Guardian uses misleading data to imply COVID worse than Spanish Flu
Further to her piece about Wikipedia’s misleading revisions of its Spanish Flu page Catte reveals the Graun up to the same thing
Catte Black

The curious downgrading of the 1918 Spanish Flu case fatality rate, which I looked into March 9, has taken an interesting new turn today, with the Guardian publishing this piece, by science journalist Laura Spinney
Closed borders and ‘black weddings’: what the 1918 flu teaches us about coronavirus
which uses this anomalous lower figure (2.5%) to imply that COVID19 may prove more dangerous than the Spanish Flu:
Last week the WHO provisionally quoted a CFR of 3.4% [for COVID19], which would be alarming if it were correct. The CFR of the 1918 flu is still being debated… but the number usually quoted is 2.5%…
Elsewhere, however she also describes the 1918 Spanish Flu as:
That global human catastrophe, which killed between 50 million and 100 million people…
This is curious for a couple of reasons:
- Because the Spanish Flu CFR ‘number usually quoted’ is NOT 2.5% It’s 10-20%. Or 50-100 million deaths from 500 million cases.
- Because Spinney herself has pointed out in her book, Pale Rider:the Spanish Flu of 1918 & How it Changed the World, that this lower CFR (2.5%) is irreconcilable with the commonly accepted numbers of dead:
Indeed, as I showed in my previous article, those two figures – a death-rate of 50-100 million and a CFR of 2.5% can’t co-exist. They are mutually exclusive. For 50 million to be 2.5% of all cases there would have to have been 2 billion cases. If 100 million is 2.5% of all cases then there would have to have been 4 billion cases. Even the lower figure is greater than the entire population of the world at that time. It’s an obvious error.
But how did it come about? And why is this anomalous 2.5% figure seeing a resurgence of use in very recent days?
A recent Twitter thread by Ferres Jabr, a science writer for the NYT magazine, does a lot to expose how the two twisted and irreconcilable stats – 50-100 million dead and a CFR of 2.5% originally came about. I urge you all to read this entire thing, it’s excellent (the thread is also available in PDF form here, just in case it gets memory holed):
Many people are claiming that the new coronavirus is as deadly as the 1918 Spanish flu, citing a case fatality rate (CFR) of ~2.5%
The truth is that this comparison is, at best, highly unreliable, and may be completely wrong. Here's why:
— Ferris Jabr (@ferrisjabr) February 24, 2020
To sum up its findings. The number of Spanish Flu cases worldwide has long been estimated at around 500 million, and this estimate has not changed. However the number of estimated deaths has changed quite dramatically in recent times, and this is the source of the error.
Back in the 1970s the total number of deaths was estimated at around 20 million, due to a failure to assimilate many cases from the non-Western world. The CFR of 2.5% it estimated was a little low but broadly inline with its other figure.
But in 2002 a new study corrected the lacuna in non-Western cases and produced the estimate of worldwide deaths we are familiar with now – 50-100 million. This meant the CFR was no longer 2.5% but now 10-20% of total estimated cases.
Then a later study, from 2006, used these updated fatality figures, but omitted to update the CFR, citing it as still 2.5%. Which meant it was offering the impossible and contradictory number recently adopted by Wikipedia.
Obviously this was a simple error, and it has been pointed out several times in the intervening years (see for example here). But, as the recently ‘corrected’ Wikipedia article shows, it’s proving a very fortuitous error right now for those wanting to instil very high amounts of public fear.
Pretty obviously this innocent error is being exploited as part of a very cynical bid by some entities, including the Wikipedia editors, to make the current coronavirus scare seem, well, scarier. The 1918 flu pandemic is embedded in the collective mind as an exemplar of a terrifying outbreak. If the stats can be manipulated to allow people to claim its CFR was actually lower than COVID19 – well that’s some valuable fear porn for use in articles and headlines, and by sock puppets BTL trying to create memes.
To that end, the current confusion is a bit of a Godsend.
Spinney’s article illustrates this very well. Spinney is well aware of the ‘2.5% anomaly’ as she herself has drawn attention to it, but no reference to it appears anywhere in this piece. And, while her article stops short of actually claiming COVID19 is going to be bigger than the Spanish Flu, the opening paras – which will be the most read of course – certainly leave that possibility more than open, where they directly compare the alleged CFR of the current coronavirus (3.4%) with the 2.5% figure for Spanish Flu – which she knows to be erroneous.
This is cynically providing a nice easy and totally misleading quote for anyone who wants to claim COVID19 is measurably more dangerous than the Spanish Flu, while stopping short of actually making the claim.
Spinney ought, at very least, to have added her own rider from her own book to this Guardian article, and made it perfectly clear that the ‘commonly accepted’ Spanish Flu CFR of 2.5% is not just wrong, but impossible.
The fact she chose not to, or was possibly deterred from doing so by her editor, is not just revealing of agenda, it’s actually shameful and irresponsible to a very high degree.
The UK government has asked people to report any sources of misleading information on COVID19. This Guardian article is clearly one such, but I highly doubt it is the kind of ‘misinformation’ they want to be apprised of.
next time I really will be discussing the PCR tests, and the weird story of the ‘unreliable’ kits being shipped out by the CDC, as promised
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The case fatality rate should not be confused with the crude mortality rate from the disease.
The crude mortality rate measures the probability that any individual in the population will die from the disease – not just those who are confirmed cases. It is a very different measure. It’s calculated by dividing the number of deaths from the disease by the total population. This crude mortality rate is sometimes also referred to as the crude death rate.
This is important to differentiate, because unfortunately people sometimes confuse case fatality rates with crude death rates. A common example is the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. The often cited estimate by Johnson and Mueller (2002) is that 50 million people died globally from this pandemic and this implies that 2.7% of the world population at the time died. This means the crude mortality rate was 2.7%. But 2.7% is often misreported as the case fatality rate. If it was in fact the case that the crude mortality rate was 2.7% then the case fatality rate was much higher, since not everyone in the world was infected with the Spanish flu. [We look at the global death count of this pandemic and others here.]
Global deaths of the Spanish flu
Several research teams have worked on the difficult problem of reconstructing the global health impact of the pandemic. There is now a lot of variability in these estimates and while the academic discussions continue the range of estimates gives us an understanding of the severity of the event.
The visualization here shows the available estimates from the different research publication discussed in the following.
Patterson and Pyle (1991) estimated that between 24.7 and 39.3 million died from the pandemic.
The widely cited study by Johnson and Mueller (2002) arrives at a much higher estimate of 50 million global deaths. But the authors suggest that this could be an underestimation and that the true death toll was as high as 100 million.
The more recent study by Spreeuwenberg et al. (2018) concluded that earlier estimates have been too high. Their own estimate is 17.4 million deaths.
Global death rate
How do these estimates compare with the size of the world population at the time? How large was the share who died in the pandemic?
