Chinese government considers clinical diagnosis for Covid 19 good enough. But if the actual antibody testing is just as bad in diagnosing ‘the real’ thing as clinical testing is, it may not be so mind boggling after all!
I will look into this a little bit more, as I am quite sceptical about this Covid 19 test and all the other media attention that is spewed around this topic that reaches epidemic proportions.
Few are aware that the epidemic playing out in China and two dozen other countries, including the US, is unfolding in line with a decade-old simulation titled “LOCK STEP” devised by the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the Global Business Network.
The scenario, one of four included in a publication called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” in 2010, describes a coronavirus-like pandemic that becomes the trigger for the imposition of ‘police-state controls’ on movement, economy, and other areas of society.
The novel coronavirus is thus not merely a depopulation exercise, as some have claimed. It could be the trigger for the imposition of a global police state.
The message is clear – police state good, freedom bad. And other governments rapidly get the message, according to the simulation. First and third world nations alike follow suit by “flexing their authority” and imposing quarantines, body-temperature checks, and other “airtight rules and restrictions” – most of which, the report is careful to note, remain in place even as the pandemic recedes into the past. “In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems – from Pandemics and Transnational Terrorism to Environmental Crises and Rising Poverty – – – leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”
Finally – Know your place!
This global power-grab is facilitated by a frightened citizenry who “willingly gave up some of their sovereignty – and their privacy – to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability…tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight.” Everything from tighter biometric identification to stricter industrial regulation is welcomed with open arms. It takes over a decade for people to “grow weary” of the authoritarian controls imposed in the wake of the pandemic, and hints that even the civil unrest that ultimately manifests is focused on the developed world. After all, a popular uprising in the technocratic police state envisioned by the simulation would be all but impossible – as it will be in real life once 5G makes real-time total surveillance of all cities a reality.
Beyond the disintegrating “official story,” rumourmongers have pinned the blame on the Chinese government, suggesting that through malice or incompetence Beijing released a virus cooked up in a top-secret bioweapons program operating in the city’s high-security lab. The chief purveyor of this theory is Dany Shoham, an Israeli biosafety analyst, which should raise a forest of red flags in anyone familiar with Israel’s own experiments in gene-targeted biowarfare even before taking into account Shoham’s own history of fraudulently blaming Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for the 2001 anthrax attacks. Other outlets spreading this theory cite American biosafety consultant Tim Trevan, who opined in a 2017 Nature article – published before the Wuhan lab even opened! – that “diversity of viewpoint” and “openness of information” are both critical to the safe functioning of such a high-risk lab and alien to Chinese culture. The persistence of the “lab accident” theory of coronavirus’ creation thus owes more to cultural chauvinism and sinophobia than any fact-based clues.
While many alt-media outlets have fingered Event 201 as the replica “drill” that so often coincides with a false flag event, few are aware that on the day after that simulation, the 2019 Military World Games kicked off in Wuhan, bringing 300 US military personnel to the city. Former Malaysian PM Matthias Chang, however, zeroed in on the games as the likely entry point for what he described as a biological war waged by the US against China. In an interview with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting last month, Chang placed coronavirus on a continuum of American bio-attacks he said included deliberate infection of Guatemalans with syphilis and gonorrhea and Cubans with dengue fever, as well as creating the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone.
To get the full facts read the whole of the article.
Sorry about that Tim.
I automatically clean with three defenders after each discussion session but this site is not one that mine blocked automatically. Although yesterday I did have something quarantined?
At least you got the gist of what I was referring to? I usually post links to show my sources, just to verify.
If you want to read the Lock Step scenario, you can do so from the horse’s mouth at the following link – page 18 onwards (it is worth noting that it speaks of the virus killing 8 million in 7 months, so they were obviously thinking of something a lot more deadly than the highly virulent but relatively benign Covid19):
The link at the bottom opens malware on the page after activiation, which was blocked by my Kaspersky.
China is less of a ‘police state’ than the USA (do Chinese police shoot a few thousand innocents every year in pursuit of their ‘duties’) or the UK (more CCTVs per head of population, still)despite being under relentless attack and subversion by terrorists and compradores paid and trained by the West.
That statement is not necessarily true even if the patient tested positive as stated. Nevertheless it is a big mistake to assume that the test “only shows that the person has been exposed to the virus” which it does NOT. Why is that?
First of all antibody tests currently used were never designed to detect a virus. ELISA antibody testing for example is based on the idea that the immune system is able to detect foreign agents including any alleged ‘viral proteins’ etc and produce antibodies (other proteins) that react and chemically unite with those agents to ‘neutralize’ them.
