DISCUSS: Latest Democratic Primaries

The handful of American citizens who have by some miracle escaped the wave of death caused by the coronavirus will be braving the toilet-paper maddened crowds to vote in the latest round of Democratic primaries today.
There’s several more rounds of voting before the convention in July, but this is the last before the next debate on March 15th.
The process is kinda moot at this point.
The weight of the establishment has thrown itself – for some reason – behind Joe Biden.
Since his “miraculous” wins on Super Tuesday we’ve been treated to dozens of stories praising his “decency”, happy that “angry politics” lost, and calling for the party to “unite behind” Biden. And that’s just The Guardian.
Jonathan Freedland, in his special brand of smug establishment boot-licking, suggested that Biden being a long-term establishment democrat is his strength in these times of crisis. You have to wonder if that crisis wasn’t awful convenient for Joe, in that instance.
None of the mainstream media have questioned the validity of results or the fairness of the electoral process, although given the DNC’s history you’d be forgiven for doing so.
After Biden’s win, Trump immediately went on the offensive (so to speak), questioning Biden’s mental acuity. This is likely just a taste of things to come.
It has to be said, Biden is vulnerable in this area. Seeing as he seemingly can’t go a single public appearance without forgetting what day it is, what position he’s running for, the words of the Declaration of Independence, who his wife is, or his own name.
Given this, you have to wonder what the point of the exercise is. Biden will likely be mauled by Trump, so are the Democrats even trying to win? Is the plan for Biden to have “health problems” before the convention, forcing the DNC to pick its own candidate? Or is the plan to have him run, win and then get Ned Starked by his vice-president whoever he or (more likely) she may be?
Whatever the plan turns out to be, progressives and leftists all over America will likely be disappointed in Bernie. If last time is anything to go by, no matter how obviously he (and more importantly his voters) get screwed over, Sanders will just let it happen.
It seems like Bernie is a serial offender here. Setting up hope only to fold faster than Superman on laundry day when the pressure is on. You wonder if he’s being used as a tool to engage the youth vote, or just a puppet designed to funnel all real leftist thinkers into a political cul-de-sac.
The other Great White Hope of American leftists – or should that be “Great Native American hope”? – Elizabeth Warren, dropped out last week…but is yet to endorse her fellow “progressive”, Bernie Sanders. This could mean she’s spiteful, or it could mean she’s angling to be Biden’s VP nominee. Either way, no real surprise and no real loss. Warren always talked a better game than she played…and she didn’t talk all that well.
Oh, and the DNC changed their debate eligibility rules to exclude Tulsi Gabbard. Something both the other candidates and the vast majority of the mainstream media have been quiet about.
Questions arise…
- Are the democrats really rallying behind Joe Biden?
- …why?!
- Are they planning to throw the race?
- Is Joe Biden going senile?
- Who will each candidate pick as a running mate?
- Will the DNC ever acknowledge Tulsi Gabbard exists?
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Here’s a “Bernie the revolutionary” analogy:
Suppose Fidel had been captured by Batista. He managed to get one message out from his dank dungeon:
“Che Guevara, who’s that? Never heard of him!”
If the AMA had hired Edward Bernays in 1952 to devise a press campaign to demonize the idea of national healthcare he’d have said “Call it socialized medicine.”
If hired by the DNC in 2020 to do the same thing he’d say “Have a guy champion it loudly and call himself a socialist.” And if he were asked also to roll back what progress had been made in that direction he’d have said “Have that same guy call it Medicare for all”
The sad thing is that Sen. Sanders may not even know he’s controlled opposition. Maybe he’s like a pumpkin that grew in a bottle shaped like Mickey Mouse.
What if the DNC gave him a bottle to grow in shaped like a new Deal Democrat, and then they asked Bernays how to make him a buffoonish mascot. Bernays would say ”Have him call himself the revolutionary leader of a great movement and then pledge his support to whomever the DNC selects to challenge Donald Trump “
Where this Yosemite Sam rodeo clown act stops being harmless entertainment is when the DNC trundles out its ersatz “Democratic ticket”and it’s Obama-Buttigieg or what’s more likely: Clinton-Schiff.