Estimates suggest that the world population in 1918 was 1.8 billion.
Based on this, the low estimate of 17.4 million deaths by Spreeuwenberg et al. (2018) implies that the Spanish flu killed almost 1% (0.95%) of the world population.
If we rely on the estimate of 50 million deaths published by Johnson and Mueller, it implies that the Spanish flu killed 2.7% of the world population. And if it was in fact higher – 100 million as these authors suggest – then the global death rate would have been 5.4%.
Whereas I agree with the analysis of the percentage mortality rates, I do not necessarily agree with the conclusion that there is an attempt to overplay the mortality and overall effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The reason for the panic which should be real, but in fact underplayed by Johnson and his acolytes, including his scientific and medical advisers, is that we can do nothing about this virus except sit it out and hope that there will be a herd immunity that renders the virus less lethal in the long term.
The reason for the panic is not the mortality rate but the actuality that the epidemic will paralyse our way of life and the period of this paralysis is yet unknown. This will have a much longer term effect including economic, cultural and societal effects. Anyone who does not see that is living in a cocoon. 1918 and 2020 are extremely different eras and the interconnectivity due to the prevalence of Aeroplanus maximus, which did not exist in 1918 to this extent and the globalised interconnected world are major factors in the panic.
Excellent analysis, Catte thank you. Your inference that this is a contrived panic fits with my view that the whole thing was either; a set-up by the Masters of the Financial Universe, knowing that a global crisis was unavoidable and needing a scapegoat, or it was a happy coincidence. Event 201 rather caused me to lean on the side of the former and risk being accused of conspiracy theories.
In any event, it does seem that the Fed has now lost control of the markets which I think actually occurred in September 2019 when Repo crashed. They will continue to press their hidden agenda until they can no longer support the narrative IMHO.
I wonder why no panic in Russia? Because they already know? “When we asked clinical infectious disease specialist Valentin Kovalev to comment on the situation surrounding coronavirus diagnoses, he expressed certainty that people infected with the new virus have in fact entered Russia. “I think the coronavirus infection got to us from China a long time ago, and a lot of people have already contracted it.
However, we don’t know about those cases because most of the time, the infection feels just like any other ordinary respiratory illness, and people who are infected get better on their own. Nobody here is about to routinely check everyone who comes down with a cold at home.”
brexit was perfect cover no news no insight or oversight for 3 years
just one story for distraction
now this sv40 monkey virus
cover and noise while
the rapists run amok
the nwo looks like it is here zio satanick masons everywhere
100 years ago the spainish virus was spread by usa soldiers usa usa flu not spainish
rothschild rokerfella mass cull
the usa bombed the iraqi pmu
in europe
30,000 US Soldiers Arrive
just like the same soldiers where in wuhan in november for field track and sports games
The United States are demonstrating their power by organising the largest transfer of their troops in Europe on the occasion of the Defender Europe 20 exercises.
in turkey
five C-17A Globemasters III arrived to Incerlik AB from Ramstein Air Base and took the whole bulk of nukes out to Germany, Poland and one of the Baltic States.
ZOG USSA to LAUNCH WORD WAR III.. starting to look like a economic collapse war and virus as cover
the populace – now TOTALLY LOOTED – is LOCKED-DOWN & “PROCESSED” under cover of CORONA ???
Just let it run its course. F-35 production in Japan stuttering because of Covid. Submarine maintenance in Australia – one section closed. Let the soldiers go to Europa and infect more of their own and others. 5 months of war games against Russia? Sure. Will this about their Wuhan participation be deleted soon?
I was going on about Italy earlier is this thread, so I’ll give some more context:
Coronavirus: Italy shuts nearly all shops as WHO declares pandemic
Such measures will of course destroy the Italian economy, but the Italian economy has already been destroyed…
The house of cards that are the rest of the western economies will soon follow.
In terms of history, and the sheer scale of it, what we are going through now is equal to World War Two.
Hold onto your hats, folks.
Some interesting research here:
waykiwayki Musings 07 –, Coming Astrology, and Theo the Tiger
Has anyone seen a comment from BigB recently? What does that mean?
He got so dissed here at one point that I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s taken a break from all the negativity.
He’s got a brilliant mind, I for one miss his contributions. Hope he’s OK.
Portonchok aka Frank Speaker
We encourage people to use a single ID, is there a reason why you don’t?
I think he might also be AKA BigB 😉
I think [‘Frank Speaker’/’Portonchok’] might also be AKA BigB.
Superficially (as in purely superficially) the closest poster/s to the style (as in only the style, not the content) of BigB’s posts are Binra/Brian-Steere. Unless BigB is an alter ego of the Binra constellation suffering from a spectacularly bad case of intellectual Dissociative Identity Disorder, your think has a very low probability, with the crucial difference being that BigB has an impressively accomplished and integrated body/mind that does not have to keep its associated head up its arse 24/7 in a fruitless search for spiritual/intellectual inspiration. Or bowel retention problems.
Health ministers will no longer suffice:
I think that being an actor is a risk factor…
It also tells loads information: ‘I did not feel really sick, but let myself being tested anyway’ – Why? And then post that on instagram
This virus certainly leads lots of attention seeking..
1000 deaths due to Covid 19 in Italy.
No idea what that means but it sure sounds like a lot. I am sure that NL (my country of residence) will follow soon and show similar numbers.
So I thought about being a nice guy and help the health inspectorate a little with setting up rigorous clinical studies (I am serious here)
Here is a study proposal, which is not fancy but should be possible based on the info that the media provides us day after day in a non-coherent way, i.e., a study proposal that may make some sense out of the non-sense that we are provided with.
Study base
All patients who were tested for Covid 19 in the last few weeks in region/country X and then compare
1. The characteristics of those who were tested positive for Covid 19 with those who were tested negative. In that way you can see, for instance, if the percentage of men is differently distributed between positive versus negative cases
My hypothesis: there is no difference. Men may be seen more often in both groups as in general, elderly men get quicker sick than women plus middle aged healthy/hypochondriac men quicker run to the doctor with flu symptoms, while women in the same age group with simular symptoms just sweat it out. These phenomena I expect to see in both groups equally
So that would kill (or confirm, who knows…) that Covid 19 is a flu-like disease that particularly affects men other than other flu like diseases.
2 show the characteristics of those with with COVID 19 who are admitted to the IC. How many of those were young men/women without any comorbidity (if any?)
3 Preferably (if the data is available) compare these positive patients with the COVID 19 negative cases, in terms of clinical characteristics and in terms of who has a greater risk to be admitted at the IC, with adjustments for comorbidity. Perhaps stratify those who had/developed bacterial lung infections at baseline/follow-up in order to adjust for bacterial (and quite deadly) pneumonia
4 do the same thing as in ad 2 and 3 and repeat the analysis but then with death as an outcome.
