Coronavirus Crackdown – Beware “the new normal”
Martial Law in Lombardy, all of France under house arrest & UK passes sweeping "Coronavirus Bill"...our world is being reshaped. But only if we let it.
Kit Knightly

So this is how Liberty dies…with thunderous applause.
A few days ago James Corbett posted a video titled “Is this THE big event?” the answer to that increasingly looks to be “yes”.
Not the virus itself, you understand, which official statistics still show to be minor compared to annual flu outbreaks. But rather, what it’s being used for. The West’s vestigial democratic forms, and slowly atrophying civil liberties are facing a final assault from draconian authoritarians sensing (or creating) their big moment.
Spain is enjoying “martial law in all but name”, while Italy is likewise bringing in the army.
In France, Macron has “declared war” on the coronavirus, essentially locking the entire country up inside their homes unless they have “a good reason” to leave. A reason which must be submitted in writing to the police.
Public gatherings are of course strictly forbidden. Elections are halted.
No word yet on what the Gilets Jaunes plan to do. There is a march – Act 71 – planned for today. Will it go head? If so, will they be met with more violence? Maybe. Only now instead of being ignored by the media they will be branded “selfish” for putting “members of the public at risk”.
War metaphors are prevalent in the UK too, the “spirit of Blitz” lives on. Apparently. We’re going to start making ventilators like we used to make Spitfires, (presumably we’ll be asked to send in our pots and pans to help in that regard). The Daily Mail actually interviewed the 103 year old Vera Lynn, who thinks we should all “pull together”.
This encouragement of ersatz community spirit is all a prelude to the passing of the Coronavirus Bill, a truly terrifying piece of legislation.
The proposed measures span everything from the predictably totalitarian to the worryingly bizarre.
First, the police can detain a person they suspect of being infectious:
Therefore, the bill will enable the police and immigration officers to detain a person, for a limited period, who is, or may be, infectious and to take them to a suitable place to enable screening and assessment.
But don’t worry, it’s only for a “limited period” (which is legally meaningless. A “limited period” can be defined as any time less than forever.)
They will also remove “restrictions” on vaccination:
removing a current restriction in how Scottish territorial Health Boards can deliver vaccination programmes would mean that, when a vaccine becomes available, it can reach as many people as possible.
…and postpone elections:
postpone the local, mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner elections that were due to take place in England in May this year until May 2021. Provision will also be made to postpone other electoral events over the course of the year (such as by-elections)
…and grant legal immunity to people involved in treating the disease (of special relevance given the likelihood of untested vaccines be rushed into mass use):
provide indemnity for clinical negligence liabilities arising from NHS activities carried out for the purposes of dealing with, or because of, the coronavirus outbreak,
It’s a grab-bag of vaguely worded powers, wide open to “interpretation”. It is highly dangerous. There’s even hints that London could be put under total lockdown.
Most bizarre are the relaxed legal regulations for registering deaths (which we discuss in more detail here).
All told, it’s a terrifying prospect for the future of the country.
It’s not hard to envision a world where a person can be “detained” on “suspicion of having the virus” when they are perfectly healthy, and their family has all their social media posts about it taken down for spreading “misinformation”.
Hell, the new rules would then make it easier to cover up any deaths in custody by having private funeral directors register deaths that require no secondary confirmation. A claim this person died “whilst being treated for Covid19” would also render all those involved legally immune.
That is an extreme example, but there lies the danger of vaguely worded “powers”. They are wide open to abuse.
Yesterday Britain saw its first arrest under these new rules, a young man (not reported to be sick at all) was arrested on the Isle of Man for refusing to self-isolate. He now faces up to 3 months in prison, or a fine of £10,000.
Also announced yesterday, Boris is shutting all service businesses down. Clubs, bars, cafes, gyms, leisure centres, restaurants, cinemas. All gone. Putting potentially millions of people out of work, but introducing a new benefit (one you have to attend a Job Centre to claim, where it’s well known you can’t catch viruses).
The Danish compulsory vaccine/treatment law is looking comparatively tame at this point.
China is tagging people with electronic bracelets, and scanning crowds with special helmets to monitor anyone with a slight temperature.
Israel, having suspended Netanyahu’s corruption trial, is now busying itself eradicating some civil liberties. Their proposed use of harvested mobile phone data to track and surveil those possibly infected is the most heartwarming use of illegally gathered private information I can recall.
Never to be outdone, the US is putting entire cities and states under total lockdown. Dystopian “shelter in place” orders have been issued for the whole of California. Meetings of more than 10 people are banned, with some regions setting helplines for mean little volunteer Kapos to report any illegal congregations.
“Secret emergency plans” for a military government in the event DC is “devastated” were recently “leaked” to Newsweek. You can feel the General’s eagerness through the prose.
Sean Penn is all for the idea.
The private sector is getting in on the act too, with YouTube announcing their automated system is going to be taking down a lot more videos (they blame working from home, but the idea Google doesn’t already have a facility for working remotely is frankly absurd). The five major Tech Giants released a joint statement on “combatting misinformation” and “boosting authoritative sources”.
Well-known medical expert Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit (transcribed here), in which he casually drops some chilling ideas into the conversation:
Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.
All in all, our freedoms are being swamped. Big corporations and states alike are setting boundaries on individual rights on a flimsy pretext.
Is anyone in the media reporting that? Of course not. Instead we’re getting fawning celebrity-based drivel like this in the Independent, trying to convince us “we’re all in this together”, or weasel-worded nonsense like this from Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian where he mourns Johnson’s “libertarian” spirit and reluctance to impose social control. That would be the mass-surveilling, drone executing, war-supporting type of libertarian. A crass and obvious example of narrative management.
Even members of the alt-media are falling for this, with prominent voices hailing the measures as necessary or demanding “further action” (one usually sane analyst is advocating locking all of those “probably infected” inside empty sports stadiums to be “medically monitored”). Somehow former Goldman Sachs banker and Hedge Fund manager Rishi Sunak is being praised as some kind of Nye Bevan figure. It’s almost literally insane.
We’ve gone over the numbers countless times. They don’t add up. The agenda is outstripping the statistics. The coronavirus, in pure numbers terms, is a rounding error on the annual flu season. The Swine Flu “pandemic” of 2009 was 10x more widespread and 100s of times more fatal…did any of this panic porn appear? Did it “change what normal meant”?
No, it was just a new type of flu. It passed, there was media hype, of course, but the world remained the same.
The time for arguing over whether the CFR is 2% or 3% is done, because even if the disease is as bad as they are reporting, none of it can justify the Orwellian nightmare that Britain (and much of the rest of the developed world) is turning into.
People with platforms need to focus on this, without falling for rhetorical traps or emotionally manipulative sob-stories. Human-interest anecdotes are meaningless, and feel good articles about “pulling together” or “not taking any risks” are negative panic at best or enabling emergent fascism at worst.
That would be actual fascism. Not the pretend type that the anti-Trump “resistance” has been rabbiting on about for three years.
Consider that: This is the EXACT SITUATION everybody from the NYT to CNN was hysterically warning Trump would introduce since he was first elected, and where are those people now? Cheering him on. Because of “public health”.
The same people ranting about Boris Johnson being an alt-right neo-Nazi racist and unfit for public office before Christmas, now want to give the man legal authority to arrest anyone with a cough and nail pensioners inside their homes.
“Social distancing” is just another word for mass quarantine, and as Dr Joel Kettner said on the radio last week, there’s no evidence to suggest it actually works to control diseases. Control people though? Well, that it does like a charm.
But maybe I’m over-reacting, right? After all, this is only for a short time. We’ll go back to normal soon enough. Those two years will just fly by.
Perhaps a quick history lesson in “special powers” and “temporary measures”?
Well, let’s look at the Patriot Act – sweeping, authoritarian changes to the US legal system which were enacted after 9/11 on a “temporary” basis and have been extended and expanded by every President since. It is still very much in place today.
Or France’s “state of emergency”, granting “special powers” to the police after 2015 shootings in Paris. Those were extended by Hollande for years, until Macron “ended” the State of Emergency by essentially signing those powers into law permanently. They became the “new normal” too.
Or, the golden oldie, the Reichstag Fire Decree. Passed after the eponymous fire, it “temporarily” suspended German civil liberties in name of rooting out communist insurgents. You probably already know how that turned out.
“Special powers” don’t go away. They are not temporary, they won’t be surrendered. Everything we give the government our permission to do, they will do. For the foreseeable. And you know why?
Because they become the Bear Patrol. The rock that keeps tigers away. Once they are there, and everything calms down, they can be hailed as the reason everything is calm.
In two years, when the bill is set to expire, there will be no more “pandemic”…but the powers will stay. Because they “kept us safe during the pandemic”. Because they cut knife crime, or boosted public health, or they are good for the environment (that will be the big one). There’ll be some scary stories in the media in the last couple of weeks before the expiry date, and the bill will be extended.
Pandemic or no pandemic, you can’t just shut your eyes to the world being re-shaped. That’s what world governments are doing, ALL world governments. We can’t fall back on increasingly obsolete notions of US/UK/EU = “bad” and China/Iran = “good”. Rulers are rulers, they want authority and need power.
And they are re-forging society to a shape that better suits their purposes, attempting to change what people consider “normal”.
How do we know that? Because they are telling us.
The Guardian alone has had three opinion pieces discussing the “new normal” in less than a week, two of them on the same day. The technocrats and eugenicists are all over it too, barely containing their glee that the “world will never be the same”.
Perhaps the only good news is, en masse, the public don’t seem to be totally convinced. In fact, oddly enough, the alternate media crowd seem a lot more caught up in the hysteria than those who only vaguely follow the news. An NPR poll showed that 56% of Americans think the virus is being overblown. Hence everyone from Taylor Swift to Kylie Jenner insisting it “is a real thing”.
In one key area, the Coronavirus Bill tells the absolute truth: “Public support and compliance is crucial”. They need our permission to do this. Do we really want to grant it?
It’s really important that we all wake up to what is happening here. Because the police state they want to birth is a disease with a much higher death-rate than 2%, and it won’t be cured with two-weeks bed-rest.
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HIV has been a notifiable disease since 1992 at least when I was infected. This means my country’s health authorities keep a list of those infected.
“As the de facto leader of COG development and planning during the Reagan administration, North oversaw the creation of a controversial database that later became known simply as “Main Core.” The Main Core database, first built using the stolen PROMIS software (more information on PROMIS here and here), was essentially a list of American dissidents and “potential troublemakers.” A senior government official with a high-ranking security clearance and service in five presidential administrations described the database to journalist Chris Ketcham in 2008 as follows:
“A database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.”
Though Main Core was reportedly in use after September 11 to target “unfriendly” individuals for increased domestic surveillance, concern that COG plans in the age of coronavirus could take a more drastic turn and involve the detention of Americans included in that database now seems more plausible than ever. On Saturday, Politico reported that the Department of Justice has demanded new “emergency powers” during the current pandemic and these powers include being able to indefinitely detain Americans without trial. Politico also noted that the DOJ’s controversial new requests “span several stages of the legal process, from initial arrest to how cases are processed and investigated.” Per the DOJ’s requests, indefinite detention would emerge through a new ability whereby the Attorney General or a judge could pause court proceedings whenever courts are “fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.”
What Politico did not include in its report is that current Attorney General William Barr has spent the past several months fine-tuning and implementing a “pre-crime” program. Officially known as the “National Disruption and Early Engagement Program” (DEEP), it aims to “identify, assess and engage” potentially violent individuals “before they strike.” Barr first announced this program last October in an official memorandum and therein stated that the program was to be implemented sometime over the course of 2020 and would involve “an efficient, effective and programmatic strategy to disrupt individuals who are mobilizing towards violence, by all lawful means.”
A training conference for that program took place this past December and involved members of the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation and “private sector partners.” One recent DOJ statement regarding an arrest made last year in Nevada, claimed that that specific case was part of the DOJ’s “National Disruption and Early Engagement Program,” suggesting that this program is already in use — at least in some parts of the country.
