Did Bill Gates Just Reveal the Reason Behind the Lock-Downs?
Rosemary Frei
In a recent candid interview, Bill Gates outlined that, despite the comparatively small threat of Coronavirus, he and his colleagues “don’t want a lot of recovered people” who have acquired natural immunity. They instead are hoping we become reliant on vaccines and anti-viral medication.
Shockingly, Gates also suggests people be made to have a digital ID showing their vaccination status, and that people without this “digital immunity proof” would not be allowed to travel. Such an approach would mean very big money for vaccine producers.
On March 24 Bill Gates gave a highly revelatory 50-minute interview (above) to Chris Anderson. Anderson is the Curator of TED, the non-profit that runs the TED Talks.
The Gates interview is the second in a new series of daily ‘Ted Connects’ interviews focused on COVID-19. The series’s website says that:
TED Connects: Community and Hope is a free, live, daily conversation series featuring experts whose ideas can help us reflect and work through this uncertain time with a sense of responsibility, compassion and wisdom.”
Anderson asked Gates at 3:49 in the video of the interview – which is quickly climbing to three million views – about a ‘Perspective’ article by Gates that was published February 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
“You wrote that this could be the once-in-a-century pandemic that people have been fearing. Is that how you think of it, still?” queried Anderson.
“Well, it’s awful to say this but, we could have a respiratory virus whose case fatality rate was even higher. If this was something like smallpox, that kills 30 percent of people. So this is horrific,” responded Gates.
“But, in fact, most people even who get the COVID disease are able to survive. So in that, it’s quite infectious – way more infectious than MERS [Middle East Respiratory Syndrome] or SARS [Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome] were. [But] it’s not as fatal as they were. And yet the disruption we’re seeing in order to knock it down is really completely unprecedented.”
Gates reiterates the dire consequences for the global economy later in the interview.
“We need a clear message about that,” Gates said starting at 26:52.
“It is really tragic that the economic effects of this are very dramatic. I mean, nothing like this has ever happened to the economy in our lifetimes. But … bringing the economy back and doing [sic] money, that’s more of a reversible thing than bringing people back to life. So we’re going to take the pain in the economic dimension, huge pain, in order to minimize the pain in disease and death dimension.”
However, this goes directly against the imperative to balance the benefits and costs of the screening, testing and treatment measures for each ailment – as successfully promulgated for years by, for example, the Choosing Wisely campaign – to provide the maximum benefit to individual patients and society as a whole.
Even more importantly, as noted in an April 1 article in OffGuardian, there may be dramatically more deaths from the economic breakdown than from COVID-19 itself.
“By all accounts, the impact of the response will be great, far-reaching, and long-lasting,”
Kevin Ryan wrote in the article. Ryan estimated that well over two million people will likely die from the sequelae of the lock-downs and other drastic measures to enforce ‘social distancing.’
Millions could potentially die from suicide, drug abuse, lack of medical coverage or treatment, poverty and lack of food access, on top of other predictable social, medical and public-health problems stemming from the response to COVID-19.
Gates and Anderson did not touch on any of those sequelae. Instead, they focused on rapidly ramping up testing and medical interventions for COVID-19.
Gates said at 30:29 in the interview that he and a large team are moving fast to test anti-virals, vaccines and other therapeutics and to bring them to market as quickly as possible.
The Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust with support from Mastercard and now others, created this therapeutic accelerator to really triage out [candidate therapeutics]…You have hundreds of people showing up and saying, ‘Try this, try that.’ So we look at lab assays, animal models, and so we understand which things should be prioritized for these very quick human trials that need to be done all over the world.”
The accelerator was launched March 10 with approximately $125 million in seed funding. Three days later Gates left Microsoft.
Not long before that, on January 23, Gates’s organization the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) announced it will fund three programs to develop COVID-19 vaccines. These are the advancing of DNA-vaccine candidates against MERS and Lassa fever, the development of a “‘molecular clamp’ platform” that “enables targeted and rapid vaccine production against multiple viral pathogens,” and the manufacture and Phase 1 clinical study of an mRNA vaccine against COVID.
“The programmes will leverage rapid response platforms already supported by CEPI as well as a new partnership. The aim is to advance nCoV-2019 vaccine candidates into clinical testing as quickly as possible,” according to a news release.
Then at 32:50 in the video, Anderson asked whether the blood serum from people who have recovered from a COVID infection can be used to treat others.
“I heard you mention that one possibility might be treatments from the serum, the blood serum of people who had had the disease and then recovered. So I guess they’re carrying antibodies,” said Anderson. “Talk a bit about that and how that could work and what it would take to accelerate that.”
[Note that Anderson did not ask Gates about, instead, just letting most of the population – aside from people most vulnerable to serious illness from the infection, who should be quarantined — be exposed to COVID-19 and as a result very likely recover and develop life-long immunity. As at least one expert has observed, “as much as ninety-nine percent of active cases [of COVID-19] in the general population are ‘mild’ and do not require specific medical treatment” to recover.]