Taking these steps could confirm that COVID 19 really is the thing that the MSM (and MoA) make of it, for which we have good reasons to believe that it does cause severe lung disease (IC admittance)/death more than traditional opportunistic lung infections, or (alternatively) show us that COVID 19 is nothing different as compared to usual lung infections.
Not sure if such an analysis is perfectly sound. If anyone sees some flaws in the design, please let me know, and please come with suggestions how to make this a better proposal.
The thing that sickens me in this whole reporting of COVID 19, and this concerns both the MSM and the clinical community, is that there are so few data that actually can confirm/disprove that COVID 19 is for real.
Or as Carl Sagan said (speaking about UFOs): extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
I am thinking about ways how to make that evidence extraordinary. Any help in this is appreciated, although it may be too late already since Spring (warmth) is coming and we will have no more common COLD
BTW in Beijing it was 4 degrees 2 months ago, now it is 16 degrees. Don’t know about places like Hong Kong, South Korea or Wuhan, but could it be that Covid 19 dissapeared there because Spring came (and so the quarantine measures have done nothing to stop Covid 19 from spreading, as it was Spring that stopped the disease?
This might help:
“UV light breaks down nucleic acid. It almost sterilizes [surfaces]. If you’re outside, it’s generally cleaner than inside simply because of that UV light,” he says. UV light is so effective at killing bacteria and viruses it’s often used in hospitals to sterilize equipment.”
Plus, vitamin D of course. 🙂
Yes, JohnB, thank you, I had forgotten this very important vitamin. My doctor recently noticed that my D count was very low at 20 (whatever that means) so I take supplements now. 🙂
You may already be aware of this, Pete, but some alternative dudes recommend doses well in excess of the ‘recommended daily minimum’, as cholecalciferol.
Quick look at my bottle – each tablet is 4000iu / 100ug.
As with everything, I suppose everyone has to make their own mind up. 🙂
If you buy mushrooms, be sure to expose them to sunlight for a few hours at least, before eating, because they, too, produce Vitamin D as a response to sunlight.
I saw a map that purported to show that community transmission had been far higher in countries between 30 and 50 degrees North latitude and certain ranges of temperature and humidity.
I like your approach. I think we are all suffering lack of verifiable data and this is confusing results and conclusions so far. Best IMO to say that we really don’t know where this is going yet:
Here’s a comment on Italy if it helps your project:
Every time I tune in to mainstream TV news I see nothing but this corralorracrappa thing. And it strikes me that the fear mongers may now be overplaying their hand and it may have an unforeseen effect: Despite brain dead preppers having orgasms over finally getting to live out the zombie apocalypse, a growing number of people are just going to get sick of all this viral gloating. And they’ll switch off and check out alternate sources. The down side of that is that if the public start to refuse to comply with the media’s interminable headless chicken training course, then the goon squad will have to make an entrance – under a humanitarian banner of course. And citizens who are insufficiently “educated” will have to be severely dealt with “to protect the general public”. A few broadcasts of public shootings may suffice to ensure those who have figured it all out that we are now living under a protection racket.
Breaking news: A cure has been found! All money must be transferred from the public to the private sector, after which health will be restored!
i sure hope bill gates and the rokerfella rothshill family make plenty of flue shots cos i want to order 5 i would really like them all combined and have it in one shot.
bill gates should get a noble piece prize for all his works for the goyim control problem
Well said George, and clearly many others are with you. Event 201 makes me suspicious that this pandemic was invoked by our Masters of the Financial Universe to cover for the impending implosion of markets which became obvious when the Fed lost control of the Repo market in September 2019. I have been following progress ever since.
Here’s some statistics which can’t be disputed now that we’re all in a panic about the possibility of death by COVID-19, it should be noted the Obama/Biden foreign policy is responsible for more than 500,000 deaths in Syria, more than 20,000 in deaths in
Libya, more than a 100,000 deaths in Yemen, and more
than 10,000 deaths in Ukraine, etc…. In fact, since WWII US imperialism has caused the death of more
than 20 million.
The disease of militarism devouring millions needs no vaccine. US Imperialism, is the only disorder which must be quarantined and forever contained.
be very afraid:
Thanks Milo. Coronavirus is certainly proving a good way of outing the nutcases and sleeper disinfo types in the alternatives.
In cyberspace no-one can hear you scream!
This is a warning that the situation could get worse. Even with all the measures they are taking to stop it.
Well of course it’s going to get worse with all the script writing they’ve done for it.
Of course the situation could get worse. Any situation anywhere could get worse. But where do you find the indication it will in the data provided?
Your link i.e. worldometers are a curious bunch. Wikipedia certainly lean on them a lot:
From the worldometers “about” page (
“no political, governmental, or corporate affiliation”, eh? Well let’s look at Dadax:
Well that was in 2019 i.e. not that long ago. But – less than 10 employees and we don’t get a single name?
Who ARE these people?
Probably part of the ‘Deep Sate’ and the many tentacles of the CIA et al.
There was a man in the last century who rose to the top in German politics and made quite a big splash. He once opined – translated into colloquial English – that if you tell a lie, then you should make it a fucking great big one. He said something to the effect that ordinary people are used to telling their own little lies in their own lives, but just can’t imagine that somebody could lie about something realy big.
My sauces inform me that they have been working overtime in Putin’s Novichock factory (continued on page 92)
Is that HP sauce?
Has anyone seen Moon of Alabama’s nonsense about Covid published yesterday? He’s basically selling the same hysterically fear scenario as the mainstream.
He apparently thinks governments aren’t doing enough (seriously is he not aware of the ominous plans being slowly rolled out by BJ, the state of Emergency in NY over 29 cases?). He thinks they should grab more emergency powers and lock everyone up forces their own good.
He’s also quoting creepy trollike fear porn on Medium about how we all need to isolate ourselves.
I’m shocked. Either the guy has lost the plot and is in a totally meltdown panic or when the chips are down for the BIG EVENT (as this seems to be) he’s on the side of those pushing massive new social control policies on the back of a virus that has currently infected less than .002% of the population – most of whom have now got better!
I don’ think think he’s ever getting my respect again. Just when we need balance and perspective most from sources like him – he goes and checks out!
Are there any other sites apart from this one just trying to keep a level head?
Jon Rappoport
MoA keeps confusing me, and he may be right if some of the assumptions hold.
Today I heard that there are some anesthesiologists in Italy with the disease who are intubated at the IC. If true, that would convince me that COVID 19 is a bit more than common cold (anesthesiologists are healthy and very unlikely to get severe lung disease from a common cold). But is it true? Can somebody confirm that this story is a true story, or is it an urban myth?
How can we possibly know if it’s true or not or even what it means sans context? I’m suspicious of these Twitter messages from poorly identified Italian medics. And I’m becoming increasingly sceptical this pandemic exists.
