A 70-Year War on ‘Propaganda’ Built by the CIA
Cynthia Chung

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here”
William Shakespeare (The Tempest Act I, Scene 2)
War has always depended on a reliable system to spread its propaganda. The Arthashastra written by Chankya (350-283 BCE) who was chief advisor to the Emperor Chandragupta (the first ruler of the Mauryan Empire) discusses propaganda and how to disperse and apply it in warfare. It is one of the oldest accounts of the essentialism of propaganda in warfare.
Propaganda is vital in times of war because it is absolutely imperative that the people, who often need to make the greatest sacrifices and suffer the most, believe that such a war is justified and that such a war will provide them security. To the degree that they believe this to be true, the greater the degree of sacrifice and suffering they are willing to submit themselves for said “promised security”.
It is crucial that when the people look at the “enemy” they see something sub-human, for if they recognise that said “enemy” has in fact humanity, the jig is up so to speak.
And thus we are bombarded day after day, hour after hour of reminders as to why the “enemy” is not human like us, not compassionate like us, not patient, just and wise like us.
No doubt, war has been a necessary response when tyranny has formed an army to fight for its cause, but I would put forth that most wars have been rather unnecessary and downright manipulated for the design of a small group of people.
During WWI, on Dec 25th 1914, something rather unexpected occurred and a series of widespread unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front took place between the French/British soldiers and the German soldiers. Some even ventured into “no man’s land”, given its name since none left it alive, to mingle with the “enemy” and exchange food and souvenirs. There were joint burial ceremonies and prisoner swaps. A game of football took place as well. It is said that these truces were not unique to the Christmas period but that they were much more widespread during the holiday season.
These fraternisations would understandably make it quite difficult to return to combat against one another…for no apparently good reason. Some units needed to be relocated since they had developed friendships with the opposing side and now refused to fight them.
The lesson was quickly learned and propaganda was heavily pumped down the throats of the Allied countries, and by the course of just a few years, they no longer viewed the Germans as human.
The CIA’s Family Jewels and Operation Mockingbird
For us to understand the implications of modern propaganda and how it is used in warfare today, our story starts post-WWII with Churchill’s announcement of the “Iron Curtain” which launched the Cold War and has kept the East and West divided to this day.
Quickly after the Cold War was announced by Churchill, it was necessary to create a fervor of fear and paranoia amongst the American people in order to have them quickly forget the fact that the Russians were their greatest allies during both WWI and WWII, and to replace it with the image of a ghoulish race of boogeymen.
If Americans were to remember that the Russians had fought valiantly during WWII and had paid by far the largest sacrifice to the cause, that they had in fact been their comrades in arms against the brutality of fascism, if this were remembered then the Cold War division could never occur, and that was something that could not be tolerated by Churchill and the Empire.
Thus terror was unleashed on the American people and McCarthyism was given precedence over the people’s right to question and form conclusions for themselves. That sort of thing could not be tolerated when the “enemy” could be anywhere; they could be your neighbour, your child’s teacher, your co-worker…your partner.
In order to combat the “threat” of Soviet “propaganda” entering the U.S. and seducing Americans, Operation Mockingbird was created as a form of “control” over information dissemination during the period of McCarthyism. Operation Mockingbird was an “alleged” CIA program that was started in the early 1950s in order to control the narrative of the news.
Though this role has never been confirmed entirely, in the CIA Family Jewels report compiled in the mid-1970s, it is confirmed that Project Mockingbird did exist as a CIA operation and that it was guilty of wire-tapping journalists in Washington.
At the helm of this project was none other than CIA Director Allen Dulles, an enemy of JFK, who by the early 1950s “allegedly” oversaw the media network and had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. Its function was to have the CIA write reports that would be used by a network of cooperating “credible” reporters. By these “credible” reporters spreading the CIA dictated narrative, it would be parroted by unwitting reporters (mockingbirds) and a successful echo chamber would be created across the world.
The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), originally named Office of Special Projects but that was thought to conspicuous, was a covert operation wing of the CIA and was created by the United States National Security Council (NSC). For those who are unfamiliar with the origins of the NSC and its close relationship with the CIA, who was born on the same day, refer to my paper on the subject.
According to Deborah Davis’ biography of Katherine Graham (the owner of Washington Post), the OPC created Operation Mockingbird in response to addressing Soviet propaganda and included as part of its CIA contingency respected members from Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and others.
The Family Jewels report was an investigation made by the CIA to investigate…the CIA, spurred in response to the Watergate Scandal and the CIA’s unconstitutional role in the whole affair. The investigation of the CIA would include any other actions that were deemed illegal or inappropriate spanning from the 1950s-mid 1970s.
We are told “most” of the report was declassified on June 25, 2007 (30 years later) hoping that people would have lost interest in the whole brouhaha. Along with the release of the redacted report was included a six-page summary with the following introduction:
The Central Intelligence Agency violated its charter for 25 years until revelations of illegal wiretapping, domestic surveillance, assassination plots, and human experimentation led to official investigations and reforms in the 1970s.”
The most extensive investigation of the CIA relations with news media was conducted by the Church Committee, a U.S. Senate select committee in 1975 that investigated the abuses committed by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS. The Church Committee report confirmed abundant CIA ties in both foreign and domestic news media.
It is very useful that there exists an official recognition that false news was not only being encouraged by the CIA under the overseeing of the NSC during the Cold War period, but that the CIA was complicit in actually detailing the specific narrative that they wanted disseminated, and often going so far as to write the narrative and have a “credible” reporter’s name stamped on it.
But the question begs, “Did the Cold War ever end?” and if not, why should we believe that the CIA’s involvement in such activities is buried in its past and that it has “reformed” its old ways?
Western Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys News
In order to answer this question, let us visit the sad case of Udo Ulfkotte. Udo Ulfkotte is a well-known German journalist and author of numerous books. He worked for 25 years as a journalist, 17 of which were for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), including his role as editor.
In his 2014 book Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys News Ulfkotte goes over how the CIA along with German Intelligence (BND) were guilty of bribing journalists to write articles that either spun the truth or were completely fictitious in order to promote a pro-western, pro-NATO bent, and that he was one of those bought journalists.
In an interview, Ulfkotte describes how he finally built up the nerve to publish the book, after years of it collecting dust, in response to the erupting crisis in Ukraine stating
I felt that the right time had come to finish it and publish it, because I am deeply worried about the Ukrainian crisis and the possible devastating consequences for all of Europe and all of us…I am not at all pro-Russia, but it is clear that many journalists blindly follow and publish whatever the NATO press office provides. And this type of information and reports are completely one-sided.
In another interview Ulfkotte stated:
it is clear as daylight that the agents of various Services were in the central offices of the FAZ, the place where I worked for 17 years. The articles appeared under my name several times, but they were not my intellectual product. I was once approached by someone from German Intelligence and the CIA, who told me that I should write about Gaddafi and report how he was trying to secretly build a chemical weapons factory in Libya. I had no information on any of this, but they showed me various documents, I just had to put my name on the article. Do you think this can be called journalism? I don’t think so.”
Ulfkotte has publicly stated:
“I am ashamed of it. The people I worked for knew from the get-go everything I did. And the truth must come out. It’s not just about FAZ, this is the whole system that’s corrupt all the way.”
Udo Ulfkotte has since passed away. He died January 2017, found dead in his home, it is said by a heart attack. His body was soon after cremated, thus preventing any possibility of an autopsy occurring.
You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
The Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act is a bipartisan bill that was passed into law in December 2016, it was initially called Countering Information Warfare Act. It was included together with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This bill was brought into effect just weeks before Trump was to enter office….hmmm, foreshadowing much?
Soon after the 2016 U.S. election, the Washington Post led the charge asserting that it was due to Russian propaganda that the U.S. elections turned out the way it did, that is, that Hillary had somehow, inconceivably, lost to Donald Trump and that the American people had been turned against her like a child caught in the middle of a messy divorce case.
But there is no need here to set the record straight on Hillary, when Hillary herself has done suffice damage to any illusion of credibility she once had. That ultimately not even Hillary could hide the fact that her closet full of skeletons turned out to be the size of a catacomb.
But we are told that citizens do not know what is best for one’s self. That they cannot be trusted with “sensitive” information and in accordance act in a “responsible” manner, that is, to have a strong enough stomach to do what is “best” for their country.
And therefore, fear not subjects of the land, for the Global Engagement Center (GEC) is here to make those hard decisions for you. Don’t know what to think about a complicated subject? GEC will tell you the right way!
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would allow for the Secretary of State to collaborate with the Secretary of Defense, and other Federal agencies in the year 2017 to create the Global Engagement Center (GEC). The GEC’s purpose in life is to fight propaganda from foreign governments and publicize the nature of ongoing foreign propaganda and disinformation operations against the U.S. and other countries.
Let us all take a moment to thank the GEC for such a massive task in the cause for justice all around the world.
The GEC had a very slow start in its first year, however, it has been gaining momentum in the last year under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who seems especially excited over the hiring of Lea Gabrielle as special envoy and coordinator of GEC.
Mike Pompeo was the CIA Director from 2017-2018. On April 15, 2019, Pompeo participated in a discussion at the Texas A&M University where he voluntarily offered the admission that though West Points’ cadet motto is “You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.”, his training under the CIA was the very opposite, stating:
I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like we had entire training courses. (long pause) It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment”
This is apparently the man for the job of dealing with matters of “truth” and “justice”.
Lea Gabrielle was approved for her position by Mike Pompeo, what are her “qualifications”? Well, Gabrielle is also CIA trained, and while assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), she “directed and conducted global clandestine strategic intelligence collection operations.” Gabrielle also “deployed in tactical anti-terrorist operations in hostile environments”.
After 12 years of active duty service, Lea Gabrielle became a television news journalist, who worked at NBC and FOX News.
Noticing a pattern?
The CIA really does not have the best track record for their role in “managing” foreign wars and counter-insurgency activities. In fact, they have been caught rather red-handed in fueling such crisis situations. And these are the people who are deciding what information is fit for the American public, and western public in general, and what is not fit for their ears.
Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil
On March 5, 2020, Lea Gabrielle testified on the role of GEC in countering state-sponsored and non-state propaganda and disinformation. Gabrielle states: “We have the full support of Secretary Pompeo who is committed to deploying a broad suite of tools to stop America’s adversaries from using disinformation, malign propaganda, and other tools to undermine free societies.”