“This has always been discussed as, ‘How could you pull that off?’” replied Gates. “So people who are recovered, it appears, have very effective antibodies in their blood. So you could go, transfuse them and only take out white cells, the immune cells.”
However, Gates continued, he and his colleagues have dismissed that possibility because it’s “fairly complicated – compared to a drug we can make in high volume, you know, the cost of taking it out and putting it back in probably doesn’t scale as well.”
Then a few seconds later, at 33:45, Gates drops another bomb:
We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people […] To be clear, we’re trying – through the shut-down in the United States – to not get to one percent of the population infected. We’re well below that today, but with exponentiation, you could get past that three million [people or approximately one percent of the U.S. population being infected with COVID-19 and the vast majority recovering]. I believe we will be able to avoid that with having this economic pain.”
It appears that rather than let the population be exposed to the virus and most develop antibodies that give them natural, long-lasting immunity to COVID-19, Gates and his colleagues far prefer to create a vast, hugely expensive, new system of manufacturing and selling billions of test kits, and in parallel very quickly developing and selling billions of antivirals and vaccines.
And then, when the virus comes back again a few months later and most of the population is unexposed and therefore vulnerable, selling billions more test kits and medical interventions.
Right after that, at 34:14, Gates talked about how he sees things rolling out from there.
Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person […] Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly. You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”
[Sometime on the afternoon of March 31 the last sentence of this quote was edited out of the official TED video of the interview. Fortunately, recordings of the complete interview are archived elsewhere.]
In the October 2019 Event 201 novel-corona virus-pandemic simulation co-sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and a division of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, a poll that was part of the simulation said that 65% of people in the U.S. would be eager to take a vaccine for COVID-19, “even if it’s experimental.”
This will be tremendously lucrative.
Vaccines are very big business: this Feb. 23 CNBC article, for example, describes the vaccine market as six times bigger than it was 20 years ago, at more than $35 billion annually today, and providing a $44 return for every $1 invested in the world’s 94 lowest-income countries.
Notably, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – which has an endowment of $52 billion – has given more than $2.4 billion to the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2000, according to a 2017 Politico article. (While over the same time frame countries have reduced their contributions to the world body, particularly after the 2008-2009 depression, and now account for less than one-quarter of the WHO’s budget.) The WHO is now coordinating approximately 50 groups around the world that are working on candidate vaccines against COVID-19.
The Politico article quotes a Geneva-based NGO representative as saying Gates is “treated liked a head of state, not only at the WHO, but also at the G20,” and that Gates is one of the most influential people in global health.
Meanwhile, officials around the world are doing their part to make sure everyone social distances, self-isolates and/or stays locked down.
For example, here’s Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, at her and Toronto Mayor John Tory’s March 30 press briefing:
“We find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. We should expect some more people will get sick – and for some, sadly, will die. This is why it is so important to stay at home to reduce virus spread. And to protect front-line workers, healthcare workers and our essential workers, so they can continue to protect us. People shouldn’t have to die, people shouldn’t have to risk death taking care of us because others won’t practice social distancing or physical distancing.”
Yet look how close Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams, is sitting to Haley Chazan, Senior Manager, Media Relations, for Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health of Ontario.
This was on Friday, March 27, just before the start of that day’s daily press conference by Dr. Williams and Ontario’s Associate Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe:

They were sitting two seats, or just a couple of feet, apart. A short time later Chazan got up and stood even closer to Dr. Williams for a little while:

Dr. Williams and Chazan do not live together. Rather, Dr. Williams very likely knows – just as Gates knows – that there is little if any reason to worry about being in close contact with other people unless you or they are vulnerable to developing a severe illness from COVID-19. He surely knows, also, that if you contract COVID-19 and you’re otherwise healthy you’ll very likely have few symptoms, if any, and recover quickly. And that this exposure in fact is beneficial because in the process you will develop antibodies to the virus and have natural, long-lasting immunity to it.
Yet in the March 27 press conference, just like all the others he has participated in during the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Williams lectured the public about maintaining social distancing. He told people not to go outside on the coming weekend to enjoy the nice weather because, otherwise, they might walk past someone and not be two metres apart.
Dr. Williams is among the large cadre of powerful officials who’ve crashed the global economy by forcing tens of millions of small- and medium-sized businesses to close in the name of the need for forced, severe, social distancing and lock-downs.
They’ve shattered society, suspended most civil liberties and prohibited most activities and connections that keep people mentally and physically healthy. At the same time the officials have prioritized COVID-19 care over everything else and, as a result, severely limited billions of people’s access to life-saving healthcare services ranging from acquiring medication and blood transfusions to having organ transplants and cancer surgeries.
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from a faculty of medicine and was a freelance medical journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent investigative journalist in Canada. You can find her recent detailed investigative analysis of COVID here and follow her on Twitter.
