Panic Pandemic – Why are people who should know better buying the Covid19 hype?
Exaggerated or invented, the true danger Covid19 poses is shutting down our sense of reason
Catte Black
The only certainty about the ‘novel’ virus is that a great deal of nonsense is being talked about it by people who really ought to know better, and a great deal of opportunism is being displayed.
From Netanyahu grabbing the chance to postpone his corruption trial to Hollywood starlets claiming they have ‘tested positive’ (surely not a sad and cynical attempt to up their profile), this bandwagon is seething and teeming with those trying to seize their moment of fame or get rich or stay out of jail or just join in the mayhem
It’s cool to be nCoV-positive now. Maybe that’s why such inordinate numbers of famous people are staking their claim to it.
ISIS are apparently a bit worried about nCoV also and is allegedly sending out travel advisories to its jihadists.
Yup, that’s a real thing, right there. Really happening. Definitely.
Meanwhile, the propaganda is relentless, and there’s a variety for all tastes.
If you like your fear porn vanilla you can read all the articles based on total speculation that tell you millions will die if we don’t demand martial law and vaccines. (Speaking of vaccines, the as-yet-untested Covid19 vaccine is going to mandatory in Denmark, and in the US the manufacturers will have legal immunity should it cause any ill-effects).
If you are of a more sceptical turn of mind well, how about nCoV as bio-weapon? Plenty of juicy stuff on that topic also.
And scientists and science journals are not immune. There’s no shortage of people with PhDs willing to talk nonsense with a sciencey spin in order to convince the more inquiring proles that the governments are correct to invoke emergency powers and get that untested vaccine cranking out asap.
Look at this beauty. Written by a team of MDs and other ‘experts’ and appearing in The Lancet, it is about the most naked example I have seen to date of pseudoscience being used to inflate the perception of nCoV as something other than what it is.
The purpose of the article is apparently to find some sort of barely rational reason for estimating the nCoV case fatality rate to be higher than it actually is by a factor of ten.
Here’s the ‘reasoning’ it offers:
However, these mortality rate estimates are based on the number of deaths relative to the number of confirmed cases of infection, which is not representative of the actual death rate; patients who die on any given day were infected much earlier, and thus the denominator of the mortality rate should be the total number of patients infected at the same time as those who died.
They actually suggest with a straight face (though they don’t say why) that in order to get a ‘real’ figure for case fatality we need to count deaths as a percentage only of those who became infected at the same time as those who died.
So, if on Day One of a hypothetical new disease, two people get it and one dies, this would be a 50% case fatality ratio.
Sure, no problem. Common sense and statistics agree with that.
But what if from Day Two to Day Ten inclusive 198 more people get it and none of them die?
Well, according to the normal method of assessing CFR that would be 200 cases, one death, and a CFR of 0.5%
But with this brilliant new method, it would still be a CFR of 50% – because we are only allowed to count the cases who got sick on the same day as the fatality. And only two people got sick that day, of whom 50% died.
You see the corrupt genius of it? It’s a statistical nonsense that crucially gives permission to any would-be stats compilers in the WHO or elsewhere to overestimate the CFR of this bug, or indeed any other subsequent alleged ‘killer’ virus.
If you doubt this is the point, then read the article. This is just what the authors do, having the total gall to claim the ‘real’ CFR for nCoV is anywhere up to 20%, based solely on this crazy new way of figuring out the stats.
Which will look great in future headlines, and help pave the way for public acceptance of a total fascist dictatorship.
If you ever doubted that corruption is now endemic and all our institutions – political, legal, medical – are stacked with yes-men and jobsworths or fools prepared to put their names to any junk proclamation that might get them a raise or save their professional skins, just think of this article. Written by alleged world-class ‘experts’, published in the Lancet, and nothing more than a word salad of contradictory nonsense and meaningless conclusions designed to promote a political and propagandist point.
It even at one point acknowledges the probability of many many subclinical or symptom-free carriers of this supposed virus. But while the authors satisfy some dormant scrap of conscience by alluding to it they don’t draw their readers’ attention to the concomitant fact this lowers the case fatality by quite a way. In fact they allow themselves to sort of imply the opposite, because that is the level on which such people work:
Notably, the full denominator remains unknown because asymptomatic cases or patients with very mild symptoms might not be tested and will not be identified.
This is just one example of the forest of disinformative, hysterical, fog-bound garbage being poured on our heads about this so-called pandemic. That this is part of a coordinated and massive attempt to instil worldwide fear and enact worldwide population-management methods is now undeniable.
What is nCoV19? I honestly do not know.
The more the fear porn ramps up, the less certain I become of any aspect of the narrative surrounding it. We are definitely all being discouraged from questioning its virulence, discouraged from referring to its official fatality and case numbers, which do not correlate with the level of fear we are being told is appropriate. There is certainly a massive and multifaceted attempt to fudge and inflate those numbers to bring them in line with the ‘response’.
This brings us back to our revelation that good old Wikipedia have been downgrading the CFR of the Spanish Flu. It’s hard not to see this as part of the same process.
The actual death rates just aren’t high enough. So talk them up, play pea and thimble games with the stats, and do some Memory-Holing so that the 1918 pandemic suddenly has a very similar CFR, allowing your tame media to make all the right comparisons in their op eds and editorials, pointing out how many millions died back then despite it only having a fatality ratio of 2.5%.
They seem aware of the discrepancy, and are making efforts to prevent people researching it. The WHO are warning people not to read “too much” about the disease in order to protect their mental health. In a write up on the reccomendations, the BBC says this:
There is a lot of misinformation swirling around – stay informed by sticking to trusted sources of information such as government and NHS websites
Whether this virus is as imaginary as some are saying, or entirely real, it’s being hyped to a point beyond any connection with reality, and not just in the media. It’s a multi-pronged assault on our minds right now. Allegedly reliable and authoritative medical professionals are just as likely to talk propaganda at you as some government minister or media halfwit.
Even in the alt-media, many have stopped thinking and gone full deer-in-the-headlights, devoting their websites to recycling government talking points and urging those same governments to lock down their citizens.
How bizarre is it that outlets who were – just weeks ago – warning against trusting anything that comes out of the mouths of our ‘masters’, are now prepared to surrender entirely to official narratives and official ‘safe-keeping’ – and for a virus which, even if totally real, has killed about 7,000 people – or around 7% of the numbers who have died over the same time period – of the current flu.
Yes, that is a real statistic. Check it out.
And no, don’t tell me it’s “not a fair comparison” because the flu is ‘always’ here and nCoV is new. All you do by that is display your unthinking foolishness. Flu viruses are RNA viruses that mutate all the time – which is why you can catch ‘the flu’ over and over again; You’re catching a different strain, a ‘new’ variant. Just like nCoV it needs to travel by infection routes. And just like nCov it has to start small.
But unlike nCov it has already managed to kill around 100,000 people since Jan 1 this year. So let go of that particular piece of nonsense, ok?
Do the alt-media types backing these extreme quarantine and self-isolation notions think the anti-assembly laws, mandatory vaccines and other special powers will all just vanish once this crisis has subsided (because all pandemics eventually do go away)? Do they think the de facto martial law will be temporary?
Do they think we can just ask nice and everything will go back to the way it was? (assuming, of course, the entire system hasn’t morphed into the Hunger Games due to global financial meltdown and mass poverty, because we all basically signed off on closing down what remains of our economy.
Are they thinking at all, or just reacting?
The panic is now seeding itself and doing the propaganda work for those who set it off, and an obvious and very very alarming agenda is being rolled out right behind it.
It’s never been more important to stay alert, sceptical and objective. We’ll keep trying to do that – and you should all do the same.
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Spot on with our perspective.
The fraud is rampant too. Can you believe how Italian officials pad its stats to create panic?
Prof Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health:
“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three…”
BTW we have a COVID19 skeptics group here:
Sure ,this might be an exercise in what was once called the “hermeneutics of suspicion.” Well and good, but please also be deeply suspicious of articles like this, themselves, that are tinged with more than a little paranoia and conspiratorial fantasies. Let’s start with the author’s identity—nowhere to be found on the internet other than a Facebook page and listed as the “Editor” of Usually, editors have their bio’s posted. Their name seems like a scarcely disguised pseudonym. (Indeed, the website itself looks like a fake news site.) This should in and of itself raise red flags. Why are they concealing their identity? Why don’t we have any indication of their credentials? What other media outlets have they written for? Have they written books? These are all questions readers should be asking immediately before even assessing their specific claims. Unless proven otherwise, this looks very much like the journalistic version of a troll, and one that could do serious damage to efforts to contain and mitigate the effects of Covid-19.
Is this an argument? And who are you then?
Could you please perhaps address the claims of the author? I care not if the author is Satan in person if the claims are real. What else do you have to say with some content please?
In my own article on Coronavirus, I had this to say (among other things):
Never let a good crisis go to waste: COVID-19 for fun and profit.
You know what they say: when the media is all talking about something and demanding that you focus your attention on it, look for what they’re trying to distract you from. In this case there are undoubtedly many things they’re trying to distract you from; the world debt bubble that’s finally collapsing is just one of those.
I’m not an economist, but I’m not a total idiot, and it has always seemed to me that an economic system based on creating “money” out of thin air, “lending” it by shuffling strings of zeroes from one file on a computer to another, and “earning interest” by shuffling it back again, would ultimately come up against an insurmountable problem, to wit, that it’s all just strings of zeroes on a computer file. There’s only so long you can bring up zeroes before it all crashes to, well, zero. And when it does, the people doing the zero shuffling will be in hot water unless they can make everyone look at something else while frantically typing yet more zeroes into their computers.
It’s not exactly a secret that the world stock markets are crashing, They are crashing for many reasons, but one important reason is that the pile of debt made of strings of zeroes has grown to the point where it can’t be piled up any further and is beginning to avalanche down. At this stage it’s extremely useful that a sudden pandemic has caused international travel and trade to come to a shuddering standstill because, well, that’s an excellent thing to blame for the strings of zeroes coming sliding down on everyone’s head.
Then there’s the Amerikastani defeat in West Asia. Let’s not beat around the George W Bush – Amerikastan has suffered a bad defeat there. It had expected a compliant Sunni dictatorship in Syria like its client state of Jordan to emerge long ago, either to occupy the whole country or else the Arab areas while a Kurd zionistan was set up in the north. It splurged enormous amounts of propaganda, money, headchoppers, Kurds, and rat line weapons into this. It lost. It also attempted to crush Iran. Iran, though bloodied, is still standing and Amerikastan no longer dares – after the missile barrage on its occupied Ain al Asad airbase in January – to attack or threaten Iran directly. Amerikastani occupation war criminals in Iraq are isolated in their holes while Iraqi militia – far stronger and more experienced after 17 years of the war Amerikastan brought to their country – rain rockets on their heads. All these are coming together in an election year. That is not a good thing for Amerikastani politicians.
Then there are the slaves of the European Union. This is the same EU which destroyed Yugoslavia, then Serbia, and then Libya, the same EU which pretends to care about freedom and democracy while buying oil from al Qaeda in Syria. This EU long ago realised that the flood of refugees its own policies had unleashed would crack its so-called unity open like an egg. It knew that it had to close its borders. Politically it couldn’t close borders after decades of demanding that everyone open theirs; and when aspiring member the Ottoman state pushed refugees across the border in an obvious blackmail tactic, Greek border guards found themselves blamed for beating back said blackmail tactic. But a pandemic? Why, that’s a lovely excuse to close borders. Even the Denmark of the Muhammad Cartoon-drawing Jyllands Posten closed its borders with Merkelist Germany. I’ll bet the gerontophile Macronist regime in France will also use COVID-19, or the fear thereof, to finally crush the two year long Gilets Jaunes protests in France. It’s like a gift to them.