In his memorandum, Barr further notes that the program’s “early engagement tactics” were “born of the posture we adopted with respect to terrorist threats” following the September 11 attacks, essentially stating that this pre-crime program will utilize methods from the “War on Terror” domestically and on a massive scale.
Given the context of the current coronavirus crisis, the DOJ’s recent request for sweeping new powers and the role of Main Core in COG plans, one part of Barr’s pre-crime memorandum stands out. In the part of the document where Barr outlines what actions will be taken once an individual is deemed potentially violent or threatening, he writes that those individuals will be subject to detention, court-ordered mental health treatment and electronic monitoring, among other measures.
The possibility of pre-crime detention was also present in the DOJ’s recent request for new “emergency powers” in light of the coronavirus crisis, as it specifically asks that those new powers apply to “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings.” Norman L. Reimer, executive director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, told Politico that the inclusion of the term “pre-arrest” likely means that “you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying.”
Thus, if DOJ is granted these new powers it has requested, the William Barr-led Department of Justice will not only be authorized to indefinitely detain Americans without trial, it will be able to detain them without any proof of those detainees having committed a crime or even having plans or the intent to commit a crime. Instead, the DOJ only needs to argue that the individual was “mobilizing towards violence,” an extremely vague phrase that could potentially be used against anyone who expresses discontent with the government or government policy.
Furthermore, with the FBI having recently flagged “conspiracy theorists” (and by extension those who distrust or question government narratives of both past and present) as a “domestic terror threat,” the DOJ could even make the case that failure to blindly trust government narratives presents a threat to the public order. Given that the Main Core database in its current form contains bulk surveillance gathered from social media, phone conversations/messaging apps and even financial information (i.e. purchasing history, etc.) on Americans deemed unfriendly “often for the slightest and most trivial reason,” this unprecedented power grab by the DOJ has an authoritarian and Orwellian potential to target legitimate dissent like never before.”…/265954/…
Excellent Kit, thank you, a voice in the wilderness. I can’t seem to get an answer to these stats. Are the deaths due to Covid-19 in addition to the normal death rate in a country or over and above it? For example: Italy, normal death rate 1,750/day; weekend Covid-19 deaths around 1,000. The stats are blasted all over but are not referenced.
Exactly, Peter. At the moment the people highlighting the death figures as justification for the stringent containment measures choose not to place them in the context of deaths from other causes/diseases over the same time frame in the current year or previous years, or to explain that the figures coming out of Italy (and maybe elsewhere) have to be regarded as totally inconclusive of any high Covid19 morbidity as, according to Italian doctors, by far the majority of Covid19 recorded deaths (up to 88%) are highly unlikely to be Covid19 deaths. As repeated in a new OffG article just published this evening, this information has even been featured in The Telegraph but has gone largely ignored by other media outlets.
Thanks Judy, I just got an answer as you referenced:
“Professor Walter Ricciardi, Scientific Adviser to, Italy’s Minister of Health, reports, “On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.”
Clearly the whole thing is either an organised globalist’s take-over to cover for the inevitable economic collapse or it is a FUBAR of immense proportions. I favour a plot given Event 201 and lots of anecdotal evidence but knowing history to be full of unintended consequences maybe we are governed by puerile idiots and not psychopaths after all?
You’re being far to generous to them…they are both, it just depends on the specific agenda in play. 😉
Or it’s just a pandemic.
hi Peter,
I am Italian and I wanted to warn you not to trust any declaration signed by Ricciardi, he is idiotic and highly unsuitable for the role … the deaths attributable to covid, according to ISS, are 3.6% and the average age is 82 years. with an average of 3.6 pathologies …. If I may I DISCLAIM all the mainstream, they have told many of those falsehoods !! with us if a patient becomes negative and then dies from other causes, he still remains a covid death, they are doing everything to terrify people with the number of infected because the deaths are close to zero …
Many thx jex for your warning – events have unfolded now and we are all better informed.
The mental health legislation seems the most significant aspect of the bill to me.
As the echoes of ‘conspiracy theory is a form of mental derrangement’ and similar tropes will bounce around my head until my dying day, I can at least stand with the knowledge that I was part of the minority who attempted to awaken the public’s critical thinking when the last ‘watershed event’ came through in 2001. I see a direct line between the official 9/11 irrationality and the hysteria we find ourselves in now. Once the precedent of believing absurdities was set, it was all just a matter of progression.
Those who theorise about conspiracies might well end up sectioned. That might well be my fate. If so, well, we tried to tell them.
The Left are by and large a disaster zone of misplaced compassion over this event -just as they were over 9/11. (I was guilty of that myself until a couple of days ago. )
To quote ‘Red Kahina’ :
“I see a direct line between the official 9/11 irrationality”
Do you recall the widespread Child Ritual Satanic Sexual Abuse times followed by the Pitbull dangerous dogs stuff….now universal lockdown touch no one ocd levels of manual hygiene…I haven’t had a vaccination or in fact any medical treatment for 30 years or more so to avoid penalties and infection/dog attack/satanism I may never go out again.
Summary of what some people now believe:-
Socially Engineered Coronavirus + Covid19 Distraction –> Blame for On-going Global Collapse –> Implementation of Socially Engineered End Game by Central Bankers & Elite –> Change in Global Financial System–>Elimination of Small Businesses –> Merger of Corporations & Governments–> Bailouts of Corporate Debt –> One World Digital Currency Implementation by Central Banks–> Creation of New Digital Asset Classes –> One World Army –>New World Order –> Global System of Corporate Fascism –> All Resistance to the New World Order Will Be Futile.
How many will welcome this change and how many will fight back in this on-going ‘silent war’?
What do YOU think?
You pretty well nailed it there. But don’t forget their plans for mandatory vaccines ‘justified’ by their fake pandemic.
Hi Stuart,
Thanks for the link. I notice that the article mentions the ‘silent war’ – well, vaccines are just another ‘silent weapon’ to be used in this quiet war’ if and when they become mandatory. Unfortunately, I did miss them out of the summary but have mentioned them elsewhere on other threads in my other posts. I also mentioned what they did to the Ethiopian women in Israel in a bid to secretly make them sterile through the Depo-Provera vaccine.
The link article also mentions the drug chloroquine. The worrying thing is that some people on this site appear to be endorsing it for inhibiting the alleged coronavirus and ‘COVID-19’ symptoms – a big mistake. That drug is highly toxic you will find a list of side-effects and adverse-reactions on, and some of them are either identical to or contribute to the symptoms of the very problem that it is being recommended to treat!
Here is one example of the kind of harm about which Ioannidis has warned, resulting from shifting scarce resources away from patients in need in anticipation of a ‘surge’ that may never happen:
Source:CoV discussion thread
I was just following up a comment from an Italian on Twitter in which he/she observes that there was a programme of vaccinations against meningitis in Bergamo/Brescia in December/January, and the ‘tweeter’ flagged up the possibility of a correlation between this and the apparent high death rate from Covid19 in the Lombardy area.
Reading this ‘tweet’ brought it home to me that there are so many, in their own right plausible, theories circulating that I am finding it increasingly impossible to even adopt a preference for one theory over another. There are innumerable scientific/medical factors that can significantly influence and skew the statistics globally and regionally: reliability of the current test, numbers of people tested, different treatment regimes, recorded cause of death v. actual cause of death, lack of resources in hospitals, variable prioritisation of patients receiving – or not receiving – treatment, and now local vaccination programmes. Add to the mix possible external, including deliberately contrived, factors: environmental influences, lifestyle, 5G rollouts, bioweapons, mean ages of local populations. The true answer may lie in any combination of these multiple, possible factors.
But, even with all these (and more) ‘unknowns’, what I am still focusing on is that the overall figures presented to us still fall well short of justifying the draconian measures being foisted on us and the disproportionate atmosphere of panic being induced by public announcements and media coverage.
So it was with great interest that when I was trying to find out more about the meningitis vaccination programme I came across this research paper. It provides some background about meningitis in the Lombardy region but the primary purpose of the paper is to study the impact of publicity on the public’s perception of the situation and how the perception can in fact lead to disproportionate measures being taken to combat the problem. The whole paper is of interest but I would particularly point to the section headed ‘Discussion’ to see a summary of observations which are particularly pertinent to the current situation.
Find a dozen scientists, interview them. Which ever one has the ‘correct’ opinion gets hired.
Confirmation bias and Lysenkoism
when i shave, i *always* use occam’s razor, for that silky smooth finish…
occam’s – the best a man can get.
“Keep calm and carry on” … looks like the not-so-stoic Brits are not living up to their own propaganda. Maybe we can at last get rid of the we-won-the-war delusions.
I really wish I could believe that the public are not buying this, but a recent Yougov poll shows support for the introduction of a state of emergency in the UK by a margin of 52:26%.
Polls have an error, so it will be miss-leading statistically to present this as a ‘majority’ one way or another.
As an ear on the ground, most people I have spoken to are skeptical, at least. Not scientific I know but are polls?
Pondering further…
It is does not auger well for the Draconianism…
Because as it goes on, people will become less and less accepting of living on their knees. And people like me are going to their level best to persuade people of it’s stupidy whenever we get a chance.
It is at a tipping point figure already with the nonsense that has been done. Maybe if only 25% disagreed, then the tyrants are on a winner. Two weeks of this nonsense and you will find that figure goes to 80 – 90% against.
All fine and well. But I closely follow events in Turkey and watched the total power grab Erdoğan was able to stage on the back of the state of emergency imposed following the 2016 failed coup attempt (believed by many to have been a false flag operation staged to permit a state of emergency from being introduced) and once the ruler wields draconian powers and the jails fill with dissidents it is no easy matter to get back to where you were before even if the majority starts to realize they have been duped. The analogy is not total because Erdoğan was already starting from a position in which he had usurped considerable power in the position of president, which was once a ceremonial post under the (old) constitution.
I don’t really know much about Turkey, but I think Erdogan is popular with the ordinary people. Clearly, He is pretty vile.
Just look at How some people here are clamouring for Bozo to reincarnate into Adolph Hitler to save their stupid skins.
Yet, Japan, which has been inundated with Chinese tourists in recent years, is not in panic mode, restaurants are open, in fact, everything looks completely normal.
The whole drama started with that cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama, so Japan was one of the first countries impacted by the drama. Yet, living here, I can say that everything seems quite normal. Have a read of this article from the Japan Times a few days ago:
It will be interesting to see how far the Establishment pushes its luck here. That sort of luck never lasts forever, and the gloves are clearly off on their side. Sooner or later, somebody – maybe even the whole class – stands up to the school bully, and, make no mistake, bullying is what we are up against here.
The intelligent people of the world are not going to go away either, and so the utter fools running everything today are going to have to continue looking foolish, both now and in future history books, which will hopefully document the ease with which psychopathy can masquerade as “leadership”.
Soon, every non-comatose human being is going to be naming names, and flashing arrows are going to be pointing to the maximum security wing of the nearest mental institution for dangerous egomaniacs.
Tomorrow’s old people will recall with shame, “I was one of the gullible ones who trusted and believed the authorities – I even defended them! It doesn’t seem possible looking back on it…”
For years now, I have been wondering exactly what it would take to get people to wake up and do some really serious protesting – the sort that can’t be ignored – and in my more pessimistic moments I imagined that nothing short of strangling a kitten on prime-time TV would do the trick. As I said above, I am following events with the greatest interest, and I will ignore no opportunity to protest, CoVid19, or no CoVid19.
I’m afraid there aren’t many of those knocking about
That’s for sure…
I feel the same, but gave up hope of turning the tide a while ago – when it comes to the crunch if I were to openly speak my mind and try to insist on my freedoms because of my sovereignty, I feel like I’d get arrested and likely go to prison. Their grip around my throat feels iron tight and they would stop at nothing to violently crush it all the way. I have small children otherwise I’d be up for more of a fight #whatthefuckcanido
At least we know our enemy at last.