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Evil man. Karma will be getting you very soon . . . . ..
And all the other globalists
I wouldn’t be surprised with Chris Anderson’s collaboration with Bill Gates. On the “How TED Works” page (https://www.ted.com/about/our-organization/how-ted-works), it explicitly states:
PATH was founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One World Health is a subsidiary of PATH. If you look up the 990 returns for Sapling Foundation (which TED used to be under), you will see a lot of the funders were from technology giants. The more recent 990 returns of TED Foundation, which TED is currently under aren’t as explicit as where they get their funding from as they total the donation total rather than showing detailed line entries of where their donations came from.
How can a computer salesman, who cannot even keep virusses out of his own computer software, tell us anything about virusses in a human body. Hes a psychopath and should be in jail below the deep ground for ever.
No one ever asked him anything, he is not a doctor, he is nothing and no one.
It’s actually quite incredible. Gates has made a dynasty out of a business model that requires regular software updates and all sorts of additional software/services to stave off computer viruses. He has taken the exact same business model and now is attempting to apply it on a global scale on every person on the planet. Additionally he’s structured it such that governments will pay for it and citizens will trample over one another to get the shot. Unbelievable how he and government are using fear and division to push this agenda.
George Galloway and the fake Left won’t read this. The unions who are supposed to represent workers’ interests won’t read this.
Those who enjoy a public platform and a global reach won’t read this.
Millions will die from poverty, suicide, homelessness, cancelled essential medical treatment, starvation.. because ‘good’ people didn’t speak up at the crucial time – which has already passed.
Silence = complicity.
Bill Gates is a homicidal manic who’s willing to kill people all around the world so he can be a trillionaire. He is INSANE!
Bill Gates is a fertilizer salesman. He is hawking the biggest load of crap ever unloaded on the human species. He is a money hungry monster. I wish him nothing but what life owes him, and that is a world-wide chorus of “get lost you giant prick of a human being.”
Why ask him? he is no doctor, he is only in it for the money with the vaccines he has funded.
When did Bill Gates elected and who does he think he is? He is not POTUS or even an elected citizen! I don’t care if he is a billionaire but I do care that he thinks his wealth makes him a better person than me! There is that secretive meeting held every year where all of the wealthy and political class meet to carve up the world policy where they think they can push the ‘little people” around. SCREW THAT.
I’ve wondered the same thing
Thank you very much…..Bill Gates and the career bureaucrats hiding behind the US government do not have any authority to dictate what is good. The Constitution was put in place to prevent exactly this power grab in America, but politicians abuse their positions of power and enable it.
Very polite and nicely said, I prefer to call them Varmints of the world.
the builderburg and the council of foreign relations, secret clubs, and YOU AIN’T IN IT, Every year the varmints get together in their secret meetings to decide what and how they will continue to control the populations of this earth. these weirdo do not believe in your freedom. Now they’ve arrogantly shown their ugly head to the world, thinking it’s all over for us..and we may as well give up, right. it’s time people to stand up…. there are few of them and millions and millions and millions and millions of us.
The Bilderburg and Council of Forign relations …. those are the meetings the varmints scurry to every year,…it’s their special club where they decided the worlds population’s fate,…and YOU AIN’T IN IT.
I had hope the off-guardian would be an unbiased newspaper which I would gladly have supported if they were. But it’s clearly not. Bill Gates explains on several occasions why he doesn’t prefer herd immunity. This is me signing off this paper.
make sure you are first one in line for that chipped untested vaccine…
Exactly…..Bill Gates and his ilk don’t have the right to dictate what’s good for the world, who lives and who dies…..history tells us that no tyranny can live or dominate forever.
Vaccines are there to increase herd immunity supposedly. If Gates had no pharma investments and just donated, people might be better disposed to him. Although with his dismal record I doubt it.
*Bill Gates doesn’t prefer herd immunity.*
I must have missed something..
Since when was Bill Gates elected by the people of the world to govern the people of the world? He’s not God.
Included in this quote, ‘At the same time the officials have prioritized COVID-19 care over everything else and, as a result, severely limited billions of people’s access to life-saving healthcare services ranging from acquiring medication and blood transfusions to having organ transplants and cancer surgeries.’
should be a reference to NY’s DNR directive.
Doctor reports beating it with megadoses of vitamin C and minerals administered via IV, not massive piles of cash. Bad case of constipation not helpful. . . The people dying have compromised immune systems, though some youngsters are dying too.
Gates is on record as calling for a world government (western controlled) with its own military to deal with epidemics in the third world.
A sort of medical R2P.
What is R2P?
Responsibility to Protect
After this lockdown, we will wake up to a totally New World.
We were working from home, someone was monitoring the efficiency.
We could continue to work from home for any company, anywhere, without bothering to get a visa.
We are not driving, no pollutions. Soon will have electric cars. Taxi, if required – electric driverless. City transportation – electric/driverless.