Then the Bernie faithful will sigh:
“Oh well, we really made great progress. After all socialism and healthcare are now part of the public discourse! Tally Ho, it’s back to work we go! With funding from the NED and the Ford Foundation or Pierre Omidyar, and four more years to organize we can really have a movement next time!
And anyway that Schiff seems kinda presidential don’tcha think?”
Great job Ed, thanks!
Jimmy Dore stunned almost speachless by Sanders support for Joe Biden!
Have been looking about the web a bit today and seeing all the controlled opposition happily heading back into their comfy burrows to wait for their checks from Pierre Omidyar or the NED. Job well done little faux lefties!
WAKE UP BERNIE! There IS a movement and it has been yours to lead for a while, but it is not yours to surrender again to the Dame Named Clinton! It isn’t your movement Bernie, it’s the Labor Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Antiwar Movement and Occupy Wall Street. Your leadership has been utterly vanquished by the above mentioned DNC and you might think that it’s your prerogative call for retreat and another four years of organizing and rebuilding, but you do not have that right! There is another valiant leader ready and able to continue, and she is still in the fight. Tulsi has stood with you all the way and has suffered every calumny fired against you and much much more, including, sadly from your own lieutenants. There’s no need for retreat and rebuilding, the Movement is there now; it is strong and it needs to be led! You may not ask this Movement to stand by and wait for said DNC to inform you of to whom she wishes to entrust its destruction. WAKE UP!
The DNC has played a great pawn game. pushing one then another culminating in a grand Bait and Switch Gambit sacrificing them all to push a creaky knight who can bring in the desired stalemate, a brokered convention; the game plan all along. The Bernie movement has had only one true and loyal ally on the board the whole time, and that’s Tulsi Gabbard. All the punditry is gaga over the daring play of the DNC; how about some daring play from the movement? There’s no chance that Bern might prevent the brokered convention. There’s no chance that he might gain the nomination. But Tulsi starting fresh with Bernie’s endorsement, and delegates might sweep the board the rest of the way. If there is a movement then this is its chance!
Does anyone out there understand that this is possible? Just as possible as the resurrection of Biden; it’s just strategy! Might seem little daring but otherwise it’s all over. If anyone gets it please help…. it might not be too late.
The only result of Bernie staying in is a brokered convention. That will make it easier for the DNC to substitute (probably Hillary) for Biden, though they will do that whatever the delegate count.
It’s (past) time for the Bernie torch to be passed to a new generation;( and gender and ethnicity.)
There’s really nothing to lose. At the very least Bernie will ensure that he’s remembered as a courageous revolutionary, and maybe even as a daring tactician.
Too bad the controled opposition wasted so much energy denigrating Bernie’s truest ally and most hopeful prospect for the future of the nation.
If Bernie is real; ie. not sheep-dogging for Hillary again, he can prove it by dropping out immediately and throwing his delegates to Tulsi so she can debate Joe Biden on Sunday; then watch the fur fly. ….last chance for the left.
Seriously, the only positive play left for Bernie, (if positive change is his intent )would be to immediately drop out and throw a “Hail Tulsi Pass” downfield ahead of the Sunday debate.
I personally like the idea! In open debate Tulsi Gabbard would run rings around Old Joe. It would be delicious. A true revelation and very entertaining as political theatre. Only doing so would require a degree of ‘boldness’ and resolution, that the Sanders side lacks in spades. Sanders reminds me of Jeremy Corbyn, people raised dramatically above their ‘pay-grade.’
The future of the ‘left’ looks very bleak indeed. The system simply isn’t ‘reformable.’ As it breaks down I imagine the prospects for ‘revolution’ will increase.
In a sense Sanders and Corbyn represent… nostalgia for a ‘social democratic’ model of society that will never be accepted by the Establishment anymore. Power doesn’t want it. The only way is to confront Power directly, only that isn’t what people like Sanders and Corbyn aim for.