OK I can’t do it again. My tolerance level for insultingly obvious manipulation on the most cretinous level is almost gone. But I will just look at the title of the other Gaby Hinsliff croc:
Well “We” i.e. YOU are certainly at war with US.
I recall a quote which may have come from Ayn Rand. If so, it’s the only decent thing she ever said:
Let’s look at the Gaby Hinsliff Guardian article:
Why not?
And why?
How do you know?
Like the first paragraph of a sci-fi apocalypse tale.
Almost certainly? Ah but you never know!
Surveillance gone mad. Better still – no-one has to impose surveillance. Everyone is being encouraged – nay, coerced into self-surveillance.
Perhaps dramatically? Well you wouldn’t say that the changes were NOT dramatic.
FEEL the stampeding acceleration of the paranoia!
An experiment? Ooh watch yourself Gaby – you might be giving too much away here!
Surprisingly easy? Well – tell us something we don’t know!
There’s more of this outrageously desperate scarifying shite. Ah but that’s the point. Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition
”Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition.”
Or The 9 Rs, as they’re otherwise known.
That’s the one, George.
Interesting ……..
“In Italy, there are several reasons why CFR might be higher: the age structure of the Italian population (2nd oldest population in the world); highest rates of antibiotic resistance deaths in Europe which might contribute to increased pneumonia deaths (Italy tops the EU for antibiotic-resistance deaths with nearly 1/3rd of the deaths in the EU). Smoking also seems to be a factor associated with poor survival – in Italy, 24% smoke, 28% men. In the UK, for instance, 15% are current smokers.
Update 20 March: Coronavirus: Is Covid-19 the cause of all the fatalities in Italy?
Sarah Newy reports Italy’s death rate might be higher because of how fatalities are recorded. In Italy, all those who die in hospitals with Coronavirus will be included in the death numbers. In the article, Professor Walter Ricciardi, Scientific Adviser to, Italy’s Minister of Health, reports, “On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.”
Recording the numbers of those who die with Coronavirus will inflate the CFR as opposed to those that died from Coronavirus, which will reduce the CFR.
17th March 2020: Report from the Italian National Institute of Health: analysed 355 fatalities and found only three patients (0.8%) had no prior medical conditions. See Table 1 in the paper; (99% who died had one pre-existing health condition):
49% had three or more health conditions
26% had two other ‘pathologies’,
25% had one.
The most common problems in the 355 who died were:
76% high blood pressure.
36% diabetes,
33% ischemic heart disease.
The average age of deceased and COVID-19 positive patients was 79.5 years (median 80.5, range 31-103, InterQuartile – IQR 74.3-85.9). The median age of the patients who died was > 15 years higher than that of patients who contracted the infection (median age: patients who died 80.5 years – patients with infection 63 years). Women who died after contracting COVID-19 infection were older than men (median ages: women 83.7 – men 79.5).”
Is the Sean Penn article in the Guardian a report or an advert for the US army?
That is because they always fight an ‘enemy’ that in reality doesn’t exist (and then they stil lose!)
It does produce casualties though, I mean ‘collateral damage’
What you mean that they might actually win a war?!
You’re right: everybody loses in war, truth first
Heh, Heh! Close to the bone or what?
Nukes or napalm? Decisions, decisions.
We now have a new word as a result of the panic-demic: the “shielded”. “Mr Jenrick [UK Government minister] says the UK’s military planners will be involved in supporting the shielded – and that everyone will have the opportunity to volunteer in the coming weeks. Give me strength!
Remember that wise old adage…’Never volunteer!’
Couldn’t get past the first line:
This is the kind of grand dogmatic statement on something that nobody could possibly know that really ought to have alarm bells exploding. As in “The war on terror will not end in our lifetimes.”
I see the twitter mob have got their claws into this one, referring to people going out in the sunshine as “selfish”, and urging ever more draconian measures. Here’s one such doom monger:
Please tweet back at him and put him right.
I’m not up to speed on the latest panic porn. Are people supposed to stay out of the sunshine and each other’s company for two years? Or only for the rest of their lives?
Hey, if Julian Assange can do it, so can you!
apparently suffering from a severe case of GoodThink:
if the government are telling us to do something it’s for our own good
is a fairly explosive article, if it proves to have grounding in reality.
It basically claims that in China, South Korea and Italy, no patient zero can be identified and that the disease emergence profiles in all three countries are consistent with seeding of a pathogen.
In both South Korea and Italy, US bioweapons facilities exist close to where the outbreaks occurred.
In China, a US military sports team went to Wuhan at just the time disease profiles started to emerge.
To say that the article raises issues of the utmost gravity is putting it mildly.
There can be no question that, if the US, in teamwork with anyone else (including the UK and Israel as prime suspects based on past form) has been seeding bioweapons to crash the global economy then th3ere must be a total ban on all American business overseas for 25 years; an immediate bombing of every single US military facility overseas; an arrest without trial of every single US diplomat outside the USA; and a 28 day period of grace for all US nationals living abroad to get the hell home before being imprisoned without trial for the rest of their lives.
There can be no negotiation with a USA that triggers global economic meltdown by killing people.
There must be total armageddon of that repulsive nation if that is what they have been doing.
Time will tell whether this story is true or not.
But if it is, Boris Johnson has 24 hrs to break off diplomatic relations with the US, expel every single US financier with no right to return and get every single US military human being out of the UK by the end of a 28 day period.
Or he can admit that he was part of killing people to crash the global economy.
I do not think Old Etonians like him would last five minutes if that is what he has been up to……
I am not saying he has……but the Security Services may have been.
So I think it is time that this sort of story is looked at as the central focus of diplomatic strategy, whilst the treatment plans should factor in terrorists seeding CoVid19 in future…..
Interesting. In NL we have a hotspot of positive infections near Eindhoven. See
Guess what is lying near Eindhoven: Eindhoven military airbase: which is a hub for NATO air defense
And as far as I know, no pt zero was found in the Eindhoven region.
I don’t believe that this thing is a biowapen. It seems too far sought. But perhaps I have to reconsider my belief.
These hotspots are all weird outliers. If all are connected by having a US military airbase nearby, at least raises the suspicion that a biowapen was used. Either that or it is red herring..
To a desperate MSM this is a bio weapon that they could only have dreamed of.
There’s always the glaring problem of exactly who is going to impose the ban on the US…
I’m all ears, and such a ban would certainly meet all the criteria of natural justice.
But it’s like a scenario where the appropriate sentence has been unanimously agreed by the lawmakers, but no judge has the nerve to impose it for fear of personal repercussions…
That core of all our problems is still nagging us to death.
A bioweapon? Only one that isn’t very efficient. What with, among other things, experts now scratching their heads over Germany’s low coronavirus mortality rate.
(I’m not providing a link to encourage anyone to read that article, only to substantiate the claim that experts are indeed scratching their heads at that low mortality rate.)
But to quote from the Global Research article:
(Emphasis in the original)
No. That would not necessarily mean that Italy was hit by at least several individual ‘seedings’ of the virus.
Another explanation of several simultaneous infection clusters and several ‘patients zeros’ might be that the so-called virus was not actually an emergent or novel strain, but had only now been ‘noticed.’
Consequently, you might go anywhere on the planet and find all manner of clusters and ‘patient zeros.’
If you see something that’s been there and everywhere all along for the first time, you begin to see it everywhere. The more that you test, the more it appears to propagate, like an emergent and accelerating pandemic.
A not entirely groundless speculation. Because:
(My emphasis.)
But I wouldn’t put it past the U.S. to have engineered and released sars-cov-2.
However, it’s more probably nature’s own blind creation.
I’ll keep to what’s known for the time being: this bug isn’t very virulent. At least not yet. And if not, probably never will be.
Hi Norman…. what’s your take on where all this is heading? Do you think the Coronavirus is going to be used as an alibi to cover up the financial system meltdown? Or something else?
Right now we have martial law, states of emergency, lockdowns, army and national guard on the streets all over the place, chilling legislation being enacted, a specialised Coronavirus police force here in Australia to deal with violations of shut downs and self isolations, more draconian laws being promised in the next few days, mandatory vaccinations, etc etc.
Sounds like Fascism to me.
I’m gobsmacked that so many are fully supporting all this (well, in Australia anyway) along with various left wing people and sites virtually echoing the mainstream media!
Have none of them read ‘Manufacturing Consent’?
At times like these the modern civilian cries out for “mother” government, no more self sufficiency, that is a thing of the past. Kind of like the difference between a real dog and a handbag dog.
The ‘pandemic’ is already being opportunistically used either to paper over the economic meltdown or to legitimize all of the authoritarian (or fascistic) measures that you enumerate, measures that are being in my opinion introduced in a preventative fashion because the ruling establishments the world over — be it east or west, north and south — do not know how bad this next global recession will be, anticipating, so to speak, the absolute worst, that it to say, the very real possibility of extreme political and social instability in the face of arising and collective hardships.
All that I hear in the mainstream pertaining to the accelerating global economic collapse is that ‘it’s the virus that did it.’
Only, of course, it isn’t the virus that did it: the so-called business cycle is inherent to the dynamics of capitalism.
This has been recognized since the time of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, and the ruling class is keenly aware of this systemic aspect of for-profit production, and they have learned (and continue to learn) how to use it to their advantage: successive waves of failures in a context where social and property relations are maintained always result in a greater concentration of wealth into the hands of the wealthiest, that is to say, that for those with the wherewithal, with mountains of cash at hand, a sudden surge in bankruptcies is always an opportunity to grab productive assets for pennies on the dollar.
Economic crashes, the periodic destruction of capital that happens as a result of an inevitable fall in the rate of profit between resets, then, are not only the means by which capital is reinvigorated and overall production settles upon a higher basis of technological production, but a crucial part of how the rich increase their sway in the world.
So from an economic standpoint, all of this is going toward more of the same, toward a greater or lesser intensification of the exploitation and oppression that we have all witnessed all of our lives.
I also see an intensification of geopolitical tensions as a result of the competition between national capitals.
I read that as an increasing likelihood of war in this period of necessary reorganization confronting the dominant and ruling capitalist classes worldwide.
Appreciate your detailed reply Norman, thanks. My ‘gut feeling’ in the last couple of weeks has been that it (the virus) would be used as an alibi – as you say “it’s the virus that did it” and all these fascistic measures being put in place now are to be used to suppress any mass unrest when the shit hits the fan economically speaking.
Anything to save themselves, their power, and their wretched system of exploitation. The scary part is we already know what these people (pyschopaths) are capable of doing.
So much for Liberal Democracies…
I read a comment today somewhere that ‘liberal democracy is the handmaiden of fascism’. And right now, only the wilfully blind can’t see what’s unfolding right before our eyes.
I also agree with you about the increased likelihood of war.
Rhys, you should be aware that it is the Pirbright Institute in England that holds the patent (US10130701B2) for the Coronavirus. Both Brits and Americans are in this up to their necks, but that is no reason to contemplate punitive measures against either country. There are a few people in each country who need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but nobody else.
Apropos of Mr Sunak: he was educated at Lincoln College Oxford where he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). He later gained an MBA from Stanford University as a Fulbright Scholar. After graduating, Sunak worked for investment bank Goldman Sachs, and later as a partner at the hedge fund management firm The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. That ticked all my cynical boxes, but it gets better.
In a challenge from John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, Labour said Sunak’s former close associate Patrick Degorce. Apparently, Mr Degorce had participated in a multi million tax avoidance scheme. Not at all unusual, that’s what rich people usually do.
But Degorce and Sunak both worked for the Children’s Investment Fund Management, a hedge fund run by the billionaire Sir Chris Hohn, which also had links to companies in the Cayman Islands, Labour said. This week the EU has added the British overseas territory to its blacklist of tax havens. Use of tax havens is legal. But of course tax havens are used by all and sundry, including drug cartels, capital flight monies, terrorists, transfer-pricing, and various other criminal conspiracies. It all goes into the mix and comes out clean. Do we really want high-ranking government officials mixed up with these people?