She goes on to acknowledge that the hearing is focused on countering Russian government and CCP disinformation and propaganda. She then goes on to outline her criticisms of both governments with no factual detail or evidence but rather generalised accusations and criticisms, obviously pulling from her experience as a news journalist for NBC.
Following this, Gabrielle proceeds to outline her “rules of engagement” in countering this offensive with what seems to be the beginnings of McCarthyism 2.0, amounting to a threat to anyone who dares not take a hard stance against Russia and China, that such a person will be considered complicit in essentially committing treason.
Hell, if Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard (who was unconstitutionally prohibited from participating in the final democratic presidential debates) have both already been accused of being a Russian agent, what can we expect for the average Joe?
Gabrielle concludes, “Both the Russian government and the CCP view censorship, media manipulation, and propaganda as appropriate tools to control public opinion. Both exploit open, democratic societies to further their own ends while tightening controls around their own countries.”
Don’t worry, the CIA will eventually admit that they are elbow-deep in all of the above, it just won’t be released until 30 years from now…In the meantime, I wouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspaper to stoke the fires for another war.
Originally published by Strategic Culture
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Hi Sabelmouse… hope your week has been fairly good, despite the circumstances.
Have noticed a number of commenters here from Ireland in the last couple of weeks who share your views on Coronavirus.
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Does anyone at off guardian know the whole football in no mans land thing has very little evidence to back it up?
BTW….You mention Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders….Since this article was written, both have given their support to Joe Biden….Who can you trust these days?
BTW….You mention Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders….Since this article was written, both of them have given their support to Joe Biden….Who can you trust these days?
“We have the full support of Secretary Pompeo who is committed to deploying a broad suite of tools to stop America’s adversaries from using disinformation, malign propaganda, and other tools to undermine free societies.”
So Orwellian. How can a society be considered “free” if it doesn’t have free access to information?
She makes old Soviet Pravda seem like a paragon of journalistic integrity. Self righteous bitch.
Pravda was more clued up than you’ll ever know
Plotters, motives and beneficiaries discussed by Catherine Austin Fitts and Joseph P. Farrell
For anyone who follows me, my domain name has now been taken out, permanently (it was one of the oldest real domains on the internet). This is not a whinge, but just a warning (as if you need one) that the police state is being fully rolled out.
Stay well.
You sure about that Rob? I don’t think they work that way, but with that said, I’m not an expert in such matters.
Hi RObG, sorry to hear this. Can you give any more details (apologies if you have elsewhere)? Who was responsible, what justification was given etc.? Admin2
Why did my post get deleted after moderation?
Some questionable historical precepts that I don’t think necessarily stand up to scrutiny.
There were episodes that demonstrate that far from hating Stalin, Churchill’s behaviour was at times almost sycophantic towards him. The reason for this is unclear but it does raise questions about him ‘hating’ Stalin.
I think evidence shows that it was Churchill’s hatred towards the Germans that was his main driver. This goes back to its origins before the first world war.
There is a very interesting book by Gerry Doherty and Jim McGregor ‘The secret history of the first world war’ that lays the ground for much of the later developments. Germany was clearly seen as the major threat to Europe and not for the obvious reasons but because of its economic potential.
The ensuing conflict and the treaty of Versailles laid the ground for the second world war and the unjust dealing of Germany as a result.
Stalin’s regime laid the waste of millions of lives both before and after WW2. The question has to be why the American’s saw this communist despot as an ‘ally’ and Hitler as the devil incarnate. Hitler clearly saw the Soviet Union as a threat and Stalin no doubt harbored similar thoughts towards Germany. For someone exposed to text book history of western Europe it has never been clearly explained why Britain and France declared war on Germany for the invasion of Poland when it failed to do the same with Stalin for exactly the same act 3 weeks later.
Germany sought to defend itself from communism and the revolution and Stalin’s soviet union was a totalitarian regime bent on conquest. Hence the invasion of Poland and the enslavement of most of eastern Europe.
Why Churchill and Roosevelt should court such an ally after destroying Hitler and Germany has never been fully explained. The russian’s fighting and dying in their millions (many hundreds of thousands at the hands of Stalin’s NKVD) were not fighting in some great allied cause – they were fighting for a despotic totalitarian regime that shot thousands of them for the tyranny of not being able to break enemy lines. This was not some gallant romantic fight against ‘evil’ as such but a last desperate act of men with nowhere to go.
I think it was Paton who argued that the US should march right on past Berlin and liberate those countries enslaved by Stalin and destroy the whole rotten communist edifice.
I think he was removed as a result shortly afterwards despite his heroics.
“Why Churchill and Roosevelt should court such an ally after destroying Hitler and Germany has never been fully explained. ”
They didn’t destroy Hitler. The Russians did. They died fighting the Nazis, not the NKVD.
Nowhere above does it say that the Russians died fighting the NKVD. The Russians died fighting the German’s but died in huge numbers also at the hands of Stalin and the NKVD. Millions were captured in the first blitzkrieg and Stalin deemed these traitors. The best they could hope for was to be put into penal units used as cannon fodder. Many were executed.
Without having to fight on 2 fronts and the amount of troops Hitler had in the West, if deployed to the east the outcome possibly would have been different. Some sort of stalemate. However the German forces were too stretched and the Russian reserves too deep and too plentiful.
The point however was that the Stalinist regime was as equal if not worse than the German one and the question remains as to why one side was considered an ally and the other destroyed remains.
I quote you:
“The russian’s fighting and dying in their millions (many hundreds of thousands at the hands of Stalin’s NKVD) “
Your comprehension skills or reading ability appears to be lacking.
I also don’t understand the point you are trying to make by posting the quote above.
The Russians as I have made clear, fought and died in their millions fighting against Hitler’s regime, but also an untold amount died at the hands of their own totalitarian regime which included the NKVD. I don’t understand how that is hard to comprehend.
You also appear reluctant to actually engage with the point I was making – perhaps that’s the reason for the attempted at distraction or your just soft on certain totalitarian regimes?
Ludicrous fascist lies, probably from a basement in Kiev. Or in Canada come to think of it.
How did you know Ishmael… 🤔
“Stalin deemed them traitors!” Says who? Every word joe said was written down and this has skipped me on by (and im a member of the Stalin society with access to this shit)
Don’t believe me? https://youtu.be/T0sOFFuqUPY Go to 4:45 and watch a so called historian who claims he’s been in the archives get debunked within ten seconds of entering Stalins dacha it’s gloriously hilarious watching his little moustache droop when he gets called out for his lies
John pretty the nkvd DID fight the Germans! Their exploits are Stalingrad are legendary and worthy of movies etc for the sheer heroism of the nkvd soldiers especially at lyudnikovs island on the banks of the Volga
All the allied countries fought for their own selfish reasons.
Russia because it was invaded.
Britain to preserve its huge ill gotten empire.
America because it wanted to take over the world from Britain.
Morality and idealism don’t enter into it.
Ukronazi lies. If you want to see ‘enslavement’ look at Latin American over the last 200 years, or the British Empire, or the economic enslavement of the Washington Consensus of the IMF and World Bank, or the archipelago of over 1000 US bases worldwide. And Patton would have lasted a few hours against the Red Army. Deluded fascist.
Exactly Ishmael all the western armies did a different version to Britain’s operation unthinkable and they all came to the same conclusion: soviet victory! A pity they didn’t try starting shorn with the Soviets because by now history pups be very different their would be no 9/11 for instance (coincidence day as I call it)
Bang on Ishmael. I was in a Central American solidarity group back in the 1980s and early 90s in Australia.
Prior to then all my news came solely from the presstitute MSM.
I learnt about the horrific massacres in Guatemala and El Salvador, and Reagans ‘freedom fighters’ the Contras and their murderous terrorism in Nicaragua.
I met people from Chile who were tortured or had family members disappeared. I learnt about Fort Benning in Georgia and the School Of the America’s, and the CIA handbooks.
My eyes have remained open ever since.
It’s all a sick charade: United States, the shining beacon on the hill, a force for good in the World, defenders of freedom and democracy, lie after lie after lie.
Don’t lie about Stalin me the nkvd he didn’t murder millions before OR after ww2 he didn’t eat all the grain and send bad weather to Ukraine AND Kazakhstan AND eastern Poland (not a soviet territory at the time) and he didn’t hoard grain or burn grain or try selling what they did grow to their own population at a massively inflated price and hen burn it when told to hand it very for collectivisation so people wouldn’t starve and were offered goodness prices heavy subsidies free young Komsomol helpers and the latest farming equipment even after the first period of kulak sabotage so the kulaks shit a brick and were told ok after your exploits burning grain and charging exorbitant fees to survive we need livestock but we will still give you subsidies and tractors etc so they killed the cows and goats and heron and pigs etc and an off to Joseph Goebbels and William Randolph Hearst of yellow journalism infamy!
Even the anti communist BBC once let the mask slip https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/CommunismMemes/comments/cs7xfx/bbc_called_holodomor_kulaks_fault/
Here’s a free copy of Getty’s purges book that debunks most of what you think you know about the purges https://b-ok.cc/book/989260/2309c7
Here’s free books by people who have actually been in the soviet archives and didn’t rely of horror stories of paid liars
Here’s proof that krushchevs secret speech was all lies from op to bottom
Katyn : https://b-ok.cc/book/2489350/cf0835
Here’s copious evidence Leon Trotsky was a scumbag
Evidence that one entire anti Stalin book was a tissue of lies
Freelance reporter Jason Goodman’s been checking out hospitals in NYC and seeking comment from staff, police and firefighters. So far he’s found a disconnect between media reports of a “tsunami'” of sickness and the laid-back scenes on the street.
He’s just interviewed a person who claims to be a nurse, who contacted Goodman, asking to go on the show to describe the “tsunami”. Well, the nurse gives no name and no verifiable evidence. Viewers, including some who say they are medical staff, insist the guest nurse is a sham.
Jason Goodman is controlled opposition, at best. This character is dodgy as hell.
While that may be true Fred he still went out and proved the tsunamis in hospitals is nonsense! At least 4 people have died at my local hospital (cramlington) and the halls are empty the hospital isn’t effectively a ghost own. Put it his way if you have a a serious accident you’re in luck the nurses actually need something to do other their time instead of being randomly clapped at (apparently) by the herd
“Propaganda is vital in times of war because it is absolutely imperative that the people, who often need to make the greatest sacrifices and suffer the most, believe that such a war is justified and that such a war will provide them security.”
To that effect, I must say it’s been particularly disgusting to watch cable mainstream media news relentlessly compare the “COVID-19 outbreak” to fighting a war. Moronic commentators are saying Trump is now a wartime president. What must be clarified, is that every president in the US who has taken office is a wartime president.
