REVIEW: The Man Who Skewers Presidential Numbskullery
Masterful essays take aim at the numbskullery of Trump, his hapless political opponents, and the boneheaded media warriors who flounder hopelessly in the president’s turbulent wake. Tony Sutton looks at C.J. Hopkins’ latest book, Trumpocalpse
Every political leader needs a tame biographer to weave the fine-spun words that will help create the lasting legacy of a political colossus. Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is, I’m sure, seeking that person right now.
Whoever lands the job, I can say with certainty that it will not be C.J. Hopkins, the German-based American playwright and author who has, for the past four years, been crafting a collection of darkly satirical essays that skewer the numbskullery of Trump, his hapless political opponents, and the boneheaded warriors of the corporate media who flounder hopelessly in the president’s turbulent wake.
“Back in the summer of 2016”, writes Hopkins in the introduction to Trumpocalypse, the first volume of his Consent Factory Essays, “like most other halfway rational people, I regarded the candidacy of Donald Trump as some sadistic cosmic joke the gods were playing on anyone foolish enough to believe in American electoral politics. This was, after all, Donald Trump, the B-List celebrity billionaire buffoon who went around plastering his name on everything in big, gold, shiny, ostentatious letters … hotels, casinos, country clubs, you name it. He put his name on steaks for Christ’s sake. The man even had a fake university. His ‘candidacy’ was clearly a promotional prank. He was probably preparing to launch a line of Trump-branded condoms on QVC, or a New York Times bestseller, or something.”
Then, Hopkins, along with the rest of us, watched in astonishment on November 9, 2016 as Trump, propelled by a simplistic ‘Make America Great’ slogan that drew the votes of millions of working-class supporters – memorably described as ‘deplorables’ by his opponent Hillary Clinton – was proclaimed President of the United States, leader of the ‘free’ world.
Trump’s political opponents, seeking someone other than themselves to blame for St Hillary’s humiliating election rout, homed in on a secretive band of scheming internet-enabled Russian ne’er-do-wells.
“Apparently”, writes Hopkins, “these Russo-neo-fascists (aka the ‘Putin-Nazis’) had been lying in wait throughout the glorious eight-year Reign of Obama the Beneficent, and now, like a mega-swarm of locusts, they poured up out of their lairs en masse, took to the Internet, and unleashed a veritable blitzkrieg of silly Facebook posts, ‘discord-sowing’ Twitter memes, and other such ‘divisive’ propaganda on the minds of innocent Western consumers.
“This Putin-Nazi attack on democracy was discovered by the US Intelligence Community more or less the moment Trump won the nomination, so just as the previous attack on democracy (better known as the Global War on Terror) was winding down after fifteen years.
“The Intelligence Community alerted the media, which seamlessly switched from relentlessly flogging the ‘suddenly self-radicalized terrorist’ hysteria that they had been relentlessly flogging for several months to relentlessly flogging Putin-Nazi hysteria.
“Which is more or less where I came in.”
What followed has been a satirist’s dream: four years of unrelenting political chaos, senior government officials sacked by email, a beautiful, but still awaited, southern wall to keep marauding foreign criminals at bay, bombings, dronings, sanctions, and endless late-night and early-morning Twitter attacks on the ‘fake’ media and anyone who doesn’t swallow the Great Leader’s shameless lies about, well, almost everything.
So, who do we blame for the chaos and consternation that followed Trump’s election victory? If it’s not the Ruskies or the Chinese or the ‘fake’ media, it must be someone else…
Well, Hopkins has the answer to that:
Americans did this. They did this knowingly. They elected a completely politically unqualified, clinically narcissistic, borderline moronic, word-salad-babbling ex-game show host who boasted of ‘grabbing women by the pussy’ and was promising to build ‘a big beautiful wall’ to keep out the imaginary hordes of Mexican rapists that were storming the border.
Americans knowingly walked into their polling stations and elected this ass clown, not because they had been brainwashed by the Russians, not because they had suddenly morphed into a bunch of Hitler-loving white supremacists, but because they were utterly exasperated with the empire and its soulless ideology, and its simulation of democracy, and above all its political stooges, and they saw a chance to toss a massive stink bomb into establishment headquarters … a stink bomb by the name of Trump.
ColdType readers will already have read many of the essays in this first volume, but that shouldn’t be a barrier to buying it and future volumes (the second is due later this year) of what will almost certainly be the most incisive chronicle of the reign of the 45th President and Buffoon-in-Chief of the United States of America.
Those of us who live outside the US will also hope that Trumpocalypse finds a place on the curriculum of every American school – it might just deter kids from voting for the mindless fuckwittery that their parents polling habits have forced us all to endure.
Trumpocalypse – Consent Factory Essays Vol 1 (2016-2017), by C.J. Hopkins, published by Consent Factory Publishing, is available through the Consent Factory website, as well as Amazon and other booksellers.
This article was first published in Issue 202 of ColdType, of which Tony Sutton is editor.
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Noam Chomsky: Richard Nixon Was ‘Last Liberal President’
“As for support, we may recall the last major program for helping families at the level of survival was under Richard Nixon. In many respects Nixon was the last liberal president.”
Turning history on its head. We know that Nixon was one of the good guys because they got rid of him. Notwithstanding the war machine that never ends regardless of who is president.
‘If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged’.
Noam Chomsky
Only Americans or other mental defectives would have voted for any of them. I was raised to hate the American state and to believe Americans were the dumbest people in the galaxy.
Its very easy to poke fun and this book will make lots of sales
I wonder if people have also read Clinton cash?
Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich – 26 Jul 2016-there’s also a documentary
or seen the documentary? Explains how only 5% of the money raised for Haiti and sent to the Clinton Foundation ever got there. So the American Haitians voted for Trump but they wanted him to arrest her.
Then there were Hilary’s emails leaked to wikileaks and the murder of Seth Rich who was thought to have done the leaking
Trump was not a career politician and so did not have his snout in the trough. That is why the people liked him and why the trough and the media hate him.
In much the same way that Hillary Clitler* knew about Novichok before it was a thing,
the Clown-In-Chief knew about Covid-19 well ahead of schedule, as it can now be revealed that the cryptic meaning behind
“covfefe” = “Covid fever“.
It will remain to history whether this was the result of flustered tweeting, or an attempt at 5d chess.
*[with thanks to Fred Reed for the most apt appellation]
dang link didn’t work, just google hillary & novichok and you’ll find stuff, courtesy of wikileaks
Trump said
‘This was artificially induced. We just said — they said, “Close it down. You have to close it down.” We closed it down and we’re healing. We’re going to get it better fast’.
Video here
That’s why I trust Trump before any sneering satirists. He originally said it was a scam, which it is.
Thunderbirds are go…
I never watch the MSM but I caught a little snippet in passing from some Labour woman who said something like , “We must try to win back the trust of the British people after the shameful Corbyn fiasco”. And I wondered why anyone in the country even bothers to give a flying fuck about Labour now. We now have two neoliberal parties and the only question they are asking is, “Do you like your party badge to be red or blue?”
Didn’t you like the parbaked pasty face who has just landed Corbyn’s job? I was greatly relieved to hear many oratorial inflections that it could only have learned at the feet of Lordoverus Antonius Blairitis.
Anyone else here who used to be a regular poster on The Gruaniad, especially in 2016 before the election? I posted volubly, that Hillary was part of Bill’s machine, and that Bill was part of the Bush-CIA machine – the extensive evidence on the Clintons’ role in the Iran Contra drugs-for-guns operation puts that beyond doubt. Hillary’s record as secretary of state should also stick in the craw of any Democrat.
The pushback was immense and 24/7, well beyond the capabilities of a Media Matters/Share Blue operation. It’s possible that the middle class bubble did truly love and adore Hillary – but I had the sneaky feeling that the unintelligent services, who we know have run The Grauniad since the 2014 Snowden affair, were using The G as a vehicle to push Hillary and, in military fashion, would brook no discussion, not even 1% of dissent.
No wonder they didn’t see Trump coming.
And of course, any support for Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn they have deigned to show has been limp in the extreme.
And of course they went for the Thunderbirds puppet as Jeremy’s replacement.
Americans tossed in a firecracker and got American exceptionalism starring at them square in the face, without all the eloquence and PR that has fronted previous Dons of Mafia House and kept ur average American tucked up in bed with nice bedtime stories of exceptionalism, pesky Russians and a diet of propaganda from MSM and Hollywood.
The mask is off, the dream has ended, the nightmare begins…..
(Why does that picture at the top of this article remind me of the cover of “Crown of Creation”?)
True. And you know what? I still don’t regret voting for Trump, not even when he pisses me off (which happens frequently). In fact, there has not been one single day since November 8, 2016 when I have said to myself, ‘God, I wish Hillary were president!’