However, in reality, antibodies meant for one agent have an affinity to cross-react with another agent that may have induced the antibody reaction OTHER THAN any alleged viral proteins etc. being tested for. So, the test is non-specific for virus and can’t detect whether a person has been exposed to a virus, or any other foreign agent or protein that has nothing to do with any virus.
The Perth Group make a valid point:
The only way to obtain “specific reagents” is to isolate the virus, that is, obtain viral particles separate from everything else. If this is not done it is impossible to say which reagents (proteins) originate from the virus and which are contaminants. Only then can the viral proteins be used as “specific reagents” with which to perform antibody tests. Even then, because a given antigen can react with antibodies directed against other antigens (cross-reactions), the specificity of the reactions must be determined by using viral isolation as a gold standard.
This implies that it remains unproven that the antibodies which react in the antibody tests are the result of an infection solely due to a virus whether a new or an old strain of the alleged Coronavirus whose isolation and purification still remains to be proven.
The coronavirus and Weinstein are the controlled media’s favourites at the moment. That’s natural. I mean, do you expect them to expose today’s reality with headlines like this:
or like this:
What does Weinstein have to do with the “British Justice system”?
— perhaps the downvoters could condescend to at least answer the question.
He never said he had anything to do with the “British Justice system”
.. and what does the coronavirus have to do with British Justice?
The media will use anything real or imagined to fill all the spaces and hide the fact that the court has been HIJACKED by the Pentagon.
Another headline I seem to have missed is:
“In Hubei Province, China… it’s no longer considered necessary to test for the presence of CV antibodies before diagnosing the disease.”
Source please or are we just supposed to take your word for it?
You can read, I take it? The article is linked to, but here, let me help:
Third or fourth paragraph down.
you’re welcome
the 4.12PM entry
Thanks for the link, I guess I skimmed past that part. Nevertheless, the above article has the air of hysteria and conspiracy theory. The reason for the switch to clinical diagnosis is because of a shortage of testing kits and to expedite treatment of patients, not to increase authoritarian controls of people’s lives as the author suggests.
Perhaps they can’t test anymore. But then the whole excercise of finding Covid 19 because a sham with clinical testing, which is pointed out in the article above.
Clinical testing is not a sham. People are examined for genuine symptoms like high fevers. Read the link I’ve provided. The people being counted are genuinely sick and need treatment. The Chinese government is following the precautionary principle…
“The precautionary principle enables decision-makers to adopt precautionary measures when scientific evidence about an environmental or human health hazard is uncertain and the stakes are high.”
This is harm reduction 101 not an assault on people’s human rights. The OG article above is straying in to tin-foil hat territory. It should be taken with a cow-lick of salt.
Well said, Toby. The Chinese clinical pathway for treating suspected CoVid 19 patients is freely available, and is updated by the Chinese constantly, learning from their clinical experience. The paranoiacs have no understanding of the method of dealing with suspected novel epidemic disease.
“Paranoiacs”. I like that. Yes, I think such thinking is probably an outgrowth of the anti-vaccination movement mixed in with a bit of good old fashioned yellow peril racism and topped with a dollop of big-gubmint-bad libertarianism.
”I guess I skimmed past that part”
Well there we have it Toby … If you are going to take part in this discussion at least have the courtesy to READ what is posted, which is meant to educate you and wean you off the MSM presstitute sound bites.
”Estimated Range of Annual Burden of Flu in the U.S. since 2010”
The burden of influenza disease in the United States can vary widely and is determined by a number of factors including the characteristics of circulating viruses, the timing of the season, how well the vaccine is working to protect against illness, and how many people got vaccinated. While the impact of flu varies, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States each year.
CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.
The most important thing to understand is that most coronaviruses are not dangerous.
Coronavirus symptoms include nose, throat and sinus infections which can manifest as runny noses, sore throats, coughs and fever. In other words, they can resemble the common cold or flu. The severity depends on the strain, as does the virus’s tendency to migrate south.
Once infection spreads to the larynx, trachea and bronchi, pneumonia is a serious risk. That is the condition responsible for the deaths from coronavirus we’re hearing about.
In the past, patients with coronavirus have been treated in much the same way as patients with colds. Thankfully, our experiences with MERS and SARS should help medical teams against 2019-nCoV.
These include:
Steroids to help reduce swelling in lungs and other infected areas
Antiviral and antibiotic medications used to fight infections
Breathing assistance, generally through a ventilator
These methods are used to help the patient fight off the coronavirus, as there is currently no known cure. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean someone who is infected will die. Just like people recover from colds, people recover from coronaviruses.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus. In 2003, many people worldwide got sick with SARS, and some died. Since 2004, there have not been any known cases of SARS reported anywhere in the world.