However, Degorce was also the founder of Theleme Partners, a hedge fund which Sunak helped to start in 2009. Degorce was ordered to repay about £8m in tax after he was found to have used a film investment partnership tax avoidance scheme.
Make of that what you will.
Hey but Sunak is still offering businesses loans at attractive rates. So he’s doing his bit for the virus, sorry – the economy .
Dracula in charge of the Blood Bank.
“Sunak worked for investment bank Goldman Sachs”
…- the vampire squid strikes again! – wonder where lloyd bankfraud is right now…
Disgusting article but hey, you must know more than us, right?
What you are saying, referring to freedom being taken away, it’s true, but how can you tell if that’s just a consequence of the virus? Maybe because conspiracy theories sell more…
“But only if we let it.” This is crucial. When there is a way to withdraw from a system, there is freedom – and it is possible to withdraw from ours through the power of the purse and by non compliance. Then there is civil disobedience that risks confrontation with the authorities (and lots of you are seeing a provocation to that being shaped up in the coming legislation), and subsequently arrest and detainment.
However, maybe a lot of us will need to be arrested before this is over, because to back down to the insult that the unlawful “new normal” represents should be too shameful for us to be able live with ourselves.
My guess is that it won’t be over before Julian Assange is next due in court and, what with such a tiny courtroom, only two or three members of the public will fit in when they’re properly socially distanced and none of those will have any connection to the Murray-Pilger gang…
“Social distancing” is just another word for mass quarantine, and as Dr Joel Kettner said on the radio last week, there’s no evidence to suggest it actually works to control diseases. Control people though? Well, that it does like a charm.
Wuhan, after the total lockdown of 11million people for some two month, has relaxed the strict rules yesterday, people are out in the sun. These measure are proposed by scientists, not the hobnail cabinet. Your theory, should the genetically modified pirates that inhabit these isles ever conform with what is needed right now, is premature. When/if we get out of this ringel rangel rosy scenario, and the martial powers are being kept whilst everything else, bad pay, no kind of social emotions for poor people, and bailing out of rich companies, then you would have a point.
At present I could not possibly agree.
Andrew Marr was worrying on his show this morning that people are not getting the message. I found it rather heartening.
The trouble is that if people are not “getting the message”, then they will have to be umm…”persuaded” by other means.
Why would world leaders go to this extreme for social control, and if thats the agenda whats in it for them ? Why are folks on the left going along with it, and how are off-guardian going to refute their assertions ?
Why would world leaders go along with a massive once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to introduce sweeping methods to control their populations in the guise of ‘protecting them’?
Nope, beats the hell out of me
Yes, why would they need to go to such an extreme length ? Why are there people on the left encouraging it ? Why would the NHS be urging people to follow guidelines and stressing out about lack of resources (something that is already an issue due to austerity) ? Are they in on it to ? How do you explain events in Italy ?
Your making various assertions that our current situation is about elite domination not an actual pandemic so its on you to prove it.
Hi non,
In all fairness, I believe the burden of proof still rests on those setting the agenda, those who are anticipating, advising and setting these polices – the scientists and those who represent the ‘public interest’. Dramatic claims and dire prognostications should be backed up with detailed, diligent, thorough, sound evidence. This is sorely lacking. The fact that these people are beyond scrutiny does not shift the burden of proof onto us or anyone else.
Do we need such a web of conspiracy to account for the public hysteria and overblown response from our fearful public servants? Given the amount of traction this has had in the media, the sheer number of sensationalist, fear-inducing headlines since the very earliest days of the outbreak in China, is it at all surprising that panic has reached such heights and gained such momentum in our various sectors and industries? Health scares don’t normally get hyped this much!
Read the Hitchens piece. The modelling is by the team at Imperialist College that modelled the 2001 Foot and Mouth epidemic. That was so shoddy the then Chief Science officer overruled them. The SPI-M team have produced a paper – dated 2018 – that mainly references Neil Ferguson …who is the head of the Imperialist team. None of it is peer-reviewed as far as I can tell …and is more or less self-referential.
The science is non-existent. Based on Covid 19 being of “comparable lethality” to the 1918 H1N1 outbreak. They are treating us like cattle awaiting a virus mandate to coercively immunise the entire herd – at great profit to the bio-gen corporations – which is ethically totalitarian.
I saw the piece. Perhaps too little too late. But it reassured me a bit
The Hitchens piece is the most refreshing thing in the MSM that I’ve read in a long time. It’s worth while for this line alone:
Strange days indeed when an old Tory speaks more sense than “the Left” who chastise Boris for not acting soon enough to shut everything down and are urging on with greater and greater vehemence the creation of a police state.
Although I must point out that the Hitchens piece has one drawback. He doesn’t ask WHY this is happening. WHY the crackdown.
Deaths in Italy have already been proven to be presented as fearmongering propaganda to the sheep by no less a source than the Itallian Health Authority the ISS.
Can you provide a source for that statement made the Italian Health Authority ?
Admin – are off-guardian collecting various headlines to be able to compare them each week with what they say and whats happening on the ground ?
What are your thoughts on medialens stance ?
No, I will not. I do not do links on request. You do not do links for what you say so why should I.
Believe me or do not believe use google or look back through the comments.
It has been posted many times before.
Recommend you to go back five articles on this website. That and this link to Swiss Propaganda Research (also linked in the OffG article but here for convenience as it does contain crucial information) will tell you as much as you might wish to know about the Italian scenario.
The more people who are aware of what appears to be the true situation on the ground the better.
Thanks Judy
Because they know they are facing an extreme situation i.e. the entire system is going to crash and they have to protect themselves from the inevitable uprising by making such an uprising as difficult as possible.
Oh there have always been plenty “on the left” to plug into the latest scam.
No – like everyone else they have to follow guidelines as handed down from above.
How do you know what’s going on in Italy? How do you know these deaths are really caused by coronavirus when the victims had multiple other ailments?
Total non-sequitur.
Italy…here’s a theory
The benefits are legion, as well getting a chance to strut about as our saviors and look like big men, normally hated politicians are being called on to be “Big Daddy” saviors. Brexit is also being pushed back. People in fear are easy to control.
But, the main reason is a Bankster Hiest. Think firesale to man with a wallet stuffed with money. They get to assimilate ‘real’ stuff with their fiat paper that they print at cents on the dollar. Last I checked, 5 Trillion plus has been wiped off the markets.
Even my smallish local Tesco made more money in entire festive season in three days. Now they can’t even put a pint of milk on the shelves.
‘Coronavirus disease 2019: the harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based
measures’ – John P.A. Ioannidis
Thanks for that link!
The text in your link raises some interesting points, but turns out to come from an overly conventional pro-vaccine point of view, as it deplores the fact that most of the world population does not vaccinate against the flu. The flu vaccine is an ineffective cash cow for the pharmaceuticals that seems to do more harm than good. I do not vaccinate against the flu, and I come down with it far less often than those of my friends and acquaintances who do get the flu shot. The doctor writing the text therefore has a belief-based (and not science-based) blind spot on this question, which casts some doubt on some of his other observations, which seem in many cases to be valid.
There are a number of sub-topics not everyone will agree with, but the main thrust of it is about being wary of imposing extreme measures without reliable evidence to justify them.
Absolutely! I also thank you for the link.
anti vax mandates demo in germany cancelled. huge ones in italy last year. now mandates won’t be needed and the c vaccine can get a real pandemic going for which i will be blamed.
Thank you for writing this! It’s so easy to feel like I’m the only voice of reason in a sea of terrified sheep. I am actually shocked (but perhaps shouldn’t be) that people are begging to give up their freedoms. There are so many coincidences with the whole thing I am very suspicious.
“I am actually shocked (but perhaps shouldn’t be) that people are begging to give up their freedoms.”
– stockholm syndrome.
I am just struck dumb and speechless at the jaw dropping naivety and blind belief of so many here that the authorities in Australia have to act to…. ‘protect the public’ and that all this is the fault of the Chinese.
And people in Australia are literally running round ordering other people to wash their hands or wear face masks or keep a safe distance or not touch their face … AAAGGHHH.
I just want to headbutt a wall. Or have another cigarette (sorry RobG)
Or a whole block of chocolate.
Thank thank god for this small oasis of sanity.
No! not the wall Gezzah! Try a decent vintage rum or the tipple of your choice. Relaxes all lobes and even limbs. Slip out to the cafe in your local park and have a sociable takeaway coffee with like minded heretics. You can spot them easy enough. They’re the only people in the park!
Dilmah tea bags…. And occasionally a pear cider. Having a lot of problems trying to post comments today Watt.
Nearly all the cafes will be closed in Melbourne. All non essential business are to close within next 30 hrs or so.
Only supermarkets, pharmacies, medical centres, petrol stations allowed to stay open.
5000 ‘special Coronavirus police taskforce’ to be deployed in Victoria to ensure business’ are staying closed, and people are self isolating, etc etc.
It’s all getting very George Orwell with a large dose of East German Stasi.
The vast majority are fully going along with this agenda driven charade. Even so called Leftists. Bonkers.
Please share:
Means: Cuba has got antiviral medicine to treat Corona
So do the Chinese.
The French Le Monde, Facebook France and the French Ministry of Health undertook to censor a video of Professor Didier Raoult, one of the world’s most renowned infectiologists, because by announcing the existence of a proven drug in China against Covid-19, he highlighted the lack of a medical basis for the measures taken by President Macron.
“La chloroquine guérit le Covid-19” : Didier Raoult, l’infectiologue qui aurait le remède au coronavirus
Great stuff. Thank you Fred.This here blog is a wonderful hub of useful and panic reducing info.
The medical Mafia are ridiculing chloroquine here in Austfailia as well. And defending Ibuprofen, such a cash cow, therefore must be protected at all costs.
There is a concerted campaign in the West to denigrate chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine utilised with other medications, despite success with their use in China and South Korea, and its adoption as a course of treatment in India. Out of patent, probably.
Please share:
Yup, that seems to be the same one I posted above, announced by Didier Raoult.
Five weeks or so after being announced by the Chinese, but they are, after all, not White Men.
Thanks Kit: I have been pushing the civil liberties power grab *sans platform*. They reversed the ”Shipman Laws” and detention under the Mental Health Act. Any Doctor can sign a death certificate or detain you – on the spurious grounds of medial safety. You did not mention that this will be in a ”secure” or ”appropriate” facility: which presumably they will be creating shortly. The power to requisition land for mass burials is concerning. And, for me – with relatives in residential care – the fact that the Army may be setting up field hospitals in the grounds – is a worry. Have I seen the last of them?
The Torygraph actually – and quite cynically – ran the headline “Say Goodbye to Granny on Skype”. Today, we can add “Say Happy Mothers Day to Mum or Granny by Skype” …but do not visit them. For their sake. Which of course Johnson was definitely planning on doing – until he got called out. Now he is Skyping his Mum (on her self-isolated multi-million pound estate).
I wonder if the ”medical realists” beyond this site know what they are endorsing? Or, how long they are endorsing it for? Despite the mixed advice: I have read their own bullshit models from Imperialist College (Professor Neil Ferguson seems to be the main man and most oft cited source). The official line is ”most of the year”: but according to their own sources …it will be two years. 18 months to get a viable virus-specific vaccine: but I am saying two years – because they need enough of it to vaccinate the entire Western world.
Leaving aside the thorny issue of a future mandatory herd inoculation: the net result of all this social distancing and coercive home isolation is that there will be no natural population immunity emerging. Kids have been advised that they can socialise within the family group: but not with other kids. Clearly the official who said that has no kids …so good luck with that.