Then, while a pandemic is extremely bad news to some businesses – airlines, for example – it’s extremely good news for some others. You know all those jokes about people buying toilet paper by the ton? You know how supermarket shelves are emptying out? Well, nobody is giving those goods away. Every sale means profits for somebody. Mass panic buying makes lots of profits for some people.
Major pharmaceutical profits are waiting to happen as well. Already there’s babble about vaccines that will prevent COVID-19 infection. Now viruses have an extremely well known tendency to mutate into various strains. All genetic material, both DNA and RNA, do mutate while copying themselves (that’s what mutation is, a mistake in copying). Viruses, unlike literally every other form of life, are active only when copying themselves. They do not breathe. They do not eat. They are inert when they are outside a living cell, and when they are inside a living cell, all they are doing is making more viruses. So their extreme multiplication rate means a very high mutation rate. And if you invent a vaccine to protect against one strain of virus, there is absolutely no kind of guarantee that the vaccine will be effective against another strain of the same virus. Therefore I discount the chances of these vaccines being effective. But you can be sure that they will be marketed and possibly made compulsory, and that the vaccine manufacturers – who have already, as an “emergency” measure, dispensed with time-consuming (and costly) laboratory trials – will make a very good profit from them.
It’s also going to be handy for politicians who are eagerly waiting to kill off subsidised medical programmes. Let’s imagine there’s a country (we’ll call it “Britain”, just for fun) with a long standing and quite successful publicly funded health service (let’s imagine it’s called the “National Health Service”). Let’s also imagine that certain political forces have been long out to snuff out this NHS so private medicine and health insurance companies can make a fortune. Now a pandemic that swamps the NHS hospitals and eradicates the old people who form the primary NHS beneficiaries will be wonderfully convenient for that, won’t it? And helping along the pandemic by essentially taking no steps whatsoever makes total sense, does it not?
As to how dangerous COVID-19 is, once again let me remind you what I said about looking to see what the media is trying to distract you from. It is true that people are dying from COVID-19 infection. But who are these people?
Well, they are mostly people who fall into one of these categories:
People who are elderly and already have compromised health and immune systems. Ageing societies with a high proportion of retirees will see a correspondingly higher death rate.
People whose respiratory tracts are already damaged by other factors: for example, chronic air pollution as in China or chronic bronchitis or emphysema from smoking – again as in China. A substantial number of the people who died in Iran are actually veterans of the Iran Iraq war of the 1980s and were at the receiving end of Saddam Hussein’s Amerikastani-supplied, Amerikastani-targeted, chemical weapons. Their raddled respiratory systems, burned by nerve agents and mustard gas, simply could not stand the strain.
People who are denied treatment because of other factors, such as hospital beds being unavailable because every one is occupied and so triage is performed with those “less likely to be successfully treated” turned away. Ironically this turns out to be a self fulfilling prophecy since this usually means the elderly turned away while the young – who are already with their more robust health much likelier to survive – being treated.
Collateral damage: people with other, curable illnesses, who will not receive treatment because of the hospitals being full to the brim with (often far less ill) COVID-19 infected. I would even suggest that by the time the dust has settled this section will comprise more fatalities than the rest put together. This is exactly why the Chinese built all those speciality Coronavirus hospitals in Hubei province, so that normal hospitals could keep functioning and treat people with other illnesses.
If you disregard the collateral damage, the actual mortality rate from COVID-19 is fairly low. It is, at the most, 3.5% in China, and even in Italy it is about 7%. That’s actually not very high where pandemics are concerned, and in fact it may even be a massive overestimate. Why? Because that’s the official death rate among people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. Any infectious disease has a substantial number of infected people who either do not show any symptoms or else show subclinical symptoms; someone with COVID-19 may have a sore throat or a very mild fever, not a potentially fatal respiratory collapse, and will thereby never come to the attention of the health system. They may have symptoms that are identical to common influenza, will be thought to be suffering from common influenza, and recover like people do from common influenza. So the actual, undocumented, number of COVID-19 infections may be much higher than thought, which means that the death rate may be far less than commonly stated. Meanwhile the influenza I just mentioned kills something like 40000 Amerikastanis alone every year, and killed between 50 and a hundred million in the great Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-19. And let’s not forget tuberculosis, which is resurgent and increasingly difficult to treat, malaria, ditto, and so on and so forth. But those aren’t “sexy” (as we used to say when I was back in dental college) illnesses; there’s little to no profit to be squeezed out of them and so nobody even mentions them anymore.
So, yes, COVID-19 is a dangerous disease, but its lethality has been overstated. Yes, said overstatement is a deliberate and cynical ploy. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
1) There are many things we do now about this virus.
2) It has Crisper marks and two strands of the HIV virus which indicates this is a bioweapon.
3) It has the ACE 2 receptor from the SARS virus which indicates it kills Asians at a much higher rate than non-Asians. But we have 20 million Asians in America and maybe a little over 3 million for Britain.
4) The virus is easily treated by taking a zinc lozenge and chloroquine daily for 6 days.
Your assertions are almost entirely false.
Not ‘entirely’. The Zn plus chloroquine advice seems good. The Chinese now prefer Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) and add Azithromycin, too. Or so I hear.
Prove it
USA numbers:
Hi Vie – are you having any qualms yet? Are you starting to feel a little bit uneasy about the volume of ‘response’ to this ‘threat’ versus hard evidence as to its nature?
Do ya think it’s still just dandy and when the nasty old virus is gone you’ll be able to go outside when you want and everything will go back to normal?
Or are you rich and well connected enough you think you won’t have to worry?
Not my problem, I don’t live in the US. Your response to me is ludicrous, at best.
But you do live in Europe, correct? So, I think it really is your problem, as it is everyone’s who has to live in this evolving police state.
Well this virus thingy gone viral surely got everybody commenting LOADS and milosevic has to do overtime and kick ass ‘teamwork’ 🙂 (you may interpret that as you will, on reflection …
Meanwhile, what about the weather & climate change ? Were we all exhausted with the themes & memes & Greta and who is directly responsible DAILY for our hastened ENTROPY and consumerism of capitalist deceptions, agendas & strategies. It’s at moments like this, seeing record numbers of OffG comments, that you must accept that the PTB’s mind control sure as hell WORKS!
One family member, against another: verxtanden ?
Please consider: what is not and never up for discussion, are any form of military costs in
every sense, see ?
Simples: not just the weather is engineered … minds are steered, really very easily.
Next Panic Horror, please … NPH … New Pearl Harbour, just like WTC7,
but, Blame China, if vaguely possible, this time around.
Hi Tim,
I agree with your point that the powers in Government and their cronies in business are manimupulting data to create the impression that the The Chinese made Wuhan 400 Virus, that is now named Corvid 19 to hide its source and presumably accountability for it, but I would like to clarify an important point. It is not capitalists who are driving this agenda. It is the hateridden communist and socialist looney tuners.
There has been collusion from the Left Wing media owned by a well known currency manipulator named George Soros and it appears over 200 CEOs of NDP supporting companies sold off their stock before the event. This is an indication that The Wuhan initiative is a hoax anf we have been duped. Into selling a billion dollars if assets for twenty billion. It is in my view, the greatest heist in history.
China bought $ 1,000 billion of US company shares for 20 billion, and the Chinese now own many strategic companies by 100%. The NDP will now blame the Trump Administration and China will increase the prices od strategic commodities causing untold damage to the economies of western democracy.
If democrats do not see this and if they don’t support Trump now, the West is lost: we will be Chinese run and the manipulators will be a small elite at the expense of all the working and middle class.
The only way forward is war. Western democracies must call a national emergency, stop nyse trading, reverse all sales of shares, recall intellectual property from China and blockade sales of all goods and services. He must arrest the CEOs, take all their property and sell it to pay damages to restire confidence. The military should be watched. There is a good chance of a Bolshevic styled coup occurring within the next 90 days.
If you are libertarian like me use your time to petition these ideas to help President Trumo to consolidate the powers of Europe behind UK and the USA. We we lose this now we are likely to see the take over of the west by greedy socialists who I believe will rule like Stalin did ; with a rod of iron to the detriment of his country.
Nick Carter
I’m sure you would be interested in Brendon O Connell and his work. Part of what he says is that Rothschild is collapsing the US to build up (already done) China and Russia, initiate the Belt and Road project (which also involves Iran), with Israel as the control centre, in line with Bunting’s Map, plus much, much more. His best vids are 1 to 7, number 22 and number 45.
On the Tube, naturally!
Link? Channel name?
Your parallel universe must be an interesting place.
The fucking Western world is being shut down on flimsy cranked up pretexts, for reasons that seem to make no sense. Our economies are being deliberately wrecked, and measures for control of mass unrest being put in place under the guise of protecting people from infection.
They will be used to stop the hunger riots once starvation sets in among the millions who just lost their livelihoods yesterday. Even the shell of democracy is over. You no longer even have the right to go outside in several Europeans capitals. Actual martial law in Lombardy.
And you have the fucking nerve to sit there and sneer at people daring to suggest the explanation behind these extraordinary events might itself be extraordinary.
You got it taped do you? You got a bead on it? Please share your wisdom
Mad bollocks.
Lunatic, deeply racist, garbage.
Anyone who takes Catte as a source of science should look into a mirror and say, “Ba-boooooooon. I’m a baaaa-booooooooooooon.”
A textbook example of ‘Figures don’t lie – but liars figure’.
This is not about this virus. This is about convincing the sheep-public that they need to be locked down with law enforcement and the national guard on the streets. When we’re all locked in place with the cops and military watching us, they’ll 100% crash the economy, and your pensions, stocks, bonds, and savings will be gone.
Exactly correct Occams… Its an alibi and a massive distraction from the very soon to be economic meltdown that will make the 2008 GFC look like a Sunday School picnic in comparison.
Spoke to an elderly man today, he’s originally from France, and he says ‘all this Coronavirus thing is crazy, they’re trying to make us insane’ then he turned round and said all this is… ‘about covering up the economic collapse’…
He dosn’t go on websites like this one, and hardly looks at mainstream news.
But he knew exactly what is going on.
Unlike the very large majority in Australia who are swallowing this hook line and sinker, and almost begging to be locked up.
S&M is a funny condition of the mind roaming,
Suckers & Media, I mean, it’s kinda like,
the majority are masochists: –
and this was re-affirmed by someone born 2 months before me,
a well known figure in economic circles, advocating change.
He deemed to titled his book
“& The poor will suffer …”
Yanis Varoufakis: Daughter in Sydney, if memory serves
Oops…. sorry Tim, missed this. Had so many replies the last few days, don’t know if I’m Arthur or Martha.
People are now policing others about self isolating, taking precautions, using hand sanitiser every 5 mins, wearing masks outside in open spaces, demanding cafes have their tables 8 feet apart or whatever….
The World, if you hadn’t already twigged has gone stark raving Clockwork Orange, do lah lally, insane.
I’m trying to point people at sites like here and that Swiss Propaganda Research site, but, hey, anyone Not following official instructions verbatim, and toeing the line to a tee must be a conspiracy fruitloop. Sigh.
How are things going in Bulgaria at present. Bad or worse than bad?
Good luck to you and your family.
This is just the playing out of the 2008 crash, which was caused by the measures taken after the 2001 crash, which was caused by the measures taken after the 1987 crash. All designed to protect and further enrich the parasites while screwing the rest.
Yep…. Victoria and NSW basically going into lockdown in the next 48 hours, only essential business to stay open like supermarkets, petrol stations, pharmacies, etc. I’ll sell the mag tomorrow, but after that?
All other non essential business to close.
Non essential travel banned.
Scomo to announce draconian laws in the next few days.
It’s all coming together quite quickly now. And the mind numbing naivety of so many bloody sheep in this country.
Jesus wept.
This person is a complete moron and should get the noose immediately
I tend to agree.
There are only 2 groups of people in the stats who are “Finished with the Virus”
Those are the Dead and the Recovered. Everyone else is in the Schrodingers Cat zone.