For many people with MERS, more severe complications followed, such as pneumonia and kidney failure. About 3 or 4 out of every 10 people reported with MERS have died. Most of the people who died had a ”pre-existing medical condition” that weakened their immune system, or an underlying medical condition that hadn’t yet been discovered.
According to the latest data available, 30,000 patients have recovered.
1,713 people were killed in reported road traffic accidents in Great Britain,
in 2013, more than 3,000 people died of malnutrition. 3,630 died of asthma. And 2,988 died from peptic ulcers. But we don’t have scare campaigns over those conditions.
So what’s your point? Strict public health measures should not be instituted because people die from other stuff too? Perhaps you’re right but, then again, you might feel differently if it was one of your elderly relatives who succumbed to the disease.
My ‘elderly’ relatives have all departed this earth and I am the next on the list. Perhaps that is why I am such a realist and fatalist…
My four year old Grandson and I had a ‘serious’ bought of flu in October, which developed into a hacking chest infection. I have many life threatening conditions, and there were grave concerns that I might develop pneumonia, but I didn’t. We battled the infection for over five weeks.. with Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Cough Linctus, Vicks, Selenium, Zinc, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, (Hot Toddies made with Lemon/honey/crystallised Ginger and whiskey ) Obviously not whiskey for the four year old.
I am still weakened because of it, but am concentrating on looking forward to tomorrow, staying alert, and eating very healthily.. I always did?
Had that been now, I wonder if we had been ‘conovirus’ statistics? lol..
Well, I hope you don’t contract the virus as it is people such as yourself who appear to be at highest risk of mortality. I would expect a person such as yourself to be most vociferous in defending efforts to restrict transmission rather than giving credence to conspiracy theories, as articulated above, about authoritarian creep.
Toby, You appear to be a very inexperienced blinkered young man.
I give no credence to conspiracy theories… I investigate them
The fact is that we are surrounded by malign influences, from the day of our birth and it is up to us to negotiate the murky water throughout our lives..
Ways to improve your and your child’s immunity
A child is continuously exposed to disease-producing organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites. Although a simple exposure does not mean that your child will fall sick, a strong immune system provides the child with a natural defence against diseases.
Babies enter this world with an inexperienced immune system. With time children battle various infections and get their immunity primed. Hence it is perfectly normal for a child to develop 6 to 8 episodes of upper respiratory infections in a year. In fact, it is important for a child to acquire mild infections to ‘develop lifelong immunity against some diseases’. However, if a child is overly susceptible to infections, his/her immune system may need to be boosted.
The simplest yet important way to boost a child’s immunity is to give him the necessary vaccinations. Hygiene techniques, particularly hand washing, also play an important role in reducing the stress on a child’s immune system. Hence, children should be taught the importance of hand washing at home and school.
A few ways to boost up a child’s immunity include:
Breast Feeding:
Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age and continuing to feed at least for a year or two after that, is crucial to protect the baby against diseases and to give him the nutrition he needs. Breast milk contains various antibodies and white blood cells that will protect the baby from ear infections, diarrhoea, pneumonia, meningitis, urinary tract infections etc.
Healthy Dietary Habits:
Good nutrition is essential for an intact immune system.
A balanced diet containing all the 5 food groups should be offered to the child: Dairy products, fruits and vegetables, cereals, protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs or pulses) and fat (oil, ghee, butter etc.)
Unprocessed natural food should be encouraged and intake of junk food with additives should be discouraged.
Excess sugar (juices, fizzy drinks, chocolates) should be restricted, as excess sugar levels in the blood tend to reduce the activity of the white blood cells.
Good fats rich in essential fatty acids should be included in the diet (vegetable oils/ fish oils/ nuts) and hydrogenated oils, i.e. deep fried food must be avoided.
Vitamins and Minerals:
Essential nutrients that stimulate a strong immune system include vitamin A, C, E, and D, as well as minerals such as Iron, Zinc, Copper etc. All these nutrients can be obtained from a wholesome diet. In case of picky eaters, a course of vitamin supplements can be given after discussing with the doctor. Since the dietary source of vitamin D is very limited, children should be encouraged to play outdoors to make sure that a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure happens daily.
Regular Physical Activity:
Similar to that in adults, regular activity in the form of playing a sport, cycling, swimming, jumping, running, climbing etc. is found to ‘increase the number of natural killer cells in children thereby enhancing their immunity’. As a parent, exercising with your children is a good option than just urging them to go outside and play.
