10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
Kit Knightly

Following on from our previous list, here are ten more expert voices, drowned out or disregarded by the mainstream narrative, offering their take on the coronavirus outbreak.
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Dr. Sunetra Gupta et al. are an Oxford-based research team constructing an epidemiological model for the coronavirus outbreak, their paper has yet to be peer-reviewed, but the abstract is available online.
Dr Gupta is a Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at the University of Oxford with an interest in infectious disease agents that are responsible for malaria, HIV, influenza and bacterial meningitis. She is a recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award, the Scientific Medal by the Zoological Society of London and the Royal Society Rosalind Franklin Award for her scientific research.
What they say:
Importantly, the results we present here suggest the ongoing epidemics in the UK and Italy started at least a month before the first reported death and have already led to the accumulation of significant levels of herd immunity in both countries. There is an inverse relationship between the proportion currently immune and the fraction of the population vulnerable to severe disease.
– Fundamental principles of epidemic spread highlight the immediate need for large-scale serological surveys to assess the stage of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, 24th March 2020
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The research presents a very different view of the epidemic to the modelling at Imperial College London […] “I’m surprised that there has been such unqualified acceptance of the Imperial model”, Dr Gupta said.
The Oxford results would mean the country had already acquired substantial her immunity through the unrecognised spread of covid19 over more than two months.
Although some experts have shed doubt on the strength and length of the human immune response to the virus, Prof Gupta said the emerging evidence made her confident that humanity would build up herd immunity against Covid19
– “Coronavirus may have infected halt the population”, Financial Times, 24th March 2020
Dr Karin Mölling is a German virologist whose research focused on retroviruses, particularly human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). She was a full professor and director of the Institute of Medical Virology at the University of Zurich from 1993 until her retirement in 2008 and received multiple honours and awards for her work.
What she says:
You are now told every morning how many SARS-Corona 2 deaths there are. But they don’t tell you how many people already are infected with influenza this winter and how many deaths it has caused.
This winter, the flu is not severe, but around 80,000 are infected. You don’t get these numbers at all. Something similar occurred two years ago. This is not put into the right context.
Every week a person dies in Berlin from multi-resistant germs. That adds up to 35,000 a year in Germany. This is not mentioned at all. I believe that we have had situations like this several times and that the measures are now being taken too far.
I am of the opinion that maybe one should not do so much against young people having parties together and infecting each other. We have to build immunity somehow. How can that be possible without contacts? The younger ones handle the infection much better. But we have to protect the elderly, and protect them in a way that can be scrutinized; is it reasonable what we are doing now, to stretch out the epidemic in a way that almost paralyzes the entire world economy?
The Robert Koch Institute provides the figures. Then you sit there as a listener or spectator: 20 dead again, how terrible! Do you know when I would start to panic? If there are 20,000. Then we get close to what went on completely quietly two years ago.
The 2018 influenza epidemic, with 25,000 deaths, never disconcerted the press. The clinics had to deal with an additional 60,000 patients, which was no problem in the clinics either!
That is the main fear: the disease is presented as a terrible disease. The disease per se is like the flu in a normal winter. It is even weaker in the first week.
– Interview on Anti-Empire.com, 23rd March 2020
Dr Anders Tegnell is a Swedish physician and civil servant who has been State Epidemiologist of the Public Health Agency of Sweden since 2013. Dr Tegnell graduated from medical school in 1985, specialising in infectious disease. He later obtained a PhD in Medical Science from Linköping University in 2003 and an MSc in 2004.
What he says:
“All measures that we take must be feasible over a longer period of time.” Otherwise, the population will lose acceptance of the entire corona strategy.
Older people or people with previous health problems should be isolated as much as possible. So no visits to children or grandchildren, no journeys by public transport, if possible no shopping. That is the one rule. The other is: Anyone with symptoms should stay at home immediately, even with the slightest cough.
“If you follow these two rules, you don’t need any further measures, the effect of which is only very marginal anyway,”
– “The World Stands Still…Except for Sweden”, Zeit.de, 24th March 2020
Dr Pablo Goldschmidt is an Argentine-French virologist specializing in tropical diseases, and Professor of Molecular Pharmacology at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Buenos Aires and Faculty of Medicine of the Hospital Center of Pitié-Salpetrière, Paris.
He currently resides in France, where he has worked for almost 40 years as a researcher in clinical laboratories developing diagnostic technology.
What he says:
The ill-founded opinions expressed by international experts, replicated by the media and social networks repeat the unnecessary panic that we have previously experienced. The coronavirus identified in China in 2019 caused nothing less than a strong cold or flu, with no difference so far with cold or flu as we know , ”
Respiratory viral conditions are numerous and are caused by several viral families and species, among which the respiratory syncytial virus (especially in infants), influenza (influenza), human metapneumoviruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and various coronaviruses, already described years ago. It is striking that earlier this year global health alerts have been triggered as a result of infections by a coronavirus detected in China, COVID-19, knowing that each year there are 3 million newborns who die in the world of pneumonia and 50,000 adults in the United States for the same cause, without alarms being issued.
Our planet is the victim of a new sociological phenomenon, scientific-media harassment , triggered by experts only on the basis of laboratory molecular diagnostic analysis results. Communiqués issued from China and Geneva were replicated, without being confronted from a critical point of view and, above all, without stressing that coronaviruses have always infected humans and always caused diarrhoea and what people call a banal cold or common cold. Absurd forecasts were extrapolated, as in 2009 with the H1N1 influenza virus.
There is no evidence to show that the 2019 coronavirus is more lethal than respiratory adenoviruses, influenza viruses, coronaviruses from previous years, or rhinoviruses responsible for the common cold.
– Interview on Clarin.com, 9th March 2020
Dr Eran Bendavid and Dr Jay Bhattacharya are professors of medicine and public health at Stanford University.
What they say:
[P]rojections of the death toll could plausibly be orders of magnitude too high […] The true fatality rate is the portion of those infected who die, not the deaths from identified positive cases.
The latter rate is misleading because of selection bias in testing. The degree of bias is uncertain because available data are limited. But it could make the difference between an epidemic that kills 20,000 and one that kills two million.
A universal quarantine may not be worth the costs it imposes on the economy, community and individual mental and physical health. We should undertake immediate steps to evaluate the empirical basis of the current lockdowns.
“Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?”, Wall Street Journal, 24th March 2020
Dr Tom Jefferson is a British epidemiologist, based in Rome. He works for the Cochrane Collaboration, where he is an author and editor of the Cochrane Collaboration’s acute respiratory infections group, as well as part of four other Cochrane groups. He is also an advisor to the Italian National Agency for Regional Health Services.
What he says:
So I cannot answer my nagging doubts, there does not seem to be anything special about this particular epidemic of influenza-like illness.
There are, however, two consequences of this situation that bother me.
The first is the lack of institutional credibility as perceived by my friends. They range from firefighters, policemen, and even a GP — not the kind of people you would want to alienate in an emergency. A restaurant owner told me he would never report himself to the health authority as that would mean at least two weeks of closure and his business would go to the wall.
The second is that once the limelight has moved on, will there be a serious and concentrated international effort to understand the causes and origins of influenza-like illnesses and the life cycle of its agents?
Past form tells me not, and we will go back to pushing influenza as a universal plague under the roof of the hot house of commercial interest. Note the difference: Influenza (caused by influenza A and B viruses, for which we have licensed vaccines and drugs), not influenza-like illnesses against which we should wash our hands all the year round, not just now.
Meanwhile, I still cannot answer Mario’s question: what’s different this time?
– “Covid 19—many questions, no clear answers”, British Medical Journal, 2nd March 2020
Dr Michael Levitt is Professor of biochemistry at Stanford University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), a member of the National Academy of Sciences and received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems.
In February this year, he correctly modelled that the China outbreak was coming to an end, predicting around 80,000 cases and 3250 deaths.
What he says:
I don’t believe the numbers in Israel, not because they’re made up, but because the definition of a case in Israel keeps changing and it’s hard to evaluate the numbers that way…
There is a lot of unjustified panic in Israel. I don’t believe the numbers here, everything is politics, not math. I will be surprised if number of deaths in Israel surpasses ten, and even five now with the restrictions.
To put things in proportion, the number of deaths of coronavirus in Italy is 10% of the number of deaths of influenza in the country between 2016-2017.
Even in China it’s hard to look at the number of patients because the definition of “patient” varies, so I look at number of deaths. In Israel there are none, so that’s why it’s not even on the world map for the disease.”
– “Nobel laureate: surprised if Israel has more than 10 coronavirus deaths”, Jerusalem Post, 20th March 2020
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[Levitt] analyzed data from 78 countries that reported more than 50 new cases of COVID-19 every day and sees “signs of recovery” in many of them. He’s not focusing on the total number of cases in a country, but on the number of new cases identified every day — and, especially, on the change in that number from one day to the next.
“Numbers are still noisy, but there are clear signs of slowed growth.”
“What we need is to control the panic,” he said. In the grand scheme, “we’re going to be fine.”
– “Why this Nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery: ‘We’re going to be fine'”, Los Angeles Times, 22nd March 2020
German Network for Evidence-Based Medicine is an association of German scientists, researchers and medical professionals.
The network was founded in 2000 to disseminate and further develop concepts and methods of evidence-based and patient-oriented medicine in practice, teaching and research, and today has around 1000 members.
What they say:
In the majority of cases, COVID-19 takes the form of a mild cold or is even symptom-free. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that all cases of infection are recorded, in contrast with deaths which are almost completely recorded. This leads to an overestimation of the CFR.
According to a study of 565 Japanese people evacuated from Wuhan, all of whom were tested (regardless of symptoms), only 9.2% of infected people were detected with currently used symptom-oriented COVID-19 monitoring [5]. This would mean that the number of infected people is likely to be about 10 times greater than the number of registered cases. The CFR would then only be about one tenth of that currently measured. Others assume an even higher number of unreported cases, which would further reduce the CFR.
The widespread availability of SARS-CoV-2 tests is limited. In the USA, for example, an adequate, state-funded testing facility for all suspected cases has only been available since 11.3.2020 [6]. In Germany as well, there were occasional bottlenecks which contribute to an overestimation of the CFR.
As the disease spreads, it becomes increasingly difficult to identify a suspected source of infection. As a result, common colds in people who unknowingly had contact with a COVID-19 patient are not necessarily associated with COVID-19 and those affected do not go to the doctor at all.
An overestimation of the CFR also occurs when a deceased person is found to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, but this was not the cause of death.
[T]he CFR of 0.2% currently measured for Germany is below the Robert Koch-Institute’s (RKI) calculated influenza CFRs of 0.5% in 2017/18 and 0.4% in 2018/19, but above the widely accepted figure of 0.1% for which there is no reliable evidence.
Beyond the (rather questionable) conclusions drawn from the historical example, there is little evidence that NPIs for COVID-19 actually lead to a reduction in overall mortality. A Cochrane Review from 2011 found no robust evidence for the effectiveness of border control screenings or social distancing.
A systematic review from 2015 found moderate evidence that school closures delay the spread of an influenza epidemic, but at high cost. Isolation at home slows down the spread of influenza but leads to increased infection of family members. It is questionable whether these findings can be transferred from influenza to COVID-19.
It is completely unclear how long the NPIs must be maintained and what effects could be achieved depending on their duration and intensity. The number of deaths might only be postponed to a later point in time, without any change in the total number.
Many questions remain unanswered. On the one hand, the media confronts us daily with alarming reports of an exponentially increasing number of ill and dead people worldwide. On the other hand, the media coverage in no way considers our required criteria for evidence-based risk communication.
The media is currently communicating raw data, for example, there have been “X” infected persons and “Y” deaths to date. However, this presentation fails to distinguish between diagnoses and infections.
– “Covid19: Where is the evidence?”, statement on their website, March 20th 2020
Dr Richard Schabas is the former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario, Medical Officer of Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health and Chief of Staff at York Central Hospital.
What he says:
[F]ar more cases are out there than are being reported. This is because many cases have no symptoms and testing capacity has been limited. There have been about 100,000 cases reported to date, but, if we extrapolate from the number of reported deaths and a presumed case-fatality rate of 0.5 per cent, the real number is probably closer to two million – the vast majority mild or asymptomatic.
Likewise, the actual rate of new cases is probably at least 10,000 a day. If these numbers sound large, though, remember that the world is a very big place. From a global perspective, these numbers are very small.
Second, the Hubei outbreak – by far the largest, and a kind of worst-case scenario – appears to be winding down. How bad was it? Well, the number of deaths was comparable to an average influenza season. That’s not nothing, but it’s not catastrophic, either, and it isn’t likely to overwhelm a competent health-care system. Not even close.
I am not preaching complacency. This disease is not going away any time soon; we should expect more cases and more local outbreaks. And COVID-19 still has the potential to become a major global health problem, with an overall burden comparable to that of influenza. We need to be vigilant in our surveillance.
But we also need to be sensible. Quarantine belongs back in the Middle Ages. Save your masks for robbing banks. Stay calm and carry on. Let’s not make our attempted cures worse than the disease.
– “Strictly by the numbers, the coronavirus does not register as a dire global crisis”, Globe and Mail, 11th March 2020
Another thank you to Swiss Propaganda Research for their excellent work, as well as to all the commenters who provided names and suggestions BTL on the previous piece. They are not all included, for various reasons, but it was all useful information. We also acknowledge voices from other fields, be they philosophers or human rights lawyers, have criticised the response to the outbreak, but we made the decision to limit these lists solely to those experts in medicine or biological science.
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“Persons with Corona” have a 99.995 % chance of living. But in about 80 years or so, if you are one of the .005 percent. Then you will die IF you have another underlying major medical condition.
See humans – as great as God deigned us wear out and that is because we will ourselves with GMO junk, smoke, drink, abuse our vessels. Our life is but a vapor to begin with. And we must not live in fear of the programming machine, and thought controllers. Socialize, and enjoy the brief life GOD gave you! Use reason and good judgment. Together with truth we will over come the evil that is Corona Scam.
I begin to doubt your cred when you thank “Swiss Propaganda Research” (which is really the mysterious/ dubious “Swiss Policy Research” site) which reveals nothing about itself: not a single name is mentioned, no authors are identified, no hyperlinks are to be found. A few wks ago I emailed the site with my concerns – no answer. Surely you check your sources!? What gives!
Thank you very much. There are not many visible critical experts in France, where I live. Public debates are almost absent in this country, as far as I can see.
Please hyperlink the quotes you mention above to the original source
Thanks for a good article. There are many ways to treat illnesses without vaccines or medicines. Such as ozone therapy.
I have read a lot about the virus, the fact that it targets with the worst consequences, the elderly and those with “underlying conditions.” Nowhere have I seen it mentioned what prescription drugs these people have been taking prior to their affliction with the virus. Many, if not most, of the elderly are on prescription medications, some a combination of drugs. Many prescription drugs have side effects, like lowering a person’s immunity. I watched incredulous a current TV commercial for a prescription drug for a skin problem that stated that it could increase your chances of infection (meaning lower your immunity). Do these people go to their doctors and tell them “Hey, doc, I know this Coronavirus thing is going around, but I have this skin rash and I really want it to go away, even if it means I could die.”?
Add in the factors like background on the drugs people are taking; add in the factors of normal steps to take to increase your immunity (without crowding out the opinions that these are “worthless”). There’s more to it than sunshine and Vitamin C, but too much to go into here.
People will benefit monetarily from the virus, as they have over every national/international catastrophe. And people will suffer, as they always have. I define good press as having a humanitarian undertone. People count; they should always be the top priority in our thoughts and actions.
I have worked many years as a researcher and statistician for one of the big US corporations. We used to laugh as “studies have shown” and the old adage: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Retired now for some time and greatly enjoying it.
The Koch Institute via Kopp Verlag e-news had similar information two weeks ago [today 8.4] about the real lethality being exaggerated by two decimal points. Belarus shut its borders and nothing else. Four days ago 4 passed away. Italy the Koch Inst reported simply collated the dead who were infected but never clarified whether they did with or from the virus. Etc et al. The whole thing looks arranged.
please listen to this doctor and then read the article.
I would like to point out that the Swedish guy is essentially advocating going into total lockdown immediately, since everyone experiences an assortment of very mild flu-like symptoms on a regular basis.
Given a kind of consensus that CV19 is not much more severe than the annual flu, what is the best guess of the experts as to the reasons for the overwhelming of the intensive care / hospital systems in Northern Italy and New York City?
It’s not for epidemiological experts to pass judgement on economic or anthropological matters.
Judy, did not ask epidemiological experts to pass judgement on economic or anthropological matters.
Just medico-systemic matters…
But is it for the Politicians and Mass Media “experts” to start a world wide panic and economical misery and deaths whose “solution” will be worse than the disease without considering the opinion of epidemiological experts.. Do some research and look for Dissenting Opinions Regarding Mass Quarantine…these 10 are just a sample.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Manuel. Those controlling the policy MUST consult experts in the relevant scientific field in order to consider the medical impact and implications of something like Covid19. Those pulling the strings appear not to have done this.
The point I was making in my earlier post was in response to critics of the epidemiological experts asking how those experts explain (supposedly) overrun ICUs if they are confident that the virus doesn’t present a major threat to society. My answer is that it isn’t the job of the epidemiological experts to explain why people take themselves en masse to A&E (out of panic or hysteria?) and why ICUs are overstretched [ if they are indeed overstretched, it is most likely due to funding and economic and management issues, and pressures caused by the footfall of people panicking ].
“[…] and why ICUs are overstretched [ if they are indeed overstretched, it is most likely due to funding and economic and management issues, and pressures caused by the footfall of people panicking ].”
The dataset published by the Italian National Institute of Statistics shows that since March 1st until March 21st 2020, certain locations in Italy registered a tripling in the number of deaths with respect to the average figure of the previous four years.
Physicians, doctors and medical personnel in the most beaten municipalities in Italy tell nightmare stories of the healthcare system being overwhelmed.
Now, I don’t buy that doctors decide to hook people to ICU units just because of “people panicking”. They do so because and when people need to be ventilated in order to survive.
And as much as the economic cuts of the past twenty years might have made the system very fragile, the sudden spike in the death rate shows that these deaths are statistically unusual. That is: they don’t tend to happen often and on a wide scale.
I respect the off-Guardian. And I defend their decision of expressing skepticism on the way governments faced this epidemic. But this time I think they are on the wrong side of the issue.
The fatality rate doesn’t tell the whole story. What would be more interesting in my opinion is a dataset that shows us how often serious and potentially lethal complications arise in Covid-19 patients.
Because my hunch, according to empirical experience and the data available, is that’s front where the virus becomes much more serious than seasonal flu.
What I mean is that while the virus is not especially lethal per se (unless comorbidity kicks in), there is evidence to believe that it would become very dangerous if left to spread unchecked because the absence of significant immunity in the general population coupled with the chance of infected people developing life threatening conditions would quickly lead to a saturation of the healthcare system and that in turn would kill even people that could otherwise be saved, leading to an increase in the death rate.
You don’t need to be an expert to see the causes for the concentration in Northern Italy and NYC. a) Florence has about 300,000 legal Chinese immigrants taking over its manufacturing, in addition to countless illegal Chinese, who make regular and continuous trips back & forth to Wuhan. Once the outbreak in China became known, and China began complaining a few weeks later that calling it a Chinese- or Wuhan-virus was “racist,” the mayor of Florence encouraged the Italian residents of Florence to “hug a Chinese” to show support. Again, there was a constant traffic between Florence & Wuhan at that time. And Florence apparently has the second oldest population in Europe, if not in the world.
b) In January, President Trump banned travel from China. In NYC, the mayor and numerous anti-Trump politicians attacked him for that action, and fought him in the courts. They encouraged New Yorkers to attend the big Chinese New Year celebrations in February in lower Manhattan, telling them there was nothing to worry about, that the coronavirus wasn’t contagious. And later, when Trump banned travel from Iran, a city official or judge overruled him on that. And it is known that a woman flying in from Iran was infected with the virus.
There are other factors as well, but political correctness in the case of Italy and political hatred in the case of New York gave both locations a major impetus in being infected.
Thank you for your thoughts… and no thanks to Trump for his stupidity and self-centeredness.
“no thanks to Trump for his stupidity and self-centeredness” ? A non sequitur.
A sequitor 😉
@DN: was it stupidity to ban travels from China?
Was it stupidity to ban travels from Iran?
I guess you know what stupidity is, but you are mentally blind to see who is really stupid.
Fred vB (not a fan of DJT, nor of Demonrats
The scales just fell off my eyes, @Fred vB! Glad to hear that you are not a fan of DJT 🙂
I suggest that you might actually suffer from what you have diagnosed as my sight problem 😉
Two relatively minor non-stupid acts, drowning in a sea of hundreds of acts of utter stupidity and unbelievable insanity, all the while misleading the public, don’t add up to anything worth talking about.
Wipe your eyes and wake up, for heaven’s sake!
Hi Sam, yes, what you say about the chinese community in Florence being one of the biggest in Europe is correct, nevertheless I would like to point out that there’s no evidence of a single chinese man/woman living in Italy who passed away because of covid19, the infection spread in Lombardia and not in Toscany where the chinese are. On the other hand just to add some information you may want to know that all deaths in northern Italy are now rubricated as “person died because of covid 19” instead of “person died with covid 19”. All corpses normally are immediately carried away without being examined by the coroner, you may have seen the trucks of the army here in northern Italy carrying away coffins, well those corpses went straight to the crematorium.
8000 in Italy up a triangle in the northern area you mention die each year from industrial and car pollution. Simply added to the total
There has NOT and there is NOT ANY real “Covid-19”!
What it IS, is that “THEY” invented a MISERABLE “corona-virus TEST” which as it has been very recently been DOCUMENTED and written in the official U.S. Medical Library Records [citation requested, thank you -ed], is NOT and CANNOT DETECT ANY actual “Covid-19″… and instead it ONLY detects “corona-viruses” existence IN GENERAL in the human body…
The so called “test” (and we are talking about the so called “credible” one which is working on the molecular level), in addition to the above, also, CANNOT DETECT the amount of the “corona-viruses” in the human body… which is crucial in order for a patient to be determined as an actual patient of a FLU…
Corona-viruses on the other hand, has been a thing which we humans have long ago been co-existing for millennia and what can make someone actually sick of them, is the amount of the “corona-viruses”, as well as the strength condition of their immune system!
THE WHOLE THING IS (one more yet a) SIGNIFICANT GLOBAL SCAM!!! just like that of the so called “climate change” and/or “global warming”…
The difference is that now, things are developing much faster regarding the PLANS of the GLOBAL CULT which has been RULING this world towards the IMPLEMENTATION and ENFORCEMENT of the “GLOBAL GOVERNANCE / DICTATORSHIP” right after the DESTRUCTION of the existing so far Global Economy… and THIS one will prove (INCLUDING the soon coming MANDATORY (Absolutely LETHAL) “VACCINATIONS” will be changing the world as we all know it so far…
The Economic Crisis of the 2008, compared to THIS one, will look like a tea party…
The Rockefeller Foundation has been officially foreseeing(…) and Describing this current situation, to its very last detail(…) in their records of the year 2010… Ten years ago!
All the here above mentioned information can be looked up an found in their respective web-sites by ANYONE… and last but not least, the whole current thing, apart from its connection to the “global gov” is also well connected to the massive roll-out of the “5G” as well…
@chris, are you able to point us to your source for the above statement about US Medical Library Records? Thanks, A2
Thanks for the query… needed!
It appears NYC’s “patients” may be a partial hoax. Citizen journalists have investigated & found — well, best you see for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4
Italy: poor air quality; hospitals overwhelmed w pneumonia patients BEFORE advent of corona; and withdrawal of Eastern European caregivers from nursing homes, eventually shunting these elderly upon hospitals too.
I recommend https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/ , now renamed “Facts on
Covid-19” Same link works.
Thanks Penelope! Had a quick look… the only comment I have about those NYC videos is that the footage had no date reference… The Swiss doctor document looks terrific… will study it in more detail… Best!
b dale… what’s the point of your post, please?
Latest news that I just heard on the BBC…wait for it. Apparently there are two new coronavirus symptoms to add to the ever-growing list. Some ‘afflicted’ people have reported a loss of the sense of smell and/or taste. Give me strength. (If I had an emoji for pulling your hair out I’d use it 😀 )
I’ve lost my sense of taste. Probably a result of eating the same things for three weeks because there is nothing in the shops.
That’s not a new symptom, it’s been talked about for weeks.
Yes, and my post dates from four weeks ago when it was first publicised.
So it does, Judy. Sorry.
No problem, Lynda. Actually, strangely enough I have been suffering from a loss of sense of smell and taste for about three weeks now…no other symptoms.
I hope they come back soon because it is affecting my enjoyment of food!
here are the stats for overall seasonal death rates across Europe, they are the same if not less than any other year, I believe whats happening now is that every single death is being attributed to Covid19.
Death “with”Covid19 is not the same as death “from” Covid19
And the ONS small print for the UK stats clearly states that these are the dates the deaths were REPORTED, which can be more than a week later than the actual death, especially in the south-east of England. Worth bearing in mind.
So the only thing i miss in all these critiques, most of which i certainly agree with, in terms of the numbers being not that impressive and so on, is the fact that the hospitals and morgues deal with.
How come the hospitals and morgues and funeral homes are not able to deal with these numbers, if they are so much lower than “business as usual” flu season and all other forms of disease and causes of death?
And why is no one that offers critique on the numbers, like these experts do, not answering this question?
And I´ve seen some people here in the comments laughing those questions away as well.
Do you have evidence that the funeral homes are not coping?
This article for example, but ofcourse this kind of info comes through mainstream and social media.
So i dont know if you count it as proof.
But yea, there are many videos on youtube of doctors saying they cant cope with the influx of people and we have to stay home
First, one of the major reasons why Italy is “overwhelmed,” is because of the crisis its public hospitals were already facing before the epidemic. The number of intensive care units has dropped by half over the last 20 years, dropping from the highest to the lowest number of beds per capita in Europe to around 230 per 100,000 inhabitants. In other words, the situation was already disastrous. https://www.globalresearch.ca/does-coronavirus-pandemic-serve-global-agenda/5707133
A report in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera points out that Italian intensive care units already collapsed under the marked flu wave in 2017/2018. They had to postpone operations, call nurses back from holiday and ran out of blood donations.
Hectic scenes in hospitals are often the case especially in countries like Italy.
And still, some municipalities here in Italy saw a threefold increase in deaths during the March 1st to 21st period with respect to the same time span in the 2015-2018 period.
So, yes, the system was very fragile and not ready to cope with the epidemic, but even so, the increase in mortality appears to be definitely anomalous, statistically speaking.
Yeah I agreed with the point you’re saying !
In Italy I’ve seen mention of the near capacity of the hospital ICU’s before covid19 arrived. Another interesting observation is that there is mandatory cremation of the dead with the virus detected, which has overwhelmed the crematoriums.
This virus has been jumped on as it represents a golden opportunity for rogue western gov’ts to do just about anything, from crashing a flawed economy, pushing people into more debt and bankruptcy, to denying more rights, enacting martial law and detaining those who wish to travel.
All is being monitored and public responses analysed by gov’ts, the UN and the WHO for future use no doubt. The models used for all the virus panic and chaos are as bogus as the Dr Mann hockey stick climate predictions.
Absolutely right. They are watching and will do this again if it works this time.
Another assume expert saying it’s “just” a flu:
“I think it is as a severe seasonal influenza”
said by Johan Giesecke (ex state epidemiologist, WHO advisor, chief scientist/European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention)
Well there’s a post to cheer me up. Done my bit, or tried to, to debunk the fear. 200,000 views and climbing on my first ever YouTube video. And if they or anyone else hasn’t mentioned it, the biggest scare of the Imperial College document isn’t the model, R0 or any of that nonsense. It’s that it plucks out of nowhere a ‘worst case’ that is 50 to 150 times worse than the two real world worst cases: Hubei and Italy. Hubei, 3508 deaths, 59m people. Italy, 10,000 deaths, at or near peak, projecting 17,000 deaths and it’s done. It’s not rocket science. It’s plotting the WHO data. The CMO statement was pure fear generating. It’s the WMD dodgy dossier all over again.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnXzGB170GI
Very good Andrew. No time to watch it all, but the first ten minutes were spot on.
yes, but you are looking with hindsight. It’s much easier to analyse data from the past than the future.
My ears.
My eyes.
So you believe in a heavenly father with no proof of such.
If want proof of our Heavenly Father and His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ read the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation, the battle against evil in the endtimes includes wars and rumors of wars PLAGUES SUCH AS THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN, earthquakes the same, the mark of the Beast, 1/3 of the world will die before Jesus comes again to stop this evil and claim His kingdom, you can see it happening step by step, look into biowarfare and congress ordering ft detrick closed last august and the Wuhan games, stronger version of coronavirus or whatever it is was released in Italy, globalresearch has Russia’s official position on what is going on.
Which two countries have been the most affected so far? Italy and Spain. Importantly, these happen to be two of the most touristed nations in the world, two of the oldest nations in the world (in terms of average life expectancy), and two of the most communal nations in the world (there are few “old folks’ homes”, which, culturally, is of subjective value, but medically, means that these people were exposed to the virus much more directly and completely from the start).
So the crisis there is real. But in the rest of the world? Cases in the US keep going up, but we are testing far more people. Of course, morbidity rates are not directly linear, but over 500 people in the US died on 28 March, and less than 300 did yesterday (29/3, as per https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/). The headline article on cnn.com that I saw this morning (30/3) was “UK outbreak shows signs of slowing, expert says.”
But why does this feel so immediate? Because Italy and Spain are the West. People have been there. When we see photos of abandoned public spaces in Venice, in Barcelona, in Paris, even if we ourselves haven’t visited these sites, we know them. And the people “look like us”. Western Europe is “real” to Western media in a way that Asia or Africa are not. Replace “Italy” and “Spain” with “Indonesia” and “Vietnam”, or better, with “Nigeria” and “Eritrea” and this is, sadly, not even news (the racial implications of this idea are another issue, but it’s hard to deny that this would be the case). This virus would not have crashed the world stock markets, and occasioned cancellations of basically everything in North America, Europe, and elsewhere.
And now national governments are using the crisis and the attendant fear and quarantining to push through all manner of legislation in the name of “protecting the people”. What’s in the US stimulus package? I doubt most congresspeople even read it in its entirety, although several made massive stock sell-offs before the market completely crashed (and a week later, it’s already recovering). Russia is using enhanced tech to curb the spread of the violence (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/29/europe/russia-coronavirus-authoritarian-tech-intl/index.html) but what else will they use it for?
We will likely look back on this in a decade as a largely mass-hysteria fueled recession which allowed governments to tighten their control on citizens in various ways and allowed big businesses to consolidate their already significant advantages.
I meant to write that Russia is using advanced tech to curb the VIRUS, not the VIOLENCE 🙂
The US rates are going up because SARS 2 virus has almost certainly been circulating there since mid last year, probably after an ‘escape’ from one of the numerous US Government, private and covert bio-warfare laboratories.
Tell a lie BIG enough, and tell it often enough, and keep repeating it. People will eventually come to believe it.
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or Military consequence of the lie……
And they will stop at ‘nothing’ to achieve their agenda.. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/Apr/21/uk.medicalscience
Please open this link to learn just how little we are valued and how far they are prepared to go to achieve the agenda of the cabal and their New World Order.
We need to keep in mind that the robot talking heads are just reading from the scripts provided to them by their masters.
They have sold their souls to the devil for a handful of dollars. Their fate is sealed, if not in this life then definitely in the next.
All we can do is ‘live’ to the best of our abilities, to ‘care’ for all mankind and creatures on this planet.
So we have to stay in for a while? We will eventually emerge with our consciences intact but they will have to live knowing that they have assisted in the destruction of life as we know it, and will have aided in the killing of more innocents. Just as they have done all the brown people in the Middle East. Only here it will have been all the week and Vulnerable, I being one of their prime targets. 🙂
Most of us are used to what they are offering anyway, we have been ‘slaves’ from birth?
So what will be new? Just a different master with a new set of rules.
We have shown we are compliant, their job is all but done.
tried the link but got 404 error, what was the article about?
Well that might be due to the fact that African nations like Eritrea aren’t exactly central to the world’s economy.
And let’s face it – never before in history has a largely healthy population been quarantined. These quarantining measures are an excuse to push through an agenda.
What are the two hardest-hit nations so far? Spain and Italy. These are also two of the most touristed nations in the world, two of the oldest nations in the world (in terms of average life expectancy), and two of the most communal nations in the world (there are few “old folks’ homes”, which, culturally, is of subjective value, but medically, means that these people were exposed to the virus much more directly and completely from the start).
So the crisis there is real. But in the rest of the world? Cases in the US keep going up, but we are testing much more. Of course, morbidity rates are not directly linear, but over 500 people in the US died on 28 March, and less than 300 did yesterday (29/3, as per https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/). The headline article on cnn.com that I saw this morning (30/3) was “UK outbreak shows signs of slowing, expert says.”
But why does this feel so immediate? Because Italy and Spain are the West. People have been there. When we see photos of abandoned public spaces, we know them. And the people “look like us”. Western Europe is “real” to Western media in a way that Asia or Africa are not. Replace “Italy” and “Spain” with “Indonesia” and “Vietnam”, or better, with “Nigeria” and “Eritrea” and this is, sadly, not even news (the racial implications of this idea are another issue, but it’s hard to deny that this would be the case). This virus would not have crashed the world stock markets, and occasioned cancellations of basically everything in North America, Europe, and elsewhere.
And now national governments are using the crisis and the attendant fear and quarantining to push through all manner of legislation in the name of “protecting the people”. What’s in the US stimulus package? I doubt most congresspeople even read it in its entirety, although several made massive stock sell-offs before the market completely crashed (and a week later, it’s already recovering). Russia is using enhanced tech to curb the spread of the violence (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/29/europe/russia-coronavirus-authoritarian-tech-intl/index.html) but what else will they use it for?
We will likely look back on this in a decade as a largely mass-hysteria fueled recession which allowed governments to tighten their control on citizens in various ways and allowed big businesses to consolidate their already significant advantages.
Did you mean “virus” not “violence”?
I just dont trust the media or government to be honest……might be an agenda going on.. big brother is truely here…..
Another questioning voice, that of retired Professor of Pathology, Dr John Lee:
On 20 Mar 2020 when Israel had zero deaths due to COVID-19, Nobel Prize winner and “expert” Michael Levitt said he would be “surprised if number of deaths in Israel surpasses ten”.
As of 29 Mar 2020 Israel has 15 deaths (including 3 more today), so Levitt must be surprised. Israel has 4,247 cases (628 new cases today), so more deaths are coming, making Levitt even more surprised he was wrong.
“Every week a person dies in Berlin from multi-resistant germs. That adds up to 35,000 a year in Germany. This is not mentioned at all.”
it does not make any sense ?????
Terrible news, now add Covid 19 on TOP of that statistic
As if.
Right now, everyone — just about EVERYONE that can — is being tested for COVID-19. 85% percent of cases in China were showing no symptoms. The virus is ubiquitous. There is no reason whatsoever to assume that it is a causative factor in cases where swabs are assessed after death has occured. Yet, when a viral strain is isolated, it is automatically registered as cause of death. No scientific scrutiny is being used!
People are dying all the time in Italy. They just are not regularly looking for every virus under the sun when older people die from degeneration of organ and glandular systems. Lungs lose integrity and cellular debris and waste accumulate. These factors are the CAUSE of death.
Someone right now is dying from pneumonia and it will absolutely be possible to isolate this year’s version of coronavirus from the cellular terrain, thereafter claiming it as causative factor in death. That is sloppy science.
The problem with sloppy science, is that “coronavirus” (due to mass media over-magnification) will end up stealing stats from the 1.5-3 million pneumonia cases per year and the the 3/4 to 1 million flu cases. In fact, it already is.
Berlin isn’t Germany, so 52 deaths a year in Berlin translates as 35,000 throughout the whole of Germany.
The maths of Dr Mölling’s statement don’t add up: if one Berliner (pop. 3.8 m) dies every week from whatever cause, that would give fewer than 1,150 a year for the whole of Germany (pop. 83 m). I can only conclude that Dr Möller must have been misquoted, as she can’t possibly be worse at sums than me.
What is clear is that common sense and rationality have gone out the window. Fear and panic now rule the world. Is the coronavirus crisis – with dozens of countries on lockdown, the epidemic has definitely turned into a crisis – a stampede of lemmings?
French hypocrisy update: two reasonably well-known ‘geopolitical commentators’ (i.e., servile state propagandists), Anthony Bellinger on BFM TV last week and Pierre Haski on France Inter radio this morning have accused China of lying about its coronavirus deaths – Haski said that there may have been 40,000 deaths in Wuhan rather than the 2,500 or so announced. This, he alleged without giving any source, was based on the number of people coming to the city’s crematoria to pick up the urns of their cremated relatives once the lockdown ended. (Fun fact: Haski is president of Reporteurs sans frontières, whose targets mainly consist of the usual suspects: Maduro, Putin, Xi, etc. but rarely anyone closer to their own glass houses.) Bellinger simply said China was lying – no facts, no figures, no examples.
Latest news: France, whose medical-mask industry was practically wiped out by successive neoliberal governments, has ordered a billion masks from the Chinese liars. The first planeload landed in Paris last night. The lying Chinese are saving France’s @rse. (The French hypocrisy story will run and run.)
The Sunday Mail front page was shrieking about Chinese lying yesterday as well. I didn’t bother reading it, but I assume this is the (unchallenged) story going around the MSM now.
This pandemic is definitely being used by all the Western Rightwing racist Sinophobes as a casus belli for the inevitable war on China. If the epidemic in the USA proves particularly deadly, the Rightwing racist hate-mongers will go utterly ape-shit, and they lie as they breathe.
I read that, too, but I think she meant that Berlin is just one city, and in every city in Germany this happens. Maybe it was just a poor translation, or the fact that her English isn’t perfect…
Translated from ‘German English’ : Every week people die in …
Not sure if this has been shared here before, too many things for me to read.
Thanks, Oscar. Yes it has been well noted and linked several times previously but it does no harm to have it available again for new visitors to the site. Makes for very interesting and intriguing reading…as far as I know there hasn’t been an explanation forthcoming from the Government. They seem to be adopting their usual policy of ignoring something embarrassing until it goes away!
Yes, II have read it, but it is a little bit misleading. COVID-19 doesn’t have a high mortality rate, not like Hanta virus, for example.
So is it rational to downgrade its “danger of dying if you get it”? Yes, totally.
But, at the same time, it is very contagious, so the total number of deaths will be high just because the number of people that gets it IS high.
And if the rate of contagion is high (“exponential”), it means that almost the whole of the population gets it *rapidly* i.e. matter of weeks, and, so, the “tiny” minority of people that gets a severe infection is counted in the thousands (1% of 10 millions is 100 K people) and it overruns the capacity of any health system.
My personal opinion based purely on speculation is the reason why the health systems of various countries are overwhelmed is because many reporting to hospitals and clinics have a common cold or a seasonal flue that they believe is “COVID 19” because of all the media hype which is distracting health care professionals from handling critical cases who in turn are dying from neglect.
This is probably what is happening in NYC right now which right now seems to be the current epicenter of the coronavirus.
Also all this panic is perfect for covering up what seems to be an extreme possibility based on evidence that the virus’ origin was not natural but a biological warfare operation that went sideways.
See the following video by Kevin Barrett:
This would also definitely be my FORMER chief medical officer. Maybe tossed into the air lock…
I mean these rebuttals are greatly appreciated. We do indeed need to not overreact.
But “quarantine belongs back in the middle ages” is a very scientifically midevil statement to make. 😉
there’s no such word as “midevil”.
Yep, there should be a hyphen there, “scientifically mid-evil.” 🤒
Has this bunch been onto the OffGuardian case yet:
Notice use of the term ‘Covid Denier’. LOL
These clowns can’t even spell ‘centre’ properly (apologies to our American friends for that remark 🙂 )
I’ll use that. Wow that’s scary! As for centre aka center, I will never like centre, whether it’s proper or not. I speak English as a first language and that offends my senses. Sent Tree? There is no perfect English. Over time, everyone has gotten lazy with the rules and done stupid things to it. They do weird things to the English language in the UK, but mostly in the area of pronunciation, throwing in the letter “r” where it doesn’t exist and changing it where it does. In America and Canada things are all jumbled.
You don’t get perfect systems from imperfect humans. You never will. We’ll just have to deal, as they say. We used to say “deal with it.” 😉
that’s the way everybody spelled it, until an enterprising American decided that he could sell more dictionaries by convincing his fellow citizens that the traditional British spellings were all wrong.
Thanks for the link. I did an essay, a rant really, about mangled English. I bookmarked the page for later reading. Maybe I’ll find something there to use.
I guess the Americans don’t like the French-derived spelling “centre” because the French are cheese-eating surrender-monkeys and all that.
Mind you, the Americans spell “herb” the English way and pronounce it the French way (well, sort of, without aspirating the “h”), which I’ve always found “weird”.
I’ve even heard the Septics saying ‘erb when speaking of a Herbert.
I remember when I was in a high control cult, the first order of the day was only to research only the publications of the cult, no researching outwith the cult was allowed. Those who wrote things against the cult were called apostates.
Whether it is “apostates” or “climate denier”, they’re both classified as loaded language designed to be used as a tool for fear mongering. There’s so much cult ideology being used to try and sell this virus.
USAmerica has always been a tissue of weirdnesses fronted to the rest of an unsuspecting world as the New Normalcy, through the occult prestidigitation of advertising culture, itself the matrix and fountain of her military psyops (cf. Colonel Edward Lansdale).
That syndrome is the wellspring of Stephen King novels, Twin Peaks episodes, and the great documentarian Errol Morris’ exposées of such bizarrerie (Fog of War, S.O.P. etc), not to mention stories by Poe, their godfather in those genres.
Which adds background to my conviction that this whole Psyop has it’s origins and Ground Zero somewhere in the bowels of the Pentagon.
I think we’ll find that avid researchers, true Conspiracy Realists, will trace it back to that Strangelovian ziggurat.
If experience is any kind of teacher.
Climate science is science, a matter of theorising, testing, observing and peer review. Climate destabilisation denial on the other hand, is an industry funded by fossil fuel interests, an ideological hate Crusade for the hard Right, and a true religion for the Dunning-Krugerites.
The original comment was referring to the use of ‘loaded language designed to be used as a tool for fear mongering’, in relation to CV19. It didn’t cast aspersions on climate science itself. Your reply is off-topic, plus you’re at risk of compounding the OP’s point by replying in this vein.
To be fair they’re not entirely off message…I wouldn’t disagree with this. 😀
I wouldn’t trust a word that comes of that Zionist stooge Riley’s mouth that doesn’t relate to maths solutions on Countdown!
I agree, Tim. I was quoting what she and Dr Cannon say (or what was written for them!) in the Counterhate manifesto, because it was ironic that they preach precisely what the coronavirus mainstream narrative doesn’t deliver.
The wonderful thing about English is that you can get away with anything and still be understood. To pretend that there is some inflexible defined version of the English language in grammar or spelling, despite its usage everywhere in the world, is a form of ignorance.
One only need look at the progression by increment of the language over the centuries in its host nation to confirm this.
But hearten: there is a Centre Street in New York City!
perhaps these a**holes would like to try to suppress this extreme example of online hatespeech:
Who ever thought we might yearn for those all too recent “good old days,” when MSM and our government officials breathlessly told us about deadly perfume bottles full of Novichok nerve agent – and about how those pesky Russians put their orange haired stooge in power here in the U.S. – accomplished by using nothing more than several thousand dollars worth of non-political click bait advertisements no less? Diabolical those Russians!
Ah, but Russia is temporarily in the rear view mirror it would seem, as fears about our so called “Chinese virus” dominates the majority of brain cells in the West. Skripnal-gate and Russia-gate have now both magically and unceremoniously been dispensed – for the time being at least – to Orwell’s “memory hole,” as we’re off to the races on the latest bit of elite concocted crazy being used to manipulate and control we ever more restless plebs.
I dare say without first completely terrifying the American populace, a Wall Street bailout of the current magnitude being initiated here could not have happened, given the elite’s fresh memories of the public resistance which arouse after the 2008 bailout. This appears to me a rather obvious “smoking gun” in all this.
Sadly here in the U.S., other than my wife, I don’t know a single soul who shows the least bit of skepticism about this latest media operation. I come to OffG articles and the comments section for a regular much needed “reality check.” Thanks to all for this much appreciated refuge and respite.
Well, those pesky Russians could teach Bloomberg a thing or two about value for money. They spent only a hundred thousand dollars (of which half was after the election) and managed to influence the US election and put big bad Trump in power, stealing it from the saintly Hillary.
Bloomberg spent almost a billion, had the backing of the US media (instead of 24/7 hate), and only managed to get 4 delegates from American Samoa, before he gave up in shame.
Anyway, something stinks about the virus mania, willingly enabled by the mad media. I am also of the opinion that the whole rotten financial mess was ready to collapse and a suitable deflection was seized upon: COVID-19, the plague of the centuries. Except for all the others, even the recent ones.
Never underestimate the ability of the powers-that-be to find something to blame something on; in this case, wretched excess enabled and fueled by central bank ‘liquidity’.
I used to think that it would have been entertaining to have Charles Mackay’s 1849 extraordinary delusions and mania book updated periodically by faithful followers, but have since reached the conclusion that in fact all one has to do is follow the desperatly-seeking-attention media regularly.
That’s why we have this killer virus nonsense. They tried everything else, and we didn’t lissten.
testing on another browser
the way things are in ireland in veer between suicide/staying alive out of curiosity. re lock down/totalitarianism. as a german growing up in the aftermath of the holocaust this is a nightmare i hoped never to experience 🙁
Must admit, I had hoped places like Ireland would have remained bastions of optimistic sanity amidst the common madness, so I am disappointed to learn that this is not the case.
If this turns out to be accurately reported (its Sky News) then it seems the UK government is resorting to blackmail now.
It will happen… remember “don’t go to the pub, oh dear you naughty people now we’ll close them”.
Next up lock-down because some people are still out and about legitimately or not.
And with all this “Protect the NHS” bulls*** after all this is over the NHS will be sold off to re-coup the losses. Just because the people didn’t protect the NHS by getting ill, how dare they!!!
Funny how people were still coming back from Spain last week on emergency flights but allowed to walk straight out the airport without any testing or advice to self-isolate for 2 weeks. Does that mean we will loose the government because they are incompetent… one hopes!
Excellent OffG, thank you.
The whole Covid-19 now has its own dynamic with all the unintended and intended consequences. The actual virus does kill people….but mostly those who have pre-conditions or are very old. With exceptions that the media focus on. The ‘BIG’ deal is the slashing of liberties and the coming economic collapse. A university colleague of mine (an economist) did a rough estimate: In the Dutch health system, the current (pre-Covid-19) ‘cost’ for EXTENDING the life of a patient with a chronic condition is ca. 80,000 euros. Above that figure, treatment is deemed too expensive and inappropriate. With the Covid-19 response the Dutch have increased the cost threshold for extending lives (by figuring out the costs to the economy) to roughly 850,000 euros per patient. I am pretty sure the Dutch case can be extrapolated to other countries. I am afraid this cost will rise further if the lockdowns are extended. It is not sustainable.
Dr Malcolm Kendrick did the same thing for the UK. In his most likely case scenario estimation, 250,000 deaths prevented, with an average gain in life expectancy of 4.5 years, the cost per patient per quality of life year gained would be nearly 4 million pounds sterling. His article can be read in full here. https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/
Interesting edit that has been made to summarise Dr. Buttar’s look into the origin of the virus.
The Virus is Not a Naturally Occuring Phenomenon
As ever the evidence is out there in plain sight if any un-hypnotised person cares to look beyond the slight of hand.
There is more detail on his own YouTube channel if you have the time.
Dr Rashid A Buttar
You can see in real time how falsehoods are created:
“He became the fourth Civil Guard to die of Covid-19. Nearly 800 Spanish police officers have died after testing positive for the virus.”
“He became the fourth Civil Guard to die of Covid-19. Nearly 800 Spanish police officers have died after testing positive for the virus.”
And the probable source:
It comes after three Guardia Civil agents have died from coronavirus, in Valdemoro, Aranjuez and Ciudad Real”
So they managed to equate “test positive” with “dead”, amazing
And the lie then spreads, and becomes part of the general Fear Porn to be quoted by morons under Wodarg videos as proof of the “apocalypse” http://archive.is/eVq9l
And still spreading lies a day later:
“He became the fourth Civil Guard to die of Covid-19. Nearly 800 Spanish police officers have died after testing positive for the virus.”
“The married dad-of-two (pictured) became the fourth Civil Guard to die of Covid-19. Nearly 800 Spanish police officers have died after testing positive for the virus”
That’s amazing! Good job, Joe Q Public:)
Thanks – we need to archive EVERYTHING
The authorities in Belgium stated that a woman had infected a cat with coronavirus. This has been widely reported in the corporate media. But the significance of this (assuming that it did actually occur – the tests can produce false positives) is being completely ignored. If domestic cats can be infected by human beings, it follows that domestic cats can pass the virus on to other domestic cats, who can pass the virus to human beings. Given these vectors for transmission of the virus, the social distancing and self isolations strategy cannot work in societies with millions of domestic cats because the cats are not going to practise social distancing and self isolation and would therefore provide a reservoir.
If this turns out to be true, there’s a straightforward remedy …..
Alan Tench I am afraid you are being too cryptic for me. What is your straightforward remedy?
Strangling all the kittens ? 🙂
Surely the straightforward remedy is to take little notice of either media scares or alt media hyserics. Frankly, we are being presented with an alternative medical view that provided certain simple procedures are followed, very little of what we have been presented with is necessary and might well prove to be counterproductive.
offGrauniad comment pages are as full of hysteria as is the mainstream news. One thing that very few speak of is that mainstream medicine is incredibly poor and many of the alternatives are superior- or the fact that the medical profession, like many others, are just as capable as others of special pleading.
Frankly, our current pm might well be a dick but whether he is part of a global conspiracy to fool the public is unclear. It is certainly true that had he not acted as he has, he would have been criticised by the media, and the public, as terrified as many of them are, would have been frothing at the mouth. Hysteria is catching. It is best to ignore most if not all of this, but to do a few sensible things to protect yourself and your loved ones- JUST IN CASE.
Little bowl of antifreeze hidden behind the garage (tongue in cheek) 🙂 I might add that I’ve recently been somewhat annoyed by next door’s cat using my garden as its toilet. Also, off-topic, but there are far too many cats around. They have a devastating effect on wildlife.
Super-soakers are your friends. 🙂 No damage done, but a v good deterrent.
So it’s bloody true then. The globalists are trying to get rid of the opposition.
No ! the opposition are mice !
This might be of interest. Obviously, the position could change tomorrow if governments thought it was to their advantage.
The article is behind a pay wall and I have no intention of giving the Financial Times any money. Perhaps you might provide a brief summary?
Sorry, Steve. When I found it I was able to read the whole article so presumably that was my one permitted ‘trial’ view, but I too can’t get to it now! But I’ve found this Independent article which appears to be readable – for the time being at least – and which says as much as the FT one but in slightly less detail. The FT article had also said that there was little evidence of cats being able to pass on the disease to other cats.
Judyj The claim that there is no evidence is doubtless true, but equally, it is doubtless true because no research has been done. Moreover, the elite are all on board with the social distancing and self isolation, stay at home strategy: the last thing they want is evidence that it is bound to be ineffective.
I was thinking COVID 19 should be named Utopia Virus after reading Long Bailey in the Independent.
Then I read Alan Rusbridger in the Observer. Jesus Christ what a tool.
What’s wrong with that? It’s true. It’s what creates a society.
People remain free to live elsewhere as hermits if they prefer isolation rather than living together and following some common sense principles.
This sounds very coherent to me. Can y’all explain me to then why NYC has some of their hospitals overloaded?
Oh, they’re all ‘crisis actors’, don’t you know. You gotta believe!
Is Boris crisis acting? With Dom as his agent claiming royalties
BoJo’s whole life is an act, a tragi-comedy in fact.
Well, knowing what we now know about vast, organized psyops, that would be my starting position, that all the world’s a stage and everyone a crisis actor.
And then I walk it back from the there, one suspect at a time.
But that makes infinitely, infinitely more sense, especially in these times, than to naively begin by taking every candid camera capture at face value as some totally sincere man on the street, or, worse still, poster.
The benefit of the doubt has hit it’s societal shelf life “time-stamp”. The benefit of the doubt has very doubtful benefits~~
~~ in vaccines, pandemics, multiple Oswalds, and sundry Building 7’s. For merest starters.
The benefit of presuming everyone’s a suspect is in sharpening one’s attention, and it also may go far to insulate from brainwashing.
For anyone to suggest otherwise, these days, would make them suspect by definition, no?
Have you got the statistics on how nuch they are overloaded – with a source please?
Also, a comparison with previous years.
The quantity of quality on the comment thread for the previous article, “12 Experts”, seemed, to my eyes, very high,and much penetrating analysis, and some validation of that may be found on this thread which, on my early morning Sunday Troll Patrol, gives garish evidence of many “visitors” ~While England Slept~ to the OffG site and with not a whole lot to say, but with the typical ax to grind.
Pretty easy to spot, and usually de facto proof that the overall trend of the thread is turning up way too many truths, to “missioned” eyes on this “side” of the Pond.
So, the Mission to Distract is thus unveiled and “deployed”. For “seasoned veterans” in these matters, that speaks volumes.
So your basically dismissing my very valid question with “credible experts say this isn’t happening”. Isn’t that basically what you guys are saying all the experts on MSM are doing (just in the reverse). Don’t sidestep my question.
clickkid, Here you go: 125% in a Elmhurst, Queens
a video of a packed er here: https://abc7ny.com/jamaica-hospital-queens-new-york-city-nyc-coronavirus/6058195/
And there’s a hospital being built in central park, you can google that
A question that might help you ponder how things have become so ‘desperate’ for some unknown number of hospitals is: Why did Russia start behaving far earlier than the Western world in anticipating this ‘crisis’?
After Russia’s team investigated the Wuhan outbreak in January, they started making preparations right away. They did not tell their public for weeks on end that there was “nothing to worry about”, that China’s outbreak was “fake news”, to not buy masks, that masks were anyway not even effective, etc. Russian authorities calmly went about the business of preparing for Covid-19 and have executed reasonable measures to protect the vulnerable: old people with serious other illnesses. There is no draconian crackdown in Russia as in the ‘free’ West.
Similarly, we must consider how hysteria and fear drive people to hospital, to even develop symptoms and become ‘sick’ due to that hysteria and fear. And we must also remember that doctors and nurses are not allowed to work if they have symptoms or test positive (using a test that has something like a 50% false-positive rate. In the UK, typically, we have nurses coming in from other countries to help out. That’s not the case right now. So there’s all sorts of ways that hospitals can be under unusual pressure right now that are not the direct result of a deadly disease, but of a highly politicised situation.
Why this situation is being handled this way is anyone’s guess. Mine is that an economic reset is sorely needed to reignite the growth rates capitalism requires to function ‘healthily’. Normally wars are fomented to wreak the required forest-fire renewal that all complex systems periodically need. But perhaps war no longer works to that end like it once did. Maybe an ‘invisible enemy that’s everywhere always’ is the best option this time around.
There is no draconian crackdown in Russia as in the ‘free’ West.
unfortunately, there is now. apparently the opportunity for fascist hysteria was just too good to pass up.
Well, in truth it’s hardly surprising. I’ve watched some of Putin’s responses to this, including his hazmat-suited visit to some hospital somewhere, and they say nothing other than that he is part of whatever this is. But despite that, Russia’s initial response is evidence that another way was ignored, that a nuanced though cautious response was, and remains, possible. The fact that it is mostly ignored is very telling, and troubling.
That’s strange, the main, and only large hospital here in Malta which is usually very busy on weekdays has killed everyone it seems as it is like a ghost town now. The same goes for A&E, and that is seen with my very own eyes. Perhaps you should take a visit to some of these hospitals that you’ve not mentioned and report back to us Matty?
NYC is what I’m referring to. They are lacking hospital beds. I have two siblings and a cousin who live in one of the most effected neighborhoods. Do you really think the media is just making up the fact that these hospitals are overloaded with nurses and doctors all collobarating? Possible but pretty far out
Toby is the only one who has actually tried to answer my question. The lack of personnel argument is very sound But are you really saying that the patient overload is due to people out of neurosis developing psychosomatic symptoms? Bc they’re taking about a lack of beds,
Not just personell and equipment. The latter I trust to be true since my cousins husband is a dr in nyc and he’s told us he’s using a makeshift mask
Omit unverified anecdote, and start by establishing – with evidence – that there actually is a “patient overload”, over and above the normal for this time of year
I spoke with a guy at my market the other day, “No, this is a horrible thing. I have a daughter who is a nurse. I have family in healthcare. This is truly horrible. YOU JUST DON’T KNOW!”
When we talked about numbers, facts, statistics, he had nothing. But he was wearing a mask.
Then the market posted a policy note, “Special hours: seniors[me] only Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7 am.
So, we get two hours a week, pre-dawn and everyone else 80+ hours.
Talk about elder abuse.
And this chat took place in a county, Orange, that is more populous than 23 STATES.
And at the time of it, ONE (1) male, over 70, unidentified, with serious health problems, unspecified, made the papers county-wide as the first death WITH cvd19.
ONE. (Maybe)
And all Beach parking lots, piers, and many other sites rushed, RUSHED to close county-wide.
A drowning man clutches at straws, they say, this is the pandemic equivalent of Benghazi.
the market posted a policy note, “Special hours: seniors [me] only Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7 am.
So, we get two hours a week, pre-dawn and everyone else 80+ hours.
Talk about elder abuse.
surely you’ve misinterpreted that. it doesn’t mean
seniors : only Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7 am
seniors only : Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7 am
at least that’s what it means in other jurisdictions; it’s fairly common now.
Well, I had based my take on a local news piece which reported that seniors must be quarantined by store hours exclusive to them, since they are the most vulnerable to the virus, which is patently clear, anyway, and would be only able to enter the store at those hours to shop.
But maybe I got it wrong, since it would explain why when I shopped at the local ALDI today at noon, I saw a good number of seniors, and they were neither being turned away nor carded. I went to another nearby, and they had somewhat different rules. Bizarre. Neither had special hours, there.
I just think the whole program, A to Z, is grotesque and Kafkaesque.
But we won’t go by that, since I think it about many things today, anyway, and had thought so well before March 2020.
This has just taken it to the next level.
But it’s all good. It is what it is.
Overwrought global madness.
Hi Matty,
Like everyone else, I’m at home trying to make sense of all this. Too much does not add up for me to believe this crisis is not manufactured. The West had the same amount of time and information to prepare for this as Russia. More nuanced responses that protect only the truly vulnerable are still possible, but remain ignored. Meanwhile, the unprecedented draconian measures are crushing the economy, the consequences of which are incalculable if the measures stay in place much longer. Don’t forget that poverty kills in far greater numbers than covid-19 is projected to accomplish, and how many of those deaths will be truly attributable to covid-19? Testing is inexact. People dying “with” one corona virus or other are said to have died “of” covid-19, regardless of co-morbidities.
The primary questions are:
1 Manufactured to what degree? 0% or more?
2 If higher than 0%, why?
We can only guess the answers. But certainly, when mass hysteria strikes – and boy have the Powers That Be cooked up a beauty! – all sorts of weird stuff happens. From what I have read, most of us have a variety of corona viruses floating around in us. Fear weakens our immune systems, perhaps triggering a full-blown corona-virus illness in many… So overrun hospitals, to some degree or other, can be explained in this way, as well as others I mentioned above. Point TV cameras at those hospitals and you have your ‘evidence’ that this is a real crisis. But as Dr John Lee put it in The Spectator a couple of days ago, “television is not science.”
I speculated as to the why already. A reset is indeed sorely needed and goes some way to explaining the uniformly ham-fisted, sledgehammer reaction of governments across the planet. Governments are complex systems whose business is control. They tend to want more control over time. When they take that additional control, they are loathe to relinquish it. History proves this. We, The People are obliged, as patriots of whatever country, to keep that strong tendency in check. Criticism is vital to that end.
So you are right to be skeptical about what is presented here. I would only ask that you be equally skeptical about what governments and mass media are reporting. There is sufficient divergence from the official narrative among multiple experts to warrant robust skepticism in all of us, regardless of the fact that such should be our default position anyway.
great comments from all, enjoying everyone’s Sanity
I wouldn’t be so incredulous of the idea if I were you. Poetic licence. It is not beyond their moral compass to do so…it sells papers and ups the ante. And to do that they wouldn’t need any external collaboration.
They have a moral compass?
Knock me over with a feather, this IS newsworthy. Hurry, tell them to stop the presses.
“The sound of printing presses turning forests into lies.” -Auden
Maybe they are trying to get free health care. From what I understand lots of Americans cannot afford medical assistance so they all going for it whilst they can, regardless of symptoms.
Not sure if this is a bit off topic re. scientific dissent, but Italian journalist Fulvio Grimaldi, in a telephone interview in German with Ken Jebsen, reports that in Italy the punishment for disobeying the lockdown orders is now five years in prison. It leapt from 3 to 6 months in recent days, and is now 5 years.
The fascist governments of WWII could never have dreamed of such power. This is the dark side of the digitally networked world.
And in Austria, a deeply Catholic country, there is a blanket ban on priest giving the Anointing of the Sick and last confession to dying people. Old people are often more religious,and this must be very distressing. I believe the Church has bowed its head and accepted this, but I’m not aware that it ever has done this before, anywhere, even during epidemics.
We are already in prison in case they hadn’t noticed.
Je suis Jailbird
Welcome to Prison Planet.
From today’s Slog:
UK Government now planning big fines to recoup the gross overspending promises from the latest budget.
Are they panic building prisons?
Western Australia is the latest state in Aussie to go all gung ho on their latest revenue raising scheme… $1000 on the spot fines for individuals ignoring social distancing directives, and $5000 fines for business premises.
Shops here in Melbourne have signs at the door telling people not to enter if they exhibit any symptoms related to Coronavirus.
I’m wondering how long it’ll be before people actually start waking up. What is going on just seems so….Kafkaesque, Dystopic, Orwellian, Alice In Wonderland, Mass Psyops, Ridiculous, Hallucinatory, Bonkers… take your pick which applies.
waking up would require that people were merely asleep. the longer this deranged idiocy goes on, the more one is driven to the conclusion that its millions of victims are actually brain dead. it really is the zombie apocalypse.
Thank you Milosevic. Depressing answer, but more and more looking like an accurate answer.
Zombie Apocalypse? The Waking Dead? Shaun Of The Dead?
Is all this the result of 40 years of Neoliberalism, this mass dumbing down of society…
Just checking out a whole range of videos and writing elsewhere on this madness. Have a good week in your part of Oceania…
I posted this previously, but it seems increasingly apropos:
Thanks Milosevic, yeah, I did see it the first time you posted it.
Personally, I think Clockwork Orange should’ve been a larger segment, vaguely remember Logans Run from decades ago….
State Of Victoria here in Aussie now announced on the spot fines of $1600 if more than 2 people are meeting. Even in your own backyard!! Jail time also…
I wonder how far the bastards will take this before people fecken start waki… oh, yeah, Shaun of the Dead, I forgot…
Watching The Drum. Arch racist Sinophobe, the preening Peter Hartcher, on board. Bingo!!! The Evil CCP ‘hid’ the epidemic for ‘a month’. As ever the lies are evolving, with the period of deception, now not a week or two, but a month. Soon it will be six weeks etc. That it is a Big Lie, is, of course, irrelevant to the Goodthinking presstitutes.
I only need to walk 5 steps to turn my TV on…. but won’t. Of course, the following words: Fort Dettrick, Maryland or Wuhan Military Games won’t have been said once. At all. Period.
I just can’t stomach any of the filth.
Even tho I’m now stuck here at home, effectively under lockdown, will only turn TV on to watch one of my movies (large collection) and no, I don’t have a copy of On The Beach. Or 1984.
I don’t know what part of Aussie you’re in, but assume people where you are are fully supporting the lockdowns and social distancing and blatant fascism unfolding right now. Have you met anyone in your area who has seriously questioned this?
Somebody said this is akin to Stockholm Syndrom, I am inclined to believe that.
For a long time, I kept a blog going, then stopped. The last post I added, roughly two years ago, was called Stockholm Syndromes R Us. I still agree with its basic observation that societies globally are, broadly speaking, controlled via a generalised, insidious, and carefully nurtured Stockholm Syndrome. I’m sad to see it demonstrated so conclusively in The People’s reaction to this manufactured hysteria.
Well I’m not one for syndromes and would certainly fight back is held hostage or at least exact revenge after the event…. if I survived of course!
The Peasants should be Revolting!!!!!
“not to enter if they exhibit any symptoms related to Coronavirus.” That could be the common cold or normal flu.
Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About “Continuity of Government”
“Continuity of Government, or COG, plans include the “devolution” of leadership and Constitutional authority, … , and military commanders could be placed in control around America.
As the de facto leader of COG development and planning during the Reagan administration, North oversaw the creation of a controversial database that later became known simply as “Main Core.”
A database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.”
the Department of Justice has demanded new “emergency powers” during the current pandemic and these powers include being able to indefinitely detain Americans without trial.
Thus, if DOJ is granted these new powers it has requested, the William Barr-led Department of Justice will not only be authorized to indefinitely detain Americans without trial, it will be able to detain them without any proof of those detainees having committed a crime or even having plans or the intent to commit a crime.
Furthermore, with the FBI having recently flagged “conspiracy theorists” … as a “domestic terror threat,” the DOJ could even make the case that failure to blindly trust government narratives presents a threat to the public order.”
How long before ‘crisis deniers’ end up in ‘Gitmo’??
Oh don’t worry, I’ve just seen someone on Twitter compare Crisis Deniers to Holocaust Deniers, I shit you not.
I’ve just been asked by a relation if I’ve become a Jehovah’s Witness (you tell me the connection??)…no disrespect to Jehovah’s Witnesses out there on my part.
JW’s have a trait doctrinally and actually of refusing to comply with government mandates, on religious grounds, abstaining from many customs, like voting in government elections, etc. etc.
That makes sense as an intellectual explanation, John, but to be honest I think it was just his impulsive way of saying he thought I’d been brainwashed. 😉
like voting in government elections, etc.
— or more to the point, refusing to fight in the government’s wars.
“more to the point” is the best point. I missed a big bet, or point.
I encounter JW’s several times a year, mostly in elections, or voting related matters, and they will remind me that they don’t vote in government questions.
The reason I didn’t think of wars is that the venues I work are near Camp Pendleton, a large US Marine Base, and I get the impression they are mostly Marines, the ones I talk to. Correct me if I’m wrong.
In any case, the relevance here is that the lockdowns appear to be a fact they can’t just abstain from, or what traction could they get to shirk them?
Meanwhile, right around the corner, the Catholic Church has suspended the sacrament of Communion to the parishioners (healthy) but last I heard, are taking it to the homebound, sick, elderly.
What? Last week the churches closed, but I heard the pastor say, and post, that the 24 HR Adoration Chapel would remain open, where people are closer than 6 feet, mostly. Makes no sense.
That may have changed, everywhere, as the squeeze tightens.
So bizarre, what’s going on, when seen in all its tawdry totality.
Well Judy, now that you’re a JW, you can be lockdown-noncompliant on religious grounds… 😉
Oh , I probably fit that description then
Yeah, it’s a lot emptier these days… Plenty of room…
Gitmo will probably become the only free part of the US and all other states a mass detention and correctional institute.
God bless ‘Merica!
Peter Dale Scott has written a good deal about COG. Cheney and Rumsfeld have been central to it for decades, and, doubtless, it was the US arm of the Israeli-US joint venture, 9/11.
Day whatever it is and it’s still a pile of Orwellian horseshit. I hope there is a point to all this.
The point is to get us en masse used to a worldwide regime. And it’s working a charm.
Advanced knowledge? CDC started hiring QUARANTINE program managers last November
“The CDC appears to have had advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, as the agency which deliberately delayed testing kits in the USA for nearly a month was hiring quarantine program advisors in November of 2019, to cover Texas, New York, California, Washington, Florida and many other areas where the pandemic is now exploding.”
(Tip off from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBoc0AMUWKU)
Strange that… almost as if then knew it was coming. Did one of the alphabet names tip them off
notice that CDC exactly meets the definition of the term “three-letter agency”.
Almost as if they new that SARS 2 was already present in the USA.
Insider Exposes COVID-19 Coronavirus Scam
“…………………..The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.
If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus(es) kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a(n) osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis. And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus…………………………………”
The fear porn on rt.com is starting to make me sick.
Look at this: https://imgur.com/a/9apaXcq
I believe you. I noticed a while back that RT News was not solid, even if it’s still better than Western media.
RT is a Russian version of the Daily Hell: a lot of shouty headlines, shit celebrity news, plenty of MMA meatheadery and one or two voices of reason.
Lee Camp being one of the voices of reason
I don’t watch him. I have listened to him. I just don’t enjoy his entertainer’s style. He’s not the only one whose politics I don’t disagree with but whose delivery is so off-putting I just go elsewhere. My preference is for those who have something to say to simply say it and say it simply. You don’t have to lack passion, but I’m not looking for entertainment when I’m looking for info. In fact, It really annoys me.
Going off-topic I know, but I find Polly Boiko irritating. The fundamental essence of what she says is accurate in pointing out hypocritical or nonsensical policies, but the exuberant, vibrant, quickfire, ironic presentation is well OTT and just embarrassing sometimes. I think it only succeeds in diminishing the value of the good points being made once you cut through all the nebulous padding.
There some extremely good articles which are spot on for highlighting hypocrisy and Western mindset. An Irish journo especially cant remember name. Galloway too. Neil Clark can be good on some topics. They have good writers – just fairly lethargic news telling perhaps. I sense being careful as they keep on being pulled up. Agreed just only the odd Cov19 article which is good. Seems strange – the world to fairly consistent on this – that it is the black death. I think Hitchens said they invite him on but he declines. Aside from the scathing individual articles it isnt that controversial from a mainstream western view. Hitchens considered more ‘contrarian’ – but dont ever use that word as he’ll bite your head off. And perhaps rightly so as hates to be regarded as being so for the sake of it as I guess it calls his logic and thinking into question.
Irish journalist? Might be Finian Cunningham?
Yes, I think it is. Not good with names but knew someone here would know. Thanks.
I’m not seeing much on Strategic Culture right now that reassures me. But it all fairness, to save time, I’m going by headlines. I’m very busy with my own blog. But I do a series (and fell into more than planned it) about progressives (their deviations actually) and will have to decide on Strategic Culture Foundation’s integrity, which I’ll only know by looking carefully. I like Finian who I’ve corresponded (minimally) with.
I don’t watch it regularly, but what you describe, if true, wouldn’t surprise me.
RT American is simply FoxNews, with B-team blonde bimbos.
Yes I used to trust RT not anymore. What is more worrying is PressTV the Iranians seem to have bought into this nonsense 100%. Which is very weird unless there are 2 viruses floating around out there?
Putin has been shilling for the globalists. It can’t be any other way.
Galloway has swallowed it hook line , and sinker, like 9/11
I copied and forwarded Dr. Molling’s appraisal to many leaders in my area, like the Bishop of San Diego, who closed all churches 3.16, as it is so short, authoritative and reasonable.
It’s not rocket science or brain surgery. Her facts are really irrefutable.
Will anything stop a global stampede of rogue elephants disguised as our leaders.
Now I know why Einstein said that living on Earth reminded him of trying to survive just such a panic.
Man has no authority to stop Christians meeting together.
Hebrews 10:25-31 (KJV). 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. 26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery …
Acts 5:29 (KJV) 29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
Romans 13:1-2 (KJV). 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
I agree, we should not obey evil, but we are minded to expose it.
Christ healed the lepers, He healed on the Sabbath.
Keeping the old and sick confined without any human contact is anything but Christian.
I have disobeyed these edicts and will continue to do so.
Although, we do have a responsiblilty not to create more trouble and make things worse even if the state is rotten…
Matthew 10:16
John, 3:16. 🙂
(Couldn’t resist).
I guess people didn’t see the most often displayed Bible verse reference (in sports crowds, etc.) in John’s post ? 🙁
Some of this sounds pretty complacent. Trust Korea – if they’d missed 9 out of 10 cases then it would have spread as it has elsewhere, and their hospitals would be as packed as anyone’s by now. But I totally agree we should be locking down only the old and vulnerable. Hospital beds should be saved for the young and healthy, who can go about their business with a few sensible precautions. Of course some will say this creates a stigma against age and ill-health – sorry, we’ll just have to deal with it.
The point is, that most of those who will die are already on their death beds.
90% of those in virtual terminal extemis, having coronovirus was only incidental to their demise. The fact that they had coronvirus did not subtract a single nanosecond from their time in God’s waiting room.
The remaining virtual 10% where dying anyway, but the virus (may) have shortened their existance.
Younger folk will die, a tiny number but this is always the case even with a cold. We do go outdoors and risk death by bee sting.
There is a solution to people who are frightened by the hype and want to save their precious hides…
Lock youself away in a tool safe, you know where tools go to be safe. Get two sturdy padlocks and find a volunteer to lock you in. I can provide that service for you.
The rest of us just want to take that frightening risk (having a nano-second removed from our 4 score and 10) and just live our lives.
I recomemend this tool safe for the frightened…Tools are safe in this
Yeah, I thought that was pretty much what I was saying, but I got a load of downvotes. Perhaps people couldn’t get past my first sentence?
This is the real problem of modern times – reactivity. There’s no chance of an honest way through anything if people are constantly taking sides, each believing they’ve seen the nature of evil. People have no idea of the nature of division. It comes from the bile in your belly – it twists absolutely everything.
You are missrepresenting the article, the facts and the views of fellow posters. Could this be why you are getting downvotes.
Really? I was responding to the views in the article – for example providing a direct rebuttal of the Oxford idea that 50% might already be infected. I was not responding to the views of fellow posters, but having done so it does seem (ironically) that they are as hysterical as anything in the media.
As are you in your own passive aggressive manner, so please, just stop dissembling, just stop it.
I thought you were being sarcastic, I think that your suggestions are quite wrong to say the least.
Nah, it was your third sentence.
I read Tom’s comment as meaning that the Government should simply be suggesting that it’s only the old or vulnerable who should be given advice to self-isolate if they feel at all concerned about the virus, and that it’s not necessary to impose strict controls on anyone else. I think most of us on here would agree. But maybe I am misreading Tom’s comments in a different way!
No problems with them suggesting/advising until they’re blue in the face, Judy.
“Locking down” didn’t seem much like a suggestion though.
No, I know what you mean. But I suspect Tom was intending us to interpret the term as a synonym for “damage limitation measures”. It’s a term that’s bandied around so much it’s all but become a generic term for any containment measures, whether enforced or voluntary.
Thanks Judy. I should have prefaced my comment with “if there is to be a lockdown, then…” People here seem very dubious of the need for social distancing in the first place, let alone enforcement of it. I have no idea how they can be so sure.
Cheers, Tom. I am among those sceptical of the need for any containment measures, including ‘social distancing’, based on what the facts tell us as we know them. I don’t know if you’ve been following the previous articles on here and the BTL comments but they leave no room to wonder why we think as we do.
This is a very good presentation of the situation putting it in a better perspective than the Government is giving us:
If you don’t have a couple of hours to spare, start at about 1 hour 15 minutes and watch for about 30 minute. That segment presents a contextual study of some of the statistics, how numbers of deaths are being recorded and comparison of the current pandemic with previous recent disease problems in Europe.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks …
(Talking about government tyranny. Not sure at all about a virus, but if Boris tells me something, I’ll always be doing the exact opposite. 🙂 ).
John, if you’re vulnerable you should look after yourself, that’s really all I was trying to say. Lockdown or not, if the NHS comes to a grinding halt, it’s the most vulnerable who will have to be abandoned. My feeling is, when the lockdown is released, that kind of advice will be issued, and if it looks like it’s not being adhered to, it will have to be enforced.
I’m vulnerable when my wife shouts at me; or when one of my granddaughters asks for something with a sweet smile. 🙂 Other than that, vulnerability is for bridge players.
Of course older/pre-existingconditions folk are more likely to catch things. If you think this justifies cancelling elections, suspending parliament, and a police state, you’re part of the problem.
Most of these in Holland and Italy were already in hospital beds for other reasons and then they got covid19 from some nurses – who didn’t have fever and kept on working.
Hospital acquired infections. The old story.
Some will say ‘Fuck off’, Tom.
As one about to turn 80 – maybe – I agree with that, Tom. There’s a legend that amongst the San gatherer-hunters of the Kalahari Desert, it was the custom for family members who reached around 60 to walk off into the bush, lie down under one of them, and quietly let go of life; as a service to the younger people, by not loading them with an unreasonable weight of dependents, dependent children being the priority. True or not, it’s a wise meme. Sometimes times will be that bad, and then we have to do such things.
My old Mum often expresses dismay at the way the NHS wants to keep her alive. But I tell her that’s not really their choice, for as long as they have the resources 🙂 She and Dad had a similar story to yours, about the Inuit, who apparently used to float off on the ice floe before their time came. I’m certainly not suggesting anything like that, though I guess self-isolation may feel a bit like it! I hope you have a garden, or somewhere you can get to, where you can relax and have all your troubles float away instead.
Donald Trump refusing to follow the globalist panic script – at least not yet. Says no quarantine necessary for New York, New Jersey ans Connecticut.
What was it Trimp said abour a hoax?
Interesting, as NY City is purported to be ground zero in the US…
As I’ve said repeatedly, the bozo’s decisions are all based, first and foremost, on his resume, his ego, his legacy… NOTHING else matters…
I’m already on HS’s Watch List, what more could happen…
Hang on, I hear a knock at my door…
Trump greenlights call-up of one MILLION reservists to battle Covid-19