“America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 244 Years – Since 1776.”
What’s especially despicable about comparing COVID-19 to a War is that this would only be the case if it was positively proven that the coronavirus is a “biological weapon” released by one country against another. COVID-19 might have emerged from a lab, but it appears to be infecting most of the planet.
Wednesday on Morning Joe, spook Scarborough, had the audacity to post a chart citing the number of US soldiers who died in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and WWI. Dimwit Joe, was attempting to create a ludicrous analogy between the death toll caused by war and that of a viral infection. His spook staff, created a well-edited chart by carefully limiting significant figures. The point was to illustrate how COVID deaths could far exceed the death toll of US soldiers killed in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, or WWI. Joe Conveniently neglected to mention that 405,000 US soldiers died during WWII.
CIA Joe, also failed to mention the worldwide death toll resulting from these wars. Forty million “worldwide” were killed during WWI. WWII resulted in 85 million deaths; the Korean War slaughtered more than three million; the Vietnam war murdered more than
1, 353,000; and the military interventions throughout the Middle East over the last 25 years claimed the lives of millions causing a greater refugee crisis (more than 68 million) than the one occurring during WWII.
In fact, since WWII more than 20 million have been victims of imperialist wars. A chart with these figures will never be displayed by the fatuous mainstream media cable news who carefully hide the “savery of war,” knowing if Americans knew the gritty particulars of barbarism they would be aghast. This would especially be the case, if Americans also knew barbarism is the real reason they don’t have free healthcare, or why hospitals have been eliminated or are ill-equipped. Barbarism, is also the reason why the entire US infrastructure is a dilapidated mid 20th Century mess.
What would be especially sickening is knowing that the US political duopoly (Republicans and Democrats) who boldly impale symbols of patriotism on their collars actually have been “shitting” on the US Flag for decades. Seedy politicians, multinational corporations, and the security state have ruthlessly coalesced to ensure unending genocidal barbarity.
The raison d’etre of the mainstream media news is to sugarcoat the fiendish bloodthirstiness of US foreign policy.
Empires, throughout history have viewed the world as an enormous battlefield. The purpose is always the same– to secure geostrategic hegemony. And as in the past, propaganda is the most advantageous way of shaping the hearts and minds of populations. The only difference is– 21st Century technology provides for its limitless capability. To put it simply, the mainstream media news can now constantly browbeat populations with a steadfastness never before possible.
In the 21st Century, a propagandist can relentlessly attack an enemy. In 24 hours, the mainstream media news can successfully elevate or demonize anyone. After all, in just merely 36 hours the mainstream media news turned Bernie Sanders winning campaign into a losing proposition, and propped-up drooling brain dead Joe Biden as America’s answer to Donald Trump. Joe Biden, the man who mistook his sister for his wife……..
Be that as it may, the early revelations by whistleblower Army intelligence officer Christopher Pyle in 1970 revealing how the US Army spied on civilian populations, or the lengthy NYT’s article in the 1970’s by Seymour Hersh describing a CIA program dubbed the ‘family jewels” to be a covert assassination program targeting foreign leaders did NOTHING to alter or end any of these insidious activities. In fact, just the opposite occurred, intelligence agencies brazenly stepped-up programs undertaking a whole new array of deceptive and unscrupulous operations.
However, it should be pointed out that communism is no longer a threat and that every major power is a capitalist dictatorship. With that being said, pick your poison…….
Bravo, Charlotte. I am in awe of your passion, erudition and eloquence. You are a jewel in the OffGuardian crown. Keep up the good fight.
Trump will be the last American President. Likewise with Bojo, Macron and all the rest of these clowns who have so obviously been installed by our corporate masters.
Coronavirus is a panic, not a great pandemic killer, the economic collapse is not a panic and may become a far greater killer of humans. Their relationship to each other is misrepresented by almost everyone at this point. According to Bob McNamara who knew a thing or two about statistics 4 million died in the Vietnam invasion/debacle, aka Korea part 2 Where did you find the number 1,353,000 ? Lowering casualties figures has always been trendy as relationships between countries change? Almost no one died at Hiroshima according to both Japanese and American elites of a certain political bent.
On numerous occasions, on other threads I’ve posted comments stating that COVID-19 is veiling a worldwide financial collapse. The following is an excerpt from one of those posts:
A apart from this, let’s analyze something that’s NOT being discussed by the hysterical mainstream media news, namely the relationship between COVID-19 and a pending worldwide financial collapse. A collapse having little or nothing to do with a virus. Perhaps COVID-19, is actually veiling this financial collapse. As Cassius an admired Roman judge living in 127 B.C. frequently said when presiding over lawsuits: “to whom might it be for a benefit?” CUI BONO?
The answer is that several diverse powerful organizations benefit by a manufactured pandemic. In a previous thread I commented how Bill Gates and the Davos crowd are “vaccine happy” and are eager to find ways to control a rageful worldwide population of more than seven billion. Nevertheless, it’s also important to microscopically examine another type of deadly virus–the financiers.
BlackRock, the world’s biggest asset manager lost $90 billion in the last decade through investments in fossil fuel companies. The Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) stated: “BlackRock continues to ignore the serious financial risks of putting money into fossil fuel-dependent companies…..
75% of these losses were the result of BlackRock’s investment in just four companies — ExxonMobil, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell and, BP — which have “all underperformed the market in the past decade.”
What’s also interesting is BlackRock’s investments in the Middle East:
“The world’s largest asset manager BlackRock Inc. could add to its footprint in the Middle East by joining Israel’s infrastructure boom.” In addition, “BlackRock which has nearly $7 trillion in assets under management, joined KKR & Co. in February in agreeing to invest $4 billion in Abu Dhabi’s oil pipelines, securing two decades of guaranteed returns.”
That being said, is it NO surprise that BlackRock is the company most influential in dealing out the multi-trillion dollar US bailout. BlackRock, will be administering three of the bailout programs. In other words, BlackRock gets appointed to oversee bailouts to companies including BlackRock.
Under the arrangement BlackRock could buy some of its own funds on behalf of the central bank. After a decade of $90 billion in losses, what a convenient time for a shady “asset”
management company to seize onto the coattails of a panic pandemic…
Charlotte, lies of omission – even more than lies of commission – are the MSM’s preferred propaganda tactic.
The whole 20 million killed by imperialism since ww2 is incorrect it’s a lot more than that
Covid19 situation in NL until today from an epidemiological point of view
Especially the last pages are interesting
Page 17 is about IC units: currently 1200 people are admitted with Covid19 at an IC unit, while NL has 1100 IC beds (but upscaled to 1600).
Page 18 is about the PCR positives.
With an unchanged triage system you find
First weeks pcr positives 15%
Last week pcr positive 30%
Now: between 25-30% (maybe a trend downwards)
Will be interesting to see how these numbers compare with other countries (but I have been to lazy myself to actually compare)
You can also see the ‘hotspot’ I have been talking about in the Eindhoven region and which I find difficult to comprehend (so I really need to think about that a bit more)
My apologies for not giving links in my previous comments, which were meant as ‘eye witness’ reports (but you never know how truthful anonymous commenters are, even if they are sincere), so there you go.
Found it (at https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/#latest)
Update 31 March
‘ Depending on the country, the proportion of test-positive individuals is between 5 and 15%, which corresponds to the usual spread of corona viruses. Interestingly, these constant numerical values are not actively communicated (or even removed) by authorities and the media. Instead, exponential but irrelevant and misleading curves are shown without context.’
Please note that those numbers were taken in the beginning of March in Germany and the US, and do not include last week (when PCR positive in NL went up to 30%). I have reported similar numbers from my own experience here, so I believe these RIVM numbers
And based on that I conclude that at least in NL something infectious has been in the air that could explain airway disease aka covid19
Dank u wel Willem!
I read your comments on the earlier article.
I’m sure I speak for many of us here that I genuinely appreciate your hands-on updates and expertise, giving a unique insight unavailable elsewhere in the MSM and alternative news sites. Thank you very much and best wishes.
@Willem: Yes the absolute value is a bit higher than in other countries (it depends on the country and where you test), but the important point is that the percentage is stable, even going down. It doesn’t look like an epidemic.
Yes, the problem here is certainly propaganda, and it is in the case of COVID-19 a statistical war, a bogus use of statistics that is being used to justify this world war by the governments on their own people.
To win this war, we have to find a way to overturn their deceitful statistical propaganda, and I feel the following may help greatly in that current task.
Here is an article and chart showing the testing rates per million in various countries as of 20 March 2020, and you will note that the UK has at that stage tested less than 1000 per million, and likely has not tested many more now around 2 weeks later.
But the following article gives us a possible idea if they did far more testing, and especially random testing, instead of only those considered at risk, due to attending hospitals with major symptoms, thus biasing the true testing sample to only those who are significantly or seriously ill.
“Bay Area coronavirus cases climb as testing grows: 26% test positive at Hayward site”
Now please, those who want this madness to end, feel permission to jump for joy at these figures, which I doubt are unique, as I found them quite easily by searching for “covid-19 testing rates” or similar.
Because what this says is a random sample of SF Bay folk tested 26% positive for covid-19.
What that says if it is even approximately true generally of the US, UK and other global populations, is that in the UK for example one would expect roughly 15 million to test positive out of an approximate 60 million population.
So given the current number of UK deaths officially attributable to covid-19 – 2921 as of April 2, 15.42pm – that would be a roughly 3000/15 million mortality rate of infected cases.
Which is only about 1 in 5000 or 0.02%, which is about 2/3 of the average mortality rate for seasonal flu, which latter is about 0.03% based on 17,000 average annual deaths, a figure quoted by The (London, UK) Times.
The 0.02% mortality figure by the way, goes down by a factor of 4 times, as a proportion of the entire population, i.e. to only 0.005% or 1 in 20,000.
But admittedly the covid-19 rate cannot be fully compared with the annual flu deaths which are currently an average of roughly 6 times more, until the whole covid-19 death tally for the year is counted.
The point is, if such testing – take 100 people out of any supermarket at say 20 different locations up and down the UK – is carried out, and similar results are found as in the San Francisco Bay Hayward site, we will quickly know whether this is the case here, and if so, these lockdown measures are going to be shown as madness of the worst degree.
Lest anyone think I am acting “Lone Ranger” here, expressing an isolated and therefore irrelevant and dubious opinion, note that this is almost precisely what the Oxford University study has been saying – that up to half the UK population may already have or have had the virus.