Healthy Sleep cycle:
Sleep deprivation makes a child susceptible to illnesses by reducing the natural killer cells. A child’s body regenerates and renews itself while sleeping. A school going child should get a minimum of 7 to 8 hrs. of sleep daily to be active and healthy.
‘In addition to these, exposure to chemicals, toxins, radiations and spending a lot of time indoors breathing the stale recirculated air can suppress a child’s immunity’. Taking care of the child’s environment will help to boost up their immunity.
The most important role of a parent is to ‘reduce the child’s stress levels by loving them unconditionally, holding, hugging and kissing them often, giving them lots of down time, time for creative play or times of rest, encouraging them to laugh more and develop a positive attitude towards life’.
Reducing the level of stress hormones in a child’s body helps boost up their immunity. Parents should understand is that ‘All fevers are not bad’ and ‘Antibiotics are not needed for all fevers’. These small innocuous infections, in fact, help to build a child’s immunity for a better tomorrow.
And there you have it.. We don’t need enforcers or restrictions.
We were born with free will.. why are so many people willing to relinquish this.. on the promise of being protected from something that is ‘natural.’ Except that Ebola, Sars, Mers, Coronavirus, Aids, etc.. are NOT natural. They have been mutated by man, for their own ends. And unfortunately we have to put up with it, and pray it isn’t our time to be victim? But if it is, c’est la vie. There is nothing we can do, the cat has been let out of the bag and will take it’s revenge.
Stop worrying about it, there is nothing you can do. Except give yourself a stroke with the stress.
You had me until…
“Except that Ebola, Sars, Mers, Coronavirus, Aids, etc.. are NOT natural. They have been mutated by man, for their own ends.”
Is it your training as an epidemiologist that has lead you to this conclusion? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. What evidence do you have for rather preposterous claim?
Toby, why do you find it so difficult to research?
Ebola – Delaware University has a sensational claim: that the Ebola virus is a ‘genetically modified, lab-made virus’. Dr. Cyril Broderick is a former professor of plant pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry, and is on tenure as an associate at Delaware University.
Coronaviruses – The whole point to ‘genetic engineering’ is that it greatly increases the scope of re-combination, and provides selective tools to find the most unlikely recombinants that are still infectious.
Coronaviruses have been subjected to increasing ‘genetic manipulation’ since the latter half of the 1990s, when P.S. Masters in Wadsworth Centre, New York State Department of Health and New York State University at Albany, used RNA recombination to introduce extensive changes into the genome of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV). In a review published in 1999, he wrote, “targeted recombination could be used to create extensive substitutions to the coronavirus genome, generating recombinants that could not be made otherwise between two viruses separated by a species barrier.” (p.254)
‘Defective interfering RNAs’ – sequences of the viral genome with large deletions as well as mutations and substitutions or insertions – were used as donor sequences to introduce major substitutions and point mutations into the genome of the viruses by RNA recombination.
In the course of such work, researchers have even isolated a recombinant of coronavirus with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene, presumably from cells in which coronaviruses have been cultured, which has become inserted into the spike protein gene. The GFP gene, originally from a jelly-fish, is extensively used in ‘genetic engineering as a marker gene because it makes the cells that have taken up the foreign genes give off a green glow under UV light. The GFP-coronavirus recombinant could only have come about as an unintended by-product of genetic engineering.
Your source regarding ebola is a nutty anti-vaccer. Your second link doesn’t even work. Thankfully responsible people are in charge of the crisis response to the new virus and not confirmation biased tin-foil-hat wearers such as yourself.
Oh, yeah, and your final link doesn’t even support your idea. If you are going to take part in this discussion at least have the courtesy to READ what you’ve linked to.
Final attempt to educate you Toby.
Article from ”2016”
If there is one thing we should all be clear about by now, it’s that the Western cabal’s ruling elite who are attempting to form their global order don’t ever feel the need to make sense or make claims that stay withing the realm of reason and evidence-based science.
The Zika virus lies and deceit is no different.
Not only are the ruling elite claiming a phony link between Zika virus and microcephaly as they attempt to reverse decades of literature showing that Zika virus is entirely benign, but they are now building on this psyop as I have discussed often in the past.
They have been using the Zika virus psyop to push for birth control (think depopulation), a move even the Pope got involved in last year (2015), and they are also using this new psyop to push for a “global command medical center” where I’m sure they’ll be hoping to enforce mandatory “vaccination” against Zika virus if they could ever get the vaccine “approved.”
This is where we are headed. Unfortunately Zika virus (or Ebola or whatever psyop virus or disease “problem” they can come up with) is yet another card the ruling elite can play against humanity to further enslave us, and we should be expecting this card to play out at some point in the future.