One would imagine that Tulsi Gabbard would tick all the liberal/left boxes and virtues the Guardian pretends to adore and aspire to. She seems almost too perfect in my eyes… another story perhaps? Anyway, one wonders what all those politically correct and so obvioulsy woke feminist ladies at the Guardian have against Tulsi? The Guardian seems to have decided that its future lies… overseas, in America, which is very odd for a newspaper/platform based in the UK? Consequently, they are increasingly obsessed with moving closer and closer to the Democrat party in the US.
This is like the BBC that keeps talking to Americans about absolutely everything of importance that happens in the world and seeking their insights and opinions to a truly remarkably degree, considering how little they know and understand about the rest of the world and how poor they are at foreign languages and historical knowledge. Christ they know next to nothing about their own history, let alone the rest of the world! The idea that all these Americans are authorities on the world is… ridiculous.
The ghosting of Gabbard illustrates how the MSM act in concert, and how they look after their own, i.e. backing those understand their role as puppets for corporate backers.
It also illustrates how the likes of the Guardian turn identity politics off and on like a tap, but more importantly how even shibboleths like identity politics are still secondary to an economic model that has placed us on the road to armegeddon.
Well, Tulsi is FAR from “too perfect”….She voluntarily took part in the Bush/Cheny invasion of Iraq….How could anybody with a working mind have believed the lies of these nortorious criminals?….And what sort of judgement did this show?….Just as bad, she is a big fan of India’s monstrous Right-Wing leader, Modi….Nevertheless, the DNC’s throwing her out of the debate is another hideous sign of its corruption….Like her or not, she should have her opinions heard by the public.
Don’t get me wrong, I find the Gaurdian as despicable as CNN, MSNBC, FOX, the NYT and the rest of the American MSM….OffG is a god-send.
Thanks Maxine!
One almost feels sorry for Bernie Sanders, who, even at this late stage, still seems to believe that he can drag Joe Biden to the ‘left’ and secure something/anything? for all those millions of ordinary Americans who supported Bernie’s dream of a more just and equal America.
Poor Bernie and poor ordinary Americans. It ain’t gonna work. Bernie knows that the Demorcratic party has chosen Biden, not him and his political dream is over, once again.
Now it’s all about stopping the ‘monster’ Trump first and foremost. The coming election won’t actually be about anything of real substance, nothing like Bernie’s political ideas about healthcare and education; but it’ll be a crass referendum about Trump’s personality. Biden, of course, doesn’t really have a personality anymore, that’s going fast, along with his mental capacity. Trump will smash him to pieces and be re-elected again. Four more years, at least.
I would have voted for Bernie in 2016 if the DNC hadn’t rigged the primary on behalf of Hillary….But I was overwhelmingly disappointed that he in the end supported her….Sadly, I am appalled that once again he announced he would support Biden if the latter won the primary this time….How could he?….Hillary and Biden are diametrically opposed to every one of Sander’s professed principles!
With Joe having these ” miraculous ” wins in the primaries yet bringing nothing new to the table I can only conclude we are set for another 4 yrs of Trumpelstiltskin and his money grubbing ways. As for Michelle Obama coming into the fight , I can only laugh and carry on with my life. I fail to see what she has to offer, other than being Barry’s wife. Not really awe – inspiring stuff. Young Hilary must be turning in her coffin at the thought of being pipped to the post ,as the first female President by another ex presidents wife. We truly are living in bizarro times. The men behind the curtain must be laughing their collective arses off at the results of this circus they have created.
Tulsi is inspirational.
I’m not talking ‘politics’ but regarding her willingness to speak truth to corruption.
America dispensed with the idea of democracy some time ago.
The self-evident externalities of 40 years of unfettered neoliberalism (war, lies, injustice, extreme wealth inequality, etc) now seem to be approaching some sort of explosive end-point.
There may be a full blown international conflict, rather than asymmetrical power used to intimidate weaker states (led by the USA, and backed to the hilt by Britain, Israel, and KSA).