So in fact they Oxford University experts are suggesting it might be up to 30 million covid-19 positive, far more than the 15 million I am extrapolating to from the San Francisco Bay Hayward district data of 26% testing positive.
Note very importantly, that the data I am using is based on the tests done there on the very first day, which I therefore believe may be at least somewhat random.
And since it appears now they are suggesting only people with major symptoms should get tested (the general policy by world governments generally it appears) the overall figures for the whole Bay area are not showing this same mortality rate, as they are testing mostly only the serious cases and hence far more likely to die of covid-19 or covid-19 complications (as they like to put it, misleadingly).
Note also, the motivation for the government and official testing is not generally to find out how prevalent this is in the general population – which would therefore put an end to this lockdown and social distancing madness.
But rather to try to identify positive cases and carriers so they can continue to shove them into quarantine in their ridiculous King Canute exercise to try to “defeat the virus.”
Which has been ridiculous from the outset, especially as according to experts like Professor Yoram Lass of Tel Aviv university, speaking on the Sky podcast (about 20 mins in) this virus had undoubtedly been circulating in the general population for several months before the panic and the lockdowns started.
So from the beginning, I and many others have been wanting to know why easily doable random testing of the general population has not been carried out hardly anywhere, including of front line medical staff, but somehow the rich and celebrities have all had it done.
I am not going to speculate about hidden agendas that kicked off this lockdown policy, but rather to point out that the authorities certainly have a very powerful vested interest in not doing this random testing of the general population now.
As if the Oxford University study and actual testing results in places like the SF Bay Hayward area which shows a 26% positive testing result, are correct, then those who have ordered this mass imprisonment and shutting down of nations madness, both in science and government, are going to be exposed as with more egg on their faces than could have been produced by all the chickens in the world.
And as a coda, also thanks to Professor Lass (a professor of medicine by the way, so fully qualified to judge the science involved) of Telaviv University, we discover that the standard test being used is only 70% effective,
So that means if even the entire population were tested, that would still leave 30% or more of the population – i.e. many millions – roaming free to infect everybody else unknown, unless everyone were locked down forever, which measure even the most crazed lockdown supporters cannot justify.
Thus there is no way the spread of this or indeed any other future virus could possibly be controlled.
So all this has been is a catastrophic exercise in King Canutism from the outset, with these numerous horrible disastrous consequences described above in the article, including economic, which it appears the normally economy obsessed governments have completely ignored.
The only positive I can offer to this disaster, is that it is going to lead to a complete change in our trust both of government and science – a far far greater skepticism of and holding to account of both.
Which has been in any case long needed, though it is sad that it appears it is having to take such a destructive disaster of this magnitude, before enough of the pubic finally wake up to the fact that if we allow lunatics to hold positions of power and influence, both in government and science, we cannot be surprised if we wake up one day to find that we are imprisoned in an asylum, and a global one at that.
Outstanding comment – thanks.
I think the German data is the most comprehensive in Europe.
Though it still will show equivalent deaths ultimately.
Thanks I am sharing that along with data on the (high) effectiveness of masks. Hand washing completes the protocol although cleaning your doorknobs never hurts 😉.
70% isopropyl alcohol for sterilization.
Due to chemical fumes, generally only mild soap and vinegar are used as cleaners there.
I have a challenged household in the family but we all (and they) have to get on with life. Their kids socialization is also a priority along with working and other such trivial concerns.
So their house (not society) has high quarantine requirements. As would a nursing home. Obviously.
We need to get real, this could indeed kill me too but nobody will replace the income I contribute. Period. Grandpa (60) isn’t the top priority in a family, the young folks are.
I think most older adults would support that view. Let’s not be the reason our kids go under financially.
My apologies I can’t fix the formatting above.
Thank you 1of7. (From an IT view…)
I am coming to believe that if we chart this weekly against a ten (20?) year weighted average flu deaths we a good ongoing metric.
Clearly the load on ICU’s (ventilators and meds) is what matters and the two together would speak clearly to the average person.
Overlays of various statistical methodologies that caused the confusion would be awesome in my mind. What is missing historically could be estimated statistically.
I have always supported better pandemic preparation and yet this is a good example of how the media invariably mangles the science.
Really, “I don’t know yet.” I am entirely comfortable with. This mess has been pure confusion from the beginning.
It’s great to see folks such as yourself addressing this problem.
Oh, and maybe a little update from where I am (I’ll bore regular readers by saying I’m in a very rural part of south west France). The start of the month market took place in my nearest big village, although there were nowhere near as many traders as usual, but things were busy and brisk with almost entirely cash transactions. During this second week of ‘lockdown’, today tradesmen were out and about, many of them still fixing roofs damaged by the epic hail storm we had here nearly two years ago now. The church was open. Quite a lot of business premises have started opening.
All of this is illegal under the present ’emergency laws’ in France (which were first introduced after the November 2015 ‘terror attacks’ in Paris, and have been one of the root causes of the civil unrest since January 2016). On my travels today I didn’t see any Gendarmes trying to enforce the ’emergency laws’.
Stay well, folks; and above all, try to stay sane.
That is great news.
Once we get to Easter I’m sure your experience will be repeated across all of rural France, if not already, and probably across Europe. No way people will stay indoors for so long, serious virus or normal virus regardless. There will probably be a revolution if they try to keep the French in lockdown beyond Easter.
It’s ironic that the British have traditionally looked down their noses at the French. But the French have that assertive spirit that the feeble submissive cap-in-hand Brits can only dream of. No-one says “Fuck off!” better than the French.
I agree. If you ignore the French gov’t (and it’s history) and just look at the French people?
They are fantastic and set an example for the entire to world to follow.
They have truly earned my respect these past few years.
The 5th Republic is nascent and this time they will not be stopped by the bankers.
Vive La France!
Viva the rural part of south west France
Western Canada 🇨🇦 is very quiet. Dead airports let me assure you. My limited circle was either sent home or works nights.
You get used to the city being quiet at night. But when I crawl out during the light of day it is as quiet as the average night.
And every where I go people put tape on their floor…
I think we should have cough party videos or something. We could all drop dead downtown at noon on Easter maybe.
Whatever we do, martial law is unacceptable in this case with this virus. Otherwise, I think folks generally want to help as much as is possible. And realistic.
The term Iron Curtain was coined by Josef Goebbels in 1944.
It was stolen from him by Churchill.
Journalists and politicians are just like whores, only more expensive.
And they swallow too
There’s a big difference here Paul.
A prostitute won’t say they are on your side. Or pretend to some lofty status.
Unless you ask for that. Lies and abuse are what you are paying for.
The transaction is as honest as it is toxic and destructive.
With journalism and politics the mask of virtue makes the deception and crime worse. It’s what makes it criminal in the first place.
My own little domain has been taken out, yet again (as it was during last December’s GE in the UK).
Fuck them.
This one’s time stamped 1974. So, put on your Hazmat suit, grab some bog rolls and dance around your room in defiance: Whatever Gets You Thru The Night…
What are you referring to here Rob G? Was there a take down on your site?
It was not Allen Dulles but Frank Wisner who established the CIA’s media operation, “the mighty Wurlitzer” – and before him British Security Coordination, run by the Canadian William Stephenson, who organized propaganda out of Rockefeller Plaza. Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming were part of it.
But that’s just WW2. We can go back to WW1 and CFR-founder Edward Mandell House whose closest ally was.. Walter Lippmann. Another poster has mentioned Edward Bernays.
With such a coordinated and expensive operation, you have to ask whom they were working for. The lineage of the individuals and organizations involved suggests there is nothing spontaneous about a “wartime propaganda effort”, be it WW2 or The Cold War. Opium money was the most powerful forces in the first half of the 20th century, along with the families who derived their wealth and power from opium, like FDR. Those moneyed interests shaped U.S. policy to China. That in turn determined the Korean and Vietnam wars and the present day policy towards China.
Deborah Davis being quoted prominently in Wikipedia should give pause, just for a second. Even this unauthorized biography of Katharine Graham [with a A] peddles the accepted story of Watergate. Academia, like the media, ignores the red flags of CIA involvement in ousting Nixon.
With respect to Cynthia Chung, propaganda works by many layers of deception, more complex than a matryoshka doll. In seeking to reveal it we promote certain myths, put on binkers and become part of the deception ourselves – and academia is very much part of the operation, sorry to say.
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
Edward Bernays – Propaganda
It was fascist CIA spymaster who ran the EU project and that is why it still fascist today.https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/people/aldrich/publications/oss_cia_united_europe_eec_eu.pdf
Agreed. And very much part of the Nazi project. But then the Nazi project was partly-established by those same proto-CIA interests. So you have to ask if the Reich is still operation in one form or another today. Who are its operatives and what is its ultimate goal.
Thanks for that link.
The Devil’s Chessboard; Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America’s Secret Government by David Talbot is essential reading for understanding this era, and the Dulles brother’s involvement.
Agreed. I finished that book a few months ago and it is amazing how one man shaped the direction of an entire planet. Of course, he had many willing minions, but imagining how different the wold would be without the Dulles brothers is an entertaining thought indeed. How do people become such sociopaths.
An informative article but CIA is just one of many “security forces” who like the Praetorian guard of old Rome have seized power in many nations. The novelty of “deep state” America is that there are several of these alphabet agencies all in bitter competition for the mothers milk of taxpayer funding with each other most of the time.
The CIA is the US ruling class. They retain real power ever since they killed JFK and RFK, and politics is a bunraku puppet play of no real significance.
To the above add the CIA’s Mighty Wurlitzer, playing nonstop to infect the minds of Americans and much of the West:
All this “hate China” propaganda you’re seeing is part of the Deep State pivot to Asia. Now that they’ve pretty well busted up the ME–for Israel–and parts of N Africa, the nation killers are zeroing in on China. In 10 , 20 years at most, at its present rate of growth, China will become the world’s economic power, shunting aside the USA. When that happens, those phony FED notes will be worth less than toilet paper. So it’s Game On against China, maybe even to the point of a limited nuclear war.
If these greedy pigs could see further then the end of their snouts, they’d know that they were a big part of making China a manufacturing behemoth, by having their Congress give massive tax breaks to those US corporations that first moved to Mexico, then China, while gutting the US manufacturing sector.
They probably know that, but to them, invasions, death and destruction is so much more fun and profitable.
The “War On China” is nothing new. It was an even bigger thing 100, 200 years ago. At the start of the 20th century most of the wealthy made their money in China. The American aristocracy was financed by opium and all kinds of projects using Chinese labor which they imported to the USA. In Europe they fought WW1 with Chinese labor.