Remember, they didn’t role out Zika virus in 2015 for no reason.
What I like to do is to expose what I call the “preview” or a “setup” stories that the mainstream media rolls out often months before they go with a certain psyop. This is a classic example of a preview or setup story for the bigger one coming later.
Let’s not be fooled when they roll out the ‘main’ story. Instead let’s remain vigilant and educated about the topics beforehand.
And here it was the run up to the ‘main’ event:
Anti-vaxxer blah, blah!
Toby the Troll – ALERT!!!
A friend of my daughter told her last week he thinks all Asians are infected and is too shit-scared to even get a Chinese takeaway. And this in ‘cosmopolitan’ London. Two questions occurred to me:
1. Is what happens when you get your news by glancing at Sun headlines?
2. What percentage of the population does this apply to?
Lots of good specials going at local Chinese, and even Vietnamese restaurants. The ones near the University, that rely on Chinese students, and have introduced new Chinese cuisines, are particularly suffering. But there are only so many pan-fried dumplings one gourmand can swallow!
“But there are only so many pan-fried dumplings one gourmand can swallow!”
willing to test that theory!
— the stupid percentage, obviously.
On the plus side, it’s a good opportunity for your daughter to acquire some more intelligent friends.
”What percentage of the population does this apply to?”
Honestly? About 90%
It doesn’t matter what percentage of the population this applies to, what matters is how you can bring that percentage down.
By sceptical debate. Be honest to your neighbours, friends, relatives and colleagues and tell them why they are being played. Do it kindly but firmly. Tell them about previous hoaxes like swine flu and Zika, that the test for Covid 19 is non-specific and most likely related with other coronaviruses, that the death number is too low for a pandemic, that the people who died may have been doomed anyway, that the death percentage is biased (as only admitted patients were tested).
But don’t get into things were you have to guess, like that this is the perfect way to introduce the police state or that it is a way to implode the economy. People can find that out for themselves, after they are convinced that this thing is a hoax.
Generous to a fault!
Thank god for a bit of sanity in all of this Kit and Catty.
Perception management is clear in all of this. Remember..Sadam’s weapons of mass destruction [the front and then the back story]? Then of late it’s all been gathering pace the problem being where to start and where to finish.
So here’s a sample: Maidan revolution in Ukraine [really a coup]; MH-17 an enquiry hijacked; Assad with his daily gassing of his people and the epic survival of the last hospital in Aleppo; Little Bana and her amazing communication skills; Russian hackers with the help of Putin running [or should that be ruining] the WW media; Novichok and the Porton Down disaster scenario. No ducks died but 2 Russian’s disappeared into Her Majesties safe custody never to be heard of again. And then in broad Day light Julian Assange abducted into a Kangaroo court of epic proportions.
Coronavirus may just be the experimental excuse to close descent down.
Your method of simple explanation to activate some reality thinking is marvellous.
At the outset of this miracle bug, I was cautious to merely consider who benefits.
I now feel I was on the right track; old age has wonderful benefits, experience.
And miraculously, it got the Chinese protestors off the streets?
Finally got up the strength to watch the ABC Four Corners ‘report’ on the coronavirus. It exceeded even my expectations in its mendacity, hypocrisy, bigotry and sheer fulminating Sinophobic hatred. The piece de resistance was having a gap-toothed bogan as the ‘voice’ of the Little Aussie Battler trapped in the ChiComm hell-hole of Wuhan. Needs to be seen to be believed, and these vermin call themselves ‘journalists’.
I am an Asian Australian man originally from Indonesia. I have been to China once for a period of a month 20 years ago and have not left Australia for over a year now. Yesterday, a woman covered her nose and mouth with her hand on the footpath as she approached me about 4-5m from me and uncovered her orifices again 4-5m after she had passed me. Hysteria, you said? It’s simply dumb, brainless, and downright racist and all other idiotic phobias combined!
Austfailia is deeply racist. That does not mean that every Austfailian is a racist, but the numbers of racists, and their power in the hard Right MSM and politics, is prodigious. It has long been a source of extreme tension that we have come to rely on China for our economic health, while the US-controlled ‘elites’ in politics, the MSM and the military-intelligence hierarchies in particular, are so viscerally antipathetic to China for racial, civilizational and geo-political reasons.
Mt sympathies Answendi Lee this is one of the issues I have felt with this latest panic from the beginning – there is so much straight out racism and political agenda behind this fear porn.