Dead/Recovered x 100 = Your chance of death.
Rate of death is different and only used for logistics during epidemics and of ZERO use to the public.
Ummm Brad – you were great in “World War Z” but it was only a movie!
Troll Team Managers are kicking butt on this ‘Global Psyop’ and have all their minions mixing madness with controlled ‘smooth operators’ of controlled opposition, harmonised with as much distraction as possible >>>
aaaaaah yes, Sadé. A positive note.
Never forget the music George Mc
No worries: this too shall pass.
Now here is an interesting conspiracy theory 🤔
Impact of coronavirus on stock exchanges worldwide, within 1 month:
🇺🇸 -26%
🇬🇧 -26%
🇨🇦 -25%
🇧🇷 -27%
🇷🇺 -20%
🇦🇪 -19%
🇿🇦 -16%
🇦🇺 -24%
🇮🇳 -14%
🇸🇬 -17%
🇭🇰 -12%
🇰🇷 – 17%
Now, look at this:
🇨🇳 (China) + 0,3%
Are you perhaps referring to yourself Brad?
Over this whole panic shines the evil Star of Zion, ready to earn another shekel by selling your bones for its calcium.
You are misled. Jews are not the enemy. The globalist elite from all religions and are mainly atheists are the problem.
You had it right until you made the assumption that it is mainly an “atheists” driven agenda
‘Atheists from all religions..’ for God’s sake!
Anyone who declares themselves a ‘libertarian’ deserves no attention. Your third sentence is simply incoherent and self-contradicting.
This is utterly ill informed and dangerous. While there are many undetected cases there are statistical methods to adjust for that, for example random sampling or looking at sub-populations where the testing is thorough. One example of the later is the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship on which we can assume there are very few undetected cases due to an extended period of quarantine and observation. On the Diamond Princess there were 712 cases, 7 deaths, 456 recoveries and of the 246 still active cases 14 are considered critical. That’s a death rate of 1% under perfect conditions, without a stressed health system and with proactive screening; there are still a significant number of cases still to resolve and some of those will result in further fatalities.
The authors lazy, politicized, unscientific analysis is of zero value to the public and if it leads people to expose themselves to the virus its effects could be fatal for more than one person. Approximately 5% of cases require hospitalization, if the health system is overwhelmed the fatality rate will tend towards this value, which would be catastrophic.
The numbers support the idea this could be significant source of mortality globally, infact they support the idea it will be with very little doubt in the developing world and without intervention also in the developed world. We live in a time where the rational response to the latest headline has for most of living memory has been to underplay and ignore, but this is different, and it’s taking people too long to get their collective heads round it.
Dr Stephen Owen PhD.
Hear hear
Try 20%
The figures from China, HKSAR and Singapore suggest 85% of those infected by this virus will exhibit no symptoms, that is its brushed off by the body’s own immunity process, some 15% of those infected will exhibit systems of infection, whilst 5% of those infected will require medical attention, and, in the most extreme cases intensive medical attention – thus far in the HKSAR we’ve now had approx. 200 confirmed infections, with 4 fatalities thus far and one person presently in a critical condition.
And, if I’m boring persons by referencing the HKSAR continually, I’ll offer an apology, but the fact remains the HKSAR’s public health care system is based on the NHS model and most appropriate for making comparisons with the UK’s health system.
Full HKSAR data sets here:
Join the discussion…Twaddle Dr. All the dead were elderly with pre-existing conditions, The 1% death rate terror is peddled alongside claims that 80-90 % of mankind will get it. Well on board a hothouse with zero precautions until outbreak known and minimal after–the crew had it and they couldn’t isolate–only one quarter caught it. The “millions of deaths” is hype.
And the lockdown hysteria will cause mass economic ruin. Which will result in many more deaths than this Puny Plague ever will.
Sorry Doc, but 712 cases is NOT the correct denominator. Your faulty analysis assumes that there were ZERO passengers aboard who were infected and cleared the virus before the quarantine and testing took place. You are making the same statistical error as the shills in the Lancet piece. Epidemiology certainly IS science. But your love boat quarantine slight of hand is not science it is hysteria dressed in a card trick.
The ship has a capacity of 2670 + 1100 staff, if everyone was infected given the current death toll, which has increased from 7 to 8 since I last wrote, and nobody else dies we’d have a death rate of 0.2% compared to a death rate of 0.1% from flu.
We can start from this number and list the reasons why it supports the idea we should take this seriously if you don’t take a double flu death rate seriously already:
– If the entire passenger and crew populations were infected it would be mean the covid19 is massively more infectious than people currently believe and massively more infectious than flu.
– It’s unrealistic to assume with 137 active cases of which 15 are considered critical that there will be no more fatalities.
– Patient zero boarded the ship on Jan 20th, disembarked on Jan 25th by Feb 4th the ship was quarantined, but an average case of coronavirus takes several weeks to clear, it’s also not reasonable to assume the entire ship was immediately infected. There just wasn’t sufficient time for there to be a large number of resolved but undetected cases.
– It’s unlikely the ship was fully occupied or staffed but I don’t have the numbers on that.
– The observed fatality rate is the lower than you will see if we ignore the threat, because these cases occurred when the health system was fully functional and respirators were in adequate supply.
As to epidemiology being a science, yes it is and as you can see from the Imperial College paper epidemiologists are taking covid19 very seriously, that’s the only reason we’re even having this conversation, crack-pot theories aside. Professor Neil Ferguson, head of the MRC GIDA team which published the Imperial College paper, said: “The world is facing the most serious public health crisis in generations.”
This analysis is one way to imply the death rate, other studies actually imply higher death rates, the WHO believes the death rate is > 3%, these studies are performed by epidemiologists.
Hear, hear. Came here to say the same thing. If you take Princess Diamond data and adjust for the fact that cruise ship passengers are a lot older than the general public (which we can do with crude death data from different age groups in the public, relative to each other) you get a death risk for the GENERAL PUBLIC of about 0.5%. Or roughly 5 times worse than an average flu epidemic (if there is such a thing– that varies widely year-to-year).
We aren’t done yet, however. Some people are immune to the flu every year, but this virus has a worse infection rate. The Princess Diamond COVID-19 infected only 17% of the ship, and a country could well be more.
Also, if something is five times worse than the flu, that only means you get five time the deaths IF your hospital system is not overwhelmed (which it is not, with the flu). At the higher burdens on the system, medical care fails. Then, a lot of people who would have been saved by oxygen and ventilators are going to die. So it may well be 10 or 15 times as bad as a flu epidemic, in total number of deaths, depending on how fast it happens. That’s why slowing it is so critical– it’s like slowing a forest fire you can’t stop, so there’s no firestorm or blowup (which overwhelms the response team). Same amount of wood burns, but there are far fewer deaths.
Sometimes I wonder why stupid people wish to so openly confirm they are indeed stupid.
“And no, don’t tell me it’s “not a fair comparison” because the flu is ‘always’ here and nCoV is new. All you do by that is display your unthinking foolishness. Flu viruses are RNA viruses that mutate all the time – which is why you can catch ‘the flu’ over and over again; You’re catching a different strain, a ‘new’ variant. Just like nCoV it needs to travel by infection routes. And just like nCov it has to start small.
But unlike nCov it has already managed to kill around 100,000 people since Jan 1 this year. So let go of that particular piece of nonsense, ok?”
It truly is scary that you the author didn’t even bother to read the very thing you typed. You talk about “new variant”, and you state “Flu viruses”….. KEY LETTER HERE = S. As in more then one. On any given flu season you can have thousands if not tens of thousand active strains across the global. Even if we assume it say 100 different variants at 100,000 divided by 100 = that 1,000 kills per strain. The death toll for flu all strains is typically 0.1%. The rough guesses for the death toll for COVID-19 a single strain(though new research is showing 2 strains) is around 1%. Thats 10x more deadly then all flu strains combined.
I understand your trying to be rational but for god sake you make yourself look like an irrational tard when your own words completely debunk the argument your trying to make. Articles like this are not helpful when you don’t take the time understand your own arguments. This is as bad as when the CDC tweeted out that, you shouldn’t buy/wear protect gear such as masks because unless your a government employee/have a college degree you will still get the virus even if you wear/use them. So don’t buy/hoard protection gear. The government/college educated need it more then you do.
Dumb statement that mean well but are clearly stupid on there face.
please all you ignorant morons who don’t understand science : throw a big party, all of you get together real close in a tight knit space, so that you will all get sick and die. This world doesn’t have space for morons.
Please all you unaware unevolved folk who don’t understand government malfeasance : stay indoors for 2 years eating loo paper. This world doesn’t have space for those who like to obey orders.
Maybe its the latest diet fad that’s got a little out of hand, although personally I’m not a fan of digesting toilet paper.
RB- please first answer the question- will those in Seattle be nano chipping the compulsory “vaccine” to enable world population control? They’re very clever people !
I am glad that you are questioning the official propaganda about this non-virus and although the comments which I have no time to read may well repeat what I say here, I think that it is worth repeating.
1. covid-19 is NOT a virus. this organism does not meet any one of Koch’s postulates and is neither a virus nor contagious. Koch’s postulates have been the standard for over a century for identifying viruses.
2. even if it were a virus, it does not mean that it is harmful. the human body produces all kinds of viruses most of which are beneficial. this is another requirement of Koch’s postulates which has not been met.
3. a vague set of symptoms which could apply to any pathogenic source have been hijacked to be those of covid19 but there is not proof whatsoever that covid19 causes these symptoms. NONE
4. there are no valid tests for this thing called covid19. the pvr (?) test – the polymerase one – was stated by its inventor to have no diagnostic value. furthermore, the number of replications of reverse transcripted dna required to even detect something is enormously high and arbitrary. the test is FLAWED. There are many false positives and negatives and none of them means a dang thing.
5. the deaths attributed to covid19 are arbitrary and unknowable. doctors are making a claim without evidence that someone who had covid19 therefore died from it. the logic is appalling. And it may well be the case that the treatment killed the patient. and there are always crisis actors to play victims.
6. finally, one researcher has made a powerfully cogent case that the outbreak centers of covid19 like china, south korea, Italy, etc are areas with the most aggressive and dense installations of 5G radiation which has been turned on en masse over the past 2-5 months. this is the cause of the symptoms. 5G radiation is extremely toxic. It can cause mold/fungi to grow 600 times faster than normal.
please see for some of this information.
the panic has been much worse than the disease. 99.9% of people are stupid beyond words. Who could fall for this voodoo horse manure?
You’re a complete idiot
so are you
perhaps I should not have said stupid but rather gullible.
And in all fairness to other viewpoints, Dr Wodarg classifies Covid19 as a virus (even though it has never been purely isolated) but states that it has appeared for years in databases in Glasgow at rates of 7-15% but never been a contagion or a crisis. He then goes on to suggest political motivations for the fear mongering. Again see for his remarks
I have been basically trying to get a similar point across about this alleged coronavirus as yourself on the other threads and its certainly been hard slog.
I have specified the criteria in my other posts that must be met in order to identify, isolate and prove that coronavirus is infectious and is the sole cause of the COVID-19 syndrome. But this has never been done to date by any scientist willing to admit the fact and prove it. If I may I will post these details again so you and others can use it if you find it helpful:
The isolation and purification of a real virus is a straightforward matter, because unlike cells, viruses of one species are always of the same size and shape, and can be readily separated from other cell components by standard techniques. The existence of coronavirus is inferred from antibody tests and PCR assays, but how this is supposed to work, when the virus has never been demonstrated to physically exist and obtained free of contaminants, remains a mystery.
The paper that I am seeking from any virologist or microbiologist must demonstrate the following:-
1. Where, how and when the sample of the coronavirus that is claimed to be ‘pathogenic’ was obtained from the patient and the name or names of the scientists who actually conducted the original study and procedure that claim that coronavirus is infectious and the cause of COVID-19.
