The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus

James Corbett

Pssst. You.

Yeah, you.

Are you interested in talking about…things? You know, the kind of things that we’re not allowed to talk about anymore? You know, since the…uhhh…“The Event“?

You are? Great. I mean, you might have noticed things are getting a bit hairy out there. As in, you’re likely to get your head bitten off for daring to suggest that things may not be totally ok with the “new normal.”

It seems all these new social norms and cultural taboos that have arisen in the past few weeks have also created a raft of new thoughtcrimes: Things that must not be spoken for fear of being expelled from polite society . . . or worse.

That’s why it’s so vitally important for us to speak out about our concerns before these socially-policed thoughtcrimes become literal crimes. As I’m sure you know, if these new social norms are not confronted, voicing dissent will soon become impossible.

So, allow me to voice some thoughtcrimes of my own. But be forewarned: I assure you that you will find at least some of my ideas to be offensive. You will disagree with them strongly. You will become irate.

The real question is: What are you going to do to those voicing opinions you disagree with? Engage in dialogue with them? Or demand that agents of the state scrub their speech from the internet and lock them in a cage for their thoughtcrime?

Well, either way, I’ve already committed thoughtcrime numerous times in recent weeks, I might as well share them with you. Are you ready? Let’s go.

1. We have met the enemy . . . and it is our neighbors

People imagine that when the boots-on-the-ground tyranny arrives, it will be enforced by the police or the military. Newsflash: the boots-on-the-ground tyranny is here, and it is being enforced by your neighbors, Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom.

Need proof? How about all the new “snitch lines” that are opening up in city after city and state after state all around the globe to help good citizens tattle on neighbors who aren’t practicing proper social distancing?

That’s right. It’s not just guys yelling out their windows in Brooklyn anymore. Now whenever you see someone within two meters of someone else it is your duty as a loyal citizen of the Brave New World Order to actively report them to the authorities so that they can be dealt with by Big Brother. Rest assured, a score card is being compiled for each jurisdiction, and the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are keeping a list of who’s being naughty or nice (Good job, Minnesota!).

Still, while we can all unequivocally and universally agree 100% with the idea that anyone who physically approaches another human being in this Year of our Virus 2020 deserves to be charged with manslaughter for their heinous act, maybe, just mayyyyyybe—and I’m just spitballing, so forgive me if this seems brash—we’re heading into dangerous territory here. You know, what with the social distancing Stasi becoming the enforcers of our new police state nightmare and all. Call me crazy.

2. Doctors are the new soldiers

When 9/11 happened, there was a marked and notable intensification in the propaganda glorifying the American military. Not that such propaganda didn’t exist before, but it was nothing like what we’ve seen since “the day that changed everything.” Yes, the hero worship of veterans is one of the hallmarks of the Age of Terror that 9/11 ushered in .

So if this plandemic is the new 9/11, what’s the new hero worship? Well, it should be obvious by now: Doctors are the new soldiers. Now we must dutifully show our appreciation for the brave medical workers on the front lines of this new war…or face yet more social castigation.

You may have noticed the interesting phenomenon making its way around the world. I call it “The Totally Spontaneous Balcony Applause Phenomenon.” Yes, completely out of the blue, all the people under lockdown have decided to show their appreciation for the valiant doctors and nurses in this heroic struggle by going to their balcony at a pre-appointed time and applauding. And no, this totally spontaneous phenomenon is not just occurring in one or two countries. Or three or four countries. But in seemingly every country around the globe.

Just like that. Just out of the blue. Must be something in the zeitgeist, I guess.

Now you’ll forgive me for being out of the loop, but as you know the corona madness has not quite made its way to Japan yet. (But, precisely as I predicted, the very same day that the Tokyo 2020 Games were postponed the Tokyo Governor suddenly became gravely concerned about her city, and they are now going to “have to” lockdown Tokyo unless the poor plebs behave.) So I don’t know exactly how people decide on the right time to go to their balcony to applaud. Is it done by vote? What if I’m a few minutes late? Will people think I’m clapping for something else? What exactly is the etiquette here?

Here’s my thoughtcrime: I find these displays creepy and off-putting. I find the glorification of doctors and nurses unsettling. Not because I think they are all quacks. Not because I think they are all evil. Not because I am not grateful for the work that (some) doctors do (some of the time). Not because I don’t recognize the enormous stress that these doctors and nurses are under right now. But because this socially engineered adoration is going to be used to push an agenda exactly like the glorification of veterans was used to push the militarism agenda of the post-9/11 years.

This time, we are being asked to glorify doctors and nurses because these are the same trusted experts whose authority cannot be questioned who are going to be giving you the vaccine. You know, The Vaccine. The one that will bring an end to the then 18-month long psychological siege that we are being placed under.

What?? You still question the vaccines? You still dare to defy the authority of these brave doctors and nurses who risked their lives for us? You can’t say that, you disgusting conspiracy mongering throughtcriminal, you!

Be honest, you know that this push is coming. And they are getting the public to sign on with all these “spontaneous” balcony applause sessions. So perhaps you’ll forgive me for not joining in.

3. I do not trust a single one of the numbers being reported about this outbreak

I am still baffled by the attention that otherwise sane human beings are given to the latest reported numbers from this or that health agency about the scourge of Covid-19. People are throwing around CFRs and R0s like they’ve been studying epidemiology their whole lives. In truth, they’re just regurgitating whatever they saw on CNN or were told in the latest Governor Cuomo press conference.

So what do we make of the baffling discrepancy in death rates from Covid-19 between different countries? Why is Italy’s death rate from the disease a staggering 10% while China’s is more like 4%? And what does that mean for the 70% of humanity that “experts” warn will be infected by this virus?

And while we’re at it, why don’t we ask some equally meaningful questions, like: What color is the Easter Bunny? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? And just how tasty is the cheese that the moon is made of, anyway?

As I demonstrated weeks ago, methods for diagnosing this disease vary so widely from country to country that making comparisons between countries isn’t even like comparing apples and oranges. It’s like comparing apples and aardvarks. And diagnosing a particular type of viral infection via CT scan? How can we possibly trust the infection numbers that are being generated by such methods?

All of that would make the calculation of mortality rates for this disease problematic enough. But, to make matters worse, we don’t even have an accurate tally of the number of people who have died from Covid-19. Take the infamous Italian example, for instance. We’re told that the staggering death rates in Italy (roughly 10% if we go by the official numbers at press time) are a sign of just how deadly this new virus can be.

…But there’s some problems with those numbers. As Prof Walter Ricciardi—scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health—recently revealed, “The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.”

So how many of the people who are reported as “Covid-19 deaths” in Italy actually had coronavirus listed as their cause of death? Just 12 per cent. What’s more, according to the Italian government’s own report, half of those who died had three or more other diseases at the time of the death. Nearly 80 per cent had at least two other diseases that they were fighting when they died. Only 1.7 per cent of those who died had no other disease.

But why listen to James Corbett, conspiracy theorist, or those silly Italian government health advisors on this matter? Well, I’m not alone in this suspicion of the official numbers. It turns out the “Our World in Data” research group that has been attempting to keep track of the coronavirus numbers has stopped using the World Health Organization’s data because “we found many errors in the data published by the WHO when we went through all the daily Situation Reports.”

And John Ioannidis — who Corbett Report listeners will remember launched the replication crisis in science with his landmark 2005 paper on “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False” — has recently come out questioning whether the current Covid-19 response is “A fiasco in the making.” As Ioannidis observes:

The data collected so far on how many people are infected and how the epidemic is evolving are utterly unreliable. Given the limited testing to date, some deaths and probably the vast majority of infections due to SARS-CoV-2 are being missed. We don’t know if we are failing to capture infections by a factor of three or 300. Three months after the outbreak emerged, most countries, including the U.S., lack the ability to test a large number of people and no countries have reliable data on the prevalence of the virus in a representative random sample of the general population.

After this current madness passes, people will view the public’s blind acceptance of these practices in the same way that we look at the public’s blind acceptance of bloodletting and other methods of medical chicanery from times past.

4. The death of a 91 year-old is a family tragedy, not an event of international concern

OK, so you still insist on taking these phony baloney numbers seriously? Then let’s take another looks at that Italian report on those dying with (not of) Covid-19.

The report tells us that the median age of those who have been pronounced dead with (not of) Covid-19 is 78. To put that number in perspective, the average life expectancy in Italy is 82.8.

That means those who are dying with (not of) the disease are within years of reaching the average life expectancy (and, let’s not forget, they are also suffering in the vast majority of cases from at least two other diseases). I venture to say that a similar panic could be raised about just about any viral disease in circulation if it was being reported in the same way as this coronavirus is being reported.

Since we’re committing thoughtcrimes here, let’s be blunt: “Elderly Patient With Multiple Complications Dies After Contracting Respiratory Illness” is NOT a news story. It’s a daily fact of life.

But in fact, it is a news story. I have been keeping tabs on how the Canadian MSM have been covering the pandemic panic and saw a segment on one of the national news broadcasts about a woman whose 91-year old mother died in a nursing home. It was implied that this 91-year old woman’s life was tragically cut short by the coronavirus and, to make matters worse, her daughter was unable to hold a funeral or service for her mother because Canada is currently under lockdown. I don’t know if I have lost touch with reality or everyone else has, but let me reiterate: This is NOT a news story.

Don’t get me wrong: Any such death is doubtless a tragedy for the family involved. My heart genuinely goes out to all those who lose their relatives in such circumstances. But this is not something that we upend our entire civilization over. We do not stop all productive human activity on the planet, collapse the economy, send millions upon millions of people to the unemployment line, institute lockdowns, and begin talking about mandatory vaccinations, internal passports and other abrogations of essential human freedoms on such a basis.

In fact, if I were to be dying at the age of 78 due to some viral respiratory illness along with my other 78-year old cohorts, I can guarantee that I would be outraged that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be were using my death to upend the liberties that I had spent my life attempting to defend. It is disgusting.

“But what about the young people who die of the disease?” you ask. Fair enough. Again, according to the official reports (which, let me remind you, should not be trusted), there are people under the age of 78 who are dying from the disease as well, albeit in much smaller numbers. And, according to the “models” from the “experts” (who, let’s remember, are right about everything), there could be hundreds of thousands more deaths before this pandemic runs its course.

Well, that brings me to my ultimate thoughtcrime:

5. The idea that disease and death are unnatural or avoidable is anti-human

People die.

Sometimes they die of car accidents. Sometimes they die of work-related mishaps. Sometimes they die of old age. Sometimes they die under extremely questionable circumstances while trying to shed light on information that is uncomfortable for the deep state. And, yes, sometimes they die of respiratory illnesses during viral pandemics.

I’ll go one step further: Our mortality makes us who we are. Humans are blessed and cursed with a knowledge of our own fate. No one makes it out of this life alive. And so the question of what we do with our lives becomes paramount.

But more and more, death is being removed from life. Our elderly are shipped off to nursing homes to whither away so that we don’t have to face aging. The funerary industry is neat and anti-septic. Death has become an abstraction. Something that happens somewhere out there, to other people. Not to us, though, surely.