That’s the one saving grace of the Orange Baboon – he is not Clinton, the most dishonest, corrupt and mendacious politician in all US history, despite some very stiff opposition.
Not that there is much in it. The Baboon, having just put a $15 million “reward” on the head of President Maduro, is now sabre rattling and threatening an invasion of Venezuela.
As US virus cases top 300,000 with many more to come, there may be a collapse of what passes for the US “healthcare” system. Americans may then experience a small taste of the misery they have inflicted on Venezuela, Iran, and so many other countries for so long. Nothing in history would be so richly deserved.
Not to worry folks. Our American televangelists have got this whole “covid-thing” on the run! All you have to do is send them money. Well, actually I don’t know what fate awaits all of you in the rest of the world (and apparently this guy doesn’t care), but apparently we are now all clear here in Amerika – as explained by multi-millionaire televangelist decree – (“in the United States it (covid) is over!”)
Warning: you might want to keep a roll of toilet paper handy if you decide to watch this two minutes of crazy.
Why isn’t Boris giving us this kind of thing? Doesn’t he care? If he got up and did the old fire and brimstone, I’d watch!
And people like our friend Antonym whinge about moslem nut jobs.
Kenneth Copeland is a demonstrable heretic and avaricious charlatan of the lowest order. His “Word of Faith” brand of Christianity is an affront to any Christian that follows Jesus. There’s a very hot place in the center of the earth awaiting him when he passes from this life someday.
Are these people on drugs…!? And how many millions in the United States follow these snake oil salesmen (and women)
Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar (what an apt name!) and many others… Private Jets, Rolls Royces, million dollar mansions, luxurious holidays…
All serving God. Yeah, right.
It never ceases to amaze me that people, including many otherwise intelligent people, still fall for the stale old political rhetoric designed to get them going and stirred up as if it made the slightest difference. The recent such total non-event has been the election of the new leader of the Labour party. The impeccable Blairite candidate, Keir Starmur, has apparently won. Wow, break out the champagne … this time its going to be different. And so on and so forth.
We seem to have the form of politics, but not the substance. The policies seem set in stone and the political class is only to keen to carry out a mandate which was not delivered by the electorate but by a rich and powerful cabal who are the ones who call the shots in terms of decisions.
I am very grateful for David Graebner for coining the term Bullshit Jobs in his book of the same name. Bullshit jobs are not real activities delivering measurable outputs in terms of goods and services, but are a type of charade where nothing real or useful is produced and input is minimal. In fact the more useful the job – teaching, nursing, mining, garbage collection – i.e., socially and essential useful work – are looked down upon and not very well paid, whereas useless activities – I can’t really bring myself to call them ‘jobs’ – such as advertising executives, strategic operational market research, political commentators, econometric statistical peer reviewed journals – are generally well paid and thought of a socially and professionally superior.
So in this sense ‘politics’ the sort of politics we get in both the broadsheet and redtop MSM and talking heads, highbrow and lowbrow on TV and Radio, is in fact Bullshit Politics.
Looking back in history I would argue that the last serious politics we got was during the wartime coalitions during world war 2. This included both the United States and the UK. Maybe that carried over into the 1950s. In the early sixties, however, the rot had begun to set in. There were the political assassinations in the US, and the visibly decaying aristocratic remnants of a political class in the UK which started with the Profumo affair and then the long retreat from empire.
From that time on politics became of charade, a spectacle, Bullshit Politics in short. Bulllshit politics was a necessary cloak which concealed where the real power resided and who was involved exactly.
If there is change on the agenda, it won’t come from this quarter.
An orange faux populist buffoon was chosen by clear-eyed voters residing in the most “deplorable” sections of the economically hardest hit states. These despairing voters preferred a circus clown over odious Hillary the candidate chosen by the “double-crossing” Democratic Party. “Rust belt mentality” voters throughout the Midwest and for that matter in the South couldn’t stomach the thought of the Clinton’s in the White House for another four years. To working-class voters these two hustlers personified a warmongering bloodthirsty duo whose decades of failed economic and foreign policies unraveled FDR’s New Deal ravaging the working-class and punishing the poor.
Economist Michael Hudson’s March 2017 article entitled: “Trump is Obama’s Legacy. Will this Break up the Democratic Party?” sums it up quite nicely:
“Trying to ride on Barack Obama’s coattails didn’t work. Promising “hope and change,” he won by posing as a transformational president, leading the Democrats to control of the White House, Senate and Congress in 2008. Swept into office by a national reaction against the George Bush’s Oil War in Iraq and the junk-mortgage crisis that left the economy debt-ridden, they had free rein to pass whatever new laws they chose – even a Public Option in health care if they had wanted, or make Wall Street banks absorb the losses from their bad and often fraudulent loans.
But it turned out that Obama’s role was to prevent the changes that voters hoped to see, and indeed that the economy needed to recover: financial reform, debt write-downs to bring junk mortgages in line with fair market prices, and throwing crooked bankers in jail. Obama rescued the banks, not the economy, and turned over the Justice Department and regulatory agencies to his Wall Street campaign contributors. He did not even pull back from war in the Near East, but extended it to Libya and Syria, blundering into the Ukrainian coup as well.
Having dashed the hopes of his followers, Obama then praised his chosen successor Hillary Clinton as his “Third Term.” Enjoying this kiss of death, Hillary promised to keep up Obama’s policies.”
So what was voters to do– suck-it-up vote and toast, Hillary, the DNC nominee with a tasty toxic gulp of Flint tap water.
It’s essential, to further explore the Clinton shenanigans to completely understand the mindset of voters in 2016. Any voter, with retention capabilities greater than a flea knew the Clinton’s as being seedy grifters who left a perfidious indelible mark on US politics. I recommend Hitchens’s book entitled: “No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton.” If you don’t have a chance to read this book checkout Hitchens’s May, 2014 article in Vanity Fair entitled: “I’ll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again” where he gives the reader a sense of Bill Clinton’s soul, or lack of one:
“I had become utterly convinced, as early as the 1992 campaign, that there was something in the Clinton makeup that was quite seriously nasty. The automatic lying, the glacial ruthlessness, the self-pity, the indifference to repeated exposure, the absence of any tincture of conscience or remorse, the awful piety—these were symptoms of a psychopath. And it kept on getting worse and worse—but not for Clinton himself, who could usually find a way of sacrificing a subordinate and then biting his lip in the only gesture of contrition he had learned to master. (After reading the testimony of Juanita Broaddrick, I’ll never be able to think of his lip biting in the same way again. But no doubt Arthur Schlesinger will be on hand to assure us that all men lie about rape.)”
As you can see, during every election cycle well-intentioned, but naive US voters have quite a dilemma–they can cast a ballot for either the corrupt Republican Party or the equally corrupt Democratic Party committing an appalling faustian bargain by offering ballots, better expressed as hopes, to pompous narcissistic sociopaths seeking private-gain and public self-aggrandizement.
No wonder, the majority of votes are “non-votes” given to NO political party, inasmuch as, more than 100 million Americans usually just stay home……..
Although there might be some truth in the notion that the Clintons were grifters &tc. — they’re politiicans, after all — its worth recalling that the attacks on the Clintons started even before he took office in 1992. These attacks were meaningless for the most part — you’ll recall the Whitewater business and all the conspiracy theories about the death of Vince Foster — but as we all know if you throw enough mud then some at least is going to stick. (You’ll also recall the attacks on Hilary from that era — she was tasked with trying to organize universal health care and got all the snide handles and stuff that we take for granted these days.)
Anyway, Bill Clinton was quite a successful President, we went through the 90s with a decent amount of economic activity, reasonable prosperity, shrinking deficit and so on. (Less said about inteventionist foreign policies, Allbright and so on the better….) so while HRC wasn’t my personal choice for President she would have probably done “OK”, certainly better than the Orange Menace.
Obviously you are a sufferer of anal rectal inversion Martin being a believer in the “vast right wing conspiracy”. That tin foil hat must be hurting your rectum.
I’m actually a believer in things like “Them! Adventures with Extemists” (Ron Johnson) and Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America”. You really don’t need to start fantasizing about conspiracies when the would-be conspiracy is right out in the open, a matter of public record. Also, I’ve never believed in anything ‘vast’, just incredibly well funded. (“When you can afford the best……”)
Uh huh. Both wings of the same vulture. You really missed the forrest for the trees haven’t you? First explain how a an antique Colt 45 used in the alleged suicide of Vince Foster can fire a 9mm round and then get back to me.
Clinton, was quite a decent president if you were a right-wing Republican happy to see single mothers with dependent
children thrown off the welfare roles; if you were enamored by privatized prisons; if you were enthusiastic about NAFTA and selling the working-class down the tubes; if you were a big bank and pushed for Glass/Steagall to be eliminated; and if you were a psychopathic genocidal murderer who enjoyed seeing children in Bosnia, Sudan, and Iraq exterminated. I could continue, but you get the point. Hitchens’s book is worth reading because he reveals how an array of respected political figures were in actuality reptilian ghouls.