Commiserations, Aswendi. Though a Caucasian man of the Celtic persuasion myself, I have four adopted-by-old-friends British-Chinese foster-grand-daughters. God knows what sort of flack they’re copping right now; especially the eldest, who is in Oz at present…
I’m sorry you had to experience that – it seems so absurd to me it’s funny but then I’m not on the receiving end. When I’m out in public, in buses and in shops, I hear people talking about it all the time and I always tell them it’s a hoax. I was served by a Chinese girl wearing a mask and asked her why she was wearing it. She told me her boss told her to. I really felt sorry for her. What an absurdity as I don’t think masks work against spreading viruses anyway.
People are only supposed to wear masks if they’ve tested positive for the coronavirus to minimise spreading it to others.
Wearing the mask is not a protection against catching it.
The girl should not have had to wear the mask if she did not have the virus. The boss should not have told her to wear it if she had no symptoms.
Thanks, Jen. Funnily enough, just a few minutes ago I mentioned this encounter with a friend and she told me it’s sufferers who are meant to wear the mask. I’m pretty sure the girl didn’t have it (she certainly didn’t say she did) and her boss was just implementing a stupid rule – there’s certainly no shortage of implementation of stupid rules relating to the alleged coronavirus.
A sane and sensible piece,thank you
The Chinese government might even
deaths with their wild cat quarantines. It does look hysterical; XR could learn a thing or two from that in the run up to the End of their World in 2029.
This Corona flu does fill up the headlines in the MSM, so I have to wonder what are they trying to hide this time? First guess: the dire fundamentals of the US stock markets blown totally out of proportions by Quantitative Easing (=blind fiat money printing) and stock buybacks. That would undermine the status of the US dollar; which would undermine the US an Chinese billionaires getting even richer from stocks in dollars, plus the limitless funds for the CIA and the MIC.
More bog standard Sinophobic cant from our resident Zionist apologist.
Gee what a surprise? Pharma stock took off like a rocket but the strange thing was they were starting to trend upward prior to the coronavirus. Either they’ve got shareholders who are psychics or there’s something else going on. As they say criminals always leave clues at the scene of the crime just like those “unfortunately lucky investors” on 9/11.
Like the share-trading before 9/11 that showed ‘someone’ had inside prior knowledge. I wonder who that might have been.
If the stock-market crashes, the ‘little people’ will be screwed but those shorting the market will be rolling in it.
The $$$$$$$$$$$hark$$$$$$$$$$$$
are circling.
Them’s ‘Nemesis’ sharks, Din Kum-a Chinese expression, don’t you know.
Fucking brilliant
‘Cutting-edge tech to combat COVID-19 virus. 3D-printed protective gear, developed by Beijing University of Chemical Technology, has reportedly been produced to combat the disease, and it is expected to aid in realizing mass production.’
I finally have a reason to get a 3D printer – maybe I can knock up a tin foil hat to stop all the bs frying my brain and gonads.
COVID-19 infection of different severity, according to WHO
80% — milder
about 13% — severe
about 6% — critical
So if most critical cases end in death that would be 1 in 20!
Hubei province figures are approaching 4% if all deaths are proved to be nCov – not just Covid.
— you must have quite unusual gonads, if it seems likely that a tinfoil hat would successfully protect them.
– especially if Dungroanin’s nose runs and his (her?) feet smell.
In case they were not seen before:
David Crowe runs the Infectious myth podcast and focuses in the science – or the lack of actual proven science in the complex of responses and interventions that are inherent to virus theory and which can and do result in serious health degradations and early death.
Jon Rappoport takes a more socio-political critique of mind-control approach – IE there may very likely be political agenda using the virus as cover story for very bad air pollution (Wuhan) and probable citizen unrest.
He discusses coronavirus meme here
As he points out there are also huge money interests involved in captured revenue streams and a leverage of globally applied martial law and ability to disregard human rights.
None of it makes any scientific sense if you actually look at it.
There never was a reliable diagnosis for a supposed or presumed virus that is not really ‘isolated’ nor proven to actually be the cause of disease that ‘frighteningly’ can have NO SYMPTOMS!
This ‘highly infectious disease’ operates by publicity and hysteria.
Shock testing systems is part of refining them as well as conditioning the institutions and subjects to being medically compliant.
Question the root definitions by which these stories are invested with fear – and thus with power of ‘protection’.
Real nursing – and an understanding of the body’s healing processes – and underlying psychic-emotional condition – is health support.
But fear fuelled extremism operates terrorism as the basis of tyranny hiding in a white coat.
Post-truth means narrative dictate – as a sealed system with no user access.
Fear and guilt work the fundamental leverage of coercion and deceit.