But this entire pandemic madness seems to be predicated on the notion that disease and death are somehow avoidable. That we have conquered such things. Or, at least, that no new disease could ever possibly arise (bioengineered or not) to upset our perfect balance with nature. I mean, yes, many people die of the flu every year, but that doesn’t count. That’s not new.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t work to cure diseases and improve our health. Quite the contrary. It’s just that this current bout of hysteria seems almost anti-human; as if we should be able to transcend our mortal humanity.

CJ Hopkins, in his characteristically humorous way, points out the absurdity of this “War on Death” in his latest article:

We can’t let these Russian dissension sowers, neo-Nazi accelerationists, and coronavirus-sympathizers confuse us. They want to convince us that Death is, yes, scary, and sad, but inevitable, and natural. How utterly heartless and insane is that?!

No, we need to close our minds to that nonsense. People are dying! This is not normal! Death is our enemy! We have to defeat it! We need to hunt down and neutralize Death! Root it out if its hidey hole and hang it like we did with Saddam!”

I don’t know why the idea that death is a part of life should be controversial. But, given that even a respected blogger like Craig Murray can be largely lambasted by his own audience for daring to post similar musings, I suppose that it is. I don’t know anymore. Perhaps I’m off my rocker.

All I know is that the room to express dissent on these topics is fast disappearing. It’s time for those of us who can tolerate thoughtcrime to circle the wagons. The Thought Police are closing in.

So maybe you disagree with me. Maybe you’re offended by what I say. Maybe you have your own thoughtcrimes that you’re afraid to express. But if we don’t engage in dialogue about these ideas now, what are the chances that this information will be easier to share in the future?

So what’s your thoughtcrime? Share it with the community in the comments below.

The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. Visit the website or subscribe to the YouTube channel for more content.


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Apr 30, 2020 9:39 PM

Don’t know if this is a thought crime but you read my mind in voicing your thoughts in this article. Luckily for me I have fund like minded people and together we are trying to do something to stop the madness. It does boggle the mind though, how easily people can be manipulated by their own limited interest in facts.

Simona Rich
Simona Rich
Apr 24, 2020 10:40 AM

I agree with you totally. This is a plandemic and it’s used to usher in the NWO. Unfortunately most people will blindly follow governments’ suggestions.

It should raise concerns that the whole world is taking the same measures to fight this plandemic. This isn’t questioned. Suddenly the whole world stopped fighting and is taking a united action. This should make people think that maybe this world is ruled by one group of people. Yet most are so frightened that instead of thinking about these matters, they’d rather watch their neighbors who don’t follow anti-freedom rules of the government.

Tamsin Pankhurst
Tamsin Pankhurst
Apr 17, 2020 3:50 PM

Very well written! Echoes my concerns and unease about the current situation very well! Im in England. The draconian measures from the government and police, But especially the behaviour and mentality of the public here is quite scary at the moment. People aren’t questioning anything. They are swallowing the media tripe completely and refusing to look at the statistics or facts at all. I can see what’s coming, I just hope there are enough of us who are awake to prevent the storm when it hits! Worrying times! I wonder how many will accept the toxic vaccine and how many of us will be institutionalised for refusing it?!

Apr 12, 2020 4:54 AM

CoV-2 / COVID-19: State of Knowledge as of 08/04/2020 PRESENTATION OF THE VIRUS * Name = CoV2 or CoronaVirus 2 (since 02/11/2020, see ICTV) * Family / Subfamily / Genus = Coronaviridae / Orthocoronavirinae / coronavirus * Dimension: the largest of the RNA viruses with an average of 125 nm in diameter (50 to 200 nm) * Genome = positive linear RNA (very long RNA: 30 kb: 29,903 nucleotides) * Lipoprotein envelope of cellular origin * Genetic stability: 4 to 10 genetic differences have been identified between the original Wuhan CoV2 strain and those currently circulating in the population * Ancestor: A bat virus that may have mutated in the Pangolin * Homology with its CoV congeners – 50% identity with CoV from MERS-CoV in 2012 – 79.5% identity with that of SARS-CoV1 from 2002-2004 – 90% identity with a pangolin CoV (and even 99% locally at the site which ensures binding to the ACE2 cellular receptor, determining for host specificity) – 96% identity with a CoV of a Chinese bat * Contagiousness: the rate of spread is on average from 2 to 3. Explained by a significant capacity of multiplication in the organism and by the mode of transmission (aerosols, droplets of saliva, etc.). * CoV2 entry doors into our cells: – ACE 2 (Enzyme Conversion Angiotensin 2). Very present in our lungs, heart, liver, kidney, intestine. Responsible for the 1st wave of invasion of our cells by this virus – Other possible doors: CD147, CD209 (DC-SIGN), CD299 (DC SIGNR) and GRP78 which seem to be involved the 2nd wave of invasion of our cells by Cov2 * The key that allows the virus to open the ACE2 door is Protein S (spike) * The virus – ACE2 link => alteration / apoptosis of cells expressing ACE2 (Sources, The… Read more »

Thomas Tschoepke
Thomas Tschoepke
Apr 11, 2020 4:30 PM

The “red pill” about all this BS: https://nomorefakenews.com/index.html

Brad Puddephatt
Brad Puddephatt
Apr 11, 2020 2:07 AM

I came a cross rumours that hospitals get large money(13 grand was mentioned) for evere dead persn with COVID on the death certificate, and three times that if thepatien was on a ventilator. Taks it as you will.

Gary Whitaker
Gary Whitaker
Apr 10, 2020 1:50 AM

This has a definite 1984 feel to it. I cannot watch the news anymore. This also seems like a demented game of Simon says.

Michelle vdH
Michelle vdH
Apr 8, 2020 6:05 PM

Thank you! Good to read an honest intelligent article. Many of us now unable to mention anything to friend, neighbours about the fact there is obviously something else going on. The few times I have mentioned that I question the narrative, I was instantly framed a wild criminal conspiracy theorist and obviously part of the problem. God forbid we question the main stream narrative, and not lay down our freedoms in the name of our health workers and older generations…. the world truly has gone insane.

Apr 8, 2020 3:25 PM

EP.867: John Pilger-What Governments Aren’t Telling You About the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)

8 Apr 2020

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary journalist and film-maker John Pilger about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. He discusses the fact that the Conservative government was warned about shortages leaving the NHS vulnerable in pandemics 4 years ago, the damage privatisation has done to the National Health Service, budget cuts which have seen bed capacities fall to record lows, his criticisms of the Boris Johnson administration’s response to Coronaviurs, the lack of mass-testing in the U.K. which has been seen in other countries such as Germany, South Korea and China, the government blaming China for the Coronavirus crisis, the threat to Julian Assange’s life as he is denied release from prison as Coronavirus claims its first victim in Belmarsh Prison and more!

Apr 7, 2020 9:18 PM

comment image

Apr 10, 2020 8:28 AM
Reply to  Frank

Good cartoon of the situation. Although I wouldn’t assume all the 98% are completely beyond enlightenment, especially as lockdowns draw out and become more onerous.

Apr 10, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Waldorf, I am praying that you are right. Thanks!

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 4:32 PM

There is a lot of intelligent comment and observation on this site which I agree with in the majority. There seems to be a very clear picture emerging when the science and the facts are looked at that this is a propaganda campaign fuelled by hysteria created by the MSM, fake news and mis-information. It also seems to be the case that a lot of people here think there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. I do to but I am now beginning to be increasingly concerned because there definitely is evidence of a lot more going on. I have just looked at the New York Times where firstly, Trump is amassing a significant military presence on Venezuela’s borders having just blocked a significant financial and medical aid package agreed by the UN. Secondly, Trump has now stated he is walking away from the 28yr old Treaty between Russia and the USA to prevent an accidental war between Russia and the USA. The Treaty involved something to do with airspace. Trump claims Russia has breached it but there is not a single shred of evidence to support that. Now, we all know what happened when Trump walked away from the Iran Treaty claiming they had breached it when all the countries party to the agreement said they had not and tried to preserve it. What happened then. Trump tried to set in motion military intervention against Iran by fake news created incidents like the oil tanker rescued by the Iran Navy and other black ops. Thirdly, there has been a serious and I mean serious ramp up of anti Russia and anti China propaganda here in the UK and in the USA. Now, I think, with Trump’s back seriously up against the wall in America and… Read more »

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 7, 2020 11:46 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo, the vicious and virulent Sinophobic propaganda here in Australia has been growing for years, but is now reaching such extremes of hysteria as to be quite chilling-and laughable. Gallows humour, like Murdochites DEMANDING we seize all Chinese owned property in Australia as ‘compensation’. The retaliation that such an illegal act would invite would crush our economy, so dependent on trade with China, so then I suppose we’d have to invade, to teach the ‘Yellow Devils’ a jolly good lesson.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 9, 2020 2:59 PM

Richard Le Sarc – when I read the demands the Murdoch press are making it chills me to the bone quite frankly. Late last year President Putin said I think it was in an interview on The Vineyard of the Saker that people didn’t really understand what a precarious and dangerous position the world was in at the moment due to USA aggression around the Globe. He talked an awful lot of sense and I get the distinct impression that if it wasn’t for President Xi-Ping and Putin who are the great negotiators and are keeping the peace due to their skill and power, we wouldn’t be here.

Apr 10, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Parts of Murdoch’s empire are under threat, such as the Sun newspaper in Britain. He is not going to have it all his own way, and certainly some plutocrats are hoping for business as more or less usual as soon as possible.

John ErvIn
John ErvIn
Apr 9, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

There is this lurid rag here in CA called “EPOCH TIMES”.

Unabashed vehicle for right wing propaganda. I first noticed their appearance a few years ago. They mostly preach to the converted.

For years now they have been slamming China about everything.

The latest is they are blaring headlines about China lying about COVID, covering up, undercounting deaths egregiously.

Ho hum. Same old same old.


Apr 10, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  John ErvIn

Falun Gong/CIA combo.

Apr 7, 2020 5:21 AM

Shocking and heartbreaking call from a mother whose son suddenly died from coronavirus | LBC

Premiered on 27 Mar 2020

This shocking and heartbreaking call from a mother whose son suddenly died from coronavirus has been branded essential listening for those people refusing to follow lockdown rules.

Maureen’s son Spencer contracted coronavirus and after seven days he seemed to get better. Tragically, he suddenly collapsed on the way to the bathroom and died within 10 minutes.

His wife, who is considered high-risk, tried to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and once the paramedics arrived they tried for over an hour to revive him.

Apr 7, 2020 9:19 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

The UK is very special, it is the only country in the world where all you see is the young and the fit dying or getting ill, when in the rest of the world, the average age of victims is around 80 years old and normally 75% men. It is a show.

Apr 7, 2020 9:21 AM
Reply to  Jim

And in 99% of cases having 1, 2 or even 3 other medical conditions, but we don’t see those people on British TV we often see young women suffering, the least lightly victims.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 7, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  Jim

Fine display of compassion, Jim.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Jim

I doubt very much the cause of death was CV-19 was it? It was probably an underlying condition. Is there are Coroner’s certificate. All we have is the mother’s word for it. I smell not so much a rat as a sodding great mammal given that it was used to enforce the lock down. Any child death is a tragedy for the parents but given the way we are recording deaths from CV-19 is completely out of sync with the rest of the world a perspective has to be taken.