And then even he, Hitchens, went over to the dark side.
Yes, I know and never agreed with his opinion about Bush’s invasion of Iraq. On that debacle, Hitchens even differed with his brother who was avidly against the war.
You might recall that we have a nasty habit of electing a Democratic President to serve with a Democratic legilature only to immiedately fall on him like hungy wolves, leaving the stage set for a Republican recapture of the legislature at the first mid-term. The President then has to work around this legislature, making all sorts of compromises, many of them pretty awful. Clinton’s arrival coincided with Gingrich’s “Contract with America” and the modern take no prisoners school of Republican thinking so policies were skewed Republican. That’s unfortuantely life — or politics.
Since the Republicans are a disciplined, focused, bunch its easy to lose track of the way our democracy is supposed to work. When they have any power, no matter how tenuous, they use it to the full. When they have total power they shift the culture of our nation in a very undesirable direction. Unfortunately, absolutism on the part of segments of their opposition hands this power to them on a plate. So you might quite justifiably dump on Clinton for the innumerable failings in his Presidency but by failing to see the compromises necessary to do this job you not only give credit for the things he got right but set the stage to be receptive to propaganda designed to alienate you from viable alternatives (you’lre allowed to dream about unviable ones, of course).
Oh please. Clinton was a Republican in “Democrat” clothing. Even worse than Reagan who had an excuse because he ran as a Republican.
He went even farther than both Reagan and Bush in the massive transfer of wealth to the 1% which was continued under Bush II and Obama.
Who repealed Glass-Stegal ,eliminated Welfare and set up corporate prisons for those “super predators” as that dear sweat Hillary called them. You know the same image of sweetness and light who giggled hysterically when “we came, we saw, he died”.
As far as Nuke’s contract on America as I call it proved the Republicrats were as tone deaf and as stupid as the Democans.
You really are a partisan ass aren’t you?
There aren’t many “successes” to point to, unless you include the terror bombing of Yugoslavia, the destruction of Libya, the expansion of NATO, the repeal of Glass-Steagall, the outsourcing of millions of well paid jobs, mass incarceration, and many other similar gems. Otherwise the main Clinton “success” lay in enriching themselves by some of the most transparent corruption and outright criminality in US political history.
Best summary I’ve read so far. I’d give it five stars!
Small point perhaps, but Obama failed to close Guantanamo, which I believe he promised to do.
Great article if only for the humor . Mr Trump was not “elected” he was appointed by the Electoral College . Ms Clinton got 3 million more votes . Only 48% of Americans eligible voted 23% for Mr Trump and 25% for Ms Clinton, neither candidate was qualified, and within those stats lay Americas “problem”.
If the anachronistic Electoral College is the deemed “legitimate” method for determing a winner in a US election then Trump was elected. That being said, a popular vote is considerably more Democratic. So why don’t you get busy and try to revise the Constitution.
Fair point, but we have exactly the same problem in the UK.
Before the election, Democrats thought that Trump might win the popular vote but could not win the electoral college. At that time they trumpeted the virtues of the EC in keeping people like Trump out of power. When things didn’t quite go according to plan, the EC suddenly became illegitimate. Trump played by the existing rules and won, whatever you think of him.
Just as in the UK, referendums suddenly became illegitimate when it failed to deliver the result the Brussels Groupies wanted.
Yeah right. 145% of all eligible voted for Clinton in California which included the Forrest Lawn vote. I’m sick of the “but…but…but…she won the popular vote” bull shit.”
The states she “won” in all had Smartmatic voting machines owned by her and Bill’s personal friend George Soros that people noted were flipping the ballet. Just as they were in the so obviously rigged Primary.
As noted earlier the states she “won” in had problems with their voting rolls. For instance as above California where only 60% of eligible voters actually yet counties totaled reported a record 145% voter turn out!
Even so in America winning the popular vote in a Presidential Election is a consolation or a door prize. To change that requires a Constitutional Amendment not some whiny petition or incessantly whining “not my President” continually and forever!
OT but I was thinking of a possible explanation for the worldwide lockdown and my mind turned to the Yellowstone supervolcano which I’ve been interested in for some time.
It looks like this thing is really cooking in which case we can all look out. It is just as likely fake news I suppose.
we don’t live far from Yellowstone and were only joking about it going off after Idaho had a big earthquake the other day. we would’nt even know about it.
Hey a lot of New Jerkers have been looking forward to California falling into sea after an 8.5 yet we continue to disappoint them 🙂
OT but relevant – Starmer it is then!
36m ago
Lunchtime summary
Sir Keir Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary, has won a resounding victory in the Labour leadership contest. He got 56.2% of the first-preference votes, beating Rebecca Long-Bailey (on 27.6%) and Lisa Nandy (on 16.2%). See 11.17am. Angela Rayner was elected deputy leader, with Rosena Allin-Khan as runner-up but a long way behind. See 11.28am. The result marks a decisive break with the Jeremy Corbyn era. Although Starmer was reluctant to criticise Corbyn to any significant extent during the leadership contest, and although he has committed to keeping the key elements of the 2019 Labour manifesto, his background and political outlook make him a very different sort of leader. Corbyn’s enemies in the party have warmly welcomed the result (see 12.45pm), while Corbyn’s supporters have urged Starmer not to abandon Corbyn’s radicalism. (See 11.45am.) You can read the results in full on the Labour website here.
Starmer has agreed to meet Boris Johnson next week to discuss the government’s response to the coronavirus crisis. Johnson said in an open letter to opposition party leaders that all parties “have a duty to work together at this moment of national emergency”. (See 10.19am.) But, in his victory speech, Starmer said that working constructively with the government would not mean avoiding being critical when that was deserved. He said:
Under my leadership we will engage constructively with the government, not opposition for opposition’s sake. Not scoring party political points or making impossible demands. But with the courage to support where that’s the right thing to do.
But we will test the arguments that are put forward. We will shine a torch on critical issues and where we see mistakes or faltering government or things not happening as quickly as they should we’ll challenge that and call that out.
Starmer said that there must be no return to “business as usual” after the coronavirus crisis is over. In his victory speech he said:
When we do get through this we cannot go back to business as usual. This virus has exposed the fragility of our society. It’s lifted a curtain.
Too many will have given too much. Some of us will have lost too much. We know in our hearts, things are going to have to change.
We can see so clearly now who the key workers really are.
When we get through this it’ll be because of our NHS staff, our care workers, our ambulance drivers, our emergency services, our cleaners, our porters.
It will be because of the hard work and bravery of every key worker as they took on this virus and kept our country going.
For too long they’ve been taken for granted and poorly paid. They were last and now they should be first.
In their courage and their sacrifice and their bravery, we can see a better future. This crisis has brought out the resilience and human spirit in all of us.
He issued a fresh apology for antisemitism in the Labour party and promised to “tear out this poison”. In his victory speech he said:
Antisemitism has been a stain on our party. I have seen the grief that it’s brought to so many Jewish communities.
On behalf of the Labour party, I am sorry.
And I will tear out this poison by its roots and judge success by the return of Jewish members and those who felt that they could no longer support us.
Opposition – What F***ing opposition
Starmer has started as he means to go on, getting down on his knees and crawling on his belly to his Zionist masters in the Board of Deputies.
The Labour party is a waste of a man’s rations.
The MI6 Daily concentrated on the ‘antisemitism’ bull-shit as if that was the only thing that mattered in the Labour Party or the UK. The Board of Deputies and the Jewish elites must be over the moon at their eminence. Their fatted egos must be swelling with narcissistic satisfaction.
Keir Starmer, the Continuity Blair candidate.
Yes, not so much New Labour as New Blairite
sounds like another bLiar clone.
As Peter Hitchens would say, ‘heir to Blair.’
Mr Galloway describes the labour parties “Corbyn fiasco” perfectly in his RT article today.
Starmer will extirpate EVERY trace of Corbynism, and thereby hope to drive out the hundreds of thousands of ‘antisemites’ who joined after Corbyn won.
The Groaniad already licking its lips over ‘their man’ getting control of their belived Blairite neolib nulabInc!
No doubt they’ll be claiming the responsibility for his win as Murdoch did for electing every PM since Maggie.
We’re all dooommmmmd!
“they saw a chance to toss a massive stink bomb into establishment headquarters … a stink bomb by the name of Trump”
I have heard a number of people stating this as the main reason that they Voted for Trump. They wanted to see Trump go off like a hand grenade on everything that Washington Elitists stood for.
That, plus a massive dose of “Not Fucking Hillary. NO WAY NO HOW.”