Why don’t most of us know that? The true causes of war are very well hidden. Those involved have a habit of burning their papers, leaving historians high and dry. One of the key drivers of WW1 was Alfred Milner and his friend Herbert Hoover, with a fortune made in China.
Who brought all the Chinese laborers into WW1 — it could well have been Hoover, for personal profit.
“The Coolie Quagmire: Flogging, Sodomy, and Imperial Overreach on the Rand describes an early attempt to turn labor into a controlled, scientifically-managed global commodity to maximize the profitability of resource projects in distant corners of the world: the export 50,000 Chinese laborers to work in the South African gold fields in the 1900s. The project—for which Hoover’s China Mining and Engineering Corporation, owner of the Kaiping mines, organized the supply of coolies—was a disaster. How this system collapsed, as Chinese workers perversely refused to respond as expected to the array of positive and negative incentives designed to elicit submission and productivity, and helped bring down the Tory government at the same time, is one of the great cautionary tales of 20th century capitalism.”
CH, 7/26/07
Herbert Hoover: Made in China
If you are inclined to look at Milner and the US connections in a backward time frame it takes in the involvement of the US in WW1 in 1917> Balfour Declaration> the creation of the Fed> Destruction of the Russian Empire/Revolution > >>> start of WW1>>>American Imperialism > ROUND TABLE> Cecil Rhodes/ British Empire > >> Waterloo /’WELLINGTON> East India Company / American ‘Rebellion’>>>>>setting up of the Bank Of England.
IF you go forward from the end of WW1 you get everything else.
THE useful bookends to the history is CHINA.
Hence the current frenzy of racist rage that the ‘coolies’ aren’t following orders any more.
Many thanks to OffGuardian and Cynthia Chung for this excellent report on Operation MOCKINGBIRD. If one explores all of Cynthia’s links, they will have the essence of the treachery employed against JFK. I don’t think I’ve seen a better, brief essay on the situation to date. Thank you.
***Admin: why are there comments from Nov 2018 appearing now on this thread, and the the Coronavirus story by Kevin Ryan?
One of my comments showed up on that story from a reply I made to someone in Nov 2018, and just noticed some more from other commenters on this one dated Nov 2018. Very odd…
My guess is it’s related to those database and JSON errors over the past few days?
Is the coronavirus the largest propaganda campaign ever?
Does it surpass the Roman empire’s campaign against “barbarians”? Or the European campaign against “heathens”?
What other propaganda campaigns have shaped the world like those two? And will the coronavirus have that huge of an impact on societies around the world?
I look at it like this: there is propaganda and there is the policy behind it. To put it another way, there is George Smiley and there is the question of whom Smiley serves. (Spy novels or movies don’t go there).
If you believe WW1 happened just because of a student with a gun in Sarajevo… I’ve got a bridge for sale. If you read Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and James MacGregor you will see that propaganda was essential not just to fighting the war but to starting it and prolonging it, disguising who gained from war. Ditto WW2 which continued the hidden agendas behind WW1.
What we are seeing now is a continuation of 911: Patriot act, censorship, martial law and … I am sure… war. We know there are interest groups that want war and I don’t see why or how they will forego that opportunity now the people are corralled.
Thank you, Moneycircus and DunGroanin! That’s exactly what I wanted, what people like ourselves who read about and analyse propaganda to let me know your opinion on the most world-changing propaganda you’ve read about or experienced. Another huge one in my lifetime started long before I was born–the Israeli propaganda campaign against “terrorists”, that governments have used all around the world. One of the first times I remember being aware of world-changing propaganda was the invasion of Lebanon in 2006. It is the first time I read the pretty famous saying, ‘one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter’:)
Hidden History is a fantastic read, a real eye opener. makes you question everything that governments say.
From 2014–2019, the authors blogged their progress while writing their two-part series (duology?): Hidden History and Prolonging the Agony (originally planned to be a single book, their first editor suggested breaking it up into two). A link to an introduction to Hidden History from June of 2014 can be found here. It will give you a taste of what to expect in the books.
The first book covers the period of time, roughly 20 years, that went into the origins and planning of the war by a select elite of the Anglo establishment. The second book begins in August 1914 and covers wartime.
I can’t recommend these books highly enough. I’ve bought copies for my parents as well as my in-laws (who are German). The conversational nature of the narration make it very easy to read. It is extremely well-organized, meticulously documented and each chapter has its own summary to help the reader keep everything straight before moving on to the next.
Also of interest to Off-Guardian readers, in light of current events, was one of their blog posts on the corruption of the peer review process. It includes the following passage and quote from Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine:
This makes a lot of sense to me. My main narrative has always been, “It’s happening everywhere, this must be real, we are fighting a common threat to the entirety of humanity’ A little voice always at the back of my head is niggling me saying a slightly different thing “Yes, it is happening everywhere, something is going on, we are all being dragged into something that may indeed be a threat to the entirety of humanity’ Who the players are, what the exact goals are etc. still has me baffled. Smokescreen for a financial collapse? Why Money is not real anyway, everything is fabricated, resources are the key and who holds them. How is this chaos going to change that?
Just finishing the video now and understnding more…funny though that there is always a book to be sold eh?
Are you forgetting originals? The ‘Chosen People’ or the Gods who are men Egyptians and Greeks or the same version of Christianity with the Popes and Kings? Not forgetting the Chinese Celestial Empire? The ownership of the planet decided by the pope between Portugal and Spain and the conquests undertaken by tge Dutch and the English and their East India Companies funded by Gods Own Central Bankers…all of which led to to the despotic European and Christian prosletysing
slave mongering of the worlds lands , peoples and resources leading to the 300 year old , British Empire spreading sweetness and light with to their ‘Burden’ Empire with Opium?
The propaganda around the creation myth of the American Independence? The nasty Boers who needed Concentration camps created jusr for them? WW1, the Germans are bayoneting babies in Belgium crap?
The one around Gandhi and other seekers of independence being imprisoned? The rise and backers of the Bolsheviks & Then Hitler and the Nazis…the whole postwar cinrma that constantly put the brave 5+1 eyed Empires great battle for humanity against the Germans and Japanese and then the Russians and Chinese snd North Koreans and the independence seekers of the Middke East , Africa and South Americas. All made easier by tadio and tv and now internet. The whole Advertising Industry is nothing but a civilian arm of the Pathocratic Propaganda machine as is all the Entertainment Industry – never more evident than the tecent Super Hero franchises selling Exceptionalist use of individualist non-legally authorised Power Anywhere Anytime without anybody thinking to ask that it seems a bit errrr wrong?
We had the worst in this country as recently as the last two elections and the last two referendums – denying the Scots independence (ongoing), Austerity that led to Brexit, the campaign against the Corbynite Labour party (ingoing) and the postal vote fraud that kept them out of office (thanks to LauraKoftheCIA and her Mission Impossible team as part of up-Pompeos gauntlet promise to the …..all the way to the top Owners of the World – for whom he is just the General of their Praetorian Guards.
There is plenty of it, this is just more of the same.
Thanks for asking though.
There are 4.5 million Scots most of them alcohol besotted and incapable of surviving on their own . They believe that becoming Belgians would somehow provide them with cheaper drink and more time to spend in the pubs.
Presumably you are a Scot and talking about yourself, your parents and your friends and family?
“Are you forgetting originals? The ‘Chosen People’ or the Gods who are men Egyptians and Greeks or the same version of Christianity with the Popes and Kings?”
Those are particularly interesting, DunGroanin. Because it could be said that propaganda begins with religion. Gods, angels and demons could have been the inventions of minds desiring power over people. Leaders could have simply wanted slaves. The whole idea of a “leader” could have gone from meritocracy to lies about the dangers of the unknown, retaining leadership by making up stories.
Menachem Begin was NOT kidding when he described his people as ‘Gods Upon the Earth’.
“denying the Scots independence (ongoing)”
The Scots don’t want it, dungroanin. My mother’s (Scottish) family are divided on the matter, as the referendum in 2014 suggested at about 50/50. Your assertion is Murray propaganda. I know you and he don’t like it, but that is reality.
Divided – does not mean proof the Scottish majority don’t want it.
The 2014 referendum was firstly flawed then by the first major use of widespread postal vote rigging in the UK (as was the Brexit referendum and general elections since 2014).
The 2014 referendum was immediately void once the brexit referendum results came in. The Scottish voted against leaving and had the indy referendum happened after the brexit one the result would have been different.
If you are so sure the Scots don’t want independence in the changed circumstances- why not jusk ask them right now ?
Hey you don’t even need to have a referendum of these who may vote – just ask them. Go door to door and establish the opinion of every person who lives there – it wouldn’t take long – and would tell us all immediately whether your perception is accurate or these seeking that independence. Wouldn’t it?
I have no preference- not being Scottish or living there.
“If you are so sure the Scots don’t want independence in the changed circumstances- why not jusk ask them right now ?”
I’m not against that.
I know where this attitude comes from, but Murray is biased. He might say that the 2014 referendum was rigged – but he would say that wouldn’t he – he didn’t get the result he wanted.
It’s all very well saying that if Scots were better informed that more of them would want independence, but I think equally a better informed Scottish electorate might go the other way.
“He might say that the 2014 referendum was rigged ”
HE didn’t say it – I do.
What is the hard-on some have about Ambassador Murray? I haven’t quoted him – is it that he is getting traction? I think he deserves a pulitzer for his court reports recently but I’m sure some would disagree.
So how about getting a door to door done in the coming weeks while everyone is at home – a couple of volunteers per street could cover it in a few hours – uploaded directly into a transparent web app would not need to involve peoples in counting centres.
Call for it and settle the doubt.
Well said Dungroanin. You’re absolutely spot on. It’s very telling that this guy is incapable of responding to ‘you’ without having to shoehorn in some derogatory reference to “Murray’.
Even more telling in terms of the fear Murray is creating is Paul Hutcheon’s article in the Daily Record this week. A bunch of laughable nonsense about Murray asking for donations to his blog while owning a big house served as nothing more than a convenient coathook on which to hang a photo of the said house – one that would enable readers to identify and find in a matter of hours, or even minutes.
It says everything about these scum that odious “We know where you live…” threats are now part of mainstream Unionist journalism.
“Imagine there’s no CIA / It’s easy if we try / No wars around us / Above us only sky…”
The Fugs – CIA Man
Where have all the real punks gone?