John ErvIn
John ErvIn
Apr 9, 2020 3:17 AM
Reply to  Jim

Yessir, it’s “shocking and heartbreaking” fear porn. Here where we reside there have only been deaths you can count on the fingers if two hands. And it’s not clear that those didn’t simply die from, well, an excess of deathliness, or much general morbidity, such as elsewhere. Incredibly suspect post, embarrassing.

So many false flags about all of this, constantly in UK and US “newz”. It blares garishly in almost every headline, in tight tuning like a Chorus.

The REAL crisis took place in 2005 when that mega-pimp Michael Powell, son of Colin, and head of the FCC that adjudicates media law, voted 3 to 2 Republicans trumping Democrats during the Plague of W, to raise media ownership caps from 33% to 40%. Basically now 2.5 individuals can own all our MEDIA.

John McCain -may he clean the latrines of Purgatory for a couple of Aeons, tops- promised us activists, millions, both Right and Left, that he would not vote for it. And then that brave war hero promptly and quietly caved. And signed, mutedly.

I called his office in Phoenix and bitterly told his secretary that I would never support the slightest issue of his again, ever, and would oppose whatever he chose to do, for what it’s worth. She said courteously, “I’ll tell him.”

But that was only one of several media nails in the world’s coffin, as it descends into real fascism.

But HOPE always beckons.

“Hope is that Winged Thing that perches in the Soul.”

–Emily Dickinson

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 7, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Crocodile tears. People who never cared one bit about people dying from viruses before, now it’s all over their tv and news and they’re promoting this view that they are compassionate and caring. You’re not. Thousands of cases like that last year, you didn’t care. You don’t even want to know. This is fake self righteousness gone mad. The idea that you would care about humans dying of other viruses or anything else would probably make you mad. People like you are the least caring of people. Holding up videos of what you have been told to care about. Death is never nice, death always happens and this year there are less of these instances than previous years. But you care, because you’re so caring? All I see is someone who doesn’t care, unless it’s popular on television.

Apr 7, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

You are merely projecting your own flaws onto me. You know strictly nothing about me yet you have the gumption and presumptuousness to attribute things to me that could not be further from the truth.

Apr 7, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

You had no videos of old people dying en mass from flu?….. thought not…… only a very rare and untypical instance of a child dying, a death that is being used by a cynical government to compound their message of lock down, and home imprisonment, which is being inflicted on the British public.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 7, 2020 12:20 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Please stop spamming an educated response thread with whatever is on the front page of a tabloid newspaper. This is a discussion we know Boris Johnston is in hospitals and people are dying, stop being a complete basic robot spam bot. If you have nothing intelligent to write stop posting mainstream videos.

Apr 7, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

To counter Vierotchka’s anecdote with anecdote, I volunteer for and help to fund a small UK medical charity operating overseas that saves around 4 lives a week (mostly young people but some adults too) that would not otherwise have been saved, at very low cost. Its funding is at risk because of the lockdown. If it goes under, it will not be replaced, because people don’t care enough about its beneficiaries to replace it. It doesn’t usually qualify for grants from government or from the likes of Comic Relief. This is just one of the many ways that lockdowns kill.

Apr 7, 2020 5:16 AM

Boris Johnson: Medic explains what the move to Intensive care means for the Prime Minister | LBC

Premiered 7 hours ago

As Prime Minister Boris Johnson is admitted to an intensive care unit, a chief medic explains what being in ICU means and why he is in there.

Apr 7, 2020 5:08 AM

The ICU at the HUG (Geneva University Hospital) where they are treating the most serious cases of Covid-19. Out of 100 patients so far, nine have died.

Apr 7, 2020 9:33 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Again, the statistics from Italy, tell us the average age of death is 80 years old, 75% are men with 99% of victims having multiple medicals conditions prior to ‘infection’. And we have a situation where the average annual death rates are not being inflated by what is happening around Europe, this is a normal year. So why are they showing young, middler age people and woman in this video? I suspect the illness has not changed, the tests and the reaction has changed. (Note life expectancy in Italy is around 82). We have shut down the entire economy to PERHAPS save one year on the life of a few thousand people.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Jim

Also, Jim, a previous poster was correct about why is Britain so unusual? Our maths don’t add up in the first place but also, now the ONS – with absolutely nothing to back it up – have said hospitals are under-reporting deaths possibly by 78% – what, those mostly empty hospitals. Scaremongering again. Yet another smoke screen to cover up the fake news and hysteria that is spread by the MSM with their claim that we were only two weeks behind Italy. We are not and never were.

Apr 7, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

So, out of the 100 most serious cases, 9 have died. Stop and think about the implications of that for a minute. But then cognitive thought is not “in your wheelhouse”.
So, if we only test the most seriously ill, how would that tend to skew the reported “mortality rate”. Oops, sorry, cognitive thought rears its ugly head again…

Apr 7, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  oldandjaded

That is just in one hospital, dearie, your cognitive dissonance notwithstanding.

Mr. Gold
Mr. Gold
Apr 7, 2020 4:14 AM

Help Project Mayhem. (I think) we can give ourselves the essential base of a healthy world by engineering a replacement for the existing bankrupt US dollar, and along the way transferring most of the system monetary value from the center (US central govt) to the periphery (us serfs). We need your help: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_0mDJj6EiyPlU0furNHtwDL5alCHlgUc

Apr 7, 2020 2:51 AM

Thank you for this article. It got me very fired up for all the right reasons. Being trained in epidemiology and statistics, I am one of very few of my colleagues who thinks this is a plandemic, which baffles me beyond words. I can understand the general sheeple who bleet at the likes of CNN, but how can people who specialize in statistics miss all of these obvious glaring lies?? I have begun to keep my opinions to myself, and I suppose, this is how it starts. My question though is this: how are we as minority thinkers going to unite forces across the world, have our own version of the misguided, misplaced balcony cheer?? I’d like to see an outcome sooner rather than later but with so few on board, am at a loss for how. Someone with a loud voice in the media needs to start asking the right questions. I am in Australia- noone here seems to be questioning anything.

Apr 7, 2020 5:20 AM
Reply to  Keira

I have begun to keep my opinions to myself

Self censorship, is akin to lying to yourself, it is of course exactly what they want & no-one can be blamed for not speaking out, the stakes can be high. I hope you find the courage to be true to yourself.

noone here seems to be questioning anything

Suspect many are like you not letting on that they don’t believe in the propaganda. That’s how invasive the neo-liberal doctrine is. We are a social species of followers & copiers, its so difficult to brake the status quo!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 7, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  Keira

Yes, but the Establishment and the hard Right got their favourite cleric, George Pell, off, as expected. Seven nil, a real wad of gobshite in the face of the victims.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 4:37 PM
Reply to  Keira

Alas Kiera, here in the UK there are no absolutely no investigative journalists in the MSM who will speak against the official narrative because they are all part of the Governments official Propaganda machine. The once respected Guardian is no more than one of the gutter press now. It doesn’t question anything.

Apr 6, 2020 10:57 PM

Breaking news:

Apr 7, 2020 5:13 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

The BBC videos I had posted above have been removed from YouTube – but here we have two videos about the same subject, i.e. Boris Johnson’s placed in ICU:

Apr 7, 2020 10:34 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Vierotchka ,
with all due respect I think most of us come to this site to run away from that MSM bs..Have you got some videos from alternative media sources instead?

Apr 7, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  dedaStanko

UK: Emergency vehicles outside St Thomas” Hospital after PM Johnson admitted to intensive care

7 Apr 2020

George Galloway On Boris Johnson Admitted To Intensive Care

7 Apr 2020

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Veroteccha or whatever it is. Have you heard of anything called fake news, media manipulation and misinformation. Because you know. the thing about hospitals is that they do have ambulances outside their A&E quite a lot of the time. This winter, and every winter in the past 15-20 years the NHS always claim they have no beds, they are overwhelmed, they cannot take hospital admissions and yes, it was stated in the MSM that they were turning ambulances away. Strange thing was, nobody saw any queues of ambulances – it was just what the NHS were telling the public and they believed it. So, there is nothing out of the ordinary here. Boris being intensive care? How do you know it is with CV-19 – that’s just part of the propaganda machine isn’t it. How do you know it is not a routine serious medical condition – he sure as hell isn’t in intensive care now – so, it would seem, one day in ICU and he’s o.k. Start thinking will you – the only thing I can guess is that you are either paranoid or a Government troll.

Apr 7, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo Dumbinich or whatever it is, of course I have heard of ake news, media manipulation and misinformation – that is what you and your twisted ilk have been posting all over Off Guardian with regard to Covid-19. Quite sickening, really, apart from being criminally dangerous.

Apr 7, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Oops – fake not ake, of course.

Apr 7, 2020 8:29 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

George Galloway establishment controlled opposition to the core.

Apr 7, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  dedaStanko

Apr 7, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

@Vierotchka: When you get a chance, I’d highly recommend that you watch this documentary on the BBC. It was produced by James Corbett, the same person who wrote this Off-Guardian article. Regards. https://www.corbettreport.com/the-bbc-exposed-video/

Apr 7, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  TTSchlegel

The BBC’s credibility has been greatly compromised since Andrew Gilligan was fired for his “sexed up dossier” article regarding David Kelly. James Corbett is a mixed bag, some of what he produces is true, most of it is conspiracy theory nonsense.

Apr 8, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

@Vierotchka: Given that your apparent level of comprehension still leaves something to be desired, I’ll leave one more Corbett-related link for you here in the context of saying goodbye. Note that just like myself, Corbett actually left “conspiracy theories!” behind several years ago, and moved on to burglary theories instead, the latter being much more interesting. Ciao. https://www.corbettreport.com/shut-up-burglary-theorist/

Apr 8, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Vierotchka, instead of posting sensationalist videos, which obviously everybody had already seen ad nauseam, why not address the actual hard facts about how the statistics have been manipulated, and that the real death rate is actually unknown and nothing has been done to actually figure it out (except in Iceland, where real, random testing of significant numbers has been done. Their death rate is about 0.01 %). And why not explain why you think it makes sense to shut down the planet under such undeniable, completely verifiable circumstances as I mention above?

Apr 9, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  H.S.T.

Iceland, 300,000 population, UK 65-70million, its not surprising mass testing hasn’t been implemented, London alone has a good 8 million plus the ‘illegals’ and nobody knows how many of those kebab workers have NI numbers but no doubt if they need a hospital someone will be finding them a bed.

Apr 6, 2020 8:41 PM

Funny that people can watch the news reports concerning America’s sport wars in which many millions are killed every year and death suddenly doesn’t seem like such a big deal then (???)…

Dove Rock
Dove Rock
Apr 6, 2020 7:21 PM

Fear of course is a good thing
But if like me
faited to be my own king,
Then Fear is thee Enemy.

Lions sleep openly,
on the Savannah plains by day
True Kings have Peaceful Dreams.

And High on an Eyrie
the fledgling Eagle
Than wither upon a ledge.

Cant you Hear…
Theres other EAGLEs crying “YOUR NAME”

‘ONE JOHN 4:18’
Put into Song.
Thats JOHN 1:32
In the land of the living
Once Walked the Deceased,
But i offer you no proof

Thiugh some things Literal,

Turn Doggrel to poetry

Left Sitting upon the fence,



Something I wrote for a very musically talented brother of mine
(One John 4:18..put into song )

Michael Helms
Michael Helms
Apr 6, 2020 5:48 PM

JFK; the Tonkin Incident; RFK, 9/11; Covid-19 — enough said?

common sense Joe
common sense Joe
Apr 6, 2020 4:56 PM

Give me liberty or give me death .