A fake pandemic can easily be created by focusing on different pockets of infection or local pollution-caused pneumonias and claiming they are linked by a pathogen. The bigger the “response” the PTB kick off the more sceptical I become. I would like to see OffG actually question the basic reality here.
Could this be a total psyop based on diagnosing clusters of flu and other pneumonias as a new virus and using that as a basis for introducing global martial law, lockdown and tyranny?
What else explains the insane overreaction?
From Italia … Myth …
but, yes, more than “a common cold”
Excellent link, ck. I like this bit:
Mike Adams (Natural News) is also going full panic meltdown.
Always interesting to watch ‘alternative’ sites to see which of them might be wolves in sheeple’s clothing. 🙂
I get the impression that MoA is an American site and the way this virus has been covered over there is different than here in the UK i.e. that Trump has been very dismissive about the virus which therefore makes the panic approach seem like an anti-establishment position. Plus the fact that I think the “prepper” mentality is much more deeply ingrained in the American psyche than here. They still like to flatter themselves with a kind of rugged individual “pioneer” image. “Ain’t nobody gonna take mine from me!” etc.
he is german he never heard of the usa uk france rhineland camps
he believes some saudi guys did the 9 and 11 without help apart from a guy in an afghan cave.
hr believes hitler killed 6 million in one spielberg camp
he is a nice guy or girl but a paid limited hang out
sounds like he wants martial law all over
Jon Rappoport has been on the case from the beginning.
The virus numbers are underestimated as many people aren’t being tested who should be.
Also the death rate in China is higher than the numbers suggest because many people were not diagnosed with the illness when they had it.
If anything the media are not revealing how bad this situation is.
Do you realise how silly that claim is?
1. Claiming the virus mustbe worse due to all the untested numbers is nonsense. Being that are untested we have simply no idea how many of them may or may not have the virus. You’re doing what the media fearmongers do and stating a simple guess as if it had some weight behind it.
2. The more people who have the virus and are asymptomatic the better! It means it’s less dangerous not more, and also implies it’s been around long enough for people to build immunity.
Just try to use some basic common sense.
The more easily it will spread. Try and think things through! Jesus
And? If a lot more people have it and show no symptoms and only a relative few get sick then that makes this a less harmful bug than anyone thought.
We are surrounded by millions of viruses that spread so easily they’ve infected close to 100% of the population. But it doesn’t matter because they are asymptomatic in most people.
The more asymptomatic hosts there are the older this ‘new’ virus is and the safer it is. Ask a virologist (but pick one who isn’t on a government, UN or WHO payroll)
When you say “…aren’t being tested who should be.”, which test/tests are you suggesting should be used ?
Only read the news from this website do you? No wonder you ‘re missing things
I asked a simple question.
You respond by making an assumption, and by suggesting I’m missing things.
You prefer the Guardian, I assume.
“If anything the media are not revealing how bad this situation is.”
Cute. Boost the hysterical fear porn by saying it’s understated.
OffG looking more and more out on a limb with extreme scepticism and references to ‘an alleged pathogen’. This kind of approach is starting to look like a NoPlanes theory and is in danger of undermining serious questions about whether people had foreknowledge and therefore are complicit in a deliberately created crisis.
From Vanessa Beeley’s twitter feed:
The virus is real, it will be a long deadly affair, it’s effects will all but destroy the global economy, and none of those points -considered in context- necessarily contradict the view that this could well have been an intentionally released virus.
OffG need to take a more responsible line in my opinion. They still cite the relatively tiny numbers of infected people in the US for example, seemingly with little comprehension of how this is just the beginning.
That’s not Vanessa – unless she’s grown a beard.
When you take us to task for pointing out the very small numbers currently infected, what are you advocating we should do?
Pretend the numbers are actually already larger because they may be soon?
That would be ‘responsible’ in your view?
It’s hard to take anyone seriously who solemnly suggests simple facts are less important than the narrative he currently and wholeheartedly believes in.
Trust me, if/when the current rate of fear becomes reflective of reality we will say so. We have no vested interest in doing anything else do we? We’re human just like you and just as susceptible to death by killer bug!
But in the meantime we are thinking the govt-imposed/IMF-imposed ‘cure’ is looking worse than the disease, and feel duty-bound to say so.
PS we also note your rather clumsy attempt to narrow the accepted field of debate to ‘is it natural or a bio agent’, and outlaw any discussion at all of its actual factual impact in terms of case numbers and fatalities. If you want to replace data with competing memes this site will always disappoint.
I linked ‘from Vanessa Beeley’s twitter feed’ – as in, she regarded that thread worthy of retweeting – which I took to be concurrence with the notion that the virus is real and the news from Italy, grim.
OffG are becoming somewhat singular in the sphere of media critics in actually still questioning the existence of a virus at the centre of this crisis. You know different regarding Italy? Please share.
The death rate argument is of dwindling relevance, and readers who are interested in the opinions of medical professionals will know that the Italian experience is quintessentially one of swamped ICUs (a result of combining mortality rate, infection rate and responsive actions). As I keep repeating the alarm at a time of relatively small numbers worldwide is a direct consequence of understanding the way that some viruses (this one is a clear example) can spread very quickly. The argument that ‘the numbers are small and therefore the response is disproportionate’ just seems to ignore the epidemiological knowledge of how quickly COVID19 spreads. From small acorns…
I am not trying narrow the debate to ask ‘is the virus man made or natural’. I am trying to get past the absurd notion that there might not be a pathogen at all (that is the inference in your use of the word ‘alleged’ isn’t it?). If there were no pathogen then what is taking place in Italy?
I have written an attempt to focus the debate on whether this thing has come from the US-Israeli intelligence cabal or not, and either way, agreeing with you that there is a major change agenda accompanying the virus. What is that agenda? If countries are pretty much uniting to collapse the global economy, what kind of hypothetical agenda would make sense of that? Only one of global ambition. Where would a vaccine fit into that? etc.
These are important questions, and like the questions that arose from the 911 events (who did it and why, and why were we lied to and by whom?) there is a danger of being sidetracked into diversionary number games and absurd speculations. If the wiki numbers were edited in anticipation of this outbreak, that is valuable information and I applaud your uncovering of it. However, this does not mean that COVID19 is not a serious virus that is wreaking havoc in several countries and looks set to do the same the world over.
I am not high risk. I write in concern for those who are. This looks set to shorten the lives of many older people, and it looks like the UK government will do little to save them from this thing:
We have literally NEVER questioned the existence of this virus, and we’re getting tired of being trolled by those who want to reset the discussion on those terms.
Let’s say it again….
We are not claiming and NEVER HAVE CLAIMED the virus isn’t real…
Now please actually address some of the facts we are actually publishing or accept you are outing yourself as a troll.
The death-rate is no longer relevant? Now the major question is swamped ICUs? Is that because death rates remain stubbornly low while ‘swamped ICUs’ is a meme that can’t easily be analysed or quantified?