Well, he is the first turd we’ve managed to toss in their punch since McGovern.
Vanity press…
I know, right! It really reminds me of that blog–what is it called?–oh yeah: The Unrepentant Marxist.
Oh right Bonfire of the Vanities Press. Thanks Louis.
For any young persons unfamiliar with the term “vanity press” … many years ago, before the advent of the Internet, and Print-on-Demand publishing, this was a term used to denigrate writers who printed their own books or who paid shady “vanity presses” to print their books.
This activity has mostly ceased, as nowadays anyone (i.e., established authors, hobbyists, or whoever) can publish books using the same professional tools and book distributors that all the corporate publishers use. Print-on-Demand technology (used by both independent and corporate publishers) has eliminated the risk of having to print hundreds of copies of books in advance and hoping to sell them. The challenge, for small and independent publishers, is marketing. The big corporate publishers have the advantage there. Independent publishers rely on readers to spread good word-of-mouth, and on alternative outlets like OffGuardian, ColdType, and literary blogs, and so on.
Essentially, the Internet and Print-on-Demand has allowed independent authors to bypass corporate publishing gatekeepers and market their work directly to readers. Many authors (both established and amateur) have been taking advantage of this development, including myself, and Louis’ colleagues at CounterPunch, Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank, who also publish their own books, but who Louis does not stalk on the Internet, and insult as “vanity publishers.”
This contradiction does not trouble Louis, however, as, in addition to being a bitter old troll, he is also a hypocrite. As are his CounterPunch colleagues. (For those unfamiliar with Louis, he is CounterPunch’s official Attack Toad. He creeps around on the Internet spewing vitriol at whomever the CounterPunch boys dislike, or disapprove of, or feel threatened by. Clearly, they have recently taken an extreme dislike to (or feel extremely threatened by) OffGuardian, which Louis has become obsessed with, and has recently accused of “conspiring with the far-right” on his paranoid little blog. )
In any event, I hope readers will continue to support small and independent publishers by spreading the word about books they enjoy on social media, their blogs, and possibly even physically recommending indie books to friends with their mouths (unless, of course, you believe, as Louis pretends to, that corporations should be the only arbiters of which books people get to buy, and read), and I hope I have shed a little light on the how the publishing business works in the 21st Century.
This Teaching Moment was brought to you by Louis Proyect’s Seething Resentment.
Roger that CJ. I love your writing! Keep writing and I’ll keep reading. Also any compilation you’ve written I’d be proud to include in my virtual or actual library.
As far as Louis is concerned I hope he get’s over that bad case of virtual diarrhea.
Just when I thought the cerebral lockdown and icepick lobotomisation of sanity could not get any worse: 490,000 electoral numbskullers just voted the ”workers choice” and alleged ‘millionaire’ Sir Kier Starmer as leader of the Labour party (who denies being a millionaire for the pretence?). That is a subset of the 31mn who voted in Bojo’s ”people’s government” in in December. Who immediately repaid the confidence of the nation by turning their alienated and abdicated autonomous creative powers against the People: putting them under house arrest for six months …whilst his billionaire backers re-arrange the global economy to protect their extremely narrow-focus self-maximising interest in profit. It won’t be long until all other human compassionate responses are made illegal. Culturally speaking: they already are. They are certainly on lockdown for the next wee while.
As for those who think that the 129mn who voted in Trump were acting from the vestigial humanity that has been continually socialised out of us: ignore me and scroll down and join the bonhomie backslapping below.
If there is any sanity left: can it not be agreed – in a quick moratorium – that electoral politics is dead, dead, dead? I won’t bore you with the sociological genealogy: suffice to say we have two ”’viscous centrist” parties in the UK: and a raffle by the billionaires in the US. The placing of a symbolic ‘X’ on a piece of waste paper or ”hanging chad” does nothing to challenge the economic determinism of …well what? Because, for the first time in my life I have a point of agreement with all self-maximisers and greed rationalisers – aka capitalists – that this ain’t capitalism no more.
I’m calling it ”Corona Communism” for the hyper-rich. Which is the stealth nationalisation of risk: and the ”non-recourse” privatisation of profit. ”Non-recourse” means invest and divest at no personal risk. The Fed or it’s SPV will pick up the moral hazard and pass it on to the People for you. Already available on certain investment markets: no doubt soon to incorporate the rest [see Wolf Richter; James Corbett; etc for details].
The good thing is: the investor class totally re-structured the ”end times neoliberalism” – or ”neoliberalism 2.0” as Jack Rasmus named it – for themselves, in a matter of two weeks. So much for the inviolability and objectivated [sic: see Berger and Luckman] naturalised scientific reality of capitalism/neoliberalism …as the the Classic Liberal apogee of universal reason. If they can re-arrange this shitshow of social constructivism and economically determined cultural consciousness – more or less overnight, to suit ‘them’ – they can jolly well do the same overnight to suit ‘us’ …and the the natural ecology that the civilised consciousness never wants to talk about. Because if we talk about it: it therefore must exist.
If you can grasp the enormity of this: previous iterations of capitalism/neoliberalism have presented themselves as inevitable and inviolable …on account of the ‘human nature’ and dualised consciousnesses Cartesian capitalism itself culturally constructed to justify and legitimate itself. You know: the recursive circular tautology of all those naturalised classes of categorical hierarchies of schedules of fighting, fucking, and fitness selections …as cognitively adapted as the inalienable rights to a biologically determined intellectual order of billionaires. That socially constructed bullshit of a Behaving System of control descriptions of RATs (rational action theories) we choose to conform and constitute when we vote away our autonomous cultural creative powers to fuckwits like Trump, Johnson and Starmer. That inevitable structural order.
Well, we voted for the continuance of the now ecumenical globalised order – though I will never know why – and they changed it …using our cultural creative powers and alienated and abnegated autonomous political power. Which makes a mockery of just how inevitable, naturally ordered, and objective scientific a reality it really is. They made it up. So why are we still beholden to it?
It does not have to be this way. It is a historically specific contingent moment that is determined solely by market fundamental mechanisms of LAB-RATs and virtual SIM-RATs (Language Acquired Behaviourism of Rational Actor Theories and Self-Interest Maximisation of the same). Which is an unnatural Behaving System (BS) which we vote to constitute and confirm for reasons of order. Well, they just changed that order …so now we have to conform the the ”new normal” of the economically determinate social order. Which just got a whole lot worse for us.
[Shhh! Don’t mention the environment and it will continue to not exist].
It does not have to be this way. We do not have to devolve our own consciousness to conform to and constitute the top-down order of SIM-RAT millionaires and billionaires. Not if we use our own autonomous, self-governing, and self-sovereign cultural creativity to build regenerative communities socialised on love, compassion, and altruism. Which is much closer to who we really are when we do not abdicate our social responsibility to each other to the RAT like behaviourism of fuckwits who only stand to incorporate our autonomy into self-interest utility maximisations and trans-national self-multiplying money sequences that distort humanity into LAB-RATs and SIM-RATs like them. And if you expect the ruling RAT-like kakistrocracy to hand you your dignity back …in return for another wasted ‘X’ …pass me the icepick.
Fringe thinkers have been claiming for a while that all leaders are chosen by the establishment, and the elections rigged to rubber stamp the selection. Does that look so implausible any more in light of recent events?
Anyone can be President, so long as you are a direct descendant of Charlimagne…
How you can tell who wins, it is the person most closely related to our Queen Lizzie be they libtard or GOP.
As one of those fringe thinkers since reading Emma Goldman’s adage during the late 1960s, “if voting changed things it would be illegal “, I take no pleasure in being proved right , repeatedly . The curse of Cassandra is a fact of my life.
Maybe, but who chooses the choosers?
I often refer to John McMurtry and his Cancer Stage of Capitalism. According to him: we have ”global market agents” and ”social hosts” of fundamental market pathologies. No one chooses anything: the market chooses us …or that is the way it is rapidly becoming.
Thatcher famously embedded society in market forces; which is the epigenetic source of the self-selection of human adaptive behaviourism. Quite literally: no one is in control and no one chooses anything at the political level …except the ”inner determining law” of ”mutant money sequences”. Our own autonomy – as I have been trying to make quite clear – is really quite limited. And what little we have: we willingly transfer away to self-multiplying market forces …or the human apparitions of global market agents.
Ellul warned of an autonomous ”technique” and Debord was already speaking of a fully autonomous economic determinate state that had subsumed everything into the Spectacle. And that was 50 years ago.
Economic determinism was parsed out of sociology and political economy – largely by Lord Giddens and his sidekick Blair. We already had a ”new planetary vulgate” – according to Bourdieu – by the turn of the century. Capitalism/neoliberalism was free of any meaningful critique. The rest they say: was historicism.