Closed systems are blindly defended because they are not open to seeing what they are defended against.
In other words they are not set to resolve or heal conflict or sickness, but to manage or control the basis of their power to keep true cause hidden.
And yes – the tipping point is the targeted population by fear and division – and nothing to do with a runaway greenhouse. Many accept lies that seem to serve their ‘side’ or funding, career or security and privilege. But once precedents are set or legislation passed – anything can then be inserted. IE mandating and regulating everything via an IoT and a trained network of incentivised spying.
Going right down to our core values may not seem ‘activism’ but unless we defuse the fear-mind, it operates as if it is our own thinking – and with a few suggestions can be noceboed to hopelessness and surrender of life to despair.
Fear (thinking) is contagious to the unwary and runs as invisible code on an already hacked mind.
Re-education is uncovering the basis to debug the code. The link between mind and body is what a purely physical science denies and keeps apart. The body is much more resilient and responsive that we ‘think it’ and the mind is an expression of the Infinite – that thinking limits or encapsulates and filters out of conscious awareness.
The human world could be crashing to destruction – or we can be on a crash course of re-evaluatiing everything to discern truth – so as to have a basis for NOT running on lies that inherently operate destructive agenda to living and sharing in anything true.
We are all going to die – in terms of this particular focus – sooner or later – anyway.
Instead of generating denial, this can focus us in living this day well.
If we knew what life really is, we would not see it as a closed system.
But as a balanced interplay of closed and open systems.
Fear of Life Outside Control is of evil seeking to get in – or rise up from under the lid of surface denials.
We are then ‘conditioned’ to seek any means to lid over or wall against feared chaos – and kill ourselves with defence as proof we are attacked.
Oh well, studying the stats. , at first glance,
this looks like a sound chemical attempt to resolve the pension fund crisis …
Excuse the skeptic,
now withdrawing gracefully. 🙂
3:11 pm Feb 25
South Korea vows to test 200,000 sect members as a wild coronavirus outbreak fear hit the country. The Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the sect, has agreed to provide the authorities with the names of all its members in the country.
2:41 pm Feb 25
East China’s Anhui, downgraded its COVID-19 emergency response level from the highest to the second level, becoming the seventh region to lower its emergency level in recent days, indicating visible results from the prevention and control work.
A Doomsday cult (like those adhered to by Pence, Pompeo and our very own ‘Smoko’ Morrison)that set about deliberately spreading the disease, and which has its first and so far only overseas base of operations in Wuhan, of all places.
If I was being cynical I’d agree.
Yes, the headlines seem completely out of proportion to what has actually happened.
It strikes me with the coronavirus scare that either the intention is to stir up panic and cause stock markets to crash (thereby reducing asset prices for wealthy buyers during the brief window before a cure is ‘found’); or the markets/world economy were going to crash anyway and the powers that be need to an excuse for the events that does not involve political or financial incompetence.
Well, we both posted at about the same time, and we both have a similar take on it all.
I would say that the psychopaths who rule us probably don’t want the markets to collapse, but who knows?
It’s been a bubble heading for correction – a black swan is a good excuse to scalp all who piled in on ‘record highs’
Schiller index has been blinking red for quite a while.
I’m waiting for ‘correction’ event before piling back in – cash is king now and for these hardy enough a bear punt! But not being a algo investor or having a hedge fund I’ll stick with my amateur efforts that are based on fundamentals.
Many people are speculating that this coronavirus malarky is all about the coming global financial meltdown.
The way coronavirus is being mega fear hyped, along with unprecedented ‘lock-downs’ and enforced quarantine for huge numbers of people, does seem to suggest that the psychopaths who rule us know that when the global financial meltdown comes there’ll be mega civil unrest, and what better way to control this unrest than a Frankenstein bug?
This sounds like some pro Trump propaganda that is endemic on this website. All you need is the fascist’s reassurance that “once the weather warms up it will go away” (paraphrasing the fascist). Also, no big deal!
Fly infected patients with ones who HAD tested negative together with just some plastic and duct tape separating them and fly them to the middle of the country.
Then propose sending those still under quarantine from the flights from China in California to a facility in Costa Mesa, CA not equipped to handle such a quarantine.
Furthermore (this author surely thinks this is a great plan) this Administration is not emphasizing local testing but to limit testing to just a few urban centers and that testing to be sent to the CDC for results to be sent back after some days.
This author I’m certain thinks this fascist Administration is doing a great job!!!!!!!!
No worries!!!!!!!!!
If there is any Administration that will take advantage of a severe outbreak with declaration of martial law etc, draconian measures and the rest, and leveraging a pandemic for their own gains of power advancing authoritarianism it is this one.