Nathan Hale

I would rather die from a natural virus, than the worst virus in history: THE POLITICAL VIRUS,
This virus destroys your free will, it scares humans of life itself,
It takes most of the human production without producing anything itself,
It lies, cheats, and steals without any regard for decency and justice,
It’s hunger for more and more power cannot be satisfied until it chokes its host to actual death or servitude.
It makes its own laws to protect itself, both legally and financially’
It finds the humans with the least resistance, and converts them to join his viral club.
Political parties mean nothing, the virus enjoys and uses them to split the public into ridiculous camps discussing ridiculous subjects.
This virus is embedded in our educational system, where any dissent against “virus approved” opinions are terminated.
The virus controls through fear for the masses, and exorbitant pensions, and salaries, for the carriers.

And finally, this virus is attacking and trying to destroy the greatest declaration in the history of humanity, against it.
In case you haven’t figured out, it’s the undivided “Declaration of Independence”, and the “Constitution of the United States”.

Wake up Americans, don’t let this scam fool you. Our forefathers warned us:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Benjamin Franklin

Apr 6, 2020 4:59 PM

Your wish will be granted very soon, I reckon.

Apr 6, 2020 6:15 PM

Ben Franklin was a Satanist, Rosicrucianist, Freemason and Illuninist so he should know being a member of the notorious 18th century Hellfire Club in England a society of libertines that was also a front for British Intel.

Apr 6, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  Tony

How many people have the Christians killed and how many people have the satanists killed in the modern era?

Apr 7, 2020 3:10 AM
Reply to  Drapetomania

CHRISTIANS have killed none save for in defence ; you cannot count catholicism as it is certainly not Christian.
Now Mr smartypants, name me ONE war where ‘Christians’ have killed people that wasnt started by, for and finagled with the antiChrist jew. Dont waste your time – you cant.
satanists kill people, but more importantly kill souls. Period.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 7, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  luke2236

‘Christians’ the Crusades, Thirty Years War, St Bartholomew’s Massacre, WW1, colonialism, imperialism, the Great Famines in India, Auschwitz etc, etc. Innocent lambs, surely.

Apr 9, 2020 7:18 PM

not to mention the extermination of the locals in most of the planet

Apr 11, 2020 11:24 AM

The two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan..
Always Christian’s on one side and or on the other.

Apr 7, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  Drapetomania

Hi Drap,

Good question, but I wouldn’t like to speculate on the figures, but I would hazard a guess that nobody really knows. What I do believe is that those who can call themselves true Christians would not find it easy to kill anybody or themselves (since suicide is classed as ‘self-murder’!).

If I remember rightly Christ (if you believe in Christ) is reputed to have said “many shall come in my name” well, it looks like they have, in human form, and with evil intent.

As I understand the situation at this current juncture, if you wish to look at it from a spiritual point of view, the ‘Satanists’ along with the ‘Luciferians’ and their political cohorts, are killing us right now in more ways than one, and in the NAME of coronavirus and Covid-19 and you have seen nothing yet in this ‘quiet war’ – this socially engineered war that’s now being waged against us and is gaining momentum.

In case you haven’t noticed, the whole planet is gradually being turned into a huge prison and they are also trying to lock-down human consciousness, and also locking it into their ‘deadly virus’ fear propaganda as a distraction from an on-going collapsing global financial system.

Whatever the outcome will be, it will certainly depend on us and what we do next for the sake of our fellow human beings and for the sake of our children and grandchildren –otherwise there’s a very bleak future awaiting. The problem is how we deal with those who are trying to manipulate and control our behaviour and legislate our freedoms away – those in which these evil forces have got the upper hand.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 7, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  Tony

Sounds like a fun guy!

Apr 8, 2020 11:20 AM

Which one are you referring to Richard, Lucifer, Satan or me?

Are you suggesting that Satanists do not exist or that there are no such Luciferians aka Illuminati, Club of Rome, Black Nobility, Global Elites, Synagogue of Satan, Bilderbergers, or whatever names you wish to call them by. They are all for the most in service to the forces of their lower nature and are egocentric are they not, they care not for you, me or anybody else that do not serve their evil purposes.

I suppose reading between the lines, that you would disagree and say they are all just a figment of the imagination! I suppose Satanic ritual abuse and paedophilia are just figments of the imagination too concocted by a ‘fun guy’ but I doubt the the victims would agree with you.

So, Richard, if everything is just a figment of the imagination we have nothing to worry about do we? But do the research on Satanists and Satanic ritual abuse before attempting to get a laugh from what I’ve said. And, you know what the old proverb says “He who laughs, laughs last!

Apr 7, 2020 12:48 PM

Government == murderers, thieves, says and thugs.

Apr 7, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  taxSlave


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 7, 2020 11:49 PM

Death is Liberty.

Skeptic closet case
Skeptic closet case
Apr 6, 2020 3:54 PM

Just take a look at the piece of work “club info blog” shrieking and squealing all over the comment thread. This is exactly the sort of human filth that’s trying to snatch absolute power right now with centralized control.

Apr 6, 2020 2:36 PM

8500 people die in the US everyday. 420 of those who die everyday live in NYC. The question not being asked or answered is ” has this virus increased the number of everyday deaths in the US”? I suspect the answer is a resounding NO.

Apr 6, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  KiloMcStrife

Hi Kilo,

You are correct, the answer is a resounding NO with regard to this alleged virus, and if you can spare the time and have the inclination to know more about the resounding WHY – I suggest that you read the rest of my posts about this important issue on this and other threads.



Mansur Ilyas
Mansur Ilyas
Apr 6, 2020 1:55 PM

James, if you could see me now, I’m giving you a standing-ovation of one, from a locked-down South Africa. I’m happy in the knowledge that you don’t despair, because you that, “foul deeds will rise, tho’ all the earth o’erwhelm them to men’s eyes!” (Hamlet). Please keep on with doing good and with sharing it. God bless you and keep you!

Jav Ahid
Jav Ahid
Apr 6, 2020 12:37 PM

I’ve just had another ACCOUNT blocked by the guardian thought police, for the crime of posting a link to a Bloomberg article, which was also removes. The are just in the business of targeting people who do not conform to their limited narrative.

”99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says”


So even simple facts, like those in articles from the MSM cannot be distributed, if they say the ‘wrong’ thing. The Guardian since it opened it’s US offices and were raided by MI5 over Assange has basically become a tool of those who are producing the hysteria, a sad end for a great British newspaper. I wonder if the honest writers who write for it know the horrors and abuses that are happening in the comments sections?

Apr 6, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Jav Ahid

Hi Jav,

The actual Bloomberg quote is as follows:

“More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority”

Note well, that since the full Bloomberg article presents no scientific proof whatsoever that the alleged coronavirus was the actual CAUSE of the fatalities or even prove that this virus physically exists. How are we supposed to determine that they did not die from their previous medical conditions that had nothing to do with any alleged pathogenic virus?

All that they have been doing is to associate or correlate by means of statistics all such fatalities with this bogus ‘virus’ and Covid-19 to create the impression that there is a causal connection between the alleged ‘virus’ and the fatalities in the minds of the people.

However, a CORRELATION or an ASSOCIATION is NOT CAUSALITY and they cannot prove it by their statistics!



Apr 6, 2020 12:32 PM

History Repeating Itself – This Time Not HIV But Coronavirus & Covid-19 – A Virus Too Far? If there is evidence that coronavirus really does exist, and really is the cause of Covid-19, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. Unfortunately for us, but not for the authorities that are doing their level best to convince us otherwise, there are no such original documents that can prove that this alleged virus even physically exists, let alone that it is the cause of Covid-19. Dr Kary Mullis had exactly the same problem of being fobbed off in his attempts at trying to obtain the original documents claiming to have isolated pure particles of HIV and proving them to be infectious and the cause of AIDS. Dr Mullis who won a Nobel Prize for chemistry and for inventing the PCR test doubted that the alleged HIV virus was the cause of AIDS and tried to find out which of his fellow scientists were so convinced that it was. Dr Mullis realized that the detection of antibodies to HIV in a person suffering from AIDS does not prove that HIV causes AIDS (we are now in a similar situation with respect to the serology (antibody) testing and also PCR assays for coronavirus and Covid-19). This is what Mullis has stated: Antibodies to viruses had always been considered evidence of past disease, not present disease. Antibodies signalled that the virus had been defeated. … There was no indication in these papers that this virus caused a disease. They didn’t show that everybody with the antibodies had the disease. In fact, they found some healthy people with antibodies. (Kary Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, New York, Vintage, 1998, 2000, p. 173)… Read more »

Apr 6, 2020 10:51 AM

Great article! I am just a tin hat wearing conspiracy theorist. I am just waiting for the one world digital currency and blue helmeted soldiers on every street corner. The numbers they continually spew forth are totally unreliable and meaningless. I wash my hands, just like I did before this crisis because humans are nasty. This crisis is a hail Mary by those who run the world behind the scenes. This is their opportunity to unleash their eugenics program and usher us into 1984 and A Brave New World. Keep your head down and your powder dry!

Justin Thought,
Justin Thought,
Apr 6, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  Iliad

Mathematics that comes from a calculator is always more reliable than mathematics that comes from a newspaper. Calculator self thinking nut jobs eh? How was The Daily Star today? The apocalypse is happening, there are millions of dead bodies piled high and anyone with logic and reason not obeying this new dystopia is apparently crazy. Good luck.

Apr 9, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Iliad

‘Dollar’ Bill Gates has just the thing; a new ‘virus’ patch for your bioware; https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/bill-gates-crosses-digital-rubicon-says-mass-gatherings-may-not-return-without-global

Raymond Paris
Raymond Paris
Apr 6, 2020 9:30 AM

I am shocked at not only how difficult it was to find the information I recently sought, but also by what I saw in those figures.

It was obvious to me that for several countries including the uk that the death rate for 2919 and then 2020 is less or has decreased- not increased as would be expected during this crisis.

I even saw that for Scotland my country, not only was the death rate down, but the death rate for respiratory illnesses was lower as well.

I know David that you have commented on this aspect of the Coronavirus crisis but I’d love to see a much more detailed expose of this aspect of the so called virus. There is not a better man for the job.

Certainly I had goosebumps when I Saw what I did and I realised something is very seriously amiss .

Apr 6, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  Raymond Paris

Many things have been ‘amiss’ for a very long time now, the fact governments think nothing of lying to the masses through the usual channels is the most worrying, when you can’t trust either the media or govt on just about everything which has happened the last twenty years we really have a problem. I was reading articles online so youtube placed this in my ‘feed’, personally I trust no organisation larger than the local cub group as they all appear to be funded by some oligarch or ‘aid’ program which imo is just a way of moving taxpayer cash from the public purse to the pockets of some shyster, this being a case in point:

The clubofinfo Blog
The clubofinfo Blog
Apr 6, 2020 8:41 AM

The alternative policy is for government workers to tell all the millions of old and ill people they must remain at home and die if infected, once there is not enough room in the hospitals. Morphine could be administered. Clearly, conspiracy theorists would have no issues with that policy. They would not criticise it as state euthanasia.