“If voting changed anything, they’d abolish it”. Oh wait, they already have.
Nice read BigB. But did you mean ”viscous or vicious centrist”? Personally I prefer ‘viscous’ – it seems suggestive of something slimy, sticky and smelly.
Mucilaginous-like John Howard.
Could not agree more.
I love CJ’s articles.
Well all except the recent one on Corona which I thought was a bit BATTY.
Am I the only one to get the joke?
A new version of PJ O’Roark ? He is right on Coronavirus as well , it is in effect a panic not a deadly pandemic.
Catherine Austin Fitts looks at the evolution of the Trump administration into lawlessness. My summary: The national security state was set up by the fusion of the Irgun organized crime syndicate with the Dulles-Rockefeller organized crime syndicate. They basically controlled trans-national organized crime (and 50% of Americans bank directly or indirectly at JP Morgan-Chase). The two groups fell out coming into the 2016 election. That fighting has come into the open.
The Bushes were very careful to keep the overt and covert worlds very separate. There were things you did downstairs and things you did upstairs. The Clintons came from a small state and had a simpler mentality. Their crime wars were fought in the open. As the two factions fight, the secrecy has got worse and there is less pretense of operating under the rule of law. People who win in a rigged game get stupid. Go to @17:30 of the following link:
To clarify: …the evolution of the U.S. security state into lawlessness during Trump’s administration (due to the actions of criminal networks).
To further clarify the US security state arose and went rogue circa the Truman era .
“the impulse coming out of the United States is demonic, its a cult, its very anti life, very anti freedom… I can’t tell if its simply organised crime or if its demonic” Catherine Austin Fitts @56.30 on the video.
Very chilling information here and shows what a total charade we all live in.
Much much evil in the World perpetrated by a few psychopaths and their hired henchmen. Thanks for the video M.
Jesus, Really? Ever heard the line, “The dice were loaded from the start”?
Trump, Clinton, Bush, Gore, Reagan, Nixon, Carter, Putin hell even Bernie, no matter who gets in they already have an agenda that’s been paid for and or will be squeezed out of them eventually. In the end we are all getting sheperded into whatever pen is best suited for the occasion…
There are better lines for our current situation than from a Dire Staits bitter sweet lovesong I bet…
….what was that Dylan song?
“Don’t follow leaders, watch the parkin’ meters”
….or maybe just listen to “A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall” and pick a random line
“I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken”
“I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it”
“I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children”
“Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters”
“Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison, Where the executioner’s face is always well-hidden, Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten, Where black is the color, where none is the number And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’ But I’ll know my song well before I start singin’
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall”
I think it is always valuable to look at the relative levels of evil that come with differing Presidential Candidates.
Trump, given a dictatorial free role, would do a massive trade deal with Russia. Of course, he has no such free role and has spent much of his first term of office trying to prevent nutjobs triggering WWIII against a nation that has never attacked US shores. He rather likes Vladimir Putin, a fact that at least shows he shows an open mind to what kind of characters various political leaders are. A President with an open mind is not a bad start for the box ticking.
Trump has some strange notion that his job is to look after American folks, not pander to UN bureaucrats. Shameful. I mean, a US President should always sell out his own electorate as a top priority, right? He thinks the Paris Climate Agreement is a pile of old tosh, giving China a free pass and telling the US to bung the rest of the world countless billions. Not surprisingly, he thinks that is a bit of a bad deal.
All the billionaires who have been bunged rigged markets for renewable energy etc etc are fulminating, expostulating, generally calling him an ignorant pisshead for actually asking a few tough questions. Dear me….
We can argue about global action on weather, but one tends to suggest that if that is ever going to happen, then you start from a level playing field. That means if China can build coal-fired power stations, then so should the US be able to, at least if they put in some ‘clean coal’ technology to limit emissions etc.
Hardly a radical negotiating position is it?
Anyone asked darling Greta when she is going to issue the Black Spot to President Xi??
Or is she hoping he will bung her a 12 month free HSR pass to explore China in a ‘sustainable manner’? Better keep schtumm about Tibet if she wants that to come true….
Trump also has some notion that if Democrats can try and impeach him, then he can try and show up Joe Biden and his son Hunter as seriously corrupt players in the neo-nazi coup in Ukraine. Shocking, that. republicans must always call Democrats humble pious little Christians, eh? It’s only the Elephants that piss all over proper behaviour by shorting option plays with insider knowledge, eh?
So I see Trump standing up to false impeachment proceedings as displaying the sort of gumption worthy of holding office.
Do I think Trump is a bit of an old-style womanizer? Of course. He treats women really well as long as they enjoy him pinching their arse in public. He may have a point when he says that loads and loads of women are basically Star Fuckers, so desperate to get their knickers off for a celebrity that he pretty much has to say no himself to stop it all happening. In the age of equality, women who want to be Star Fuckers should take responsibility for the consequences of that. They are perfectly free to tell the old goat to get his hands off of have a dose of pepper spray in the face….
Do I think Donald Trump has ever pinched the arse of a senior female politician? It is possible, but I tend to doubt it happens often. Trump is far more into younger, hotter, more nubile pieces of ass, after all…so really, The Donald is not an existential threat to senior women in politics, in my book. He prefers blowjobs to blow backs on his political views, after all….
So no, Donald is not Plato’s Philosopher King. He is more the King of the Swingers.
Thing is: he is still fairly compos mentis, he does actually want the US to get along with most of the rest of the world and he does not have any addictive urges to start a war to prove what a big dick he has. He knows he has a big dick, thousands of women have already told him so.
Can Joe Biden compare in any of those arenas?
Is Joe Biden the alternative to Trump in 2020?
At the end of the day, do you want a mildly misogynistic hedonist who wants the US to stop being a warmonger or do you want a corrupt old MIC lackey who will kill anyone if it gets him to be President and earn him $100m after office?
Funny how there’s been no mention of his sleaze ball scion Hunter who not only ripped off Ukraine but Indian Reservations here in America.
Dan Quayle and Joe Biden like Pence were and are good reasons to repeal the 25th. Well anyway the debates should be entertaining.
Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL..hint, he’s prez…made in 2009
The USFL was Spring football league that was making progress playing that time of year and might of made it, until Humpty Trumpty snuck his snout into the league.
Actor Burt Reynolds was a part-owner of the Tampa, Fl team and said this about Trump: “Whenever I was around Trump, I kept an eye on my wallet…”
Good video showing how Trump helped to implode the league.
The USFL was such an idiotic idea. Like Arena football. It didn’t need Trump to implode it.
Petition to reverse coronavirus act
Trump was elected as a reaction against the Neo-Liberals but they have put him to good use. He is essential to their plan to shirk responsibility for the disaster and coming collapse of decades of Neo-Liberal policy.
“Not my economy, not the legacy of my policies, not my problem”. That is real sentiment contained in the phrase “not my president”. If you doubt, just look at the disastrous legacy of Bill Clinton’s presidency.
The Neo-Liberals hope they can pin this collapse on Trump and emerge in control. CJ Hopkins weakness is writing “in the Now”. It is not possible to comprehend how we’ve got here without going back through Clinton’s presidency to Reagan to Nixon.
Yep. It’s long and complex causal chain.
The first phase of neo-liberal disintegration will in due course pass. Such is the nature of epidemics. It was entirely predictable that the hot-spots would be the big urban centres, in the US New York, and the west coast, and in the UK overwhelmingly in London and the Manchester/Liverpool areas. When highly mobile populations and population density also high due to concentrations of populations brought about by the neo-liberal model of urban agglomeration with populations living cheek-by-jowel in overpriced rabbit-hutches, the concentration of the disease was inevitable.
That being said phase 2 will be the economic meltdown, a process which has already begun. We can only speculate regarding the size and length of the economic crisis, but one thing is certain: the neoliberal, globalist system has failed – failed utterly and completely. Where we go from here is a moot point, but browsing the history books it is sobering to know that the mass unemployment of the 1930s no longer existed by the 1940s. The socialistic war economy replaced the laissez-system, a system which was ruthlessly supplanted by a statist, top-down directed economy – state-capitalism if you will – based upon economic autarky and planning of national goals and imperatives and presided over a regime of all the interested parties and their political representatives. This of course will not be to everyone’s liking, particularly those, a small minority, who have done well from the neo-liberal global order. Too bad!
In that most capitalist of all countries – the United States, ” … the war economy did not stimulate the private sector it replaced the free market and capitalist investment for profit … the war economy could not be left to the private sector to deliver … To organize the war economy and ensure that it produced the goods needed for war, the federal government created an array of mobilization agencies , which often produced goods, clearly directed those goods manufacture, and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries. (The Long Depression – Michael Roberts – p.57.)
Big, big changes are coming.
From a bloody Marxist???!
NWO is about to envelop us all.