Vallance is lying and attenuating his advice for reasons of social pacification. When he announced that these draconian measures would be in place for a year – at the Thursday science briefing I believe – that set alarm bells off. So Cummings, or whoever, got Bojo to come out and say it would be all over in 12 weeks. Which he immediately recanted: but the Lugenpresse dutifully ran the headline on Friday anyway.
That was pure perception management. Even the ”most of the year” is attenuated for public passivity, obedience, and mass consumption. Do the ‘medical realists’ on the left realise they are empowering a ‘temporary’ suspension of all life for at least two years?
It is critical that everyone understands the ‘science’ behind the modeling. There can be no ”herd immunity” until they introduce it by rapid and mandatory mass immunisation at some point in the future. Essentially, the lockdown is indefinite: but they cannot say that. So there will be some bullshit about not ”flattening the curve” enough or ”rebound” to keep the mandatory measures in place as long as they want. And now they have created a ”new normal” pattern for future events.
I’m not sure the enormity of it all has sunk in yet with the ”medical realists” of the left and right. Mainly because many will be immune in their country estates. It must be really hard home isolating at Sandringham or Windsor? For normal people: this is for the duration. That duration will deliberately last longer than the virus would have done …by scientific and medical design. And threatens the collective health of the elderly every bit as much as any virus. My relatives – and yours – are at greater risk from the government that from any corona virus. Welcome to corona totalitarianism.
[It is important to understand the model they are using to understand why they are lying and giving false hope that this will be over soon].
It won’t.
Now that media keeps us busy with Covid-19 important developments go unnoticed:
@JudyJ (Mar 21, 2020 11:21 PM)
Very good link with Dr Sucharit Bhakti! There is also a newer Interview with Dr. Wodarg (also only in German): “KenFM im Interview mit Wolfgang Wodarg” –
Bur here news from Wuhan (city with 11 Million people):
“Medical workers from Henan give a thumbs up to Wuhan before leaving the city on Thursday. Wuhan has reported no new cases for a third day. Some in Wuhan, the Chinese city hit hardest by the coronavirus, celebrated with fireworks as authorities began removing checkpoints after reporting no new cases for a third day, while other places also eased restrictions.
The command centre handling the crisis ordered that the checkpoints – set up when the city was locked down in January to contain the spread of the virus – be cleared starting from Friday, as Wuhan prepares to return to work.
But routes out of the city would remain blocked, according to a notice issued by the command centre.”
And look how these shitty tests work:
“There has been at least one suspected case of the virus in Wuhan recently – a 62-year-old man tested negative on Tuesday, positive on Thursday, then negative again on Friday. But since he did not have symptoms such as a fever or cough, he was not classified as a confirmed case, according to a notice from authorities in Qiaokou district, where the man lives.“
Thanks, Joerg. It’s a shame more scientists don’t speak out publicly but I’m sure they are all fearful of receiving the ‘OPCW treatment’.
You may be familiar with this ongoing synopsis coming out of Switzerland, but if not it is worth dipping into regularly as they have been updating it every day recently.
Just checked the new update (22nd March) 15 mins ago at Swiss Propaganda Research.
A really valuable site J.
Things are really ramping up here in Australia now, plus, of course everywhere thru out the West.
Thanks, Gezzah. Yes, I just had a look at the SPR. It’s interesting to see more and more national experts admitting that patients are highly likely dying with Covid19 and not from Covid19, and that combined mortality rates are actually not in excess of ‘the norm’.
With regard to Dr Bhakdi’s very moving and heartfelt analysis of the likely fate of elderly people subjected to isolation and ‘lockdown’ I was saddened to see that Lombardy has now banned any sport or physical activity outside even on an individual basis. At the same time, I have been heartened to see that 40,000 people have been charged in Italy with violating the lockdown laws, and I’m not generally an anarchist. 😉
Thanks Judyj
Here something from Thierry Meyssan:
I have to say that I think old Wolfie may well be controlled opposition, I mean, come on, look at the positions he’s had – which isn’t to say that almost all he says here is true but OBVIOUSLY it’s not virologists starting the scam here. And you’d think they could have come up with a better translation.
Love the way he says with a little smile that it’s the Emperor’s New Clothes. Wunderbar!
Joerg, is there anyway of hearing this in a translation. Google says too big to translate! Unlikely, I suppose, but Wolfie is a great speaker and kind of dry witted to boot!
Hi! Thre is only that some days older interview in English:
[English] Credible insights into the Coronavirus by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
But here is a new article from him:
“Or, the golden oldie, the Reichstag Fire Decree. Passed after the eponymous fire, it “temporarily” suspended German civil liberties in name of rooting out communist insurgents. You probably already know how that turned out.”
BTW, the very term “Reichstag Fire” has come to refer to false flag actions! How easy it is to fool the great mass of people over, and over, and over again.
Dreams coming true for the ruling class.
Citing the pandemic as a reason, “the US Department of Justice has asked Congress for the ability … to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies.”
Fear Is the Mind Killer (bitchute)
I’ve read about the panic buying but watching this video really makes it hit home to what extend they have descended into lunacy. Goes to show to what extend the American public has been propagandized. I’m in Belgium and the stores are the same as always, the shelves are full.
Twitter video from the vid:
Brainwashed zombie sheeple on a food run, captured in the wild.
Thanks Kit, I love your brilliant articles!
I can see where all this is going, you can see where all this is going, almost everyone commenting here can see where all this is going.
As you point out, many in alternative media have swallowed this whole, with some loudly demanding we all be locked up in isolation.
That has truly baffled me, and even had a member of the Socialist Equality Party last week text me, and ask if I had been reading all their articles on the Coronavirus, and that I had to take precautions.
My application to join them was declined by the way, due to my present circumstances.
Have so many forgotten history? I can literally hear the thud of goosesteps.
Thank you OffGuardian for the excellent analysis on this, and for the links.
Here’s Jimmy Dore doing his bit in the fear mongering and promoting “shutting everything down”.
Florida Beaches PACKED During COVID-19 Pandemic
Take note how he uses hand sanitizer on camera, which is just ridiculous of course.
Oh and btw:
7 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Hand Sanitizers
Quote: The FDA states that currently, there is no evidence that antibacterial soaps (and sanitizers) are any more effective than regular soap and warm water in helping to prevent the spread of germs. A 2000 study found that sanitizers do not significantly reduce the amount of bacteria on the hands, and may actually even increase it. Researchers added that the products strip the skin of its natural oils—and since those oils usually prevent bacteria from coming to the surface, the sanitizer can actually reduce the skin’s own defenses.
And here’s Jimmy Dore making excuses for Tulsi Gabbard after she dropped out of the race and endorsed Joe Biden. (It’s all Bernie Sanders’ fault!) Also included in the video is more hand sanitizer use in front of the camera and more fear mongering about the coronavirus. (Even ISIS told their jihadists to stay home!) To be fair Dore can’t admit that the whole election process is a joke, because then he wouldn’t have a show, it’s the only thing he talks about.
Did Bernie Refuse Tulsi’s Endorsement?
(A previous comment about Dore and Florida beaches disappeared, don’t know why, is he “off limits”? Spam folder?)
Tulsi BETRAYED her loyal supporters. The politician who based her entire candidacy on being anti-regime change is endorsing a warmonger and war criminal. Obama/Biden expanded two wars into seven. Biden seized the 2014 CIA coup in Ukraine killing more than 10,000 as an opportunity to secure a lucrative deal for his cokehead son Hunter. In fact, the Iraq War was avidly pushed by Biden as a payoff for his brother who received a multimillion dollar contract to rebuild the cities mercilessly bombed.
Every reactionary piece of legislation promoted and passed by Biden was to secure high paying jobs or government contracts for Biden’s brother or son.
Even if US imperialism is not high on your list as reasons to oppose Biden, his reactionary policies towards basic social safety nets should be a concern. In the 1980s Biden pushed mass incarceration. Biden also led the charge to cutback benefits on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid (, 1/13). This endangers the lives of the elderly, the disabled, and the working-poor. Biden backed the Ronald Reagan budget cuts. These cuts terminated federal medical aid to more than a fifth of the American population, and gave states the freedom to eliminate medical care entirely for the working class(Washington Post, 8/21/81).
Obama, did not choose Biden to garner black votes. He chose Biden as his VP to attract conservative whites. Biden is the antithesis of Bernie. In reality Biden is a neoliberal neoconservative Republican. This the ideological mentality that dominates the centrist base of the Democratic Party. These ghouls want you to believe it’s all about beating Trump, so in desperation you’ll vote for the most despicable candidate. Why would a rational person trade-in a lying crook for another crook who’s even more militaristic than Trump. Biden will describe is militarism as humanitarian interventionism–but this is nothing more than needless regime change wars.
It is a Betrayal to millions for Tulsi and Bernie to support and endorse Biden a crooked war criminal who represents the epitome of crony capitalism. There’s no way to justify Tulsi’s actions or eventually Bernie’s, since it’s purely based on political expediency and shows little
Every time I saw her ads on SoMed, I couldn’t help but think of False Maria in Metropolis, that hypnotic gaze, the eyes and intensity…
That’s hilarious, bitingly apt.
I have a friend here who was a trainer at a Y where I go, we’re both choristers and he knew several people I worked with from around the country. After several years I stopped by his photo on the wall, googled it, and found it was from northern Europe, originally.
He cut into my repeat of the research, saying, “Oh you probably found my auntie, she was in a Fritz Lang movie.”
I had only found a snip about him, and wouldn’t have thought to look further, but dug into wikis with only the name, and found the starred. Not only that! Five of his aunts were nationally feted actresses. But here it gets even better. I have an unquenchable student’s passion for detail, and I followed the links. Turns out their father was the most prominent Communist Party leader at one time in their country, and close friends with Lenin & Stalin & Co., and very active in that region against the Nazis.
For whatever reason, the next time I asked about my choral friend I found he’d quit his job at the Y which he’d held for years, and gone back to school.
Surely the agencies have files on him from long past, with his family roots, but someone knowing your grandfather was tight with Joe Stalin probably wouldn’t fly well, at a Y right at the boundary of a US military base, with the local rank and file.
Could be just happenstance, but he had been getting more and more skittish when I brought up subjects that were not too PC.
But just imagine, FIVE aunts who were Fritz Lang favorites! Oh my.
Having been raised, like Mom, around Hollywood, I was awash in the impression made by seeing bios of 5 such talented close kin.
I only spoke with my own auntie just once before she died, alone, she gave me powerful last words, when I was barely 4, but mom said she had been a prolific ghostwriter at MGM, always uncredited. Hell even F. Scott and Faulkner went uncredited at many times. And their own uncle Carl’s son, Roman Bohnen, was blacklisted posthumously by McCarthy and that pitiful and powerful worm, Roy Cohn, for having founded Actors Laboratory, a hotbed of actor radicals, like Marilyn Monroe, among many others. (She herself was clearly a homicide, how do you overdose on sleeping pills by enema?)
Roman, “Bud”, died suddenly of a heart attack at 44 (wiki got it wrong) just days before he was to testify to HUAC. How convenient the timing. Mom told me she got the news broke over the radio, as she was vacuuming at our place, months before I was even an “itch in my daddy’s pants.” She had just spent Christmas at her sister’s with Roman.
💓 attack? Could be. But she fed me bits of the story, raw, over the years. I think she sensed with my notorious stance, pen, temper and tongue, it would have brought a lot of heat if I’d put as much of the crimes together as I have now. She made it to 92, ten years ago, but Roman, and my only aunt and only uncle all died over a half century before her, all very youngish.
She told me some years before she passed something that you don’t find in Wikipedia (I’m shocked, SHOCKED that his motives and reasons are heavily “sanitized” there, aka suppressed) that soon after Roman Bohnen’s death, Actor’s Lab burned to the ground and the safe went missing. They had planned to name it after him.
Without those funds, the whole project soon closed.
Problem solved, handled by those unseen “handlers”.
Just sayin’
If anyone ever finds reportage on that fire, please tell me, because I sure can’t.
Lang’s splendide “Metropolis” lives on as prophecy. And as a film masterpiece about many of these things, these archetypes.
“A problem of consciousness cannot be solved on the same level it occurs.”
And, if Max Weber is right in his conclusions, that’s so especially true of political consciousness.
As we behold such things in our extended & global Halloween of Quarantine…. LOLLOLOLOLOL.
Tulsi is an obvious Intel mole. Look at her notorious connections to Modi, his party direct heir to the RSS Party that murdered MK Gandhi, and her relation to ISKON and the patently mad Prabhupada, I believe is the spelling.
Anyway, just do a search on “Who is Tulsi Gabbard” by Dave Emory in two parts, and you’ll see 2 links, a long long litany of betrayals going way back.
Emory documents meticulously. I invite anyone to disprove him. I never can, I’ve been following his broadcasts for 34 years and find his findings replicated in other scholarship, such as his 5 part broadcast in the mid-80s on the RFK murder in a number of Skyhorse Press books, like “CIA Rogues and the Killing of the Kennedy’s” by Patrick Nolan, a recent work. (I was in a very small Army ROTC school 50 years ago with its editor David Talbot, when we were both young teens, as a striking coincidence, though we never spoke. Nolan’s book alone has 2,000 end notes, many from Talbot’s works on unsolved crimes of conspiracy.)
— I wish that when people say “just search for …”, they would just do it themselves, and provide the link. If you can’t be bothered, why should anybody else?
Charlotte. I fully agree with your description of Tulsi’s inexplicable betrayal of all those in whom she inspired hope. Although she constantly reminded everyone of her military service in reaction to the “official story” of 9/11, I thought this was part of her strategy to show electability. However, I do think she was the most genuine of the whole sorry bunch. I can only assume that she has been got at, just as Bernie was last time around. I wonder what happened to her $50Million lawsuit against HRC for slander.
“WHO IS TULSI GABBARD” That is the title below. It documents her long long litany of betrayals going way back, like her connections to Modi and ISKON. Well-documented, as Emory always is. I invite anyone to disprove this:
Thanks for the link.
Biden is to Trump what Bob Dole was to Clinton. Both are ridiculous, set up by the incumbents as “tomato cans” to be knocked over come Novembers. Thrashed in landslides.
None of the candidates are plausibly credible, but that is the case about 99% on any given day in the USA.
The US political duopoly is really a corrupt monopoly. It’s two wings of the same decrepit beast kept on a short leash by the military/security/surveillance/
corporate state.
It’s a charade.
Which is not shocking for those who have gone to the barricades over voting rights and election integrity only to find that all is moot since the voting companies claim proprietary software and that the public, or anyone at all, has no rights to be included in the process of counting the votes, since the machines belong to them alone.
That is an argument worthy of the Red Queen. As Lewis Carroll so brilliantly put semantics, worthy of a Nobel prize mathematician, “When I choose a word it means exactly what I choose it to mean.”
And that’s what democracy and voting mean here: next to nothing.
And it’s slowly catapulting its way to that in many countries, as these trojan horses are being exported to many countries, with the same intent: to make democracy, at best, occult.
That’s where I first began to understand that the CIA runs everything, when I saw that they had been inserted into the process at every point, minutely. They micromanage everything.
The cult of “families” that holds their leash runs everything.
So no surprise it’s the pretense only of a duopoly, since it’s all just one Money Party, with its “Parliament of Whores”. But we are all given the freedom to go through the motions, as long as the motions have no real substance.
“The CIA doesn’t care what you do as long as it’s something they want you to do.”
And that is why any real Art Spirit is always on a Cross here, 24/7. It can only (sometimes) persist or endure in the throes of constant mutilation.
As I was once told by a Swiss truck driver as he gave me a ride hitching over the Pyrenees, he was shocked when he visited the U.S., more than willing to give it a good review, until he himself hitch-hiked all around here (this was the 70s when you could still survive such an Odyssey, as I barely did, many times):
“C’est pas Les États Unis, c’est Les États Uniformes!”
Sorry for the obscurity of French, but as you can see it’s a play on words, which don’t entirely translate, “Not the United States, the UNIFORM States.”
I told him in Franglais/Frenglish, “Mon vieux, vous prêchez au choeur!” My man, you’re preaching to the choir. But he ranted on, he was so disappointed to find an American reality even more, not less, prefabricated than all the prefabrication of our movie exports.
Andy Warhol reveled in the intense presence he found in movies, but said that American life itself was somehow inherently disappointing, like television. He mused that even when he was shot, he somehow lived through it, but was convinced even as it was unfolding that it was television.
More smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand: enter Reality TV! … and its very own President, the boss of the Apprentice, that inescapable orange Jack O’Lantern, on every screen, glow in the dark, in our quarantined Halloween out of season.
Trick or treat, anyone!
This is no doubt why MLK said that his countrymen he liked and trusted the most were the non-conformists.
They withstand the homogenization process, unlike our milk.
To put it simply: “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.
Joseph Stalin
Inside info, perhaps, from Joe?
Richter, the Soviet pianist, never visited the USA after 1970, when he and Oistrakh, a Jew, were interrupted by Zionist fanatics while performing. He didn’t like the USA because everything was ‘ standard’ ie, as above, uniform.
Boynie turning Tulsi down would fit my thesis that he is a fraud, a Trojan Horse quite happy to have been cheated, yet again.
Amazed your application to join the SEP was refused, GP, on account of your circumstances. Whatever happened to “…from each according to their ability…”?
But then the OZ left has had muddled thinking for years: obsessing with identity politics, reacting to Brexit as if the neo-liberal EU is some sort of fraternal organisation of the European working class, etc.
Though the multiple crises now underway may be leading to a genuine realignment of priorities.
I know CM. The Left in Australia is just… It was also about being involved with other like minded people.
I’ve just remembered, and didn’t mean to be disingenuous, but the other reason they gave was I’m a NZ citizen, and I can’t be on the electoral roll…. Sorry, they briefly mentioned that when they told me… forgot. Now feeling a bit sheepish. And I don’t mean 4 legged ones.
a little sanity…a lot as it happens
this needs out fast.
For ant-panic pandemic
As I’ve been saying, the hysteria was inevitable in an infantilized society that needs safe spaces and trigger warnings. It’s funny to see the Trump-haters now praising the prez for a job well done so far. For better or worse, all this probably makes his re-election even more of a breeze. Just hope everyone enjoys the normalization of medical checkpoints, curfews, house arrests, forced vaccinations, and the inevitable economic collapse.
There was excellent analysis the other day, I believe at the Atlantic, by a veteran editor, name escapes me, saying that the whole response was a bad on Trump, that he wanted it swept under the rug in an election year, until it was too late to regroup. Then, others forced his hand.
Her pile of evidence, neatly laid out, had the ring of truth, since he leapt from the womb lying, as fact checks certainly show, beyond a shadow.
If anyone finds it, please post it.
Not buying it. He knows very well what’s coming, these things are planned decades in advance. I suspect he does not want to appear like a dictator when martial law rolls around. Also keep in mind that there’s emergency powers for him in the books that are so benign that they are classified. It would not surprise me at all if there will be no elections at all.
I’ve allowed myself to be upset by this tonight. I find it very hard to deal with all the stupidity and fearmongering. I offer this old song (long before my time). Please listen to the words. The words are simple, but it is a very very wise song.
May not playback. Anyway I have tried to link “Que Sera Sera” sung by Doris Day.
Thanks for a brilliant article by the way, Kit. I loved it.
I have now come to the conclusion that the problem is not this virus, which is no worse than many other viruses that have come our way over millennia, and considerably better, for example than the Spanish Flu which was responsible for many more deaths and which, unlike this virus, killed children in large numbers. (I’m still not aware of any deaths in children from this.)
The problem is media fear porn to which the world has become addicted.
There are few places in the media where this isn’t being egged on for all it’s worth. The media is out of control. Take the Telegraph. An interesting piece was linked to from November 2018. Just over a year ago.
“Ineffective flu jab blamed as extra winter deaths hit 40-year high.”
I quote from the piece:
“The number of winter deaths last year the hit highest level in more than 40 years after the failure of last year’s flu jab. There were an estimated 50,100 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in 2017/18.”
50,100 excess deaths. Not cases, deaths. Nobody took any notice.
I then scanned to the right:
“Coronavirus latest news: UK infections soar by almost 1,000 in a day”
Ooh. “Soar” no less! Wow. The message is, “be shit scared everyone!”
Okay, how many deaths today? 56
How many? Is that all? It’s a joke it really is. 56 dead from this virus today. In a country of 66,000,000 people. Compare that to 50 THOUSAND extra winter deaths in 2017-18 that nobody noticed. Okay those 50,100 did not all die on one day. But how many days are there in a winter? Let’s be generous here. Winter is 3 months, let’s give it 6. About 183 days. 50,100 divided by 183.
So, on average 274 extra deaths per day for a whole six months. And nobody took any interest in it.
Yep. And the same article also specifies that, of those excess deaths, 17,000 were attributed directly to flu. 17,000 in the UK in one winter.
Sorry, that should be 15,000 but the point still stands.
I think that technically “the flu season” is 6 months: Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar. But II suspect it is mainly the winter months in reality.
Interestingly, those 6 months are those when it is impossible to get any vitamin D from sunlight in the UK. Just a coincidence I’m sure.
Leftists websites are jumping on the “panic pandemic train” full steam ahead. Ideologically seizing the moment to further demean the orange buffoon, to rebuke a US medical system rife with corruption, and to proclaim the brutality of capitalism. Websites like WSWS are jammed packed with COVID-19 panic.
Every article is more hysterical than the next. All comments to the contrary are considered suspect.
The danger of promoting a panic pandemic outweighs the political gains. Sure you might incite worker outrage over loss of pay and access to medical care, but you’re also giving credence to mass hysteria. You’re reinforcing the security state’s narrative. You’re providing consent for autocratic actions to suppress dissent. Isn’t it obvious that social distancing, self-isolation, and
self-quarantining are code for “folks you’ve just lost your right to assemble.”
By the way, is there a relationship between the emergence of social-distancing and the mass protests occurring on every continent during the last two years.
Testing for COVID-19 is all the rage, but a bigger test is the impact of 30 years of neoliberalism on the lives of workers throughout the planet. The results of that test has been on display in France, Chile, Lebanon, Iraq, Bolivia, India, Haiti, etc…. On every continent workers are shouting NO to neoliberal exploitation. In the US there were teacher and auto-worker strikes. Before the panic pandemic Bernie campaign rallies were packed with more than 20,000.
The virus terrifying Bill Gates and his Davos gang is not biological at all. They fear seven billion rageful souls relentlessly yelling “we’ve had enough.”
This terrified “charmed innercircle” came up with a plan– suppress public rage with panic. A worldwide health scare. How ingenious–an upper respiratory infection calls off the revolution. Outraged workers will no longer be running through the streets they’ll be cautiously self-distancing. The chaos and the unrest is placed on “pause” until governments decide otherwise. And when we all resurface from
self-isolation we’ll find a national security state chocked-full of new and “secret” powers given gladly by the foolish and unsuspecting.
Charlotte… I’ve been quite gobsmacked, and frankly alarmed by the coverage on WSWS. As you rightly point out, full blown fear mongering. I almost felt like I was reading The Guardian…
What also surprised me is that they “shadowban” posters…..that seems a bit underhanded….
Something really dosn’t add up Charlotte. I nearly joined the SEP mainly because of their principled work defending Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, and their anti imperialism, but, am perplexed.
Even got a text message from an SEP member abt 6 days ago asking if I had been reading their articles on the Coronavirus, and if I’d been taking precautions. Hmmm.
They can be heavy-handed if you don’t toe their party line. In the case of the coronavirus, I thought they’d be the first to mention how promoting hysteria is dangerous and lays the groundwork for political repression.
As I mentioned previously–they’ll say your comments are pending, and when they’re no longer pending you’ll think they were posted, but they’re NOT. In other words, they shadowban comments. These kinds of underhanded methods seem more fascist than socialist….
Agree Charlotte. Shadowbanning should not be occurring on a socialist site. At all. I did notice a few grumbles about one or two of your comments at WSWS. Havn’t commented on there for maybe 1.5 weeks?
Had similar experience with a socialist organisation here in Australia who are close with the Democratic Socialists Of America and were quite friendly with the now defunct International Socialist Organisation.
For years, they completely ignored Julian Assange and deliberately boycotted rallies in support of Assange.
They still were boycotting protests last month, tho they recently printed an incredibly cynical article on Julian Assange making out they supported him!!
The hypocrisy was just eye watering.
Other socialist groups in Australia very similar for the last 8 years, and another reason I wanted to join the Socialist Equality Party is they seemed to be the Only socialist group in All of Australia who Genuinely supported Assange and Manning. Wanted to be part of a group that was also anti imperialist and anti capitalist.
They knocked me back because they felt being a full time member would be too stressful for me, given I sell a homeless street magazine and lead a fairly precarious existence.
There’s literally no other anti capitalist options here in Australia. Thanks for your replies…
I’m beginning to think many Leftist websites have been
co-opted by the security state and are “limited hangouts” or partial hangouts.
Can’t prove it–just a hunch.
Finding it really hard to post comments now Charlotte. Genuine anti establishment sites that seriously question the mainstream narrative like OffG are going to be hit hard by the psychopathic bastards.
Some of these ‘leftist sites’… just the sheer gullibility and naivety. Or, as I also suspect, they’ve been co-opted. My hunch also.
Good luck to you😁
I tried commenting twice on WSWS articles about their covid fearmongering and the evidence of the conspiratorial nature of this whole ruling class Psy-Op. The first time they delayed publishing my comment for nearly a day, so that no one would ever see it, whereas usually they publish comments in batches every several hours. The second time I tried commenting, it was “detected as spam”, whatever that means, with the automatic response that “they were working on it”. Of course they were not, and it remains unpublished.
Normally they give real credence to ruling class conspiracies, more so than other nominally left publications, although it’s usually a cautious skepticism, noting that the events raise questions, but mostly leaving it at that, specifically regarding 9/11. They’ve done great work exposing ties between false flag perpetrators and the intelligence agencies.
In this case they seem to be completely willing to suspend disbelief. Apparently it’s the party line, as there is no dissent by any of their writers, and they are censoring all comments that raise any of these very valid questions or expose any of the evidence which provide the answers.
Unfortunately Truthdig has also just been eliminated as a “virtual public square” just as, or very possibly part of, this pandemic Trojan Horse is being rammed through the gates of society and mass consciousness. The comments are already removed. And there is a notice that they are on a hiatus and will be returning with an updated layout in the future. Whatever one thought of the content, which ranged from the most radical anlysis one could find to the most blatant government propaganda, the comments section was an oasis of political discourse, give or take a few trolls. Now it has gone the way of the Dodo, and Alternet, and Truthout, in the systematic defenestration of left-leaning websites.
And this PAdem(N)IC is being used as a pretext for the Big (Tech Bro)ther cartel to intensify their censorship and suppression of anyone who strays beyond the official narrative, settling the Wild West of what’s left, pun intended, of the free thought/speech wilderness of the internet, where the establishment has total control, as in the old days, of the parameters of acceptable opinion.
One who questions that The Virus is as serious as the authorities claim it is will be thrown in with the quacks who question the effects of vaccines, the doom porn urgency and agenda surrounding climate change. I do not deny climate change is real and a danger but that’s not the point. Just like I don’t deny the twin tower fell, or that people are getting sick and dying from this virus, or that many vaccines save many lives. The point is that in a free society we should be able to ask questions and demand evidence and debate openly about everything and anything that effects our lives, especially things and events with world changing consequences, don’t ya think?
CONSPIRACY THEORIST! is, of course, the the programmed answer by those who have lost the ability and/or refuse to think for themselves. And history tell us that ruling clasessions have always conducted conspiracies to perpetuate their power and wealth. But again, history is deliberately ignored or denied or whitewashed. Connections and and conflicts of interests are never mentioned in the mianstream press. Class struggle and conflict does not exist. Things just happen. We’re good, they’re bad. And so on.
1984 becomes closer and closer to non fiction every passing hour. And as long as the masses allow themselves to be manipulated, abdicating their freedoms and repsonsibilities as a citizen and a mature human being, begging for protection from authority, seeking out leaders like sheep, than 1984 will become reality, a reality far worse than the fiction, because it will be combined, in a almagam of dystopian futures, with the prophecies of ecological breakdown, pollution, and nuclear war, along with the bleak totalitarianism.
The time to exercise our ability to think critically and to speak freely is now. All life-affirming, freedom-loving, truth-seeking, justice-fighting peoples need to join togetherness now and reject FEAR and the machinations, policies, and crimes it’s being weaponized to justify as I write.
Once in place they will become infinitely more difficult to dismantle. They are trying to steal everything from us all the while scaring people into begging them to lock them up and seize the power to get away with it and ensure our permanent enslavement and impoverishment, our totally impotence to stop them as they willfully, psychotically destroy all that is true, free, good, beautiful and alive on this planet.
Truthdig is heavily monitored. Moderators quickly remove comments they deem threatening . Over the last year there’s been an ongoing battle between Sheer and Zuade Kaufman the multimillion dollar “owner” and publisher of Truthdig. Kaufman was probably
“told” to transform TD into another Huffington Post–a noncontroversial nothing website. It appears Sheer was avidly against reshaping TD. They’ve since parted company. Kaufman posted an announcement to that effect. Here’s an excerpt: “As you may know, a statement was posted March 11th by some Truthdig staff and contributors. Contrary to the statement, the real underlying issue is negotiations to end the business partnership between me, Truthdig Publisher and CEO, and Robert Scheer, its Editor-in-Chief. Unfortunately, the staff and contributors have gotten caught in the middle. While I sought to shield them and to respect confidentiality, Bob internally and externally waged a campaign of misinformation….”
Check out the link below. There’s some previous articles in other magazines which cite Sheers conflict with Kaufmann–they’ve been fighting for months.
For about seven years, I frequently posted comments on Truthdig. On January 7, 2020 the day the major “internet sweep” occurred they banned me from the website. Looking back–I don’t even know why–my posts were always acerbic–nothing really had changed. There were a few sharp and cutting criticisms of Biden–it’s impossible to know what triggered the ban.
Moderators were frequently posting comments on TD threads. I might have been exchanging numerous opinions with one of them…..
In any event, WSWS delays posting comments they’re not thrilled with. They’ll keep posts “pending” for most of the day. And sometimes a post will be removed a few hours later. Ultimately, if your comments totally “lose favor” with the moderators you’ll be
Both Truth Dig and WSWS banned me for attacking Zionism.
Zionism or Jews? Because too often you stray from one to the other, or genuinely don’t seem to see the difference.
Zionism. Zionists can be Jewish, or Sabbat Goyim.
That might be one criteria—several years ago, a very clever blogger on Truthdig blogged too much about the “Yinon Plan.” He posted comments for quite sometime and then suddenly “disappeared.”
On Truthdig, I might have used the word f–k a bit too much in recent posts about Biden…. On WSWS they disliked the fact I saw some merit in Bernie’s platform, but then when I described how the electoral process was rigged and Bernie suspiciously “did not” fight back, they dispised that analysis as well.
So who really knows what criteria is used when pulling the final trigger. All I do know is that the temperament of moderators are increasingly becoming “hair-trigger.”
I remember saying on Truthdig (under a different alias)that some Jews were guilty of ‘antigoyism’. The writer of the article seemed both bemused and frightened that anyone could dare state that Jews were, like any group, varied in opinion and behaviour, and that any would do anything untoward. Such truly effective indoctrination.
I might have overreacted to articles relating to the Jan. 3 assassination of Qassem Suleimani. It seemed at the time, that his murder was going to lead to an all-out war. My comments about Israel were a bit strident, but nothing too extreme.
It’s really not worth analyzing…….
Here’s another link:
The UK military are now being drafted in to ‘help with things’.
If you can’t see where this is going you must have had a frontal lobotomy.
Can’t wait … didn’t have ww2 to let uniformed armed thugs on our beaches, towns and CITIES.
If the praetorian junta coup state thinks they are onto a winning strategy whilst protecting The City achieve its hard brexit and filling their boots with billions, then they have a lesson learn this easter.
There aren’t enough troops left to stage a decent coup.
They can’t even organise a coup properly in this bloody country.
It will be “A Very British Coup”.
Miraculously, they will have superpowers which prevent them from either spreading or catching the virus. They are a new generation of supersoldier that has been bred at Porton Down.
BTW, Porton Down is going to be renamed “Porton on the Up and Up” in these bio warfare times.
Other posters on here have mentioned Peter Hitchens’ scepticism about the knee-jerk reaction to coronavirus, little based on science and statistics. Here is his latest article. Says it all.
An excellent article from Hitchens! Thanks for the link, JudyJ.
Yup..thanks Judyj
It’s a wonder the US doesn’t blame Russia. Let me guess! “It’s China’s fault. But Russia made ’em do it.”
And, of course, we know the statistics are bogus in the first place.
1. Italian figures includes people with other serious health conditions and Chinese statistics reflect simulation of data (
2. Tests don’t work.
3. … and tests not being done in any case!
4. The cured being disregarded in the figures.
Re points 3 and 4, from chiropractor, Tim O’Shea
Point 3
A few days after the Fox Live press conference, corporate media reported 4 new cases of COVID in the Bay area. This was predicted by the Fox Live conference. But there’s nothing to be worried about – no more serious than the flu.
Then corporate news hysteria ramped up yet another notch. Santa Clara County’s scoreboard on its website amplified the seriousness of the four cases beyond all reason. A few days later, it was up to 20 “confirmed” cases, just in Santa Clara County. [3]
Confirmed how? They don’t say. Nobody knows.
At the same time another site – the California Dept. of Health – was suddenly claiming 60 cases statewide. [4] That’s 3x as many cases as in the entire country just a few days earlier. How is that possible?
That’s when it hit me. How could one county in California suddenly have 3x as many cases as the entire United States after just a few days?
It couldn’t.
The answer is: there are simply no standard criteria. for counting cases. Plus, there was an agenda across the board to magnify the seriousness of the “epidemic” by making the most provocative, groundless predictions for the near future. [7] But always with the requisite assurance that “Santa Clara County is doing everything possible to manage and limit the outbreak…” The standard bureaucrat slogan, from sea to shining sea…
So what was going on here? Then I remembered. The $8 billion in funding had just come through Congress. [6] So that means one thing: every state and federal bureaucrat in the country is now scrambling for his fair share, before the whole illusion evaporates. As it is sure to do, pretty soon.
Funding – whether it’s for a vaccine, or just the illusion of “control” – funding has always been the predictable death knell for every single Boutique Epidemic. [8]
The usual pattern is that media redoubles its efforts at maximum hysteria and grim prediction because they know it’s going to vanish very soon.
Which we’re seeing right now, like this lame turkey from Yahoo news: “As the coronavirus spreads, one study predicts that even the best-case scenario is 15 million dead and a $2.4 trillion hit to global GDP.” [7]
For the next few weeks, get ready for more like this from the pre-hominids at the corporate tabloids.
This explains the new tone of desperation in media, squeezing every last drop of urgency out of an event before the Golden Goose flies away. And why more and more masks are appearing on the street and why there are shortages of bottled water, rice, etc in most Bay Area supermarkets. In the absence of verifiable cases.
Hold on here. What if there is no epidemic, no new COVID disease at all, and no legitimate testing procedure for counting the “infected“? Let’s just make that hypothesis for a moment, and then try to disprove it.
I started out with a little experiment. First I called Santa Clara County health department, 408) 992-4900 and after 30 minutes finally got through to someone. I asked if Santa Clara County had any facility where I could refer my patients who had the flu, where they could be tested to rule out coronavirus.
The answer was unequivocal – No – Santa Clara County has no testing facility for coronavirus.
My next question was, well all these numbers of coronavirus cases on your website – where are they coming from if you have no testing facility?
The representative told me that people had to go to their individual practitioners, at pulmonary clinics, etc. in order to be tested. And then these doctors would voluntarily inform the county so they could add the numbers to the scoreboard.
OK, there’s Brush-off #1.
My next question to the County was: what kind of testing are the doctors using at these clinics? Answer: we don’t know.
See where this is going, as we start down the bureaucratic rabbit hole?
So my next step was to call local MDs, especially pulmonary specialists in the Bay Area. After calling more than 50 of these offices, the answer was a resounding No – 100% of the time. No, we do not have any test that we can use to rule out coronavirus infection.
Try it!
Pretty safe to assume that 50 is a sufficient number of clinics in the Bay Area to determine whether there’s any clinic who offers PCR or any other test for coronavirus. My contention is that there are no practitioners who have such a test and therefore coronavirus screening tests are simply not available in Santa Clara County.
And therefore we have no idea how many cases there are. Or if there are any at all.
If you then ask the clinic – Do you know anyone who does have the test – guess what they say. Take a guess.
They’ll tell you to call the Santa Clara County Dept. of Health – which is who told you to go to the individual clinics in the first place.
There’s Brushoff #2. See the game here?
Now why would all the pulmonary specialists in one of the most densely populated sections of the country have no interest whatsoever in screening people for a respiratory disease being hawked by all media as the most dangerous epidemic threat we’ve ever seen…?
Obviously the respiratory MDs are not taking the outbreak very seriously – not much faith in its virulence. Think about it – if this epidemic were real, would all these doctors ignore an entire market, this huge?
So a perfectly valid hypothesis might be this: the County’s online scoreboard is fraudulent. There are no proven cases at all. These reported cases of so-called COVID are nothing more than the flu, because there is no available testing procedure in all of the Bay Area that can diagnose the disease – in an area with 5 million people.
And even if there were, the standard test cited in any medical reference for COVID is the RT-PCR test, for which we have seen above the evidence of its inherent inaccuracy and lack of reliability.
By extrapolation then, it is fairly reasonable to say that the random reporting we see at work in one of the richest, most populous communities in the US is no different from what is going on everywhere else across the nation. Looks like it’s all being orchestrated via the same corporate narrative.
What we’ve seen in the past few months may be nothing more than the standard re-categorization technique, traditionally used to conjure up new Boutique Epidemics, in the absence of any truly novel disease. [8] We have to look at last year’s figures. In every community, in very state, let’s take a look at the annual numbers of people who got the flu, for the past 3 years. Guess what you’ll find. No difference at all this year.
Point 4
Last Saturday, 29 Feb, President Trump, Mike Pence, Alex Azar, and Toni Fauci held a press conference, carried live on Fox. [5] If you didn’t watch that show, you’re not really interested in coronavirus.
The first thing we learned is that at present there are only 22 cases of the “novel” virus in the entire United States. Let that fact sink in. Out of almost 350 million people.
That was the very first time a major news channel acknowledged that coronavirus wasn’t a very serious disease, because the majority of cases recovered completely in a couple of weeks. Just like the flu. And the cured should then be deducted from the statistics. No one else does that.
Virtually every other story in all media for the past three months simply piles the cases up, week after week, continuing to add to a growing list, making no allowance for patients that are no longer sick. Which is 99.9% of them.
This has been a brand new trick with this particular Boutique Epidemic – disregarding the cured. A tipoff to the underlying agenda. Result: it looks as though numbers are increasing out of control and it’s a growing global epidemic.
This deliberately misleading tactic explains why reported numbers for coronavirus are all over the map, depending on the source.
The whole tone of that Saturday’s Fox press conference was in stark contrast to everyday news reports on coronavirus, since it all began. Did you notice that? It was night and day.
Sometimes I think your analyses can be a little outlandish 😀 Having said that I do often find myself agreeing with you and certainly respecting your scepticism. And in this instance I think you raise many very valid questions.
I have to say my suspicions were also aroused when I read about the four members of the same family who purportedly died of Covid19 after a family get-together in New Jersey, and 3 other family members were left in a serious condition. It seemed extremely unlikely on the face of it that Covid19 would have offered any significant contribution to their deaths. More likely some sort of poisoning, I would have thought, or they all had very serious underlying conditions that haven’t been mentioned.
Thanks for that, Judy. Yes, we’ve seen the “families” selling their souls before.
I recognise that what I say might seem outlandish but honestly I think in reality what I say makes complete sense, it’s just that people have been indoctrinated to think otherwise and their reaction is in line with their indoctrination. I think what I say (and it certainly isn’t just me saying most of what I say) evokes a reaction as described by Dresden James below.
It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for the US government to kill 3,000 of their citizens and injure 6,000 in planes and buildings and it is difficult to even describe how they would have done it. Who would have decided when to stop the evacuation prior to the buildings coming down? Who would have implemented this Sophie’s choice procedure and as so many people obviously needed to be involved in this operation how would they have gone along with it? There was absolutely no need for real death and injury in any shape or form, it would have actually been quite difficult to implement, there would have been a massive fallout which we don’t see and the evidence shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that death and injury were staged – which isn’t to say no one was killed but definitely 3,000 people were not killed on 9/11 or 6,000 injured. It is utterly preposterous. People’s reaction is simply that they so strongly believe in the death and injury it’s like telling people the world is round when they’ve believed for so long it’s flat.
And just to add. I think it’s very helpful to have a sense of what KIND of event an event is. “False flag” is a propaganda term to mislead us into thinking that a crime has been committed and the only issue is who was responsible: it wasn’t 19 terrorists but the US government. No, no, no, no, no. The actual crimes committed on 9/11 had zero to do with the alleged crimes. All these events are out-and-out psyops not false flags.
Alleged crime: 19 terrorists hijacked four planes yada yada
Actual crime: In the guise of a real terrorist attack, the US government with the collaboration of intelligence, other nation heads, agency staff, corporation heads and many others implemented a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation which was, in effect, a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as real.
Every single skerrick of evidence, including a sophisticated propaganda campaign targeted at 9/11 truthers, shows that 9/11 was an exercise, not a terrorist attack or a false flag. It has many of the hallmarks of this coronavirus pandemic exercise, including the “families”.
9/11, coronavirus pandemic, Sandy Hook, Manchester Bombing, Pearl Harbour, Great Fire of London 1666 all have the same hallmarks. Obviously, in some of them real things happen – there are real bombings or fires but they are always of an evacuated area.
What eruption of Vesuvius? That fake?!
So you think there’s a limit on fakeries and stagings, Richard? What would you say is the maximum number you’d reckon on since say, 1666?
Who would have decided when to stop the evacuation prior to the buildings coming down? Who would have implemented this Sophie’s choice procedure and as so many people obviously needed to be involved in this operation how would they have gone along with it?
— as usual, the explanation for your inane theory is your invincible ignorance.
Nobody needed to be involved in “stopping the evacuation”, because no such thing occurred. How would that even be possible?
The stairwells on the floors where the airplanes (which you don’t believe in) crashed, were on fire. This is attested to by the very few people who managed to escape from above the crash zone (who you will claim are all crisis actors). Almost everybody who was below the crash zone escaped, whereas almost nobody above it did.
It must be comforting to you, to imagine that the US deep state is so fundamentally non-violent, that they would never kill anybody. Except the third-world victims of the Terror War, of course. Or are they all fake, too? Maybe no such places as Iraq or Syria actually exist, except as movie sets.
Sorry, my bad, milo, I didn’t realise that the story was that those above the floors affected by the alleged plane crash died and those below didn’t. Thanks for that. I won’t trot out that line again.
Regardless, it’s still a load of cobblers and the evidence shows death and injury were staged.
Of course, there were those – they told us – who actually survived the 12-second collapse of the 500,000-ton North Tower – the Miracle Survivors, that small lucky group we tend to see from one event to another … and gasp! sometimes they survive even more than one of these terrible events. Doncha love it?
God I’m an idiot, how did I ever admit I was wrong there. I was focused on something else. There were no planes, of course, and the story about above and below the alleged plane crash is just a story. They had control over everything that happened and, assuming there was evacuation, it would have been a Sophie’s choice situation to allow some to evacuate and others not. Bottom line: the event was a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise not a false flag and their MO would not have included killing people unnecessarily. It’s absurd.
Shocking strawman. Of course, they kill people but they do it where it suits them and it so didn’t suit them on 9/11.
Petra, I posted a link to the work of Gerard Holmgren above. You are correct. No planes. Primitive CGI and a few complicit media types plus a global infestation of supreme beings.
p.s. Mr Holmgren died prematurely, of a severe cancer, diagnosed only two weeks before he succumbed.
Petra…much less than 3,000. here:
RIP Gerard
Yes, the number, in fact, may well be zero, Watt. I have a homage page to Gerard.
it’s a joy and relief to find that there are people out there, late(ish)comers to the 9/11 fantasy story, who are aware of Gerard Holmgren and his work assosciated with 9/11. I believe he wrote his satirical expose quite early on, whilst many still persist, even now, with their earnest investigations. He demolished the whole caboodle in a couple of pages. As a matter of interest, do you know when he actually penned it? If so, it might be of value to include the date in your homage.
Did he document what happened to all the first responders whose families have never seen them again?
Bodies going missing is quite a hard one to explain away as fake.
Can we try to remain on topic. There are many threads about 9/11 – all of them open👍
Wow that’s pretty compelling. Direct research is the way to go. I’m now of the opinion that there is no novel coronavirus.
How could there be following event 201 pandemic exercise which modelled the spread of such a virus only a few months before this happened?
It would be an astronomical coincidence that could only be adequately explained by a bio attack originating with Bill Gates or similar which they wished to publicise.
Assuming a hoax how did they get Russia China and Iran to play along?
All these hostilities and Ballistic missiles etc must be faked.
I raised the possibility that Putin was playing along over the novichok many moons ago. Is this perhaps the explanation?
We assume the pandemic must be real because Russians would never willingly help us in a hoax after that particular incredible hoax incident when they themselves were treated unfairly by the West.
It also involved hazmat suits which was useful for programming our minds.
You often touch on the theme that perpetrators leave clues to their mischief.
There is enough information in the MSM with which to debunk this. Perhaps it’s me but it doesn’t even seem they are really trying to convince us.
Scary though. A true international fascistic takeover.
Exactly, Refraktor, and it’s not just you.
At least a number of them. Shooting down of PS-752 and MH-17 were faked.
Would not be in the least surprised, after all, the Russian ambassador, Alexander Yakovenko, said “Some wisdom from the person like Poirot to investigate,” (doncha love it?) and I’d say Russia played along with 9/11. Every man and his dog was in on 9/11 I think. Our own Little Johnny so very coincidentally was in Washington with front row seats for the big event.,_2001
Operation Northern Vigilance, was a NORAD operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to locations in Alaska and Northern Canada. In order to simulate a hijacking situation including terrorist pilots.[1] The operation was a response to a Russian exercise, in which long-range bombers were dispatched to Russia’s high north. The operation was one part simulation, one part real world. It was immediately called off after NORAD received word from NEADS that the Federal Aviation Administration had evidence of a hijacking. All simulated information (so-called “injects”) were purged from computer screens at NORAD headquarters in Colorado. On receiving news of the attacks, the Russians promptly canceled their exercise as well.[2]
International billionaire class, mayhap? Who are above borders and nationalities and loyalties to humanity.
Briliant, Petra. Thank you for all those phone calls exposing this nonsense.
Thanks, John, and this YouTuber in Hawaii exposes the CEO of UrgentCare lying about queues for testing.