Apr 6, 2020 8:53 AM

Or we go the route of collapsing the economy, losing our supply chains, money printing and hyper inflation, and seeing hundreds of thousand of people die whether young or old. Clearly most people want this.

Apr 6, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz
Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 10:15 AM

Why would they die? Well from Corona Virus? Old people will always die. Corona Virus doesn’t kill. Pneumonia after Corona Virus kills and is perfectly treatable in the early stages. They’re told to sit inside and tough it out. Old people should be given bacterial antibiotics and if they feel unwell, get better then feel unwell again. That’s pneumonia setting in and taking the anti-biopics at that stage will destroy the bacteria. If it’s left the anti biopics don’t work.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 10:16 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Sorry again my autocorrect does that every time

The clubofinfo Blog
The clubofinfo Blog
Apr 6, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

You missed the point. Who administers the treatment you propose (I assume you are a doctor seeing to the sick at this moment), to millions of infected people when resources are depleted? The hospitals don’t have the capacity. You yourself just admitted people are dying and need treatment, then made the argument for making it more difficult and worsening the problem. Why do you support medical facilities being inundated and out of service? Do you like queues? Maybe your patients waiting for hours in agony sounds fun.

Apr 6, 2020 12:07 PM

There isn’t an NHS if there is no economy!

The enormous reduction in quality of life and life expectancy from having no economy will make this crisis look like a blip.

Unless you have any great ideas about how to pay for an NHS when tax receipts tank 50%, money printing triggers inflation and a collapse of purchasing power, unemployment sky rocketing to dwarf existing welfare payments.

But yeah, let’s protect the NHS by taking away the only thing that sustains it.

The clubofinfo Blog
The clubofinfo Blog
Apr 6, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

You should admit your argument is about your business rather than pretending to be a medical expert. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting fake medical advice you made up. I do not care if you suffer and rot in this lockdown, hopefully it will last a lot longer for you than anyone else so you atone for being a POS.

Apr 6, 2020 2:53 PM

I don’t have a business and I haven’t given any medical advice. Stop lying.

My argument isn’t difficult to understand. There is more death and suffering from a collapsed economy.

The clubofinfo Blog
The clubofinfo Blog
Apr 6, 2020 11:43 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Unlicensed quackery from people without a medical licence does kill people. Your comments should be deleted and that isn’t political censorship. There is a reason doctors have licenses, to prevent deaths. Journalists should print what they want but fake science and medical quackery has always been punished and should be.

Apr 6, 2020 12:09 PM

I’ll post what I want. I think your views will kill more people than mine.

Not that anything posted will kill anyone or have the slightest impact on anything anywhere.

The clubofinfo Blog
The clubofinfo Blog
Apr 6, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

Stop trying to kill people. Shut up and act considerately.

Apr 6, 2020 2:36 PM

Take your own advice. When hundreds of thousands are dying of a collapsed economy be pleased with yourself.


Apr 6, 2020 2:44 PM

You’re not even interested in addressing my points. It’s a matter of religious belief that everything will be fine.

The NHS doesn’t need resources. Money creation won’t create inflation. Collapsed supply lines won’t impact standards of living. The UK’s massive dependency on imported food and other goods isn’t a problem. Currency debasement isn’t a problem. Mass unemployment won’t impact the welfare state. Mass unemployment won’t cause crime or increase substance addictions and suicides.

Apr 6, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

The tories during the eighties closed our industries, I’ve lost count of personal friends who walked off the end of our pier, stood in front of trains or became heroin addicts and its still going on 40 years later in this deprived area. When people can’t provide for their families despair kicks in, relieving despair is through drink or drugs, those who don’t follow that route tend to become criminals/dealers etc, you really haven’t lived have you? There is still a lack of decent work in this N.E. area and by that I mean piss poor wages whether you retrained or not.

Apr 6, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Hazzo

“you really haven’t lived have you?”

What do you mean by that?

My entire post is a sarcastic dig at Clubinfo blog who thinks everything will be fine in an economic depression.

My point is that exactly those things will happen. And no, I’ve not been in that position personally, but I’ve seen some of what you say happen. The touted six month lock down will trigger all that and more IME.

Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson
Apr 6, 2020 12:20 PM

Sometimes doctors are wrong. They can misdiagnose, over prescribe, or otherwise mis-treat their patients. You sign a release form before any intervention is taken in which you acknowledge that you understand the treatment and the risks and hold the doctor and hospital harmless. If the doctor made an honest mistake (which is usually the case) YOU are the one who is injured or dies, not him/her. YOU take all of the risks, not him/her. So, given that the responsibility is on YOU, shouldn’t you take enough interest in your own medical situation to be as knowledgeable as possible, perhaps even more knowledgeable than the doctor on certain points, in order to avoid a doctor’s honest mistake?
The idea that you cannot be as smart as a doctor, even without a medical, is baffling to me. Heck, you are more likely to read the most recent studies on subject A than your doctor because he is hemmed in by AMA, CDC, and FDA standards that are usually 10 years behind the data. If he strays from the standard treatments he takes a very real risk of losing his license or being sued by a patient.
Every patient should be informed enough to evaluate whether or not the doctor knows when he/she is talking about. After all, it is YOUR life.

The clubofinfo Blog
The clubofinfo Blog
Apr 6, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  Ron Johnson

Defending medical fraud as fee speech?Science and medicine aren’t politics. Medical quacks and snake oil sellers really should be arrested and prosecuted and better yet, spat on or even assaulted in the street by the first person they meet.

Apr 7, 2020 2:45 PM

… and better yet, spat on or even assaulted in the street…

Thanks for making it abundantly what you’re like, and where you’re coming from. 🙂

Apr 6, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Hi Justin,
As you identify, old people die.. Even after receiving anti biotics.
When our time is up, it is up.
According to the figures for 2019..
1,400 people per DAY died in UK and Wales.. 500,000 per year.
Coronary desease killed about 160,000 a year, and cancer and neoplasms, about 140,000 (1 in 4)
Compare these stats to theWorldmeter Ltd figures.
4,934 deaths in UK from Covid 19 in five months…. and we have a complete lock down?
I think someone is having a laugh at our expense, don’t you?

Apr 8, 2020 11:53 AM

Why are you obfuscating things? The question here is what the real death rate is. If the death rate is considerably higher than that of seasonal flus and corona viruses of the last 20 years, then yes, you would have a point.

The death rate is determined by the ratio between actual cases (note, not just reported cases) and deaths.

If you are really so concerned, why are you not demanding that significant random trials be done to determine the real rate?

Or do you think it makes sense to shut down the entire planet without really knowing, just in case? Why?

Apr 6, 2020 8:04 AM

Can somebody please tell me, as I seem to miss understand the figures that are right in front of my eyes. On a daily basis I notice that every column on the UK statistics is going up except for one which I find eerily worrying. Nobody in the UK seems to be recovering anymore

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  Terry

They’re testing the terminally ill at home for positives, terminally ill people don’t recover. These people aren’t dying if Corona virus, the tv doesn’t even say they are it says people who tested positive died.

Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson
Apr 6, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

They are not tracking ‘recoveries’ because they don’t really know how to define it. Is it when you’re well enough to leave the hospital, but still have a dry cough? Or must you be 100% first? The ‘recovery’ number is unlikely to change much due to definitions.

Apr 6, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  Ron Johnson

In other news today the 6 April the word out of China is a massive jump in new cases, maybe nobody gets to recover fully once they catch it, however who can trust the CCP after they had the WHO delay telling the world what was coming:

Apr 6, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Hazzo

That’s the second wave.

Coronavirus Immediate and future dangers

6 Apr 2020

What are the main characteristics of Coronavirus / SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19. Immediate dangers of first exposure and potentially future dangers of second if not third exposures.

Justin Time
Justin Time
Apr 7, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

I looked into the stats instead of blindingly accepting his data. 1 billion cases of influenza last year. 660,000 deaths globally. Sometimes it’s low is 500,000 so when has its ever been 0.1%? That’s a mortality rate of 0.66% plus when asked about comparing viruses he compared social reaction to the viruses which isn’t a scientific comparison so then I just stopped watching as I knew what was coming, lots of bad math and stupidity.

Apr 6, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  Terry

United Kingdom
Confirmed: 47,806
Deaths: 4,934
Recovered: 135
Active: 42,737

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Vierotchka – I think you will find that the death rate figure is wrong especially as compared against world data. Here, anyone who dies in hospital whether they have died from heart failure, cancer, diabetes or any other long term condition but have a trace of CV-19 – are being recorded as deaths from CV-19 when they should be from Heart failure, kidney failure etc. CV-19 is not the cause of death in the majority of cases.

Apr 6, 2020 6:02 AM

Einstein quote
“There are two infinities, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the universe.”
Mark Twain quote
“I never let schooling interfere with my education.”
My quote
“Either join the herd, or be flattened by it.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 6, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  Joey

Those quotes aren’t quite verbatim. The first two, anyway. I can’t vouch for the third! The herd can be disappointing, depending on the herd. The conventional wisdom in most of USA is to me unconventionally bad, and shortsighted.

Not so, though, in many of the native ttibes they supplanted. I’ve found many tribes to be inclusive, and nurturing, not “flattening”.

Mainstream U.S. society can be pretty flat, it’s true. And that flatness can be flattening, sort of like a spatula on a griddle.

But not all societies are that way. Just here, mostly. We suffer in the worst way: spiritual vacancy, too often.

Intensified flatness.

“Technologically superior but spiritually inane.”

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Apr 6, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  Joey

You not first say that, but nevermind. What I need to know, Joe, is whether you are issuing a threat or a command?

Apr 6, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Joey


The herd says ‘virus’, the authorities say ‘virus’ I say PROVE IT!

But people don’t like to be constantly reminded of what needs to be done – it gets on their nerves about hearing the same thing being repeated by me and possibly a few others.

However, they do not appear to get tired of the propaganda that constantly bombards them every day on the TV and other MSM and they obey and follow orders ‘as if’ the proof of the existence of this alleged virus causing Covid-19 has been done and dusted but it has NOT.

So it makes very little difference if one joins the herd or not we will all still get flattened either way if we accept the propaganda like sheep.

Mike Carroll
Mike Carroll
Apr 6, 2020 5:52 AM

I agree with everything in this article.

My thought crime is that when the holocaust claimed there will 6 million murdered Jews and then the number was revised down for Auschwitz the total stayed at 6 million.

Hmmm this is magical. Why wouldnt I question it.

Alexander Roux
Alexander Roux
Apr 6, 2020 9:02 AM
Reply to  Mike Carroll

Auschwitz was one of 6 deaths camps, and one of 100’s of concentration camps.
Auschwitz killed approximately 1.2m people, of which about 950,000 were Jewish. Add the smaller ones up, and you will get to the 6m. That is real. I was a Auschwits myself in 2012. I did a check on the numbers myself. It is what happened.

If you associate this particular article with holocaust denial nonsense, then I’m afraid you deprive it from its credibility.
Then it gets associated with all sorts of right-wing racist vitriol and you lose your audience whom you want to convince…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 6, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  Alexander Roux

Six million is a magical number evoked in Kabbalistic mumbo-jumbo. Indeed there were predictions of ‘six million dead’ years before the Nazi Judeocide. The toll of murdered Jews was four to six million, many killed by Einsatzgruppen and other fascists in the ‘ Holocaust of the bullets’. The details have been mythologised and sacralised, as part of a pseudo-religion, to the benefit of the Zionists. ALL human genocides and mass killings ought to be commemorated and memorialised, and held sacred, but ONLY ONE is, is it not?