And that was clear years, if not decades, ago. Did they do anything about it? Did they even modify it? Of course not. Even when everyone was saying, “This system is fucked” and there was enormous dissent, did that change the program? Of course not! The banks crash? Fine – loot the public purse. Did this little “sobering” experience educate the banks? Of course not. And on they go doing what they have always done and always will do: creaming off profits by whatever method they can try. Ah but this time that little assault on public funds will not work. We need something a bit more “audacious”. (Or – to use the Tories’ favourite word “robust”) Total reorganisation of everything.
”the neoliberal, globalist system has failed – failed utterly and completely”
That would depend on the perspective, wouldn’t it?
What the author does not see is Trump was elected because he is crass. He is an outsider to the establishment. He was picked by the media and the Democrats because they were sure Hillary would beat him. Who would vote for Trump? And then he won. The Establishment hates Trump because he is showing the people they do not need the federal bureaucracy or Congress. Until the coronavirus circus, he largely took government out of the way. His handling of this “pandemic”, which has yet to kill more people than the common cold, has been his only Big Government failure.
In general, he has cut regulations. He has cut taxes. He told California to stop dumping valuable water into the ocean and keep it in the reservoirs for farmers to use. He has exposed the dirty, backroom deals Congress makes to line their own pockets and screw the citizen. He inspired a private company to build that “Big Beautiful Wall” where government could not get it done.
And he is like Andrew Jackson. He talks like a commoner. He acts like he is just like Joe Six-pack if Joe Six-pack won a billion dollars. If he drank whiskey, then he would be at the local pub with the blue collar crowd getting smashed. Have you seen these lottery millionaire shows? They mimic Trump! Gold toilets. The most god-awful art and furniture imaginable. Expensive cars that are worthless after 10,000 miles.
Most importantly, Trump talks to the people. He does not talk like he is above them. Obama did that. He always spoke like he was better than everyone else as he tried to keep his true past secret. His wife certainly looked down on the Little Folk. Hillary in a moment of honesty revealed exactly what the governing elite think of the citizen… a basket of irredeemable deplorables.
That is why Trump won.
That’s exactly right. Great comment.
Hopkins is a sneering petit bourgeois who really doesn’t get that Trump talks to the people not down to them. The book is endorsed by another (high born) sneering petit bourgeois, Matt Taibbi who published a book ‘Insane Clown President’ before Trump was even inaugurated.
Hopkins and Taibbi are in the tradition of Hunter S Thompson, a misogynist, gun toting psychopath who was too busy guzzling drugs and chasing the anti Nixon corporate dollar he missed the biggest political story of all, COINTELPRO.
See what I mean about the Dunning-Krugerites?
Trump graduated from Wharton. What educational qualifications do you have, if any ?
I was talking about YOU, McGoon.
Did the #ShitHolePresident ‘love’ the hard workers who built the country with their blood and sweat?
Somewhat agree , but in the style of PJ O’Roark not Hunter Thompson, who wrote Hells Angels and is credited as the inventor of Gonzo journalism . In a different era.
Half the population by definition is of below median intelligence, many far below. In a true triumph of democracy, as Mencken foresaw when he observed that, ‘ As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts’ desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron’. The Dunning-Krugerites who adore Trump really see him as smart, but, then again, they also over-estimate their own intelligence tragically.
You are a horrible, sneering, clueless dummy who doesn’t understand that other human beings have interests, You are more despicable than Hillary Clinton. This is why Trump won and without the virus would have walked away with the election in December.
Going to hold the election a month late, are you McGoon? The Dunning-Krugerism is strong with this one.
Truman was the first moron elected/appointed POTUS in the post WW2 era there have been others Bush2 comes to mind.
Trump was a media personality – people had in their front rooms for years.
That personality was deployed in a panto that was designed to crown Hillary.
His job was to grab the Republican ticket and put off their commited voters and to be the bully so that many of the women would go to Hillary’s support.
The whole thing was choreographed as any one who has watched pantomimes could instantly tell – as he stalked behind her in the TV frame at the ‘debates’ and became a bully boy – that she could take on and win.
He did his job and she failed to do hers.
He ended up in the Chair and was shocked by the realities of the liars and lies (he was great friends of the Clintons and a financial backer).
His briefing by Obama and co that he was supposed to deliver on further war in the Middle East and Ukraine must have rather shocked him as much as the personal attacks on him in the final weeks of the campaign. He was angry enough to show it at the inauguration – dubya said to his Pa “that was aome weird shit”!
Now he knows way much more than he was ever supposed to.
Manu of these put into position in his board are gone – Mnuchin and Pompeo aside he has managed to rein in the State Dept and the 3 lettered agencies and has them by the balls over all the coupgates.
Great conspiracy theory if I was less grounded in certain realities I’d buy into it ! Mr Trump was appointed by the Electoral College. Ms Clinton did win the popular vote and therefore the “election”. Despite 52% of eligible voters not voting at all, there being little if any choice between the 2 candidates .
If you remove California then she didnd’t win the popular vote. It was all California
My all-time favorite is when Obama told a crowd of Iowa farmers who were complaining about insufficient price-supports, “Have you checked the price of arugula lately?”
Trump did not win he was appointed . Being the lesser of 2 evils in the eyes of those that rule
Actually many didn’t vote for Trump but against the evil Hildabeast since there are very options in the illusionary “two party” system which is really one big party of fucking thieves and liars.
I think Tony’s got his arrogant head up his ass if he thinks Hitlery was any better.
Trump graduated from America’s top business school. He worked with the Mafia to build property in New York and casinos in New Jersey. When challenged about his casinos going bust he said ‘I remember New Jersey, I made a lot of money there’ using his motto ‘never use your own money’. He simply handed the worthless casinos over to the banks and said ‘these are yours’. He’s a billionaire and he’s still alive.
He’s a lot smarter and frankly funnier than Herr Hopkins who recycles the same three year old exhausted jokes in every article. The above passage is humourless and insulting missing the basic fact that Trump never wanted to be president and was trying to lose. Just exactly how dumb do you have to be not to notice that Trump (uniquely) isn’t a politician but is a very close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton ?
New York Times
Did Bill (Clinton) tell you that you should run?” I asked.
“He didn’t say one way or the other,” Trump replied, over a plate of meatballs.
He didn’t tell him, he asked him and Trump obviously agreed. It’s great publicity for Brand Trump.
My take on Trump is that he’s pretty despicable but not remotely as despicable as the Bushes, the Clintons or the Obamas and that is how he should be judged, He doesn’t run the American war machine but he isn’t a CIA production line drone killer like the above.
As a (former) teenage anarchist I like Trump’s style for precisely the reason a petit bourgeois like Hopkins hates him. Every time he opens his mouth or tweets he denigrates and sullies the American political system and its history. To me American leaders are warmongering gangsters and there is nothing that Trump can do or say that makes them worse than they actually are. Calling Pelosi ‘Crazy Nancy’ is a reverential compliment.
More on the election and the Clinton connection
In 2012, Bill Clinton told Harvey Weinstein:
“You know, Donald Trump has been uncommonly nice to Hillary and me. We’re all New Yorkers. And I like him. And I love playing golf with him.”
Election night
‘Melania was in tears – and not of joy. There was, in the space of little more than an hour, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump.
How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy
“We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously,” the Clinton campaign concluded.
He is indeed a lot smarter than most people realize, and he is draining the swamp, remember? That’s why he is villified in the press and by the democrats.
After reading this piece I regret that I supported off-guardian. This is not off-guardian, this is guardian!!
toff Gruinard, the 12 sceptics of the apocalypse article was good, fooled me there
Er Trump didn’t just hand the bankrupt casinos over to the banks. He had enormous amounts of New York tax payers money to aid him in his ghastly swindles. Not forgetting of course all the money he fleeced from the contractors and sub contractors who helped build his casino in Atlantic City. Democracy died in the US when JFK was murdered by the ruling classes in the US which is now joined at the hip to transnational finance who own the Federal reserve. Trump is the result of despair amongst the downtrodden, just as the election of his alter ego in the U.K. The electoral spectacle in the US has no bearing whatsoever on the USs foreign policy, just like in the U.K. It’s the Roman empires version of bread and circuses for the masses.
To be fair it was Atlantic City that went downhill not just Trump’s casinos. He crawled out of the wreckage saving his own skin.
In my view Blair made the Labour Party mistrusted beyond repair, same with Obama and the Democrats. Corbyn and Sanders are unelectable fossils.
Following Kennedy the CIA established themselves in power with Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama. In Britain Thatcher and Blair were CIA projects as was the removal of Harold Wilson.
It’s not a question of Atlantic City going down hill, it’s question of Trump cheating on many contractors and local contractors who became bankrupt because of his incompetence and greed.