2. Finding a coronavirus either in vitro or in vivo is not proof that it originated from outside, that is, the virus is infectious, and exogenous. To prove that coronavirus-like particles observed in a culture are virus particles one must isolate (purify) the particles, characterise their proteins and nucleic acid and introduce them in a secondary culture, preferably containing cells of a different type than the primary culture. If any particles are released in the secondary culture, they must be isolated and then proved that their proteins and nucleic acid are exactly the same as those of the particles isolated from the primary culture. In these types of experiments one must observe the crucial importance of proper controls. Note: A control experiment is to try an isolation with putative non-infected material in exactly the same way as the supposedly infected material. Nothing should be isolated in this case.
3. The specimens must be purified by ultrafiltration and density gradient ultracentrifugation, showing all details including the specific sucrose (or percoll) density gradient at which the type of coronavirus particles banded and contain nothing else, not even particles of other morphologies or dimensions e.g. microvesicles, cellular components or other debris.
4. Electron micrographs then need to be obtained of the particles exhibiting the morphological characteristics and dimensions for that particular type of particle claimed to be a coronavirus particle. The genome of the virus must always be the same size, and the proteins forming the capsid must always be of the same form and size and indicated by a size-bar on the micrograph.
5. Again, in order to determine the biological effects of the isolated coronavirus pure particles must be used otherwise it is impossible to determine whether the effects are due to the virus particle or to contaminants in accordance with “Koch’s second postulate: The microbe must be isolated from the host and grown in pure culture”, which was designed to prove that a given disease was caused by a particular germ, rather than by some undetermined mixture of non-infectious substances.
6. To prove that the proteins are viral they must be obtained from the purified coronavirus – from the material containing nothing else but coronavirus particles. Which means that in the material that contains impurities which also have proteins, it is not possible to determine what is viral and what is not. Only after the viral proteins are characterised they can be used as antigens in the antibody tests. Note: Proteins making up the viral coat must be separated from each other and photographed. This produces a pattern which is characteristic of the species of virus. A similar separation and identification procedure must be gone through for the RNA or the DNA of the virus. Only after the viral proteins and nucleic acid components have been properly identified, is it legitimate to claim that is of a new virus.
7. In order to characterize the viral genome the same applies as for the proteins and the only way to prove that a stretch of nucleic acid is viral, is to obtain it from material which contains nothing else but virus particles. If the material contains impurities, the impurities must not contain nucleic acids. Then, and only then, can the RNA fragments and stretches be used as probes and primers for genomic hybridisation and PCR studies.
8. The paper must contain no reference to any genetic sequences or proteins allegedly deriving from the coronavirus genome and capsid that is claimed to be ‘pathogenic’ filed in the Genebank unless there is a reference to the scientist(s) and their paper that claims to have originally isolated that type of coronavirus for the first time so it can be used as a ‘gold standard’. Otherwise it would not be possible to prove the existence and pathogenicty of that type of coronavirus through repeat experiments. All genetic sequences and proteins etc must therefore refer to the original scientific work done on that type of coronavirus and that work must be made available to check as it would be the gold standard of comparison for other scientific work.
thank you for saying in scientific terms what I could only say in layman’s terms. The germ and viral theories of pathogenesis are bankrupt and fundamentally dead any way. For anyone who wants a doctor’s view on this based upon recent research, I would propose reading this easily accessible article
The hyper-sterilization people are following is undermining their immune systems. If for some chance you get symptoms considered cold or flu like, liposomal vitamin C and whole food vitamin C in large quantities are your best refuges assuming that you are otherwise healthy. Avoid the cheap grocery store/drug store varieties.
A recent study by Italian health authorities showed that 99% of all deaths alleged to be from coronavirus were of people having serious chronic pre-conditions, and 50% of them had 3 or more serious chronic diseases. This makes determining causality IMPOSSIBLE without the type of analysis you advocated. And in these cases, even if coronavirus were established as a bonafide virus, it would still be IMPOSSIBLE to attribute death to coronavirus when so many confounding factors are in play.
I ain’t skeert and no lying SOB in the press with his fake bogus witch doctor science is going to scare me.
Well said Tony – the more people that get to know they are being well and truly conned over this issue the better but it takes some doing cutting through the years of medical propaganda and the dogmatic mono-causal germ theory propounded by the fraud and plagiarist Louis Pasteur and adopted by the pharmaceutical industry.
If people can get passed the dogma and smoke and mirrors based on single cause explanations particularly where health matters are concerned they might start to see some light and make some progress.
At the moment this appears to happening only to a few, and many people still remain fixated to the idea of deadly disease causing viruses and bacteria.
The use of hand sanitizers are a joke -particularly wrt bacteria which secrete toxins and foreign proteins – you kill the bacteria on the skin but the toxins and dead bacteria cells are still there on the skin!! Then they wonder why people can still become infected – but not with live bacteria!!.
Now when it comes to the alleged ‘coronavirus’ how can a hand sanitizer ‘kill’ some thing chemically if it has never even been proven to exist? The other problem is that viruses are just inert packages of chemicals and strictly speaking they can’t die because they aren’t alive in the first place! That is, according to the vast majority of virologists so they cannot be killed in the sense that living organisms can.
‘Susceptible and permissive’ host cells have to do everything for viruses (they have no energy or metabolism of their own and cannot even move by themselves – they have to be moved) in order for them to have the opportunity of replicating inside our cells or so we are led to believe. That is, if they ever get that far past the body’s defences both inside and outside the cell. There are so many other problems with the pathogenic theory of viruses that are also contradictory, speculative and inconsistent I’d be writing pages to explain it all.
Take a look at Jon Rappaport’s work on, specifically this blog article, Jon has researched all the past fake epidemics and concluded they were all manipulated. The virus can’t be isolated in their “tests”.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for your interest in replying I am familiar with Jon’s blogs but haven’t read all his articles. If you read all my posts (and there’s quite a lot of them) on the different Off Guardian threads I mention the shortcomings of antibody tests and PCR, and the big problem of virus isolation. I have also referred readers to Jon’s work.
I agree the coronavirus cannot be isolated using antibody tests or PCR. However, if such a virus does physically exist it could be isolated by the methods which I have specified on this thread in my reply to tony bonn. There is no other way as far as I am aware, and NOBODY has succeeded in doing so to date. The CDC even admits that neither antibody tests nor PCR can be used to identify viable virus. Yet they’re still being used!
It is therefore, absolutely essential to obtain isolated and purified virus particles free from extracellular vesicles (EVs), cell components and other contaminants FIRST before you can sequence their genome and determine their proteins otherwise antibody tests and PCR assays are meaningless.
Why? Because you haven’t separated the ‘gold from the dross’ and you haven’t got the whole coronavirus and for it ALONE to be used as your ‘gold standard’ of comparison when you find stretches and bits and pieces of gene substance to compare with your actual ‘coronavirus genome’ that you needed to sequence and determine its proteins first. When you’ve done all that you have to prove that it is infectious using the proper controls.
What they are doing as I’ve stated elsewhere is amplifying these random bits and pieces of gene substance from samples obtained from diseased patients to study them more closely and then patching them together to resemble something that only exists as an imaginary model of a coronavirus that they have concocted on their computer without the real virus!! You have seen enough coloured photos of what they imagine it may look like. Extracellular vesicles can look like that too, but they are not viruses according to virologists.
Even the Nobel Prize winner Dr Kary Mullis who invented PCR not only questioned HIV theory but also criticized PCR misuse in HIV research, he has stated that it is a method for studying genetic code fragments, and matching them to similar fragments NOT FOR IDENTIFYING VIRUSES AS THE CAUSE OF AIDS OR OF ANY OTHER ILLNESS!
I believe the whole coronavirus and COVID-19 scenario remains a con, because no virologist or microbiologist will publish a paper in step-by-step detail claiming to have isolated the coronavirus by the methods that I have specified and that the ‘thing’ they refer to has an actual physical existence! Perhaps I’m wrong.
Best regards.
“Why Are People Who Should Know Better Buying The Covid19 Hype?”
Simply, because some of us have been there, actually lived there, and know just a tad-bit better than you.
…And your pseudo-intellectual, divisive dribble reeks of a spoiled, sheltered child yearning to be recognized as the smartest in their class.
And guess what? This smattering of pretentious pomp indicates you are not and never will be.
Sadly, pathetically, almost funny.
The one good thing about the nCorona virus USA bioweapon is that it has pushed Trump out of the limelight leaving him starved for narcissistic attention. The twitterverse narcissistic drunken meandering that emanates out of the White House in the early morning hours is about to start up again IMHO.
I estimate that Trump will be calling for WW3 thermonuclear war any minute now that nCorona virus has rendered him yesterday’s child-POTUS.
Trump is a good likeness of America being dumb, stupid, and completely out-of-touch with leadership whilst knowing nothing of significance, and loudly proclaiming otherwise.
Thank god for this sane voice.
A lot of alternative voices are indeed buying into this nonsense.
I’m already sooo tired of this shit. How many more months of this? Considering a total media cut off. Back to the library! Read some books.
Trump urges no gatherings of 10+ people, says peak of coronavirus could carry into ‘July or August’
Covid-19 pandemic could continue for 2 YEARS, German health expert warns
Every article on RT (or everywhere else) is about corona now. I’m signing out, see you in 6 months.
Take care George, and good luck when the Titanic, aka the economic ponzi scheme sinks into the black abyss…
I think in 6 months things are going to be very grim indeed.
That’s something I’ve really noticed also – the amount of division and animosity this is causing on numerous alternative sites, and amongst many commenters.
Like the identity politics bullshit…
I also suggest people checkout the University of Washington edu virus web site. It will put the disease and its pattern in prospective. Confirmed cases and recovery cases in mathematical terms is for every ten that get the disease eight have a guaranteed recovery rate. Hence they have predicated that at present their are at least 200 ooo thousand cases of which they can only confirm half of them.
This is how they manufacture consent where we the sheeple will be so glad for our fascistic existence and this my dear humans is the Orwellian nitemare that Orwell himself tried to warn us Brave New World or Animal farm and all those wonderful books that were written bf WW1 and everything in between to this very day.
POst Scriptum> Truth is but an allusion without mental fortitude and moral sanctity > In order to be free one must free the spirit and pursue intellectual honesty and that dear humans the lack of moral and intellectual integrity this day and age is becoming a rare quality.
Hedonism and Nihilism will only further decrease any level of humanism that we have left.
The late Roger Scruton, whatever you think of his politics, made abundantly clear that you cannot defend certainty from a moral position if you don’t have one.
Off-the-peg attitudes is where many people are at: “All over people changing their votes, along with their overcoats.”
And they actually believe that tribal loyalty to one side of the false paradigm Left-Right is all the validation they need for their version of the truth.
That is the main problem of our western fascistic system . They have basically copied to the t Gramscien theory of Hegemony and Marx’a theory of dialectical materialism turned it on it head voila here we are complete un adulterated post modern fascism known to us as corporatocracy and our ever impending technocracy.
The left has been poisoned in Identitarianism and right has been poisoned with ilibetarianism. The Gillet juene were a promising movement becuase it transcended left right BS and identity it was simple and grass root oriented.
it doesn’t matter if you believe the hype or not. thanks to the tyranny of the majority we have to take it more seriously than needed. the day it was labeled a “pandemic” by the WHO i had to go to the store and buy a ton of food and supplies i didn’t even need. because i was freaking out and doomsday prepping? no…because the majority of idiots who make up my local population were doing so and i knew i’d be screwed when i actually did need stuff in a week or so.3
whether it’s been overhyped or not is old news. it’s like the people who still sit around discussing 9/11 for hours a day. the ship has sailed. the mob has spoken. what matters now is dealing with the masses of basic a__holes who get their news from facebook and think it’s some “walking dead” sh_t going down. it sucks but oh well. we live in a sucky world.
as for the “hollywood starlet” comment – that just sounds petty (jealous?) and dumb. actors travel. a lot. they also attend mass gatherings on a regular basis. never mind the creepy morons who insist on greeting them with the annoying french cheek kiss thing. are tom hanks and idris elba being “cynical attention grabbers”? get off your high horse; you’re not a special snowflake who sees the naked emperor. a lot of us knew “WMD in iraq” was BS and look where being so clever and smart got us.