Food, grocery ordered online, paid by card. Deliverymen plenty. New workforce.
Big companies are like a state. The present states run by politicians. Why can’t the companies run the country? Why do they need middlemen to run the country. The company could appoint a board of directors and shareholders can delegate to the board.
No corruption, no pollution etc etc
Vaccine is a good idea. We even now need vaccine for yellow fever traveling to some countries. No passport – biometric details, alreday there.
There will be lots of money left for buman welfare.
Think it over. Shashi
Vaccine is NOT a good idea. Not safe, not very effective, and kill and mame too many people.
research Antoine Bechamps and microzymas. The vaccines are ineffecive because viruses are NOT pathogens.
How can they force people to take a vaccine? isn’t this jumping the gun a bit or have I missed something? I haven’t heard any noises about a compulsory vaccines, I have never had a vaccine in my life and that includes from birth not even a tetanus jab and no way would I be forced into having one which to be frank I cant see happening.
Happened in Denmark. Might seem far fetched but if you think back to a few weeks ago, I don’t think we could have imagined living in the world we live in currently. I don’t trust bill gates for one second. All we are hearing in the media is vaccination vaccination vaccination. Bill gates is popping up everywhere and if you look into his history with his foundation it’s disgusting.
Forcing people to take a vaccine is quite simple – deny them access to a bank account, credit card, driving licence and passport unless they can produce an up-to-date vaccination certificate.
I hate the idea of being made to have a vaccination in order to have a driving licence or a bank account or anything else for that matter. I cannot understand how this Bill Gates has become the ubiquitous spokesman for ‘the people’. He has no interest in the health of the people, his is a purely economic interest and he has made so much money with these disgusting vaccines and agriculture (GMO and golden rice etc) being forced on certain nations, his greed has reached epic proportions now. He needs to be shut down and put out to grass to enjoy his billions and his wife with him.
That’s their plan 😢
you may have missed something… rest asure, they would like us all dead or under their control through their vaccines,, and this vaccine that they are talking about this time is no ordanary vaccine. beware, do your research… God bless us all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVEjRz0aXMU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0jxoarHbZr1u_zKur0gOEp1r0IdmLaIuVy3KM0aytInNRGqJvHJPKnNBM
You won’t be forced. You’ll be coerced via threats of the removal of your basic freedoms and liberties.
You’ll find yourself, and others who’ve also rejected Gates’ vaccines vilified by the mainstream media. The media is very powerful.
Apparently they edited this talk to make it seem less bad:
this is one of the best sum ups I have seen. Thanks for sharing Jim
This segment was in the video that I just watched. It was not edited out. so the video that is circulating around has not been edited. I do believe that there is another agenda and the leftists are using this virus to complete this. We do live in scary times.
The idea is to get Trump out of office and give china and the arabs America on a plate.
There’s always one guy who didn’t get the memo. Another brainwashed BOZO.
Jim, can you repost that video or tell me where to find it. It is censored now.
@Rosmary Frei
At 33:44 in the video, it sure looks like Billy is pointing to himself, with both hands even, as a survivor of Covid-19!….As he calls himself a “Recovered Patient” ?…But, he doesn’t want too many survivors.
Él a dicho que la tierra estaba superpoblada y que se venía una venia una Pandemia y a hecho unos encuentros donde se analizaba el posible escenario… después de ese encuentro muchas empresas se comenzaron a preparar para eso… y curioso que este señor estaba financiando investigadores Chinos en este virus… ya lo informaba la RAI Italiana advirtiendo mientras a su vez trabajaba en una vacuna en Alemania y Estados Unidos. OBSERVEN EL MINUTO 5
Italia 2015
Fuente: RAI Italiana
Bill Gates has a masters in being irresponsible! He wants us all dead and gone. Can you see how damn happy he is through out the interview? Right around the 4 minute mark he is motioning someone to go away from him, and even though this is supposed to be a serious subject he continues to be so damn happy. There’ s a place for him at Gitmo because of his sedition, being a terrorist and let’s talk about the crimes against humanity why don’t we!
Gates is content about the topic because he knows more about this than anyone. Hell, I like talking about things I genuinely understand, especially when giving a decently researched and strong opinion and/or statement. There’s a reason why Gates is being interviewed instead of someone with an actual degree in bioscience or something.
He already predicted such a disaster back in 2015 and clearly doesn’t shove this into the spotlight by stating that “lol told you so, losers”. Instead he’s looking in ways of stopping/preventing/combating the virus. There are so many factors in play here and so many different topics to talk about that I respect the man for managing to cope with everything at such ease. People don’t need to be depressed or sad when talking about a “sensitive” subject, when you think about it, it’s quite the contrary – when you are relaxed you are much better at making you thoughts flow.