Nice! Only you’re never going to get a nice fat record contract writing lyrics like that. 🙂
Lots of rehashed information here. OPC-Operation Mockingbird-The Church Commission-Smith Mundt. Udo Ulofke was a brave soul but even he did not reveal anything new… his honour and worth was in standing up and rejecting it.
By retelling a familiar story, it fails to move it forward. Like with Annie Jacobsen your initial reaction is, “wow, she got the inside scoop”. Then you realize we have known most of this since the 1970s.
Maybe you’ll say, “you know that. I don’t.” Should Hollywood keep rebooting the same bunch of movies just because a new generation hasn’t seen them?
Some NEW research:
Gerry Docherty on the Hidden History of WW1 – Blockbuster on who promoted war.
Stephen Kotkin’s new books on Stalin – solid archival research in contrast to myth-based biography.
David McGowan on manipulation of popular culture – Weird Scenes 2014 and Tom O’Neil – Chaos, 2019
Some NEW OLD research – that never got the attention it deserved.
Mae Brussell’s broadcasts from the 1980s – investigating the power structures that run the world
Victor Marchetti’s The Cult of Intelligence from 1974. Timeless.
Alfred McCoy’s books on the CIA and the narcotics trade: the Politics of Heroin, 1972 updated 2003.
I’ll try to find time to write some of this up on moneycircus.blogspot.com
I do not know the readership profile of OffG, but one thing I do know is that just because we born in the 1960s know something does not in any way mean that those born in the 1990s or later will know it.
Many of the young green zealots know nothing of the summers of 1975/6 in the UK, nor of the monsoons starting September 1976 through to February 1977. So they think the past 18 months is ‘catastrophic’, not merely a relatively rare event already seen once in the lifetime of older people.
In the main, the majority only know about what is made publicly visible. A minority in each generation will go digging, but the majority will be too busy enjoying themselves, be that through sport, chasing the opposite sex, building a business etc etc etc.
So revisiting old truths every generation has its value, even if for the older ones here, it is merely rehashing ground visited by us long ago.
After all, I wonder how many people being born now will ever know the truth about 9/11?
Young people are always telling me there is new information and that I’m out of date )). I”m saying this article is out of date. There is new information. Why sell stale goods
Why sell antiques?
And many of us who know exactly where we were on 11/22/1963 are still waiting for the whole truth about that to come out.
Rhys – spot on comment.
“The destruction of the past, or rather of the social mechanisms that link one’s contemporary experience to that of earlier generations, is one of the most characteristic and eerie phe- nomena of the late twentieth century. Most young men and women at the century’s end grow up in a sort of permanent present lacking any organic relation to the public past of the times they live in.”
Eric Hobsbawm (Age of Extremes)
I think it creates a nice frame to what is occurring.
Thanks for the responses. Please excuse my sometimes provocative comments. It’s just a way of getting other people to challenge my ideas. So as to squeeze a new thought out of my constipated brain. And that idea is this:
If we always tell the same stories (though they be true) we risk creating a mythology just like the one we’re attacking. We have to be more nimble than that.
Being provocative is GOOD, if not ESSENTIAL in these lullaby days of omnipresent propaganda.
“During WWI, on Dec 25th 1914, something rather unexpected occurred and a series of widespread unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front took place between the French/British soldiers and the German soldiers. Some even ventured into “no man’s land”, given its name since none left it alive, to mingle with the “enemy” and exchange food and souvenirs. ”
A song about this was made in the 1980s
Excellent, not heard this for ages.
Brain fart. Can’t remember the name of the classical piece upon which the chord structure is based.
I googled it: Pachelbel’s Canon
Not sure what I was trying above:
Many thanks. Years ago, it was my wake up music.
Reminds me of that other Anti War Protest song by Jona Lewies – Stop the Cavalry … which was morphed into a Happy Christmas Jingle … Popularised the song but disguised the Anti-War message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HkJHApgKqw
…and of course McCartneys Pipes of Piece addressed this directly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–uXQQ0h-yQ
Frances Stonor Saunders’ ‘Who Paid the Piper?’ is obviously essential reading as is Carl Bernstein’s article from Rolling Stone in 1977 (although both are probable limited hang-outs).
“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity”. (Marshall McLuhan)
No truer words spoken.
“NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe” (Contemporary Security Studies) Jun 21, 2005 by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser
Also worth mentioning “Operation Gladio, The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA and the Mafia” by Paul L. Williams 2018. My epub copy is from 2015 but I think it wasn’t officially published on paper until 2018.
I am grateful for the revelations of Udo Ulfkotte in his book, and watched the video of a speech he gave shortly before his untimely death.
That video was posted here at Offguardian last year.
I boycott as much as possible the presstitutes. These completely amoral, gutless, craven bum sniffers make my stomach churn. Lies upon lies upon lies, all in the service of Power.
And with the huge Coronavirus story, we are even seeing supposed anti establishment and anti capitalist sites jumping over to the dark side so to speak. Or else they are not very smart in spotting blatant fascism when it’s right in front of them.
Excellent essay Cynthia, but with respect, I need to ask- are you the same Cynthia Chung who is based with Rising Tide Foundation, a right wing Libertarian organisation that states as one of its core beliefs:
*Develop private sector solutions to
societal problems
And that ‘we also fund projects that directly apply Libertarian principles’..
Correct me if I’m wrong, but was there some connection with the Tea Party at the very beginning? If I’m incorrect about this, I apologise in advance.
A dying Empire will thrash about in its death-throes. When it is the most Evil, genocidal and destructive in history, run by hereditary psychopaths, parasites and those with their own true loyalty to their tribe and not the society that is their host, it will be particularly deadly. When armed with thermo-nukes, bioweapons, chemical weapons and other means of mass destruction, it will take us all out with it. The US regime will far rather destroy the world than give up its ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ over it.
Richard – as you may have noticed, but here in America “Full Spectrum Dominance” has been replaced by our newest Pentagon approved policy called “Full Spectrum Idiocy.” The differences are rather nuanced to be sure.
It’s the oldest trick in the world. Every toddler knows it: “Mummy – he started it first!” You accuse the other side of doing whatever it is that you yourself are doing. And the accusation is justification for you doing it.
Even as a toddler, I’d have been told off for the tautologous “first'”. 🙂
Bill Hicks/Shane skit…classic. They killed Hicks – guaranteed. They kill all of the outspoken free-thinkers. If you ever listened to his bootleg skit on Rush Limbaugh and the Bushs’…wow!
The CIA/FBI top are not at all infallible; they didn’t take info serious about the fall of the Berlin wall or the 9/11 attacks. Considering the number of covid19 infected in the US, they had no clue about these little fresh market viruses either. HRC as president plus the impeachment joke were also botched ops.
Must be be the highest budgeted fools, that’s why they keep it secret.
A KGB or Mossad does better with 1% of that money.
Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA by Time Weiner, 2007, is good on this. They bungled almost every project they touched – even the missile bases in Cuba were discovered by a single persistent photo analyst.
Pompeo is stomping around with his gauntlet of power like a dumb hulk or king kong stuck at the top of the towet – THE ONLY WAY IS DOWN – and no parachute.
‘Reports that Iranian diplomats were involved in an assassination of a dissident in Turkey are disturbing but fully consistent with their assignments – Iran’s “diplomats” are agents of terror and have conducted multiple assassinations and bomb plots in Europe over the past decade.’
A lying, cheating scumbag thug playing his last cards.
The thread and responses are worth reading as the Atlantic Council warriors line up to threaten to follow through on their assassination of Soleimani in January.
Now- why January, why Soleimani I wondered at the time – it seems the crumbling Empire must have known the virus was out and somehow Iran would be struckdown by it around now …
The mad fucking imperial bastards have actually used biological warfare it seems!
The US decision to increase sanctions on Iran during the Covid 19 pandemic is an act of such Evil, that it represents a new low, even for the US regime.
As their shyster health system falls apart under the strain, the Exceptional And Indispensable Folk may finally be getting a taste of the misery they have been inflicting on hundreds of millions of people for decades.
Cue howls of anguish and self pity from the arrogant bully.
This woman hates Churchill.
I hate Stalin, a person with a soul.
FDR was a crippled wreck at the end; he should have given his reign over earlier to his vice president.
FDR had been crippled long before he became president–that didn’t happen at “the end” of presidency.
Hiding his own multiple medical conditions from the voters was also a form of propaganda.
One can doubt if Stalin fell for it.
Truman was dumber than Bush2 and as greedy and arrogant as Trump . But he did do as he was told by his deep state handlers. Perhaps if Henry Wallace had been VP????
Propaganda only works on the uncurious, the numb and the smug.
Unfortunately, they number in the millions.
In the US of A, make that hundreds of millions.
Hunter S. Thompson: “America…just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen, with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.”
Funny man. He had a way with the language. Another in my niche of study, “Highly Assisted Apparent Suicides.”
Like Iris Chang. Expect to see another spike soon, with “Virus Depression” as the cover.
Assuming any of the above happened, of course. You just never know, anymore.
Propaganda works by manipulating you through your prejudices. Propagandists have to know your prejudices – and you should be aware of them yourself. One way of thinking about it is to ask: If I wanted to fool myself, what would I say?
Yes, we all need to develop a real-time awareness of our hot buttons of prejudice, and how they’re pushed… So many are helpless. Now people believe in the Deep State, but in a totally bastardized version, making it thus even harder to penetrate, most often.
Pierre Mendès-France, who was in Charles de Gaulle’s cabinet, says at the beginning of the iconic documentary “The Sorrow and The Pity” that he didn’t have deep resentments about the Germans or enemy combatants. What he wished to see most in France was a growth in the culture that would protect young people from propaganda, give them tools to spot it and unmask it.
Wow, if we had that in the US, it would be “a whole different ballgame.”
People here are so played and punked, they have no clue.
Most people I know, far and away, have bought all kinds of incredible yarns and it’s less than worthless to point that out to them, even gently as can be, even armed with indisputable facts. It’s really incredible, and they have zero awareness of it, no knowledge of their soft spots.
Then, if I let out a peep, I get called “intellectually arrogant.” And that’s the end of it.
What did wondrous Blake write:
“In every cry, in every tear,
The mind-forged manacles I hear.”
Something like that………
Completely. I really notice that when I point out staged events to friends. If it’s the police bashing a disabled pensioner or a right-wing shooting they’ll insist it’s real whereas if it’s a misguided Muslim youth then they more easily recognise it’s staged. I think that’s what makes me different from most people. It’s not that I don’t have prejudices but I think they lead me far less than they lead other people. Being immune to the taboos around death really helps too.