A POSITIVE to come out of this nightmare:
Why are people still discussing whether this virus is real or not? Its now somewhat irrelevant because by the end of this week we will have in effect global martial law.
Fire is real, phlostegen was a real theory that didn’t fit the facts and so is not accorded status of fact. It wasn’t marketisable or weaponisable and so had no great backing when new information uncovered oxygen as the chemical catalyst to this strange plasma phenomena of material transformation to radiant energy and a bit of carbon.
There are two different ways of answering ‘real’ here (or more) – but one is that germ theory itself is a theory with so much invested in it that regardless of facts – it is ‘too big to fail’.
Not just for the ‘controllers or protectors’ but for the many demanding controls for protection. This Corporate and Consumption resonance is an expression of fear of pain of loss.
That is more radical to those who have never questioned this facet of their worldview. (The alternative to monomorphic one germ to one disease theory is a pleomorphism in which the body generates biota that can be mutated to serve different functional needs – with viral extracellular secretions being the breakdown of toxicity into eliminations of mucous, sweat, excreta, etc. In this model the bio-genome is a matrix of functional expression and adaptation – rather than a frailty or disintegrity under malevolent attack – and so elicits nursing in trust and support for the process of a healing crisis rather than War on Symptoms – and a Medical Industrial Complex to do so.
The other way of questioning is less radical but also valid – and this relates to the exact and definitive isolation of a ‘virus’ – as well as testing Koch’s Postulates – so as to demonstrate the pathogen is present in all cases of the disease, and if taken out, cultured and exposed to another, the will contract the disease to show the same symptoms.
The above is highly dubious – but the testing for it even more so.
Be aware the banking is adept at generating complex instruments by which to repackage toxic debts so as to effectively transmit them to others from a position of immunity. The pattern is not confined to corporate banking….
The ability to set the parameters and definitions of ‘diseases’ and syndromes along with the markers for identifying such a diagnosis, and the ability to frame the gathering and presentation of statistics, is the ability to make up reality and set others dancing to your tune.
This is a systemic disease of the mind of overridden contradictions under narrative control.
The cause is in the acceptance of nonsense as sense – which must then deny what is has usurped in order to save face.
Virtue signalling extends to generating pretexts by which to ‘justify’ addiction to ‘control’ as substitution for the conscious decision of the heart and the willingness to live it.
The mask operates regardless the veracity of its pretexts, but is it becoming obvious as lacking substance. reacting against a control agenda – as if to suppress the symptom, may be the disease. If I should be taken ill and need quiet, rest, to fast and rebalance, do I react as being violated or invaded? or can I recognise the call of my own being and release the habits that don’t serve my true need? How much of our collective paralysis is a result of reactive polarised futility?
The difference between the heart’s command or decision and the coercive control of a mind set of evasion or denial of relational being is that accepted decision IS our will, rather than an attempt to force, guilt or threaten compliance.
Note that systemic medicine no longer accords validity to cure or healing – except in PR for pipeline drugs and appeal for funding or public support and allegiance. It is the business of sickness and conflict management as a sacrificial religion for the sustainability of a lawless way of ‘life’ (sic) – which its victims are induced to want, demand or fight for.
Those who make the law or make it so it cannot touch them, believe there is no law – but only insofar as they can keep back the tide of consequence to their own denials.
‘The Body keeps the Score’ is the title of a book on trauma. When fear is triggered or un-lidded from past experience, the pattern seeks to reiterate or re-enact in the terms of the realm of its displacement. The persistent exclusion and denial of the core experience is the Big Brother stamp of overwhelming self-isolation in fear and self-loathing.
Anyway – the support for martial law and draconian powers is directly proportional to the believed reality of whatever is flagged as the Feared Threat – against which we are defenceless UNLESS WE ACT NOW! At another level this applies the same to the threat of a fear-driven control agenda. Radical means at or from the root. If Sorcerers mess with the source code, everyone that follows springs (or withers) from a false root.
Sourcing what is needed can become the outsourcing of our own intelligence to a robotic and blind system, such as to allow sleepwalking through life in a farm for humans. Perhaps we have a rude awakening. But even so, the means to remain asleep is less and less presentable as worthy of its cost.
Among the blind, the one eyed is queen.
Based on psychoanalysis, Trump declared that the US regime released the modified viruses in Wuhan from where it was carried back to the enemies’ populations.
For decades the fascist owner class has been poisoning people the world over to rake in huge profits, slow population growth and achieve a population reduction.
Weather/climate has been ‘engineered’ (messed with) for close to a century. Promoting weather patterns/climate changes that benefit plagues and pests. While there are a small number of corona dark fatalities in South America, it is not reported at all, or only casually, that a Dengue Fever Pandemic is gripping now all countries in the South – with Central America as a nasty hot spot.
Folks should stop presuming that corona dark was created to kill people right away and focus on the statistics of who is the main casualty. The elderly. With Dengue, it is the opposite. It is the young ones that croak (a billionaire’s expression) and thus damaging the targeted nation in the future and not in the moment.
And still it remains next to impossible to connect all these dots. Maybe, because most of you (all) are so biased (in- and voluntarily) that a number of dots are simply not considered to be part of the present situation. Double and, it must be understood that the shockwave that runs through the collective human consciousness is of great significance.
This is only the beginning of the overload of the individual mind. As members of a species that has the potential for empathy and introspection, the unfolding must be but a very painful experience, since the individual mind cannot transcend the present unfolding of really, really Bad News. The many soft porn pictures on western and eastern outlets are already flanking the most disturbing revelations.
The reactionary mind celebrates the moment. Now is the time to do nothing but sit at home and watch the news about the next, much worse revelation. Divide and kill. It is also oddly absent in this hypnotic moment, that 5G has been activated. Where?
Can you do the omni-whammy, considering that the micro-organism (it is one now) was released with the going into operation of 5G that can now be quickly installed everywhere without the population being in the way.
Still, it doesn’t end there. The owners want total control now. Over everything. That means to silence dissent. To isolate people from each other – to disable the overdue revolution that will end the lives of those who push the system and with it the masses over the cliff. Everybody that is responsible for the torture, violence, abuse, exploitation and death of innocent human beings for profit will have to lose his/her life.
The crimes committed by the US owner class surpass any holocaust, eastern front, whatever butchery of war there ever was. And war it will be very soon – with nobody on the streets but targets for a system that is just waiting for that to happen. How the fingers itch.
Breaking through to the truth is important now. Yes, the worse your intuition tells you it to be – it is. But there is one important aspect in this independently from what you believe:
The history of the species shows that it is never the individual that sets the date and time for their death. Not even in the most determined suicidal minds. It just doesn’t work that way. You have no whatsoever say in ‘when and how’ you will die. You don’t. Neither does anybody else. If lots of people die at the same time, then that was a lot of people with a matching ‘when and how’.
And religion is now outing itself as the respective fairy tales it represents itself with.
Just let everything be for a moment. It is just the ride of evolution. Don’t take it personal. But you do have something called ‘Karma’ and as it implies, you are constantly adding to it. You cannot but add to it. What are you adding?
On this theme here is an analysis and insight into how flawed testing can be for viruses, like our current little favourite, that create official anti-science phantom narratives.
Does the 2019 Corona Virus Exist?
And if you want to go further outside of the imposed construct an interesting interview discussing this and related ideas.
Coronavirus Fear, Germ Theory, Exosomes, and Resiliency
Anyway people, make sure you toe the line on this one and don’t say anything that contradicts the perceived wisdom of the global panic. I’ve never heard of this person, but she dared to question what’s going on, and now she’s had to offer a grovelling apology. Why do people constantly apologise for disseminating a point-of-view that some scumbag takes offence to?
The Spanish flu outbreak came in three waves. Most of the fatalities occurred in the second wave. I think they expect next winter.
Begin to protect yourself Angela, by focussing on eating only food with good vitamin value, and taking extra vitamins, like Vit C, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, CoQ10, Garlic, Turmeric, Alpha Linoic Acid, Vit D and B6/12, if you can get them.
Drink lots of water.
Don’t get overheated, turn the heating down to 22% max.
If it is a sunny day then open your windows and let the air circulate.
Keep active.
Having done your best, the rest is left to fate? Don’t worry about it, all is just as it was meant to be.
My very wise Nan used to say, ”God never gives you a cross you can’t carry.” Yes she was a God fearing woman, but the ethos of that statement still stands.
There will be mandatory vaccinations before next winter. Medical science is much more “advanced” now than in 1918…..
Just want to comment and say thanks on how important this site has become, as one of the only sane refuges from the hysteria and panic over this er, ‘pandemic’ cough.
Great and entirely spot on article.
Has anyone checked out which topics were covered and by whom at Buildergerg last year?
I mentioned on my post on the 13th that on a health and epidemiological perspective that the known cases of positive carriers could be off as much as factors of ten to 10000. Hence the ratios are not accurate. Further more the common flu is an actual seasonal endemic that causes deaths per annum any where between 650 000 to 800000 per annum . The elderly weak and infirmed will die how we handle it depends on priorities ( economics or people).
I will give u another perfect example. I was studying @ the University of Perugia when the Chernobyl disaster occurred. Initially for the first 72 hours their was little to no news on the air quality in Italy. Then an official air monitoring center started showing that their was significant radiation particles in the air that warranted the total shut down of the north eastern food chain such as fresh fruit vegetables and milk that was harvested in that area. Once the legacy media got onto these numbers, the propaganda went on over drive on regular reports of radiation levels. They were publishing numbers that did not correlate with the actual reality. That the numbers they were giving at some times indicated radiation poisoning. Hence the fear and pandemonium that ensued was palpable.
The Italian government 18 months later did a senate inquiry noting that contaminated areas were all in the Trentino and northern Alpine regions and that the numbers were not accurate for the Italian peninsula and Islands because of the extreme altitude areas were the ones being effected and not the Southern parts of Italy .
This is where simple reason and logic and common sense should prevail. Unfortunately the herd sheeple mentality that is extremely characteristic of the western fascistic state we are at is being shown in real time. Further more since neo-liberal Thatcherism and Reaganism infested all the west from 1979 to this day voila u see the end results.
Punto UNO: When the global financial crisis hit the world in 2007 the velocity of money was decreasing monthly. INstead of bailing out the population we bailed out the very people who caused the financial crisis.
Punto DUE> Had we bailed out the sheeple the velocity of money would had improved ,the shills that caused the crisis would be out of business and incarcerated for their fraud. No instead we de -criminalized fraud and criminalized poverty. Had we bailed out the home owner and the masses we would not be in such an economic disaster.
PUNTO TRE: This is the grand baby of them all. HEALTH SANITA. Due to neo-liberal economics we have been degrading our public policies with regards to the commons (Health, Education and Labour rights to organize ). Fascismo 101 Fascism 101 and during this grand strategy we have empowered multi national corporations in taking over our governments public policies and education all for the sake of profits. THe Genoa bridge disaster any one.
The massive fore closures on home loans and the increase in the wealth gap that is exceeding the Gilded age.
The simple economic fact that the average wage earner has not been getting increases in their wages since 1976 as compared to the yearly inflation rate since that period seem to allude our politicos our Universities and economist as well as the decrease in spending in our health institutions has actually fallen as compared to the nominal rate of real inflation is all out there for us to see.
PUNTO QATTRO: The orientals be it China or Korea or Singapore showed real leadership got on top of the outbreak and have started to normalize and flattened the curve so to say in medical terms.