These problems are too entrenched for real politicians to sort out, so what we have instead is a form theatre, albeit a third-rate form of theatre with abysmal actors taking on roles that are far too difficult for them: Trump vs Biden would be the apotheosis this morass.
Pity more citizens in America fail to understand what has been done to them, or what this corrupt regime has inflicted on rest of the world.
Britain is no better – to expose what is happening we need a functioning MSM but what we have instead is the Guardian and BBC: platforms that are now infamous for churning out low calibre, or fake news.
Add to those platforms the international ‘coverage’ provided by the ABC.
That’s my theory. I think they’re going to suddenly ‘discover’ that Joltin’ Joe has ‘health problems’ and then roll out their real candidate on the second ballot at the convention this summer–probably Michelle Obama.
I think our only hope now is that the Corona Virus kills all other politicians in the US, leaving only Tulsi alive. Of course, the DNC would probably still find some way to deny her the nomination somehow …
Nah, the DNC will push Hillary on him as VP, then Joe will be gotten rid of one way or another, leaving the mad vindictive Clinton as President..
But you are probably correct about Tulsi 🙂
The DNC’s election tactics were… superb. Corrupt, rotten, foul and manipulative as well, but they worked. The swathe of candidates at the start gave the impression of a democratic and fair race, whilst deflecting people away from the stark choice of supporting Biden or Sanders from the beginning.
Whilst Trump succeeded by first capturing the Republican party and then going on to win the presidential election; Sanders chose not to follow that strategy, apparently believing, though it’s an extraordinary thing to believe, that the leadership of the party was going to allow him to win the nomination… ‘fairly.’
Biden against Trump is going to be the worst, most grotesque, election contest, ever seen in the United States. Two totally unworthy candidates battling it out over the rotting corpse of a dying democracy. Probably the best result would be if most people just stayed at home on election day and boycotted the entire ghastly event.
Yes. People should just stay home. But of course there is a regular percentage of observers who are incensed by the idea that people will realize how little effect their vote truly has.
“It’s treason not to vote”, they rage, quite oblivious to the really treasonous system which manipulates votes according to something quite different from the interests of democracy.
It would be interesting to see, (although it’s not going to happen) how the media, faced with an absolute zero voting turnout, would still manage to yap on about a “neck and neck race”, with the most corrupt party emerging the clear winner after all…
The Democratic Party candidate selection process continues to roll along providing all the tension and suspense of an impending colonoscopy – sans anesthetic. It has been clear since 25 (yes 25) Democratic Party challengers have already “dropped out” of the race – that divide and conquer would be the order of the day. Spread the electorate out among a ridiculous number of mainstream centrist candidates and then throw all that support to one candidate – Joe Biden. Why would the party establishment choose Biden? Perhaps the following recent quote from Joe might shed some light. In trying to reference the Declaration of Independence Biden had the following to say to a crowd at a campaign rally:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by — you know, you know . . . the thing.”
Since we all know “the thing” is said to “work in mysterious ways” – one can deduce that the Democratic Party elites are perhaps depending upon “the thing” to work some sort of a miracle for them. At any rate it is all rather “mysterious” indeed.
Since Tulsi Gabbard has had the temerity to not join the 25 brain-dead placeholders and to “drop out” herself, and since she has further shown the very bad form of continuing to speak to anyone who will listen about America’s illegal amoral regime-change wars – she has sadly had to be simply – “disappeared.” Yes, I know, this term is usually associated with the death-squad democracies my government supports endlessly and shamelessly in Latin America, but if nothing else our American MSM have shown that you don’t need death squads when they are on the job. They are quite capable of completely and entirely “disappearing” anyone sharing a message that has not been – “oligarchy approved.” Trying to find reference to Tulsi in MSM is like trying to get through a day without being brutally reminded of Joe Biden’s blinding dementia problem – pretty much impossible.
As the author suggests the Democratic Party establishment surely must have some plan other than simply sabotaging Sanders and then throwing a demented Biden to the Orange One to act as a pinata during the presidential debates. We American’s do love “reality TV,” but this I fear would be about as crass and horrific a spectacle as watching someone drown puppies on live television. Surely we must assume that the DNC and party oligarchy plan to use Biden as yet another “place-holder” to be replaced between now and fall presidential debates. The name “Hillary ‘the rot’ Clinton comes to mind – and suddenly one is reminded that there are worse things in life than a colonoscopy.
Of course the actual credibility of all of this spectacle to date depends upon one actually believing that both the polling numbers, and the voting processes, are honest and ethical and accurate, which seems to me to be about as likely as “you know, you know . . . the thing,” performing some sort of a “miracle” on behalf of the Democratic Party so that it can valiantly vanquish the Orange One – using of all things – a dementia sufferer.
From my limited vantage point here in southern California it would appear that America is very much like a runaway train speeding toward a very very thick brick wall while gaining speed minute by minute. This train of course has no “driver” – save the inexorable laws of history as they pertain to crumbling “empires.”
With that in mind I think I’ll go shopping again so I can pretend none of this is happening – while joining with my neighbors in “hoarding” as much toilet paper as I possibly can! Actually, truth be told, the local toilet paper supply is now long gone and people are now hoarding paper towels – (I kid you not) – which of course portends a lot of very very sore bottoms by the time this is all over.
It looks like Creepy Joe v. the Orange Baboon.
The best America has to offer, the cream of the crop.
After all, there are only 330 million people in America.
Big Bag of Bugger All 1 v. Big Bag of Bugger All 2.
Two cheeks of the same arse.
With a short walk on part for Boynie as licensed clown.
3 old white guys in their 70s.
Like the gerontocracy in the USSR shortly before the collapse.
One slightly more senile old groper and one slightly less senile old groper.
Some people really believe that this whole tawdry degrading spectacle actually matters.
Like the Labour Party leadership campaign.
You can have a dogshit sandwich or a catshit sandwich, just so long as its kosher.
So true! +1000
Its not that Bernie or Tulsi doesn’t exist but rather who’s going to get the best shot at beating Trump in November. This election isn’t about progress for the future, its about stopping the rot before it brings the progressive house down. I didn’t want to vote for HRC in 2016 but I did because I didn’t want to hand things like Supreme Court picks to what passes for today’s Republicans; what I heard was a great deal of grumbling about Obama (“Deporter in Chief”) which played intot he hands of the election consultants. We got Trump as a result — not really Trump but that entire comet tail of undesirables that’s been running (and raping) the place since, plus a seriously right wing tilt to the judiciary. Now the GoP is in for the kill — its been pushing the concept of a dictatorship for some time now (they call it the “unitary executive”) and if they get their way then any hope of progress is doomed for the indefinite future.
People who support Bernie should realize that what he’s advocating isn’t radical, its what I grew up with in the UK. Its the non-militarist version of “Making Somewhere Great Again”. Unfortunately, like other progressive initatives in the US — starting with FDR’s New Deal, going through Truman’s attempt at universal health care for the US in 1947 and continuing, any attempt at mandating progressive policies at the Federal level is hit with a wall of resistance because of the huge number of people that have been indoctrinated with a fear of ‘communism’ — you don’t actually have to advocate it, you just use it as a stick to beat down anything progressive. This requires a subtle and, dare I say it, long term approach. In fact, just as the neoliberals — or ‘fascists’, to give them their proper name — spent decades building up their power base and moving step by step for the long game progressives are going to have to learn to do the same. (They won’t, of course, because factionalism and negativity are key tools to keep the progressive opposition divided and weak.)(So by all means split the vote, lose time after time, live the dream of ‘come the Revolution’ and die disillusioned like many of your forebearers.)
BTW — It may be useful to know that the New Deal got nixed by a conseravative / reactionary Supreme Court. It never got properly implemented but its purpose got lost in the run up and then execution of WW2.)
A vote for the Hildabeast would have meant more wars than the ones we had thanks to O-Bomb-em who even out did Bush. In fact the psycho bitch from hell planned to attack Russia over a suspected, that’s suspected cyberattack. You know like the one Crowd Shrike claims occurred and not only that but planned to “obliterate Iran” using her exact words.
In other words she planned Armageddon as soon as she took office and you were worried about who she was going to pick for the Supremes? You gotta be fuckin’ kidding !?
Trump’s bad but Clinton would have been a hell of a lot worse.
I very much doubt that HRC would have started a war with Russia (although it was a common belief at the time in parts of Europe). What you would have got from a HRC presidency would look a lot like the Obama presidency or a bit like the Trump presidency without the nepotism, insider influence, ultra-right wing judiciary picks, economic warfare with whoever, attacks on our Constitution….. shall I go on?
I also think that HRC would have been a huge boost for womens’ rights. She started life as the perfect political wife, the foil to the ambitious politiican who eventually became President. She suffered due to her husband’s inability to control his libido (a common problem with Presidents, BTW, but not something you should on a) moral grounds and b) there were numerous prosecutors and committees waiting to pounce on him when he did). She exacted her revenge by becoming a politician herself — first a Senator and then as a Presidential candidate. President should have been within her grasp despite the ongoing anti-Clinton crap but the Democratic strategists screwed up. (Remember, she only lost by a relative handful of votes in a few states.) Besting the bugger is by far the sweetest revenge.
In case you don’t remember — or are too young to remember — she was initially tasked in the Clinton administration with coming up with a universal health care solution. Its worth researching what happened. (BTW — I kept a copy of the game “SimHealth” from that era.)
Oh please. Hillary was another neoliberal war monger who like Madeline (Indispensable Nation, It was worth it) Albright would have gone full global manifest destiny by unleashing the military as “a force for good”. She proved her proclivity to start wars as SOS by totally destroying Libya and unleashing ISIS in Syria under the cover of the “Arab Spring”. She in short is a dangerous sociopathic psychopath who couldn’t hide the fact by laughing hysterically over the death of Mummer Gaddafi:
Is this the kind of warmongering Valkyrie ,who couldn’t wait to get her hands on the Nuclear Football, you wanted in the oval office?
As far as women’s rights? Give me a fucking break! The same woman who called Bill’s rape victims “Bimbos” and defended a pedophile rapist who raped a 12 year old girl?
Not only that she is a total racist who used mostly black slave labor from Arkansa’s state pen to renovate the Governor’s Manor and called black kids “Super Predators” while her and her hubby unleashed corporate prisons.
I’m not advocating for her as President, its a case of a bad choice or a worse choice. We chose the worse choice. When you look at the policy choices made by Trump’s administration you can see a continuation — and extension — of the ongoing Cold War against Russia, now extended to China. We’re actively meddling in the Middle East but with no clear goals (apparently we’re now prepared to support extremists in Syria to counter the Syrian government and Russia and we’re occupying part of Syria in clear violation of the spirit and resolutions of the UN). Our foreign policy is a mess and its now openly driven from Tel Aviv. Our economic policy is lackluster, the Republicans are still trying to take down the Affordable Care Act, Roe v Wade is hanging by a thread…..and so on.
I’m not prepared to put up with a really bad choice just because I don’t like a bad one.
How do you know she would have been a better choice? Do you have some hidden physic ability? The fact is that if the warmongering bitch had been elected she would have naturally assumed she had a mandate to start a war.
Trump may be bad but at least he hasn’t started any new wars and at least he’s trying to end the ones that were started. What would the she-beast of done? Probably started new ones and poured fuel on the ones already going with a stupid “surge”.
“I’m not prepared to put up with a really bad choice just because I don’t like a bad one.”
I suggest moving to another galaxy then.
There is not one shred of evidence that Hillary gave a damn about Bill’s sexual escapades….Her political ambitions had nothing to do with taking revenge….They were more likely a means of carrying out her blood-thirsty rage….And yes, I do believe she would have made war on Russia….She was pushing for it all along….Hillary was as much a sadistic warmonger as the Bush/Cheney cabal….”We came, we saw, he died….cackle….cackle….cackle!!…Hideous human being.
Keep telling yourself that.
You may be able to convince yourself, if nobody else.
Vote Senile Joe … because abortion.