Moreover, you fail to mention the fact that New York City allowed him not only to avoid paying local taxes but also gave him money in grants. Blair was a product of a Neo Liberal agenda , first introduced in a coup in Chile in 1974 and then pushed as the economic orthodoxy by Thatcher and Reagan which became the economic dogma for the I.M.F and the World Bank.
Furthermore, the inherent problem of both the New Labour leadership as well as the democrats under Clinton, is they became almost indistinguishable from their political opponents. For example, Blair with the Public Private Finance Initiatives which used private investment to fund and control public assets such as hospitals and cost, according to a 2011 Treasury report 2.5 times more than if funded solely from the public purse. Under Clinton, the USA had the various free trade agreements which impoverished vast swathes of the industrial heartlands of the US.
In the 2017 U.K. GE The Democratic Socialist Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn came within 2000 votes of winning the GE under the first past the post system. The Tories had lost their majority to govern and Labour won 30 seats ( the first time in nearly 2 decades) and won nearly 13,000,000 votes an increase of nearly 4.5,000,000 votes from the last New Labour Government in the 2010 GE. The ruling classes became very frightened, since they along with their US counterparts, had been fleecing the public for decades and feared losing their monopolies.
The most intense propaganda campaign I have ever witnessed in the U.K. began in order to smear, distort and lie to discredit JC. This entailed the Main Stream Media( proven by various academic studies from the London School of Economics plus other universities to be running an ongoing coordinated propaganda campaign), the BBC, the security services and the right wing supporters of Blair within the Labour Party. It’s also noticeable that the US propaganda organisations plus the hierarchy of the Democratic Party employed similar tactics to try to discredit Sanders who cannot by European standards be called a socialist.
JFKs murder was orchestrated by the CIA but had the backing of the ruling classes of the US. James W Douglass, wrote a book “ JFK And The Unspeakable “which is a definitive text of the point of no return in the demise of democracy in the US. Thatcher was placed in power by transnational finance as was Blair.
Just to return to the last point I made in my original piece. The presidential US elections have absolutely no bearing on the US foreign policy as is the GEs in the U.K. Hence why JC had to go, he, if elected, would have had a foreign policy which wanted peaceful relations, just as JFK did and looked at what happened to him!
Blair’s election came about through a CIA front called the British-American Project.
‘Friends in high places
You won’t have heard of the British-American Project, but its members include some of the most powerful men and women in the UK. Officially it exists to promote the ‘special relationship’, but it has been described as a Trojan horse for US foreign policy. Even its supporters joke that it’s funded by the CIA. Should we be worried?
More bluntly. Notice Blair’s mentor Rupert Murdoch in there
‘The CIA and New Labour
The first recorded mention of the need for a “successor generation” came in 1983 when President Reagan spoke to a select group, including Rupert Murdoch, Sir James Goldsmith and senior CIA officers, in the White House.[email protected]/msg04573.html
Yes, the CIA implemented monetarism (neoliberalism) in Pinochet’s Chile and Thatcher’s Britain
You seem to forget that the CIA is but the executive are of the transnational finance that controls the US via the Federal reserve, which is owned mostly by private banks, and the City of London. The Creature from Jekyll Island by Edward G Griffin describes in great detail how the 1913 Federal reserve act captured the organs of power in the US long before the CIA came into existence.
Let’s not forget that many of these Wall Street bankers also helped finance the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, Professor Antony C Sutton, ex professor at the Hoover institute, wrote a trilogy of books “ The Wall Street Trilogy “ which described in detail how this happened and how Wall Street has controlled the US government and foreign policy ever since. Professor Guido Preparata wrote a book conjuring Hitler, which details how Wall Street, many US corporations plus the Bank of England helped bring Hitler to power. In fact Prescott Bush made vast sums from trading with Hitler as did Chase Manhattan. Again long before the CIA came into existence.
Neo Liberalism was the result of Milton Friedman and his colleagues who brought the modern version of NeoLiberalism into existence in Chicago University supported by and funded by the Rockefeller’s. Professor Carol Quigley, former Harvard Professor and mentor to Clinton, wrote a book called “ Tragedy and Hope” which explains in detail what the agenda is of the transnational finance which controls the US and the U.K.
Moreover, many members of both the Labour Party and the Tory party were members at Bildeberg meetings in particular Lord Carrington and Dennis Healey who studied at the right wing billionaires owned Hoover institute. Thatcher was helped in her ascent to the throne by Airey Nieve and other shadowy Mi5, Mi6 Officers and others within the higher echelons of the City of London.
There is film called the “ Spiders Web: Britain’s Second Empire” youtube 2017 documentary which explains in great detail how both the city of London, Wall Street, the US government and the U.K.s governments interests dovetail together. The CIA is not the master but the executive arm of transnational finance!
Thanks. We are on a similar page.
I am aware of all those angles but that’s what they are. I have no doubt the CIA are responsible for the election of all modern Anglo American politicians.
Who they answer to I don’t know. Certainly something like Bilderberg would fit the bill. Healy was asked on BBC television if he enjoyed his time at Bilderberg. He replied with a lot of F words but they still broadcast it. Including the F words. LOL !!
Miles Copeland (CIA) claimed he assisted the election of Thatcher who was indeed the invention of Airey Neave. I used to know one of her personal assistants. Neave taught her how to speak posh !!
Many believe Neave was assassinated by MI5 and Norman Tebbit has deep suspicions about the IRA bombing in Brighton being a British intelligence operation. A TV documentary revealed MI5 followed the bombers for two days.
See this (fairly random) link
I’ll have a look for the film. Thanks.
I hate to be tedious, but neo-liberalism is a project of Jewish elites, centred on the University of Chicago and creatures like Milton Friedman. Neo-conservatism, ie the PNAC et al, is another Zionist elite project, as is the insanely aggressive agenda, including the ‘ Clash of Civilizations’ project, that they have pursued.
Russia was looted by an economic plan, based on fraud and theft, created by Jeffrey Sachs and a cabal of mostly Jewish economists from Harvard (20% Jewish enrollment from 2% of the US population)the beneficiaries of which were almost all Jewish, while Jews were a tiny fraction of the population in the USSR. Ditto Ukraine.
The beneficiaries of neo-liberalism, particularly the hyper-financialisation of the US and Western economies, have been vastly disproportionately members of the Jewish elites. Hedge funds and vulture funds are more or less cottage industries of the Jewish elites and their Sabbat Goy henchmen. They own US politics through straight bribery, and the latest economic implosion will see tens of trillions funneled to these economic elites, while Main Street is screwed again, by Mnuchin, the slum-lord bankster crook and Jewish elite member.
I could go on all day, but need to ritually observe that these predatory parasites DO dominate the economic apparatus, no matter what ritual denials are uttered, and that not all Jews are thus inclined and engaged. Jews themselves have been used by the Jewish elites for millennia as human shields, the victims of pogroms and worse, precipitated by Jewish elite criminality. Jewish people have been among the most vociferous opponents of capitalism, and neo-liberal barbarism, but these are mostly dismissed as ‘self-hating’ or renegades or other epithets, by the mostly elite Jewish dominated Western MSM (the NYT is almost a parody of this dominance).
If you really are concerned about the welfare of Jews, and the rest of us 99%, you need to honestly express the truth of Jewish elite criminality, chicanery and control in the West, before the immiseration and impoverishment of the 99% leads to an explosion, led by REAL Judeophobes, where Jews, and others, will be scapegoated. Such an explosion is close at hand.
Oh dear you seem to have missed out the christian Zionists in your little diatribe.
Christian Zionists do not control the economic power of the Jewish elites. Under capitalism only economic power counts. The Christian Zionists, who hate Jews as much as Talmudic Jews hate Christians (they prefer Moslems), are simply useful idiots.
Hmm, under the Balfour agreement, which was agreed by the Christian Zionists in the U.K., it was agreed to statement of intent for the foundation of the State of Israel. Moreover. The signatories to the letter besides Jews ( read Zionists since many of the Jews did not agree with it) included Leo Amery, Lord Milner and Balfour. Moreover, there are many Christian Zionists within the USA who work hand in glove with the Zionists in the State of Israel. If you ever read Professor Carol Quigleys book “ Tragedy and Hope) you will see that the notions of nations, ethnicity or even religion are irrelevant to transnational finance. Professor Antony C Sutton wrote some very scholarly works on this regard. Not forgetting of course how powerful and how much sway the Christian Zionists have on the political structures in the US.
Their religious and ethnic identity is most assuredly NOT ‘irrelevant’ to Judaic and Zionist elites. Their group identity, nepotism, mutual support and collective purpose are unparalleled. And this behaviour is millennial, and always ends in tragedy when host societies grow tired of being exploited, and THAT is an outcome that all decent and humane people ought to be striving to avoid. Outrages like the vicious lynching of Corbyn, and the destruction of the first serious hope of ending neo-liberal barbarism in the UK, will inevitably lead to great hatred of those responsible, and some will inevitably be directed at ALL Jews, not just the criminal elites. Even though so very many Jews supported Corbyn and opposed the witch-hunt.