Oh go back to your ANTIFA rally.
— note to disinfo shills: your activities will be less obvious, if you take the trouble to actually read the article you are pretending to comment on, before doing so.
— unless, of course, you are either too stupid to read, or to understand what was being said. In which case, you are at least no more useless than you would be in any other line of work. Perhaps you’ll be lucky, and your CIA handlers won’t notice how stupid you are, because they aren’t any less so, themselves.
Just back from China; we had intended to spend Kiwi and Chinese NY wandering round.
In Shenzhen, the place was shuttered for the Autumn Festival, double shuttered for the Corona Virus so I had explore time. Scanning the 300 TV channels for the Chinese POV, I was impressed by Xi Jingping claiming leadership of the countries response. If he fails, he’s gone, and he knows it. There was a lot of emphasis on a united response and many examples of individuals placing the needs of the community over their own.
Simultaneously I had access to the western media via cellphone roaming. A different world. Pretty much never miss a chance to knock China, either by innuendo, mis reporting or straight falsity. I suppose its nothing new, but disappointing in view of the concerted, organised and substantial efforts made by PRC to protect its people. What would have been the outcome if the virus had emerged in India??
Coming back, many airlines cancelled. Finally got to HongKong (via 6 temperature checks, 4 police checkpoints ) before the borders were closed. 4 hours later and we would have been detained in HKG, probably in one of the centers subsequently torched by HKG Chinese.
Back to the Land of the Long White Shroud, we were greeted by two nurses manning a small table.
” Any fever?” No “Any coughing?” No. ..
Why would I say yes to such leading questions and get locked up.??.
So a pamphlet each, and on your way.
Their website required you to phone in; the phone was over 30 minutes on hold, longer to register.
So the Chinese can build 2 hospitals in less time than it takes the NZ health system to organise a useful website.
I hope the hundreds of passengers checked as casually as we were, are not spreaders or carriers
The western hysteria is about the imperialists global robber barons not ever letting a good crises going to waste.
For profit. Or to sweep a bunch of crap under the carpet.
This for instance is a classic piece of unreported in western media skullduggery:-
‘“biggest tax heist in Germany”, kicked the financial institution’s longtime chairman, Christian Olearius, as well as co-owner Max Warburg, a direct descendant of the founders, out of their board roles, and reportedly cost the German authorities at least 10 billion euros in lost budget revenues.’—reports/
It could be they have moved to “clinical diagnosis” because the existing CV test is only about 50% effective.
But you have to expect skulduggery and chicanery from all the usual suspects and it pays to be sceptical.
Paraphrasing Chomsky
When the press focuses on the health status of the population reach for your pocket, and see who’s pulling out your wallet.
What kills people in droves (out of despair), is class, but this will hardly be discussed by the press
This is actually from Nobel Prize winner, Angus Deaton (one of the few where they got it right)
Coronavirus may or may not be a bio-weapon, but it seems passing strange that another Imperial target, Iran suddenly has an outbreak, seemingly ex nihilo. And coronavirus is definitely being used to spread and deepen Sinophobic hatred, by organisations of Evil like the villainous BBC.
It will be a dreadful irony, given the deaths that will ensure, but if this bio-weapon hits the USA hard while China’s sterling efforts get on top of the epidemic there, it will be Nemesis. Or a casus belli if the USA blames China for the virus.
A very, very “sick little game” indeed. Panicked headlines in Italy shout Three More Coronavirus Deaths! replete with pictures of everyone wearing masks and looking fearful. The age of deaths?…83, 84, and 91, with no mention of any underlying/pre-existing health issues, just another open and shut case: DEATH BY CORONAVIRUS. BE VERY AFRAID!
And the Earth is flat, and ACD is a hoax.
— and you are a government disinfo shill.
Return to your CIA masters. Tell them that you have failed.
No chance.
On a more general level, I would say that the capitalist system is all out of carrots and will be issuing nothing but sticks from now on. Turn round, drop ‘em and bend over! Thrashity thrashity thrash!
all out of carrots
It would appear that the carrot supply ran out at least a decade ago, if not much earlier, for anyone not privileged enough to enter the special Carrot Shops established for Inner Party members.
Like the Patriot Act, the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) was essentially already put together, waiting in the wings, and then rolled out shortly after 9/11. We’re going to see further health related hysteria and attendant clampdown on whatever token and illusory liberties we still have left. The ignorant, frightened masses will be the end of us.
The ecological Holocaust or thermo-nuclear war caused by Imperial aggression will definitely be the death of us.
Can’t argue with that!