And yes – we are in a small minority in continuing to provide factual coverage. We will continue to do so as long as we are able. If you want dumbed down fear porn you are well catered for elsewhere.
Basically I think the agenda is something like this:
If you want to shit people up enough to make this happen, its probably easier with a moderately deadly virus than ‘just another flu with added hysteria sprinkled on top’.
Anyone who thinks they have outwitted the global stock markets and thinks that this is not too bad /all smoke and mirrors, should invest some money now because you could make billions.
They’re insistence on this ignorant one sided approach without even considering the options has put me off this site. Shame as they had much to offer.
“Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it.”.
Thos Paine
Sorry Thomas but your years on this site still hasn’t cured you of being MSM led
The establishing of a narrative as ‘history’ is the ability to then weave it into ongoing narrative reinforcements of denial (of truth).
The collective mind is so fitted to such narratives that they are intrinsic to its sense of who we are, where we come from and how we must face our future.
The weaponising of climate is an example among many for current times – but the use of the cover story as a way to hide mistakes from exposure and accountability, or to mask over hidden agenda as manipulative deceit, is part of the psychology of the mind under fear as a result of the protection of self-illusion against feared truth. Such that power of life is assigned and aligned to bolstering a bubble reality set under threat that automatically flags to anything that is unsupportive to ‘survival’ in its own terms and conditions of neediness or lack.
Science and rationality were believed to be the emerging freethinking from fear-driven and manipulative superstition and the collective patterns of social control.
One escape from illusion into another illusion is that of the panacea, where the form or approach that has worked or is associated with a novel solution is adopted indiscriminately as a magical power by which to escape or eradicate ills that have their own root causes in a subject specific Universe.
And so there is a redistribution of psychic-emotional or relational conflict (intra and extra personal) that are poured into the ‘Answer’ and are no less active in their energetic results for now running under ‘the Emperor’s New Cover Story’. For what is used to hide and to hide in becomes coded presentation for the hidden, un-named and even unable to be conceived or at least spoken openly. For to speak to the truth that runs beneath is to ‘open Pandora’s Box’ – not in truth – for denials and conflicts do not sleep just from being put out of mind, or cast into ‘justifictions’ – but in illumination of a social masking, running as a sense of collective security or wishful herd immunity from personal exposure to feared pain and loss – which includes humiliation and exposure of invalidity beneath the ‘attempt to be what we are not’ as if it will save us from ourselves.
Spanish flu – cast as a viral contagion – rose in the context of mandatory mass vaccinations upon armed forces and then the programs of vaccination of civilians against returning ‘disease ridden’ soldiers. Many of the symptoms showing were of the diseases being vaccinated against. Fear drove the ‘solution’ under a novel disease condition.
Aspirin – developed by Bayer – came out of patent in 1917 and Monsanto moved to became the leading world manufacturer. The dosages that were taken or prescribed directly caused death.
Most non drug approaches had a much better health result. The fundamental health being to support the conditions for the body to detoxify and rebalance, rather than heroic intervention.
But the mind of conflicted meanings is attracted or fitted to ‘understand’ in terms of conflict avoidance by its eradication or denial under narratives of ‘power’. It isn’t just that there is no ‘money’ in honesty – but that there is no juice to maintain the motivations of an acquired and inherited complex weave of self-illusion. And so wealth and power become associated with the juice or energy supply for the sustainability of coercive deceits – to the point that ‘honesty’ is assigned to the insider view that life is business and business is war – and NOT supporting such a collective narrative identity marks out as untrustworthy or undependable – where those whose needinesses and greed is known are ‘dependable’ because they can be brought into line when called for.
Breaking a habit to reveal a true choice worthy of accepting and aligning in often rises from crisis of the breakdown of the capacity to sustain a complex of extended investment that are not supported in truth.
The choice for doubling down in defence of control as surrogate power is self-psychopathising – as a willing forsaking of alignment with our relational being in exchange for surrogate power, of embodied and embodying fear driven control under cover of protection in exchange for loyalty of wilful sacrifice.
Fear works the religion of sacrifice to its own ‘sustainability’ and is the mind by which token sacrifice may cover for self – while others are induced to pay.
Such is the underlying engine of ‘survival’ in terms and conditions set by our own narrative belief in fear driven protections. That once invested and accepted true, no other view can be accepted or believed. and yet the screw turns tighter as a descent to ‘hell’ – what else can it be called?
The conviction that we are right can be very wrong and tragically revealed so. But mistake brought to a willingness to be corrected is a willingness to live and to learn of life – rather than to die to life for a self-convicted righteousness – taken in grievance, vengeance and death.
Whatever narrative complex of entanglement we each perceive. We do this unto ourselves in ways we know not, because our mind in the world is the basis of not knowing.
Laura Spinney. A colleague of Andrew Bullshittey.
The facts are this disease is a lot wore than the media are saying.
Um…just as a matter of interest…Did anyone notice that there was a UK budget yesterday? And that the media were quite happy to celebrate the government as economic saviours successfully protecting “small businesses” against the coronavirus? (I mean – fuck the general health of the public!) Have a look here:
36 mentions of the coronavirus, 16 mentions of Julian Assange and one juicy amalgamation:
Most astonishing – even the page devoted to UK news has no mention of the budget. But then again – who cares? The main feature is too good to miss!
Oh what a circus! Oh what a show!
Moon of Alabama has good analysis of covid-19.
Sure, if you’re looking for hysterical mainstream fear stories. B has totally lost his shit over this. It’s shaming. I will never be able to wholly respect him again
Good catch, again.
At the Graun it is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel though: so many inaccuracies, outright lies etc.
What is left of their public are basically sheep, so they can keep the garbage flowing.
Who started editing wiki in December?
What is the cause of the Italian cluster?
Why are the US authorities not measuring their outbreaks and the source of it?
I look forward to answers to these especially the last one.
Ad 3. In the US it probably started at airports where every passenger has to put its fingers on a same plate for identity, for their safety…
That is what I would call Karma
Not too worry though: Covid 19 is common cold with a fancy name that is all
At this point the overreaction is so mad I see no reason to believe COVID is anything but a name to drop. Randomly decide all elderly pneumonia-sufferers or serious flu-sufferers have a virus you just made up, isolate them. Take some scary photos, and then start your panic psyop. Also make sure your test kits are cobblers and produce a lot of ‘positives’looking for whatever common bits of viral DNA you’ve chosen. The actual numbers are so low that is a real possibility.
Rumours that in DC it started at some ?pac meet…
Well, this is a difficult one – on the surface a venture into the unknown. I suppose if the correct facts, as far as known are used in articles and correct historical analogies and adjustments considered and explained, having an opinion in any direction is fair enough for now.
Given the track record of our governments and media I share much of the scepticism. I take comfort in some of the facts properly explained and more positive/cautious views here and in some scientific journals etc.
But still so much differing information and opinions. Have to admit this worries me on a number of levels. I do have a strange feeling something sinister is going on connected to various events in the world. The situation in Iran and Italy both very unusual and I don’t think ageing population in the latter fully explains the increase there. I think there are alot of unknowns in the way this is transmitted when looking at experiences in China, Iran, Italy and the rest of Europe.
As an aside I watched a clip posted here about the Spanish Flu which said the most reliable figures and facts came from Spain because they were not at war so no need for propaganda. Perhaps a good place to look at today is another non aligned state. The last few days I ‘ve read one or two articles about coranavirus in the Indian press – seems quite balanced and, if used selectively, this media sometimes a useful barometer of what’s really going on in the world.
I bet there are nassty repercussions going on within the US biowarfare establishment, trying to find the proper scapegoat for Covid 19 spreading beyond the Chinese and Iranian target groups.
Opportunism and paranoia are two traits that run rampant among the ruling class.
‘The peasants are revolting sir’
‘We’ll soon put a stop to that!!’
Jon Rappoport has been doing some excellent journalism on the Coronavirus. Personally I think this whole Coronavirus scare is to distract from the financial meltdown that is currently occurring which is a continuation of what happened in 2008.
Seems the Neoliberal Globalist New World Order is collapsing before our eyes while everybody’s attention is on another flue bug.
I think the Cornovirus is more than a distraction from the financial meltdown. It will be used as a scapegoat i.e. it will be blamed for the meltdown while those “necessary precautions” put in to deal with the virus will, most conveniently, be just what the ruling order needs to protect itself against the masses. And in true Orwellian style, this protection against the masses will be portrayed as a protection OF the masses.
True. In fact they’re already using it as a scape goat even though stocks were falling before the virus scare.
The parasites make big bikkies from market crashes-only the putzes get burned.
Yes – there appears to be a subtext to the drop in Bank of England Base Rat dropping from .75% to .25%.
This is flagged up by the MSM as a 50 point basis drop.
The rate of drop is 50 % more than the Fed did the other week.
It is a 66 point base drop relative to the former .75% base rate.
Apparently the Fed is throwing in night by night a lot of ” funds” into the overnight lending markets.
The British seem to be doing the same.
Under the guise of preparing for Covid ( I hear there are six strains of Covid ) then this is a reassurance to the Big Banks/Lenders to the smaller borrower/lender Banks and Building Societies that their lending to these inferior banks will be backed up by The Central banks.
In the UK we are in the Northern Rock phase – meaning Northern rock was a relatively small bank/lender and the run started when no othe banks would lend them overnight money for cash flow purposes.
The small refusal became the medium – the medium became the big and you know the rest.
Something is going on and I think the outcome ( of the Corona virus in the UK and the BOE’s reasons) will be known in a few weeks time.
Meanwhile let’s whistle come what may.
The BBC and the Guardian are.
You’ll see a big run on banks in the next while. Especially Investment Banks as the dominos begin to fall. There’s another problem well not for us poo folk but investors and brokers. In other words the 1 % and that is that their investments are tied to derivatives which include unsecured debt which are going to go toxic. Before they had companies like AIG to insure their bad investments but they’re gone like the Dinosaur as in extinct thanks to the fall out in ’08 meaning they’re investing without a net which means they’ll hitting the pavement metaphorically and literally just as they did during the Stock Market crash of 1929.
It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of parasites in my opinion. Don’t worry though. It’ll take a while to correct but it will and that’ll mean that currency will have to have real value based on actual commodities. Not created out of thin air. In others it’ll go back to economic basics.
Yes. According to MOA, many debt-laden US fracking companies face being wiped out.
You are both right and wrong, IMHO, and therefore I’ve had to both up and down vote you. 😊
Agreed of course that the derivative scam should go. That does not mean throwing away the baby of fiat currencies though. There is nothing wrong with a properly managed fiat currency and nothing particularly right with commodity based currencies, like the gold standard, which we got rid of for very good reasons.
Bretton Woods (1944) was an attempt to revive the gold standard (at arms length for all countries except the USA). It was effectively killed off by the Vietnam War, but probably would not have survived anyway.
You are right to the extent that it is real resources that are important, rather than money (in whatever form). Throwing unlimited money at limited resources leads obviously to inflation. When a government needs to command real resources for its own use, it has various tools at its disposal, such as taxation or rationing (both used, for example by US & UK governments during the World wars). The same tools can also be used to fight inflation, and are more effective than monetary policy.
Italy is now going into further lock down.
Why was Italy the first country to go into lock down..?
None of this is rocket science.
Italy the first to go into lockdown? Erm, China anyone? Anyone?
Not all of China went into lockdown. Hubei province and several major cities went into lockdown. Parts of western China (Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet) were unaffected or had very few cases that didn’t warrant lockdown.
Northern Italy had to go into lockdown initially because of the huge number of cases that rapidly appeared, overwhelming that area’s health services. Big factors in that surge include (a) northern Italy having the worst air quality in Europe, with high levels of air pollution, (b) Italy, and perhaps northern Italy particularly, having the largest number of elderly people in Europe, and the second largest number of elderly in the world after Japan, and (c) a train line runs all the way from Chengdu in China to Milan in Lombardia (the worst hit region in Italy), the entire trip taking eight days to complete. (Bear in mind the incubation period for COVID-19 is roughly 14 days.)
Now that I think about it, could there have been another reason Italy decided to go into full lockdown?
Is Italy obliged to accept any refugees coming over from Turkey, Morocco or Libya if it is under lockdown conditions?
Can we go back to basics tho. Why is there any lockdown or quarantine at all for a disease with a mortality rate under 1% for healthy people under 60, and under 3% for healthy people under 70. That’s the flu. Even if they just let it roll the mortality would be negligible. And no, don’t play the ‘10% of hospitalised cases need the ICU’ card, until you compare that to hospitalised flu cases and remember how small the bloody numbers are.
Are we sure they didn’t just make up a virus name, claim a bunch of people with pneumonia had it and use that to kick off a bloody massive scam? I’m not. Not any more.
In France, the health minister Olivier Véran said that, because the virus is not spreading in a uniform way, we have to have specific approach ready everywhere to adapt to the situation.
He outlined two new clusters: in Corsica and around Montpelier in the south of the country, where all schools would be closed until 29 March. Vulnerable people are advised to stay at home.
Montpelier has been at the heart of the gilets jaunes uprising. I don’t know enough about Corsica to comment on that.
A recent protest in Montpelier…
And next on the agenda at OG will be an examination of how dangerous this novel coronavirus actually is (whatever the hell you want to call it according to your own particular pc, right wing or otherwise)
Good luck everyone.