Excuse me, but not everyone in their 70s is senile. We can even indulge in discourse without having to come up with ‘cute’ names for people (torturing the English language in the process). I’d prefer someone a lot younger than either of those two as a President but currently there’s nobody on the horizon that makes the cut.
I’d also check into their teams. Typically the President is the figurehead, the front man (which is why we seem to have a penchant for electing actors or TV game show hosts for the job). We need to figure out the power behind the throne. In Trump’s case you’ll see a lot of retreads from as far back as the Reagan administration (plus lots from Bush 2 — that administration was fantastic, wasn’t it?).
The circUS is in town.
And the clowns are the ringmasters.
Unfortunately, for all of Bernie’s enthusiastic supporter 2020 was a redux of 2016. Amnesia, initially sets in caused by the initial excitement. Bernie’s campaign overwhelms those yearning for change. Sanders is cognizant of how young voters and the marginalized are economically suffering. He knows exactly what to say to arouse an audience of thousands.
Devoted crowds eagerly rally around Bernie anticipating the upcoming primaries, believing he’ll win everyone of them. After all, how could anyone be against a message promoting social justice.
And lo and behold, right out of the box the security state shenanigans begin. A “Shadow app” surfaces in Iowa, followed by a narrow win in New Hampshire. And although Bernie won the popular vote in the first two primaries he still comes out the loser to CIA Pete. However, not to be deterred Bernie won the Nevada caucus in a landslide. That was the moment when security state needed to make its move. It was now or never. These ghouls could not let Bernie pick up any more momentum. If they did, it would be too late to stop him–Milwaukee could turn into a bloodbath. It was time for the intelligence agencies to take a stand.
Clyburn a sellout bourgeois conservative black was called upon to do his duty. You don’t get to be a “misleader” of the poor and the dejected if you won’t convince them to smile while jumping off a cliff.
Slick Clyburn, gathered all the other crooked black politicians and they united in force behind brain dead Biden. When misleader Clyburn speaks his downtrodden constituency listens. South Carolina was a wipeout–Biden overwhelmingly won. And that’s all the security state needed. Using the state-run mainstream media news propaganda machine in 72 hours Biden’s campaign was raised like Lazarus from the dead.
Drooling Joe, received a slew of slick endorsements from all the longtime party hacks. A narrative was easily generated– Sanders was a loser and only Biden could beat Trump. At the end of day, don’t you dumbasses want to beat Trump. So let’s unite behind alzheimer Joe–he’s our best chance.
As it turned out, the security state’s narrative was easy to pull off because Sander is weak, lacks courage, and was never in it to win it. He never fought back against the DNC. He never called out the cheating in Iowa. There were thousands of volunteers that would be willing to protest on his behalf. Timid Bernie just let it go. There were other things showing Bernie’s lack of interest in winning. He stupidly embraced the Russiagate concocted narrative and then was victimized by it himself. He refused to tear into Biden describing in detail how every piece of reactionary legislation Joe passed was based on payoffs he’d received for either his son or his brother. In South Carolina, Bernie never used the millions donated to play video clips proving Biden is a warmongering racist.
Instead Bernie, kept saying “Biden is my good friend” or “Biden can beat Trump.” WTF, if Biden can beat Trump then why are you running? Are you campaigning for Biden?
The final nail was Tulsi’s tweet asking for Biden and Bernie’s support for her to right to participate in the next debate. Yang and Marianne Williamson tweeted yes of course, but Bernie was silent. On subsequent mainstream media news appearances Bernie totally ignored Tulsi’s candidacy. That was it–Bernie is a lackey–completely intimidated by the DNC.
Naturally the DNC didn’t want Tulsi near the debate stage–she’s the bravest of the lot. Tulsi would have proved Biden was a crook and a war criminal. Tulsi presence would be a boom for bernie, but Bernie didn’t want that since he was in cahoots with the DNC.
And in the end, that’s what it was always all about NOTHING. Bernie is the Tammy and Jim Baker of politics a prophet of false hope. He gathers up all the guiless and guillibe and then tosses them into the lion’s den.