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Apr 6, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Alexander Roux

Roux, my broer, jy roer. I thought the comparison between fake figures, created for the purpose of making me feel guilty , was quite succinct. Go see the many, many articles camparing Bill Gates’ ‘model predictions’ to actual figures, then compare it with those ” 6 deaths camps, and one of 100’s of concentration camps”.
Just like those death camps, no unbiased researcher can find a trace of species-threatening extinction even/ pandemic. Just like no-one has ever found a gas chamber. Those gas chambers rely on the same kind of science that the pandemicists are using to prove their ‘crisis’ and my guilt in it. The only question remains: how much extra taxes will this cost me? Those mythical gas chambers are still making money, almost 100 years on. Just like with that story, you are trying to criminilise any criticism, even if you have to lower the tone of conversation to “holocaust, holocost, holocau$t.”

Mark Belk
Mark Belk
Apr 6, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Mike Carroll

Yeah, that is suspicious just like the fact that Red Cross census put the number of Jews in the war theatre at 2.4 million! How was 6 million killed if there were only 2.4 million AND where did all those “survivors” come from?

Michael Walsh
Michael Walsh
Apr 6, 2020 5:12 AM

We can’t talk about porn, fracking or Northern slavery sweatshops employing children either.

Apr 6, 2020 1:54 AM

Boris Johnson has been hospitalized, he has Covid-19.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 3:48 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Is he in hospital because he used to have the virus or because if it?
Apparently he thinks it has the same meaning.
If it turned to pneumonia a dose of anti-biotics at the early stage and he’ll be 100% fine.
This is only dangerous if people allow it to progress into late stags pneumonia without getting anti-biopics. Impossible if you’re him, probably has a private nurse.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

This phones autocorrect does my head in.

Apr 6, 2020 4:35 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Because of it.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Why is this declared here like? Is your masters chesty cough more important?

Apr 6, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

I have no master, dearie. I posted it for information only.

The clubofinfo Blog
The clubofinfo Blog
Apr 6, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Found a description of you: Quackery, often synonymous with health fraud, is the promotion[1] of fraudulent or ignorant medical practices. A quack is a “fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill” or “a person who pretends, professionally or publicly, to have skill, knowledge, qualification or credentials they do not possess; a charlatan or snake oil salesman”.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 12:02 PM

Ah, but nobody is disputing medical fact. Is Boris Johnston an epidemiologist? No?
Well here is one, 35 years experience.
But don’t watch him.
The Sun newspaper and BBC news with vague death definitions and extremely questionable arithmetic is where the facts are. Straying from this mass accepted rubbish is anti medicine? Lol. Nice Try but the vast majority of medical science opposes the common narrative and has to take to YouTube to be heard.
So ignore reality for sensationalism and the media and political competition to see who can exaggerate the most and get the most clicks and airtime to appease the masses and their new love of wrong data, wrong math and hysteria.


Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 6, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Justin he doesn’t have it!

Apr 7, 2020 6:39 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Justin Thought, I am deeply cyncial about admission to intensive care for Bozo. He was there less than a day? What for? Neat little sympathy trick if you ask me. It is true what you say though – a dose of anti-biotics will set him right as rain. Can’t avoid public scrutiny forever

Apr 7, 2020 6:11 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

He still is in ICU.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 6, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

CoVid 19 has a bad dose of Boris Johnson.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 6, 2020 1:27 PM

Richard Love it!

Apr 6, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka


Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 6, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

No he does not have CV-19 – he has a serious case of ‘catch me if you can’ if you want to ask any questions.

Apr 7, 2020 6:39 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Apr 6, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka


Do you mean that he possibly has some symptoms that resemble what they have labelled as Covid-19?

Since there is no other way of knowing and proving coronavirus is infectious and is the sole cause of Covid-19, it is absolutely essential that pure coronavirus particles have to be isolated to use as your gold standard of comparison. You have to do that FIRST in order to compare any stretches of RNA with the virus that you might find in a sputum samples from Boris. If you don’t do that you are just pissing against the wind and playing blind man’s bluff.

That’s exactly what they are doing and they are using Boris in a bid to demonstrate to the nation (if not the world) that the virus really does exist and causes Covid-19 when it DOES NOT! They have no scientific proof – they have NOTHING that can conclusively prove coronavirus is the cause of Boris Johnson’s symptoms.

Apr 6, 2020 11:08 PM
Reply to  Tony


Apr 7, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Please explain in detail why you think that what I have said is “bullshit” – a one word answer will not suffice.

Where is your scientific proof that this particular virus even exists?

Boris Johnson could well be suffering from an illness that has nothing to do with Covid-19. Remember there is no reliable lab test whatsoever for either coronavirus or for Covid -19. Except the isolation and purification of the virus itself which they have not done.SO WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM??

If you are correct and can refute what you have labelled “bullshit” I will modify my position accordingly – if you can’t then nothing more needs to be said.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 7, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

He doesn’t have CV-19 he has a case of fear of facing the public and answering difficult questions. Nice little sympathy vote there.

Apr 7, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Apr 6, 2020 1:49 AM

For those who understand French:

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 1:30 AM

Why are they developing testing kits for Covid-19?
It’s bacterial pneumonia people need to be tested for.
It comes after Covid-19.
Covid-19 doesn’t kill people.
Once your body removes the virus which it will, the lining where the virus was becomes a bacterial breeding ground called pneumonia.
This is the threat, this is no longer Covid-19 it’s pneumonia and pneumonia kills.
Early stage pneumonia is curable with anti-biotics , so nobody has to die if they get anti-biotics fast.
Anti-biopics cure early pneumonia, we have the cure already.
This isn’t public knowledge.
Anyone who dies of this died because they didn’t know this Information and were into the terminal stages of pneumonia in which there is no coming back.

gregory Jones
gregory Jones
Apr 6, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

so it has nothing to do with it attacking the ACE2 receptors causing inflammation of the lungs and the alveoli to leak into the lungs.

Justin Though
Justin Though
Apr 6, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  gregory Jones

Covid-19 doesn’t attack anything, it doesn’t have a mouth, it doesn’t eat. It’s job is to find a surface to replicate. The damage done is by your bodies antibodies destroying infected cells which leave a surface for bacteria to grow. The cases of death are bacterial pneumonia which has been picked up too late and therefore is untreatable.

Apr 6, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  gregory Jones

Hi Gregory,

If you have a look at the video I have posted entitled “Anatomy of Covid-19 by Dr Andrew Kaufman” it will give you lots of detailed information on ACE2 receptors, coronavirus, exosomes, Covid-19 and much more well worth a watch if you can spare the time, there is also a question and answer session. Kaufman also reveals some very interesting facts about the whole Covid-19 scenario.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 6, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  Justin Thought

“Oil of Oregano” (available as an essential oil at most health food stores, like Sprouts in US) kills or makes moderate and vincible really ALL respiratory problems. This has been proven. Even doctors are getting hip to that. I cut it (it should be above 80% carvacrol concentrate to really be maximum effect) about 4 or 5 to 1 with water, put it in an atomizer (small spray bottle) and it has saved many lives before, including mine, my mother’s, friends, family, and others I know, in my (anecdotal, but solid) experience. Dr. Cass Ingram wrote the book, “The Cure is in the Cupboard” all about it. University studies are cited there. I sincerely believe that it would end this pandemic. Sounds crazy, but that’s the truth. My PA nodded vehemently a year ago when I mentioned it, “It knocks out ANY respiratory infection” she chimed. And she is pretty square, straight, and intractable on most things like that. Very conventional, not hip “barefoot doc” at all. OIL OF OREGANO. It’s amazing. A $20 small 1.5 ounce bottle can last a year, and I fear no flu, with it around. There are a lot more people who know about it than 30 years ago, when I first discovered it. But still far too few. Covid would not stand a ghost of a chance, if enough people administered it. Serious. I know this. Most people can’t figure out that you have to huff it, like a bong, so that it reaches the bronchi. It has a very strong taste, but one that is not at all caustic or burning at all, just so penetrating, it will cure dysentery, no sweat. (I should know, I was literally dying of that, til I used it. Presto: cured.) However, the intense taste puts many… Read more »

Apr 6, 2020 1:32 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Hi John,
You are right.. the cure is in the cupboard. Oregano also cures c dif,, along with cider vinegar, and betaine. Add to these garlic, honey, vitamin C and D and you will cure anything. I know because I had cancer with a ooor prognosis, 35 years ago!!! And I am still here thanks to a strict vitamin regime. Although I am on my last furlong and could well fall at the last hurdle with the latest fiasco. But I am resigned.. as I said many times.. we live and we die. The only regret I have is that my precious grandchildren are being kept away from me.. and it will most likely be the depression of that which kills me. 😢😢

Apr 6, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

The reason that old people get ill is that in many instances they avoid the sun.

The virus can be killed by ultra violet rays, which produce vitamin D in our bodies, which is absorbed quickly with the aid of vitamin C, which strengthens our immune systems and fights off the majority of illnesses.

For those who say nay.. do a little research?

Mrs Gardener
Mrs Gardener
Apr 6, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Absolutely, vitamin c is highly underrated. An absolute must, but the NHS daily rec is only 200mg, whereas you really need at least 2000mg a day. Loads of research on it, but nothing in the mainstream.

Checkout Mr Michael Levy – Vitamin c. He has loads of articles and studies on his website.

Apr 7, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought


What they refer to as ‘bacterial pneumonia’ is not caused by a bacterium but the bacteria are simply correlated/associated with it, just and Covid-19 is not caused by an alleged virus.

Usually, bacteria ‘eat’ toxic substances, and metabolic wastes that have already accumulated in the tissues and need to be cleared from the ‘diseased’ tissues.

Pneumonitis is another name for pneumonia that occurs when the connective tissue is dissolved (bacteria secrete enzymes that do that) during the inflammation of the lungs so the toxins can be drained via the lymphatic system the trouble builds if the entrance pores of the lymphatics get blocked during the inflammatory process and fluid builds in the lungs.

The bacteria play an important part in the process but they can get out of hand, that’s why antibiotics are used to keep their numbers under control and so tissue can be rebuilt without further encombrance. Pneumonia, can also occur due to a variety of different conditions such as fungus, pulmonary haemorrhage, pulmonary oedema, radiation injury, pulmonary toxicity due to toxic particulates, chemicals, gases, cytotoxic drugs and tumour infiltrates to mention a few. Like viruses bacteria are treated ‘as if’ they are sole causes of disease but they are not.

According to Sender et al (2016) regarding the number of bacteria present already in the body.

Our analysis also updates the widely-cited 10:1 ratio, showing that the number of bacteria in the body is actually of the same order as the number of human cells, and their total mass is about 0.2 kg.

Sender R, Fuchs S, Milo R. Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body. PLoS Biol. 2016;14(8):e1002533. Published 2016 Aug 19.

Apr 5, 2020 11:15 PM

I agree with what are you saying. This is really funny how people easily belive in one side of this story (Pandemia) throughout main source of information which is main-stream media.