Please at least try to read the articles before spray-canning your limited repertoire of graffiti on our virtual walls
Ultra lefty spotted! God you cunts boil my piss everything you hate is right wing
enjoy this link
says it all
Was really worried about bat flue getting to Idlib as they have no hospitals left and the White Helmets are only trained to rub dirt in victim’s faces and hose them down. Then I realised there aren’t any old people there, only young men of fighting age and their families. Thanks be to God.
But of course if coronavirus did get there it would be the only place in the world where the children died from it and it would all be Assad and Putin’s fault!
Barrel bombs full of bats!
Forget barrel bombs of bats it’s the dreaded chlorinated bat I’m scared of now
The stats don’t indicate whether the sickness brought on death or the treatment – specifically and contextually (ie nocebo and isolation comes into play relative to calm clear and attentive nursing).
I understand that under disease condition called ‘spanish flu’ many overdosed aspirin and drowned in their own bleeding lungs.
Under the official polio outbreak – when Media hype was in full swing – many parents would spray everything with DDT. I believe DDT and ‘polio’ make more sense than viral contagion – along with other biocidal exposures. When the parameters for diagnosis were changed – the stats changed. Conditions that would have classified under polio were mapped to different diseases and names so as to statistically ‘eradicate’ polio.
I don’t know what ‘treatments’ are being proscribed now , but under SARS – (also classified coronavirus) some of the drugs caused death by liver damage. And fear of infection also led to the use of surgical means of forced oxygen delivery which is dangerous.
Under HIV = AIDS = incurable disease = certain death, drugs banned from use as chemo (because they too obviously kill you) were brought back out and used with results that were ascribed to prove the disease.
Once we start playing within the framework of mainstream pharma framed medical (required) belief-structures we are in the realm of losing the capacity to stand back and question the whole thing.
Cholesterol has been falsely flagged as a cause of Heart disease – because it is found at the ‘scene of the crime – (blocked arteries – when such are found – and blocks aren’t always found in post mortems of CVD patients but are also NOT found in PMs of other than heart related deaths). This is one example among many where ‘science’ can be set to seek for the solution to a mis-framed problem by a clever PR campaign and the means to apply it. All part of the weaponisation of Big Ag and Food control so as to seek to maintain dominance against rivals.
Because of infection by germ theory, we have little education and understanding on toxicology and nutrition – or lack thereof by such as diarrhoea and vomiting as well as by attack on the biome and depletion of the bodies own detox resources under severe acute or chronic background toxic exposure. Which includes many pharma drugs.
The desperation of those who seek to escape disclosure and legal consequence while persisting in deceptive and self-serving agenda might be such as to stop at nothing to buy more time. In convincing us that if it goes down, the system goes down, it is deemed too big to fail – and so the living are sacrificed in order that the System can be sustained.
The spinning narrative finds its own, and the demand for ‘cure or vaccine may quite possibly bring the thing they fear in a form that comforts them. Everyone operates within their active beliefs, and fear operates AS belief until brought into a clear awareness. Especially when hidden under ‘solutions’.
My comment appeared for a second then disappeared so I thought I would make it again. There was an article by Laura Spinney in the online magazine Unherd in November 2018, warning about the likelihood of another Spanish flu-type pandemic which would probably kill 33 million people in the first six months.
Did Laura know something the rest of us didn’t at that point? To keep us safe she urged us all to get our annual flu vaccination. She also lamented the drop in uptakes rates for this. How can a series of vaccinations for different types of flu protect you against a new type of flu for which, specifically, there is no vaccination? Surely all these vaccinations would just weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to anything new and nasty in the air? I would also like to know how many of the people who have died from Coronavirus (not just caught it, but died) received annual flu shots. Deaths are mainly among old people or people with underlying health conditions, but there is no information available on flu shot status. Apparently influenza vaccine can increase the risk of respiratory tract infection which is what seems to be killing people off.
Spinney perhaps paid attention to the tens of billions spent by the USA on bio-warfare, the Pentagon’s world-wide network of research labs, its particular attention to bat corona-viruses, and the demented, racist, Sinophobic hatred that rages throughout the Atlanticist elites. I did, and this outbreak comes as no surprise whatsoever.
For some reason the BBC and the Graun want to promote panic.
Is this really what the government thinks is desirable?
It is a godsend of a diversion to take attention from their daylight robbery and lies. No crises should be wasted and all that.
This is typical of many protests that are going on in countries all around the world…
The reaction, today:
Lebanon closes all restaurants and cafes
Martin Chulov
Lebanon has announced sweeping measures to curtail the spread of the virus, closing all restaurants and cafes until further notice, banning flights from Iran and Italy and citizens from France, Egypt and Spain, and giving Lebanese citizens four days to return home from France, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Germany, Spain and the UK.
Here in France it’s expected that the country will be put in lock-down sometime over the next few days. How the gilets jaunes and other protestors will react to this is probably not difficult to guess (the gilets jaunes have just held their 69th consecutive week of protests).
Here’s a small sample of other recent protests all around the world, and while separate issues ignite each of these protests, the underlying theme is a revolt against ‘austerity’ and neoliberalism:
I’ll probably be put in ‘moderation hell’ for posting so many links; but it’s got to be better than getting in bed with Frankenstein…
Chulov, the Voice of the MOSSAD.
You got through the filter Rob thanks for most of the links – EXCEPT for Chulov of the Groan. A riscible presstitute who should never be listened to like the boy who cries WOLF!
In his last article C.J. Hopkins pretty much nailed the statistics and the visuals on this:
(“To make it concrete, if you stood all those dead people on top of each other, head to toe, so that everyone was standing on everyone’s head, and used them as an enormous ladder, you could climb to the moon and back four times … or once or twice at the very least.”) – C.J. Hopkins
– indeed many in MSM have climbed very very high up on that ladder already! One suspects if they climb high enough they might even be able to catch a glimpse of – “Russia hacking America’s democracy” – or perhaps even finally locate the whereabouts of “the Skripnals.” Who knows what is possible during these truly amazing and miraculous times in which we live?
We have already learned that a serious personality disorder like “malignant narcissism” is not a game breaker when it comes to being vetted for, and acting as, the American president. I suspect we’ll soon discover that neither is serious dementia anything for the public to be concerned about in this regard.
Here is a link to an article by Laura Spinney which appeared in Unherd, an online magazine, in November 2018.
In it she warns of the inevitability of another Spanish flu-type pandemic, estimates that it could kill 33 million people in the first six months, and urges the importance of an annual flu vaccination, lamenting the fact that uptake rates are falling off. How can an annual flu vaccination protect you against a new type of virus for which there is specifically no vaccination? Surely it will just weaken your immune system and make you that much more susceptible to any nasty new viruses that are going around? I would like to know if any or all of the people who have died from Coronavirus (not caught it, died from it) had been receiving annual flu vaccinations. Apparently the latter can exacerbate upper respiratory tract infections which is what seems to be killing people off.