Also, you’re on TV, why not smile to the camera and show the enthusiasm you have on the topic. He already made donations to GAVI and whatnot. It is clear he wants to help the world otherwise he could have just told that he is to busy to do the interview in the first place.
I have a swamp I want to sell you! You should take the red pill! Gates has a patent on the Corona Virus and owns several labs. It was not a coincident that he just did a simulated test on a bad virus. WAKE UP!
lol, billy, is that you??
can´t believe someone think like this
“There’s a reason why Gates is being interviewed instead of someone with an actual degree in bioscience or something.”
in what world this is right??
Yes. We should definitely trust someone whose foundation is set up so that he’s doubled his net worth from this. Never mind the fact that he has no credentials in the field, other than tons of money. His “discovery” that people will have less people if they have better health, after years of involvement, is laughable. Anyone with 2 brain cells can figure that out. And does be do anything to improve living conditions? No. Just more vaccines. Your argument is so pollyannish that I wonder how you had the mental capacity to even write your asinine comment.
Bill Gates is an idiot, how many billions has he made from the supposedly search for Cancer cure and other human diseases, In the United States the search for a cure has been going on for well over 200 years and in Canada for well over 150 years and still no cure in sight. I on the other hand is only a Traditional Aboriginal Herbal Medicine Man and can truthfully say that I’ve helped cure well over 100 people suffering from all types of cancer since the year 2000 and I don’t do it for profit.
People that are coming together in unprecedented ways online during this shutdown will last a long time after return to business as normal.
Are you kidding? The accelerator was launched in 2020, and he left the MSFT board in 2013. He left MSFT way before that. Your conspiracy theories are an admirable compilation of bullshit. Maybe you should work harder at piecing them together, because your own links betray you and your anti-vax, but illiterate whacko staff.
Wow! You’re not very intuitive, are you?? In the end you’ll see this is all true!! But, for people like you, it’s probably better you’re blinded to the facts, so you don’t have to be afraid!!!
I do feel sorry for people like yourselves that buy into the liberal agenda. Because when the shit hits the fan you will not even see it coming. You will be totally blown away and not prepared. And you will be the easiest and the first ones that will be destroyed. If you really care about your future and want to have one, take the blinders off and start seeing what is happening for real.
It appears the virus has been successful used by Wall Street.
See Amazing Polly youtube channel video titled “Boom Info on Maeve Kennedy, Birx, Gates – CORRECTED”
Gates links to bioweapon and EVIL AssSouls in vaccines.
Here is it again, this time with a by line and a much earlier date of publishing–
Bill Gates’ Former Doctor Says Billionaire ‘Refused To Vaccinate His Children’
By Baxter Dmitry
(watch out–here comes a another FactCheck debunking reply)
See Amazing Polly youtube video titled Boom Info on Maeve Kennedy, Birx, Gates – CORRECTED
Awesome video! Thanks for the heads up!
Remember when Bill launched all those low earth orbit satellites?
I wonder if Bill envisioned them being used ‘in a lock down scenario’?
got no note for this nor found it on main page ?!?!?!
It’s time to stop commenting on these globalist freaks of nature and put an end to their experiments and their fortunes, by whatever means.
Gates needs a tiny prison cell or euthanasia.
if it were just gates. gates doesn’t explain the mass hysteria that 99.999% have joined without real evidence while literally refusing to inform themselves properly.
About that mass hysteria: > Excerpted from: Mass psychogenic illness – Wikipedia
“Mass psychogenic illness (MPI), also called mass sociogenic illness, mass psychogenic disorder, epidemic hysteria, or mass hysteria, is “the rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation, loss, or alteration of function, whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic aetiology”.[1] “
“Mass psychogenic illness involves the spread of illness symptoms through a population where there is no viral or bacterial agent responsible for contagion.[2] MPI is distinct from other types of collective delusions in that MPI involves physical symptoms.[3] According to Balaratnasingam and Janca, “Mass hysteria is to date a poorly understood condition. Little certainty exists regarding its etiology”.[4] Qualities of MPI outbreaks often include:[3]
symptoms that have no plausible organic basis;
symptoms that are transient and benign;
symptoms with rapid onset and recovery;
occurrence in a segregated group;
the presence of extraordinary anxiety;
symptoms that are spread via sight, sound or oral communication;
a spread that moves down the age scale, beginning with older or higher-status people;
a preponderance of female participants.”
Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_psychogenic_illness
Gates has used his money to become a global influencer, to fill the pockets of scientists and NGO’s who are always hungry. It’s amazing how cash changes science, isn’t it?
It seems as if science and art have something in common. Neither really know how to monetize their talent, so they rely on nonprofits, “foundations” and subsidy to exist and further their practice.
When someone like Gates travels the globe spewing his doom and gloom, even when some science PHD doesn’t agree with the picture he paints, the CHECK in his hand has more influence than the facts.