Like nobody (not all of course) is really thinking outside the box and we are just repeating the same scenario seeing only one perspective and believing in it so much that everything else is false and fake.

I hope this is the time people will start to wake up, and face other possible scenarios just to change their minds and see different perspectives, to growth within ourselves.

Regarding death, I am totally agree.
We try to be unnatural avoiding the fact that we all will eventually die, because that is a part of our lifes.

Anyway very good article, keep doing what you do.

Good luck!

Me again
Me again
Apr 5, 2020 8:13 PM

I live in the U.K. where I find every statistic and figure about this to be wrong, not just wrong but anyone with basic childlike mathematical ability could figure out instantly that it’s wrong. Tell them it’s wrong, you’re a conspiracy nut. Wrong calculations are religion now. Do not question religion. Yet strangely, intelligent people just go along with it, telling us that 2+2=30. I find this blind obedience of obvious faults and miscalculations to be quite disturbing, I had no idea how easily people would give up their rationality and education to repeat what they’re told. The global mortality rate of around 3% is accepted. Why? This is from the WHO who inflate these figures wrongly and have done so 100% of the time since Aids. They have a 100% track record of being wrong yet people say “Oh but you know better than the W H O ??” Well, with the mortality rate. Yes, yes I do. I done math. It’s not difficult. WHO figure is the pointless mortality rate of the tested, not the est. people infected. It’s not even a useful number never mind an accurate one. So it’s wrong to begin with. The denominator is wrong so everything calculated after that is wrong. Then they invent a number like 80% of the population and do all sorts of awful wrong math and invent insane statistics. The math gets more wronger, the calculations worser and the end result less resulty and more like pulling a number from a hatty. It’s like having one red apple and an orchard, then picking only one hundred apples from the entire orchard leaving the rest in plain sight and telling people the red apple is 1% of the entire orchard. Then people agree. Ofcourse it isn’t! What’s happened to people?… Read more »

Kathleen Donnelly
Kathleen Donnelly
Apr 5, 2020 9:21 PM
Reply to  Me again

Thankyou for that, from plenty of ‘ intelligent people ‘ I get.. ‘ But people are dying” and ‘ its like Cholera ”..yes blind obedience without any thought of what is going on behind the scenes…Stay safe, stay indoors.. I am sick of hearing it. Of all the cruelty and sickness going on in the world and people are worried about a lie… in my opinion.. Can we still have an opinion.?

Elvis Lennon
Elvis Lennon
Apr 5, 2020 9:35 PM

Great response. Everyone is playing make believe, that part of the mind naturally disregards reality. A lot of people seem to believe we are saving lives through social policy right now. Flattening the curve doesn’t save lives it stops the deaths clumping together at once overwhelming hospitals. Its like chosing 1 day of light rain over one day of heavy rain. Same amount of rain. The graphs for expected 2020 virus deaths don’t show an end to deaths after this it shows how to spread them a little so those people expected to die, are all going to die just not at the same time as any new virus entering the chain with the othets creates a temporay spike offset by temporay dip. If your immune system is so bad you can’t survive a non-HCID virus then you’re on death row. All this saving lives stuff is rubbish. The public can’t stomach reality so pretending to them they’re saving lives makes them feel important and clapping from their cells like caged monkeys makes them feel like their masters can hear and approve of their obedient training.

Elvis Lennon
Elvis Lennon
Apr 5, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Elvis Lennon

***1 day of heavy rain over 2 days of light rain. Same amount of rain.****

Apologies for misspelling also

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 6, 2020 12:54 AM
Reply to  Elvis Lennon

“The public can’t stomach reality so pretending to them they’re saving lives makes them feel important and clapping from their cells like caged monkeys makes them feel like their masters can hear and approve of their obedient training.”

Now I see why the balcony clapping and singing visual gone viral bothered so many free spirits (i.e. “still sovereign souls’) SO much.

After a double take, you get the idea they’re almost being rehearsed to do it, to remind us that the default mode for us should be like docile denizens of Sea World, seals barking and clapping as part of a theme park exhibit.

The Theme Park our would-be slavemasters call Prison Planet.

Otherwise, their punishment will one day be as locked in a perpetual cage, barking ARF ARF ARF.

They better wise up and let us be, let us free, before that karma makes it their reality….. ?

Justice will require it, if they linger, as they are.

The Almighty has the means and motive.

Apr 6, 2020 5:35 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Be a sovereign. Become a Secured Party Creditor. Everyone is a debt slave if you don’t do this. If you are a debt slave, the Constitution does not apply to you. That’s why they can do anything they want to you. You have NO RIGHTS! Any judge in a court will tell you as much. Research it. It’s a long path to take–but it’s the only one that will save your life and save you from being forcefully vaccinated. And research land patents so they cannot take your land away in Agenda21 ’cause that will happen soon, too. If you’re a land owner–patent it. It’s quite commonly done, but they don’t want you to know about it.

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Apr 6, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Ann

Sister! Do you have more information on this all? I shall start ducking that as soon as I finish reading everything here, one of the most entertaining sites I have ever found! Huge bunch of dorks, then you or Evans pitches up…

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Apr 6, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  paranoid goy

I menat Justin…

Apr 6, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Ann

I am intrigued about what you say: patent your owned land ,and how it will lead to being able to keep from being vaccinated. Can you tell me where to start finding this information?

Mrs Gardener
Mrs Gardener
Apr 6, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  Elvis Lennon

Public health england down-graded covid from an HCID on the 19th MARCH, yes the 19th of March.


Checkout all the news reports, waiting, planning, preparing but no actual real full hospitals.

Our local one has been cleared as an incidence centre, IT IS EMPTY. And we live in an elderly population here, people come here to retire.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 6, 2020 1:35 PM

Kathleen, in the meantime of course, Trump has sent a military arsenal to countries surrounding Venezuela and has threatened war. Other serious things are slipping under the radar due to this mass hysteria. Can I perhaps recommend a look at the World Socialist Website, a clear thinking, solid reporting website with excellent investigative journalists. Not just on this issue but on other far more important ones.

Apr 6, 2020 8:03 PM

Hi Kathleen,

Yes you still can have an opinion.

I’m sick of hearing all the official propaganda about this alleged ‘virus’ and Covid-19 too – a virus that they cannot scientifically even prove to exist.

Yet no matter how many times I repeat that fact, in so may different ways -the propaganda has been so effective over the years about deadly viruses that it wins people over and they can’t seem to get rid of the idea that viruses are the cause of disease when they are NOT and that is my informed opinion that I have tried to support with arguments and facts.

The question is, has it made much difference ? Do our opinions still carry any weight in the face of massive official propaganda when the majority of people believe it and still remain ill-informed about viruses that are claimed (but not proven) to be ‘pathogenic?.

Please read my other posts, and on other threads and then judge for yourself.



gregory Jones
gregory Jones
Apr 6, 2020 6:50 AM
Reply to  Me again

the mortality rate is not 3%, your arguments are specious. if you are only going to take COVID-19 deaths as those where they have been tested positive why aren’t you doing the same for flu? No one knows how many people get infected with the flu. Everyone accepts that the figures only relate to a mortality rate for those that present themselves with problems serious enough to require medical treatment. We also know that the mortality rate depends on how early the treatment was given, what previous medical conditions the patient had, their age and whether they were a smoker, even what stress levels they were on. There is also the problem of Covid-19 killing people with no known medical disorders who were young and fit. A small number perhaps but again it has happened. we also know that it is a virus that is rapidly producing variants. there are now over 41. One can argue that one can only claim it is COVID-19 if one gives a blood test though these tests are not 100% accurate either., to really prove it one would have to break down the genome sequence and compare to the SARS-Ncov-2 virus. This is impractical. we have statistics of the incidence of these symptoms, apparently, according to you none of these medical clinicians or epidemiologists have actual studied the variability of these symptoms. according to you the year 2020 is already on course to have the lowest number of virus fatalities for a very long time. Maybe that is because the vaccine this year is more effective than the previous years as the CDC reports state. 44% as opposed to 29%. Viral deaths fluctuate from year to year. But we know this. we also know that the morbidity rate of COVID-19 is higher than influenza… Read more »

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 10:34 AM
Reply to  gregory Jones

Your first line is an argument for what I say not against it. You’re taking the mortality rate of the tested for Covid-19 then comparing it to the mortality rate of the estimated overall infected for Flu. 2 different calculations. My point was that it isn’t like for like. This is basic mathematics comes on, how did you read that then use the wrong calculation as an argument? Seriously????Nobody knows how many get flu? They can estimate the global number from test results which is how mortality rates get their overall infected denominator. Around 1 billion contract influenza A,B,C,D, and 660,000 died last year and it’s usually over 500,00.
660,000 is 0.66% of 1 billion. Now show me the calculation that gives you the higher mortality rate for Covid-19 when the estimated total infected denominator doesn’t exist? You can’t even begin the calculation so you can’t claim it’s higher. If you use the denominator from the amount tested, and the deaths as a percentage of that it is a hyper inflated mortality rate that isn’t real, never was real, isnt in any way accurate and isn’t even attempting to be.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
Apr 6, 2020 10:47 AM
Reply to  gregory Jones

We are having less virus deaths this year because this virus is targeting exactly the same people who die from typical colds and flu. Not a whole new group of people. Increased hygiene has lowered the rate of other viruses infecting also. You aren’t considering the numbers on tv as compared to last year. You’re all pretending people only started dying like this and it’s new. When this is over there will be less deaths than previous years. Where does it say that more people will die this year than last year? Where is the comparison number, you all forgot how to do basic mathematics it’s insane. “Just let them die” ? How you can the stop the terminally ill dying? Getting a positive test of a virus before they go and pretending you could have saved them with a Covid-19 cure is just a lie. You can’t stop the human race dying, you can’t stop people with no immune system dying, and you can’t save all those people as the vast majority were dying if something else anyway.
More young people die of rhinovirus, I believe 44 last year under the age of 10.
That doesn’t matter though, someone young died of Covid. A rare case but that’s much worse because it’s on tv and proves all young people will die?
Young people didn’t die last year? No pneumonia’s, no illnesses, no viruses killed anyone last year?
Bad math everywhere, wrong denominators, refusal to sample other annual data and a blind compliance with tv stats is what we are battling here. Nothing makes sense unless you do the numbers correctly and they are all screwed, manipulated and twisted in every calculation you see to favour hyper inflated numbers in every way possible.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 6, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Justin Thought

Justin, you talk one hell of a lot of common sense. I am not a scientist, I flunked my maths and science ‘o’ levels twice. But, I do turn to the science and people with mathematical ability in these situations because that is where the truth lies and you seem to know exactly what that is. However, I am baffled about what is a numerator and a denominator and wonder whether you might be able to let me know what these are so that I can understand that the wrong numerators and denominators are being used. You are someone who seems to know exactly what they are talking about and I would like to know more if you could. Thanks

Justin Thought,
Justin Thought,
Apr 6, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  gregory Jones

Yes the WHO declared initially when the numbers were all calculated wrong and people predicted millions of deaths that the mortality rate was 3% taken from the number they bothered testing not an estimated total number infected.
3.2% or whatever I’ll not get into semantics. All their other mortalities rates have been wrong also. I know I’m now debating with someone who naturally feels uneasy challenging mass accepted tv data that is wrong but it’s still wrong.
Tell me, despite no disease in the history of mankind having the fatality definition that Covid-19 has, does that matter to you?
Does this definition of someone ‘dying from Covid 19’ seem acceptable to you because it’s government and official?
Should we now say Freddy Mercury died with Rhinovirus and not mention the fact that aids destroyed his immune system?
The terminally ill weren’t terminally ill and could be saved?
Will we all just take whatever wrong info makes Covid-19 a non HCID virus seem like the worlds worst deadly virus, use whatever lie and false calculation we can get our hands on?
Any proper calculations, annual comparisons ,or using definitions that don’t give wrong data should be binned?