Yes the lack of scientific credibility is not even concealed with the flu vaccines. Tamiflu is a rumbled scam and yet nothing stops the bandwagon rolling in and adding more vaccines under more desperately draconian unfreedom of information and health freedom.
Protecting babies against STDs – there is a total disconnect within what can only be seen as a pseudo religion – because fear is no basis for a true union or wholeness of being. But that wont stop fear agenda pushing to enforce its version of unity by highly incentivised or martially mandated ‘scientific consensus’.
Herd immunity against truth of self-honesty is called groupthink.
There will be many different tests, and treatments along with different environmental toxicities. All running under the same viral meme.
Our mis-understanding of immunity has led us to attack and undermine it under the self-protective survival response.
Fight flight response is like martial law in pulling away energy and attention from everything else.
‘Spanish flu’ may have a darker underbelly than contagious infection.
The Spanish flu hit over 100 years ago back when tracking of the disease was still relatively primitive. It was quite well documented compared to, say, bubonic plagues outbreaks in the Middle Ages but our contempoary knowledge about it is largely compiled from historical detective work rather than hard information.
COVID-19 gives us an unparalleled opportunity to track the genesis and spread of what the WHO is now calling a pandemic. How nations take advantage of this information will reveal a lot about that nation and its social priorities.
I have been trying to make this point here for some time now. We just don’t know. I suspect the US records for that period are the best, and maybe the Spanish (who hadn’t been at war). But apart from the chaos of actual war, and then the ongoing chaos of trying to pick up the pieces, at least 3 of the belligerent countries had revolutions, to add to the confusion. And outside of Europe and North America, I suspect our data is even more unreliable.
Anyway, some interesting (non Wikipedia) articles :
BBC lies about the budget: Johnson’s Tories always said they’d increase capital spending by usingleftwing economics. Today the BBC claims the budget spending is only because of bat flue and mad woman May said “the government doesn’t have any money of its own, it spends other people’s”.
Not only is the death rate of Spanish flu underestimated, the death rate of Covid 19 is overestimated. That is, if you only count the death rate in people who were tested positive (admitted and symptomatic patients) and ignore the asymptomatic cases or those who just sweat it out, you will overestimate the death rate.
They even reported this bias in the Guardian a while ago, so it is pretty amazing that this Guardian article made it into print as it fails to mention this bias. But then the Guardian doesn’t have one opinion, it has >10. Anything is possible in the Guardian. Just as anything is possible with bullshit..
Finally!! It’s been a long time coming, but The Guardian is at last addressing the key issue, of most concern to most of the global population, concerning bat flu’
But our prime minister told us that bat flu only transmits through handshakes! He even showed the danger of shaking hands in terms of getting bat flu on prime time TV after which he started to hug the health official, how dangerous!
But the real danger of bat flu is politicians and experts who, through the MSM are fucking up the heads of their readers and viewers, and of themselves, as far as they believe their own bullshit.
Alan Tench,
We’ve never done that. Well maybe in the sea at little banana beach in Skiathos on our honeymoon, but only with each other, and no one could see anything, except the fish, and if they could..who gives a sh1t…at best they are only jealous. We never got told off.
The comments are the only decent thing, I have read in The Guardian, since it was run and published in Manchester, and even then , The Oldham Chronicle was better, and still is.
Lighten up FFS, and stop buying toilet rolls and bleach (dilute and use rubber gloves -it’s stong stuff)
Australian ingenuity has solved the problem of having to wear full hazmat suits.
It’s a wonder The Fraudian didn’t advocate this handy solution along with the liberal use of anti-bacterial gel.
Even if those who control the nation state system are not directly responsible for this virus; they have used it to cause panic and have used the panic to allow a lock down the governed people. But the governed people are quickly coming to understand that the entire Covid 19..thing might actually be another 9/11 false flag operation.. The situation is that it really does not matter “”false flag or not””, no governed person believes either his or her government or the privately owned media. The privately owned media and the oil and gas owned, petrodollar controlled, nation state system governments are the problem. Something is going to need to be done by the governed to fix this corrupt, criminal set of nation state empires the wealthy often use to accomplish their nefarious purposes.
Absolutely agreed.
But we’re always faced with what that “something” might be. I see no tools at our disposal, and pitchforks are not as common as they once were…
How about this scenario?: There was a crash in 2008 and the banks were bailed out with billions of pounds of public money thus neccesitating vast cutbacks in public services. Another crash is looming – only this time the public services will not survive. Now if those services were simply slashed while the banks are bailed out, there may well be an uprising. HOWEVER – if there’s a handy “non-economic” reason for a crash …well…
After considering a great number of possibilities, this is the one which strikes me as most likely. Chomsky’s warning to check that your wallet is still in your pocket when the media create a health scare is a wise one.
The WHO have just declared the Frankenstein flu to be a pandemic…
Watch for share prices in big pharma to go through the roof.
More large protests in Spain this week, against neoliberalism…
The Frankenstein flu sure comes in handy when the plebs are revolting.
And dear Greta has now also chimed in:
We can’t solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis and we must unite behind experts and science.
This of course goes for all crises.
Now the experts urge us to avoid big public gatherings for a better chance to #flattenthecurve and slow the spreading of the Coronavirus. 1/4
In a previous thread I was banging on about the plethora of ‘friendly doctors’ on the internet who are pumping out propaganda. The diagram that Greta uses in her post is similar to ones used by these ‘friendly doctors’. The language and subtext is also almost identical.
They are all reading out the same script.
No more climate crisis rallies then. Thank heaven for small mercies.
I can’t help thinking of them as ‘climate cult’ rallies.
I agree-having a stable climate that guarantees continued human existence on Earth is a cult. A Life Cult. As for death-cults, we have them aplenty.
The mission creep of globally set regulatory frameworks simply rolled out under the narrative’s establishment as officialspeak.
Setting up mind-rules that generate hate crime when questioning ‘authority’ uses the fears of the unwary as a proxy.
Those who set the parameters of the crime or disease can also move them around.
Yes indeed-when there is a great problem it is best to deny it all, close one’s eyes, and go back to sleep.
Rrrrrright based Poland thinks the spaniards have a socialist government
The number of Spanish Flu cases worldwide has long been estimated at around 500 million, and this estimate has not changed.
— surely this statistic is unreliable for the same reason as in the current case, that the number of people whose symptoms were not severe enough to seek medical attention, is completely unknowable. There’s no way of knowing how many people have been infected with bat flu, but are asymptomatic, or only mildly affected. How could this even be estimated, a hundred years after the fact?
The only statistics that are meaningful are how many people have serious respiratory illness, how many of these cases can be verified to have SARS-v2, and how many of those are ultimately fatal.
A good article, Catte.
Keep them coming.
Just one nit pick: in your subtitle there’s a typo with ‘Wikipedia’.