They have us all profiled and know how to push propaganda that certain profiles will tend to see and react to or push the same propaganda to multiple profiles knowing that each profile will react differently. In the targeting of truthers with propaganda to maintain the belief of death and injury they know that the general population is not going to pay attention to the PNAC document, watch Jeremy Rys’s Conspiracy Solved! (pushing the idea that people were targeted by the perps in the buildings) or pay any attention to the Dancing Israelis, etc. Only truthers will. A lot of it is fomenting disharmony between the different profiles for a divide-and-conquer effect. It drives me absolutely crazy how people can’t see it.
I guess the Cambridge Analytica documentary is a perfect expose.
The British media is woefully ignored in this piece -an oversight?
The Groaniads bag of spooks.
The BBC’s hoard of liars.
The CIA must obviously have them in the UK msm as well.
Laurak most certainly and the Tank Regiment alumnii…
Come on spill the beans!
The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961
Kennedy’s Last Speech, read it and wonder no more why He was offed.
That’s not his last speech – it is dated 1961.
His last speech – which he was on his way to give when publicly executed by the people who the speech was calling to heel – is worth reading and realising that we are now at a similar crossroads
Yeah, I missed out that caveat, thanks for the correction.
Kennedy commited a lot of no, nos any one of which would have been sufficient to put him in danger…
Romans 11:3
This ex journalist, Tareq Haddad from Newsweek also highlighting the problem. Saying that intelligence agencies all over operate within and have offices in media corporations controlling and censoring content.
If you look at much of what the foreign affairs/defence correspondents Guardian write. From outright provable lies, distortion and omission – stuff which is reposted over here (and the reason Off G came to being) Oliver Kamm and so many other UK publications are clear intelligence assets.
Theres no chance in hell these people believe what they write. Unlikely most other journalists too and most must be aware their publications are effectively fronts for UK intelligence and likely others.
I wonder when these journalists are finally charged with any number of crimes, terrorism offences in Syria (warmongering and treason if there are actionable UK laws) they will be able to successfully claim they were just following orders. Thats why I say to mainstream journalists, do what Tareq Haddad and others – get out while you still can – for your future liberty and mental health.
My one criticism of the way we,academics and independent writers etc deal with this. In some ways it looks as if we legitimise the Guardian and others by being too defensive when they smear us – or when we ridicule them. Thats fine to call out in this way – but these people are criminals and have committed crimes against humanity. We should be saying this when we report on their ‘journalism’
I reference “Operation Mockingbird” all the time, whenever I discuss this with others or post comments or write articles about our society in USAmerica, as it is gradually being locked down (sound familiar, for any reason?) by its own intelligence apparatus. I will include the Wikipedia article by that name, since it gives some introduction to the subject, and basic overview, mostly based on Deborah Davis research, and her book, which covers Mockingbird and it’s penetration originally of WaPo and NYT, just to begin with. Just “for starters”! A very revealing review of the 2002 very revealing movie called “The Quiet American” directed by the great Aussie Philip Noyce, was published in The Nation by H. Bruce Franklin in 2003, called “By the Bombs’ Early Light” which examines the psyop led by Col. Ed Lansdale to spin Viet Nam against Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong and a particularly nasty car bombing at the start of 1952, a terrorist act perpetrated by Ho Chi Minh’s adversaries, and relentlessly forevermore pinned on him. I don’t do links, for my own reasons, but the piece is easy still to find online, 17 years later, and was up when I looked recently. Franklin, a Rutgers Prof, has kept it up. It has a tab, “email the author” which I did, and he wrote me back within the hour saying that the author of the eponymous novel, Graham Greene, “sure had his number, didn’t he?” He then recommended a book as further study, one that he used for his classes on U.S. Foreign Policy, “Dog Soldiers” by the recently deceased Robert Stone, which details the anatomy of the drug trafficking that came through Southeast Asia to Southern California, which was really central to the way Central Intelligence deployed here in USA, domestically. A classic about that, true scholarship, is “The Politics if Heroin” .
Timothy Leary was the CIA point man on the “Left Coast” and I’ve had lively talks around town with people who knew him, as he was based just a few miles south, where I once lived at one stretch, a few years after he lived there, Laguna Beach, California. His residency at Mystic Arts bookstore near the beach there, is covered in focus and depth in the 2010 book, “Orange Sunshine: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love and its Quest to spread Peace, Love, and Acid to the World.” A must read, and not just for locals in Orange County here….
The “Quiet American” would be the fictive CIA agent Alden Pyle, who arrives in Saigon in 1952 at a starting point early in the game, “preaching democracy and spewing bombs.” His tale is nothing if not about propaganda and psyops and how we began to spin things to the interests of our corporate taskmasters like never before. Graham Greene wrote in his ’80s memoir “Ways of Escape” that his Saigon novel was “the closest to pure reportage” of anything he’d written, with special emphasis made by CIA on the communists as incarnating everything bad, almost like some mystical virus of the mind and soul, infectious and a deadly contagion that must be preemptively quarantined and quickly eliminated, in a never ending battle to flatten that worst of curves.
But many others have pointed out that we will call pretty much anyone a communist -like Fr. Blase Bonpane at KPFK.org, on the air fifty years, or John Perkins et al., if they stand against the U.S. corporate tide, and our armies of occupation, portrayed as freedom fighters always. (Only one out of four soldiers fighting on the side of Ho Chi Minh were communist party members, which was pretty much the same demographic of France in the 1970s when I lived for 4 years in Paris, during the Presidency of Valery Giscard d’Estaing, once a Vichy collaborator with the Nazis in WW II !)
Mostly only specialists (students of the CIA, most of whom have often divided loyalties, if not actually working for it undercover or overtly, or civil liberties students with some “mileage” and their own deeper knowledge about it, if not actually working for it undercover) in the subject know much about it, per my own informal poll, anecdotal at best.
The problem we all have is that the agency has developed more and more into a rogue “elephant” trampling not just communists underfoot, but anything else big or small that gets in its way, or that just happens to be in its way, inconveniently or not.
Many of the more credible “establishment” experts, like Tim Weiner of NYT who wrote the big history of the agency called “A Legacy of Ashes”, and Joseph Trento ( “The Secret History of the CIA” ) speak of the innate development and character of the agency, as unworthy of their country, and about its globally and nationally destructive nature.
Perhaps the best avatar of that position is Colonel Fletcher Prouty, who was JFK’s liason officer between CIA and the Air Force, and portrayed by Donald Sutherland as “Mr. X” in Stone’s film “JFK”.
He wrote a book nearly 50 years old now, that gives an insider’s chapter and verse, with the telling title, “The Secret Team: the CIA and it’s Allies in Control of the United States of America and the World.”
The extent and scope of that control would be manifest in such events, as a prime example, as Robin Williams’ death, when he was cremated 24 hours after his “suicide” and no major outlet in the entire world covered that, or even suggested anything like foul play.
I asked that question soon after the fact, since my father had been assassinated in a similar “staged suicide” and Williams death soon enough brought up flashbacks, and how back then the whole thing went into full media eclipse (LATimes, Burt Folkart, chief obituarist, April 26, 1982, “Tax Expert Walked Many Complex Paths” adds, Ervin “who died of undisclosed causes…” although the article was clearly not written by Folkart, but someone with a more awkward style). How interesting that the only report I could find about Robin Williams’ funeral AND day after dead cremation, was at TMZ, the same outlet that recently and instantly broke the story 65 days ago (seems like 5 years ago, with this virus thing) about the helicopter crash, killing someone from one place of worship here on my route, Our Lady Queen of Angels: Kobe Bryant and his young daughter Gigi, where I used to pass him on his way back from Communion. I first “saw” her a day after Vanessa delivered her at the hospital where my mother died two or three years later.
I met a lady at an office here a few years ago, and while we were waiting, she said, “I was in Marin County that week, and at a bar where they all knew him, and I overheard the patrons, they were all talking about how ‘they just cremated Robin, just hours after he died.'”
And yet no mention of it in the “news”.
The “defense” rests its case. That was Exhibit A.
(Exhibit B would be how I’ve talked to people in France who remembered it, and in Germany it was the top story September 10, 2001 how a major terrorist attack had been forecast for the East Coast of the United States, and yet we never heard a word here?)
Serious implications. Media weaponized.
Robin Williams had become a good friend of Mort Sahl. Look up Sahl’s wiki bio, and that will give many a clue as to motive, means, and madness of staged suicides, and ops of like ilk. Sahl, the godfather of standup, was deputized by D.A. Jim Garrison, then blacklisted for the rest of his life, sandwiched in were brief phases in different shades of dark greylisting!
Expect to see those numbers on staged suicides spike, using the virus and “depression” as a cover, such as the latter being presented to me forty years ago, by various parties, in the death of my father, John Wesley Ervin.
And yet I find out in 2000 that LAPD still regards it as an open case. Very “Cold Case.”
–Jaw Nervin’
Sam Giancana, Mafia heir to Capone’s Chicago Outfit, allegedly as an aside to his wiseguy associates, shortly before he was to testify to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, June 1975, though he himself was assassinated the night before that date in the basement of his Chicago mansion, “They just don’t get it in D.C., the CIA and the Mob are two sides of the same coin.”
I had a chance to talk briefly to Dave Emory two years ago at his last public lecture, quoting that line, and his remark was, “The CIA IS the Biggest Mob in the World.”
General Smedley D. Butler, most decorated Marine in U.S. history, dead in his fifties after uniquely backing socialists for the U.S. Presidency: “I was nothing but a high class muscle man for the corporations.”
Correction: I exchanged nods with Kobe Bryant at Mass a couple times, but thought it best to let him be, as huge a Laker fan as I have been for decades, and I “saw” Gigi when she was still “an inside job” and Vanessa came to the pews wide as a house, a couple days before she was born, not “after” as I misstated. It’s midnight here, in the Colonies, turned rogue!
A very engaging footnote to Ed Lansdale is the fact, not hidden, that Daniel Ellsberg, the fabled (presumed?) Snowden-esque whistleblower and leaker of “The Pentagon Papers” and called by many the most significant whistleblower in U.S. history, was the close attaché of Lansdale in ’50s Viet Nam. The profile is a lot like Snowden, both of them leaking to very very suspicious outlets, at the top of my list of chronic Usual Suspects.
Both have all the markings of Richard Bissell’s CIA “false defectors” 1950s program that sent Oswald to Moscow.