Money corrupts. Look at Fauci and Birx. Both of these people have partaken of Gates money. That can taint their science toward Gates’ directive. If you or I were in their shoes, a $100M grant might influence the direction of our science to please this benefactor…otherwise the cash flow would stop.
Science needs to learn to stand on its own two feet.. Gates has built a global army of scientific propaganda. Cash cash cash.
Look at how many Chinese sympathizers have sprouted all over the world. Sudden buddies with the Chicoms? No, a fondness for cash.
You are correct though, there are others. Soros does the same things with political relationships. Cash always changes the truth. These billionaires are truly dangerous to our future.
Gates’ relationship with Chinese gov’t, Gate’s cash infusions to WHO, Gates’ infusions to the globalist research cartel, Gates’ influence on Fauci and Birx.. and media being owned by globalist corporations who like the Gates plan for control…mostly because their plans have not worked at all.
Nothing like the perceived threat of our death through unseen viruses.. the perfect Boogeyman.. it’s about Gates
Yessiree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoK6h4Mg7E8
Yes, those well known psychopaths are only a few of the larger group of them.
There are way more psychopaths in control than we even know of, and that list is growing as time goes on, and they are exposed.
Their game plan is domestic abuse on a global scale.
It is being exposed now for all to see.
Power and control is their only objective, but the huge money to be made from that on the way is the cherry on top for them, and it pays for their power and control grab.
Win-win for them, and lose-lose for everyone else. They are the parasites taking advantage of, and profiting from the cattle. It really is that simple.
Remove yourselves from that plan, and do not be a victim in any way.
It is not 99.999%
It is not even 90%.
Around here in the sticks, rainbows & I luurve NHS signs are thin on the ground.
There is a fair bit of shouting on SocMed .. but the number of likes is down at 10-20% of the population, tops.
A local non-COVID incident attracted far more interest than the exhortations of the local covid stasi.
agreed. We need to do something. Contact me please.
GATES & SOEA*S along with ALL the Globalists/NWO sh*ts should be locked up
Yessiree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoK6h4Mg7E8
Pure evil inside this guy.
Remember one thing, if every Jewish family had fought with all their life when they were being removed from their homes under Hitler, the Germans would not have succeeded. Never give up your weapons.
Brilliant article. There is so much hypocrisy in the virus regime. Queue lines, rationing, house arrest and loss of livelihood feels pretty Stalinist to me.
These people are evil to the core and no one should rely upon their opinions to guide policy for our country. Enough with this “lock down”. Those are for prisoners, not American citizens.
Bill is at the top of this secret evil society, provided it is real. Yes, they want to depopulate the world, control the world…us. This so-called digital vaccine for travel is a ruse, or excuse to implant tracking devices on us, in my opinion. That’s part of their plan.
To those unaware of what’s been really going on, besides that this virus was intentionally created & intentionally released (to bring down Trump & bring in their new world order), it includes enslaving children as sex slaves. It involves many wealthy politicians (mostly Democrats, though not all…I know of two former Republican Presidents), the media, wealthy business ppl, and Hollywood ppl. It sounds insane, I know! But this is thought to be very true, and ongoing for decades. There is evidence to back up this up as a real possibility. Word is that the military is using this time now, during this shut down, for the purpose of rescuing thousands of children, believed to have been held in underground tunnels. It’s been reported the children are being taken both to Central Park & the Naval hospital ships. Listen very closely to what President Trump says in his current press conferences…how he repeats certain words & what those words are. If true, I don’t think this would be made public until both rescues are made & arrests are made. Watch. Many Hollywood & other high profile ppl have been arrested in the last week.
To follow for yourselves, go to @x22report on Twitter. Also Qanon.pub.
Dude, look into Jewish control over governments and the world at large. Trump is their puppet. I used to think he was different, but the more you research, the more you find out.
Trump is a wolf in sheeps clothing, in bed with the highest elites of society.
We need to stop relying on leaders to help us or save us, and start filing lawsuits, post flyers everywhere, run for small local government positions, get out there and save the world yourself.
You can’t be serious. Q is a joke. There will be no mass arrests. This latest ruse coming from Q is a psy-OP, and your either directly in on the rise or ignorant.
Yessiree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoK6h4Mg7E8
I do know that Hilary is to testify in a court hearing for her email breach and doing state business under her personal email .
I know i see you bill gates smiling and laughing the whole time like your so ready for the test so you can give us all the real covid19.. naw im good ill burn it in the back yard.. you are a bastard in you will go down in history as the devil itself you better camal up buddy
X22? Hilarious! That idiot jumps through enough mental hoops to qualify for the Olympics!
Related to this, please check out the work of Dr. Shiva on YouTube. He gives the most reasonable explanation of how Big Pharma is behindthe hysteria over Coronavirus. Check out:
Yessiree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoK6h4Mg7E8
It’s not even a virus! It’s an exosome! The test that they do to determine if you have the virus was invented by a guy named Kary mullis It’s called PCR test.