I sorry you seem to have fallen into the trap of thinking the Hofjuden give a monkeys either about their fellow Jews or the gentiles. In much the same way their counterparts in the Gentile elites gives a toss about their fellow man because they most certainly do not. If you read the books by Professors Sutton, Quigley and Preparata, it becomes as plain as the nose on your face.
Despite running against probably the worst party leader in British history, Corbyn lost by 56 seats, a substantial margin. He conned his way onto the Labour leadership ballot. I have zero sympathy with him.
‘Margaret Beckett: I was moron to nominate Jeremy Corbyn
“At no point did I intend to vote for Jeremy myself – nice as he is – nor advise anyone else to do it,” she said.
“We were being urged as MPs to have a field of candidates…..
It was Corbyn’s right hand man, far left figure (Jewish) Jon Lansman who persuaded Corbyn to lie down to the ridiculous anti Semitic attacks. Lansman’s group Momentum voted for a second Brexit vote and full scale immigration policies that killed Labour’s chances stone dead.
I agree about American foreign policy and presidents. The war machine grinds on regardless.
You seem to forget, if he was the worst Labour leader in its history, I would nominate Blair for that category, it was the most intense Tsunami of propaganda I have witnessed in my nearly 7 decades on the Earth. Not only did the ruling classes utilise all of the MSM, the state Broadcaster plus the affilated organizations like the BOD, the security services but also the red Tories within the Labour party. Not even at the height of the reds under the bed and Harold Wilson being a Kremlin spy did Wilson have sustain such a ferocious smear campaign. Moreover, let’s not forget that the vast majority of the PLP ( right wing to the core) were the party within a party. Even Peter Oborne, hardly a card carrying communist said it was only ” Soviet Style propaganda that kept Johnson from falling”. Landsman was but one factor the main factors were the levers of power were in the hands of the right wing and Starmer plus Thornberry worked hand in glove to deny democracy.
I was referring to Theresa May as the worst leader in history.
Boris Johnson is a brilliant politician. He beat the deeply entrenched Ken Livingstone twice. Livingston makes Corbyn look like as attractive as a worn out dishcloth. He’s a petit bourgeois idealist despised by many working class voters (as related on the doorsteps).
This was the Brexit election and the BBC were/are virulently against it. They and the Guardian were deeply committed to Project Fear.
The PLP were indeed anti Corbyn. That’s why he had to con his way onto the ballot. He got 36 nomination by lying to them.
Corbyn hates the EU a lot more than Farage does but his Momentum hordes are too young to understand that. Overall a very nasty mess he should have steered well away from.
Now they have Sir Tory Starmer DPP (ex). What a disaster !
Theresa May, was forecast by almost every single MSM political pundit, almost every single polling company, by most of the PLP ( remember the sneer on Steven Kinnocks face just before the GE results), the state Broadcaster and the MSM to win by a landslide between 50-100 seats. Despite the most intense propaganda campaign it didn’t happen did it. But thanks to the PLP, they prevented the democratic socialist Labour party from winning and Blair actually said that. Johnson is incapable of winning an election without the overwhelming support of the MSM, hedge funds and vast amounts of finance. He beat Livingstone because of them and smears not because of any display of brilliance. In fact the utmost display of incompetence. Remember all the gaffes he made in office.Until JC won the leadership contest by an overwhelming majority ( twice) by the membership not cooked up in a backroom cabal, the party was in incremental decline both in terms of seats, members and voters. Of the 55 out of the 59 seats that the Tories won. They were all former Labour seats, all had become marginals and all had only increased their votes for Labour in the 2017 GE since 2001. The majority of the PLP had been selected under Blairs central listing system which parachuted in people whose political credentials amounted to doing a PPE degree at Oxford or Cambridge.Now, it may come as a shock to the right wing malcontents, who couldn’t beat JC democratically so had to rely on smear, disinformation and downright lies, but many of JCs supporters are neither members of momentum nor in the first flower of youth. Propaganda at work again I see. Moreover, many of the working class did support JC. Evidence, in 2010 Brown got 8.5,000,000 votes. In 2017 JC got nearly 13,000,000 votes and even in 2019 JC got nearly 10.5,000,000 votes. By the way Johnson only increased his votes by a few hundred thousand. Unfortunately, the Achilles heel is the PLP who only represent their own back pockets. Well, with Starmer it will be more cigarette papers difference in policies between him and the other fraud. JC you will be sorely missed.
I have no time for socialism as I have made clear.I am very aware of the tendency of socialists to make up stories to explain why the working class can’t stand them.
2012 was probably the worst defeat in Labour history. Johnson/Cummings not only swept aside Corbyn, Sturgeon and Swinson but also Gina Miller and the great slime machine that is the politicised legal profession.
This is what the 2012 election was about. Corbyn got badly lost and ended up on the wrong side.
I like this Corbyn.
‘Jeremy Corbyn called for the European Union to be “defeated”, united as it is with the bankers and the IMF to create austerity and unemployment. (2010)
Hmm, you obviously have not studied the 2010 New Labour GE rout which ended up with NL losing 90 SEATS, down to 8.5,000,000 votes and shortly after losing that former bastion of Labour Scotland. Now, that has gone down the memory plug hole with the MSM, State Broadcaster and the right wing malcontents in the democratic socialist Labour party. Just to repeat what Peter Oborne said ” without the Soviet style propaganda ” of the MSM and the state Broadcaster, Johnson would have fallen. Remember when he turned up pissed at the Cenotaph and the BBC switched tapes pretending it was an error. The omission of the audience laughing at him when he said how honest he was. Who can forget when he refused to meet the press and to hide in a fridge or the BBCs political editor passing on lies. Naw, Johnson and Cummings had to rely the organs of propaganda and the security services otherwise they would have been run out of town. Moreover, JC was the only politician who had the bollocks to walk about amongst the ordinary people without minders, without bodyguards without fear. JC never denied he was against the EU and respected the democratic process. Unlike the rag bag of right wing malcontents in the Labour party. The knight of the realm is going to make sure the interests of his secret international financiers are well looked after. Don’t be surprised if becomes Murdochs new pin upboy.
I was a member of the Labour Party for 3 years. Never voted once. I used to collect scurrilous stories for an anarchist newspaper. I don’t care about the Labour Party. I don’t think democracy represents the voters well enough for me to participate in it. I don’t care about the labour party or socialism.
Paisley Gutter Press 1981
Well, I have been a member since 1973 and I have lived in many countries. As flawed as the political system is in the UK, I have experienced the other side of the coin were you have no rights and only a veneer of democracy and I know which I prefer. Let’s not forget it’s only just over 75years since the birth of the NHS before that if you couldn’t pay and were ill you died. It’s only just over a century since the workhouses were about and if you had no money that where you went. Plus no old age pension so if you had no money, no relatives, it was the poor law, workhouse or death. There is lot to be said for the Labour party, socialism and voting.
So there was one major left wing government in 1945 that created a social safety net. I am indeed very grateful for that.
I was a member in the early 1980s. Most of the social problems round here were caused by working class Labour councillors deliberately creating sink estates and treating the residents abominably. That is what consolidated my anarchism. The background was of course the horrors of American monetarism (Thatcher).
My view is that Blair sullied that middle ground Labour party of Wilson and Callaghan and it will never be trusted again. Starmer has his work cut out.
My anarchism started at school where everyone was a socialist ands wanted to rule the world.
I am going for a nap now. I will reply later if you reply. All the best.
The NHS is dead on arrival. After the virus is over, and the bills have to be paid, BoJo will sell it off to his Yankee friends, piecemeal, and the poor will die again, just like they do in the USA.
Why not? They just sacked 90% of the doctors in Greece when they couldn’t pay them any more.
Hmm, you may not have noticed but Bojo is pumping dosh into it on a very large scale and he will for some considerable time after because he is frit of the public fallout.
Prime Minister Corbyn would have received the Harry Perkins treatment. (A bullet in the TV version; a psychiatric hospital in the book, IIRC).
Like the former Swedish PM or JFK a ” lone assassins bullet “.
If Trump did not exist it would be necessary to invent him.
Yeah, I know it’s not original, but it is kinda true.
Trump exemplifies almost everything that is wrong with the US.
Maybe we need him there to keep us cognisant and prepared for great unknown that awaits us.
He was invented. Bill Clinton invented Trump the politician by asking him to run against his ludicrous, hated wife.
Bill probably likes Trump because they have very similar sexual appetites.
I always thought Bill was the secret Trump Twitter writer.