2. Clinician reported deaths

Case definition: Patients who have died within 28 days of first positive test result, whether or not COVID-19 was the cause of death.

That’s how they calculate Covid deaths, you don’t even have to have died from it or even have it when you die.
That’s official.

Apr 6, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  gregory Jones

So what Gregory? So what…. we are all going to die, get over it.
The experts can study covid and all its many variants till the cows come home but it will always be one step ahead.. that is nature. We are simply specks of sand that think we are important enough to warrant a cure for everything?
Keeping us on lockdown until they do is ridiculous, and will result in a terrible backlash.
Not only against politicians, but against one another. I have already read people urging the authorities to thrash, and shoot people who want to take exercise and sunbathe outside or sit in their gardens having a barbecue, the world is going mad and all the curtain twitching lunatics are showing their true colours.
We are being lied to AGAIN. The NHS is in no worse trouble than it was prior to the covid fiasco. Only now money is being poured in hand over fist to get all the equipment they would ever need to deal with anything thrown at them, fattening it up so to speak, in readiness for the US and Germany to take over and privatise it.
What I would really like to know is what will happen to all the pop up hospitals when the great plague doesn’t arrive? Will they be turned into homeless shelters? Because believe me, there will be billions more people homeless when this is over, having had their homes repossessed because they cannot pay their mortgages and rent, because they no longer have jobs to go to….. third World here we come?

mahmah midoudi
mahmah midoudi
Apr 5, 2020 8:11 PM

my opinion is just a call , I don’t know what you name it though crime , anyway this is my words , if you all accept’em try to spread’em and share’em around the world, if you all don’t like’em that’s okay with me ,

All peoples of the world must unite with each other for the sake of each other, and for the sake of all humanity, and they must be peaceful and vigilant, and their weapon is awareness, knowledge and experience, they must invest and repair themselves and their properties in their favor In the interest of all peoples and humanity as a whole, violence generates violence, peace brings success, deliverance, prosperity, calmness and safety. This sensitive time is not a time for racism, slackness and laziness. All peoples of the world must possess all the essentials of life, love, security and brotherhood. Tolerance, mercy, kindness, cooperation, solidarity, knowledge and peace. and individual awareness and collective consciousness, they must all join hands to save humanity and the generations now and future generations, save them from these hypocritical traitors criminals who spoiled everywhere you all know who they’re (CULT1%)

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Apr 6, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  mahmah midoudi

Also, dry powder…

Apr 5, 2020 6:19 PM

My thought crime is that the lockdown has no end game. It’s neither a strategy nor a solution. People think we are flattening the curve for a bit so that the government can then let us out again and loosen the controls. But this makes no sense at all. If lockdown flattens the curve why would the government then stop doing it? If it’s seen as working that’ll be used as an argument to keep doing it indefinitely, and if it’s not working that’ll be seen as an excuse to tighten the controls further. So we keep doing it until people get fed up and lose their discipline, at which point the government steps in and tightens the controls further, inevitably resulting in all our freedoms disappearing. Rather like standing in quick sand, you can struggle and die quickly or stay still and die slowly.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 6, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Jim

Jim, most excellent to quote Bill and Ted!! Lock down does not work – it hasn’t worked in reducing figures in any country that has it, in fact, it seems to me quite the opposite, the figures appear to be (I say appear to be because as Justin says the Stats are seriously wrong) rising exponentially. Some solution eh? The truth is, it is the elderly and long term disabled that are in the high risk group and which it is affecting. The rest of us, as the science seems to show will shake it off or not get it.

I watched that snivelling pathetic little excuse for a human being and Politician Massive Hypocrite (Matt Hancock) on Marr on Sunday. Who does he think he is – he was threatening people with further lock down if people didn’t obey his orders (well he didn’t quite say it in those words but it is what he said). Now, isn’t that part of fascist totalitarianism – you must obey orders because we, the PTB say you must. The public are only obliged to follow what is reasonable Government law and instruction – this lockdown is, as you say, a way of saying, we’ve got you where we want you know and we, the fascists, will pull your strings as and when it suits us – so don’t question anything! Good for the Londoner’s that went out in the sunshine yesterday, keep it up UK citizens, we’ll all join you soon – campaign of mass disobedience. The Yellow Vests are out in France again, God Bless them!!

Apr 7, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  Jim

Hi Jim,

You explain the lockdown mechanism very well. But I disagree that it’s not part of an overall strategy which involves the deployment of political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies either in peace or in war.

A s I have stated in other posts the majority of people still either fail to realize or accept that we are already engaged in a ‘quiet war’ and the lockdown strategy along with Coronavirus and Covid-19 are just a couple of examples of the ‘silent weapons’ being used against the global population. Not to forget the increasing amount of repressive legislation that’s also increasingly placing restrictions on our freedom of speech, movement and association. They will remain on the statute books for future use and will not be repealed.

These types of ‘silent weapons’ are being used as we tip-toe towards achieving the ultimate goal of George Bush Senior’s ‘New World Order’ which means a Global State of Corporate Fascism with a ‘cashless’ financial system based on digital currency and digital asset classes. That’s the end game as I understand it, and people are still relatively free to accept or reject whatever they wish – at least FOR THE PRESENT.

perry stein
perry stein
Apr 5, 2020 5:51 PM

Interesting article. But I dont agree that nurses are authority figures. I see them as holistic caregivers who have forced their way into the sickness system.

Me again
Me again
Apr 5, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  perry stein

Nobody said they were authority figures and people like who believe they are some kind of servant class are part of the problem. The idea that nurses have forced their way into the sickness system is laughable. They’re an integral necessity obviously. A respectable career in my view even if elitest snobs look down on them.

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Apr 6, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  perry stein

The point was that, like firemen, they are being PROMOTED as figures of authority. The most overworked, unthanked and underpaid sector of our so-called ‘health industry’ will not receive higher pay, better equipment or safer working conditions, just a bit of applause from those balconies not throwing bottles at them for spreading pestilence by walking in the streets. Like free coffee to firemen.For a little while.

Apr 5, 2020 5:31 PM

Just missed the fantastic article.

Apr 5, 2020 5:29 PM

Thanks to my intelligent son Michael that he sent me this fascinating, well-thought fantastically structured and I kept on reading, the English was simple and very high standard.

Apr 5, 2020 4:12 PM

What I think is odd is how did they create all these new commercials so quickly? All these fast-food chains, stores etc have all these new ads saying… we’re in this together blah blah blah. Well if people are supposed to be “social distancing” and productions have basically stopped…then how were they able to create these commercials? There is something far more insidious going on here. And Trump…he is the fu##ing Devil.

Sanity is gone
Sanity is gone
Apr 5, 2020 8:19 PM
Reply to  Bluzulu

It’s bigger than Trump hun.
Any sitting president does as their masters tells them….maybe Trump has a bit more freedom to do as he please because of his millions?

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Apr 6, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Sanity is gone

The more millions you have, the more reliant are you on the good graces of those with billions. The more billions you have… you get the idea. This will not end untill everything on ‘the Market’ belongs in one account. Then we will meet our new King, annointed by some god we are not ‘ready to meet’ yet. Trump’s riches are all floating on debt, the problem is, that debt is held by known …erm… agents, such as Soros. Trump is as independent as me or you. Only differnece is, if you and I don’t pay our debt, war does not break out in foreaign countries. And no-one pays for TV adds telling us we can fix it by raising taxes and regional open-air prisons.

Apr 6, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  Bluzulu

Businesses responding is called human ingenuity. It’s not sinister it’s inspiring.

Diane Shears
Diane Shears
Apr 5, 2020 3:43 PM

Non-compliant… need a hug?

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Apr 5, 2020 2:56 PM

Here is my thoughtcrime.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 5, 2020 2:42 PM

Excerpted from: VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls” – Global Research

“But few are aware that the epidemic playing out in China and two dozen other countries, including the US, is unfolding in line with a decade-old simulation titled “Lock Step” devised by the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the Global Business Network. The scenario, one of four included in a publication called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” in 2010, describes a coronavirus-like pandemic that becomes the trigger for the imposition of police-state controls on movement, economy, and other areas of society.”

Complete page: https://www.globalresearch.ca/all-sectors-us-establishment-lock-step-deep-states-latest-bio-war/5702773?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles

Apr 5, 2020 10:32 PM

I totally agree with you it’s like in that movie resident evil, they showed us this our plan and it’s going to happen very soon in the near future.

Apr 5, 2020 1:51 PM

I agree with you entirely. If this lockdown occurs for much longer then it’s going to turn ugly very quickly. Whenever I go out I feel I am beeing judged as to whether I am correctly observing the ‘social distance’. That ‘judgement’ will soon turn to threats which in turn will lead to violence. Strangers will turn on each other and families will disentegrate because they are not observing the ‘new religion’ correctly.
We are all heading to a dark place and not only will most people not see it they will become its most loyal foot soldiers.

Apr 5, 2020 1:29 PM

Don’t be too quick to scoff at miracles. In 2017, NHS nurses went cap-in-hand to the government begging for a few crumbs from the high table with which to feed their starving bairns. Wicked Queen Theresa stared down her nose at them and told them there was no ‘magic money tree.’ The nurses, humiliated and forlorn, returned home to rummage through rubbish bins for the odd discarded crust.

Prince Boris, who had seen all of this, decided to act. He sent out his best knights on a quest to find the magic money tree. After doing battle with evil Sir Gideon of Osborne and searching far and wide across the realm, the knights heard tell of a magic money tree somewhere deep in the Forest of Threadneedle.

Meanwhile, a plague covered the land. The Great War of Brexit was over, the traitor Harry and Princess Meghan were banished but millions upon millions lay sickened and confused by verbal diarrhoea caused by a surfeit of the BBC bug and something called GMB. There were rumours of the entire nation catching the clap from the Sun.

Hacking their way through an army of journalists and rank upon rank of civil servants, the brave knights located the magic money tree, uprooted it, and returned triumphantly to Downing Street Castle on the hill. Prince Boris danced with glee and tore off every single banknote from the branches of the tree and proceeded to distribute them (fairly of course) among his subjects. As you would expect, the tree withered and died because nobody thought to give it any water. So when the plague departed and life started to return to normal, Prince Boris was, again, skint. So he said to his knights, ‘find me another tree’ – NOW!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 5, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  Marco

Beautiful! The corona Fairy Tail is wagging, and the dogs are yapping of doom…

Max Cat
Max Cat
Apr 5, 2020 12:23 PM

Thank you for some sanity – you have voiced my thoughts eloquently and humorously. I don’t know exactly what’s going on but my common sense and gut feeling and my years of being able to see through “official” facades tells me that we are being had – big time. And millions of people around the world are falling for it. This scares me much more than a variation of the flu. I am by the way over 70