PUNTO CINQUE: Is this all being used in a way to increase their fascistic state of affairs and introduce medical fascism brought to you bye Big Pharma and a vaccine near you.
POST SCRIPTUM: we should here in the west demand a complete and total re evaluation of this fascistic cancer of neo-liberal market fundamentalism economics and get back to investing in our people our communities and to hell with multi nationalistic entities.
Time to bust them up and stop economic monopolization.
Health education the right to work and assemble as well as a a roof over our heads should be the mantras and be put into our laws and not debt monetization.
First, let me enlighten you from whereof I speak. I am not anybody with a PHD talkging sciency terms, I am a boots on the ground registered nurse in practice since the HIV pandemic was just being announced by Fauci in 1981. This situation is NOT panic, HIV did panic the medical community back then, and, even as late as the 1990’s I heard conspiracy drivel from an ENT doc who was SURE that it was a govt plot and passed by sneezing, despite all the evidence of blood and body fluid transmission.
I ‘get’ that even educated folks can have a reality lag, but really? I see many points of agreement with you-the VAERS program to lift the liability veil off big pharma is/was criminal. Flu shots annually, I’ll pass, until they can formulate one that takes into account all patients previous exposures to target therapeutic effect higher than the laughable 35-45% efficacy rate they have now….with no liability if they kill or maim you, too.
Katrina (gun grabbing in N.O. by U.S. military patrolling with U.N. troop backup), Biden’s complicity in asset seizure laws that are highway robbery, corporate socialism blatantly practiced and called ‘capitalism’ we are on the same team.
But GIRL! Wake up to the other news outside mainstream closer to the source that is validating what you are dismissing as ‘sciency’. When Im seeing video and first person accounts from medical personnel (physicians, nurses, some of whom are pretty ill) around the globe, hell, even Newt Gingrich who is stuck in Italy is verifying to his knuckle-dragging brethren that this is the ‘real deal’.
The bottom line is do no harm, in all things, writing, speech, actions. If, for argument sake, you ignore the current advisories and don’t modify your contacts what’s the worst that could happen? Dying? No.
Living dragging an oxygen tank around waiting for a lung, kidney or liver transplant…not sciency and NOT fun. Worse yet, you brought the virus home to your family, extended family, and find out that they died because of that. Think it’s only limited to ‘old people’, nope, information lag of the WORST kind.
We will be reading about more deaths in a younger population, like the 21 year old Spaniard soccer coach in ‘perfect’ health, dead in 3 days from onset of symptoms-he also had leukemia, not yet diagnosed.
We are lucky to have the gift of time and a larger personal space by Western culture, which is probably why it has taken so long to get started here. All other countries noted a few clusters of cases that later mushroomed beyond the health systems ability to cope. On a GOOD day at any hospital in this country, many ICU beds are FULL. I know because we are waiting in the OR when that happens until they can transfer a patient out of ICU so ours can go there.
Take the precious time you have right now to contemplate your circle of friends and acquaintences and pick one or three who you would miss if I’m right and you are wrong….
Interesting way to describe the poor chap’s situation.
The fellow was admitted to hospital with severe symptoms of COVID19 infection, unaware that he also had leukemia. His leukemia was diagnosed from the lab workup done for the COVID19 infection. His immune system was compromised by a cureable, treatable underlying condition.
Leukemia and Hogkins Lymphoma are two examples of treatable cancers that hit younger population disproportionately. The twenty-somethings that this affects won’t even know they have advanced disease until they go to a doc to find out why they are so fatigued, or, may present with repeated infections that don’t resolve.
The Prime Minister of Australia today.
Listen carefully from 5 min 17 seconds. This is also exactly what the Chief Medical Officer said. Then listen to the rest. Please explain to me how you correlate “this is a mild illness for most people” with level 4 travel bans and destruction of the economy? What the hell is going on?
Check out the ‘Fusion Doctrine’ favoured by the UK cabinet office and obviously now being carried out by neoliberal (fascist) regimes across the world – the narrative is being controlled and we will see much of the info via the internet disappear as martial law takes a hold
First steps to Marshal Law Steve..
To see how compliant we are all willing to be.
Those who flout their rules will have consequences????
The elderly bourgeois cringe with fear thinking of death, but millenials are secretly smiling. Those twenty and thirty somethings healthy and at their prime are disdainful of the boomers and their mayhem all the time. The devastation wrought throughout the planet is clear to see, wars on every continent, the economy a wreck nothing to look forward to except a lot of student debt.
The strength associated with youth is the millennials singular power over boomers who coerce to get their way. An older generation dominating with their votes determining a future they’ll never see, while the young are doomed by their aged stupidity.
The boomers who saw the best of American life, post World War II prosperity. A life which offered a higher education for free. Occupations with security, jobs with real benefits, a retirement fund with liquidity. These greedy boomers always wanted more and were never satisfied. Exploiting all resources until there was none set aside, and when they were finished pulled up the ladder and dismantled every rung.
The millennials are smiling inwardly like cheshire cats, a plague is creeping slowly through every fissure of each door where boomers are terrified like never before……..
My parents are boomers, and very smart, selfless people who voted Green and Labour all their lives and would willingly die for their children and grandchildren.
You on the other hand are a millennial, and smug and stupid as shit.
I rest my case
How defensive you are. Aren’t you a bit interested in knowing how millions really think…..
There’s a difference between how people think, and how you think they think.
My observations are based on reality.
Sorry Charlotte, your observations are based on jack-shit.
Hippies were boomers, whatever they once believed in, was swiftly dumped for jobs, pensions and mortgages. The same is true of Millenials, only more so. The middle classes think class doesn’t exist, only winners and losers, 40 years of neoliberalism, boomer parents indoctrinating them, an education system which used to churn out factory fodder, but now churns out sales/marketing/media wonks and teaches numbnuts that they must hit their targets, pass their exams, go to Uni, or the school will be seen as a failure. They all believe Thatcher’s adage that “If you don’t have a car by the age of 28 you’ve failed in life” (except 28 is now 18). They know nothing about economics, literature, Marxism or Socialism, except that Marxism and Socialism don’t work. And worse still, they actually believe in and aspire to be “entrepreneurs”, by which they mean, using someone else’s money to provide an unneeded service or another layer of middlemen taking a bite of the cake.
Anyone who believes in things like “being woke”, identity politics, networking, social media and Greta Thunberg should be put in a reeducation camp.
I almost forgot. They also like watching shit like Love Island and had a collective breakdown when the presenter killed herself.
You just in great length described the accuracy of my entire supposition.
Go drop a red pill and wake up.
I don’t believe in taking unnecessary pharmaceuticals.
Shows how straight you .
Pace e Bene (Peace be with you)
My Bohemian writer/poet mother used to take me to the Penny Farthing in Yorkville Toronto to hang out with the hippies & listen to poetry readings & folk musicians back in 1967 to 1970. I was raised by a beat poet and hippies were the vanguard.
My Chartered Accountant father worked Bay Street whilst I was at poetry readings with the hippies. My father wore a suit & tie every day and did not identify with hippies.
Hippies are about 70 years old, or older, today. Moreover, I sincerely doubt that the hippies would care what you think of them or their perceived ideology.
You don’t know jack shit about hippies, Marxists, or Macroeconomics.
I don’t know what to say. Someone who calls himself “master of the universe” and takes hippy culture seriously in the 21st century, votes for the liberal Canadian aristocracy (The awful Trudeaus) telling me I know nothing of the times I grew up in (the 50s), particularly when I was relating exclusively to British boomer hippies who mostly became Thatcherite conservatives like Richard Branson. Then having the front to inform me that I know jack shit about hippies, Marxists, or Macroeconomics from your perspective of 3 years of listening to beat poetry and folk music….excuse me if I don’t take you seriously because I was raised in London in very poor circumstances and only received higher education thanks to a trade union. We are world’s apart in every aspect hippy boy.
I like how you conveniently neglect to mention that I was raised by a Chartered Accountant that worked Bay Street, you poor sot.
Worlds apart is an understatement. Did the benevolent trade unionists vote Margaret ‘the milk thief’ into power so that the trade unionists & Thatcherites could financialize payment of tuition for your education, man?
Thanks for the lecture, wanker.
No. I got a grant for my education in 1969. Thatcher didn’t come on the scene until a decade later. Also I’m a woman, a mother and grandmother. You’ve just made a fool of yourself.
Not in my brain I didn’t. I have a fraternal twin sister from Hell so give it all you have, Grandma Lundiel.
I was smart enough not to procreate as I was educated unlike yourself.
They the Bransons of that world were fakes and bread heads and were not part of the Albion Free State or Frestonia Counterculture of those times in Notting Hill Gate.
Your reality is figment of your imagination
Or maybe, we share two different realities…..
I should hope so.
Ms Russe,
Young persons, that is regular folk under 25 years of age, don’t think like you, particularly in places outside of the pampered state you have resided in, a state where intolerance is the nature of the game, with imbeciles thinking they more know than their elders.
As a working class oik, one with a decent education paid for by the state – that is in reality my parents and those who fought fascism during WWII, we are fully aware of the fact of ‘greedy fuckers’ who have destroyed our communities – indeed, and unlike our pampered youth, many actually have bitterly fought these fuckers – see Steel Workers strike 1980, Coal Miners Strike 1984/85 and the Greenham Common protests that lasted a generation.
Alas, you seem ignorant of these struggles, preferring instead to apportion blame to entire generations – please take your women studies, identity politics bollocks and crass class analyse elsewhere, preferably, places where adults don’t read such infantile posts from those in reality who know fuck all.
Not to sound too simplistic, but my analysis applies to those who it applies to–it’s not a “one size fits all” culture.
No Charlotte, it means I’ve travelled extensively and have first hand knowledge of youth living in extreme poverty who don’t have access to educational resources you’ve had. And they Madame think completely different to you. And they Madame constitute the bulk of youth on a global level, most of which lives in poverty.
I’ll go further, you remind me of that strata of youth in Hong Kong that participated in the recent ‘democracy riots’, who, on the whole were pampered souls either in University or just outside of the university system – such youth did not represent your average oik in the HKSAR, the majority of whom cannot afford a university education – and, when this youth was confronted by elders, said elders were beaten, or in extreme instances, set on fire – allegedly though they were fighting for democracy – that the money funding all this came from the most ardent proponents of neoliberalism and the Washington consensus is neither here nor there it would seem, but it was not lost on me!
Chris, Charlotte, et all:
The problem is systemic. My parents were good; your parent were good; I’m good; you’re good; we’re all good …people are generally good.
But all that goodness is only a small part of local, national, and global (nested micro-; meso-; and macro-systems) that are destroying the Earth System. Systems with properties that subsume all that well intentioned goodness.
Analysis – and potentially getting defensive – at a personal level is grossly distorting …because our collective behaviour *emerges* intersubjectively – above the personal level. Global systems analysis reveals human behaviour to be anything other than ‘good’.
And that ‘bad’ behaviour is – from the economic and ecological perspective of evolution and survival – unsustainable. I’m afraid the personal level barely comes into it. The ‘system’ depersonalises and dehumanises us …unless we really are all ”self-interest utility maximisers” exercising ”rational choice” (maximal greed). Which we are not, in person, but, systemically …we are.
Individuals are defined by the whole: not the part. The localised, reductive, cause and effect relations of all that genuine goodness are lost in the overall systemic utility maximisation of rational choice.
We are defined from the ‘outside’ by a system geared toward maximal greed. That system is governed by outside (allonomic) logico-rational laws that are not of our own choosing (heteronomous not autonomous). We basically do not matter to the ‘system’ which is autonomous of much of human behaviour.
Absent a new systemic design (it is re-designable from the interior perspective of goodness and love) …all our good intentions are subsumed by the life-blind autonomisation of self-interest maximisation. Which is supersensible and supra-sovereign of everyone – even ‘them’ that benefit maximally.