That’s a typical trick and less difficult to pull off than pulling a rabbit out of a hat for average stage magicians. Selling the trick is the only trick, and with a mob media as the handmaiden, not much work.
Unlike Oswald, they are venerated by many.
The irony there is that Oswald may have actually been the real patriot and admired JFK, not a hater.
in this connection, it is significant that the Pentagon Papers make very little mention of the CIA, but rather blame everything on the Pentagon.
as with the Snowden papers, which prefer to focus on the NSA, rather than the CIA.
Yup, and even more significant, the fact that with did that serves to connect their M.O. , and then, as crime partners. But that may have been your point. That false red flag sticks out like a, well, false red flag.
The more you study them the more false red flags pop up. I saw “The Pentagon Papers” with James Spader as Ellsberg, a major production for cable, and I bought it at the time 12 years ago. That he was Mr. Sincerity.
A major movie house production about the CIA? Sincere?
Now it’s 2020, and I now have 20/20 vision, just for things like that. If only in 1 eye. 😷
I’m interested in ‘Laurel Canyon’ cohort angle – what with Mr Zimmerman finally releasing a noble literature worthy dirge on the JFK execution.
Is Bob admitting some Mea Culpa in his end days?
Why does he list all the artistes for the last long part of this swansong?
Is he playing one more for the road? And giving a marching and dying tune , the last hard rain?
Kindly be more explicit Mr Ervin especially on Williams – you baited the hook, I’m biting!
I wrote a good bit about it a year ago here, too bad they don’t have a search engine or archive here, like Disqus (aka “Discuss”) at a lot of US. Alt sites, where you can leave your way through a stockpile of comments chronologically listed.
A fascinating thing about my take on Robin Williams’ murder, I’ve given my pitch on the phone a number of times to associates, and *every* time, as I approach the dénouement of the crime, my call gets dropped. I only have a dropped call about once a year, yet my rants about Robin get dropped every time, right at my coda, my drum.
One of my friends, she suggested I might consider dropping it, myself, as friendly advice. With her, it was pretty clear: the call got dropped twice in succession, at the same point.
You would have to take that as pretty clear evidence that someone was especially displeased, who had unchecked access to my phone calls.
But I’ve been under VHA forever and ever, as it should be called (as it is in UK, but curiously, and tellingly, not in the US): Virtual House Arrest.
You are “free” to move about, but there is a perpetual electronic bracelet around your ankle at all times.
Unlike furloughed felons, for whom a court order must be had, if the CIA/Mob wants to track you, they don’t need one.
I made some very engrossing discoveries about Robin Williams, who gave my oldest friend, since the 1st Grade, his first job as his break pianist, in 1976.
His murder was one of those stereotypically occulted events, hidden by media in plain sight, something which speaks volumes in itself.
Stereotypically, as in Marilyn Monroe’s murder, who overdosed on barbiturates, found in her system as an enema, not in her stomach.
The lead LAPD detective on the case wrote a three part series on his findings at the crime scene, in LA Times 2000. Almost 40 years after the murder. As I recall, he just presented the evidence, without offering complete conclusions.
I read at rotten.com about 20 years ago, long before it went dark some years back, that the last person to sign her guest register in Brentwood, was Johnny Roselli, Sam Giancana’s muscle, and arguably the most notorious Mafia Hitman of the last hundred years.
But as to Robin, I’ll have to take up that thread when I’m fresh, if I can, as it’s 1 am in LA, and I’m knackered ….. as I recall they say in London, from my exhilarating sojourns there.
Hope you had a fine rest and will now regale us with the Robin Williams story?
What is UP with Dylan, though, who has always put me off, despite his incredible songwriting skills?
I’m speaking of his ads for IBM. Where is Bob Dylan, and what have they done with him?!
Is he now the prize, the trophy catch of an Illuminatum, who, as Rimbaud wrote of the Devil, “despises all descriptive faculty” ??
There are Super Bowl ads of the ancient hippie speaking to IBM AI called Watson, after Thomas Watson, who in the early days of International Business Machines made the punch cards for Hitler to document Auschwitz internees, with a #6 card being a marker for extermination of Jews.
It makes me think of “coercive hypnosis” as in Mengele-developed and MKULTRA-funded Mind Control, aka Manchurian Candidate.
I can’t absorb whatever would make Dylan, hardly hurting for cash I guess, shill for IBM ?!?!?!
However I am aware of levels of ubiquitous mind control, or nearly universal.
Humanity really has a current pressing need to snap out of the spell.
Did Zimmerman even write Bob Dylan’s songs? I’ve lost track of a series of Internet articles that described textual analysis of Dylan’s 1960s songs and pinned them to one Leonard Cohen.
Zimmerman later gave an interview in which he said he could never remember writing the lyrics.
I’m not really up to speed: was your screed about tongue-in-cheek parody of my seemingly obscurantist style, or a serious question.
John Le Carré says at his website that spies and artists are both fakes and that he’s not a spy and artist.
Bob and Leonard lean more on branded swag and memes of hippie style, much of which they honed to brand, than on real art, least of all music. They are just not as big a deal as the promoters make them out to be.
Personally, I believe most successful Bohemians and public artists such as rock stars exist by illusion, and are more or less deputized by Langley to be their cultural deputies, surrogate spies.
Otherwise they wouldn’t see success.
And the better ones don’t.
I lean heavily on true artists like BACH to get by, to get through this.
Bach has intergalactic swag, but ain’t no fake. He ROCKS to beat the band.
It would be unfair to say that Scott Joplin is fake, just because he wrote all his class-ass rags in a whorehouse. He is an example of working within very narrow limits, and perhaps for that reason writes real sincere Art. He shows who he l IS.
I’ll have to give you a rain check on Robin, for a little later.
(If this seems at all off topic, it clearly is not: it helps in this era especially to know the relation of art to dissimulation and authenticity, and culture agents who are doubles of spies, tracking back to waves of art propaganda launched by CIA, such as in Paris,
the jewel for which they drool.(Gertrude Stein had lived nearby, rue de Fleurus, and had all the markings of a spy.) When I lived in Paris, I wouldn’t go near Americans, more than one at a time, because they were all spies or wannabe spies. CIA Yankee dollars were mother’s milk there, and the place was crawling with artist poseurs and their postures, the kind of fakes Le Carré means.
It’s like that poem, “The Politics of Rich Painters is Something like the Rest of our Doubt”
CORRECTION: Le Carré says at his site that he IS a fake, doubly, as both spy AND artist. Actually, he’s neither, but that doesn’t disprove his point. You got to love him anyway.
Hand on heart straight question.
I suppose I fall into your student (amateur) with some mileage (fast approaching 60 barr covid!)
I am aware of the literary set of the British Empire inaugurating propaganda for Queen and Country. Hollywood of course. The Laurel Canyon lot are relatively recently exposed.
Of course pop and rock must have been involved along with acid gurus especially in the post JFK era. We remember just Elvis flashing his badge and doing his duty in uniform on screen.
So long conjecturing the popworlds role & players – I wonder who to include on the list of suspects (including the dead).
Williams mention piqued my curiosity – i wasn’t aware of his indecently hasty cremation- usually such speed is related to religious customs.
I’d like to hear the motives and means, if you feel inclined. Just another piece of a jigsaw without a cover picture to follow! You have given a few in your posts for people to check for themselves, some new to me, thanks.
All best from locked down London end of the current psyops!
Wow. It’s like a total inversion of the truth. Fakebook is busy banning dissident voices in the West, who then must seek refuge on VK. But it’s the Russians who are guilty of censorship! Meanwhile, Washington is sponsoring attempts at a color-revolution in Hong Kong with the help of Soros & Friends, but it’s China that’s guilty of taking advantage of our “open, democratic societies”! Just bizarre …
Excellent piece on the United States of Agitprop.
Cultural amnesia amplified by a frontier inbred mentality has led to their belief that shit is exceptional.
From Pearl Harbour to the Bay of Pigs and onward to Vietnam, the first Gulf War, 9/11, the 2nd Gulf War, on and on to the break up of Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Ukraine.. you get my drift. If there is a god in heaven he must have a very perverse kind of morality [or a weird sense of humour] regarding his bastard child on Earth.
As the US of A is the standard bearer for global capitalism, the 2020 plandemic looks increasingly like another tool in the box of propaganda down at Langley Farm.
My sentiment exactly.
The body bags will soon be filling with the Covid dead in their 1000’s per day and the horror is being used by Pompeo to wind up an attack on Iran – and use it to coverup about the origins of this virus – if you look at the state by state deaths across the US being reportrd NOW, certain places are standing out like sore thumbs – the far north west Wahington State being the most weird…
They really really really want to go down in flames – the crumbling rotten empire.
We are marching lock step with OUR CIA owned media and alt-media, who revel in limited hangouts.
The state- by-state numbers
Even more granularity should reveal the localities and their significance.
As useful background reading try “A Man Called Intrepid”, its the biography of William Stephenson, a Canadian who’s role before and during WW2 essentially created the security apparatus that we know today. Obviously there were people before him and others doing the same sort of work he brought an industrial organizational mindset to what was up to that point a game for talented amateurs (and small scale service departments). His work engendered organizations like the OSS which post war became the foundation of the CIA …. and the rest is history.
What makes this book fascinating isn’t just the biography but the insight it gives us into the information war, the use of information and misinformation not just as propaganda but as a tool to redirect enemy national policy. Its then easy to see what gets done today as not somthing new and secret but just as extension of what we’ve always been doing. You’ll also be very wary of what you read in newsfeeds, especially material that’s from unverified ‘sources’.
Yes, I have been at pains elsewhere to point out that very thing: CIA has it’s roots back in the Colonies here over 300 years ago. The Secret Service, long before OSS. They even use most of the age-old techniques. The chief difference now is they use more and more daunting technology to build in a fearsome redundancy into their systems.
And they are on the threshold of brain-reading technology that will decode our thoughts with precision.
I’m not making this up. It’s real, and it’s coming.
We only need to recall that God is above it.
“Hope is in things unseen.”
I’d love to read it , if they’d open up the fucking libraries. I hate reading books online, but that’s what they want , isn’t it…total online control.
This book is one of the handful that I read as library books but then bought my own copy. Its quite a meaty tome so its worth dipping back into from time to time, partly to remind yourself of what went on and partly because its got a good set of footnotes and references.
Once compromised the journalists are trapped forever. Enlightening article.
Slavoj Zizek too. Their token euro “intellectual” perhaps the most spineless of them all.
Don’t forget our cohorts in the UK.