In Biden’s case it’s easy to know why the slithering DC establishment gang embraced him with open arms—they all wanted to come back home…
Here are some of the people Biden is considering for senior positions, per Axios:
“Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg is a top contender to head up the World Bank. Bloomberg endorsed Biden immediately after dropping out of the 2020 race.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as Treasury secretary. Warren dropped out of the race last week after disappointing losses on Super Tuesday but hasn’t yet made an endorsement. Axios reported that Warren’s name had been floated as part of an effort to unite the fractured Democratic Party around Biden. Some of Biden’s advisers have also suggested Warren as a vice-presidential candidate for that reason.
Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, as the US ambassador to the United Nations or the US trade representative. Buttigieg also endorsed Biden shortly after dropping out.
Some Biden advisers see Sen. Kamala Harris of California as a contender for attorney general if she’s not on the ticket.
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Bank of America Vice Chairman Anne Finucane have both been floated for positions at the Treasury Department.
The Biden campaign is also considering a slew of veterans from the Obama administration for key positions. Among those being considered:
Former Secretary of State John Kerry may reprise his role or take on a Cabinet position focused on combating climate change.
The former national security adviser Susan Rice may be nominated for a State Department role.
Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates is a contender for attorney general.”
Every loathsome contemptible neoliberal military interventionist is waiting in the wings to continue where Obama left off……..
Super Tuesday was so obviously rigged. The vote in California deviated from exit polling by over 15% and don’t get me started on that Shadow app used for the Iowa caucus. The only difference wasn’t as blatantly obvious as the last Primary.
Seems Bernie has reprised his role as sheep dog. Probably the reason the Orwellian DNC unpersoned Tulsi is that she probably refused to play.
Hundreds of thousands of ballots in California and Texas were discarded. Warren purposely stayed in the race to screw Bernie in Minnesota and Massachusetts, while Klobuchar and Buttigeg dropped out to prop-up Biden.
In avid Bernie locations polling centers were closed. And when all else failed voting machines are hacked. No one should underate the power of state-run mainstream media propaganda they hammered Sanders and launded the creep Biden.
And as I mentioned, Bernie is his own worst enemy, or as I also speculated he was never in it to win it.
The elections are more democratic in Afghanistan. When I precviously commented on several posts the Democratic Party Primaries need to be monitored by a UN Raconteur many found it amusing.
Why did Bernie become a candidate if he were not in it to win?….I can’t figure that one out.
Blackmail ?
The Clinton campaign exercising leverage over Sanders during the election – Podesta/wikileaks emails.
‘This isn’t in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him’.
Some say he’s used by the DNC to act as bait–like in bait and switch. You attract a following which would never respond to reactionary Democratic Party politics and then you take as much of that
following and funnel them into a centrist shitty candidate like Biden.
There is a lot in what Charlotte says. Unfortunately. Trump may end up botching the corona crisis and lose, but whoever wins it’s going to be four more years of everything getting worse.
Some research on ‘possible’ fraudulent hidden computer counting from first super Tuesday.
The fix is in for the status quo, and it’s quite likely another 4 years of the orange asshole.
The real left in America was destroyed in the early 20th century.
What goes now is a complete joke.
Everybody knows (listen to Leonard Cohen) Tulsi Gabbard does not exist, just like everybody knows Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction, Assad, that Putin Nazi, spread some kind of Bad Gas in Douma, repeatededly over several years since 2014, which the Intrepid White Helmets made better–just watch their Hollywood, Oscar winning movie. Of course Joe Biden is senile, else why would he challenge our carrot-topped Fearless leader, and everybody knows that Putin-Nazi Boris and Natasha tried to rig the 2016 election but were thwarted by Moose-Squirel, and other CIA assets.
‘just a puppet designed to funnel all real leftist thinkers into a political cul-de-sac’
Exactly and it makes me angry that a lot of alternative media types can’t let go of the illusion of (hope).
The progressive democrats remind me of Charlie Brown and the DNC reminds me of Lucy 🙂