The economy and technology (technocratic technique) are autonomous and emergent properties of the globalised complex system geared solely for exponential growth. We are the unconscious servants of subsuming supersystem of hypercomplexity. In plain terms: no one is in charge of the Machine. Growth is our only master principle.
Until we let go of the personal perspective – taking the systemic overview – most of who we are goes on unobserved. No one wakes up in the morning to make species extinct, maximally extract from and poison the planet, and generally make the place uninhabitable for life …collectively: that’s what we do. It’s not pretty …in overview.
I’m old school, so look at all issues via Class & Political Economy, and most of your musing are on the Political Economy side of the equation, namely, extreme exploitation and huge wealth inequality are huge drivers in the destruction of our environment, not withstanding we live in a finite environment that cannot support resource extraction 1.5 times greater than our global resources can actually accommodate – but apportion blame on a single age strata is crass, particularly given most these past 40 years have not enjoyed the rewards from all this exploitation, quite the reverse, only a few have enjoyed the rewards and its this very small proportion of the global population that seem intent on destroying the planet.
I certainly did strike a nerve, without extracting any teeth. My initial observations should’ve been prefaced with a caveat–this dark tale is true, but might not necessarily apply to you.
Fair enough. But in that case, your writing style needs an upgrade.
At least nine times, you use a group label (boomer/millenial/etc.) and describe absolutely how the group thinks. The simple insertion of something like ‘most’ ‘some’ ‘a few of’ would have made a big difference.
Hang the “harlot witch” for the guilt of grammatical omission. 😈
It’s not grammar, you muppet, its meaning.
Learning the difference will enable to express yourself more clearly next time. 🙂
Oh, thanks for the English lesson you arrogant twat. 🥶
If I need an editor, I’ll let you know….
You’re welcome. 🙂
(We’ve already let you know that you do need an editor.).
What you let me know is that you’re a bunch of bullies who run the “thought police.” If you don’t agree with the “content” of a comment, or if it doesn’t follow “party-line” you “all” jump on it mercilessly like a committee of vultures. I find that type of mentality to be petty and small minded. Always to eager too edit.
Now go over the last sentence and identify which prepositions were spelled incorrectly.
It’s not the grammar.
It’s not the spelling.
It’s not the syntax.
It’s not even the layout.
It’s the content, which expressed ideas you’re now less happy with.
Much easier for all to get it right first time. 🙂
Please place your energy into stimulating, thought-provoking discussion rather than bickering, or I will be forced to close this thread. Thanks
You should send this message to the numerous vicious folks who relentlessly attack observations they disagree with.
You’re unhappy with the content, I’m not…. I’m annoyed with the pettiness, bitterness, and narrow minded thinking inhibiting personal opinions, thoughts, and alternative points of view.
What I find despicable is the eagerness to attack an incompatible point of view, and to jump on it like a pack of rabid wolves descending on its prey.
Well said Chris..
Pace e Bene(Peace be with you)
@Chris Rogers.
I myself can tell you that mybgrandfater was one of the founding members of the Gramscian movement in southern Italy in 1919 and the real issues are anything but what has been presented to us the real issue is the Rentier Class has gone into parabolic growth and we the sheeple are getting in their way.
The medical fascism is just one of the many things that will be rolled out.
Digitilizing the economy and herding the masses is where this is heading.
The shear hedonism that has been created here in the west since the late seventies to this day has all led us to the fascistic reality we are living .
The controlled manipulation of the actual data is even worse.
Ask urself one simple question? Why did New Rochelle became the focal point of this USA medical emergency when I know for a fact that in Feb someone in the greater Buffalo area had died of Covid-19.
This has been manufactured and to convenient for the timing.
Nearly everything we discuss is, as clearly identified by you, a problem associated with the Rentier Class, indeed, the modern Rentier Class’s embrace of a perverted form or capitalism on steroids has resulted in the mass financialisation of nearly everything associated with our lives, no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of pure, unadulterated profit, which is then hoarded or invested in further finanacialisation projects – we don’t see a single breadcrumb ourselves, which is why we now have much public anger and quite rightly so.
Charlotte, we have seen exactly how millions of you think and behave in the media.
Filling trolleys full of toilet paper to sell on eBay at inflated prices.
I rest my case.
Charlotte Russe claims to speak for the under-30s sheeple masses.
Her comment reads like a manifesto for past fascist societies. Nazi German society used to be as gung-ho about establishing a new society based on exploiting the energy of youth and a return to nature, pushing an environmentalist barrow. Even going to the extent of militarising youth in institutions like Hitler Youth and then later drafting kids as young as 12 years of age into the Wehrmacht.
Truth is, psychopaths don’t care about the age cohorts of the people they divide into “generations”, all the better to exploit and set against each other.
An overreaction hysterical comment to a mere observation.
Unfortunately, there is truth in that. The society created in the USA under the Free Market in its absolutist form is just a sewer of conflicting groups and insatiably greedy individuals, divided, with exquisite sadism, into many, many, losers, and a tiny stratum of winners, who are taking it all.
The greed and selfishness epitomizing US bourgeois culture has trickled down to every economic strata.
don’t fall for the identity politics strategy.
Women versus men.
Whites versus blacks.
Straight versus gay.
Millenials versus Boomers.
Divide and rule.
It’s not about identity politics, it’s about a generational divide…….
Whose origins are decades old and felt far and wide.
Yes it is identity politics.
Does a struggling millenial have more in common with Prince Harry than with her own parents?
The ‘generational divide’ is a deliberately created division fomented at every opportunity by outlets such as The Guardian.
I have in my time read BS, Charlotte but yours takes the biscuit.. I am a Boomer who worked EVERY day of my life, and studied right up to the day I retired to keep abreast of what I needed to fulfil my job. My last achievement being at the age of 64. Unlike Millennials,( I have two of my own,) who have sailed through life on our backs.. Thankfully mine learned well from our work ethic and both have extremely good jobs and prospects.
I have ‘voted’ socialist all my life, though my parents were Tories… As well as ‘earning’ a living I also did voluntary work in the community, found time to do Victim Support and ran a Youth Club voluntarily because funding was removed, and sat on a Crime Prevention panel. I have saved my entire life, sometimes only £2 a week, to ensure that we always had something put aside for emergencies. I don’t smoke or drink.. but my Husband used to like a ciggie and a tipple.
I have no fear of the ‘plague’ as you call it, or death… unlike you, I am resigned. We are born and we die.. It is a fact.. But what you do in between really does count, and regardless of how you secretly try to hide it, you become what you truly are inside…. as you have shown here.
I am so sorry that your life has not turned out as expected, but like I say to my precious Grandchildren ”Don’t be upset with the results you didn’t get, with the work you didn’t do.”
In other words, the responsibility is yours… Don’t blame the Boomers, who worked our fingers to the bone to improve your ‘lot,’ and that of our communities.
Remind me, what exactly have you got to show for your presence on this planet?
Please take a look in the mirror, and say to yourself what can I do to make things better for my neighbour?
Thanks for the impressive bio, I’m sure your kids and grandkids are very proud, but as I stated in a previous response your life experiences may not apply. However, it’s invigorating to know my observations aroused such ire, and allowed for so many reactions to transpire.
And thanks for wasting people’s time by generating this comments thread with your original trolling remark. You must be very happy and satisfied indeed to have upset an apple cart.
Perhaps trolling over at has not been quite so entertaining lately for you?
Now you’re a troll for expressing a point of view which some find threatening……more woke
cancel-culture bullshit….
I’m surprised you didn’t accuse me of being a Russian bot… I guess it was on the tip of your tongue and you couldn’t quite spew it out.
The more you comment, Charlotte Ruse, the more you reveal yourself as a troll with the stereotyped language that you use. If you are finding my comments “threatening”, then spare a thought for others who found your earlier utterances offensive or insulting, and devoid of any depth or insight. All you wanted to do was stir up some “generation gap” conflict to get a rise out of people and to push your own little Greta-style whinge about how the oldies have spoilt things for the young ones, that they will never get a chance to get their snouts into the trough while people in distant Third World nations look at your lot and sigh that the new generation is just like the old generation, and just as hypocritical.
Your comments are not threatening they’re obnoxious. You’re a small minded individual who has a narrow perception about life and humanly. When someone challenges your limited thinking and insights you react with rage, arrogance, and contempt. Individuals with eclectic views look at someone like you with pity and revulsion.
Please place your energy into stimulating, thought-provoking discussion rather than bickering, or I will be forced to close this thread. Thanks
Callous cruel entitled arrogant narcissistic yuk
Are you referring to yourself…
Would you want to have sex with this girl..?
But for me it kinda sums it all up at the moment.
Try to stay sane.
Is stupidity a sexually transmissible infection?
Hysterically funny! 🤩
Do people know what an utter piece of shite Leo Varadkar is…
Ireland has been wrecked beyond belief by the globalists.
I speak as an Englishman, with all the history that goes with that (and half my ancestors were Irish).
This article only proves that Off-Guardian is definitely not where anyone should get their science. I can imagine Catte screaming at an infected relative, “WHY HAVE YOU JUMPED ON THIS BANDWAGON???!!!!!!”
Right. Off-G for politics, but not for science. What next? Nasty Hydrogen’s colluding with Promiscuous Carbon and Silly Old Nitrogen to produce…Evil Nazi Cyanide!! At Fort Detrick, no less.
We need to know the MSM are propaganda outlets, engage them, examine their truths and lies, then go on. Denying every report, without evidence, is just as stupid as concocting wild theories.
Their politics are screwy as well. A weird hybrid of “anti-SJW” and “anti-globalist” troll culture + “give Trump a chance” reaction-dipping populism on the one hand, and leftist politics and anti-imperialism on the other. Half the people on this website are probably moon landing deniers; a third are probably Sandy Hook “crisis actor” conspiracists; many are Holocaust deniers, and a couple are outright neo-Nazis.
Seems Off-G has degenerated into a mutual admiration society. Just human nature to seek agreement and approval. My nature is to disagree, with evidence. The internet has unearthed a horde of looners who now believe they’re publishers because their nonsense is on another fool’s computer. I still have to face grumpy editors looking for any excuse to fire me.
The rich tapestry of humanity.
Half the people on this website are probably moon landing deniers
I can understand that for obedient Goodthinkers like yourself, opinions such as that must seem utterly incomprehensible.
Milo – Do not feed the Trolls….. 🙂
I won’t feed you then, Maggie. I know that your predilection for Nazi motifs is extreme.
“I can understand that for obedient Goodthinkers like yourself, opinions such as that must seem utterly incomprehensible.”
Right, because science-lacking opinions formed by people who prefer to remain uninformed are sooooooo wonderful.
Do not feed the Troll…….
I bet you looked in the mirror and still didn’t see the hypocrisy.
When I worked in gravity wave astronomy. I remember being aware there was a correlation of plagues and Solar Cycles. Newton knew about this and that is why he went to stay the country.
He saw that there was a correlation between plagues and cities, actually.
Did he? He also said Gravity is push not a pull. Optics.
This little tosser is so mired in corruption that it goes beyond belief…
These are now the people who are dealing with the covid 19 outbreak in the UK.
Good for business, this
#CoronaVirusGoneViralSofuckin’EasyOnASundayMorningThe CommodoresOfCommunications.
(if you know about food & where to source ‘sound & healthy’ mature product)
You gotta’ Laff@TheGuardiansofsheeple, today, any ole bordercolley/polly will do,
ffs, you cannot get much more lame, in terms of opinion… or political debate.
Toy’n’Bee >>> Sorry, but there is MORE than one missing scientific link in the chain…
— this is all gibberish. working for the deep state has clearly rotted your brain.
…any ole bordercolley/polly will do…
Glad to see you’re on form, Tim!