He specifically says that this test should not be used to determine any type of virus!!
her immunity doesn’t work with COVID. The virus re-infects people who have had it, and viral shedding lasts up to 6 weeks. I agree with Gates: we would rather pay to contain the virus now.
Herd* immunity – where the infected and recovered develop antibodies, which makes them immune to the virus in the future.
If the virus reinfects people who already have it, how would a vaccine work?
I don’t think a vaccine would work. Vaccines have a poor track record with RNA viruses.
What kind of fake NASA scientist do you pretend to be?
You are only fooling yourself, so run long and try to fool someone else somewhere else.
What am I a fool about? Not believing in herd immunity for COVID? There’s no evidence of it. People are still getting infected with COVID, so the virus isn’t naturally going away like the flu even now during the summer months.
Never A Straight Answer. You must have worked on the failed missions. Your logic is completely missing. Quit believing everything the tv says and think for yourself. The CDC even had to admit the corona virus is a nothing burger. Despite gaming the numbers 6 ways to Sunday. Some scientist. Can’t even read data.
Never a straight answer? What did you ask me? The CDC hasn’t changed their position. It’s the corrupt WHO that have been wrong at every turn. The mistake everyone made in the beginning was believing the models. I knew the numbers were off since day 1. Despite the models being obviously tilted, there still was a lot of disinformation coming out of China. So who do you believe? No one until there is good science. There STILL isn’t good science 6 months later. So the SMARTEST response is to continue to be cautious, limit contact, and wear a mask.
let me know when you find “data” to read.
You obviously haven’t been to the CDC site. Where they had to admit the covid is a nothing burger. And the sources for their stance on masks didn’t back up wearing masks. Those masks do not stop virus particles (cloth, as most are this. Plus, we’re told m95 masks need to be saved for health destroyers). In fact, wearing masks makes you have lower oxygen levels and create a Petri dish of bacteria for you to inhale. Maybe you should actually study science, rather than just pose as a scientist. You’re certainly ignorant about the most basic aspects of it.
I’ve been monitoring the CDC recommendations daily, since my work has never stopped. Surgical masks reduce droplets up to 80%, while cloth reduces up to 30%. That’s better than not wearing a mask, which is blocks 0%. Surely, you can understand that blocking 30-80% of particles is better than 0%. That’s the best the public can do without making a run on N95 masks (not M95). The CDC has to prevent a shortage of masks for medical professionals, so they have to recommend the next best thing: cloth and surgical masks.
As far as that petri dish, where is that bacteria coming from? Your own mouth. How are you going to get sick inhaling the same bacteria that you exhaled? And the CDC has told people to wash their cloth masks, and you shouldn’t reuse surgical masks. So, your argument about bacteria doesn’t stand up.
You are one ignorant scientist! Cloth masks filter jack squat. It’s like pouring water through a chain link fence to filter it. Plenty of research shows this. As for the Petri dish, which you seem completely ignorant of its purpose (strange for a self-proclaimed scientist) it cultivates the bacteria. Meaning there will be a lot more of what your body has already rejected. Note how you didn’t even address the oxygen levels. God you suck at science! Must be why you chose a career as a useful idiot.
I said, and so does the CDC, you’re supposed to wash cloth masks. Virus particles are attached to droplets in your sneeze or cough, or even mist produced by talking. Any mask is better than no mask, even if it poorly filters, like a cloth mask. So, you should be reducing bacteria that’s come out of your mouth by washing or replacing masks. I made that clear. The CDC has made that clear.
As far as oxygen levels, no mask is reducing your oxygen to unsafe levels. There may be discomfort wearing an N95, but it’s still giving you adequate oxygen. I can breathe just fine in an N95 mask. I am not sure where you are getting your science from, but I had read extensively on masks and their efficacy for coronaviruses.
Perhaps you should stop getting your information from low information conspiracy theory websites like the OffGuardian and go read actual scientific papers. It’s apparent that you have some sort of anger and fear and bitterness against the CDC and scientist and probably science itself.
I’m done arguing with a troll at a ridiculous propaganda site. Good luck with your research. This pandemic isn’t over yet. Hopefully you’ll find the right sources to trust and make good, safe decisions.
You’re done lying because you know nothing of what you speak. You think I should worry about a virus which has never been subjected to river’s postulates, is detected by a clinical tool that was not designed as a diagnostic device, in which if you die with the virus you will have it as the cause of death regardless, ad nauseum. And you claim I’m the one misinformed? The only thing about this ridiculous virus that has been subjected to anything remotely resembling serious science is its political science aspect. And the only danger it presents is the state mandated destruction of our economies and liberty. Congrats! You win the prize for the dumbest commentator of the day! Oh, and you’re full of shit on the oxygen and filtering. Plenty of REAL scientists say you failed elementary science. But, you scored a c in trolling. Good riddance! And please wear your mask 24/7/365. Preferably underwater.
As far as the petri dish, are you denying that there’s baceria in your mouth and skin and surfaces? Because we know there is and that’s not bad. Soooo you already are wrong there. Who said “get sick from your own bacteria”. Nooo, what was said is that it INCREASES bacteria, and all through history in science, we know covering a part of your body INCREASSES bacteria, so your wrong again, and that CAN be bad, for instance if you have cavaties, it’s fastens their decay. Read science. An not onym that but if your argument is “CDC say this, CDC says that” theeeeeen you must just pick and choose what you want to believe from them, cause even people there are STILL saying “yeah no, mask DONT help”. Not only that, I know more, it’s cause your so wrong, but if people have to wash after the ACH use or toss, then where are all the BIOHAZARD disposal bins, for the infected masks, none? Well, that means those people didn’t come into contact with virus. Not only that. But ANY one who goes to FREE testing center gets a POS test EVEN IF THEY DONT GET TESTED. Sooo false number. Also, it’s KNOWN that AUTOPSIES CONFIRM cause of death usually. And that with virus you can confirm the virus…..but the CDC BANNED AUTPOSIES!!!! On ANYone with possible covis. Hit me up if you want to talk more about how WRONG you are. Clearly ASSUMING you know something or reading biased single source where you pick and choose what you think is real, and not actually doing unbiased research from MULTIPLE sources. You so lol.
What makes Bill Gates an expert on this? This is a programmer that developed Microsoft, and tried to sell it to IBM for 1 million dollars.
If IBM would have bought it, no one would have heard of Bill Gates.
Now he’s an expert on pandemics.
He didn’t do very well with viruses and his software did he?? Now he’s going to fix us.
Exactly, and he never even graduated from any college, but he took advantage of his partners, as all parasites do, to sell his POS to others who bought it.
He is only an expert in knowing how to game the system and take advantage of it, and everyone else, as all good parasites do.
He didn’t create it. He bought it.
Do not worry gates will burn with the rest of the adrenchrome crowd
From your lips to God’s ear.
A few questions…
What has Bill said (or what is his stance) regarding world population?
What organizations is Bill affiliated with?
How much money does Bill have invested in Pharmaceutical companies?
Answer those and you’ll have the answers to the following…
What does Bill have to gain?
Why should we trust Bill?
Do your own research. Think for yourselves, don’t let others think for you.
Bill Gates is a psychopath. He is one of the most dangerous man today, with his money funding China, WHO, CDC, John Hopkins Hospital to study virus, and development of vaccines, surveillance of people, and most importantly, depopulation to the level of a mere 500 million worldwide.
“people be made to have a digital ID showing their vaccination status, and that people without this “digital immunity proof” would not be allowed to travel.” The mark of the beast will be next. The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2)
No way I am supporting Adolf Gates who has purely let his billions go to his head. Is he that bored with his life that he has to tinker around with the world’s population and change it into what he finds acceptable? If he be the first to give up his wretched life to save the planet, then I will follow. Until that happens, the Devil lives among us and he is it.
Adolf was trying to stop what is happening here from happening in Germany. That is their greatest lie.
“So we’re going to take the pain in the economic dimension, huge pain, in order to minimize the pain in disease and death dimension.””
Gates does not suffer any “pain” at all. The scum who call themselves “government” and lust for absolute power over productive people do not suffer any “pain” at all. They do nothing productive or useful to we the people who have to work for a living and whose pay is directly dependent on what we do day to day.
The media hoax has been successful. There are now more helpless people than ever before. We must learn to resist the scum who call themselves government, “public servants” yet are in reality ravening wolves lusting to absolutely dominate productive people.
Fuck you Bill and your mark of the beast! Your name is appropriate too. There are gates to Heaven and gates to Hell. In Heaven your bill (sin debt) has been paid. In Hell you have a bill that can NEVER be paid! Those are the bill gates.
I bet the Dems are terrified of Coronavirus making it’s way to the Supreme Court justices.
They’d be several quick seats to fill.
There is a silver lining! Thank you!
He’s been a leftist/socialist for a long time. He’s one of the reasons common core curriculum was made mandatory. He’ wants a dumb, controlled populace.
Yes, and this shows just how little “with a sense of responsibility, compassion and wisdom.” TED and Chris Anderson have…
This one talk makes TED as suspect as Bill Gates’ obvious nefarious agenda.
At least Bil openly admitted what his evil plan is for the world to see.
No offense, Dan…TED has been a commie front for like ten years. 🤭
No offense for me at all. This was the only talk I ever watched on TED, since I always suspected it was another commie front. It is impossible to hide a commie front from a non-commie. Only the commies fall for it… LOL
Bill Gates is a capitalist. He’s not ‘Left’ or a ‘Socialist’. He’s the opposite of those things. Bill Gates is the same as Jeff Bezos – he’s a capitalist whose wealth and power is never enough.
Fuck Gates!
No thanks!