Off-G is fast turning into Off-the-Reservation or maybe Off-its-Rocker? As fatalities rise and doctors are forced to choose who lives and who dies through lack of respirators, this site revels in promoting the ravings of unhinged conspiracy theorists. Unbelievable.
Toby: if you link/quote google, who sponsored HRC (as in Hillary) with Sergei Brin & Eric Schmidt CEO Alphabet inc. fully onside with THEIR BEST ANALYTICS & YET they still FUCKING LOST TO TRUMP, Mercer & Cambridge Analytica
the biggest piss take of intellect & analytics & computer data EVEREVEREVER…
ECHOECHOECHO are you fucking completely stooopid or WHAT ?
1) does google/alphabet inc. US D.o.D Shareholders have permissions to land their 747’s @ US Military Airbases?
2) is Facebook the greatest ever algorithmic tool for analysing profiles of human character, or is Baidu better, purely numerically speaking in common language .
3) I realise these questions are way beyond your pay grade, but, have you been living on the dark side of the moon and just got back 7 still use gmail, like OffG used to …
Know your enemy ! Keep them close, with Gmail Accounts … 🙂
I dunno’ Toby, if Dr.’s Choices matter so much to you, how about Dr. W.H.O. getting wiser ?
Gotta’ be honest, did not check your link, logic … coz’ anybody who links me to google is clearly deep state & fuckin’ warmongering … in a nutshell, better than bombshell 😉
The article is from The Atlantic, not Google. Read much?
The Atlantic. Mainstream media. Go read that then, and not a site that dares to question the propaganda parade.
So your critical media literacy skills can be summed up as: if a story is not published on a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theory website, it’s automatically false? Good grief! It’s time someone went back to primary school. I’ve met 2nd graders with greater reasoning abilities.
The Atlantic is a tin-foil suited journal of the Atlanticist elite.
So you’ve found an error in the article I’ve linked to? Point it out.
Toby, I agree with your position here, but wouldn’t read the Atlantic if you paid me.
So answer me this Toby. If the government and the authorites genuinely care about our health, why are they rolling out an extremely nefarious data network called 5G which uses millimeter waves and simultaneously covering up the dangers of this technology from the public? It doesn’t get much more dangerous than long term exposure to millimeter waves, yet they plan to hit you with millimieter waves 247.
Just to be clear, here are the documented health effects of millimeter waves:
“Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitive changes in the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the processs of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism. The degree of unfavourable effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of the radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.”
And here is a direct link to the CIA’s website, where this document originally comes from. To save you time, you need to go to page 57 to read the full report:
So no tin foil hattery there, I’m sure you can agree?
So please Toby, answer my question. Why is the mainstrem media hiding this info from the public, if they care so much about our health? 5G is a genuine existential threat. We have categorical proof of how harmful millimter waves are. I just proved it. The mainstream media, which you put your faith in, has a total, 100% blackout on any information pertaining to the health effects of this clearly demonic technology.
And while I’m at it Toby, it is not tin foil hattery to state that existing wifi is extremely dangerous too. One of the most disgusting health effects of this tech is that it alters the genetic material in developing eggs in girls…..forever. This means that future generations are going to be born with a multitude of genetic abnormalities which can never be reversed. This genetic material has been perfectly preserved since the dawn of mankind, for thousands of years, until now, until the arrival of wifi. I don’t see huge media campaigns telling the public about this pure evil and enormous health threat. I do know for a fact that our schools and all public areas are full of wifi though. I do know that parents know nothing of this, aart from those who do not trust the MSM and research the reality of this vile world we inhabit.
If you don’t believe me, take the time to listen to what Barrie Trower, former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert has to say about this. Barrie is one of the most qualified people in the world to inform us about this issue.
I look forward to your replies, addressing the issues I have raised here. If this does not alert you to the scale of the problem we have, and why we do not trust the authiorities, you need to re-assess your entire world viewpoint.
Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health – Barrie Trower
Barry Trower is a good lad ! He was talking about the dangers of various forms of radiation with respect to the human body way before anyone else.
Thanks mucho.
The government also requires us to wear seatbelts. How does that fit in to your “all government bad” narrative? Stick to the topic… coronavirus.
Ok so you’re just a paid shill who does not dare to engage in genuine conversation. Checkmate, case closed.
Erm, paid by whom?
You did say you were off to some other site, Toby.
Did they find you tiresome too ?
Remind me when I said that?
Thank you for the article. We have been researching 5G and the complicating effects of harmful EMF on populations. Wuhan was the first massive 5G site in China .. and it is hypothesized that the 5G radiation on top of bad air, bad health etc. reduced immunity created conditions for sickness. See this Dr.’s short video,
Also,, a website devoted to exploring EMF effects has this guest article outlining possible implications of 5G,
The Atlantic, that fine Zionist/NATO journal of record.
You’re thinking of the Atlantic Council. LOL
Toby, I’m thinking of both!
anybody who links me to google is clearly deep state
— you work for the deep state. you said so yourself.
if you’re going to adopt a different disinfo persona each day, you should probably adopt a new pseudonym to go along with it. somebody should have explained this to you during the CIA sock-puppet training course. maybe they did, but you were too stupid to understand it.
Nice knockout, second round and boom, another KO against these Satanic scumfucks polluting the air of truth with their poison
Some of us have real jobs: so, I don’t spend my whole time writing to OffG, like milosevic does, as gainful employment ! 🙂 Again, just for clarity, as I find your comment somewhat ambiguous, are you saying that I’ve been knocked out and that I’m one of
“…these Satanic scumfucks polluting the air of truth with their poison” ? !
Is that what you really believe ?
Keeping matters simple…
Toby , you are the one who is off your rocker.
You need to think about how many deaths occur a year, every year, just through the aging process. With a population of 7 billion, it is somewhere between 50 million and 100 million (as population is skewed to the younger still).
You fixating about under 100,000 deaths is farcical. Farcical.
For CoVid2 to even change noise in death statistics, 1 million a year need to die. That is just noise. A change of 1 to 2% in the annual death rate.
You can witter on, froth at the mouth, embrace your fear of dying all you like, but the fact is that cancer is more dangerous, heart disease kills more, alcohol abuse kills more, regular flu kills more, each and every year.
Your total lack of perspective is utterly risible.
You really don’t get it di you? How many people die a year?! Coronavirus is overwhelming the healthcare system because everyone is going to the hospital at the same time stretching resources and manpower to a breaking point! Natural deaths don’t happen all at the same time. Damn, are you really this stupid or are you just trolling me?
Joe Imbriano, The Fullerton Informer, is one of our most important truth assets. He is the only person I know of in this world who has brought to light the actual, documented, verified health effects of 5G millimeter waves. That alone makes him extremely important and worthy of our attention. He hosts a document on his website, , which is a translation of Soviet research, conducted in the 70s, on humans and animals, listing the ill health effects. They are summarised as follows:
Effects of Millimeter waves on biological structures, official CIA document, go to page 57, hosted at :
“Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitive changes in the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the processs of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism. The degree of unfavourable effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of the radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.”.
OK. So with that in mind, we should listen to what Joe says, because he is a de facto leader in the fight against this evil technology. In this latest broadcast, Joe explains the real reason for the lockdown and what is being done behind the scenes while it is in place. Joe is exposing how they are using this timeframe to upgrade all the wireless tech in the public spaces to millimeter wave, beam forming, 60GHz and 6GHz frequencies, while we are all looking the other way. This new system and frequencies are going to be used to produce genuine illness, as opposed to the fake Coronahoax illness they are touting as the worst thing since the Black Death, which it clearly is not. They are on the ropes, we now have to start aggresively spreading the word of truth, like Mike Tyson pounding his latest opponent, before it’s too late.
I watched a fair bit of that video. It is highly entertaining – but there is a little thing called evidence.
I totally agree, but I give Joe time and attention because he is one of the only people in the world exposing the real dangers of 5G ie government documents listing the health effects. This is in contrast to the MSM, who are actively involved in covering up this evidence. Newspaper editors and politicians should be doing time for playing their part in the coverup and accepting money from 5G advertisers etc. They are disgusting in the extreme and they are going to burn in hell. Ditto all BBC staff.
Joe is the one bringing to light verfiable, concrete evidence of how harmful millimeter waves are. That gets my respect and for that reason, I think he deserves airtime
How many people are telling you about 60GHz effecting oxygen molecules, how many people are telling you about 6GHz effecting iodine molecules. Nobody is, except Joe. So give the guy the respect he deserves
The Georgia Guidestones:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
“Around the edges of the square are written translations to four ancient languages, one per edge. Starting from the top and proceeding clockwise, they are: Babylonian (in cuneiform script), Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian (in hieroglyphs). “
I’m not sure if it’s idealism or a game plan?
Interesting, aren’t they ?
A bit like saying “War is bad; Peace is good” though. Exactly how these good things are to be manifested is crucial.
Not bad ideas, but the central necessity, ie to divide the world’s wealth as evenly as possible, and eliminate poverty and excess wealth, ie end capitaism forever, is strangely absent.
Everyone in the UK should ignore this nonsense and go to their local pub. There is nowhere near enough police to control the masses so they relying on your sheep mentality to see them through. F*ck them. They have known for years this was coming and did nothing except mock China for it’s one child policy.
This is part of the 5G agenda. Very soon they will have a defacto weapon system which uses millimeter waves, which can invoke all kinds of biological effects. The military already use milimeter waves in crowd control systems, called ” Active Denial System”
I must say, my local was fairly bustling on Monday night. More so than usual. Mind you, it’s anyway one of those hidden gems, with a clientele to match. Also useful for one on one conversations, albeit with an alarming lack of social distancing!
Yesterday (my apologies, I would love to hear your thoughts on this) I made a comment outlining a theory: panic is not only essential to enact the policies, but also crucial for manufacturing reality.
I found some interesting statistics about Winter Excess Deaths (around 11,000, per year in Italy due to respiratory disease, f.e.) and I speculated that, as a result of the panic, hospitals are saturated with vulnerable people, therefore hindering the quality of the care hospitals can provide and increasing, among other things, the risk of contagions (of covid-19 and many other deadly pathogens) and mortality.
I mentioned also that, as other commenters here have explained to laymen like myself, tests for covid-19 are extremely unreliable, having a tendency to produce many false positives and most likely not even being unable to differentiate covid-19 from other types of coronaviruses (which are in fact quite common among people with respiratory diseases). Furthermore, given the numbers outlined above, it is important to insist that the distinction between the (alleged) presence of coronavirus and coronavirus infection as the cause of death should be made (according to some virologists, it is not being made) .
I proposed that the combination of overwhelmed hospitals and false positives/unreliable testing would create a feedback loop: when the news (with the appropriate fearmongering spin) of these deaths (perhaps mistakenly attributed to “novel coronavirus”), are spread worldwide, governments would start feeling the “need” to “react”, as they are urged by their shocked and awed citizens and the Global(ist) Institutions that started this in the first place, to “do whatever it takes to stop the pandemic”. Not a very difficult scheme to enact if you are in position to reset the world´s economy, I would say.
Today, having a bit more of time to do research I found the data that would explain how this is in fact very possible, with or without a new coronavirus:
Given that the relation of overcrowding and increased mortality/prevalence of respiratory disease has of course being studied, for example:
We have also records of how (even demonstrably false) pandemics cause hospital overcrowding and overcrowding:
I feel it could be important to insist on these points.
Just over a year ago Sir Brian Jarman who had been investigating the thousands of unavoidable
deaths throughout the NHS found he was being blocked by a Super management cult called
Common Purpose. This cult had infiltrated throughout the whole of the State system a number
of years ago including the BBC. It was costing Taxpayers £4000 a time for Civil Servants
to go on this Brainwashing course aptly named The Matrix weekend. This cult was funded by the
EU and have been doing their worst to stop the UK leaving the EU Project. Conspiracy theory? No And as Sir Brian Jarman found out it is a fact.
AN article from 2015 published in Nature: